Date: Oct 5 2020
(1:1) NOTES : Remember the name Christos which is Greek for Christ . Jesus is also a Greek name used for Christ's true Jewish name Y'shua . In the Little Book LORD ELohim has asked us to use the Jewish name Y'shua since that was this man's real name and he was a Jew and not Greek.
- God of Israel * need web site * for to teach * decoded riddles * in God's Book * . The Little * Book tells * Humanity * good proof * God of Israel * He is YAHWEH * an exists * as Spirit *.
- Behold recent * on Last Day * MMIX ( 2019 ) arise * about earth * COVID XIX ( 19 ) a * virus lead * to deaths and * great deep fear * about earth * and nations * . COVID XIX a * pandemic deceased * people and made * great deep fear * about earth *.
- Soon at hand * global plague * for world * Humanity * with man made * germs used * to cull man * an ye woman * about earth * . Men of science * make death germ * . Death lower * Humanity * numbers and * changed people * . Remaining of * Humanity * about earth * soon evil * . Soon a time * evil grow * in peoples * on earth ark *.
NOTES : LORD ELohim does not know if COVID 19 is a man made virus or a virus made by nature but He does know that scientists and governments about earths nations have been working with germs and viruses and bacteria for many many years now to be used as a weapon for war or to cull Humanity about earth . The word cull means to pick out ; select ; something picked out as being inferior or worthless.
- Due on earth * a deadly bacteria * and most all * Humanity * about earth * like past die * . A deadly bacteria * about earth * happen again and * happens again * in past age and * even today * . God of Israel * Abba cannot change * global plague * on earth ark * in past age and * even today * . Global plague * about earth * often and again * are natural *.
NOTES : Know this : LORD ELohim does not cause these plagues but He can name them as He did with the Corona virus also named COVID 19 . COVID XIX a = 666 . XIX is Roman numerals for 19 . LORD ELohim warned mankind through prophets and Y'shua that this day would come on the Last Day and even before the Last Day . God did not say just one plague He said many plagues . One of the reasons for plagues being so devastating now is because of the mass population of people on earth.
NOTES : God named the man that people call Jesus " Y'shua " . Y'shua was a Jew and he had a Jewish name ' Y'shua ' not a Greek name ' Jesus ' . LORD ELohim has asked that we use this man's real name Y'shua and not the false name Jesus . The main Little Book calls him Jesus and not Y'shua . Both names = 444 . The main Little Book points out errors and the 666 Little Book section is used by LORD Elohim to correct errors in the main Little Book and even in the Bible and other religious writings used today .
(1:2) NOTES : Shabbath is Hebrew for Sabbath . Sacred Shabbath = 666 .
- I AM HE saying * on once a week * on Last Day * keep Sabbath as a * rest day and * as a Holy Day * . God of Israel * make weekly * sacred Shabbath * on Last Day * for world * Humanity * . Behold today * is Sabbath Day * on earth ark *.
NOTES : LORD ELohim wants to remind you what the Sabbath Day is about . Exodus 20 : 8 - 11 Remember the Sabbath Day , to keep it Holy . Six days shalt thou labour , and do all thy work : But the seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD thy God : in it thou shalt not do any work , thou , nor thy son , nor thy daughter , thy manservant , nor thy maidservant , nor thy cattle , nor thy stranger that is within thy gates : For in six days the LORD made Heaven and earth , the sea , and all that is in them , and rested the seventh day : wherefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath Day , and hallowed it . LORD ELohim knows doctors and other health care workers and police and firemen need to work on the Sabbath but the rest of us work at jobs that could shut down on the Sabbath . It's not hard to keep the Sabbath the way God has asked us to . No shopping , no selling , no going to restaurants , no driving so far you need a gas fill up , and so on and most important not being the reason why other people have to work the Sabbath because of you . It wasn't long ago that the stores and most all other places were closed on Sundays , the Christian Sabbath and all worked out well until corporate greed changed that . I hope this is right that LORD ELohim's Sabbath begins prior to sundown on Friday night and goes till sundown Saturday night . There is a lot of you can't do this and you can't do that but God took time out to smell the flowers so to speak and so should you . It's a time for family , friends , community and some time given to the worship of and talking to LORD ELohim . Again LORD ELohim is one Spirit and not everywhere but you never know where He is . God does love a good conversation about anything regarding human life and even thoughts about Him.
- Remember again * banks leaders * and nations * an a federal office * feared money * again crashing * an all come to * fully nil * . And Bank leaders * and nations * love gold and * this time be a * greater failed * economics an * gold crashes * a time soon * about earth * . Global riches * again crashing * an all come to * fully nil * . Gold crashes * as money and * global riches * again crashing * . Soon evil * time cometh * about earth * and nations *.
NOTES : Bible verses : ( R ) Matthew 23 : 9 - And call no man your father upon the earth for one is your Father , which is in Heaven . ( R ) Matthew 6 : 9 - After this manner therefore pray ye : Our Father which art in Heaven , Hallowed be thy name . The name pope comes from the Latin word ' papa ' which means ' father ' . The name God means ' Father ' of all created which is LORD ELohim our Father . Y'shua asked people not to call any man Father because only LORD ELohim God of Israel is our true Father as our creator . So why does the Catholic church priests call themselves Father and the pope is called Holy Father when it is clearly written in THEIR Bible not to call any man father ?
NOTES : Mary the mother of Y'shua the Catholic churches call her " the Mother of God " . Remember again that Y'shua is not a god of any kind . The word God which means Father relates only to LORD ELohim and none others and not even Y'shua ( Jesus ) . Believing the flesh man Y'shua was a god is a great lie and error . Joshua the Spirit who helped Y'shua was not and is not a god either . Mary was the Mother of a flesh man and no flesh is a god . Mary did not give birth to a Spirit god for all Spirits including Joshua were created by LORD ELohim trillions X trillions of years ago . In past ages people calling a flesh man or even a woman a god was common and even a few today claim that but never in the history of mankind or any flesh has any flesh ever been a god . People first calling Y'shua a god was the people who had many gods already . Remember the word God means the Father who is the creator and ruler of the universe and all in it . ( R ) Matthew 18 : 14 Even so it is not the will of your Father which is in Heaven .... ( R ) Matthew 6 : 9 Our Father which art in Heaven , Hallowed by thy name . ( R ) John 20 : 17 Touch me not ; for I am not yet ascended to my Father , and your Father ; and to my God , and your God . Y'shua makes it clear that your Father is LORD ELohim and not Y'shua . Where is Mary mother of Y'shua now ? Mary died about two thousand years ago . The flesh man Y'shua has been dead about since then also . There is no afterlife after the flesh dies . People who claim to have seen Mary after she died could not have done so . People claim things for many reasons . We do not live on beyond this life as a Soul or any other Spirit and Mary and Y'shua were no different . Both like you were flesh and all flesh will die and will experience no afterlife that LORD ELohim knows of . Are there ghosts ? Our God and Father LORD ELohim has never seen a ghost and has never been able to raise any flesh back to life from being dead.
NOTES : ( R ) John 3 : 13 And no man hath ascended up to heaven , but he that came down from heaven , even the Son of man which is in heaven . Y'shua is said to have said this . First this is a odd verse . Y'shua often called himself the Son of man but why does he say he's in Heaven when he was speaking here on earth ? Y'shua said that no man has gone to heaven so the belief that after death we suddenly fly up to Heaven is a false belief but in ( B ) Mark 9 : 4 it says And there appeared unto them Elias with Moses : and they were talking with Jesus . LORD ELohim does not know how that would be possible . LORD ELohim is sure this never happened and Y'shua never said this as it is black letter verses . If LORD ELohim could raise Moses from the dead and even Y'shua He would have done that long ago for He loved them both dearly . But God cannot raise the dead back to life and there is no afterlife for anyone that LORD ELohim knows of.
(1:3) NOTES : LORD ELohim wants all to know that no religious books are perfectly correct and true . Even the red letter verses in the Christian Bible God has found many verses which are false teachings . Hell is a good example . Most religious books have teachings about hell being a place the unbelievers and wicked go to . There is no hell and God never taught that there was a hell . Again God never taught mankind there was a hell because there is no hell and LORD ELohim is not a mean and wicked God to have created such a place . Most religious books were in the hands of many people over a long time before they were allowed to be called finished and given to the public and in many they copied what other religious books said such as about hell and other things . LORD ELohim does not allow me to have any of my own opinions and beliefs but that was not so with other writers . LORD ELohim is the author of the Little Book . All I do is the typing . Many of my opinions and beliefs have changed greatly since working for LORD ELohim.
NOTES : The word Sheol in Hebrew means ' the grave ' . Sheol is the finial place where evil and good peoples bodies will be laid to rest . Where the word Sheol was used in the Old Testament in the Christian Bible usually the word used is ' hell ' for the word Sheol . Remember again there is no hell where the wicked and unbelievers go to and suffer pain and torments for all eternity . LORD ELohim is not a cruel Father to His children no matter how good or evil they are in this life . The Greek name for hell is Gehenna.
- Faithful man * called Y'shua * not a God to * . His Father EL * alone is I AM HE * . Abba not three * ancient gods * . Again remember * Humanity * thy Father * alone is I AM HE * God of Israel * an not also * faithful man * called Y'shua *.
NOTES : Remember Y'shua was said to say this before his death - ( R ) John 3 : 13 And no man hath ascended up to heaven , but he that came down from heaven , even the Son of man which is in heaven . Then this is said to happen . Y'shua was on the cross and two thieves were also each on their cross and Y'shua said to one of them : ( R ) Luke 23 : 43 Verily I say unto thee , today shalt thou be with me in paradise . Paradise is a word meaning Heaven . Was this thief the second man to ever enter into Heaven and Y'shua being the first ? Then there is this verse : ( R ) John 20 : 17 Jesus said unto her , Touch me not ; for I am not yet ascended to my Father : but go to my brethren , and say unto them , I ascend unto my Father , and your Father ; and to my God , and your God . This is said to have happened after he was resurrected from the dead . According to this verse Y'shua did not go to Heaven the day he said to the thief he would . There is only a couple of possible answers to this and it's Y'shua did not say this or he lied to this thief . And if Y'shua did not go to Heaven the day he died then the thief would be the first of flesh to go to Heaven . LORD ELohim says Y'shua never said this . Remember LORD ELohim never left Y'shua during his last days . LORD ELohim says no man or women has ever entered into His Heaven which is far beyond our solar system and six galaxies big . Not even the flesh man Y'shua has gone to Heaven . Joshua the Spirit that guided Y'shua throughout his life went back to Heaven but not the flesh man Y'shua in any form . Y'shua's Soul went back to Heaven but Y'shua does not live on within his Soul and nor will you within your Soul . Remember again no flesh man or woman has ever entered into Heaven as flesh or as some kind of Spirit form or as a ghost . The same is with animals . No animals go to Heaven either and all animals have a Soul to . Remember all plants and trees have Souls to and all other mortal life on earth ark.
- Abraham sons * be named Ishmael * an Isaac next * Abraham's son * . God of Israel * LORD ELohim * alone chosen * little Isaac * for Himself * for to begin * Israel flock * . Little Isaac * Abraham's son * an Sarah born *.
NOTES : ( R ) Matthew 6 : 6 -7 .... But when ye pray , use not vain repetitions , as the heathen do : for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking . Many religions today repeat over and over again what is accepted as a prayer to their God or whats written in their sacred Book . LORD ELohim loves conversations and not boring repetitions . He loves the conversations about peoples lives and what they think about regarding anything that has nothing to do with religion . God is not everywhere for HE is one Spirit . Remember we are made a lot in His image and the Spirits image , with arms , legs , torso , head and so on . LORD ELohim does go into religious buildings and other places now and then just to see whats up and what people are talking about these days . Y'shua taught in ( R ) Matthew 6 : 9 - 13 After this manner therefore pray ye : Our Father which art in heaven , ..... This is how to get the prayer going when praying to LORD ELohim but before Amen talk about what you have on your mind . Does LORD ELohim hear all prayers ? No . Again God is one Spirit but He spends enough time around people to know the problems people are having and are commonly praying about.
( 1 : 4 ) - On Last Day * politics be a * corrupt * federal office an a * soon evil * nobles office * . Behold today * is Sabbath Day * on Last Day *.
- God of Israel * I AM HE saying * remember again * mankind lies * made by church * that all I call * human bodies * eternal here * after in death * as Spirit * . People behind * ancient lies * for money * an powers * . LORD ELohim * I AM HE saying * Humanity * and animals made * after in death * glad deep sleep * . Again remember * Humanity * no afterlife * as Spirit * after in death *.
NOTES : Is there a purgatory ? Some people believe that the Soul of many people will go to a place called purgatory as punishment and for purification of the Soul . First of all we do not live on after death within Spirits of any kind and not within the Spirits called Souls . The Souls are for the function of the body and not much more . The Souls are innocent when they come to us within the womb and when they leave a dead body they are still innocent even a hundred years later . Why would God punish a Soul for all the bad choices you and other people and me make in life ? God does not blame Souls for anything that mortal life does . We have free will and makes choices in life both good and bad . And the flesh turns to dust so there is no flesh to go to purgatory and there is nothing else left to send to purgatory . Purgatory is like Hell it does not exist anywhere . When flesh dies we take our sins to the grave and our Souls go do what they want to do like play , sing , dance and have fun for a change.
- In past age and * even today * Ephraim home * My Britain * and colonies * about earth *.
NOTES : Many people believe after death both the good and the evil will be resurrected back to a bodily life form meaning flesh again . LORD ELohim wants people to think logically about this subject . In the grave the flesh turns to dust and many today have their bodies cremated and all flesh and bone becomes burnt ashes quickly . Many people who have their bodies cremated have their ashes thrown into the ocean or onto a mountain or even into space and so on . How is LORD ELohim suppose to put these bodies back together again ? LORD ELohim says He cannot resurrect mortal bodies . Even for Him that is impossible and people do not live on as a form of Spirit . Spirit like the Souls have nothing to do with peoples future life after the flesh dies . Souls future is eternal but you have nothing to do with the Soul . Again you do not live on eternally within the Soul or any other Spirit . The Soul did not become you and you did not become the Soul or any other kind of Spirit . So what is left for God to resurrect ? Nothing . So this is it , this mortal life is all we have and the wise would make it a loving and kind life to all life . That is what LORD ELohim have always tried to teach us so we can have a good life for it is a short life.
NOTES : Mortal sin is called a sin so serious that it can cause the death of the Soul . Again this is ridiculous and this lie angers LORD ELohim . Why would LORD ELohim blame Spirit for the wicked and evil choices we flesh make during our lives . God gave us free will which allows us to make choices on our own . LORD ELohim would never hurt His Spirit children . Y'shua had a Spirit guide named Joshua but you probably do not have a Spirit guide . Only a very few people throughout mankind's history had a Spirit guide sent by God to teach the flesh . God is love but He does love the Spirits He created much more then flesh . If any Spirit was being harmed because of flesh LORD ELohim would have ended flesh a long time ago . This is a verse proving that Y'shua did not say many things written ( R ) Matthew 10 : 28 And fear not them which kill the body , but are not able to kill the soul : but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell . LORD ELohim says Y'shua did not say this . The word him seems to mean LORD ELohim . Again LORD ELohim never created a hell to punish and torture Spirit or flesh for all eternity . Why do so many people think and believe that LORD ELohim is a wicked wicked Spirit who would enjoy the suffering of others for all eternity ? God is loving , kind , decent and a concerned Father of all He created . It's because of His love for us and especially for Spirit that all mortal life on earth will end soon then the Spirits and Souls can go home to Heaven and play, sing , dance and have fun and enjoy their lives again for all eternity .
NOTES : LORD ELohim created many Angels trillions x trillions of years before He began creating mortal life on this earth . There are many beliefs about Angels but many are wrong beliefs . First , all Spirits have free will just as we do . God did not create Spirits who do nothing but worship Him all the time . LORD ELohim is a Father to His family of Spirits and He does not expect them to do nothing else but to worship Him . There are no Angels who watch over all of us . We do not have Angels writing in books about what we do . LORD ELohim is not going to spend a few billion years listening to readings of peoples lives . God only needs enough knowledge to judge us as a species and He already has done that . Some believe our deeds actually create Angels but there is no truth in this belief . Angels cannot be seen by us . The burning bush that Moses saw were thousands of Spirits together making that look like a burning bush but on their own they cannot be seen nor can LORD ELohim be seen . This is why LORD ELohim usually works with people in their sleep and Spirits cause dreams . LORD ELohim did not create weird looking Spirits like having four heads and stuff like that . Our bodies are like the bodies of all Spirit . If a believed Angel can be seen and can eat food and drink he or she is not an Angel but he or she may have an Angel guiding him or her . This has only happened a very few times in mankind's history and most all only happened to people of Israel . People like Abraham , Lot , Jacob , Moses , Y'shua did e the guidance of LORD ELohim through the Angels within other people or sent to them directly . I have experienced LORD ELohim and many Angels regarding the Little Book and other stuff but I have never seen them or heard them . God made it possible for the Angels to nod my head for yes or move my head side to side for no . I do have many dreams regarding the Little Book and other stuff . Dreams caused by Angels is a common way for LORD ELohim to communicate with people in past ages and even today but it is very very rare He does this and there must be a great purpose for it . Just so you know LORD ELohim has no prophets or prophetess that He is working through at this time and has no plans for any in the future . If someone says they are communicating with God or Spirit that is not true . LORD ELohim and Spirits are not doing that now with any people other then me to type His Little Book , the Last Book for mankind.
(1:5) NOTES : ( B ) 1 Corinthians 15 : 51 - 54 Behold , I shew you a mystery . We shall not all sleep , but we shall all be changed . In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump : for the trumpet shall sound , and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed ..... ( B ) 1 Thessalonians 4 : 16 - 17 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout , with the voice of the archangel , and with the trump of God : and the dead in Christ shall rise first : Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air : and so shall we ever be with the Lord . Will Christians be ' raptured ' soon ? Rapture means to be ' caught up ' or ' snatched up ' . Many Christians believe Y'shua ( Jesus ) will snatch them up to the clouds or Heaven before the coming great seven year tribulation . Many believe their flesh and bone and their Soul will suddenly disappear on earth and reappear in the clouds or Heaven in the twinkle of an eye . LORD ELohim has a problem with this because He does not know how to do that . Since our true Father and God cannot do it then neither can Y'shua and remember Y'shua the flesh man is dead . Joshua the Spirit who guided Y'shua is now in Heaven and does not have to deal with mankind ever again and he is happy about that . LORD ELohim says remember again Think Not Beyond Logic . If LORD ELohim could simply do a rapture then He would have raptured all Jews from earth when Hitler and others before him were slaughtering the Jews . Remember the Jews were and are still LORD ELohim's chosen people to work through when He deals with humanity about earth . If LORD ELohim could have easily saved millions of Jews from suffering and death during the holocaust He would have done a rapture for them but He can't do that . Remember also the Jews only have one God called LORD ELohim while the pagan Christians have three gods . The Jew's keep His Sabbath while the pagan Christians think they do not have to . The Jew's respect LORD ELohim's Ten Commandments while pagan Christians believe they don't have to and on and on . LORD ELohim is not going to treat Christians as being more special then His beloved Jews.
- LORD ELohim * God of Israel * as the Father * teach love as * food for life * and all a happy * loving life * for world * Humanity * but again here * evil grow * an My Jews a * chosen flock * suffer here * is again and again * about earth *.
NOTES : LORD ELohim has read the New Testament of the Christian Bible and He says to much of what He read is anti - Semitic . LORD ELohim does not remember the Jews during the time of Y'shua being so wrong as much as the New Testament says they were and God was around the Israel Jews lot then . Remember Y'shua was a Jew . LORD ELohim is Spirit , He remember everything.
- Remember again * God curses * all any who * curse elect * Jews of the * Israel flock * . In past age and * even today * much mankind * God curses * on earth ark * and them who * curse elect * Jews of the * Israel flock *.
- Yea baptism * void sins * you made by * your life * past be evil * and disobey HE * God of Israel * EL Ten Laws *.
NOTES : Baptism is for children about age 12 for girls or 13 for boys and for any adult . Baptism is a personal choice thing and should not be just the choice of the parents regarding their children . God did not make it for Mom and Dad to decide for the children regarding the children to be Baptized . Baptism is often used for admission into a church . Some people believe in ' Original Sin ' . According to Christian theology Original Sin means the state of sin in which all human beings exist because of Adam's disobedience to God . God says this belief is really wrong and really ridiculous . Adam and Eve's sins are their own sins and in no way are they put upon other people . Many parents after having a baby run to the church to have the baby baptized for fear if the child died before being baptized the child would go to at least purgatory for Adam's sins . How silly is that . LORD ELohim is tired of being thought of as being a mean and wicked old God . How wicked and stupid would it be of LORD ELohim for blaming a new born child for Adam's disobedience and sins . Babies for a few years are without sin . Baptism is for older children and adults and not for babies . Again baptism is a choice thing for each person to make and not for Mom and Dad to decide for the older children . Y'shua was about 30 years old when he was first baptized by John the Baptist and Y'shua had no sins to be baptized for . Again there is no purgatory or hell or a mean old God who would cause a baby to suffer for someone else's sins . LORD ELohim again says "Think Not Beyond Logic " and stop thinking of Him as being cruel and being without love for all He created.
NOTES : ( B ) Revelation 21 : 1 - 2 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth : for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away and there was no more sea . And I John saw the holy city , new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband . Is LORD ELohim and the Spirits building a city in Heaven and then to be brought down to a new earth ? Can LORD ELohim cause all the galaxies of Heaven and this earth to disappear and create again all new in a day ? Revelation 21 goes on to teach what the city is made from such as gold , sapphire , emerald and so on . It is made from solid building materials . LORD ELohim says all these He cannot do and even if He could He would have no interest in doing these things . God and Spirits are Spirits who cannot build things such as this city . Spirits can go through concrete walls and stones and sapphires and so on so how could they lift these building materials to build this city or how to keep it from earths gravity pulling it down in a crash . It's not like LORD ELohim made the entire universe in one day . We would be waiting trillions of years and much longer for that new earth and new Heaven and how does He get rid of the old Heaven's galaxies and this old earth and stuff ? LORD ELohim says again please Think Not Beyond Logic.
( 1 : 6 ) - In God's Book * riddle about * hidden Soul * within man * an ye woman * and animals made * an plant seed * an the plant * and all trees * an much more * . All Souls * give life here * on earth ark * . Mortal life * now at death * all Souls * as Spirit * he goes back to * Heaven created * by the great * LORD ELohim * . Remember again * mortal life * I AM He saying * no afterlife * for any life * on earth ark *.
NOTES : ( O. T. ) Genesis 4 : 10 And He said , What hast thou done ? the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto Me from the ground . Abel's Soul was calling out to LORD ELohim . Spirit can see Spirit and hear other Spirit but it is difficult for people to hear or see Spirit of any kind including God . Souls usually leave the body as soon as the body dies but Abel's Soul wanted to tell on Cain to LORD ELohim.
- Calf religion * , Babel religion * , Ham religion * made false gods * . Israel flock * Fig religion * belief in LORD * God of Israel * as a true God * and only God * is a correct * belief in LORD * God of Israel * as the Father * creation God * an for all life * on earth ark * and Spirit a * Heaven beings * . Remember again * LORD ELohim * I AM is one God * . LORD ELohim * as the Father * Abba not three * ancient gods * . Churches lie * LORD Abba three * ancient gods * . Ye pagans made * ancient gods * about earth * in past age and * even today * . God of Israel * I AM HE saying * Judaea people * My love and * partners * on earth ark * in past age and * even today * . Judaea people * help Yahweh * to teach pagan * Humanity * about earth * EL Ten Laws * . God of Israel * He give Laws * to Jews and * for world * Humanity * for new peace * about earth * . Jews did teach * pagan world * God of Israel * EL Ten Laws * . Jews did teach * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * I AM is one God * and a Spirit * . God of Israel * I AM HE saying * Humanity * rethink God * thy Father * LORD ELohim * and only God *.
- Jews did teach * Humanity * God of Israel * thy Father * and only God * of all the life * on earth ark * and Spirit a * Heaven beings * . Jews did teach * pagan world * God of Israel * I AM is ONE God * for all then * in past age and * even today * . Even today * old paganism * about earth * and nations * . In past age and * even today * Judaea people * suffer here * because of hate * because of so * much mankind * as gentiles * are yet like * pagan world *.
