Date: May 12 2023
Again this book is not for everyone . It may contain writings that you may not want to know about . Some writings are about our time now or about the future and the past . The Little Book is LORD ELohim's Book and His last Book to mankind . Some people enjoy living day to day without much thought of what the future may bring and the LORD has no problem with that . But those who find the Little Book interesting or just want to get to know LORD ELohim better or to know the future : welcome to this update .
We had a problem with the computer regarding the last update so we did not complete the book of 1 Corinthians in the last update # 14 . We are starting at 1 Corinthians 2 : 15 in this update . 2 Corinthians is also in this update .
CB means Christian Bible . NIV means New International Version which is a version of the Christian Bible . KJV means King James Version which is another version of the Christian Bible . JB means Jewish Bible and the one we use is The Jewish Study Bible . Black letters in the CB means the verses were not spoken by Y'shua . The red letters in the CB the church claims Y'shua did speak the verses and we will put ( R ) for them . OT means the CB Old Testament . NT means the CB New Testament . Jesus is not the true name of the Lamb of God . The Lamb's real Jewish name was Y'shua . In the Little Book the name Y'shua is used except when we are writing exactly how it is written in the CB verses . In the CB the Christians changed the Jewish name Miriam to a Greek name Mary . LORD ELohim is the one and only God and creator and Father of all created . If we write the word LORD on its own it means LORD ELohim . To explain the verses about the Lamb of God and LORD ELohim's involvement in that , we have written that over and over again so what we are using for the entire true story of the Lamb of God , we now just write : The Simple Truth . ( 15 : ## ) NOTES is just added information . ..... means not all the verses are written in the Little Book .
There is a lot in the Christian Bible that is a lie about LORD ELohim . Some of the verses make the LORD sound like a crazy and wicked and cruel Spirit . LORD ELohim has every right to tell all people the truth about Himself and even to tell the truth about Y'shua the Lamb of God and about David ( Satan ) and other Spirits . The LORD has the right to teach what is true and what is a error or a lie regarding anything in any religion about anything related to Him and other Spirits or anything else He wants you to know about . The LORD ELohim is using the Little Book to do that . There are many lies about Him and Y'shua and other Spirits and even about people that He wants you to know the truth about . LORD ELohim has every right to expose all that is wrong in any faith or religion or in any Bible and in any book that He is written about or not written about in . Keep an open mind .
( 15 : 1 ) : First : we were quickly turning a few pages in the books we have not written about yet . We did not read much but a few verses we did read the LORD ELohim wants some written about in this update first . Paul is said to have written thirteen books in the CB so we are trying to get to know this man by his writings . Remember that Paul and Y'shua never met each other and LORD ELohim never knew this man either . The CB says Paul was a Roman citizen : that LORD ELohim does believe if this man really did exist . Its writen he was also a Jew but that is uncertain . Again remember that the Roman Catholic Chruch did add a lot to the Christian Bible about many subjects .
- ( 1 ) The LORD wants people to know that Y'shua the mortal man who willingly gave up his mortal life for the sins of the world understood he would not have an eternal life . LORD ELohim made sure Y'shua knew that he would not have any kind of life after his death before Y'shua agreed to be the Lamb of God .
- ( 2 ) There are many great lies told by mankind and this is one of them says the LORD . In 1 Corinthians 15 : 12 - 33 ..... 16 For if the dead are not raised , then Christ has not been raised either . And if Christ has not been raised , your faith is futile ; you are still in your sins . Most of all peoples sins were forgiven everywhere on earth at the moment Y'shua died for our sins . Most all people in the past , at the time of Y'shua and into the future , their sins were forgiven by LORD ELohim when Y'shua died as the Lamb of God . That's it . No rules and the fact that Y'shua was not raised from the dead does not change anything . For most all people your sins were forgiven because Y'shua's blood was shed for your sins to be forgiven and that has nothing to do with Y'shua being raised from the dead or not being raised from the dead . The truth is Y'shua was never raised from the dead and that changed nothing regarding your sins being forgiven by LORD ELohim at the time of Y'shua's death . Again : most all peoples sins were forgiven because of the sacrifice and death of the Lamb of God by LORD ELohim and nothing can ever change that . Not even Pauls lie that Y'shua had to be raised from the dead for you to be forgiven of your sins : that is the great lie .
- ( 3 ) So far in the books which are claimed to have been written by Paul , we have had trouble understanding his writing . But we have found in 2 Peter that we are not the only ones who have this problem . 3 : 15 & 16 Bear in mind that our Lord's patience means salvation , just as our dear brother Paul also wrote you with the wisdom that God gave him . He writes the same way in all his letters , speaking in them of these matters . His letters contain some things that are hard to understand , which ignorant and unstable people distort , as they do the other Scriptures , to their own destruction . So we are not the ones who are stupid after all . LORD ELohim and Y'shua never knew this man called Paul and the LORD and Y'shua never gave this man any kind of ' wisdom ' . Its claimed he was a Jew and his true name was Saul . Saul was a Roman citizen and Paul is his Roman name . The way he writes is not what one would expect if he was a Jewish man . Just because people question what is written in the CB or any other religious book does not mean ' their own destruction .' LORD ELohim likes the written words being challenged because ' thinking not beyond logic ' will find what is truth or what is a lie or error . There are thirteen books in the CB NT claimed to have been written by this man called Paul . The books are Galations , 1 & 2 Thessalonians , 1 & 2 Corinthians , Romans , Colossians , Philemon , Ephesians , Philippians , 1 & 2 Timothy , and Titus . This is not going to be fun when we get to the rest of these books . If Peter had problems with understanding the writings of Paul : what chance do we have understanding them ? Peter says Paul writes the same way in all his letters . Now thats a scary thought .
- ( 4 ) The LORD wants people to know this . In the book of 1 John 2 : 15 it says Do not love the world or anything in the world . If anyone loves the world , love for the Father is not in them . The biggest problem in the world is the lack of love in the world . The LORD would not have taught this to John . There is evil and hatred and wars and suffering and misery and on and on because of the lack of love around the world . This verse is so wrong in so many ways . Its people who are evil and full of hatred , those people the love for LORD ELohim is not in them even if they are Christians .
- ( 5 ) In Titus 2 : 13 & 14 ....while we wait for the blessed hope - the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior , Jesus Christ , who gave himself for us to redeem us .... The Christians have three Gods and sometimes its hard to understand which one they are talking about . This could go either way saying our great God is LORD ELohim and Y'shua is the Savior or it could also read that Y'shua is the great God and the Savior . The truth is : LORD ELohim is our great God but He is also our Savior . Y'shua was the Lamb of God but LORD ELohim is the author of the purpose for the Lamb of God and LORD ELohim alone is the one and only one who could forgive most of mankind for their sins . LORD ELohim is your only Savior and is your only God and Father . Y'shua was not a God and he was not our Savior . Y'shua was the willing Lamb of God who was sacrificed for most peoples sins to be forgiven by LORD ELohim and Y'shua who was a mortal Jewish man should be remembered and loved for that .
- ( 6 ) 1 Timothy 1 : 16 .... Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life . Y'shua is dead and not coming back to life . LORD ELohim never said to any person that we would have an eternal life if we believe stuff about Y'shua . Paul is wrong to say you have to believe in stuff about Y'shua to receive eternal life since most all peoples sins were forgiven and not just most all Christians . Again there is no eternal life for us mortals and the LORD knows that life can be a great hardship and suffering for many people . The dead in no way suffer : their problems and pains are over with forever .
- ( 7 ) 2 Thessalonians 1 : 11 With this in mind , we constantly pray for you , that our God may make you worthy of his calling , .... Many Christians believe they were chosen by their God , which God of the three we don't know , but LORD ELohim says it was not Him . The Dictionary says a calling is a spiritual or divine summons to a special service or office . LORD ELohim says He does not do ' callings ' . Not even the twelve disciples were called by Him . Y'shua was the one who picked these twelve men to be his disciples and that had nothing to do with divine anything .
- ( 8 ) 2 Thessalonians 3 : 6 In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ , we command you , brothers and sisters , to keep away from every believer who is idle and disruptive and does not live according to the teaching you received from us . In this verse the word ' command ' says a lot about the writer . Command is a order given by someone in authority to give orders or thinks he is all that . So who wanted to be the boss and dictator over other peoples lives and religious beliefs ? According to the CB this is Paul's writings . The LORD says He would never say give up on people just because they have other things going on in their lives or they are a bit of a challenge . People being disruptive and idle regarding the Christians the LORD does not care anything about it . For something that has ' no rules ' spoken by the LORD there sure is a lot of rules made by people back then and probably even up to today within Christianity .
( 9 ) In books said to have been written by Paul they often begin by saying Paul , an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God , ..... LORD ELohim's will had nothing to do with Paul or Matthew or any other people . Even with the sacrifice of Y'shua the LORD did not make people do what they did . That's why it can take many years and many trys for anything to happen that the LORD hopes will happen . Like all Spirits the LORD could not interfere in peoples free will . So LORD ELohim has never had anything to do with Christianity . Judaism goes back to Abraham and the LORD gave the Hebrew Jews an idea as to what He hoped for but the LORD left it to the Jews as to what they would believe in their religion . LORD ELohim was never a dictator over people .
( 10 ) The Christian Bible in the New Testament has a lot of books written by a few people but we noticed that there is not one book written by Y'shua himself . LORD ELohim says Y'shua was able to read and write so why no book written by him in the CB ? The LORD says that Y'shua did do a lot of writings , so where did those go to ? LORD ELohim says the Roman Catholic Church added a great deal to what is in the Christian Bible and most all what they added is all lies like Y'shua raising dead people , feeding thousands with just a couple of fish and bread , that Y'shua was a God , that Y'shua was the only Son of God and on and on .
( 11 ) LORD ELohim wants people to truly understand this . In the book of Romans 11 : 28 - 32 in the NIV it says .... Just as you who were at one time disobedient to God have now received mercy as a result of their disobedience .... 32 For God has bound everyone over to disobedience so that he may have mercy on them all . There is nothing true in these verse . LORD ELohim is not going to have mercy on you if you deliberately do evil thinking that will get you the LORD's mercy . Mercy means : a blessing resulting from divine favor or compassion . LORD ELohim is not going to have compassion or favor for anyone who believes these silly verses and does wicked things or breaks His Laws because of these verses saying He will have mercy on you . Doing wrong on purpose is not going to get you anywhere for the good in any way with LORD ELohim . Also the LORD does not make people do wrong just so He can show-off to mankind His mercy later for them . So if you chose to do wicked or wrong things , do not expect any mercy from the LORD .
1 Corinthians
1 Corinthians is said to have been written by Paul .
( 15 : 02 ) NOTES : Instead of writing the whole word Corinthians all the time we are just going to spell it 1 Cor. .
- 1 Cor. 2 : 15 In the NIV : The person with the Spirit makes judgments about all things , but such a person is not subject to merely human judgments , for , " Who has known the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him ? " But we have the mind of Christ . We don't have the mind of Y'shua because of what he personaly wrote is no where to be found in the Christian Bible or the Jewish Bible . Do you really believe this mortal man called Y'shua could raise the dead , feed thousands with a couple of fish and bread , healed even leprosy and all other sickness and so on . The LORD says that in Y'shua's writings there was nothing about him doing these things because he never did these things . Again : where are Y'shua's writings ? Remember the book would be in the name of ' Y'shua ' and not Jesus . If Paul means Y'shua's Spirit Paul has made a error or even a lie . There is no Spirit anywhere regarding Y'shua so how could people have the mind of Christ ?
( 15 : 03 ) NOTES : We are not going to explain the story of LORD ELohim's sacrifice of Y'shua regarding ever verse that needs that to be explained . What we will do is call this story ' The Simple Truth ' which means the whole true story of the Lamb of God . LORD ELohim our Father wanted to try to help mankind pass the trial and to end the cruel sacrifices of human babies and children and adults to pagan gods . Sacrificing to pagan false gods was common everwhere on earth . So LORD ELohim came up with a plan to give mankind the ultimate sacrifice : not only to end the sacrifices of human and animals but to forgive the sins of most all people on earth . People understood why they sacrifice mortal flesh to their false gods ; but the LORD understood this not so much however the LORD used what was so common among most people everywhere : the sacrifice of mortal flesh . LORD ELohim cannot interfere in peoples free will but He can give people a new choice to think about . LORD ELohim acquired from two people : a egg and sperm and fertilized the egg and then had it place in the womb of a virgin lady named Miriam ( Mary ) who was twenty years old . The male child born was named Y'shua . Y'shua like his parents Miriam and Joseph was a Jew of the faith of Judaism . Y'shua grew up in a loving and deeply Jewish environment . At the age of six LORD ELohim and a teaching Spirit began to teach Y'shua what the LORD will ask of him in the future . Y'shua around the age of thirty became a Rabbi and married a lady called Miriam Magdalene and had two sons . As time went by Y'shua began understanding what the LORD was asking of him and to under-stand he would have no eternal life . After Y'shua agreed to be what God had asked of him , John the Baptist who also had a teaching Spirit began speaking about Y'shua being the Lamb of God , who takes away the sin of the world !. Y'shua had a choice . Y'shua could have said no but he was willing to be the Lamb of God for mankind everywhere on earth . LORD ELohim with the help of the Romans more then the Jews : Y'shua died on the cross and at the moment he died the sins of most all peoples sins were forgiven by LORD ELohim our Father . Most all people who lived before Y'shua , at the time of Y'shua and into the future ; our sins were forgiven by LORD ELohim except the wicked and evil peoples sins which will never be forgiven . There was nothing about Y'shua as the Lamb that had to do with eternal life . LORD ELohim was hopeful that people would start obeying His Ten Commandments and laws regarding a kinder sacrifice of animals and stop sacrificing human babies and children and even adults and start living a better life , a happier life and a more peaceful mortal life everywhere on earth . At the time of Y'shua there were two thousand years still left of our trial time . The LORD was hopeful that people would change in many ways because of Y'shua the Lamb of God . Y'shua was not the Messiah , was not a God , was not the only Son of God , he could not heal the sick or raise the dead and so on . LORD ELohim never raised Y'shua from the dead because He cannot do that . If the LORD could raise the dead He would have done that for Y'shua because of what Y'shua was willing to do as the Lamb of God and because the LORD loved Y'shua greatly . There is a lot in the CB that is not true like Paul seeing Y'shua after Y'shua was dead . Y'shua willingly died for the forgiveness of the sins of most all of mankind . Y'shua should be remembered for that and honored and loved for that but not worshiped as a God because he was not a God in anyway . Our Father's plan worked out well in many ways but we still failed our trial for many reasons . This is ' The Simple Truth ' . Again : there is nothing about The Simple Truth that can give you or any other mortal an eternal life . Not even LORD ELohim can raise the dead back to life so make the best of this life . If we all kept all His Ten Commandments mankind would have had a happier life and a more peaceful life .
