Date: Sept 1, 2022
Welcome to # 10 of the Little Book . Again the Little Book is not for everyone . By now you know the code for the coded part of the Little Book . If you do not know the code go to # 9 and you will find it there near the top . Remember the Little Book is LORD ELohim's Book . In the Little Book so far the LORD has written about most of the subjects He wanted people to know about . The following is about the book of Luke . Again LORD ELohim has written about most subjects He wanted to cover so not every verse in Luke will be written about in this # 10 update .
The letters CB means Christian Bible . The letters JB means the Jewish Bible . OT means Old Testament of the Christian Bible . KJV means the King James Version Christian Bible . NIV means the New International Version Christian Bible . ( 10 : 1 ) NOTES : Is other information that is added or just used to make it easy to find what your looking for in the Little Book . Many times the CB New Testament uses the JB and their Old Testament as a way to verify what is written in the CB New Testament . The Old Testament in the CB should be written exactly as it is written in the JB because that is what the Christians claim the Old Testament is : the JB . Christians changed the name of many Jews and even including the man Y'shua . The name Y'shua was changed to Jesus and the name Miriam the mother of Y'shua was changed to Mary . In the Little Book we use their real names : Y'shua and Miriam . If we are writing a verse from any Bible we write it the way it is written in the Bible even the wrong names of people . The - means we are writting about a verse or of a few verses . The verses are written in this font . The LORD means LORD ELohim . ( B ) means black letters meaning that Y'shua did not say the words in the verse . ( R ) means Y'shua is said to have said the verses .
We are not going to write every verse in any of these following books . If we are writing the whole verse we will put the verses at the top of each section . Most people today do have a CB . The JB we use is called The Jewish Study Bible by The Jewish Publication Society .
( 10 : 1 ) NOTES : There is not a lot known about Luke other then he was not a disciple of Y'shua when Y'shua was alive and he was not a prophet for LORD ELohim . The LORD says He never knew this man . It's believed that Luke wrote this book of Luke and also wrote the book of Acts but he does not identify himself as being the author of either of these books . Who was Luke ?
( 10 : 2 ) NOTES : The word ' belief or believed ' is a interesting word . The words mean having faith ; having trust in something that is not proven to be true or real . Having religious faith . A believing without proof ; trust .
- Luke 1 : 1 & 2 ( B ) says in the KJV : Forasmuch as many have taken in hand to set forth in order a declaration of those things which are most surely believed among us , Even as they delivered them unto us , which from the beginning were eyewitnesses , and ministers of the word . Who ever wrote this was not a actural witness to Y'shua and what went on regarding Y'shua . The first verse in Luke uses the word ' believed ' by him so one can assume that all in his book is simply ' believed ' by him and he was not a witness to these things regarding Y'shua and whatever . It's believed that Luke was a gentile which means he was not a Jew . It's believed that Luke wrote for the gentiles and not for the Jews .
- Luke 1 : 3 & 4 ( B ) in the KJV : It seemed good to me also , having had perfect understanding of all things from the very first , to write unto thee in order , most excellent Theophilus , That thou mightest know the certainity of those things , where in thou hast been instructed . In the NIV it says : With this in mind , since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning , I too decided to write an orderly account for you , most excellent Theophilus , so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught . These verses 1 - 4 are the beginning of the book of Luke . Luke in the KJV says he has ' perfect understanding of all things ' . In the NIV CB it says he wrote that he ' carefully inverstigated everything from the beginning ' . Luke also writes ' certainity of those things ' . We will see with LORD ELohim's help if Luke was as smart as he thought he was about ' everything from the beginning ' .
( 10 : 3 ) Luke 1 : 5 - 14 ( B ) In the KJV : This is about John the Baptist and how he came about . It says the father of John who's name was Zacharias saw a Angel of the Lord who told him about John . LORD ELohim says He did not create John with His hands . There were only three people who the LORD did make from three chosen eggs and three chosen sperms and they were Isaac , Samson and Y'shua . John did have a teaching Spirit during his life . The father of John could not have seen a Angel because no mortal flesh can see or hear Spirits or LORD ELohim . LORD ELohim did not cause in any way for Elizabeth to become pregnant with John the Baptist . That was just something that happened . Elizabeth was old in year at that time and when He heard she was pregnant the LORD chose her child to help Him . The LORD knew these two parents would teach John well about Him and about Judaism . The LORD gave John the Baptist a teaching Spirit when he was six years old .
- In Luke 1 : 6 in the KJV : ( B ) And they were both righteous before God , walking in all commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless . This verse is about the father Zacharias and the mother of John the Baptist who's name is Elisabeth . This is why the LORD chose their son John to help Him . The belief that we all carry the sin of Adam and Eve is wrong . The LORD would not call any human ' righteous or blameless ' if we are all with sin because what Adam and Eve did . Remember Adam and Eve's sin is theirs alone and the LORD never put the sin of these two upon all other people . The belief in ' original sin ' is wrong . Original sin means : the state of sin in which , according to Christian theology , all human beings exist because of Adam's disobedience to the word of God . Again this is wrong . LORD ELohim would not blame any other human for the sins of other people . We own our own sins and not other peoples sins . It's a lie Adam's and Eve's sin is upon all of us . So it is possible but would be extremely rare and not likely that someone makes it through life to old age without having sinned . People like Zacharias and Elisabeth were rare . Christians believe death is the result of sin and thats why we sinners all die . These two who are called ' righteous and blameless ' meaning without sin both died just like everyone else . A note here : in the KJV their names are spelt ' Zacharias and Elisabeth . In the NIV their names are spelt ' Zechariah and Elizabeth . Which spellings are a error ?
- Luke 1 : 15 ( B ) In the KJV ' : .... and he shall be filled with the Holy Ghost , even from his mother's womb . The NIV says ... : filled with the Holy Spirit even before he is born . There is no such Spirit as the Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit but the LORD gave John a teaching Spirit when John was six years old . John was chosen out of many children at that time . I was six years old when LORD ELohim gave me a teaching Spirit named Alt and I still don't know why me .
- Luke 1 : 19 - 20 ( B ) In the KJV it says that an Angel called Gabriel made Zacharias dumb and unable to speak because Zacharias the father of John the Baptist did not believe what Gabriel said about him soon having a son . LORD ELohim would never punish someone for not believing what is hard to believe . Again no mortal can see or hear Spirits . If people could see and hear the LORD and other Spirits the outcome of our trial would have been very different . LORD ELohim worked hard many times to try to help us . If we could hear Him or the Angels He would have not needed His chosen people to try to put the bits and pieces together that He managed to teach the Jews .
- Luke 1 : 31 ( B ) In the KJV : And , behold , thou shalt conceive in thy womb , and bring forth a son , and shalt call his name JESUS . The CB say the Angel Gabriel was sent to Miriam ( Mary ) and he said verse 31 . The name given to the man Christians call Jesus was Y'shua . The name Y'shua is a Jewish Hebrew name for a Jewish Hebrew man . The name Jesus is a Greek name Christians changed Y'shua to and LORD ELohim was not pleased about that . LORD ELohim will always call His Lamb Y'shua . The question is : why did Christians change his name in the first place ? Christians say that every word in the CB is true and without error . Y'shua's name was not Jesus and this is a error or a lie made many dozens of times . Luke ; who ever he was should have known the Lamb's name was Y'shua and not Jesus if he did have ' perfect understanding ' like he claimed to have about the Lamb .
( 10 : 4 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim said the mother Miriam knew nothing about what the LORD's plan was for her son Y'shua . There was no Angel who spoke to her . LORD ELohim did give Joseph a teaching Spirit and Joseph did understand enough to marry Miriam . All this was a little scary for Miriam but she knew that the only one who could cause her pregnancy having never slept with a man was LORD ELohim . It was her faith as a Jew that helped her through this . A Christian book says she was thirteen at the time with her pregnancy but LORD ELohim said she was twenty years old and a women and not a child .
- Luke 1 : 32 ( B ) In the KJV : He shall be great , and shall be called the Son of the Highest : and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David . According to the verses starting with 26 this is the Angel Gabriel speaking to Miriam ( Mary ) the mother of Y'shua . Again we cannot hear or see Spirits but the LORD said both Miriam and Joseph did have a teaching Spirit who cannot be heard or seen either . An Angel speaking with his mouth to Miriam never happened because it could not happen . The LORD says it is an error to call Y'shua ' the Son of the Highest ' . Y'shua was mortal flesh and just as you are mortal flesh . Y'shua was one son out of millions of sons back then and one out of billions to now . Y'shua was not and is not the only son of LORD ELohim . All men are sons of LORD ELohim and Y'shua was no different . It was LORD ELohim who created mortal life so He is the Father of all humanity : both male and female . No Spirit said that Y'shua would become a King . Y'shua becoming a King was not in the LORD's plans for Y'shua . Y'shua was and still is to be remembered as the willing Lamb of God .
( 10 : 5 ) NOTES : We are going to make this subject clear so we don't have to mention this over and over again . LORD ELohim and His Angels cannot be seen or heard . People who claim they saw a real Angel or LORD ELohim are lying or having illusions : it's that simple . The LORD with teaching Spirits helping can cause the mind of people to see visions or put thoughts into peoples mind but that does not work well very often which is why the LORD starts working with His chosen person at around six years old . Also those people and me still had free will to make the choice to serve the LORD or to not help the LORD and the LORD says a few choose not to serve Him so that was a waste of many years of difficult work for Him and teaching Spirits . We mentioned before about ' men of God ' . These men that the LORD chose were more capable of understanding what God wants done more then most other people . They were better at putting the bits and pieces of information given to them by teaching Spirits and the LORD then other people mostly because of the Jewish faith and what they had prior knowledge of regarding LORD ELohim . Moses was a ' man of God ' and many of the true prophets and a few other people who's names are unknown . The mortal man Y'shua was also a ' man of God ' and also the Lamb of God . These ways of the LORD commuicating with people was not perfect . Errors happened because peoples hopes and beliefs are strongly felt . Even Y'shua errored when saying there is an afterlife . Y'shua did not believe in a hell . Also there is no Spirit called the Holy Spirit created by LORD ELohim that is like what Christians say this Spirit is like . The LORD never created such a Spirit . The point is : that we cannot hear with our ears or see with our eyes LORD ELohim or other Spirits so the verses that says people saw LORD ELohim or Angels or heard LORD ELohim or Angels this is a lie . Again if LORD ELohim and all His Angels could be seen and heard this world would be a very different world for people and even for animals in past ages and today .
- Luke 1 : 35 ( B ) In the KJV : And the angel answered and said unto her , The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee , and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee : therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God . In the NIV it says : .... So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God . First we cannot hear or see Angels . Second there is no Holy Ghost type Spirit . Third calling Y'shua ' that holy thing ' is so wrong . Y'shua was not a ' thing ' , he was a person . The NIV says ' the holy one to be born ' which is better then ' thing ' . Forth the man called Y'shua was not the only Son of God as Christians believe . Y'shua was a son of God like all men are sons of LORD ELohim and all women are daughters of LORD ELohim . It's funny how Y'shua goes from being called ' that holy thing ' to be called also the ' Son of God ' . It's not that other words could not be used like ' holy baby ' , ' holy child ' , ' holy person ' , ' holy son ' and other words . Christians believe Y'shua was a God . The word ' thing ' is a strange word in the CB to call their god .
- Luke 1 : 37 ( B ) in the KJV : For with God nothing shall be impossible . The NIV says : For no word from God will ever fail . LORD ELohim says this is not true . There are many things that the LORD cannot do like raising people from the dead back to life , healing all diseases , making a stone into bread , making people disappear on earth and reappear in Heaven in a moment which Christians call the ' rapture ' and many other things . It took the LORD billions of years to create the mortal life that exists today on earth and with many trials and errors . LORD ELohim had to do a lot more then just speaking words for anything to be created . Again LORD ELohim says think not beyond logic .
- Luke 1 : 50 ( B ) in the KJV says : And his mercy is on them that fear him from generation to generation . The word fear has several meanings . To read Bibles you may need a Dictionary . To be afraid of LORD ELohim is wrong . The LORD wants most people to love Him and not to be frightened of Him . If your wicked , cruel and evil and He knows you then you have reason to be fearful of Him . The word fear also means to have awe and reverence for LORD ELohim . The word reverence means a feeling of deep respect mixed with wonder , awe and love . This is the meaning that the LORD likes for the word ' fear ' .
( 10 : 6 ) NOTES : I asked when did LORD ELohim find out about the Holocaust and the attempted genocide of His chosen people the Jews and He said after it was over . The LORD knew about the second world war going on but not about the slaughter and mass murders of His chosen people the Jews and other people by hitler and his goons . Again LORD ELohim cannot be everywhere at the same time . The LORD spent most of that war in Israel so He had not much knowledge of what was going on in Europe regarding His Jews and others . Had He known what was going on He would have dropped hitler and all of his goons dead . The mass murders by the nazis of millions of people who were not soldiers put the last nail in our coffin as a species being judged by the LORD .
( 10 : 7 ) NOTES : It's a fine line between letting mankind be what we are or LORD ELohim stepping in to help us everytime we step out of line . The Holocaust the LORD would have helped those people being slaughtered had He known about it but it's a cruel world everywhere then and these days . It was a cruel world in the past and it's a cruel world even today . The LORD gave mankind free will so we can make choices and hopefully good choices toward love , kindness , peace and happiness . It was and is our free will being judged and what we do with that . The choices we make as a species is what He has judged . LORD ELohim does not know every person and what they did in life but He knows enough about mankind as a species to know we failed our trial . If you know us today and what's going on in this crazy world and our history which is no less crazy and your honest about it you can then understand why we failed our trial . The suffering and pain in the world is great also . Mortal life and all the species of mortal life in general did not do well .
- Luke 2 : 7 ( B ) In the KJV : And she brought forth her firstborn son , and wrapped him in swaddling clothes , and laid him in a manger , because there was no room for them in the inn . In Matthew 2 : 11 in the KJV : An when they were come into the house , they saw the young child with Mary his mother , and fell down , and worshipped him .... . The NIV is much the same . There is a big differance between a stable and a house . So what was it : a house or stable where Y'shua was born ? LORD ELohim says He was with Miriam when she gave birth to Y'shua and that happened in a friends ' house ' in Bethlehem and not in a stable as Luke says . LORD ELohim says no one came into the house to worship Y'shua . Had people tried to do that Joseph and Miriam and their Jewish friends would have sent the pagans away fast . Jews do not believe mortals can be Gods and the Jews are right . The LORD says this never happened . No one came to the ' house ' to worship Y'shua or to give gifts to the baby .
( 10 : 8 ) NOTES : Was there a star the Magi saw in the night sky and followed and did the star stop over the house where the baby Y'shua was ? Were there even Magi involved there ? LORD ELohim says He knows nothing about the Magi and He was there when Y'shua was born and long after He stayed with him . The LORD says He never created a star that could stop and stand still in the night sky . This did not happen . What about the shepherds in the field a Angel is said to have spoken to ? The LORD says this did not happen either . The birth of Y'shua was very uneventful . This guy Luke if he even existed is not doing very well regarding what he claimed to have carefully investigated and had perfect under-standing of . Let's continue .
- Luke 2 : 11 ( B ) in the KJV : For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour , which is Christ the Lord . The NIV says : Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you ; he is the Messiah , the Lord . Again the CB says a Angel said this to the shepherds . Never happened . Y'shua was not the awaited Messiah or a Lord ( God ) or a king . Y'shua was the Lamb of God , a father of two sons , a husband to Miriam Magdalene , and a Rabbi for a few years and a carpenter like Joseph . The name Mary is Greek . All the Mary's in the CB Jewish names were Miriam and not Mary .
- Luke 2 : 13 & 14 ( B ) in the KJV : And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying , Glory to God in the highest , and on earth peace , good will toward men . The NIV says : Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel , praising God and saying , Glory to God in the highest heaven , and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests . You could put millions of Angels close together and still mortals could not hear or see them . The Angels would have known that LORD ELohim was not in the highest Heaven at that time . The LORD was with Y'shua almost constantly during Y'shua's life time . It says ' on whom his favor rests ' . LORD ELohim was working to help all people on earth and not just the Jews . Christians believe they alone are saved except for a couple of Jews like Moses and Elijah but if people did have an eternal life that would be all mankind . LORD ELohim never gets the Angels together just for the purpose to worship Him . The LORD as their Father gets them together for games , singing , dancing , plays and a lot of other fun stuff but never for worshiping Him . LORD ELohim is the Father of all Spirits and He treats them as His deeply beloved children and not like a church congregation . People were worshiping false gods long before LORD ELohim made Himself known to mankind so He went with what people were doing . It's like sacrifices . People were doing that to long before LORD ELohim became involved with His mortal children . LORD ELohim did not understand this sacrifice stuff but He went with that to when He began trying to help people but He made rules to such sacrifices so no human is sacrificed and no animal suffers .
( 10 : 9 ) NOTES : Christians believe in a afterlife and a happy afterlife for themselves . Most believe through Y'shua they are guaranteed a happy afterlife because of stuff they believe about him . Many Christians believe it's just Christians who will enjoy the good afterlife on earth or in Heaven and that every one else goes to hell . The LORD ELohim wants to remind Christians that since the time of Abraham the Jews would do certain rituals for the forgiveness of their sins . The LORD also wants to remind Christians that the sacrifice of the Lamb of God Y'shua was for most all humanity and not just Christians . If there were an afterlife and resurrection of the bodies of people the Jews of the past and even today would be the first to see the pearly gates of Heaven and not Christians . But again there is no afterlife and there will not be any resurrection of dead peoples bodies because the LORD cannot do that . Note : there are no pearly gates .
( 10 : 10 ) NOTES : There is a belief among Christians called the ' rapture ' . LORD ELohim is amused by this belief . The word rapture in English means ' to catch up ' . The Christians disagree when this will happen but the most common is the belief it will happen before the tribulation . The tribulation is believed to be a seven year period after the rapture of the Christians when God's wrath happens against mankind . They believe that Y'shua will rapture them and in a moment their mortal flesh bodies will disappear on earth and reappear in LORD ELohim's Heaven . There is a lot of problems with this belief and the main problem is LORD ELohim does not know how to do that and Y'shua is dead and will forever be dead just like all other mortals and even if Y'shua were alive he would not know how to do that either . The LORD's Heaven starts billions of miles away from earth and even the LORD cannot go from earth to Heaven that fast . How can mortal flesh disappear on earth and in the blink of an eye suddenly their mortal bodies appear again in Heaven ? And how can mortal flesh live in Heaven where there is no air , food and all else mortal flesh needs . Heaven is mostly empty space in space . This galaxy is one of six galaxies that make up Heaven but earth is not a part of Heaven . The LORD made a buffer zone between the earth and where Heaven starts in this galaxy just incase there is a problem with the creation of mortal life . No mortals have gone to Heaven and no mortal ever will go to Heaven . The truth is LORD ELohim is protecting His Spirit children from us mortals with free will . Christians need to remember that LORD ELohim calls you pagans because you worship false gods to . If the LORD could do this before all hell breaks loose on earth : He would not rapture pagans but He would rapture His Jews . Remember again mortals could not survive in Heaven . This earth is the only place in the universe that LORD ELohim created trees and plants and living mortal flesh . Here on earth mortal life can barely exist as it is . If a nuclear hell happens we will have destroyed the only home we mortals will ever have . Also LORD ELohim is not going to wrath anything on earth : that would be people doing it .
- Luke 2 : 8 - 20 ( B ) In the KJV it says that the shepherds a Angel talked to went to Bethlehem to see the baby Y'shua . The LORD says no shepherds went to Bethlehem because no Angel spoke to any shepherds about Y'shua . Again the birth of Y'shua was very uneventful . No body was waiting to see a King or a Messiah or a God coming out of Miriam's womb . Even Joseph and Miriam knew very little to nothing at all who this child was to become . At best they believed LORD ELohim did have a purpose for Y'shua but did not know what that was at the time of his conception and birth and for years to come . The LORD says Y'shua's childhood was much like other male Jewish children . If a Angel really spoke to the shepherds the Angel would have said Y'shua would become the Lamb of God and not the Messiah and not a King and not a God .
- Luke 2 : 21 ( B ) in the KJV it says : And when eight days were accomplished for the circumcising of the child , his name was called JESUS , which was so named of the angel before he was conceived in the womb . Most of this verse is a lie . The name of this child was Y'shua and not Jesus . A couple of Christians have no problem in their books to say the name Jesus was not the name given to this Jewish child . It would seem that a few Chrisitans know the name Jesus is a Greek name and not a Jewish name . LORD ELohim named this baby Y'shua and it was really really wrong for Christians to change his name to a Greek name . What was wrong with his real Jewish name ' Y'shua ' ? Also a Angel did not name this child Y'shua . Again LORD ELohim named him Y'shua and is not pleased that Christians changed his name to Jesus . This baby became a man and his name was Y'shua from before his conception to his death and then it should be in memory of him as the willing Lamb of God who's name was Y'shua and that he was a Jew and not a Greek man .
( 10 : 11 ) NOTES : Again a few Christians know the real name of Y'shua was not Jesus . Again it was an error to use Jewish people and the Jewish Bible for the Christian religion . Y'shua was a Jew and changing his name does not change the fact he was a Jew . How could this lie about this false name last for all these years in the Chrisitian faith and even adopted into other religions . The problem is : that most people who read the Bible do not think about what they have read and most all Christians have never studied the Bible . The CB is usually at the top of the list being the most sold book each year but it is also the least book read by people . Most people think it's enough to just listen to preachers preach once a week to be a faithful Christian and a lot of Christians don't even do that any more . Again LORD ELohim says think not beyond logic and think about what you read and are told .
- Luke 2 : 25 & 26 ( B ) in the KJV : And , behold , there was a man in Jerusalem , whose name was Simeon ; and the same man was just and devout , waiting for the consolation of Israel : and the Holy Ghost was upon him . And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost , that he should not see death , before he had seen the Lord's Christ . The NIV says : .... Holy Spirit and also says : ... the Lord's Messiah . The Christians use the verse Psalm 51 : 11 to back up their belief of a Holy Spirit . In the CB OT Psalm 51 : 11 verse it says : Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me . In the JB in the same Psalm 51 : 11 the verse says : Hide Your face from my sins ; blot out all my iniquities . There is no Holy Spirit mentioned in the verse but verse Psalm 51 : 12 in the JB it says : Fashion a pure heart for me , O God ; create in me a steadfast spirit . Again no mention of a Holy Spirit . In Psalm 51 : 13 in the JB : Do not cast me out of Your presence , or take Your holy spirit away from me . This verse is speaking of LORD ELohim Himself and not another God . The verses Christians use in the JB to back up their beliefs about a Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit do not do that . The LORD ELohim never created a Spirit like what is discribed in Christian writings . If the LORD wants to try to communicate with a human He gets a teaching Spirit to help Him . If a so called Holy Spirit was so able to communicate with people the way Christians say he can the LORD would have not needed the Jews or teaching Spirits . Another problem with this so called ' Holy Spirit ' is that Christians call this Spirit a third ' person ' within the Godhead and considered to be a God also : the third God in the trinity of three Gods ; the Father , Son and Holy Spirit . In the JB it says a few times ' spirit of the LORD ' but there is no indication that this ' spirit ' is another God . The word spirit can mean : a state of mind ; disposition ; courage , vigor , liveliness and on and on . It can be said ' He is in good spirit ' or ' the race horse has spirit ' or ' in the spirit of the law ' and so on . We could not find any where in the Jewish Bible where this Holy Spirit is called the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost . There is ' The spirit of the LORD God is upon me ' which means a persons belief is that LORD ELohim is with him . The Christians using the Jewish Bible changed the words ' holy spirit ' which speaks of LORD ELohim to ' Holy Spirit ' which they created a new God from .
( 10 : 12 ) NOTES : The Old Testament in the Christian Bible should be word for word what is written in the Jewish Bible because that is what the Old Testament is : and should be an exact copy of the Jewish Bible . Many verses were changed in the Christian Old Testament so they can say the old Jewish Bible backs up the many Christian beliefs . Not a lot non-Jews have the Jewish Bible to check and see if these claims are true . They changed verses in the Old Testament in the Christian Bible but they could not change the verses in the more ancient Jewish Bible so it's easy to find these changes if you have a JB . Again LORD ELohim says it was a great error that the Christians used Judaism and the Jewish writings for the base of their religion . Had they done this Christian thing on their own without using other peoples religion and sacred Books then they could have said anything about everything they wanted to believe in and there would be nothing that could be called errors or lies in their faith even if you don't agree with them . But they did not do that . They used the Jewish people and Judaism which is one of the most ancient religions still around today as the base of their beliefs but these were corrupted beliefs by the Christians because the JB and Judaism goes against many of those beliefs so these can be called errors or even lies in the CB . Christians cannot claim the JB backs up their beliefs when in their CB Old Testament it has had many changes in the words in many many verses . The CB Old Testament cannot be said to be an exact copy of the JB .
- Luke 2 :36 ( B ) in the KJV : And there was one Anna , a prophetess , the daughter of Phanuel , of the tribe of Aser ; she was of a great age ,and had lived with an husband seven years from her virginity . We could only find one time in the CB the name Anna in this verse . There is no Anna in the JB that we could find . The LORD says there was no prophetess called Anna . There is no tribe of Israel called ' Aser ' so that's a lie but there is a tribe that is called ' Asher ' . Again Anna and Phanuel are named only once in the CB in this verse and never in the JB . Is this story true about this Anna making a big deal about Y'shua's birth ? The LORD says " No " and that this never happened . The LORD ELohim knows His prophets or prophetesses and there never was a prophetess called Anna or a tribe of Israel called Aser . The NIV say ' Asher ' which was a tribe of Israel . It's very common that the Christians change names or the spelling of names . It does cause confusion and maybe that is the reason that was done .
( 10 : 13 ) NOTES : Who were the Tribes of Israel ? We are going to compare the Jewish Bible in Numbers 1 : 5 - 15 and what is written in the Christian Bibles , both KJV and NIV in Numbers 1 : 5 - 15 and in Revelation 7 : 5 - 8 . Remember the Jewish Bible is the correct one to be compared to .
- In the JB Numbers 1 : 5 - 15 : Reuben , Simeon , Judah , Issachar , Zebulun , Ephraim , Manasseh , Benjamin , Dan , Asher , Gad , Naphtali .
- In the CB KJV Numbers 1 : 5 - 15 : Reuben , Simeon , Judah , Issachar , Zebulun , Ephraim , Manasseh , Benjamin , Dan , Asher , Gad , Naphtali . In the CB NIV Numbers 1 : 5 - 15 : is the same as the KJV and both are correct .