- In past age and * even today * God of Israel * loves My * Jews of the * Israel flock * . God of Israel * LORD ELohim * pity Mine * Judaea people * whom now * and in past age * suffer here * on earth ark * . God of Israel * EL Roi speak * pagans hate and * go against Me * . In past age and * even today * Judaea people * suffer here * because of hate * of O LORD God * LORD ELohim * . God of Israel * despise hate * of any flesh * on earth ark * . God of Israel * love Jews * in past age and * even today * . God of Israel * LORD ELohim * loves My * Humanity * who are good * kind love and * keep all LORD * EL Ten Laws *.
(1:7) NOTES : The word Vicar means substitute or representative . The pope is called the Vicar of Christ on earth . Holy Father is a title name of the pope also . The name pope in Latin means papa and papa means father . The name Holy Father is LORD ELohim's name and is to be no one else's name on earth or even in Heaven among the Spirits . The name Christ is Y'shua's name . It is said that Y'shua said : ( R ) Matthew 23 : 9 And call no man your father upon the earth : for one is your Father , which is in Heaven . ( R ) Matthew 24 : 4 - 5 And Jesus (Y'shua ) answered and said unto them , Take heed that no man deceive you . For many shall come in my name , saying , I am Christ ; and shall deceive many . There have been a couple of people who tried to make people believe they were Christ but Y'shua said many would . If you include all the pope's calling themselves Vicar of Christ then there are many who have come in his name Christ . The popes calling themselves Holy Father is so against what Y'shua taught and what LORD ELohim taught Y'shua to teach . The priests calling themselves Father is also against Y'shua teaching . Your don't have to over think what Y'shua taught for it is obvious what he meant.
- God of Israel * LORD ELohim * as the Father * made peoples * an much more * and was not * Christos * called Y'shua * made peoples * and made animals * an the plant * and all trees * an much more * . Remember again * LORD ELohim * made peoples * and made animals * an the plant * and all trees * an much more * about earth * .
- Churches lie * mortal life * made ghosts * an ghosts be a * all infinite * as Spirit * . A strange lie * people behind * bodies deaths * made ghosts * . Mankind lies * ghosts in * mortal life * . A strange lie * for money * an powers *.
NOTES : There are many beliefs about LORD ELohim among people and religions about earth . Some beliefs about God have tried to make LORD ELohim something that He is not . Because of that I asked the LORD if we should not write about some of thoughts which He is not and He said to write about them anyway . An example : many people believe God knows everything about everything . LORD ELohim is ONE Spirit who's body is about nine feet tall and looks almost human for He created us in His image . Remember God made us in the image of Himself and the other Spirits . God is not a mist in the universe . What God knows Is a lot more then what people know but He knows what He hears or experiences just like we do . ( B ) Revelation 10 : 7 But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel , when he shall begin to sound , the mystery of God should be finished , as he hath declared to his servants the prophets . 1 - Is God Omnipresent ? This means God is everywhere present , free of limits of space or time . Again LORD ELohim is one Spirit and not a mist in the universe . In Heaven there is no reason to use a clock for time . God only related to time here because of dealing with flesh over the years . Example : our trial time was six thousand years and this Sabbath Day which is now can be up to a thousand years . But in Heaven there is no sense of time or need for it . 2 - Is God Omniscient ? This means God is all knowing about past , present , future . LORD ELohim does not know all about all . If God was able to know all about mankind before He created us God would have never created us and there would be no reason to give us a trial time . Past and present God knows much about but when it comes to the future LORD ELohim is just guessing based on past experiences with earlier mortal life on earth like the Grays and Anunnaki and early Humanity . 3 - Is God Omnipotent ? Means God is all powerful to do anything He wants . God created the universe because He knows which ....... to play with to cause many Big Bangs . Creating flesh started with His creation of bacteria billions of years before He learned enough to make the first flesh creature on this earth . LORD ELohim said in the Little Book that He cannot change a kindled earth after a nuclear war . His beloved children die from hunger about earth because on His own He cannot feed them . If God was all powerful no child would ever know hunger or suffer from other reasons . There is a reason why God asked people to help each other and care for these children and others who suffer . 4 - Is God Spirit which means is He non-material or non-physical like us and the answer is yes , He is Spirit . 5 - Is God Immutable ? Means God never changes . God is not evolving , getting better or worse . The answer is : LORD ELohim is love , that is His true nature . As wicked as we humans were and are He still loves us as His children even though we have angered Him a lot and failed our trial . But God does change in other ways . He is always looking for a new game to play or songs to sing . He loves to dance and enjoys His Spirit children . He learns as we learn and He is wise but He can do errors such as creating flesh beings like us on earth . Soon He will correct this error for our sake not for His sake . 6 - Unity of God ? This is related to the belief that God is " three persons in one God " . Christians believe that God is the Father and the Son Y'shua and the Holy Spirit and are all ONE God . This is nothing new to LORD ELohim . In the past and even today God has dealt with people and their many false gods . LORD ELohim is our Father and our only God . Y'shua ( Jesus ) was and is not a god and the Holy Spirit is something God knows nothing about . Joshua the Spirit that guided Y'shua is not a god either . LORD ELohim has not stopped loving humans but stuff like this belief over and over again in the past and even today has made God grow tired of us . When LORD ELohim wants to be around people who believe in Him as their one and only God and Father He goes to the Synagogue near here and enjoys the Jewish people and their conversations about different things . Now that's one way how LORD ELohim gets to know about stuff from listening to peoples conversations and He does enjoy that.
- Any Catholic * hear words * sent by God * . I AM HE saying * I AM is one God * . Abba not three * Us deities * . In past age and * even today * Catholic decree * Y'shua being * a savior God * . Churches lie * Y'shua like * as a God angers * LORD ELohim * . The Little * Book last if a * Sabbath Day is * the day at hand * . The Little * Book tells * riddle about * mankind lies * . The Little * Book language * correct it * . Behold today * is Sabbath Day *.
- Big Bangs yet * happen again and * happens again * an many Bangs * formed too * the galaxies *.
- In past ages * LORD ELohim * EL Roi create * Dino's flesh * . After Dino's * God of Israel * maketh mammal * new animals * on earth ark *.
(1:8) NOTES : LORD ELohim wants people to know and understand that He is not the wicked and evil God that the religious books out there depict . Many different religious books say God created a hell and a place called purgatory to cause suffering on purpose for flesh and some even believe Spirit to . LORD ELohim is greatly disappointed with people who truly believe that He could be that evil . God says again " Think Not Beyond Logic " . Obviously most people don't even think a little bit about this . Many people believe it won't be them but that most other people are going to hell or purgatory some day . It is common that most all people believe it won't happen to them but they are blind to their own sins . But anyway ; LORD ELohim is tired of being depicted as a wicked and evil and mean and nasty and cruel God . LORD ELohim says stop it ; stop depicting Him as a very wicked God and Father . Y'shua never used the word hell or purgatory as a place of torture in his teaching ; not ever . What is in religious books of every kind is someone else's wishes and opinions . Y'shua never taught that most people will eternally suffer pain in hell or have time in purgatory for not being perfect . It's common that people believe that their faith and religion is the only true religion of their gods or God and the unbelievers for spiritual blindness will all go to hell while only they the believers go to heaven . LORD ELohim wants to remind you that death is equal for all flesh . For all flesh will die and there is no afterlife for any of us . LORD ELohim has judged Humanity as a whole and the human races and religions and nations have failed Him . Only the Jews not so much as others failed .
NOTES : In the Old Testament the word for hell is Sheol which means " the grave " . LORD ELohim never created a place called hell or purgatory for flesh to eternally suffer in . No flesh will suffer anything after their death and LORD ELohim is not going to punish Spirit for the wickedness of mortal flesh.
NOTES : Many people believe that all of us have Angels watching us and they are writing in books about our lives . It's believed the books will be used by God to judge us later . It's important to note that LORD ELohim is not looking for another Adam or another Noah . Through Adam and Noah LORD ELohim gave Humanity two chances to get right with Him . Through Y'shua our LORD ELohim gave mankind another chance to get it right with Him also . Look around the world and see how well that worked . That's not going to happen again . We have run out of chances . First , there are no Angels watching over us and none are writing books about each of us . It's a strange belief considering most people believe God knows everything and all about each of us already . None of us will go before the LORD to be judged ; that is did and done and we have failed as a species who have free will . Since Adam our first chance LORD ELohim only gave mankind two more chances with Noah and then Y'shua . That gave us three chances to get things right with God . God gave us the Ten Commandments and God's Jews taught the world them to help us to do right and most people have broken all or most all Ten Commandments . If we each kept all Ten Commandments there would be peace on earth and all people would be far better off then we are now . Think of the poor Angels who would have to spend all their time being with people . It's good that God thinks of them with great regard for their lives to . He would never be so cruel to His Spirit children . Compared to their lives yours is really really boring . Also think about God . How many billions of years would LORD ELohim have to listen day and night to stories of billions of people's boring lives . That's not going to happen either . LORD ELohim has judged us as a whole species and we have failed the test.
- Jews of the * Israel flock * kept EL Roi * God of Israel * old Hebrews * Fig religion * . In past ages * not all called * Israel flock * kept EL Roi * God of Israel * Fig religion * or Laws made * . Judaism is Abba * God of Israel * Fig religion * in past age and * even today * about earth *.
NOTES : Is Y'shua the only begotten Son of LORD ELohim ? LORD ELohim says if you are male flesh you are My son and if you are a female flesh you are My daughter . When talking about Spirit they are all the sons of LORD ELohim . LORD ELohim is all our Father . The word God : LORD ELohim says it means Father . It is a great error to say Y'shua or Joshua is our creator and Father . The Spirit Joshua who guided the flesh man Y'shua is a common type of Spirit created by God and is like all Spirits being God's sons . All Souls are LORD ELohim's sons . It was and is LORD ELohim who created all that was created and it was not Y'shua or Joshua who created all that was created . Remember again LORD ELohim created special DNA for Isaac but Isaac was not His first begotten son anymore then Y'shua was . Isaac was just another son as to was Y'shua and the Spirit Joshua . LORD ELohim does not remember which Spirit was the first He created because all created were and are equally loved.
- God of Israel * EL Roi create * Mine Grays * on earth ark * . Mine Grays * early flesh * trial before * the long ice age * all melts back * north here * on earth ark * . God of Israel * EL Roi create * all Anunnaki a * early flesh * on earth ark * . Behold today * Mine Grays * maketh many * a crop design * in crop field * about earth * in past age and * even today *.
(1:9) NOTES : LORD Jehovah is a kind , loving , good and merciful God towards the Spirits He created and towards the flesh beings He also created . God does not get involved when ever people screw up their lives , their nation or even the world . LORD ELohim gave us free will and His Ten Commandments and more to guide us . It is our free will choices that have been and even now on trial . Mankind in the past failed their trial and we alive today are yet failing our trial .
- Time cometh * corrupt * man of sin and a * second Rome * . Pagan world * beast leader and * ten state be * about earth * he will lead as * empire leader *.
NOTES : ( B ) Revelation 4 : 5 And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices ; and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne , which are the seven Spirits of God . LORD ELohim does not know how to read this any other way . This verse says God is Seven Spirits . Learn and remember LORD ELohim is ONE God and complete as one God as one Spirit . People keep adding Spirits to God and LORD ELohim wonders why . The trinity was bad enough calling LORD ELohim three Gods in one God but this verse calls God now being Seven Spirits . Again LORD ELohim is ONE complete Spirit and the one and only God and Father of all created . Pagans generally had many gods and here we go again with people calling LORD ELohim being Seven Spirits . LORD ELohim is use to pagans believing in many gods but He hoped people would learn that He alone is the only God and Father of all creation . LORD ELohim knows His Jews tried to teach the world this truth that He alone is God but the pagan world turned against the Jews and still today many pagans do.
- Remember again * many pagans * about earth * in past age and * even today * had many gods *.
NOTES : ( B ) Revelation 4 : 8 And the four beasts had each of them six wings about him ; and they were full of eyes within ; and they rest not day and night , saying , Holy , holy , holy , Lord God Almighty , which was , and is , and is to come . The constant worship of LORD ELohim by other Spirits He created does not happen and never happened and these weird looking Spirits God never would have created . LORD ELohim as Spirits Father spends His time playing games , dancing , singing and playing other things with His Spirit family . God does not even have a throne in Heaven and LORD ELohim does not expect Spirits to even worship Him . God created other Spirits to have a family and God created flesh on earth to add to His family . The Spirits passed their test while flesh over and over again failed the test . These beasts with six wings LORD ELohim has no idea what they are . No Spirits look like this . God created Grays , Anunnaki and Humans in their image and their image Is a lot like us . Spirits do not have wings or eyes everywhere and so on . God does not know what ' and is to come ' is suppose to mean either.
- God of Israel * EL Roi create * all Souls * and many Angel * as Spirit * Heaven beings * and of long ago * . All Souls * give life here * on earth ark * . All Souls * in any blood * Humanity * and animals made * give life here * . All Souls * is within * seed an plant * and all trees * an much more * about earth * . Remember again * all Souls * as Spirit * that Abba created * give life here * on earth ark * within man * and animals made * an the plant * an much more * mortal life * that Abba created *.
(1:10) NOTES : LORD ELohim loves animals . We were sitting outside and people were talking about what they saw on the internet . People were blow torching animals to burn the fur off when the animals were still alive and then skinning the animals when they were still alive . A axe was used to chop the legs off of animals so the animals could not run away and then the animals were skinned alive and so on . God cannot understand how people can be so evil and cruel and unfeeling toward animals that LORD ELohim created . LORD ELohim knows most people eat meat and that's not a problem as long as the cow or chicken or whatever clean animals are cared for very very well before quickly being killed for the meat so they do not suffer . Even God likes the taste of a good steak . Spirits cannot eat but they can taste . And there is the slaughter of God's beloved elephants for the ivory angers LORD ELohim greatly . The people who buy ivory are no better then those who slaughter these amazing animals . Corporate farms and the way animals are treated in these places for money profits is also very cruel and angers LORD ELohim . LORD ELohim is the Father of all life and animals to are His children just as much as mankind is His children . Somethings need to change regarding the wicked and cruel ways people treat God's animal children to.
- I AM HE saying * Jews of the * Israel flock * think not * I call Jesus ( Y'shua ) * also like a god * . Remember again * I AM is ONE God * and a Spirit * . The Little * Book tells * Christos * called Y'shua * is Judean man * and white race * . The flesh man * called Y'shua * God of Israel * raised Judean * and God blessed * Christos * . As Spirit * Joshua being * within man * called Y'shua * teach Y'shua * I AM is ONE God * . Y'shua teach * Humanity * LORD ELohim * I AM is ONE God * . Y'shua teach * ELohim not * pagan world * ancient gods * . Remember again * Humanity * Abba not three * us deities . Churches lie * LORD ELohim * He many gods *.
NOTES : Who were the mysterious sons of God ? ( O.T. ) Genesis 6 : 1 - 7 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair ; and they took them wives of all which they chose . .... There were giants in the earth in those days , and also after that , when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men , and they bare children to them , the same became mighty men which were of old , men of renown .... This says they saw the daughters of ' men ' which says they were not of the human species . It also says they were giants . These sons of God were created by LORD ELohim since they are called " sons of God " . Being not human but able to breed with human women their DNA would have to be close to what mankind's is , I think . LORD ELohim knows who they were . Remember LORD ELohim created those who we call the Grays and then He created those called Anunnaki long ago and on this earth . We were the third DNA species of free will . The Anunnaki were a little different from the Grays . The Anunnaki were giants and the Grays were more like us . LORD ELohim called the children of these Anunnaki and human women Nephilim and next came the flood to destroy them for they were very wicked but a few Anunnaki and Nephilim survived . When God created the Anunnaki and Humanity He used the DNA of Grays and changed only a little bit of the DNA of the Grays so we are all closely related : Grays , Anunnaki and Humanity . Grays , Anunnaki and Humanity all had free will . Note that all three of these species failed their test . All LORD ELohim created are either His sons or daughters . All created by LORD ELohim are His children.
NOTES : ( O. T. ) Genesis 6 - 7 And the LORD said , I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth ; both man , and beast , and the creeping thing , and the fowls of the air ; for it repenteth me that I made them . Repenteth means LORD ELohim felt deep regret and sorrow that He created mankind . God gave mankind three chances to get right with Him . The first was Adam then Noah and then Y'shua and all three times we failed . With humans LORD ELohim tried many ways to help us but people are to good at corrupting what God has done to help us . Three strikes against us and we are out soon . Remember LORD ELohim is not looking for someone like Adam , Noah or Y'shua anymore because He has given up on all mortal life . Mortal life on earth of any kind is to needy and requires a great deal for our lives . Spirits need nothing for their lives except to be happy and loving to all their family.
- Much mankind * suffer here * on earth ark * and commits * suicide and died * . Much mankind * bear much pain * within is * beyond bearable * and for many * Humanity * and animals made * suffer here * dreadful pain * on earth ark * . God of Israel * pities the * formed flesh * body I created * because pain an * much mankind * hunger death * . God of Israel * EL Roi speak * My children * the suicidal * do not a sin * . Churches lie * My children * the suicidal * do sin and he die * an ye woman * and was not * saved with * the flesh man * called Y'shua * . Remember again * no afterlife * for world * Humanity * and animals made * an the plant * and all trees * an much more * mortal life * on earth ark * . Again remember * the flesh man * Y'shua hath * no afterlife * as Spirit * or flesh man *.
NOTES : The experience of mortal life today and even in past ages and in the future is not for everyone . For many these days and in past ages life was and is very difficult and not a happy life . Many people suffer great and constant pain that has no cure and no pills anymore that stops the pain and their great suffering . There are many reasons why people end their lives and LORD ELohim does not judge them but maintains His love and understanding for them . LORD ELohim has always pitied those people who suffer here and even all animals who also suffer here . People who commit suicide LORD ELohim understands . It is their life and if they want to end it LORD ELohim does not judge them for it . Not everyone born enjoys life these days for many reasons and life today is not easy for many people . Again LORD ELohim says it is not a sin when someone ends their lives because He can understand all the reasons why people do this . LORD ELohim only wishes the religions and others today would understand as God understands and respect the wishes of these people and with love.
( 1 : 11 ) - Holy Ark of * God of Israel * where now ? LORD's Ark had * LORD ELohim * EL Ten Laws * for world * Humanity * . God of Israel * EL Ten Laws * permit peace * about earth * . In past age and * even today * Humanity * about earth * in great break * EL Ten Laws * . Remember again * EL Ten Laws * permit peace * and all a happy * mortal life * on earth ark * . In God's Book * in Exodus * EL Ten Laws * for world * Humanity * . Because wicked * Humanity * in great break * EL Ten Laws * people war * and did suffer * . Because of hate * in past age and * even today * people war * and did suffer * on earth ark * . And if all kept * again remember * EL Ten Laws * permit peace * and all a happy * mortal life * for world * Humanity * about earth * and nations *.
NOTES : In Exodus 20 you can find LORD ELohim's Ten Laws . If you read them and truly understand them you can see how if all people followed God's words this could lead to lasting peace on earth and much better lives for all . In God's Book the Torah it says : You shall not murder . The Christian Bible says : Thou shalt not kill . LORD ELohim says the Torah is far more accurate as to what He meant : You shall not murder your fellow man or women . If people were keeping all Ten Commandments even Hitler would not have had the power to do the evil he did and millions of people would not have been slaughtered because of him and those who followed his ways and gave him the power .
NOTES : What's the number one thing that LORD ELohim does not like or understand about flesh who have free will ? The number one on a long list is that Grays , Anunnaki and Humanity can HATE others of their own kind , their fellow men and women . Because of hate there has been and is great suffering on earth and more coming soon.
- In past age and * even today * God of Israel * against rape * . Most raped * are of woman * an a few boys * about earth * an all is a sin * by JHVH Law * . Rapist man * ye a evil men * . Evil men rage * God of Israel * . YHWH calls * those raped * My children * . YHWH calls * all who rape * My children * ye a evil men * . Remember again * I AM HE saying * ye a evil men * all who rape * My children * on earth ark * and nations * about earth *.
NOTES : LORD ELohim made sure that Y'shua suffered no pain when he was beaten and nailed to the cross . This was another attempt by LORD ELohim to help people find a way to get right with God . LORD ELohim deeply loved this man and stayed with him until he died . God had a good idea but mankind failed again . Y'shua was our last chance and was to be the LAST sacrifice on earth ark everywhere . Remember at that time in mankind's history pagan people were sacrificing even human children to their false gods . This was not the Jews doing that because they knew it was wrong and evil . LORD ELohim never understood people sacrificing even a animal to the false gods or even to Him but He went with this common custom around earth and He wanted to end human sacrifice . What LORD ELohim did saved the lives of tens of thousands of people on earth ark and nations who would have been sacrificed to false gods . But what LORD ELohim did not expect is that people would add two more false gods to the long long list of false gods . The two new false gods were Y'shua ( Jesus ) being called a god and the Holy Spirit being called a god also . LORD ELohim wants to remind you that He alone is God and as the Father of all created . One thing that LORD ELohim never created was any more gods .
- God of Israel * Jehovah behind * faithful man * called Y'shua * death and cries * . For His Lamb be a * perfect Jew * loved by God * . Faithful man * Christos * he a sinless * perfect Jew * . God of Israel * He sacrificing * faithful man * called Y'shua * for Jews an * for world * Humanity * sins too *.
NOTES : What LORD ELohim was hoping for is for all people about earth to follow the ways of the Jews and even to become followers of Judaism and for all people to be of only one religious faith on earth ; the faith of Judaism . Remember Judaism was the one and only faith of Y'shua who was a Jew . But that did not happen . It didn't take long for the pagans to make Y'shua a god and to create a new religion called Christianity which has three gods . This is not worth fighting over because there is no perfect faith and religion about earth even today and LORD ELohim's judgment of Humanity is finished . Today there are thousands of different religions and religious sects about earth . Sects are a group of people having the same principles , beliefs or opinions or a group of people forming part of a larger religious body but rejecting some of the larger body's beliefs or customs.
- Today behold * the day at hand * is Sabbath Day * . Sabbath Day is * on Last Day * of ye trial * Humanity * . And a man of sin * called beast by * God of Israel * on last day * he becomes here * empire leader * on earth ark * . Soon a time * the globe hath * ten state be * alike nation * . Ten state be * pagan world * made like Rome *. When new and * people behind * second Rome * is hope for * beast leaders * keepest peace * about earth * . Then soon a * man of sin as * empire leader * called beast by * God of Israel * cause woes * for any life * on earth ark *.
( 1 : 12 ) - God of Israel * EL Roi speak * calculate name * of beast but * using Mine * 666 * strange code * called Gematria * . Remember again * the Bible beast a * pagan gentile * . Soon at hand * great eagle make * a president * empire leader * . Remember again * the Little * Book code key * 666 * calculate name *.
NOTES : ( B ) Revelation 13 : 18 Here is wisdom . Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast : for it is the number of a man ; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six . The word score means 20 so threescore means 60 . 600 + 60 + 6 = 666 . In Roman numbers D C L X V I = 666 in number count . Coded using the Roman numbers D C L X V I called * 666 * . We know that the beast is a gentile which means he is not a Jew . Like in past ages the Jews will be persecuted by the beast and his followers . The beast is also called the ' Antichrist ' . Some prophecies say the Jews will rebuild the Temple in Israel before the beast takes over the world . As it says in the Oak Island section LORD ELohim does not care if the Jews of the world today build the third Temple or not because the money may be better spent elsewhere to help His chosen people who are persecuted in other nations now.
NOTES : Roman numbers : D = 500 , C = 100 , L = 50 , X = 10 , V = 5 , I = 1 which all added equals 666 . The M = 1000 was added to the Roman numbers in recent history .
- A time soon * Humanity * hopes a beast * permit peace * about earth * . The Bible beast a * empire leader * fashion ten * states by * dividing the * world for * ten monarch * his friends * . Time cometh * world feared * empire leader * as a dictator * . Great eagle make * a man of sins * called beast by * LORD ELohim * . Great eagle make * second Rome * on earth ark * . God of Israel * EL Roi speak * fear great eagle * an a evil beast * second Rome * . Soon a time * fearful war * about earth *.
NOTES : Many nations in past ages and even today have a eagle as their nations symbol . The great eagle could mean many nations today . Remember : many nations and groups about earth use the eagle as their symbol.
- Again remember * he that abideth * on the LORD * LORD ELohim * I AM rewards * in this life * not in death a * glad deep sleep * an as a eternal * glad deep sleep * .