- 1 Cor. 3 : 1 - 4 In the NIV : Brothers and sisters , I could not address you as people who live by the Spirit but as people who are still worldly - mere infants in Christ . ..... For since there is jealousy and quarreling among you , are you not worldly ? ..... For when one says , " I follow Paul ," and another , " I follow Apollos , " are you not mere humans beings ? What is there in The Simple Truth to be jealous about and quarreling about ??? We gave this a lot of thought , even the LORD did give this some thought , and the answer is ' nothing ' . Again there are no rules to the LORD forgiving most all peoples sins . They simply are forgiven for people who live a reasonably kind and loving life . The only thing we can think of what people would be arguing about are the man made rules that were starting up . Jealousy is probably over who's the boss and who is not or who gets the most attention and petty stuff like that .
- 1 Cor . 3 : 5 - 10 In the NIV : ..... - as the Lord has assigned to each his task . I planted the seed , Apollos watered it , but God has been making it grow . 7 So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything , but only God , who makes things grow . LORD ELohim wants all people to know that He had nothing to do with anything Christian . The LORD was hopeful that people would simply be happy their sins were forgiven by Him through the sacrifice and shedding of the blood of the Lamb of God Y'shua . 8 The one who plants and the one who waters have one purpose , and they will each be rewarded according to their own labor . LORD ELohim says there is no reward for Paul or Apollos or anyone else involved in the start of the creation of the new religion of Christianity . 10 By the grace God has given me , I laid a foundation as a wise builder , and someone else is building on it . LORD ELohim would never call Paul a ' wise builder ' but this man Paul likes to think highly of himself . Grace means several things but this one seems to fit : the condition of being influenced and favored by God . Again the LORD never knew of this man Paul or Apollos so Paul did not have the LORD's grace .
- 1 Cor . 3 : 11 - 15 In the NIV : For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid , which is Jesus Christ . Y'shua did not teach what Paul and others were teaching . Paul says in 12 If anyone builds on this foundation using gold , silver , costly stones , wood , hay or straw , 13 their work will be shown for what it is , ...... It will be revealed with fire , and the fire will test the quality of each persons work . Of course what is build of wood , hay or straw will burn down . 14 If what has been built survives , the builder will receive a reward . 15 If it is burned up , the builder will suffer loss but yet will be saved - even though only as one escaping through the flames . What does any of this have to do with ' The Simple Truth ? ' This is Paul or whoever making up his own rules which the LORD ELohim never made . Is this a metaphor or is this guy just saying : lets get rich . This guy sounds more like a crafty con artist then anything else and LORD ELohim says Paul does not sound like a Jewish man . Paul has written many errors regarding the religion of Judaism and what Jewish people commonly believe in .
- 1 Cor . 3 : 16 - 23 In the NIV : Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in your midst ? 17 If anyone destroys God's temple , God will destroy that person ; for God's temple is sacred , and you together are that temple . LORD ELohim had nothing to do with Paul but Paul writes like he knows everything , for sure , about LORD ELohim . LORD ELohim says He would never call any human His Temple . The LORD does not dwell in people . How does one eight foot tall Spirit dwell in millions of people at the same time ? How many multi millions of people since Adam and Eve have died a violent death caused by another person or other people . How many who caused those deaths dropped dead caused by the LORD ? The prisons are full of people who caused a murder . The leaders of goverments who cause wars ; how many of them dropped dead by the LORD's work . Is any human sacred ? The LORD says no human is sacred but most all are loved by Him . Again : what does this have to do with The Simple Truth which has no rules ?
- 1 Cor . 4 : 1 - 5 In the NIV : This , then , is how you ought to regard us : as servants of Christ and as those entrusted with the mysteries God has revealed . ..... LORD ELohim revealed nothing to this man Paul . What Paul writes about seems to be what he wants people to believe and about the rules he created himself . The LORD never knew this guy Paul so how could Paul know the mysteries revealed by LORD ELohim if he's writing about new mysteries ? 5 ..... Therefore judge nothing before the appointed time ; wait until the Lord comes . If he is writing about Y'shua coming : Y'shua is not coming back . 5 At that time each will receive their praise from God . These verses are in a Christian Bible : the religion that caused the LORD a lot of problems and changed His whole plan to help mankind pass our trial so don't expect any praise from LORD ELohim .
( 15 : 04 ) NOTES : Since Y'shua the LORD ELohim has done nothing that intense to try to help mankind again . The LORD never gave up on us but He did feel that there is no point to do anything more .
( 15 : 05 ) NOTES : I asked LORD ELohim if the Jews believe in what Christians call ' Original Sin ' . Original Sin means : the state of sin in which , according to Christian theology , all human beings exist because of Adam's disobedience to the word of God . In other words they believe Adam's sin for eating fruit from the tree he was told by the LORD not to eat from : that sin is claimed by the Christians to have been put upon all mankind by LORD ELohim . Many Christians believe that sin is the reason why we mortals die . Christians believe any sin is the reason people die . LORD ELohim says the Jewish people do not believe in Original Sin or that any sin is the cause of people dying and the Jewish people are right . Homo sapiens ( humankind ) have been dying for 35,000 years and long before the LORD's Ten Commandments and other teachings were given to mankind . Not obeying the LORD's Commandments is a sin . Before the Ten Commandments there was no Law given by LORD ELohim to mankind so in a way , no Law : no Sin . Adam and Eve did disobey the LORD and in that way they did go against what the LORD told them not to do but the LORD says He never called them sinners . It was not until the time of Moses that sins for disobeying the LORD became known to mankind . LORD ELohim says He never put the sin of Adam or Eve upon any other person . Why would He . Your sins are your own and no one elses just like Adam's and Eve's sins were each their own . Again : the Lamb of God Y'shua did die for the sins of the world to be forgiven by LORD ELohim so the Original Sin if it were true , which its not , but if it were true it would have been forgiven along with all our other sins . So Christians : why do reasonably good people still die and not just the wicked and evil people who were not forgiven of their sins ? Why did mortal humans death not stop happening the moment Y'shua died on the cross ? The LORD says all Adam's and Eve's sins were forgiven to therefore all peoples Original Sin would have been forgiven also . Again : there never was Original Sin put upon all of mankind by LORD ELohim because of Adam . LORD ELohim says to all people : stop blaming Adam because you will die someday . Adam and Eve had nothing to do with that . Its just the way it is for any mortal made from dirt . We are all going to die someday and there is no coming back to life , ever .
( 15 : 06 ) NOTES : Many Christians believe our sins are only forgiven by LORD ELohim if Y'shua was raised from death and back to life again . There is nothing in The Simple Truth that says this . Most all peoples sins were forgiven by LORD ELohim at the moment Y'shua died . That's it . There is nothing in The Simple Truth that says Y'shua had to be raised from the dead so your sins could be forgiven . It was in Y'shua's death and the shedding of his blood as the Lamb of God that gave way for LORD ELohim to forgive the sins of the world . Many Christians believe Y'shua is their Savior . That is not right . LORD ELohim would have been our Savior if there was something to be saved and Y'shua was His sacrificial mortal Lamb for only the forgiveness of our sins . There is nothing in The Simple Truth that says Y'shua had to be risen from the dead for our sins to be forgiven . The LORD ELohim never said that any mortal human will have eternal life so the name Savior probably loses most all meaning to Christians . The LORD did not lie about that , it was people who errored or lied saying you would have eternal life .
- 1 Cor . 5 : 6 - 13 In the NIV : Most of these verses is just a bunch of yap yap by Paul and more rules made by him . 9 I wrote to you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral people - not at all meaning the people of this world who are immoral , or the greedy and swindiers , or idolaters . In that case you would have to leave this world . 11 But now I am writing to you that you must not associate with anyone who claims to be a brother or sister but is sexually immoral or greedy , an idolater or slanderer , a drunkard or swindler . Do not even eat with such people . Paul goes from one extreme to a opposite extreme in the rules he is making for this new belief regarding Y'shua . 13 God will judge those outside . " Expel the wicked person from among you . " Those outside are the non-believers which today would mean : outside of Christianity . Paul is wrong . The LORD ELohim is not going to judge everyone who has lived since Adam and Eve . The LORD has judged all people as a species and we failed our trial .
( 15 : 07 ) : Some of you who are Christians and even people of other religions may be thinking what's left if all that is left is The Simple Truth ? LORD ELohim says He is what's left and the loving memory of the mortal Jewish Lamb of God who's name was Y'shua who willingly died so most all peoples sins could be forgiven . What's left is a new start based on truth and a reason to have a church potluck supper now and then and other things . The Sabbath for many Jews is not just about Judaism or even LORD ELohim but is also a social gathering where people come together to enjoy the company of others and to talk about anything . What's left is very challenging but also a very interesting new start especially for Christians . There is no reason for Christian churches to close down : its just what is preached that needs to change somewhat so it is The Simple Truth and to make the church a place as part of peoples social life also and not just on the seventh day Sabbath . Remember : who's left is LORD ELohim our only God and Father .
- 1 Cor . 6 : 1 - 11 In the NIV : Paul makes a new rule that if there is a disput among the followers , take it up among themselves . Paul calls them the Lord's people . That is a big error because Christians are in no way the LORD's people . If any people are called the LORD's people it would be the Jews and not any pagans . 2 Or do you not know that the Lord's people will judge the world ? Do you really believe LORD ELohim would allow that ? The LORD alone has judged the world . 3 Do you not know that we will judge angels ? Now this is good for a laugh . Do you really believe LORD ELohim would let people who sin almost every day to judge Angels who in trillions of years have never sinned . Where is Paul getting this stuff from : other then his own imagination . Then there is a lot of writings from Paul about letting believers cheat and wrong each other or something like that . 9 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God . Here's another rule Paul created himself . Truth is there is no kingdom of God coming to earth . Heaven is the Kingdom of God and no mortals are allowed there . Paul goes on listing many of the different types of people who Paul would not allow into the kingdom . Again this Paul guy is making rules that LORD ELohim did not make for this imaginary kingdom created by Christians imaginations to .
- 1 Cor . 6 : 12 - 20 In the NIV : Most of these verses are about Paul writing again about sexual immorality . Paul also writes about Y'shua : 14 By his power God raised the Lord from the dead and he will raise us also . LORD ELohim can not raise the dead and neither could Y'shua . Y'shua is yet dead and will be forever dead just as we will be also . 18 Flee from sexual immortality . All other sins a person commits are outside the body , but whoever sins sexually , sins against their own body . Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit , who is in you , whom you have received from God ? You are not your own , you were bought at a price . Therefore honor God with your bodies . Your bodies are not a temple of the Holy Spirt because that Spirit does not exist . How can one Spirit be in hundreds of millions of Christian people at the same time . Over the years many people , mostly children , even male children have been sexually abused by Catholic priests . Not allowing Catholic preachers to marry put people in danger of being sexually abused and raped by them .
- 1 Cor . 7 : 1 - 16 In the NIV : In these verses Paul makes a lot of rules that the LORD ELohim had nothing to do with . It starts out in verse 1 Now for the matters you wrote about : It is good for a man not to have sexual relations with a woman . 2 But since sexual immorality is occurring , each man should have sexual relations with his own wife , and each woman with her husband . .... 7 I wish that all of you were as I am . 8 Now to the unmarried and the widows I say : It is good for them to stay unmarried , as I do . 9 But if they cannot control themselves they should marry , for it is better to marry than to burn with passion . 10 To the married I give this command ( not I , but the Lord ) : A wife must not separate from her husband . But if she does , she must remain unmarried or else be reconciled to her husband . And the husband must not divorce his wife . ..... And on and on . ( not I , but the LORD ) The LORD had anything to do with these verses . When I was a child , one of our neighbors were Catholics . Her husband was a drunk and often beat her up and she tried to get a divorce but the Catholic church would not allow her to divorce her husband and she and her children suffered greatly because of the Catholic church and all its rules . These rules being made by Paul reminds me of this lady who all us children in the neighborhood loved . LORD ELohim says He would have given this lady a very quick divorce and helped her and her children get a new start and if she found a new love in her life He would certainly allowed her to marry again . 14 For the unbelieving husband has been sanctified through his wife , and the unbelieving wife has been sanctified through her believing husband . Otherwise your children would be unclean , but as it is , they are holy . This rule of Paul is so wrong . The LORD says until children are the age of ten none have sinned . Clean or unclean has nothing to do with the religion of the parents . The Christians tend to use words like ' holy ' way to much : this to is wrong .
( 15 : 08 ) NOTES : Many Christians believe they have to Baptize their baby quickly after the birth of the child . Some people believe if the baby were to die before being baptized LORD ELohim would send the infant to hell . How silly is this ? Very silly . Nothing is counted as a sin before a child is ten years old . The ritual of baptizing is suppose to be like a sign that a child older then thriteen years old or an adult has decided to join the religion . Baptism has nothing to do with a persons sins or hell or Heaven . If you really believe the LORD would send a baby to hell you really do not know Him . Is baptism necessary . The LORD says no it is not necessary for any reason . Even without baptism your sins are forgiven by The Simple Truth . Again no rules . Just one simple fact : the wicked and evil people have not been forgiven even if they were baptized .
- 1 Cor . 7 : 17 - 24 In the NIV : More rules made by Paul . This is one of the verses : This is the rule I lay down in all the churches . This verse says a lot about Pauls personality and who he thinks he is . These verses are rules Paul makes about people who are ' called ' by the LORD . LORD ELohim does not call people to do whatever . I was not ' called ' to help the LORD . It was more like I was asked if I would not mind to help with His Little Book . The LORD did the same with the Prophets , Moses , Abraham , men of God , Y'shua and a few other people .
- 1 Cor . 7 : 25 - 35 In the NIV : Paul does write some strange stuff . These verses are rules about the unmarried . 25 Now about virgins : I have no command from the Lord , but I give a judgment as one who by the Lord's mercy is trustworthy . .... 27 .... Are you free from such a commmitment ? Do not look for a wife . But if you do marry , you have not sinned ; and if a virgin marries , she has not sinned . But those who marry will face many troubles in this life , and I want to spare you this . Why is this writter so against marriage ? Follow the money . The cost to raise a family costs a lot of money that the churches would have to pay the preachers . There is big money to be made in many religions around the world and even in the smaller cults . 29 What I mean , brothers and sisters , is that the time is short. From now on those who have wives should live as if they do not . Y'shua would have never said this or LORD ELohim . What's the big hurry ? Most all peoples sins have been forgiven so that is finished . What is left undone regarding The Simple Truth ? 30 .... ; those who are happy , as if they were not ; .... What's wrong showing your a happy person ? There is others of these . These are verses we have never heard a preacher preach . 35 I am saying this for your own good , not to restrict you , but that you may live in a right way in undivided devotion to the Lord . What does ' you may live in a right way ' mean and have to do with The Simple Truth ?
