Date: Jan 19 2023
Again : the Little Book is not for everyone . Many people find comfort in what they believe even when what they believe in has errors or no truth . It's to late now for LORD ELohim to worry about what people believe about anything . The Little Book is for those who would like to know what the truth is and what is not true .
The CB mean Christian Bible . The JB means Jewish Bible . OT means Old Testament . NT means New Testament . The verses used out of the CB or JB are written in this font and are written exactly as it is written in those verses : even the errors. ..... this means not all the verse is used . ( B ) means black letter verses . ( R ) means red letter verses . Red letter verses are said by Christians to have been the exact words of Y'shua . ( 13 : # ) NOTES means just more information about a subject . NIV means the New International Version or the CB . KJV means the King James Version of the CB . When we use the name LORD on its own it means LORD ELohim . LORD ELohim is the one and only God . The name Lord or lord can mean many different things and they do not mean LORD ELohim unless it’s a spelling error .
- Revelation 1 : 1 ( B ) In the NIV : The revelation from Jesus Christ , which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place . He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John . LORD ELohim says He never gave the whole book of Revelation to Y'shua or to John the disciple . There is only a few verses in the book of Revelation that have any truth to them .
( 13 : 1 ) NOTES : In the book of Revelation it says a few times that 1 : 1 ... must soon take place . 1 : 3 ... because the time is near . 22 : 7 ... " Look , I am coming soon ! 22 : 12 ... " Look , I am coming soon ! 22 : 20 ... " Yes , I am coming soon ." If Y'shua said all this then he obviously made an great error but he never did say this because at the time this was written Y'shua was a long time dead and never risen from the dead . It's been about two thousand years since Y'shua was alive and maybe by now people should be wondering what the words ' soon ' or ' time is near ' even means . LORD ELohim says the word ' soon ' would mean no more then two years to Him and not two thousand years and still counting . Y'shua is not coming back because he is still dead and will remain dead forever just like you .
- Revelation 1 : 2 ( B ) In the NIV : who testifies to everything he saw - that is , the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ . So far there is nothing that is the word of God LORD ELohim . LORD ELohim did give John the disciple a prophecy teaching Spirit but John was not very good at knowing what came from the LORD or from himself . A good prophet knows how to wait and to be sure it's not from himself though no prophet ever got everything right and errors were made . The book of Revelation has very little that LORD ELohim is behind doing . The name Jesus Christ is wrong . Y'shua was a Jew and his name was Y'shua and was not the Greek name Jesus and he was not the awaited Messiah which the Greeks call Christos .
- Revelation 1 : 4 & 5 ( B ) In the NIV : .... To the seven churches in the province of Asia : Grace and peace to you from him who is , and who was , and who is to come , and from the seven spirits before his throne , and from Jesus Christ , .... LORD ELohim does not have a throne in Heaven or on earth . There are no seven Spirits before a throne which the LORD ELohim does not have . People need to remember that Spirits and mortal life have almost nothing in common . Mankind has great needs just to keep living but Spirits have none . These verses seem to say that it was the LORD who gave them to John . LORD ELohim says He did no such thing regarding most written .
- Revelation 1 : 5 & 6 ( B ) In the NIV : .... and from Jesus Christ , who is the faithful witness , the firstborn from the dead , and the ruler of the kings of the earth . A reminder that in past verses in Luke 9 : 30 - 36 Moses and Elijah appeared near Y'shua and his disciples . How can Y'shua be the first raised from the dead if the dead Moses and Elijah were seen talking to him . Y'shua was never a king and was never ment to be a king .
- Revelation 1 : 5 & 6 ( B ) In the NIV : .... To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood , and has made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve his God and Father - to him be glory and power for ever and ever ! Amen . Christians are not serving LORD ELohim . The Jews assist the LORD but again the Christians do not . It was not Y'shua who freed us from our sins : it was LORD ELohim who did that through the shedding of Y'shua's blood . Our Savior is LORD ELohim and not Y'shua . Y'shua was the Lamb of God and a willing Jewish man for this purpose but LORD ELohim was the author for our forgiveness by the sacrifice of Y'shua the Lamb for our sins . Did Y'shua create a kingdom to serve LORD ELohim . Christianity is a religion and not a kingdom and Y'shua never created the Christian faith . That was Rome who did that . Just a note : LORD ELohim does not like the word slaves or servants . Like Spirits we mortals are His children and not His slaves or servants . All this ' glory ' and ' power ' stuff is coming from man and not from the LORD .
- Revelation 1 : 7 ( B ) In the NIV : Look , he is coming with the clouds , and " every eye will see him , even those who pierced him " ' and all people on earth " will mourn because of him . " So shall it be ! Amen . Y'shua is not going to come in the clouds because he never left earth in a cloud . The CB says Y'shua went to Heaven in a cloud but LORD ELohim says Y'shua could not have gone to Heaven . According to the CB Y'shua's flesh body was raised from the dead and how could mortal flesh fly through billions of miles in space ? Why will people mourn because of him if he returned is a question we don't know the answer to ? The time of mourning was two thousand years ago . Since then it has been a time to remember and honor him as the Lamb of God . If Y'shua could return : its party time .
- Revelation 1 : 8 ( B ) In the NIV : " I am the Alpha and the Omega , " says the Lord God , " who is , and who was , and who is to come , the Almighty . " This is a black letter verse which means Y'shua never said this . We know LORD ELohim never taught this because He does not approve of people calling Him the Alpha and the Omega . Alpha is the first letter and Omega is the last letter of the Greek alphabet . The spelling ' Lord God ' is not how a person should write when speaking of LORD ELohim . Christians commonly do not write LORD ELohim's name with respect and He has noticed that . It's hard to know who the Christians are speaking about : Y'shua or LORD ELohim or even their third God the Holy Spirit . This is a black letter verse so it was not Y'shua's word . LORD ELohim says these are not His words and the Holy Spirit does not exist so it is not that false God . So who did write this verse ? Was it John the disciple or was it long after Y'shua and John were dead and added to this book by the Roman Catholic Church monks and priests . LORD ELohim says to all Christians : do not call Him this pagan name ' Alpha and Omega .
- Revelation 1 : 10 & 11 ( B ) ( R ) In the NIV : On the Lord's Day I was in the Spirit , and I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet , which said : " Write on a scroll what you see and send it to the seven churches ..... ". The words ' Lord's Day ' is mentioned only once in the CB NT in this verse . It's believed this day is the day Y'shua arose from the dead and is the first day of the week . This one verse is the reason Christians do not obey LORD ELohim's Sabbath Day which was wrong to have changed that . The belief that Y'shua was raised from the grave on Sunday is a big error . Y'shua said he would be three days and three nights in the grave . The clock started counting at sundown beginning Saturday and Christians claim Y'shua rose from the grave on Sunday . Again Y'shua's body was put in the tomb minutes before sundown and the beginning of the Sabbath Day . To Sunday when Christians claim he was raised from the dead is only 1 day and 2 nights and not three days and three nights . LORD ELohim made the Seventh Day Sabbath for all mankind including for all Christians . Did John really hear Y'shua ? Y'shua was dead and not risen from the dead . LORD ELohim did not speak like this to John and no other Spirit could have spoke to John like this . Can people be ' in Spirit ' . Even LORD ELohim does not know what this means . The LORD would not call people who have a teaching Spirit as being ' in Spirit ' . If it's believed the Holy Spirit had something to do with this that is an error since there is no Holy Spirit .
( 13 : 2 ) NOTES : Revelation 1 : 12 - 16 describes what John was suppose to see . John claimed he saw a man dressed in a white robe and gold sash with hair as white as snow , eyes blazing like fire , feet like bronze glowing in a furnace , and coming out of his mouth a double - edged sword , and a face like the sun shining . LORD ELohim says there is no such Spirit in Heaven or on earth who looks like this in any way . Did John really claim this or was it added by the Roman Catholic Church ?
( 13 : 3 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim says that it was not Him who came up with this hope for a Messiah . The Jewish Hebrew people did and the LORD hopes someday this will come true . The hope for a Messiah by the Jews is not just for the Jews having a better life but so all mankind will have a better life to .
- Revelation 1 : 17 - 19 ( B ) ( R ) In the NIV : When I saw him , I fell at his feet as though dead . Then he placed his right hand on me and said : " Do not be afraid . I am the First and the Last . I am the Living One ; I was dead , and now look , I am alive for ever and ever ! The speaker is suppose to be Y'shua talking . What is it that Y'shua is suppose to be the First and Last about . It could not be about him being the First raised from the dead because he also would be the Last raised from the dead to . That would mean you would never be raised from the dead . It cannot be about being the First Spirit because LORD ELohim was the first Spirit and He created many other Spirits so He was not the Last . The LORD says that there was nothing about Y'shua that would make Y'shua LORD ELohim's only begotten Son and then how could he be the Last also . There are a lot of mortal humans who would not exist if Y'shua was the First and Last mortal man created . There was nothing about Y'shua that he could say this is ' my Spirit . ' This is a red letter verse so the claim would be that Y'shua is speaking about himself . We are running out of words to explain this but we went through some Christians books and they had nothing written to explain this First and Last stuff either .
( 13 : 4 ) NOTES : In the book of Titus 2 : 13 while we wait for the blessed hope - the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior , Jesus Christ . The book of Titus is said to have been written by Paul . And this is why LORD ELohim calls Christians pagans . There was nothing about Y'shua that could be called a God or even Savior . Y'shua was a mortal man in every way just like you . Y'shua did have a small teaching Spirit but he was like you men in every other way . There is only one God and Y'shua taught people that . Y'shua was a devote Jew and as a Jew he would not have believed that a mortal man could be a God . Either there was a lot added to Paul's writings by the Roman Catholic Church or Paul lost his way as a devote Jew who would have never believed Y'shua was a God or that there is more then one God .
- Revelation 1 : 19 & 20 ( R ) In the NIV : .... The mystery of the seven stars that you saw in my right hand and of the seven golden lampstands is this : the seven stars are the angels of the seven churches , and the seven lampstands are the seven churches . We just wrote this so if these symbols come up again in other writings we know there meaning .
- Revelation Chapter 2 & 3 ( R ) In the NIV : In these two chapters it's all red letters which means the Christians claim all was spoken by Y'shua . It's about seven churches . To all seven churches it starts by Y'shua saying : " To the angel of the church in .... write " . If angel means a Spirit then why would Y'shua need John to write this . Why would Y'shua not gone an speak to the Angel in person ? LORD ELohim says there were no such Angels in any church and Y'shua was dead at that time so he did not speak these words to John . 2 : 7 ... To the one who is victorious , I will give the right to eat from the tree of life , which is in the paradise of God . That's not the way LORD ELohim forgiving peoples sins is suppose to work . Y'shua was the Lamb and LORD ELohim is our savior God . Y'shua died for the sins of the world . There is nothing that should say you have to believe stuff about Y'shua to be forgiven of your sins by LORD ELohim . Y'shua did not forgive your sins : LORD ELohim forgave the sins of most all people . LORD ELohim our God and Father would never allow a mortal man to judge us mortals . What does one mortal man know beyond his own life time ? Not much . The LORD knows us from long before Adam and Eve . Again : Y'shua was never our judge because LORD ELohim is our only judge and Father . There is no ' tree of life ' and there will be no kingdom of God on earth or in Heaven for mortals . 2 : 10 Do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer . I tell you , the devil will put some of you in prison to test you , and you will suffer persecution for ten days . David who people call Satan has nothing to do with what these verses say . LORD ELohim does not hurt people to test them and David has had nothing to do with mankind because he wants nothing to do with us crazy humans . 2 : 26 To the one who is victorious and does my will to the end , I will give authority over the nations - that one will rule them with an iron scepter and will dash them to pieces like pottery ' - just as I have received authority from my Father . According to these verses Y'shua is not going to rule the world , some other guy is . LORD ELohim never gave Y'shua ' authority ' about anything so we don't know what that is suppose to mean ? 2 : 28 I will also give that one the morning star . In Revelation 22 : 16 it says Y'shua is the ' bright Morning Star ' . Isaiah 14 : 12 says in the KJV : How art thou fallen from heaven , O Lucifer , son of the morning .... . In Isaiah 14 : 12 in the NIV : How have you fallen from heaven , morning star , son of the dawn ! In the JB Isaiah 14 : 12 : How are you fallen from heaven , O Shining One , son of Dawn ! Both Y'shua and Satan are called ' Morning Star ' so what is Y'shua going to give this guy ? Again Y'shua is dead . 3 : 1 These are the words of him who holds the seven spirits of God and the seven stars . LORD ELohim does not know what ' seven spirits of God ' is suppose to mean but He does not like being called ' seven spirits ' for any reason . 3 : 5 & 6 The one who is victorious will , like them , be dressed in white . I will never blot out the name of that person from the book of life , but will acknowledge that name before my Father and his angels . Again he is talking about one other guy again who is not himself : so who is this guy who will rule the world with a iron scepter 2 : 27 . It cannot be Y'shua talking about himself because the Christians claim Y'shua is doing all this talking . Is Y'shua talking about the true Messiah ? Remember Y'shua was dead when this was written so who were the writers writting about ? Obviously not Y'shua since they claim Y'shua is doing all the talking . LORD ELohim says that there is no ' book of life ' because there is no eternal life for any kind of mortals . 3 : 9 I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan , who claim to be Jews though they are not , but are liars - The Christians claim Y'shua said these words when he was dead and could not have done so . If Y'shua was who Christians claim he was , Y'shua would have known that Satan ( David ) does his best to just ignore the whole human race and LORD ELohim is OK with that . Y'shua never said these words so what is with this anti - semitism . At the time of Y'shua LORD ELohim did not have problems with the Jews of Israel . 3 : 10 Since you have kept my command to endure patiently , I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come on the whole world to test the inhabitants of the earth . There is no hour of trial coming from LORD ELohim . Our trial time has been for six thousand years since Adam and Eve and is over now and we failed it . There is no future trial coming : all is done . 3 : 11 I am coming soon . And that was written about two thousand years ago . Y'shua did not come soon because he was dead and is dead still and forever . 3 : 12 The one who is victorious I will make a pillar in the temple of my God . Again : who are they talking about ? 3 : 12 ... I will write on them the name of my God and the name of the city of my God , the new Jerusalem , which is coming down out of heaven from my God ; and I will also write on them my new name . Why did the writers say over and over ' my God ' . There is only one God and that is LORD ELohim who is every mortals God . The writer should have written ' our one and only God LORD ELohim ' . Is a new Jerusalem coming to earth from Heaven ? There is more about this city from Heaven in the book of Revelation . It says it is 1,400 miles long , wide and high and the walls are about 200 feet thick and completely built by Spirits . What do you think ? Again LORD ELohim says " Think Not Beyond Logic . " We will get more into this later . Would LORD ELohim allow someone to write all over peoples body some names ? That the LORD would never allow . That reminds the LORD of the Nazis tatooing His precious Jews during the Holocaust . Again He would never allow that . 3 : 14 These are the words of the Amen , the faithful and true witness , the ruler of God's creation . Again these are red letter words which means Y'shua said them . Y'shua was never ruler of God's creation . Never happened and never will happen . Even LORD ELohim does not say He is the ruler of all He created because mankind has free will and it was our free will that was being judged . We are all LORD ELohim's creation : flesh and Spirits but He never ruled over us . He tried to help us have a better life but it was our choice what we did with what He taught us . 3 : 21 To the one who is victorious , I will give the right to sit with me on my throne , just as I was victorious and sat down with my Father on his throne . Y'shua never sat on LORD ELohim's throne because Y'shua died and is yet dead and LORD ELohim does not have a throne . People believing the LORD has mansions , and a palace and a great throne and stuff like that are wrong . Spirit have no want or need for stuff like that so why would they find reasons to get a full time job to build all that in Heaven when they have no need for it . The life of a Spirit is about just having fun . All the red letter verses in chapter 2 & 3 Y'shua had nothing to do with this and probably not the disciples either . Y'shua died and was never resurrected so he could not have said all these verses . LORD ELohim says no Spirit taught those verses to John and He is pretty sure John did not write all of them either . The big mystery in these verses that Christians have to explain is ' who is this guy who is suppose to rule the whole world : who is not Y'shua ' ? 2 : 26 - 27 To the one who is victorious and does my will to the end , I will give authority over the nations - that one will rule them with an iron scepter .... . Again ' who is this guy ' ? What happened to Y'shua being King of kings ? If Y'shua were alive , which he is not , but if he were alive and he is dumping ruling all the nations of the earth on to someone else : Y'shua would be very smart in doing that . This unknown man if he is chosen by mankind to rule over all mankind , if he says " Yes " to doing that he would not be as smart as Y'shua . LORD ELohim says He is not going to be involved in chosing this person and neither is Y'shua because Y'shua is dead .
( 13 : 5 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim says that the above red letter chitchat never happened because it could not have happened . First : Y'shua was dead at that time and Second : if Y'shua was Spirit people could not hear him or see him . At best a teaching Spirit may have taught one or two sentences but that's about it . Again it's very difficult for Spirit to communicate with flesh . Chitchats like the above verses do not ever happen .
- Revelation 4 : 1 ( B ) ( R ) In the NIV : After this I looked , and there before me was a door standing open in heaven . And a voice I had first heard speaking to me like a trumpet said , " Come up here , and I will show you what must take place after this . " There are no doors in Heaven . The rest is a red letter verse which means Y'shua spoke these words . Y'shua could not have done that since he is dead . How could mortal John have gone to Heaven without a spaceship ?
- Revelation 4 : 2 ( B ) In the NIV : At once I was in the Spirit , and there before me was a throne in heaven with someone sitting on it . LORD ELohim does not know what ' in the Spirit ' means other then to say this is not true . No mortal has that kind of Spirit : whatever that means . Again there are no thrones in Heaven or even on earth for Spirits or LORD ELohim .
- Revelation 4 : 3 ( B ) In the NIV : And the one who sat there had the appearance of jasper and ruby . A rainbow that shone like an emerald encircled the throne . Now the LORD knows for sure that John did not have a vision created by Spirit . LORD ELohim does not look like jasper and ruby and neither does anyone else who are Spirits . None of this is true about the LORD and Heaven .
- Revelation 4 : 4 ( B ) In the NIV : Surrounding the throne were twenty-four other thrones , and seated on them were twenty-four elders . Heaven is a long way from earth . Since flesh has no afterlife as a Spirit then these men must be mortal and how can mortal survive in Heaven without a spaceship or air or .... These verses have no truth . Who are the elders ? The word elders is common in the CB NT for older Jews .
- Revelation 4 : 5 - 8 ( B ) In the NIV : .... In front of the throne , seven lamps were blazing . These are the seven spirits of God . Now the Christians have added seven more Spirits to LORD ELohim . Now the total is ten Gods . The LORD wants Christians to know that LORD ELohim is just ONE Spirit and only one God . The LORD says to Christians to " Remember that He is just ONE Spirit : from head to toes " . In the center , around the throne , were four living creatures , and they were covered with eyes , in front and in back . .... LORD ELohim never created any Spirits that look like this . ....Each of the four living creatures had six wings and was covered with eyes all around , even under its wings . Again LORD ELohim never created any such creatures . We were created in the image of all Spirits . No Spirits have wings and no more then two eyes each just like us . Day and night they never stop saying : " Holy , holy , holy is the Lord God Almighty , who was , and is , and is to come . " There are no Spirits in Heaven or on earth who worship LORD ELohim both day and night . LORD ELohim is the Father and creator of every Spirit . He is their Father and the LORD has never asked even one Spirit to worship Him . The Christians believing that the LORD's ego is as big as the universe is so wrong . LORD ELohim does not have a great ego around His Spirit children or around His mortal children . When the LORD read that Christians believe He would be so cruel to do this to His Spirit children , to make them worship Him day and night , made Him a little angry with Christians . How could you believe that about Him ? What does ' and is to come ' mean ? Is this verse speaking of LORD ELohim or Y'shua . When people have more then one God they should note which God they are talking about . Since Y'shua is dead and the Holy Spirit does not exist we will work with this verse meaning LORD ELohim but that does not help with the meaning of ' and is to come ' . Even the LORD does not get this .
- Revelation 4 : 9 - 11 ( B ) In the NIV : Whenever the living creatures give glory , honor and thanks to him who sits on the throne and who lives for ever and ever , the twenty-four elders fall down before him who sits on the throne and worship him who lives for ever and ever . They lay their crowns before the throne and say : " You are worthy , our Lord and God , to receive glory and honor and power , for you created all things , and by your will they were created and have their being . " Again : who are the Christians talking about . We are sure every time it says ' him who sits on the throne ' the him is LORD ELohim . According to John 1 : 1 - 11 the Christians believe it was Y'shua who created everything that was created . But in these verses Y'shua is not present yet which means LORD ELohim is sitting on the throne and the elders are saying LORD ELohim created everything . It would be nice if the Christians could get their stories straight . The truth is that LORD ELohim created everything that was created and Y'shua created nothing more then tables and chairs with his dad as a carpenter .
( 13 : 6 ) NOTES : Revelation is not a easy piece of work to do because it is mostly all an error and lies : the whole book .
- Revelation 5 : 1 - 5 ( B ) In the NIV : Then I saw in the right hand of him who sat on the throne a scroll with writing on both sides and sealed with seven seals . And I saw a mighty angel proclaiming in a loud voice , " Who is worthy to break the seals and open the scroll ? " But no one in heaven or on earth or under the earth could open the scroll or even look inside it . Then it say John wept because no one could open the scroll . Then one of the elders said to me , " Do not weep ! See , the Lion of the tribe of Judah , the Root of David , has triumphed . He is able to open the scroll and its seven seals . " Now Y'shua is among them . LORD ELohim was sitting on the throne and had the scroll so we are sure He could have opened the seals . LORD ELohim says He would never call Y'shua the Lion of the tribe of Judah . That name the LORD would have kept for King David who was a real King . Y'shua was never a king and his personality was not like a Lion .
- Revelation 5 : 6 & 7 ( B ) In the NIV : Then I saw a Lamb , looking as if it had been slain , standing at the center of the throne , encircled by the four living creatures and the elders . The Lamb had seven horns and seven eyes , which are the seven spirits of God sent out into all the earth . Again with the seven spirits of God . This is more then just an error , it's blasphemy . What is that suppose to mean ??? LORD ELohim has not been back to Heaven for many tens of thousands of years so John could not have seen LORD ELohim sitting on a throne in Heaven and there are no thrones in Heaven . If Y'shua looked like this he has had quite the do over with his looks . Some Christians may say there is a lot of metaphor in this book of Revelation but the LORD says read it as it is written . People should not have to over think about what is written in any Bible . The LORD says if Y'shua was resurrected from the grave he would only have two eyes and no horns . Y'shua was never resurrected and no mortal has ever gone to Heaven because that would be impossible to do . There is a reason LORD ELohim created mortals billions of miles away from Heaven .
- Revelation 5 : 7 ( B ) In the NIV : He went and took the scroll from the right hand of him who sat on the throne . It's LORD ELohim sitting on the throne . Why not just say His name ? The LORD has a few names . It's not Y'shua so who else could it be . The last count the Christians have ten different Gods and that's not counting Satan also who many Christians call a ' god ' because of 2 Corinthians 4 : 4 ' The god of this age ....' . The verses say this is the Lamb Y'shua who took the scroll out of LORD ELohim's hand . There are no scrolls written by Spirits in Heaven so this never happened . There are no scrolls , no book of life , no books written about you or anyone else . Remember that there is nothing in Heaven other than planets , stars and stuff like that and Spirits playing , singing , dancing and stuff like that .
( 13 : 6 ) NOTES : People who wrote the Bible worked hard at making it complicated and very difficult to understand . In a few sentences LORD ELohim can fix that . LORD ELohim created all that was created . Mankind starting with Adam and Eve began our six thousand year trial . LORD ELohim judged all mankind as a species and not as individuals . We as a mortal species failed the trial . LORD ELohim is not going to punish us . In the future the LORD is just going to let mortals die off . There is no afterlife for mortals . No mortal will be resurrected because the LORD cannot do that . There will be no kingdom of God on earth or in Heaven for mortals . There is a time coming when all Spirits and LORD ELohim are going home to Heaven and all mortals on earth will be only a memory and more . And that's it . It's just that simple .