(1:13) NOTES : Did Mars and the moon have life on them before God created mankind ? The answer is yes . Remember that the Grays and Anunnaki both had free will and both failed their trial on earth . These species created by LORD ELohim on this earth were given much more time for their trial then we got and both failed their trial . God created the Grays long before the Anunnaki and the Anunnaki long before Humanity . Both Grays and Anunnaki had very advanced spaceships when each during their trial had such a war they could not stay on earth . But even as far more advanced their spacecrafts were and are compared to man's today they still could not go far from earth . Both species tried to colonize both the moon and Mars but both failed to do that . There is probably lots on the moon and Mars like stone buildings and bacteria and other stuff you would expect to find knowing now of their attempts to live there . Grays today still get much of their food from earth and the Anunnaki LORD ELohim has not seen any of them or their spaceships in many years . The Grays and Anunnaki would war a lot but during their trial the Grays warred with Grays and the Anunnaki war against Anunnaki . Again remember E T means Early Trials . We need to remember that these Grays and Anunnaki are greatly more advanced when it comes to space travel then mankind is and they didn't get very far and they could not colonize Mars and the moon . Also remember Souls who we need for our mortal lives are not everywhere in the universe . These Spirits are not beyond our Solar system so living mortal life is not beyond our Solar system . The Anunnaki may have gone to far from earth and all died when Souls left their bodies or they died in war among themselves or with the Grays.
- God of Israel * JHVH reveal * Mine Gray and * Anunnaki a ET * not a god to * . In past ages * mankind gods * were often * all a Anunnaki * . Remember again * life before man * Mine Gray and * Anunnaki a ET * all existed * on earth ark * . God of Israel * EL Roi speak * I created them * on earth ark * in past ages * an all long ago * . Remember again * God I AM is ONE * creation God * and ONE Father * and ONE noted * God of Israel *.
NOTES : Contrary to what many religious teachers teach LORD ELohim does not know all things like this subject about the speed of light . When a subject is unknown to LORD ELohim we go to books about the subject and hope those writers are right about what they teach . A lot of believers of extraterrestrials coming here to earth from other planets and from other star systems make up ways to explain how that is possible considering how far away the nearest star is to earth . They came up with worm holes , parallel universes and much more . LORD ELohim only created mortal life on this earth . The Grays and Anunnaki both made it to the moon and Mars but both were created on earth long ago . Scientists say nothing can go faster then the speed of light . According to this book scientists believe that the speed of light is about 186,291 miles per second . The speed of light in one year is about 6,000,000,000,000 miles or 9,460,500,000,000 kilometers or called also 6 million million miles . If a star was 4 light years away then it's distance from earth would be 24,000,000,000,000 miles . The nearest star to earth is Proxima Centauri at 4.3 light years away . In a universe that has so many stars one loses count you still need to find a planet alike earth that mortal life like us could live on and that planet could be many more light years away . LORD ELohim says again to you " Think Not Beyond Logic " . When the spacecraft Voyager 2 was sent to Neptune on August 20 ,1977 it's arrival to Neptune was on August 24 , 1989 . It took about 12 years for this spacecraft to get to Neptune which is in our solar system and the craft was unmanned . Mankind is not going very far from earth any time soon . LORD ELohim says there are no extraterrestrials near here from other planets and there is no other mortal life other then what LORD ELohim created here on this earth . Creation of mortal life was no accident and it was very difficult for even LORD ELohim to do and mortal life could only happen if LORD ELohim gave what was created from dust a Spirit God calls Souls . Again remember without Souls mortal life can not live.
NOTES : Did Y'shua ( Jesus ) really say this ? : ( R ) Matthew 10 : 34 - 36 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth : I came not to send peace , but a sword . For I am come to set a man at variance against his father , and the daughter against her mother , and the daughter in law against her mother in law . And a man's foes shall be they of his own household . Variance means disagreement , dispute , difference of opinion . These two verses make no sense . Y'shua was a teacher and a sinless and loving Jewish man . Why would Y'shua say this or even to desire this to happen . LORD ELohim knows Y'shua never said this . The purpose of Christ was to guide people to peace and goodness and love which has nothing to do with teaching hatred which is what these two verses teach .
- Behold today * many noted * Hebrew lands * on earth ark * . Jerusalem be * Hebrew lands * of the Jews * in past age and * even today * . Remember again * Abraham's son * little Isaac * start the * Israel flock * and white race * . Behold today * Israel flock * and nations * and white race * about earth * . God gave lands * fully to * Israel flock * about earth * . Ephraim home * My Britain * and land called Canada * and others be * Hebrew lands * . My Britain * a motherland * of many I call * Hebrew lands * . Manasseh land * formed America * . God gave land and * Israel alone * too Hebrew * Jews of the * Israel flock * in past age and * even today . God of Israel * LORD ELohim * maketh many * Hebrew lands * on earth ark * . Again remember * LORD ELohim * maketh many * Hebrew lands * on earth ark * . Hebrew lands * it was for * Israel flock * in past age and * even today * . Behold today * Israel flock * about earth * and nations * . Again remember * Jerusalem be * Hebrew lands * of the Jews * in past age and * even today * on earth ark *.
NOTES : Did Y'shua really say this ? : ( R ) Matthew 10 : 37 - 38 He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me : and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me . And he that taketh not his cross , and followeth after me , is not worthy of me . Y'shua was a humble man and these verses are way out of Y'shua's character . I asked LORD ELohim if Y'shua ever thought that he was some sort of god and God said no , never . These verses Y'shua did not say . Y'shua was a very humble man and a deeply faithful Jew and a deeply loving Jew who taught love . Y'shua taught people to love each other and to love our Father LORD ELohim and to keep our Father's Ten Laws so we can live in peace . But again we failed to do those things . LORD ELohim says again : think not beyond logic . Y'shua had no reason to say this to anyone and he did not say this to anyone .
- God of Israel * EL Roi create * Spirit as * Heaven beings * for Himself * an all He loved *.
- God of Israel * EL Roi create * Humanity * and animals made * an the plant * and all trees * for Himself * an all He loved *.
NOTES : LORD ELohim told Adam and Eve not to eat from one tree in a forest of fruit trees but they did and then they knew good and evil . The evil they did was simply disobeying God . Then LORD ELohim told all mankind to simply keep His Sabbath on the seventh day of the week and most people in the past and even today do not keep His Sabbath on this day and this disobeying God is also evil . And LORD ELohim gave mankind the Ten Commandments and most people keep very few of them . Most all people in the world know of these Laws because the Jews did very well to teach the world . Many people would say " whats the big deal " . The big deal is people disobeying LORD ELohim . LORD ELohim wanted to guide us toward love and a happy and peaceful life but we would have to obey Him and His Ten Commandments for that to happen . The big deal is the difference between a failing grade or a passing grade for our trial . The big deal is will LORD ELohim keep trying to help us or to give up on us and let all of us simply die . That's the big deal.
(1:14) NOTES: Did Y'shua really say this ? ( R ) Matthew 10 : 28 And fear not them which kill the body , but are not able to kill the soul : but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell . Who is ' him ' ? Him is probably meaning LORD ELohim who created all Souls and flesh and everything else . Again remember our Souls have nothing to do with the choices we make and have nothing to do with us in death . When we die the Soul leaves the body without anything more to do with you when your dead. You do not live on as part of the Soul . The innocent Souls come to us within the womb and when we die they leave us still as innocent as when they came . It's very unlikely that Y'shua said this . Joshua who guided Y'shua would never have taught him this . Keep in mind that LORD ELohim created all Souls and all are His children whom He loves all very deeply . LORD ELohim has never destroyed any Spirits He created and never will . LORD ELohim is a good , kind and loving Father to all He created and Souls are good , kind and loving Spirits no matter how evil you are . And remember there is no hell for LORD ELohim is not a wicked and cruel Father to any He created . There is only eternal sleep for the flesh which LORD ELohim calls it . Eternal sleep is that we simply no long exist as we did not exist before conception . Any human that teaches there is a hell was not taught that by LORD ELohim or Y'shua . So how many other errors are there in any religious books which do teach that there is a hell where wicked and unbeliever people will suffer for all eternity .
- Y'shua teach * God I AM is one * creation God * and one Father * and one noted * God of Israel * . Y'shua teach * God of Israel * He is YAHWEH * . Y'shua teach * before time Abba be * LORD ELohim * . Y'shua teach * Humanity * in the Heaven * God of Israel * EL Roi create * many Angels * as Spirit * . Y'shua teach * Humanity * YAHWEH home * in the Heaven * . Y'shua teach * Humanity * YAHWEH home * on earth ark * be Jerusalem * . Y'shua teach * Jews of the * Israel flock * God of Israel * chosen flock * in past age and * even today * . Y'shua teach * LORD ELohim * love Jews * . Y'shua teach * God of Israel * loves My * Humanity * who are good * . Y'shua teach * I am not God * . Y'shua teach * Abba be * God of Israel * and one Father *.
NOTES : Did Y'shua really say that ? ( R - B ) Luke 9 : 59 - 62 And he said unto another , Follow me . But he said , Lord , suffer me first to go and bury my father . Jesus said unto him , Let the dead bury their dead : but go thou and preach the kingdom of God . And another also said , Lord , I will follow thee ; but let me first go bid them farewell , which are at home at my house . And Jesus said unto him , No man , having put his hand to the plough , and looking back , is fit for the kingdom of God . LORD ELohim says Y'shua never said this to these two men . What a cruel thing to say and to not allow them to do what they asked . A human loving family is important to LORD ELohim . LORD ELohim and Y'shua would have not denied either man to do what they needed to do for their family . These verses make it sound like entrance into the kingdom of God is a very difficult social club to get into . LORD ELohim is not even sure what the kingdom of God really means since no flesh will have an afterlife and no flesh has ever entered into Heaven . ( R ) John 3 : 13 And no man hath ascended up to heaven ... The kingdom of God is six galaxies big and begins far from earth . LORD ELohim says He is not going to build a kingdom here on earth . To put it simply : LORD ELohim says He and all Spirits are tired of mortal life.
- Believe and hear * God of Israel * EL Roi speak * an to you * . LORD ELohim * God of Israel * Abba your God * as the Father * . Read within * the Little * Book giving * decoded riddles * regarding man * an regarding HE * God of Israel * . Strange code * a last Book if * riddles decoded * on Last Day * . Sabbath Day is * the day at hand * . The day at hand * is time here * about now * on earth ark * . Sabbath Day is * on Last Day * . I AM HE saying * Humanity * Think Not * Beyond Logic * . The Little * Book decoded has * knowledge an * abundance logic * . God of Israel * LORD ELohim * approve me * to write a * advanced Bible code * about now * an all long ago *.
NOTES : LORD ELohim wants all to know that the book of Job is not a true story . LORD ELohim would never cause anyone to suffer like that . The author is unknown . People in past ages wrote stories just as we do today . The story about Job is fiction for whatever reason it was written . Sometimes when bad things happen to people that we cannot understand why we tend to blame God for it which just proves we don't know LORD ELohim very well in past ages and even today . If we all knew God we would have known the story of Job had to be fiction.
- Jerusalem be * God of Israel * ordained home * of the Jews * in past age and * even today * . Again remember * ordained home * of the Jews * be Jerusalem * and is Israel * even today *.
NOTES : Why did LORD ELohim make Hebrews skin white ? Abraham and Sarah were black skinned people as were people all about earth . God needed to be able to know who were the chosen people for Him to work through when dealing with people on earth . Isaac was the first of the white race people who God called Hebrews . It's not easy for God to communicate with people so He needed to be able to have generations learning from past generations as well as learning new information given to them by God . With the Hebrews all being white skinned LORD ELohim knew who the Hebrews were then and are now . LORD ELohim still works this way . I am white skinned and therefore also a Hebrew but I am not a Jew or Christian or of any other religion . For the Little Book God needed a atheist to put His Book on paper . It was important that the writer had no opinions and beliefs about anything in the Little Book or in other religious Books . Remember it's LORD ELohim's Little Book and not mine . LORD ELohim is the original writer of the Little Book and not me . The Little Book is written about in Revelation 10 : 1 - 11.
( 1 : 15 ) - A man Y'shua be a * faithful man * of our I AM HE * creation God * . God of Israel * LORD ELohim * teach Jewish * Judaea people * faithful man * called Y'shua * not a god to * . Remember again * God of Israel * Abba not three * ancient gods * an much more * ancient gods * . Judaea people * believing God * hearing that * faithful man * called Y'shua * not a god to * did please I AM HE * God of Israel * . Again remember * LORD ELohim * creation God * of all I created * .
NOTES : AI means Artificial Intelligence . Scientists today are playing around with these AI's . LORD ELohim wants people to know this . Long ago the Grays during their trial time played around with AI's to and the AI robots and computer type minds turned against the Grays . God does not know if the AI's turned evil or the AI's judged the Grays and found them to be so evil the AI's tried to destroy the Grays . The Grays barely won the war and many Grays were slaughtered by the AI's . The same thing happened to the Anunnaki during their trial and many Anunnaki died in that war . The Anunnaki won the war to but at a great cost of life . Today scientists are making the same mistake thinking they can forever control AI's and AI's will never turn against mankind though today many robots are being built for war just like Grays and Anunnaki did . This is LORD ELohim's warning to men of science and all people the dangers with A I's.
- God of Israel * I AM HE saying * Humanity * men of science * you learn * Grays err * in past ages * about earth * . Mine Grays * created wicked * computer * dreadful mind * . MIne Grays * make for war * about earth * computer * dreadful mind * . Grays err * created wicked * computer * dreadful mind * because of hate * . Computer * dreadful mind * learn war and * wicked hatred * . Mine Grays * computer * program made * dreadful mind * . Dreadful mind * became mighty * . Again remember * Mine Grays * computer * dreadful mind * became cunning * and all evil and * became mighty * and learn war * . Computer * dreadful mind * lead robots * against any * Mine Grays * about earth * and in far space * . All AI fully * became cunning * against any * Mine Grays * about earth * and in far space * . Anunnaki a E T * computer * dreadful mind * became mighty * and learn war * against any * Anunnaki all a * mortal life * about earth * . Behold today * Humanity * men of science * make for war * computer * dreadful mind * . I AM HE predict * soon a time * dreadful mind * against any * Humanity * about earth * and in far space * . Because of hate * computer * learn war and * soon evil * .
NOTES : Evidence of the Grays and Anunnaki are not found everywhere on earth . LORD ELohim does not do clocks but He thinks He finished creating the Grays on earth about 70,000 years ago and then the Anunnaki sometime later but long before Humanity . The Grays and Anunnaki trials were during the last Ice Age climax . That Ice Age climax began about 115,000 years ago and began to melt because of this natural global warming starting around 25,000 years ago . The Wisconsin Ice Age climax as it's called lasted about 90,000 years so the north and other places had a lot of ice on it during their trial time and the ocean was about 300 feet lower then it is today . So if your looking for evidence regarding the Grays and Anunnaki it would not likely be found at now Canada , northern Europe , northern U.S.A and anywhere else in the far northern hemisphere . Both the Grays and Anunnaki were stone builders more then wood builders . The more impressive pyramids were built by the Anunnaki . LORD ELohim says many of the stone cities thought to be Mayan was created by the Anunnki and so on . Some of the cities are now deep beneath the ocean because the ocean was much lower during their trial time . There is evidence around the world regarding the Grays and Anunnaki but humans are given credit for building these pyramids and cities and other stuff even though no one today knows how people could have built them thousands of years ago.
- Remember again * UFOs are a ET * spacecrafts * an spaceship * and all in space * about earth * . In past ages * UFOs fight * . Mine Grays * fight wars * against any * Anunnaki a ET * in past ages * on earth ark * . Behold today * Mine Grays * plot evil * against us * Humanity * . Mine Grays * want back his * old home for * need to live * . ETs saucer * the little * spacecrafts * . All triangle * are the advanced * larger span * spacecrafts * an spaceship * larger circle * and all in space * about earth *.
- God of Zion * EL Roi speak * in past ages * Mine Grays * last war did * end most of * Mine Grays * on earth ark * . Mine Grays * last war did * end most of * mortal life * on earth ark * . Remaining of * Mine Grays * left planet * . Mine Grays * flee in their * spacecrafts * an spaceship * . Behold today * Mine Grays * spacecrafts * an spaceship * that are near * a earth star * . Look up at * Mine Grays * spacecrafts * an spaceship * a earth star * about earth * and all in space * .
NOTES : Most people do not look up at the night sky . We do count the points of light in the sky every night that is clear of clouds . Being in the city only the brightest anything can be seen because of city lights fading most all stars light . Many times these point of light have changed in some way . We have seen them suddenly disappear or suddenly appear or suddenly begin moving . One night looking at many points of light that had been there for most of the winter suddenly one took off going west . Then a second one and then a third one did the same . Most recent on a cloudy night we saw a small light coming down and growing in size . When it stopped coming down the light from it was fairly big and it suddenly stopped for about 8 seconds then suddenly it took off going east . We could not see it because it remained in the clouds but it was silent and very bright in the clouds . LORD ELohim saw it coming straight down from space into the clouds and it was the Grays small saucer ship . Often we have seen the bigger ones dancing as we call it . In a small area they move in every direction as if training for war . Over the years we have seen dozens and dozens of times these Grays ships in the night sky and doing things a star cannot do . Mostly we see the bigger ships in the night sky . Again the Anunnaki ships LORD ELohim has not seen in years . LORD ELohim calls the Grays spacecrafts and spaceships a earth star because that is what they look like from earth.
NOTES : There was a article in a magazine about scientists putting human brain genes into monkeys and mice . After these animals brain development was more closely resembled to humans . The question was not whether scientists should or should not do this but are these animals still fully monkeys or mice or are they something human now . This monkey outperformed other monkeys in several ways . The question was should these part human and part monkey creatures be protected by law and have equal human rights . That's the big question . LORD ELohim has a answer for all this " stop messing around with this stuff " . I use to think about donating organs but I don't want to take a chance being aware I'm living as a monkey in a cage or mouse or pig or whatever else for years while scientists playing god mess around with me . God says there is no such thing as reincarnation but this is scientists modern day version of it but without the Soul of the human who's brain matter it was from . LORD ELohim is so against scientists playing around with this . It's not just the possible suffering of the humans but also the suffering of the animals to.
( 1 : 16 ) - On Last Day * YHWH judge * men of science * an ye woman * who did evil * all this day * , on last day * an all long ago * . God of Israel * LORD ELohim * noted many * men of science * who today * did tell lies * for money * . Behold today * the fierce bomb * does anger I AM * God of Israel * . LORD ELohim * I AM HE predict * a time soon * probably as * nuclear hell * slaughter * My children * about earth * . The fierce bomb * did make dust * . Mortal life * of any life die * about earth * . Men of science * an ye woman * in past age and * even today * did fail his day * an ye woman *.
NOTES : ( B ) Romans 1 : 18 - 32 ......Who changed the truth of God into a lie and worshiped and served the creature more than the Creator ..... Backbiters , haters of God , spiteful , proud , boasters , inventors of evil things , ...... Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death , not only do the same , but have pleasure in them that do them . It's a very fine line between good and evil which means it's a fine line between keeping God's Laws or not keeping God's Laws . Making evil things like nuclear bombs which each can slaughter millions is inventors of evil things . There has been a lot of inventions which God calls evil things and most are for war or money profit like illegal drugs and much much more.
- Corrupt * men of science * an ye woman * even recent * did tell lies * for money * . Corrupt * men of science * an ye woman * hear thy God * LORD ELohim * tell you a * radical climate * be ordinary * about earth * . Radical climate * happen again and * happens again * on earth ark * in past age and * even today * . Great deep Ice Age * often and again * on earth ark * . Small Ice Age are * common change * on earth ark * . Climate at hand * all warming a * common change * about earth * . Hear thy God * corrupt * man of science * an ye woman * who lie for * money greed * . Radical climate * be ordinary * about earth * . Men of science * an ye woman * often great * radical climate * change common * about earth * . Remember again * after Ice Age land * warming heal * buried earth * under ice again * . Men of science * an ye woman * again remember * I AM He saying * to you an * Humanity * Think Not * Beyond Logic * . Buried earth * under ice again * need warmth * to end ice age made * because of cold * about earth * . God of Israel * EL Roi speak * men of science * an ye woman * you learn * about earth * carbon science * and all trees * an the plant * and all need for * changeable carbon * for any life * on earth ark * . Men of science * an ye woman * again remember * for any life * about earth * all do need for * your life * Humanity * and animals made * oxygen of * changeable carbon * and all trees * an the plant * clean CO two * . Men of science * an ye woman * remember again * small temp * change common * on earth ark * alike season * change common * about earth * in past age and * even today * . Often great * change common * about earth *.
- Humanity * remember again * in past ages * radical climate * ends animals * and turns * plants black * . In past ages * radical climate * did kill flesh * about earth * because of cold ; because of heat * . God of Israel * LORD ELohim * warning all * Humanity * future as * in past ages * . In past ages * many noted * species did die * even of E.T.'s * about earth * . God of Israel * warning all * Humanity * future as * warmth is * yet coming * about earth * . Again remember * radical climate * and seasons * are natural * on earth ark * in past age and * even today * .
- Remember again * the long ice age * lower ocean * sea waters * . Ice age sea level * lowers and * glacier raised * . As future * yet coming * a rising heat * about earth * raises any * sea waters * . I AM HE predict * the warmer * sea waters * flood where * New York * land is now * . Behold cities * below deluge * about earth * . Humanity * again remember * LORD ELohim * Abba cannot change * a warming all * about earth *.