- 1 Cor . 7 : 36 - 40 In the NIV : ..... 38 So then , he who marries the virgin does right , but he who does not marry her does better . Did Paul have a bad marriage ? 39 - 40 is just more rules that this guy is making up on his own . In 40 ... - and I think that I too have the Spirit of God . Paul did not have any teaching Spirit and LORD ELohim never knew this man .
- 1 Cor . 8 : 1 - 8 In the NIV : .... 2 Those who think they know something do not yet know as they ought to know . 3 But whoever loves God is known by God . LORD ELohim is one eight foot tall Spirit : how is He to know all people around the earth who love Him . .... " There is no God but one . " For even if there are so called gods , whether in heaven or on earth ( as indeed there are many " gods " and many " lords " ) 6 yet for us there is but one God , the Father , from whom all things came and for whom we live ; and there is but one Lord , Jesus Christ , through whom all things came and through whom we live . In # 6 it says all things came from our God and Father LORD ELohim . Then it says all things came by Y'shua . So which is it ? It was LORD ELohim who created all that was created . How could a mortal man create the first living bacteria on this earth over four billion years ago ? Nothing about Y'shua except for the Soul was alive billions of years ago and all humans have a Soul . Y'shua was not and is not a God and no mortal lives for eternity within or as the Soul . I learnt something new today : Souls are only in species who have free will . That would mean Grays , Anunnaki and Humans . We do not live on after death within the Soul and the Soul cannot interfere with our free will .
- 1 Cor . 9 : 1 - 18 In the NIV : These verses are mostly about wages for being an apostle . Am I not an apostle ? Have I not seen Jesus our Lord ? Are you not the result of my work in the in the Lord ? 2 Even though I may not be an apostle to others , surely I am to you ! 6 Or is it only I and Barnabas who lack the right to not work for a living ? 12 If others have this right of support from you , shouldn't we have it all the more ? But we did not use this right . On the contrary , we put up with anything rather than hinder the gospel of Christ . What then is my reward ? Just this : that in it free of charge , and so not make full use of my rights as a preacher of the gospel . Maybe Paul is not a con artist but we are not going to erase writing that yet . Paul still writes like he is the LORD's chosen boy which is not true . According to the CB it says Paul claimed to have seen Y'shua after Y'shua had died which the LORD says that could not have happened . We will keep an open mind as to who this Paul guy was . Its interesting that he wrote ' Even though I may not be an apostle to others ,'
- 1 Cor . 9 : 19 - 23 In the NIV : Paul writes about how hard he works to preach the gospel . 22 .... I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some . The question is ' save from what .' What does this have to do with The Simple Truth . The Simple Truth has nothing to do with people having an eternal life . There is nothing in The Simple Truth that people will live forever . LORD ELohim never said to any human that people will have an afterlife . The LORD cannot save us from death or raise us from the dead .
- 1 Cor . 9 : 24 - 27 In the NIV : Paul writes about what people will do to win a prize and he writes They do it to get a crown that will not last , but we do it to get a crown that will last forever . 27 ..... I have preached to others , I myself will not be disqualified for the prize . Well : we know now what his goal in life was . Christians will not become kings and rulers of this world . Why would the LORD help pagans who worship three Gods become kings with power over all other people including His Jews who only worship Him and try to obey Him and His Laws ? No Christian would be given a crown .
- 1 Cor . 10 : 1 - 5 In the NIV : Paul writes about Jews at the time of Moses . 3 They were all baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea . The LORD says its wrong to say they were baptized into Moses . What does that even mean ? 3 They all ate the same spiritual food 4 and drank the same spiritual drink ; for they drank from the spiritual rock that accompanied them , and that rock was Christ . The time of Moses was around 1250 B.C.E. . How could the mortal man Y'shua who was born about 4 B.C.E. have been with Moses ? Y'shua was no God in any form . Y'shua was as mortal as you are . I asked LORD ELohim if He came up with the plan regarding the Lamb of God before Moses lived and the LORD said He had no thoughts about that at that time . So Y'shua was not that rock and what do these verses have to do with The Simple Truth .
- 1 Cor . 10 : 6 - 10 In the NIV : Paul writes some about the Jews at Moses time . 8 We should not commit sexual immorality , as some of them did - and in one day twenty-three thousand of them died . LORD ELohim says this is a lie . When He helped the Jews get out of Egypt He knew there was work to do to because of the Egyptians influence on the Jews over the many years but the LORD was not the cause of any deaths among He chosen people . Never in one day did twenty-three thousand Jews die from anything at that time in history . It would not be surprising that the deeply wicked and evil Nazi's came close to that number a few times . 9 We should not test Christ , as some of them did - and were killed by snakes . 10 And do not grumble , as some of them did - and were killed by the destroying angel . Y'shua was not alive at that time because nothing about Y'shua the mortal man was a God . Its a lie that LORD ELohim had a Angel or snakes to kill many Jews : that never happened either . Paul or whoever wrote these verses , writes like he has no doubts about what he does write as being true . I have doubts a lot which is why the LORD is busy with answering many questions each day . Where does Paul or whoever get stuff like ' the destroying angel ' and be so sure its true ?
- 1 Cor . 10 : 11 - 13 In the NIV : .... 13 No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind . And God is faithful ; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear . .... The LORD ELohim has never met 93 % of all mankind including most all the millions of Christians in the past and even today . How is the LORD suppose to do this impossible task ?
- 1 Cor . 10 : 14 - 22 In the NIV : ..... 15 ; judge for yourselves what I say . 16 Is not the cup of thanksgiving for which we give thanks a participation in the blood of Christ ? And is not the bread that we break a participation in the body of Christ ? These verses have some truth in them . What's wrong is that Y'shua was not the Christ which means the Messiah . Remembering Y'shua the Lamb of God by drink and bread is a nice way to remember him but its not nesessary for your sins to be forgiven . Remember : The Simple Truth has no rules . 20 No , but the sacrifices of pagans are offered to demons , not to God , and I do not want you to be participants with demons . The sacrifices of pagans were mostly to non-existant false gods . As the LORD has said in the past ; demons do not exist but people do love to blame demons and Satan ( David ) for their human errors . Its like people blaming Adam and Eve for their ' orginal sin ' causing death : which is a lie to . Nothing here about The Simple Truth . 22 Are we trying to arouse the Lord's jealousy ? Are we stronger than he ? LORD ELohim does not do jealousy .
- 1 Cor . 10 : 23 - 33 In the NIV : There is not much in these verses to write about . Nothing in them is about The Simple Truth . 33 even as I try to please everyone in every way . For I am not seeking my own good but the good of many , so that they may be saved . Again : there is nothing to be saved from . Nothing can save people from death . If Paul was trying to teach people about how to have a better mortal life for themselves then that could save people from a lot of sorrow and grief in our mortal life . But Paul is a man of rules , lots of rules , and a dictator so the LORD ELohim would not have chosen him for that job . What Paul should have been teaching is the Ten Commandments but Paul wrote that he is not under the Law . If the whole world were to obey LORD ELohim's Ten Commandments it would be a much better life for all .
- 1 Cor . 11 : 1 - 16 In the NIV : Follow my example , as I follow the example of Christ . 2 I praise you for remembering me in everything and for holding to the traditions just as I passed them on to you . Paul never met Y'shua . Paul goes on and on about mens hair style and womans hair style and his rules about that and head covering . Then he says : 16 If anyone wants to be contentious about this , we have no other practice - nor do the churches of God . Women back then were lucky Paul was not a man in want of marriage . In verse 3 he writes : But I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ , and the head of the woman is man , and the head of Christ is God . LORD ELohim the one and only God is the head of all He created , that is true .
- 1 Cor . 11 : 17 - 22 In the NIV : 17 In the following directives I have no praise for you , for your meetings do more harm than good . 18 In the first place , I hear that when you come together as a church , there are divisions among you , and to some extent I believe it . What : is some persons hair style not right according to Paul's rules ? Where is there anything to debate about in The Simple Truth ? The verses go on about getting together for supper and the rules about that .
- 1 Cor . 11 : 23 - 26 In the NIV : For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you : The Lord Jesus , on the night he was betrayed , took bread , and when he had given thanks , he broke it and said , ( R ) " This is my body , which is for you ; do this in remembrance of me . " In the same way , after supper he took the cup , saying , ( R ) " This cup is the new covenant in my blood ; do this , whenever you drink it , in remembrance of me . " ( R ) means these words are said to have been spoken by Y'shua . The word ' covenant ' means : a formal binding agreement . LORD ELohim made this covenant for most all mankind . The covenant was and yet is The Simple Truth about the forgiveness of our sins through the shed blood of Y'shua the Lamb of God . Again no rules . The LORD loves the fact that people do remember the Lamb of God named Y'shua but He does not agree with all the rules and regulations added to The Simple Truth or changing the Lamb's name to Jesus which is a Greek name . Remember Y'shua as a devoted Jewish man and a mortal man who willingly gave up his mortal life for most all peoples sins to be forgiven by LORD ELohim . Like all mortals , Y'shua does not have an eternal life and LORD ELohim says He made sure Y'shua knew that before Y'shua gave up his mortal life for our sins . Y'shua deserves to be remem-bered by all mankind even without the bread and wine . Please call his name Y'shua . A Greek guy named Jesus did not die for your sins to be forgiven . The mortal man Y'shua a devoted Jewish man willingly died for your sins to be forgiven by LORD ELohim .
- 1 Cor . 11 : 27 - 34 In the NIV : So then , whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of sinning against the body and blood of the Lord . If you sin then again that sin is forgiven and if you sin again , again that sin is forgiven and on and on if you are not evil and wicked according to LORD ELohim . Paul or whoever goes on about the rules of eating together like : 8 Everyone ought to examine themselves before they eat of the bread and drink from the cup . For those who eat and drink without discerning the body of Christ eat and drink judgment on themselves . It sounds like this judgment is punishment . Discerning means : revealing insight and understanding . That may work in whatever this is about if what one is discerning is The Simple Truth . There is not a lot of truth in the CB to be discerning about . 30 That is why many among you are weak and sick , and a number of you have fallen asleep . Paul obviously did not understand what the LORD forgiveness ment . It was not a one time forgiveness and only for one sin . LORD ELohim's forgiveness of all our sins for reasonably good and loving people lasts throughout our lives . Paul in verse 30 sounds like he is saying that peoples sins are causing people to be weak , sick and even that some have died because of their sins . Is there any doubt that Paul the preacher man died to ? According to a book Paul died when he was about 70 years old . 32 Nevertheless , when we are judged in this way by the Lord , we are being disciplined so that we will not be finally condemned with the world. The Simple Truth means most all people around the world were and are forgiven of their sins : not just Paul and not just his followers and not just the followers of Y'shua . Most all everyone in the world : past , present and furture were forgiven the moment Y'shua died for our sins . 34 ..... And when I come I will give further directions . We are sure he did just that .
- 1 Cor . 12 : 1 - 11 In the NIV : Now about the gifts of the Spirit , brothers and sisters . I do not want you to be uninformed . I asked LORD ELohim if He has given all the Christians a gift like a gift of prophecy , wisdom , healing , raising the dead , knowing many languages and so on . The LORD says He and no other Spirits gave any Christians such gifts . In the past the LORD had given a few Jews the gift of prophecy but that's all . The LORD ELohim says He never gave any Christians any kind of gift like healing the sick or raising the dead or any others except prophecy . Prophecy He can do with a teaching Spirit but the other claimed gifts even Spirits cannot do . Why would the LORD give pagan Christians any kind of gifts ? 11 All these are the work of one and the same Spirit , and he distributes them to each one , just as he determines . In verse 3 the Holy Spirit is mentioned and not LORD ELohim . The Holy Spirit does not exist . No Spirit of any kind can do what Christians claim the Holy Spirit can do . The rest of the verses have no importance . None of these verses have any- thing to do with The Simple Truth .
- 1 Cor . 13 : 1 - 13 In the NIV : There is a lot of verses written about love . 13 And now these three remain : faith , hope and love . But the greatest of these is love . Nothing to argue about there . There is a lot in The Simple Truth about the love for us by LORD ELohim and Y'shua . The love of LORD ELohim for His mortal children , the love of Y'shua for mankind and for LORD ELohim is great . The cause of The Simple Truth was and is yet today LORD ELohim's great love for most all people His mortal children .
- 1 Cor . 14 : 1 - 25 In the NIV : These verses are about the gifts of the Spirit . You can only be LORD ELohim's prophet if you were given a teaching Spirit and the LORD never gave any pagans including Christian pagans a teaching Spirit . The only prophets who had a teaching Spirit for prophecy were very devote Jews . All other people were false prophets as Paul would be . 22 Tongues , then , are a sign , not for believers but for unbelievers ; prophecy , however , is not for unbelievers but for believers . Paul is wrong . LORD ELohim says prophecy was not just for the Jews but for all people on earth but all prophets were Jews . The LORD only worked through the Jews which is why Y'shua was a very devote Jew . The LORD says I am the first and only non-Jew that He has ever worked through . If you understand what the LORD is trying to do through His Little Book then you would understand why He needed an Atheist to help Him with this . 24 ..... But if an unbeliever or an inquirer comes in while everyone is prophesying , they are convicted of sin and are brought under judgment by all , as the secrets of their hearts are laid bare . Again what's it got to do with The Simple Truth ? Why would a person who happens to come into the church while people are all claiming they are all getting divine messages from Y'shua or LORD ELohim : why would that person be convicted of sinning . If that ever happened the LORD would have forgiven those unbelievers sin . LORD ELohim greatly does not agree with that rule Paul or whoever made . If any Christian ever claimed to be hearing the LORD's voice or Y'shua's , that Christian was lying or in need of a doctor for mental illness .
- 1 Cor . 14 : 26 - 40 In the NIV : These are a lot more rules made by Paul or whoever . The rules are about how to act in the church gatherings . Like when who should speak , about how many prophets should speak and so on . 32 The spirits of prophets are subject to the control of prophets . If he is talking about Spirits then he is wrong . No human is in control of any Spirits . Never have been and never will be . For God is not a God of disorder but of peace - as in all the congregations of the Lord's people . Pagan Christians are not the LORD's people and are not even Y'shua's people . Being a woman these rules are my favorite ones . 34 Women should remain silent in the churches . They are not allowed to speak , but must be in submission , as the law says . 35 If they want to inquire about something , they should ask their own husbands at home ; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church . There is no indication of a back up verse for this in the JB . LORD ELohim says there is a reason He wanted a women to help Him with the Little Book and not a man . The LORD says when He goes to the Synagogue on the Sabbath Day there are women there who are allowed to talk and be involved in what's going on there . LORD ELohim says He never said this about women . I remember when I was about six years old going to a Catholic church with my friend who was Catholic and we had to sit apart from the men which I thought was strange . Stranger yet the preacher only spoke Latin and I asked my friend : what is he saying and she said she did not know anything he spoke . Never went back there again . LORD ELohim says there is no reason to say its disgraceful for women to be involved in any religious faith and treated equal to the men . 39 Therefore , my brothers and sisters , be eager to prophesy , and do not forbid speaking in tongues . 40 But everything should be done in a fitting and orderly way . Remember in verse 34 Paul writes that women should remain silent in the churches . They are not allowed to speak . In verse 40 Paul writes my brothers ' and sisters ' , be eager to prophesy . This writer is all over the place and often contradicts himself . Are ' sisters ' only allowed to prophesy outside of the church ? LORD ELohim never gave any of these people the gift of prophesy and He does not like the way Paul treats women . Nothing here about The Simple Truth .