- Revelation 5 : 8 ( B ) In the NIV : And when he had taken it , the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb . Each one had a harp and they were holding golden bowls full of incense , which are the prayers of God's people . If it means that Spirits had to go mining for gold or chop down trees to carve out harps then this never happened . As you read the book of Revelation remember that Spirits and LORD ELohim have nothing in Heaven or on earth . Really : they have nothing but they have never needed anything or wanted any stuff like people do want . The life of Spirit is a life of playing , games , dancing , singing and on and on . Spirits do not mine for anything or do carpentry work : there is no reason for that . Heaven is six galaxies big and other then stars and planets and stuff like that : there is nothing else in Heaven other then Spirits . The incense is not the prayers of God's people and the Spirits have never made incense . Who are ' God's people ' ? We are all children of LORD ELohim but it has always been through the Jews since the time of Abraham that the LORD has worked through to teach mankind . God's people means the Jews and not the pagan Christians or anyone else .
( 13 : 7 ) NOTES : In John 14 : 2 it says in the KJV : In my Father's house are many mansions : if it were not so , I would have told you . I go to prepare a place for you . In the NIV it says : My Father's house has many rooms ; if that were not so , would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you ? There is no truth in this verse . There are no mansions or rooms in Heaven and if Y'shua was a God and the Son of LORD ELohim he would have known that . Y'shua was no God in any way and he never came from Heaven and he did not go to Heaven and never will and neither will you . According to the CB the kingdom of God is suppose to be on earth and not in Heaven . There will be no kingdom of God on earth . If a kingdom arises it would be the kingdom of men and not God's .
( 13 : 8 ) NOTES : In John 14 : 6 & 7 In the NIV : Jesus answered , " I am the way and the truth and the life . No one comes to the Father except through me . If you really know me , you will know my Father as well . From now on , you do know him and have seen him . " This also has no truth . The CB claims that Y'shua taught about hell and the lake of fire and the coming wrath of LORD ELohim and stuff like that . None of that is true . If Y'shua really said this then it is Y'shua who does not know the Father of all created . What does this means : and have seen him . The LORD says no mortal has ever seen Him . It seems that Y'shua is saying if you seen him then you have seen LORD ELohim and that's a lie . Y'shua was a mortal man and nothing about him was different then your flesh being except he had a teaching Spirit . Y'shua himself had never seen LORD ELohim . People do not need Y'shua to come to our Father LORD ELohim . Y'shua has nothing to do with that . For the last two thousand years a lot of people have chosen to believe in LORD ELohim as their one and only God and Y'shua was dead all that time so he had nothing to do with that . Did Y'shua really say these verses ? That is a question to think about for all verses in the CB .
- Revelation 5 : 9 & 10 ( B ) In the NIV : And they sang a new song , saying " You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals , because you were slain , and with your blood you purchased for God persons from every tribe and language and people and nation . You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God , and they will reign on the earth ." Y'shua did not purchase people for LORD ELohim . The sacrifice of Y'shua was LORD ELohim's work for the forgiveness of most all peoples sins and to stop the pagan sacrifice of human children and babies . The word purchase is wrong . Can Christians call themselves to be a kingdom ? LORD ELohim says " No " . At best they can say they are a religion . Will Christians reign on earth some day soon ? Our trial is over and we failed so right now the LORD does not care much about what will happen among most people now . LORD ELohim says He will have nothing to do with that and would not approve of that . Christianity is a deeply pagan religion with a wicked past like some other religions . What does ' to serve our God ' mean ? First which God are they talking about ? The time of LORD ELohim to try to help people pass the trial is long gone so the LORD is no longer working through His chosen people the Jews right now though He does spend a lot of time with them . LORD ELohim has never wanted servants . He has always wanted friends who are willing to help Him with mankind and they were the Jews . LORD ELohim would never call the Jews His servants . The word servant is a word mortals use but the LORD does not .
- Revelation 5 : 11 - 12 ( B ) In the NIV : Then I looked and heard the voice of many angels , ..... In a loud voice they were saying : " Worthy is the Lamb , who was slain , to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise ! " These words are not from Angels . If the Lamb was now a Spirit , which he would have to be if he were in Heaven , then what would he want with ' wealth ' or ' power ' or ' honor ' or ' glory ' or ' praise ' . Even LORD ELohim is not in want of such stuff . The LORD and all other Spirits just want a loving family and none stop fun . This is one of the reasons LORD ELohim would never create a kingdom of God on earth for mortals . Someone has to clean the toilets and floor and cook and , and, and , work , work , work . In Heaven there is nothing but having fun and loving all the family to do there . There is no work or upkeep to do there and the LORD will forever keep it that way . The Spirits are happy they have nothing because they know they are truly free in Heaven to be loving and happy none stop . So when you are reading the Bible and words like ' wealth ' or ' power ' and so on are used you know these are written by mortals who would like wealth and power and personal glory and so on for themselves . No Spirit including LORD ELohim has any interest in any of this stuff . Because Spirits have nothing : they have everything that is meaningful . Just a note : Y'shua is not a Spirit in Heaven . Y'shua was a mortal man who died and remains dead and always will be dead just like you when you die .
- Revelation 5 : 13 & 14 ( B ) In the NIV : Then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth .... , saying : " To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power , for ever and ever ! " The four living creatures said , " Amen , " and the elders fell down and worshiped . I asked the Spirits who are with me if they ever got on their knees to worship LORD ELohim and they all indicated " No " . LORD ELohim created all of the Spirits and they are all His children and He is their Father and the LORD acts like a loving Father to them and not as a God . LORD ELohim has always tried to be more of a Father to all the mortals He created and less like a God to us also .
( 13 : 9 ) NOTES : Revelation 6 is the start of a lot of errors and lies about LORD ELohim and the future of mankind . Keep in mind that LORD ELohim is not out to wrath against mankind . The LORD has no interest in punishing mankind because we failed our trial . Y'shua died and was never resurrected so its a lie when what is written says Y'shua did it . What's true and what is not true ? If you know LORD ELohim our Father better now you should be able to answer that for yourself .
- Revelation 6 : 1 & 2 ( B ) In the NIV : I watched as the Lamb opened the first of the seven seals . ... and there before me was a white horse ! Its rider held a bow , and he was given a crown , and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest . Note it is Y'shua who opened the first seal and not LORD ELohim . Most Christians believe this is the Antichrist though many believe this is Y'shua on the horse . Who gave this guy a crown ? Not the LORD .
- Revelation 6 : 3 & 4 ( B ) In the NIV : When the Lamb opened the second seal , ...Then another horse came out , a fiery red one . Its rider was given power to take peace from the earth and to make people kill each other . To him was given a large sword . Who gave this guy a large sword and the ability to take peace from the earth ? Note Y'shua is said to have opened this seal also . Many Christians believe this is one of God's judgment to cause war on earth . LORD ELohim says He had nothing to do with this and neither did Y'shua who is dead . The problem with this : war is a slaughter of children and babies to . This reads like Y'shua gave this guy the sword to begin the slaughter . What is unusual is that for six thousand years the LORD and all Spirits have tryed not to interfere with peoples free will . Why would the LORD change that rule soon in the future ? No doubt another world war is coming but LORD ELohim says no Spirit is responsible for it . Y'shua cannot open the seals because he is dead and there are no seals . This is a lie that LORD ELohim would cause this mass murder on earth . This is not LORD ELohim's judgement .
- Revelation 6 : 5 & 6 ( B ) In the NIV : When the Lamb opened the third seal , ... I looked , and there before me was a black horse ! Its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand . Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures , saying " Two pounds of wheat for a day's wages .... Some believe this is a food shortage after the wars . A dollar does not go as far as it use to even today . Would the LORD be the cause of children going hungry ? LORD ELohim says He has nothing to do with this and neither does Y'shua .
( 13 : 10 ) NOTES : Remember that song : Jesus loves the little children ; all the little children of the world . Do these judgments sound like something Y'shua would do ? Christians say Y'shua created everything that they believe was created . The place called hell was created by Y'shua then . Christians say it was Y'shua who created hell , purgatory , the lake of fire where they believe billions of people will greatly suffer in these places then the lake of fire they will suffer forever . Y'shua was a deeply loving person and the LORD says neither Y'shua or Himself created purgatory , hell or the lake of fire and these places do not exist but most all Christians believe they do exist . If these places were created for the purpose of causing great suffering and pain for people then the creator of these places would have to be very wicked and cruel and evil and that is neither LORD ELohim or Y'shua .
- Revelation 6 : 7 & 8 ( B ) In the NIV : When the Lamb opened the fourth seal , ..... I looked , and there before me was a pale horse ! Its rider was named Death , and Hades was following close behind him . They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword , famine and plague , and by the wild beasts of the earth . Hades is Greek for the English translation meaning hell or the grave . This says ' They were given power ' . Who gave them the power to slaughter a fourth of all mankind on earth ? LORD ELohim says that was not Y'shua or Himself who gave them such power . LORD ELohim says " stop blaming Y'shua and Himself for the wicked and cruel and evil ways of mankind . "
- Revelation 6 : 9 - 11 ( B ) In the NIV : When he opened the fifth seal , I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God and the testimony they had maintained . They called out in a loud voice, " How long , Sovereign Lord , holy and true , until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood ? Then each of them was given a white robe , and they were told to wait a little longer , until the full number of their fellow servants , their brothers and sisters , were killed just as they had been . The Soul has nothing to do with people living beyond their death so that did not happen . There is no altar in Heaven so that did not happen . LORD ELohim has already judged the inhabitants of the earth and we failed . That happened 22 years ago in the year 2000 C.E. ( A.D .) which ended our six thousand year trial . What's the total number of those needed to be murdered for the word of God : what ever that means ? Jews are the chosen people who LORD ELohim works through and not Christians who are pagans with a lot of Gods . So this should not be about Christians .
- Revelation 6 : 12 - 14 ( B ) In the NIV : I watched as he opened the sixth seal . There was a great earthquake . The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair , the whole moon turned blood red , and the stars in the sky fell to earth , as figs drop from a fig tree when shaken by a strong wind . The heavens receded like a scroll being rolled up , and every mountain and island was removed from its place . Now this is something I have to see to believe it . The LORD would have to see it also to believe it . How can the stars fall to earth ? These stars are not Angels because no Angels will be falling to earth . LORD ELohim says there is only one Heaven which is His home and the home of all Spirits . How can every island and mountain on earth be moved from their place because of one earthquake ? If all this were to come true there is no reason to read anything more in Revelation or anywhere in any Bible because after many billions of stars fall on earth we are fairly sure all mortal life would be dead if the earthquake does not kill them first . Therefore this should be where the story ends : but does it ?
- Revelation 6 : 15 - 17 ( B ) In the NIV : Then the kings of the earth , the princes , .... hid in caves and among the rocks of the mountains . They called to the mountains and the rocks , " Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb ! For the great day of their wrath has come , and who can withstand it ? " LORD ELohim says there is no great day of their wrath coming upon mankind . No human has ever asked to be born into this crazy world and the LORD knows life is not easy for most species of mortals so why would the LORD punish people . We mortal people had a trial time for a reason . To see how well we do in this life . And for what is He punishing mankind for ? Is it because not ever human believed Y'shua was a God and the only Son of God ? Even LORD ELohim does not believe Y'shua is a God or His only Son . So what is all this ' wrath ' stuff about ? If that answer comes up we will let you know because LORD ELohim does not know the answer to that either . Again remember Y'shua is dead in every way . Christians do you really believe LORD ELohim is like this ?
- Revelation 7 : 1 - 8 ( B ) In the NIV : After this I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth , holding back the four winds of the earth , .... I saw another angel coming up from the east , having the seal of the living God . He called out in a loud voice to the four angels who had been given power to harm the land and the sea : " Do not harm the land or the sea or the trees until we put a seal on the foreheads of the servants of our God . " I heard the number of those who were sealed : 144,000 from all the tribes of Israel .... Then it lists the tribes of Israel and each of the twelve tribes had 12,000 sealed . There is an error with this . One of the twelve tribes is said to be of the tribe of Joseph . Joseph is the father of Manasseh and Ephraim . Joseph was never appointed to be the head of any tribes of Israel . His sons Manasseh and Ephraim were given the position of being head of their own tribes . Levi was never a tribe on its own . How did Christians get this wrong and so often in their many Bible versions ? It's not wrong in the Jewish Bible in the first chapter of Numbers . Why would LORD ELohim want to harm the land and the sea . If He were angry with mankind then why would He take it out on the whales and birds and others ? Angels cannot hold the four winds from blowing .
- Revelation 7 : 9 & 10 ( B ) In the NIV : After this I looked , and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count , from every nation , tribe , people and language , standing before the throne and before the Lamb . .... Standing before the ' throne ' means they are in Heaven still . How did these mortals who are more in number then could be counted all get to Heaven ? In who's spaceship ? There is a reason why no mortal flesh has ever gone to Heaven and never will go to Heaven . We were created on this earth and we need the earth for the needs of our mortal life . Seeing a multitude in Heaven will never happen . Y'shua the Lamb is dead and not alive in any form and LORD ELohim has no throne in Heaven or on earth and at this time LORD ELohim is on earth and has been on earth for many tens of thousands of years . The time is coming when all Spirits and LORD ELohim are going home to Heaven .
- Revelation 7 : 10 ( B ) In the NIV : And they cried out in a loud voice : " Salvation belongs to our God , who sits on the throne , and to the Lamb . " Salvation belongs to LORD ELohim so this is right but this throne stuff never happened and will never happen . So far in the book of Revelation the only thing we remember written about LORD ELohim mostly doing is sitting on His butt on a throne . That is not the way He lives His life . There is no throne in Heaven because His life is about His Spirit children and Him having fun and making sure His Spirit children have fun and enjoy their lives to . The LORD has no interest in thrones , worship , being praised all the time and stuff like that . LORD ELohim is a true Father to all His Spirit children . He tryed to be a Father to us to but that did not work out very well . LORD ELohim created us but we did not let Him be our Father for the most part .
- Revelation 7 : 11 - 12 ( B ) In the NIV : All the angels were standing around the throne and around the elders and the four living creatures . They fell down on their faces before the throne and worshiped God , saying : " Amen ! Praise and glory and wisdom and thanks and honor and power and strength be to our God for ever and ever . Amen ! " LORD ELohim would have been bored before they even got to the second Amen ! Who would want all that praising and worshiping and stuff ? People . And its people who wrote the JB and CB and many other religions their Bibles to . The LORD is hopeful you are getting to know Him for who He really is . The many different people who wrote the many different Bibles of many different religions wrote about what they want and what their hopes are and for mostly about their lives and we should not be amazed at how many want to rule the world like Christians believe they will do some day . Other religions believe they will rule and so on . LORD ELohim never wanted to rule over mankind : He just wanted to be a good Father to all mankind .
- Revelation 7 : 13 - 15 ( B ) In the NIV : Then one of the elders asked me , " These in white robes - who are they , and where did they come from ?" I answered , " Sir , you know . " And he said , " These are they who have come out of the great tribulation ; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb . Therefore " they are before the throne of God and serve him day and night in his temple ; and he who sits on the throne will shelter them with his presence . What do rulers of nations and rulers of even religions and other such people and the rich expect ? Mostly to be waited on hand and foot . LORD ELohim does not want people serving Him day and night . The LORD wants to play and have fun day and night . How would someone serve LORD ELohim day and night . He does not have anything to clean or wash , He does not eat food or drink , He does not run a religion or business , He does not want for anything other then to be a Father and play with His children day and night and so on . The word ' serve ' is a give away that who wrote this was a mortal man and not LORD ELohim . Also there is no Temple in Heaven and the LORD does not need a Temple on earth . How is the LORD suppose to shelter people just because He is near them . Mortals cannot survive in Heaven even when LORD ELohim is there .
( 13 : 11 ) NOTES : The first species with free will the LORD ELohim created was the Grays and the second were the Anunnaki and the third was us Humans . All three species had free will just like Spirits have . The LORD did not know what to expect when He gave all three free will . Both the Grays and Anunnaki almost destroyed the earth with their free will because of their technology and wars . LORD ELohim never tryed to guide them and teach them how to live a good life and one of peace . Both the Grays and Anunnaki failed their trial which was a lot longer then we had . LORD ELohim thought to give mortal life with free will one more chance only this time He would try to guide the new species called mankind . The LORD and other Spirits like teaching Spirits worked hard to try to teach mankind how to have a good life and a peaceful life but mankind still failed our trial . We are the last mortal species with free will . LORD ELohim will never create mortal life with free will again or even other animals with only instinct . A time is coming when the LORD and all the other Spirits will go home to Heaven and let mortal life on earth and even above the earth in the space station simply die off and go back to the dust He created us from .
- Revelation 7 : 16 & 17 ( B ) In the NIV : Never again will they hunger ; never again with they thirst . .... For the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd ; he will lead them to springs of living water . And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes . The back up verse in the JB is Isaiah 25 : 8 He will destroy death forever . My LORD God will wipe the tears away From all faces . LORD ELohim cannot destroy death . Mortal life is what it is . I'm almost seventy years old and death is the very least of my worries these days . Both of my parents passed away recently and for both death was a great blessing and not a curse and their suffering is over with now . Before conquering death He would need to defeat old age first , or age 80 and older for most all people will not be worth while living for . The LORD would have to defeat all sickness and all that causes pain or people will suffer greatly for all eternity .
- Revelation 8 : 1 - 5 ( B ) In the NIV : When he opened the seventh seal , there was silence in heaven for about half an hour . And I saw the seven angels who stand before God , and seven trumpets were given to them . Another angel , who had a golden censer , came and stood at the altar . .... The smoke of the incense , together with the prayers of God's people , went up before God from the angel's hand . Then the angel took the censer , filled it with fire from the altar , and hurled it on the earth ; and there came peals of thunder , rumblings , flashes of lightning and an earthquake . This is not going to happen . The seventh seal begins the next set of judgments called the Trumpets . LORD ELohim is still waiting for the CB to explain why He would do all this wicked and evil stuff to people and other mortal life on earth : because He does not know why .
- Revelation 8 : 6 & 7 ( B ) In the NIV : .... The first angel sounded his trumpet , and there came hail and fire mixed with blood , and it was hurled down on the earth . A third of the earth is burned up , and all the green grass was burned up . Why in these verses is the LORD picking on cows and other grass eaters so they starve ? The problems have always been with people . Cows and horses and all other grass eaters have never made the LORD mad at them . LORD ELohim has never had a problem with cows . A third of the earth burned up would cause a lot of death and starvation for mankind to including children and babies . Again : why would our Father do that to us ?
- Revelation 8 : 8 & 9 ( B ) In the NIV : The second angel sounded his trumpet , and something like a huge mountain , all ablaze , was thrown into the sea . A third of the sea turned into blood , a third of the living creatures in the sea died , and a third of the ships were destroyed . I asked one of the Spirits with me if he could even blow into a trumpet and make a trumpet noise and he said he and all Angels could not do that . No Spirits have lungs to do that with . It's not just why would LORD ELohim do this but why would Y'shua do this also . It's not true but the CB says it was the Lamb Y'shua who opened all the seal judgments . Remember Revelation 6 : 16 says They called to the mountains and the rocks , Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb . Y'shua is dead and that has never changed and will never change . LORD ELohim says if Y'shua was alive he would have nothing to do with Christians and their CB . Y'shua was a very loving and kind man and very humble . Most writings in the CB about Y'shua has no truth in them . Y'shua never could do what the CB book of Revelation says he will do and neither could LORD ELohim . Why would either of them want to slaughter so much mortal life ? What is the reason : LORD ELohim would like to hear an answer to that from a Christian .
- Revelation 8 : 10 & 11 ( B ) In the NIV : The third angel sounded his trumpet , and a great star , blazing like a torch , fell from the sky on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water - the name of the star is Wormwood . A third of the water turned bitter , and many people died from the water that had become bitter . In a Christian book it says the ' star ' is probably meaning an Angel . The problem with that is that Angels don't blaze like a torch when they fly . Just because it is written in the CB does not mean it's true or will ever happen . It's not true that Y'shua is alive and it's not true that LORD ELohim will punish all mortal life on earth for a reason He does not even know ' why He would do that ' .
- Revelation 8 : 12 ( B ) In the NIV : The fourth angel sounded his trumpet , and a third of the sun was struck , a third of the moon , and a third of the stars , so that a third of them turned dark . A third of the day was without light , and also a third of the night . What is it that struck the sun , moon and stars that caused their light to dim . LORD ELohim says He does not know how to do that .
- Revelation 8 : 13 ( B ) In the NIV : As I watched , I heard an eagle that was flying in midair call out in a loud voice : " Woe ! Woe ! Woe to the inhabitants of the earth , because of the trumpet blasts about to be sounded by the other three angels ! " Eagles cannot talk and there are no eagles in Heaven . Eagles are mortal and could not survive in space just like any other mortals without a spaceship . The LORD says this verse is just silly .
- Revelation 9 : 1 - 11 ( B ) In the NIV : This trumpet has a lot of verses so please use your Bible . The fifth angel sounded his trumpet , and I saw a star that had fallen from the sky to the earth . This star is a Spirit because : The star was given the key to the shaft of the Abyss . Some believe this star is Satan . Who gave this Spirit the key to the Abyss ? The KJV calls the Abyss the bottomless pit but they mean the same thing . Some believe the Abyss is a prision for evil Spirits . When he opened the Abyss , smoke rose from it like the smoke from a gigantic furnace ..... And out of the smoke locusts came down on the earth and were given power like that of scorpions of the earth . Who gave these Spirits this power ? They were told not to harm the grass of the earth or any plant or tree , but only those people who did not have the seal of God on their foreheads . They were not allowed to kill them but only to torture them for five months . And the agony they suffered was like the sting of a scorpion when it strikes . Who told these Spirits what they can or cannot do to ? ..... people will seek death but will not find it ; ..... It says the locusts looked like horses prepared for battle , they all had crowns of gold and their faces looked human . Again : who gave this star ( Spirit ) the key to the Abyss in the first place and who gave him and the other Spirits the power to torture all people without God's seal on their forehead . Do you really believe LORD ELohim would do this ? Who else would have the key ? Y'shua's dead but Christians call this also the wrath of the Lamb in 6 : 16 . LORD ELohim says there is no truth to any of these verses . All who wrote the CB have yet , that we can remember , to explain why LORD ELohim is so wicked and evil to His flesh children and even to His Spirit children . Again why would the LORD ELohim do this ?
( 13 : 11 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim wants people to remember again that if Spirits were the cause of all evil mankind has done , are doing and will continue to do in the future then He would not be able to judge mankind . Christians do not seem to be able to understand this . The LORD knows Chrsitian preachers who have read the Little Book and still they blame Satan and Demons for the evil mankind does on our own . The LORD ELohim could and has judged mankind because His Spirit children had nothing to do with the evil we mortals have done ' on our own ' . It was not just how evil people in general are but also how happy we are with our mortal lives and how much mankind suffers greatly in pain and sorrow and for many other reasons we were judged . We failed our trial and if you are honest about our history and whats going on today because of hatred , wars , hunger , suffering , pain and so on you can understand why we failed as a species . The LORD says stop blaming Him and His Spirit children for the problems of mankind . LORD ELohim and other Spirits worked hard to try to help mankind pass the trial and even with all that we still failed . LORD ELohim is not going to punish mankind because we failed : the LORD is just going to allow us to die out as a species in the future and He and all other Spirits will not miss us .
- Revelation 9 : 12 - 21 ( B ) In the NIV : This is another long trumpet judgment so we are not going to write all of it . The sixth angel sounded his trumpet , and I heard a voice coming from the four horns of the golden altar that is before God . It said to the sixth angel who had the trumpet , " Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates . " And the four angels who had been kept ready for this very hour and day and month and year were released to kill a third of mankind . The LORD says all these verses are a lie . LORD ELohim is going to allow mankind to gently die out on earth and in space but He is not going to murder everyone . .... A third of mankind was killed by the three plagues of fire , smoke and sulfur that came out of their mouths . .... The rest of mankind who were not killed by these plagues still did not repent of the work of their hands : they did not stop worshiping demons , and idols of gold , ..... . Christians tend to forget that they have a lot of idols and false Gods who they pray to and even worship .
- Revelation 10 : 1 - 11 ( B ) In the KJV : This chapter I do know fairly well because it's about the Little Book . The LORD ELohim giving me the Little Book did not happen the way it is written in the CB . John did not get anything right about the LORD giving me His Little Book to write for Him . There a few sentences that are right . ....The mystery of God will be finished as he hath declared to his servants and prophets ... The Little Book is both sweet and bitter but that is not the Little Book as much as it is to each person and how they feel about what is written in the Little Book . I am almost seventy so there is not a lot of bitter in the Little Book . Some one who is twenty would probably find much more to be bitter then many old people do . If John really wrote all chapter 10 he would have done well writting science fiction in todays world . So far in Revelation there is a lot that is way over dramatized in his writings or the witings of the Roman Catholic Church . The seventh trumpet does not happen until 11 : 15 - 19 .