NOTES : LORD ELohim wants people today to think about this . Climate change is real . God does not deny this but He has tried to teach people with the Little Book that the climate change now is natural and has happened many many times before . Many climate scientists only go back about 120 years ago to study earths climate . God wants to go back at least a million years ago . God could go back in time a lot longer but the past million years should give us many answers about common and natural climate change . A 120 years in the past gives us no answers about the climate and what we can expect with the future climate . We are using books that LORD ELohim agrees with for there are many books and web sites written about climate change He says have a lot of errors . Know that when it comes to climate generally speaking in the past million years history repeats itself . About 1.5 million years ago the Pleistocene Epoch began . 10 thousand years ago the Holocene Epoch began . During the Pleistocene years there were four Ice Age climaxes which means much of the Northern Hemisphere was covered with a sheet of ice . Between the four Ice Age climaxes there were four warming periods called Interglacials . So we know the climate over the past million years went from cold to warming four times . We also know that the earth is in the early stages of a Interglacial warming period today which started only about 25,000 years ago and caused the last Ice sheet to melt and retreat . Remember that the earth has been cooling down since the close of the Age of Dinosaurs about 60,000,000 years ago so the earth cooling down enough to cause four Ice Age glaciations in the past million years was not a sudden change and should be a noted change . Again the earth is in the early stages of another Interglacial warming period . Based on the last million years the earth Interglacials lasted about 70,000 years on average . We are now about 25,000 years into the natural warming of the earth and based on the million year average we have about 45,000 more years to go before the next Ice Age climax if it starts again . LORD ELohim says the timing of Ice Age climaxes or Interglacial warming could be anytime also . It's hard to predict earths natural climate changes even for LORD ELohim . So the question to be asked is not " is the earth warming " because we know we are in a common and natural Interglacial warming period and there is nothing we can do about that . The question should be " how warm do Interglacials get " but whatever the answer is we still cannot change it . So what can we expect in the future of this Interglacial climate ? There is still a lot of Ice from the last Ice Age climax that can melt and raise the ocean level and cause over land flooding around the world . Small Ice Age glaciations that last a year or two in more local areas are common during the Interglacial warming periods which could effect many in many ways including famines . An average Small Ice Age occurs about every two hundred years so the next one is due to happen soon . LORD ELohim says when He started playing with dirt on earth billions of years ago the climate around the earth was more of a stable warmth but not perfect . When the asteroid hit the earth and killed off many Dino's the climate changed lot and became a colder climate . Many Dino's died from the cold or famines and not just the asteroid hit . The earth started having very noticeable seasons and very cold winters . Earth has never had a stable climate even before the Dinosaurs and mass extinction of some species was common in past ages and even recent . The following is the names and time of Ice Age climaxes and Interglacial warming during this Ice Age . The Began time and Ended time is in Years Ago . ( Early Stage of the Ice Age , Began over 1,000,000 years ago )( Nebraskan Ice Age Climax ; Began 600,000 ; Ended 536,000 ; Lasted 64,000 years ) ( Aftonian Warming ; Began 536,000 ; Ended 476,000 ; Lasted 60,000 years ) ( Kansan Ice Age Climax ; Began 476,000 ; Ended 320,000 ; Lasted 156,000 years ) ( Yarmouth Warming ; Began 320,000 ; Ended 230,000 ; Lasted 90,000 years ) ( Illinoian Ice Age Climax ; Began 230,000 ; Ended 175,000 ; Lasted 55,000 years ) ( Sangamon Warming ; Began 175,000 ; Ended 115,000 ; Lasted 60,000 years ) ( Wisconsin Ice Age Climax ; Began 115,000 ; Ended about 25,000 ; Lasted 90,000 years ) ( Recent Warming ; Began about 25,000 years ago and now is what it is about earth ) Imagine if natural global warming did not start to happen 25,000 years ago and the Wisconsin Ice Age Climax was still happening today . The Canadian Hudson Bay was the center of the Ice Age climax on this side of the world in North America and the Scandinavian Peninsula was the center of the glaciation on the other side of the earth . Ice was as thick as 8,000 to 10,000 feet . The pressure of its weight caused the ice to flow westward and southward as far down as the valleys of the Missouri and Ohio rivers . The other side of the world the Ice flowed almost to Moscow . It covered northern England , Denmark , Greenland and Germany and so on and was about half the size of the ice sheet over North America . At their height the climate turned so much water into ice the ocean level dropped about 300 feet . When the ice sheet retreated water from melting ice formed lakes in places gouged out by the ice flow such as the Great Lakes about 10,000 years ago . The ice melting caused the ocean level to rise again to where they are today . Animals were often effected by the changes . During the Ice Age climax woolly mammoths were as far south as todays Minnesota . During the Ice Age climaxes the whole earth was colder . And this subject goes on and on . Imagine the earth still in a Ice Age climax . Remember it was only about 25,000 years ago when " natural global warming " started happening . It took thousands of years to melt back the ice to where it is today . The reason LORD ELohim has a passion about this subject is because people and governments and scientists about earth are using this natural warming as an excuse to tax people and create a job for themselves and so on . The Little Book has talked about this subjects lot in 666 and no where does it say mankind is the cause of global warming . LORD ELohim wants all to understand that this so called global warming started about 25,000 years ago and long before the industrial age and long before the first car drove the roads . What causes the natural Ice Age climaxes or the natural Interglacial warming ? Scientists do not know the answer to this that we could find other then to blame CO 2 and God says that is wrong . People being taxed big money is not going to change anything going on with this " Natural Global Warming " that began 25,000 years ago . And scientists who do not know what causes the Ice Age climaxes or Interglacial Warming could they cause a climax if they play around with nature trying to stop natural global warming ? Even LORD ELohim does not know why natural global warming happens and He has been playing on earth for a few billion years . The first known Ice Age began about 700,000,000 years ago and God didn't know why it happened then either . LORD ELohim is going to leave it there . We could write a lot more but whats important is to think about is written . This Interglacial ' Global Warming ' started about 25,000 years ago and it may last for another 45,000 years more or less . Again the question is how warm will it get ? Remember Spirit cannot feel cold or hot . LORD ELohim says animals and plants survived the other Interglacial warnings and Grays and Anunnaki and animals and plants survived the last Ice Age climax . Either way, Ice Age climax or Interglacial global warming it's going to be a bumpy road because the climate has never been a stable climate anywhere on earth and there is not a damn thing we humans or God can do about it . Taxing people with the Carbon tax is not right says LORD ELohim because this will change nothing regarding the climate . It's just corrupt governments doing that and corrupt scientists taking their side . Want to ' THINK ' your helping the climate for the better go plant a tree or a thousand trees . It won't change the climate because it's natural global warming or save the birds and bats being slaughtered by the wind turbines when they occasionally work but it might help your mood .
NOTES : LORD ELohim says it is possible for climate change to go either way : warmer or colder at any time . Small ice ages are common even during a interglacial warming period . A great ice age starting up is possible but more unlikely at this time.
- The day at hand * YHWH judge * Humanity * an all long ago * formed flesh * of free will * . In God's Book * , the Little * Book tells * mankind did fail * life trials * on earth ark * . All evidences * about earth * good proof * Humanity * grow evil * on earth ark * because of hate , * money greed * and of disbelief * in EL ELyon * God of Israel * and against of * EL Ten Laws * an much more * ways does * Humanity * grow evil * . Behold today * human love * LORD ELohim * noticed fading * because of hate * about earth * . Humanity * grow evil * about earth * and break Laws * EL Roi create * for world * Humanity * to behold peace * and new joy * on earth ark * . God of Israel * EL Ten Laws * sow love * in past age and * even today * about earth * but years * Humanity * grow evil * and break Laws * . Humanity * did suffer and * know evil * because wicked * people sin * and against of * EL Ten Laws *.
NOTES : Many people who read the Little Book wonder why LORD Elohim our Father would end all this regarding all life created on earth but most people live their lives not knowing much about what is going on about earth and all are blind to our own sins . Genesis 6 : 1 - 8 ( B ) ... And it repented the LORD that He had made man on the earth , and it grieved Him at His heart . And the LORD said , I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth ; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing , and the fowls of the air ; for it repenteth me that I have made them ..... LORD ELohim has given mankind many chances to get all things right with Him starting with Adam then Noah and then Y'shua and LORD ELohim did a lot of other things to try to guide mankind like giving all of us humans the Ten Commandments . Are you keeping all God's Ten Commandments ? The Ten Commandments are in Exodus 20 . The Christian Bible says ' thou shalt not kill ' . LORD ELohim says it should say ' you shall not murder ' as it's written in this Torah . If you know the world you know many people today are being murdered and tortured and many other Commandments are also being broken and many good morals are being broken to . LORD ELohim has grown tired of mankind and all other life on earth for all do suffer in many ways . It's getting hard for LORD ELohim to find happiness among people on earth these days and for that He pities people about earth . Mortal life like Spirit is only worth while living if people and Spirit love all others and have much joy in their lives and never hurt anyone in any way . LORD ELohim is not finding that with most people about earth . Most people do not have a lot to lose when God ends their suffering in this world and LORD ELohim is finding to many people who's joy is coming from murdering and being cruel to other people and even cruel to animals . There is simply to much evil and suffering of any kind of mortal life which has tired LORD ELohim and many other Spirits and Souls . Remember again LORD ELohim is not looking for another Adam or Noah or Y'shua to give Humanity another chance . Our chances are over . This is the Sabbath Day for all mankind and life about earth . The Sabbath Day is Judgment Day for all mortal life and we have failed.
( 1 : 17 ) - YHWH time * on earth ark * age near over * . Soon at hand * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * depart time * . Again remember * all Souls * as Spirit * in any blood * an the plant * give life here * on earth ark * . All Souls * soon at hand * depart time * on Last Day * . A time soon * on Last Day * all soon end * regarding man * and animals made * an the plant * and all trees * an much more * . Soon at hand * mortal life * all soon end * . Even bacteria Abba * God of Israel * EL Roi create * all soon end * on earth ark * and in all space *. Mortal life * on earth ark * became void again * on Last Day * . Sabbath Day is * on Last Day * . Remember again * LORD ELohim * depart time * is Sabbath Day * . All Souls * depart time * is Sabbath Day * . God of Israel * I AM HE saying * Humanity * behold today * is Sabbath Day *.
NOTES : Some people are rewriting the Christian Bible for the purpose of taking any reference to Israel and Jews out of the Bible . They are also taking out the fact that Y'shua ( Jesus ) was a faithful Jewish man and that the Jews were then and are yet today LORD ELohim's chosen flock . Why do gentiles love to pick on the Jews ? This is something LORD ELohim has never understood . Gentiles means those who are not Jewish . LORD ELohim said to Abraham ( B ) Genesis 12 : 1 - 3 ... " I will make of you a great nation , and I will bless you ; I will make your name great , and you shall be a blessing : I will bless those who bless you, and curse him that curses you , and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed . LORD ELohim says that Abraham was the first Jew and that continued on through Isaac his son with Sarah . How can the Christian Bible be rewritten by leaving out anything related to Jews and Israel when the Bible is 90 % about Jews and Israel , even in the New Testament ? To say Y'shua was not a Jew is a great lie . It is the chosen flock , meaning Jews , who LORD ELohim mostly works through and Jesus who's real name was Y'shua was a Jew . Y'shua was born a Jew and brought up as a Jew and his faith was Judaism . Most of the greater curses God of Israel does not have to do anything to people such as people who hate . The more time someone spends hating others the less time someone spends loving others and the misery from hating is a self made curse . Many other curses are like that .
- In past ages * on earth ark * and billions * as years ago * God of Israel * began several * organism an * create bacteria * . God created it * . His one celled * bacteria from * dry dust * and sea water * an need a Soul * as Spirit * . First DNA as * bacteria form * . From bacteria * God of Israel * arise stable * mortal life * on earth ark *.
NOTES : How many times did people add to or take out words from any religious book that they liked or did not like , what they agreed with or did not agree with , what their hopes were or were not , or what would people fear or not fear and so on ? There is a way to think about this : What would LORD ELohim never teach or what would He teach ? LORD ELohim would have never taught He is a wicked Father and there is a hell where He sends people to suffer and to be tortured for all eternity because it's a lie . LORD ELohim would have never taught that mortal life has an afterlife somehow because that's a lie . LORD ELohim would never have taught there is a place in Heaven for mortal life because that is not true . LORD ELohim would have not taught that there are books with our name and history written in them by Angels because Spirit cannot write in books . They are Spirits and can't even hold a pencil so that's a lie . LORD ELohim would have never taught He can raise a truly dead flesh body back to a living being because that's a lie . LORD ELohim would have never taught that He or Y'shua or even you can cure leprosy or other sickness because that's a lie . If God could do that there would be none who suffer here from any sickness . LORD ELohim would have never taught that He or Y'shua could turn a stone into a loaf of bread . If God could do that and could make thousands of fish from a few in a minute and same with bread never would mankind or even animals have suffered famines because LORD ELohim is a loving Father . LORD ELohim would have never taught that when people die you live on within a Soul or you get a new flesh body . The belief in reincarnation is a great error . The Souls would not want to do that and God would not ask them to . There is many more in religious books that are errors in teachings . Hell is a subject that angers LORD ELohim because many people must believe He is a very wicked and a very unloving Father to any flesh of free will He created . People who believe in hell must believe that our Father LORD ELohim would get some sort of joy in the suffering of many people . Remember this : We people never asked for this mortal life and God knows that . What LORD ELohim would say is that He loves all He created and worked hard to try make life for all perfect and a very kind and loving life for all but mortal flesh of free will failed Him . Mortal life as humans and animals in general are to high maintenance to live a constant happy life . The earth itself can and does cause flesh many woes but all flesh need earth for mortal life . Spirit is different . Spirit does not need food , clothing , shelter , medical needs and so on , or even a planet to live on . The Spirit family only needs is love and kindness and playing , singing , dancing and such so their lives are filled with great joy in Heaven . Spirits are very low maintenance so they have no reason to work or war and so on . For any kind of life only Spirits have proven to LORD ELohim that they can live a perfectly happy and loving life . Soon at hand mortal life will be finished and all Spirits will be going home to six galaxies big Heaven . LORD ELohim will never again create mortal life anywhere in the universe .
- God of Israel * I AM HE saying * bitter hell * churches lie * for money * an powers * . Churches lie * again cause fear * among early * Humanity * in past age and * even today * about earth * . Remember again * reason for * churches lie * about an hell * for money * an powers * . God of Israel * I AM HE saying * bitter hell * in this life * and for many * Humanity * in past age and * even today * hunger death * . Remember again * death perfect * glad deep sleep * for all time * as future *.
NOTES : Hell is a subject LORD ELohim wants to talk about a little more . Believers believe in hell as a place of severe punishment and torment and pain and great suffering for the wicked or for unbelievers in their religion . Most all religions believe theirs is the only true faith and all people not of their faith will go to hell . Believers believe that their God created hell for these people who do not follow their faith or are wicked . Most believe that people sent to hell spend eternity suffering greatly there . This is a great error that most people and different religions make . Many believe that the flesh and the Souls suffers time or eternity in hell or even purgatory . LORD ELohim wants to make this perfectly clear : Souls are His Spirit children and Souls have nothing to do with the wicked ways of the flesh they are in . Souls do not die for they are eternal and Souls are never punished for what the flesh has done during their lives because the Souls have nothing to do with the choices of the flesh and therefore Souls never sin . Some Christians believe in what is called ' mortal sin ' which is a sin so serious that it causes the death of the Soul and this belief is completely wrong and stupid . If Soul Spirits were being harmed by being within mortals God would have ended flesh billions of years ago . LORD ELohim never created a hell or even a purgatory for anyone , flesh or Spirit . Again : hell and purgatory never existed . The Jew's did not teach of such places existing and neither did Y'shua . Many Jew's do not believe in a afterlife which is correct . God has a question for you who believe in hell or purgatory where there is great suffering . Why has God never heard prayers or even conversation from you people saying " why LORD God are You so mean and evil toward people You created so that when many die You send them to one of these horrible places called hell or purgatory ? " Or saying " LORD God how can You be so cruel to Your Spirit children called Souls for the sins the flesh did and the Souls did not do " ? Or to say " No flesh asked to be born so why must they suffer for all eternity . Why are You LORD so cruel and evil " ? What LORD ELohim does not understand is the silence regarding such beliefs and a lack of logical thinking about this . It's like the believers silence is an approval of sending Souls or flesh to hell or purgatory to greatly suffer there forever . Again LORD ELohim never made either hell or purgatory and no flesh or Soul has ever suffered after the death of the flesh . So it's not what is wrong with God but what is wrong with you people who believe in hell and purgatory and approve of this ? Where is your love for your fellow man and woman no matter who they are ? Why did you not speak against this evil claimed by you to be LORD ELohim's doing ? One of the many reasons I was an atheist is because I could not love or worship or even believe in such a God who is so cruel and evil . I have known LORD ELohim now for over twenty years and He is pure love and good and gentle and deeply caring about flesh and Spirit and the lies told of Him about creating hell and purgatory He does not understand why such lies even exist . This belief about a hell and purgatory should be removed from all the religious books which teach such lies . What saddens LORD ELohim is the amount of people who found no fault in this belief about hell or purgatory , now that's disturbing . Many religions teach that their religious books can not be questioned . Many of these books have writings about hell or purgatory or reincarnation or a afterlife of some kind or something like them and all is a lie . LORD ELohim says don't be afraid to question any subject that is written in any religious book . LORD ELohim says again " Think Not Beyond Logic " . He loves a good conversation . Again LORD ELohim is one Spirit and He does not hear most prayers or conversations but you never know when He is near and listening and watching . Even though LORD ELohim is one Spirit He does know more then you may think He does.
- For money * churches lie * about an hell * . Churches lie * scared early * Humanity * . Church too * preacheth a lie * that ELohim * is perhaps * like evil God * regarding man * . God of Israel * be not wicked * regarding man * . I AM HE saying * no fable hell and * no hell grief * for world * Humanity * . God of Israel * ELohim not * an naughty * evil deity * . Again remember * God of Israel * as the Father * He has pity * for world * formed flesh * and most all * Humanity * behold today * in man made hell * about earth * . Death only be * the endless * glad deep sleep * for world * Humanity * and animals made * an the plant * an much more * . In past age and * even today * mortal life * at death now * hidden Soul * as Spirit * he goes back to * a Kingdom place * in the Heaven * . Do not fear Abba be * God of Israel * as the Father * . Alpha loves * Humanity * and animals made * an the plant * an much more * mortal life * on earth ark * . LORD ELohim * hath a regret * people sin * and beheld hatred * . People sin * changed people * an peace lost * about earth *.
NOTES : LORD ELohim wonders how people could believe He created a hell for people to suffer in and for all eternity and at the same time believe God is pure love . These two beliefs contradict each other so which is it . Again LORD ELohim says " think not beyond logic " . LORD ELohim wants people to understand He is pure love and because He is pure love it grieves Him greatly that flesh He made suffer so much here about earth for many reasons especially that people can and do hate each other . Hate is the greatest curse to any people who hate other people for any reason and is the main reason we failed our trial.
( 1 : 18 ) - God of Israel * had long after * Anunnaki a E.T. * on earth ark , Abba again made flesh * of free will * . God of Israel * EL Roi create * Humanity * on earth ark * . Humanity * third last * earth heirs * . Humanity * third form * of free will * EL Roi create * on earth ark * . Adam first as * Humanity * . Humanity * we are third * a flesh trial * and us last * of free will * . Again thy God * LORD ELohim * teach love as * food for life * . Anunnaki a E.T. * they come back * on earth ark * after early * Humanity * EL Roi create * . Man called them * ancient gods * . Anunnaki lie * being Heavens * ancient gods * . Anunnaki a E.T. * defiled woman * Humanity * on earth ark * . God of Israel * EL Roi speak * Anunnaki a E.T. * Mine giants * raped those * good women * . Good women * conceive feeble * children like a * Anunnaki a E.T. * Mine giants * . A offspring * hybrid anger * God of Israel * . God of Israel * smotest * all Nephilim * about earth * . All Anunnaki a * early flesh * left here again * . Again thy God * LORD ELohim * teach love as * food for life * . Humanity * all grow in * numbers and * grow evil * on earth ark * . In past ages * feeble Humans * fight wars * about earth * . Behold today * feeble humans * yet war and * plot evil * on earth ark * . Human love * again and again fail * about earth * . Humans to * in great failed * at love here * on earth ark * . God of Israel * hath finished * a flesh trial * on earth ark * . Take heed earth * Humanity * soon a time * this age ends * . God of Israel * tested thee * . Humanity * in great failed * on earth ark * because of hate * an much more * . Humanity * made love cold * and beheld hatred * on earth ark * an much more * grow evil * . People war * about earth * and for many * reason for * fearful war * . People war * about earth * happen again and * happens again * . Humanity * forsake I AM HE * God of Israel * . Today behold * God of Israel * I AM HE forsake * Humanity * . Again remember * God of Israel * EL Roi create * our DNA and egg * . God of Israel * LORD ELohim * made peoples * and made animals * an the plant * and all trees * an much more * on earth ark * in past ages *.
NOTES : Remember that LORD ELohim created three species of free will . First were the Grays about 70,000 years ago , second were the Anunnaki and third was us Humanity . The Nephilim were the offspring of human women and the Anunnaki men . Remember E.T. means Early Trial . LORD ELohim created mortal life ONLY on earth and will never make mortal life again . Mortal life of any kind is a lot of work for Spirits especially the Souls and flesh is not worth the trouble . If all Humanity was loving , kind , good and happy with great joy even the Souls would enjoy that but that's not the way of life for most all people and even animals . Most all mortal life has difficulties and do suffer and God has pity for any mortal life . Soon this experiment with making dirt into living creatures will be over . When will the end be ? LORD ELohim has only said it will be during this Sabbath Day which started in 2000 A.D . and can last as long as to 3000 A.D. Remember one Day of God equals 1000 of our years . ( B ) Psalm 90 : 4 For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past , and as a watch in the night . ( B ) 2 Peter 3 : 8 But , beloved , be not ignorant of this one thing , that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years , and a thousand years as one day . When will LORD ELohim end mortal life on earth ? Only LORD ELohim knows but that could be hundreds of years so don't quit your day job yet . When is something I will probably never know.
- Adam first as * Humanity *. Adam and Eve home * on earth ark * within Eden * . Eden forest * breadth had food * and animals made * . Remember again * God of Israel * Jehovah behind * animals made and * Humanity * and the plant * an much more * on earth ark * . Eden land now * all desert an * mortal life * on earth ark * must die as * in past ages * . Humanity * path did not * keep all LORD * EL Ten Laws * or repent * . Mankind did fail * life trials * on earth ark *.
NOTES : We use Torah or Bible verses only if LORD ELohim approves of them or when we are writing them to correct them . It is correct that God's Day does equal a thousand years . Adam and Eve lived around 4000 B.C. plus 2000 A.D. equals 6000 years and also Six Days of LORD ELohim . The Sabbath Day is the Seventh Day which started on 2000 A.D. and can last to 3000 A.D. and the Sabbath Day is the Last Day and Judgment Day . ( B ) Exodus 20 : 8 - 11 Remember the Sabbath Day , to keep it holy . Six days shalt thou labour , and do all thy work : But the seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD thy God : in it thou shalt not do any work , thou , nor thy son , nor thy daughter , thy manservant , nor thy maidservant , nor thy cattle , nor thy stranger that is within thy gates : For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth , the sea , and all that in them is , and rested the Seventh day : wherefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day , and hallowed it . All is correct except for LORD ELohim making all in six days . God started playing with dirt and sea water on earth to see if He could create life from it starting over 3.5 billion years ago when He created the first bacteria from dirt and with Souls to function the bacteria . It's not easy for LORD ELohim to teach people or for people to know exactly what they should understand so sometimes people added between the lines trying to use logic known at the time . Moses did not know the history of God's creation so he went with logic knowing what he did know and LORD ELohim is all right with it as it is . No religious books are perfect . All have people writing between the lines and writing errors . I was lucky God gave me His Little Book because it writes itself for the most part and LORD ELohim found a way to let me know what is correct and not correct . It's important to know about the Sabbath Day because it gives us a time line regarding our trial . God's last six days of work before the Sabbath Day was dealing with people and trying to guide us down the right path in life and even with all God's work we have failed our trial . This is the Sabbath Day which is the Last Day and is Judgment Day and is the Seventh Day and because we failed our trial the Sabbath Day is LORD ELohim and Souls and all other Spirits depart time from earth and all mortal life on earth will die . Again remember the Sabbath Day is 1000 of our years and God can end all anytime during the Sabbath Day and it may not even be during this generation or many generations to come , but who knows ? Only LORD ELohim knows and He's not telling me . What we do know for sure is that LORD ELohim will end all mortal life some day during this Sabbath Day because we Humans and the Grays and Anunnaki failed our test and animals do suffer here to.
- Again fear not * our death and * glad deep sleep * . In past age and * even today * God of Israel * hath a regret * people sin * and beheld hatred * about earth * . People sin * changed people * an peace lost * . God of Israel * pity Mine * Humanity * and animals made * suffer here * from pains * an in hunger * an much more * . Humanity * and animals made * grieve much * about earth * . Abba grieve for * formed flesh * about earth * . Soon at hand * mortal life * an the plant * an much more * all soon end * on earth ark * . Then when dead * hidden Soul * as Spirit * depart time * . At death arise * hidden Soul * and our death * ends peaceful * . After in death * glad deep sleep * for any life * on earth ark * . Mortal life * glad deep sleep * a eternal to * glad deep sleep * for any life * on earth ark *.
( 1 : 19 ) - The flesh man * called Y'shua * Alpha sacrifice * . God of Israel * Alpha sacrifice * void sins * for world * Humanity * in past age and * even today * . Christos * called Y'shua * cross like * Roman X and be * symbolical * for world * Humanity * about earth * in past ages * . Hooked X on * chapel rocks * be Templars * . In past ages * Templars be * God of Israel * partners * . Hooked X became * symbolical * and mean heirs * had of Christ * the flesh man * called Y'shua * . Hooked X on * hewed rocks * are a symbol * and marking and * means heirs * had of Christ * an two babies * and all sons * . Hooked X on * hewed rocks * about earth * be Templars * code key mark * means heirs * had of Christ * and Mary to * . Remember again * Templar God * God of Israel * . Templars be * Hebrew too * . God's plan made * Templars be * for Himself * in past ages *.
NOTES : In 1119 A.D. the Knights Templar was created by LORD ELohim to mostly protect the Holy Land and the Jews in the Holy Land . They also protected Christian pilgrims going to the Holy Land . The Templars helped Rabbis in protecting sacred items and even hiding them for the Rabbis . When the Catholic pope Clement V and the French King Philip IV worked together to bring down the Templars many Templars were gathered and burnt at the stake . What Clement and Philip wanted was the Knights fortunes and all their property and holdings . Some Templars escaped in ships and went with much treasure and Jewish sacred items to a land called Canada today and hid many treasures and much owned by the Jews and their Rabbis in the Holy Land . These items are still owned by Jews and Rabbis today . When Jacques de Molay their last Grand Master was burnt at the stake in 1314 A.D. that ended the Knights Templars or did it ? People saying Christopher Columbus was the first to find North America in1492 is a lie . The Hebrew Jews had known of North America not long after LORD ELohim created His Hebrews . We know that Vikings also went to North America long before Columbus and so did the Templars . According to the Little Book and God the Romans even tried to make a home at North America but LORD ELohim sent them packing back home to Rome.