- 1 Cor . 15 : 1 - 6 In the NIV : Now brothers and sisters , I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you , which you received and on which you have taken your stand . 2 By this gospel you are saved , if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you . Otherwise , you have believed in vain . This writter thinks very highly of himself as though he alone has the power to save people or the power not to save people . No one is going to be saved so to have an eternal life . Paul thinking this highly of himself was often in past verses also . ..... 3 Christ died for our sins .... 4 that he was buried , that he was raised on the third day ..... and that he appeared to Cephas , and then the Twelve . In a book it says Cephas was a name Y'shua gave to the apostle Peter . Cephas means ' rock ' . If ' Twelve ' means the disciples of Y'shua then it should say somthing like ' and then to the Eleven other disciples ' since Y'shua was already seen by Cephas ( Peter ) according to the CB . The LORD says no person ever saw Y'shua after Y'shua had died . Often : not a lot of thought goes into the writings that the Christians say Paul wrote but in the other writings by other people they did not give much thought to some of what they wrote either . # 3 verse that Y'shua died for our sins : true , # 4 that his dead body was put in a tomb : true , that he was raised from the dead : false , that people saw Y'shua after he died : false . 6 After that , he appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers and sisters at the same time , .... Did Y'shua really feed four thousand people with just a couple of bread and fish ? False . Did he really raise people from the truly dead ? False . Did Y'shua heal every kind of sickness ? False . And on and on . So what are the chances of five hundred people seeing a dead man walking being true ??? The word ' False ' means intentionally untrue .
( 15 : 09 ) How is a person suppose to know what is written in the CB is true or false ? The LORD's answer to this is think deeply about what you read and Think Not Beyond Logic . The Roman Catholic Church added a lot to any writings written by the disciples and others . None of the disciples and other people saw Y'shua after Y'shua died : not even LORD ELohim saw the dead Y'shua and He spent at least two months after Y'shua died with the disciples and Y'shua's wife and mother to .
- 1 Cor . 15 : 7 Then he appeared to James , then to all the apostles , 8 and last of all he appeared to me also , as to one abnormally born . In the KJV it says 8 And last of all he was seen of me also , as of one born out of due time . In the 1611 King James Version it says 8 And last of all he was seene of me also , as of one borne out of due time . The 1611 KJV was one of the earliest printing of the KJV which is why the spelling of words four hundred years ago is not like they are written today in the English language . What we are trying to understand is what does , as to one abnormally born or in the KJV : born out of due time means . Who is Paul talking about ? Is he writing about himself or Y'shua ?
- 1 Cor . 15 : 9 - 11 In the NIV : Paul is writting about himself that because he persecuted the ' church of God ' he does not deserve to be and apostle . LORD ELohim does not approve of this ' church of God ' because of many of its beliefs being very pagan . The church of God uses LORD ELohim in a very pagan way and that is what LORD ELohim does not approve of in anyway . Pagan Christians would have been a lot smarter if they had left LORD ELohim and Y'shua completely out of their pagan religion . Because Christians used His name and Him as one of their three Gods the LORD has every right to speak against the ' church of God ' people . Because Christians used His Lamb of God falsely in their religion ; again the LORD has every right to speak up against the pagan Christian faith because of that to . 10 But by the grace of God I am what I am , and his grace to me was not without effect . No , I worked harder than all of them - yet not I , but the grace of God that was with me . Again LORD ELohim never knew this man called Paul . Paul saying he worked harder then all others says a lot about this man .
- 1 Cor . 15 : 12 - 19 In the NIV : 12 But if it is preached that Christ has been raised from the dead , how can some of you say that there is no resurrection of the dead ? Where is the proof ? If Y'shua was alive and the true Messiah the LORD would have work for him starting long ago . The LORD ELohim says there is no resurrection of the dead : including Y'shua . 13 If there is no resurrection of the dead , then not even Christ has been raise . 14 And if Christ has not been raised , our preaching is useless and so is your faith . If your a Christian because you want to live forever then its true that your faith is useless . If your social life involves your church and friends there then why change that ? But it would be right to correct some beliefs in your faith like the belief there are three Gods and eternal life for people . 15 More then that , we are then found to be false witnesses about God , for we have testified about God that he raised Christ from the dead . But he did not raise him if in fact the dead are not raised . Raising the dead is about bringing back to life the mortal body and nothing to do with Spirit . Paul talks like he is talking about the dead being raised before Y'shua . There was an easy way to check that out and that was to open a couple of old graves or ossuaries to see if the body remains are still there . 16 For if the dead are not raised , then Christ has not been raised either . The LORD says no body has been raised from the dead : not anyone . 17 And if Christ has not been raised , your faith is futile ; you are still in your sins . That is such a lie . For most all people your sins were forgiven the moment Y'shua died as LORD ELohim's Lamb . There is nothing to do with anyone being raised from the dead to be forgiven your sins . Again : Y'shua did not need to be raised from the grave for your sins to be forgiven . It was his death and nothing more that allowed your sins to be forgiven by LORD ELohim . If you are a reasonably good and loving person you are not still in your sins just because Y'shua was not raised from the dead . Again when Y'shua the Lamb of God died that moment is when your sins were forgiven : people of the past and present and future . Remember there are no rules to The Simple Truth . There is only one fact to know . The wicked and evil people are not forgiven . 18 Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ are lost . 19 If only for this life we have hope in Christ , we are of all people most to be pitied . The LORD has seen it all and heard the cries of many many millions of people . He has seen the hunger , the homeless , the suffering , the pain , the poor , the wars and so on and Paul thinks the Christians should be pitied the most just because there is no afterlife . Paul is talking to the wrong God but He is the only God !
- 1 Cor . 15 : 20 - 25 In the NIV : 20 But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead , the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep . Y'shua was never risen from the dead and never will be because the LORD cannot do that and Y'shua knew that . Think Not Beyond Logic . 21 - Paul is blaming Adam for everyone dying and he says through Y'shua all will be made alive again which are both a lie . This Paul just does not get The Simple Truth . Paul goes on about Y'shua coming back an then the Christian dead will be raised . Neither is going to happen . 24 Then the end will come when he ( Y'shua ) hands over the kingdom to God the Father after he has destroyed all the dominion , authority and power . That's not going to happen . 25 For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet . 26 The last enemy to be destroyed is death . The LORD would never allow death to be destroyed before all forms of pain and suffering and hate and war and on and on and on is done away with first and that will never happen among all mankind .
( 15 : 10 ) NOTES : If Y'shua was coming back he would have done that by now . Our six thousand year trial ended in the year 2000 C.E. . Its now 2023 . If Y'shua was to reign the LORD would have started that 23 years ago when the new millennium began . Millennium is Latin meaning a thousand years . This millennium is the Sabbath thousand years and Judgment Day . We have been judged and we failed our trial for many many reasons . The LORD says Y'shua is not coming back because he is dead and will never be risen from the dead and neither will you . Again : Y'shua not being raised from the dead has nothing to do with LORD ELohim forgiving most all people sins . Most all peoples sins were forgiven because the Lamb of God did die for your sins to be forgiven . No rules . Y'shua does not have to be risen from the dead for your sins to be fully forgiven .
- 1 Cor . 15 : 27 - 34 In the NIV : .... Now when it says that " everything " has been put under him , it is clear that this does not include God himself , who put everything under Christ . LORD ELohim gave pretty much nothing to Y'shua the mortal man . Y'shua's life time was not all that different then most peoples at that time . Y'shua married and had two sons . Y'shua was a Rabbi for a while like many Jewish men and stuff like that . LORD ELohim did not put anything under Y'shua for him to rule over or to own and He never will because Y'shua is dead . Will LORD ELohim stay with us and try rule over all mankind ? LORD ELohim will never do that because He does not want to do that . How is LORD ELohim suppose to rule over all people when people cannot see or hear Him ? That's why if the Messiah should come to be , he will be no Angel but a mortal who will probably be a man . The Messiah has to be Jewish or else he is not the Messiah . If he is not Jewish then he is just a common man who wants to rule the world . Again : Y'shua was not the Messiah . 28 .....who put everything under him , so that God may be all in all . What does it mean ' God may be all in all ' ? LORD ELohim has never gone into people because of His eight foot tall size . When He needed to have something done in a person the smaller Spirits helped Him with that , like putting the fertilized egg of Y'shua in Miriam's womb . 29 Now if there is no resurrection , what will those do who are baptized for the dead ? If the dead are not raised at all , why are people baptized for them ? No body gets this . The Dictionary says : Baptism is a Christian sacrament signifying spiritual rebirth and symbolized by the ritual use of water . According to a book about Christianity even the Christian theologians do no know how to interpret this verse . We cannot find anywhere else that says you were baptized for somthing to do with dead people . Even LORD ELohim has never heard of this before . He says its definitely not Jewish which gives even more reason to think that Paul was no Jew . 31 Paul complains about risking his life for his beliefs about Y'shua . Had Paul just preached The Simple Truth he would have given no person reason to harm him . Its all the Messiah , Y'shua a God and stuff like that got him into trouble . 33 Do not be misled : .... Come back to your senses as you ought and stop sinning ; for there are some who are ignorant of God - I say this to your shame . If Paul is saying he is the one who knows everything about LORD ELohim or Y'shua then he is a pompous lier . Who isn't somewhat ignorant about the LORD ELohim . Its been over twenty years serving LORD ELohim and still I have a dozen questions a day for Him to answer . There are not just some who do not know everything about the LORD : no human does , not even me and obviously according to his writings , not even Paul .
- 1 Cor . 15 : 35 - 58 In the NIV : 35 But someone will ask , " How are the dead raised ? With what kind of body will they come ? " This should be interesting . 36 How foolish ! What you sow does not come to life unless it dies . Paul is very good at making no sense . We are not going to write all these verses . 42 So will it be with the resurrection of the dead . The body that is sown is perishable , it is raised imperishable ; 43 it is sown in dishonor , it is raised in glory ; it is sown in weakness , it is raised in power ; 44 it is sown a natural body , it is raised a spiritual body . Again we have no Spirit to call our own and there is no spiritual body . LORD ELohim has a problem with Paul saying we are sown in dishonor . Dishonor means shame and disgrace . LORD ELohim our Father created us and there is no dishonor in our creation . So far Paul has not explained how peoples mortal bodies will be risen back to life . Many Christians believe that the flesh and bone are what is risen and then the Soul returns to the risen body and the two are together for all eternity . Many Christians believe Y'shua's resurrection was necessary because of his atoning death . The LORD says it was not necessay for Y'shua to be raised from the dead . It was Y'shua sacrificial death that payed the price for our sins to be forgiven . Y'shua was never raised from the dead and the LORD still misses him . 45 So it is written : " The first man Adam became a living being " ; the last Adam , a life-giving spirit . The last Adam is a name given to Y'shua : the LORD asks why Christians would call him that ? The Lamb of God only had one name and that name is Y'shua : not Jesus and not Adam . Also Y'shua was not a Spirit anymore then you are and you are not a Spirit either . 46 The spiritual did not come first , but the natural , and after that the spiritual . 47 The first man was of the dust of the earth ; the second man is of heaven . There was nothing about Y'shua the mortal man that came from Heaven except his teaching Spirit and his Soul but that was long ago these Spirits came to earth with LORD ELohim . Y'shua's Soul had been in hundreds of different people over the years just like the Soul in you . Again the Soul has nothing to do with life after death or who we are . We have no Spirit that we can say " this Spirit is me " , not even the Soul . 48 As was the earthly man , so are those who are of the earth ; and as is the heavenly man , so also are those who are of heaven . Y'shua was no Heavenly man . Y'shua was mortal . How could a mortal man come from Heaven . A mortal would not survive one second in Heaven and could not be created in Heaven that's why all mortal species were created on this earth by LORD ELohim and no where else in the universe . 49 And just as we have born the image of the earthly man , so shall we bear the image of the heavenly man . That's true : as Y'shua is now dust we to shall become dust also . Y'shua was no man from Heaven in any form . 50 .... that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God , nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable . There will be no kingdom of God on earth : ever . The LORD was hopeful that mortal life with free will could manage on our own and be peaceful and loving and caring about each other but that did not happen very much . LORD ELohim never planned to rule over people on earth and He still does not have such plans so there will be no kingdom of God coming on earth . 51 Listen , I tell you a mystery : We will not all sleep , but we will all be changed - 52 in a flash , in the twinkling of an eye , at the last trumpet . For the trumpet will sound , the dead will be raised imperishable , and we will be changed . 53 For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable , and the mortal with immortality . Paul has quite the imagination . The LORD would have loved to have seen Paul do that when he was alive . It is the mortal body that people believe will be raised from the grave and then the Soul will reunite with the living body in the twinkling of an eye . Paul rarely if ever has said ' maybe or might happen ' . Paul almost constantly thinks he knows everything . There has been about 10 billion people living on earth since Adam and Eve . The LORD does not know who is Christian and not Christian in those graves . If all this happens in a flash and all at the same time are raised from the graves then who has time to read tombstones . All the Soul Spirits have been in many hundreds of people . There would definitely be a great shortage of Souls for this event . The LORD wants all to know that there is no Spirits in the graves or with cremated ashes and most are dust and maybe a few bones by now . How do you expect LORD ELohim to do that because He does not know . The LORD cannot even raise Paul to ask him that question since Paul seems to know everything : at least he thinks he does . 54 .... " Death has been swallowed up in victory " 55 Where, O death , is your victory ? Where , O death , is your sting ? " 56 The sting of death is sin , and the power of sin is the law . This is not the first time Paul has blamed LORD ELohim's Law for peoples sins and their deaths . And this is not the first time the LORD has said sin is not the cause of death for mortals . 57 But thanks be to God ! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ . Y'shua had nothing to do with people dying . The Simple Truth was about forgiveness of sin by LORD ELohim . Think about it . How many people do you know who are almost two thousand years old . Y'shua died and most all peoples sins were forgiven by LORD ELohim Himself , so if sin caused death then why were people still dying after Y'shua had died and the LORD says " do not blame it on Adam and Eve again ? " 58 .... Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord , because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain . If the only reason you go to church is because you believe that will get you eternal life then going to church is in vain . If you go to church because its a important part of your social life then enjoy . The LORD is not out to close down Christian churches , but He is out to correct your beliefs about many things and the many lies about Him in the CB . There is not much labor needed when teaching The Simple Truth . Church pot luck suppers are nice , bingo , crib and a lot more stuff to do .