- Revelation 11 : 1 : 2 ( B ) In the NIV : I was given a reed like a measuring rod and was told , " Go and measure the temple of God and the altar , with its worshipers . But exclude the outer court ; do not measure it , because it has been given to the Gentiles . They will trample on the holy city for 42 months . The holy city is Jerusalem . Today there is no Temple in the holy city because the Roman destroyed the second Temple . The LORD ELohim has made it known to the Jews that another Temple is not necessary to Him in Israel but He will let the Jews decide that . A Temple in Jerusalem was important if mankind passed our trial but we failed . Another Temple in Jerusalem Christians believe it would be destoyed by the Gentiles again anyway and the LORD says that is very likely to happen because the world has not changed . Pagans did destroy two Jewish Temples in the past .
- Revelation 11 : 3 - 6 ( B ) In the NIV : And I well appoint my two witnesses , and they will prophesy for 1,260 days , clothed in sackcloth . " They are " the two olive trees " and the two lampstands , and " they stand before the Lord of the earth . " If anyone tries to harm them , fire comes from their mouths and devours their enemies . This is how anyone who wants to harm them must die . They have power to shut up the heavens so that it will not rain .... to turn the waters into blood .... and to strike the earth with every kind of plague as often as they want . LORD ELohim would never give any mortal such powers over people and nature and how would fire come out of mortal mouths who are not dragons . Where is the LORD's anger suppose to be coming from to do all these things ? LORD ELohim still does not know why people believe He has such great anger or even hatred toward mankind . The LORD has be disappointed a lot and angry several times but He did not blame everyone on earth for what He was disappointed about or angry about . The LORD knows nothing about these two witnesses . He has no interest in any more prophets because what would be the reason for them . The purpose of prophets was mainly so LORD ELohim could help mankind . We failed our trial : all is did and done forever .
- Revelation 11 : 7 - 14 ( B ) In the NIV : We are not going to write these verses because they are so silly says the LORD . A beast comes out from the Abyss kills the two witnesses and their bodies lie in the street for three and a half days . People were happy they were dead because they tormented all mankind . At the end of three and a half days LORD ELohim resurrected them from the dead and a voice said to them " Come up here . " and they went to Heaven in a cloud . A earthquake happened and killed thousands and the survivors were terrified and gave glory to the God of Heaven . The second woe has passed ; the third woe is coming soon . The LORD says there is no Abyss or beast from the Abyss . If someone has been dead this long there is no way the LORD can resurrect them . No mortal has ever gone to Heaven and no mortal ever will go to Heaven including Y'shua . LORD ELohim cannot cause earthquakes to happen . These verses make no sense .
- Revelation 11 : 15 ( B ) In the NIV : The seventh angel sounded his trumpet , and there were loud voices in heaven , which said : " The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Messiah , and he will reign for ever and ever . " This is not going to happen . If mankind had past our trial then maybe the LORD and His Spirit children would not be wanting to go home to Heaven soon . Even if the Messiah came to be in the near future that is no guarantee for world peace . The Messiah may try to bring world peace and greater happiness to all mankind but that is very unlikely that he would succeed at that . Again : Y'shua was not the awaited Messiah and the Jews and LORD ELohim knew that back then and they know that now and Christians need to understand that , instead of being so strubborn about that belief they have about Y'shua . LORD ELohim has never said that He wanted to make on earth among mankind a Kingdom for Himself . This idea of a ' Kingdom of God ' is something people came up with and not LORD ELohim . The LORD has never tried to rule over mankind and He never wants to .
- Revelation 11 : 16 - 18 ( B ) In the NIV : And the twenty-four elders , who were seated on their thrones before God , fell on their faces and worshiped God , saying : We give thanks to you , Lord God Almighty . .... because you have taken your great power and have begun to reign . The nations were angry , and your wrath has come . The time has come for judging the dead , and for rewarding your servants the prophets ..... The LORD ELohim and all Spirits have nothing in Heaven but who ever wrote these verses seems to think they have a lot of everything . This is more then just peoples imaginations : it's also what they desire for themselves some day . There are no elders in Heaven and there are no thrones either and there never will be . The LORD is never going to begin to reign on earth . LORD ELohim has no wrath coming against mankind . And the LORD will never spend millions and millions of years sitting on a throne judging every human that ever lived since the time of Adam and Eve . People telling the LORD their life stories would probably be a lot of lies and very boring to LORD ELohim . We were judged as a species and that was fair enough . Besides the LORD would have to raise all those dead people back to life and He does not know how to do that . What rewards does LORD ELohim have for those who have helped Him over these many generations since Adam and Eve . That would be the Hebrew Jews and their rewards are at Oak Island . Christians : don't expect any rewards from LORD ELohim who is the one and only God and Father of all created and He is not a ' person ' and is not ' one out of three Gods ' or is it ten Gods now .
- Revelation 11 : 19 ( B ) In the NIV : Then God's temple in heaven was opened , and within his temple was seen the ark of his covenant . And there came flashes of lightning , rumblings , peals of thunder , an earthquake and a severe hailstorm . There is no Temple in Heaven . Again there is nothing in Heaven other then stars , planets and stuff like that and a lot of Spirits playing in space . This is an obvious lie . We know the Ark of His Covenant was made on earth by the Jews long ago . How did it get to Heaven billions of miles away from earth ? Spirits could not take it to Heaven and neither could LORD ELohim because none of them have spaceships and spaceships are so slow it would probably take a million years to get it there . LORD ELohim says the Ark of the Covenant is definitely not in Heaven . The earthquake and hailstorm was not in Heaven either . Why are there so many earthquakes in the CB ?
- Revelation 12 : 1 - 6 ( B ) In the NIV : There is a lot in these verses so we will do a couple at a time . A great sign appeared in heaven : a woman clothed with the sun , with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head . She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth . This women could not have been in Heaven . Spirits do not bred and all Spirits are sons of God : no females . So this women if true would have to be mortal and living on earth . Then another sign appeared in heaven : an enormous red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on its heads . A couple of verses later says this dragon is Satan . Its tail swept a third of the stars out out of the sky and flung them to the earth . Stars can mean Spirits . All the Spirits I know and they know were never flung to the earth by David ( Satan ) . This is about the future and David does not care what Christians wrote about him : he still wants nothing to do with humans and the LORD does not blame him for that in any way . So that's not going to happen . Also David does not look in any way like a dragon . The dragon stood in front of the women an who was about to give birth , so that it might devour her child the moment he was born . Spirits do not eat anything . Not going to happen . She gave birth to a son , a male child , who " will rule all the nations with an iron scepter . " And her child was snatched up to God and to his throne . This women is obviously mortal so her son would be mortal also . Christians believe it will be the resurrected Y'shua who will ' rule all the nations with an iron scepter '. So who's the new boy in all this ? The baby cannot be snatched up to God in Heaven because the baby would be a mortal also like his mother so this cannot happen . The woman fled into the wilderness to a place prepared for her by God , where she might be taken care of for 1,260 days . No body told LORD ELohim about this . There is no place prepared for her . The LORD knows nothing about this and that's why this will not happen either . The LORD said this baby is not Y'shua being reborn . The LORD has no way to do that . This baby would be a completely new human on earth . LORD ELohim is not involved in any way of trying to create this ruler for the world . The LORD would not know if this baby was the Messiah anymore then you could . So why in these verses did the Christians take Y'shua out of the story for being the future world leader and add this baby as the coming world ruler and yet still preach that someday Y'shua will be the Messiah and ruler of the nations ? Like often in the CB : its confusing .
- Revelation 12 : 7 - 9 ( B ) In the NIV : Then war broke out in heaven . Michael and his angels fought against the dragon , and the dragon and his angels fought back . But he ( Satan ) was not strong enough , and they lost their place in heaven . The great dragon was hurled down - the ancient serpent called the devil , or Satan , who leads the whole world astray . He was hurled to the earth , and his angels with him . If LORD ELohim knew David ( Satan ) would lead all the mortals astray why would He send David to earth in the first place ? The LORD cannot judge what Spirits corrupt by their evil . LORD ELohim would have always protected His mortal children if evil Spirits existed and were a problem . The LORD says there has never been war among Spirits and He knows of no reason why that would change in the future .
- Revelation 12 : 10 - 17 (B) In the NIV : Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say : Now has come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God , and the authority of his Messiah . If John could hear the voice of an Angel billions of miles away from earth all mankind would have heard the voice of LORD ELohim or Angels a lot in the past and even now . Most Christians believe Y'shua was the author of our salvation and only those who believe whatever ? about Y'shua will be saved . That is not right . LORD ELohim was the author of forgiving most of mankinds sins . LORD ELohim says the word ' salvation ' would only mean your sins are forgiven and that has nothing to do with having an eternal life because He cannot do that for mortals . To be forgiven of your sins you don't need to believe anything about Y'shua . Some people whose sins were forgiven have never heard of Y'shua . The word ' power ' is used often in the CB . LORD ELohim does not know what that suppose to mean ? He cannot make bread out of stone , heal the sick , raise the dead and on and on , so what does ' power ' mean to Christians ? Words did not create anything . LORD ELohim created most things with His hands . Who is this Messiah ? Y'shua is not the Messiah : never was and never will be . Y'shua was the Lamb of God . It could take many years before the right man comes along who has the right stuff to be the Messiah or it could happen tomorrow . It's already been thousands of years since the Jews came up with this hope for a Messiah to help all mankind . For the accuser of our brothers and sisters , who accuses them before our God day and night , has been hurled down . We think we did this verse before but we are not sure so we will do it now . LORD ELohim would not just sit and listen to Satan accusing people day and night . The LORD and David ( Satan ) have better things to do to . Why do people think the LORD and all other Spirits have nothing better to do then to be bored with stuff about mankind ? David trys to keep a lot of miles between him and mankind and the LORD has a lot better things to do to . They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony ; The blood shed of the Lamb of God Y'shua did not create any supernatural ' powers ' like Christians seem to believe . Y'shua willingly was the Lamb who was sacrificed for the sins of the world and nothing more . Y'shua's blood , last supper cup and so on has no ' powers ' of any kind . LORD ELohim is the author who made the rules about the sacrifice of the Lamb of God : not the Christian churches though they think they can change the LORD's rules like they changed LORD ELohim's Sabbath . Y'shua's blood was shed for the sins of most all people who ever lived , not just Christians , and not so people can have an eternal life . Y'shua's death has nothing to do with people having an afterlife . LORD ELohim never promised that to any people and never will because He cannot do that for any people and He would not want to . Mortals suffer to much . The dragon could not destroy the women so he went after her offspring - those who keep God's commands and hold fast their testimony about Jesus . If John wrote this it was long before Christianity became a religion among Romans . Female words like woman is often used for the church . What was the true testimony about Y'shua back then before the Roman Catholic Church ? Most Christians believe they don't need to keep ' God's commands ' the Ten Commandment , LORD ELohim's Law but the Jews do believe they have to and most want to . Who is this being talked about is a good question because LORD ELohim says these words are not from Him and Y'shua was dead at that time . Since most Christians break more of God's commands then they keep this verse is most likely not about them . Again another question : what was the true testimony of people and disciples back then before the beginning of the Roman Catholic Church . Since Y'shua could not feed thousands... or raise the dead or heal the sick , and on and on then the disciples did not see any of these things happen . If their testimony were the truth then a lot of pages and verses in the CB NT are lies or error .
( 13 : 14 ) NOTES : When the CB says ' the testimony about Jesus ' what does that mean . There is not a lot to talk about regarding what is true about Y'shua . Y'shua was the willing Lamb of God and nothing more . Y'shua was not the Messiah , or the only Son of God , or a God-man , or able to heal sickness , or able to raise the dead and on and on . Y'shua himself was never raised from the dead . To remember Y'shua as the Lamb of God and to honor and love him for that is something he greatly deserves , but all the lies told by the Christian churches and the lies written about him in the CB is something he does not deserve . Many of the lies make Y'shua sound like a crazy and cruel man : which he was not . The true Y'shua was a quite , loving , kind and understanding man who never claimed to be the Messiah or a God or the only Son of God or a king and on and on . The testimony about Y'shua would be about a loving Jewish man who willingly gave up his life so your sins could be forgiven . Y'shua deserves to be remember for who he truly was and what he willingly did for most all Humanity ! A lot of people are making a lot of money based on the lies told by the Christian churches and to be used for that purpose is not what in the memory of Y'shua deserves either .
- Revelation 13 : 1 - 10 ( B ) In the NIV : These verses are about a beast coming out of the sea . It says the dragon gave the beast his power . People worshiped the dragon because he gave authority to the beast and they also worshiped the beast . " Who is like the beast ? Who can wage war against it ? " It was given power to war against God's holy people and to conquer them . ... Who gave David all this power over mankind ? LORD ELohim did not do this and David wants nothing to do with people . It says all people will worship the beast except those who's names are written in the book of life . There is no book of life and it was certainly not written before LORD ELohim created the earth . God's people are the Jews and that has never changed and will never change . God's people will never be Christians unless they get rid of a few Gods in their beliefs and change the Sabbath back to the seventh day and teach only the truth about Y'shua , and , and ......
- Revelation 13 : 1 - 18 ( B ) In the NIV : A second beast comes out of the earth . This beast makes people worship the first beast . And it performed great signs , even causing fire to come down from heaven to the earth .... Because of the signs it was given power to perform on behalf of the first beast , it deceived the inhabitants of the earth . After the seal and trumpet judgments how many people could be still alive on earth ? And someone makes a image of the first beast . People are killed who do not worship the image . The following we may have done before but we are not sure . 18 This calls for wisdom . Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast , for it is the number of a man . That number is 666 . For this you need to use Gematria which means letters are given a value . The Little Book is mostly based on English Gematria especially the value of words adding to 666 . Hebrew alphabet and Greek alphabet also have Gematria but LORD ELohim says use the English Gematria . This code is on almost every other update . Does the LORD ELohim know who this man is ? He says He does not know that or if he even exists yet or that he would ever exist . The LORD says He never gave all what is written in Revelation to John . He says around 93 % in Revelation He or any other Spirit had nothing to do with , which is why He is confused also by all that is written . Its very very unlikely that John wrote all of this .
- Revelation 14 : 1 - 5 ( B ) In the NIV : Then I looked , and there before me was the Lamb , standing on Mount Zion , and with him 144,000 who had his name and his Father's name written on their foreheads . Y'shua's Father is LORD ELohim and our Father is also LORD ELohim . The LORD says there will be no writting on peoples foreheads if it has anything to do with Him . The LORD knows nothing about these 144,000 Hebrews who some would still be Jews but not all of them . And I heard sound from heaven like the roar of rushing waters ... like that of harpists playing their harps . There are no harps in Heaven . There is a lot of music and dancing but the band is the voices of the Spirits . No one could learn the song except the 144,000 who had been redeemed from the earth . Words like redeemed I have problems with understanding what that is suppose to mean . The dictionary says : to ransom , free , or rescue by paying a price and to free from the consequences of sin . It was not just these 144,000 who were forgiven for sins but most all of mankind . These are those who did not defile themselves with women , for they remained virgins . The LORD said He never said this . Being a woman : this is more then just a little rude . All LORD ELohim says is that He never said that about women and He is pretty sure it was not John either . The Catholics don't allow the priests to marry so it was probably them who made this comment . They follow the Lamb wherever he goes . Y'shua is not in Heaven and neither are these 144,000 virgins . They were purchased from among mankind and offered as firstfruits to God and the Lamb . .... Who purchased these guys since they were offered to both LORD ELohim and Y'shua ? LORD ELohim does not know the answer to this and it will never happen . Its easy to find Hebrews since we are white skinned but how would Angels or whoever is suppose to do this ; how will they know who are from the tribe of Dan or the tribe of Naphtali or from the other ten tribes ? Even LORD ELohim cannot do that .
( 13 : 15 ) NOTES : We noticed this again regarding the twelve tribes of Israel . In the Jewish Bible in Numbers 1 it lists the tribes of Israel : Reuben , Simeon , Judah , Issachar , Zebulun , Ephraim , Manasseh , Benjamin , Dan , Asher , Gad , Naphtali . The JB is correct about these tribes . In the Christian Bible in Revelation 7 : 5 - 8 there are errors : Judah , Reuben ,Gad , Asher , Naphtali , Manasseh , Simeon , Levi , Issachar , Zebulun , Joseph , Benjamin . In the CB the tribe of Dan is not written and Joseph was never the head of a tribe but his two sons were : Ephraim and Manasseh . The tribe of Ephraim is not listed in the CB . In the CB they list Levi as one of the tribes . If I understand this right Levi was never a tribe because they were responsible for the religion and faith or Judaism among all the other tribes . That is four errors . Had a Jew like John written this in Revelation it would have been correct . The Jews probably know their history as Jews better then most any other people know their family history . So who did write this in the book of Revelation ? Four errors is a lot of errors when finding the truth is so easy . I just realized one other error : they are not in the right order , from first to last born so that makes five errors . The Christian Bible is about 1500 years old and still these simple to find errors are still in the CB . When people use someone elses religion for their own religion it would be wise to at least know what they are all about and what their writings are about to .
- Revelation 14 : 6 & 7 ( B ) In the NIV : Then I saw another angel flying in midair , and he had the eternal gospel to proclaim to those who live on the earth - to every nation , tribe , language and people . He said in a loud voice . " Fear God and give him glory , because the hour of his judgment has come . Worship him who made the heavens , the earth , the sea and the springs of water . " Has anyone seen a Angel flying and preaching lately . People cannot see Angels or hear their voice . The LORD says this could not have happened since John was never given any visions . Since this is in the CB one has to ask which of their Gods are the talking about . Most Chrisitan believe Y'shua created all that was created . That's a lie but it is part of the Christian belief . This Angel is said to have said this about two thousand years ago . Again this did not happen but why would the Angel not know that we humans still had two thousand more years of our trial to finish . The ' hour of his judgment has come ' and did not happen then . Judgment day began 23 years ago at 2000 C.E. ( A.D. ) : not two thousand years ago .
- Revelation 14 : 8 ( B ) In the NIV : A second angel followed and said , " Fallen ! Fallen is Babylon the Great , which made all the nations drink the maddening wine of her adulteries ." In code and regarding verses in the CB the LORD calls the Roman Catholic Church : Babylon . One of the problems with the CB is that some stories are not in the correct order . This verse says ' her ' which is again commonly used for the church .
- Revelation 14 : 9 - 13 ( B ) In the NIV : A third angel followed them and said in a loud voice : " If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives its mark on their forehead or on their hand , they too , will drink the wine of God's fury , which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath . Again we cannot hear or see Angels . LORD ELohim says He has no fury or wrath regarding mankind . The LORD had hope for mankind but He also knew what we would probably do with our free will . Remember the Grays were first with free will and the Anunnaki were second with free will so the LORD knew what we would probably do with our free will . Why would LORD ELohim wrath against mankind since there were not a lot of surprises in what we as a species have done in the past six thousand years . The Holocaust was a surprise and the LORD did grieve for His chosen people but He has seen the Jews badly treated for thousands of years by pagans . The Holocaust and the recent two world wars nailed our coffin shut as a species . The LORD is not going to wrath against mankind but He is going to let us gently die out as a species in the future .
( 13 : 16 ) NOTES : The book of Revelation is full of stories about LORD ELohim punishing people and even Y'shua punishing people and there is more to come . The CB makes LORD ELohim sound like a horrible and mean and wicked being . That is not true . The LORD is deeply loving and kind and a caring Father to all Spirits and mortals who He created . Even Y'shua was a very loving and kind Jewish man but many years after his death the Christians make even Y'shua sound like a very wicked tyrant many times over like Revelation 6 : 1 - 4 I watched as the Lamb opened the first of the seven seals .... When the Lamb opened the second seal ...Then another horse came out , a fiery red one . Its rider was given power to take peace from the earth and to make people kill each other . To him was given a large sword . .... The power and sword was given to this rider by Y'shua and it goes on and on and on refering to Y'shua as being a very cruel and uncaring and unloving man . If your a Christian and waiting for the ' wrath of God ' : you will never see that day . This will never happen . What will probably happen is the third world war and a nuclear war and when that happens remember that LORD ELohim has nothing to do with that or Y'shua who is dead . That's humans just being cruel , wicked , evil and very stupid humans who will start that war just like many wars in the past .
- Revelation 14 : 10 - 12 ( B ) In the NIV : They will be tormented with burning sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and of the Lamb . And the smoke of their torment will rise for ever and ever . There will be no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and its image , or for anyone who receives the mark of its name . This calls for patient endurance on the part of the people of God who keep his commands and remain faithful to Jesus . Most Christians are not known for keeping the Commands of LORD ELohim . Christians are better known for breaking some of the Ten Commandments . They are known for doing that as part of their religion . First Commandment , Second , Third , Forth , Seventh and some Christians all the rest of the Commandments to . Exodus 20 . Y'shua is dead so he is not the cause of this and LORD ELohim really does not care and He is not the cause of this mark of the beast stuff either . Who are the ' people of God ' ? Because Y'shua is mentioned seperate from ' people of God ' it seems to refer to LORD ELohim and not Y'shua . The people of God then would be the Jews and not the pagan Christians . How does someone ' remain faithful to Jesus ' . Y'shua was the Lamb of God and nothing more other then being a good husband to Miriam and a good father to his two sons and a loving friend to many and stuff like that . You do not need to believe anything about Y'shua to be forgiven for your sins and if you are extremely evil even his blood will not get your sins forgiven no matter how Christian you are . Y'shua and the Jews never started a new religion with Y'shua as one of their Gods . The Romans did that and the Roman Catholic Church did that . Y'shua the Lamb is dead and like all mortals he will remain dead forever .
- Revelation 14 : 13 ( B ) In the NIV : Then I heard a voice from heaven say , " Write this : Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on . " " Yes ," says the Spirit , " they will rest from their labor , for their deeds will follow them . " What about Adam and Eve or Abraham or Moses or many many millions of other people who lived before Y'shua ? The LORD says His forgiveness of sins does go back to Adam and Eve and most all people since them : even most all people today . Believing whatever Christians believe about Y'shua changes nothing about the fact we mortals do not have an eternal life after we die and our deeds do not follow us because we are not going anywhere other then a grave or ashes cast to the wind . Our deeds may be remembered by friends and family and others for a couple of generations but that makes no difference either except for the living . Being remembered means nothing to the corpse . Most everything in Revelation is not true . If this Angel really said that then that Angel was wrong but LORD ELohim says the Angels are well aware of all this sacrifice of Y'shua stuff so there was no Angel who said that .
- Revelation 14 : 14 - 16 ( B ) In the NIV : I looked and there before me was a white cloud , and seated on the cloud was one like a son of man with a crown of gold on his head and a sharp sickle in this hand . Then another angel came out of the temple and called in a loud voice to him who was sitting on the cloud , " Take your sickle and reap , because the time to reap has come , for the harvest of the earth is ripe . " So he who was seated on the cloud swung his sickle over the earth , and the earth was harvested . Reading Revelation makes one wonder if I would want anything to do with these people and these Spirits written about in an afterlife . They are all crazy . I can understand why David wants nothing to do with mankind and about these Angels its just a lot of lies . The verses say ' like the son of man ' which we think means Y'shua because he was often called the son of man in other books of the CB . There is no Temple in Heaven or crowns of gold or sickles . There is no Jewish Temple on earth right now either . The word ' harvest ' means the gathering of the redeemed saints at the end of the age . In a book it says the word ' saint ' means ' holy ' . The LORD says man cannot judge man and call someone ' holy ' or a ' saint ' . Only LORD ELohim can name a mortal to be called a saint or holy . A lot of Jewish Rabbis and Priests the LORD called holy in the past and many even today but they will never know who . The LORD goes to a Synagogue where many Rabbis He calls holy go to . There would probably be many other Jews the LORD would call holy : if the LORD got around more . If you are Christian believing that Y'shua is one of your Gods , is the only Son of God and so on : don't expect the LORD to ever call you a saint .