- In the CB KJV Revelation 7 : 5 - 8 : Juda , Reuben , Gad , Aser , Nepthalim , Manasses , Simeon , Levi , Issachar , Zabulon , Joseph , Benjamin . The errors are also in spelling of the names : Judah , Asher , Naphtali , Manasseh , Zebulun . The errors are Levi and Joseph were not tribes of Israel . The two sons of Joseph : Manasseh and Ephraim were given tribal status and not Joseph . Levi was not given tribal status because he and his offspring were mostly to take care of all the tribes religious needs regarding Judaism . Another error is the tribe of Dan and Ephraim are missing in this list .
- In the CB NIV Revelation 7 : 5 - 8 : Judah , Reuben , Gad , Asher , Naphtali , Manasseh , Simeon , Levi , Issachar , Zebulun , Joseph , Benjamin . The NIV spelling of peoples names is better then the KJV but they made the same mistake making Joseph and Levi tribes of Israel . Again neither Joseph or Levi were given tribal status . The missing tribal names when Joseph and Levi are taken out are Ephraim and Dan just like the KJV .
- We hope we have the above right . I will honestly say I know nothing about this stuff . These types of errors are just so obvious so how could they be not corrected over the past 1800 years or more . The early Roman Catholic Church added a lot to what little there was written about Y'shua and other stuff . The question is : where did the Roman Catholic Church find these people to write the New Testament and to copy the Jewish Bible which is obviously not word for word in the CB Old Testament ? Christians say every word and every verse in their CB is correct and without error . Do you really believe that ? Can you not understand these easy to find errors in the Christian Bible ?
( 10 : 14 ) NOTES : In the KJV Revelation 22 : 18 & 19 ( B ) For I testify unto every man that hearth the words of the prophecy of this book , if any man shall add unto these things , God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book : And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy , God shall take away his part out of the book of life , and out of the holy city , and from the things which are written in this book . The NIV is much the same only it starts out saying : I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll : .... and instead of writing the book of life they say tree of life and write Holy City instead of holy city . There are many people who call themselves to be Christian Theologians in the past and yet today . Theology means the study of religious faith , practice and experience and the study of God's relation to the world of mankind . If theologians have been studying the Christian Bible for well over a thousand years then how did they miss so many errors or lies in the CB that is so obvious ? Is there a reason such errors like the Tribes of Israel were not corrected , and if so what is that reason ? The errors regarding the tribes of Israel are in the book of Revelation . Are people afraid to correct writings because of the above verses ? The LORD says He and Y'shua had nothing to do with these verses . These verses were very much most likely written by the early Roman Catholic Church again to cause people to be afraid . LORD ELohim has never lied to people . Truth is : there is no afterlife and there is no book of life or tree of life and there is no holy city being built in Heaven coming to earth and there is no purgatory or hell or lake of fire or God's wrath coming soon upon mankind and on and on . LORD ELohim did not lie to you : people lied to you either by error or on purpose and the verses above were most likely on purpose to make people afraid to question many of the beliefs or their religion . The LORD read these verses and He says to people all is a lie and you need not to be afraid of Him . If Christians want to correct the errors the LORD does not care one way or another . You have nothing to lose or to be gained from it other then to know what is the truth and to teach what is true . It's to late to start over . Times up !
( 10 :15 ) NOTES : Revelation 22 : 7 , 12 - 16 , 20 ( R ) in the KJV : Behold , I come quickly : blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book . In the NIV it is much the same but uses the words : Look , I am coming soon and the word scroll instead of book . The other verses are much the same . This is not about what's in Luke but the LORD ELohim wants these verses written about just in case we don't get this far . In Revelation 22 three times it says Y'shua said he would come quickly or coming soon . Y'shua was dead when this was written . It's believed that John an Apostle of Y'shua wrote Revelation after the fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD . These are red letter verses which means Y'shua was suppose to have said them but again he was dead and could not have said these verses . Also the CB says that it was an Angel sent to John and was not Y'shua . Anyway the bottom line is that it says Y'shua said he would ' come quickly ' . Three times in one chapter it says he said surely I ' come quickly ' . In the NIV it says ' coming soon ' three times . That was only about 1,950 years ago when the promise of his return ' soon ' was made by .... ? Was it written into the CB hundreds of years after John died ? That is very likely . LORD ELohim just wants to let people know that Y'shua is not going to return because he is dead and He knows Y'shua or an Angel did not say these verses to John . I asked LORD ELohim what the word ' soon ' or ' quickly ' would mean to Him and He said " two months " . That is a big difference between about 1,950 years and two months . Obviously a promise that was broken three times but not by LORD ELohim or Y'shua or any Angel . It was a promise made by the Christian writers : they lied .
( 10 : 16 ) NOTES : Revelation 22 : 13 ( R ) in the KJV : I am Alpha and Omega , the beginning and the end , the first and the last . In the NIV : I am the Alpha and the Omega , the First and the Last , the Beginning and the End . These are red letters so these are said to have been said by Y'shua when he was dead . The names Alpha and Omega are Greek words and not Hebrew or English . Alpha is the first letter in the Greek alphabet and Omega is the last letter in the Greek alphabet . LORD ELohim wants to remind people that He was the first to exist that He knows of other then who created Him and not Y'shua and it was He who created all Spirits and all life on earth and not Y'shua . Again LORD ELohim was the first and not Y'shua . Many generations of people since Adam existed before Y'shua existed . What is the meaning of ' last ' or ' end ' ? The LORD is Spirit and all Spirits are immortal unless they get sucked into a black hole or something and that probably would not end them there either . LORD ELohim does not like these two Greek names so don't ever use them for Him . And don't use them for Y'shua because that would be a lie and again Y'shua was not a Greek man and he never would have said these verses . Y'shua was a Jewish man and he never thought or said to anyone that he was a God . The Roman Catholic Church worked hard to make people believe Y'shua was a God and this is just one example out of many of their work to do that . The truth is the mortal man who's name was Y'shua was no God and will never be a God or King or Messiah or alive again . Back to Luke .
- Luke 2 : 49 - 50 ( B ) ( R ) In the KJV : And he said unto them , How is it that ye sought me ? wist ye not that I must be about my Father's business . And they understood not the saying which he spake unto them . In the NIV it says : Why were you searching for me ? he asked . Didn't you know I had to be in my Father's house ? But they did not understand what he was saying to them . The story is that Miriam ( Mary ) and Joseph lost Y'shua who was twelve years old at that time . They went back to Jerusalem to find him . When they found him in the Temple courts they asked Y'shua why he did this to them to not have been going home with them and verse 49 was his answer . The interesting verse is 50 which says Mariam and Joseph did not know what Y'shua was talking about regarding his answer . In Matthew it's written Angels and pagans and on and on claimed to know almost everything about Y'shua and his future and what they knew they told Miriam and Joseph . So why in Luke do they say they both know nothing about what's going on with their son and what his answer ment ? Then it goes on to say Y'shua grew up and became a man .
- Luke 3 : 21 - 22 ( B ) In the KJV : Now when all the people were baptized , it came to pass , that Jesus also being baptized , and praying , the heaven was opened , And the Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon him , and a voice came from heaven , which said , Thou art my beloved Son ; in thee I am well pleased . What does it mean the Heaven was opened ? Even the LORD ELohim does not know . Again there is no Holy Ghost . If the LORD could speak from Heaven like this and all people on earth could hear Him where ever He goes the world would be a very different place in the past and today . The LORD says this never happened .
- Luke 4 : 5 - 7 ( B ) in the KJV : And the devil taking him up into an high mountain , shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time . And the devil said unto him , All this power I give thee , and the glory of them : for that is delivered unto me ; and to whomsoever I will I give it . If thou therefore wilt worship me , all shall be thine . This is part of the story about Y'shua being tempted by the Devil for forty days . Who gave the world and all on it to Satan ? ? ? The only one who would have such power to do that would be LORD ELohim and no one else . Why do Christians all to often make LORD ELohim out to be a very wicked and very evil and very cruel and now in these verses a very stupid God to . If Satan were evil , which he is not , but pretending he is as many people think he is , do you really believe LORD ELohim our creator and our one and only Father and God would give Satan this world to do as he wants to do here ? If Spirits were evil , which they are not , but pretending they are and the LORD allowed them to influence people into being evil also then how could LORD ELohim judge mankind if Satan and his Demons rules the world and all the people on it ? ? ? It would not be right or fair to mankind if our wickedness is not by our choice but because of evil Spirits . LORD ELohim says this never happened and the whole forty days trial never happened .The word ' glory ' does not belong there . When LORD ELohim looks at all the nations of the world He does not use the word ' glory ' to describe it and neither would Satan . Again LORD ELohim never gave David ( Satan ) planet earth and all that lives on it . The CB in the New Testament over and over again has people posessed by evil Spirits . The LORD says that is not true . Other then the perfectly good and loving Souls and the perfectly good and loving teaching Spirits no other Spirits go in people or are in people .
( 10 : 17 ) NOTES : Isaiah 14 : 12 in the JB : How are you fallen from heaven , O Shining One , son of Dawn . How are you felled to earth , O vanquisher of nations . Isaiah 14 : 12 in the KJV : How art thou fallen from heaven , O Lucifer , son of the morning ! how art thou cut down to the ground , which didst weaken the nations ! Isaiah 14 : 12 in the NIV : How you have fallen from heaven , morning star , son of the dawn ! You have been cast down to the earth , you who once laid low the nations ! These above verses are said to be about Satan . Revelation 22 : 16 in the KJV : I Jesus sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches . I am the root and the offspring of David , and the bright and morning star . Revelation 22 : 16 in the NIV : I , Jesus , have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches . I am the Root and the Offspring of David , and the bright Morning Star . These verses are about Y'shua . Both Y'shua and Satan have the same name ' Morning Star ' in the NIV CB in Isaiah 14 : 12 and in Revelation 22 : 16 in both of the NIV and KJV . Notice that in the Jewish Bible in Isaiah 14 : 12 that the Christians use to back up their verses there is no mention of ' Morning Star ' . Remember the Jewish Bible was written long before the CB . Notice all the words changed by the Christians in their Old Testament which is suppose to be an exact copy of the JB . In the JB the story about ' O Shining One ' is about a Assyrian king who died and was being mocked by other kings there in their graves to . This king being spoke about thought he could have a god-like status when he died . In the JB Isaiah 14 : 9 - 12 Sheol below was astir To greet your coming- Rousing for you the shades Of all earth's chieftains , Raising from their thrones All the kings of nations . All speak up and say to you , " So you have been stricken as we were , You haved become like us ! Your pomp is brought down to Sheol , And the strains of you lutes ! Worms are to be your bed , Maggots your blanket ! " How are you fallen from heaven , O Shining One , son of Dawn ! ..... The word ' Sheol ' means grave or underworld . So it is a great error or a great on purpose lie made by Christians that Isaiah 14 : 12 backs up their verses in the CB . Notice that in Isaiah it went from in the JB the name ' O Shining One ' to ' O Lucifer ' and in the KJV to ' Morning Star ' in the NIV : all the same verse just a lot of different words and meanings that the Christians changed in their Bible . So both Y'shua and Satan were given the same name ' Morning Star ' by the Christians and not by the Jews . Notice that Old Testament verses in the Christian Bible cannot be trusted to be exactly the same as what is in the Jewish Bible as these above verses and many other verses prove . Christians cannot say the Jewish Bible validates their New Testament in the CB when they change words and meanings in their Old Testament to read the way they want it to read . Christians cannot change verses in their Old Testament and yet claim it is a exact copy of the Jewish Bible . To make something ' valid ' means founded on truth or fact : capable of being justified or defended . The Jewish Bible can only defend what is exactly written the same as in the JB . Again Christians claim their Old Testament is a exact copy of the Jewish Bible and word for word . For the most part there is very little truth in that claim .
( 10 : 18 ) NOTES : Who is Satan ? In the NIV Revelation 12 : 9 : The great dragon was hurled down - the ancient serpent called the devil , or Satan , who leads the whole world astray . He was hurled to the earth , and his angels with him . If Satan caused the world of mankind to go astray then the LORD ELohim cannot judge mankind . Why would the LORD send Satan and his Angels to earth . If the LORD was trying to keep evil Spirits from leading mankind astray there is a whole universe to send them to . If Satan and other Spirits were leading the whole world of mankind astray the LORD ELohim would have got them away from mankind long before Adam . The LORD wanted mankind to pass our trial and worked very hard to help us do that . He never would have allowed any Spirits to go against what He was doing to help us pass our trial . The LORD says don't blame Spirits for mankinds failure to pass our trial . The evil-minded and cruel were people and those people were among us and most often supported by many , even millions who are willing to follow their evil ways . We humans have free will and not evil Demons .
- Luke 8 : 12 ( R ) In the NIV : Those along the path are the ones who hear , and then the devil comes and takes away the word from their hearts , so that they may not believe and be saved . If that were true then again the LORD could not judge people who were greatly influenced by Satan or other evil Spirits . If Satan and other Spirits , who again are not evil , were able to do this then the LORD would have to save everyone . Again there is no afterlife to be saved for .
- John 8 : 44 ( R ) In the NIV : You belong to your father , the devil , and you want to carry out your father's desires . This says Y'shua said this to the people who did not believe in what he was teaching about himself . Again there was a lot added to the CB long after Y'shua died . LORD ELohim says if Y'shua said all that Christians say he said the LORD would have gone against Y'shua but Y'shua never gave Him a reason to do that . LORD ELohim says Y'shua did not say this . Remember even Atheists do not bother the LORD ELohim because what proof is there that He really exists beyond any doubts . I asked LORD ELohim who would He rather be with : a congregation of Atheists or a congregation of pagans like Christians or other religious faiths who are not Jews and He said He would choose the Atheists .
- John 13 : 2 ( B ) in the NIV : The evening meal was in progress , and the devil had already prompted Judas , the son of Simon Iscariot , to betray Jesus . Was Satan an enemy of LORD ELohim as the Christians say he was and is ? The LORD says there were five ways Y'shua the Lamb of God could have died as the Lamb . The Lamb of God had to die for the sins of the world so if Satan prompted Judas to betray Y'shua that just means he was carrying out LORD ELohim's request to do that . But the LORD says He never had a reason to motivate Judas to do that . Judas was simply just not a perfect man and he was a greedy man and the LORD ELohim and Y'shua knew his plans and let him carry them out . Judas shortly later hanged himself . So Satan is not the enemy of the LORD as this verse and people say he is and Satan ( David ) did not motivate Judas to do this . The strange thing is people are happy the Lamb of God died for their sins to be forgiven by LORD ELohim but at the same time they spend a lot of time almost hating anyone involve in the death of Y'shua . If your glad about all this having happened then instead of hate you might give thanks . The LORD ELohim does not hate Judas . Judas did do this on his own and he was far from being a perfect man but it may have been many years later , if even then or even at all , before the Lamb was sacrficed had Judas not done this . LORD ELohim was beginning to think that time was running out shortly before Y'shua was sacrificed . LORD ELohim was never sure how He could do this . LORD ELohim was sad that Judas hanged himself and even much sadder His Lamb had died . Remember this : LORD ELohim did not invent sacrifices to gods and even to Himself . People invented sacrifices to their gods long before even Adam and Eve . Sacrifices is not something the LORD likes but He worked with that since this was very common among people world wide .
- Mark 3 : 22 ( B ) in the NIV : And the teachers of the law who came down from Jerusalem said , " He is possessed by Beelzebul ! By the prince of demons he is driving out demons " . If demons existed this verse reads like Satan was helping Y'shua get demons out of people . If Satan is as wicked as people believe then why would he help Y'shua do this ? The LORD says there are no demons . People all to often seek out someone to blame for what they do not want to be blamed for like Adam and Eve . When there is no human to blame then Spirits are often next on the list . Mental illness is nothing new and very little understood back then . Even in the next few verses it says Y'shua said ' If Satan is divided against himself , how can his kingdom stand ' . Satan did not possess Y'shua .
- 1 Peter 5 : 8 ( B ) In the NIV : Be alert and of sober mind , Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour . Life as mortals is difficult enough without having to deal with evil Spirits to . The LORD would never allow Satan or demons to be a added problem for people and again how could the LORD judge us if Spirits were a problem for mankind .
- Acts 10 : 38 ( B ) In the NIV : .... how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power , and how he went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil , because God was with him . The story in Revelation 20 is about what God will do about Satan . It says that ' an Angel ' with a great chain will seize Satan and put him in the Abyss and locks him away for a thousand years . One Angel did that it says . LORD ELohim has many millions of Angels in His family . This means LORD ELohim could have done that when He chose Adam and Eve to be the first of mankind . So according to the Christian Bible why did He not do that ? Maybe this following verse explains that ?
- Revelation 20 : 1 - 27 ( B ) In the NIV : When the thousand years are over , Satan will be released from his prison and will go out to deceive the nations in the four corners of the earth - .... Why would LORD ELohim do that ???? LORD ELohim and a lot of Spirits have worked hard for the past six thousand years to help us pass our trial . Why would He release Satan if Satan is so evil and deceitful and such a problem for mankind ???? It says Satan will start a great war . It says after the LORD ends that war He will send Satan into the lake of fire where he and others will be tormented day and night for ever and ever . It does not make any sense . Why if there is a thousand years of peace with Y'shua and the Christians ruling the whole world for that thousand years : why would LORD ELohim release Satan just to cause a lot of problems and a lot of death , suffering and pain according to Christian beliefs ? If the LORD did that then the blood of His mortal children who are slaughtered would be upon LORD ELohim and not Satan . This belief is crazy but LORD ELohim is not crazy . LORD ELohim says most everything written in the book of Revelation will never happen including this and the belief that Y'shua would rule the whole world in the future is wrong . Y'shua is dead and LORD ELohim would never allow the pagan Christians to rule the world either .
- 2 Corinthians 4 : 4 ( B ) In the NIV : The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers , so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ , who is the image of God . In the KJV the same verse : In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not , lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ , who is the image of God , should shine unto them . First : Christians refer to Satan as the ' god of this world ' . Satan is not a ' god ' and certainly not ' the god of this world ' . Where did people come up with this belief ? The pagan Christians according to their CB believe in four Gods : Father , Son , Holy Spirit and also Satan . LORD ELohim says this is so wrong . Reminding people : LORD ELohim is the One and Only God . These verses simply explains why LORD ELohim cannot judge mankind if the story was true . The Christian Bible claims Y'shua is a God and one of three Gods , and is the Messiah , also a King , a prophet , a great healer , someone who raised many people from the dead , is the only Son of God , that he created all that was created including us , that Y'shua is our true Father , he could create enough food out of almost nothing to feed thousands , is the image of God , and was raised from the dead , with the occasional mention that he was the Lamb of God and on and on . Satan did not blind the Jews and even other people regarding Y'shua . When people did not believe all this about Y'shua a mortal man , it's because in their thoughts all this sounds like just to many lies . Satan did not blind people to these beliefs of the Christians . The early Roman Catholic Church did and has been doing so ever since along with other Christian denominations . How could anyone expect the Jews and other people to believe all this about one mortal Jewish man named Y'shua ? The Roman Catholic Church could not even get Y'shua's name right let alone who he was : the Lamb of God and a Rabbi and a father and a husband and not all this other stuff believed about him . Don't blame Satan because people cannot believe Y'shua was a God and all that other stuff . Any rational and open minded person willing to read and THINK about what they have read and study more then one Christian Bible version and also use ' The Jewish Study Bible ' can see the errors and lies written about this man who's name is Y'shua and not Jesus .
- Ephesians 2 : 1 & 2 ( B ) in the NIV : As for you , you were dead in your transgressions and sins , in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air , the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient . The Spirit is not named but Christians say it is Satan . What the ' kingdom of the air ' means no one knows that we could find ? Again this is blaming Satan for being the cause of people who do not follow the Christian religion . Again LORD ELohim does not blame people who cannot believe in what they did not hear or see for themselves . It's hard to believe LORD ELohim or even Y'shua could raise peoples flesh body from the dust or ashes of the dead . It's hard to believe a lot of things Christians claim Y'shua did and LORD ELohim understands that because He was there and a lot that is claimed to have happened by Christians never did happen .
- Revelation 12 : 9 & 10 ( B ) The great dragon was hurled down - that ancient serpent called the devil , or Satan , who leads the whole world astray . He was hurled to the earth , and his angels with him . .... For the accuser of our brothers and sisters , who accuses them before our God day and night . This is not true that Satan leads the world astray . We humans have proven to God many millions of times that we can do that on our own . Does LORD ELohim and Satan have nothing better to do all day and all night ? The LORD says that Satan does not accuse people for the way we are . The LORD already knows the way we are . Satan was not hurled to earth and will not be in the future . If Satan were truly evil that would not have been fair to mankind . If Satan had the power to lead mankind astray then the LORD could not judge us . The reason the LORD could judge us is because Satan and other Angels had nothing to do with the choices we people made .
- A long time ago I needed help with something and LORD ELohim sent David to help me . Satan's true name is David . David did help me and all was well . David is a good and loving Spirit like all Spirits are . So who is Satan ? Satan never existed . People created Satan in their minds and writings and it grew from there over the years . Because people created this evil Spirit the LORD asked David if there was ever a reason to need such a Spirit would David be willing to play the role of Satan and David agreed to that . So far LORD ELohim has never had reason for David to do that . There also is no demon Spirits . Spirits are smarter then people . They know love , goodness , and kindness allows for great happiness and joy . Their lives are infinite . Who would want to be miserable and unhappy forever ? As a human which of you would want to be miserable and unhappy for even ninety years , but a lot of people are for most of their lives not very happy .
( 10 : 19 ) NOTES : The following are verses that the LORD wants to put into His Little Book now just incase we do not get to it . I'm not getting younger .
- Matthew 5 : 22 ( R ) In the NIV : .... Again , anyone who says to a brother of sister , ' Raca , ' is answerable to the court . And anyone who says , ' You fool ! ; will be in danger of the fire of hell . Y'shua is said to have said this verse . Matthew 7 : 26 ( R ) In the NIV : But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand . Again they say Y'shua said this . Luke 12 : 20 ( R ) In the NIV : But God said to him , ' You fool ! This very night your life will be demanded from you . Then who will get what you have prepard for youself ? ' Again Y'shua was said to have said this . Luke 24 : 25 ( R ) ..... How foolish you are , .... Ephesians 5 : 15 ( B ) In the KJV : See then that ye walk circumspectly , not as fools , but as wise , It says Y'shua said not to use the word ' fool ' or you could go to hell for it but Y'shua used the word in a few verses . In one verse Y'shua even says LORD ELohim used the words ' You fool ' . To say to people if you use the word fool you can go to hell for it then why would he have used it also . Is this one of those ' do as I say : not as I do ? The word Raca means something like empty headed or airhead .
- Luke 4 : 18 ( R ) In the KJV : The Spirit of the Lord is upon me , because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor , he hath sent me to heal the broken hearted , to preach deliverance to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind , to set at liberty them that are bruised . In the NIV : The Spirit of the Lord is on me , because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor . He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind , to set the oppressed free , .... The CB says Isaiah 42 : 1 backs up this verse . In the JB it says : This is My servant , whom I uphold , My chosen one , in whom I delight . I have put My spirit upon him , He shall teach the true way to the nations . LORD ELohim says these verses in Isaiah is about the Messiah and not the Lamb of God . Y'shua was the Lamb of God and not the Messiah . Remember in 2 Corinthians 4 : 4 says : The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers , so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays .... Luke 4 : 18 is probably about changing peoples minds about what he was teaching and not literally healing the people who's eyes are blind . The LORD says that Y'shua could not heal the truly blind eyes like the CB claims many times he could . LORD ELohim says Y'shua could not cure any illness people suffered from beyond what common herbal remedies could heal back then .
- Revelation 12 : 1 - 6 She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth ... She gave birth to a son , a male child , who " will rule all the nations with an iron scepter " . .... And her child was snatched up to God and to his throne . The Christians probably have a reason for these verses that LORD ELohim and me don't know about but in many ways this makes some sense . LORD ELohim cannot raise Y'shua from the dead and if there is to come a Messiah to rule all nations that person would have to be born as a mortal . LORD ELohim says Spirits will never rule over mankind so this ruler would have to be a mortal flesh man born on earth . The LORD cannot snatch this child up to Heaven . The flesh child would die because Heaven is billions of miles away from earth so how can a flesh child survive traveling through space where there is no air , food , water , and space I think is cold or maybe hot ? LORD ELohim does not have a throne in Heaven . I asked LORD ELohim if there is anything in Heaven He could say He has and His answer was " Nothing " . He only has His Spirit children who don't have anything either . Heaven is just mostly space and six galaxies . That is it : thats what Heaven is . No thrones , mansions , cities , work or anything else . There is great joy , happiness , fun , games , singing and dancing and on and on and the fun and joy and love never ends . Again if there is a person that someday would rule over mankind that person would have to be born on earth and that would not be Y'shua reborn because the LORD cannot do that either . The LORD does not have Y'shua DNA and even if He did he would not be the same man . Is LORD ELohim starting from egg and sperm going to create this man written about in these verses ? The LORD says that is not going to happen . It is the Sabbath Day which is our Judgment Day : our trial time is finished and we failed .
( 10 : 20 ) NOTES : Do sins cause illness ? LORD ELohim says sins do not cause diseases . Does stop sinning heal the body ? The LORD says that does not cure illness but sometimes mind over matter works . Diseases are out there and that has nothing to do with people sinning . Mortal life is not perfect .
- Luke 4 : 41 ( B ) in the KJV : And devils also came out of many , crying out , and saying , Thou art Christ the Son of God . And he rebuking them suffered them not to speak : for they knew that he was Christ . In the NIV it uses the word ' Messiah ' instead of Christ . It says the devils came out of many people first and then the devils said , Thou art Christ the Son of God . The word devils means evil Spirits . How could anyone have known what the devils said since mankind cannot see or hear Spirits any better then we can hear of see LORD ELohim . It was not the people who said this since the Spirits were out of them first and then the devils spoke . The LORD wants people to know there are no wicked Spirits that possess people . Again the LORD could not judge mankind if evil Spirits ruled their mortal lives and a evil Spirit called Satan ruled the world as Christians believe they do . Again there are no evil Spirits and Satan who's name is David is not evil and all he and other Spirits want to do is go home to Heaven with LORD ELohim someday in the near future .
Luke 5 : 4 - 8 ( B ) ( R ) In the KJV : Now when he had left speaking , he said unto Simon , Launch out into the deep , and let down your nets for a draught . In the NIV it says ' for a catch ' and not draught . It says the fishermen were out all night fishing and caught nothing . When they went fishing with Y'shua they caught so many fish that another boat was needed and both boats began to sink from the weight of the fish . LORD ELohim says Y'shua could not have caused that . Even LORD ELohim Himself could not have caused that . Either the fishmen had a lucky catch or this never happened .