( 15 : 11 ) NOTES : Before Moses there were no Laws of LORD ELohim given to mankind . The LORD asking Adam and Eve not to eat the fruit from a certain tree was a test and a request and not a law : so says the LORD . So no Laws : no sin . So why then did Adam and Eve , Noah , Shem , Ham , Japheth , Abraham , Sarah and on and on who lived before Moses and the Laws die ? If sin alone is the cause of death then these people and many others should still be alive unless they sinned after LORD ELohim gave Moses the Laws but that is not the way it is written in the CB or the JB . In the Bibles it says they died long before Moses and long before the Laws of LORD ELohim . The belief in Original Sin does not make sense since the LORD says it was not a law what He asked of Adam and Eve ; it was a request . No Law : no sin . Mortals die because that is the way it is . Nothing to do with sin , nothing to do with Y'shua , its just the way it is now and always has been and always will be : mortals die . The LORD says that animals never sin and yet they even die . How could the LORD teach T Rex His Laws or even bears or lions or rates or fish or snakes or on and on . The Grays and Anunnaki did not have Laws given by the LORD . They both failed their trial and they all die to but not because they failed their trial . The LORD though He would try one more species with free will , us , but this time He would try to guide us with Laws and other teachings to help us pass our trial and live a good life worth while living for most . With the word Laws came also the word sin . Only mortal mankind is able to sin because we were the only ones given the Ten Commandments by LORD ELohim and that was not easy for Him to do .
( 15 : 12 ) NOTES : Some people are still asking : are we alone in the universe ? If you are talking about our solar system and mortal life then the answer is Yes we are alone in the universe . LORD ELohim started playing with dirt and sea water about 4 billion years ago and thats how long it took to create us Homo sapiens . Homo sapiens have been around for about 35,000 years . The LORD was not finished working on our Homo sapiens species untill about the time of Adam and Eve when He called us mankind . Before us were others like Homo erectus , Homo neanderthalensis , Homo habilis , and a few Australopithecus that the first of them dates back to 4 million years ago . Our ancestors are also the Grays and Anunnaki who people call ET's and they had free will like ourselves . The Grays date back about 90,000 years ago and then the LORD created the Anunnaki and after them the LORD created us mankind . The LORD did not start from scratch when He created all the species . What He did do is work with the DNA that He created and made changes with that DNA and anything else needed until He created what He was trying to create . We mortal mankind took about 4 billion years to create us as we are today . The LORD started with bacteria and after millions of years He was still working with bacteria . Creation of mortals flesh and plants and trees and .... was not an easy task . Mortals needed food so the LORD had to create garden plants and fruit trees before making flesh and bone mortal life . So how is it possible for mortal life like us to create itself without having a creator like LORD ELohim doing the work ? Is there more mortal life in the universe ? The LORD says that is extremely unlikely . Also remember that we who have free will need a Soul which is Spirit and Spirits are not everywhere in the universe . Souls are only here in this solar system or taking a much needed break in Heaven . All mortal life in our solar system were created by LORD ELohim our God and Father . It is a lie in the CB where it says that Y'shua created all that was created . Y'shua the mortal man created nothing . Again all to do with creation was LORD ELohim our Father and our only God playing in the dirt . This planet is the only place in the universe with mortal life . Would LORD ELohim ever create mortals again ? He says : never again .
- 1 Cor . 16 : 1 - 4 In the NIV : Now about the collection for the Lord's people : Do what I told the Galation churches to do . 2 On the first day of every week , each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with your income , saving it up , so that when I come no collections will have to be made . The LORD says these verses had nothing to do with Christians changing the Sabbath to the first day of the week . It was the Romans who changed the Sabbath . 3 Then , when I arrive , I will give letters of introduction to the men you approve and send them with your gift to Jerusalem . If it seems advisable for me to go also , they will accompany me . Why did he not say " I will accompany them " . Paul has 13 books . Paul has before written to people like he is the boss man making all the rules and telling people how to act and stuff like that . Remember in past verses Paul wrote he works harder than all of them . Some of his rules the Christians follow even today , even the silly ones .
- 1 Cor . 16 : 5 - 24 In the NIV : Most of the verses are about his travel schedule .
2 Corinthians
Paul is said to have witten this book .
- 2 Cor . 1 : 1 & 2 In the NIV : Paul , an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God , and Timothy our brother , To the church of God in Corinth , together with all his holy people throughout Achaia : LORD ELohim never met Paul and Pauls preaching the LORD had nothing to do with it so nothing about Paul was the will of God . LORD ELohim would never call Christians His holy people . 2 Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ . Paul writes like he just finished having coffee with LORD ELohim and Y'shua and through Paul they are saying this verse . There was nothing ' from God our Father and Y'shua ' given to Paul . The LORD had nothing to do with Paul and Y'shua definitely had nothing to do with Paul because Y'shua was dead at this time . Y'shua the mortal man never knew Paul , never met Paul .
- 2 Cor . 1 : 3 - 7 In the NIV : Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ , the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort , 4 who comforts us in all our troubles , so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God . If Paul and all his Roman followers and other Gentiles taught only The Simple Truth , then how much trouble could they have gotten into for doing that . We cannot think of even one reason . LORD ELohim never did this comfort stuff . Which Christian God is this verse talking about ? At first we thought LORD ELohim but verse 5 says ' so also our comfort abounds through Christ .' So if we got this right , Paul is saying Y'shua is the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort and not LORD ELohim . This is a lie . 5 For just as we share abundantly in the sufferings of Christ , so also our comfort abounds through Christ . This verse is just full of deceitful lies . How could all most anyone claim they suffered as much as Y'shua the Lamb of God suffered ? Paul writes about walking from town to town and other stuff requiring a fairly healthy body so how badly could he have been suffering and his followers . The Simple Truth has no rules about people having to suffer to be forgiven . If you cause your own sufferings like flogging yourself , don't blame anyone else other then yourself because you did that . Again : your suffering has nothing to do with The Simple Truth . 6 &7 is much the same .
( 15 : 01 ) NOTES : I asked LORD ELohim if Y'shua suffered greatly from pain when he was put upon the cross and the LORD says Y'shua felt no pain anywhere in his body . Again : LORD ELohim made sure Y'shua completely understood that he would have no afterlife and would never be resurrected after he died and Y'shua still agreed to be LORD ELohim's Lamb of God .
- 2 Cor . 1 : 8 - 11 In the NIV : Paul goes on and on about his suffering and fear and gives Y'shua credit for delivering them from this peril . Y'shua did nothing for them because he was dead . Y'shua never answered peoples prayers and neither did the LORD . If this really happened : if these men just preached the truth , The Simple Truth , they would not have been in trouble with any people and pagan Roman Christianity would not have happened . No pity there for them . Remember Paul was a Roman citizen and is claimed by Christians that he was a Jew . LORD ELohim also knows it is not true that Paul realy saw Y'shua after Y'shua was dead . The LORD is more then just sure that was a lie .
- 2 Cor . 1 : 12 - 23 In the NIV : 12 Now this is our boast : Our conscience testifies that we have conducted ourselves in the world , and especially in our relations with you , with integrity and godly sincerity . This is not the only time in his writings he uses the word ' boast ' . The word boast mean : to praise oneself , to mention or assert with excessive pride . LORD ELohim says no preacher of any religion should be boastful . Y'shua never boasted about himself or about his deciples or any other people . Y'shua was a greatly humble man and that never changed at any time in his life . 13 For we do not write you anything you cannot read or understand . That is definitely not true . We have had problems understanding many verses Paul is claimed to have written . 14 ... as you have understood us in part , you will come to understand fully that you can boast of us just as we boast of you in the day of the Lord Jesus . The day of the Lord Jesus probably means when he returns to earth . Y'shua is not in Heaven and he is not going to be raised from his grave in the future . 15 - 20 Paul goes on about yes , yes , and no , no something which is hard to understand . 21 Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ . He anointed us , 22 set his seal of ownership on us , and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit , guaranteeing what is to come . LORD ELohim did not anoint any Christians and He cannot put His Spirit in people and would not do that . The LORD has never anointed any people : not even Y'shua . Anointing was a human thing to do and not LORD ELohim's thing to do . LORD ELohim does not think He is the ' owner ' of people . He is however our Father . The LORD cannot guarantee anything in the future for mankind . He can guarantee you will die but what will happen among the living mortals almost anything can happen . Are we headed for a third world war ? The LORD cannot guarantee that either way because it a human thing . Again remember even the LORD cannot interfere in our free will or the free will of nation leaders who can say " set off the nukes " . The LORD can only guarantee what involves Him and Spirits like there will never be a kingdom of God on earth , no mortal will ever be raised from the dead , there will never be a wrath of God , there will never be a city coming down from Heaven , no mortal living or dead will ever go to Heaven , the day will come when mortal humans will die off as a species on earth and in space , and stuff like that He can guarantee mankind . 23 - 24 we don't understand .
- 2 Cor . 2 : 1 - 11 In the NIV : 1 - 4 Its like a private letter we don't understand . It has nothing to do with The Simple Truth . 5 - 11 is about forgiveness rules . 10 Anyone you forgive , I also forgive . And what I have forgiven - if there was anything to forgive - I have forgiven in the sight of Christ for your sake , Y'shua never said that and neither did LORD ELohim . It is good for people to forgive others for wrong doings because without forgiveness most of the time hate sets in and when we spend time hating we loss the same amount of time when we could be loving . That wisdom I learnt from the LORD and other Spirits . But for forgiveness of sins that only LORD ELohim can forgive . 11 in order that Satan might not outwit us . For we are not unaware of his schemes . The only scheme David ( Satan ) has done for a long time , even before Adam and Eve , is how to avoid getting involved with mankind . So much for Paul knowing everything . 12 - 17 Not much there . Nothing about The Simple Truth but some about Y'shua involvement in leading the way . Paul talks about preaching about Y'ahua but not what he said . 15 For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing . 16 To the one we are an aroma that brings death ; to the other , an aroma that brings life . And who is equal to such a task ? Had these people started with The Simple Truth there would have been no such task . The word of LORD ELohim's forgiveness would have spread all over the earth by word of mouth of the Jews and other people . No need for a new religion and no need for a hundred rules . 17 Unlike so many , we do not peddle the word of God for profit . On the contrary , in Christ we speak before God with sincerity , as those sent from God . Paul and the others were not sent by LORD ELohim and if he means Y'shua sent him he was wrong because Y'shua was no God and Y'shua was dead at that time .
- 2 Cor . 3 : 1 - 5 In the NIV : 1 Are we beginning to commend ourselves again ? Commend means praise . Or do we need , like some people , letters of recommendation to you or from you ? 2 You yourselves are our letter , written on our hearts , known and read by everyone . Not sure what that means . 3 You show that you are a letter from Christ , the result of our ministry , written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God , not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts . Paul is starting to repeat and not much more of anything so we may just miss some verses . Most people have a Bible so you can read it there . The living God LORD ELohim never knew Paul or any of the other people mentioned by Paul .
- 2 Cor . 3 : 6 In the NIV : He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant - not of the letter but of the Spirit ; for the letter kills , but the Spirit gives life . If Paul was a Jew he would have understood how important the Laws of LORD ELohim were to people and to the LORD . We think Paul uses the word ' letter ' for the Ten Commandments . The Ten Commandments have never killed anyone . The sins of people never killed anyone . If Paul truly understood The Simple Truth he would have never wrote this verse . Paul has gone against LORD ELohim's Laws a few times . The new covenant does not change the Laws , they are still in effect . The Ten Commandments are still for all mankind and will always be for all mankind says LORD ELohim . The LORD has forgiven most all mankinds sins but He is still hopeful that people will obey His Laws so people would have a better and more peaceful life . Again : sin is not the cause of death . Paul is wrong about his beliefs . If Paul understood The Simple Truth then he would have known that for most all people : past , present and future their sins were all forgiven by LORD ELohim but the Ten Commandments are still important to people and to the LORD . LORD ELohim knows that if His Laws were obeyed by all mankind it would be a very different world and all for the better which is why His Ten Commandments are not going anywhere .
- 2 Cor . 3 : 7 In the NIV : 7 Now if the ministry that brought death , which was engraved in letters on stone , came with glory , so that the Israelites could not look steadily at the face of Moses because of its glory , transitory though it was , will not the ministry of the Spirit be even more glorious ? What Paul is saying in these verses is a good question ? Paul seems to be talking about the Laws again . This guy does not understand The Simple Truth or much else . There was no ministry of the Spirit because Paul and the others had no help by any Spirit . Who does Paul believe Moses was with on the mountain ? It was LORD ELohim who is a Spirit who taught Moses the Laws . It was Paul who had no Spirit guidence : not Moses . Transitory means short-lived . The Ten Commandments are still well known by many people today which is about 3,270 years after the time of Moses . That is hardly short-lived . Again the LORD's Laws did not cause peoples death because sin is not the cause of death . LORD ELohim says to all mankind to stop blaming Adam and Eve and not do not blame the Jews and Judaism because they certainly had nothing to do with the fact mortals die and have been dying for hundreds of millions of years before the Laws of the LORD . The LORD says to all people , Please Think Not Beyond Logic and Please just think .
- 2 Cor . 3 : 9 In the NIV : 9 If the ministry that brought condemnation was glorious , how much more glorious is the ministry that brings righteousness ! The word righteousness means : upright conduct , virtue , the state or condition of being right and just , free from guilt or wrong , moral , ethical . The word condemnation means : to declare to be wrong , to convict of guilt , to sentence judicially . I asked LORD ELohim if He ever knew a righteous person other then Y'shua and He said No but He says He knew a lot of Jews who came close to being all that . Paul writes like he does not know people very well . Paul with his writings proved he was not a rightnous man many verses ago .
( 15 : 2 ) NOTES : I asked LORD ELohim if we keep all the Ten Commandments would we then be righteous . He said No . If you want to become a righteous person keeping all Ten Commandments would be needed and would help you greatly on the road to righteousness . Remember everyone , that you cannot be righteous without keeping all Ten Commandments says the LORD . That is not a easy road to travel but it would be worth while in the end result . And ' no ' you would not have an eternal life even if you became the most righteous person ever born , but you would probably have a much better mortal life .
- 2 Cor . 3 : 10 - 18 In the NIV : Paul goes on about how the short-lived Ten Commandments have no glory anymore but what he preachers lasts . Paul writes about the ' old covenant as being a problem for people and their minds were made dull by the old covenant ; or something like that . In Christian books there is not much about the old covenant and no two are the same . So I asked LORD ELohim if the Ten Commandments are of the old covenant and He indicated Yes . Also includes other teaching to Moses and to the prophets . There is nothing in these verses that is about The Simple Truth . Its just Paul complaining which he does a lot . Now the Lord is the Spirit , and where the Spirit of the Lord is , there is freedom . We are pretty sure that Paul is not writing about LORD ELohim when he says Spirit . Its probably the Holy Spirit . Y'shua was never a Spirit . 18 .....contemplate the Lord's glory , are being transformed into his image with ever- increasing glory , which comes from the Lord , who is the Spirit . Its no wonder why many Christians were like Paul then and since then . The word glory means to be renown , honor and praised , a height of prosperity or achievement . The word glory is so common in the CB and so over used .