- Christmas a * man made holy * ritual date * . Catholic decree * make ritual * rite about * Y'shua being * a savior god * come to us * . Catholic decree * Y'shua like * as a god angers * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * . Catholic decree * rite offended * God of Zion * as the Father *. God of Israel * I AM HE saying * I AM is one God * as the Father * . God of Israel * Abba not three * Us deities * . God of Israel * EL Roi speak * Humanity * about earth * nay celebrate * Christmas a * pagans made day * . Our Xmas * hearken is of * pagan origin * like holiday * . Pagan made day and * ritual date * in the December * fading month * . Pagan world * cut trees * . Pagans killed * pine trees * . Our Xmas * ritual day * kill trees * about earth * . Our Xmas * still pagan * even today * about earth * . Humanity * in debt abound * about earth * after gifts * in the December * fading month * . About earth * credit card bare * for money * credit now * . Meanwhile as a * Catholic decree * they deceive * Humanity * by saying I * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * ancient gods * . In past ages * Catholic decree * defiled ancient * Humanity * about earth * . Even recent * Catholic decree * defiled other * Humanity * about earth * . In past age and * even today * Catholic decree * a false teaching * an much more * Catholic decree * a false teaching *.
NOTES : ( B ) Jeremiah 10 : 1 - 5 Hear ye the word which the LORD speaketh unto you , O house of Israel : Thus saith the LORD , Learn not the way of the heathen , and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven ; for the heathen are dismayed at them . For the customs of the people are vain : for one cutteth a tree out of the forest , the work of the hands of the workman , with the axe . They deck it with silver and with gold ; they fasten it with nails and the hammers , that it move not . They are upright as the palm tree , ......
NOTES : LORD ELohim is not picking on Catholics alone but the Catholic church is the mother church of most all Christian churches about earth . It was the Catholic church who changed LORD ELohim Sabbath to the first day of the week and put together the Christian Bible which has many false teachings . Many other religions based some of their teachings on what is written in the Bible such as believing in a hell existing . It was the Catholic church who declared Y'shua is a god when he was not and still not . It was the Catholic church who said God is three persons : Father, Son and Holy Spirit which is a false teaching . It was the Catholic church who changed the name of Y'shua to Jesus and so on . When God speaks to the Catholic church He is speaking to all other Christian sects to and He is also talking to all other religions about earth. ( B ) Revelation 17 : 5 And upon her forehead was a name written , Mystery, Babylon The Great , The Mother Of Harlots And Abominations Of The Earth . Using the code and main book : ' The Mother Of Harlots ' = 1356 and ' The Roman Catholic Church ' = 1356 also.
- In past age and * even today * corrupt * churches lie * God of Israel * an Christ's * Sabbath Day is * alone day one * . Remember again * God of Zion * LORD ELohim * Sabbath Day is * weekly day * on last day * an a day seven * weekly day *.
NOTES : Y'shua taught mankind to pray to our Father LORD ELohim . ( R ) Matthew 6 : 6 But thou , when thou prayest , enter into thy closet , and when thou hast shut thy door , pray to thy Father which is in secret : and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly . ( R ) Matthew 6 : 9 - 13 After this manner therefore pray ye : Our Father which art in heaven , Hallowed be thy name ........ What LORD ELohim has noticed these days is most Christians are praying to Y'shua and not to our Father LORD ELohim . It is rare these days for LORD ELohim our Father to hear people praying to Him . Remember : Y'shua is dead and has been dead for about 2000 years . The Spirit Joshua who guided the flesh man Y'shua is not who you pray to either and is not a god either . Again remember that Jesus was not the name of the flesh man called Christ . Y'shua a Jewish name was the true name of Christ because he was a Jew . There are some people today trying to erase from history Christ being a Jewish man . LORD ELohim is not surprised at this kind of anti -Semitism . Hate on earth ark has become common , all to common which is the second main reason we have fail our trial . The first main reason is not obeying LORD ELohim like not obeying His Ten Commandments and also worshiping false gods .
- Catholic decree * on Last Day * soon a time * Peter Roma * be last pope * of Catholics * . Peter Roma * partners * with great * empire leader * soon at hand * . Vatican help * empire leader * to rule as * Babel religion * for world * Humanity * . In past age and * even today * Babel religion * had many gods * . Catholic decree * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * He many gods * . Catholic decree * Y'shua ( Jesus ) like * a savior god * . Churches lie * Y'shua like * a savior god * . Behold today * and in past age * God of Israel * I AM HE forsake * Babel religion *.
- A global church * lied God's Law * all not needed * for world * Humanity * . God of Israel * EL Roi speak * Humanity * they all need * EL Ten Laws * . Alpha notes * evil grow * on earth ark * in past age and * even today * . In past age and * even today * Humanity * break Laws and * grow evil * about earth * and nations *.
NOTES : The name EL means God and only the God of Israel . EL is the oldest name for LORD ELohim . A Bible Dictionary says EL can be used when referring to other gods but LORD ELohim says that is wrong for only HE is the God of Israel and only HE is EL.
( 1 : 20 ) - Humanity * for a while had a * loving life * . Humanity * had happy life * on earth ark * . Again men then * grow evil * about earth * . Humanity * again and again fail * human love * . At hand soon * nuclear hell * on earth ark * . Soon at hand * global war as * nuclear hell * began Armageddon * . God cares for * Humanity * but years * feeble humans * forsake I AM HE * EL Ten Laws * . Behold today * on Last Day * I AM HE forsake * Humanity * because of cold * human love * about earth * and nations * . Because of hate * I AM HE forsake * Humanity * . Behold today * on Last Day * mortal life * all soon end * on earth ark *.
NOTES : A lot of people die each day because of hate . They who murder often kill people they don't even know the name of or know anything about that person . They only look at the color of the skin or the religion of that person or nationality of the person or sex of that person and so on . LORD ELohim has grown tired of mankind and many peoples lack of caring for other peoples lives . Hate has become all to common today and in the past and so has murder become common about earth and nations mostly because of hate . The second reason we failed was and is because of hatred for other people and the first reason we failed was and is because we have not obeyed LORD ELohim's guidance and Laws like " You shall not murder " and " You shall not steal " . LORD ELohim has watched the protesters but He also saw the stealing and burning and the vandalism going on to . There is nothing wrong with peaceful protests to defend God's Laws and defend people being harmed by other people but many protests have not been peaceful or obedient to God's Laws either.
- And God said the * Judaea people * My love and * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * partners * on earth ark * . Ancient elect * Judaea people * help YAHWEH * to help clean * feeble humans * in past ages * and yet Judaea * people behind * even recent * help to clean * feeble humans * about earth * . God of Israel * thanks My * Israel flock * of the Jews * for helping a * failed abominable * Humanity * . In past ages * corrupt * headstrong * Humanity * had many gods * and yet sin * even today * . Jews of the * Israel flock * preach one God * LORD ELohim * is a mighty * creation God * behind of all made * on earth ark * and called Heaven * an much more * He created new * . Jews of the * Israel flock * preach one God * a Spirit and * God for all of * Humanity * . Jews did teach * Humanity * food for life * EL Ten Laws * an much more * . God of Israel * EL Roi speak * mortal life * Humanity* go against Me * in past ages * . Even today * Humanity * go against Me * an My Jews a * chosen flock * suffer here * about earth * . God of Israel * LORD ELohim * pity Mine * Jews of the * Israel flock * in past age and * who today * suffer here * because of hate * of the Jews * about earth * and nations * .
NOTES : Some people may believe that LORD ELohim's favorite people are the Jews . LORD ELohim does not do favoritism when it comes to people . God loves most people the same . God needed some people to work through so He could teach the world Humanity His Laws and how to live a joyful life and a meaningful life . It's difficult for LORD ELohim to communicate with mankind so He needed people who for generations would know what God was about and wanted to say and would remember what God taught their forefathers before them . LORD ELohim created the Hebrews which are the Israel flock and white race which was made up of twelve tribes . Most of the tribes left Israel and over time gave up Judaism and years later many became Christians . The people of the tribes who kept Judaism as their faith were called Jews . Remember all Hebrews were white skinned and to are most Jews still . It's not that LORD ELohim favors the Jews over other people , it's the relationship that God and the Jews have had together over the past many years and now that gives reason why LORD ELohim is closer to the Jews then other people . The Jews kept Judaism as their faith and maintained the fact that LORD ELohim is the one and only God and Father of all creation and Humanity while others were creating false gods like Jesus and other corrupt teachings in their faith . Jews are not perfect any more then others but they do believe LORD ELohim is the one and only God and most try to live their lives based on God's instruction and His Laws . LORD ELohim relationship with Israel goes back over 4000 years to Abraham and Isaac . God is pleased with the Jews work to teach the world His Ten Laws an much more . Not a lot of people on earth have not heard of the Ten Commandments and other moral customs taught by LORD ELohim to the Jews and from them for the world to learn . Many of the pagan world went against the Jews which God does not understand why and many times in history LORD ELohim was deeply saddened by the wickedness of the pagans toward the Jews . Hating God's Jews is another reason we failed the test . LORD ELohim spoke to Abraham Genesis 12 : 3 And I will bless those who bless thee , and curse him that curses thee ; and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.
( 1 : 21 ) - Remember again * in past ages * Abraham receive * LORD ELohim * glad blessing * . Glad blessing * EL covenant * an a promise * heir of lands * . EL covenant * still for * Israel flock * . Remember again * little Isaac * start the * Israel flock * and white race * .
NOTES : LORD ELohim has a question for you . " Why do you hate other people and why do you hate My Jews . " ?
- People war * because wicked * people behind * slaughter * . LORD ELohim * gave example * . Pagan Hitler * slaughter * the Jews of * Israel flock * an much more * Humanity * about earth * . Pagan Hitler * evil spread * about earth * in past age and * even today * because of hate * already much * within man * an ye woman * on earth ark * . Pagan Hitler * needed the help * of many I call * wicked , why * because of hate *.
NOTES : One person has no power to alone slaughter millions . Hitler had a lot of help to do this . If all people were obeying LORD ELohim's Laws and other teachings Hitler would have had no help to slaughter the Jews and others or to begin a war against much of the world . LORD ELohim says Hitler's power came from those who were willing to obey him and follow him because they already had within them the hate needed to be so cruel and wicked to other people . Note that Hitler's name is in this code by chance . LORD ELohim did not have anything to do with this crazy man and what he and others who followed him did.
NOTES : In Revelation 10 the whole chapter is about the Little Book . This verse in ( B ) Revelation 10 : 6 it says ....... that there should be time no longer . ( B ) Revelation 10 : 7 ..... the mystery of God should be finished , When there is time no longer means our trial is over but it does not say if we failed the test or passed the test . Many of the mysteries of God are explained in the Little Book . ( B ) Revelation 10 : 10 And I took the little book out of the angel's hand , and ate it up ; and it was in my mouth sweet as honey : and as soon as I had eaten it , my belly was bitter . The Little Book was sweet when I first began writing it but as I got deeper into it the Little Book did become bitter . The main reason for a bitter belly is for anyone who reads the Little Book to learn we did fail our trial and our time is running out . Sometime within the next 980 years LORD ELohim will end all mortal life on earth . Again remember one Day of God equals 1000 years of our days . Adam and Eve were alive about 4000 B.C. so 4000 B.C. plus 2000 A.D. equals 6000 years or 6 of God's days . Remember the Seventh Day which is the Sabbath Day began in 2000 A.D. and this day would end in 3000 A.D. . It's now 2020 A.D. so 3000 A.D. - 2020 A.D. = 980 years possibly left in this Sabbath Day but know that LORD ELohim is tired of mankind and pities all mortal life He created because all flesh do suffer so don't expect LORD ELohim to wait 980 years to end all created on earth . ( B ) 2 Peter 3 : 8 But , beloved , be not ignorant of this one thing , that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years , and a thousand years as one day.
- Disease cause * mortal life * dreadful pain * and male and female * and children * and animals made * suffer here * on earth ark * . Formed flesh * about earth * grieve much * . Dreadful pain * in peoples * and animals made * like cancer make * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * grieve much *.
- God of Israel * LORD ELohim * will end life * of any flesh * an the plant * and all trees * an much more * mortal life * on last day * as end of time * . Humanity * know at hand * due on earth * a end of time and * LORD ELohim * depart time * . Soon at hand * all Souls * depart time * . All Souls * depart time * will end life * on earth ark *.
- In past age and * even today * world greed * changed people *. Money greed * for stuff * changed people * and greed grew * about earth * while of the * needy they * famines kill * . People behind * world greed * cause woe and * deep sadness * about earth * and nations * .
NOTES : Remember in God's Little Book E.T. means Early Trial . The Anunnaki were the second species created by LORD ELohim to have free will and they and the Grays who were first and ourselves did not pass the test . Also remember that the trial time for Grays and Anunnaki was during the last Ice Age climax when the ocean water was almost 300 feet lower then it is today . Like people the Anunnaki built near the beaches . When the ice sheet began melting and retreating the ocean waters began to rise again . That is why today if your looking for evidence of the Anunnaki or even Grays you could probably find some deep under the ocean today . There is not much point looking north of the 45 parallel in North America and Northern Europe and so on because that's where the ice sheet was . In the east the ice sheet was much more south of the Great Lakes . The North America Great Lakes were form about 15,000 years ago as the glaciers melted and retreated.
( 1 : 22 ) - Today behold * E.T. pyramid * about earth * . In past ages * Anunnaki a E.T. * built rock * pyramid all * about earth * and nations * . Their great * E.T. pyramid * about earth * hath energy * . E.T. pyramid * hides ancient * technologic * free power * about earth * and nations *.
- In past ages * Ice Age desolate * E.T.'s lives * and nations * about earth * . In past ages * earth buried * E.T. evidences * and deep under * sea waters * E.T. evidences * about earth * . Remember again * God of Israel * make on earth * a Anunnaki E.T. * and also both * Mine Gray and * Humanity *.
NOTES : LORD ELohim created the Grays then Anunnaki during the last Ice Age climax which lasted about 90,000 years and the Grays and the Anunnaki built near the ice sheet thinking the ice was a few miles away and building near there was safe but the ice sheet was growing and not retreating . The ice sheet moving south bulldozed a few Grays and Anunnaki towns . Even the Grays and Anunnaki had a radical climate to deal with but it was a colder earth compared to earth now . Remember we are living during a interglacial warming period on earth and they lived on earth during the last Ice Age climax called Wisconsin.
- First for * a living being * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * make alive life * as Spirit * . Spirit as * a living being * all infinite * Heaven beings *.
NOTES : It is said that not so long ago people believed the earth was flat . Was some people trying to scare people from going to North and South America ? ( B ) Isaiah 40 : 22 It is He that sitteth upon the circle of the earth , ..... Isaiah's ministry was about 740 B.C. to 680 B.C. and he knew the earth was round . Oak Island was built by the Jews long before Isaiah lived and the Jews then knew the earth was round and they had a lot of knowledge about North and South America.
- God of Israel * He is YAHWEH * . God of Israel * EL Roi create * the Little * Book code key * . LORD ELohim * author a code * riddle about * His past and * the day at hand * . Jehovah behind * strange code * mind riddles *.
(1:23) NOTES : Many people do not believe in LORD ELohim because there is so much suffering and evil about earth . The most asked question is " why does God allow so much suffering and evil on earth ? " . If God did end all evil and most suffering all people would lose their freedom of choice regarding everything in their life . Without free will we would be like animals guided only by instinct or worst like robots . LORD ELohim lets us make choices and hopes people will make the wiser choices and then end a lot of suffering and evil on earth which we are the cause of . Again we have failed free will because to many have chosen to cause suffering and evil . There is another reason why flesh of any kind has failed because of the suffering of pain and illnesses . Flesh suffering pain is not what God wanted but without having nerves sensing trouble the results are just as bad . God knows we suffer greatly and He will soon end the suffering and evil on earth by bringing a end to all mortal life on earth . The end is coming not because LORD ELohim is evil but because He deeply loves all the mortal life He created on this earth.
- Judaic deity * God of Zion * I AM HE predict * soon at hand * Armageddon began * as global war * . Armageddon became * nuclear hell * on earth ark * . I AM He predict * great eagle make * nuclear hell * on earth ark * . Toxic food * as radiation * withered DNA * within man * and end animals * about earth * . Any toxic * water kill * all flesh here * as radiation * withered DNA * and turns * plants black * . After wars * earth ark became * a quickening * toward ice age * . Global war as * nuclear hell * cause ice age again * about earth * called " nuclear * winter " an be * a long ice age again * . Soon a time * all earth cold * . Soon a time * famines kill * mortal life * about earth * because of hate * cause war as * nuclear hell * . Remember again * no life after * nuclear hell * about earth * . Nuclear hell * ends people * and end animals * and turns * plants black * so all earth * became void again *.
NOTES : Before there were forty story hotels on ocean front property there were known hurricanes there in the past . Before houses on river side property there were known flooding there in the past and so on . When destructive storms occur today many people quickly blame climate change even though they know destructive reasons like flooding and earthquakes and hurricanes and tornadoes and forest fires and so on have happened there long before the industrial revolution in the middle of the 18th century . Over billions of years LORD ELohim has never seen on earth a stable climate . Millions of species died out in the past not because of hunting but because of natural climate change and that will continue to happen in the future even long after LORD ELohim ends mortal life on earth . Remember this earth is as good as it gets in the universe for mortal life . How perfect is it ? Tornadoes , hurricanes , monsoons , earthquakes , going in and out of ice age climaxes , natural global warming period between ice age climaxes , pole shifts , tsunamis , extreme cold and heat , flooding , volcanoes , occasional asteroid and comet hits , hail , solar flares , solar cycles , occasional mass extinctions , natural climate change , droughts , famines , common destruction of property and land , and so on.
- Remember again * as the Father * YHVH hoped * great deep peace * for world * Humanity * . YHVH hoped * human love * as a free will * here would * allow long * loving life * for world * mortal life *.
NOTES : Is there parallel universes , other dimensions , worm holes , star gates and so on ? LORD ELohim and other Spirits have never seen any such things . People today make up stories about worm holes and so on because they are trying to explain how Grays and Anunnaki came to earth from a planet many light years away . Remember LORD ELohim created the Grays and Anunnaki on this planet earth so there is no need for worm holes and such things to explain them being here.
- God of Israel * EL Roi speak * Humanity * think not * beyond logic * .
(1:24) NOTES : The real crop circles about earth which are not made by man are made by the Grays . The crop circle mentioned below should be on the web somewhere . The crop circle mentioned below is done by the Grays but the design was LORD ELohim's idea so it would be mentioned in the Little Book . What the message is LORD ELohim does not know.
- Behold recent * a crop design * a Gray ET's face * and message in * binary math *.
NOTES : ( B ) John 1 : 14 And the Word was made flesh , and dwelt among us , ( and we beheld his glory , the glory as of the only begotten of the Father , ) full of grace and truth . ( B ) 1 John 4 : 9 In this was manifested the love of God toward us , because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world , that we might live through him . LORD ELohim wants to remind you that Y'shua was not and is not the only begotten son of LORD ELohim and Y''shua was not and is not a powerful god also . Most Christians believe that Y'shua ( Jesus ) created you and everything else to . If Y'shua created you then that would make Y'shua your Father and LORD ELohim your Grandfather . LORD ELohim does not get this . Y'shua was a mortal flesh man without the ability to create galaxies or mortal life and much more and Joshua the Spirit LORD ELohim sent to guide Y'shua is a common Spirit created by LORD ELohim who had nothing to do with creation of anything . LORD ELohim wants to remind you that He alone is your Father and God just as Y'shua taught people back in his day . ( R ) Matthew 5 : 48 Be ye therefore perfect , even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect . ( R ) Matthew 6 : 9 After this manner therefore pray ye : Our Father which art in heaven , Hallowed be thy name . ( R ) Matthew 18 : 14 Even so it is not the will of your Father which is in heaven , that one of these little ones should perish . ( R ) Matthew 23 : 9 And call no man father upon the earth : for one is your Father , which is in heaven . ( R ) Mark 12 : 29 ... the first of all the commandments is , Hear , O Israel ; The Lord our God is one Lord . Remember again LORD ELohim says the name God means Father . In red letters Y'shua is said to say the above . In the Bible Y'shua often says : your Father , our Father , thy Father , or refers to LORD ELohim as the Father or He and so on . LORD ELohim is our Father and called God and the creator of all created . Y'shua or Joshua are not our Father or called God of anything created . So is Y'shua or Joshua the ' only begotten son ' of LORD ELohim . If Y'shua is our Father then why would Y'shua say over and over again that LORD ELohim in Heaven is our Father ? LORD ELohim created flesh and Spirit beings so He alone is the Father of all created on earth and in Heaven . Therefore Y'shua is not the only begotten son of LORD ELohim and Joshua the Spirit is also not the only begotten Spirit of LORD ELohim . Both flesh and Spirit are the children of LORD ELohim . I have dealt with Spirits and it is a big family of Spirits in Heaven and many yet on earth that LORD ELohim Himself created . LORD ELohim has many sons and daughters He created and you are one of them.
NOTES : Who's talking ? First remember there were two living beings involved with Y'shua ; Y'shua the flesh man and a Spirit called Joshua . ( R ) John 6 : 32 -33 Then Jesus said unto them , Verily , verily , I say unto you , Moses gave you not the bread from heaven ; but my Father giveth you the true bread from heaven . For the bread of God is he which cometh down from heaven , and giveth life unto the world . ( R ) John 6 : 38 - 39 For I came down from heaven , not to do mine own will , but the will of him that sent me . And this is the Father's will which hath sent me .... The flesh man called Y'shua ( Jesus ) did not come down from Heaven . Y'shua was a Jewish man born of the flesh on earth . No flesh has ever been made in God's Heaven far from earth . Again remember God sent a Spirit called Joshua to guide Y'shua the Jewish flesh man regarding what LORD ELohim's plans were . In these verses it is Y'shua speaking but it's Joshua he is speaking about if this happened . Again Y'shua the mortal Jewish man did not come down from Heaven but Joshua who is Spirit did come from Heaven to do God's will with Y'shua.
NOTES : LORD ELohim says think not beyond logic . How could LORD ELohim create flesh in Heaven far far beyond earth then somehow bring that flesh man to earth when God does not have any spaceships . Mortal life needs air , food , water , warmth , shelter and a planet if created in Heaven . Spirit beings do not need any of these things . Spirits do not spend much time on planets because they are mostly just big rocks in space . They love playing in space itself and all they need is eternal love and happiness . Many Spirits like Souls won't have that until all mortal life on earth is no longer living.
(1:25) NOTES : ( R ) Matthew 5 : 16 Let your light so shine before men , that they may see your good works , and glorify your Father which is in heaven . ( R ) Matthew 5 : 48 Be ye therefore perfect , even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect . ( R ) Matthew 6 : 1 Take heed that ye do not your alms before men , to be seen of them : otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven . ( R ) Matthew 23 : 9 And call no man your father upon the earth : for one is your Father , which is in heaven . And many more times it is said that Y'shua says " your Father which is in Heaven " or " our Father which is in Heaven " . If Y'shua or Joshua somehow created all that was created he would have said if speaking the truth " I am your Father " . Y'shua and Joshua do not say that because it is not the truth . Y'shua says many times " your Father which is in Heaven " meaning LORD ELohim is your Father and your God . Y'shua could not be in Heaven and also on earth at the same time . Y'shua makes it perfectly clear that LORD ELohim is your one and only Father who created you .
NOTES : Who is God ? ( R ) Matthew 11 : 25 At that time Jesus answered and said , I thank thee , O Father , Lord of heaven and earth ... The word Lord means God . The word God means Father . The Father of Y'shua and Joshua and all Humanity and all Spirits is LORD ELohim .
( 1 : 26 ) - The Little * Book tells * Christos * called Y'shua * is Judean man * and white race * . The flesh man * called Y'shua * God of Israel * raised Judean * and God blessed * Christos * . As Spirit * Joshua being * within man * called Y'shua * teach Y'shua * I AM is one God * . God of Israel * ELohim not * within man * called Y'shua * . Y'shua teach * LORD ELohim * as the Father * of the human * mortal life * about earth * and made animals * an plant seed * an much more * about earth * . Y'shua teach * Humanity * thy Father * name in Heaven * LORD ELohim * . The Little * Book tells * the flesh man * called Y'shua * not a god to * . As Spirit * called Joshua * not a god to * . Y'shua teach * I AM is one God * as the Father * . Y'shua teach * LORD ELohim * Abba your God * .
NOTES : Abba means Father in Hebrew . Christos means Christ in Greek . The white race are Hebrews . Remember Isaac was Albino and through him the white race and Hebrews were created by LORD ELohim . The name Abba means Father . The word forsake means to give up , leave alone , abandon.
