Date: Oct 23, 2022
Again remember that the Little Book is not for everyone . The Little Book is mentioned in Revelation 10 . It's also called the Little Scroll in some Christian Bible versions . This Book was written by LORD ELohim and not by me . We are living now in the end time and the LORD wants people to understand who our Father and God truly is . There are many mysteries about LORD ELohim and the LORD using His Little Book wants people to know about such mysteries . LORD ELohim wants people to understand what's going on and what may happen in the future
The Little Book is coded in certain places . The code in this update is the same as all the other updates . LORD ELohim has asked me to remind people involved with Oak Island about what is there at Oak Island and who it all belongs to . Most all regarding Oak Island is in code .
A = 6 , B = 12 , C = 18 , D = 24 , E = 30 , F = 36 , G = 42 , H = 48 , I = 54 , J = 60 , K = 66 , L = 72 , M = 78 , N = 84 , O = 90 , P = 96 , Q = 102 , R = 108 , S = 114 , T = 120 , U = 126 , V = 132 , W = 138 , X = 144 , Y = 150 , Z = 156 .
The code is simply the addition of 6 to the sum of the value of the letter before it . The code is called Gematria . To find the sum total of a word add the value of each letter .
W = 138 O = 90 R = 108 D = 24 : Total = 360
Remember LORD ELohim is the author of the Little Book . All coded was coded by LORD ELohim a very long time ago . The LORD taught mankind the Hebrew and English languages and how to spell the words . English is the language of Heaven . All Spirits speak English and have for trillions of years . When LORD ELohim was creating a language for all Spirits He used math to do that which is why the Little Book is coded by using the same math that the LORD used . All coded word or words add up to 666 .
Oak Island is offshore of eastern Canada . This island is a man made island . This island was built by Jews shortly after leaving Egypt where they were slaves for a lot of years . What the Jews and Knights Templars hid there was LORD ELohim's gifts to the Hebrew Jews living today . The gifts are also for Jews living in poverty in other nations to help those Jews also . In the code it also mentions items hidden at Oak Island for a Third Temple but LORD ELohim would rather that the value of those Temple items be shared with the Jews who are suffering in poverty in other nations also . These gifts are LORD ELohims way to thank all His chosen people the Jews for never turning away from their faith of Judaism even when their many trials were great because of wicked and cruel pagans . These gifts are a symbol of His love for His Jews in the past and today . LORD ELohim is behind the Jews building Oak Island and He is also behind the coded words about the island .
The following is the coded information about Oak Island . All coded word or words add up to 666 . This * divides the 666 groups . An example - Remember again * all Oak Island * a man made island * . Each of these groups of words add to 666 .
1 - In past ages * elect mankind * Holy Rabbis * create island * offshore and * all Oak Island * sacred Hebrew * formed land and * is Israels * .
- At ancient Canada * in past ages * God of Israel * chosen flock * Israel alone * of the Jews * created island * . Again remember * Israel alone * create island * in past age and * offshores * at ancient Canada * . All Oak Island * was years * made of work * of the Jews * . All Oak Island * time built * before Kings * of the Jews * .
- Hebrew sailed * to Canada from * middle east and * then Israel * early lands * of the Jews * . Their great * big ships go * to now Canada * in past ages * . Holy Rabbis * big ships go * to Canada from * then Israel * an all ships * carried many * elect items * for a Temple * called Beauty * an much more * of the Jews * . Treasured * elect items * an much more * all taken to * Oak Island Canada a * Hebrew land and * a man made Island * .
- Lagina give ear * . Remember again * Israel alone * create island * for stuff * for a Temple * an much more * . Again remember * holy Rabbis * and Israelis * in past ages * an all long ago * made massive * third altar * called Beauty * for a Temple * called Beauty * .
2 - In past age and * even today * Israel flock * partners * Judaic Deity * God of Israel * . Behold today * God of Israel * JHVH reveal * Book to the * holy Rabbis * of the Jews * .
- Holy Rabbis * of the Jews * in God's Book * is the map as * God of Israel * designed all and * EL teach Jews * holy Rabbis * . All Oak Island * a man made island * by the Rabbis * and many a Jew * in past ages * before Kings * of the Jews * . Again remember * in God's Book * is the map as * a map He designed * .
- Lagina give ear * . God of Israel * had to hide seal * to unlock * island riddle * because of hate * against any * Jews of the * Israel flock * . Island riddle * is within * a map He designed * which I AM called * Sefirot and * the Little * Book code key * God of Israel * called Gematria * . God of Israel * LORD ELohim * map of holy * Oak Island all * designed by EL * an all long ago * .
- In past ages * an all long ago * because of hate * against any * of the Jews * about earth * God of Israel * He help Jews * create island * at ancient Canada * for stuff * for a Temple * on Last Day * an much more * .
- In past age and * even today * pagans scheme * against any * of the Jews * about earth * because of hate * an envying * Jews of the * Israel flock * . Again remember * many pagans * about earth * in past age and * even today * had many gods * . In past age and * even today * Jews of the * Israel flock * help YAHWEH * regarding man * to teach pagan * humanity * who is called * LORD ELohim * God of Israel * an a LORD of all * humanity * .
3 - Jews of the * Israel flock * kept EL Roi * God of Israel * old Hebrews * Fig religion * . In past ages * not all called * Israel flock * kept EL Roi * God of Israel * Fig religion * or Laws made * . Judaism is Abba * God of Israel * Fig religion * in past age and * even today * about earth * .
- Lagina give ear * . Soon at hand * holy Rabbis * and Jews to * about earth * will come and * erect Holy * third form * Temple an all * to Highest * LORD ELohim * God of Israel * . In past ages * Jews love * any Temple * to Highest * LORD ELohim * . In past ages * Temples of * Israel flock * many pagans * did ruin again * and happen again * . In past ages and * even today * YAHWEH home * on earth ark * be Jerusalem * among all His * Jews of the * Israel flock * .
- Behold today * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * give to the * Jews of the * Israel flock * many noted * elect items * for a Temple * an much more * . Jews of the * Israel flock * accept as a gift * down beneath * all Oak Island * . Lagina give ear * : seek what's * down beneath * all Oak Island * for a Temple * an much more * . Elect items * for a Temple * called Beauty * an much more * below land made * in past ages * by Jew hands * an all long ago * before Kings * of the Jews * .
( 11 : 1 ) NOTES : Finding dates regarding ancient times is not easy to do most times and if you read three different books you get three different answers . The LORD ELohim and His Little Book says Oak Island was built by the Jews somewhere between the time of Moses leading the Jews out of Egypt ( 1250 B.C.E. ) and the time of Israel's first King who was Saul ( 1025 -1005 B.C.E. ) . That allows the Rabbis and other Jews over two hundred years to create this island and put their treasured items there . LORD ELohim said it took the Jews over eleven years to build Oak Island from scratch . So the age of Oak Island would be over 3000 years old . After Oak Island was built the Jews of Israel would often go there to hide even more stuff using the map that LORD ELohim gave to the Rabbis . Many years after the Jews lost their home land of Israel to pagans the LORD created the Knights Templars to help His Jews and the Templars took a lot of items belonging to the Jews to Oak Island and buried all of it there . The Knights Templars were created by LORD ELohim in 1118 A.D. starting with Grand Master Hugh of Payens and lasted until 1314 when Grand Master Jasques de Molay was burned at the stake and thousands of other Templar Knights were also murdered by the order of King Philip IV of France and pope Clement V of the Roman Catholic Church . Remember LORD ELohim created the Knights Templars for Himself and has never forgotten who was behind the slaughter of thousands of His Knights because of their great greed and envy of these Knights . Before the mass murder by the French King and the pope of the Roman Catholic Church Clement V the Knights Templars made several trips to Oak Island with treasures belonging to the Jews and hid them at Oak Island . The LORD ELohim created the Knights Templar for the purpose to help His Jews .
( 11 : 2 ) NOTES : Many of the items at Oak Island were for a Temple to be built in our time : on the Last Day . The LORD ELohim did not know that the first two Temples in Israel would be destroyed by the pagans but the way the Jews were treated by the pagans He guessed that may happen . LORD ELohim's guess was right . The pagans destroyed two Temples . If a new Temple is built it would be the third Temple and according to Christians that one is to be ruined too . LORD ELohim wants His Jews to know that He does not care if the Temple is built or not built and if it's built He does not care where it is built in Jerusalem . The LORD does not want any blood shed over where the Temple is built in Israel . It does not even have to be built in Jerusalem . LORD ELohim is going to let 24 Rabbi Jews in Israel decide what they want to do . Build a Temple or use what is at Oak Island to help the Jews of the world who live in poverty and need help . LORD ELohim is happy going to Synagogues to be with His chosen and He has no interest in going to a Temple . The LORD is more concerned about poor Jews and especially the old Jews and the Holocaust survivors still living in Europe and Russia and places like these . LORD ELohim says to say that He is hopeful that the value of what's at Oak Island will go to make the lives of many Jews suffering much better than their lives are now . LORD ELohim's vote is no Temple .
4 - In past ages * an all long ago * holy Rabbis * salt island * with such * man made clues * alike gold chain * , sea triangle * offshore and * bodies below * and markings * on a rock slab * an much more * .
- Given by God a * Sefirot and * it is a map made * by I AM HE JHVH * God of Israel * . Holy Rabbis * wrote map * and Sefirot * map permit * hole names and * great clues * . The Levi map * and Sefirot * layed out be a * God of Israel * YAH rock map * of island land * topside made * by Jew hands * . God of Israel * Abba Ten Sefirah * layed out be a * YAH rock map * . Island # six * Sefirah pit * is Tiferet *. Tiferet is * called Beauty * . Third altar * LORD ELohim * called Beauty * . Lagina give ear * use His map * an begin where * island # six * Tiferet is * on Island made * by Jew hands * in past ages * an all long ago * . Remember again * island # six * Sefirah pit * is Tiferet * . Tiferet is * called Beauty * . Third altar * LORD ELohim * called Beauty * . All Oak Island * LORD ELohim * called Beauty * .
( 11 : 3 ) NOTES : The word ' Beauty ' is used a few times so far by LORD ELohim . The third altar is called Beauty . The third Temple is called Beauty . The # six Sefirah pit Tiferet is called Beauty . The word Tiferet means Beauty .The large sandstone with a face carved on it on top of the # six Sefirah pit named Tiferet is called Beauty also . The Sefirot has changed a little over the years . Again Beauty has a face carved into it . Again the third Temple would be named Beauty and the altar , all Oak Island , Tiferet Pit , and stone on Tiferet are all called Beauty now .
- By Jew hands * on a rock slab * are a symbol * and markings * . Holy Rabbis * make rock slab * upon hewed * dead wood beams * below of the * topside made * . On Last Day * dead wood beams * and most all * below of the * sea waters * inside man made * island decoy * ancient pit * . Lagina give ear * all Oak Island * has many deep * decoy holes * . Decoy holes * are for thief * in past age and * even today * .
5 - Lagina give ear * . Remember again * sea waters * feeds Money * Pit ashore * . Ancient pit * island decoy * . Lifting slab * opened gates * . Opened gates * flooded chamber * . Ancient pit * is a deep decoy * . Decoy holes * are for thief * .
( 11 : 4 ) NOTES : The word ' decoy ' means : something used to draw attention away from something else . Something that lures or entices people . Oak Island has a lot of decoy pits and many were salted with interesting stuff . The Money Pit is one of those decoy pits and it has worked very well to draw away peoples attention from other places on the island .
- Lagina give ear * . Please read all * that ELohim * has sent all * to you an * holy Rabbis * . Remember again * in past ages * Daniel notice * dug ground * on top land * of old island * and Daniel then * dug down in * ashore pit * . God of Israel * EL Roi speak * Daniels hole be * decoy hole and * trap down * in beneath the * dug ground * . Remember again * his friends * all help Daniel * dig great hole * down beneath * of old island * and decoy hole * worked to * interest a * future dig * of many like * Blankenship * an the Laginas * again hope to * find same hole * Daniel notice * .
- In past ages * holy Rabbis * partners * be Templars * . Holy Rabbis * Jews did teach * a Templar all * about altar * an much more * and about the * island form * .
6 - Holy Rabbis * salt island * with man made * common gold * an some gems * an much more * . Holy Rabbis * partners * be Templars * . LORD ELohim * made Knights * . I AM Knights * salt island * with man made * objects like * much ancient * clay pots * , iron nails * , an lead cross * an much more * .
- Again remember * in past ages * Templars be * holy Rabbis * partner and * God of Israel * partners * . Templar God * is their I AM * God of Israel * . God of Israel * LORD ELohim * made Knights * for Himself * . Wicked king an * cruel pope * of Catholics * slaughter * Knights made * for Himself * . Lagina give ear * . Remember again * in past ages * Templars be * holy Rabbis * partner and * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * partners * .
( 11 : 5 ) NOTES : In past updates the LORD said even by the blood shed of Y'shua not all humanity would be forgiven of their sins . The pope of the Roman Catholic Church and the French King who together slaughtered thousands of LORD ELohim's Knights Templar have never been forgiven for those mass murders for gain of land and riches and power . This slaughter began in Oct. 13 1307 . LORD ELohim says they will never be forgiven along with thousands of other people who were so evil , cruel and wicked like this King Philip IV and Clement V the Catholic pope . LORD ELohim says there have been several popes and Kings and their priests , soldiers and goons on that list who will never be forgiven . This means a lot when thinking about these people and their history to know they were so wicked and evil and cruel they would never be forgiven by LORD ELohim : but remember ' dead is dead forever ' for both the good and evil of mankind . The word ' goon ' means someone hired to terrorize or kill opponents or other people . It was bad enough that His Templar Knights were most all murdered , thousands of them , but most of them were tortured horribly for months and even years . Was the extremely painful torture of the Knights because these extremely wicked and cruel and evil pope and king heard something about Oak Island and knew the Templars knew something about the island ? The LORD says that is possible .
( 11 : 6 ) NOTES : The words ' salt island ' means the holy Rabbis and other Jews and the Knights Templars put items of some value in different places on Oak Island to make people think there is more there in decoy pits then what really is there . What is salted on the island may be common gold , metal stuff , gems , some coins and so on . Salting the island creates decoy areas to keep thieves away from finding any interest in other areas . What areas are decoy or not decoy areas you will not know until you have dug a hundred and thirty feet down . The pit called the Money Pit is a good example . A few items were found there and for over two hundred years people have been trying to find this same lost pit again . The Money Pit is a great decoy pit according to LORD ELohim .
- Decoy holes * are for thief * like boys had * in past age and * steal of the * three chest * sealed boxes * and also hewed * stone a seal * . Three chest * sealed boxes * all stolen a * reason for * all Oak Island * had a decoy pit * and many for * thieves made * by Jew hands * and be Templar * many made to * . Inside of deep * sealed boxes * were coins * an a cross of * common gold * not made for * YAHWEH home * on earth ark * . YAHWEH home * on earth ark * be Jerusalem * . Remember again * all Oak Island * hath traps * to guard all * treasured * elect items * owned by I AM * God of Israel * and Abram Jews * .
7 - In bloodline * Templars be * a offspring * Israel flock * an Hebrew to * . Templars be * a European an * LORD ELohim * partners * in past ages * . Templars be * holy Rabbis * and Israelis * partners * in past ages * . All Templar a * order which * partners * the Jews of * middle easts * Hebrew lands * . They knew * island form * and Sefirot * of the Jews * holy Rabbis * . They knew * all Oak Island * a holy land and * Hebrew lands * . They knew * God od Israel * LORD ELohim * own island * . They knew * LORD ELohim * partners * holy Rabbis * and Israelis * . They knew * a map He designed * . They knew * Israel flock * alone built * all Oak Island * . They knew * Jehovah behind * all Oak Island * . YAHWEH help * Templars be * partners * of the Jews * holy Rabbis * . They knew * any Temple * elect items * an much more * middle easts * Israel flock * of the Jews * shall heir and * Israel alone * of the Jews * own island * treasured * elect items * for a Temple * an much more * . Lagina give ear * , remember again * Israel alone * of the Jews * own island * : all Oak Island * and all those * buried a man made * stuff for * Jews of the * Israel flock * .
- Micmac people * be Templars * friends here * at ancient Canada * . Templar flag * hath cross * . Micmac flag does * hath cross * like cross * be Templars * .
- Lagina give ear * . You too * think not * the boys did * steal of the * island what * holy Rabbis * hide there on * all Oak Island * in past ages * an all long ago * . Again remember * treasured * elect items * and much more * owned by I AM * LORD ELohim * and Abram Jews * .
( 11 : 7 ) NOTES : Are treasure hunters stealing what is not theirs ? They are always stealing what is not their own but if it's pirate treasure : who cares . But what is buried on Oak Island is not pirate treasure . What is buried on Oak Island still does belong to LORD ELohim and the Hebrew Jews of today . In past ages it was common for people to bury their money and other stuff because there were not a lot of banks back then but there were a lot of enemies and thieves who would steal everything they had . Oak Island had one purpose : to keep safe what belonged to the Jews until now . Suff was buried on Oak Island over the past 3000 years and even after the Knights Templar were no longer . Jewish Rabbis were still putting stuff there long after the Knights Templars were most all murdered . Bottom line is : everything buried on Oak Island still belongs to the Hebrew Jews of today as a gift from LORD ELohim to His chosen people . LORD ELohim was hopeful that the Little Book would have been written before there was any interest in Oak Island but that did not happen . LORD ELohim is hopeful that the Lagina's and others like the Canadian government understands that Oak Island is what it is written about in LORD ELohim's Little Book . LORD ELohim is hopeful that the Lagina's and their team will finish their work on Oak Island but He is hopeful you will use His map the Sefirot and the clues given in the Little Book . Time is running out .
8 - All Oak Island * treasured * elect items * for a Temple * an much more * for Jews an * to know He * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * love Jews * an I AM thanks * Jews of the * Israel flock * on earth ark * .
- Holy Rabbis * from island * perfect gold * , much ruby * an much more * pay bills an * costs to * ship EL Roi * God of Israel * elect items * to Highest * YAHWEH home * on earth ark * . YAHWEH home * on earth ark * be Jerusalem * . Holy Rabbis * ship EL Roi * elect items * an much more * to safety * .
( 11 : 8 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim is hopeful the Jews will use the value of what's buried at Oak Island to help Jews in need of help like elderly Holocaust survivors living in Europe and Russia still and those who have moved home to Israel with very little to start a new life there . LORD ELohim wants the Laginas to have a small financial gift or some ancient coins to remember Oak Island for helping find what was buried there by the Jews and the Templars but the LORD is not going to pay for all the hundreds of holes that is now in that island . LORD ELohim knows that the TV show paid for most of that . The financial gift is a thank you gift if the Laginas and their team find what is there belonging to the Jews in the island . LORD ELohim wants to remind the Laginas that the hole Daniel McGinnis and his friends dug is a decoy pit and nothing more . What was in the three chests was just decoy junk : a few coins and a gold cross made of common gold . There are several decoy pits on the island .
9 - Lagina give ear * and believe again * ; go again digging * . Remember again * EL Roi speak * use His map * . Island # six * image on rock * of engraver * . Engraver of * Israel flock * . Sefirot and * lines create * a map He designed * . Lines create * Sefirah path * to all man made * elect items * . Israel flock * of the Jews * heirs of land * . All Oak Island * called Beauty * of the Jews * .
( 11 : 9 ) NOTES : It's interesting that the Sefirot has been called a ' map ' for a long time . In Jewish mysticism it uses three basic ' maps ' . The Tree of Life , the Four Worlds , and the Five Levels of Soul . The Tree of Life map is the Sefirot . Who would have thought recently that the Sefirot was really a ' map ' of an island far away from Israel . The Sefirot has changed a little over these thousands of years but the Little Book is part of that map and clarifies more about Oak Island and where and what to look for . The Sefirot and the Little Book is all you need .
( 11 : 10 ) NOTES : The fact that Oak Island was built about 3000 years ago ( around 1100 B.C.E. ) proves that Columbus was not the first to find North America . The Vikings beat Columbus and even the Romans beat Columbus and tried to live here in America once and LORD ELohim managed to get rid of them . And don't forget the First Nations people ( Indians ) who lived here long before everybody else . Hopeful our math is right . The Jews were at North America long before Columbus who is said to have made his way to North America in 1492 A.D. about 530 years ago . This is something we don't get . According to the Encyclopedia Columbus never went to the North American mainland . Columbus only went as far west to the Watlings Island in the Bahamas where he landed in October 12 1492 and then headed back home to Spain . Did Columbus really find the continent of North America in 1492 ?
- In past ages * an all long ago * many a Jews * help YAHWEH * create island * and offshore * of ancient Canada * . LORD ELohim * God of Israel * made massive * a man made island * . Remember again * many a Jews * help YAHWEH * create island * . All Oak Island * hath traps * . Traps seal * all Oak Island * treasured * gold an emerald * third altar * an much more * . Treasured * third altar * many a Jews * buried altar * .
10 - Sea waters * sealed shore * . All Oak Island * shore sealed * . Coconut as * good filter * help filter * sea waters * . Coconut as * good filter * sealed shore * . Traps seal * all Oak Island * .
- LORD ELohim * own island * an much more * . God of Israel * LORD ELohim * own island * Hebrew sacred * third altar * an much more * of the Jews * down beneath * all Oak Island * . Again remember * all Oak Island * Hebrew land and * of the Jews * .