- Revelation 14 : 17 - 20 ( B ) In the NIV : ..... The angel swung his sickle on the earth , gathered its grapes and threw them into the great winepress of God's wrath . They were trampled in the winepress outside the city , and blood flowed out of the press , rising as high as the horses bridles for a distance of 1,600 stadia . A book says 1,600 stadia = 180 miles . Another book calls them 1,600 furlongs . A furlong is equal to 220 yards . Obviously the verses are not talking about grapes . Again there are many things that the LORD and Spirits cannot do . If an Angel walked on you : you would not feel anything so its not Spirits trampling people . So it much be people doing this to people with their feet or an oxen or making the horses trample these people . Imagine this . It would be interesting watching these people being raised from the dead and deaths like this is why the LORD cannot raise the dead . Many Christians believe all the non-Christians will suffer in their death and after their resurrection they will suffer in hell and then the lake of fire . So if some of the non-Christians are in this winepress being trampled then who are the loving and kind Christian people doing that to them ? Just joking about these Christians being loving and kind . Could you do that to someone and to millions and even children ? Durning the Holocaust many millions were murdered by the Nazis , their next door neighbors which is proof something like this can happen and by Christians . LORD ELohim has no wrath regarding mankind . The LORD made us and gave us a chance to prove to Him we are worth keeping but we failed our trial . LORD ELohim has nothing to do with all this killing and torture and stuff written about in Revelation and neither did Y'shua because if he were alive he would not approve of any of it : thats the kind of man he was . Y'shua is dead and again he had nothing to do with what is written in the CB and the LORD is sure John did not write all this either .
- Revelation 15 : 1 - 4 ( B ) In the NIV : I saw in heaven another great and marvelous sign : seven angels with the seven last plagues - last , because with them God's wrath is completed . This just goes on about people being victorious over the beast and its name and image and number of his name . It says God gave them harps and sang the song of God's servant Moses and the Lamb . " Great and marvelous are your deeds , Lord God Almighty , Just and true are your ways , .... for you alone are holy . .... for your righteous acts have been revealed . " LORD ELohim would not call trampling millions of people to death is a righteous act no matter who they are . Righteous acts even for LORD ELohim is loving , kind , caring and stuff like that and should be the same even for people . The LORD says there is nothing righteous about slaughtering people even if its Him doing that . The word righteous means : acting or being in accordance with what is just , honorable and free from guilt or wrong , noble , virtuous , moral , ethical . LORD ELohim agrees with the dictionary . The question is : what does ' righteous ' mean to Christians and even to other people ? LORD ELohim does not just preach what people should do : He walks the walk to .
- Revelation 15 : 5 - 8 ( B ) In the NIV : After this I looked , and I saw in heaven the temple - that is , the tabernacle of the covenant law - and it was opened . Out of the temple came the seven angels with the seven plagues . They were dressed in clean , shining linen and wore golden sashes around their chests . There is no Temple in Heaven . Angels and LORD ELohim do not wear cloths made of linen or golden sashes . If you could see the LORD and the Angels He created you would only see Spirit which does not shine and no Spirits mine for gold so there are no golden sashes worn by Spirits in Heaven or on earth . Then one of the four living creatures gave to the seven angels seven golden bowls filled with the wrath of God , .... Again : no gold in Heaven which means no golden bowls in Heaven and LORD ELohim has no wrath toward mankind . And the temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God and from his power , and no one could enter the temple until the seven plagues of the seven angels were completed . Just a reminder that LORD ELohim has been on or near earth for many billions of years . He took a few vacations in Heaven during that time but He has never left earth since long before Adam and Eve and long before who ever wrote these verses . The LORD would like it if the Christians would explain all this ' power ' stuff . What exactly is it ? What exactly do Christians and any other people believe it is ? Most everything the LORD ELohim has done He did with His hands and worked on some for billions of years and some even trillions of our years . He could not create anything by just speaking words . LORD ELohim cannot heal the sick or raise the dead and stuff like that because thats not the way the chemistry of living or dead mortals works . The LORD knows about some herbs that would help sick people but simple words would not heal anything . LORD ELohim has noticed that sometimes mind over matter sometimes works to heal but that is not a ' power ' that smokes up a Temple .
- Revelation 16 : 1 & 2 ( B ) In the NIV : Now again more plagues . The bowls are a little different yet much the same . Back to very boring writings . ... " Go , pour out the seven bowls of God's wrath on the earth . " The first angel went and poured out his bowl on the land , and ugly , festering sores broke out on the people who had the mark of the beast and worhiped its image . How is bacteria or a virus suppose to know who went to the Temple or did that in their house to worship the beast ? Speaking of the LORD's power : He does not know how to inflict pain on one person and not the person standing next to him with bacteria or viruses . This so called ' power ' the LORD does not have . When the LORD while trying to help His Jews get out of Egypt where they were slaves and He caused the death of the first born Egyptians sons He did that by talking to the Souls of these men and when the Souls left the body of these men the men died . It was not a supernatural ' power ' that did that . The LORD never wants to harm any people but the Egyptians gave LORD ELohim great reason to do this so He could save His Jews . If the LORD knew about the Holocaust when it was happening there would have been a lot of dead Nazis without a Soul to . The LORD is more watchful these days over His Jews and people in general then before the Holocaust . Again the LORD cannot be everywhere at the same time but you will never know where He is . Also this rule is for all Spirits and even for Himself that they do not interfere with what mankind does with our free will . In other words 99 % of the time we mortal people are on our own .
- Revelation 16 : 3 ( B ) In the NIV : The second angel poured out his bowl on the sea , and it turned into blood like that of a dead person , and every living thing in the sea died . Who ever wrote this verse and other ' wrath ' verses does not know much of anything . LORD ELohim loves many species of mortal beings very much : like the whales and elephants and a lot of other mortal species . Why would LORD ELohim cause harm to other species if He is just out to wrath against mankind ? There are many reasons mankind failed our trial and one of those is because of the way we humans treat other species like whales and elephants and thousands of other species . The LORD would never cause all who live in the sea or on the land to die in the past or at this time . The LORD was a little happy when the asteroid hit earth and most dinosaurs died off . He never like most of those species very much anyway but mammals were different and He loved most all species He created .
- Revelation 16 : 4 - 6 ( B ) In the NIV : The third angel poured out his bowl on the rivers and springs of water , and they became blood . Then I heard the angel in charge of the waters say : " You are just in these judgments , O Holy One , you who are and who were , for they have shed the blood of your holy people and your prophets , and you have given them blood to drink as they deserve . " We know one thing , the holy people are not Christians though this was probably written by Christians and meaning Christians . The word ' holy people and prophets ' LORD ELohim would never call Christians . The LORD says He would not call any Christian a ' holy person ' and no Chrisitian has ever been a prophet for the LORD . These bowl judgments are after the seal and trumpet judgments . Where are these people coming from since most of life on earth should be dead because of the seal and trumpet judgments . Again why would LORD ELohim cause the deaths of many species just to kick the butts of people .
( 13 : 17 ) NOTES : We have to do more reserch on this subject but many Christians believe that someday the Kingdom of God will be on earth . Even a big city , they believe , will come from Heaven to earth . If all these judgments were to come true in the way they are written , would you really want to live on earth . The 7 seal judgments , the 7 trumpet judgments and the 7 bowl judgments and earthquakes on most pages . There is no way that the LORD is going to let any of mankind go to His Heaven so its earth and no place else . If the LORD were to do these judgments can you imagine what the earth would be like and smell like to live here with rotting corpses everywhere . Its a good thing that LORD ELohim is a lot , lot , lot smarter then the people who wrote all the judgment verses . These people obviously never asked LORD ELohim if what they wrote is true or not . Many Christians believe they will rule the universe someday . That will never happen either . Besides what is in the universe to rule over . Earth is the only place mortals exist and the LORD would never allow a mortal to rule over His Spirit children and thats all there is in the universe thats living other then mortals on earth . Many people believe the LORD will create a whole new universe and a new earth and get rid of the old one . The LORD says again : that will never happen . It took Him trillions of years to do what He has done so far . The judgments will never be caused by LORD ELohim or by any other Spirits . Its not what the LORD might do someday you need to worry about : its whats coming soon that mankind alone will do you need to worry about .
- Revelation 16 : 7 ( B ) In the NIV : And I heard the altar respond : " Yes , Lord God Almighty , true and just are your judgments . " Have you ever heard a stone talk ? It would be a very silly stone altar since even LORD ELohim does not find these judgments to be ' just ' .
- Revelation 16 : 8 & 9 ( B ) In the NIV : The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun , and the sun was allowed to scorch people with fire . They were seared by the intense heat and they cursed the name of God , who had control over these plagues , but they refused to repent and glorify him . The LORD ELohim never told who wrote this stuff that He would do this but its LORD ELohim who is blamed for it by who ever wrote these verses . Again mankind is not the only species of mortal life living on earth : past , present and future . Why would the LORD harm all other species to who He has no problems with . Mankind is the problem on earth and not the lamb or the lions . Do you really believe the LORD could do this and would do this ? If you think the LORD would do this , you do not know Him at all . Besides the LORD ELohim says He cannot do stuff like this nor would He want to . Again the LORD says Think Not Beyond Logic .
- Revelation 16 : 10 & 11 ( B ) : The fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast , and its kingdom was plunged into darkness . People gnawed their tongues in agony and cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores , and they refused to repent of what they had done . This is something that could happen anywhere on earth and not be the LORD doing that . Solar flares or nuclear bombs can take out the electricity and put cities into darkness for a long time and the LORD is not going to cause that .
- Revelation 16 : 12 - 14 ( B ) : The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates , and its water was dried up to prepare the way for the kings of the East . Then I saw three impure spirits that looked like frogs ; they came out of the mouth of the dragon , out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet . They are demonic spirits that perform sign , and they go out to the kings of the whole world , to gather them for the battle on the great day of God Almighty . Now how many people are still alive on earth . The CB NT is running out of living people . No Spirit looks like a frog . The Spirits with me laughed at this and there are no demonic Spirits . People have blamed the LORD as in most all these verses in Revelation and they have blamed David ( Satan ) and Spirits a lot for many things they did not do either in other CB books to . Its time people take responsibility for what we do and stop blaming LORD ELohim and Spirits . Christians even blamed Y'shua for a lot of these judgments and Y'shua is dead . LORD ELohim does not know what ' the great day of God Almighty ' means ? The LORD and other Spirits are not going to get involved in any mortal wars and Spirits have never had even one war in all these trillions of years and they say that will never change . If the Spirits learnt anything from people over the years : its to not be anything like people .
- Revelation 16 : 15 ( R ) In the NIV : " Look , I come like a thief ! Blessed is the one who stays awake and remains clothed , so as not to go naked and be shamefully exposed . " This is a red letter verse so they claim that Y'shua himself said these words . Its a lot to expect from people not to shower or sleep or change cloths . It a very strange verse and whats written about the sixth angel is not finished yet . Y'shua could not have spoken these words to John because Y'shua was dead at this time . The LORD says enjoy your sleep and showers : you do not have anything to worry about regarding this verse . Its a silly verse .
- Revelation 16 : 16 ( B ) In the NIV : Then they gathered the kings together to the place that in Hebrew is called Armageddon . Now the sixth Angel stuff is finished . According to one book ' the great day of God Amighty ' is the day a war happens at Mount Megiddo also called Armageddon . The LORD does not care what is written in the CB : He and His Spirit children are not going to get involved in any stupid war people make happen . Because Mount Megiddo is in Israel He will be watching and may do what He can to protect the Jews : if that's possible .
- Revelation 16 : 17 - 21 ( B ) In the NIV : The seventh angel poured out his bowl into the air , and out of the temple came a loud voice from the throne , saying , " It is done ! " Then there came flashes of lightning , rumblings , peals of thunder and a severe earthquake . No earthquake like it has ever occurred since mankind has been on earth . The great city split into three parts , and the cities of the nations collapsed . LORD ELohim cannot cause any earthquakes so this is not a judgment and the ones written in other verses are not judgments either . This is suppose to be a Temple in Heaven which does not exist . There is no ' air ' in Heaven so the bowl would have to be poured out near earth . If an Angel or even the LORD said ' It is done ' no mortal could have hear it . If John could hear this said with his ears then every person on earth could have to . God remembered Babylon the Great and gave her the cup filled with the wine of the fury of his wrath . There is no Babylon nation still today but the LORD has a couple of times used the name Babylon for the Roman Catholic Church . Again LORD ELohim has no interest in wrathing against mankind . Every island fled away and the mountains could not be found . That is a big imagination who ever wrote this stuff has . From the sky huge hailstones , each weighing about a hundred pounds , fell on people . And they cursed God on account of the plague of hail , because the plague was so terrible . Where could the LORD get millions of hailstones that size ? How could the LORD make those ? It has to have something to do with nature being nature . Hailstorms are common here but I have never seen hailstones bigger then a baseball so what's the chance of that happening without someone being involved . The LORD is going to have nothing to do with that and its very likely that nature will have nothing to do with that to . So that only leaves scientists to make it happen and with many of them this may be possible and happen . Now how many people are yet alive after the earthquake that flattened city and the hailstones .
- Revelation 17 : 1 & 2 ( B ) In the NIV : One of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and said to me . " Come , I will show you the punishment of the great prostitute , who sits by many waters . The reference of something being called a woman usually means the Christian church in the CB like the chuch being called the ' bride of Christ ' . Not often but even a wild imagination can get it right sometimes . With her the kings of the earth committed adultery , and the inhabitants of the earth were intoxicated with the wine of her adulteries . "
- Revelation 17 : 3 & 4 ( B ) In the NIV : Then the angel carried me away in the Spirit into a wilderness . Angels cannot do that whatever ' in the Spirit ' means . Mortals do not have a Spirit to call our own . Revelation goes on and on with John hearing and John seeing a lot of stuff . The LORD says this much stuff would be impossible to teach one person , especially the many claimed visions . How the LORD and other Spirits communicate with me , the LORD did not know how to do that at the time of Y'shua and long after that to . There I saw a women sitting on a scarlet beast that was covered with blasphemous names and had seven heads and ten horns . The woman was dressed in purple and scarlet , and was glittering with gold , precious stones and pearls . She held a golden cup in her hand , filled with abominable things and the filth of her adulteries . Purple was the color of royalty and scarlet was the color of sinful things . This woman is very wealthy and had a lot of influence over the lives of other people . Again the word ' woman ' is often used when writing in the CB about the church .
( 13 : 18 ) NOTES : What's true in the book of Revelation ? You have to remember teaching people anything was always very difficult for the LORD ELohim to do . Y'shua did believe in an eternal life for people which is not true but the LORD was never able to correct him about that . The LORD tryed to correct many errors in peoples beliefs but at best and rarely He was able to correct some peoples opinions about things . It was not possible at that time for people and prophets to know what is their thoughs or something in their thoughts that came from the LORD . If I could not communicate with LORD ELohim and other Spirits like I can I would have never helped the LORD to give mankind His Little Book . I would not know what is my thinking or what is the LORD's words put in my thoughts and neither could other people He worked through . Visions are like dreams . After you wake up you may think of the dream but in a few moments most of it is forgotten so visions did not work well . The book of Revelation is mostly about the ' wrath of LORD ELohim and even the wrath of Y'shua . Y'shua is dead and the LORD has no interest in punishing people for what they believe or do not believe because where is the proof for most of that . Most all if not all written in Revelation is not going to happen say LORD ELohim . If something like the ' mark of the beast ' does happen the only thing the LORD would do as He is doing now , is warn people that thats a big step toward becoming a slave in the coming world . As LORD ELohim always says to you " Think Not Beyond Logic " . The LORD is hopeful you are starting to know Him and His Spirit children better then you did before and now more able to know what is true and what is not true written in the Christian Bible and in even the Jewish Bible and even regarding other religions .
- Revelation : 17 : 5 ( B ) In the NIV : The name written on her forehead was a mystery : BABYLON THE GREAT THE MOTHER OF PROSTITUTES AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH . In the KJV it says : And upon her forehead was a name written , MYSTERY , BABYLON THE GREAT , THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATION OF THE EARTH . The King James Version was written first so if working with the code it has to be the KJV used and not the NIV . Using the Little Book code it says : THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS = 1356 . THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH = 1356 also . Both of these sets of words add up to the same value 1356 . LORD ELohim created the English language trillions of years ago . English is the only language of Heaven and the LORD taught some Hebrews this language . When the LORD knew that people were starting to believe Y'shua was many things he was not LORD ELohim taught them so they would call the first church organization The Roman Catholic Church . The Roman Catholic Church was the Mother of all Christian churches . John did manage to get ' The Mother Of Harlots ' right just as the LORD and teaching Spirit taught him . Its like Revelation 13 : 4 which says : And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast : and they worshipped the beast , saying , Who is like unto the beast ? who is able to make war with him ? The words : Who is like unto the beast ? = 1566 . The European Community = 1566 . The United States of America = 1566 . These three all add up to 1566 . The question is ' Who is like unto the beast ' not who is the beast . It also says ' who is able to make war with him ' . This does not add up to 1566 but its obvious that its speaking of these nations to . Who is the beast ? At this time thats an unknown if that even happens . The LORD ELohim does not make things happen but He is very good at guessing what might happen in the future . Remember the LORD does not know exactly what the future will be regarding anything . The LORD says mankind has surprised Him many times .
- Revelation 17 : 6 - 8 ( B ) In the NIV : I saw that the woman was drunk with the blood of God's holy people , the blood of those who bore testimony to Jesus . LORD ELohim is hopeful that the Christians understand they cannot be His ' holy people ' as long as their beliefs are common to pagans . The LORD does not care what you believe now because its to late to care anymore and to help mankind . We need to know what the testimony to Y'shua was back then at the time of John : the truth or a lot of false beliefs . Its the false beliefs that makes money for the Chrisitan churches and keeps people coming back out of fear of purgatory , hell and going to the lake of fire for all eternity and God's wrath they say is coming soon against non-believer in Y'shua for whatever reason . Hell and those other places don't exist and never have existed and never will exist . There would not be much money to be made if the testimony was only the truth : ' your sins are forgiven by LORD ELohim by the sacrifice of Y'shua and the shedding of his blood to cleanse you of your sins .' There would not be much need for a NT CB with 356 pages or even churches . The LORD is sure the Jews would have taught the world the simple truth . The Jews did start teaching the truth then Christians corrupted everything about Y'shua and the Jews just stopped being involved with what was becoming a great blasphemy . When I saw her , I was greatly astonished . Then the angel said to me : " Why are you astonished ? I will explain to you the mystery of the woman and of the beast she rides which has seven heads and ten horns . The beast , which you saw once was , now is not , and yet will come up out of the Abyss and go to its destruction . The word Abyss means the place of the dead and the prison for evil Spirits . LORD ELohim says this place does not exist either . We were thinking Rome but Rome existed at the time when John was yet alive so why would the Angel say ' now is not ' unless its all about the future , then we are thinking Rome again . Even the LORD does not know what this means either so we will leave it at that . The LORD said the teaching Spirit did not teach John a lot of verses in the CB . If John only wrote what the LORD told him to write then the LORD would know what everything means but He does not know most that is written in the CB NT and even in the CB OT that is not a exact copy of the JB . Remember the Roman Catholic Church added a lot to the CB and by now you should know that LORD ELohim had nothing to do with any of that .
- Revelation 17 : 8 ( B ) In the NIV : This is part of the 8th verse above . The inhabitants of the earth whose names have not been written in the book of life from the creation of the world will be astonished when they see the beast , because it once was , now is not , and yet will come . LORD ELohim says there is no ' book of life ' . If the names of people who are destined to a good eternal life were chosen before the world even existed then the LORD would be wrong in doing this . Its just not fair to the rest of the human race who would end up in hell and the lake of fire forever . LORD ELohim says that would not be fair which is why He never did that and could not have done that . The LORD when the earth first became liveable for flesh did not know what mortals would be like and He certainly did not know what you and billions of other people would be like either . No Christian name is in a book that would give them eternal life in the Kingdom of God . There is no book of life and there will be no after life for any mortal and there will be no Kingdom of God for dead mortals and He will never raise any mortal from the grave .
- Revelation 17 : 9 - 13 ( B ) In the NIV : There is a lot in the verses that makes no sense . These are not very good riddles and LORD ELohim does not want to bother with them and neither do I so we are not going to write them all . Were just going to write what seems important to know . 8 The beast , which you saw , once was , now is not , and yet will come up out of the Abyss and go to its destruction . 9 The seven heads are seven hills on which the woman sits . 10 They are also seven kings . Five have fallen , one is , the other has not yet come ; but when he does come , he must remain for only a little while . 11 The beast who once was , and now is not , is an eighth king . He belongs to the seven and is going to his destruction . 12 The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom , but who for one hour will receive authority as kings along with the beast . 13 They have one purpose and will give their power and authority to the beast .
( 13 : 19 ) NOTES : This is interesting and this is something the LORD says He did teach John . Revelation 17 : 9 This calls for a mind with wisdom . The seven heads are seven hills on which the woman sits . Again the women is a Christian church . When the LORD became concerned about what was going on with the Romans living in Israel after Y'shua died He went to Rome to look around and He went there often . In the Encyclopedia under the subject of ' Rome ' it says Rome now is the capital of Italy . Then it goes on to say about ancient Rome ' The seven hills on which Rome was first built have long been famous . Then speaking of Rome now ' Rome is built on more hills than the original seven .' The Vatican City , in Rome , is the administrative center of the Roman Catholic Church . The pope is absolute ruler of Vatican City and Vatican City has been an independent state since 1929 . LORD ELohim taught John what at that time John probably would have not understood the meaning of it . The LORD taught John about the seven hills but John added the head stuff himself but it still worked out . The understanding of this ' seven hills ' was to happen in the future though people could have understood this back then to if they were to put some work in doing that . As the verses say , this church can be found in Rome even today and is the Roman Catholic Church : so says LORD ELohim . Revelation 17 : 18 The woman you saw is the great city that rules over the kings of the earth . The history of the Roman Catholic Church is one of great authority and power over other people , nations and even kings .
- Revelation 17 : 14 ( B ) In the NIV : They will wage war against the Lamb , but the Lamb will triumph over them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings - and with him will be his called , chosen and faithful followers . The word called means chosen but LORD ELohim says other then a very few people to be prophets and stuff like that none are called and it certainly would not be a army all called who could take down the beast . Another problem with these verses : Y'shua's dead .
- Revelation 17 : 15 ( B ) In the NIV : Then the angel said to me , " The waters you saw , where the prostitute sits , are peoples , multitudes , nations and languges , The beast and the ten horns you saw will hate the prostitute . They will bring her to ruin and leave her naked ; they will eat her flesh and burn her with fire . ..... The woman you saw is the great city that rules over the kings of the earth . The KJV calls her a ' whore ' . This city is not Jerusalem . This may anger some Christians because the prostitute is a woman and the Christian church is often called a woman , a church involved with multitudes and nations , a church with great power over peoples lives , a church with great power over kings in its history , a church with enough power to anger the beast and kings . There are not a lot of Christian denominations with that power and a history of such power other then the Roman Catholic Church if this is what the verses means .
- Revelation 18 : 1 - 3 ( B ) In the NIV : After this I saw another angel coming down from heaven . He had great authority , and the earth was illuminated by his splendor . With a mighty voice he shouted : " Fallen ! Fallen is Babylon the Great ! She has become a dwelling for demons .... This authority did not come from LORD ELohim . One Angel could not illuminate the whole earth . John could not have heard the Angels voice . There are no evil Spirits . LORD ELohim has called the Roman Catholic Church in the past in His Little Book ' the Babel religion . ' 3 For all the nations have drunk the maddening wine of her adulteries . The kings of the earth committed adultery with her , and the merchants of the earth grew rich from her excessive luxuries . " There were not a lot of Christian denominations that Kings of the earth had to get permission from to do things , like a King to get a divorce and a lot of other stuff . The Roman Catholic Church was different and with a lot of power over people . An example : King Philip IV of France got papal authority from Pope Clement V to investigate the Knights Templars . The Templars were charged with heresy . On October 13 , 1307 hundreds of Templars were taken prisioner and their property and money were seized in France and then any where else the Knights Templars were . By the end of this thousands of Templars were brutally tortured and murdered and all property and valuables the Templars had was taken . The Grand Master Jacques de Molay was burned at the stake in 1314 after years of being tortured almost daily . The Papal Inquisition and Spanish Inquisition in which many thousands of people were tortured and murder had the approval of the popes during that time . There is a lot that the Catholic church was involved in that LORD ELohim would not have approved of . The deeds and teachings of the Roman Catholic Church lost LORD ELohims support before it even became known as the Roman Catholic Church .