- In past ages * Humanity * all last chance * for new peace * about earth * . Peace permit * loving life * for world * Humanity * about earth * . Peace keepest * Abba great love * for world * Humanity * an much more * on earth ark * . Wisdom is * for new peace * on earth ark * . Wisdom is * loving life * on earth ark * . Wisdom is * to fully * obey YHWH * God of Israel * . Wisdom is * to keep for * food for life * EL Ten Laws * . Often and again * LORD ELohim * teach love as * food for life * . Often and again * Humanity * grow evil * about earth * . In past age and * even today * evil grow * in people and * often and again * on earth ark * . Behold today * people sin * about earth * and nations * . Behold today * because of hate * an much more * on earth ark * I AM HE forsake * Humanity *.
NOTES : God gave mankind many chances to get things right with Him . Four major times was Adam , Noah , Moses and Y'shua and still mankind about all earth and nations failed the trial . Most people will say that our failure is not their fault . Others will say that God is wrong to say all people failed because of a few bad ones . Have you really taken a honest look at what's going on in the world today ? LORD ELohim has and for more then six thousand years since our trial clock started ticking with Adam . We could list a thousand reasons why mankind has failed and not just the one or two your thinking about . LORD ELohim's judgement is more then fair . Again , most people are blind to their own sins.
- Remember again * God cares for * Humanity * but years * people war , * people sin , * public accept * ancient gods * an much more * in past age and * even today * about earth * . Feeble humans * in past age and * even today * forsake I AM HE * and so on it * changed people * because of cold * human love *.
NOTES : Some people are hoping to go places far beyond our solar system some day . LORD ELohim was wise when He created mortal life only on earth . All flesh life on earth and even plants need Souls in order to live . There are no Souls past our solar system and flesh and plants cannot survive without Souls . There is many reasons why the Grays are still near earth after tens of thousands of years since created by God and this is one of the reasons . The evil ways of the Grays , Anunnaki and Humanity will remain only here on and near earth in this solar system.
- I AM HE saying * on once a week * on Last Day * keep Sabbath as a * rest day and * as a Holy Day * on earth ark * and nations * . An to you * Humanity * hear ye LORD * God of Israel * EL Roi speak *.
( 1 : 27 ) - Sun fires * X flare path * toward ark * occur before * in past ages * often and again * . As future * this time be a * doomsday if * X flare path * kindled earth * electric here * . Electric here * all quit and * changed people * about earth * . Angry chaos * made peoples * soon evil * . Many fleeing * cities chaos * . People war * for stuff * . Famines kill * . Desperate die * because of cold * and rebellion * and nations * dismayed fall *.
NOTES : Do all people have Spirit Guides ? The answer is no . Moses and Y'shua had Spirits guiding them . A Spirit named Alt taught me the Little Book . LORD ELohim does not normally give people Spirit Guides because He gave Grays , Anunnaki and Humanity all free will . To give flesh who have the gift of free will a Spirit Guide would take away much free will of that person . It's how we deal with free will that was on trial . LORD ELohim judges Humanity on what choices we have made in our life . How could God judge Humanity if Spirits were leading our way through life ? Remember again think not beyond logic . Our freedom of decision and having voluntary choices to make is a great gift given to us by LORD ELohim and that's why you don't have a Spirit Guide . At this time nobody except me has a Spirit Guide and yes it does effect the choices I make.
NOTES : Does LORD ELohim know you personally ? The truth is LORD ELohim is one Spirit about ten feet tall and shaped a lot like a man . We know LORD ELohim and all Spirits are shaped like a man because LORD ELohim said He created man in His image . ( B ) Genesis 1 : 26 - 27 And God said " I will make man in My image , after My likeness ....And God created man in His image , in the image of God He created him ; male and female He created them . Above verses are from the Torah and it says " I will make man in My image ..." . In the Christian Bible it says " And God said , Let us make man in our image , after our likeness : .... So God created man in his own image , in the image of God created he him ; male and female created he them . The correct verse is in the Torah . LORD ELohim created all that was created including mankind so we know He is One Spirit who we look a lot like just a lot shorter . The Christian verse is why people can get away with saying God is more then one Spirit but it would be more correct saying LORD ELohim is just talking to Spirits playing in the dirt to . So the answer to the question : Does LORD ELohim know you personally ? Remember again LORD ELohim is just one Spirit so how can God be with over seven billion people all the time . The answer is 99.9 % of all humans since Adam and Eve He did not personally know and does not personally know 99.9 % of all people living now . So how can LORD ELohim judge us ? God looks at the big picture of what is going on about earth . LORD ELohim does not need to know you personally to know of the hatred and wars about earth , all the terrorism about earth , the all to common murders about earth , that many suffer pain about earth , the homeless about earth , the people starving about earth , that many people break His Laws about earth , that many people worship false gods about earth , the making of nuclear bombs about earth , and on and on and on . God says again to you ' think not beyond logic ' . LORD ELohim is one Spirit . How can He know more then seven billion people personally who are now about earth ?
- Behold today * economy of * nations and * banks leaders * feared money * again crashing * . An economics * crashing again * as future * causes a war * and cause woe * for world * Humanity *.
- Behold today * hackers who * hack the web all * causes woe * .
NOTES : What does LORD ELohim expect from people regarding His Little Book ? LORD ELohim does not expect anything to change . If something changed like loving all people and the bloodshed stopped LORD ELohim would be amazed . If people started keeping His Sabbath Day on the seventh day and the way He taught people again LORD ELohim would be amazed to . Would corporations and small business close their business on the Sabbath ? If corporations and small business closed on the Sabbath again God would be amazed . If people got rid of their false gods again LORD ELohim would be amazed . If all people kept all His Ten Commandments God would even be more amazed . Would the hungry be feed and sheltered , that to would amaze God . Would the millionaires and billionaires be willing to share their wealth with the needy ? That would really amaze LORD ELohim and so on . Think about it and you can probably understand why LORD ELohim expects nothing to change.
- The flesh man * called Y'shua * his grail is * the gold cup * is a lie created * by foolish * church since * Christos * the flesh man * on earth ark * . Christos * his grail is * earthen cup *.
NOTES : This is one of the reasons why Humanity failed our test . LORD ELohim made it clear that we have Spirit Souls but still humans think nothing about blowing each other up or even blowing themselves up with bombs and such . Has mankind ever shown any concern for the Souls of all flesh life and even plant life ? Today there are many thousands of nuclear bombs ready to use and how many people have said " but what about the Souls and their life ".
( 1 : 28 ) - Mankind lies * made by church * that all I call * human bodies * eternal here * as Spirit * . People behind * ancient lies * for money * an powers * . I AM HE teach death * a deep sleep end * mortal life * . After death end * mortal life * all Souls * as Spirit * then depart * the flesh man * an ye woman * and animals made * . All Souls * as Spirit * all infinite * Heaven beings * God of Israel * EL Roi create * . After death end * mortal life * human bodies * and animals made * an the plant * all does become * dry dust * . In God's book * the Little * Book tells * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * made clear that * after death end * mortal life * then cometh * no afterlife * for any men * an ye woman * and animals made * an much more * mortal life * on earth ark * .
NOTES : Many people today believe that the flesh body will be brought back to life by LORD ELohim . I have a friend who wants some ashes to go into space and the rest to go to a mountain top and he is not alone in wanting their ashes put in places that are not grave yards . Even if the body was planted in a grave yard LORD ELohim does not know how to bring the flesh body back to life . And the Soul is a Spirit who is needed to function the flesh and plants but after death of mortal life the Soul has nothing to do with you or you him . There is no Spirit that you can live within past your death and the Spirits are glad about that.
- In past age and * even today * Humanity * grow evil * about earth * . People war * and hate maketh * fearful war * about earth * . I AM HE predict * time cometh * future as * nuclear hell * on earth ark * . By foolish * men of science * an a federal office * they caused * nuclear hell * . Earth ark became * a void again by a * nuclear hell * . Armageddon began * as global war * . Human love * fail within * ends people * and animals made * an the plant * an much more * mortal life * on earth ark * . Nuclear hell * ends all hope * for world * mortal life * . God of Israel * I AM HE warns * : Humanity * extinct if a * nuclear hell * about earth *.
NOTES : LORD ELohim taught Hebrews the Hebrew language and later He taught them English . English is the ancient language of God and Spirits in Heaven . LORD Elohim knows three languages which are Hebrew , English and ancient Egyptian . If needed many Souls who were within people can translate other languages for LORD ELohim.
- In past ages * Mayan abound * . Mayan small * calendar wheel * as time clock * . Behold recent * Mayan small * calendar deceive * Humanity * . MMXII ( 2012 A.D. ) false * a end of times * an doomsday * for world * Humanity * on earth ark *.
NOTES : Adam and Eve were tested by LORD ELohim . God told them not to eat the fruit from one tree is a forest of many fruit trees and they did eat from that one tree . How simple it was to obey LORD ELohim . LORD ELohim has tested mankind many times over the years and all but Y'shua failed the tests which were as simple as Adam and Eve's test . The Ten Commandments were and are yet ten tests for all Humanity . LORD ELohim asked people to keep the Sabbath on the Seventh Day and much of Humanity did not keep that Sabbath on the Seventh Day or keep it as a day of rest and no work and a day of worship . The Christian Lord's Day means nothing to LORD ELohim or to Y'shua when he was alive . Y'shua all his life kept the Sabbath on the Seventh Day and taught others to keep it sacred also . Why did the Catholics break LORD ELohim's Sabbath and make it on the first day of the week ? To appease the pagan Romans . Many Christians and others have failed that simple test . LORD ELohim has tested Humanity dozens of times over the years and for the most part we failed all of them . The tests were simple : to simply obey LORD ELohim.
- God of Israel * did Ten Laws * an Law four * is Sabbath Day * . Again remember * God of Zion * LORD ELohim * Sabbath Day is * significant * for any men * an ye woman * about earth * . Behold today * the day at hand * is Sabbath Day * . A last day is * about now * . A time soon * this age ends * . Remember again * Humanity * the day at hand * is Sabbath Day * . Sabbath Day is * LORD ELohim * God of Israel * depart time * an return * in the Heaven *.
NOTES : The word Figs in the Bible means Israel . The Fig Religion is Judaism.
- I AM HE saying * Humanity * My children * for any men * an ye woman * and animals made * an the plant * LORD ELohim * Father of life * on earth ark * . LORD ELohim * God created a man * an ye woman * . Humanity * had garden of Eden * and God blessed * Humanity * . Adam and Eve home * garden of Eden had * all needs for * Humanity * a DNA creature * and animals made * an the plant *.
( 1 : 29 ) - Genetic code of * Humanity * is different * of any flesh * . Genetic code of * Humanity * are not same * as any Gray * . Genetic code of * Anunnaki a ET * are not same * genetic code of * Humanity * . Genetic code of * Humanity * third form * a DNA creature * of free will *.
NOTES : It is said that within the next ten years ( by 2030 ) 40 % of existing jobs will be automated which means 40 % more people without jobs . The angry chaotic world is just beginning . Scientists are not helping to keep people happy with jobs and income other then themselves.
- Behold today * Humanity * in man made hell * about earth * . Humanity * a flesh trial * failure for * being proud * , being occult * , being abominable * , for to being * corrupt * , stubborn * , headstrong * , being a hateful * pagan world * . Pagan world * make ritual * an a reverence * payed to all * other gods * . In past age and * even today * Humanity * made false gods * like Y'shua ( Jesus ) * the flesh man * Catholic decree * to be a new god * in past age and * even today * about earth *.
NOTES : Most people think they are not so bad so it's everybody else who failed the many tests over the years . LORD ELohim gave the earth to Humanity to be shared equally . God looks around the world and He sees many mansions while others have no home . God sees hungry starving people while others waste more food in a day then some children eat in a month . God sees the violence and deaths all over the world . God sees that His Commandment that " you shall not murder " means nothing to many people . God sees poor adults and children working in rich corporate sweat shops for nickels a day . God sees the abortions of babies and their chopped up corpses sold for money . God sees poor people selling a kidney so they can feed their family for a short time . God sees the hypocrisy in the actions of most people like those protesting Canadian oil . God sees the greed of the rich and their extravagant life style while others have little and suffer in poverty even the many workers of the rich corporations . God sees corrupt governments using addictions and lies for taxing people more . God sees rich corporations adding robots to take away jobs from people so they make more profit and pay no benefits or pensions . God sees thousands of nuclear bombs on earth ready for use . God sees His beloved elephants slaughtered for their ivory tusks and the cruelty done by mankind to many other animals especially animals raised for food in many nations . God hears a lot of corrupt and false teachings by all religions about earth like teaching God is cruel and made a place called hell to torture people . God sees people worshiping and maintaining the belief in many false gods . God sees preachers of most all religions about earth living millionaire life styles while children go to bed hungry . God sees hatred and racism all over earths nations and the list goes on and on and on . God sees us for what we are in truth and what we have become over the past six thousand years . LORD ELohim may not know you but He does know us as a species.
- Roman too * sailed early * great sea to * early America * . God scheme ended * Roman America * in past ages *.
NOTES : LORD ELohim made Abraham a promise that the offspring of Isaac his son with Sarah would inherit many lands and God called Isaac's offspring Hebrews . Remember Isaac was Albino and was the beginning of the white race . The Romans skin were darker and it was easy to tell the difference . North America was land to be given to a couple of tribes of Israel which were Ephraim and Manasseh so when the Romans crossed the great sea LORD Elohim went to work to get rid of them and He did .
- The Little * Book tells * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * last book if a * Sabbath Day is * the day at hand * . Behold today * is Sabbath Day *.
- Japan fearful * and nations * as radiation * make desolate * sea waters * . Time cometh * Pacific Ocean bare *.
NOTES : The word ' Japan ' above is by chance that it worked in the code . The rest of the words are not by chance . LORD ELohim knew that scientists playing around with certain elements would cause problems and cause radiation as a poison to mortal life like the Grays and Anunnaki did.
- EL judgment * of mankind are * soon at hand * . God of Israel * EL judgment * is Sabbath Day * . Behold today * is Sabbath Day *.
( 1 : 30 ) NOTES : Is there a Heaven ? LORD ELohim's Heaven is six galaxies big . This Heaven is just for Spirits as we flesh creatures do not consciously live beyond our death . The bottom line is that LORD ELohim does not want any Grays , Anunnaki or Humans in His Heaven ever . This has been a long six thousand years dealing with mankind and that's enough for LORD ELohim and Souls and other Spirits.
- Mars second * E.T. home range * . Mars trial * in great failed * so their back * about earth * . I AM HE saying * remember again * Mine Grays * first for * early flesh * of free will * and Mine Gray * be from earth * . Look up at * lights here * about earth * . A earth star * that are near * about earth * an spaceship * . Mine Grays * made massive * spaceship an * estate home * . Mine Grays * maketh many * spacecrafts * about earth * and all in space * near earth edge * . Remember again * they are no * stars so * Humanity * and nations * beware small * pure Gray * want a earth * refuge back again * . Mine Grays * Mars trial * after wars * about earth * . After wars * about earth * Mine Grays * left planet * . All E.T. wars * kindled earth * in past ages * . I AM HE saying * remember again * Humanity * men of science * Mine Grays * Mars trial * after wars * about earth * in great failed * . Remember again * a earth star * be a great ship * . Mine Grays * maketh many * a earth star * .
NOTES : LORD ELohim wants people and scientists to know that the Grays and Anunnaki were created by LORD ELohim on " this earth " about 70,000 years ago starting with the Grays and about 40,000 years ago with the Anunnaki and about 6,000 years ago for Humanity . Both the Grays and Anunnaki who God created on earth tried to create a new life on Mars after nearly destroying the earth with wars and both failed at living on Mars and even the moon . There are some people who want to go to Mars and to live there . The Grays and Anunnaki are both tens of thousands of years more advanced in knowledge about spaceships and about Mars and the moon and other stuff and they could not create a home on Mars or even the moon . Even today the Grays need earth for much needed for their lives . That is why they are often seen near earth . Since the Grays and Anunnaki could not survive on the moon or Mars alone , without stuff from earth , people need to rethink about spending billions to try to do what the Grays and Anunnaki could not do . The Gray are near earth but the Anunnaki have not been seen by Spirits and God for a long time . Remember Souls needed for mortal life are not beyond our solar system . If the Anunnaki tried to go beyond this solar system they all would have died . LORD ELohim does not want any flesh leaving this solar system and going where His Heaven and Spirit children are . We have proven to God not to be concerned about His Spirit children on earth so why would He expect people to be any different in Heaven.
- You flesh * a DNA creature * an need a Soul * . A Soul does * give life to a * formed flesh * and animals made * an the plant * and all trees * an much more * mortal life * on earth ark * . Humanity * a Soul does * give a life to * a DNA creature * an the plant * . Mortal life * no life and he die * if no Soul * is within * formed flesh * an the plant * an much more * mortal life * on earth ark * . Again remember * Humanity * a Soul does * give a life to * mortal life *.
NOTES : A lot of people are digging bunkers and stocking up on food and weapons and such . Most people feel that something is coming soon but the question is what ? Many people fear the future . If it is a nuclear hell with thousands of nuclear bombs going off about earth do you really want to live in it's aftermath ? Some people must love a challenge.
- God of Israel * begat species * like Big Foot * . My giant ape * called Big Foot * YHWH did make * . My giant ape * called Big Foot * a DNA creature * . God of Israel * create Yeti * same giant ape * like Big Foot * . God of Israel * create Yeti * a white fur * giant ape same * like Big Foot *.
NOTES : God loves His Big Foot and others called Yeti and Sasquatch and maybe a few other names . The question has been for years : Do they exist ? The answer is yes and LORD ELohim would like it if mankind did not murder these creatures as they do so many other animals about earth.
(1:31) NOTES : Most scientists say one Big Bang created all the billions of galaxies in the whole universe . LORD ELohim and the Little Book says many Big Bangs created each galaxy and even today galaxies are being formed in the universe because Big Bangs still happen . If scientists playing with the Hadron Collider cause a Big Bang this will not create a completely new universe but it would cause the earth and all on earth to become dust with a few rocks flying into space . If that happens LORD ELohim and Spirits in this galaxy will be moving to another galaxy . Heaven is six galaxies and all the space in between the galaxies.
- This could * happen before * this age ends * . Science caused * fearful Big Bang * . Fearful Big Bang * ends and void * mortal life * on earth ark * . Man made Hadron * Collider the * men of science * which do err * maketh machine *.
NOTES : LORD ELohim says it's time Humanity stopped thinking we can change ' Natural Global Warming ' and now is the time to start learning ways to live with it.
- Soon a time * a president * as a dictator * kingdom nigh * . Soon a time * mark of beast * partners * computer * . Soon evil * bar code as mark * causes woe * . LORD ELohim * strange code * the Little * Book tells * it knows * a time of war * . Soon a time * nuclear hell * about earth *.
NOTES : LORD ELohim knows there is much hate and cruelty going on here on earth right now as in the past . The word cruel means being fond of causing pain to others and delighting in their suffering , not caring about the pain and suffering of others . God wants to remind all people that as a species we are all kindred which means family . Remember Abraham and Sarah his wife were both black skinned people and it was their son Isaac who started the white race because God made Isaac's skin Albino making Isaac the first white man on earth . So LORD ELohim wants all white skinned people to know your bloodline goes back to Abraham and Sarah who came from a long line of black skinned people . LORD ELohim also wants you to remember if you are a white skinned person you are also likely to be Hebrew as to most all Jews are also Hebrews because most all Jews are white skinned people and offspring of Isaac also . This is why all Israelites are mostly white skinned people . So if your white and you hate Black people or Jews your hating your family . If your not white LORD ELohim does not approve of hating others and being cruel to others also . One of the main reasons mankind has failed our trial is because of so much hate toward other people going on everywhere on earth.
- Jehovah send * Joshua being * as Spirit * an a son of God * . Joshua teach * Christos * called Y'shua * teach love as * food for life * to humans * . Christos * teach love as * food for life * for world * Humanity * . Hebrew flesh * called Y'shua * feed My sheep * as the Father * God of Israel * teach Joshua * . Y'shua teach * man bread of life * for world * Humanity * . The flesh man * Y'shua teach * to humans * that " I am a Jew " . Lamb of God here * called Y'shua * teaches flesh * human love * for world * Humanity * . The flesh man * called Y'shua * teach love as * food for life * for all races a * glad blessing * among all here * on earth ark * . Y'shua teach * God of Israel * as the Father * of all the life * about earth * in past ages * and us now * . In past age and * even today * Humanity * failed Y'shua * and fail YHWH * God of Israel * because of hate * about earth * . Behold today * Humanity * about earth * made love cold * because of hate * . In past age and * even today * people sin * about earth * because of hate * . Because of hate * people war * about earth * in past age and * even today * . Remember again * people sin * because of hate *.
NOTES : LORD ELohim wants you to know that hating others is a sin . Today many people hate people they have never met just because of their race or religion and other reasons . Hatred is everywhere on earth and most for stupid reasons . Mankind failed our trial and one of the main reasons is because of hate . Hate itself is the cause of much suffering and much murders and much fear on earth in past ages and even today.
- I AM HE saying * self-centered * people sin * . The selfish * people sin * an all against * God of Israel * decreed teaching * to all share * earths food * and to a equal * home estate * an much more * . Hear Me richer * self-centered * people sin * an all against * LORD ELohim * decreed teaching * to share all * about earth *.
- Any Catholic * hear words * sent by God * . I AM HE saying * I AM is one God * . Again remember * LORD ELohim * Abba not three * us deities * . Remember again * God of Zion * Sabbath Day is * weekly day * on Last Day * . In past age and * even today * Catholic decree * a false teaching * . Catholic decree * LORD ELohim * an Christ's * Sabbath changeable * . Corrupt * churches lie * God of Israel * an Christ's * Sabbath Day is * alone day one * weekly day * . Again remember * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * maketh Sabbath * on Last Day * an Christ's * churches lie * Sabbath Day is * alone day one * . In past ages * the flesh man * Y'shua teach * LORD ELohim * Sabbath Day is * on Last Day * and even I keep * Sabbath Day is * on Last Day * . Y'shua teach * obey my God * and one Father * of all the life * on earth ark * LORD ELohim *.
(1:32) NOTES : Why does God mention the Sabbath Day often ? The Sabbath Day on the first day of the week which is a error is a easy error for people today to correct and for LORD ELohim to know people are correcting this error . In past ages changing LORD ELohim's Sabbath Day to another day was more then an error , it was a sin . The Catholic church had to have known LORD ELohim's Sabbath for all mankind on earth was the Seventh and Last Day of the week . The Sabbath Day is in the Ten Commandments to all keep . The Christian teaching that there is no need for Christians to keep the Ten Laws of God is just plan wrong . This is a test given by LORD ELohim for all people about earth . If we show no desire to obey this simple Law as God taught it you should not expect LORD ELohim to involve Himself with Humanity much longer . What would be the point of that ? There is no point to God hoping mankind will change and obey Him regarding other things to and all other Commandments . If your Sabbath is the Seventh Day you probably have many other things in your life to work at changing regarding the other nine Commandments and other requests made by God . " You shall not murder " is a common commandment broken about earth these days . Some of those requests are in the Little Book like God 's anger regarding raping of any children , woman and even the rape of men . Child pornography today is in massive amounts especially on the web and LORD ELohim knows the suffering of His children being raped and tortured by cruel cruel people and people who turn on the web to watch this are no less cruel and guilty then the sick cruel basters who make the pornography . The slaughter of elephants for ivory is another request by God to stop doing that to these beloved animals and stop buying ivory and the list goes on and on and on . Just because man made laws permit something does not mean LORD ELohim approves of it like abortions . God wants all people to know you are not perfect , no human is , no nation is , no nationality is , no religion is , no race is , no government is and much more created by man is not perfect . If we want to start following LORD ELohim's Laws and His requests made known we all have a lot of work to do don't we . Remember this : LORD ELohim is not asking anyone to murder anyone else just because your religions ancient teaching may teach that . Today is today and today LORD ELohim wants no bloodshed and He wants world peace for all nations and religions and races . We won't find peace on earth and God's approval of us by the slaughter and torture of others . That goes for all races , colors , religions , nationalities and so on . Will mankind change ? LORD ELohim is waiting to see if we as a species and one family called Humanity does change for the better and begin obeying Him . The truth is LORD ELohim is not expecting anything to change on earth just because of His Little Book teachings . There is a lot of closed minds about earth especially regarding the many religions of people about earth.