- Lagina give ear * . Be of caution * . All Oak Island * hath traps * . Traps seal * Hebrew sacred * elect items * an much more * of the Jews * . Remember again * an use map of * LORD ELohim * . Abba Sefirah ten * numbers and * the Little * Book language * hidden teaching * are truth * . Again remember * # six opened * all Oak Island * .
- # six opened * the Levi map * . The Levi map * Abba ten Sefirah * . Sefirots * lines create * hidden teaching * strange code * . God of Israel * amazing mind * a code author * . God of Israel * wrote map * . With map as a * special guide * in God's Book * gives way * and solves * third altar * lost pit * an much more * . Third altar * called Beauty * now buried * in hiding place * called Beauty * down beneath * island form * . The Levi map * Tiferet is * called Beauty * . Island # six * is Tiferet * . Lagina give ear * : use I AM HE map * clue called the * Sefirot and * the Little * Book code key * . Again remember * God of Israel * I AM design map * . Map He designed a * Sefirot and * ELohim's map * clues hint * where altar * now buried * . His map above * all Oak Island * stones and * hewed rocks * .
11 - Holy Rabbis * lay stone * like cross * . Cross like * Sefirot and * Abba ten Sefirah * . Abba ten Sefirah * are a symbol * marking My * treasured * elect items * for a Temple * an much more * .
- All Oak Island * treasured * elect items * holy man made * for a temple * in hiding place * down beneath * all Oak Island * .
- Lagina give ear * . Solve My * riddle about * all Oak Island * . LORD ELohim * made solvable * the Levi map * . LORD ELohim * made solvable * all Oak Island * . Today behold * is Sabbath Day * . God of Israel * Sabbath Day is * a finding time * about riddle * about altar * an much more * .
- Down beneath * all Oak Island * buried altar * , perfect gold * , gold crown *, man made coins * , gold an emerald * , nobles gems * , much ruby * , sacred goblet * , sacred lamps * , golden coinage * an much more * .
- Good proof * were found * to prove * all Oak Island * a man made island * to hide away * treasured * objects like * third altar * . People behind * cool items * found before * Blanken- ship * an the Laginas * : alike gold chain * , ancient pit * had parchment * , parchment had * Romans vi * , man made cement * , coconut as * good filter * . So far what * Blankenship * an the Laginas * has found in * all Oak Island * : # eight coin of * from Spain * , human body be a * holy Rabbis * , a rough coin * , found metal * , pagan money * , an in a swamp * buried ship * wood plank * , and thread nail * , Iron nails * inside dirt * even broken * clay pots * , digging search * take up a bone * , mans bone is * middle easts * holy Rabbis * , an a European * is mans bone * be Templar and * , offshores * sea triangle * , rose head nail * an much more * are deep below * all Oak Island * were found * .
12 - Lagina give ear * . Good proof * were found * to prove * all Oak Island * a man made island * . Objects like * bones in the * ancient pit * amazed you * . How deep to * amazed you * . All Oak Island * amazed you * . LORD ELohim * amazing us * helped you * maintaining * a interest * about what * all Oak Island * hidden is for * . Find one hidden * objects like * sacred lamps * for a Temple * it would be * good proof * in past ages * before Kings * Jews of the * Israel flock * create island * . It would be * good proof * God of Israel * Jehovah behind * all Oak Island * . It would be * good proof * the Little * Book tells * riddle about * all Oak Island * . God of Israel * EL Roi speak * believe again and * keepeth dream * an the Laginas * maintain fear * down beneath * all Oak Island * . Flood gates be * brass gates * and stones * . Lifting slab * moved gates * . Replace slab back * ( may not be possible to do that ) .
- Man made clues * like cross * . Cross seal * third altar * called Beauty * . Third altar * now buried * down beneath * island form * . Holy Rabbis * made duck shape * island form * . Blue clay deep * down beneath * all Oak Island * .
- Blankenship * labor Ten X * . Sea waters * filled Ten X * .
13 - Oak Island Abba's * God of Israel * and not Canadas * . Again remember * Canadian leaders * in past ages * holy Rabbis * create island *, all Oak Island * , offshores * of ancient Canada * . Behold today * Jews of the * Israel flock * yet Hebrew * heirs of land * offshores * mainland Canada and * called Beauty * . All Oak Island * called Beauty * in past age and * even today * . Canadian leaders * obey YHWH * God of Israel * . The Jews of * Israel alone * yet Hebrew * owns any * perfect gold * an much more * down beneath * all Oak Island * . Remember again * Canadian leaders * Jews of the * Israel flock * altar heirs * an much more * down beneath * all Oak Island * . LORD ELohim * Abba's Oak Island * as Holy Land * .
- Why Canada land * offshores * at ancient Canada * ? LORD ELohim * God's plan made * Ephraim figs * heirs of land * before Kings * of the Jews * . My Britain * a motherland * .
( 11 : 11 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim's plan was to give the tribe of Israel called Ephraim the land that is now called Canada . God's hope was that this tribe would remain Jewish . God's hope was that all twelve tribes of Israel would remain Jewish but that did not happen . Remember the ancient Jews and even today were Hebrew and Hebrews were people of the white skin race . All twelve tribes were Hebrews . In Genesis 48 : 15 - 20 LORD ELohim made a promise that Ephraim descendants would become plentiful enough for nations . The LORD promised Manasseh that his descendants would become a people , and he too will become great . The tribe of Judah the LORD promised his descendants would become Kings of Israel . Some people believe the LORD said to Judah at that time that the Messiah would come from his descendants but LORD ELohim says this hope for a Messiah did not start until much later . LORD ELohim says He never promised the Jews a Messiah : that was a human hope . Remember that all Hebrews are the white skinned race . It's very possible that Ephraim's descendants became the British people and Manasseh's offspring became the United States of America . When the LORD made that promise He was referring this to the Jews at that time and their descendants . God's hope was that all twelve tribes would remain as Jews but that did not happen . Most all of the tribes left the religion of Judaism over the years and had the LORD ELohim not made that promise those tribes would have been given nothing but He did make that promise and had to keep it . With no promise to Ephraim and Manasseh who's offspring became mostly pagans the LORD would have given Judah a lot more then only Israel . The LORD was hopeful that by salting the nations of the world with Jews and giving the Jews many great nations He could help this crazy and very pagan world but many of the so called lost tribes of Israel they are among these crazy and very pagan people and nations today to . Again Hebrews are white skinned people . Look around the world and see where the so called lost tribes of Israel live today and are mostly no longer Jews and are mostly pagan Christians today . The reason LORD ELohim chose to build Oak Island offshore Canada is because Canada was to be Hebrew Jews land of the tribe of Ephraim who's offspring would surely want to help the Jews of Israel to get all buried there back to Israel . At the time Oak Island was created Ephraim's tribe was still all Jewish . Ephraim's offspring did become Britain and her colonies as LORD ELohim promised but they were not Jewish anymore . LORD ELohim's plan failed for a one world religion of Judaism and being the one and only God for all humanity and to bring peace and greater joy to all people . This is some good evidence that LORD ELohim does not know what the future will be as Christians believe He knows it all . LORD ELohim is very good at guessing .
14 - Laginas dream be * YAHWEH dream * . YAHWEH dream * plan to find * Jews of the * Israel flock * third altar * an much more * down beneath * all Oak Island * . All Oak Island * a man made island * so rock map * help find place * third altar * and much more * down beneath * . God of Israel * author a code * and Sefirot * . Lagina give ear * . Maintain fear * . Down beneath * all Oak Island * hath traps * .
- God of Israel * I AM HE saying * please look * down beneath * island # six * Sefirah pit * . Tiferet is * island # six * . Lagina give ear * to My plead * .
- In past ages * Temples of * Israel flock * all ruined an * Israel alone * again weeping * . LORD ELohim * as the Father * also wept * an for Jews * .
- LORD ELohim * is hopeful * third altar * an much more * soon at hand * in glad Israel * an the Laginas * dream above all * to unlock * all Oak Island * hidden evidence * hath finished * .
15 - Lagina give ear * . Most hidden * treasured * elect items * an much more * findeth above * sea water and * not under * sea waters * . Again remember * most hidden * elect items * not under * sea waters * . Island # six * third altar * an much more * not under * sea waters * an some hidden * are deep below * sea waters * . Tiferet is * island # six * .
- Cross seal * third altar * called Beauty * . One boulder * sand-stone * seal Beauty * down beneath * island # six * . Island # six * Sefirah pit * is Tiferet * . Altar where * the pit name * Tiferet is * . Remove the * one boulder * called Beauty * . Dig below log * ceiling form * . Remember again * third altar * not under * sea waters * .
( 11 : 12 ) NOTES : The Sefirot has changed a lot over these thousands of years . The Sefirot we use the number 6 Sefirah would need to be moved up further . The stone to look for is the stone where Nolan's cross lines cross over each other . It's the center stone that is sandstone and has a carved face on it . That stone is Tiferet .
( 11 : 13 ) NOTES : Why now is LORD ELohim teaching us about Oak Island ? Many of the LORD's Jews are back home again in Israel . Israel again is a nation . Jerusalem is again part of that nation of Israel again . That's why now . There is a great more than just the altar . There is perfect gold , a lot of different gems , coins , sacred items and much more that is a gift from LORD ELohim for His Hebrew Jews living now . What is at Oak Island in it's value could help many Jews who are facing hard times in Israel and anti-semitism and hard times in other nations . Most of the tribes of Israel are no longer Jews . They get nothing . The gifts are for the Jews who are still Hebrew Jews today . Those who are Hebrew Jews today are very precious to LORD ELohim because they never left Him and the faith of Judaism . To be a Jew has never been easy because pagans have always treated Jews badly and that LORD ELohim does not understand why . The gifts at Oak Island are for Hebrew Jews and no one else . Again the nations of Hebrew tribes who turned away from LORD ELohim as being their one and only one God and who's people are mostly not of the religion of Judaism get nothing that is at Oak Island . Simply put : What's at Oak Island are all a gift for practicing Hebrew Jews on the Last Day . This is the Last Day and is the Sabbath Day . LORD ELohim hopes the 24 Rabbis chosen for this will make sure all items of this gift goes to help Jews who need help especially Holocaust survivors who want to go home to Israel from pagan nations . They will need help for their move .
- Elect items * for a Temple * an much more * Jehovah gift * to Jews and * My thanks * on Last Day * . LORD ELohim * love Jews * an I AM thanks * Jews of the * Israel flock * in past age and * behold today * on Last Day * .
( 11 : 14 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim wants to remind the Laginas and others working on Oak Island to be very careful because with all the holes that have been made on the island by you the LORD is not sure how those may effect the booby traps . LORD ELohim says you may want to use His map and begin at # 6 Tiferet and go on from there . Also a reminder that the Money Pit is a decoy pit and there is not a lot down there .
( 11 : 15 ) NOTES : The words ' sea waters ' is used in the Bibles for ocean water also . The word ' ocean ' is not used often in the Little Book either . Most called sea waters means ocean water in the Little Book as in the Bibles .
16 - Churches lie * about what * LORD ELohim * Abba cannot change * . Coming age hell * on earth ark * . Abba cannot change * all in a ruin * on earth ark * . Global wars a * slaughter * for any life * on earth ark * . Mortal life * on earth ark * extinct if a * nuclear hell * . This code is * a last book if * war causes a * nuclear hell * . Nuclear hell * war causes a * darker sun * . Biggest war * bombs make Ice Age * . Nuclear hell * war brings * horrors and * hungers * and a great pain * as radiation * made poison * . Earth all cold * and a global war * spread famine * . On last day * plagues due * . Strange code * it knows * a time of war * and a coming Ice Age * . As future * ashes buried * a shaken earth * . Sign affirmed * coming age hell * on earth ark * . Remember again * man causes an * earth all cold * . Red red moon * affirmed sign * of a end times * . Nuclear hell * road to death * about earth * . Today behold * a quickening *road to death * . Soon a time * for all life an * a time of war * and after war * the earth bare * . Today behold * soon a time * food crops * plants black * . Famine kills * feeble humans * and animals made * . Strange code * sign affirmed * a total war * is Sabbath Day * on Last Day * . Today behold * end time fading * on earth ark * .
- Soon a time * ten definite * nations and * a president * as a dictator * .
- In God's Book * the little * teachings all * about what * a end of times * war brings * for any life * an much more * .
17 - A God of the Bible * as the Father * , Abba cannot change * no afterlife * for any life * on earth ark * .
- End of a times * Rome preached * many beliefs * . Rome preached * Babel religion * about earth * . Second Rome * make Great Eagle * ( or ) Great Eagle make * second Rome * .
- This code is * sent by God * . It knows * regarding man * . Strange code * tells me all * . Numbers and * mathematic I add * called Gematria * opens new * hidden teaching * . All Oak Island * good proof * decoded riddles * are truth * . Judaic Deity * YHWH did make * the Little * Book code key * . Read web site * . Web site is * a prophetic * new message * for any men * an ye woman * .
18 - Riddle about * LORD ELohim * as the Father * teach love as * food for life * and all a happy * loving life * for world * humanity * but again here * humanity * grow evil * an My Jews a * chosen flock * suffer here * about earth * . God of Israel * created laws * for world * humanity * but again here * humanity * grow evil *. Humanity * in great break * EL ten laws * and cause woe * for world * mortal life * .
- In past ages * radical climate * did kill flesh * about earth * . Humanity * note changes * are natural * on earth ark * . Humanity * again remember * note changes * on earth ark * future as * in past ages * an all long ago * . At hand climate * and seasons * are natural * on earth ark * .
19 - In past ages * an all long ago * often before * humanity * radical climate * ends animals * and turns * plants black * and most all * on earth ark * became void again * . Radical climate * in past ages * an all long ago * happens again * and happen again * on earth ark * .
- God of Israel * warning all * humanity * future as * in past ages * an all long ago * . In past ages * an all long ago * many noted * species did die * off again * because of heat * or else being * because of cold * . Climate at hand * causes woe * about earth * . Remember again * warming heal * land after Ice Age * . God of Israel * warning all * humanity * future as * in past ages * warmth is * yet coming * about earth * . Again remember * many noted * species did die * in past ages * an all long ago * . Radical climate * did kill flesh * about earth * . Species did die * because object * as asteroid * . The long Ice Age * ends animals * who are gone * . Many a animal be * extinct if a * species did die * . Radical climate * did kill flesh * about earth * in past age and * even today * .
- After ice age land * then warmed * and bring rain * . Rains helped * melting old * raised glacier * north here * on earth ark * . Behold today * Canada weather be * a rising heat * happens again * and happen again * in past ages * an all long ago * .
20 - As future * yet coming * a rising heat * about earth * raises any * sea waters * . The warmer * sea waters * flood where * New York * land is now * as an example * . Behold cities * below deluge * about earth * . Remember again * the long Ice Age * lower ocean * sea waters * . Ice Age sea level * lowers and * glacier raised * .
- LORD ELohim * warning all * humanity * hidden water * in earths ice * melt coming * as future * warming heal * land after Ice Age * . Behold recent * sea waters * rising to * about earth * . Future as * in ages past * . Sea waters * flood us and * our farms * . Soon a time * famines kill * mortal life * . Know at hand * raising heat * melting old * earths blue * hidden water * in earths ice * . In past ages * flood buried * much land to * . Even cities * about earth * flood buried * . Remember again * future as * in past ages * an all long ago * . Soon a time * sea waters * on more land * about earth * accordingly * with a melt * of lower ice * on earth ark * .
21 - Humanity * remember again * God of Israel * EL Roi create * no fable hell and * no afterlife * for any life * on earth ark * . Mortal life * then when dead * hidden Soul * as Spirit * depart time * . At death arise * hidden Soul * and our death * ends peaceful * .
The following is mostly about the book of John . CB means Christian Bible . JB means the Jewish Bible . There are usually two CB used : the KJV ( King James Version ) and the NIV ( New Inter - national Version ) . JB means the Jewish Bible . If whats written is a verse from a Bible we use the italic font . When writing verses we write it as it is written in the Bible being used . The real name of Jesus was Y'shua which is his Jewish name and not his Greek name Jesus . The real name of all Mary's was Miriam which is Jewish and not Greek which Mary is . In the Little Book LORD ELohim wants these people and other Jewish people real name used . If the names Jesus or Mary and others are in a Bible verse we will write the verse as it is written even though it is not correct . These ....... means not all verses are written or only a part of a verse is written . ( B ) means black letters which means Y'shua did not say the verses . ( R ) means red letter verses which means the Christians claim that Y'shua did say those verses .
- In the book of John we are going to try not to repeat what Matthew , Mark and Luke wrote about . We have already written several times that Y'shua could NOT raise the dead , feed multitudes with a couple of fish and bread , heal the sick , cast out demons , turn water into wine , walk on water and so on . Y'shua was never meant to be a King or the Messiah . Y'shua was the Lamb of God who died for your sins to be forgiven by LORD ELohim . Mortal life has no afterlife and no people will be resurrected from the dead and LORD ELohim is not going to create a Kingdom on earth in the future . There is no purgatory or hell or lake of fire . LORD ELohim is not going to make people suffer for all eternity no matter how wicked and cruel they were . No mortal has ever gone to Heaven including Y'shua and no mortal will ever go to Heaven . Y'shua was as mortal as you are and he has never been raised from being dead . Y'shua will never be the Messiah or a King because he is dead and will remain dead just as you will forever remain dead .
- John 1 : 1 - 5 ( B ) In the NIV : In the beginning was the Word , and the Word was with God , and the Word was God . He was with God in the beginning . Through him all things were made ; without him nothing was made that has been made .... Y'shua was not a God . Y'shua ( Jesus ) was a mortal Jewish man . Y'shua did not exist before he as a mortal was conceived of in Miriam's womb . A Christian book says " God created the universe " , meaning Y'shua created the universe by the words spoken of his mouth . There is no truth in this belief . First : it was LORD ELohim who created all that was created and not Y'shua . Second : Y'shua was not a God at any time or form . Third : LORD ELohim did not create things by simply saying words . You exist because LORD ELohim worked for over four billion years on this earth to see what He could create out of dirt . Moses tried to explain creation by writing LORD ELohim simply used words to create all He created . Moses made an error . For Christians to say Y'shua was the Word who created all that was created by simply speaking is just another error of the Christians on top of Moses error . Again Y'shua was not with LORD ELohim in the beginning . Y'shua in any form did not exist then anymore then you existed then . Again LORD ELohim wants you to know Y'shua in any form was not a God : never was and never will be . Also Y'shua is not the only son of LORD ELohim . All mortals are LORD ELohim's creation which makes us all sons and daughters of our one and only Father LORD ELohim .
- John 1 : 6 - 9 ( B ) In the NIV : There was a man sent from God whose name was John . He came as a witness to testify concerning that light , so that through him all might believe .... This is about John the Baptist who was sent by LORD ELohim to teach people about Y'shua being the Lamb of God . So far there is not a lot about what John said about Y'shua other then to say Y'shua was the Lamb of God . LORD ELohim had a lot of hope that people would understand what was going on about Y'shua by John's teachings but John was murdered shortly after Y'shua became a Rabbi . LORD ELohim lost a teacher but John did teach that Y'shua was the Lamb of God a few times before he died . Other then to teach that Y'shua was the Lamb of God and what that means there was not much of anything else to teach other then that about Y'shua . So far John the Baptist never taught that Y'shua was to be a King or the Messiah or is a God in any form or will be these at any time because that would not be true . Remember this : the John who wrote this book of John is not the same man as John the Baptist . The John who is said to have wrote the gospel of John was a disciple of Y'shua's . John the Baptist was a Rabbi who had his own things going on to .
- John 1 : 9 : 11 ( B ) In the NIV : .... He was in the world , and though the world was made through him , the world did not recognize him . He came to that which was his own , but his own did not receive him . The NIV has an error : and though the world was made through him . In the KJV it says : and the world was made by him . If these verses were true LORD ELohim would not be angry that the Jews and other people who did not recognize him or receive him as being a God or the King of Jews or the Messiah or anything else other than the Lamb of God . If Y'shua claimed to have been the God the Jews the Jews would want a great deal of evidence from him to prove that claim . The words ' his own ' would mean the Jews and the Jews strongly believe flesh cannot be Gods . LORD ELohim agrees with that belief . LORD ELohim would not ever come as a flesh man and then claim to be God and confuse all people especially His Jews . If Y'shua really made that claim and the Jews and others did not believe him the LORD ELohim would have been very pleased with His Jews and other people .
- John 1 : 12 - 13 ( B ) In the NIV : Yet to all who did receive him , to those who believed in his name , he gave the right to become children of God - children born not of natural descent , nor of human decision or a husband's will , but born of God . In the KJV : ... became the sons of God , .. It says ' believed in his name . What name would that have been ? Y'shua was his real Jewish name . The name Jesus which is a Greek name given to him by the Roman Catholic Church . Y'shua was never called Jesus when he was alive and LORD ELohim does not approve of the name Jesus being used for His Lamb of God . The name Jesus means absolutely nothing to LORD ELohim . If there were power in a name the name would be Y'shua and not Jesus . It says believing in Y'shua about whatever makes you children of God . You are all already children of God including all non-Christians . All humanity are LORD ELohim's children and even women and always have been no matter what you believe . The words ' but born of God ' the LORD ELohim does not know what that would even mean and neither do I ? The name Y'shua means ' Jehovah is Salvation ' . That does not mean that Y'shua is Jehovah or the one who will give you salvation . Salvation comes from LORD ELohim and not by any of mankind including Y'shua . It was common for the Jews to have names with some meaning about LORD ELohim like the name Y'shua .