( 15 : 03 ) NOTES : The LORD says Noah , Abraham , Moses , King David , the Prophets and many others were not seeking ' glory ' . LORD ELohim says the word glory is used far to often in the CB New Testament . The Simple Truth is not about glory for anyone . To remember Y'shua as the Lamb of God is a good thing . The LORD wants people to remember him by the name Y'shua and honor him because he is deserving of honor . Y'shua was never seeking glory for himself . The LORD wants people to remember Noah and Moses and the others also and to respect them to in memory of them but He does not want to hear the word ' glory ' when speaking of any of them . I asked LORD ELohim if He seeks ' glory ' from mankind for Himself ? His answer was No He does not . But He does seek to be regarded as our one Father and one and only God which He is and to have our love and respect for Him regarding that fact .
- 2 Cor . 4 : 1 - 4 In the NIV : We are going to try not to write all the verses so much . 2 .... we do not use deception , nor do we distort the word of God . Again The Simple Truth is only a couple of pages long to write about . Most of all the other words written do distort the word of God . On the contrary , by setting forth the truth plainly we commend ourselves to everyone's conscience in the sight of God . The word ' commend ' means to praise . Pauls books are not an easy read to understand . Even Peter wrote he had problems understanding Pauls letters . If this man Paul even existed he felt highly of himself . 3 And even if our gospel is veiled , it is veiled to those who are perishing . If the gospel on purpose was made hard to believe and understand then the writers and the Christian churches would be in trouble with LORD ELohim but since no person will be ' saved ' and all will ' perish ' there is no big deal . The truth is that the CB is hard to believe and understand if you Do Not Think Beyond Logic as LORD ELohim taught me and you to do . Who decides who will perish and who will be saved if that were even possible . Only LORD ELohim could do that and not Paul or any other human . No mortal is going to have an afterlife . Again : Spirits cannot interfere in peoples free will . The LORD would not allow that . 4 The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers , so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ , who is the image of God . Christians call Satan the god of this age . The small g is usually used for a false god but even the word ' god ' should not be used for David ( Satan ) or any other Spirit . Remember David wants nothing to do with mankind so he would not be running around earth doing that and how could he even do that ? The LORD says that is not possible for any Spirit to do that . Is Y'shua the image of God ? The LORD says yes regarding his appearance since He made mankind in His image and Y'shua was a deeply humble , caring and loving man : in that way he was very much like LORD ELohim also . What does The Simple Truth got to do with all these verses ?
- 2 Cor . 4 : 5 In the NIV : 5 For what we preach is not ourselves , but Jesus Christ as Lord , and ourselves as your servants for Jesus sake . So far in Pauls writings there is not much that he could claim ' for Jesus sake ' . Y'shua is not coming back from the dead so what is there to gain or loss in his name . Y'shua had nothing to do with what Paul and others were preaching because Y'shua was dead . Y'shua had no Spirit to call his own anymore then you do . The LORD says Y'shua never said to anyone that he was coming back and wanted stuff done before He returned . LORD ELohim was constantly with Y'shua his whole life and the LORD knows what Y'shua said or did not say . Paul commonly says " what we preach " but how many verses has he said what exactly he does preach .
- 2 Cor . 4 : 6 & 12 In the NIV : This is an example of ' by setting forth the truth plainly ' according to Paul . Are these verses plainly written ? 6 For God , who said , " Let light shine out of darkness , " made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God's glory displayed in the face of Christ . 7 But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us . The LORD says Y'shua was a fairly normal looking mortal man so what does ' in the face of Christ ' mean ? What is in the clay jars that Paul calls a treasure that shows the super power of God ? 8 & 9 We are hard pressed on every side , but not crushed , ..... 10 We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus , so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body . What is that suppose to mean ? Nothing here about The Simple Truth . It does not get any better . 11 For we who are alive are always being given over to death for Jesus sake , so that his life may also be revealed in our mortal body . LORD ELohim is trying to understand this Paul guy to , but the LORD does not get any of this either . 12 So then , death is at work in us , but life is at work in you . What is the difference of ' us ' and ' you ' . What does it mean .
- 2 Cor . 4 : 13 - 18 In the NIV : .... Since we have that same spirit of faith , we also believe and therefore speak , because we know that the one who raised the Lord Jesus from the dead will also raise us with Jesus and present us with you to himself . .... There is no Spirit of the Christians faith but this may just mean : mood . The ' one ' believed to have risen Y'shua from the dead would be LORD ELohim but He could not do that . Why does Paul write that the LORD ' will also raise us with Jesus ' like saying Y'shua is dead again and will need to be raised again or maybe he means they will be with Y'shua . 15 - 16 .... 17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all . There is no eternal anything for mortals . 18 .....
- 2 Cor . 5 : 1 - 10 In the NIV : 1 For we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed , we have a building from God , an eternal house in heaven , not built by human hands . Again : there is nothing in heaven other the barren planets , suns and stuff like that . If mortals want a house in Heaven they would have to build it themselves . LORD ELohim and His Spirit children are to busy playing and having great fun to be bothered with doing that even if they could . Spirits cannot build houses because they go through everything and where would they get wood from in Heaven . All planets have nothing living on them . Also the LORD will never allow mortals in any form in His Heaven . Paul writes like there are no ' maybe's ' in his beliefs and that he for sure knows everything about everything . One of the reasons that the LORD chose a Atheist to help Him with His Little Book is because I knew almost nothing about anything He wanted written about . The LORD knew I would have to ask Him a million questions to do this work and I am still asking questions dozens of times a day . 4 ... For while we are in this tent , we groan and are burdened , , because we do not wish to be unclothed but to be clothed instead with our heavenly dwelling , so that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life . 5 Now the one who has fashioned us for this very purpose is God , who has given us the Spirit as a deposit , guaranteeing what is to come . Nothing here about The Simple Truth . We are not sure what he means by the word ' purpose ' . The LORD's really did not have a purpose in mind when He created mortal life . It was mostly the LORD playing in the dirt just to see if He could make something living from dirt . That's how it started but with Grays , Anunnaki and us Humans He became more of a loving Father toward us then He did with the Dinosaurs He created . There is no purpose for mortals to go to Heaven . Never has been . LORD ELohim never gave ' the Spirit ' that Paul often writes about to people . A Soul , yes , the LORD gave us them but nothing more as Spirit . What Paul has written about this Spirit , that he writes about often , is definitely not the Soul or a teaching Spirit . The LORD does not guarantee much of anything when it comes to mortals . What He can guarantee is that we will all die and none of us mortals are going to Heaven . 6 Paul just writes he wants to be away from his body and with the Lord as though he has a Spirit to call his own but no mortal has such a Spirit as this . 10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ , so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body , whether good or bad . There is no judgment seat of Y'shua . Y'shua is dead and we were judged as a species by LORD ELohim and we failed . What do preachers think you are ' due ' and what do you believe the LORD has to give you ? Most all preachers are supported with money by their congregation which is good to a point : there should be no rich preachers in any religion . What is beyond the point should be going to help those in need . If you think you are due for more , remember the LORD has nothing to give you including crowns .
( 15 : 04 ) NOTES : If Y'shua was suddenly brought back to life today to judge the Christian churches preachers , what do you think he would say ? Would he say " who the hell is this guy named Jesus you worship " . What do Christian preachers think they are ' due ' as a reward ? In the CB its mostly about power over people : to be kings and to rule the world nations with Y'shua . The LORD would never allow that . First : Y'shua is dead and second : The Roman Catholic Church gave Christianity a bad name in the past and even recently and some Protestants denominations to . No Christian would be given a crown to be a king by LORD ELohim . So what does LORD ELohim have that you would want . Money : He has none ; Property : He has none because people or governments own it all on earth , He only owns the rest of the universe so what else is there : nothing that we can think of but we will work on this .
- 2 Cor . 5 : 11 - 15 In the NIV : There is not much in these verses so we are only doing a couple . 11 Since , then , we know what it is to fear the Lord , we try to persuade others . Which Christian God is he writing about . If it is Y'shua : Y'shua was so shy and humble and gentle he would not have made a good Messiah . If its LORD ELohim the LORD does not want to be feared but to be loved as our one and only God and Father . The CB NT gives many many lies why people should fear the LORD . Again those are lies . 12 We are not trying to commend ourselves to you again , but are giving you an opportunity to take pride in us , .... Commend means praise . Paul sounds like someone who is needy for others to praise him and to glorify him . 13 If we are " out of our mind , " as some say , it is for God ; if we are in our right mind , it is for you . Just thought we would write this verse just incase this subject comes up again . 14 For Christ's love compels us , because we are convinced that one died for all , and therefore all died . Its true that Y'shua died for most all mankind but we don't understand what he means with : and therefore all died . All people did not die except those from old age or disease and so on . 15 And he died for all , that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again . What does he mean that Y'shua ' was raised again ? ' This is the second time Paul has raised Y'shua twice from the grave in his writings .
- 2 Cor . 5 : 16 - 21 In the NIV : 16 So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view . .... 17 Therefore , if anyone is in Christ , the new creation has come : The old has gone , the new is here ! The LORD does not agree that if we believe in The Simple Truth we become ' the new creation ' . There are a few people who go overboard with somthing new in their life but for most people its just another day . 18 All this is from God , who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation : that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ , not counting people's sins against them . Finally : verses about The Simple Truth only the LORD did not give them the ' ministry of reconciliaton ', because that was not needed . The Simple Truth is coffee shop news and not need of a church or new religion news . And he has committed to us the message of reconcillation . LORD ELohim did not give this Paul guy any work to do . The LORD never knew Paul . What the LORD was hopeful for is that the Jews would teach the world The Simple Truth but people like Paul and pagans were popping up everywhere and their teachings were so corrupt and wrong that the truly devote Jews had to walk away from this . The Roman Catholic Church became powerful quickly and the Jews were in danger from this new religion because the Jews only taught The Simple Truth and not all the lies the Catholics were preaching about Y'shua . There was no money to be made from The Simple Truth . The Simple Truth had no rules , there was no need for anything other to be talked about and the Jewish Rabbis and other Jews were doing that but the Roman Catholic Church became a great threat to the lives of the Jews for doing that . Among the Jews over the years The Simple Truth was forgotten . Today LORD ELohim has reminded His chosen people about The Simple Truth regarding Y'shua the Jewish Lamb of God . 21 God made him who had no sin to be sin for us , so that in him we might become the righteousness of God . Y'shua did not become sin for us . Y'shua was a sin offering : big difference . We do not become the righteousness of God : what ever that means ? Righteousness means to be acting or being in accordance with what is just , honorable , free from guilt or wrong , virtuous , noble , moral and ethical . The meaning of righteousness we understand . What we don't understand is how do people become the ' righteousness of God ? ' I don't know how to do this one but LORD ELohim says that is very wrong .
- 2 Cor . 6 : 1 - 2 In the NIV : 1 As God's co-workers we urge you not to receive God's grace in vain . 2 For he says , " In the time of my favor I heard you , and in the day of salvation I helped you . " The CB says Isaiah 49 : 8 backs up verse # 2 . In the JB it says in Isaiah 49 : 8 : Thus said the LORD , In an hour of favor I answer you , And on a day of salvation I help you - I created you and appointed you a covenant people - restoring the land , Allotting anew the desolate holdings . In the CB in verse # 2 it says the LORD ' helped you ' , as speaking of the past . In the JB in Isaiah it says ' I help you ' as speaking of the future . In the CB in Isaiah 49 : 8 it says : This is what the LORD says : " In the time of my favor I will answer you , and in the day of salvation I will help you ; I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people , .... Again this verse is about the future and not the past and its about LORD ELohim restoring Israel and there is nothing to do with Christians in Isaiah 49 : 8 . A covenant people means the Jews and also has nothing to do with Christians . Notice even the CB Isaiah 49 : 8 does not agree with 2 Cor . 6 : 2 and the CB does not agree with the JB . Another difference is the JB says ' I created you and appointed you a covenant people ' . In the CB : ' I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people ' . So there are two errors made by someone . Which is right ? The LORD says for both : the Jewish Bible are the correct words for both . Note again how the Christians changed words and changed meanings in this verse . I asked LORD ELohim if the day of salvation was when Y'shua was alive and He said ' Yes ' . Isaiah lived about 700 years before Y'shua lived therefore that day was in the future . One of the LORD's days is 1000 years . So was it one of our 24 hour day or was the day of salvation one of His 1000 year days ? LORD ELohim says that day was one of our days . The day of salvation was the day and moment Y'shua the Lamb of God died on the cross . Again : salvation means saving a person from the consequences sin but it does not mean you will have an eternal life . There are many consequences for doing a sin like regretting doing it for the rest of your life , bad memories , loss of job , loss of family , time in prison , caught a STD ( Sexually Transmitted Disease ) when the sin was adultery , giving the STD to your husband or wife causing death and so on . Salvation means your sins are forgiven and you have a opportunity to start over and to try to never sin again .
- 2 Cor . 6 : 3 - 13 In the NIV : 3 We put no stumbling block in anyone's path , so that our ministry will not be discredited . If Paul was a Jew he would know that his teachings had many stumbling blocks especially for the Jews . The Jews do not believe in more than one God : LORD ELohim . The Jews do not believe that a mortal can be a God . The Jews believe the Ten Commandments are from the LORD and they try to obey them . The Jews did not believe Y'shua was the Messiah and they were right . The Jews and others did not believe Y'shua was raised from the dead and they were right and on and on . These are all stumbling blocks for the truly devote Jews and other people to so Paul is lying in that verse . Because many people did not believe in what Paul and others like him were preaching they were already discredited . 4 Rather , as servants of God we commend ourselves in every way .... : Then he goes on about how difficult things are because the non-believers are picking on them . If Paul only taught The Simple Truth he would have had no problems but being in a crowd of people claiming Y'shua the dead mortal man is a God and on and on is not a smart thing to do . Commend means to praise or to recommend themselves . The LORD says Y'shua never praised himself . Paul has mentioned this word ' commend ' about himself a few times so far . Paul's writings makes him sound like a man who thinks very highly of himself : the word egotism comes to mind . 5 - 13 These verses you need to read yourself . They just go on and on about Paul and his followers and a lot make no sense . Paul mentions the Holy Spirit which does not exist . Also he says ' truthful speech ' which is not true . Having the power of God which LORD ELohim says there is no truth to that . Having weapons of righteousness which is not true . Being regarded as impostors which is understandable . He says 13 As a fair exchange - I speak as to my children ...... . How hard is it to understand The Simple Truth ? Its to bad that Paul and his followers never taught much about The Simple Truth but what they did teach had many stumbling blocks . Pauls hundred rules are also stumbling blocks regarding The Simple Truth also .