- In past ages * Humanity * for a while had a * loving life * . Humanity * had happy life * in past ages * . Soon a time * in past ages * Humanity * grow evil * an did murder * an did begin war * because of hate * an greed changes * Humanity * . God of Israel * teach love as * food for life * happen again and * happens again * about earth * . Humanity * about earth * grow evil * happen again and * happens again * . Feeble humans * fight wars * is again and again * in past ages * and us now * . Behold today * feeble humans * grow evil * about earth * . In past age and * even today * Humanity * again and again fail * human love * . God cares for * Humanity * but years * feeble humans * forsake I AM HE * EL Ten Laws * . Behold today * I AM HE forsake * Humanity * because of cold * human love * an did murder * an much more * evil grow * about earth * . A time soon * this age ends * . Remember again * Humanity * after in death * no afterlife * on earth ark * or in Heaven * as Spirit * . Soon at hand * Humanity * after in death * like a perfect * glad deep sleep * then for all * Humanity * and animals made * an the plant * an much more * mortal life * on earth ark * . Soon a time * coming void * mortal life * on earth ark * . Soon a time * LORD ELohim * depart time * . Soon a time * all Souls * depart time *.
NOTES : The Hebrew word for Hell is ' Sheol ' . The word Sheol simply means ' grave ' . LORD ELohim does not want us to fear death . Death is going to happen to all of us . Death is going to happen to the good people and to the evil people . When dead it's all the same for the good and the evil people about earth.
- God of Israel * I AM HE saying * Judaea people * My love and * God of Israel * partners * on earth ark * in past age and * even today *. Ancient elect * Judaea people * help YAHWEH * to help clean * feeble humans * in past age and * even today * . In past ages * many pagans * had many gods * . LORD ELohim * thanks My * Israel flock * for helping a * failed abominable * Humanity * . God of Israel * EL Roi speak * mortal life * go against Me * in past ages *. Even today * Humanity * go against Me * an My Jews a * chosen flock * suffer here * . LORD ELohim * pity Mine * Jews of the * Israel flock * on earth ark *.
NOTES : Just a reminder that the number 666 is not a evil number . LORD ELohim would have never asked you to work with this number if there was anything evil about it . LORD ELohim says in ( B ) Revelation 13 : 18 Here is wisdom . Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast : for it is the number of a man ; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six . The word score means twenty so threescore means sixty . This code is the code to use if your playing around to count the number of the beast.
- Meanwhile as a * Catholic decree * they deceive * Humanity * by saying I * LORD ELohim * God of Israel * ancient gods * . In past ages * Catholic decree * defiled ancient * Humanity * about earth * . Even recent * Catholic decree * defiled other * Humanity * about earth * . Catholic decree * mankind lies * Y'shua ( Jesus ) being * a savior god * . Catholic decree * Y'shua like * as a god angers * LORD ELohim * . I AM HE saying * the flesh man * called Y'shua * not a god to * . I AM HE saying * I AM is one God * . Remember again * Abba not three * us Deities * . Remember again * LORD ELohim * is one LORD * and only God * . I AM HE saying * I AM is one God * as the Father * of all I created * in the Heaven * and all life to * on earth ark * . The Little * Book tells * riddle about * good proof * God of Israel * HE is YAHWEH * as the Father * . Riddle about * mankind lies * . The Little * Book language * correct it *.
NOTES : Why are some subjects not anywhere in the Little Book or even in Bible prophecy ? LORD ELohim was good at guessing what mankind would do but sometimes mankind did do somethings that God did not expect some people to do and He did not give English words about it . In English LORD ELohim gave many words to things involving the past , present and future so about them would be in the Little Book and even in Bible prophecy . Again remember LORD ELohim taught people the Hebrew and the English language and the spelling and both do have codes . Modern English is the language of Spirits and God in Heaven and has been for trillions x trillions of years . All other languages people made up on their own.
( 1 : 33 ) - Remember again * men of science * Mine Grays * made artificial * dreadful mind * . Mine Grays * abort making * their deadly * computer * dreadful mind * after wars * with deadly * computer * an robots be * computer * dreadful mind * partners * . Humanity * men of science * you learn * Grays err * so man not * error like * Mine Grays * on earth ark * . Remember again * men of science * hear and believe * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * . Men of Science * in God's Book * God of Israel * I AM HE saying * to you an * warning all * Humanity * about what * Mine Grays * abort making * after wars * slaughter * be many Gray * a DNA creature * of free will * in past ages * an all long ago * on earth ark *.
NOTES : LORD ELohim remembers the wars the Grays had with AI computers and robots they made for war with each other . Why the computers and robots turned against the Grays God does not know but it may be that the computers thought the Grays were so evil they should be destroyed or the computer minds themselves became evil because they were taught to do evil like to war against other Grays . LORD ELohim is warning all mankind about AI's since scientists today are making AI's just like Grays and even the Anunnaki made on earth . LORD ELohim says the AI's the Anunnaki made turned against the Anunnaki to so that is twice that happened . A third time will probably happen also because computer scientist or who ever makes these will not listen to LORD ELohims warning.
- God of Israel * pity good * Anunnaki a E.T. , Mine Gray and * Humanity * and animals made * on earth ark * . Formed flesh * about earth * grieve much * . Dreadful pain * in peoples * and animals made * like cancer make * God of Israel * grieve much * for world * formed flesh * a DNA creature * . Remember again * God of Israel * will end life * of any flesh * on Last Day * as end of time * . Humanity * know at hand * due on earth * a end of time and * soon at hand *.
NOTES : ( B ) Revelation 10 : 6 And swear by him that liveth for ever and ever , who created heaven , and the things that therein are , and the earth , and the things that therein are , and the sea , and the things which are therein , that there should be time no longer . This verse tells you about our trial and that our trial time will come to a end and there will be time no longer . Time is what we are running out of.
NOTES : LORD ELohim is hoping that you are getting to know Him better by reading His Little Book . LORD ELohim is a loving and caring Father of all He created . Knowing flesh of any kind suffers or living in misery is one of many reasons LORD ELohim is bringing all mortal life to a end sometime during this Sabbath Day . It's because LORD ELohim is a deeply loving Father He knows He needs to end the suffering and misery of flesh on earth . If your honest about what is going on around earth you would agree with God that there is far to much suffering and misery for any form of DNA creature . Evil and corruption and suffering is growing every day about earth and nations and more and more people are finding life more and more difficult and are suffering and things are not going to get any better for most all.
- In past age and * even today * many noted * nations and * kingdoms and * flock leaders * about earth * fail within * part because * corrupt * flock leaders * , part because * money greed , part because * a high tax or * new taxes , part because * corrupt * spending made * became great debt , part because * , war taxes * , part because * flock leaders * evil grow * and more help * fail within * . Often and again * in past age and * even today * flock poor * blame the elect * corrupt * flock leaders * new taxes * an much more * cause ruin * . I AM HE predict * soon a time * angry chaos * about earth * and nations * on earth ark *.
NOTES : When LORD ELohim created the Grays the Grays looked a lot like we humans look like now . God created them ten of thousands of years ago on earth and much of that time the Grays have lived in space . Today because they live mostly without earths gravity they are small , skinny and weak creatures today . When time runs out for all mortal life on earth it also runs out for the Grays and Anunnaki to no matter where they are.
( 1 : 34 ) - Remember again * then when dead * hidden Soul * as Spirit * depart time * . At death arise * hidden Soul * and our death * ends peaceful * . After in death * glad deep sleep * for any life * on earth ark * and will have * no afterlife * in the Heaven . LORD ELohim * I AM HE saying * mortal life * after in death * no afterlife * on earth ark *.
NOTES : If you were LORD ELohim would you want Grays , Anunnaki or Humans in your peaceful Heaven where your Spirit children love and play in peace and have for trillions of years . If your honest you would agree with God and understand why LORD ELohim never worked at making flesh eternal after in death.
- Remember again * radical climate * and seasons * are natural * on earth ark * . God of Israel * warning all * Humanity * future as * warmth is * yet coming * about earth * . After Ice Age land * then warmed * and bring rain * . Rains helped * melting old * raised glacier * north here * and here because * Canada weather be * a rising heat * . Soon a time * as future * yet coming * a rising heat * about earth * raises any * sea waters * . I AM HE predict * the warmer * sea waters * flood where * New York * land is now * . Behold cities * below deluge * about earth * . Remember again * in past ages * the long Ice Age * lower ocean * sea waters * about earth * . Ice Age sea level * lowers and * glacier raised . Hidden water * in earths ice * melt coming * as future * warming heal * land after Ice Age * . Behold recent * sea waters * rising to * about earth * . Future as * in ages past * . Sea waters * flood us and * our farms * and cities by * hidden water * in earths ice * . Again remember * radical climate * and seasons * are natural * on earth ark * an even Canada's be * radical climate * and seasons * are natural *.
NOTES : Canadians are not causing the warming here . The Carbon Dioxide Emissions for North America in 2014 was 19.4 % of global emissions using fossil fuels . The U.S. emissions were 16.3 % while Canada was only 3.1 % of global emissions . The way Canada and other countries are warming is completely natural . Remember Canadian lands were last at coming out of the last Ice Age Climax so the difference in temperature change should be expected . There is still a lot of ice to melt about earth and when this ice does melt the oceans will continue to rise . LORD ELohim says when thinking about climate change it is an error when climate scientists do not include the Ice Age Climaxes and Interglacials warming periods over the past million years . Remember the ice sheet during the last Ice Age Climax was 8,000 to 10,000 feet high in different places which is why the ocean water dropped almost 300 feet . It was only 25,000 years ago when the earth started to warm up and bring a end to the last Ice Age Climax . It was only 10,000 years ago when the Great Lakes of Canada and U.S.A. were formed by the melting ice sheet . Yes the climate is warming but it is a natural warming so LORD ELohim says get use to it because it's only been warming for 25,000 years and the average Interglacial warming period in the past million years lasts about 70,000 years.
NOTES : The word ocean is not in the Bible that we could find . All is called the sea when speaking of the ocean so the word ' sea waters ' is common in the Little Book also . The word ocean is only in the Little Book a couple of times.
- Death lower * Humanity * numbers and * changed people * . Remaining of * Humanity * soon evil * . Evil grow * in peoples * . Computer * dreadful mind * partners * mark of beast * hand chip device * for world * remaining of * Humanity * . As future * remaining of * Humanity * became enslaved * about earth * by feeble global * empire leader *.
NOTES : What is the cause of death that lowers the number of people on earth ? There are several possible reasons why there is a mass die off of billions of people . It is possible that nature creates a bacteria or virus that kills off most people but it is possible that these are created in a science lab . It is possible that war about earth brings down our numbers before the empire leader takes office and there are many other possible reasons why our numbers come down . Soon we will know the answer to this.
- As future * Vatican help * empire leader * to rule as * empire leader * for world * Humanity * . In past age and * even today * Babel religion * had many gods * . Catholic decree * LORD ELohim * He many Gods * . Babel religion * as an example * Catholic decree * Y'shua like * a savior god * . Churches lie * Y'shua like * a savior god * . Humanity * about earth * God of Israel * I AM HE saying * the flesh man * called Y'shua * not a god to * . I AM HE saying * again remember * Humanity * LORD ELohim * I AM is one God * and only God * of all I created * . LORD ELohim * I AM HE saying * I created all of * Dino's flesh * , Mine Grays * , Anunnaki a E.T. , Humanity * and animals made * an the plant * and all trees * an much more * about earth *. In the Heaven * I created all of * Spirit as * Heaven beings * . Heaven beings * as Spirit * MY children * . Humanity * an much more * MY children * on earth ark * . Again remember * Humanity * I AM is one God * and only God *.
(1:35) NOTES : LORD ELohim calls the Catholic faith the Babel religion because the Catholic's and other Christian faiths have many gods . Three Gods is two to many Gods no matter how Christians try to explain three Gods equals only one God . A common explanation of three Gods called the Trinity : In the unity of the one God , there are three co - equal and co - eternal persons : The Father , Son , and Holy Spirit and each being a God and separate persons . ( B ) Deuteronomy 6 : 4 - 5 Hear , O Israel : The LORD our God is one LORD . And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart , and with all thy Soul , and with all thy might . The Torah says : Hear , O Israel ! The LORD is our God , the LORD alone . Y'shua was and is not a God and neither was Joshua the Spirit who guided Y'shua . And the Holy Spirit is someone that LORD ELohim does not even know what the Christians are talking about . Just a reminder : LORD ELohim the God of Israel and of all people and of all created is the one and only God and creator and Father and no Spirit or flesh is co - equal to Him .
- A global church * Catholic decree * God Bible Laws * all not needed * for world * Humanity * about earth * . I AM HE saying * churches lie . LORD ELohim * I AM HE saying * Humanity * about earth * they all need * EL Ten Laws *.
NOTES : LORD ELohim created all Ten Commandments for all Humanity every where on earth and not just for the Jews . Many people believe that they only just have to repent and all is well between them and God no matter how many times they do the same sin . Repenting after murdering someone will not bring that person back to life . If all people kept His Ten Commandments and other teachings then we would not have much to repent about and that's what LORD ELohim expects from us , to keep His Ten Commandments , all of them.
NOTES - ( B & R ) John 17 : 1 -3 These words spake Jesus , and lifted up his eyes to heaven , and said , Father , the hour is come ; glorify thy Son , that thy Son also may glorify thee : As thou hast given him power over all flesh , that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him . And this is life eternal , that they might know thee the only true God , and Jesus Christ , whom thou hast sent . If Y'shua said this then it's a error to say people will have eternal life . But it goes on to say something that is so true : that they might know thee the ONLY TRUE GOD . Y'shua does not call himself a god , only to say LORD ELohim our Father and his Father sent him . LORD ELohim did not give Y'shua power over all flesh that a chosen few would have eternal life . Again LORD ELohim does not know how to give flesh eternal life . Since LORD ELohim Himself does not have the power to do that so how would Y'shua have such power ? And also if you add many other verses into this , the Bible says all mankind would have eternal life , some to live on earth and some to go to hell which is a wrong teaching to . Remember something that is a right teaching : LORD ELohim is the ONLY TRUE GOD just as the verse says and not also Y'shua or Joshua or anyone else.
- End time fading * . A man of sins * as a emperor , a president , empire leader , as a dictator * ..... * begin war again * . A man of sins * begin war again * . Calculate name * empire leader * = 666 * . Again remember * great eagle make * a man of sins * as a emperor * for world * Humanity *.
NOTES : The reason why the man called the beast has many names like as emperor or president and so on is because he will rule the world as the empire leader and many nations have different names for who rules them.
- God of Israel * as the FATHER * begat humans * on earth ark * . God of Israel * loves babies * . I AM HE saying * any Fetus * My children * as the FATHER . Behold today * people sin . The day at hand * depraved law * let killing * My children * the Embryo * . Depraved law * let killing * My children * come lawful * . Abortion did * legal killing * an a federal office * an courts * judges anger * God of Israel * as the FATHER * . Judges say * abortion did * legal killing * My children * . Remember again * dead embryos * My children * human bodies * . LORD ELohim * as the FATHER * loathe clinic * selling the * bloody babies * bodies pieces * for money * . Doctors did * selling the * bloody babies * human bodies * for money * . Wicked abort * any Fetus * for money * . Men of science * buy whole * any fetus * small bodies * . Men of science * go study * pieces of the * bloody babies * human bodies * . LORD ELohim * I AM HE saying * human love * grow evil * about earth * allowed for * My children * aborted body * . Behold today * abortion did * slaughter * My children * about earth * . Doctors did * slaughter * My children * about earth * . I AM HE saying * depraved law * let killing * My children * became the evil a * modern sin *.
NOTES : LORD ELohim knows mankind is over populated about earth but abortion and war is not the answer . Bringing back greater morals and the global use of contraception and smaller families would help . God noticed war has often been used by Grays , Anunnaki and Humanity to help correct over population . Greater morals and global contraception is a better way and kills no one who was conceived into being a living human being and a child of God.
- LORD ELohim * EL Roi create * DNA chemicals and * Dino's flesh * weighed too * too heavy * . Rock falleth * as asteroid * kindled earth * . This age ends * fearful Dino * . Long ago any * Dino life failed * . After Dino's * God of Israel * maketh mammal * . Since Dino's * LORD ELohim * begat species * of many called * new animals * about earth *.
NOTES : Why did LORD ELohim create all that He created ? God started playing with dirt about 3 billion year ago on earth , this earth . LORD ELohim had good intentions when He realized that He could make a living creature out of dirt and water as long as it had a Spirit Soul . God played around with dirt without knowing what the possibilities were for such creatures . God learned through trials and errors how to create more complex creatures . The enormous dinosaurs were a great error but God was learning more and more about flesh beings and how to create them and about how to give such creatures instincts . Then LORD ELohim started making creatures that looked a lot like Him and Spirits who we look like today . When God created the Grays tens of thousands of years ago He gave them free will and not much in the way of instincts . God had a lot of hope for the Grays to be wise enough to strive for a happy and loving life but soon that failed to happen . God tried again with the Anunnuki and they failed also . God did a lot of thinking about what could help free willed flesh have a good and loving life and then LORD ELohim tried again by creating us Humanity but we have failed to at that . God was more involved with people by giving mankind guidance such as His Ten Commandments and working through the Hebrew Jews to teach the world about LORD ELohim and how to live a good life but that failed also . The Jews did try to teach a pagan world but that only got a lot of pagan people mad at them . LORD ELohim tried many things but most all failed . People tend to over think why we exist . We exist because LORD ELohim liked playing in the dirt to see what He could create but flesh beings are high maintenance and what God hoped for is not working out and He will soon end all DNA creatures including us humans for many many reasons and one reason is because He loves us . LORD ELohim giving Grays , Anunnaki and Humanity free will in hope they make wise choices and good decisions and live a loving and happy and peaceful life has proven to be the greatest error of all regarding creation of anything . Don't over think why we exist , it's just simply this.
- LORD ELohim * God of Israel * did name you * Humanity * . LORD ELohim * begat humans * . Humanity * are last begat * mortal life * of free will * on earth ark * . LORD ELohim * tests man * of free will * choice doings * . Feeble humans * grow evil * on earth ark * . Humanity * evil spread * about earth * . Feeble humans * fight wars * is again and again * in past ages * and us now * yet war and * plot evil * . Today behold * evil grow * about earth * and the third * a flesh trial * of free will * in great failed * on earth ark * . Remember again * Humanity * in great failed * a flesh trial * . Soon at hand * a time of war * . This time be a * total woe * for world * Humanity * about earth *.
NOTES : Did Y'shua really say this ? ( B & R ) John 19 : 10 - 11 Then saith Pilate unto unto him , Speakest thou not unto me ? knowest thou not that I have power to crucify thee , and have power to release thee ? Jesus answered , Thou couldest have no power at all against me , except it were given thee from above : therefore he that delivered me unto thee hath the greater sin . Did Y'shua really say that LORD ELohim hath the greater sin ? LORD ELohim knows for sure Y'shua did not say this to Pilate because Y'shua understood what God was trying to do for all Humanity . LORD ELohim was with Y'shua during that time and Y'shua did not say it to Pilate . The way this is written it does not seem John meant Judas who is said to have betrayed Y'shua . LORD ELohim says He God did not sin regarding the sacrifice of Y'shua and that Y'shua understood his purpose in life was this and was glad to help God . LORD ELohim tried many times and many things to try to help mankind to pass the test because His love for us but all failed . This was a little extreme and God knows it but He and the man Y'shua and the Spirit Joshua were willing to try it to lead all mankind back to the right path but this failed to because soon most all was corrupted by people and new religions . Remember back then in time people all over the world were sacrificing animals and even humans and even children to their gods hoping for help or what ever from their gods . LORD ELohim was trying to work with mankind and the ways of people then hoping Y'shua would soon be the last sacrifice for all Humanity about earth.
NOTES : People often blame Satan for the evil and woes in this world . LORD ELohim gave the Grays , Anunnaki and us Humanity all freedom of choice regarding right or wrong , good or bad , love or hate and so on . Whats going on in this world we humans have to accept responsibility for it . Blaming Satan is never going to fix all the problems we have created for ourselves . People need to quit blaming Satan for all our woes and to start taking responsibility for the choices we have made in our past and are making today as an individual and as a species as a whole . Satan's real name is David and he is not the evil Spirit as most people think he is . Again remember Spirits passed their test and nothing has changed since then.
( 1 : 36 ) - I AM HE saying * Mine Grays * a DNA creature * . Mine Grays * behind circles * about earth * . Mine Grays * that are near * made massive * a crop design * . A crop design * give shapes * but shapes * are different * . A crop design * happen again and * happens again * but shapes * are different * . Behold recent * a crop design * a Gray E.T.'s face * and message in * binary math * . Grainfields be * canvas which * Mine Grays * practice here * about earth * . A crop design * are rehearsal * . Their deadly * weapon like * magneto field * . Magneto field * caused design * . Small rock be * magnetic for * magneto field * . Magneto field * pattern did * give shapes * in crop field * . Magneto field * causes heated * electric field * on plants * and in animals * . Mine Grays * their deadly * weapon like * magneto field * . E.T.'s planes * great magnet * on earth make * a crop design *.
NOTES : Crop circles go back to 1687 . There is a old picture of a being making a crop circle . The picture is called ' The Mowing Devil ' . Crop circles probably go back even further in history . Again Satan ( David ) was blamed for that in those days . Back then people probably did not know much about the Grays and Anunnaki.
NOTES : The dictionary says : Magneto - a small machine which uses a magnetic field to produce an electric current . This electric current causes heat . LORD ELohim in the Little Book tells us that the Grays main weapon is like a magneto field . In many places on earth people have found some of their cattle in the field which were mutilated but no blood was found on the ground . LORD ELohim thinks the magneto field may have kind of cooked the blood before the cow was dead and then cut up and mutilated . Are Grays responsible or man ? This God does not know but He would bet the Grays are doing this but He would not be surprised if it were man doing it testing a new weapon.
- A earth star * an spaceship * . Look up at * lights here * about earth * . Mine Grays * spaceship an * E.T.'s planes * about earth * . A earth star * be a great ship * .
NOTES : LORD ELohim knows of six great ships of the Grays near earth but there are many smaller spaceships LORD ELohim calls E.T.'s planes . Where the Anunnaki are LORD ELohim does not know . God only knows they cannot be alive beyond this solar system because there are no Souls past our solar system.
- LORD ELohim * God of Israel * did Ten Laws * an law four * is Sabbath Day * an day seven a * Holy Day of * LORD ELohim * . LORD ELohim * maketh Sabbath * . Sabbath Date is * LORD ELohim * depart time * . Sabbath Day is * a end of times * . Today behold * the day at hand * is Sabbath Day * . Soon a time * a flesh trial * again over and * mankind did fail * . Behold today * soon at hand * this age ends * . All Souls * as Spirit * depart time * is Sabbath Day *.
NOTES : LORD ELohim is not concerned about todays so called " political correctness " . God tells it the way He sees it and cares nothing about peoples feelings when people realize they are doing wrong according to God.
( 1 : 37 ) - In past ages * all Negro race * walk back then * about earth * . Abraham skin he a * African Negro * . Sarai color * of skin like * African Negro * . Abraham's son * little Isaac * . Little Isaac * start the * Israel flock * and white race * . All Isaac albino * white body * in bloodline * Israel flock * . Israel flock * a descendant of * little Isaac * . LORD ELohim * make Isaac for I * LORD ELohim *.
NOTES : Just a reminder LORD ELohim has many names . God of Israel is LORD ELohim . The word Negro was a respected name for dark skinned people . LORD ELohim gave people of dark skin this name so they could be mentioned in the Little Book . LORD ELohim loved His black skinned people back then and even today . It's not easy for God to communicate with people so LORD ELohim needed to find a way to work through people so He could teach them and they could teach the world and that's why He created Isaac to be a white skinned albino who began the white race . The Israel flock is of the white race and descendants of Jacob which are also called Hebrews . Jacobs brother Esau was also of the white race but he had nothing to do with Israel . God knows His chosen simply by looking at their skin color and location . I know now that LORD ELohim with the help of Spirits started working with me since I was three years old which explains many things about my life in the past and even today.
- Remember again * on earth ark * life before man * LORD ELohim * EL Roi create * first for * free will as a * choice doings * Mine Grays * . Anunnaki a E.T. * were second * of free will * LORD ELohim * God of Israel * EL Roi create * on earth ark * . Same both fail * life trials * . Humanity * the third and * third last * mortal life * of free will * on earth ark * . Humanity * failed simple * Ten Laws EL * teach in great * to humans * . Soon a time * this age ends * on earth ark * . In past ages * earth buried * E.T. evidences * and deep under * sea waters * E.T. evidences * about earth *.