- John 1 : 17 : ( B ) In the KJV : For the law was given by Moses , but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ . In the NIV : For the law was given through Moses ; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ . The KJV is wrong . Moses did not give mankind the Ten Commandments . As the NIV says LORD ELohim gave the Ten Commandments and other teachings to mankind ' through ' Moses .
- John 1 : 14 ( B ) In the NIV : The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us . We have seen his glory , the glory of the one and only Son , who came from the Father , full of grace and truth . Y'shua was never a God called the Word . Y'shua was a mortal man in every way . Y'shua was not the only Son of God . Again LORD ELohim who created us is our one and only Father . The only Spirit who LORD ELohim sent to Y'shua was a teaching Spirit to try to guide him . The teaching Spirit was not a God . There is only one God and that is our Father LORD ELohim . The word ' grace ' means freedom from sin through divine grace . The word ' glory ' means honor and praise rendered in worship . Y'shua was the Lamb of God : it was LORD ELohim who was full of grace who forgave the sins of most of mankind . Like any mortal Y'shua had no position given to him by LORD ELohim to forgive the sins of mankind . The Roman Catholic Church priests believe they have that power to forgive sins but LORD ELohim says no flesh of any kind has been given that position by Him to forgive sins : not even Y'shua . LORD ELohim was full of grace and not Y'shua . To worship Y'shua is wrong . Y'shua as the willing Lamb of God deserves our respect and memory of him but not to be worshiped and not to be called a God . Y'shua did not ' became flesh ' : he was conceived as mortal flesh and nothing about him was a God . Again Y'shua was not the only Son of God because it was LORD ELohim who created you and all other people so we are all sons and daughters of LORD ELohim and Y'shua at best he would be our brother .
( 11 : 16 ) NOTES : I have trouble writing about sacrifices because I just don't understand it . But the reason I can deal with this subject is because LORD ELohim does not get it either . Human types making sacrifices of animals and even human adults , children and even babies goes back long , long before Adam and Eve and it was a common practice all over the world . For LORD ELohim to become closer to mankind He felt He had to accept some of the silly things people do and sacrifices to false gods was one of them . Y'shua was LORD ELohim's hope to end the sacrifice of humans to their false gods and through Abraham to make sure animals do not suffer before they are sacrificed . The Jews never sacrificed human flesh , it was most of the rest of the world of man who did that . LORD ELohim's sacrifice of Y'shua for the sins of most all people God was hopeful that the sacrifice of humans would end and for the most part it did work around the world but that does not mean the LORD is for the sacrificing animals even to Him . The LORD does not get it .
- John 1 : 18 ( B ) In the NIV : No one has ever seen God , but the one and only Son , who is himself God and is in closest relationship with the Father , has made him known . In the KJV : No man hath seen God at any time ; the only begotten Son , which is in the bosom of the Father , he hath declared him . Billions of Spirits have seen LORD ELohim . As their Father LORD ELohim created every Spirit created . All Spirits know LORD ELohim very well . It is Y'shua and all other mortal people who have never seen LORD ELohim . Again LORD ELohim is the Father of all Spirits and all mortals . Y'shua was not the only Son of God in any way . Did Y'shua really make LORD ELohim known to people ? Not so far in the CB . The question is with all verses : did this even happen as is written . In Matthew , Mark and Luke there is a lot of hell spoken of and so on and in Revelation a lot of death and suffering caused by Y'shua and LORD ELohim . The teachings that say Y'shua said them makes LORD ELohim sound like a very cruel and wicked and even crazy God . That is not the LORD ELohim I know . The LORD ELohim I know is deeply loving and caring Father about all life He created . There is no hell or lake of fire or , or , or ..... . Y'shua gave very very little information about who LORD ELohim really is because he did not know LORD ELohim any better then most Jewish people did at that time or even today the whole world . LORD ELohim is hopeful that the Little Book will teach the truth about Him that the CB does not and the JB does not teach clearly .
- John 1 : 19 - 23 ( B ) In the NIV : .... sent priests and Levites to ask him who he was .... " I am not the Messiah . " They asked him , " Then who are you ? Are you Elijah ? " He said , " I am not . " Are you the Prophet ? " He answered , " No . " Finally they said , " Who are you ? Give us an answer to take back to those who sent us . What do you say about yourself ? " This is about John the Baptist being questioned by Levites and priests . I asked the LORD if Jews during the time of Y'shua really believed that strongly about reincarnation and the LORD said " No , very very few believed in this " . LORD ELohim says it's impossible for people or any mortal life to reincarnate from ourself into someone else's flesh body and yet be who we are and not that person you go into . Death and after death has always been a mystery to people in the past and even today . People have made up many beliefs about what happens when people die and most are NOT based on fact but on their hope of what happens . In the Little Book LORD ELohim makes it clear that there is nothing beyond our death . There is no resurrection , no reincarnation , no going to purgatory , Heaven or hell , no suffering , no joy . Many people believe in ghosts but LORD ELohim and Spirits have never seen even one of them . There is simply no afterlife . We simply no longer exist in any form and will never exist again . Remember before you were conceived of you did not exist in any form either .
- John 1 : 29 - 34 ( B ) In the NIV : The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said , " Look , the Lamb of God , who takes away the sin of the world " . .... Then John gave this testimony : I saw the Spirit come down from heaven as a dove and remain on him . And I myself did not know him , but the one who sent me to baptize with water told me , The man on whom you see the Spirit come down and remain is the one who will baptize with the Holy Spirit . I have seen and I testify that this is God's Chosen One . " In the KJV : .... And I saw , and bare record that this is the Son of God . If John the Baptist said all this there is some truth to it but not all is true . Y'shua was the Lamb of God and God's chosen one for that purpose and only for that purpose . But again mortal life cannot see Spirits so that did not happen . The teaching Spirit had been with Y'shua since he was six years old and John the Baptist had one also . If this Spirit remained and was visible to John then many people would have seen it but again people and even John the Baptist cannot see Spirit . LORD ELohim says there was no dove like Spirit that went to Y'shua . Y'shua did not baptize people with the Holy Spirit because there is no Holy Spirit : that one does not exist according to LORD ELohim . Again in verse 36 again it says John the Baptist says : " Look , the Lamb of God " .
( 11 : 18 ) NOTES : Every Spirit the LORD ELohim created has a body much like our own . In Genesis 1 : 26 And God said , " Let us make mankind in our image , after our likeness . LORD ELohim says there are no Spirits that are like a fog that can be every where on the earth at the same time . The LORD never created such a Spirit . For millions of people all around the world to have a Holy Spirit all at the same time then that Spirit would have to be like a fog everywhere . LORD ELohim says to create such a Spirit like that would be impossible to do . He would have to put billions of minds into the fog and how could He do that ? There are no fog type Spirits and that's the reason why LORD ELohim and all other Spirits cannot be everywhere on earth at the same time or be in millions of people at the same time . Y'shua could not baptize any people with the Holy Spirit who is also called the Holy Ghost because this Spirit does not exist . In some CB's the Holy Spirit is also called the Comforter who again does not exist . The only type of Spirit 100 % of people alive now have is a Soul Spirit and that's all . LORD ELohim says there are only three people alive now who have teaching Spirits . The rest of mankind only have a Soul and the Soul has nothing to do with you having an afterlife or so you can talk to God or anything else . The Soul just aids in the function of our body and we do need a Soul for that .
- John 1 : 40 - 42 ( B ) In the NIV : The first thing Andrew did was to find his brother Simon and tell him , " We have found the Messiah " ( that is , the Christ ) . And he brought him to Jesus . According to the CB this belief is mostly based on what John the Baptist said about Y'shua . So far in the gospels John the Baptist did not say that Y'shua was the Messiah . John did say that Y'shua was the Lamb of God and God's Chosen One or in the KJV the Son of God but nothing we can remember about him calling Y'shua the Messiah . The word Christ is Greek . In the KJV it says : We have found the Messiahs , which is , being interpreted , the Christ . The truth was they did not find the Messiah if this even happened . They found the Lamb of God who was God's Chosen One for that purpose and that alone just as John the Baptist has said so far in the NIV CB . The KJV says ' Son of God ' but that claim is wrong . Y'shua was one of billion of sons of God . According to a Christian book the name Messiah is only used twice in the New Testament and both in the book of John . I asked LORD ELohim if Y'shua was not sure or confused about who he was and the LORD said " No he wasn't confused " . Y'shua knew he was the Lamb of God for many years before he was sacrificed as the Lamb . LORD ELohim says Y'shua never thought he was the Messiah or the King of the Jews and neither did other people . Was John the author of this book of John confused ? The LORD says " No " . Remember the early Roman Catholic Church added and changed a lot in the disciples and other peoples writings , if they even had them , and put those changes in the CB .
- John 1 : 44 & 45 ( B ) In the NIV : Philip , like Andrew and Peter , was from the town of Bethsaida . Philip found Nathanael and told him , " We have found the one Moses wrote about in the Law , and about whom the prophets also wrote - Jesus of Nazareth , the son of Joseph . " LORD ELohim says the Christians have gone too far with these teachings . The Law is LORD ELohim's Ten Commandments and not Moses . LORD ELohim is the one and only God but the Christians believe Y'shua is also a God and that Y'shua was the God who created all that was created . And adding the above that Moses wrote about Y'shua in the Law can only mean one thing . Christians believe Y'shua is a God and the God who spoke to Moses . There are only one Commandments which fits this . First Commandment in the JB : I the LORD am your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt , the house of bondage . You shall have no other gods besides Me . In a Christian book it says Y'shua was the God who spoke to Moses and not LORD ELohim . This is such a great lie . It was LORD ELohim with the help of a teaching Spirit who communicated to Moses on the mountain . Y'shua did not even exist yet at that time . LORD ELohim is going to repeat this to Christians : You shall have no other gods besides Me . If Christians did not base their beliefs on the Jewish Bible and what Jews believe the LORD would have nothing to say to you just like all other pagan religions . But you Christians did use the Jewish Bible for your beliefs and have made many many errors and made up many many lies because you did use the faith of Judaism for your own beliefs . If you going to continue to use the JB and the Jews for your beliefs then believe what the Jews believe . Y'shua was not a God or the Messiah or not even a King of the Jews or the only Son of God . Moses never wrote about Y'shua in the Ten Commandments : he wrote about LORD ELohim . LORD ELohim does not believe Jews wrote the verse we are writing about . John was a Jew . A Jew would never call another mortal man a God . There is very little written about the Lamb of God but there is some written about a Messiah . The Lamb and the Messiah are two different people so don't use verses about the Messiah in the JB for the Lamb of God as you have done often . If you as a Christian believe the Father LORD ELohim is a God then obey this first Commandment because there is only one God . If you believe Y'shua was a God then stop using the Jewish Bible and Judaism for this deeply pagan belief and lie . Start your own religion then not a lot of people and LORD ELohim would care what you believe as pagans . LORD ELohim is sure these verses in the book of John never happened .
- John 1 : 49 ( B ) In the NIV : Then Nathanael declared , " Rabbi , you are the Son of God ; you are the king of Israel . " This is something that a Jew would not say . LORD ELohim never heard a Jew say these words " Son of God " before Christianity began using this . There was no reason for the Jews to think Y'shua would become a King of Israel . I asked LORD ELohim the God of Israel and all humanity if any Jew called Y'shua the ' Son of God ' or the ' king of Israel ' or ' the Messiah ' and the LORD says never when Y'shua was alive did any Jew call him these names . Y'shua never gave other Jews reason to think Y'shua was the Son of God or King or the Messiah . Again remember LORD ELohim stayed with Y'shua throughout his mortal life : from birth to death .
- John 1 : 51 ( B ) ( R ) In the NIV : He then added , : Very truly I tell you , you will see heaven open , and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man . " That did not happen . How can Heaven open and mortals cannot see the Angels of God or God Himself . You know that . LORD ELohim says Y'shua never said this . The name ' Son of Man ' the LORD does not know what that is suppose to mean . In a Christian book it uses ' God-man ' for Y'shua . But it also goes on to say ' Jesus perfectly accomplished the service of the anointed priest , prophet , and king . Near the end of the verses in this update you're in for a surprise . It also says the apostles declared that Y'shua was the expected Christ but also the Lord . How could Y'shua perfectly accomplish being any of these when he was never any of them ? Y'shua was a Rabbi and not a priest . Y'shua also was not much of a prophet and when was Y'shua ever the King or the Messiah ? Y'shua was the Lamb of God and a Rabbi and a married man to Miriam Magdalene and a dad of two sons . Stuff like this he was but never the King of the Jews or Messiah or a priest or the only Son of God and so on . If Y'shua was the King of the Jews the Jews would have known that and same if he were the Messiah . In the JB under Kings there is no mention of Y'shua . In another book it mentions the names of false Messiahs in the past and no mention of Y'shua there either . Y'shua did not even rate being called a false Messiah let alone the true Messiah . The Jews today are still waiting for the one true Messiah because this was not Y'shua .
- John 2 : 24 & 25 ( B ) In the NIV : But Jesus would not entrust himself to them , for he knew all people . He did not need any testimony about mankind , for he knew what was in each person . In the KJV : But Jesus did not commit himself unto them , because he knew all men . And needed not that any should testify of man : for he knew what was in man . This is something even LORD ELohim cannot do . LORD ELohim knows what people can be in general like being good or evil , kind or cruel , loving or hateful and so on in general but the LORD does not know most all of you reading His Little Book or most all any other people . Y'shua could not have known ' all people ' or ' what was in each person ' who they were or what their life story is . If this were true then why do Christians believe all people will go before their god or God to be judge by that god or God if that god or God knew all people's deeds and doings already ? Why would LORD ELohim raise from the dead the evil and wicked people just to hear their life stories if He already knew their life stories . Why would God need books for Angels to write about you in if LORD ELohim or Y'shua knew all men and women : past present and future . Same with good and loving people . Why would LORD ELohim need to hear their life stories if He knows all : or as Christians believe Y'shua knows all ? Again LORD ELohim is not going to raise any dead people because he does not know how to do that and even if He could He would not want to . Mortal flesh has suffered enough . Again we were all judged in general as a species and we failed .
- John 3 : 13 ( R ) In the NIV : No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven - the Son of Man . In the KJV : And no man hath ascended up to heaven , but he that came down from heaven , even the Son of man which is in heaven . It's true no mortal has ever gone to Heaven or ever will go to Heaven . That has never changed . What is not true is that Y'shua in any form came from Heaven . Y'shua's teaching Spirit came from Heaven many millions of years ago and the Soul within him but everything else was mortal and never came from Heaven . All people have Souls . Several people have had teaching Spirits . There was nothing special about the mortal body of Y'shua compared to all other people . Y'shua did not come from Heaven and when he died he did not go to Heaven . In the KJV it says ' even the Son of man which is in heaven ' . LORD ELohim says earth cannot be called Heaven . There is just one Heaven and the earth is billions of miles away from Heaven . So how can Y'shua be on earth and at the same time be ' in Heaven ' . The same thing with LORD ELohim . Often in the CB it says LORD ELohim is in Heaven like ' Our Father which is in heaven ' said to be spoken by Y'shua when in fact the LORD is here on earth and has been for billions of years . If Y'shua was really from Heaven he would have known the LORD ELohim has been on earth and not in Heaven for a very long time .
- John 3 : 15 ( R ) In the NIV : ...that everyone who believes may have eternal life in him . In the KJV : ... That whosoever believeth in him should not perish , but have eternal life . This is not true . No mortal life including Christians have eternal life . If people could have eternal life LORD ELohim would have done many things different a long time ago . Christians believe only them and a few Jews would have eternal life . Many believe because they believe stuff about Y'shua they will have the good eternal life on earth or in Heaven . LORD ELohim does not base anything on what people believe because where is all the proof to what they do believe ? Where is the proof Y'shua raised the dead , healed the sick , walked on water , was himself risen from the dead and so on . LORD ELohim has problems with people even believing in Him so it would not be based on what people believe or do not believe . It would be based more on what people have done or not done during their life . If there was eternal life the LORD ELohim would have to judge every person who ever lived which means all people would have to be resurrected from the dead if they are dead . LORD ELohim does not know how to do that and neither did Y'shua or his disciples . Again the LORD would not base who would have the good eternal life and who would go to hell based on what people believe . It would mostly be based on people doing good or evil , love or hate , peace maker or war maker , and so on . LORD ELohim says there is no afterlife for any mortals and there will be no resurrection of the dead so because of this the LORD only had to judge mankind as a species and not as individual people . And again there is no hell .
- John 3 : 16 - 18 ( B ) In the NIV : For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son , that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life . For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world , but to save the world through him . Whoever believes in him is not condemned , but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God's one and only Son . Y'shua was not LORD ELohim's only son . LORD ELohim created all that was created including all Spirits and all mortals . We mortals are all LORD ELohim's sons and daughters and all Spirits are His sons . There are no female Spirits . Again the LORD would not base who gets the good eternal life based on what people believe about Y'shua . That would not be fair to those who never met this mortal man Y'shua . These verses say you have to had ' believed in the name of God's one and only Son ' . What's His son's name ? If you have been believing and praying in the name of Jesus that would not get you very far with LORD ELohim . This man's name was Y'shua and not Jesus . This man Y'shua was a Jew and not a Greek man called Jesus . It's not like Christians have tried to hide this name change . In a Christian dictionary it says : Jesus is Greek for Joshua . Joshua can also be written Y'shua . A lot of people since the early Roman Catholic Church have been praying and worshiping using the wrong name . LORD ELohim has never accepted the name Jesus as meaning anything and never will for His Lamb's name was Y'shua . Again Y'shua was not LORD ELohim's only son . Probably the only reason they wrote Y'shua was the LORD's only son is because they wanted to make Y'shua into a false god and that worked out well for the Christian churches but it's a lie and a very big lie to . It's blasphemy . Y'shua was never a God in any form or the LORD ELohim's only son . Again no mortal life will have an eternal life or go to Heaven no matter what you believe about anything .
( 11 : 19 ) NOTES : Where does LORD ELohim fit in ? The Christian Bible is the most confusing book LORD ELohim , Spirits and me have ever read . 1 - Most Christians believe that Y'shua created all that was created as in John 1 : 1 - 17 . which would make Y'shua their Father since they believe Y'shua created all that was created including all mankind , hell and Heaven . Truth is LORD ELohim created everything created which would make Him the Father of all created including you and He never created a purgatory or hell or lake of fire . 2 - Most Christians believe Y'shua is their Savior . Savior means ' one who saves ' . Y'shua was the Lamb of God but LORD ELohim is the Savior because only LORD ELohim your Father can forgive your sins . 3 - Christians believe Y'shua is the Messiah even though he did nothing expected to be done by the Jewish Messiah . LORD ELohim says Y'shua was not the awaited Messiah and the Jews then and today clearly knew that . 4 - Christians believe Y'shua was the only Son of the living God because they believe Y'shua created all except himself . The belief is that LORD ELohim only created Y'shua which is why He only has one Son . LORD ELohim did create Y'shua but it was not until a fertilized egg was put in Miriam's ( Mary's ) womb around two thousand years ago . Before that Y'shua did not exist in any form and there was no God incarnated into Y'shua . Y'shua was as mortal as you are and therefore created nothing . 5 - Christians believe Y'shua was the King of the Jews . Not once in Y'shua life time did he ever sit on a Kings throne . LORD ELohim says Y'shua was never a King and will never be a King . 6 - Christians believe Y'shua is a God . LORD ELohim says Y'shua was a mortal human man who at most had a teaching Spirit . And like all people he had a Soul . LORD ELohim says regarding mankind and Spirit , He is the one and only God and Father who created all that was created . Y'shua was never a God in any form . 7 - Most Christians believe in the one God as being a Trinity of three Gods who are co-equal : the Father , Son and Holy Spirit . LORD ELohim never created any Gods . He created a lot of Spirits and millions of species of mortals but no Gods . We are all LORD ELohim's children : Spirits and mortals . We have only one God who is our one Father and He is LORD ELohim the one and only God of Israel and the one and only God of all creation . There is no Trinity of three Gods in one God . LORD ELohim alone is our God and Father . There are no other Gods . Again Y'shua was not a God in any way .
( 11 : 20 ) NOTES : There are thousands of different religions and sects who have a lot more gods than the Christians . Some religions in the past had hundreds of false gods and the LORD ELohim tolerated them and was hopeful they would learn and believe what Jews believed about Him . So why does LORD ELohim only seem to take issue with Christians . Buddha never said " the God of Israel LORD ELohim is three different Gods in one God " . That's why . In the past LORD ELohim has asked me to write that Christians erred when they used other peoples religion ( the Jews ) to back up their beliefs which are completely different from what Judaism teaches . LORD ELohim did not start this war of words : the Roman Christians and the Roman Catholic Church did . Not Y'shua , not the Jews , not the disciples : the Roman Catholic Church did . Had the Roman Catholic Church made up a hundred false gods that had nothing to do with Judaism or Him the LORD for the most part would not have cared . He would be hopeful that sometime in the future they would get it right and He would have quietly tolerated that religion like He has with many others . The LORD did give free will to people for a reason . He expected problems and people creating false gods and errors and lies and stuff like that . LORD ELohim worked hard to teach the Jews what they believe and the Jews taught a lot of people about LORD ELohim and His Laws and other stuff like it's wrong to sacrifice children and baby humans . LORD ELohim and the Jews were working well together to help people live better lives : then came Christianity that set the LORD's work back a thousand years . Again if Christians used nothing related to Jews and Judaism the LORD ELohim would not have cared . He was use to the Romans pagan religion with many false gods and all other religions on earth . The way Christians have used the Jews and Judaism and the many lies about them and Judaism in the Christian Bible and in their preaching is unforgivable .