- Luke 5 : 12 - 15 ( B ) ( R ) In the KJV : 13 Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man . " I am willing , : he said " Be clean ! " And immediately the leprosy left him . LORD ELohim says Y'shua could not do that . Even the LORD would not be able to do that . The book of Luke is getting into a lot of repeats from Matthew and Mark so we are not going to write into the Little Book every time the Roman Catholics claim that Y'shua healed everyone who was sick or raised people from the dead which he could not do either . Again if LORD ELohim could heal all illness there would be no need for childrens hospitals or other hospitals then or even today . If the LORD could put doctors out of work He would do that for us today and in the past . Mortal life is not perfect and our suffering from diseases is one of the many reasons why all will end someday in the future . In Luke 5 : 17 It says .... , and the power of the Lord was present to heal them . Again LORD ELohim does not have this so called ' power ' and Y'shua never did either .
- Luke 5 : 15 - 16 ( B ) In the NIV : Yet the news about him spread all the more , so that crowds of people came to hear him and to be healed of their sicknesses . But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed . In the KJV : But so much the more went there a fame abroad of him : and great mulitudes came together to hear , and to be healed by him of their infirmities . This is starting to repeat also . If Y'shua was becoming so famous then why did the Romans not seem to know about him . The Romans were everywhere in Israel . A man who could heal every illness you would think the Romans would find great interest in for their boss Caesar or who ever he was . A man who could heal all illness would be more precious then all the gold in the world and would have never been put on the cross by the Romans to die . Y'shua would have been taken to Rome to be the emperor's personal doctor . Again Luke's book is starting to repeat the others about the multitudes of people following Y'shua around . And if Y'shua was so famous why then did the Pharisees need help from Judas to find him ? Why did the Pharisees not know who he was ? Y'shua was a Rabbi for about three years and the CB says Y'shua often made the Pharisees angry with him . So which is true : was he famous or not famous ? LORD ELohim says Y'shua was not a famous man because he could not raise the dead , heal the people suffering from diseases and so on . In his teachings he occasionally made Pharisees mad at him . LORD ELohim says He could not get angry with the Pharisees because a couple of Y'shua's teachings were wrong and way out there like about the coming ' kingdom of God ' . A lot was hard to believe and the Pharisees were just protecting the ancient religion of Judaism and the Jews .
( 10 : 21 ) NOTES : We found a Christian hymn book . Just for a change from Luke we are going to write about a few lyrics in some songs about Y'shua and LORD ELohim and other stuff .
- He is coming soon to take us , To reign with Him on high . Just because of your religion does not make you a great and qualified leader for mankind in the future . LORD ELohim says Christianity has to much paganism in their religion to rule as the LORD would like them to . LORD ELohim and even Y'shua never said to any people , not even the Jews , that they will help rule the world of man someday . The first part of this song about Y'shua coming to take Christians away is probably about the ' rapture ' and the LORD says He cannot do that . Christians believe in the time of a blink of an eye their mortal body will disappear on earth and reappear in Heaven . Think about this : how is the LORD suppose to do that for many millions of people when He cannot even do that for one person . No mortal human has ever gone to Heaven and no human will ever go to Heaven .
- And I love to hear Him say , I have save you by My grace . Hear Christ calling , Come unto Me , I will give you rest . Grace means freedom of sin through divine grace according to a book . Y'shua did not do that : this grace came from LORD ELohim and not from Y'shua the flesh mortal man . Again Y'shua was the Lamb of God but the divine grace to forgive sins came from LORD ELohim and only LORD ELohim can forgive sins . Even the Catholic church pope and all his priests together cannot forgive any sins . I don't know much about sacrifice stuff but if a Jewish person offers LORD ELohim a sacrifice for their sins to be forgiven by Him and when the ritual is done and if a Pharisee says to that person that their sins are forgiven because of that ritual is completed ; the Pharisee is saying by the ' power ' of LORD ELohim to forgive sins and not by any power the Pharisee has . The Pharisees like the Catholic pope and priests do not have any power given to them by LORD ELohim to forgive sins and the Pharisees knew that but the Catholics don't seem to know that . Again remember that LORD ELohim forgave mankind for our sins by His sacrifice of the Lamb of God for that purpose . The sins of people in the past , present and future are forgiven by LORD ELohim except for some really evil people . For most all people your sins are forgiven so what's the reason for you to go to a preacher for him to just say the same thing LORD ELohim said " your sins are forgiven " no matter what your race , color or religion is .
- And Christ's great kingdom shall come on earth . It's a little confusing what people believe . Eternal life in Heaven or eternal life on planet earth ? According to some verses in the CB it's on earth . According to the CB in Revelation a Holy City built by Spirits in Heaven will come to earth and it's called the new Jerusalem . It also says ' and his servants will serve him ' meaning LORD ELohim and Y'shua . First : Spirits cannot build this great city because they are Spirits and they go through most anything and they do not want to build a city for mortal flesh so that will never happen . In Heaven the LORD ELohim does not have a need for servants and He will keep it that way . The Jews were not LORD ELohim's slaves but they were like closer flesh children to Him then other people . People have got to remember we mortal humans are a lot different then the Spirits and LORD ELohim . The LORD does not want to live on earth for ever and neither do any other Spirits . All the Spirits including the LORD wants to go home to Heaven since mankind failed our trial . There is no reason anymore for Spirits to be involved with mortals . Again our trial is over and we failed . Y'shua is dead . The word Christ means Messiah and Y'shua was not the Messiah the Jews were and are yet today waiting for . Again Christians should have started their own religion from scratch and not used the Jews religion for their religion . The Messiah is a ancient Jewish belief and it is different then what Christians believe the Messiah to be . One big difference out of many is that Jews do not believe their Messiah will be a God . Again Y'shua is dead and in no form alive and he never had a kingdom in Heaven to bring to earth . Y'shua was as mortal as you are mortal and no mortal has an eternal life : not even Y'shua .
- Care for the dying ; Jesus is merciful , Jesus will save . Y'shua was a kind and loving Jewish man who did care a lot for people but he was not a God and he had no ability to save people from dying . Y'shua is dead and that is forever because he was mortal . Even LORD ELohim cannot save you or any other mortals from death and He could not save Y'shua either . Being forgiven of your sins has nothing to do with you having an eternal life . No mortal species including Humanity has a eternal life or any kind . The LORD sacrificed Y'shua with great hope people will stop sacrificing humans , even human children and babies to their false gods . Jews starting with Abraham were never allowed by God to sacrifice humans but other people were doing that . The problem was Y'shua like many people around earth did greatly hope and believe in a eternal life for most all people but that belief LORD ELohim says is wrong . Y'shua did not believe in a hell or lake of fire or the eternal torture of the wicked ; which LORD ELohim says is true .
- Till earth's remotest nation Has learned Messiah's name . Redeemer , King , Creator , In bliss returns to reign . The word redeemer means to free from the consequences of sin . Y'shua was the Lamb of God but it was LORD ELohim who was and is the redeemer and not Y'shua . Most Christians believe sin is the cause of death . LORD ELohim says mortal life dying has nothing to do with sin . All mortal life dies sooner or later and there is nothing the LORD can do to change that . It's just the way it is . Y'shua was never a King and never will be because he was mortal and he died and will always be dead . Y'shua was not the creator of all that was created . That is a great lie the Christian churches teach . Y'shua did not exist in any form before his conception in about 6 BCE . LORD ELohim created all that was created and Y'shua created nothing more then maybe tables and chairs when he worked with his father as a carpenter . Again Y'shua will not be returning to life to reign because he is dead and forever will be dead and Y'shua is not a Spirit and you will never become in the form of a Spirit either . LORD ELohim does not know any Spirit who would want to reign over mankind and He would never either . Because of this , the Messiah would have to be a mortal .
- Yes , we'll go and tell of Jesus , Who died our souls to save . With the light of resurrection , When our changed bodies glow . Spirits do not glow . Not even LORD ELohim . The LORD cannot do resurrections of mortal flesh and no flesh becomes a Spirit when we die . When we die our bodies do change , that much is true . It's called rotting and turning back into dust from which we came . Personally I prefer cremation which does the same thing : just faster and it's a lot cheaper then slowly rotting away six feet deep in the ground . Y'shua did not die to save our Souls . Our Souls are Spirits . It's wrong to use the word ' Soul ' for any other meaning . No Soul has ever sinned . All Souls are free of sin . It's the mortal flesh and bone who did all the sinning and not the Soul . Our flesh body needs Souls to funtion but the Soul has nothing more to do with people . When you die the Souls leave the body and goes to do something else for a while .
- And soon will the Morning Star appear ; Then the darkness all will vanish . Which Morning Star : Y'shua or Satan ? Remember both were given the same name ' Morning Star ' by Christians . David is still around but Y'shua is dead . Satan who's real name is David has no interest in doing anything with mankind and never has . Creating mortal life was mostly LORD ELohim's thing and not all Spirits had much to do with that because a lot of Spirits did not want to .
- We believe in God , the Father , We believe in Christ , the Son ; That the Holy Spirit guides us , O the blessed Three in One . LORD ELohim who is our Father is One God and only One God and only One Spirit . Y'shua is dead and the Holy Spirit never existed . To say the Holy Spirit guides us is no different then saying demons possess people and guide them to do evil . The LORD gave us mortal humans free will and that is important that the choices we make both good and bad we choose to do and are not forced to do by Spirits . According to the Almanac there were over 250 million Christians on earth in 2015 . How can one Spirit called the Holy Spirit be with all those people and all the time with all those people ? Explain that . LORD ELohim never created any Spirit that could do that . All Spirits have one body like our body and none are taller then about eight feet tall and all have their own mind . Again LORD ELohim is One God . The belief that there are three Gods in One God makes no sense . No matter how you look at it Three Gods are Three Gods and are not One God . Christians call each of these three Gods ' persons ' . Three persons are still three persons and not One person . LORD ELohim does not like people calling Him a ' person ' as Christians do : thats a name for people and not for our God LORD ELohim . There is no Trinity and never was a Trinity of three Gods in One God .
- Merciful and Mighty ! God in Three persons , blessed Trinity ! But the Savior still is with me ; By His hand I'm safely led . Again remember ' do not ever call LORD ELohim a person or a trinity '. The dictionary says Savior is a name for Y'shua . Again there is no Trinity . Y'shua was the mortal Lamb of God and if eternal life was possible LORD ELohim would be the Savior and not Y'shua . The LORD ELohim would be the author of our salvation which He provided through Y'shua's death as a sacrifice . Again LORD ELohim would be the Savior and not Y'shua if the LORD could give eternal life to people . The sacrifice of Y'shua had nothing to do with giving people eternal life as Christians claim . Sacrificing Y'shua had everything to do with the global slaughter of mostly human babies and children who were being cruelly sacrificed to false gods all over the world . These babies and children were the ones that LORD ELohim was trying to save for this life as mortals and not for a life beyond mortal life and for the most part that did work well by giving mankind the ultimate sacrifice for every reason and almost every person . This song says that Y'shua is with all Christians like Christians believe about the Holy Spirit . If Y'shua was not dead how would he as one Spirit , if he were a Spirit which he is not , be with every Christian at the same time ? Again explain that because the LORD ELohim says this would be impossible . LORD ELohim wants to make this clear : Y'shua was a mortal and is dead and he is not a Spirit and never was a Spirit or a God . How can Y'shua be with all of you ? There is no Trinity as Christians created in their minds . LORD ELohim is the One and only true God and Father of all He created and Y'shua and the Holy Spirit are two false Gods that do not even exist as being Gods . These two false Gods : Y'shua and the Holy Spirit were created by the Roman Catholic Church a long time ago .
- Luke 5 : 17 ( B ) In the KJV : And it came to pass on a certain day , as he was teaching , that there were Pharisees and doctors of the law sitting by , which were come out of evey town of Galilee , and Judaea , and Jerusalem : and the power of the Lord was present to heal them . In the NIV it says .... And the power of the Lord was with Jesus to heal the sick . It's strange that the Pharisees needed Judas to point out who Y'shua was when the CB says in this verse and many other verses that a whole lot of Pharisees did know who he was : like in this verse . Would the Pharisees give Judas all that money if they knew Y'shua as well as others are said to . If LORD ELohim could heal all who were sick back then , He could still be able to do that today . The reason He does not do that today is because He could not heal all sick back then either and neither could Y'shua heal the sick . That is just a great lie made up by the Christian church long ago .
Luke 5 : 21 ( B ) In the KJV : .... Who is this which speaketh blasphemies ? Who can forgive sins , but God alone . The Pharisees were right . Only LORD ELohim can forgive our sins . Y'shua was the Lamb of God but he was not in the position to forgive peoples sins . Saying to people " your sins are forgiven " would not heal the truly sick because our sins do not cause our ill health . If you commit adultery which is a sin and get a venereal disease because you committed adultery it's still not the sin that caused you to get a VD . So if some priest says " your sins are forgiven " or even as LORD ELohim said that long ago , that is not going to make your gonorrhea or syphilis or whatever illness you have got just go away . You need a medical doctor and not a preacher . Again LORD ELohim is the only one who can forgive sins and not Y'shua and not preachers and not even the pope . Again the Catholic church and other Christian churches preachers and priests cannot forgive peoples sins either : though they think they have that authority to do so . LORD ELohim has never given any human the authority to forgive sins , not even Y'shua .
- Luke 6 : 23 ( R ) In the KJV : Rejoice in that day and leap for joy , because great is your reward in heaven . There is nothing in Heaven for any mortal human . Heaven has a few galaxies and a whole lot of space and a whole lot of Spirits who are the children of LORD ELohim . Heaven is the safe eternal home of Spirits . Mortals are not allowed in Heaven !! The LORD enjoys the peace and happiness there which is more then He can say about earth . This earth is in one of those galaxies and this solar system is as far as we mortals can go . Beyond this solar system is Spirits only . What could possibly be in Heaven which is far from our solar system that could be called a reward for mortals ? LORD ELohim does not have an answer for that question . Most Christian people think of Heaven as a place where Christians get a big mansion , many servants , their own throne , that they would rule Heaven and earth with Y'shua and on and on . Other religions think much the same as Christians . Are you starting to understand why the LORD ELohim does not want mortals in His Heaven . LORD ELohim and His Spirit children have no problem with having nothing while mortals thinking about when they die want everything .
- Luke 7 : 2 & 3 ( B ) In the KJV : And a certain centurion's servant , who was dear unto him , was sick , and ready to die . And when he heard of Jesus , he sent unto him the elders of the Jews , beseeching him that he would come and heal his servant . This Roman would not have been the only Roman who would have heard of Y'shua as being a great healer if that were true . Certainly Pilate would have also heard of Y'shua but when Y'shua went before Pilate , Y'shua was a stranger to him . How is that even possible ? According to the CB Y'shua was healing the sick and so on for about three years . Multitudes of people in the CB are claimed to have been healed of their illness by Y'shua . Not in secret but where many people and Romans were . And yet Pilate did not know him ? That does not make sense . LORD ELohim said that Y'shua was not a famous man because he could not do all these miracle things that the Christians say he did .
- Luke 7 : 14 & 15 ( B ) ( R ) In the KJV : And he came and touched the bier : and they that bare him stood still . And he said , Young man , I say unto thee , Arise . And he that was dead sat up , and began to speak . And he delivered him to his mother . Either this boy was never dead or this is a lie and it never happened . There is no way and no how that Y'shua could raise those people who are truly dead by just speaking to them or touching them . LORD ELohim cannot do that and neither could Y'shua . Remember the early Roman Catholic Church added a lot to their Bible that the disciples and others did not write . Any words claiming Y'shua or his disciples could raise the dead back to life is not true . There have been many Christian preachers who got caught doing fake healing but they usually come back again and do even more . If you want to test these Christian healers or even of other religions show men and women take them to the hospital where real sickness is like people on their death bed with cancer to heal them or to a grave yard where the truly dead are buried six feet deep and have been there for at least ten years and raise those peoples corpse back to life with many witnessess and without digging up the graves . You don't expect LORD ELohim to use a shovel do you ? Even better : give them the ashes from a couple of cremated corpses and tell them to raise those peoples bodies and every body part back to life again in front of many people . LORD ELohim does teach to test people who claim they can do what seems to be impossible and don't just believe what you want to believe about them .
- Luke 7 : 16 & 17 ( B ) In the KJV : And there came a fear on all : and they glorified God , saying , That a great prophet is risen up among us , and , That God hath visited his people . And this rumour of him went forth throughtout all Judaea , and throughout all the region round about . This is repeating again that Y'shua was a extremely famous man . LORD ELohim repeating again that Y'shua was not a famous man . The LORD says Y'shua did not heal people with sickness and he did not raise any dead people back to life again . Y'shua was a Rabbi for a few years but he did not become famous as a Rabbi . Some of Y'shua's teachings was not appreciated by the Pharisees but other then that he was not a well known man . The Pharisees needed Judas to help them find him and the Romans had no idea who Y'shua was as the Lamb of God and neither did the Pharisees . It was John the Baptist's teachings that put the bits and pieces together . The LORD says that some Jews around that time believed Y'shua was the Lamb of God and that belief was growing among the Jews but soon Christianity started up and their teachings became so outrageous and blasphemous about Y'shua it soon got lost in the Jewish faith .
- Luke 7 : 21 - 23 ( B ) ( R ) In the KJV : And in that same hour he cured many of their infirmities and plagues , and of evil spirits ; and unto many that were blind he gave sight . Then Jesus answering said unto them , Go your way , and tell John what things ye have seen and heard ; how that the blind see , the lame walk , the lepers are cleansed , the deaf hear , the dead are raised , to the poor the gospel is preached . And blessed is he , whosoever shall not be offended in me . Y'shua was said to have said in verses 22 & 23 this to the disciples of John the Baptist . John wanted to know if Y'shua is ' who is to come ' but it does not say what that means . LORD ELohim says there is no truth in any of these verses . None of this happened . None of these healings or raising the dead or casting out evil spirits could happen . These verses if they were true would give the Romans a lot of reasons to keep Y'shua alive and well and for Y'shua to have a change of address to Rome . If this were true and many of the Jews in Israel had been there with Y'shua when he supposedly did these things or they heard he did these things then every Roman in Israel would have either seen or heard of Y'shua doing these things to . The Romans were everywhere in Israel and part of their job was to spy on the Jews and to know what's going on with the Jews . Y'shua would have been big news back then for Jews and Romans if it were true but nothing in the verses are true says LORD ELohim . LORD ELohim says Y'shua died as a mostly unknown man among the Jews and Romans and other people .
- Luke 8 : 1 & 2 ( B ) In the KJV : ..... and the twelve were with him , And certain women , which had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities , Mary called Magdalene , out of whom went seven devils . Again how could people see seven devils coming out of Mariam ( Mary ) ? People cannot see what cannot be seen or heard what cannot be heard and that is any Spirit . Who counted them and how could they ? Even Y'shua could not see Spirits because he was mortal . So how could someone know this really happened ? Again LORD ELohim would never allow evil Spirits to possess people because He would not be able to judge people besides there are no evil Spirits . Again how would they have known that there were such Spirits when the Spirits could not be seen or heard by any human , not even Y'shua ?
( 10 : 22 ) NOTES : People say the strangest things . One of them is " Holy Mary Mother of God " . Her Jewish name is Miriam and not Mary . Catholics commonly show great honor and devotion to the point of near worship of her . Miriam is one of the most important figures in Catholic liturgy . First of all : Miriam was very much loved by LORD ELohim . She became pregnant at the age of twenty with Y'shua . LORD ELohim did seed her womb and she was a virgin but she was not the Mother of God because Y'shua was not a God . Again there is great devotion regarding Miriam in the past and even today by Christians but she like her son Y'shua the Lamb of God is dead . A lot of Christians especially Catholics pray to Miriam but she cannot hear you or her son Y'shua because they were both mortals and both did die a long time ago . LORD ELohim says stop calling her the " Holy Mother of God " because this is a great lie . To respect Miriam and honor her , that she is worthy of like Y'shua her son but in memory of Miriam and Y'shua since both are dead . Miriam was all mortal as to her son Y'shua . Again Miriam is not the mother of God since Y'shua was not a God in any way . Miriam was the mother of a mortal child who would become the Lamb of God and only the Lamb of God .
- Luke 8 : 9 & 10 ( B ) ( R ) In the KJV : And the disciples asked him , saying , What might this parable be ? And he said , Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God : but to others in parables ; that seeing they might not see , and hearing they might not understand . Y'shua is said to have spoken a parable and the disciples asked it meaning . The answer said to be given by Y'shua sounds like he is picking and chosing who will enter the kingdom and who he did not want there . The LORD says Y'shua never said this and if he had said this he would have been very wrong because LORD ELohim has worked to help all people on earth . If Y'shua was a God who came down from Heaven he would have known there is no ' kingdom of God ' or ' Kingdom of Heaven ' . Y'shua was and is no God . There is a Heaven but LORD ELohim and the Spirits don't call it a kingdom but they do call Heaven their home and mortals are not allowed there : ever . Is LORD ELohim going to form a ' kingdom ' on earth like many Christians believe ? The LORD says that will never happen . He is tired of our wars , hatred , greed and hundreds of other things going on with mankind . LORD ELohim and other Spirits worked hard to try to help us mortal humans , all mortal humans on earth , and He and other Spirits are tired of doing that for us because we keep failing Him 96% of the time anyway . The Jews failing : not so much as the non-Jews .
- Luke 8 : 24 & 25 ( B ) ( R ) In the KJV : And they came to him , and woke him , saying , Master , master , we perish . Then he arouse and rebuked the wind and the raging of the water : and they ceased , and there was a calm . And he said unto them , Where is you faith ? And they being afraid wondered , saying one to another , What manner of man is this ! for he commandeth even the winds and water , and they obey him . The story goes that the disciples were with Y'shua in a boat and a great storm came in and .... If this were true it would have been LORD ELohim who calmed the storm and water and not Y'shua . It's like Moses who did not part the sea : it would have been their God LORD ELohim who did that . Like Moses the man called Y'shua was a mortal man and had no such power to do that . Even LORD ELohim has problems with doing that miracle . LORD ELohim says He never calmed this storm but storms do calm themselves .
( 10 : 23 ) NOTES : So far in Matthew , Mark and Luke there is not a lot of Y'shua teaching people about LORD ELohim and the many truths that he should have been teaching . Parables do not count as being good teachings because the CB says Y'shua says these are only for a few people to understand . Verse after verse after verse is about Y'shua : Y'shua healing the sick ; Y'shua casting devils out of people ; Y'shua raising the dead ; Y'shua feeding thousands ; Y'shua calming the storm and on and on of things that never even happened because they could not happen . These are repeated so many times it makes the CB very boring to read . The CB says a few times that Y'shua went to Synagogues to teach but so far it does not say much about what he was teaching in those places . We have a Jewish Study Bible : now that is interesting and not boring at all to read except all the begots or also written begets or begats . We are going to try not to write about Y'shua did this and Y'shua did that anymore : so there is not much to write about . The LORD ELohim does not want His Little Book to become as boring as the Christian Bible New Testament is .
- Luke 8 : 38 : 39 ( B ) ( R ) In the KJV : Now the man out of whom the devils were departed besought him that he might be with him : but Jesus sent him away , saying , Return to thine own house , and shew how great things God hath done unto thee . And he went his way , and published throughout the whole city how great things Jesus had done unto him . It says that Y'shua cast out devils from this man . Is Y'shua calling himself to be a God ? It says the man told everyone that Y'shua had cast out the devils after Y'shua told him " God hath done unto thee " . If Christians believe that this is Y'shua saying he is a God : they is wrong . Y'shua would have ment that LORD ELohim had done that through Y'shua . Was the man confused by what Y'shua said : that's possible . Did this even happen ? This man may have been Greek according to one book . Remember LORD ELohim never created devils who are also called demons by Christians . LORD ELohim says Spirits cannot cause a herd of pigs to suddenly run down into the lake and drown . It takes a lot of years for LORD ELohim and with the help of His teaching Spirits to teach a human anything and it would not be any faster with pigs . Again it was wrong , if it even happened , to say Y'shua had done this . The LORD ELohim says this never happened and stop calling Y'shua a God .
- Luke 9 : 1 & 2 ( B ) In the KJV : Then he called his twelve disciples together , and gave them power and authority over all devils , and to cure diseases . And he sent them to preach the kingdom of God , and to heal the sick . Y'shua himself did not have such ' power ' to heal all diseases or cast out demons and all that other stuff so how could he have given his disciples this so called power ? This never happened says the LORD ELohim . Think about it . If LORD ELohim could cure all sickness through Y'shua and even though his disciples He could do that even today through other people . One of the reasons we failed our trial is because of all the pain and suffering going on because of multitudes of different illness . If LORD ELohim could cure all sickness He would do that for us but He cannot do that and neither could Y'shua or his disciples or anyone else . If your sick you need a Doctor and some-times mind over matter works to . The LORD for most all people loves you but He cannot cure you .
- Luke 9 : 10 - 17 ( B ) ( R ) In both CB's is the story about Y'shua when in a desert he created out of almost nothing enough fish and bread to feed five thousand men . This is one of a couple of stories like this . This is another thing that LORD ELohim says Y'shua could not do . This is one of the most bizarre claim made by the Christian church . This did not happen . LORD ELohim says to all people : Think Not Beyond Logic . If you believe Y'shua could feed five thousand men with only five loaves of bread and two fishes to start with , you probably would believe most anything and that is exactly what the churches and even other religions want you to do .
- Luke 9 : 18 - 20 ( B ) ( R ) In the KJV : And it came to pass, as he was alone praying , his disciples were with him : and he asked them , saying , Whom say the people that I am ? They answering said , John the Baptist ; but some say , Elias ; and others say , that one of the old prophets is risen again . He said unto them , But whom say ye that I am ? Peter answering said , The Christ of God . LORD ELohim says that Y'shua never thought of himself as being the Messiah and neither did any other Jews . The name Christ means Messiah . Notice he said , the Christ of God and did not call Y'shua a God . The belief in a coming Messiah is a Jewish thing and the Jews back then and most all Jews today do not believe Y'shua was their awaited Messiah and the Jews are right : Y'shua was not God's Messiah . To the Jews the word Messiah does not mean the Messiah is a God like the Christians added in their claim about the Messiah . Again it's an error on the part of Christians to use other peoples religion for their own and then add and change things but still say that other religion backs up their new religion . As an example : there is nothing in the Jewish Bible that would validate Christians saying Y'shua and even the Holy Spirit are Gods and therefore why do people believe this Jewish man was and is a God . Was Y'shua the risen John the Baptist or Elijah or a prophet of old reincarnated into Y'shua . The LORD says this cannot happen . We have no Spirit within us that can do that and there is nothing about the Souls that is about us in any way . In other words there is nothing about us ; mind and body , that lives on when we die . Peter was wrong if he even said this about Y'shua .