- Revelation 18 : 4 - 8 ( B ) In the NIV : Then I heard another voice from heaven say : " Come out of her , my people , so that you will not share in her sins , so that you will not receive any of her plagues ' for her sins are piled up to heaven , and God has remembered her crimes . 6 Give back to her as she has given ; pay her back double for what she has done . Pour her a double portion from her own cup . 7 Give her as much torment and grief as the glory and luxury she gave herself . In her heart she boasts , I sit enthroned as queen , I am not a widow , I will never mourn .' Therefore in one day her plagues will overtake her : death , mourning and famine . She will be consumed by fire , for mighty is the Lord God who judges her . LORD ELohim does not usually judge people as individuals . Hitler and others He would judge and drop that person dead which He has done a few times in the past . But He does judge organizations like different religions and sweat shops and corporations dumping toxic stuff into rivers and stuff like that . This prostitute which is a Christian church He has judged along with other Christian denominations . The LORD says in these recent verses He did teach John though someone added a lot to the few words that came from the LORD . The LORD saw things going on after Y'shua died among the Roman pagans in Israel that concerned Him . LORD ELohim took a wild guess about where that might go in the future and so far those guesses have been proven to be right . As 17 : 5 .... Babylon the Great , The Mother of Harlots ..... The Roman Catholic Church is the mother church to all Christian denominations .
- Revelation 18 : 9 & 10 ( B ) In the NIV : When the kings of the earth who committed adultery with her and shared her luxury see the smoke of her burning , they will weep and mourn over her . Terrified at her torment , they will stand far off and cry : " Woe ! Woe to you , great city , you mighty city of Babylon ! In one hour your doom has come ! Again the LORD has often called the Roman Catholic Church a pagan church and uses the pagan name of the Babel religion for her . Babel is LORD ELohim word for the pagan religion of Babylon .
( 13 : 20 ) NOTES : In the NIV it says in 17 : 5 that this woman is called ' The Mother Of Prostitutes ' In the KJV it says ' The Mother Of Harlots ' . The Roman Catholic Church was the first real organized church of Christianity . Because of that she is the Mother of all Christian denominations . This verse calls the Roman Catholic Church the Mother and all other Christian denominations her Harlots or Prostitutes . The LORD says this He taught John to . When the disciple John was alive LORD ELohim and the teaching Spirits worked overtime . The LORD said John was the last prophet but far from the best prophet . A lot that John wrote like the seals , trumpets and bowls judgments : these were not taught to John by the LORD or any other Spirit . John did get a few right or at least right enough to mean somthing that the LORD was teaching .
( 13 : 21 ) NOTES : The Romans had many gods like Mars , Vesta , Juno , Jupiter , Janus and thousands of other lesser gods . With the Romans they believed that just about everything and for every reason had a god . They would even add other peoples gods to their list of thousands like the Greek gods Apollo and Aesculapius or just give them different names . Does that remind you of something ? The name Y'shua was changed to Jesus only the Jews did not believe Y'shua was a god . Christianity began to grow and the Christians were allowed to freely practice their faith under Constantine in 313 C.E.. Christianity became the state religion when Theodosius I ruled Rome in 380 C.E.. Scientist have used a lot of false gods names like Mars , Jupiter , Venus and so on . Even some of the Roman rulers declared themselves to be a god . The way Christianity is in their beliefs is not surprising considering the history of the Christian faith .
- Revelation 18 : 11 - 17 ( B ) In the NIV : The merchants of the earth will weep and mourn over her because no one buys their cargoes anymore - cargoes of gold , silver , precious stone , ..... cattle and sheep , horses and carriages ; and human beings sold as slaves . The LORD will give the Roman Catholic Church some slack here . The church was within the city of Rome and part of the Roman Empire and the Romans did live the high life to but the Roman Catholic Church also did . Horses and carriages and slaves does goes back a few years . 14 They will say , " The fruit you longed for is gone from you . All your luxury and splendor have vanished , never to be recovered . 15 The merchants who sold these things and gained their wealth from her will stand far off , terrified at her torment . They will weep and mourn and cry out : " Woe ! Woe to you , great city , dressed in fine linen , purple and scarlet , and glittering with gold , precious stones and pearls ! 17 In one hour such great wealth has been brought to ruin ! " Every sea captain , and all who travel by ship , the sailors , and all who earn their living from the sea , will stand far off .
- Revelation 18 : 18 - 20 ( B ) In the NIV : When they see the smoke of her burning , they will exclaim , " Was there ever a city like this great city ? " They will throw dust on their heads , and with weeping and mourning cry out : " Woe ! Woe to you , great city , where all who had ships on the sea became rich through her wealth ! In one hour she has been brought to ruin ! " Rejoice over her , You heavens ! Rejoice , you people of God ! Rejoice , apostles and prophets ! For God has judged her with the judgment she imposed on you . " In 64 C.E. Emperor Nero charged the Christians for setting fire to the city of Rome . These Christians were mostly Romans . These verses are not speaking of that fire but one yet to come . The LORD did not teach John the above verses . Stuff happens . LORD ELohim focus in Revelation is the Roman Catholic Church and Vatican City and not all of the city of Rome . In the past there were Inquistions where people who did not agree to all the Roman Catholic Church taught were executed as heretics . The Christian denominations are like heretics to LORD ELohim for what the church teaches about Y'shua and about LORD ELohim and Heaven , hell , eternal life and so on . During the Inquistions thousands of people were murdered by the Roman Catholic Church and by a Kings to. The verse says 20 Rejoice over her , you heavens ! Rejoice , you people of God ! For God has judged her with the judgment she imposed on you . People were judged by the church regarding their beliefs of the Roman Catholic religion and the LORD judged the church on what those beliefs are and the church has greatly failed . The people of LORD ELohim are the Jews ' you people of God ' and not pagan Christians who have to many Gods just like the Romans . Gods people have been the Jews since Abraham and that will never change . The Jews know LORD ELohim better then any other people all though they did make a few errors about Him but far far less errors then the Christians made .
( 13 : 22 ) NOTES : Over the years there has been many prophets and most were false prophets . Stuff happens , lots of stuff happens . Most are cheap prophecies meaning a easy guess what will happen in the future and are worth little like ' there will be earthquakes ' , ' there will be wars ' and so on . These are common in the CB New Testament . If someone like the French man Nostradamus writes hundreds of very difficult to understand prophecies : sooner or later something is going to happen to make one of the prophecies sound like its come true . After more years pass more will fit in with stuff happening that was written about . The more cheap the prophecies are the more likely they will happen and some many times over . LORD ELohim and all other Spirits cannot predict the future because they don't know what that will be . The LORD is very good at guessing what the future will be but thats all He can do so do you really believe a mortal can foretell the future beyond guessing what will happen also . The LORD's prophecy that the Roman Catholic Church will be on seven hills is something LORD ELohim came to guess of by going to Rome and see what stuff was going on there before John died . LORD ELohim does not do cheap prophecies . The LORD does a lot of work and watching mankind to come up with His guesses and sharing them with a mortal prophet is not easy to do and the prophets do not always get it right . The LORD cannot foretell the future and neither could Nostradamus and all the others and neither could the prophets . LORD ELohim says the disciple John was the last prophet and there will probably never be another prophet . In the past before TV and radio and news papers and magazines and cars and stuff like that , people did not know much about the world futher then a few miles around them . Today its a lot more easy to guess what may happen tomorrow if you know what is going on around the world now and in the past . The LORD knows more about mankind then mankind knows about ourselves as a species . Respect His guesses because He is usually right but remember the mortal prophets were not perfect in understanding what He and the teaching Spirit were teaching them and the prophets were not always right about what they wrote . Nostradamus was not a prophet of the LORD and he was not very good at guessing either .
- Revelation 18 : 21 - 24 ( B ) In the NIV : Then the mighty angel picked up a boulder the size of a large millstone and threw it into the sea , and said : " With such violence the great city of Babylon will be thrown down , never to be found again . ..... The mightiest Angel in Heaven or on earth cannot pick up a millstone . The Spirits hands would go right through it . A millstone is either of two flat stones used to grind grain . 24 In her was found the blood of prophets and of God's holy people , of all who have been slaughtered on the earth . " In general the LORD would not call the Jews His holy people . His chosen people : Yes . The LORD's chosen people were Hebrew Jews from the time of Abraham a Jew and the time of Isaac the first Hebrew and son of Abraham and Isaac was also a Jew . If you look at the history of the Hebrew Jews its been Hebrew non-Jews who have treated the Hebrew Jews badly more then other races . Germany which is a Hebrew nation slaughtered millions of Hebrew Jews when Hitler ruled there . Remember Isaac was the first of the white race and was the first Hebrew . Abraham and Sarah were both black skinned people and Jews . All white skinned people are still Hebrews today . The Roman Catholic Church has the blood of many tens of thousands of people on their hands but to say ' of all who have been slaughtered on earth ' is over exaggerating the truth but the church does have a lot of blood on its hands . The CB says in 19 : 8 ( Fine linen stands for the righteous acts of God's holy people ) meaning the Christians believe they are God's holy people . Which of their Gods are they talking about . Y'shua is dead and the Holy Spirit does not exist and LORD ELohim would never call Christians His holy people but He does call them all pagans .
- Revelation 19 : 1 - 8 ( B ) In the NIV : After this I heard what sounded like the roar of a great multitude in heaven shouting : " Hallelujah ! Salvation and glory and power belong to our God , for true and just are his judgments . He has condemned the great prostitute who corrupted the earth with her adulteries . He has avenged on her the blood of his servants . " LORD ELohim is the author of mankinds salvation and not Y'shua . Y'shua was the Lamb of God but it was LORD ELohim who forgave your sins . The seal , trumpet and bowl judgments will never happen . He has condemned Christianity which is ' the great prostitute who corrupted the earth ' . LORD ELohim is not out to avenge anything . Its the Last Day and the LORD has judged mankind and we failed our trial so some time in the future the LORD will let all mankind die out and that's all . .... The twenty - four elders and the four living creature fell down and worshiped God , who was seated on the throne . .... There are no elders or the four living creatures in Heaven and LORD ELohim does not have a throne and Y'shua has no throne either since he was mortal and is dead . No mortal has ever gone to Heaven including Y'shua and Moses and Abraham or anyone else . No mortal will ever go to Heaven . 5 Then a voice came from the throne , saying : " Praise our God , all you his servants , you who fear him , both great and small ! " LORD ELohim has never wanted people to fear Him . Respect Him and obey Him for our good , but not to fear Him . The LORD has always wanted to be our Father and to be loved by his children : both mortal and Spirit . 6 Then I heard what sounded like a great multitude , .... " Hallelujah ! For our Lord God Almighty reigns . Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory ! For the wedding of the Lamb has come , and his bride has made herself ready . Fine linen , bright and clean , was given her to wear . " Mortals cannot hear Spirits and no people are in Heaven . The LORD wants to remind people that sins were never the cause of peoples death . All mortals will die : its just the way it is . The LORD ELohim will never reign on earth over people . That is definitely not going to happen , ever . The LORD is very wise . Y'shua is dead so he won't be reigning over people either . The wedding of Y'shua to the bride is something we have not found much written about which is strange considering this is important to Christians . The Christians who's name are written in the book of life are his bride . Again there is no book of life . As in many verses in the CB NT the Christians and the Christian churches is often called a woman even the Christian men . Where would , which ever God the CB is talking about , find fine linen for her ( The Christians ) to wear . No Spirits in Heaven have a job making linen from flax . There is no flax in Heaven . In fact no Spirits in Heaven have any kind of jobs and no human will ever be allowed to change that says LORD ELohim . If people want stuff like fancy garments they would have to make that themselves . But remember no mortal will ever go to Heaven in any form and the kingdom of God was suppose to be on earth but LORD ELohim says He will have nothing to do with that either so it would not be the kingdom of God but a kingdom of men and we know what that will become . The so called kingdom of God was mans imagination and not taught by LORD ELohim and the LORD says He never heard Y'shua teaching about that either .
- Revelation 19 : 9 & 10 ( B ) In the NIV : Then the angel said to me , " Write this " Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb ! " And he added , " These are the true words of God . " LORD ELohim says He did not say this . Y'shua was dead when John is said to have written this but there is no proof that John did write this . The Roman Catholic Church had more to do with the written CB then the disciples did according to LORD ELohim . This verse is not the true word of God . Y'shua was not a God-man and he was dead when this verse was written . LORD ELohim did not teach this verse . At this I fell at his feet to worship him . But he said to me , " Don't do that ! I am a fellow servant with you and with your brothers and sisters who hold to the testimony of Jesus . Worship God ! For it is the Spirit of prophecy who bears testimony to Jesus . " I asked the Spirits with me if any of them were ' servants ' and the answer was none of them . Spirits and people are different and mostly because Spirits and LORD ELohim don't have anything and want for nothing and need nothing and people commonly want everything and have many many needs . What was the true test-imony of Y'shua ? There has been so much added by the church that what Y'shua taught is now lost in . The only Spirit that does prophecy is LORD ELohim Himself . The teaching Spirits trys to help the LORD teach a person what that prophecy is but only LORD ELohim comes up with those prophecies . There is not very much prophecy about Y'shua as the Lamb of God but there is a lot about the Messiah and the Christians use the prophecies about the Messiah to back up their beliefs but none of the prophecies about the Messiah are about Y'shua because he was never the Messiah and never will be him . LORD ELohim does not know who the Messiah will be if that great hope of the Jews even happens but He knows and the Jews knew that Y'shua was not that man . Worship LORD ELohim .
- Revelation 19 : 11 - 16 ( B ) In the NIV : I saw in heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse , whose rider is called Faithful and True . There are no horses in Heaven : Spirit or mortal flesh . Faithful and True probably means Y'shua and he is not in Heaven either . With justice he judges and wages war . The LORD could drop someone dead in a minute but how could Spirit wage war against mortals and how could mortals wage war against Spirit ? It would not be a fair fight for either . 12 His eyes are like blazing fire , and on his head are many crowns . He has a name written on him that no one knows but himself . 13 He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood , and his name is the Word of God . Many crowns probably means Y'shua becomes King of kings . Many believe that any words from the mouth of Y'shua are the words of LORD ELohim and many also believe if you accept those words as being true you will recieve eternal life . Y'shua believed in eternal life and taught that a little so those words never came from LORD ELohim who is the one and only God and He knows the truth about that . The truth is mortals do not have an eternal life so Y'shua saying there is an eternal life are not words from LORD ELohim . The armies of heaven were following him , riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen , white and clean . There are no armies in Heaven and there are no horses in Heaven . Why would there be armies in Heaven ? In the past trillions of years LORD ELohim says there has been no wars in Heaven . This is a mortal human writing these words and these words did not come from the LORD ELohim . Wars is a mortal thing to do and is often done and is not a Spirit thing to do ever . Do not even try to compare Spirit and mortal flesh because there is almost nothing that is comparable . 15 Coming out of his mouth is a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations . Does the ' sharp sword ' mean by words alone ? The word ' strike ' mostly means by physical force and not by words . So which is it ? " He will rule them with an iron scepter . " Its Y'shua believe to be this ruler . Now we know it will be by force with that iron scepter . 16 On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written : KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS . This belief was not LORD ELohim's idea . The LORD's idea was that Y'shua would be the Lamb of God and nothing more and Y'shua will be nothing more because he is dead and will never be resurrected because LORD ELohim does not know how to do that . 17 And I saw an angel standing in the sun , who cried in a loud voice to all the birds flying in midair , " Come , gather together for the great supper of God , so that you may eat the flesh of kings , generals , and the mighty , of horses and their riders , and the flesh of all people , free and slave , great and small ." This is after many judgments like the seals , trumpets and bowls and a earthquake that brought down mountains and skyscrapers everywhere on earth . You would think after these judgments and more there would be no mortal life left on earth . What did horses ever do to deserve this . Again LORD ELohim has no wrath in Him against mankind . This verse says ' and the flesh of all people ' so after this there should be no people even ' great and small ' people left alive on earth now : just a lot of fat birds and maybe a few other animals . 15 Then I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to wage war against the rider on the horse and his army . 20 But the beast was captured , and with it the false prophet who had performed the signs on its behalf . With these signs he had deluded those who had received the mark of the beast and worshiped its image . The two of them were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur . Again how is flesh suppose to fight against Spirit that they cannot see or hear . How can Spirit ride a horse , the horse would not know they had a rider . Most Christians believe the beast and false prophet will spend eternity in the the fiery lake . In the KJV it is called the lake of fire burning with brimstone which also means sulfur . Any mortal sent to the lake of fire would die in a moment but most Christians believe the beast and false prophet and billions of other mortal people will be there alive forever and be tormented and suffer great pain forever . The LORD says there is no lake of fire and there is no eternal suffering for any mortal no matter how cruel and evil a person is or was . 21 The rest were killed with the sword coming out of the mouth of the rider on the horse , and all the birds gorged themselves on their flesh . Now again no people should be left alive on earth by this time .
- Revelation 20 : 1 - 6 ( B ) In the NIV : And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven , having the key to the Abyss and holding in his hand a great chain . 2 He seized the dragon , that ancient serpent , who is the devil , or Satan , and bound him for a thousand years . If one Angel out of millions could seize Satan then why would LORD ELohim not have done that before Adam and Eve if there was a problem for mortal life with wicked Spirits . The LORD did not do that is because the Angel called David ( Satan ) is not a bad guy just like every other Spirit . locked and sealed it over him , to keep him from deceiving the nations anymore until the thousand years were ended . After that , he must be set free for a short time . These verses are not true but if they were then why ' must ' Satan be freed for a short time after the thousand year reign of Y'shua ? Who made that rule ? LORD ELohim says He certainly did not make that rule because its very silly . If Satan was evil and a problem for people and their free will then why would the LORD release him in the future to torment and deceive people again . That makes no sense . LORD ELohim has always tryed not to allow anything to interfere with all mankinds free will : even including Him . It was what we as humans did with our free will that was judged by LORD ELohim . Spirits were not allowed to interfere with people choices so why would LORD ELohim go against Himself and that rule for all Spirits . 4 I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge . LORD ELohim has never given anyone , flesh or Spirit , the authority to judge mankind . Only the LORD ELohim judged us as a species . And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony about Jesus and because of the word of God . What was their testimony : the truth or a lot of lies ? We all have Souls but we do not live on in any part of the Soul . When we die the Souls leave the body and the Souls just go have fun for a while and then within another person . Nothing about mortal people is our own Spirit so we do not have an eternal life in any form because only Spirits have eternal life . Most of what is in the CB NT is not the ' word of God ' , its the word of men . They had not worshiped the beast or the image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands . If this beast and mark and so on came to be this is not going to upset LORD ELohim very much . Over the past six thousand years the LORD has seen worse blasphemy among mankind then this . The mark is probably going to be a computer chip or whatever its called . The LORD's warming is that the beast or who ever , will be able to know everything you do or buy or sell and a lot more stuff like even where you are . Big Brother is going to get a lot bigger in the future . Big Brother means the leader of an authoritarian state or movement . They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years . Souls never die so the only things regarding this verse who ' came to life ' would have to be flesh and thats not going to happen . The Souls are going to want nothing to do with this and neither will LORD ELohim . This is written next . 5 ( The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were ended . ) This is the first resurrection . The first resurrection is a little confusing but it seems to be people from the ancient time of the first Christians to the Christians at the end of the Tribulation . Again resurrection of dead people is something the LORD cannot do . Its believed that Christians living and dying after the Tribulation will remain in the grave until the thousand year reign of Y'shua is over . That reign is not going to happen . 6 Blessed and holy are those who share in the first resurrection . The second death has no power over them , but they will be priests of God and of Christ and will reign with him for a thousand years . By now you should know LORD ELohim would never make a Christian one of His priests . The second death believed by Christians is for those people not written in the book of life . It means everlasting seperation from LORD ELohim . Most Christians believe in hell and the lake of fire and believe that non-Christians will go there and suffer greatly for all eternity . Its called the second death but the belief is that those people will be alive forever to . Some Christians believe that death is just an absence of a close and personal relationship with God . One of the biggest errors people have made up on their own is the belief that sin is the cause of death . Sin has nothing to do with death unless your shot robbing a bank and stuff like that . The mortal body is what it is : its made from dust . We live for a while and then we die and the mortal body goes back to being dust and that has nothing to do with your sins or the sins of Adam and Eve .
( 13 : 23 ) NOTES : I asked LORD ELohim if He could create from scratch a man who would be about the age of twenty and He said He cannot do that . Scratch means ' a point at the beginning of a project at which nothing has been done ahead of time . Most all mortal life starts with a very tiny egg and sperm which the LORD ELohim created for every species of mortal flesh . Most plants start their life from seed which the LORD ELohim created for each kind . Most trees start their life from seed also which LORD ELohim created for every kind . It takes years of adding dust like calcium , phosphorus , iron , magnesium , zinc , vitamins and a lot more for the fertilized egg to grow and become a twenty year old human . The same is for dogs or elephants or any of the many other species of mortal life . The LORD knows how to start a living mortal with a egg and sperm like He did with Y'shua , Isaac and Samson but He cannot make a mortal human or other animals and sea life and birds without starting with the egg and sperm that He created for each species . The bodily resurrection of a mortal who died after the egg was fertilized is impossible for LORD ELohim to do . He can create almost any mortal from scratch as He has done with billions of species but He cannot create a fully grown twenty year old man or elephant and so on . I asked the LORD if He could take the dust out of the coffin and remake the brain from that dust would that person have all memory still and the LORD said that brain would have no memory at all . The LORD says the first thing He would have to make is blood because life is in the blood and how does one keep the blood fresh while spending thousands of years for each person to remake the bone and flesh and brain and organs and so on . It took billions of years for the LORD to figure out how to create mortal life like us from dust and how to make mortal flesh grow from dust . The LORD is hopeful people will understand all this as being the reason He cannot resurrect people bodily from the dead . The dust from bone and flesh may all still be in the coffin but how is the LORD suppose to put it all dust back together again and bodily resurrect that person , a person who would have no memory of who they were or who anyone else is or how to add two + two ? That LORD ELohim or anyone else cannot do that . A bodily resurrection of mortals is impossible to do even for the LORD . You also do not live on after death as Spirit . No mortal species has a Spirit they can call their own and live beyond death as part of that Spirit . That to is impossible for the LORD to do and He would not want to do that either . That would definitely not be fair to the Spirit . There are a lot of people , actually all people , who Spirits would never want to spend their eternal lives with and the LORD completely understands that . A hybrid Spirit and mortal would not work out well for either . Again the problem would be memory . How could LORD Elohim transfer memory from the mortal brain to the Spirit . The Spirit would have had to be with that person all their life and no Spirit does that , not even Souls . Even if Spirit did have all the memory of that person that does not mean that person is alive and well as part of that Spirit . In the end we mortals must be fully Spirit without anything mortal about us because if we are not fully Spirit we will need a job again to pay for food , shelter , cloths and so on and life will be as it is now for us mortals including death , wars , greed , hunger and on and on . Being mortal in any way means you are stuck on earth until you die again . Remember only pure Spirit can survive in Heaven . Also : do you believe LORD ELohim has nothing better to do with His life then to spend all His time trying to put together people puzzles made from dry dust ? The bottom line is : you have one life , a mortal life with a limited time for being alive , so make the best of it .
- Revelation 20 : 7 - 10 ( B ) In the NIV : When the thousand years are over , Satan will be released from his prison and will go out to deceive the nations in the four corners of the earth - Gog and Magog - and to gather them for battle . The thousand years is the thousand year reign of Y'shua which Chrisitan believe will happen . Many Christians believe they will reign on all the earth with him . Y'shua is definitely dead so that will not happen . Why would LORD ELohim allow this ? If Y'shua were alive and able to bring and keep peace on earth , bring much more joy in peoples lives and so on : why would he deliberately change that to a time of great suffering and pain , great fear , war and terror . This makes no sense even to LORD ELohim . The LORD did not teach this and He never heard Y'shua teach this either . How stupid and cruel do you think LORD ELohim is ? Also David ( Satan ) is Spirit and he would have the same problem communicating with mankind as the LORD has so the amount of influence he would have with mankind really would not be much . In number they are like the sand on the seashore . 9 They marched across the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of God's people , the city he loves . But fire came down from heaven and devoured them . LORD ELohim's people are mainly the Hebrew Jews but also Jews of different races and the city He loves is Jerusalem : always has been since Jerusalem existed . 10 And the devil , who deceived them , was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur , where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown . They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever . Could be wrong here but not likely . The beast and false prophet were mortal people so how could their flesh bodies not burn up to ashes within seconds ? David has never caused problems with what the LORD was trying to do for people so David will be going back home to Heaven and with all Spirits when LORD ELohim goes home . No one is going to be ' tormented day and night for ever and ever . ' Not mortal flesh and bone and not any Spirits . LORD ELohim is pure love but obviously who wrote that verse and who believe in it has no true love in them because the CB says billions of people are going to the lake of fire to suffer greatly forever . Some Christians run to the church after having a baby because they believe if the baby dies before being baptized the baby will spend eternity in hell or the lake of fire being tortured . How silly is that and what does that say about what they believe LORD ELohim to be like . LORD ELohim has always told me to " Think Not Beyond Logic " . He has many times told you to do the same .