The Christians have embedded into their religion the breaking of four of LORD ELohim's Ten Commandments . These verses are from the Jewish Bible . The first Commandment ... You shall have no other gods besides Me . Christians rarely refer to LORD ELohim . The service is mostly Jesus this , Jesus that and so on . Christians Jesus is a false god created not by the LORD but by them . The second Commandment You shall not make for yourself a sculptured image .... You shall not bow down to them or serve them . The Christians have sculptures and crosses almost everywhere . It would not be such a great sin if they did not call the sculptured man on the cross their God and bow before it . The fourth Commandment says Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy . Six days you shall labor and do all your work , but the seventh day is a Sabbath of the LORD your God you shall not do any work .... The Christians changing their Sabbath to the first day of the week broke the fourth Law . How can a Christian say they believe Y'shua to be a god and believe it was Y'shua who spoke to Moses on the mountain and yet believe you have no reason to obey him . It was LORD ELohim who spoke to Moses and not Y'shua . Nothing about Y'shua was even alive at the time of Moses . LORD ELohim gave His Ten Commandments to all mankind about earth through the Jews teachings and by their example . Christians believe that it's OK to break the Ten Laws of LORD ELohim is another reason this war of words is now happening . If you say one of your gods is LORD ELohim but do not feel you need to live your life based on LORD ELohim's words then your are also breaking the third Law of the Ten Commandments . You shall not swear falsely by the name of the LORD your God ; for the LORD will not clear one who swears falsely by His name . Christians say they believe in LORD ELohim as one of their many gods but they also do not believe they need to keep His Laws and other teachings . If you believe as a Christian you do not need to have anything much to do with LORD ELohim and His Laws and teachings then using His name falsely is breaking the third Commandment by misuse of His name in your religion . Either you believe as the Jews believe that LORD ELohim is your one and only one God or you are using His name falsely in your pagan religion and breaking the third Law . That's four Laws you Christians are breaking constantly out of the ten Laws . Thats not good . Many Christians believe they do not have to even try to keep LORD ELohim's Ten Commandments . That is a lie . Even Y'shua in your CB said to keep the Laws of LORD ELohim . It's not just LORD ELohim you are disobeying : you are also disobeying Y'shua . Christians claim to believe in the God of the Jews called the Father but seldom mention Him and rarely obey Him .
I asked LORD ELohim if He were to judge every person who ever lived what would He base His judgment on : faith or works . LORD ELohim said He would base His judgment on peoples works and not on their faith . Most Christians believe they have acquired eternal life based only on their faith alone . LORD ELohim says He would never use religion , any religion as the foundation for His judgment of any people , so Christians , many of you would have a problem if judged . Again the LORD does not care how many gods any pagan religion has these days but if your religious beliefs backs up your ' works ' to be wicked and evil like murder or hatred and so on : it is your religious ' works ' that would be judges and not your religion though LORD ELohim would have no love for your religion if it permits and approves of hatred and murder and other evil and wicked ' works ' . In other words : Christians and other people of other religions your faith will get you no where with LORD ELohim . What you chose to do or not to do during your life time would be what the LORD judges you on and not your faith . Just a reminder the LORD is not going to judge all people individually . We have been judged as a species and have failed as a species because of peoples ' works ' and not their religious beliefs .
- John 3 : 34 - 36 ( B ) In the NIV : For the one whom God has sent speaks the word of God , for God gives the Spirit without limit . The Father loves the Son and has placed everything in his hands . Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life , but whoever rejects the Son will not see life , for God's wrath remains on them . If Y'shua created all that was created then why would his Father LORD ELohim have to say it's all yours ? It was LORD ELohim who created all and He has no thoughts about giving all of it to someone else . Again LORD ELohim would never judge any people based on what they believe about Spirits or Himself . Not a lot of proof out there that they even exist . Y'shua is not the LORD's only Son . There is no eternal life for anyone . And LORD ELohim has no wrath against all mankind . Genesis 6 : 6 - 7 And the LORD regretted that He had made man on earth , and His heart was saddened . The LORD said , " I will blot out from the earth the men whom I created .... . " Sometimes it's good to be a woman . LORD ELohim has no wrath against mankind but over the years He had a whole lot of regrets that He created us . The book of Revelation is full of God's wrath against mankind . Do you really think LORD ELohim would even bother to do all that wrath stuff when He could go home to Heaven with His Spirit family and play , sing , dance and on and on . The LORD ELohim has lots of regrets about making mankind but He still loves most of us as a good Father would love His children because we are His children and not Y'shua's children . No mortal has ever asked the LORD to be conceived of and born into this crazy and wicked world and the LORD ELohim knows that .
- John 4 : 4 - 6 ( B ) In the NIV : Now he had to go through Samaria . So he came to a town in Samaria called Sychar, near the plot of ground Jacob had given to his son Joseph . Jacobs well was there , .... The LORD ELohim says this is another error in the CB about the tribes of Israel . Joseph was never given any land . Joseph's two sons named Ephraim and Manasseh were both given tribal land but not their father Joseph . The Jewish people since the time of Abraham have remembered will the history of their people . There is a lot in the CB that was obviously not written by a Jew .
- John 4 : 25 - 26 ( B ) ( R ) In the NIV : The woman said , " I know that Messiah " ( called Christ ) " is coming . When he comes , he will explain everything to us . " Then Jesus declared , " I , the one speaking to you - I am he . In the KJV : The woman saith unto him , I know that Messiahs cometh , which is called Christ : .... LORD ELohim says this never happened the way it is written . Y'shua never claimed to be the Messiah to anyone . In the KJV this women says ' which is called Christ ' . This women cannot even speak the name ' Messiah ' right let alone to have known that in the future the Greeks would translate the name Messiah to ' Christ ' .
( 11 : 21 ) NOTES : Again LORD ELohim cannot raise people from the dead . This is a ' if you could ' question to LORD ELohim . I asked Him if He could raise people from the dead and that person He was hopeful to be a good Messiah : who would He resurrect ? His answer was not Y'shua . The LORD's answer was David who was once King of the Jews . LORD ELohim says Y'shua was a perfect Lamb of God but he was the wrong kind of man to be a King or the Messiah . The LORD says if you knew the true Y'shua then you would understand that .
- John 4 : 46 - 50 ( B ) ( R ) In the NIV : .... When this man heard that Jesus had arrived in Galilee from Judea , he went to him and begged him to come and heal his son , who was close to death . " Unless you people see signs and wonders ." Jesus told him , " you will never believe ." LORD ELohim says if Y'shua said that then Y'shua would be in the wrong . If someone is claiming a dozen different hard to believe things about himself he better have more than just words to prove those claims . It goes on to say that Y'shua healed this child without even going to him . If that were true LORD ELohim would love to know how he did it ? There are millions of children in hospitals right now around the world who LORD ELohim would love to heal . LORD ELohim says this never happened . LORD ELohim was with Y'shua most all the time and always with him when he went town to town and LORD ELohim says Y'shua never healed anyone . People would have been right to ask for signs and wonders but that never happened either . Today there are many Christian preachers who do fake healings . If they wanted LORD ELohim and me to believe they could do that I would pick many people in hospital on their death bed for the preacher to go there and then see if that preacher could heal them or not . Some things you have to prove especially if you claim to be a God . Again Y'shua would have been in the wrong if this really did happen but it did not happen . Y'shua never claimed to be a God or a healer of peoples sickness .
- John 5 : 19 ( B ) ( R ) In the NIV : Jesus gave them this answer : " Very truly I tell you , the Son can do nothing by himself ; he can do only what he sees his Father doing , because whatever the Father does the Son also does . I asked LORD ELohim if He ever miraculously healed someone ? The LORD said " He has never done that ." So healing the sick Y'shua never learnt from LORD ELohim and if LORD ELohim could not do that then neither could Y'shua who was just a mortal man . The LORD ELohim could never raised the dead , turned water into wine , feed many thousands of people with just a couple of bread and fish , heal the sick and so on . Walk on water : LORD ELohim can do that but Y'shua could not do that . Fly without wings : LORD ELohim can do that to but Y'shua could not . The LORD is Spirit and Y'shua was mortal .
- John 5 : 21 ( R ) In the NIV : For just as the Father raises the dead and gives them life , even so the Son gives life to whom he is pleased to give it . Has LORD ELohim ever raised a truly dead person : a person who body is just dust and dry bones ? The LORD said " He has never done that . " Someone who is only an hour dead ? " He has not done that either " . In these verses Y'shua sounds like someone who would only raise from the dead people he liked for his ' mens only club ' called the Kingdom of God . But don't worry ladies , the boys being mortal again would want cooks , cleaners , bed makers and sex and so on . LORD ELohim says that would be wrong for Y'shua to chose only those he liked during his mortal life time . Y'shua never and will never raise any people from the dead because he is also dead and their will never be a mens club called the ' Kingdom of God ' on earth or in Heaven for any mortals .
- John 5 : 22 & 23 ( R ) In the NIV : Moreover , the Father judges no one , but has entrusted all judgment to the Son , that all may honor the Son just as they honor the Father . Whoever does not honor the Son does not honor the Father ,who sent him . We a back to where is the proof . If Y'shua said to the Jews they have to honor him the same way they honor their God LORD ELohim that would be blasphemy . Now that would give reason for the Jews to be more then just angry with Y'shua . LORD ELohim says if people were judged as individuals He would judge us and no one else . If Y'shua in some way was really a God-Son he would have known that LORD ELohim would judge mankind as a species and not as individuals . LORD ELohim since our creation has always known He would judge mankind as a species and even that judgment He would not give to some other Spirit to do and certainly would not give the job to a mortal . We have been judged by our true Father . There were probably some people who did not give ' honor ' to Y'shua but that did not mean they did not ' honor ' LORD ELohim . It's like whoever wrote these verses they were trying to put Jews into a difficult situation . LORD ELohim is happy that most all Jews were wise enough to know that there is no truth to these verses . Y'shua was a mortal man so the Jews would not have worshiped him and LORD ELohim says the Jews were right not to worship Y'shua . The LORD ELohim says Christians are in the wrong to worship this mortal man named Y'shua . To remember him by his true Jewish name Y'shua as the Lamb of God , respect him , love him , honor him but no worship of him . Y'shua was not a God or the only Son of God or a King or a Messiah . Y'shua was the Lamb of God who willingly died for the sins of mankind so most all people could be forgiven by LORD ELohim . LORD ELohim has gone to a few Christian churches who have read His Little Book and most Christians do not want to give up their faith especially the preachers who's pay checks come from preaching Christianity but it would be nice if a least you Christians use his true Jewish name ' Y'shua ' and remembered him as the Lamb of God who willingly died for the sins of the world and not just Christians many sins like for breaking the LORD Laws many time over . No man who's name was Jesus ever died for your sins . You cannot remember and love Y'shua if you do not call him by his true name Y'shua or is this other man you call Jesus just another false god of yours who had nothing to do with your salvation ? The CB says Y'shua said often " in his name " which is Y'shua .
- John 5 : 24 ( R ) In the NIV : Very truly I tell you , whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life . Nothing in these verses is very truly true . Christianity has not changed people . The jails have a lot of them . If eternal life was possible the LORD ELohim would judge people as individuals including all Christians . To be forgiven of your sins even if you are a Christian does not mean you can murder or steal or break any of the other Ten Commandments whenever you please . The LORD has put up with a lot of evil that people do and if He could give people eternal life it would be based on what you did or did not do as a mortal . Christians would not be given a free ride into eternal life just because they are Christians and they worship Y'shua . Remember LORD ELohim calls Christianity a pagan religion because you do worship a mortal man called Y'shua but by the name of Jesus and for other reasons .
- John 5 : 25 ( R ) In the NIV - Very truly I tell you , a time is coming and has now come when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God and those who hear will live . LORD ELohim says there is no truth to these verse either . What will raise from the dead ? Mortal have no Spirit to call their own so it would have to be flesh and bone mortals risen from the grave . Think about this : would the LORD ELohim makes billions of living and awake Spirits go to the grave and some for thousands of years ? How cruel do you think LORD ELohim is to His Spirit children ? And if you did have a Spirit the LORD would never say to the Spirit you have got to stay in the grave for thousands of years until your called to come out of the grave on the Last Day . This would not even be one minute the Spirit is in the grave . LORD ELohim would never do that to His Spirit children . Think about that . Again what will raise from the dead mortal corpse in the grave ? How would all that dust and dried bones suddenly go back to be that person again just because a voice said to do that . What is in the dust that will hear that voice ? What in that pile of dust knows which dust was of the nose or big toe or the liver or most important the brain ? And who is going to go around digging up those bodies ? How is a mortal person six feet deep suppose to get out of their coffins and dig their way out of the ground ? This is beginning to sound like a horror movie or the walking dead show . No corpse is going to hear a voice . The dead know nothing and hear nothing . Most of the corpses in graves don't have ears anymore or even a brain . How is the mortal body suppose to hear his voice ? Again were back to ' what will be raised from the dead mortal corpse ' ? LORD ELohim says it is definitely not Spirit so again that just leaves mortal flesh and bone . What if you were in an accident and lost one of your legs and it was thrown into the furnace : Would you ever get that leg back ? What if you were paralyzed would you be able to walk ? LORD ELohim said in another update that if you died at 90 years old from old age your risen mortal body would still be 90 years old and again on it's death bed the minute it is risen . What is in the grave would be resurrected as it was when he or she died . What about cremated bodies . My parents ashes are in a cement 6 x 6 inch box in a wall with dozens of others cremated . It would be really crowded in there if their bodies suddenly became whole again . What about .... what about .... on and on . Again LORD ELohim says " Think Not Beyond Logic " . He says He cannot put your dust or ashes back together . There will be no resurrection of any people because LORD ELohim cannot do that and Y'shua is dead and he never did know how to do that so he won't be doing that either .
- John 5 : 27 ( R ) In the NIV : And he has given him authority to judge because he is the Son of Man . Again there will not be individual judgments and only LORD ELohim can judge mankind and not Y'shua . Remember the Christians say Y'shua said " even so the Son gives life to whom he is pleased to give it . " That's why the LORD would never give mortal flesh , not even Y'shua , the authority to judge mankind .
( 11 : 22 ) NOTES : Reading LORD ELohim over and over in the Little Book is a bit much . The only reason we do that is because if we only wrote the ' LORD ' Christians would say that means Y'shua . For now on when we write only ' LORD ' that always means LORD ELohim and never Y'shua . The only way we would ever call Y'shua a god is that he was never a God and the Christians made him to be their ' false god ' . Again ' LORD ' only means LORD ELohim the one and only true God and Father .
( 11 : 23 ) NOTES : If Y'shua was the ' only Son of God ' as Christians believe then no where in the Christian Bible should there be written someone else is also the son of God . In Luke 3 : 37 it says ... the son of Kenan , the son of Enoch , the son of Seth , the son of Adam , the son of God . This verse says Adam is the son of God also . Does that make Adam a God to ? Like Y'shua the man Adam was a mortal man to and not a God either .
- John 5 : 28 & 29 ( R ) In the NIV : Do not be amazed at this , for a time is coming when all who are in their graves will hear his voice and come out - those who have done what is good will rise to live , and those who have done what is evil will rise to be condemned . In these verses Y'shua does not say that only those who believe whatever about him will live . Finally something that makes more sense that people would be judged on their good or evil deeds durning their life . What does not make sense is that the evil ones would be raised back to life to be condemned . Most Christians believe in a place called hell where the condemned will go . The reason this makes no sense is because LORD ELohim is a loving and kind God and would never make any flesh suffer forever in such a place like hell or lake of fire . If it were true about raising the dead the LORD would simply never raise those people who are condemned . What is risen from the graves could only be mortal again and if there were a hell within seconds the entire body would be burnt back to ashes by the fires of hell . You don't believe the LORD would send Spirit to hell for the evil ways of mortal flesh : do you ? So why would the LORD go to all the trouble to raise the condemned people back to life just to have them die again shortly after in hell ? LORD ELohim wants people to know He does have a life and He does have better things to do than that . Again He cannot raise dead people back to life : not even the good people .
- John 5 : 30 ( R ) In the NIV : By myself I can do nothing ; I judge only as I hear , and my judgment is just , for I seek not to please myself but him who sent me . In the KJV : .... as I hear , I judge . Again LORD ELohim would never give anyone else the position to judge mankind . LORD ELohim created mankind and He alone did judge us . It's like sins : that only the LORD can forgive or not forgive . We as a species have been judged by our Father LORD ELohim and we failed as a species . The LORD says Y'shua saying " he who sent me " is wrong . Y'shua was mortal and nothing about him other then a teaching Spirit was different then any other man regarding his body . LORD ELohim has always been the only true God and there are no other true God's : not even Y'shua . Y'shua was not sent from Heaven because nothing about Y'shua was ever in Heaven other then his Soul and teaching Spirit and they have been on earth for a long time too . In John 3 : 13 Y'shua is said to claim he came from Heaven saying No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven - the Son of Man . That's not true because Y'shua was never in Heaven . Like ever verse in the Christian Bible the question is did he really say that or did he really do that ? The LORD says Y'shua did not say that . It says Y'shua said " I will judge only as I hear " . What does that mean ? People love to gossip , lie , inflate the truth with lies and so on . If each person was judged as an individual based on what they say to Y'shua and believing his judgment would get them sent into either hell or Heaven there would be billions claiming they are born again Christians and none of these people have ever set foot in a Christian church . Remember in John 2 : 24 & 25 In the KJV : But Jesus did not commit himself unto them , because he knew all men , And needed not that any should testify of man : for he knew what was in man . In the NIV : But Jesus would not entrust himself to them , for he knew all people . He did not need any testimony about mankind , for he knew what was in each person . If all is known by Y'shua about every person past , present and future as all about you today then why would he need to hear your testimony about yourself ? Remember the women at the well where it says Y'shua told her about her life story without her telling Y'shua about it . LORD ELohim cannot do that and neither could Y'shua . That did not happen the way it is written in the CB .
- John 5 : 43 ( R ) In the NIV : I have come in my Father's name , and you do not accept me ; but if someone else comes in his own name , you will accept him . Y'shua's name was Y'shua . LORD ELohim has many names and none of those names are Y'shua so what does this verse mean ? The name Y'shua can also be written and spoken ' Joshua ' in English . The name Y'shua or Joshua means ' Jehovah is salvation ' . LORD ELohim says Y'shua is the right name for His Lamb of God . If Y'shua meant the meaning of his name that would be right . Jewish names often mean something about LORD ELohim like : Eliezer means ' God is help ' and Elijah means ' Jehovah is my God ' , Hezekiah means ' Jehovah is strength ' , Hoshea means ' Jehovah is help or salvation ' Bukkiah means ' proved of Jehovah ; mouth of Jehovah ' , Malchiah means ' Jehovah is king ' , Mattenai means ' gift of Jehovah ' and so on . Notice the name Y'shua or Joshua means ' Jehovah is salvation ' and this name does not mean ' Y'shua is salvation ' . So what does this verse mean that he has come in his Father's name ? LORD ELohim does not know what that verse means either . Christians says the Greek name Jesus means ' Jehovah is salvation ' and Christ in Greek means ' the anointed one ' . Just because someone is anointed does not make them the Messiah . Kings , priests , and often prophets were anointed with oil poured on the heads . Being anointed was not the big deal that Christians make it out to be regarding Y'shua . A few Jews were anointed at the time of Y'shua and before him and after Y'shua died and none of those people were the Messiah or the only Son of God . Again Y'shua's name meaning ' Jehovah is salvation ' does not mean Y'shua is the one who forgives our sins . The only one who can do that is LORD ELohim who's name is also Jehovah .
- John 5 : 44 ( R ) In the NIV : How can you believe since you accept glory from one another but do not seek the glory that comes from the only God ? In the KJV : How can ye believe , which receive honour one of another , and seek not the honour that cometh from God only ? There is a big difference in this verse in the NIV and the KJV . The NIV says ' from the only God ' and the KJV says ' from God only ? ' LORD ELohim likes the NIV best for He is the only God . Note how different one Bible Version is from another Bible Version . There are a lot of versions out there regarding Christianity . Somewhere we heard that in Europe there are women who are rewriting a CB so that LORD ELohim is a woman . That will be another version full of lies but they will probably make big money from it which is why there are so many versions in the first place . The Word of God belongs to LORD ELohim even if it's full of lies . When new versions come out the writers of that version believe they own that Bible which is wrong . How can you copyright a Bible when it's suppose to be for everyone to use , study , and even to write about ? Again any writings said to be the Word of God belongs to LORD ELohim and not people . The Little Book belongs to LORD ELohim and no one else . Every word in His Little Book belongs to Him including verses from the Christian and Jewish Bibles we use because they write about Him and His Lamb of God .