- Luke 9 : 27 ( R ) In the KJV : But I tell you of a truth , there be some standing here , which shall not taste of death , till they see the kingdom of God . This is written that Y'shua was speaking to his disciples . What is the ' kingdom of God ' ? Some Christians believe it is on the earth now in the hearts of men and will someday become eternal . LORD ELohim does not agree with the Christians belief and He is God . The LORD would never call what's on earth His kingdom . Would He allow wars , hate , greed and on and on in His kingdom ? We tryed to find the Christian defination of ' kingdom of God ' and they really don't have one simple statement that we could find . LORD ELohim does not know what that means either . The CB says Y'shua talked about this kingdom a lot but so far he did not explain much about it . Did people see the ' kingdom of God ' before they died at the time of Y'shua ? Y'shua was never a king . What exactly were they looking for ? LORD ELohim says nothing was different at Y'shua's time and those people did die without seeing whatever the kingdom of God is . The kingdom of God was not Y'shua himself so what is it .
- Luke 9 : 30 ( B ) In the KJV : And , behold , there talked with him two men , which were Moses and Elias : If the dead Moses and the dead Elijah were ghosts wondering about a mountian the LORD would have seen them to . LORD ELohim was with Y'shua when Y'shua was praying anywhere . The LORD did not see any ghosts or spirits of these two dead people so neither did Y'shua and his disciples . There was no teaching Spirits causing visions at that time . Why would LORD ELohim want to pretend there is an afterlife when there is none for mortals . The LORD avoids lies and why would He lie to you about that . The LORD does not make money from people by making them believe in a lie . The churches would get the money for this lie .
- Luke 9 : 34 & 35 ( B ) In the KJV : While he thus spake , there came a cloud , and overshadowed them : and they feared as they entered into the cloud . And there came a voice out of the cloud , saying , This is my beloved Son : hear him . The NIV says : .... This is my Son , whom I have chosen ; listen to him . LORD ELohim did not chose Y'shua out of many : He created Y'shua from a sperm and a egg . If people could hear LORD ELohim there then people could hear LORD ELohim any place else . Why would LORD ELohim need teaching Spirits or even the Jews if He could just speak to people as these verses claim He did ? The LORD ELohim could have ruled the whole earth if He could only speak to people like that and He would have saved mankind and His beloved elephants a lot of grief . Also LORD ELohim does not look like a cloud . Like all people these guys could have not seen or heard LORD ELohim .
- Luke 9 : 59 & 60 ( B ) ( R ) In the KJV : And he said unto another , Follow me . But he said , Lord , suffer me first to go and bury my father . Jesus said unto him , Let the dead bury their dead : but go thou and preach the kingdom of God . If we knew what the kingdom of God ment we could understand it better . But no matter what the kingdom of God is there was no excuse for Y'shua to have been so cruel to this man . The LORD says this never happened and Y'shua never said ' Let the dead bury their dead ' . Y'shua was not in a position to judge this man's father who he probably did not even know . Again the LORD ELohim says this never happened . Y'shua was a very humble and loving man who understood and respected the fact that children do have responsibility for their parents such as buring their body when they die . One of the Ten Commandments is : Honor your father and your mother , that you may long endure on the land that the LORD your God is assigning to you . To not let that man bury his father's body goes against one of LORD ELohim's Ten Commandments and Y'shua would have sinned . Remember Y'shua was without sin according to LORD ELohim . Another incident that did not happen .
- Luke 9 : 61 & 62 ( B ) ( R ) In the KJV : And another also said , Lord , I will follow thee ; but let me first go bid them farewell , which are at home at my house . And Jesus said unto him , No man , having put his hand to the plough , and looking back , is fit for the kingdom of God . In the NIV : .... Jesus replied , No one who put a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God . I'm starting to not like this ' kingdom of God ' and LORD ELohim also . How many other stupid dictatorship rules are there in this kingdom ? In the NIV it uses the word ' service ' which means ' servant ' . Y'shua in these verses is a very rude and unfeeling man toward other people . Then who is fit for the kingdom of God if this man was not . The man wanted to follow Y'shua . Was it to much to ask that he just wanted to let his family know what he was going to do . They did not have telephones back then . This man's family would have wondered what happened to him and become very concerned about him . Again the LORD says this did not happen . Y'shua would have said to him something like : that it is just fine you do that ; we will wait for you or come with you or you can catch up to us . The Christians in their Bible are starting to make Y'shua out to be a miserable jack ass : which he was not .
( 10 : 24 ) NOTES : - What is the ' kingdom of God ' ? Among Christians there is a lot of difference of opinions about this . Some people believe they are going to Heaven and live there for all eternity . The problems with that belief are many . One is that LORD ELohim does not want mortal life in His peaceful Heaven and He never said that would happen and neither did Y'shua . How are mortals suppose to survive in Heaven where there is no air , food , water and other stuff in space for the needs of mortals and above all again : He does not want you there in His peaceful and loving Heaven . Remember the LORD ELohim only created mortal life on this planet . Only on this earth are what we need to survive . How can mankind get to Heaven billions of miles away from earth ? The CB teaches mostly that this kingdom of God will be on earth : this earth . The LORD says this would be the only place for this to happen but He says that this will not happen . If a global kingdom happens on earth it has nothing to do with LORD ELohim and that is a warning to all people .
( 10 : 25 ) NOTES : Christians believe Y'shua will rule this world for LORD ELohim and LORD ELohim says Y'shua is dead and Y'shua was never ment to be a King of kings or a Messiah . There is no way that Y'shua can be resurrected from the dead . LORD ELohim does not even know where the bones of Y'shua are and He is not going to look for them because He can not resurrect him back to life anyways . If Y'shua was around LORD ELohim would never give Y'shua the impossible job of ruling over all mankind on earth and somehow bringing peace to this crazy world . Again Y'shua is dead and will remain dead for all eternity just like you will .
( 10 : 26 ) NOTES : The gospel means ' good news ' . Is it really good news ? The word ' salvation ' means ' the saving of a person from sin or it's consequences ' . It's believed by most Christians that sin is the cause of death and through Y'shua they will have eternal life after death . Why would LORD ELohim wait untill people are dead to give them a world of peace and love and happiness if that is even possible to do ? It would have been easier two thousand years ago to rule over mankind if that were possible even then . Why not make Y'shua King of the whole world then ? Why wait two thousand years and thousands of atomic bombs later and billions of more people on earth and a lot of crazy leaders of nations before creating peace on earth ? Truth is LORD ELohim cannot change people and we have proved to LORD ELohim we are in general very unruly when it comes to following His Ten Laws and other teachings . How could LORD ELohim through Y'shua bring peace on earth ? LORD ELohim does not believe He can do anything to help mankind find peace and great happiness . Remember LORD ELohim has tried many times to do that and everytime mankind has failed Him . Could Y'shua have done that ? LORD ELohim says Y'shua was the wrong type of person to be a King of even Israel alone . Y'shua could have never made a good ruling King of all people on earth .
( 10 : 27 ) NOTES : Is there a new Jerusalem coming down from Heaven ? In Revelation 21 : 2 & 3 it says ' I saw the Holy City , the new Jerusalem , coming down out of heaven from God , .... Look ! God's dwelling place is now among the people , and he will dwell with them ' . LORD ELohim says that He has no city in Heaven . He does not even have a throne in Heaven . LORD ELohim has been with mankind since Adam and Eve and on earth long before that . He is finished with mankind and all mortal life and just wants to go home to Heaven in the future where there is peace , happiness and lots of fun and no mortal humans . LORD ELohim says there is no city coming from Heaven and He cannot create a new Heaven and a new earth either unless you want to wait trillions of years for Him to do that and what would He do with the old Heaven and old earth ? That would be one big garbage dump . The LORD says : Think Not Beyond Logic . How can Spirits build this city in Heaven ? If you read Revelation chapter 21 it's tells about this city made of gold and precious stones . Read what it says about that city that even mankind could not build . You have to remember that Spirits in Heaven do not work . No Angel in Heaven has a job to do . So who built this city ? LORD ELohim says this city does not exist . Even LORD ELohim does not work in Heaven and will never cause His Spirit children to work either . It says in the CB that the wall made of jasper is 144 cubits thick . A cubit is about 18 inches ( 17.49 inches ) . If our math is right the walls are about 200 feet thick . Who would even build walls like this except for maybe a nuclear bomb shelter ? The CB says the city was laid out like a square and it is 12,000 stadia in length and as wide and high as it is long . We could not find in any book what a stadia is . According to the NIV CB 12,000 stadia would be about 1,400 miles . Your going to want a main floor office because there is no air in the penthouse office . This is one hell of a big space ship coming down from Heaven . It also says the gates were each made from one pearl . Where in Heaven could the LORD find mollusks far far bigger then the size of a elephant . Mollusks only live on earth and their pearls are usually not bigger then a childrens game using small marbles . The writtings about this city are so bizarre it's funny . Heaven is billions of miles away from earth . How is the LORD and Spirits suppose to get this mega city from Heaven to earth without rocket fuel . Think about it . Again : LORD ELohim says " Please : Think Not Beyond Logic " .
( 10 : 28 ) NOTES : What could Y'shua if he could be brought back to life do to change the way we humans are ? Remember Y'shua was a mortal man and not a God . LORD ELohim is God and He cannot answer this question . LORD ELohim tryed many times and many things to help people and not much worked so how could a mortal man do better then Him to change peoples ways and to solve all our problems ? Where would Y'shua even begin ? Be honest and take a good look at the world of mankind today . How can one Jewish man change all that is wrong everywhere on earth for the better ? History has proven that it only takes one man to cause a war that slaughters multitudes but can only one man cause peace and love everywhere on earth ? There is no history of that ever happening .
( 10 : 29 ) Who can enter this kingdom of God ? Do people just have to believe Y'shua is a God and their Savior ? According to most Christians that's all you need to do : to become a Christian . LORD ELohim says that is wrong . Remember the LORD calls Christians pagans so why would He want pagans to help Y'shua a Jew and of the religion of Judaism to help him rule the world ? Y'shua did not teach mankind Christianity . Y'shua was a Rabbi and he taught Judaism and a few of his own beliefs which got him into trouble . It was Christians mixed with Roman beliefs who created and taught Christianity : not Y'shua and not his desciples . Y'shua had been dead for a long time before Christianity began in Rome among the pagan Romans . Christianity did not begin with Y'shua in Israel or by his disciples . Christians generaly believe they will be the only ones saved for the kingdom of God . Some believe a few Jews will also be saved like Moses and Elijah . LORD ELohim says from the time of Abraham the Jews gave sacrifices for the LORD ELohim to forgive them of their sins . In other words : there would be a lot of Jews in this kingdom . LORD ELohim sacrificed Y'shua for the forgiveness of most all other peoples sins around the world so there would be many races in the kingdom to . The LORD is going to need a bigger city if everyone in the world is going to come there for a visit . Christians believe that the parables are mostly about the kingdom of God but the parables are full of rules and restrictions about who can be allowed into this kingdom city . LORD ELohim says if He was to make such a kingdom : He simply would never make that kingdom in the first place . LORD ELohim does not want to rule over mankind because that difficult work would never end . People are the way we are and that will never change .
- Matthew 5 : 20 ( R ) In the KJV For I say unto you , That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees , ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven . According to LORD ELohim there is no kingdom of heaven so whatever this kingdom is would have to be on earth . LORD ELohim did not have a lot of problems with the scribes and Pharisees so the line between not much righteousness and a lot of righteousness is set pretty high already . This rule alone will keep a lot of people , even Christians , from entering the pearly gates .
( 10 : 30 ) NOTES : The prayer called the LORD's prayer in Matthew 6 : 9 - 10 says Our Father which art in heaven , Hallowed be thy name , Thy kingdom come , Thy will be done in earth , as it is in heaven , .... LORD ELohim has not been home to Heaven for thousands of years and if Y'shua was His only son then Y'shua would have known that . If Y'shua was the LORD's only son then Y'shua would have known that LORD ELohim is not going to move to earth forever . LORD ELohim loves His Heaven and so do all the Spirits . The LORD just wants people to know that He does not like prayers that are repeated over and over again like this prayer above and Y'shua would have known that to . For the LORD to hear your prayers you would need to speak it with your mouth : LORD ELohim is not a mind reader . Also the LORD would have to be near you to hear you speaking your prayer and for most all of mankind that will never happen . Remember LORD ELohim is just one Spirit and He cannot be everywhere at the same time . Sometimes prayers seem to work but that may happen just because ' mind over matter ' sometimes does work for people or things simply change .
( 10 : 31 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim just wants to add this . LORD ELohim who is the God of Israel wants all people on earth to know that Y'shua His Lamb of God was a Jew and a deeply religious Jew of the faith of Judaism . Now do you want Y'shua ( Jesus ) back again to rule all mankind on earth as a Jew would rule it ? There are some Christians who have said they would not want a Jew ruling over all mankind . The only religion that LORD ELohim helped mankind create is Judaism because the LORD believes it is a way to peace and greater happiness for mankind . The name Jesus is a Greek name but this name is a lie because Y'shua was a Jew and you cannot change that fact about Y'shua whom the Christians wrongly worship as their main God . I have often wondered why the Jews are so badly treated yet one Jew is worshiped as a God . It made no sense . Y'shua would never change from his religion of Judaism . In a book about Catholicism it does mention one time that Y'shua ( Jesus ) was Jewish .
- Matthew 25 : 34 ( R ) In the NIV : Then the King will say to those on his right , Come , you who are blessed by my Father ; take your inheritance , the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world . This could go two ways . Were peoples names in the book of life before LORD ELohim created this part of the universe and this world ? Or did people while alive have to earn this inheritance ? The problem of peoples names being in the book of life before the earth was created is that when LORD ELohim started playing with dirt on this earth He had no idea what could be created by Him with dirt . So you would have to earn your place in the kingdom of God because there are many people on his left who will be on their way to eternal torment ( 46 ) in the eternal fire ( 41 ) . So much for being free of sin through the divine grace of LORD ELohim and for the sacrifice of Y'shua for the sins of mankind if you have to earn a place in this kingdom . For such a huge city there won't be many living there if everybody has to earn a place there and be more righteous then the scribes and Pharisees who the LORD did not have much trouble with . LORD ELohim says there is no kingdom of Heaven or kingdom of God coming to earth because people will still be the way they are now . Nothing will change . Again there is no afterlife so who lives there would have to be mortals and thats why nothing will change . And the LORD says remember this : someone has got to clean the toilets there and and and so a better life there would not be much better . Outside of the city the farmers will have to farm for foods and on and on not much changes . Mortals will need and want just like now and that puts most all people back to work again at a job they don't much like . The word ' servants ' is common in the writings about this kingdom . Something to think about . LORD ELohim says " please think about this and remember mortals have no afterlife so the kingdom would have to be on earth and all who live there would be mortals " .
( 10 : 32 ) NOTES : It's believed that Y'shua's second coming is when he will create this kingdom of God . Y'shua is dead and he is not coming back to life a second time : ever .
( 10 : 33 ) : This belief is repeated over and over again that the followers of Y'shua will enjoy eternal life in this eternal kingdom created by Y'shua . Some believe that there is no need for a reigning government to rule over mortal humans . It does not explain this belief but it sounds like the Christians get the kingdom and the rest of humanity get hell and the lake of fire . LORD ELohim would not be fooled by this belief . He knows in time the once mortals will be again as they were when mortal . There is nothing for LORD ELohim and His Spirit children to worry about since no mortal has an eternal life and this kingdom will never happen because Y'shua is dead and never coming back and there is no city built in Heaven by Spirits coming to earth . There is nothing for non-Christians to worry about because there is no purgatory , hell or lake of fire and Y'shua was sacrificed for your sins to be forgiven by LORD ELohim also . There are a few people in the past and now who are not forgiven by LORD ELohim but most all people are . Why do Christians get this so wrong in thinking only they will be saved . Y'shua was sacrificed for the sins of most all people on earth and all since the time of Adam and Eve to now and not just for Christians . Even in your CB in John 1 : 29 & 36 it says John the Baptist said " Look , the Lamb of God , who takes away the sin of the world ! " You Christians would have a lot of company in that kingdom and of every religion known to man .
( 10 : 34 ) NOTES : Never did LORD ELohim ever say that to be forgiven of our sins people have to be a followers of Y'shua . Why would LORD ELohim say anything like that since mortal life has no afterlife and not even a afterlife for Y'shua ? Y'shua was the Lamb of God and died for the forgiveness of the sins of the world . LORD ELohim was not trying to create a new religion and neither was Y'shua or his disciples . The Christian religion began in Rome among the pagan Romans and not in Israel among the Jews . The newly established Christian church long after Y'shua died was called the Roman Catholic Church for a reason . LORD ELohim says Y'shua did believe in eternal life and he also believed some day LORD ELohim would create a kingdom among mankind but both these beliefs are wrong . Y'shua did not talk a lot about the kingdom and in the CB a lot was added like about the city and who is allowed in this kingdom . Y'shua did not believe in hell or purgatory or the lake of fire or eternal torments . That was added by the Roman Catholic Church . Even Y'shua did not know how LORD ELohim could make a kingdom on earth but like most people Y'shua had his own hopes and dreams . But much about a kingdom of God or kingdome of Heaven was added long after Y'shua died . LORD ELohim says it's important to remember that the sacrifice of Y'shua was for most all mankind on earth and not just for people who call themselves Christians .
- Daniel 7 : 27 In the JB : The kingship and dominion and grandeur belonging to all the kingdoms under Heaven will be given to the people of the holy ones of the Most High .Their kingdom shall be an everlasting kingdom , and all dominions shall serve and obey them . In the KJV same verse says : And the kingdom and dominion , and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven , shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High , whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom , and all dominions shall serve and obey him . In the CB NIV it says : Then the sovereignty , power and greatness of all the kingdoms under heaven will be handed over to the holy people of the Most High . His kingdom will be an everlasting kingdom , and all rulers will worship and obey him . Why do Christians believe they have become LORD ELohim's new chosen people ? In the CB NIV it says the world will worship him . Daniel was writing about LORD ELohim and Daniel was mostly writing about his hopes and dreams for all mankind . The CB KJV it uses the word ' saints ' . That is a Christian word and not a Jewish word that we could find . So why do Christians believe they are now ' the holy people of the Most High ' LORD ELohim ' ? The Jews are LORD ELohim's chosen people and that has never changed and will never change no matter how often the Christians change words in their Old Testament . LORD ELohim says He has no interest in ruling over mankind like a King and Y'shua is dead so it won't be him either . LORD ELohim and the Jews have tried so many times to help people and the LORD has given up on doing that anymore . The problems were not so much the Jews but the rest of this crazy world . Again there is no eternal kingdom coming from LORD ELohim . If He could do that the world religion would be Judaism and not Christianity or any other religion . At this minute people who have just read this are angry about the fact this world would be a one religion world for all humanity . Anger becomes hate and hate becomes war and great suffering and there we go again just like humans have always been like before . LORD ELohim knows that so there will be no ' kingdom of God ' on earth . Remember also Y'shua was a deeply devoted Jew to the religion of Judaism and if he was to rule all the world as King that would not change him so how many times would LORD ELohim have to resurrect him after being assassinated over and over again just because he is a Jew . LORD ELohim cannot raise people back to life who die , not even Y'shua , so this will never be a problem to deal with in the future . If this kingdom that rules the world happens it would be the kingdom of men and not the kingdom of God : and that's a warning from LORD ELohim to you and all people !
- Matthew 13 : 11 In the NIV : He replied , Because the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you , but not to them . The disciples wanted to know why Y'shua spoke to people in parables and the above was his answer . Why would Y'shua do that ? Why would Y'shua be picking and choosing who would enter into this kingdom when he was not playing this game fairly to all people . LORD ELohim says Y'shua never said this . Y'shua was not the reason why people have been forgiven by LORD ELohim . LORD ELohim is the one who forgave your sins if your not evil . Y'shua was the Lamb of God and was not the one who forgave the sins of the world . So Y'shua could not pick and choose who would go to this kingdom . Y'shua was never given the power to do that from LORD ELohim and the LORD says Y'shua never tried to do that . LORD ELohim says a lot of the parables in the CB were never said by Y'shua and were never written by his disciples who never asked him this question . Again remember this : Y'shua did not forgive your sins . By the sacrifice of Y'shua as the Lamb of God your sins were forgiven by LORD ELohim and only Him . Also remember that the ' sin of the world ' means almost every human who ever lived since Adam and Eve to today and in the future . If Y'shua or LORD ELohim could raise the dead who were forgiven by LORD ELohim this little earth would become very very crowded and very suddenly . Many Christians and other people believe the resurrection of the dead is the resurrection of the dead flesh body back to life again . This is about billions of dead people . How is the LORD suppose to feed , house and do much more for these resurrected dead people who are now mortal beings again ? They would have to be mortals again because there is no Spirits in those graves . This would be the greatest famine in the history of the world and many millions or even billions of people would die again and back to the grave they go again along with a lot of people who were not resurrected . And there would be hate and wars and pain and suffering agian for even the resurrected dead people who many would probably be angry with LORD ELohim for getting them out of their peaceful grave for this and their suffering again . The LORD would run out of Souls long before many are resurrected .
( 10 : 35 ) NOTES : Remember it's almost impossible for LORD ELohim to communicate with people and Y'shua and the Jewish prophets were no different . This is the reason why back then and even today some Jews believe in a afterlife while other Jews believe when you die this game of life is over for you forever . There is no eternal life for mortals but Y'shua believed there is eternal life for mortals and that was his hope and dream . Daniel believed there would be a Kingdom someday that LORD ELohim would be the boss of and that was his hope and dream . They were not the only people and only religion where people added their own beliefs to their faith which were wrong about what they believed . LORD ELohim tried many times to teach mankind the truth about a lot of things but peoples own beliefs which were errors were hard to change . What's different with me ? The LORD ELohim figured out how to make my head nod or move side to side and that He did not know how to do until recently . So if I ask a question or something He can nod my head for ' yes ' or side to side for ' no ' . After all these years we can have a conversation this way . When working with the many Bibles He can tell me what's true or false and stuff like that . Compared to other people LORD ELohim worked throught like the Jews ; I got things pretty easy to do this work for Him because we can communicate with each other . I have never heard the voice of LORD ELohim or other Spirits and I have never seen them and no mortal has but the way the LORD communicates with me is working out well . After twenty years we have our own language going on a little like sign language with dozens of different meanings . It's to bad that LORD ELohim did not know how to do this with Y'shua and the ancient prophets and Abraham and Moses and others . I am not the only one learning new things .
( 10 : 36 ) NOTES : Over and over the Christians write ' the followers of Jesus Christ will enjoy eternal life in this eternal Kingdom ' . Some believe there will be no mortal humans then so there is no work but at the same time they rule the world with Christ . If there are no mortal humans then there is only themselves to rule over each other . We are taking a guess here : that the rest of all mortal mankind is roasting in another kingdom called hell according to the Christian faith . LORD ELohim wants to remind all Christians that Y'shua was sacrificed for most all humanity everywhere on earth and not just for followers of Y'shua . The rule is : you don't have to believe anything about Y'shua to be saved by the grace of LORD ELohim but grace does not mean you will have eternal life . It simply means for most all people your sins are forgiven . Remember that sin is not the cause of natural death for any mortal . What species of mortal life in the past and now do not die ? You cannot say a frog sinned or an elephant sinned or a dinosaur sinned or even a lion sinned and they all die and none of them will have an eternal life either . We humans are a species of animals and we die naturally to and like other animals we have no eternal life either . It would be an interesting world if the ghosts of all mankind who had ever lived had to live with the ghosts of millions of T Rex . LORD ELohim says He has never seen a ghost of any species of mortal life . There is not much difference about the bodies of mankind then the bodies of other animals other then we humans have ' free will ' and what we and all species look like . Again sin is not the reason mortals die . All mortals die and are never resurrected .
- In the JB in Daniel 7 : 27 : The kingship and dominion and grandeur belonging to all the kingdoms under Heaven will be given to the people of the holy ones of the Most High . Their kingdom shall be an everlasting kingdom , and all dominions shall serve and obey them . Christians use this verse in the Jewish Bible to claim Daniel was writing about them and they will rule over all mankind . LORD ELohim says Daniel was not perfectly right about what he wrote but if all were right it would be the Jews who would rule the world . At the time of Daniel LORD ELohim knew nothing about the coming Christians and neither did Daniel . God cannot foresee the future and He deffinately did not foresee pagan Christianity being what it is . At best He can guess what the future ' may ' be . The LORD says this verse has nothing to do with Christians and is a verse He never taught Daniel . Again mortal hopes and dreams . LORD ELohim says there is nothing in the Jewish Bible about the Christians because no one could have guessed that great error would happen among mankind . But then again all other religions have many errors to . The Jewish Bible is not perfect but it is closer to being more right about things then other religions are . LORD ELohim says the best way to think about anything is to " Think Not Beyond Logic " about everything . Again it's important for Christians to know that there is nothing in the ancient Jewish Bible about Christianity so you cannot use verses in the JB to back up your beliefs when you think they are written about you .