- 2 Cor . 6 : 14 - 18 In the NIV : 14 Do not be yoked together with unbelievers . For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common ? Paul goes on and on like this . 16 What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols ? For we are the temple of the living God . As God has said : " I will live with them and walk among them , and I will be their God , and they will be my people . " The back up verse is Leviticus 26 : 12 in the JB : I will be ever present in your midst , and I will be your God , and you shall be My people . LORD ELohim was speaking about the Jews and not Christians . Jews were His chosen people who He worked through and still works through today . The LORD did not ignore the rest of mankind for we are all His children . But the LORD needed to have a people to work through generation after generation so they could put the bits and pieces together so all people on earth could understand LORD ELohim's teachings to all His mortal children . 17 Therefore , " Come out from them and be separate , says the Lord . Touch no unclean thing , and I will receive you . " The back up verse for 17 is Isaiah 52 : 11 according to the Christians . In the JB : Turn , turn away , touch naught unclean As you depart from there ; Keep pure , as you go forth from there , You who bear the vessels of the LORD ! " The verse 17 in the CB has nothing to do with believers staying away from unbelievers because in the JB its about the Temple vessels being brought back to Jerusalem from Babylon and to keep them pure . This is a good example how the Christians have changed verses in the JB so it sounds like the verses back up the CB New Testament . 18 And , " I will be a Father to you , and you will be my sons and daughters , says the Lord Almighty . " The CB says the back up verse for verse 18 is 2 Samuel 7 : 14 . In the JB in 2 Samuel 7 : 14 it says : I will be a father to him , and he shall be a son to Me . When he does wrong , I will chastise him with the rod of men and the affliction of mortals ; This verse in the JB does not back up verse 18 in the CB . This verse is about David's successor to the throne . It goes on to say that the LORD would never reject this man . Even the CB Old Testament does not back up verse 18 . In the 2 Samuel 7 : 14 in the NIV CB OT it says I will be his father , and he will be my son . When he does wrong , I will punish him with a rod wielded by men , with floggings inflicted by human hands . LORD ELohim says in the JB He did say something like that but not with such violence and the CB is even more violent . The LORD says He ment it would be more like a kick in the ass .
- 2 Cor . 7 : 1 - 15 In the NIV : 1 Therefore , since we have these promises , dear friends , let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit , perfecting holiness out of reverence for God . What promises for Christians ? Just a note here . The LORD did not expect that pagan people would create a new religion from The Simple Truth so how could the LORD be speaking about Christians in the Jewish Bible , long before Y'shua even lived ? The Jews were His chosen people and still are today . In 6 : 16 - 18 those verses had nothing to do with Christians and all three verses were corrupted by the CB writers . Those verses when written right as in the JB are all regarding the Jews . Christian are not the LORD ELohim's chosen people : the Jews are and always have been since the time of Abraham and always will be . Again : Christians are not " My people " says LORD ELohim Himself . The Jews are His people . The LORD ELohim and even Y'shua never made any promises to Christians : none , nothing , not even one promise . Reverence means respect . Holiness is something the pagan Christians do not have , not even the pope . 2 Make room for us in your hearts . We have wronged no one , we have corrupted no one , we have exploited no one . 3 I do not say this to condemn you ; I have said before that you have such a place in our hearts that we would live or die with you . Did this smooth talking and maybe not a Jew Paul not wronged , or corrupted or exploited no one ? We would count the times and ways but we have no time to do all that work . 4 - 9 .... 10 Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret , but worldly sorrow brings death . Christians believe salvation brings eternal life . That's not true . No mortal has eternal life . Repentance can be a good thing to help people deal with a troubled life . Worldly sorrow does not bring death anymore then Godly sorrow brings eternal life . What does any of this have to do with The Simple Truth ? The LORD never said you had to repent of all your sins to be forgiven . Agian : no rules . 11 - 14 is hard to understand . 15 And his affection for you is all the greater when he remembers that you were all obedient , receiving him with fear and trembling . This man Paul writes like he was a very stern taskmaster . The converted Grecian ( Greece ) named Titus made these people tremble with fear and Paul writes about that like its no big deal , and that people should fear Titus and even Paul . Paul writes that it was a good thing they were in fear . The word ' obedient ' says a lot about Paul and his many rules . What we don't get is why Christians for over 1500 years have honored this man so much to keep his writings in their Bible ? Did the Roman Catholic Church make up this Paul guy or add to what Paul did write ? That is possible because other writings had to be added to by the Roman Catholic Church . During the Papal Inquisition and the Spanish Inquisition the Roman Catholic Church caused great fear of the Roman Catholic Church almost everywhere the Catholic preachers were preaching . People the church called heretics were tortured and hanged or burnt alive at the stake . Paul approving that these people trembled in fear reminds us of the Inquisitions and other things that happened by the Roman Catholic Church . Again Y'shua never knew this Paul guy and LORD ELohim never knew him either . The LORD had nothing to do with Paul or Titus or any of the other people Paul mentions so far . 16 I am glad I can have complete confidence in you . Says Paul .
( 15 : 05 ) NOTES : The word ' commend ' means praise or recommend . 2 Cor : 10 : 12 We do not dare to classify or compare ourselves with some who commend themselves . When they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves , they are not wise . 2 Cor . : 3 : 1 Are we beginning to commend ourselves again ? Or do we need , like some people , letters of recommendation to you or from you ? 2 Cor . 4 : 2 Rather , we have renounced secret and shameful ways ; we do not use deception , nor do we distort the word of God . On the contrary , by setting forth the truth plainly we commend ourselves to everyone's conscience in the sight of God . 2 Cor . 5 : 12 We are not trying to commend ourselves to you again , but are giving you an opportunity to take pride in us , so that you can answer those who take pride in what is seen rather than in what is in the heart . 2 Cor . 10 : 17 - 18 But , " Let the one who boasts boast in the Lord ." For is is not the one who commends himself who is approved , but the one whom the Lord commends . 2 Cor . 12 : 11 I have made a fool of myself , but you drove me to it . I ought to have been commended by you , for I am not in the least inferior to the " super-apostles ," even though I am nothing . The name " super-apostles " is written in the NIV . In the KJV it says I am become a fool in glorying ; ye have compelled me : for I ought to have been commended of you : for in nothing am I behind the very chiefest apostles , though I be nothing . Glorying means to rejoice proudly : exult . In the first verse we wrote , Paul says he does not commend himself but then in other verses he wants peoples pride in him , he believes his God praises him , and the last verse in this note he is making sure people know he thinks he is greater then any other " super - apostles . " LORD ELohim and Y'shua never knew this man Paul or anything about him and Paul obviously never knew Y'shua or LORD ELohim very well either .
- 2 Cor . 8 : 1 - 24 In the NIV : The entire 8 th. chapter is about the collection of money from the followers of Paul . There are a few errors but we are not going to write the entire chapter . 8 I am not commanding you , but I want to test the sincerity of your love by comparing it with the earnestness of others . For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ , that though he was rich , yet for your sake he became poor , so that you through his poverty might become rich . I asked LORD ELohim if Y'shua was rich at any time during his life and the LORD said Y'shua was never a rich men . These verses make no sense . How is Y'shua's poverty suppose to make Paul's followers rich in money ? Look around today . There are a lot of Christians preachers who made a lot of money : like TV preachers , church preachers and above all the Roman Catholic Church . The LORD does not mind if preachers live a middle class life but anything more is wrong . There are many people who could use the help of the church to feed their children and put a roof over their heads and so on . If your into preaching for the easy money to be made you are in the wrong and the LORD does not approve of you . Paul saying he is testing these people and comparing them to other people is wrong . 14 At the present time your plenty will supply what they need , so that in turn their plenty will supply what you need . The goal is equality , as it is written : " The one who gathered much but not to much , and the one who gathered little did not have to little . Equality is a nice thought but very unlikely to happen . A lot of cults over the years preached that and scamed a lot of people out of their money .
- 2 Cor . 9 : 1 - 15 In the NIV : This whole chapter is about money collection also so we are not going to write all of it . 3 But I am sending the brothers in order that our boasting about you in this matter should not prove hollow , but that you may be ready , as I said you would be . Paul is talking about money collection from the churches . This gets better . Its like reading a book about gangsters and racketeers . Racketeer means a person who obtains money by an illegal enterprise unually involving intimidation . Giving money to the church is not a crime but saying " I am sending the brothers ..... that you may be ready .... " is intimidation . Paul in these verses sounds more like a crime boss then a preacher . LORD ELohim says He agrees with that discription . 4 For if any Macedonians come with me and find you unprepared , we - not to say anything about you - would be ashamed of having been so confident . 5 So I thought it necessary to urge the brothers to visit you in advance and finish the arrangements for the generous gift you had promised . Then it will be ready as a generous gift , not as one grudgingly given . Now he is saying something like ' you all smile when we take your generous gift . ' 7 .... for God loves a cheerful giver . 8 And God is able to bless you abundantly so that in all things at all times , having all that you need , you will abound in every good work . The LORD cannot make sure you have everything you need . Some people think they have been blessed by the LORD but that is not true . Some people think the LORD or even Y'shua can do anything and that's not true either . 11 .... and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God . 12 This service that you perfrom is not only supplying the needs of the Lord's people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God . Again LORD ELohim would not have called these people ' the LORD's people ' or ' Y'shua's people ' . No Christian has ever been called ' the Lord's people . ' What the LORD does call Christians is pagans . 13 Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves , others will praise God for the obedience ..... Why would any person in the congregation have to prove themselves to Paul . 99% of Pauls rules the LORD does not agree with and treating the congregation like they are your private bank account is another of Pauls rules the LORD does not agree with . Sharing : if you can and want to with the poor and needy , Yes the LORD loves people who do that but He does not make that a rule and Paul should not have either .
( 15 : 06 ) NOTES : How can Christians think that LORD ELohim would call them ' the Lord's people ' or ' the LORD's people .' You have three Gods and try to make the three just one God but the math does not work out . You made a mortal man one of your Gods and you made up in your imaginations the Holy Spirit a God that does not even exist . You say Y'shua created everything which is a lie about this mortal man because LORD ELohim a single Spirit created all that was created . You called Y'shua the Messiah when the Jews and LORD ELohim said he was not the Messiah . You made him to be the only Son of God when LORD ELohim is your Father and creator also . You are the children of LORD ELohim and not Y'shua's . You claimed Y'shua was risen from the dead which is another lie . You claim Y'shua is in Heaven which he is not . You Christians changed Y'shua's Jewish name to the Greek name Jesus and on and on . Y'shua was the mortal Lamb of God and should be honored for that and remembered by all mankind who's sins were forgiven by LORD ELohim because of the sacrifice of the Lamb . Y'shua is dead and the LORD cannot change that fact about any mortals who die and we are all going to die . No mortal can have an eternal life anymore then Y'shua could . Again Y'shua knew he would not have an eternal life and he was still willing to be the Lamb of God . Y'shua deserves to be remembered for that .
- 2 Cor . 10 : 1 - 18 In the NIV : Paul is writing about his ministry . 6 And we will be ready to punish every act of disobedience , once your obedience is complete . 7 You are judging by appearances. If anyone is confident that they belong to Christ , they should consider again that we belong to Christ just as much as they do . 8 So even if I boast somewhat freely about the authority the Lord gave us for building you up rather than tearing you down , I will not be ashamed of it . Again LORD ELohim and Y'shua never knew Paul and Paul had no teaching Spirit or any other kind of guidence from the LORD . If the LORD was guiding Paul , Paul never would have said ' we will be ready to punish every act of disobedience ' . 9 I do not want to seem to be trying to frighten you with my letters . If he does not want to frighten people , he should not write the way he writes . 10 : 12 is in NOTES at ( 15 : 05 ) . 10 : 18 Let the one who boasts boast in the Lord . 18 For it is not the one who commends himself who is approved , but the one whom the Lord commends . What is there in Christianity that the LORD ELohim would praise ? There is not much about The Simple Truth . How would a person really know what the LORD approves ?
- 2 Cor . 11 : 1 - 4 In the NIV : 2 I am jealous for you with a godly jealousy . I promised you to one husband , to Christ , so there I might present you as a pure virgin to him . This is probably why the Christians call their church by women's names like her , she , wife and so on . 3 But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent's cunning , your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ . The name serpent is refering to Satan . Again LORD ELohim does not allow Spirits to interfere with peoples free will , including Eve's . We were judged by what we did with our free will . If the LORD allowed Spirits to take over our free will then the LORD would not be able to judge us mortals . 4 For if someone comes to you and preaches a Jesus other than the Jesus we preached , or if you receive a different spirit from the Spirit you received , or a different gospel from the one you accepted , you put up with it easily enough . Paul seems to think that he alone got everything right about Y'shua .
- 2 Cor . 11 : 5 & 6 In the NIV : 5 I do not think I am in the least inferior to those " super-apostles . " We like the words ' super-apostles ' , it better then the words I was thinking about them . In the KJV they call them ' chiefest apostles .' 6 I may indeed be untrained as a speaker , but I do have knowledge .
- 2 Cor . 11 : 7 & 8 In the NIV : These verses are a little interesting . 7 Was it a sin for me to lower myself in order to elevate you by preaching the gospel of God to you free of charge ? 8 I robbed other churches by receiving support from them so as to serve you . Paul's writings have made it sound like he was doing all free of charge except about the collection of money and in those verses it sounds like all the money went to the poor . These are the first verses that proves Paul was making money doing what he was doing .
- 2 Cor . 11 : 10 & 11 In the NIV : Pauls goes on and on about how he is not a burden to this church . 10 As surely as the truth of Christ is in me , nobody in the regions of Achaia will stop this boasting of mine . 11 Why ? Because I do not love you ? God knows I do ! At first we thought 11 was a typing error but we read it over a few times and found it had no error . Paul just writes funny sometimes .
- 2 Cor . 11 : 12 - 31 In the NIV : Paul writes about false apostles and he blames Satan again and calls them Satan's servants . 21 - 33 Paul talks about himself and his life and he does say he is a Hebrew and a Israelite and a descendant of Abraham . Paul again says he is more a follower of Christ then others and he works harder then anyone . If Paul really is a Jew the question is did he even write all that is written in his many books ? Did he even exist or were his books added to by the Roman Catholic Church or did he just get off track in his life with being a Jew ? Paul would not be the first one . The LORD lost ten tribes that way . Paul does like writting about himself so maybe there are more clues to come .