- John 5 : 45 - 47 ( R ) In the NIV : But do not think I will accuse you before the Father . Your accuser is Moses, on whom your hopes are set . If you believed Moses, you would believe me , for he wrote about me . But since you do not believe what he wrote , how are you going to believe what I say . LORD ELohim says at the time of Moses He had no thoughts whatsoever about a Lamb of God so how could there be any writings by Moses about Y'shua ? It was long after Moses was dead that the LORD came up with the idea of a Lamb of God . How can Moses be the accuser since Moses is dead and will remain dead like everybody else that was mortal and now dead including Y'shua . LORD ELohim says Moses never wrote about Y'shua . Many Christians claim that Y'shua was the one who spoke to Moses on the mount and not LORD ELohim . That is not true and is a great lie spoken by Christians using anything they can find in their wild imaginations to make Y'shua out to be a God and that's another great lie created by Christians . The LORD ELohim wants all people to know that the Jews ; any Jews including Y'shua did not create Christianity . That started with the Romans and the Roman Catholic Church . The language of the Romans was Latin .
- John 6 : 1 - 30 ( B ) In the NIV : So they asked him , " What sign then will you give that we may see it and believe you ? What will you do ? The story goes these people were among the five thousand people Y'shua is said to have feed till their bellies were full with five small barley loaves and two small fish . The next day a lot of them found Y'shua and said this verse to him after Y'shua talked about believing in him so they could have eternal life . Y'shua the day before is said to have feed five thousand people including these people with five bread loaves and a two fish , and they were little fish . It's strange that these people would ask for a sign to prove whatever he was teaching about . In John 6 : 2 Y'shua heals the sick and a great crowd of people followed him because they saw the signs he had performed by healing the sick . 6 : 14 After the people saw the sign Jesus performed , ( feeding five thousand ) they began to say , : Surely this is the Prophet who is to come into the world ." So why do these people who filled their bellies the day before asking Y'shua to give them a sign so they can believe him regarding whatever that was about . Healing the sick and feeding five thousand with almost nothing : we would call those a good sign which these people were all witness to if that really happened . It's just strange that these people are asking him for proof so they could believe in him about whatever . We know Y'shua could not heal the sick or feed thousands so if he is claiming to be the King of the Jews or their Messiah or the only Son of God or even being a God equal to LORD ELohim that would explain why the Jews wanted proof of all that . The LORD says Y'shua never claimed to be any of these things and neither did his disciples claim these things about Y'shua either . Y'shua did not feed five thousand or heal people . Which would explain why people acted like nothing out of the normal had happened . The LORD says this story never happened .
- John 6 : 39 & 40 ( R ) In the KJV : And this is the Father's will which hath sent me , that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing , but should raise it up again at the last day . And this is the will of him that sent me , that every one which seeth the Son , and believeth on him , may have everlasting life : and I will raise him up at the last day . What does it mean : but should raise it up again . Is he calling dead mortals an ' it ' ? Even the LORD says that's not a nice way to speak of dead people . And what does ' again ' mean . Is this saying about people Y'shua was claimed to have risen when he was alive ? Since people would be risen as mortals again people would die again but Y'shua never raised any dead mortals back to life when he was alive . How can people ' seeth the Son ' today ? Have you ever really seen Y'shua ? If you only have to believe Y'shua was the Lamb of God then LORD ELohim would not have a problem with that but that does not change the fact that LORD ELohim cannot raise you back from the dead . In these verses they say it would be Y'shua who raises the dead on the Last Day but the problem with this is that Y'shua himself is dead and was never risen . Why is there so much in the CB about Y'shua raising the dead ? If you believe he did that about two thousand years ago then you will probably believe these verses saying Y'shua will raise you back to life on the Last Day . This is the Last Day and that has not happened anywhere that we or the LORD knows of but if you watch TV there is a lot of dead people walking . Neither the Spirits and me watch those silly shows . LORD ELohim does not pick and chose people to be resurrected . The LORD has never given certain people to Y'shua . These verses have nothing to do with the Lamb of God . The NIV is mostly the same as the KJV ; only they did not call people an ' it ' or only ' him ' would be resurrected : they write ' them ' in the NIV .
( 11 : 24 ) NOTES : You may have noticed by now that the Kingdom of God sounds like an all boys club . Rarely are the words women or woman or even girls written in the CB like in the following verses in 6 : 41 - 44 . The LORD says if He had a future Kingdom of God for mortals it would not be just for men . LORD ELohim says He will never create the ' Kingdom of God ' on earth .
- John 6 : 41 - 44 ( B ) ( R ) In the KJV : .... No man can come to me , except the Father which hath sent me draw him : and I will raise him up at the last day . There again verses talking about the boys club again . The NIV uses the word ' them ' instead of ' him ' . LORD ELohim does not ' draw ' people into believing in Y'shua . He gave us free will for a reason even though that did not work out too well , He has never changed that . If you believe Y'shua was the Lamb of God and LORD ELohim is your one and only Father and God that's all you need to believe but that does not get you eternal life because you are mortal and mortal means you will die someday . When you die Y'shua is not going to raise your corpse from the dead : nobody is going to do that . Nobody can do that . The Last Day started in the year 2000 A.D. and nothing like that has happened yet . It's claimed that Y'shua said this to people when he was alive . That would make them dead people for about two thousand years . There would not even be much bone left . Bodies were often put in a tomb for a year and then when the flesh is dust the bones are put in a small ossuary also called a bone box . The LORD is pretty sure the dust from the flesh was not commonly swept up and put in the box too . Are you starting to understand how complicated this resurrection stuff is ?
- John 6 : 51 - 59 ( B ) ( R ) In the NIV : " I am the living bread that came down from heaven . Whoever eats this bread will live forever . This bread is my flesh , which I will give for the life of the world . Then the Jews began to argue sharply among themselves , " How can this man give us his flesh to eat ? " Jesus said to them , " Very truly I tell you , unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood , you have no life in you . Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life , and I will raise them up at the last day . For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink . Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me , and I in them . Just as the living Father sent me and I live because of the Father , so the one who feeds on me will live because of me . This is the bread that came down from heaven . Your ancestors ate manna and died , but whoever feeds on this bread will live forever . LORD ELohim says I can write this . These verses sound like a crazy man speaking them , a really really crazy man . LORD ELohim agrees . LORD ELohim says Y'shua never said this but had he said this we now know what happened to his missing body . There were a lot of pagans in Israel at that time . There is a lot of very weird and strange stuff written in the CB but these verses are at the top of very very strange and weird . The LORD ELohim is shaking His head over these verses . One of the teachings of LORD ELohim was that the Jews could not eat or drink blood . Their food had to be kosher and they could not eat people . It would not be surprising that if the Jews heard Y'shua saying these verses they would have thought he was crazy or deserving punishment for it . A person would have to be so very crazy or very stupid to say to people : ' if you eat my flesh and drink my blood you will live forever ' . Some people really do want to live forever : enough to have taken his body out of the tomb and have a BBQ and eaten him . Not the Jews but the pagans . The LORD says Y'shua was not crazy or stupid enough to say these verses . It goes on to say in John 6 : 60 that many of his disciples who heard Y'shua say these words no longer followed him saying " This is a hard teaching . Who can accept it ? " Only the original twelve disciples did remain his followers .
- John 6 : 64 - 70 ( B ) ( R ) In the NIV : From this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him . " You do not want to leave too , do you ? " Jesus asked the Twelve . Simon Peter answered him , " Lord, to whom shall we go ? You have the word of eternal life . We have come to believe and to know that you are the Holy One of God . " Then Jesus said " Have I not chosen you , the Twelve ? Yet one of you is a devil ! " ( He meant Judas , .... ) It's interesting what Peter said : if this conversation really happened . Peter response to Y'shua is that Y'shua has the word of eternal life and that's why they are staying with him . The LORD knows many Christians have been reading His Little Book but with them nothing has changed and for most it's probably the same reason Peter gave . People believe being a Christian is a guarantee for a good eternal life and most believe in a hell and the Christian faith says Christians don't go there and most everybody else who ever lived will go to hell just because they are not Christians . It's all about eternal life for the most part and great fear of going to hell for eternity also if they leave the church . There is no way LORD ELohim can prove to you that there is no eternal life other then to say " Think Not Beyond Logic " but at the same time you cannot prove to yourself there is eternal life for you and other mortals either . Again remember that the LORD calls Christianity a pagan religion . Why would LORD ELohim chose Christians over Jews ? Why would the LORD even base it on religion and not base it on people being good , kind and loving people around the world . LORD ELohim says He would never decide if a person is worthy of eternal life because of their religion : not even the Jews . No mortal will have eternal life because the LORD cannot raise up dead people .
( 11 : 25 ) NOTES : Joseph of Arimathea was the man who went to Pilate after the Crucifixion of Y'shua and asked for the body of Y'shua . Pilate allowed that and Joseph put the body into a tomb cut out of rock for himself . The book says Joseph was a rich counciler of the Jews . It's believed Joseph was a secret follower of Y'shua . There are unproven legends about Joseph that he had the cup Y'shua used at his last supper and that Joseph took it to England . Another legend is that Joseph of Arimathea went to the cross when Y'shua was still on it and with that cup caught the blood dripping from Y'shua's body . One book says Joseph was a converted Jew but it does not say to what was he converted to . When Y'shua was on the cross and for a many years after he died and all his disciples died Christianity did not exist so again what religion did Joseph convert to ? In the CB there is not a lot of Y'shua's teachings that are outside of the teachings of Judaism except for a lot of very weird stuff which the LORD says Y'shua never said . So what did Joseph of Arimathea convert to if that's true ? Joseph would have died long before Christianity had it's beginning in Rome . The LORD says that cup and the blood of Y'shua has no powers or the spear of destiny or the shroud of Turin or all that other stuff .
( 11 : 26 ) NOTES : Who is the cause of all the evil going on around the world since the time of Adam and Eve ? We were reading a Christian magazine given to us and their answer to that question is Satan and his demons . What is the problem with people that they have trouble saying " we mortal humans are the cause of all the evil on earth " . People blaming others and even blaming Satan goes back many thousands of years . Eve blamed a snake and Adam blamed Eve . Neither of them said they had a choice and made the wrong choice . No where in the magazine did it say a mortal caused the evil : it's alway Satan and demons who make people do wicked and evil things . The time we are in now is Judgment Day and we failed our trial . If Satan and demons were behind all the evil and wicked things mankind as a species have done then how can LORD ELohim judge us for that evil ? The LORD could judge Satan but He could not judge us mortals if all evil was Satan's fault to begin with . The LORD created us so mankind would have free will like all Spirits and it was mostly what we do with free will that was on trial . One of the judgments we failed at is taking personal responsibility for the choices we made in life when the choices were the wrong choices . If Satan is the cause why people do evil and wicked stuff then to throw those evil people in prison would be somewhat wrong to do also . Now for the big question : Why would LORD ELohim allow Satan to cause such havoc with mankind for all these years ? If Satan and demons were the cause of all evil and wickedness among mankind the LORD ELohim would have ended that thousands of years ago . Satan who's real name is David and other Spirits have never given LORD ELohim a reason to be angry with them . Humans created this non-existing Satan and the demons because they wanted someone to blame for the wrong choices they made . What the LORD did about this was to find a Spirit to play the role of Satan in case needed and a Spirit who's name is David said he would do that . In all these years David has never been needed to play the role of Satan . LORD ELohim has tried to teach people that His Spirit children do not cause mankind's problems and mankind's evil ways but that did not work out well . People in the past and even today have problems saying " The problem is me " or " It is me who did that evil " . The LORD says stop blaming these non-existing Spirits for the wicked and evil deeds you do and stop blaming other humans too . Mankind was judged by LORD ELohim because all the evil and all the wickedness was our own doing and nobody else .
- John 7 : 14 & 15 ( B ) In the NIV : Not until halfway through the festival did Jesus go up to the temple courts and begin to teach . The Jews there were amazed and asked , " How did this man get such learning without having been taught ? " There is a lot of verses of people being amazed at Y'shua's teachings but other then a few parables there is not much written about what he did teach . So what did Y'shua say that amazed these people ?
- John 7 : 19 & 20 ( R ) In the NIV : " Has not Moses given you the law ? Yet not one of you keeps the law . Why are you trying to kill me ? " " You are demon possessed , " the crowd answered . " Who is trying to kill you ? " Moses did not give people the Law . LORD ELohim through Moses gave people the Law . The Law is the Ten Commandments . A Jew would never say Moses created the Law . There is a lot of evidence in the CB that the Jews had nothing to do with the writing of the Christian Bible .
- John 7 : 21 - 24 ( R ) In the NIV : Jesus said to them , " I did one miracle , and you are all amazed . Yet , because Moses gave you circumcision ( though actually it did not come from Moses , but from the patriarchs ) you circumcise a boy on the Sabbath . Now if a boy can be circumcised on the Sabbath so that the law of Moses may not be broken , why are you angry with me for healing a man's whole body on the Sabbath ? ..... Neither Moses or the patriarchs gave the Jews that law and it is not Moses Law . That stuff about circumcision came from LORD ELohim . LORD ELohim says He taught the Jews about circumcision because it was common for those men not circumcised to have infections there . The LORD says it was a little error He made when creating human men . Circumcision is common around the world today because the Jews taught the world .
- John 7 : 28 & 29 ( B) ( R ) In the NIV : Then Jesus , still teaching in the temple courts , cried out , " Yes , you know me , and you know where I am from . I am not here on my own authority , but he who sent me is true . You do not know him , but I know him because I am from him and he sent me . " LORD ELohim never meant for Y'shua to become a Rabbi . Y'shua did that on his own . There was nothing about Y'shua that was different then your body other than a teaching Spirit . There is nothing about Y'shua that came from Heaven other than his Soul and teaching Spirit . All mankind has a Soul . It says Y'shua said he knows the LORD ELohim and the Jews did not know Him . If Y'shua did teach there is eternal life for mortal man and a kingdom of God is coming to earth and that he is the creator of all created including us and on and on : he did not know LORD ELohim and what is true any better then anyone else . The LORD says Y'shua was not perfect in his teachings as a Rabbi . Y'shua had a few beliefs that were an error but not all the errors in the CB were Y'shua's errors . The early writers of the CB added a lot of errors and lies that were not Y'shua's errors to the CB . These writers were not Jews and the writings in the CB is proof they were not Jews . The Jews then did know LORD ELohim fairly well and much better then anyone else . If you believe the book of Job in the Old Testament is a true story then you do not know LORD ELohim at all . If you believe the book of Job is all a lie about LORD ELohim then you know the LORD fairly well . Again the LORD did not create Y'shua to be a Rabbi and a teacher but only to be the Lamb of God but like me Y'shua had his own life going on too . How I am able to know what is right or wrong and so on is new . LORD ELohim at the time of Adam , Moses , Y'shua and so on did not know how to do that with them so some of their beliefs and teachings were a error without them knowing they were an error .
( 11 : 26 ) NOTES : Christians and other religions believe everything in their religion is the truth and without any errors . The LORD says that has not happened in the entire history of mankind and all their religions . No religion has ever been perfect . There are hundreds of different religions and sects today and the LORD ELohim says they all have errors or even lies made up on purpose . Even Judaism has a few errors . The LORD ELohim says again : Think Not Beyond Logic regarding what you believe .
- John 7 : 33 & 34 ( R ) In the NIV : Jesus said , " I am with you for only a short time , and then I am going to the one who sent me . You will look for me , but you will not find me ; and where I am , you cannot come . " If he meant going to Heaven : that did not happen . No mortal has ever gone to Heaven and no mortal will ever go to Heaven without a spaceship . LORD ELohim was on earth and with Y'shua most all of the time . I asked LORD ELohim if He went to the tomb and He said " No " . Y'shua was dead that He is sure about . The last time LORD ELohim saw Y'shua was when his dead body was being taken off the cross . LORD ELohim entrusted Y'shua's dead body to Joseph of Arimathea . The CB says Y'shua's dead body went missing from the tomb and Christians believe that this corpse was raised back to life by ? and how ? LORD ELohim never heard anything about Y'shua being alive by his disciples after the his body was taken to the tomb . LORD ELohim says Y'shua did say he would be raised from the dead after his body was in the tomb for three days and three nights . LORD ELohim remained in Jerusalem for two months and there was no mention about Y'shua being alive by anyone during that time including his disciples and his wife and mother . No body said they had supper with him or a walk in the park . The only talk was that Y'shua must be in Heaven : mortal body and all which is not true . Nothing of Y'shua went to Heaven . So what really happened to the mortal body of Y'shua that is said to have gone missing ? There were a lot of people who had good reason to hide it .
( 11 : 27 ) NOTES : Shortly after Y'shua was sacrificed the Jews began to understand that Y'shua was the Lamb of God and what that meant for all people of the world . Things were going well for that and more and more Jews were believing that Y'shua was the Lamb of God sacrificed for the sins of most all mankind . The Jews were teaching even the pagans about how Y'shua died for their sins and that there was no reason to make sacrifices anymore . LORD ELohim was very pleased with the way things were going with this . Then many years after Y'shua and all his disciples death Christianity began in Rome but they corrupted the truth with many many lies . Their corruption of the truth became so great that the Jews who were few at that time had to put all about Y'shua aside or be forced to believe in the corrupted beliefs of the Christians . After hundreds of years the Jews had for the most part forgotten the truth about the Lamb of God . Today LORD ELohim wants Jews to remember again Y'shua the Lamb of God but the true Lamb of God : not what Christians believe and have written about .
- John 8 : 15 & 16 ( R ) In the NIV : You judge by human standards ; I pass judgment on no one . But if I do judge , my decisions are true , because I am not alone . I stand with my Father , who sent me . Y'shua was right . Only LORD ELohim can judge mankind and not Y'shua . But in verse 26 it says : I have much to say in judgment of you . So which is it : does he not judge us or does he judge us ? LORD ELohim says only Him and no other can judge mankind . He would never allow mortal flesh to judge mortal flesh because that judgment would be corrupted because mankind for the most part is corrupted .
- John 8 : 26 ( R ) In the NIV : I have much to say in judgment of you . But he who sent me is trustworthy , and what I have heard from him I tell the world . Again LORD ELohim has a lot of problems speaking to mortal flesh and Y'shua was no different . Y'shua did have a few errors in what he believed because the LORD does have problems teaching people anything . If Y'shua said this : he may believe LORD ELohim is speaking to him or putting thoughts in his mind but what is from the LORD and what is our own thoughts we make up is almost impossible to know which it is . Had LORD ELohim not figured out how to nod my head for ' yes ' and shake my head for ' no ' and many other signs from Him I would have never helped Him with His Little Book because how would I have known what is right from wrong or what is true or not true ? Y'shua and the prophets and Moses and others did not have this so it must have been very difficult for them to know what are their thoughts and their hopes and their dreams or what they came to suddenly know was from their God LORD ELohim .
- John 8 : 27 - 30 ( B ) ( R ) In the NIV : They did not understand that he was telling them about his Father . So Jesus said , " When you have lifted up the Son of Man , then you will know that I am he and that I do nothing on my own but speak just what the Father has taught me . The one who sent me is with me ; he has not left me alone , for I always do what pleases him ." Let's go back to John 6 : 53 - 59 when Y'shua was saying eat my flesh and drink my blood so you will have eternal life . I think you can be certain that LORD ELohim never taught him that . Up to now Y'shua has mostly said ' my Father in Heaven ' or ' your Father in Heaven ' or ' our Father in Heaven ' . Now all of a sudden LORD ELohim is on earth and has always been with Y'shua as we have written before . Y'shua never sinned . In that way he was the perfect Lamb of God but that does not mean everything he said and believed was true and right and without error .
- John 8 : 31 - 38 ( R ) In the NIV : Jesus said " If you hold to my teaching , you are really my disciples . Then you will know the truth , and the truth will set you free . ".....Very truly I tell you , everyone who sins is a slave to sin . .... So if the Son sets you free , you will be free indeed . .... Only LORD ELohim can forgive the sins of mankind . Y'shua was His Lamb of God but Y'shua was never in the position to forgive sins . There are many Christian churches who's priests and ministers believe they were given the position to forgive the sins of people but LORD ELohim says He never gave them that position . Again only LORD ELohim can forgive you .
- John 8 : 41 - 47 ( B ) ( R ) In the NIV : ..... You are doing the works of your own father " . " We are not illegitimate children , the protested . " The only Father we have is God himself . " Jesus said to them , " If God were your Father , you would love me , for I have come here from God . .... Why is my language not clear to you ? Because you are unable to hear what I say . You belong to your father , the devil , and you want to carry out your father's desires . ..... Whoever belongs to God hears what God says . The reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God . " Y'shua was talking about these people wanting to kill him . If every word in the Christian Bible is true it's understandable why some people would like to get rid of him . The Y'shua of the CB is often very rude and cruel and mean spirited when speaking to people as in these verses too . The Y'shua in the Christian Bible is not the Y'shua the LORD knew . Y'shua was very kind , loving , caring and a deeply humble man and a very Jewish man . If Y'shua knew everything and did come down from Heaven then he would have known that David ( Satan ) has spent all these thousands of years trying to avoid being involved with us crazy humans .
( 8 : 28 ) The following verses are a repeat . We made a mistake when we wrote this when still in chapter 7 but we will leave it the way it is .