( 10 37 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim just wants to remind all Christians and other people that there is no kingdom of God coming to earth : ever . Y'shua will never be a Jewish King of all the world because he is dead and that would be crazy to even try to do that using any man or religion . If you want to cause wars that would be a good way to do that . - It is the Jews who are the chosen people of LORD ELohim and that has never changed and will never change and they will never rule the whole world and the Jews are probably happy to hear this . - LORD ELohim did not create Christianity and neither did Y'shua or even Peter or the other disciples or any other Jews . That was the pagan Romans and not Jews who created the Christian faith long after Y'shua was dead . - There is no eternal life for any mortals including all Christians . - Christians will never rule the Spirits LORD ELohim created and the LORD hopes Christians will never rule all other people on earth . - LORD ELohim remembers to many mass tortures , burning people alive on the stake and mass murders of people which the Roman Catholic Church was involved in like the Inquisitions and His Templar Knights who the LORD originated for Himself were murdered by the thousands , the rapes and deaths of children in schools the Catholics were in charge of and on and on . - Remember Y'shua was not the Jewish Messiah the Jews were and are hopeful for . Most all Jews at that time and since did not believe Y'shua was the Messiah and they were and are right about that . - Y'shua was never ment to become King of the Jews or King of the world . Y'shua was only ment to be a Rabbi for a short time and then to be the Lamb of God sacrificed for the sins of the world . - Y'shua the flesh man could not forgive sins : only LORD ELohim can do that . You do not have to be a Christian or even believe in or know about Y'shua as the Lamb of God to be forgiven of your sins . In Revelation 22 it says Y'shua said three times " ... I am coming soon " and that's when Y'shua was dead . I asked LORD ELohim what the word ' soon ' means to Him and He sayed " no more then three months " . I asked LORD ELohim if He were to create such a kingdom on earth , would He have waited until now to do that ? The LORD said " No He would not have waited until now . He would have done that around the time of Y'shua being alive " . I asked the LORD if He would have chosen Y'shua to be the King to rule the ' kingdom of God ' and He says " No , Y'shua was not the type of man like David was to rule over people " . Remember LORD ELohim watched the Grays and Anunnaki almost destroy the earth with their last wars so He knew that we humans are probably headed that way to . There was no true peace on earth during the time of Y'shua or even before him or even today . Had LORD ELohim had plans for a ' kingdom of God ' on earth He would have created that before many thousands of nuclear bombs were created by scientists for what seems to be a coming nuclear war . - There is no kingdom for mortal mankind in Heaven . Heaven is not much like a kingdom ; it's more like playground for LORD ELohim and His Spirit children . LORD ELohim would never allow mortals in any form there . - Many Christians believe when the eternal kingdom comes after the thousand year reign of Y'shua on earth their physical flesh body will be changed by Y'shua or LORD ELohim to an eternal spirit body . LORD ELohim says He nor Y'shua can do that and even if the LORD ELohim could do that He would not do that . LORD ELohim has often regretted creating mortal life . Why would the LORD want to give people eternal life when He knows He will regret that to some day . - Many Christians believe that when Y'shua rules all mortal mankind for a thousand years there will be great peace , happiness and great economic well-being for all people . In other words you will still need a job in this kingdom . Y'shua is dead and LORD ELohim has never known any man or woman who could do that . It only takes one man to start a war but can one man end all wars and terrorism , create greater happiness for all mankind , create peace everywhere on earth , and make sure every mortal adult has a well paying job ? Christians believe the Christian saints will rule with Y'shua . And there all goes back to being almost normal on earth except it would be a global dictatorship run by pagan Christians and a dead man who is not coming back to life ever but the Christians might claim they are to set things up for the return of Y'shua . - LORD ELohim just wants to remind people John the Baptist said " Look , the Lamb of God , who takes away the sin of the world " in John 1 : 29 . The LORD says this verse is right . Y'shua died for all most all mankind and not just for Christians . You do not have to be a Christian to be forgiven for your sins . Y'shua and John the Baptist were not trying to create a new religion and neither was LORD ELohim . - This is a little strange if you believe the Christians will rule the world and that the new city of Jerusalem is coming down from Heaven . Again there is no new city coming from Heaven . In Revelation 21 it says on the gates of the city there is written the the names of the twelve tribes of Israel and on the twelve foundations were written the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb . This prophecy seems to be more about Jews then Christians . It goes on to say only those whose name is written in the Lamb's book of life will enter the city . The LORD ELohim wants to remind people there is no such thing as a book of life . There has never been a reason for such a book . No mortal flesh has an afterlife . Think about this : how can LORD ELohim say your sins are forgiven then throw you into hell because you can't believe all the stuff pagan Christians believe . The LORD would be going back on His word about forgiving your sins no matter what your race , color or religion is . Again there is no hell . So why the Jewish names written on the city ? It's said that the disciple John wrote Revelation . John would have never heard of the word Christians and the people of God to him would have ment the Jews . - We have tryed to find the kingdom of God or the kingdom of Heaven being in Heaven but everything we read says this kingdom will be created on this earth . That is not likely to happen because LORD ELohim is not involved or behind this to happen on this earth because it would be a waste of His time . LORD ELohim tried to help mankind in the past a few times and mankind failed Him over and over again . Can one man do it : bring peace , great happiness and prosperity to all people on earth ? Do you know of any man alive now who could create this global kingdom not of God but of mankind without the slaughter of billions of people to do it and without becoming a dictator and a tyrant ' with an iron scepter ' against most all of mankind except his goons ? - Many people believe LORD ELohim is going to create a new Heaven and new earth . The LORD says that will never happen so this earth is where this kingdom will be . Many Christians believe Y'shua and LORD ELohim will wrath against non-Christians before Y'shua will return to earth . Only Y'shua the Lamb of God is found worthy to open the seal and cause the judgments of the tribulation . If this were true by the time these judgments are finished there would not be much water and land left livable on earth . These judgment are mentioned in Revelation . LORD ELohim says He is not going to wrath against mankind and Y'shua is dead so he is not going to do that either . No Angels are going to harm any of mankind . Why would LORD ELohim do that ? The LORD does not understand where people even came up with these thoughts about Him and about Y'shua . If LORD ELohim does not gently end most mortal life on earth before the third world war it will be mankinds wrath against mankind and all will have nothing to do with the LORD . If thousands of nuclear bombs are used you would not want to create a kingdom on this earth . Again LORD ELohim has nothing to do with what happens when it comes to what mankind will do to mankind and the earth in the furture and even now . The LORD says stop blaming Him and other Spirits for what mankind does and thinks . If you believe LORD ELohim could be so cruel and evil ; you don't know Him do you . It's like the Christians and other religions beliefs in a place like hell or lake of fire and believing LORD ELohim or Y'shua created these places just to torture billions of people for all eternity : the Christians and other religions they do not know LORD ELohim or the man Y'shua was either . Christians and even other religions need to rethink their beliefs about hell and about the fact Y'shua was sacrificed for all mankind and not just for Christians and about your mortal life is all you are going to get and on and on to truly think about . If you think the book of Job is a true story then you really really really don't know LORD ELohim our one and only loving Father . Think Not Beyond Logic .
- Luke 12 : 32 ( R ) In the NIV : Do not be afraid , little flock , for you Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom . There were no Christians at that time so Y'shua was speaking to Jews if he said this . With many verses you have to think about the time line when those were written . LORD ELohim had no idea that Christianity would come to be and neither did Y'shua and the prophets . The beginning of Christianity was long after Y'shua and his Jewish disciples were dead . No one could have guessed that the Christian religion would happen .
( 10 : 38 ) NOTES : Since we are on the subject : what do you hope the kingdom of God is like if it existed now or will exist in the future ? So far what we do know from verses in the CB it will be on earth and not in Heaven . Does the word ' servant ' scare you a little ? LORD ELohim says He is not going to help this ' kingdom of God ' happen on earth because it already sounds like a human thing going on without Him . It will not be the ' kingdom of God ' it will be the ' kingdom of men ' . Now is it getting scary . The LORD does not have servants and never did : Spirits or mortals . Spirits and people who helped the LORD in the past and now were and are willing helpers and are not His servants . I am not LORD ELohim's servant : just a willing helper who could have said no to helping Him and He would not have been angry with me . There have been a few people who walked away . Y'shua could have said no to about being the Lamb of God and LORD ELohim would have been fine with that .
- Luke 10 : 9 ( R ) In the KJV : And heal the sick that are therein , and say unto them , The kingdom of God is come nigh unto you . What does this even mean . The word ' nigh ' means ' near ' or even ' time ' . The question is ' who is the God of this kingdom ' since it is written in the Christian Bible . Christians have a few seperate Gods including the Father , Y'shua and the Holy Spirit and even Satan is a god in their beliefs which is mentioned in 2 Corinthians 4 : 4 . Since LORD ELohim is the one and only true God that would make Him the God of this coming kingdom but the problem is : He does not want to be the God of that kingdom and He is not going to be the God or anything else of that kingdom . Y'shua is dead , the Holy Spirit never existed and Satan wants nothing to do with humans and never did and there it is : we have run out of Gods and a god for this kingdom .
- 2 Corinthians 4 : 4 ( B ) In the KJV : In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not , lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ , who is the image of God , should shine unto them . The NIV says : The god of this age .... . Satan is also called ' prince of the power of the air ' whatever that means in Ephesians 2 : 2 ? The CB calls Satan the ' god of this world ' which would make earth his kingdom if that were true . What is true : even David ( Satan ) wants nothing to do with humanity and never did . Just remember it was a few verses back that claimed that Y'shua was picking a chosing who could be in this kingdom and who he did not want by making peoples mind blind also . That is not true and it is also not true that Satan is the god of this world and doing the same thing . The LORD knows in these verses the Christians are blaming Satan for people who do not become Christians . Blaming David ( Satan ) is a big lie . If you read and think about the Christian religion and even other religions you could find many dozens of reasons not to believe what they believe . Think about this : If Satan were evil and against LORD ELohim then if it were Satan who created Christianity it would make more sense . Christianity has really gone against what the LORD was trying to do to help mankind . There it is : blaming Satan can go both ways . LORD ELohim who is the one and only God makes Him God of this world and our one and only Father . Again : David ( Satan ) is not a evil Spirit and he wants nothing to do with mankind ' past , present , ever ' and he did not cause or create anything . Pagan people created Christianity and not Satan but again blaming David can go both ways , right .
- Luke 10 : 14 ( R ) In the KJV : But it shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon at the judgment , than for you . And thou , Capernaum , which art exalted to heaven , shalt be thrust down to hell . The judgment has already happened and we humans as a species have all failed our trial as a species . Again there is no hell and what ' exalted to heaven ' means the LORD does not know ? No mortal and certainly no city has ever gone to Heaven .
- Luke 10 : 18 ( B ) ( R ) In the KJV : And he said unto them , I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven . Spirits do not look like lightning when flying around . If Satan was a problem for mankind the LORD would have fixed that before Adam was called the first of mankind .
- Luke 10 : 19 ( R ) In the KJV : Behold , I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions , and over all the power of the enemy : and nothing shall by any means hurt you . Not a lot of followers of Y'shua lived a happy life and died from old age . So much for that false promise . As with every verse in the CB : did Y'shua really say that or did that even happen .
- Luke 10 : 20 ( R ) In the KJV : Notwithstanding in this rejoice not , that the spirits are subject unto you ; but rather rejoice , because your names are written in heaven . The word ' subject ' means ' being under the power or rule of another ' . This verse is so not true . LORD ELohim would never allow any mortal man or women and not even Y'shua to rule over His Spirit children . If He had to chose it would be the other way around : Spirits ruling over mankind . That will never happen because Spirits dealing with mankind for the past six thousand years have had enough with us . These Spirits don't want anything more to do with mortal life and are happy it's Judgement Day . Had we passed the trial the Spirits would have been OK with that because there would have been very little for them to do because we passed at love , compassion , kindness , sharing and caring about each other all over the world but that did not happen . Are peoples names written in Heaven ? There is a reason why LORD ELohim asked me to do His Little Book and that's because He cannot put it on paper Himself and neither can any other Spirits . There are no books , paper , pens or computers in Heaven . Gods Heaven is mostly empty space other then planets , suns and stuff like that and a lot of Spirits playing there . Why would LORD ELohim and His Spirit children want or need anything more ? Again there is no ' book of life ' with your name in it : not in Heaven or on earth . There are a few religions who believe all peoples entire life story is written in books by Angels who follow them around and someday these books will be used by the LORD to judge each person . That's not true either . Angels cannot write in books anymore then LORD ELohim can . The LORD has no interest in sitting on a thrown for millions of years reading about billions of peoples day to day mostly very boring lives . These books do not exist either . Again we were judged as a species and not as individuals . Some people might think that's unfair but either way it would make no difference because for good or bad people : being dead is forever .
( 10 : 39 ) NOTES : In the future most mortal life and all peoples lives will come to an end . You may be wondering why not keep the good people and just let the bad people lives end . That has never worked . Soon the offspring of good people find ways to be wicked and evil . For about six thousand years mankind has over and over again taken one step forward toward love and peace and two steps backward toward hate and evil again . LORD ELohim has tryed many times to help us keep going forward and every time we failed Him and went backwards again . It's over . Time is up . It's Judgment Day and we failed .
( 10 : 40 ) NOTES : The saying ' May God have mercy on your soul ' before they hang someone makes no sense . We all have Souls but the Souls have nothing to do with who we are and the choices we make and we do not live on after death as any part of the Souls . There is no reason why LORD ELohim should have mercy regarding Souls because no Soul has ever been in trouble with LORD ELohim . It's people who are guilty of sins and not the Souls within them . People saying the word Soul also means flesh is wrong . Only a Spirit can be called a Soul and any other reason is just wrong the LORD says .
- Luke 10 : 21 ( B ) ( R ) In the KJV : In that hour Jesus rejoiced in spirit , and said , I thank thee , O Father , Lord of heaven and earth , that thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent , and hast revealed them unto babes : even so , Father ; for so it seemed good in thy sight . LORD ELohim never told Y'shua to pick and chose who should be allowed into whatever he is talking about . What's wrong with people being wise or prudent . The word prudent means sensible , sane , cautious , discreet .... . I was very cautious when I realized I had Spirits with me and wise enough to let the LORD teach me when I was sure He was LORD ELohim and one of those Spirits . If Y'shua was picking and chosing it would have not been good in God's sight . The LORD says Y'shua never said that . The problems with many religions is that people are not prudent when they think about what their faith believes . The LORD ELohim wants people to be prudent when reading the many Bibles of all religions and when reading His Little Book . Another verse says Y'shua said ' O Father , Lord of heaven and earth , ' It does not say ' Satan : god of the world ' . The word ' Lord ' could have ment Satan . LORD is LORD ELohim's name with all capitals in the name LORD . The word ' Lord ' could mean many things including Satan's name as the god Christians say he is .
- Luke 10 : 22 ( R ) In the KJV : All things are delivered to me of my Father ; and no man knoweth who the Son is , but the Father ; and who the Father is , but the Son , and he to whom the Son will reveal him . Y'shua was a Jew and of the religion of Judaism . Knowing LORD ELohim was not perfect but the Jews then and now did know a lot about their God and Father . Since the time of Abraham the LORD taught Abraham and his offspring Isaac and his offspring and so on bits and pieces about Himself and the Jews put many of the pieces together so to know LORD ELohim . Did the Jews know the ' only Son of God ' as Christians believe . Even LORD ELohim does not know this ' Son ' created by the Christians . LORD ELohim is the Father of many millions of sons and daughters since the time of Adam and Eve when He declared His work was finished in creating ' mankind ' . If Y'shua said this he was wrong . The Jews knew LORD ELohim fairly well back then and even more so today . It's the Christians and others who do not know LORD ELohim and the true Y'shua very well at all . If you believe in ' hell ' you do not know the loving LORD ELohim your Father . If you believe in an ' afterlife ' for mortals you don't know the power of God . If you believe LORD ELohim is three Gods in one God you do not know the one and only God and Father LORD ELohim . If you believe the book of Job is true you do not know LORD ELohim or even Satan ( David ) in every way . If you believe Y'shua was a God you do not know the truth about Y'shua the Jewish mortal man do you . And on and on . The verse says Y'shua said no one knows the Father but those he reveals the LORD to . If you read the CB New Testament who now do you say the Father is that Y'shua revealed of Him to be or even who the person Y'shua was . We would have to start back in Matthew .
( 10 : 41 ) NOTES : Who did Y'shua say LORD ELohim our God and Father is ? We are still thinking about this because there really was not a lot he taught about LORD ELohim that we remember . Several times Y'shua called LORD ELohim ' your Father ' , ' thy Father ' , ' the Father ' , ' our Father ' , my Father ' , ' their Father but the book of John says that LORD ELohim is not our Father . In John chapter 1 it says the Word who is Y'shua was the one who created all things that were made . That changes every thing . As an example : that would make Y'shua our Father and not LORD ELohim . Another example : the place called hell . If this place really existed it was Y'shua who created that place and also the lake of fire where billions of people would suffer greatly for all eternity . So when you think about hell you cannot think of LORD ELohim as being a very very wicked and cruel God and Father . Christians say Y'shua was the very very wicked and cruel God and Father and not LORD ELohim . We could go on and on playing this game but we will leave it for another day . Y'shua did not speak much about LORD ELohim . If he did there is some things taken out of the CB New Testament . The Truth : LORD ELohim is your God and Father and not Y'shua and there is no hell or lake of fire or eternal suffering . Neither LORD ELohim or Y'shua are or were cruel and evil . Who invented purgatory and hell and the lake of fire ? Now there is a very very evil and cruel human mind .
Luke 10 : 25 - 28 ( B ) ( R ) In the KJV : And , behold , a certain lawyer stood up , and tempted him , saying , Master , what shall I do to inherit eternal life ? It says Y'shua asked him what he thought the answer was . The lawyer said to love LORD ELohim and to love their neighbours . It says Y'shua said his answer was right . Y'shua did not say to him that he would have to follow Y'shua and believe in him as a God . So according to this you really do not have to be a Christian to have eternal life . LORD ELohim said Y'shua believed in a afterlife which is not true . Y'shua had a few beliefs that were not true . The LORD said Y'shua did not believe in a hell and the eternal torment and suffering there of people . Y'shua just believed the good people who believed in LORD ELohim as their God and loved LORD ELohim and were good to other people would be raised from the dead and the wicked would simply never be woken from death . That would have been unfair because good and loving people around the whole world had not heard of LORD ELohim yet . The bottom line is that all is fair to everyone since no mortal will have an eternal afterlife . It's just sad that many children because of illness and other reasons will not know a long mortal life but there is nothing the LORD can do to change that just as Y'shua could not change that either .
- Luke 11 : 9 ( R ) In the KJV : And I say unto you , Ask , and it shall be given you , seek , and ye shall find ; knock , and it shall be opened unto you . Can LORD ELohim do all this ? Have you ever prayed to the Father LORD ELohim and nothing happened ? First the LORD ELohim is one Spirit and He cannot be everywhere at the same time and there is no Holy Spirit everywhere either . Again the Holy Spirit does not exist . A lot of people pray in their thoughts and not in spoken words so how can LORD ELohim hear your thoughts ? He cannot . The LORD does not know every language spoken on earth so He cannot understand what many people are saying . The LORD only speaks English , Hebrew and ancient Egyptian . There are billions of people living today . How is LORD ELohim suppose to hear every prayer ? When the LORD wants to hear what going on with people He usually goes to places of worship and not to peoples homes . Remember He only knows three languages . It's not just the service He goes to listen to but the chitchat after the service He greatly enjoys but not all religions have chitchats after the service . LORD ELohim does not have Spirits with every human on earth that are not Souls . There are not enough Spirits for every person . There are only about three million Spirits that are not Souls . Souls are for the funtion of the more complex mortal bodies and not for the purpose to spy on people . Souls cannot hear your thoughts and they don't always know where the LORD is . If you ' asked ' and nothing happened or if you ' seek ' and nothing happened or if you ' knocked ' and nothing happened these are the reason why . Also the LORD cannot grant all wishes within people prayers . He cannot heal the sick , raise the dead , feed the hungry , shelter the homeless , end wars , calm a storm , win the lottery for you and on and on and neither could the mortal man Y'shua when he was alive who died for mankinds sins as the Lamb of God and is still dead .
- Luke 11 : 13 ( R ) In the KJV : If ye then , being evil , know how to give good gifts unto your children ; how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him ? Notice it says ' your heavenly Father ' . Again there is no Holy Spirit but if there were what do Christians believe the Holy Spirit to be and what does he do for people ? All Spirits are he or him or other male names . Christians also call the Holy Spirit the Spirit of God or Holy Ghost . In a Christian book it says the Spirit of God brought order out of chaos at Creation . They use Genesis 1 : 2 to back up that theory . LORD ELohim says there was no chaos at that time . There is no mention of the Spirit of God or Holy Spirit in the JB that we could find : it just tells that God was playing around with creation , which is true . It was LORD ELohim behind all created and He is one Spirit . The words ' the spirit of the LORD ' does not mean the Holy Spirit . It simply means people felt that LORD ELohim was near them . Jews do not believe in a God called the Holy Spirit and more then anyone else they should know . It only makes sense that there is only One true God . LORD ELohim did not create other Gods : He created children both Spirts and mortal flesh . There is no Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost to give to you and there are not ' three persons ' of the one God . LORD ELohim does not like Christians calling Him a ' person ' . Y'shua was and is not a God , the Holy Spirit or also called the Holy Ghost never existed and is not a God : only LORD ELohim is a God who created all that was created which means He alone is your Father .
( 10 : 42 ) NOTES : When writing about LORD ELohim and about Him as a Spirit the capital S is needed . LORD ELohim says when writing about His Spirit children also use a capital S . The small s in spirit means something else . In the dictionary there a twelve definitions for the word Spirit or spirit and only one definition refers to LORD ELohim . Even some booze is called spirits . Even a fairy and ghost are called a spirits . People have used the word Spirit or spirit for many things and has confused what this word should mean . We know that fairies and probably ghosts do not exist and the LORD says the Holy Spirit Christians believe in does not exist either . When refering to LORD ELohim use capital letters for LORD or like LORD .
( 10 : 43 ) NOTES : We went through the Book of Joel . In the Christian Bible it has 32 verses in chapter 2 and the Jewish Bible it has only 27 verses . The CB has 21 verses in chapter 3 and the JB has 5 verses in chapter 3 . The CB has no chapter 4 but the JB has a chapter 4 with 21 verses . Counting verses alone both the CB and the JB have 73 verses in the Book of Joel but many words are changed in the CB when compared to what is written in the JB . The Christian writers just loved to cause confusion . Again the Old Testament in the Christian Bible should be exactly the same as the Jewish Bible is written and this Book of Joel in the Old Testament is not the same as in the Jewish Bible in a few ways .
( 10 : 44 ) NOTES : In a Christian book it says that in the future there will be a outpouring of this Spirit ( Holy Spirit ) for all God's people and that it was fulfilled on the Day of Pentecost . What it does not say is who are ' God's people ' . Since it's a Christian book it is probably speaking about themselves : the Christians . LORD ELohim wants to make this very clear to all people . LORD ELohim's people ( God's people ) are the Jews and not the Christians or anyone else . LORD ELohim never changed that at anytime in history or today . The Jews are still His chosen people to help Him with the rest of mankind but this is the Last Day so He does not have much work for them anymore but they are still His people . In another book it says the risen Christ gave the church his Holy Spirit . It also says the Holy Spirit allowed the disciples to perform signs and wonders . So this book it says it were followers of Y'shua that Y'shua gave his Holy Spirit to . There should not be a capital H on the word his or he when writing about Y'shua . LORD ELohim wants to remind Christians that He calls Christians pagans and you are definitely not His people . You need to look at the time of this said to have happened . Was it before the Christians even existed .
( 10 : 45 ) NOTES : In a Christian book it says there is nothing in the Jewish Bible that clearly states that the Holy Spirit is a distinct ' Person ' within the Godhead . In other words this means the Christians created a new God they called the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost on their own . LORD ELohim says this God of the Christians does not exist . Again LORD ELohim does not like being called a ' Person ' by the Christians . Godhead means the nature of God especially as existing in three persons . There are no three ' Persons ' : there is only LORD ELohim who is our one and only God and Father who created us .
( 10 : 46 ) NOTES : What does saint mean ? People declared to be saints are declared to be the lawful object of public veneration . Veneration means ' adore , deep respect , reverence and even worship . Reverence means ' a feeling of deep respect , mixed with wonder , awe , and love ' . According to the Encyclopedia the church believes that all saints are in Heaven with Y'shua and LORD ELohim . This is a wrong belief . Even LORD ELohim and Y'shua are not in Heaven and there is no mortal Saints there either or any other mortals or who were mortals . Intercession means ' a prayer or petition on behalf of another person or persons ' . Many Christian believe that the saints in Heaven speak about them to LORD ELohim . The saints are not believed to be equal to Y'shua but thought to be mediators between God and man like Y'shua is said to do . Only a pope can declare someone to be a saint . It is the Roman Catholic , Eastern Orthodox and Anglican churches that are into all this saint stuff . First : LORD ELohim says only He could declare someone to be a saint and not a mortal pope . LORD ELohim has never declared any person to be a saint ; not even Y'shua . Again there are no saints in Heaven . Again , no mortal flesh has ever gone to Heaven in any form . There are about 90 saints listed by name in the Encyclopedia and LORD ELohim does not know most all of them other then the disciples called saints . The LORD ELohim knew the disciples but He would have never called them saints or any other people . If saints did live in the past LORD ELohim would have declared men like Y'shua , Moses and a few more to be saints but He never came up with this belief in saints . The Christians created this belief . According to the Encyclopedia Y'shua ( Jesus ) was never called a saint by the Roman Catholic Church or other Christian churches but they did call Y'shua a God . Again the Christians believe all saints are in Heaven and LORD ELohim says that is a big error in their belief . No mortal has ever gone to Heaven including Y'shua in any form . LORD ELohim would never allow humans in Heaven or Grays or Anunnakis .
( 10 : 47 ) NOTES : In the KJV in Psalm 145 : 10 All thy works shall praise thee , O LORD ; and thy saints shall bless thee . In the JB this verse says All Your works shall praise You, O LORD , and Your faithful ones shall bless You . The NIV uses the words faithful people extol you . We have tried to find the word ' saints ' in the Jewish Bible and other books about Judaism but have not found anything about ' saints ' . Christians say the JB backs up their beliefs in Psalm 145 : 10 but in the JB there is no mention of saints and Psalm is in the Jewish Bible . Again Christians have changed words in their Old Testament so it seems the Jewish Bible backs up their beliefs . LORD ELohim is sure that the Jewish people do not use the word saint or saints and its meaning like the Christians do .
( 10 : 48 ) NOTES : Again LORD ELohim wants to make sure people understand this . It's said that John wrote in John 1 : 21 & 36 about John the Baptist . John the disciple says that John the Baptist said twice about Y'shua " Look , the Lamb of God " and once he said " who takes away the sin of the world ! " John the Baptist did not say only followers of Y'shua will be forgiven their sins : John said " the world " . LORD ELohim says John the Baptist was right and Christians belief that only they are forgiven of sin are wrong in their belief . It was a big world back then and people were living almost everywhere on earth . If LORD ELohim said only the followers of Y'shua will be forgiven of their sins then all the millions of people living in North America or South America and other places would have died without being forgiven of their sins for well over 1,500 and more years before their offspring even heard of Y'shua . These people are LORD ELohim's children to so why would He not forgive them of their sins to at the same time as those people living in Israel who knew Y'shua as being the Lamb of God ? Christians and people of other religions are wrong who believe they alone are forgiven of their sins by LORD ELohim . When Y'shua died on the cross : at that moment the LORD ELohim forgave the sins of most all people everywhere in the world . This is one that LORD ELohim does not understand about the Christians belief that they are the only ones to be forgiven of their sins . Y'shua never said that . The Jews since the time of Abraham and to the time of Y'shua have be forgiven of their sins day after day and year after year because they did the rituals and repentance for LORD ELohim's forgiveness of their sins . The ultimate sacrifice of Y'shua was for most all peoples sins ; past , present and furture . There have been many people who's sins LORD ELohim will never forgive because their cruelty and wickedness is beyond what the LORD can forgive . But for the rest of humanity their sins are forgiven . Remember this though : that does not mean you will have eternal life . LORD ELohim was fair to all people about forgiving us of our sins and the LORD is also fair to all people that no mortal will have eternal life . That's just the way it is . Again sin is not the cause of mortals dying . Adam and Eve were not the cause of mortals dying . Since the first mortal life on earth that LORD ELohim created billions of years ago to now all mortals died and there is nothing that LORD ELohim can do to change that . When you get to my age you will probably begin to realize your coming death is a true blessing and not a curse .