- 2 Cor . 12 : 1 - 9 In the NIV : Paul writes about visions and revelations from the LORD . 2 I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven . Whether it was in the body or out of the body I do no know - God knows . And I know that this man - whether in the body or apart from the body I do not know , but God knows - 4 was caught up to paradise and heard inexpressible things , things that no one is permitted to tell . LORD ELohim says there is only one Heaven , not three , just as there is only one God , not three . How could flesh body of any mortal who has no Spirit to call his own get to Heaven billions of miles away out in space . No air , cold , no food , not a lot of things he would need like a space ship . It says ' God knows ' and LORD ELohim does know : this is not possible to have happened . It says this man heard things that no one is permitted to tell . At the time that man lived the English language was not taught to mankind yet . The English language is the language of the LORD and all Spirits and the only language in Heaven . This man would have understood nothing being spoken there . Its a lot of work for LORD ELohim and teaching Spirits to cause people to have visions and is very difficult to do . Why would the LORD do all that work for no reason since this man says what he heard he cannot tell others . What would be the point of that vision and all that work if there was no message from the LORD to mankind . A few people have claimed to have be abducted by the Grays , that is possible . The Grays were near earth at that time but even the Grays cannot get to Heaven . The LORD says if He is behind visions it is within the brain where it happens . The body goes no where and again we have no Spirit to call our own so it is a teaching Spirit who helps LORD ELohim makes visions happen . The LORD says He was not into giving visions at that time . Paul claims to have had a vision of Y'shua and the LORD says that did not happen . He never knew this man Paul . Had He known Paul the vision would not have been about the dead man Y'shua . Paul's claim is in Acts 9 . The LORD says this did not happen . Paul is talking about his boasting again and he writes 7 ....Therefore , in order to keep me from becoming conceited , I was given a thorn in my flesh , a messenger of Satan , to torment me . The LORD says that never happened . David ( Satan ) was still avoiding mankind . LORD ELohim says He would never do that to a mortal . Maybe Paul had a bone spur or something else . The LORD has gotten use to people blaming Satan for anything and almost everything wrong in peoples lives . Remember that the book of Job has no truth in it . That to never happened . 8 Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me . 9 But he said to me , ( R ) " My grace is sufficient for you , for my power is made perfect in weakness . " This word ' grace ' probably means in this verse : unmerited help given to people by God or a virtue coming from God . The LORD does not agree that weakness makes His work perfect . The main players in the past like Abraham , Moses , Samson and many more , even Y'shua were not weak or weak minded people . If I were weak or weak minded I never would have helped the LORD with His Little Book .
( 15 : 07 ) NOTES : In Acts 10 : 16 which Paul wrote about , it says Peter became hungry and this happened . He saw heaven opened and something like a large sheet being let down to earth by its four corners . It contained all kind of four-footed animals , as well as reptiles and birds . Then a voice told him , " Get up , Peter . Kill and eat ." This was more then just a vision , it was supper . There are no animals , reptiles and birds in Heaven or any other mortal life in Heaven . This sheet would have needed Spirits to do that but Spirits go through everything including sheet and animals . No sheet has ever been woven in Heaven by Spirits . Where would the Spirits have gotten the wool from and why would Spirits have even bothered to do that . Spirits all like to play : not weave . So how could this have happened . LORD ELohim says this did not happen . Did Peter tell Paul this story or did Paul just make it up or was it added later by the Roman Catholic Church ?
- 2 Cor . 12 : 11 - 21 In the NIV : We think we did this in the past but we will again do it . I have made a fool of myself , but you drove me to it . I ought to have been commended by you , for I am not in the least inferior to the " super apostles , " even though I am nothing . Twice Paul calls the other apostles : super apostles . People who serve the LORD should not be seeking fame says LORD ELohim . 12 I persevered in demonstrating among you the marks of a true apostle , including signs , wonders and miracles . Paul is not the first to claim he did signs , wonders and miracles but what Paul did and other people did who claim this are not said . Paul just goes on about himself and his ministry .
- 2 Cor . 13 : 1 - 10 In the NIV : Paul is writing to a church and giving them heck . 2 I already gave you a warning when I was with you the second time . I now repeat it while absent : On my return I will not spare those who sinned earlier or any of the others , 3 since you are demanding proof that Christ is speaking through me . He is not weak in dealing with you , but is powerful among you . In past verses Paul did not seem to like being under the rule of LORD ELohim's Ten Commandments . When he goes after people about sin : what sin is he talking about ? It would not be surprising he makes up his rules about what other sins are to . Paul is really into this ' weak ' stuff . 4 For to be sure , he was crucified in weakness , yet he lives by God's power . LORD ELohim does not have that kind of power . Likewise , we are weak in him , yet by God's power we will live with him in our dealing with you . That is not going to happen . 5 ....Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you - unless of course , you fail the test ? LORD ELohim forgave the sins of most all people . Paul often does not seem to understand The Simple Truth at all . If Y'shua had been raised from the dead would he be in all Christians ? How could that even be possible ? If he had a Spirit to call his own that Spirit would be no bigger then his mortal body and likely even much smaller . Paul is talking about Y'shua like Christians talk about the Holy Spirit . Christians believe the Holy Spirit is with them all everywhere on earth . Y'shua did not have any Spirit to call his own just like you so how could he be in millions of people today . How would the mind of a Spirit like that even work ? It would need a mind for every person and that kind of Spirit does not exist says LORD ELohim . The Holy Spirit is the same and he does not exist either . In The Simple Truth there are no rules and there is no test , just one fact about the evil an wicked people not being forgiven . 6 And I trust that you will discover that we have not failed the test . Again the LORD never made up a test for people regarding The Simple Truth . 8 For we cannot do anything against the truth , but only for the truth . Paul along with many others missed the mark on that one . Paul never knew Y'shua so where did Paul get what he believes from ? 10 This is why I write these things when I am absent, that when I come I may not have to be harsh in my use of authority - the authority the Lord gave me for building you up , not for tearing you down . Paul was never given authority from the LORD or from Y'shua . Y'shua was dead and the LORD never knew of this man Paul . 11 ..... Strive for full restoration , encourage one another , be of one mind , live in peace . And the God of love and peace will be with you . LORD ELohim cannot be with everyone and everywhere . Y'shua the Lamb of God is dead and has been dead for about two thousand years . 14 May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ , and the love of God , and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all . Y'shua is dead and he had no Spirit of his own to live an eternal life as and neither do you , God does still love most all mankind but He does not interfere with our free will and the Holy Spirit never existed so we are all pretty much on our own .
( 15 : 08 ) NOTES : We thought that we would see in the CB in 2 Corinthians how many times the topic of The Simple Truth was written about by Paul . 5 : 14 For Christ's love compels us , because we are convinced that one died for all , and therefore all died . This is close to The Simple Truth but what ' and therefore all died ' means we don't know . 5 : 18 - 19 All this is from God , who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation : that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ , not counting people's sins against them . These verses are true except LORD ELohim never gave people ' the ministry of reconciliation ' . The Jews would have done well adding this event to Judaism and to let the world know The Simple Truth . The name Christ means Messiah as in the above verse . Y'shua was not the awaited Messiah so to call him Christ is an error and very wrong to call him that . 5 : 21 God made him who had no sin to be sin for us , so that in him we might become the righteousness of God . This is close . The LORD says Y'shua did not become sin . Y'shua was the Lamb and the Lamb was a sin offering for the forgiveness of sin . To believe that people will become as LORD ELohim is in righteousness is not very likely to happen for any human and the LORD does not expect that to happen . So there were three sets of verses about The Simple Truth in all of 2 Corinthians .
( 15 : 09 ) NOTES : There are a few errors the LORD would like to point out in 2 Corinthians also . 1 : 9 Indeed , we felt we had received the sentence of death . But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God , who raises the dead . Its hard to know which God of theirs they are writing about . Neither their false God Y'shua or the one and only God LORD ELohim can raise the mortal dead . That is simply impossible to do . 1 : 13 For we do not write you anything you cannot read or understand . Remember even Peter wrote in 2 Peter 3 : 15 & 16 that Pauls writings are hard to understand so we don't feel so stupid when we cannot understand them either . So 1 : 13 is probably not true for many people . 1 : 21 Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ . He anointed us .... The LORD does not make people do anything ever . Abraham , Moses , Y'shua , Prophets and many more had free will to make a choice to help LORD ELohim or not help Him . LORD ELohim never anointed Paul and the others . Even Y'shua was never anointed by man or the LORD . Y'shua certainly did not anoint Paul and others because he was dead at the time of Paul and his ministry . 2 : 10 Anyone you forgive , I also forgive . Paul writes like this a lot . It was LORD ELohim who forgave the sins of most all people . Paul is not in the position to forgive anyone's sins . Even the pope of the Catholic church is not in the position to forgive sins , never has been . LORD ELohim forgave the sins of most all people in the past , most all people at the time of Y'shua and most all people since Y'shua and most all people today and most all people in the future . That does not mean we past our trial : that we still failed . 2 : 11 I have forgiven in the sight of Christ for your sake , in order that Satan might not outwit us . For we are not unaware of his schemes . Again Paul cannot forgive people . The LORD tells me David ( Satan ) is to busy not being involved with people to be involved with people and he is use to being blamed by people for almost anything we don't want the blame for . 2 : 15 For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing . The truth is no one is being saved and we will all perish which means we will all die and become the dust of the earth again like Y'shua did . 3 : 6 He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant - not of the letter but of the Spirit ; for the letter kills , but the Spirit gives life . The LORD says He never made anyone ministers of the new covenant other then the Jews . The LORD says He made the new covenant with mankind . The old covenants are still in effect today . I don't know anything about the old covenants so we will work on that for the next update . It seems when Paul is writing about the Ten Commandments he uses the word ' letter ' . LORD ELohim says the Ten Commandments do not kill . If all people obeyed the Laws of the LORD we would be living a much better life and a more peaceful and happier life then we do now . Old covenants or this new covenant : people are still going to die and have no eternal life . LORD ELohim says there is a new covenant regarding The Simple Truth . The LORD does not know what Paul means regarding ' the Spirit gives life ' ? The LORD says there is no Spirit that can give eternal life to mortals . The LORD cannot change mortal bodies so they are half Spirit and half flesh and bone and He cannot make mortals all Spirit . Christians call this the ' glorification ' of our bodies . Its written that their bodies will become like Y'shua's raised body : which did not happen . Will your body be glorified ? The LORD does not know what is ment by that but He knows He cannot do that . It is said in the CB that after Y'shua was risen he could be seen by people and heard speaking and could eat and drink . Does that sound like a body that could survive in Heaven ? Remember Spirits cannot be seen or heard and are not able to eat or drink so Y'shua was definitely not Spirit but yet mortal if anything . Short story : Y'shua was not raised and he was never seen or heard after he died for us .
( 15 : 10 ) NOTES : Paul writes about having worked much harder then anyone else and has been in prison , flogged , beaten , stoned and on and on in 11 : 23 - 33 . We probably have not read all that he was preaching since there are many of his books we have not read but in what we have read there is very little about The Simple Truth . If Paul had only taught The Simple Truth then he probably would have never gone through this . What is there in The Simple Truth that would anger people : Jews , Romans or any other people ? The LORD expected great joy from all humans who learnt about The Simple Truth . LORD ELohim stayed in Israel for a few months after the sacrifice of Y'shua and the disciples were teaching The Simple Truth and not anything that could be called Christianity . The LORD says that the disciples were never harmed by any people . The Jews and even the Romans and others were happy to hear the news about The Simple Truth . The LORD does not believe Peter ever knew Paul . So much was added by the Roman Catholic Church its hard to know what was added and what was not added . Again LORD ELohim says " Think Not Beyond Logic . " The Encyclopedia says that the Roman Catholic Church claims that Peter the Apostle was their pope from 42 CE to 67 CE when Linus became pope . If Peter was ever a pope , its not surprising that beliefs could have changed greatly and quickly when Peter died because most of the following popes in the first three hundred years were Romans and not Jews or other people . The Romans were known for adopting other peoples Gods and creating their own beliefs about that false god . The Romans also adopted LORD ELohim as one of their gods and LORD ELohim was the only one who was and is not a false god .
( 15 : 11 ) NOTES : Would it had been better if the Jews spread the good news about The Simple Truth ? They probably would not have preached that Y'shua was the Messiah , the only Son of God , that Y'shua a mortal man was a God , that God is three Gods , that Y'shua created everything , that Y'shua is our true Father , that he was the Savior and not LORD ELohim , that it was Y'shua who spoke to Moses on the mountain , that Y'shua was a king , that Y'shua's mortal body was raised from the dead , that Y'shua must be worshiped as a God , that he could walk on water and calm storms , raise the dead , feed thousands with only a couple of fish and bread , healed many thousands of their sickness and so on . The teachings about purgatory , hell and the lake of fire that makes LORD ELohim sound like a very crazy and cruel and evil God does not help matters for people to believe what Christians and other religions teach about those places . There are reasons why Atheists are Atheists or Deists . What is written about Y'shua in the CB is either impossible to believe or it goes against what other people in their religion believe or just in their own personal beliefs . So its not surprising that Paul was kicked around if Paul taught these things that never happened and have no truth . Considering what most Christians believe that has nothing to do with The Simple Truth and all the blood that was shed by the Roman Catholic Church the LORD says the Jews would have have kept The Simple Truth and not added to it and shared it so much better with love to the world . The Christian faith is a pagan religion with a history of violence and cruelty and teachers of lies and errors says the LORD .
( 15 : 12 ) NOTES : Again LORD ELohim is not trying to bring down the Christian churches . What He is trying to do is to correct the errors in the faith and let you know the truth about everything . There is no reason to leave this religion but there are many reasons to teach only The Simple Truth and for the congra-ations to know the errors and why they are errors . The LORD wants people to know the truth about Him and all other stuff so there is no fear of LORD ELohim anymore or fear of death . The LORD loves most all people that He is the creator of . Its very important to remember that .
( 15 : 13 ) NOTES : In Revelation 10 what is written is about the Little Book which is also called the Little Scroll . Ignore all the dramatization that did not happen . The last verse says 11 Then I was told " You must prophesy again about many peoples , nations , languages and kings . " I agreed to help LORD ELohim with His Little Book but I did not agree to go out in the world and prophesy about the Little Book or anything else . I know many Jewish Rabbis and Christians preachers are reading the Little Book and talking about it because the LORD goes to a Synagogue every Sabbath and to a Christian church on Sunday and spends the day at both and is often there at both till late a night . This last verse LORD ELohim leaves to the Rabbis and the Christian preachers to do and not just the people who go to those two places but from everywhere on earth . Have fun !
( 15 : 14 ) NOTES : We didn't read the other books of Pauls , we just quickly check the amont of pages . Most of them are just a few pages so it should be only one or two updates left regarding the CB . What the LORD wants done after the CB I don't know yet , if anything ? The Main Book was His teaching book for whoever was given this work . There are a lot of errors in it because again I was an Atheist who knew nothing . I would like to rewrite the Main Book now that I know what the errors are that I made and there were a lot of them . The LORD says it is not important to rewrite that book but we will think about it.