- John 8 : 42 - 47 ( B ) ( R ) In the NIV : Jesus said to them , If God were your Father , you would love me , for I have come here from God . I have not come on my own ; God sent me . Why is my language not clear to you ? Because you are unable to hear what I say . You belong to your father , the devil , and you want to carry out your father's desires . ..... If I am telling the truth , why don't you believe me ? Whoever belongs to God hears what God says . The reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God . According to these verses I don't belong to God . These words Y'shua is said to have said have errors . First : LORD ELohim is your Father just because you were created by LORD ELohim and that will never change so there is no ' If God were your Father ' . Second : Y'shua did not come from God if the LORD was in Heaven as Y'shua's words often said the LORD is in Heaven . LORD ELohim was on earth at the time of Y'shua and for billions of years before Y'shua . Third : If Y'shua said this he was wrong . No people who were Jews or pagans had or have the devil for their father : not then and not now . LORD ELohim is the Father of every Spirit and every mortal : even the wicked people . No family is perfect . Fourth : Y'shua uses the word ' If ' in this verse . Y'shua says ' If I am telling the truth ' . Doesn't the word ' if ' mean something like : ' maybe or maybe not ' : telling the truth . Is Y'shua unsure if he is telling the truth or not ? Fifth : All mortal life belongs to LORD ELohim . This verse says because you don't understand what Y'shua says your father is the devil . LORD ELohim says if you do believe everything in the CB both New and Old Testament then you really don't know LORD ELohim at all : do you ? If you believe everything written in the Christian Bible is true about the Jewish and gentle mortal man named Y'shua then you don't know the true Y'shua at all either .
- John 8 : 49 - 51 ( B ) ( R ) In the NIV : .... but I honor my Father and you dishonor me . I am not seeking glory for myself but there is one who seeks it , and he is the judge . Very truly I tell you , whoever obeys my word will never see death . " This is not true . LORD ELohim does not seek to be glorified by people : He seeks to be your Father which He is . The Spirits who LORD ELohim created call Him Father or simply ELohim . They do not worship Him or carry on trying to glorify Him and stuff like that and LORD ELohim does not expect them to do all that . The LORD just wants to be your Father . LORD ELohim our Father is the Judge of all mankind : that's true . The true Y'shua did not seek glory for himself . The CB Y'shua is a different kind of man then the true Y'shua was . In Matt 24 : 30 : .... peoples of the earth will mourn when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven , with power and great glory . Mark 13 : 26 At that time people will see the Son of Man coming in cloud with great power and glory . Luke 9 : 26 Whoever is ashamed of me and my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of them when he comes in his glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels . Luke 21 : 27 At that time they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory . John 17 : 24 Father , I want those you have given me to be with me where I am , and to see my glory , the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world . The Christian Y'shua seems to really want people to glorify him a lot . The verses say Y'shua said that if you obey his word you will never see death . And yet like everyone else some Christians die every day around earth and have died since the time of Y'shua . All Y'shua's disciples died . Name one Christian who can say they are nearly two thousand years old . Obviously this is a great lie . Did Y'shua say this ? The LORD ELohim says He never heard Y'shua say this . Was Y'shua alive before the creation of the world ? LORD ELohim says Y'shua was as mortal as you are and he in no form , flesh or Spirit ,was alive before the LORD created earth . Y'shua was not alive before his mortal body was conceived of by LORD ELohim over two thousand years ago . No God Spirit incarnated into the mortal body of Y'shua because LORD ELohim is the one and only God Spirit and He did not go into Y'shua's mortal body . The LORD ELohim's thought about a Lamb of God did not happen until shortly before Y'shua was conceived of . Christians say there is a lot about Y'shua in the Jewish Bible but most all of those verses are about a Messiah and Y'shua was never the Messiah and never will be a Messiah because he is dead . There really is not much of anything written in the Jewish Bible about Y'shua the Lamb of God . There really is not much written about the Lamb of God in the Christian Bible either and why is that ? There are a lot of lies repeated like he was the Messiah , the only Son of God , King of the Jews and so on but not much so far in the CB about the Lamb of God . So far only what John the Baptist said is in the CB about the Lamb of God being Y'shua and the purpose of that Lamb .
- John 8 : 52 - 56 ( B ) ( R ) In the NIV : At this they exclaimed , " Now we know that you are demon possessed ! Abraham died and so did the prophets , yet you say that whoever obeys your word will never taste death . .... Who do you think you are ? " Jesus replied , " If I glorify myself , my glory means nothing . My Father , whom you claim as your God , is the one who glorifies me . Though you do not know him , I know him . If I said I did not , I would be a liar like you , but I do know him and obey his word . Your father Abraham rejoiced at the thought of seeing my day ; he saw it and was glad . " The big question : was Abraham alive then and now ? LORD ELohim's answer is " Abraham was never risen from the dead so how could he be alive to see Y'shua's day ? " Abraham did not see Y'shua's days and at Abrahams time there was definitely nothing written about the Lamb of God . Again LORD ELohim says at the time of Y'shua He had many billions of sons . The only time He had only one son was when He made the first Spirit but the LORD having only son did not last long before LORD ELohim made many more of His Spirit children . And ' no ' Y'shua was not the first Spirit child the LORD made and Y'shua was a mortal man and not a Spirit . It's safe to say that Y'shua did not know LORD ELohim any better then any other Jews back then . There are to many errors in Y'shua's beliefs written in the CB : if they were truly his beliefs . The LORD said " Not all believed by Y'shua were true " . Y'shua and his followers use the word ' glory ' or ' glorifies ' or ' glorify ' and so on a lot . Many of those verses do not sound like a humble man speaking . According to the CB the Jews had a couple of fathers : Abraham and the devil . But as the Jews said , only LORD ELohim is their Father though Abraham out of respect is called their father also and the LORD is OK with that . Y'shua saying again his followers will not die is just wrong and a lie : if he even said this . The LORD says Y'shua never made that promise to people .
- John 8 : 57 & 58 ( B ) ( R ) In the NIV : " Very truly I tell you , Jesus answered , before Abraham was born , I am ! " At this , they picked up stones to stone him , but Jesus hid himself , .... The Jews asked Y'shua how at his age could have seen Abraham . This verse is his answer . So why did the Jews get angry about this answer ? In the Christian Bible in Exodus 3 : 13 & 14 Moses said to God , " Suppose I go the Israelites and say to them , " The God of your fathers has sent me to you , and they ask me , What is his name ? Then what shall I tell them ? " God said to Moses , " I AM WHO I AM . This is what you are to say to the Israelites : I AM has sent me to you ." Y'shua saying before Abraham was born , I am ! is Y'shua saying to the Jews that he is the God of the Jews . There is probably nothing worse you can say to the Jews about LORD ELohim then to claim you are LORD ELohim as the mortal Y'shua is said to have said in this verse . The true LORD ELohim is not pleased with that nonsense in the Christian Bible either . LORD ELohim says " Y'shua never claimed to be Him or any false God . "
- John 9 : 1 - 6 ( B ) ( R ) In the NIV : As he went along , he saw a man blind from birth . His disciples asked him , " Rabbi , who sinned , this man or his parents , that he was born blind ? " " Neither this man nor his parents sinned , " said Jesus , " but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him . ....While I am in the world , I am the light of the world . " If this man was blind at birth then how could he have sinned that would cause him to be blind at birth ? The guy was a baby at birth so how could he have sinned ? This is a very stupid question ! Many Christians believe that if their baby is not Baptized and dies the LORD will send the baby to hell . What a lie that is ! This belief is more proof that many people do not know LORD ELohim . These verses reminds us of the book of Job that it says LORD ELohim made Job's life hell on earth . Again the book of Job is not a true story . The LORD never knew that man if he did exist . These verses say that LORD ELohim caused great hardship for the blind man by making him blind at birth just so Y'shua can pretend to have the power to heal him . LORD ELohim says " He did not or would not harm any mortal just to fake heal that person later or for Y'shua to fake heal those people either " . The LORD says that sin is not the cause of illness or the cause of death . If sin causes illness we would all be riding around in a wheel chair or on our death bed . Mortal life is what mortal life is : it's not perfect and we all will die someday . Then it goes on to say that Y'shua says he is the light of the world . This Y'shua that the Christians made up is really becoming greatly self-centered and with a great ego to go with it . The LORD says the real Y'shua was always a very humble man who was also a quiet man and was never self-centered like this verse and other verses in the CB says he was . The Christians do not know LORD ELohim or the real Y'shua either . The next verses say Y'shua spit on the ground and made mud and put it on the man's eyes and healed him . Y'shua never had the power to heal any sickness or anyone and the LORD did not make this man and all those other people blind or ill or disabled just so Y'shua could ' fake heal ' all of them like these verses say he did . The truth is Y'shua never healed anyone and LORD ELohim was never the cause of anyone's illness or disability . In these verses Y'shua does say that his healings were ' fake healings ' . It's like he is saying that LORD ELohim and Spirits were the cause of all the sickness and disabilities . Did he really say these verses ? The LORD says " No " . Y'shua had no reason to say these verses because he was never in the business of healing the sick .
- John 9 : 8 - 34 ( B ) In the NIV : .... Nobody has ever heard of opening the eyes of a man born blind . If this man were not from God , he could do nothing . To this they replied , " You were steeped in sin at birth ; how dare you lecture us ! : And they threw him out . The man who was blind is being questioned by the Pharisees . Then the Pharisees said something really stupid too : that this man was steeped in sin at birth . Anyone that believes a baby can have sin does not know the LORD ELohim or what sin means . No child is born with sin . There is no such thing as ' Original Sin ' . We are not sinners because Adam and Eve sinned . Their sins are theirs alone and each of us our sins are our own also . Always the question : did this really happen ? The LORD says " No " . Y'shua's life was no where as exciting as the Christians believe it was . LORD ELohim would not judge a child until the child is at least seven years old and it would have to be very bad what the little child did . Again : how can a new born baby be a sinner ?
( 11 :29 ) NOTES : The reason why we are using the NIV Christian Bible is because my eye site is not as good as it was anymore . The writing in the NIV is a little bigger than the KJV . We do not use the NIV because it's better than the KJV . They are mostly the same .
- 9 : 35 - 38 ( B) ( R ) In the NIV : .... " Do you believe in the Son of Man ? " " Who is he , sir ? " the man asked . " Tell me so that I may believe in him . " Jesus said , " You have now seen him : in fact , he is the one speaking with you . " Then the man said , " Lord , I believe , " and he worshiped him . The person speaking to Y'shua was the blind man . Why would someone worship Y'shua especially a Jew and why would Y'shua a Jew allow someone to worship him . Jews do not believe mortals can be a God and they believe there is only one God : LORD ELohim . The Jews never worshiped Moses or the Prophets so why worship Y'shua a simple Rabbi ? In verse 33 this man says if this man were not from God , he could do nothing . The man is not saying Y'shua was a God but must have come from God : LORD ELohim . So why did he worship Y'shua ? Again did this even happen ? The LORD says this never happened .
- John 9 : 39 - 41 ( B ) ( R ) In the NIV : Jesus said , " For judgment I have come into this world , so that the blind will see and those who see will become blind . " Some Pharisees who were with him heard him say this and asked , " What ? Are we blind too ? " Jesus said , " If you were blind you would not be guilty of sin ; but now that you claim you can see , your guilt remains . In past verses it says Y'shua said : in 8 : 15 .... I pass judgment on no one . In 8 : 50 I am not seeking glory for myself ; but there is one who seeks it , and he is the judge . In these verses Y'shua says he is not our judge which is true . But in this main verse above he says " For judgment I have come into this world . So is he or is it not Y'shua who judges mankind ? LORD ELohim says " As our only Father : He alone can judge His mortal children . " Y'shua was never in position to judge anyone or forgive sins and will never be in that position because he the Lamb of God is dead and was a mortal man . Also LORD ELohim is not seeking glory from mankind . He only seeks to be your Father and only God . LORD ELohim is not asking for all this glory stuff : He is more like a Father who would take you to a ball game or to a dance and stuff like that . The verses say Y'shua will cause the blind to see and those who see will become blind . Christians call this ' Spiritual Blindness ' . Again it sounds like Y'shua is picking and choosing who he wants in his kingdom . The way he is said to do this is not fair . Y'shua is dead and there will be no kingdom so there is nothing to pick and chose about .
( 11 : 30 ) NOTES : In the CB in Revelation there is a lot about Spirits worshiping LORD ELohim constantly and thats all they do . It's non stop worshiping of LORD ELohim and even Y'shua sitting on thrones and stuff like that . The LORD says there are no thrones in Heaven and no Spirits worship Him . There is non stop games played , dancing , singing , plays and on and on . In Heaven or even now on earth He is their Father and LORD ELohim as their Father only wants His Spirit children to be happy and having a lot of fun and love for each other for all eternity . That is the type of Father He is . Y'shua is dead and like you he will remain that way . No mortal has ever gone to Heaven and no mortal will ever go to Heaven . LORD ELohim was hopeful that mankind would have a much happier and carefree and safe life then most all people have had but that's not happening and did not happen in the past and will not happen in the future . The life of mortals especially those who have free will is far more complicated and needy than Spirits . Spirits don't need to go to school , get a job , need a shelter , need food or water, need a planet or a near by sun and so on . The LORD does not need a throne : He's to busy playing with His Spirit children .
- John 10 : 11 ( R ) In the NIV : I am the good shepherd . The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep . Years before this time Y'shua was beginning to understand that he was the Lamb of God .
- John 10 : 14 ( R ) In the NIV : I am the good shepherd ; I know my sheep and my sheep know me - just as the Father knows me and I know the Father - and I lay down my life for the sheep . There is too many errors in the CB said to have been spoken by Y'shua . There are too many errors that Y'shua is said to believe for him to claim that he knows the Father LORD ELohim very well . The Lamb of God dying only for his sheep is an error . The Lamb of God died for the sins of most all people who ever lived on earth , past , present and future .
- John 10 : 17 & 18 ( R ) In the NIV : The reason my Father loves me is that I lay down my life - only to take it up again . No one takes it from me , but I lay it down of my own accord . I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again . This command I received from my Father . " The LORD had many reasons to love Y'shua . It was not just because he was the Lamb of God . Y'shua is right to say the no one takes his life from him . In other words there is no one to blame for his death as the Lamb . Y'shua made one error if he said all this . As a mortal Y'shua did believe in an afterlife . Y'shua could not be raised from the dead . Would Y'shua given up his life for most all mankind if he knew that there is no afterlife for himself and all mankind ? LORD ELohim says Y'shua would have willingly been the Lamb even knowing that . The LORD did not give Y'shua the command to be raised from the dead because the LORD ELohim cannot do that and Y'shua could not either . LORD ELohim never lied to Y'shua or other people about having a afterlife . LORD ELohim had always taught as best as He could that there is no eternal life for mortals .
- John 10 : 25 - 30 ( R ) In the NIV : .... My sheep listen to my voice ; I know them , and they follow me . I give them etrnal life , and they shall never perish ; no one will snatch them out of my hand . My Father , who has given them to me , is greater than all ; no one can snatch them out of my Father's hand . I and the Father are one . " Y'shua did believe people had an afterlife and he did teach this but he never said people would have a afterlife only through believing in him . Y'shua's sacrifice was for ' the sin of the world ' and not just for people who met him . Most people around the world knew nothing about Y'shua when he was on the cross and for over a thousand and more years after but their sins were forgiven to the moment Y'shua died . Did Y'shua really say this ? : ' I and the Father are one ' . LORD ELohim says Y'shua never said it and that is not true . The LORD ELohim is just one whole Spirit and there is no way that Y'shua the mortal man could go within Him or whatever Christians believe . LORD ELohim never created any Gods or anyone who is co-equal to Him . All this God stuff came about because the LORD was trying to get involved with mankind and closer to His human children He created like He is close to His Spirit children . Y'shua and the Father were not ' one ' and never intended to be ' one ' . The belief that God is a trinity of three Gods in one God is so wrong and is blasphemy .
- John 10 : 31 - 38 ( B ) ( R ) In the NIV : Again his Jewish opponents picked up stones to stone him , but Jesus said to them , " I have shown you many good works from the Father . For which of these do you stone me ? " We are not stoning you for any good work , " they replied , " but for blasphemy , because you , a mere man , claim to be God . " ..... Why then do you accuse me of blasphemy because I said , I am God's Son ? Do not believe me unless I do the works of my Father . .... believe the works , that you may know and understand that the Father is in me , and I in the Father . " If Y'shua said " I and the Father are one " that is blasphemy and a lie . Again LORD ELohim's sons are many many billions . Y'shua would be wrong in saying that he alone is God's only Son . LORD ELohim was never in the body of Y'shua and Y'shua was never in the body of LORD ELohim . Remember that Y'shua did not do a lot of works that can be called miracles . In fact LORD ELohim says Y'shua did not do any works that would rate as being called miracles or something believed that only the LORD ELohim could do . The Jews in Israel were surrounded by pagans and there were many pagans like the Romans in Israel . The Jews were very protective of their religion of Judaism and the LORD was pleased about that . It's been over 3,800 years since Abraham and the faith of Judaism is still around today which is because the Jews did protect their faith from pagan influence and LORD ELohim was pleased about that . Y'shua was a Jew who did not believe in more than one God who is LORD ELohim and he certainly did not believe he was a God or even the only Son of God . Jews believe all mankind are the sons and daughters of LORD ELohim . Remember LORD ELohim calls Christianity a pagan religion and there are many more He calls pagans .
- John 11 : 4 ( B ) ( R ) In the NIV : When he heard this , Jesus said , " This sickness will not end in death . No , it is for God's glory so that God's Son may be glorified through it " . In a past verse it said that Y'shua said he was not trying for personal glory . This verse says he wants personal glory . These verses again say that LORD ELohim made Lazarus sick and dead so that He and Y'shua will be glorified when they ' fake heal ' and raise the man Lazarus from the dead . Lazarus was never dead until he really did die and never was raised from being dead . It's strange that there was no mention of an only Son of God in the Jewish Bible since the time of Abraham to the time long after Y'shua and his disciples died as Jews and the Roman pagans began Christianity . In the JB the LORD called Israel the first-born son regarding mankind and those people who believed in Him and Angels were called His sons but no only Son of God that we could find .
- John 11 : 12 - 16 ( B ) ( R ) In the NIV : ....So then he told them plainly , " Lazarus is dead , and for your sake I am glad I was not there , so that you may believe . But let us go to him . " Then Thomas ... said to the rest of the disciples , " Let us also go , that we may die with him . " These are very strange verses which remind us of some cults like Heaven's Gate , Branch Davidians , Jonestown and on and on . Why would Thomas want to die with Lazarus and expect the other disciples of Y'shua to join him in that ? Did the words of Y'shua make death sound like something better than mortal life ? It says when Y'shua arrived Lazarus had been dead in the tomb four days . LORD ELohim says Y'shua was never able to raise the truly dead so this never happened .
- John 11 : 25 & 26 ( R ) In the NIV : Jesus said to her , " I am the resurrection and the life . The one who believes in me will live , even though they die ; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die . Do you believe this ? " Anyone know someone who claims to be almost two thousand years old and is yet a mortal who's name is Lazarus ? Do you believe this ?
- John 11 : 48 & 52 ( B ) In the NIV : If we let him go on like this , everyone will believe in him , and then the Romans will come and take away both our temple and our nation ." .... " You know nothing at all ! You do not realize that it is better for you that one man die for the people than that the whole nation perish . " He did not say this on his own , but as high priest that year he prophesied that Jesus would die for the Jewish nation , and not only for that nation but also for the scattered children of God , to bring them together and make them one . So from that day on they plotted to take his life . This is the first time LORD ELohim heard this story . True or not true the LORD does not know . How would John the disciple have known this conversation word for word ?
- John 12 : 27 - 29 ( B) ( R ) In the NIV : Now my soul is troubled , and what shall I say ? Father , save me from this hour ? No , it was for this very reason I came to this hour . Father , glorify your name ! " Then a voice came from heaven , " I have glorified it , and will glorify it again . " The crowd that was there and heard it said it had thundered ; others said an angel had spoken to him . LORD ELohim says He never said this . The LORD was and is not into all this glory or glorify stuff . If Y'shua was the only Son of God he would have known that . LORD ELohim's favorite time at the Synagogue is when the chitchat starts and the prayers are over but He does love the prayers and such too . His favorite chitchat these days includes conversations about His Little Book and the LORD says : thanks for speaking English the language of LORD ELohim and Spirits . Not all Spirits who go with Him to the Synagogues know Hebrew . Again no mortal can hear the voice of the LORD or even Angels so that definitely never happened . The word ' glorify ' means praise , honor , worship . You can praise Y'shua and honor Y'shua but not worship Y'shua . It's LORD Elohim that you can praise , honor and worship .
- John 12 : 30 - 32 ( B ) ( R ) In the NIV : Jesus said , " this voice was for your benefit , not mine . Now is the time for judgment on this world ; now the prince of this world will be driven out . And I , when I am lifted up from the earth , will draw all people to myself . " Again there was no voice from Heaven . It says the time of judgment was about two thousand years ago . LORD ELohim says our trial was for about six thousand years and would end on the start of the thousand year Sabbath Day . The trial ended in the year 2000 AD and Sabbath Day began . Two thousand years ago the trial had only been going on for four thousand years so that claim is wrong . The prince of this world means Satan and Christians also call him a god in 2 Corinthians 4 : 4 . The CB uses Revelation 12 : 9 for a back up for verse in John 12 : 31 but in Revelation that happens in the future and Satan is cast down to earth and not driven out . If Christians believe every word in the CB then if Satan was driven out from the world about two thousand years ago then why are Christians still blaming Satan for all the evil on earth still today ? It says Y'shua said ' now ' Satan would be driven out . If Satan was such a problem for mankind then why was he allowed to be on earth even at the time of Adam and Eve ? Again LORD ELohim cannot judge mankind if we were greatly influenced by Spirits to do evil . It says when Y'shua is risen up from the earth he would draw all people to him . That never happened . There are hundreds of different religions and sects on earth that do not recognize Y'shua in any way and yet most of all those people are also forgiven of their sins by LORD ELohim because Y'shua was the Lamb for the sins ' of the world ' . According to verse 31 it says Satan was driven out of this world at the time Y'shua was alive so stop blaming David ( Satan ) for all the evil on earth these days or anything evil and wicked mankind did for the past two thousand years . In Revelation 12 : 9 it says Satan will be hurled to the earth and he leads the whole world astray . We will deal with this when we get to the book of Revelation but the LORD says that will never happen . If people go astray it's their doing : not Satan's . Again LORD ELohim cannot judge mankind if Spirits are the cause of our fall , so says LORD ELohim . The reason the LORD could judge us is because all wicked and evil we have done since Adam and Eve we did on our own .