NOTES : Remember that the Grays and Anunnaki were both on earth during the last Ice Age Climax when the ocean water was almost 300 feet lower then today and there was a lot more land then there is today . A lot of the evidences regarding both could be hundreds of feet deep under the ocean . The only place where E.T. evidences would probably not be found is where the massive Ice Sheet covered both land and ocean at the northern parts of the earth . All of Canada and northern United States and Greenland , Iceland , almost to Moscow , England , western Denmark and Germany and so on were covered by the last Ice sheet when the Grays an Anunnaki had their trials.
- Churches lie * about what * Abba cannot change * . Coming age hell * . Abba cannot change * all in a ruin * . Soon a time * global wars a * slaughter * for any life * on earth ark * . Soon a time * Pacific Ocean bare * as radiation * lakes spread * . Again remember * LORD ELohim * Abba cannot change * all in a ruin * on earth ark *.
NOTES : The book of Revelation said to be written by John who lived about two thousand years ago . Not all Revelation is correct and a lot was added to it over the years . But Revelation about the Little Book is mostly correct in chapter 10 . Back then it was a Little Book in LORD ELohim's mind and there was not a lot to write about then . Over the years LORD ELohim watching people had to add to the Little Book . God had to make up words and teach the words and spelling of the words to who ever was in need of a word for something . The language in Heaven has been modern English for trillions of years . Even back then LORD ELohim liked to play with a couple of codes when making up new words which is why most English and Hebrew words fit into the English and Hebrew codes even today . The Hebrew code is different then this code . Today the Little Book is not a Little Book any longer . Since the time of Johna lot has happened regarding man and many other things which is why the Little Book is now a very big Book created by LORD ELohim . A lot that has happened over the past six thousand years was unexpected to and so unexpected these subjects are not in the Little Book or who LORD ELohim was trying to teach words to was unteachable.
- Oak Island Canada a * riddle about * a Holy sacred * perfect gold * third altar * for a Temple * . Israel flock * alone built * a great island * . All Oak Island * owned by I AM * LORD ELohim *.
NOTES : The story about Oak Island is on this web sit.
(1:38) NOTES : I asked LORD ELohim if He could come up with prophecies about Humanity if He knew nothing about our past and present and LORD ELohim said He could not . God's prophecies are based on knowing mankind well and even the earth well and also other stuff . Remember LORD ELohim created the Grays and Anunnakis also . They were of free will also and God learnt a lot from them to what mankind may also do . God hoped people would be better then the Grays and Anunnakis if He could guide us by teaching us the Ten Commandments and much more but that did not work . LORD ELohims prophecies are based on what God knows about mortal life with free will . I am not a prophetess . That's not my job with LORD ELohim but I have learnt how easy it is to do prophecy . If you know people and know the earth and so on it's very easy to do prophecies the same way LORD ELohim does it . Can people who call themselves prophets really know the future ? There is nothing about people that gives them such abilities . They do it the way God does it . They know people and they know the earth so prophesying is so very easy to do . An example : if you have read the Little Book you know about the recent Ice Age Climax and the fact the ocean waters lowered about 300 feet . For the past 25 thousand years the Ice has been melting which is still raising the ocean waters . There is still a lot of Ice from that climax about earth . The natural warming if it continues will melta lot of that Ice and the ocean will continue to rise . If you look at places like New York they are not much above the ocean waters today . A easy prophecy would be that in the future New York and other lands even low inlands about earth will flood with ocean water if they change nothing about their shores and other ways to deal with the ocean rising . I could make hundreds of prophecies about our future this way but LORD ELohim has already covered most coming events.
- First for * a living being * LORD ELohim * God of Israel * make alive life * as Spirit *.
NOTES : Playing with numbers . We were just playing with numbers tonight and some were interesting . The main book base numbers are 3 and 6 and 9 . An example the 102 group is 102 and 120 and 210 . All these numbers add to 3 as the base number : 1 + 0 + 2 = 3 . Another example the 132 group is 132 and 312 . To find the base number add 1 + 3 + 2 = 6 . The base number is 6 . Another example is group 708 and 780 and 870 . 7 + 0 + 8 = 15 and 1 + 5 = 6 . The number 6 is the base number of the 708 group . Again how to find the base number : Using the numbers 288 . First add 2 + 8 + 8 = 18 . Because the answer is 18 you then add 1 + 8 = 9 . The number 9 is the base number of the 288 group . The base number is always only one number . If the answer is still more then one number continue adding until you come to the base number . The Code of the Little Book is the number 6 added to each letter : A = 6 , B = 12 , C = 18 , D =24 , and so on . The base numbers are only 3 and 6 and 9 for the entire book which repeats over and over again until the letter Z which base number is 3 . Playing with the number 9 : 9 + 9 = 18 and 1 + 8 = 9 , 18 + 9 = 27 and 2 + 7 = 9 , 27 + 9 = 36 and 3 + 6 = 9 , 36 + 9 = 45 and 4 + 5 = 9 and so on . The number 9 is always the base number when using the number 9 . When using the number 3 the 3 and 6 and 9 repeat over and over . When using any number from 1 to 10 a set of numbers will repeat over and over . The number 8 is the most interesting . Can you add low to higher numbers while at the same time the outcome base number goes higher to lower numbers ? Starting with 8 , 8 + 8 = 16 and 1 + 6 = 7 , 16 + 8 = 24 and 2 + 4 = 6 , 24 + 8 = 32 and 3 + 2 = 5 , 32 + 8 = 40 and 4 + 0 = 4 , 40 + 8 = 48 and 4 + 8 = 12 and 1 + 2 = 3 , 48 + 8 = 56 and 5 + 6 = 11 and 1 + 1 = 2 , 56 + 8 = 64 and 6 + 4 = 10 and 1 + 0 = 1 , 64 + 8 = 72 and 7 + 2 = 9 , 72 + 8 = 80 and 8 + 0 = 8 , and so on these base numbers from 9 to 1 will repeat over and over again . Notice as you are adding the number 8 going forward to higher numbers the base numbers are going from higher numbers to lower numbers then repeats the same over and over again . You can go into the hundreds and thousands and so on and these base number will repeat over and over . 568 + 8 = 576 and 5 + 7 + 6 = 18 and 1 + 8 = 9 , 8 + 576 = 584 and 5 + 8 + 4 = 17 and 1 + 7 = 8 , 8 + 584 = 592 and 5 + 9 + 2 = 16 and 1 + 6 = 7 , 8 + 592 = 600 and 6 + 0 + 0 = 6 , 8 + 600 = 608 and 6 + 0 + 8 = 14 and 1 + 4 = 5 , 8 + 608 = 616 and 6 + 1 + 6 = 13 and 1 + 3 = 4 , 8 + 616 = 624 and 6 + 2 + 4 = 12 and 1 + 2 = 3 , 8 + 624 = 632 and 6 + 3 + 2 = 11 and 1 + 1 = 2 , 8 + 632 = 640 and 6 + 4 + 0 = 10 and 1 + 0 = 1 , 8 + 640 = 648 and 6 + 4 + 8 = 18 and 1 + 8 = 9 , 8 + 648 = 656 and 6 + 5 + 6 = 17 and 1 + 7 = 8 and so on the base numbers will continue to repeat over and over again . God said put this into the Little Book . He found it interesting.
- Men of science * an ye woman * teach error * is regarding * one bang caused * the galaxies * . LORD ELohim * called error * made by you * men of science * an ye woman * The Mistake * . Remember again * one galaxy be * many bangs an * formed too * dark matter * . Big Bangs yet * happen again and * happens again * . After big bangs * the galaxies * too formed * . The galaxies * are so many * since big bangs * are so many *.
NOTES : What did LORD ELohim hope for ? That all mankind live in peace , to be one family , to share all earths bounty and to love one another and to care for all on the earth and earth itself . Most of all God expected mankind to obey Him and keep the Ten Commandments and other teachings by Him.
- All warming a * climate hoax * for money * . CO 2 gave * food for life * . Carbon into * all trees and * on plants * feed it's leafs * an feed stems * . Trees are as * all air cleaner * an the plant *. CO 2 gave * tree plant * growth feed * . Trees are as * all air cleaner * an the plant * . CO 2 gave * forest air * food for life * . Remember again * CO Two feed an * all trees and * plant it's * food for life * . Of oxygen * atoms give * flesh life it * food for life *.
NOTES : Remember we get our oxygen from plants and trees . The plants and trees need CO 2 to live and we need the oxygen the trees and plants give off for our flesh lives . Want to take CO 2 out of the air plant trees , plants and grasses.
- Soon evil * second Rome * kingdom nigh * . A global church * head has risen * . Today behold * the secrecy * . Of him fear him * . Their Rome * soon evil * . Behold today * peace on earth * illusion * of reality * . Soon evil * and end of a time *.
NOTES : A while ago we went out for a smoke and a few other people were there and the conversation was about life after death and death itself . LORD ELohim listened to the conversation about the different beliefs about death and what some people believe happens when we die . There were many experiences and God listened to them all . LORD ELohim's words to you is if your belief gives you comfort then believe in it as long as it causes no harm to others . We are all going to die and the talk included some experiences people had regarding the death of loved ones that even LORD ELohim cannot explain . LORD ELohim has heard stories in the past that God cannot explain but He has never seen a ghost and Angels do not have wings . There is a lot of mystery to the human mind and brain even today . LORD ELohim believes that it takes 10 or 15 minutes for the brain to completely shut down and people can experience dreams while in a dying state.
NOTES : Many Christians and others believe soon LORD ELohim will bring the dead back to life for only certain people at different times . This is called resurrecting the dead . The belief is that LORD ELohim will resurrect the Christian church at the Rapture . Then resurrection of Old Testament believers ( Jews or Gentiles ) at the second coming of Christ and also all martyred tribulation saints ( Jews and Gentiles ) at the second coming . Then resurrection of all millennial believers after the millennium which means many after a thousand years . The second resurrection is of the unredeemed which means the unsaved since the time of Adam and raised from the dead also after the millennial kingdom . Many believe all these people will be judged and sent to hell with Satan . Most believe the resurrections would be a bodily resurrection from the grave and some believe it is the Soul which is resurrected from the grave . This is where this belief falls apart . We are made of dirt and water and when we die our body decays and goes back to being a pile of dry dust . LORD ELohim does not know how to put grave dust back together again to make a person and what about those cremated who's dust was thrown to the wind on a mountain or those buried at sea and eaten by sharks and so on . How can God put together again a persons body when all is dust ? And for those who believe the Soul of the person goes to the grave with the body LORD ELohim wonders why you believe He is a cruel cruel Father to His Spirit children . The belief is that many will not be resurrected for thousands of years after the body dies . Why would you even think God is so cruel He would make these Souls stay in a grave for thousands of years ? Thats just crazy to believe that about LORD ELohim and Souls . Again LORD ELohim says " think not beyond logic " and know that He is not a cruel and crazy God and Father of Spirit and flesh who are all His children . No Souls ever went to the grave with the dead body or with the cremated dust . Dead flesh know nothing and feels nothing . Again remember there is no hell . Death is the same for all good and evil people . Death is eternal for all . The bottom line is that even if God could bring people back to life , which He can't , but if He could He says He would have no interest in doing so . LORD ELohim feels that creating flesh beings from dust was a disappointment the first time around so He is not interested in a second time around.
( 1 : 39 ) - Art Bell help * LORD ELohim * find the lies * told to all * and seeks the * hidden evidence *.
NOTES : Art Bell was a night time radio host of Coast to Coast . Most people if asked : Who is God most likely to work through ? would probably say Christian preachers or their religions preacher types but that is not true . Christian preachers and other leaders of other religions usually have a closed mind to what LORD ELohim is trying to say to mankind today . Art Bell had a open mind and through Art Bell LORD ELohim revealed many lies told to people about earth . Some of Art Bell's stuff was out there but most got people thinking and opening their mind's to other possible truths and answers to many things and that's what LORD ELohim wanted . Art Bell has since passed away .
- Soon a time * a president * saying " I AM HE " * rules here * . A president * dictator of * nations and * a global church * make Great Eagle * their Rome * . Soon evil * Rome is again * . Soon bondage * for any men * an ye woman * . Remember again * second Rome * soon evil * about earth *.
- God of Israel * in God's Book * give signs * . Even recent * Japan people * causes a war * against us * of Jacobs line * . Even recent * pagan Hitler * causes a war * against us * of Jacobs line *.
NOTES : LORD ELohim made Isaac the first white skinned person . Isaac had two sons , one being Esau and the other Jacob . Both Esau and Jacob were white skinned . Not all white skinned people are Hebrews for many are of the bloodline of Esau . So it is possible that Hitler was of Esau bloodline and not of the bloodline of Jacob which is why the Little Book says Hitler caused war against Jacobs bloodline which is the bloodline of the Jews , Israel , Great Britain , Canada , Australia , New Zealand , South Africa , United States and so on . We know Ephraim and Manasseh who's bloodlines are that of Jacob were given much land by LORD ELohim . Ephraim's land became Great Britain and her many colonies and Manasseh land is the United States of America . Notice these nations are mainly of the white race and mainly speak the English language except some colonies of Great Britain . LORD ELohim also gave the land of Israel to Judah . Many people of the tribes of Benjamin and Levites are yet Jews along with the offspring of Judah . Note that most Jews about earth are of the white race and of Jacob's bloodline.
- In ghosts * energy like * electric field * . Electric field * hath energy * and bodies death * made ghosts * . Flesh give me * spook image * . Flesh formed * spook image * . Human bodies * and animals made * an much more * mortal life * electric field * begat spook *. Ghosts made * then haunt * about earth * . Mortal life * and bodies death * made ghosts *.
NOTES : LORD ELohim does not believe in ghosts but if it were possible the above riddle may be the reason why . But if humans make ghosts so would the dinosaurs and dogs and cats and any other form of mortal life on earth and you don't hear much about people seeing a T Rex ghost walking down the street . LORD ELohim is sure there are no ghosts haunting earth but if there are our whole earth has got to be a packed house with them . The reason why the above riddle about ghosts is in the Little Book is because people have been talking about ghosts for thousands of years and this is the only possible reason why ghosts may exist that God could come up with . Even in the Bible there is mention of ghosts . ( B ) Luke 9 : 30 - 33 And , behold , there talked with him two men , which were Moses and Elias . LORD ELohim said that Y'shua did not talk to the ghosts of Moses and Elias and Moses and Elias are not Spirits . LORD ELohim has not seen Moses and Elias since they died a long long time ago . If God could raise Moses and Elias from the dead He would not do so but thats impossible to do anyway . In the New Testament Elias is mentioned often as yet existing in some ghostly or Spirit form but again LORD ELohim says he is yet dead and like all people will remain dead : Matthew 11 : 14 , 16 : 13 -14 , 17 : 10 -13 , John 1 : 21 - 25.
( 1 : 40 ) - A president * and a awful man * kingdom nigh * . A president * saying I AM HE * corrupt * . Hand chip device * mark of beast * . Nano chip a web * hand chip device * partners * computer * . A forehead device * partners * computer * . Remember again * hand chip device * mark of beast * . Mark of beast * chip inform * computer * of dictator * . Dreadful mind * computer * partners * mark of beast * hand chip device * for world * remaining of * Humanity *.
- Calculate name * for the pagan * empire leader * . Soon at hand * for world * a president * called beast by * LORD ELohim * . God of Israel * LORD ELohim * give code key * for the pagan * empire leader * . The Little * Book code key * 666 * calculate name * for the pagan * empire leader *.
- Behold today * them hackers * causes woe * for money * . Them hackers * are stealing * for money * . Soon a time * them hackers * grow evil * and cause woe * about earth * and nations * . Soon a time * Humanity * here suffer *.
NOTES : LORD ELohim said to all mankind in the Ten Commandments : Exodus 20 : 15 You shall not steal.
- If a cyber war * electric here * all quits * . On line war * causes woe * then for all * Humanity * on earth ark *.
NOTES : LORD ELohim groups the Neanderthals with Humanity as also being the third of free will . The Neanderthals were Humanoids and just like a different race of Humans . Remember Abraham and Sarah were black people and their son Isaac was the first white man therefore we white people are related to black people . The Neanderthals and humans were closely related also . The Neanderthals are now extinct but some people are said to have some Neanderthal DNA even today . All species with free will were closely related and could breed with each other . God just wanted you to know that the Neanderthals did have free will also . The early Humans did not cause the Neanderthals to die out . God says the Neanderthals were simply not as smart as early Humans . The Stone Age was a difficult time for any of free will to survive . The natural climate at that time had a lot to do with the Neanderthals to die out.
- Neanderthal I * LORD ELohim * EL Roi create * on earth ark * in past ages * an all long ago * . Neanderthal I * EL Roi create * of free will * alike common * Humanity * in past age and * even today *.
( 1 : 41 ) - Catholic decree * on Last Day * soon a time * Peter Roma * be last pope * of Catholics * . I AM HE predict * Peter Roma * partners * with great * empire leader * . Empire leader * help Vatican * to rule as * Babel religion * for world * . In past ages * Babel religion * had many gods * . In past age and * even today * Catholic decree * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * He many gods * . In past age and * even today * God of Israel * I AM HE forsake * Babel religion * of Catholics * . Remember again * I AM HE saying * I AM is one God * . I AM HE saying * Abba not three * " us " deities * . Any Catholic * churches lie * LORD ELohim * He many gods * . All churches a * harlot like * any Catholic * church too *.
NOTES : The word Roma comes from the Latin word Romanus which means Roman . Peter Roma means Peter the Roman . The word Abba means Father . LORD ELohim is the Father of all created . The word forsake means to give up or leave alone or abandon . Remember the world to come is the Second Rome according to prophecy . Harlot means prostitute which means selling oneself out for money . The word harlots refers to the Protestant churches and others who are not Catholic but share the same beliefs like LORD ELohim is many gods and many other wrong beliefs like God can resurrect dead people back to life again , or that Y'shua feed thousands with just a couple a fish and a few bread and on and on.
NOTES : When you read about LORD ELohim or Y'shua or other writings remember LORD ELohim is a loving and good Father of all He created . If it says that God can do something like help Y'shua feed thousands with just a couple of fish think about that . If LORD ELohim through Y'shua could do that then , then why would He not feed starving children about earth now . God would not let a child die of starvation if He alone could have save him and others . God cannot do this but if He could He would not resurrect the dead back to life . There's over seven billion people on earth and the earth does not need billions and billions more to house and feed and so on . LORD ELohim is God and a loving Father but even He has His limits . This is it , you are having your turn for this life so make the best of it while you can . LORD ELohim wants to remind you to " Think Not Beyond Logic " . Torah - Genesis 2 : 7 the LORD God formed man from the dust of the earth , and He blew into his nostrils the breath of life ; and man became a living being . Torah - Genesis 3 : 19 By the sweat of your brow Shall you get bread to eat , Until you return to the ground , For from it you were taken : For dust you are , And to dust you shall return . Genesis 18 : 27 Abraham spoke up , saying " Here I venture to speak to the LORD , I who am but dust and ashes : ( B ) Ecclesiastes 3 : 20 All go unto one place ; all are of the dust , and all turn to dust again . In past ages people like Daniel believed in resurrections from the dead but a lot was wishful thinking like people today who want to live on after death . Not everything ever written in any religious book were authored by LORD ELohim . Many times the author was the writer expressing his or her own hopes and wishes about such stuff . LORD ELohim teaching any person was and is not easy to do so there are errors in all religious books . LORD ELohim and Spirits and me work hard not to error and the Little Book almost writes itself so I was lucky that LORD ELohim gave me it to do so my hopes and wishes have no place in the Book . A lot of people hope for eternal life but also hope for a better life then this one . That LORD ELohim cannot do for us now , only we can try to do that for each other.
NOTES : There was a talk show on the radio about sweat shops and the billions of dollars worth of stuff that corporations in nations like the U.S.A., Canada and alike buy from these sweat shop or bring in from sweat shops they own . There area lot of children who work in these sweat shops for nickels a day and adults to . As we said in the above only we can make life better for each other . These sweat shops in poorer nations or nations that allow sweat shops and child labor is something we could change and make the lives of these people a lot better then it is . Pay for the adults has to be better so their children do not need to work there to . Again LORD ELohim cannot change the lives of these people but we can . This is an example why LORD ELohim is tired of us and there is many more like this one example.
- Remember again * in past age and * even today * Catholic decree * lied God's Law * all not needed * . God of Israel * Father affirm * Humanity * they all need * EL Ten Laws * .
NOTES : Y'shua ( Jesus ) said when we pray we are to pray to our Father LORD ELohim . ( R ) Matthew 6 : 6 But thou , when thou prayest , enter into thy closet , and when thou hast shut thy door , pray to thy Father which is in secret ; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly . ( R ) Matthew 6 : 9 After this manner therefore pray ye : Our Father which art in heaven , Hallowed by thy name . LORD ELohim has noticed for a long time that most Christians pray in the name of and to Y'shua ( Jesus ) and not LORD ELohim . Most people today completely ignore our true Father and God LORD ELohim . Remember Y'shua and Joshua his Spirit guide are not gods . The Jewish man Y'shua has been dead for about two thousand years and is not around to hear your prayers . LORD ELohim is your Father and God not Y'shua . Read the above verses again : the words " thy Father " and " our Father " . Y'shua does not try to claim that he is your Father as most Christians believe Y'shua is the creator of all . Over and over again in red letters Y'shua says the LORD ELohim is " your Father " , " our Father " , " thy Father " , " your Heavenly Father " , " the Father " and so on . When you pray , pray to the one and only God and Father LORD ELohim . Does LORD ELohim hear all prayers ? No but you never know where He is.
- Behold today * ISIS beheading * or crucified * human bodies * kill lives * . I AM HE saying * they killed * My children * . Because of hate * as prejudice * they killed * My children * . Peace on earth * all a mankind's * illusion * , not ELohim * illusion *.
NOTES : The word prejudice in the Dictionary means : an opinion or judgment based on irrelevant considerations or inadequate knowledge , especially an unfavorable opinion or judgment . Unreasonable hostility toward a particular person , group , race , religion , nation and so on . The word illusion means : an appearance or feeling that misleads because it is not real . Something that deceives by giving a false idea . A false idea , notion or belief . LORD ELohim has no illusions about mankind and whats going on about earth . He knows all to well why we have failed as a species who have free will . Generations after generations of mankind failed at obeying LORD ELohim's Laws and failed at love and peace and happiness an much more.
NOTES : Looking for peace on earth and a safe place to be these days ? Good luck at finding that . LORD ELohim watches the evening news.
- Remember again * God's plan made * human bodies * and made animals * about earth * an the plant * and all trees * . God of Israel * YHVH hoped * formed flesh * hath a good life * and also hope a * loving life * for any life * on earth ark * . Because of hate * mankind did fail * loving life * and all a happy * loving life * . Humanity * did miss chance * for a longer * loving life * and all a happy * loving life * because of hate * and had so much * money greed * and rebellion * an all against * EL Ten Laws * an much more * like again war * about earth * in past age and * even today * . Behold today * God of Israel * Abba is tired of * Humanity * about earth * . Soon a time * this age ends * for world * Humanity * and animals made * an the plant * and all trees * an much more * mortal life * on earth ark * . Soon a time * a void of life be * on earth ark *.
NOTES : There was a time long ago that LORD ELohim wished He had not made mankind but then He gave us a few more chances to obey Him and have a good loving and peaceful life . Genesis 6 : 5 - 8 And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth , and that every imagination of the thought of his heart was only evil continually . And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth , and it grieved him at his heart . And the LORD said , I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth ; both man , and beast , and the creeping thing , and the fowls of the air ; for it repenteth me that I have made them . But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD . After Noah LORD ELohim worked through Moses and the prophets and Y'shua and other Jews . The Jews did teach the pagan world that LORD ELohim was the one and only God and Father and they did teach the pagan world the Ten Commandments and other teachings of LORD ELohim . You cannot say LORD ELohim and the Jews did not try to guide us to a loving and happy life for they did and still mankind failed . We have now run out of chances . LORD ELohim is not looking for another Noah or Moses . LORD ELohim is just looking forward to going home to Heaven to be with His Spirit children who are loving , kind , good and very happy and a great joy to be with.
NOTES : We do work hard to try to make sure what is written is correct . Remember this Sabbath Day may last a thousand years but it may end for us sooner . Only LORD ELohim knows when the end of mortal life will be . This I do know : If a nuclear war starts on earth or in space LORD ELohim will end all mortal life at that time.