- Luke 11 : 29 - 32 ( B ) ( R ) In the NIV : As the crowds increased , Jesus said , This is a wicked generation . It asks for a sign , but none will be given it except the sign of Jonah . For as Jonah was a sign to the Ninevites , so also will the Son of Man be to this generation . .... and now something greater than Solomon is here . .... something greater than Jonah is here . LORD ELohim taught the Jews to ask for proof about what people say about themselves if it's far-fetched or about other things . If Y'shua said this he was wrong . If he was asked to prove something he should have done so . LORD ELohim says Y'shua never said this and he never claimed to be greater then Solomon or Jonah . The crowd was probably men , women and children . Calling these people a wicked generation was very wrong according to the LORD and He is sure Y'shua never said that either . The Jews were ruled by the wicked Romans at that time . LORD ELohim did not have problems with the Jews and He understood the difficulty and sorrows they were going through because of the Romans . If Y'shua called his fellow Jews a wicked generation he would have been so very very wrong about these Jews . Again LORD ELohim says Y'shua never said this . The LORD is tired of all the anti-Semitism in the Christian Bible regarding His Jews . The Jews are still His chosen people to help Him with mankind and that has never changed and will never change . Y'shua and his disciples did not start the new religion of Christianity ; that happened long after they were all dead . It was the Romans who started the Roman Catholic Church . The disciple Peter was never a pope of the Roman Catholic Church . The LORD remembers that Peter died as a deeply faithful Jew .
- Luke 11 : 37 - 53 ( B ) ( R ) In the NIV : ..... Therefore this generation will be held responsible for the blood of all the prophets that has been shed since the beginning of the world , from the blood of Abel to the blood of Zechariah , who was killed between the altar and the sanctuary . Yes , I tell you , this generation will be held responsible for it all . If Y'shua said this the LORD ELohim says Y'shua would be so very very wrong . LORD ELohim does not judge people when it is other people who did whatever was done . Dates are hard to find but one book says Zechariah lived around 520 BCE . The Pharisees only date back to around the early second century BCE . To blame the Pharisees and all other Jews at that time for the murder of Abel and Zechariah is beyond wrong , it's just ridiculous and unreasonable in every way . It's like the Christians blaming Adam for a sin being put on all people and blaming Adam for the reason people die . Now that's ridiculous and absurd also . LORD ELohim would never blame someone for what someone else did . Why would the LORD blame these people for something that happened about 500 years before they were even born ? Again these verses are just stupid . LORD ELohim says Y'shua never said this : that He would remember . We tryed to find anything about Zechariah and how he died but there is nothing about that . There was a Zechariah who was stoned but that man was not the prophet Zechariah . Even if it were correct the LORD would not blame anyone other then the people who did it . Think about this way . If Y'shua really did say this and believed this , that should make you happy he will never by your King for all eternity .
( 10 : 49 ) NOTES : The Pharisees and Scribes were protectors of the religion of Judaism . They were not perfect in all they believed but they did preserve the Laws of God and other stuff regarding the faith of Judaism and what it ment to be a Jew . LORD ELohim says Y'shua never had a big problem with the Pharisees and Scribes but some of Y'shua's teachings did give these people reason to worry . LORD ELohim never had a big problem with these people . They were preserving the religion of Judaism and what it ment to be a Jew at a difficult time for all Jews and that was important to the LORD . Again there is a lot of anti-Semitism in the Christian Bible and that LORD ELohim does not approve of .
( 10 : 50 ) NOTES : I asked LORD ELohim if He was the cause the Jews being taken to other nations to be their slaves or the Romans and other people taking over their lives and lands . LORD ELohim said He was never the cause of such things happening to His chosen people the Jews . The world was as crazy and cruel back then as it is today . Back then slavery was common . The LORD did what He could do to help His Jews . Some of the prophets blamed LORD ELohim for such things happening as a form of punishment and He says that's not true . The true faithful Jews never gave LORD ELohim much reason to punish them . LORD ELohim has always loved His Jews and that has never changed .
( 10 : 51 ) NOTES : There were a lot of different gods who people believed in back then and a few still today . Blaming their gods was common when things are going wrong or even when things are going right . Thinking they made their gods mad and their gods are punishing them was common . Sacrificing to their gods was very common .
- Luke 12 : 4 & 5 ( R ) In the NIV : I tell you , my friends , do not be afriad of those who kill the body and after that can do no more . But I will show you whom your should fear : Fear him who , after your body has been killed , has authority to throw you into hell . Yes , I tell you , fear him . Who is Y'shua talking about ? If this is about LORD ELohim to be afraid of then these verses are very wrong . LORD ELohim says it was and is very wrong to use fear as a way to get people to join your's and all other religions . Fear has been used in many religions to get people to join and support with money those religions . Should you fear LORD ELohim or Angels with authority given to them by LORD ELohim ? There is NO HELL . LORD ELohim says He does not want you to fear Him or even His Angels unless you are very evil and cruel and still there is no hell . There is no coming ' wrath ' by the LORD or by Y'shua who is dead and cannot wrath against mankind . What the LORD ELohim would like is your love and respect for Him and to not fear Him who is your Father .
- Luke 12 : 9 - 12 ( R ) In the NIV : ... But whoever disowns me before others will be disowned before the angels of God . And everyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven , but anyone who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven . Here is fear being used again . If you are a Christian where is the great proof there is a Holy Spirit or as the KJV says : Holy Ghost ? The Christian churches have had a lot of fake miracles but nothing to prove there is a God called the Holy Spirit . LORD ELohim who is for the most part in your religion is the fogotten Father and God of all mankind . What proof is there that Y'shua your second God is even alive or the Holy Spirit your third God even exists ? Where is the proof your fourth ' god of this age ' in the NIV called ' the god of this world ' in the KJV 2 Corinthians 4 : 4 called Satan even exists ? You cannot see them and you cannot hear them . The bottom line is : LORD ELohim would never punish people for not believing in Him or in any of the above false gods mentioned . We have proven the Christian Bible has a lot of errors and even lies so you cannot use the CB to try and prove anything about anything . Again : LORD ELohim would never punish any person for not believing in any religion . There is a lot of people like me who you have to have more then just written words by dead people to prove most of anything and the LORD understands that and He is not going to punish you or me for it . There is only one God and He is LORD ELohim . Y'shua is dead and was and is not a God . The Holy Spirit never existed . Satan who's real name is David does exist but his is no god of this world and he is not a evil Spirit . I have learnt that there are no evil Spirits .
( 10 : 52 ) NOTES : Again the LORD says " Think Not Beyond Logic " . Hell is believed to be a place of eternal fire . How would that work ? If your flesh body was risen from the grave and thrown into hell's eternal fire , how long would that take to cremate your flesh in hell : about 1 minutes ? Some people believe it is peoples Spirit that is thrown into hell . The LORD Elohim says the only Spirit you have is the Souls within you and they are not ' your personal Spirits ' . Spirit could survive in hell but no Spirit would ever go there because it was your free will that did evil and not the Soul within you . Again you do not live on in the Soul . All Souls when the LORD ends mortal life on earth are going to Heaven but you are not in any form going to Heaven because there is only flesh and Spirit and nothing about you is ' your personal Spirit ' . There is no Spirit you can call ' your Spirit ' . So why would the LORD raise peoples flesh body from the grave even if He could . There are many reasons why He would not do that . The LORD says when your flesh body dies : that's it ; there is nothing beyond death that can be called life . Again there is no hell created by LORD ELohim or Y'shua . Remember LORD ELohim is a loving and caring Father and not a evil and cruel Father that those who believe in hell also must believe He is . Y'shua believed in eternal life but like the Pharisees they were wrong . The Pharisees also believed in immortality of the soul , in life after death and resurrection and Judgment Day . Flesh is often called the soul which is wrong to do . Actually Y'shua and the Pharisees had a lot of beliefs in common that both Y'shua and the Pharisees were wrong about regarding some of them . Believing in an afterlife is one of those errors .
- Luke 12 : 35 - 48 ( R ) In the NIV : We are not going to write these parables . Y'shua is said to have said in parables that the master ( Y'shua ) will come when not expected and when all is not perfect to what the master wanted He will cut him to peices and assign him a place with the unbelievers . And also The servant who knows the master's will and does not get ready or does not do what the master wants will be beaten with many blows . The parables goes on like this . LORD ELohim does not know the person who made up these parables because the LORD said it was not Y'shua . Y'shua was a quiet and gentle and loving person and not the wicked and cruel tyrant who is being spoken of in these parables . Do Christians not think about what they read ? These parables seem to be written about Y'shua . Personally if they were true I would not want to be any part of this kingdom for there would be one brutal king and a lot of scared for their lives servants . Are these parables about Y'shua . In one verse it says ' the Son of Man ' is the master . They seem to be in all the other verses also. These parables are about servants who are expected to be ready for their master to return every minute of the day and night . In Revelation 22 it say Y'shua said " ... I am coming soon " . That was about two thousand years ago that he is said to have said this : three times and Y'shua was very much dead at that time to . These words did not come from Y'shua . Someone elses mind who is the wicked one who did think this and write this . LORD ELohim says to all people " don't loose any sleep because of this parable " . Y'shua is not coming back .
- Luke 12 : 49 -53 ( R ) In the NIV : This is another parable . I have come to bring fire on the earth , and how I wish it were already kindled ! .... Do you think I came to bring peace on earth ? No , I tell you , but division . From now on there will be five in one family divided against each other , three against two and two against three .... father against son and son against father , mother against daughter ..... In the KJV : I am come to send fire on the earth ; and what will I , if it be already kindled ? But I have a baptism to be baptized with ; and how am I straitened till it be accomplished . ..... This is the first time the LORD and me have read these parables . Who is this guy ? This guy wishes the earth was already kindled . We are not getting a good feeling of love or kindness or caring about people from this guy : are you ? Who wrote this stuff ? This guys purpose in life is to divide the families . Do these verses sound like it came from a quiet and caring and a humble and loving man , the man called Y'shua ? These verses make no sense . LORD ELohim says Y'shua did not say anything in this parable . Again : who wrote this stuff because it was not Y'shua or his disciples ? In the NIV it's even stranger . The verse saying : ' I have come to bring fire on the earth , and how I wish it were already kindled '! What does this verse mean ? Does the person who wrote it wish all life on earth were dead already ? The rest in the KJV is much like in the NIV . When LORD ELohim brings a end to most mortal life on earth He is not going to do that with fire but with great love and kindness and no pain .
- Luke 13 : 22 - 30 ( B ) ( R ) In the NIV : ..... There will be weeping there , and gnashing of teeth , when you see Abraham , Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of God , but you yourselves thrown out . People will come from east and west and north and south , and will take their places at the feast in the kingdom of God . Who is going to do all this cooking and washing pots and cleaning for this feast in this kingdom of God . There is an old saying : a women's work is never done . Remember there is to be ' mortal life ' on earth for a thousand years after Y'shua returns to earth . Again Y'shua is not going to be at that feast because he is dead . The word ' servant ' means don't think this kingdom is your retirement home . I just thought of this : if your ninty years old when you die and had bad and painful knees is that going to change in any way if your flesh body is resurrected ? LORD ELohim says if resurrection of the flesh and bone were possible the body would be exactly the same as the moment you died . So if you died from old age at ninty years old how long would your resurrected flesh and bone body live a second time ? LORD ELohim and logic says you would not live very long . Maybe a few minutes at best and you would die from old age again . Again remember the LORD cannot resurrect people . Back to the kingdom of God . Many mortals will have to clean the toilets . Remember people will come from east and west and north and south .... That means mortal flesh and not Spirits . How different will the world really be because of this kingdom ? This ' mens club ' is going to have a lot of slaves to do the bidding of these people . The more we learn about this so called kingdom of God the more we want nothing to do with it or resurrection . Even LORD ELohim says He's not going there either so how can people call this place the ' kingdom of God ' when LORD ELohim Himself wants nothing to do with this place . According to Luke 13 : 22 - 27 this uppity mens club is not the easiest club to join even for men . There is nothing about women being invited to it other then to be a servent there that we have read so far . It will not be the kingdom of God but it would be the kingdom of men .
- Luke 14 : 25 - 27 ( B ) ( R ) In the NIV : Large crowds were traveling with Jesus , and turning to them he said " If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother , wife and children , brothers and sisters - yes , even their own life - such a person cannot be my disciple . And whoever does not carry their cross and follow me cannot be my disciple . Did Y'shua really say the word ' hate ' . The word hate is at the top of the list of words LORD ELohim cannot stand hearing out of the mouths of people . For Y'shua to say you must ' hate ' your mother and father and so on is so very very very wrong . Why do Christians accept these verse as being correct in their Bible ? There is nothing in these verses that are correct . The LORD says it's time Christians start THINKING about what they read in the CB and remember that the Old Testament in the CB is not an exact copy of the Jewish Bible . Many words were changed in the CB Old Testament that are not written in the Jewish Bible . I asked LORD ELohim if Y'shua loved his mother and father but told other people to hate their mother and father would Y'shua himself have broken the Fifth of the Ten Commandments and the LORD said Y'shua would have sinned . These verses are so so wrong and LORD ELohim says Y'shua never said any of them .
- Luke 14 : 33 ( R ) In the NIV : In the same way , those of you who do not give up everything you have cannot be my disciples . The Catholic church does not allow their priests to marry and may use this verse to back that up . Y'shua would not have said this . Y'shua married Mariam ( Mary Magdalene ) and had two sons with her . LORD ELohim says Y'shua was a good and loving father and husband . Y'shua being a Rabbi and being a loving father and husband to was not a burden to him and LORD ELohim was happy for Y'shua when he found this kind of love in his life . LORD ELohim says He hoped Y'shua would find a lady to love before Y'shua met Miriam . LORD ELohim says Y'shua never said this verse .
- Luke 15 : 3 -7 ( B ) ( R ) In the NIV : I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent . Finally : some verses that Y'shua may have said something like these in the 15 th. chapter .
- Luke 16 : 13 - 14 ( B ) ( R ) In the NIV : " No one can serve two masters . Either you will hate the one and love the other , or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other . You cannot serve both God and money . " The Pharisees , who loved money , heard all this and were sneering at Jesus . He said to them , " you are the ones who justify yourselves in the eyes of others , but God knows your hearts . What people value highly is detestable in God's sight . Are most of all the Christian churches and other religions any different today then these verses say about the Pharisees regarding money greed back then ? How many preachers of any religion today are living a humble life ? How many preachers of any religion are involved with charities to give the money to that is above what the preacher needs to live a humble life . How many give to the poor and homeless and others in need ? Not everything that people value highly is detestable to LORD ELohim . Some people still value love highly , their family , their friends , their love for LORD ELohim , their favorite charity and so on . So that verse is not true .
- Luke 16 : 18 ( R ) In the NIV : Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery , and the man who marries a divorced woman commits adultery . LORD ELohim says this is not true . Adultery is when a married person has a sexual fling with someone who is not their husband or wife . The Dictionary says : Adultery is : sexual unfaithfulness of a married person . LORD ELohim says the Dictionary is right . The LORD knows that some people marry the wrong person or a violent person who hid that fact during their courtship and for other good reasons people divorce . The LORD does not expect people to stay married if there is no love and happiness in their marriage . We all make mistakes and one of some peoples mistakes is who they married . When I was a child my friend's mom was often beaten by her husband and the children to . They were Catholic and the church would not give her permission to divorce this cruel and violent man and her and the children suffered greatly because of this stupid rule which is based on a lie . The above verses are lies that Y'shua never said but the Roman Catholic Church did say .
- Luke 16 : 19 - 31 ( R ) In the NIV : ... The time came when the beggar died and the angels carried him to Abraham's side . The rich man also died and was buried . In Hades , where he was in torment , .... Father Abraham , have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue , because I am in agony in this fire . These verses are part of a parable . Again remember the LORD ELohim is not going to judge every human who ever lived on earth . The judgment was regarding mankind as a whole species . The word Hades can simply mean ' grave ' . The mortal man Abraham is dead . The dust of his flesh and bones is somewhere on earth and like all people Abraham had no spirit to live as onward after his flesh died so Abraham could not have been seen by this man . Also this man was dead and the dead know nothing . Hades also means grave . There is nothing in a grave to torment people who are dead unless they are buried alive . Spirits cannot feel pain in any way and neither can a dead body . Remember fires spoken of in hell would cremate mortal flesh and bone quickly . The Souls leave the body as soon as the person breaths their last breath and people do not live on in or as the Soul . There is nothing true about this parable . Angels cannot carry a persons body . The Angels would go right through the body .
- Luke 17 : 5 - 6 ( B ) ( R ) In the NIV : The apostles said to the Lord , " Increase our faith ! " He replied , " If you have faith as small as a mustard seed , you can say to this mulberry tree , ' Be uprooted and planted in the sea , ' and it will obey you . Has any Christian ever tryed this and has been successful at doing this ? If you are trying to increase peoples faith this is a very weird way to do it . Even LORD ELohim could not do this mulberry trick . Here's a chance for Christians to prove something but it must be in front of thousands and many of who are Atheists and Deists and with no strings attached and it must be fully grown . Can a tree really hear you and understand what you are saying ? Let the world know when you do this because LORD ELohim wants to see you Christians do this to . Did Y'shua say this ? The LORD does not think so .
- Luke 17 : 7 - 10 ( R ) In the NIV : Suppose one of you has a servant plowing or looking after the sheep . Will he say to the servant when he comes in from the field , ' Come along now and sit down to eat ' ? Won't he rather say , ' Prepare my supper , get yourself ready and wait on me while I eat and drink ; after that you may eat and drink ' ? Will he thank the servant because he did what he was told to do ? So you also , when you have done everything you were told to do , should say , ' We are unworthy servants ; we have only done our duty ' . This writer is becoming someone who is hard to like even by LORD ELohim . A Christian book says the parables are about the ' kingdom of God ' . This is not a nice boss toward his servant or probably a more correct word ' his slave ' . The boss here is suppose to by Y'shua . This is just so wrong in so many ways . Is this so called ' kingdom of God ' what you as a Christian is hopeful for ? LORD ELohim wants to make sure you know that He will have nothing to do with this kingdom and to remind you that Y'shua is dead and Y'shua never would have said this . That is not the way LORD ELohim would treat people who help Him and Y'shua was a good and kind Rabbi to all his disciples . The word ' unworthy ' means undeserving of being thanked by his or her master or boss . I have had a few bosses who did not know the word ' thank you ' no matter how hard I worked and who runs this kingdom does not sound any better as a boss . It says " so you also " when speaking to the disciples that they should say they are unworthy servants . Again these are not Y'shua's words . What all these question marks are for in these verses we don't know ? We write it as it is written in the CB . In the KJV it says ' we are unprofitable servants : we have done that which was our duty to do ' .
- Luke 17 : 20 - 21 ( B ) ( R ) In the NIV : Once , on being asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come , Jesus replied , " the coming of the kingdom of God is not something that can be observed , nor will people say , ' Here it is , ' or ' There it is , ' because the kingdom of God is in your midst . " In the KJV it says : And when he was demanded of the Pharisees , when the kingdom of God should come , he answered them and said , the kingdom of God cometh not with observation : Neither shall they say , Lo here ! or , lo there ! for , behold , the kingdom of God is within you . If this kingdom cannot be seen or sensed by people then what is it ? Is Y'shua saying in the NIV he alone is the kingdom of God ? In the KJV he is said to have said the kingdom of God is within you . If the kingdom of God is within people at that time and people since and now then what is going to change for mankind that has not changed in two thousand years since the time of Y'shua ? How could the kingdom of God on earth be the Roman Catholic Church throughout these years . Would LORD ELohim or even the real Y'shua have allowed the mass murders of people during the Papal Inquisition or the Spanish Inquisition or it's involvement in the mass slaughter of LORD ELohim's Knights Templars and all the other evil done by the Catholic priests and popes since the beginning of this religion in Rome ? So what does the ' kingdom of God is within you ' really mean since it obviously has not changed people in any way over these couple of thousand years since Y'shua was alive ? LORD ELohim says if this kingdom were in people it would be a greatly failed kingdom all ready . If the kingdom of God is within you then what about the city and where within you are all the guests suppose to eat their feast ? Again what ever this kingdom of God is : LORD ELohim wants nothing to do with it and one reason out of many reasons is because neither David or Solomon will be running it since they are both dead just like Y'shua . Remember LORD ELohim said a couple of times now that Y'shua did not have the right stuff to be a good King and he was never ment to be a King or the Messiah : only to be the Lamb of God . Is the writer of the verses saying that Y'shua himself is the kingdom of God ? The next verses says the kingdom of God is a place .
- Luke 18 : 15 -17 ( B ) ( R ) In the NIV : People were also bringing babies to Jesus .... When the disciples saw this , they rebuked them . But Jesus called the children to him and said , " Let the little children come to me , and do not hinder them , for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these . Truly I tell you , anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it ." This parable sounds like Y'shua is calling himself to be the kingdom of God again but it also says ' will never enter it ' which hopefully means it is a place and not stuffed in him . So which is it ? Is Y'shua believed to be the ' kingdom of Heaven ' to be among us someday or is there a place called ' kingdom of God ' or will all the earth be called ' the kingdom of God ' or ' kingdom of Heaven in the future ?
( 10 : 53 ) NOTES : In the book of Revelation it says in the NIV chapter 22 : 3 The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the city , and his servants will serve him . This is the city that is suppose to come from Heaven to earth . Again it says ' his servants will serve him ' . In other words : he has a job for you if your allowed to even enter this city . The word ' servants ' should be a warning . Why would Spirit need a servant ? Having servants is a human mortal flesh thing . Spirits do not have or need servants : not even LORD ELohim . If Y'shua were a God he would know that Spirits need no servants and if he were a God he would have known Heaven is the happy place to spend eternity and not on earth . Y'shua would have also known that Spirits cannot build a city and don't want a city life either . Spirits also don't want a eternal job to go to and LORD ELohim would never give them a job to do for all eternity . When mankind has ended all who are Spirits will go home to Heaven . Again LORD ELohim wants nothing to do with any of this , what ever this kingdom is suppose to be , and He does not want any of His Spirit children to be part of this either . Again Y'shua is dead : that to should be a warning to all mankind . Again this kingdom would not be the kingdom of God or the kingdom of Heaven so if it happens it would be the kingdom of men . Warning !!!!
- Luke 18 : 18 - 25 ( B ) ( R ) In the NIV : A certain ruler asked him , " Good teacher , what must I do to inherit eternal life ? " ..... " You know the commandments ..... . How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God ! Indeed , it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God . " The story goes a rich man asked about eternal life and Y'shua said keep the commandments and this guy said he has always done that since he was a boy . So Y'shua says sell all you have , give all to the poor and follow him . That made the rich man sad . Then Y'shua said the above . .... LORD ELohim says He hopes that rich people do give a cut of their income to people in need and suffering but the LORD says that He would not keep this man out of the kingdom if he did not do that . There is not a lot of people who can say they have not broken a commandment since he was a boy and that in itself goes a long way with LORD ELohim : even with the rich . Again the LORD hopes rich or middle income people will all give something to the needy in some way because He cannot do that for His mortal children who are suffering . Like much of the CB did Y'shua really say this ?
- Luke 18 : 28 - 30 ( B ) ( R ) In the NIV : Peter said to him , : We have left all we had to follow you ! " Truly I tell you ," Jesus said to them , : no one who has left home or wife or brothers or sisters or parents or children for the sake of the kingdom of God will fail to receive many times as much in this age , and in the age to come eternal life . Do you love your family ? Is your wife your joy and love . Are your children the reason you go to work to make sure they have all they need . Do your elderly parents need your support because they are old ? .... How can these people be given ' many times as much ' ? How can you have many times as much wives when God says you can have only one wife unless divorce is involved . Can other children replace the children you have now ? Y'shua is not talking about money , or is he ? Again Y'shua does not seem to be talking about money or sheep or goats : he is talking about people and their family . LORD ELohim believes close and loving family is one of the most important things about mortal life and even His Spirit family . LORD ELohim would never expect you to leave your family to follow Him and if Y'shua said this he was very very wrong . The LORD ELohim says Y'shua did not say this . Y'shua to was a loving family man around this time to and he was never far away or a long time away from his wife and his children . Y'shua would not expect people to do what he would not do . Y'shua was not a man who lived by the saying ' do as I say and not as I do ' . Y'shua lived the way he taught others to live life to .
- Luke 18 : 31 - 34 ( B ) ( R ) In the NIV : Jesus took the Twelve aside and told them , " We are going up to Jerusalem , and everything that is written by the prophets about the Son of Man will be fulfilled . He will be delivered over to the Gentiles . They will mock him , insult him and spit on him ; they will flog him and kill him . On the third day he will rise again . " There is not a lot in the Jewish Bible which is the CB Old Testament about Y'shua but LORD ELohim says Isaiah 53 pretty much tells the story of Y'shua . Christians claim there is a lot more in the JB but what they believe is about Y'shua is about the awaited Messiah or others . Y'shua was never and will never be the Messiah so those prophecies have nothing to do with Y'shua . The verses are correct except the last sentence . Y'shua was never rised from the dead by LORD ELohim or even by himself . When the third day was over : Y'shua was still dead and remains dead to this day and will remain for all eternity .
- Luke 19 : 41 - 44 ( R ) In the NIV : .... They will not leave one stone on another , because you did not recognize the time of God's coming to you . In the KJV : .... and they shall not leave in thee one stone upon another , because thou knewest not the time of thy visitation . It reads like Y'shua is claiming to be a God in the KJV . Y'shua was never a God and never will be a God . I asked LORD ELohim if there was something given to the Jews of Israel by Him that said what time Y'shua would be among them and the LORD said there was no sign given about the time . There was no way that the Jews would have known ' the time ' of Y'shua being there . ' Thy ' means himself . It does sound like he is talking about himself but in the NIV it says ' time of God's coming to you ' . Is he talking about himself in this verse to . Y'shua was not a God in any form . Y'shua was mortal life and no differant then you except he had a teaching Spirit and the one and only God LORD ELohim did spend a lot of time with him . There was no way the Jews would have known the ' time ' Y'shua would be among them because LORD ELohim never gave people that information . These verses sound like LORD ELohim is punishing the people of Israel for not knowing the time of Y'shua and that is a lie . LORD ELohim would have never punished these people then because how were they to know who Y'shua even was and the coming time of his birth and life among them ? Even LORD ELohim did not know that . You got to remember Jews then and now only believe in ONE God who's name is LORD ELohim . The Jews are right and have been right since the time of Abraham . There is only one God . Most all Jews believe no mortal could be a God so if Y'shua is saying he is a God he would be in trouble for it . Y'shua never said he was a God and he never said these verses either .