- John 12 : 47 & 48 ( R ) In the NIV : If anyone hears my words but does not keep them , I do not judge that person . For I did not come to judge the world , but to save the world . There is a judge for the one who rejects me and does not accept my word ; the very words I have spoken will condemn them on the last day . Again LORD ELohim who is the judge of mankind would never judge people based on their religious beliefs . The LORD cannot prove to you 100 % that He even exists and Y'shua saying he is a God and the only Son of God , he cannot even prove that more than 0 % . Again LORD ELohim would not condemn people because of their religion . If the LORD was to judge each person it would be based on that person being good or evil , kind or wicked , loving or hateful and stuff like that . Just a reminder : this is the Last Day and our Father LORD ELohim has already judged us as a species and we failed . Being a believer in Y'shua as your God and as the only Son of God and so on does not change that judgment for even you .
( 11 : 31 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim's judgment of mankind had nothing to do with an afterlife . The LORD cannot give you eternal life and He never promised anyone that . The judgment is about if mankind should continue to exist as a mortal species . Just a reminder that LORD ELohim cannot make mortal flesh and bone into immortal flesh and bone and we have no Spirit that would make us immortal either . Simply put we will all die and that ends our life forever . The LORD judged us on many things like the quality of life we have . He judged us on how loving or hateful we are and peace or war , sharing or greedy , caring or not caring , our compassion , happiness or sorrow , joy or sadness , goodness or lacking goodness , loving or evil , caring or cruel , our physical well-being : do we suffer pain greatly , do we have peace of mind , do we truly enjoy our life or complain about it a lot and so on . Nothing about our judgment had anything to do with will we have a eternal life . In general it's about are we worthy of continuing to exist as a species : and we failed . If you know our true history going all the way back to Adam and Eve and what's going on about earth today and you are honest about all that hate and evil and what a cruel world it is and all the pain and suffering and the lack of joy and happiness and so on : you would agree with LORD ELohim and fail us as a species also .
- John 12 : 49 & 50 ( R ) In the NIV : For I did not speak on my own , but the Father who sent me commanded me to say all that I have spoken . I know that his command leads to eternal life . So whatever I say is just what the Father has told me to say . " LORD ELohim says there is no truth in these verses . Most everything in all the verses of the CB we have written about the LORD had nothing to do with those and what Y'shua is said to have said . The LORD never said to Y'shua to lie to people and tell them if they believe your words only those people will have a good eternal life . No one will have eternal life . Again LORD ELohim never told Y'shua to say most all that is written in the Christian Bible and the LORD says Y'shua never said most that is written in the CB . Most was written not by the disciples or Y'shua but the Roman Catholic Church long long after Y'shua and his disciples were dead .
( 11 : 32 ) NOTES - LORD ELohim wants to remind Christians there is no eternal life for you either . The LORD never told Y'shua that only his followers would have a good eternal life . No one who is mortal flesh and bone will have an eternal life : good or bad . The LORD cannot do that for you and it would not be only Christians if He could . Y'shua did believe that people will have an eternal life but he also believe most everyone would and not just his followers . John the Baptist said that Y'shua was the Lamb of God for the sin of the world . That means almost everyone's sins and not just Christians . Just because the LORD ELohim forgave most all peoples sins does not mean you will have an eternal life . It's a lie that our sins is why we mortals die . An afterlife for mortals is a lie and a great lie made up by the Christian churches and many others believe in something like that too . LORD ELohim says we die because we are mortal flesh and bone and He cannot change that and would not change that . Mortal life has been hard enough for most people the first time around . Would you really want to be a aging mortal for all eternity ? Can you imagine what you would feel like and look like at two hundred or two thousand year old . LORD ELohim cannot give mortal flesh and bone immortality or stop us from aging . These are impossible for Him to do .
- John 13 : 1 & 2 ( B ) In the NIV : It was just before the Passover Festival . Jesus knew that the hour had come for him to leave this world and go to the Father . .... The evening meal was in progress , and the devil had already prompted Judas , .... to betray Jesus . Again there is no evil Satan . If this really happened the way it is written then is Satan being evil or is he working for LORD ELohim ? The Romans probably did not put people on the cross without reason . According to the CB Y'shua knowingly irritated the Pharisees many times to the point Y'shua did speak blasphemies several times . LORD ELohim set things up for Y'shua to die for the sin of the world . If David ( Satan ) was involved it was at the request of LORD ELohim but remember it is not easy for any Spirit to motivate any human to do something . LORD ELohim says David was not involved with that . Remember David really wants nothing to do with us crazy people in the past and even now and the LORD is OK with that . Judas very much did this on his own . After Y'shua died he did not go to the Father LORD ELohim . Y'shua's body went to a tomb and was never risen from that tomb . If this body really disappeared from the tomb it was not because his mortal flesh and bone was resurrected . There were a few people who had their reasons to steal the body and hide it or maybe pagans wanting eternal life ate it .
- John 13 : 3 ( B ) In the NIV : Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power , and that he had come from God and was returning to God ; .... LORD ELohim did not give Y'shua any power or any things to him . Y'shua was the chosen man to be LORD ELohim's Lamb of God and he knew that for many years but Y'shua in every other way was as mortal as you are . In no way did Y'shua have a Spirit that was a God or that would give Y'shua eternal life . Again he was as mortal as you are .
- John 13 : 19 ( R ) In the NIV : I am telling you now before it happens , so that when it does happen you will believe that I am who I am . Here again it has Y'shua saying again that he is God . Not just the son of God but that he was the one who spoke to Moses on the mountain : that God . The words " I am who I am " in this verse is a lie and so wrong . LORD ELohim said to Moses in the CB Old Testament that His name was " I AM WHO I AM " in Exodus 3 : 14 . The Jewish Bible gives a different name but remember the Christians use their own version of the JB as their back up in their Old Testament . There are many changes in the CB Old Testament compared to the JB which was very wrong for the Christians to do . For Y'shua to have said that he is the God of the Jews : this would be a lot more wrong than just blasphemy alone and his disciples would have known that and would have went against Y'shua . LORD ELohim says Y'shua never said this ever in any way .
- John 13 : 26 & 27 ( B ) ( R ) In the NIV : .... Then , dipping the piece of bread , he gave it to Judas , .... As soon as Judas took the bread , Satan entered into him . Y'shua had said one of the disciples would betray him and they asked who and he said who he gives the bread too . Again Satan did not enter Judas . Judas betrayed Y'shua by his own free will . Again if Satan did this who would he be helping ? It would be LORD ELohim .
- John 13 : 31 & 32 ( B ) ( R ) In the NIV : When he was gone , Jesus said , " Now the Son of Man is glorified and God is glorified in him , God will glorify the Son in himself , and will glorify him at once . There is sure a lot of ' glorify and .... . The words glory or glorify means ' give glory to , make glorious . Praise , honor , worship and so on . If you believe that LORD ELohim only does somethings is because He wants to be praised and worshiped : you are wrong . LORD ELohim is not like that . The LORD ELohim has always tried to be a Father to you more than a God . The LORD has never been into all this glory stuff and neither was Y'shua who was a very humble man and quiet man .
- John 13 : 33 ( R ) In the NIV : My children , I will be with you only a little longer . .... In the NIV it says " My children " and in the KJV it says " Little children " . For Y'shua to say ' my children ' is wrong . LORD ELohim is our creator and our Father and our only God and Y'shua is not any of these . But remember Y'shua was the willing Lamb of God and for that respect and honor him in memory of him but do not worship him . Y'shua was and is not a God or your Father and you all are not his children .
- John 14 : 6 & 7 ( B ) ( R ) In the NIV : " I am the way and the truth and the life . No one comes to the Father except through me . If you really know me , you will know my Father as well . From now on , you do know him and have seen him . " No mortal has ever seen LORD ELohim : not even Moses . Is Y'shua saying to see him is to see the Father ? Is he saying he is your Father ? It gets even more bizarre in the next verses . In past verses didn't Y'shua say it is LORD ELohim that brings people to him and not him to bring people to LORD ELohim ?
- John 14 : 8 - 10 ( B ) ( R ) In the NIV : Philip said , " Lord , show us the Father and that will be enough for us . " Jesus answered : " Don't you know me , Philip , even after I have been among you such a long time ? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father . How can you say , " Show us the Father " ? Don't you believe that I am in the Father , and that the Father is in me ? The words I say to you I do not speak on my own authority . Rather , it is the Father , living in me , who is doing his work . Seeing a mortal man is not seeing the Father LORD ELohim . The LORD ELohim said He was never in the mortal body of Y'shua . A teaching Spirit was often in Y'shua but not the LORD and Y'shua the mortal man was never in LORD ELohim : that is a big lie and the LORD is sure Y'shua did not speak that lie . LORD ELohim was never living in Y'shua . The LORD has other ways of doing His work . In what we have read so far since the book of Matthew we do not remember Y'shua saying verses that he would claim the Father living in him and he living in the Father so why be so mean to Philip and make him feel stupid .
- John 14 : 11 ( R ) In the NIV : Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me ; or at least believe on the evidence of the works themselves . When you take out raising the dead , healing the sick , feeding thousands with a couple of bread and a few little fish , walking on water and so on , there really is not a lot of works done by Y'shua that can be called evidence for this verse being true . And why just then . Why didn't LORD ELohim raise up a Y'shua type for every generation since Adam and Eve were alive to see such miracles if these were true and so easy to do ? Why does this generation not have a Y'shua type to heal , feed and other ways to help people ? Around the world people are dying from famines , disease and so on . There has never been any shortage of people in need of a miracle . The reason why LORD ELohim has never tried to do that is because He cannot do these things and Y'shua certainly never did them either. Y'shua was not meant do any of those things and again he never did any of those things . Y'shua was the Lamb of God which was a one time only . Believe this : LORD ELohim our Father has been in hospitals and has seen the suffering and if He could heal the sick our Father would do that and feed those hungry and so on . The LORD would not raise mortals from the grave back to life because that would simply be impossible to do .
- John 14 : 12 ( R ) In the NIV : Very truly I tell you , who ever believes in me will do the works I have been doing , and they will do even greater things than these , because I am going to the Father . The only Christian healers we have heard of got caught doing fake healings for money gained . The percentage of Christians in the world is a lot in most all nations and yet only on bad TV shows are the dead walking . Hospitals are packed with people including children who are very ill and dying . In the past two thousand years millions have died from famines and malnutrition and sickness including millions of children . So why are the Christians in past and present not saving all these people if they all have such power given to them by Y'shua to do so ?
- John 14 : 13 ( R ) In the NIV : And I will do whatever you ask in my name , so that the Father may be glorified in the Son . You may ask me for anything in my name , and I will do it . Maybe the problem Christians are having with raising the dead , healing the sick , feeding thousands , walking on water and so on is because they are calling him Jesus and not Y'shua . Maybe if you all call him by his true name ' Y'shua ' then you could do all these things . But don't count on it .
- John 14 : 15 - 21 ( R ) In the NIV : If you love me , keep my commands . And I will ask the Father , and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever - the Spirit of truth . The world cannot accept him , because it neither sees him nor knows him . But you know him , for he lives with you and will be in you . The advocate spoken of is called the Holy Spirit by Christians and there is no Holy Spirit . There is a lot of Christians in the world today . That would be quite the trick for every Christian to have the same Holy Spirit with them all the time . LORD ELohim does not know how to do that trick . It says Y'shua called this Spirit ' him ' and not ' them ' so it is just one Spirit . One Spirit in mega millions of Christians : how would that even be possible unless the Spirit is a great fog with mega millions of minds ? Again the LORD says He never created such a Spirit . LORD ELohim never created a Spirit bigger than Himself which is about eight feet tall . LORD ELohim has never and would never tell any Spirit that he has to be with a human ' forever ' . Most all Spirits are like David ( Satan ) and they really do not want much of anything to do with us humans and who can blame them for that ? If you were a Spirit would you want to spend your life in or with a human all the time or would you want to go home to Heaven instead and do nothing that is not a lot of fun to do . In John : 14 : 26 it explains that the advocate is call the Holy Spirit .
- John 14 : 23 - 24 ( R ) In the NIV : .... Jesus replied , Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching . My Father will love them , and we will come to them and make our home with them . Anyone who does not love me will not obey my teaching . These words you hear are not my own ; they belong to the Father who sent me . In the KJV it says ... will love him ... come unto him ... and will make our abode with him . In the CB it often says Y'shua says " the Father who sent me " . It makes it sound like Y'shua is claiming he came from Heaven and that is not true . Y'shua was as mortal as you are mortal . The only difference is that he did have a teaching Spirit and very few people have ever had a teaching Spirit . But Y'shua himself the mortal man never came from Heaven and when he died he never went to Heaven either . No mortal has ever gone to Heaven and no mortal ever will go to Heaven . This verse says Y'shua claimed all his words were not his but were his Father's words . If it were that easy for LORD ELohim to communicate with mortals Y'shua would have not been the last man God did that with before now . Truth is very few words were from LORD ELohim and most words in the CB New Testament were not even Y'shua's words spoken by him . LORD ELohim says Y'shua was never meant to be a teacher or a Rabbi and Y'shua did have his own beliefs that were errors that the teaching Spirit and the LORD could not change from errors to the truth .
- John 14 : 30 & 31 ( R ) In the NIV : I will not say much more to you , for the prince of this world is coming . He has no hold over me , but he comes so that the world may learn that I love the Father and do exactly what my Father has commanded me . In John 12 : 31 Satan was driven out of the world . Now in this verse he is coming back . Poor Spirit David : With Christians he doesn't know if he is coming or going . Again in this verse David ( Satan ) is helping LORD ELohim again . David did not come here for what ever the helping was about because LORD ELohim does not know what help David was suppose to do and the CB does not say yet either what that was about . It's no wonder why David and other Spirits don't want anything to do with mankind . The KJV is different : .... for the prince of the world cometh , and hath nothing in me . But that the world may know that I love the Father , and as the Father gave me commandment , even so I do , .... What could David do to prove to the world that Y'shua loves the Father and does his work ? LORD ELohim says David was never asked to prove this . How could he have done that ?
- John 15 : 26 - 27 ( R ) In the NIV : When the Advocate comes, whom I will send to you from the Father - the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father - he will testify about me . And you also must testify , for you have been with me from the beginning . If Y'shua said this he did not know much about Spirit . The LORD's whole Spirit is only about eight feet tall and to look at Him He is like us : for He created us in the image of Himself and his Spirit children . He and His Spirit children they have a head , arms , legs , torso and so on . The only big difference is that they are Spirit and have no gentiles . There is nothing that ' goes out from the Father ' . There is no Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost . How is Spirit suppose to testify to mankind ? Did Y'shua not know that it would be impossible to do regarding all people because of how impossible it is for people to hear the LORD's voice and how difficult it is for LORD ELohim to communicate to people through people . If Y'shua was the Son of God or a God like Christians claim he is then he would have known all things about LORD ELohim and how hard it is for our Father to talk to us . The LORD says Y'shua never said this .
( 11 : 33 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim is getting to know what is written in the Christian Bible . The mortal man Y'shua was never like how the CB depicts him to be . The LORD says Y'shua was a very humble and quiet man who never said most all the verses in the CB New Testament . Y'shua had his own beliefs but the ones that had never been proven to be true he did not preach about them like most Rabbis then . Mortals having an eternal life is something that has no proof whatsoever so he did not talk about this subject much at all outside of just chitchat with his close friends . Y'shua never would have said " if you believe in him you are guaranteed eternal life " because there is no proof there is eternal life for any mortals for any reason . Y'shua never claimed to be the only Son of God or that he was a God or even the Messiah . If Y'shua had done that he would not have lived as long as he did . LORD ELohim had laws about that . Y'shua was a very faithful Jews who knew such laws and respected those laws and believed in them . Y'shua was a loving and kind and good mortal man . Y'shua never sinned and had he ever said he was a God or a God equal to LORD ELohim : that is a great sin . Y'shua was not into all this glory stuff the Christians wrote about . Y'shua was a deeply loving married man to Miriam ( Mary ) Magdalene and a good father of two sons . The fact that Y'shua was married and a father of two children was kept out of the CB . Why ? Why are Catholic preachers not allowed to marry ? Probably because a wife and children cost money . Y'shua was not a Christian : again Y'shua was not a Christian . Y'shua was a very faithful Jew who was never trying to create a new religion and if he were alive now he would not approve of Christianity and him being deceitfully use as one of their Gods . For people to call Y'shua their God is a great sin . Y'shua was a very devote Jew who believed there is only one God who is LORD ELohim and only LORD ELohim is the Father and creator of all that was created including you . This is what Y'shua believed and taught . Y'shua believed all mortals are the children of LORD ELohim and he never said he was the only Son of God and he never said he was the creator of all making him our Father . Y'shua believed only LORD ELohim was the Father of all Spirits and mortals created . Y'shua believed some day a Messiah would come to help all this crazy world but he never claimed to be that Messiah or a King . LORD ELohim says Y'shua's tender and gentle personality was just so wrong for the job of Messiah or King and thats not what Y'shua was born for . Y'shua was the Lamb of God and he died for the sins of most all mankind , past , present and future and not just for Christians . Like John the Baptist said Y'shua the Lamb of God willingly gave up his life for the sins of the world . Y'shua was a mortal man to be remembered and respected and loved for what he willingly did but not worshiped and not to be lied about for the gain of a lot of money like Christians have done . A few other religions have the story of Y'shua wrong also . This is the Sabbath Day , the Last Day , our Judgement Day and LORD ELohim is not out to change the world now . It's too late . We failed . So what people believe about their religion , as long as their beliefs harm no other people , LORD ELohim does not care what you believe anymore . Again it's too late for LORD ELohim to try to change the many many errors regarding many hundreds of religions and sects . When you die , what you believed in makes no difference since death is death for all people no matter what religion they believed in . No religion can change the fact that no mortal has an eternal life .
- John 16 : 15 ( R ) In the NIV : All that belongs to the Father is mine . That is why I said the Spirit will receive from me what he will make known to you . " LORD ELohim would never give to a mortal man everything He created : not even Y'shua . The LORD would not even give Spirits all He created and the Spirits have no problems with that . The Spirits love is Heaven and not anything or anywhere on earth . Y'shua is dead and the Holy Spirit does not exist so what some people believe came from Y'shua was created in their own minds .
- John 16 : 16 & 18 ( B ) ( R ) In the NIV : Jesus went on to say , " In a little while you will see me no more , and then after a little while you will see me . " At this , some of his disciples said to one another , " What does he mean by saying , " In a little ..... It is recently to this time that John the Baptist taught people that Y'shua was the Lamb of God who will take away the sin of the world . Why does it seem in these verses that his disciples don't know anything about that . LORD ELohim said the disciples did know this about Y'shua .
- John 16 : 27 & 28 ( R ) In the NIV : No ,the Father himself loves you because you have loved me and have believed that I came from God . I came from the Father and entered the world ; now I am leaving the world and going back to the Father . " LORD ELohim says Y'shua never said this . Y'shua never believe he alone is the only son of God or was a God . Y'shua was the Lamb of God and why is he not talking about that . The whole purpose of Y'shua was that if he were willing : he would be the Lamb of God . For him to be the Lamb of God was a great thing for him to be willing to do but at the same time that was his main purpose . Y'shua was personally created by LORD ELohim with egg and selected sperm but Y'shua never came from the Father and he never went back to the Father . Y'shua the mortal man died like any mortal dies and he did not go anywhere because he did die as a mortal . There was never a God-Spirit in this mortal man and he never had a personal Spirit to call his own either just like you have no Spirit with you to call your own .
- John 16 : 33 ( R ) In the NIV : I have told you these things , so that in me you may have peace . In this world you will have trouble . But take heart ! I have overcome the world . The word ' overcome ' means ' conquer ' . Conquer means : to get the better of , defeat , subdue or overthrow . In what way did Y'shua overcome the world ? LORD ELohim says these verses make no sense . The world never changed . Sins , wars , hatred , evil , cruelty and on and on ; did not end when Y'shua was alive or after he died for our sins . The LORD says people did not change back then or even today because of Y'shua . The only thing that did change over many hundreds of years and even over a thousand years in some areas of the earth is that most people stopped sacrificing human babies and children to their false gods and that was the very reason for Y'shua as the Lamb of God in the first place . To say this was conquered it would be LORD ELohim who conquered this and not Y'shua the Lamb because it was LORD ELohim's idea and His work that made things happen .