( 13 : 24 ) NOTES : How many times has LORD ELohim tried to restart mankind in the right direction ? LORD ELohim says remember that mortal human types have been around about eight thousand years before the time of Adam . According to the LORD He tried many times to help mankind pass the trial . The LORD said that it was four major times He tried to help all mankind pass our test . First it was with Adam and then with Noah , then with Abraham and then with Y'shua . Some people may be thinking if LORD ELohim gave us more time and another chance we could pass the trial . The LORD was hopeful many times that He had made a difference for all mankind but after a generation or two people were back to being people like their ancestors were . The Hebrew Jews who kept the faith of Judaism over the years were fairly stable at how they lived their life and most according to what the LORD taught them but others who were pagans sinned greatly and cruely treated the Jews , even other Hebrews who no longer were Jews treated the Jews cruely . The LORD gave mankind many chances and was hopeful people would love and be kind and caring about each other but nothing worked very well . The trial is over and still there are wars , terrorism , hostility , hatred , cruelty , starvation , hungry children , sweat shops children are forced to work in , and so on . A lot of people suffer illnesses and great pain . There is not much people can do about that but this to was judged also . How much joy people have in their life was also judged and the world of man failed that greatly . Life for mankind has always been difficult and its not getting any better for most people around the world . The LORD said mankind has no more chances to change and get things even almost right . We had 6,000 years and a 150 generations to do that in and still we failed .
- Revelation 20 : 11 - 15 ( B ) In the NIV : Then I saw a great white throne and him who was seated on it . The earth and the heavens fled from his presence , and there was no place for them . Who are ' them ' ? Its got to be the Heavens . Again there is only one Heaven and its not going anywhere . How can there be no room for them stars and stuff because of the LORD's presence . LORD ELohim is one Spirit and only about eight feet tall and looks a lot like mankind looks because He created mankind in His and other Spirits image . And again there is no thrones in Heaven . 12 And I saw the dead , great and small , standing before the throne , and books were opened . Another book was opened , which is the book of life . The dead were judged according to what they had done as recorded in the books . There were no Spirits writing your life story or anyone elses . There is no book of life because the LORD did not know before the world was created who would be the good people and who would be the evil people . Before the world was created the LORD did not even know someday He would create mortal people and you . LORD ELohim is not going to spend billions of years judging dead people . How are mortal people who's mortal bodies were resurrected suppose to get to Heaven alive as yet mortals : where there is no air or heaters or food or buses to drive them there and so on ? One judge and billions of mortal people : Heaven is going to need food , water , air and toilets because most all of these people will be standing in line a very , very , very long time before they are judged by the only one who can judge us : LORD ELohim . Heaven does not have any books . Angels cannot make books and they would not want to . That would mean ' work ' and Angels do not want jobs : they want to play and dance and just have fun and so does LORD ELohim . 13 The sea gave up the dead that were in it , and death and Hades gave up the dead that were in them , and each person was judged according to what they had done . 14 Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire . The lake of fire is the second death . Anyone whose name was not found written in the book of life was thrown into the lake of fire . Most Christians believe that the second death is not death but just being eternally seperated from LORD ELohim . The lake of fire is what it is called and it does not exist . If a mortal person was thrown into the lake of fire that mortals flesh and bone would burn up and become ashes in a second . People will never be pure Spirit but if that could happen they would feel no heat or pain or any kind of suffering in the lake and they would have parties there and fun so there is not much to worry about for flesh or Spirit is there . How does the sea give up the dead ? How can a grave six feet deep in the ground and the corpse in a coffin give up the dead ? How can the wind give up a cremated body who's ashes were tossed into the wind on the top of a moutain in the wilderness ? What LORD ELohim has done on earth and the universe took work to do with mostly His hands . The LORD did not just speak and all was created : He made it happen by working to make it happen . The LORD cannot just say " All dead raise from the dead " and the dead will raise up . To get all those billions of corpses out of the grave someone is going to have to use a shovel to dig each corpse out of the ground and an Angel cannot do that because they cannot hold on to the shovel . How can LORD ELohim throw ' death ' like it was a thing or a person into the lake ? Most Christians believe they and a few Jews will rule the earth and all mankind or they will go to Heaven and rule over Spirits for all eternity ( its confusing ) . Most all Christians believe everyone else will spend their eternity in the lake of fire . If over 90 % of all people who ever lived since Adam and Eve are going to be cast into the lake of fire , according to Christians , then why would the LORD raise all these billions of people from their grave or from where ever just to torture them and make them suffer great pain for all eternity . How stupid is this belief : 100 % . It makes no sense unless you have believed that LORD ELohim is a very crazy and wicked and very cruel and evil God and Father . Again LORD ELohim cannot resurrect the dead and He is not crazy , wicked , cruel or evil . No mortal who was good or bad is going to be resurrected . Again : mankind as a species has been judged a few years ago and without the need of books or resurrection of dead people and the judgment was that we humans as a species failed our trial .
- Revelation 20 : 15 ( B ) In the NIV : Anyone whose name was not found written in the book of life was thrown into the lake of fire . Again there is no ' book of life .' There are no books of any kind . There is no eternal life for mortals , good or bad mortals . There is no purgatory , hell or lake of fire . There will be no kingdom of God on earth or anywhere else . There are a lot of ' will never happen ' regarding the CB and even in the beliefs of other religions . The belief of some form of afterlife is a very common belief in most religions on earth but its not true .
( 13 : 25 ) NOTES : Most Christians believe that Y'shua created everything created and not LORD ELohim which is a lie . It was LORD ELohim who created everything created . LORD ELohim never created a purgatory , hell or lake of fire in any form . The LORD had no reason to do that or any thought or any desire to . These fictional places man created in their imaginations and they were not created in LORD ELohim's mind or created by His hands . If you believe Y'shua did make everything that was made then you must believe Y'shua created purgatory , hell and the lake of fire for the purpose to make billions of people suffer greatly for all eternity . Now who is believed to be the crazy , wicked , evil and cruel one ? That would be Y'shua . Probably any Christian reading this is thinking their beloved Y'shua is pure love and could not have done this and at the same time still believing Y'shua created everything . You cannot have it both ways . Either Y'shua was a loving , caring and deeply kind mortal man who willingly died so your sins and for the sins of billions of other people could be foregiven by LORD ELohim or you believe Y'shua did create everything including purgatory , hell and the lake so he could enjoy torturing and tormenting people in because he was a really crazy and evil and a cruel God . What do you believe ? Again you cannot have these beliefs both ways . People believing in this stuff gives the LORD reason to wonder why people believe He or even Y'shua are that crazy and cruel and unfeeling towards mankind ? A lot of people need to rethink their beliefs . The correct answer is Y'shua was a loving , kind and caring Jewish mortal man . Y'shua was never a God and therefore could not have created all that was created . LORD ELohim was and is a deeply loving , caring and kind and the only God and Father who created all that was created but He never created any purgatory , hell or lake of fire or any mortals who have an afterlife .
- Revelation 21 : 1 - 4 ( B ) In the NIV : Then I saw " a new heaven and a new earth , " for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away , and there was no longer any sea . LORD ELohim throwing the old Heaven into a universe garbage can somewhere in space is not going to happen . There is no garbage can . What would the LORD do with all mortal life on earth on moving day . If people were to go to a new earth then they would have to start again for a house , clearing land for food crops and on and on . How is the LORD suppose to bring a new earth here to this exact spot , tilt it just right and orbiting around the sun at the exact speed of this earth . A earth without a sea would be a hundred different problems for mortals . That would effect everything from weather and atmosphere , growing crops , fresh water supply and on and on . That new earth would look a lot more like Mars then this old earth . Without sea waters which in the Bible means fresh and salt waters most likely no mortal life could live there . The LORD puts it simply this way : it will never happen . How could LORD ELohim and even with the help of ever Spirit get rid of the old Heaven and the earth . Heaven is six galaxies big and one being the Milky Way , our galaxy . It took a lot of Big Bangs , for lack of better words to call it , for LORD ELohim to create what He created in the universe billions and trillions of years ago . 2 I saw the Holy City , the new Jerusalem , coming down out of heaven from God , prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband . If you have a sense of humor , keep reading verses near the end of Revelation , this gets better about this city . 3 And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying , " Look ! God's dwelling place is now among the people , and he will dwell with them . They will be his people , and God himself will be with them and be their God . No one asked LORD ELohim about this . The LORD has never planed to remain on earth even if mankind had passed our trial . Visit now and then but never live here on earth as His main home . Heaven as it is now and with expected changes in the furture is the LORD's and all other Spirits home and has been there home for billions of years . Even the Spirits do not want to live on earth forever . They to are looking forward to going home to ' nothing ' . 4 He will wipe every tear from their eyes . There will be no more death or morning or crying or pain , for the old order of things has passed away . To change things so no person dies and no person suffers pain or has a reason to cry about anything the LORD would have to start again creating mortals from scratch and that would not help any person of the ' old order ' . There are reasons why we mortals are the way we are and the LORD would not change that because we would have many more problems then we have now .
- Revelation 21 : 5 - 7 ( B ) In the NIV : He who was seated on the throne said , " I am making everything new ! " Then he said , " Write this down , for these words are trustworthy and true . " 6 He said to me : " It is done . I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End . Revelation so far has never use the name of LORD ELohim but just always says ' He who was seated on the throne ' or something like this . Red letter verses are suppose to be only Y'shua's words . These are black letter verses in both Bibles so these verses are probably about LORD ELohim . The LORD says these are not His words . He has no throne . The LORD is not making everything new . What ' It is done ' means the LORD does not know . And remember in past CB NT verses the LORD said to all mankind to never call Him as a name ' Alpha and Omega ' and He will add this to never call Him the ' Beginning and the End ' . He does not like those names and Alpha and Omega is Greek and so is Jesus a Greek name which was wrong to change it from his Jewish Hebrew name Y'shua . To the thirsty I will give water .... 7 Those who are victorious will inherit all this , and I will be their God and they will be my children . The LORD says He did not have John write this either . What does it mean ' will inherit all this ? LORD ELohim in Genesis 1 : 26 , 1 : 28 , 1 : 29 , 9 : 2 .... gave mankind planet earth and all that is on it back at the time of Adam and Eve and Noah and may be else where . So in Revelation the victorious , probably meaning Christians , mortal humans are going to inherit what we were already given by LORD ELohim . All mankind are already LORD ELohim's children because He is our Father who created us to be His mortal children . But the cowardly , the unbelieving , the vile , the muderers , the sexually immoral , those who practice magic arts , the idolaters and all liars - they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur . This is the second death . According to the CB this is LORD ELohim still speaking . The LORD would never punish someone for being ' cowardly ' . We are not all emotionaly strong . The LORD would never punish the ' unbelieving ' people . There is a lot in all the different religions that the LORD does not believe either . The LORD does not know what ' magic arts ' means . Between the ' idolaters ' and all the ' liars ' there is not going to be many people , if any people left on earth . The lake of fire better be a huge place in space . The LORD says no one is going to the imaginary lake of fire that people made up in their minds and was not made by the hands of LORD ELohim . So far the meaning of the ' second death ' that we could find is that people do not die there but are seperated from LORD ELohim in this imaginary lake of fire for all eternity . Again no mortal will have an eternal life .
- Revelation 21 : 9 - 27 ( B ) In the NIV : We are not going to write all these verse because its all about the Holy City which comes down from Heaven . Who built this city called new Jerusalem ? I am being very honest when I write that Spirits do not work or have a job in Heaven and they are extremely happy that they have nothing in Heaven other then each other and their Father LORD ELohim . They do have millions of different games , songs to sing and dance to , live theater shows and millions of other happy and fun things to do . So again : who built this city in Heaven ? LORD ELohim and other Spirits say it was not them and there are no mortals in Heaven to built it so thinking logically : there is no city in Heaven coming down to earth . Spirits also are not miners digging on planets in Heaven . The CB says the city was made of jasper , sapphire , emerald , onyx , chryolite , beryl , topaz , turquoise , jacinth , amethyst . Each of the twelve gates were twelve pearls , one for each gate . The street was of gold . The city is square and as long as it is wide and high . In length it was 12,000 stadia which is about 1,400 miles according to one Bible . The wall is 144 cubits which is about 216 feet thick . That is one big spaceship . There is no Temple in the city because LORD ELohim and Y'shua are its Temple. There are no lights in the city because LORD ELohim gives it light . If the LORD is one shining light how would He light up 1,400 square miles since He is only about 8 feet tall ? Obviously no one asked LORD ELohim if He wanted to do nothing much other then to be a light bulb for this city . The LORD does not shine like that . It also says the Lamb is its lamp . The kings of the earth will bring their splendor into it . The gates will never be closed and there will be no night there which means LORD ELohim the cities only light bulb does not get any coffee breaks . Nothing impure can enter this city . Only people who's names are in the Lamb's book of life can go into this city . It says the city does not need the sun or moon to shine on it . That city is suppose to come to earth in Israel . Without our only sun people will become frozen corpses with all other mortal life . Most Christians believe that their mortal body will be changed into more of a Spirit body but LORD ELohim says He cannot do that so these people will be mortal flesh and will need that sun for not only warmth but for food , trees for houses , and there it is : not much would change for people if anything at all . People would still need a job , food , cloths , shelter and for most they will want a lot more like TV's , computers , cars and its back to people needing a job . The city itself will need a lot of people for every square mile to keep it clean and many bathrooms . Spirits don't need bathrooms so they may have forgotten to put some in this city . Heaven is billions of miles away from earth . How is God going to get something that big all the way to earth ? He does not have any rocket fuel or stuff like that . And first people are going to have to level the land this is going to sit on in Israel . This city may even be bigger then Israel . That's a lot of hills and mountains to flatten first . My mistake : I forgot about in Revelation 16 : 17 - 20 that the great earthquake will cause every island to move and no mountains could be found after the earthquake . Its a good thing that after this earthquake the LORD does no need mortal laborers because it would be a little difficult to find any alive and in one piece . Most people and horses died before this earthquake by the seal , trumpet and bowl judgements . And on and on . All about this city is mortals imaginations and what mortals would want : at least the mortals who don't have to clean it . I asked Spirits and LORD ELohim if they would want this city and the answers were all " NO " . Spirits and the LORD want for nothing because they have nothing and they do not want to change that . The LORD says this city is never going to happen : ever . The LORD loves the old city of Jerusalem and always will . We looked every where we could to find the word ' stadia ' as a measure of length that the NIV says equals 600 feet for each stadia but we could only find it in the NIV and the Dictionary . The Dictionary says : the stadia is an instrument for measuring distances or heights by means of angles . A surveyor's transit is one kind of stadia . The Dictionary says a stadia is a instrument used to measure and not a name for a definite length unless it can only measure a certain length . The Greek word ' stadion ' is in the NIV next to ' stadia ' and the Dictionary says one stadion equals 185 m . We think ' m ' means metre . Again : confusing . So is the city 1,400 miles long and wide and high ? A cubit is 17.49 inches . We just use 18 inches for a cubit .
- Revelation 22 : 1 - 5 ( B ) In the NIV : This is more about the city . Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life , as clear a crystal , flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb down in the middle of the great street of the city . Again LORD ELohim has no plans for staying on earth . We failed our test so there is no reason to . Had we passed our trial even then the LORD and Spirits would not stay on earth but the LORD would visit from time to time . This water cannot give people eternal life . On each side of the river stood the tree of life , bearing twelve crops of fruit , yielding its fruit every month . And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations . I asked the LORD if this tree could have supernatural powers to allow people eternal life and heal nations of whatever thats about ? LORD ELohim says that no tree ever created by Him could do that . The LORD says nothing He knows of has supernatural power including Himself . 3 No longer will there be any curse . The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the city , and his servants will serve him . In the past we wrote about not thowing away your alarm clock . This verse says the life of people is not going to change much . If this curse means death then being yet a mortal who will never get an eternal monthly pension check , this may become the new curse for mankind . The CB indicates that there will still be a first class , middle class and for most the very poor class . Christians believe they will reign over all mankind with Y'shua and only who's name is written in the book of life can enter the city which again means only Christians . In 21 : 24 It says the ' kings of the earth will bring their splendor into it . ' If only Christians would be allowed in this city that means all kings and nations would have to be Christian and that gives the Roman Catholic Church a lot of power over people and even kings . 4 They will see his face , and his name will be on their foreheads . What is with all this tattoo stuff ? That is not something the LORD would do to people like the Nazis did to the Jews on their arm . 5 There will be no more night . They will not need the light of a lamp or the light of the sun , for the Lord God will give them light . And they will reign for ever and ever . LORD ELohim will not be peoples light bulb forever or even one second . Just so all mankind knows : LORD ELohim will have nothing to do with any of this . It has mankind and corruption and slaves written all over it . LORD ELohim would never approve of pagan Christians ruling the world for even a minute let alone forever . The Roman Catholic Church has a lot of blood on their hands and known for extreme cruelty to people in the past when they had more power and there are signs that this could happen again in the future .
( 13 : 26 ) NOTES : The LORD says a Jewish person did not write this . Its interesting that 144,000 Jews , who were called ' servants of our God ' were saved by God in 7 : 1 - 9 . In the city coming from Heaven the CB says the twelve gates had the names of all the twelve tribes of Israel written on them . The wall of the city had twelve foundations and the names of the twelve apostles of Y'shua were written on the foundations 21 : 12 - 14 . Is this a sign of respect and honor for the Jewish chosen people of LORD ELohim or is this a symbol of Christians believing that the Jews were part of the beginning of Christianity . LORD ELohim says He had nothing to do with these verses being written . Instead of just 144,000 Jews being saved He would have saved all Jews who are loving and good people . LORD ELohim says the Jews had nothing to do with the beginning of Christian religion : it was the Romans who began Christianity . Y'shua like other Jews had nothing to do with the beginning of Christianity . Y'shua was a very deeply devoted Jew who loved the faith of Judaism and his God LORD ELohim . Y'shua never tried to create a new religion and he never did . Y'shua never claimed to be the Messiah or to be a God or to be the only Son of God and much more . Y'shua also could not heal people or raise the dead . A lot of stuff like this was added to the CB long , very long after Y'shua and all disciples died . If you are into honoring those who began pagan Christianity : honor the Romans and not the Jews .
- Revelation 22 : 6 - 11 ( B ) ( R ) In the NIV : The angel said to me , " These words are trustworthy and true . The Lord , the God who inspired the prophets , sent his angel to show his servants the things that must soon take place . 7 " Look , I am coming soon ! Blessed is the one who keeps the words of the prophecy written in this scroll . " Verse 7 is a red letter verse which means Y'shua , according to the Christians spoke these words but no where in 6 or 7 does it say Y'shua himself spoke to John . 8 I , John , am the one who heard and saw these things . And when I had heard and seen them , I fell down to worship at the feet of the angel who had been showing them to me . 9 But he said to me , " Don't do that ! I am a fellow servant with you and with your fellow prophets and with all who keep the word of this scroll . Worship God ! " It says John heard and saw these things . Where is the proof of that ? Where is the proof that John even wrote what is written in the CB ? The CB was in the hands of the Roman Catholics for a few hundred years before anyone else outside of their church saw it . I told LORD ELohim I would need proof that He existed and He gave me the Little Book which is good proof . The same goes for what is written in the CB and even in the JB and any others . John must be a slow learner because a Angel in 19 : 10 told him the same thing . 11 ....
- Revelation 22 : 12 - 16 ( R ) In the NIV : " Look , I am coming soon ! My reward is with me , and I will give to each person according to what they have done . 13 I am the Alpha and the Omega , the First and the Last , the Beginning and the End . All these verses from 12 - 16 are red letter verses which Christians say Y'shua spoke them himself . If John wrote this it would have been many years after Y'shua died . Alpha and Omega is Greek for their first and last letters in their alphabet . Never call LORD ELohim that name or Y'shua ! What was Y'shua the first and last of ? If he was the first to be resurrect and is also the last to be resurrected then those bodies in the grave are going no where . Again the LORD cannot resurrect the dead , not even Y'shua . In a book it says it means LORD ELohim and Y'shua are eternal and nothing was before them and nothing will come after them . Christians claim that Y'shua was the first Son of LORD ELohim . That means Y'shua was not the first Spirit : LORD ELohim was . Y'shua was the first human Lamb of God and he was the last also but other then that we cannot think of anything else he was first and last of . The LORD created many billions of sons : Spirit and mortal flesh so Y'shua was not the last son either . Most Christians believe Y'shua was a God . LORD ELohim would have had to make Y'shua to be a God but LORD ELohim was the first God and according to Christians the Holy Spirit would be the third and last God created so its not that . 14 Blessed are those who wash their robes , that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city . If Y'shua were a God who came from Heaven before the flesh man Y'shua was conceived of and then went back to Heaven long before John died , then Y'shua would have known that there is no city being built in Heaven . Y'shua would have also known LORD ELohim was not in Heaven sitting on a throne doing nothing . Y'shua would have known the LORD was on earth during that time . Y'shua would have known a lot of things like neither he or LORD ELohim can raise the dead and that mortal mankind will never have eternal life and on and on . Y'shua was not a God or a God-man or a Messiah or or or .... but he was the LORD's special Lamb who was the first human and the last human to be the Lamb of God . 15 Outside are the dogs , those who practice magic arts , the sexually immoral , the murderers , the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood . The name dog was used in ancient time for sodomites and male homosexuals . In the book of Philippians 3 : 2 dog means evildoers , those mutilators of the flesh what ever that means . Magic arts are fortune tellers , enchanters , mediums , witchcraft , astrology , people who claim to talk to the dead and stuff like that . There seems to be a lot of people on earth after the city lands on earth which is surprising at this time considering what the seals , trumpets and bowls judgments were and the great earthquake . If the twelve gates of the city are never closed the Christians in the city are going to need a army to keep these people out of it . 16 " I , Jesus , have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches . I am the Root and the Offspring of David , and the bright Morning Star . " Why does Y'shua not come back to earth and talk to people himself if it were that easy to do ? Why does he need Angels to do that for him ? In Isaiah 14 : 12 David ( Satan ) is also called ' morning star but only in the NIV in Isaiah it says : How you have fallen from heaven , morning star , son of the dawn ! You have been cast down to the earth , you who once laid low the nations ! In the KJV it says : How art thou fallen from heaven , O Lucifer , son of the morning ! how art thou cut down to the ground , which didst weaken the nations ! In the JB it says : How are you fallen from heaven , O Shining One , son of Dawn ! How are you felled to earth , O vanquisher of nations ! Only the NIV calls Satan the ' morning star ' and Y'shua is called the Morning Star also in Revelation . But the KJV and the JB do not call David the Morning Star . The KJV writes ' morning star ' in Revelation regarding Y'shua but with no capital letters . The belief in an evil Spirit named Satan goes back a long way in history of the Judaism and then Christianity and can be found in other religions beliefs . If the LORD had to kick a Spirit out of Heaven for being evil He certainly would not send him to earth to cause problems for the LORD's mankind mortal children .
- Revelation 22 : 17 ( B ) ( R ) In the NIV : The Spirit and the bride say , " Come ! " And let the one who hears say , " Come ! " Let the one who is thirsty come ; and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life . Would this really be a free gift if it is not given freely to all good and loving people every where on earth . According to Christians they believe all Christians were chosen before the LORD ELohim created the world we live on and they are the only ones written in the Lambs book of life . If that were true then why would LORD ELohim bother to try to help people if He already knows they are not written in the Lamb's book of life ? Why even need the Lamb if all were chosen before the Lamb of God even existed ? Why would LORD ELohim spend millions and millions of years to raise all the dead if less then about 6 % who ever lived since Adam and Eve are in that book of life . It would be a lot faster if He just raised the 6 % an left all the rest of us in the grave and not put the 94 % into the lake of fire forever . Again the LORD cannot raise any dead mortals and if He could He would never raise those people who the Christians want Him to send to hell and the lake of fire .