- Luke 19 : 45 & 46 ( B ) ( R ) In the NIV : When Jesus entered the temple courts , he began to drive out those who were selling . " It is written ," he said to them , " My house will be a house of prayer but you have made it a den of robbers ." Y'shua was not saying the Temple was his house . Y'shua said ' it is written ' and it is in Isaiah 56 : 7 .... For My House shall be called A house of prayer for all peoples . That was LORD ELohim's words to Isaiah ; not Y'shua's words . Y'shua was right : it is written in the JB so he did not call himself the God of the Temple : he called LORD ELohim the God of the Temple . Y'shua may have said this . LORD ELohim does not remember everything Y'shua said but these verses are correct .
- Luke 20 : 27 - 36 ( B ) ( R ) In the NIV : .... But those who are considered worthy of taking part in the age to come and in the resurrection from the dead will neither marry nor be given in marriage , and they can no longer die ; for they are like the angels . They are God's children , since they are children of the resurrection . LORD ELohim created both Spirits and mortal flesh and the LORD says they are completely different . Flesh cannot be turned into Spirit and Spirit cannot be turned into flesh . To resurrect flesh He would have to use dirt to do that . To make flesh into Spirit cannot be done . To do that the Spirit would not be the flesh person but a new Spirit who knows nothing about that flesh person and is not that flesh person so that flesh person would still be dead . Flesh cannot become like the Angels . All mortal flesh and Spirits are already LORD ELohim's children . He is the Father of all mortals and all Spirits . Christians say that it was Y'shua who created all that was created and that is a lie . Y'shua was a mortal man in every way so how could he have created anything like galaxies and Spirits and mortals ? Y'shua was only alive for about 33 years . LORD ELohim has been alive for many trillions of years . It was LORD ELohim who created all that was created . According to the Bible all people will be resurrected so that would make all people ' God's children' which is true already .
- Luke 20 : 37 & 38 ( R ) In the NIV : But in the account of the burning bush , even Moses showed that the dead rise , for he calls the Lord ' the God of Abraham , and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob . His is not the God of the dead , but of the living for to him all are alive . In the KJV same verse : Now that the dead are raised , even Moses shewed at the bush , when he called the Lord the God of Abraham ...... For he is not a God of the dead , but of the living ; for all live unto him . To say LORD ELohim is the God of Abraham ... is not saying Abraham , Isaac and Jacob are alive . It's just stating a fact that LORD ELohim was their God when they were alive . In the NIV it says ' but of the living for to him all are alive ' . LORD ELohim has not seen these men since they died and He does not expect to ever see them ever again . LORD ELohim did not resurrect Abraham or Isaac or Jacob because He cannot do that . LORD ELohim remembers these men but that does not make these men alive to Him . In the KJV it says ' now that the dead are raised ' . Where are all these dead people said to be now raised ? The LORD says they are not in Heaven so they would have to be on earth . LORD ELohim says He has never raised even one person from the dead and Y'shua when he was alive never raised even one person from the truly dead either . This cannot be done . It is true that LORD ELohim was the God of these men and that's all it ment .
- Luke 20 : 41 - 44 ( B ) ( R ) In the NIV : Then Jesus said to them , " Why is it said that the Messiah is the son of David ? David himself declares in the Book of Psalms : " The Lord said to my Lord : " Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for you feet . " David calls him ' Lord .' How then can he be his son ? " In the KJV : ..... And David himself saith in the book of Psalms , The LORD said unto my Lord , Sit thou on my right hand . ..... In the JB Psalms 110 : 1 The LORD said to my lord , " Sit at My right hand while I make your enemies your footstool ." This Psalms in the KJV and NIV are found in Psalms 110 : 1 also . In the KJV it says : The LORD said unto my Lord . In the NIV : The LORD says to my lord : The word Lord or lord means many things . The word LORD or LORD means only one thing : LORD ELohim . The JB writes LORD for LORD ELohim . I write it LORD for LORD ELohm so I don't need to change the size of the letters a lot and LORD ELohim is OK with that . Notice in the JB it says ' The LORD ' for LORD ELohim and then says ' said to my lord ' . This ' lord ' has no capital letters which means this ' lord ' is not a God . It could mean a ruler , master or chief . The word ' Lord ' can mean noblemen or baron , Lord Chief Justice or the House of Lords but not a God . When reading the Bible you need to look at the way words like LORD is written . Also in the JB the word ' My ' with a capital M is LORD ELohim speaking of Himself . Words like He , Himself , Him , My , Mine and so on starts with a capital letter which means LORD ELohim . The Christian Bible often does not capitalize first letter or word LORD or LORD refering to LORD ELohim which can cause confusion . According to the JB David wrote " The LORD said to my lord " . Notice there is no capital L for the second lord . What does this all mean ? I don't know and I don't feel stupid because LORD ELohim does not get this either but the Jewish Bible is the right one to use . But there is this to remember for thinking about this : Y'shua was never ment to be the Messiah or a King and he knew that , and Y'shua never existed in any form before his flesh was conceived of using mortal sperm and a mortal egg by LORD ELohim . Y'shua is not the ' lord ' David writes about because Y'shua did not exist in any form back then when David was alive .
- Luke 21 : 29 - 36 ( B ) ( R ) In the NIV : .... Even so , when you see these things happening , you know that the kingdom of God is near . Truly I tell you , this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened . Heaven and earth will pass away , but my words will never pass away . .... Be always on the watch , and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen , and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man ". First : that generation is dead and never did see all these thing happen so that was a big lie told to people by whom ? That generation lived about 50 generations ago and no generation since Y'shua saw all these things happen . This whole chapter 21 is about wars , uprisings , earthquakes , famines , pestilences signs in the heaven , people betrayed by family and friends , punishment of the Jews , Gentiles trampling Jerusalem , sign in the sun , moon and stars and on and on . Most are cheap prophecies : meaning when dosn't these things happen on earth . Saying this is the time of punishment of the Jews is wrong . LORD ELohim has never punished His chosen people . Some Jews having a bad day or years in the past have thought the LORD was angry about something but He was never behind their problems . Again the verse says ' this generation will certainly not pass away until all these have happened ' . If Y'shua really said this he was talking to the generation when he was alive and we know all of them died without seeing most all if even any of these things . Y'shua is said to have said to be carefull to escape all , in other words live through all that so you can stand before him . Y'shua did not say don't worry if you die : I will dig up your grave and get the crazy glue out ; he said try to escape all that is about to happen so they could stand before him . The word ' may ' was used twice . ' that you may be able to escape all ' and ' that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man ' . Not a lot of certainty in these verses .
- Luke 22 : 1 - 4 ( B ) In the NIV : ..... and the chief priests and the teachers of the law were looking for some way to get rid of Jesus , for they were afraid of the people . Then Satan entered Judas , called Iscariot , .... If Satan entered into Judas the man who helped the priests wouldn't he have been helping LORD ELohim with the sacrifice of Y'shua for the sins of people ? LORD ELohim says Satan who's real name is David did not do that . How would people have known that if that were true ? Are people guessing here : is that what the CB is about , mortal guesses . David is Spirit : who cannot be seen or heard by people . These verses are black letters which means Y'shua did not say these verses . Like demons , how could people know that even happened if it were true about David ? LORD ELohim says that David had nothing to do with Judas . Again no mortal has ever seen Spirits . Judas made a deal with the priests and not a deal with the devil . David ( Satan ) had nothing to do with that . Truth is : David has always avoided having anything to do with mankind and LORD ELohim has always been OK with that because often LORD ELohim feels the same way . Bottom line : David had nothing to do with Judas .
- Luke 22 : 15 - 18 ( B ) ( R ) In the NIV : .... For I tell you , I will not eat it again until it finds fulfillment in the kingdom of God . " ..... For I tell you I will not drink again from the fruit of the vine until the kingdom of God comes . " According to Y'shua the kingdom of God had not come then . It was and is not in people or on earth during his time but was something that would happen in the future and beyond our time now . These verses prove that Y'shua alone is not the kingdom of God .
( 10 : 54 ) NOTES : If there was a kingdom of God coming soon to earth you would think LORD ELohim would know something about it . LORD ELohim says that is not in His plans for people or for Spirits . What we have read in the CB so far about this kingdom the LORD does not like and that is a warning from the LORD . If LORD ELohim was to create a kingdom He would make it much better then mankind is living now and even in the past . This kingdom of the Christians makes things worse for most all people and not a better life for people . Again LORD ELohim says He knew nothing about this kingdom until we read about it in the CB so did Y'shua really speak about it ? And again the LORD wants nothing to do with it . Again a warning : it would be a kingdom of men and not a kingdom of God .
- Luke 22 : 29 & 30 ( R ) In the NIV : And I confer on you a kingdom , just as my Father conferred one on me , so that you may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom and sit on thrones , judging the twelve tribes of Israel . LORD ELohim is not going to let anyone judge Israel other then Himself . He is certainly not going to let Y'shua and the disciples who are said to have converted to pagan Christianity do that . When you think about the great suffering and the cruel way the world has treated Jews since the time of Abraham do you really believe the whole world will allow for thirteen dead Jews to somehow rule the world ? Again the words are ' thirteen dead Jews ' who did not convert or teach Christianity before they died as deeply faithful ' Jews ' . None of these thirteen Jews will have any part of this kingdom of man because they are thirteen dead Jews . Again whatever this world kingdom is , it is not the kingdom of God : it would be the kingdom of men who want to be treated and served as gods and that should be a warning to all people ! If the men say their kingdom is the kingdom of God know that they are teaching a great lie . In these verses it says Y'shua said ' my kingdom ' . Just so you know : mortals can eat and drink but Spirits cannot . To sit at the table with his disciples to eat and drink Y'shua and his disciples would have to be mortal and the servants to because Spirits cannot cook . Also Spirits can not have sex . These verses make it sound like Y'shua is coming back as a mortal and not a Spirit . And if you believe Y'shua is coming back as a Spirit then how are people going to see him and hear him and how could he rule the world he calls ' my kingdom ' as a Spirit ?
( 10 : 55 ) NOTES : What would the Roman Catholic Church gain by this kingdom of men ? The CB seems to be saying that this kingdom would be run by Christians and very much likely by the Roman Catholic Church . Making people believe this coming kingdom of Y'shua is a great time to be alive and with them in position to assist ruling this kingdom would give them a lot of money and a lot of power over people . The Catholic church has a long history of being and wanting to be in the position of great power over peoples lives and even over world kingdoms . Are a lot of the writings in the CB about the Roman Catholic Church being hopeful to be the one world religion in this kingdom of men ?
( 10 : 56 ) NOTES : Remember this : only LORD ELohim can judge you and all other people and He has already done that . LORD ELohim has judged all mankind as a ' species ' and we all failed together as a ' species ' . His judgment is not about if you have a eternal life or not : or if you go to Heaven or hell ; it's about if our species will be allowed to continue or not . Again : there is no eternal life for any people no matter how good they are . We are mortals and mortals die and the LORD cannot resurrect dead flesh back to life . Heaven is for Spirits only and there is no hell and there is no afterlife for any mortal life .
- Luke 22 : 31 ( B ) ( R ) In the NIV : Simon , Simon , Satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat . In the KJV : And the Lord said , Simon , Simon , behold Satan hath desired to have you , that he may sift you as wheat : LORD ELohim says this did not happen . The Spirit David ( Satan ) who is playing the part of the evil Spirit humans created in their minds did not want to have anything to do with mankind . David agreed to play the part of this wicked Spirit if needed but David has never had reason to do so . There are no wicked and evil Spirits . The NIV says ' all of you ' meaning all the disciples and the KJV says ' to have you ' meaning only Simon . Which is it ?
- Luke 22 : 32 ( R ) In the NIV : But I have prayed for you , Simon , that your faith may not fail . And when you have turned back , strengthen your brothers . In the KJV : But I have prayed for thee , that thy faith fail not : and when thou art converted , strengthen thy brethren . Simon was a Jew from what we understand . Why would Y'shua use the word ' converted ' . What was Simon who was a Jew needed to be converted to ? Y'shua was never trying to create a new religion and neither were his disciples . These verses have Roman Catholic Church written all over them and not Y'shua's words to his Jewish disciple . The name Y'shua was said to give to Simon was Peter according to the CB but you cannot trust the CB when it comes to names . The name Peter is a Greek name like Jesus is a Greek name . They renamed Y'shua to Jesus and many dozens of other Jewish peoples names were also changed . Why ? says LORD ELohim . Why did the writers of the Christian Bible try to blot out the fact that Y'shua and his disciples were all Jews and all died as deeply faithful Jews to . Is this just more anti-Semitism in the Christian Bible ? Converted means to ' to turn from one belief or party to another ' . The NIV says ' turned back ' . What did Simon need to turn back to and away from what ? LORD ELohim says Simon never left the Jewish faith .
- Luke 22 : 67 - 70 ( B ) ( R ) In the NIV : " If you are the Messiah , ' they said , " tell us . " Jesus answered " If I tell you , you will not believe me , and if I asked you , you would not answer . But from now on , the Son of Man will be seated at the right hand of the mighty God . " They all asked , : Are you then the Son of God ? " He replied , " You say that I am . " In the KJV : ..... Hereafter shall the Son of man sit on the right hand of the power of God . LORD ELohim says Y'shua believed in eternal life and he was starting to think that there was something special about him . Before all happened Y'shua was starting to believe John the Baptist was right : that Y'shua was the Lamb of God but not the Messiah or to be King . Even with Y'shua LORD ELohim had problems communicating with him but Y'shua knew he was not the right type of man to be a king or the Messiah . Y'shua's death was like any other mortal's death : it is eternal . Y'shua never sat at the right hand of LORD ELohim . Y'shua was the son of God but all men are His sons and all woman are His daughters . LORD ELohim is alone the Father of all Spirits and all mortal life on earth .
( 10 : 57 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim is alone the Father of all Spirits and all mortals on earth . He is the Father of you , the Father of dogs , chickens , birds , lobsters , even slugs eating your plants . All life on earth and in Heaven was created by Him alone and He loves all He created . Many Christians because of John 1 : 1 - 3 believe Y'shua created all that was created and that is a lie . Like you Y'shua did not exist in any form until you and him were conceived of by sperm and egg . Y'shua was and is not a God who took on mortal form . Y'shua like you had no Spirit to call his own or you calling a Spirit your own . Like you Y'shua had nothing to live an eternal life in or apart of . Like you when you die your body will become dust like Y'shua's did and like Y'shua LORD ELohim will not be able to resurrect your body from being dead back to a living being . Like you Y'shua was a mortal man who someday would have died from something or just old age . Like Y'shua when you die you will no longer exist again ; just as before you were conceived of .
- Luke 23 : 15 - 20 ( B ) In the NIV : Pilate .... I have examined him in your presence and have found no basis for your charges against him . Neither has Herod , for he sent him back to us ; as you can see , he has done nothing to deserve death . Therefore , I will punish him and then release him ." But the whole crowd shouted , ' Away with this man ! Release Barabbas to us ! " ( Barabbas had been thrown into prison for an insurrection in the city , and for murder . ) Wanting to release Jesus , Pilate appealed to them again . But they kept shouting , " Crucify him ! Crucify him ! " The Christian Bible says over and over and over again that Y'shua healed multitudes of people and feed thousands . It says over and over again that multitudes of people went to hear Y'shua teach . Regarding the above verses : Where are all those people ? It's like these people never heard of Y'shua . Remember LORD ELohim said before that Y'shua was not a famous man . Y'shua could not heal the sick or raise the dead or feed thousands with just a couple of fish and bread and stuff like these so that would make Y'shua to be a Rabbi and a teacher and the Lamb of God . I asked LORD ELohim if hundreds or thousands of people came to Y'shua to hear him teach and the LORD said " No " . Again Y'shua was not famous . Barabbas was well known and people liked him because Barabbas did not like the Romans and his actions before he was thrown in prison proved that . So Y'shua a mostly unknown Rabbi going against Barabbas for public approval to be released : Y'shua did not stand a chance to be the one released .
- Luke 23 : 42 & 43 ( B ) ( B ) In the NIV : Then he said , : Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom ." Jesus answered him , " Truly I tell you , today you will be with me in paradise ." Two criminals were crucified with Y'shua . One of the criminals was said to have said the above first verse to Y'shua . In verses before this it says Y'shua said he would be in the tomb for three days and three nights ? So how can this criminal be with him in paradise on that day they both were crucified if the body of Y'shua is put into the tomb that day ? The word paradise means Heaven . This does not make any sense . Either Y'shua lied to this man or the writers of the CB forgot that Y'shua's dead body was suppose to be headed for the tomb when he died and not paradise . If this really happened and Y'shua truly believed in a afterlife then the problem is still that Y'shua did say he would be in the tomb for three days and not in Heaven : if he really said that . According to other verses the ' kingdom of God ' was not on earth at that time and no mortal has ever gone to Heaven : not even Y'shua .
- Luke 23 : 44 - 46 ( B ) ( B ) In the NIV : It was now about noon , and darkness came over the whole land until three in the afternoon , for the sun stopped shining . And the curtain of the temple was torn in two . Jesus called out with a loud voice , " Father , into your hands I commit my spirit ." When he had said this , he breathed his last . LORD ELohim and other Spirits who were there during that time said the sun did not stop shining . The LORD cannot do that either . Was the curtain at the Temple torn ? The LORD ELohim and Spirits with Him were with Y'shua but if that happened it had nothing to do with the crucifixion or the LORD . All Spirits and LORD ELohim say nothing different happened that day with the sun or weather or anything else they know of .
- Luke 24 : 1 - 8 ( B ) In the NIV : On the first day of the week , ... the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb . They found the stone rolled away from the tomb , but when they entered , they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. While they were wondering about this , suddenly two men in clothes that gleamed like lightning stood beside them . .... but the men said to them , " Why do you look for the living among the dead ? He is not here , he has risen ! Remember how he told you , " The Son of Man must be delivered over to the hands of sinners , be crucified and on the third day be raised again . " Again Friday night to Sunday morning is not three full 24 hour days : it's one day and two nights so his body should have still been in the tomb when these women went there . Who are these two men ? Who ever they were the LORD ELohim says they were not Spirits . Spirits do not gleam like lightning and like LORD ELohim people cannot hear Spirits speak or see Spirits . If these two men really happened they were mortal flesh . Another hint that they were mortals is that Spirits would not be able to roll this rock away . Roll it away ' No ' , go through it ' Yes ' which is why they cannot roll it away . LORD ELohim and no other Spirits raised Y'shua's flesh body back to life because they cannot do that and ' No ' Y'shua did not raise his own body because he was not a God and even LORD ELohim cannot do that . So what is true in these verses ? What really did happen and what did not happen ? There were no Spirits watching over the dead body of Y'shua so if it were taken out of the tomb the LORD does not know who did that . Was Y'shua's dead body really gone ? Was it still there ? That to is possible . The Roman Catholic Church added a lot to the CB that was not true which would explain these two men who may have never existed . It is possible the body was still in the tomb when the women went to it . I think it is a year the dead body is left in the tomb then the bones are gathered and put in a bone box called an ossuary . There were people then who would have reasons to take the dead body of Y'shua . That is a small possibility . LORD ELohim is positive about this : Y'shua was dead and Y'shua remained dead . Even in the verses that say ' he has risen ' meaning Y'shua was dead . You have to be dead to be risen from the dead . LORD ELohim says Y'shua could not have been risen from the dead : that is true and a place to begin .
- Luke 24 : 13 - 22 ( B ) ( R ) In the NIV : ..... They were talking with each other about everything that had happened . As they talked and discussed these things with each other , Jesus himself came up and walked along with them ; but they were kept from recognizing him . It says Y'shua walked with them and they did not know him . Then they told this person who was a stranger to them all about Y'shua and what had happened . LORD ELohim says if Y'shua flesh body was risen these disciples would have known him unless he covered his whole body and face and changed his voice but there is no mention that he did that .
- Luke 24 : 23 ( B ) In the NIV : .... but didn't find his body . They came and told us that they had seen a vision of angels , who said he was alive . Visions don't work that easy . The person has to be asleep . Visions are dreams created by Spirits and that is not easy for them to do that . LORD ELohim says no Spirit or Himself caused these women to have visions of Angels .
- Luke 24 : 25 - 27 ( B ) ( R ) In the NIV : He said to them , " How foolish you are , and how slow to believe all that the prophets have spoken ! Did not the Messiah have to suffer these things and then enter his glory ? " And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets , he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself . We have gone through every book we have about the Jews and their beliefs of a coming Messiah and we have not found anything that says the Messiah must suffer and be crucified or killed by other means and die and be resurrected back to life and so on . What the problem probably is that the Christians are mixing the two together into one person named Y'shua . The Messiah and the Lamb of God are two different people says LORD ELohim . The Lamb of God was Y'shua . The Messiah who has not yet come to be is another man . The Christians are using prophecies about the coming Messiah for Y'shua who was not and is not the Messiah . It's not in prophecy that we could find that the Messiah will be beaten , crucified , dies and will be resurrected . Except for the resurrection these prophecies if in the JB are about Y'shua the Lamb of God and not about the Messiah . The LORD says both these men are mortals like any other mortals . Again the Lamb of God and the Messiah are two different men with two different sets of prophecies about them . One set of prophecies for the Lamb of God and one set of prophecies for the awaited Messiah . The Christians mixing the prophecies up together has lead to many errors about who Y'shua was and did .
( 10 : 58 ) NOTES : Who is the Messiah . That is the unknown and has he even been born yet ? LORD ELohim does not know much about this man because this hope is the hope of many Jews and seems to have began with the ancient Jews and written about by the ancient prophets . LORD ELohim says He never promised a coming Messiah . If you know the history of the Jews going back to the time of Abraham you would understand why they have this hope . This hope for a Messiah is not just for the lives of Jews to change for the better but for all mankinds lives to be better also . One of the things the Messiah is expected to do is to bring peace , compassion , and love to the whole world . Also to rebuild the third Temple on the site of the first two . Again remember Y'shua was alive when the second Temple was still standing on Temple Mount . A few Jews believe the Messiah will resurrect the dead or the dead will be reborn when the Messiah comes . It's believe the Messiah will redeem humanity . Redeem means set free from the consequences of sin , to be forgiven of your sins by LORD ELohim . Many Christians believe sin is the cause of death . Out of all these tasks the Messiah is expected to do : world peace and greater love and compassion , rebuild the third Temple , resurrect the dead , and redemption for all people Y'shua only did one thing . As the Lamb of God the death of Y'shua payed the price for the sins of all humanity . Y'shua was the Lamb of God but the rest he did not do . LORD ELohim says Y'shua did not raise even one dead person back to life because he could not do that but neither can LORD ELohim . That is one thing that will never happen : not even by the true Messiah if someday he does come to be . To be fair : Y'shua could not rebuild the third Temple because the second Temple was still standing there all his life . That task may have been added to the list after the Romans destroyed the second Temple . Again Y'shua was not the Messiah but he was the Lamb of God and this Jewish gentleman is still dead and will remain that way forever .
( 10 : 59 ) NOTES : People have hopes and dreams about many things . The Jewish people are hopeful for a coming Jewish Messiah to make the world a place of peace and great love and compassion . This was a dream LORD ELohim came to know . The LORD trys to help with such hopes that are so worthy of His attention like this hope but how can the LORD help with this dream ? The Jewish peoples hope is for a better world for all people everywhere on earth and not just for them . It was very difficult for LORD ELohim to help the Jewish slaves to get out of Egypt . The hope for a Jewish Messiah to bring peace and greater happiness to this world is extremely difficult to do especially in a world that is as anti-Semitic as it is today and in the past . The LORD ELohim knows about this hope and He has tryed in the past to come up with something but that has not happened in a few thousand years but He will keep it in mind because it is a very worthy dream for Him to think about how this is even possible to do .
( 10 : 60 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim wants people to know that Jews had nothing to do with the creation of Christianity . Romans were behind that and not Y'shua and not his disciples or other Jews . The death of Y'shua was not by the Jews but by the Romans . You would have to be alive and a Jew at that time to understand why some Jews supported Barabbas and not Y'shua to be released . Y'shua was the chosen Lamb of God and only through the shedding of his blood were you forgiven of your sins and for most all people . The Pharisees and others were motivated by LORD ELohim to help make that happen but it was the Romans who put Y'shua on the cross . There has been a few people since Adam and Eve the LORD would never forgive not even by the blood shed by Y'shua His Lamb .
- Luke 24 : 30 & 31 ( B ) In the NIV : When he was at the table with them , he took bread , gave thanks , broke it and began to give it to them . Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him , and he disappeared from their sight . Again remember Spirit cannot be seen or heard speaking so if Y'shua was resurrected he would have been flesh and bone . But how does flesh and bone suddenly disappear ? It would have had to be LORD ELohim involved here but He was not . Again to be seen by these men Y'shua would have had to be flesh and blood again . The CB says Y'shua's flesh body was raised from the dead . But how did flesh and blood and bone just suddenly disappear ????? Again Think Not Beyond Logic . It's like Christians believe LORD ELohim can make the whole universe disappear and suddenly make a whole new universe and a whole new earth appear . Now that is way beyond logical thinking says the LORD .
- Luke 24 : 36 & 37 ( B ) ( R ) In the NIV : While they were still talking about this , Jesus himself stood among them and said to them , " Peace be with you ." They were startled and fightened , thinking they saw a ghost . He said to them , " Why are you troubled , and why do doubts rise in your minds ? Look at my hands and my feet . It is myself ! Touch me and see ; a ghost does not have flesh and bones , as you see I have ." Well this answers a few things . Y'shua is said to have said in these verses that he is flesh and bone . The only way this could happen is that Y'shua was not dead when his body was put in the tomb but how did flesh and bone suddenly appear among these men and how did flesh and bone just disappear in verse 31 ? LORD ELohim gives an answer to this " It never happened " . Again the LORD says " Think Not Beyond Logic " . LORD ELohim was with the body of Y'shua until it was put in the tomb and He is sure Y'shua had died .