( 11 : 34 ) NOTES : A lot of Christians are going to be thinking their religion played a big part in stopping human sacrifices to false gods . Had Christianity not happened the Jews would have done a much better job at this . It was common when Christian people sailed to the so called ' new world ' North and South America and Islands and other places a Roman Catholic preacher or a few of them would be with them on the ships too . It was common that the original inhabitants of those so called new found lands were slaughtered by the soldiers and the ships crew for their gold and lands and much more . Far more people including children and babies died by the hands of Christians then were saved from being sacrificed to false gods . The Christians have nothing to brag about . The Jews would have done a much better job at teaching people about LORD ELohim and His Law against human sacrifice and with a great deal less blood shed and loss of life . The only thing the Christians did is give people who were not slaughtered by them , was two more fake gods : Y'shua and the Holy Spirit . The Jewish Rabbis would not have done that . Those who were pagans are mostly still pagans today as pagan Christians .
- John 17 : 1 & 2 ( B ) ( R ) In the NIV : After Jesus said this , he looked toward heaven and prayed : " Father , the hour has come . Glorify your Son , that your Son may glorify you . For you granted him authority over all people that he might give eternal life to all those you have given him . Y'shua never said this . LORD ELohim never gave Y'shua authority over all people . LORD ELohim was never picking or choosing who He would give to Y'shua . If the LORD had done something to people to make them believe some-thing about Y'shua then LORD ELohim would have taken away these peoples free will to decide that on their own and the LORD cannot mess with peoples free will . Y'shua on his own chose to be the Lamb of God . Y'shua could have chose not to and LORD ELohim would have been OK with that . All this ' glorify ' stuff again . If you believe that LORD ELohim and even Y'shua wanted all these ' glory ' stuff : you don't know either of them yet .
- John 17 : 3 ( R ) In the NIV : Now this is eternal life : that they know you , the only true God , and Jesus Christ , whom you have sent . Here is something interesting . Y'shua saying LORD ELohim is ' the only true God ' . Christians are suppose to believe every word in their Bible and that their Bible is without errors . Again it says Y'shua said LORD ELohim is ' the only true God ' . To say there are three co-equal Gods would be a lie then . The KJV says : .... that they might know thee the only true God .... This is very clear what Y'shua is said to have said : there is only one true God who is the Father LORD ELohim . Then he says : and Jesus Christ . The name Christ in Latin ' Christus ' and Greek ' Christos ' means Messiah and Y'shua was not the awaited Jewish Messiah so this is wrong to call him Christ and his name was Y'shua : not Jesus which is Greek . In this verse Y'shua does not claim to be a God or even the only Son of God which is a nice change . We got to do this again : Y'shua said LORD ELohim is ' the only true God ' which is the truth for a change written in the Christian Bible . Now what do you believe or are you confused now at what you should believe ? As Y'shua is said to have said " the only true God " is LORD ELohm .
- John 17 : 4 & 5 ( R ) In the NIV : I have brought you glory on earth by finishing the work you gave me to do . And now Father , glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world began . The reason there is not much in the JB about the Lamb of God is because not long before Y'shua the LORD got the idea about a Lamb of God . A lot of Christians claim that in the JB there is a lot about Y'shua written but those verses are mostly about the Messiah and not the Lamb of God . Again Y'shua was not the Messiah . Y'shua did not exist in any way before he was conceived of from a mortal egg and mortal sperm just like you . Y'shua in any form , mortal or Spirit , did not exist before the world began just like you . LORD ELohim did not give Y'shua any work to do . Y'shua on his own chose to be a Rabbi . The only work Y'shua was asked by the LORD to do was if he was willing : to be the Lamb of God but only if he was willing to do that . Y'shua being a Jew understood all this sacrifice stuff : I do not . Again Y'shua knew he could have said no and the LORD would have had no problems with that in any way .
- John 17 : 6 ( R ) In the NIV : " I have revealed you to those whom you gave me out of the world . They were yours ; you gave them to me and they have obeyed your word . In the CB there is not a lot about LORD ELohim and what is written is mostly lies or errors . The verse says ' They were yours ' . What does that mean ? Does it mean the LORD ELohim created us and He alone is our Father . Now that would be true . Does that mean the Jews who were and are LORD ELohim's chosen people given to Y'shua ? The LORD would never do that to His Jews . Remember in John 1 the first few verses claim that Y'shua is our creator and Father which is a lie . The LORD did not give Y'shua any human . LORD ELohim is not in the business of human trafficking . The people who followed Y'shua did that on their own and were not forced to by LORD ELohim . In these verses it makes it sound like there is an ownership of mankind , who owns what people . The LORD says this is wrong . The LORD created us but He does not feel like He owns us and neither should Y'shua . LORD ELohim just want to be your Father .
( 11 : 35 ) NOTES : Other animals LORD ELohim created have instinct but us humans not so much . The LORD gave us free will so we are free to make choices in our life . The LORD tried to give us some instructions to go with that freedom of choice but most people ignored the Ten Commandments and other teachings which is one of the main reasons why we are in the mess we are in today and were in back then . LORD ELohim never quit trying to help us make the right choices but for the most part people did not even try to follow His instructions . Comparing mankind with free will to other animals with instinct we humans did not do as well as the other animals did who were guided by their instinct only . The LORD knew before Adam and Eve that mankind would need His help if we were to pass our trial time but it did not work out the way the LORD was hopeful for . What we chose using our free will was being judged . How much joy , happiness , and true love of life was being judged to along with how much suffering and sadness we are dealing with and so on . Today is Judgment Day and we failed our trial just like the Grays and Anunnaki who had free will also failed their trial . If the LORD were to create any mortals again they would not have free will . This the LORD is not planning to create any other mortals : ever again .
- John 17 : 9 & 10 ( R ) In the NIV : I pray for them . I am not praying for the world , but for those you have given me , for they are yours . All I have is yours , and all you have is mine . Why would Y'shua not pray for all mankind to find their way to our Father LORD ELohim ? All Humanity is LORD ELohim's creation and He is the Father of all people : both the good and the bad . Again the LORD never gave Y'shua anything and never will because Y'shua is dead . According to the CB Y'shua did a lot of preaching about a hell for the unbelievers in him . If there really were a hell one would expect Y'shua to double up on his prayers for those people heading that way .
- John 17 : 11 ( R ) In the NIV : I will remain in the world no longer , but they are still in the world , and I am coming to you . Holy Father , protect them by the power of your name , the name you gave me , so that they may be one as we are one . LORD ELohim and Y'shua were never ' one ' . The name the LORD gave Y'shua was and is still Y'shua . Christians gave Y'shua the name Jesus and the LORD has never understood why they did that . Christians have been praying in the wrong name to the wrong mortal man and dead man for almost two thousand years , beginning a couple of hundred years after Y'shua and his disciples died . The LORD does not know any man who's name was or is Jesus . So if you as a pagan Christians feel that LORD ELohim is ignoring you : you are right .
- John 17 : 12 ( R ) In the NIV : While I was with them , I protected them and kept them safe by that name you gave me . There is nothing about the name Y'shua that did whatever to keep his disciples safe . In the KJV it says that Psalms 41 : 9 backs up this verse . In Jewish Bible in Psalms 41 : 9 it says : "Something baneful has settled on him ; he'll not rise from his bed again . " This verse has nothing to do with Y'shua . In the NIV Old Testament Psalms 41 : 9 this verse says : Even my close friend , someone I trusted , on who shared my bread , has turned against me . In the JB in Psalms 41 : 10 it says : My ally in whom I trusted , even he who shares my bread , has been utterly false to me . In the JB and in verse number 10 and not 9 it works out better only these verses have nothing to do with Y'shua the Lamb . You have to read the whole chapter and it would be best to read the JB . Obviously the CB has an error . Remember the Jewish Bible was first . The Jews did not copy anything out of the Christian Bible . It's the Christians who copied or at least some what copied out of the Jewish Bible so it's the Jewish Bible that is for the most part correct . The Christians picked out a verse from here and there in the JB claiming it's about Y'shua but if you read the whole story it has nothing to do with Y'shua . How does the name Y'shua keep people safe . The LORD does not believe this and Y'shua never said this .
- John 17 : 19 ( R ) In the NIV : For them I sanctify myself , that they too may be truly sanctified . The word sanctify means ' to make holy , free from sin ' . No mortal is in the position to make themselves holy including Y'shua or to make other people holy . Only LORD ELohim can sanctify people and forgive their sins .
- John 17 : 22 & 23 ( R ) In the NIV : I have given them the glory that you gave me , that they may be one as we are one - I in them and you in me - so that they may be brought to complete unity . The LORD ELohim does not do ' you in me ' . There are only a lot of millions of Christians today . What kind of Spirit would Y'shua have to be to be in all those millions at the same time and all the time ? We're back to a Spirit that would have to be like the nonexistent Holy Spirit who would have to be a Spirit fog everywhere on earth with billions of minds in that fog . The LORD never created any Spirit as a fog . The LORD made all Spirits like Him so all of them can play , sing , dance and much more fun . A fog Spirit could not do that . Y'shua is not in you Christians because he is not Spirit or a fog Spirit . Y'shua never had a Spirit to call his own just like you have no Spirit to call your own . Y'shua and LORD ELohim were never ' one ' . Y'shua was a mortal , as mortal as you are . The LORD was never in Y'shua and Y'shua was never in the LORD and Y'shua was never a God .
- John 17 : 24 ( R ) In the NIV : Father , I want those you have given me to be with me where I am , and to see my glory , the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world . Before the creation of the world Spirits played thousands of different games , singed songs , danced , put on plays , and on and on : but they did not worship any Spirit . They loved and respected their Father LORD ELohim who play and danced and so on as much as His children did . The word ' glory ' did not exist back then and did not exist until humans came to be by the LORD creating us . LORD ELohim does not like the word ' glory ' or anything like it . Y'shua did not exist in any form before the world was created . Y'shua did not exist in any form before the mortal egg was fertilized by a mortal sperm : then Y'shua became a mortal person . Then the LORD put this fertilized egg into Miriam's womb . At the moment the egg was fertilized then Y'shua began his mortal life and there was no God Spirit that incarnated into him because LORD ELohim is the one and only true God and He did not do that . The LORD is like Y'shua was said to say in verse John 17 : 3 : the only true God .
- John 18 : 33 & 34 ( B ) ( R ) In the NIV : Pilate then went back inside the palace , summoned Jesus and asked him , " Are you the king of the Jews ? " " Is that your own idea , : Jesus asked , " or did others talk to you about me ? " If this story is true which is not likely : just because three pagans said " Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews ? " in Matthew 2 : 2 does not make Y'shua the king of the Jews . These pagans were not Jews or Hebrew or of the faith of Judaism . Y'shua was never a king : you know that . The Jews then knew that . The Jews were not walking around saying " Hail King Y'shua " for a reason : he was not a king ; he was never a king . It would take more than just three pagans claiming this to make someone a king of the Jews . First these pagans claim Y'shua to be a king of the Jews and then pagan Christians claim Y'shua was king of the Jews and the problem is with all this : the Jews have never claimed Y'shua was king of the Jews and you would think they would have known that if it were true . The Jews know more about their history than any other people and if Y'shua was king of the Jews they would know that and it be written about in many books about Jews in the past and today .
- John 20 : 11 & 12 ( B ) In the NIV : Now Mary stood outside the tomb crying . As she wept , she bent over to look into the tomb and saw two angels in white , seated where Jesus body had been , one at the head and the other at the foot . They asked her , " Woman , why are you crying ? " They have taken my Lord away " , she said , .... I have dealt with many Angels and never did I see them and never did I hear them speak because mortals cannot hear with our ears or see with our eyes Spirits . The LORD never had any teaching Spirits create a vision for Miriam regarding this . This never happened . The body may have been taken from the tomb but no Angels ever spoke to Miriam .
- John 20 : 17 ( B ) ( R ) In the NIV : Jesus said , Do not hold on to me , for I have not yet ascended to the Father . Go instead to my brothers and tell them , " I am ascending to my Father and your Father , to my God and your God . " LORD ELohim is a 100 % sure Y'shua died on the cross just as it says in the CB . But the LORD is also 100 % sure that Y'shua never walked out of that tomb as a living mortal man . Again like all mortals Y'shua did not have a Spirit to call his own in which he could live on as a Spirit . Spirits cannot do that for mortals . Y'shua rising from the dead and his disciples having contact with him after he died is not true . It is also not true that ' Y'shua ascended to the Father ' . LORD ELohim and Spirits never saw Y'shua alive after he was taken off the cross . LORD ELohim did not just leave . He spent sometime with Miriam the wife of Y'shua and their children . The LORD wanted to make sure Miriam and their children were being taken care of . So LORD ELohim did spend a lot of time with all the Miriam's and the disciples and others for many months and He never saw Y'shua alive during that time and neither did any of these people either . None of these people claimed to see Y'shua alive . No one the LORD knew of ever found out where the mortal body of Y'shua went to . On a show a long time ago they uncovered a grave in Israel where there were several ossuaries , bone boxes , with the name of Y'shua on one and the names of members of his family on each of the other bone boxes . Is this the family grave of Y'shua's family ? Did someone in the family take his body to make sure it was safe ? LORD ELohim says even He looked into the tomb when He heard Y'shua's body was gone and that was true that it was gone . To this day the LORD does not know where the body went . What the LORD does know is that it did not rise up from the dead .
- John 20 : 19 - 29 ( B ) ( R ) In the NIV : If you forgive anyone's sins , their sins are forgiven ; if you do not forgive them , they are not forgiven . LORD ELohim would never give that position to any mortal : not even Y'shua . Even the Catholic Church or any other preachers from other Christian sects do not have any approval from LORD ELohim to forgive or to not forgive people their sins . Y'shua died for the sins of the world but he was not given permission by LORD ELohim to make the choices who would be forgiven by this or who the LORD would not forgive . The LORD ELohim is the only one who can or can not forgive someone . The rest of us in the past , present and future are already forgiven by the sacrifice of the Lamb of God . Near the end Y'shua knew he was to be the Lamb of God so why would Y'shua even say this verse ? Christians believe only they are forgiven for their sins but that is not true . Christianity never existed when Y'shua existed . Again LORD ELohim would never let a mortal human decide who should be forgiven and who should not be forgiven . The rest of the verses are more verses about the dead man Y'shua talking to people . The LORD says Y'shua was dead at this time and these verses are simply not true so no need to write about them .
- John 20 : 30 & 31 ( B ) In the NIV : Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of his disciples , which are not recorded in this book . But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah , the Son of God , and that by believing you may have life in his name . LORD ELohim never said people must believe that Y'shua was the Messiah or only Son of God because Y'shua was not the Messiah and the only Son of God . Y'shua was the Lamb of God that died for the sins of the world . Even those who never heard of him their sins were forgiven to . LORD ELohim never said you need to believe all written in the CB about Y'shua to be forgiven for your sins . Remember Y'shua died as the ' Lamb of God , who takes away the sin of the world ' and not just for pagan Christians . You could be a Atheist and still you are forgiven by LORD ELohim if you are reasonably not a evil person just like pagan Christians who are forgiven that are reasonably not a evil person . There are a few people that the LORD would never forgive but the rest of people who ever lived since Adam and Eve they are forgiven . Christians are so wrong who believe only pagan Christians are forgiven . This never happened because Y'shua was dead at this time .
( 11 : 36 ) NOTES : In the Dictionary it says the word ' pagan ' means : a person who is not a Christian , Jew , or Moslem . The ancient Greeks and Romans were pagans . A person who has no religion . Not religious . LORD ELohim did not write the dictionary : people did . You know the LORD does not agree with this . What these people wrote about pagans is an error and it's nothing to start a war over .
( 11 : 37 ) NOTES : In verse John 20 : 31 it says : But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah , the Son of God , .... Must the Jewish Messiah be the Son of God or must the Son of God be the Messiah also ? Again all about the Jewish Messiah was a Jewish hope for a better world . The Christians did not invent all this Messiah stuff . The Jewish people did hope for a Messiah hundreds or maybe more than a thousand years before Y'shua existed . According to these two books about the Messiah most Jews believe : the Messiah would be a Jewish leader who will unite the world ; bring peace to the nations ; and serve as a spiritual guide to people everywhere . Jews believe the LORD someday will usher in a new era with the Messiah leading the way ; rebuild the third Temple ; resurrection of all dead and bring the Jews to live in Israel ; that the Messiah will redeem humanity but it was LORD ELohim who did that through the Lamb of God Y'shua who was not the Messiah . Mortal flesh cannot redeem humanity because only LORD ELohim can do that . To be fair to Y'shua , the second Temple was still standing in one piece when he was alive . If a third Temple is built the LORD would not care where in Israel so there is no blood shed over who gets the Temple Mount . And the Messiah should not be expected to raise the dead because even LORD ELohim cannot do that and Y'shua could not either . Y'shua never fulfilled any of the other things the Jews expected of their Messiah which is why the Jewish people never claimed he was their Messiah and the LORD says Y'shua never claimed to be the Messiah either . Jews believe that the Messiah was to bring a new age of peace , compassion and love on earth . Y'shua never made that happen either . Jews also do not believe any mortal can be a God which the Christians claim Y'shua was . Jews also do not believe a mortal can be the only son of God because their belief is we are all sons and daughters of LORD ELohim and the faith of Judaism is correct except the belief about the Messiah raising the dead because that simply cannot be done . To get back to our question : does the Messiah have to be the Son of God or does the Son of God have to be the Messiah like the verse makes it sound ? The answer is ' No ' to both . There is no ' only Son of God ' . LORD ELohim created everything and like the Spirits we mortals are His children : both sons and daughters .
Messiah means ' anointed one ' . According to a Christian book even Jewish Kings , priests and sometimes even prophets were anointed with oil . Was Y'shua anointed with oil ? We don't remember anything written about that ritual for Y'shua in the CB yet and LORD ELohim does not remember this being done . In Acts 4 : 27 Peter and John are praying to LORD ELohim saying .... people of Israel in this city to conspire against your holy servant Jesus , whom you anointed . These two are saying the LORD anointed Y'shua . LORD ELohim says He never anointed Y'shua because Y'shua would never be a King or the Messiah or a priest or a true prophet and it's up to the Jews to decide who to anoint : not LORD ELohim . The LORD never anointed anyone . Names matter . Messiah means ' anointed one ' and it seems Y'shua was never anointed by anyone . This is a little funny , even to the LORD . The name Y'shua means ' Jehovah is salvation ' and not Y'shua is your salvation . Most Messianic Jews call Y'shua : Y'shua and they too are waiting for his return which will never happen . One of the books about Judaism says neither the Hebrew nor Aramaic languages have a " J " sound so this man's name could not have been ' Jesus ' back then . This man's name was called Yeshua a variant of the Hebrew name Yehoshua which in English is Joshua . Yeshua can also be spelt Y'shua which is what we use and LORD ELohim used for the Lamb of God . Again Y'shua was never anointed by the Jews or by LORD ELohim . Y'shua was never ' the anointed one ' . And if he was not ' the anointed one ' he also was not the Messiah or in Christian language he was not the Christ . Don't get mad at the Jews back then because Y'shua the Jewish man was never anointed by them . They knew he was not the Messiah or the only Son of God , or a king , or , or , or .... . This is what happens when you use someone else's religion that you do not understand everything about it for your own new religion . Most in the CB was obviously not written by Jews . Still funny .
- John 21 : 14 ( B ) In the NIV : This was now the third time Jesus appeared to his disciples after he was raised from the dead . Y'shua was never raised from the dead . Since LORD ELohim did not do that : then who could have done that ? The LORD knows Y'shua's disciples never raised any body from the dead so it was not them . Y'shua never raised anyone from the grave back to life either so it was not him and how could the dead raise himself ?
- John 21 : 25 ( B ) In the NIV : Jesus did many other things as well . If every one of them were written down , I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written . There is a couple of words of truth in this verse but the rest is all a big lie . A lot of books have been written about Jesus in which the authors made a lot of money with but none of the books were about Y'shua . A lot of people have made a lot of money writing thousands of books about Jesus but again they were not about Y'shua . Preachers from the different denominations of Christianity have made a lot of money preaching about Jesus but not preaching about Y'shua . The Jesus of the Christian Bible never existed and most of what the CB says he did ; did not happen but the mortal humble and quiet and loving Jewish man named Y'shua who was the willing Lamb of God who gave up his life for all people of the world did exist . If a book was written about Y'shua and only what was true the LORD ELohim says it would not even be twenty pages in big print .
( 11 : 38 ) NOTES : We are mostly finished the book of John . The next book is the book of Acts . Here is an example of what's coming in the next update . This is about Judas the man who betrayed Y'shua . It's about how Judas died after betraying Y'shua . In Matthew 27 : 1 - 10 .... When Judas, who had betrayed him , saw that Jesus was condemned , he was seized with remorse and returned the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priest and the elders .... So Judas threw the money into the temple and left . Then he went away and hanged himself . In the book of Matthew Judas committed suicide . In the book of Acts it says this is what happened to Judas and the money . Acts 1 : 18 - 20 ( With the payment he received for his wickedness , Judas bought a field ; there he fell headlong , his body burst open and all his intestines spilled out .... So which was it ? What is true about the death of Judas ? Did Judas commit suicide or did he have a very bad accident or maybe even something else ? When the books in the Christian Bible do not agree with each other ; you have to wonder why that is . Christians believe their CB is perfect and true . How can that be if even one story within the CB has two different stories . Which is the true story if either one ? Obviously these verses cannot both be true . People only die once .