- Revelation 22 : 18 - 21 ( B ) ( R ) In the NIV : I warn everyone who hears the word of the prophecy of this scroll : If anyone adds anything to them , God will add to that person the plagues described in this scroll . 19 And if anyone takes words away from this scroll of prophecy , God will take away from that person any share in the tree of life and in the Holy City , which are described in this scroll . If people who the Christians do not want in their city and are kept out of their city , for most people that would be a blessing : at least for the ones outside of the city . Nothing in these verses are true . None of the ' plagues ' in Revelation are going to be caused by the LORD ELohim . If a earth-quake happens where you live , do not blame the LORD because He has nothing to do with that or floods , tornados , hurricanes , global warming and dozens of other things that nature does on its own . If the Christians corrected who were the head of the twelve tribes of Israel in 7 : 4 - 8 the LORD promises not to wrath at you for that or for correcting any other errors . If people just want to keep things the way they are LORD ELohim does not care as long as no people are harmed in any way by that choice .
- Revelation 22 : 20 & 21 ( B ) ( R ) In the NIV : He who testifies to these things says , " Yes , I am coming soon . " Amen , Come , Lord Jesus . The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God's people . Amen . Red letters : " Yes , I am coming soon ." If John really wrote these words then that was over 1,900 years ago . The word ' soon ' does not fit into this verse very well considering how long people have been waiting for him . The thousand years Sabbath Day started in 2000 CE . For Y'shua's thousand year reign I would have thought , if not in the past , it would be this thousand year long Sabbath Day . So what is the problem ? It may have a lot to do with the fact that Y'shua is dead , truly dead . LORD ELohim knows a lot of people love Y'shua the Lamb of God but he was a mortal Jewish man and like all mortals the LORD could not raise him from the dead . The LORD loved Y'shua very deeply to . The verse that says ' God's people ' probably most Chrisitians believe its speaking about them . The LORD says His people are the Jews , and they have been His people for about 3,800 years now since the time of Abraham . That fact has never changed and will never change . Christians and all others , don't envy the Jews for being ' God's chosen people ' because it has never been easy to be Jews on this world surrounded by pagans and pagan religions and to be expected by LORD ELohim to try to help Him change that so He is the only God and Father for all mortal mankind .
( 13 : 27 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim just wants all people to know that He has no wrath against all mankind . He has a lot of disappointment and some regrets regarding us but no wrath . There are no seal , trumpet or bowl judgments and He would never cause the worst earthquake on earth even if He could , which the LORD cannot do . The LORD wants all people to know that there is no purgatory , hell or lake of fire . No mortal will be raised from the dead because LORD ELohim and Spirits do not know how to do that . Simply put : resurrection of the mortal dead is impossible to do even for LORD ELohim . Also there is no Holy City made by Angels coming down from Heaven so don't pack your bags yet . If people want that city you will have to build it yourselves but not in Israel says LORD ELohim . There will also be no new earth or new Heaven : the LORD cannot do that either unless He's given maybe several trillions of years to do a lot of Big Bangs and then waiting for the galaxies and a new sun and earth to form in a perfect spot and , and , and , but the problem is what does He do with the old earth and old Heaven and how is He to move them and to where ? Big Bangs are easy but moving six galaxies is not so easy . This is like LORD ELohim can create a mortal man from a tiny sperm and egg but not a person from scratch who is equal to someone twenty years old . Creating galaxies is the same . He can do a lot of Big Bangs to form galaxies but He cannot make a planet like the earth suddenly exist or build it from scratch and the sun for it to and all that is needed like water and so on . So there will be no new earth or Heaven .
( 13 : 28 ) NOTES : In Revelation 3 : 14 it says These are the words of the Amen , the faithful and true witness , the ruler of God's creation . The Amen is probably Y'shua and this verse is a red letter verse . It says he is the ruler of ' God's creation . ' It does not say Y'shua is the ruler of what he created but that he is the ruler of God's creation which would mean LORD ELohim is the creator of all created and not Y'shua as the book of John says in 1 : 1 - 15 . The truth is that it was LORD ELohim who created everything created . John was wrong in what he believed if he truly wrote those verses in the book of John . There are many subjects in the CB that are contrary to what is written else where in the CB and this is one of them . An interesting thing is that it is claimed by Christians that the disciple John wrote both the book of John and also the book of Revelation , so if John wrote both these books he contradicts himself . The book of John does not state the name of the author but the Christians believe John is the author . If John did not write the book of John then Revelation which they are sure he did write still contradicts what's written in the book of John . Again the truth is : LORD ELohim created all that was created and Y'shua did not create anything . Y'shua was fully a mortal man with a teaching Spirit and Y'shua was not and is not a ' man-God ' in any form and Y'shua is dead .
( 13 : 29 ) In Revelation 1 : 10 it says On the Lord's Day I was in the Spirit , .... The LORD ELohim wants to remind people the Sabbath Day is the Seventh Day which is Saturday and not the first day of the week which is Sunday . Most Christians still believe Y'shua was raised on Sunday which is not true . We have written a few times about this subject and explained why it could have not been Sunday that Y'shua was raised from the dead because Y'shua's body according to the CB was put in the tomb minutes before Saturday the Sabbath Day . Three days and three nights in the tomb is well past Sunday . The LORD ELohim says there is no excuse for anyone not to keep His Sabbath on the Seventh Day including all Christians . Y'shua always kept the Sabbath Day on the Seventh Day . LORD ELohim is sure the pagan Romans were the ones who changed the Sabbath to Sunday as one of their pagan holidays . In the CB it was Y'shua who said he would be in the tomb three full days and three full nights and not just 1 day and 2 nights .
( 13 : 30 ) NOTES : 1 Corinthians 15 : 21 For since death came through a man , the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man . For as in Adam all die , so in Christ all will be alive . LORD ELohim says to Christians to stop blaming Adam because people die . Mortal life has been on earth for 4.5 billion years if you include bacteria as mortal life . Fish has been on earth for 575 million years . 225 million years ago reptiles dominated the earth and the first mammals appeared . Dinosaurs lived here 180 million years ago and died out about 130 million years ago . Mammal species were becoming common 65 million years ago and on and on . All these species never sinned . Animals who lived and lived their lives by instinct which LORD ELohim created all also , don't sin . People are able to sin because we have free will , we have the ability to make choices . So , where are all these ancient species of mortal creatures who never sinned and therefore should not have died according to Christians ? There were many species of mortal life on earth back then and even more on earth today and they all had and have two things in common : they were all made from dirt and they all died . Before the LORD called Adam ' man ' there was Homo sapiens who as a species dated back to about 35,000 years ago but were not fully finished being created by the LORD back then and they all died to before Adam sinned . We modern Homo sapiens today will die just like our mortal ancesters died . Adam and our sins have nothing to do with the fact we will all die . Again : Adam and our sins have nothing to do with the fact all mortals die . We are all mortals . We are all going to die just as every mortal before us died . So LORD ELohim says stop blaming Adam and Eve for something they are not guilty of . They are not the cause and sin is not the cause that people and all mortal species die .
( 13 : 31 ) NOTES : Many Christians believe in what is called ' original sin . ' This means something like : the state of sin in which according to Christians all human beings exist because Adam did not obey LORD ELohim about not eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil . LORD ELohim wants to remind you that the sins of others , even Adam's sins , are not your sins in any way . Even your sins are most likely all forgiven by LORD ELohim which means most people have no sin : yet they still die . LORD ELohim asked me to add this . Many Christians believe that sin and ' original sin ' did not come to be until the time of Adam and Eve when they sinned . The LORD is wondering why the blood of Y'shua did not cover the ' original sin ' according to Christians who believe the ' original sin ' still exists today ? The sacrifice of Y'shua did cover all the sins of Adam and Eve so why would it not cover the ' original sin ' for all mankind if you believe in this sin ? If ' original sin ' did exist it would have ended for all mankind the moment Y'shua died for our sins : any sins . Again there was never this ' original sin ' stuff . Our sins are our own and are never put upon any other people by LORD ELohim . Adam and Eve's sins were each their own and no one elses ever . LORD ELohim is saying to the pope now in charge : fix that error .
( 13 : 32 ) NOTES : The Christian Bible in Revelation and in other books are greatly over dramatized in its writings . If you take out all the drama in Revelation there would be a lot that just gets to the point of the subject matter and it would be a lot easier to understand to and also easier to believe when the truth is being written about which it lacks greatly . There is a lot that is hard to believe in the entire Christian Bible like Y'shua and even his disciples raising dead people back to living people , feeding thousands of people with just a couple of fish and a couple of bread and on and on with much more ' hard to believe its true verses .'
( 13 : 33 ) NOTES : We have mentioned before that if Spirits caused in any way for mankind to fail our trial then LORD ELohim could not pass judgment on mankind . In 2 Corinthians 4 : 4 it says The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers , so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ , who is the image of God . The god of this age means Satan who is another Christian false god according to the CB . If this verse were true then LORD ELohim would not have been able to judge us even as a species . Y'shua was not the image of LORD ELohim : whatever that means . In Revelation 12 : 9 it says The great dragon was hurled down - that ancient serpent called the devil , or Satan , who leads the whole world astray . According to the CB in the future a good Angel will catch Satan and put him in chains . This makes it sound like an easy thing to do . Also why would LORD ELohim have Satan hurled down to earth and not have Spirits take him to a galaxy far far away . It makes no sense if that were true but LORD ELohim says it is not true . No Spirit is an evil Spirit and David ( Satan ) is not evil either . David has never had an interest in mortals or to be around mortals and the LORD was and is OK with that . The deal was that if for some strange reason He would need someone to act as people believe about Satan then David would do that in a way no one is harmed . That has never happened . The LORD has never had a need for David to do that . No Spirit has ever caused mankind to go against the LORD and what the LORD was hoping for regarding mankind . The LORD did not create evil Spirits : people and their imaginations did and when people wanted to blame someone else for their sins and errors they often blamed Spirits .
( 13 : 34 ) NOTES : Also this is important to remember that LORD ELohim would never judge people regarding their religious beliefs because what proof is there regarding most of what they do believe . For religions that believe in a Spirit God or in many gods , peoples beliefs are based mostly , if not all , on faith . Faith means believing in something without proof to be right for what they do believe in . This is the Sabbath Day and Judgment Day . We have been judged by LORD ELohim and have failed so the LORD really does not care anymore what people believe regarding their religious beliefs as long as no one is harmed by those beliefs . LORD ELohim is no longer trying to be both the only God and Father for all mankind who He created . All mankind , every race and color are His mortal children just as all other mortal life on earth are His children . LORD ELohim created every species of mortal life on earth and every species are His children .
( 13 : 35 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim says He only created mortal life on planet earth and no other place in the whole universe . The reason He only created mortal life from dust and water on planet earth is because at first He did not know if He could create any kind of life here . After billions of years of trying then He realized that He could create life on earth from dirt and water . Not knowing what mortal life would be like and what mortal life would do He used caution and waited to see what the outcome was . The Spirits who He created have free will . The animals , birds , fish and most all other mortal life He gave them instinct and fur coats and anything else to help them survive and that worked out good and mortal life was doing mostly well though they always died but that was a good thing if you think about it . All He created then were plant eaters but if they broke a leg they would suffer greatly so the LORD made meat eaters so others suffering would not suffer long and that worked out well . When the LORD ELohim finished fixing some things the LORD wondered what mortal life with free will would be like so He created the Grays with free will and that did not work out well , then He created the Anunnaki with free will and that to did not work out well either and then He created Mankind and now He knows and has known for sometime that mankind was not working out well either . Now LORD ELohim knows what the outcome is regarding mortal life . While animals , birds , fish and most all others did fairly well they to can suffer great pain and agony which the LORD pities greatly . Those with free will did very poorly . Regarding all three species with free will He saw wars , hatred , violence , mass slaughters , extreme cruelty , hunger , starvation , sickness , suffering great emotionaly and with pain , greed , lacking what is needed , the rich living the high life well others suffer greatly in poverty , sweat shops where little children work for pennies a day , a lot of sadness , a lack of true joy and happiness and on and on . The LORD used great caution when He created mortal life on earth and the outcome is : He will never , ever do this again anywhere in the universe . It took LORD ELohim billions of years and many trials and many errors to create mortal life on earth in the past and as we know it today . LORD ELohim knows mortal life cannot create itself from scratch so He is just going to let mortal life on earth die out . LORD ELohim loves His mortal children very much and its because of His love for us and other species He will let all mortal life die off on earth .
( 13 : 36 ) NOTES : You may be thinking how I know some of this stuff in LORD ELohim's Little Book . I have been dealing with the LORD and many Spirits for over twenty years . In the beginning it was difficult to know what to write because I knew almost nothing about peoples religions and belief . Remember I was an happy Atheist who never cared much about peoples religious beliefs because as a child my Dad would take us to a Christian church and this preacher loved to talk about hell a lot and how God is going to make people suffer for all eternity . When I was old enough to tell my Dad I'm not going to church any more because I could not believe in their God who was so cruel and evil . I never feared LORD ELohim or hell but before the Little Book I did not like Him or think much about Him or even believe He existed . I quit going to church and I have never gone back there and never will but I do remember that preacher and how the congregation praised their God even when it was about all the hell stuff and vengeance stuff . Over these years LORD ELohim and the teaching Spirit taught me bits and pieces like a puzzle that added up over the years and today over twenty years later I have a good idea who LORD ELohim really is . Today I can write without researching everything and asking the LORD questions ever five minutes . I have come to know LORD ELohim and Spirits fairly well . I know LORD ELohim tried His best to be there for His mortal children and that He is not evil and cruel but He is pure love and is very caring and kind to all His children including most all mortals . Over the years I have learnt a lot from LORD ELohim . Writing His Little Book has become mostly easy to do now but I'm still learning . It was the same with the Jews . It was bits and pieces taught to them that they added up over thousands of years to put the puzzle together to know what they understand today . That's why LORD ELohim created the Jewish people and Judaism because He needed generation after generations of people who would put the bits and pieces together to come to know Him as they do today and to teach other people also . That's why when the Christian Bible goes on and on that the dead Y'shua or Angels are speaking so easily to John and others and so easily understood the Spirits and I find it hard to believe that any of it is true . It was a struggle for years to understand what LORD ELohim wanted written and what the code was and with many Angels helping Him teach me without me hearing or seeing them . Unlike others the LORD set things up so I could ask questions and get an answer yes or no by the Spirits nodding or shaking my head side to side . If He could not a least do that I never would have tried to write His Little Book . If you want your children to believe in and love and not fear LORD ELohim their Father be careful what the preacher is preaching to them because they will remember somethings spoken all their lives as happened with me .
( 13 : 37 ) NOTES : Is LORD ELohim capable of hating ? The answer is ' No ' . In the NIV in Romans 9 : 13 it says : Just as it is written : " Jacob I loved , but Esau I hated " ! In the KJV it says : As it is written , Jacob have I loved , but Esau have I hated . The CB claims that Malachi 1 : 2 - 3 back up these verses . In Malachi 1 : 2 - 3 in the NIV it says : .... " Was not Esau Jacob's brother ? " declares the LORD . " Yet I have loved Jacob , but Esau I have hated , and I have turned his hill country into a wasteland and left his inheritance to the desert jackals . " In the KJV it says : .... Was not Esau Jacob's brother ? saith the LORD : yet I loved Jacob , And hated Esau , and laid his mountains and his heritage waste for the dragons of the wilderness . In the Jewish Bible it says in Malachi 1 : 2 - 3 : .... Esau is Jacob's brother ; yet I have accepted Jacob and have rejected Esau . I have made his hills a desolation , his territory a home for beasts of the desert . There is one word that LORD ELohim despises and that's the word ' hate ' . In both CB it says in Malachi the word ' hate ' is used . In the JB it says that the LORD ' rejected ' Esau . The JB is correct and the CB are wrong for using the word ' hate ' . The LORD ELohim can feel disappointment or disapproves of the things we do and He can be angry about things but He avoids having hatred toward any people . The CB in Malachi should be exactly the same as the JB but note the word ' desert jackals ' in the NIV and in the KJV it says ' dragons of the wilderness ' . Even the CB's do not match each other . The JB say ' beasts of the desert ' . What the word ' dragons ' are no one knows ? Christians call Satan a dragon but Satan ( David ) is just one Spirit and not many dragons , so its not him unless this is another error Christians have made .
( 13 : 38 ) NOTES : In the past ages and most people even today had or have many false gods who were created by the imaginations of people . Many people and entire nations had false gods and even many a false goddess for almost every occasion like gods of sun , wind , rain , war , fertility , underworld , healing , creator , storms , virility and so on . LORD ELohim had a lot of competition but it was not by nonexistent false gods , but by mankinds imagination to create such false gods . The Greeks believed that Zeus was the king of all other gods . Other false gods around the world were Aton , Ahura-Mazda , Horus , Osiris , Ra , Isis , Baal , Jesus and many thousands more . The imaginations of people created many other nonexistent whatever ; like the easter bunny who lays eggs and Santa Claus and many more . Have you ever wondered why Santa Claus rarely goes to the poor children in many poor nations , if not many poor in all nations ? Sometimes peoples wild imaginations causes sadness and hurt feelings . It was not uncommon for people to add bits and pieces of other peoples religion and even other peoples gods to their own beliefs like the pagan Romans did with Y'shua ( Jesus ) who is a false god also .
( 13 : 39 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim says He did not teach the Hebrew Jews about a coming Messiah . The Jewish people out of desperation became hopeful for a man who could bring peace and great joy and end hatred and wars in this crazy and mostly wicked world . The Messiah was not for Jews only but for all mankind . The LORD heard the Jews speaking of this hope and LORD ELohim approved of this and thought if in any way He could help with this He would do so but He also doubts that this Jewish man will ever be born . LORD ELohim says if He could raise King David from the dead He would have chosen David to be this Messiah and for him to try to make this hope of the Jews come true and He would have done that long ago but He cannot raise any people from the dead . Can one Jewish man do this ? The LORD is as hopeful as the Jews are about this . Just a reminder to the Christians : Y'shua ( Jesus ) was and is not the Messiah and will never be the Messiah because he is dead and will remain dead for all eternity like any other mortal .
( 13 : 40 ) NOTES : Does LORD ELohim want a Temple built for Him in Israel ? The LORD just wants to remind the Jews that He does not want a Temple built for Him . The LORD likes to be out and about with His Jews or in a Synagogue listening to their conversations there about anything . Remember LORD ELohim has nothing in Heaven so not having a Temple or throne on earth is no big deal to Him in any way . The LORD likes the Synagogues because people are more open about stuff so He loves listening to the conversations there about anything . Lately the Jewish rabbis and others talking about LORD ELohim's Little Book has made their conversations very interesting to LORD ELohim but even when the conversation is not about the Little Book : He finds all spoken about very interesting also .
( 13 : 41 ) NOTES : Just a reminder to any people . LORD ELohim cannot read minds so speak your prayers with your mouth . Also LORD ELohim knows only three languages : Hebrew , Ancient Egypt and English . English is the language of all Spirits and Heaven . The LORD appreciates if all was in English because other Spirits who go places with Him cannot speak or understand any other language except English .
( 13 : 42 ) NOTES : Did Y'shua come down from Heaven ? Was Y'shua a God-man ? Most Christians believe Y'shua was a God who came down from Heaven and incarnated into Y'shua the mortal man : or something like that . The problem with that belief is that there has only ever been One God and His name is LORD ELohim so Y'shua was in no way a God . LORD ELohim created Spirit children but He did not create other Gods and all Spirit children are very happy with the way things have been for trillions of years but will be a lot happier when they get back home to Heaven . The LORD playing in dirt will never happen again . The only Spirits that were in Y'shua did come down from Heaven a very very long time ago and they were Souls and a teaching Spirit and a few others . A few people have had such Spirits like prophets , King David and a few others including me and that did not make them or me a God . Y'shua was no God . Y'shua was as mortal as you are . Again Y'shua was no God-man or Messiah or the only Son of God and the first born of all creation or a King or the Anointed One or a true prophet or a healer or someone who could raise the dead or feed thousands with almost nothing or anything else Christians say he was except this : Y'shua was the willing Jewish Lamb of God : that he was and should be remembered and honored for that for as long as mankind exists .
( 13 - 44 ) NOTES : Is God a trinity of three Gods in one God ? LORD ELohim says He alone is God and there are no other Gods . Y'shua was not a God and the Holy Spirit that Christians call a God , that God does not even exist and never has existed . Most Christians for lack of any better words for this , call all three of their Gods ' persons .' LORD ELohim a few times has said to all people to not call any Spirit or Himself a ' person ' . The word ' person ' referes to individual people and should never be used regarding LORD ELohim or His Spirit children . In the CB it says Y'shua said that he is in the Father and the Father is in him . The LORD says that has no truth in it . LORD ELohim is one individual Spirit as are all Spirits He created . No Spirit is in another Spirit because of all being Spirit they are as solid as we mortals are when it comes to each other . People cannot just go into each other and Spirits cannot go into other Spirits either . LORD ELohim is a big Spirit , about eight feet tall and teaching Spirits like most Spirits are about four inches tall and neither can go into each other . Just because people believe in something does not make it true . Just because it is written in a Bible does not mean its true either . The LORD over the years has hear people worshiping many thousands of false gods who the people believed they existed as in the same way Christians believe Y'shua is a God to . Where is the proof . Worshipers of false gods had nothing to prove their false gods were real either . Again there is no trinity of Gods regarding LORD ELohim . LORD ELohim is the one and only God and always has been and always will be . LORD ELohim is the creator God of all created . LORD ELohim is the Father who created all Spirits and all mortals . LORD ELohim is the one and only true God . All other gods are false pagan gods like Jesus and the Holy Spirit and Aker , Amun , Baal , Anuket , Isis and thousands more .
( 13 : 44 ) NOTES : Christians believe they know ' God ' very well . The following is what some of those Christian beliefs are . ( 1 ) They believe God is three Gods in one single God which they call a trinity . LORD ELohim says this is wrong and that only He is a God . ( 2 ) They believe Y'shua and the Holy Spirit are both Gods in the trinity . LORD ELohim says this to is wrong . Y'shua was a mortal man and is yet dead and will always remain dead and the Holy Spirit never existed in any form . ( 3 ) Another belief is that God is ' omnipresent ' meaning : God is present everywhere in the universe and without limits of space and time . The LORD says this is wrong because He and even all other Spirits He created have a body and none are over eight feet tall so no Spirit , not even LORD ELohim can be everywhere at the same time . Spirits are eternal and time is eternal so time means nothing to them but time for Spirits is no different for them then for us . ( 4 ) The word ' spiritual ' is used for this by Christians . The belief is that God is nonmaterial and nonphysical because God is Spirit . Material means what substance something is made from . Christians believe God is not made from anything therefore His body is nonmaterial . The LORD says that is wrong . If He and other Spirits were not made of a substance found in nature they would not exist . The word physical means of the body , of matter , material and what is according to the laws of nature . When LORD ELohim created Spirits and mortals with already existing substances in nature and the universe , He did not break any of the laws of nature . LORD ELohim used natures existing substances as it was and is to create all He did create including all Spirits and all mortals , plants , trees and so on and even some galaxies . ( 5 ) Another belief of the Christians is that God is ' immutable ' which means He never changes in any way . They believe He does not evolve or getting less or more regarding His personality like less or more loving . LORD ELohim says this is so much not true . The LORD knows He was created but He does not know who created Him . At the moment He realized He was a living being He had no language or understanding of math or brothers or sisters and so on . If the LORD did not change over the years He would still be in space alone and without language and because He had no language He also had no thoughts . The LORD has come a long way from that time because He worked hard at changing Himself over the years to be who He is today . The LORD has not always existed : like other Spirits He was created trillions of years ago but by who is the mystery . The LORD knows He has parents somewhere . LORD ELohim's body was perfect when He realized He was a living being and remains today exactly as it was made . What does His body look like ? He created mankind and even Spirits alike His own image : head , torso , two arms and hands , two legs and feet and so on and covered with a removeable cloak . ( 6 ) Christians call this ' Unity ' meaning that God is indivisible which means that its impossible to divide or separate Him . Most Christians believe that God is One God and that this one God as a whole is three Gods . A little confusing ! They are right that LORD ELohim cannot be divided into pieces but they are completely wrong that there are two more other Gods who would have to be seperate from the body and mind of LORD ELohim . Again LORD ELohim never created other Gods but He did create a lot of Spirit children and they very much love their Father : their one and only Father LORD ELohim . ( 7 ) Most Christians believe God is compassionate , gracious , holy , patient , understanding , completely a loving God , just , wise , and always faithful . LORD ELohim is all these things and if Christians really believe these are the LORD's true nature then how can Christians and other reiligions believe in a purgatory , hell and lake of fire where they believe the LORD will make billions of people suffer in great and constant agony for all eternity . Its has to be either one or the other . Is LORD ELohim deeply loving and compassionate and forgiving toward all His children or is He a very cruel and wicked God and a horrible Father ? So what do you believe He is ?