- Luke 24 : 40 - 43 ( B ) ( R ) In the NIV : And while they still did not believe it because of joy and amazement , he asked them , " Do you have anything here to eat ?" They gave him a piece of broiled fish and he took it and ate it in the presence . I have known Spirits for a lot of years . Spirits don't need to eat food and if Y'shua was Spirit he could have not held this peace of fish in his hand . Spirit's go through almost everything . It's like the rock door being pushed away from the tomb of Y'shua . Spirits could not have done that because they go through rock . So if this happened : Y'shua never died and your sins are not forgiven but again LORD ELohim says Y'shua was dead and he was never risen from the dead . So again this could not have happened .
- Luke 24 : 44 ( B ) ( R ) In the NIV : He said to them , " This is what I told you while I was still with you : Everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the Law of Moses , the Prophets and the Psalms ." In the CB if there is something in the Jewish Bible about a verse in the CB in the center of the page or on the page somewhere else it will say where that verse is in the JB . In the NIV there is nothing about this verse and in the KJV there is nothing about this verse being in the JB from verse 24 : 33 to 51 . Verses 24 : 25 & 26 where he talked about what the prophets have spoken has no notice of verses in the JB also . I'm to old to be looking through over 1800 pages in the Jewish Bible we use to try to find these verse but the fact the CB has none indicated regarding those verses is probably because they may not be there in the JB , they may not exist . Again the Old Testament in the Christian Bible is suppose to be the Jewish Bible but in the CB a lot of words and verses have been changed from what is written in the JB so you cannot trust what is in the CB Old Testament to be truthful and to be exactly what is written in the Jewish Bible . LORD ELohim does not know what the ' Law of Moses ' means : He has never heard that before but according to a CB dictionay it is the Ten Commandments . The Ten Commandments are LORD ELohim's Law and not Moses Law . To call the Ten Commandments Moses Law is blasphemy and the act of expressing a lack of reverence for LORD ELohim Who's Laws they are . Y'shua never would have called the Ten Commandments ' Moses Law ' . Where in the Ten Commandments does it mention Y'shua ? There is nothing there about this man or even Y'shua being the Lamb of God . This verse says Y'shua said to his disciples .... ' I told you while I was still with you ; ' If Y'shua is claimed to be risen and talking to the boys : isn't he with them at this time to ? How else could he be talking to them if he were not with them ? This verse say ' while I was... ' so it was Y'shua and not an Angel or a vision If this really happened . LORD ELohim says this did not happen : Y'shua was dead at this time and not risen .
- Luke 24 : 45 - 47 ( B ) ( R ) In the NIV : Then he opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures . He told them , : This is what is written : The Messiah will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day , and repentance for the forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name to all nations , beginning at Jerusalem . Again Y'shua was and is not the Messiah . The Christians mixed verses about the Messiah together with verses of the Lamb of God . LORD ELohim says " stop doing that " . The Messiah is one man and the Lamb of God is one other man . Y'shua is NOT both the Messiah and the Lamb of God . That belief is just totally wrong . Even the Christian Bible gives no verses from the Jewish Bible to back up this belief of theirs . The Messiah was never expected to die except maybe from old age or assassination if things do not go well when trying to bring peace and joy to a crazy and mostly pagan world . No mortal can be raised from the dead and both the Messiah and the Lamb of God are two mortal men : as mortal as you are . LORD ELohim says Y'shua never said this and Y'shua being a Jewish man was hopeful that a Messiah would come to be true someday . Y'shua was the Lamb of God for the forgiveness of sins but that should be in LORD ELohim's name and not preached in the name of Y'shua . Remember and honor Y'shua as the willing Lamb but it is LORD ELohim who has forgiven the sins of the world by the blood shed by His Lamb called Y'shua . Say the LORD ELohim has done this for us and not Y'shua . Y'shua could not forgive your sins only LORD ELohim can do that . Praise and worship LORD ELohim for this and not Y'shua and not in the name of Y'shua .
- Luke 24 : 48 & 49 ( R ) In the NIV : You are witnesses of these things . I am going to send you what my Father has promised ; but stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high . " LORD ELohim does not blame any people for not believing Christianity because it's mostly wrong in the first place and the CB is all over the place in their teachings . Just by reading the CB I cannot trust what is written as being written by Y'shua's disciples who were witnesses . Y'shua did not heal the sick , raise the dead , feed thousands with almost no food , walk on water , calmed a storm , turn water to wine , raised from the dead and on and on . This stuff is Beyond Logic and LORD ELohim always says " Think Not Beyond Logic " about anything and stop mixing verses up " . Make sure you know what the true Jewish Bible does say before you believe what is in the Old Testament of the Christian Bible . Again even the Jewish Bible is not perfect so keep using logic when reading any religious books . Remember ' no religion on earth anywhere is perfect and without errors ' . LORD ELohim never promised Y'shua that He would give him or any of his followers ' power from on high ' . The LORD does not even know what that is or means and He gave these people nothing . It's not easy for LORD ELohim to do things regarding people . Giving people a certain power : whatever that is would not be easy to do if it were even possible to do . Samson brought the roof down all on his own . The word ' power ' is a funny word often used in the Bible's . It's like me saying LORD ELohim gave me the ' power ' to write His Little Book . I would not call that ' power ' given to me by Him but that His teaching me the Little Book is how I know it .
- Luke 24 : 50 & 51 ( B ) In the NIV : .... While he was blessing them , he left them and was taken up into heaven . Then they worshiped him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy . An they stayed continually at the temple , praising God . As LORD ELohim has said many times no mortal has ever gone to His Heaven home . Remember after Y'shua was dead the CB said he said that his then raise body was ' flesh and bones ' ( Luke 24 : 39 ) . Y'shua was able to eat and drink because he was mortal again . Spirits cannot do that . Does LORD ELohim have the ' power ' to make flesh and bone fly and even into space where there is no air for flesh and bones ? To appear and disappear . It's said that Y'shua's flesh and bone body was raised and not a Spirit . Think Not Beyond Logic . How is LORD ELohim suppose to get a flesh and bone body to travel billions of miles through space to get it to Heaven ? There is a reason no mortal has ever gone to Heaven . LORD ELohim cannot do that : He does not have that kind of ' power ' and Y'shua was never raised from the dead because LORD ELohim does not have that kind of ' power ' and there is no reason to take a corpse to Heaven is there .
- Luke 24 : 52 & 53 ( B ) In the NIV : Then they worshiped him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy . And they stayed continually at the temple , praising God . Did they really worship Y'shua the flesh man ? Jews do not believe flesh can be a God or God can be flesh which is true . LORD ELohim says that is true . They were at the Temple . At that time it would not be wise to go to the Jewish Temple to praise anyone or worship anyone other then LORD ELohim . They would not be at the Temple long . I asked the LORD if He had any problems with the Jewish disciples and He said No . The disciples were very faithful Jews and not likely at all to have worshiped Y'shua or even thought of him as being a God . Again this did not happen .
( 10 : 61 ) That's it for Luke . What people need to remember is that LORD ELohim brought about Judaism and the Jews to help Him with mankind . The Jews are called His chosen people because they do help Him and He needed a people who from generation to generation would always be there for Him . Over the many years the Jews have put bits and pieces of information given to them by the LORD into something people can understand about LORD ELohim and other stuff . LORD ELohim has always worked through His chosen people except for His Little Book . So it is not surprising that the Jews were a little involved in the sacrifice of Y'shua the Lamb of God . It's not surprising that the Lamb of God was a Jewish man . Again the Jews have always helped LORD ELohim since the time of Abraham . LORD ELohim was hopeful that He through the Jews could help mankind pass the trial but the pagan world turned against His Jews and it all fell apart what He was trying to do for us . The Jews tryed to help LORD ELohim and they suffered greatly for that . Most all people on earth know LORD ELohim's Ten Commandments and other teachings because of the Jews teachings about them . And it was not just because of LORD ELohim's teachings through the Jews but because most Jews tried to live their life based on those teachings and Ten Commandments also . LORD ELohim does not understand why the Jews for almost throughout history have been treated so badly by the pagan world . Maybe because it is a pagan world other then the Jews ? The Jews have been treated badly and cruelly and many have been enslaved and many millions slaughtered and many lies were told about them and that did not help in anyway for mankind to pass this trial . Again the Jewish people are and were the people that LORD ELohim worked through so He could try to help people pass this trial . The Jews have always been His chosen people for that job and they have done very well at it . LORD ELohim had hope for mankind but when pagan Romans began the pagan religion of Christianty soon after that LORD ELohim lost all hope for mankind to pass the test and He realized that what He was hopeful for the Jews to do was impossible to do . Since Christianity began in pagan Rome by pagan Romans there have been other religions created by other people . What LORD ELohim was hopeful for is a one world religion with Himself as our ONLY God . The religion was Judaism . The LORD ELohim was hopeful all people would obey His teachings and Ten Commandments . What He was hopeful for is people to be more loving , happy , enjoying their lives more and world peace and the end to war and hate and poverty and much more . That has never happened . Again what the LORD ELohim was hopeful for He has known for a long time that all is impossible to do by Him and by His Jews . The Jews are hopeful for a coming Messiah who with LORD ELohim's help can make all that happen . It's a good and loving hope for all the world's people but even the Jewish Messiah would probably realize quickly it's impossible to do . Again LORD ELohim wants to thank His Jews for their help and He sends His love for you .
( 10 : 62 ) NOTES : Why did LORD ELohim create mortal life on earth ? LORD ELohim created Spirits to be His children and there is so much dirt in the universe He wondered if it could serve a purpose so He came to earth and began playing with dirt well over four billion years ago and that's why you exist today . Many people have asked " what is the meaning of life " ? The meaning of life is the LORD ELohim was just playing in the dirt . Just a reminder that LORD ELohim created the Grays and Anunnaki also on earth before Humanity . Only us three had free will and only us three species did the LORD have real problems with to the point of regretting making us three species having free will . It's how we used our free will that was judged . Did with our free will chose to be loving or hateful , to be good or evil , to be caring or not caring about others , to seek peace or war , to be greedy or giving , to be kind and helpful or mean and cruel and so on . It's these and other choices we made with our free will that failed us .
( 10 : 63 ) NOTES : The LORD ELohim just wants you to think in this update about resurrection again . ( We mentioned this a little in this update - repeat is a computer problem ) The CB teaches it is a bodily resurrection as most people believe it is . Bodily resurrection means your mortal body will be raised from the grave or where ever it is . Remember mortals have no Spirit to call their own so it could only be your mortal flesh and bone resurrected . This may not be what you want . - If you died from cancer or from organ failer and any other causes like that then when your flesh and bones are resurrected the cause of your death would be resurrected also . If you died from old age at the age of 100 your resurrected body would still be 100 years old and how long would you live ? A few minutes or not at all . LORD ELohim could not make your resurrected body young again . What your body was like when you died is the way it would be when it is resurrected . Remember the bodily resurrection means you are mortal again and that's important to remember . Many people were suffering great pain at the time of their death . If the body is resurrected that would not change that . You would still be suffering pain . Could Y'shua the dead man raise his own dead body back to life because LORD ELohim did not do that ? How can the dead raise up the dead . It's like those verses in the CB that say let the dead bury the dead . How can the mortal dead do either of those ? Remember LORD ELohim said the dead know nothing . When you die you simply no longer exist in any form . For Y'shua to raise his own mortal body from the dead he could not do that because he was dead in every way and form and mortal in every way and form . There was nothing about Y'shua's flesh and bone mortal body that was different then your body other then he had a teaching Spirit . So far the verses are errors or lies about Y'shua's mortal body being raised from the dead . If his mortal body was resurrected then he could be seen and heard and could eat and drink and do many other things that Spirits cannot do . But again mortal flesh cannot suddenly appear and disappear as the CB claimed Y'shua's resurrected body did . - Mortal life cannot go to Heaven . If your mortal body was resurrected you are stuck on earth and you would need to get a job to pay for your food and shelter and clothing and so on just as you had to do before you died . Remember the Christians believe that a lot of people will be resurrected so you may have problems getting that job you need . Note that Y'shua asked for food when his body was suppose to be resurrected . - If your mortal body could be raise will it die again ? We are not talking about what Christians call ' the second death ' . We are thinking about all people in general . I asked LORD ELohim that question and He said " Yes the raised mortal flesh and bone would die again for any of the same reasons we die now including old age . - How many times do you expect LORD ELohim to resurrect your body ? " Think about this : If the LORD could resurrect your dead mortal body you may want to hope all is well with your body at the time of your death because every atom would be resurrected and every atom put back in the same place it was . When you die there is very likely a health reason for dying . So if you are suffering in this first life your resurrected mortal life will suffer again in the next life . Maybe doctors have learnt how to treat your illness that caused your death but maybe not . If not you would suffer from pain again or whatever and would die again very soon after being resurrected . Again : LORD ELohim and Y'shua cannot heal the many reasons people are in ill health and what they died from . - There is nothing about mortal life that is eternal other then the Souls and they never die , they just leave the dead body . Again remember you will not live on after death within or anything else to do with the Soul or any other Spirits . The Souls will go back to Heaven with LORD ELohim in the future but you in any form are not going with them . There is no part of a Soul that is you or anyone else . - There are some people who believe they will be born again . LORD ELohim cannot do that either . Even if your DNA was used to start creating a baby that person would still not be you . There are a lot of false beliefs about death and life after mortal death and being born again is one of them . - Reincarnation is the belief of the rebirth of the Soul in a new body and this is a false belief according to LORD ELohim . Souls do not do ' rebirth ' because Souls never die and they are who they are and that's forever . Again nothing about you stays with the Soul who is with you now . Incarnation means the embodiment of a deity or spirit in an earthly form or also the union of divine and human natures as believed about Y'shua . LORD ELohim says that has also never happened . There was nothing about Y'shua that was a God . LORD ELohim is the one and only God and He never incarnated into any mortal so that's another false belief to . - LORD ELohim says it's impossible to bring together Spirit and flesh . There cannot be a union of Spirit and flesh because there is nothing about us mortals that is the same as Spirit . You cannot be united with the Soul because of this reason . - Again if LORD ELohim could resurrect mortal dead bodies He could not make your body younger and free from illness . Your mortal body would die again some day from illness or old age . How many times do you expect the LORD to resurrect your mortal body if He could do that ? - Now this is a big problem : most mortal flesh need a Soul including people for the funtion of the more complex mortal bodies . If billions of mortal people were all resurrected on top of those billions of people who are still alive the LORD would run out of Souls for most of those billions being resurrected and they could not live very long without a Soul . A lot of mortal life need a Soul just to be alive . If the LORD could raise all of these dead people they would be mortals again and in need of a Soul . - Where are all these people suppose to live and where is all this food coming from and their homes and their jobs for income and on and on what they will need again because they would be mortal again . - LORD ELohim wants to make this clear : you have no Spirit that you can call you . So that means only your mortal body could be resurrected if that were possible but it's not possible . Think about it . Think about what LORD ELohim has said about this . Would you still want to be resurrected as a mortal human again ? LORD ELohim cannot raise the dead back to life and neither could Y'shua and LORD ELohim does not want to . The many problems that would cause is in the thousands . If this earth was a place of peace , love , kindness , caring , sharing , goodness , happiness , great joy and so on for all people maybe our Father LORD ELohim might give this subject some thought . But this is not what the world is now or ever was . This world is a place of war , hatred , greed , wickedness , suffering , pain , sadness , sorrow , worry and on and on and He knows that is not going to change is it . Now do you still hope your mortal body will be resurrected . Again : think about what LORD ELohim has said about it . I asked the LORD if many times He thought ' why are people bringing children into this crazy and cruel world ' and He said He has thought something like that many times . Resurrecting the dead would be like LORD ELohim bringing His children back into this crazy and cruel world and He would never do that . Those children of His who are dead are in peace and He will leave them in the peace of death . - How is LORD ELohim suppose to raise billions of dead mortal bodies or even just one ? Again the LORD says to you " Think Not Beyond Logic " .
( 10 : 64 ) NOTES : This is for people who believe in purgatory , hell and the lake of fire . We know now that the only form that can be resurrected from dead people or any other mortal is the mortal body it self because there is nothing else that could raised from the dead about those people . But remember LORD ELohim cannot do that . If hell really did exist and billions of people sent there , these people could not be resurrected mortals . Most people who believe in hell and the lake of fire believe billions of people will suffer great pain and great suffering for all eternity . Hell is believed to be a place of great fire everywhere . How could mortal flesh and bone not be cremated in seconds when thrown into hell or the lake of fire . If people in hell were to suffer forever they would have to be in another form like Spirit . The fires of hell would not bother Spirits in anyway . Spirits even survived a lot of close Big Bangs . But there are no Spirits who have sinned and you do not have a Spirit that you can call you . So that fact that mortal flesh would just burn up and die again in hell then what's the point of resurrection of the dead headed for hell in the first place . It's like Christians and other religions believe LORD Elohim just has to say " all dead humans raise from the dead " and the dead would raise back to life . LORD ELohim says that is just silly thinking . It took LORD ELohim billions of years to create mankind as we are now . Just speaking words do not work when it comes to creation . It was work and not words . Moses tryed to explain creation but he did not get it all right . Again purgatory , hell and the lake of fire do not exist and LORD ELohim our Father is not a wicked and cruel Father who would do that to people : even the people He would never forgive . Again LORD ELohim asks you how do you think the LORD can resurrect the dead from dust or ashes ? Think Not Beyond Logic ! Would you still want to be resurrected from the dead knowing now you would again be mortal flesh and bone and at the same age you died and still having the illness that caused your death and knowing you would die again from your illness or old age and on and on ??? Something to think about .
( 10 : 65 ) NOTES : Most Christians believe there is an order regarding people who are resurrected . We will try to get this right . # 1 They believe the first resurrected was Y'shua . If Y'shua was first then how is it explained when before Y'shua's death both Moses and Elijah were claimed to have been seen already very much alive ? Again you cannot hear or see Spirits so they both would have had to be mortal when the disciples saw them talking to Y'shua . Also mortal flesh and bone cannot suddenly appear and suddenly disappear so this never happened and Moses and Elijah are still dead and were dead at the time of Y'shua also says LORD ELohim . LORD ELohim has never raised any mortal from the dead . # 2 Resurrection of the church at the rapture . The church means Christians . The rapture is when Christians believe their mortal bodies suddenly disappear on earth and again reappear in Heaven faster then the blink of an eye . LORD ELohim says this is something that is not going to happen because He cannot do that either . How can the LORD even do that ??? Remember LORD ELohim would never allow mortal life in His Heaven . It's Spirits only . Take a good look at mankind in general . Would you want people in your peaceful and happy Heaven if you were the LORD ? It's believed all Christians would be raptured since the beginning of the Christian church and all Christians living at the time of the rapture . This is not going to happen . How could it ??? Real life is not Star Trek and beam me up Scotty . How could mortal bodies live in space ? There is no food , no water , no house , no air , and on and on ..... Spirits do not spend a lot of time on planets ; they like their space in space . # 3 At the second coming of Y'shua they believe the Old Testament believers ( Jews and Gentiles ) will be resurrected . The LORD cannot raise the dead ! Not going to happen . # 4 At the second coming of Y'shua the tribulation saints will be resurrected also . The tribulation is seven years of suffering and terror on earth . It's after the tribulation that they believe Y'shua will come a second time . Y'shua is not coming back to life and LORD ELohim will not be the cause of people suffering if the tribulation does happen . # 5 It's believed that Y'shua will rule the world for a thousand years . Then all the believers who died during that thousand years will be raised back to life . Not going to happen . # 6 After the thousand year reign comes the resurrection of the unsaved . Up to this point all who are resurrected are mortals . It's not until after the judgment of Spirits and the unsaved the eternal state happens . What does the eternal state mean ? There is nothing about mortals that we can say is ' me ' that can live forever . LORD ELohim says Y'shua will not return because he is dead . LORD ELohim says He cannot raise the dead because that is impossible . LORD ELohim says He does not know what the eternal state is for people . How can the LORD change flesh and bone to something else that is NOT Spirit that can live forever . There are only two forms of life that I can think of : Spirit and Mortal . Robots do not count for this because even those are not ' you ' . You can make them talk like you , think like you , act like you but they are still not ' you ' . Again remember the ' eternal state ' that Christians believe will happen , does not happen until the thousand year reign of Y'shua on earth is over . That has not even started so you will be waiting , if it were true , over another thousand years before you become immortal , what ever that means . If this were true and you were among the first resurrected you would be mortal ( there is no rapture ) you would probably die again before Y'shua reigns ( Y'shua is not going to rule the world ) . All these resurrections are bodily resurrections which means you would be mortal again and you will die again . LORD ELohim says no mortal flesh and bone can become immortal .
( 10 : 66 ) NOTES : Was it necessary for Y'shua to be resurrected after his atoning death ? Some Christians believe it was necessary but LORD ELohim says it was not necessary . If Y'shua did not truly die then how could he have been the Lamb of God sacrificed by LORD ELohim for the sins of most all mankind . Remember it was LORD ELohim who forgave your sins and not Y'shua . Y'shua was a mortal man and was never in the position to forgive people of their sins . If Y'shua did not die then Y'shua would be the first lamb sacrificed who latter got up and walked away and therefore was not sacrificed . The resurrection was not necessary because there is no way for LORD ELohim to resurrect any mortal person including Y'shua . The LORD ELohim never promised any humans they would live forever including you . What lies or errors religions teach the LORD can do nothing about that other then to write the truth in His Little Book .
( 10 : 67 ) NOTES : One of the dictionary says that Christianity was started by Jesus ( Y'shua ) . It also says Christianity grew out of Judaism and then seperated itself from Judaism through it's acceptance of Jesus as the Son of God and the Messiah . The word Christ in Greek means Messiah in Hebrew . It's interesting that there is no mention in any dictionary under Christianity that Y'shua was the Lamb of God . Y'shua's one true purpose in life was to be the Lamb of God and the dictionary does not mention that relating to the Christian faith . Again Y'shua was the Lamb of God but he was not to be a king or the Jewish Messiah . It's a great error to believe Y'shua started the religion of the Christians . It is also wrong that he was the only Son of God and the Messiah . The Christian religion never seperated from the religion of Judaism because it was never a part of Judaism . The Christian religion came about by the Romans long after Y'shua and his disciples were long dead . What is true is that Christians used the religion of Judaism as the base of their religion but at the same time Judaism has nothing to do with Christianity . The Christians for their Old Testament added and changed a lot that is in the Jewish Bible so their beliefs would sound valid . Again Y'shua and his disciples had nothing to do with the Christian religion . They were all deeply faithful Jews throughout their lives . The Roman Catholic Chruch speaks in mostly Latin even today . Latin was the ancient language of the Romans . As a child one of my friends was Catholic . I went to a Catholic church with her once and I did not understand a word the priest was saying because the whole service was in Latin . The funny thing is my friend did not understand any words either like most all non-preachers in the Catholic church then . Again Y'shua and his Jewish followers were never trying to create a new religion for any people including for the Jews . LORD ELohim was certainly not trying to create a new religion . Again the LORD calls the Christian religion a pagan religion in the past and even today .
( 10 : 68 ) NOTES : Many Christians believe there are seven different times of judgment . The times of judgment are before Y'shua's return , and four times at the end of the tribulation and two more at the end of Y'shua's thousand year reign . They believe every person in the near future will be judged once . The belief is that every person will stand before Y'shua or LORD ELohim and will be judged for what they did or did not do . LORD ELohim says these seven times of judgment will not happen because first : Y'shua is dead and second : He cannot raise back to life all the billions who are dead and third : He does not need to or want to listen to every human that ever lived telling Him their life story and most all would be very boring life stories or lies . The LORD knows us very very well as a species and that's all the LORD needs to know to judge us as a species . Think about this : do you really need to know Dick and Jane to know about the slaughter of mankind in wars today and in the past ? The LORD does not need to know Dick and Jane personaly to judge us as a species . He has seen the dead bodies because of our wars . He has heard about the Holocaust , abortions , people suffering great pain and everything else we do today and have done in the past that is wicked or causes people to suffer . LORD ELohim's one judgment of all mankind has already happened and He says we have greatly failed our trial . Again our trial is over . Remember we are all headed for the same place after we die . Both good and evil mortal life has no afterlife . Both good and evil people will simply no longer exist anymore at the time of death . So why would the LORD need to judge you personally ? The LORD cannot stop you from dying and He also cannot raise you back to life when you do die so what difference does it make : judge the species or judge each person ?
( 10 : 69 ) NOTES : Luke 3 : 37 In the NIV : ..... the son of Seth , the son of Adam , the son of God . If Y'shua was the only son of God then why do Christians believe that Adam was ' the son of God ' also . It is true that LORD ELohim was Adam's Father and Y'shua was also a son of God . LORD ELohim is the Father of all male mortals and all female mortals and all Spirits . Y'shua never created anything that needed a God like LORD ELohim to make it including you . Y'shua was a mortal man and had no more Spirits then you do except he did have a teaching Spirit but many people throughout history also did have a teaching Spirits . I had a teaching Spirit who's name was Alt .
( 10 : 70 ) NOTES : Remember if there were a resurrection of people it is the mortal body raised from the dead and nothing more . LORD ELohim would not be able to make the bodies younger or older or without illness . You would be resurrected exactly the way you were when you died . As a mortal again you will need a job for money to buy food , cloths , shelter and all else you need and want in this second mortal life . Being a mortal again you would die again soon after your resurrection . Most resurrected would not live long because of the illness that caused their death or because they died from old age . Remember Y'shua and LORD ELohim cannot cure peoples ill health in the past or now or when a body is resurrected . Y'shua was never able to do that and he is also dead . Do you really believe that this world will come to know peace , love , kindness and great joy and happiness everywhere on earth ? LORD ELohim does not believe that will ever happen . Again Christians believe that peoples eternal state will not happen until after the thousand year reign of Y'shua on earth . That's a long time to wait for your mortal body to become eternal and your resurrected mortal body would not live a thousand years . Because it's your flesh and bones that are resurrected you are still a mortal and all mortals die . How many times do you think you will die and be resurrected during this thousand years ? This is another thing that LORD ELohim cannot do . How is He going to change your mortal flesh and bone body into an immortal body that lasts forever ? LORD ELohim does not know how to do that . LORD ELohim thought about this and He says it's impossible to do that . The LORD says this is something to think about . He cannot promise you or anyone else an eternal life : ever . Remember Y'shua is dead and he will never reign over all mankind because his mortal body cannot be raised either . This is the Sabbath Day and the Last Day called Judgment Day . LORD ELohim is not going to try to change the world now . It's to late for that . Some day in the future He will end the suffering of all mortals and then go home to Heaven with all His Spirit children . Again remember no mortal has ever gone to Heaven and no mortal will ever go to Heaven .
( 10 : 71 ) NOTES : The next update will be about the book of John . What we will avoid writing about is anything we have written too much about in other updates like Y'shua raising the dead , curing all sickness , feeding thousands , turning water to wine , walking on water , calming a storm , Y'shua raised from the dead and other things like these that never happened says LORD ELohim .