( 13 : 45 ) : Who are the wicked and cruel ones ? The LORD ELohim never created anything about purgatory , hell and the lake of fire . People did that . So who's minds are the wicked minds ? Its not LORD ELohim's mind that is the wicked mind . The LORD never created these imaginary places or said that all non-Chrsitians would be put there . What is it about the sacrifice of Y'shua , the Lamb of God , that most Christians obiviously do not understand ? There is not a lot in the CB New Testament that is true but this is true : in John 1 : 29 and 35 The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said , " Look , the Lamb of God , who takes away the sin of the world ! ... ( The LORD say's there should be a ' s ' on the word sin meaning all sins ) John the Baptist never said " only those who believe ever word Y'shua says and follows him will be forgiven of their sins " . John said the truth : Y'shua was the Lamb of God who by the shedding of his blood LORD ELohim took away ' the sins of the world ' . That means all most every person of every race , color and religion . There is a few extremely wicked , cruel and evil people who will never be forgiven but most all people are forgiven . So where does purgatory , hell and lake of fire fit into this story ? If the LORD could raise the dead He would never raise the wicked and cruel and evil people so where is the need for these three places . Again : who has a wicked and cruel mind and are not bothered by believing that billions of people , including good and kind and loving people , are going to be cruely tortured and tomented with great pain and suffering for all eternity just because they do not believe what you Christians believe . As a Christian have you ever said to LORD ELohim or to the dead Y'shua in your prayers or in church conversation that the LORD is wrong to do that to people . Do you really believe He is the wicked one in all of this purgatory , hell and lake of fire stuff ? If you believe in all this punishment stuff and you never complained to the LORD about that then your mind is as wicked and cruel as you believe the LORD's is : if all that was true . Christians believe Y'shua created all , which would include hell and purgatory and the lake . So now who's mind is wicked : it must be Y'shua's . The truth is LORD ELohim created all that was created and He never created a purgatory , hell or lake of fire but it does not change the fact that many people believed in the purpose of these places and were OK with billions of people suffering with great pain and agony and never ending misery for all eternity . Again who are the people who have a wicked and cruel mind . Y'shua was a loving and kind and caring mortal man just as LORD ELohim our Father is . What do you believe in your mind ? How wicked and cruel are you toward these billions of people ? LORD ELohim says that throught out the teachings of Y'shua , Y'shua never mentioned hell or lake of fire and purgatory where people suffer to is a Catholic thing so it was not Y'shua who's mind was wicked .
( 13 : 46 ) NOTES : Do I fear in any way that the Christian Bible New Testament may be right about eternal torment caused by one or all of their three Christian Gods for non-believers of their Christian beliefs ? The way I see it , us non-believers cannot go wrong . If your mortal body is raised from the grave and is tossed in to a firery hell or lake of fire it would burn your mortal body to ashes in a second and your problems are over . If your body is Spirit and like all Spirit it feels no pain or heat or fire or any other suffering then it will be party time for all in hell or the lake of fire . Either way the bonus is that the Christians are going to have to clean their own toilets , get a job and so on just like now while in hell or the lake there is no toilets and the party never stops . The LORD and Spirit have greatly enjoyed their lives having nothing so that is a good start for any people living in hell . The only thing we bad non-believers have to figure out is how to order in some marsh mallows to roast in the fire . Not needed but a nice party treat . Spirits do not eat but they do enjoy tasting food . Bottom line is that its a no lose situation . Life could be worse then living in hell or the lake as Spirit ; like being a slave to Christians when they rule the whole world with Y'shua : so says their Bible . This is something that will probably never happen or last very long and Y'shua is dead and never to return . The Roman Catholic Church is a lot more scarry then hell itself . The history of this Christian Roman Catholic Church is horror stories after many horror stories in the past and even recently and if it obtains the power it had in the past like the CB says it will the same horror stories may repeat again and millions may be tortured and murdered by the Catholic church . Now that is something to fear . Meanwhile hell or the lake of fire may become a very popular destination for a much better and a more peaceful eternal life then whats going on about earth at that time . I asked LORD ELohim if there were a hell would He visit us non-Christians in hell and He said He would be there often to enjoy the party to . Hell or the lake of fire : what is there to fear ? LORD ELohim wants people to know there is no purgatory , hell or lake of fire or any other form of punishment for the dead . No mortal will be raised from the dead because LORD ELohim cannot do that and Y'shua and all of his followers including you if your a Christian will never be raised from the dead either . Again Y'shua was never raised from the dead . The LORD is talking about the people who are truly dead for an hour and without medical treatment for that hour and not someone who was dead for a couple of minutes and was revived by CPR . This is important to know : LORD ELohim says to call Christians followers of Y'shua ( Jesus ) is a lie . Most of what is in the CB is wrong or never happened and never will happen . If you were a true follower of Y'shua the mortal man then you would be much more like a Jew and greatly less then like a Christian .
( 13 : 47 ) NOTES : Many Catholics believe Miriam ( Mary ) the mother of Y'shua was herself the ' Mother of God ' and that Miriam was a perpetual virgin . Many believe Miriam was conceived and born free of original sin : called Immaculate Conception . Many believe Miriam's body did not decay and she went straight to Heaven . Catholics call Miriam the Mother of the church . The LORD says Miriam was not the mother of God . Y'shua was a mortal man : as mortal as any other human . If the LORD did create a God and that God went into Y'shua , Miriam would still not be the mother of God because that God would have been created by LORD ELohim's own hands . Miriam was not a perpetual virgin . After Y'shua's birth she with her husband Joseph had more children . Again Immaculate Conception means she was born free of original sin . That's true but so were you born free of ' original sin ' . Remember the belief that the LORD put the sins of Adam and Eve upon all people is a lie . When Miriam died her mortal body decayed just like any others and Miriam never went to Heaven and no mortal ever will . The LORD loved Miriam greatly but after the birth of Y'shua she lived a fairly normal life until she died . Miriam was never raised from the grave just like everybody else , including her son Y'shua . Is Miriam the mother of the Roman Catholic Church ? Miriam was a very devoted Jewish women to her religion called Judaism and to her one and only God named LORD ELohim . Miriam died long long before the Roman Catholic Church even existed and it would be very unlikely that she would have had anything to do with Christianity and it is very unlikely that Y'shua would have to . Its the three Gods in one God and a mortal Jew being one of those Gods and much more that would be the reason all devoted Jews would avoid Christianity . LORD ELohim says neither Miriam or her son Y'shua ever left their Jewish lives and religion . The Catholics are wrong about Miriam in more ways then one . This deeply devote Jewish lady is not the Mother of the Roman Catholic Church or any other Christian sect . LORD ELohim chose Miriam because she was a very devote Jew and a very loving and good Jew . LORD ELohim knew she would be a good mother to Y'shua . Miriam died yet being still a devote and loving Jew and mother to more children then just Y'shua . In Mark 3 : 20 - 35 is a story about Y'shua being in a crowd in a house and his family heard about this so they went to the house to get him . 31 Then Jesus mother and brothers arrived . Again after Y'shua's birth Miriam and Joseph had other children . Many Christians believe that it was the Holy Spirit who put the fertilized egg of Y'shua into Miriam's womb . Again the Holy Spirit does not exist . It was LORD ELohim who did that . According to a book it says that the Catholic church proclaimed that Miriam was taken to Heaven ; mortal body and Soul . There is nothing in the CB about this but it was proclaimed by a pope in 1950 . This is what the LORD means about the Christians adding stuff to their religious beliefs that has no proof to be true . How was LORD ELohim suppose to get Miriams mortal body to Heaven without it dying a few miles up in space ? Miriam's body and whats left of it , is on earth probably in a bone box ( Ossuary ) at Israel . Just to note : Miriam was her real name and not Mary . The Roman Catholic Church changed a lot of Jewish names to mostly Greek names which they also should have never done that . Many Christians pray to Miriam believeing she hears their prayers . Even LORD ELohim cannot hear prayers unless He is near the person and that person is speaking in a language the LORD understands . Miriam cannot hear you because she is dead .
( 13 : 48 ) NOTES : What is the trinity ? What is most common among most Christians is the belief about God being a trinity which means to LORD ELohim and me that there are three Gods in one God . This is what a Catholic book says . The Catholic church does not believe in three Gods , but in one God in three persons . These persons do not share one God because each person is God . To say one God is in three persons that could work only LORD ELohim is not likely to be making Gods and He never has done that . Its the next sentence that is hard to understand . If the three Gods do not share one God because they are all Gods to , then how does that make all of them just one God . All the LORD's coded puzzle books were easier to do then this one Christian puzzle about the LORD . The LORD ELohim says this puzzle about Him is all wrong anyways . There is just one God and no other Gods : never has been and never will be other true Gods created by LORD ELohim . The word God came about because people had a need for many reasons to have a false god so the LORD allowed people to call Him a God also . His Spirit children never call LORD ELohim a God . To all Spirits He is their Father .
( 13 : 49 ) NOTES : Was Y'shua suffering from mental illness ? This is a surprise to find in the CB . In the NIV CB it says in Mark 3 : 20 - 21 Then Jesus entered a house , and again a crowd gathered , so that he and his disciples were not even able to eat . When his family heard about this , they went to take charge of him , for they said , " He is out of his mind . " In the KJV it says And when his friends heard of it , they went out to lay hold on him : for they said , He is beside himself . We are not sure who said " He is out of his mind " or " He is beside himself " . Was it his family or people in the crowd . I asked LORD ELohim if Y'shua had any mental illness and the LORD said Y'shua never gave the LORD cause to believe Y'shua was having mental problems . The LORD says this never happened . LORD ELohim says that people did not become crowds around him at any time during his life . Y'shua was a Rabbi for a few years but he did not become the most popular Rabbi at any time . Again the LORD says Y'shua never suffered from any form of mental illness so this is a lie .
( 13 : 50 ) NOTES : In the NIV in Mark 3 : 11 & 12 Whenever the impure spirits saw him , they fell down before him and cried out , " You are the Son of God . " But he gave them strict orders not to tell others about him . There is no where in the CB that we know of that says Y'shua himself said to Mark or anyone else " See those demons worshiping me and calling me the Son of God " . Mark was never one of Y'shua's twelve disciples that we could find . One book says Mark was in Rome when he wrote the book of Mark . LORD ELohim knows nothing about this Mark guy : He never met him . How could Mark and writers of other books in the CB NT know that there were Spirits doing this . We don't remember Y'shua saying to anyone so far that the demons are doing that . Where is the red letter verses about it ? How would Mark have known this . People cannot see or hear demons and also demons do not exist . One book says what Mark knew he learned from Peter . How would Peter have known this . Peter could not hear or see demons either . Even Y'shua a mortal would not be able to see or hear Spirits which is why he needed a teaching Spirit that also cannot be seen or heard . The LORD says this never happened . The LORD says Y'shua was not the only son of God and Y'shua was not a God-man . Y'shua was not anything more then a mortal man and for a couple of years he was a Rabbi but he was a very important person to LORD ELohim and all humanity as being the willing Lamb of God .
( 13 : 51 ) NOTES : What is the Soul ? According to what we have read : people believe the Soul to be many things . The books say people are called Souls , Souls can mean any living being like people and including animals , its believed even LORD ELohim has a Soul , is the cause of evil desires or righteous desires , can effect our emotions and thoughts , the Soul can be tormented , it can be a dead body , a Soul can be cast into hell and suffer or be saved with the flesh body of the person , and on and on . First : the Soul is a Spirit and a child of LORD ELohim their Father . Souls has something to do with the funtion of complex mortal life like mankind . Souls have nothing to do with our emotions or thoughts or choices we mortals make in our life . Souls would never go to hell because they have nothing to do with what we mortals choice to do with our free will . Mortals do not live on after death as apart of the Soul . Its wrong to call any mortal flesh Souls . LORD ELohim does not have a Soul because Spirits have no need for them . Souls are never punished for what the mortal flesh they are in choices to do . The following is a verse that is a lie and is said that Y'shua said it . Matthew 10 : 28 Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul . Rather , be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell . No Soul has ever done evil and no Soul will ever be punished for what the mortal flesh does . The word ' One ' probably means LORD ELohim . LORD ELohim would never blame a Soul for the choices the flesh make : good or evil because the Soul in no way influences mortals . Again the LORD could not judge mankind if in any way Spirit influences what we do . The fires of hell would destroy mortal flesh and bone but the Soul is Spirit and the fires of hell would not effect him in any way . If Y'shua was a God he would know that the ' One ' meaning LORD ELohim would never harm or put blame upon His Spirit children for what people do . If Y'shua was a God he would have known the Souls have nothing to do with the choices we mortals make . The Christians belief about hell is confusing : do people suffer greatly there before they go to the lake of fire to suffer greatly there for all eternity or is the mortal body destroyed in hell as that verse says ? There is so much in the CB that contradicts itself even in the red letters . Again there is no hell or lake of fire or any kind of punishment after death because there is no afterlife after mortals die . When people truly die the Soul immediately leaves the mortal body and the Soul will never return to that body . Some times if a person almost dies but is revived but the flesh remains unconscious for months the Soul will stay with that person being hopeful that the person will be revived . Again the name ' Soul ' should only be used for the Spirits who keep us alive . Also again remember we mortals do not live an afterlife as part of the Soul . The Soul within you is not you in any way .
( 13 : 52 ) NOTES : Many Christians believe in a coming rapture . The word ' rapture ' means ' caught up ' or ' to snatch up ' . Many believe that Christians will be snatched up by one of their Gods to Heaven and that will happen before the seven year tribulation begins . They believe they will be taken , flesh and all to Heaven before the seal , trumpet and bowl judgments . The belief is that only Christians will be removed from earth and taken to Heaven before the tribulation and judgments and the antichrist rules and at least seven years before the return of Y'shua back to earth from Heaven . The LORD says that He is not going to do that for any Christians and Y'shua is dead so he cannot do that and the Holy Spirit does not even exist so he cannot do that either . The LORD says He cannot do that for any mortal human because He knows this is impossible to do . And why would He do that for Christians and not everyone else to ? All Christians need to remember that the LORD calls you and your faith a pagan religion so why would He do that for you Christians and not for His Jews and even other people of other religions like the Muslims . All who are Christians the LORD speaks plainly to you : this rapture will never happen . Whatever the future brings , all of living mankind is in the same boat going no where .
( 13 : 53 ) NOTES : Another Christian belief is that before Y'shua returns from Heaven to earth all of Israel will be converted to Christianity and to believe in Y'shua being the Messiah and the Jews will be saved from there sins at that time . Christianity thinks its all high and holy . The LORD does not agree with that belief . The only way the Christians could get any true Jew to leave their faith in Judaism would be another Roman Catholic Church Inquisition saying to people : convert or die on the stake . That would be true of people of most other religions to . Most all Jews would not convert even then and probably most Muslims to . A book says at the time the Jews convert to Christianity their sins will be forgiven and they will be saved . The LORD says to Jews and all other people on earth : He forgave your sins two thousand years ago with the sacrifice of Y'shua as His Lamb of God . In fact most all of the Jews sins were forgiven since the time of Abraham because of their sacrificial rituals regarding the LORD's forgiveness of their sins . The sacrifice of the Lamb of God Y'shua was for most all people everywhere on earth to be forgiven for their sins : in the past since Adam and Eve , at the time of Y'shua lived and for most all people in the future and even today and will remain as is untill mortal mankind no longer exist . Again you would have to be very wicked and evil to not be forgiven by LORD ELohim .
( 13 : 54 ) NOTES : Again Christians do not seem to be able to understand what the sacrifice of Y'shua was all about . No one has to be a Christian to be forgiven of their sins . The blood of the Lamb of God was shed for the ' sins of the world ' : and goes back to the time of Adam and Eve to now and into the future as long as mankind exists . There are some people that the LORD our God will never forgive like Hitler and his goons and people like Jim Jones and some popes and some nations leaders and so on , who were the cause of a lot of peoples death and great suffering including children but most all other people are forgiven everywhere on earth . Again the LORD's forgiveness is for Muslims , Buddhists , people who follow Hinduism and any other religion on earth including Christians as long as their beliefs harm no other people . The Roman Catholic Church Inquisitions and the murder of the Knights Templars did harm many thousands in the past . Some other religions past doings are nothing to be proud of also .
( 13 : 55 ) NOTES : Why so much about Christians ? The reason why is because they are so wrong in so many ways . Other religions have errors also and some are the same errors the Christians have made but all the stuff about Y'shua being a God and the Messiah and on and on and using Judaism to back up their religion and corrupting the verses from the Jewish Bible is why Christians are at the top of the list when it comes to errors in need of correction . Had Christians not used the Jewish Bible and Y'shua the Lamb of God as part of their corrupt religion the religion would have been treated like thousands of other religions : the LORD would not have cared in anyway about it . Christians saying the Jews are wrong for not believing all that stuff about Y'shua and even stuff about LORD ELohim is so wrong . When you take on the Jews you also take on LORD ELohim . In Revelation and other books what is written about LORD ELohim is a lot of lies and thats another reason why the Christian faith is at the top of the list to be corrected and other religions can learn from that . Again : had Christianity made up imaginary false gods like most people did and did not use Y'shua as one of their three Gods and not use anything in the Jewish Bible and on and on the LORD would have had no problem with that new Roman religion in any way . The LORD has seen thousands of different religions come and go for thousands of years so that one would be no different . Some of the reasons the Jews had problems in the past and even today is because the Christians have lied about His chosen people in the past and continue even today . That to is a reason why Christians are at the top of the list . A message to Christians from LORD ELohim is that LORD ELohim would not mind if He is your God as long as He is your only God and Father and the same goes for all other people to . The LORD says to the Christians and even other religions learn from His Little Book and correct your errors .
( 13 : 56 ) NOTES : We finaly found a writing about the Little Book . Most books do not have anything about chapter 10 in their writings . This shows how good the theologians are at interperting the Christian Bible . It says the Little Scroll which is this Little Book in Revelation 10 is about prophecy relating to the middle and second half of the tribulation . It says the prophecy in the Little Scroll is sweet to many people but the message of judgment is bitter to others . For the most part this is an error . There is not a lot in the Little Book about the tribulation other then to correct a lot of prophecies in the CB about the tribulation like the seal , trumpet and bowl judgments , rapture and a lot more stuff that has no truth . If anything the Little Book is LORD ELohim's voice to the world .
( 13 : 57 ) NOTES : The LORD ELohim is not out to cause apostasy to happen in any religion . Apostasy means that people depart from their religion . Many Christians believe that their CB warns Christians that in the last days many will leave the church . LORD ELohim's Little Book is not for that purpose . The Little Book is for correcting many religions about the errors they believe are true in their faith . The LORD is not in any way trying to get people to convert to Judaism . Again LORD ELohim does not care about what you believe as long as it harms no others . But He hopes you will think about what is written in His Little Book . The book of Revelation makes LORD ELohim and even Y'shua sound like they are both very horrible and cruel and crazy Gods . That is a lie . That's the kind of stuff written in the CB that the LORD is hopeful that the Christians will correct and even other religions . There is only one God and that is LORD ELohim . Y'shua was never a God in any way . That to is what the Christians need to correct . As long as Christians believe there is three Gods in one God you will continue to be called pagans by LORD ELohim . Again LORD ELohim is not out to destroy existing religions : He is just trying to correct their errors so people do not fear Him or fear other things like our death .
( 13 : 58 ) NOTES : This is regarding Armageddon according to the CB . Its believed that at the end of the tribulation this war will occur in Israel . This will involve the armies of the antichrist and end when LORD ELohim and Y'shua and a army or Spirits end it and save His chosen people Israel . LORD ELohim does not have an army of Angels . If this war does happen the LORD says He will do what He and other Spirits can do to help His chosen people the Jews and other people but He is Spirit and so are all Angels : they do have limitations . In Revelation in the NIV in 19 : 11 - 15 .... The armies of heaven were following him ( Y'shua ) , riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen , white and clean . Coming out of his mouth is a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations . There are no white horses in Heaven . LORD ELohim never created horse Spirits . Again : Y'shua is dead . There is no Angel armies in Heaven because there has never been a war in Heaven . The LORD has watched mankind for thousands of years have war after war and on and on .... but Angels were never involved in them because the rule was that Angels cannot interfere in the choices mortal people make with our free will no matter how stupid those choices were and are yet today . So how can the LORD and other Spirit bring a end to this war ? The LORD has to think about that . It says the antichrist and the false prophet are sent to the lake of fire but there is no lake of fire . When it comes to people : people have to deal with people . Spirits cannot be seen or heard and Spirits cannot drag a mortal person off to jail . Spirits go through us mortals but not each other . If the LORD ELohim knew what Hitler was doing to Jews and other people at the time that was happening He would have found Hitler and dropped him dead and many other people over the years . But war is so common among people so the LORD tried to teach how to have peace on earth by His teachings like the Ten Commandments . Remember our free will was on trial so Spirits in general are not allowed to interfere in the choices people make with their free will including our stupid wars .
( 13 : 59 ) NOTES : Do Grays and Anunnaki still exist ? The Grays were the first mortal beings who the LORD created with free will and they failed their trial on earth for all the same reasons we failed our trial . LORD ELohim created the Grays on this earth . The Grays looked like us humans . The Grays time on this earth was about 50,000 years ago during the last Ice Age and that's the LORD's best guess . Remember LORD ELohim does not have calendars or watches . But the Grays were alive on earth during the time around the middle of the last Ice Age climax which is why if your looking for evidence of them there is not much to find in the northern areas of earth . Some stuff they built would be under the ocean and sea waters because the Ice Age caused so much ice to form that it lowered the ocean water by about 300 feet . There was a lot more land south of the Ice sheet in the north so when the ice sheet melted it raised the ocean water back to where they are today . There is still a lot of ice to melt from that ice sheet so the ocean waters are still rising . There is a lot of evidence on earth about the Grays and the Anunnaki and some of that evidence is below ocean waters . At night we can see the spaceships of the Grays which is why we are sure that other people know they are there to . Because we live in a city and the city lights dull the light of the stars ; most of the Grays ships stand out like very bright stars . The Grays with their wars almost destroyed the earth and the survivors had to leave earth and they have stayed in space near earth ever since they realized they could not survive living on other planets in this solar system . When the Grays had to leave earth they were far more advanced in technology then man is today and yet they still need earth to survive even today . The body and eyes of the Grays have changed greatly because they have lived in space for thousands of years .
The LORD has not seen the Anunnaki since the time of Abraham about 3,800 years ago but remember LORD ELohim is not everywhere at the same time . If the Anunnaki went beyond this solar system they would have lost their Souls and died so if they are still alive they have to be somewhere in this solar system . The Anunnaki were the LORD's second creation of mortals who looked a lot like us and who have free will . The Anunnaki were the giants written about in the JB in Genesis 6 . The JB calls them ' the divine beings ' and the children of them and human women were called ' Nephilim ' . In the NIV and KJV CB the Anunnaki are called ' the sons of God ' . Since they came to earth from space it not surprising that people back then called them ' the divine beings ' or ' the sons of God ' . They were not divine beings but they were both sons of God . Like the Grays the Anunnaki almost destroyed the earth to and had to leave it . The Anunnaki were far more advanced then humans are today also .
Its important to remember that LORD ELohim created both the Grays and the Anunnaki and even ourselves on this earth . They are not from planets in some other solar system or galaxy . The LORD is positive that mortal life cannot create itself . It took millions of years for the LORD just to create living bacteria from dirt . The LORD continued to use the DNA of the Grays and Anunnaki to create mankind . The LORD just changed some stuff in their DNA to create humans . Both Grays and the Anunnaki had free will and both failed their trial . Their trial time was much longer then our trial time was but LORD ELohim knew we were failing long before the six thousand years had passed . When the LORD allows mankind to die out He will also allow the Grays and Anunnaki to die off also . When that will happen even LORD ELohim does not know at this time .
The LORD wants scientists to know this . Both Grays and Anunnaki created robots for many reasons and the final robots had a kind of free will or what is called artificial inteligence . That kind of free will allowed the robots to change and not just do what they were programed for . The Grays and Anunnaki made it so the robots could create other robots and long story shot : the robots turned against the mortals and a war went global . The Grays during their time won the war and Anunnaki during their time also won the war but both suffered great losses and both almost destroyed this planet . The LORD warns people not to give any form of free will to robots or to allow robots to make robots . A lot of nations scientists are creating robots for wars : the LORD ELohim says that is a very big big mistake just like Him giving mortal flesh free will was a great mistake, too !