Date: May 23 2023
Again the Little Book is not for everyone . It’s not a lot of good news . But LORD ELohim does teach me what is possible to happen in the near future for those who want to know or just find the Little Book a interesting read . The LORD ELohim our God and Father is not able to see the future . When the LORD is prophesying He is just guessing about it the best He can based on what He knows about people and the earth and other things . LORD ELohim's guesses are most all rarely wrong and are logical . I am not a prophetess : all I do is the typing for LORD ELohim's prophesies . True prophesies are all given by LORD ELohim to a Prophet . No mortal can see into the future about the unknown anymore than the LORD can . Many people have claimed to be fortune-tellers and gained many followers who believed that , but at best they could only guess what the future will be also based on what they knew the facts are about anything .
The LORD indicated that at the gatherings all the Christians and some Jews are wondering how it got a year 1611 King James Version of the Christian Bible . Where I got it from was at a second hand book store for about forty dollars . This CB contains the authentic text of the 1611 King James Version . It was perfectly reproduced by the History Channel Club as a 400th year anniversary of the King James Bible which would be the year 2011 . Its a word for word reprint of that Bible and you really have to know the Roman numbers and old English to read it . Again it was at a second hand book store where we found it by surprise . The History Channel Club sold it new for $ 49.99 U.S. and whatever ? by Thomas Nelson Publishers in Nashville . The Jewish Study Bible : second edition we found at Chapters Book store by surprise to .
The books Paul is claimed to have written are becoming very boring so we are going to take a break from that for a while and do some coded sentences for a while and other things the LORD feels is important for people to know . The code we use is the same # 6 code used in the past 666 updates .
First : Our God has many names but His name that all Spirits call Him in Heaven is ELohim . Us humans call Him LORD ELohim . Christians claim that the name ELohim is the plural of EL . EL means God . Their claim is that ELohim means there are more than one God . LORD ELohim has had this name for trillions of years and there has never been any other Gods than Himself . The Christians are lying that this name means ELohim is plural and means there is more than one God . Where does the lie come from . The Christians needed something so to allow room for Y'shua to be a God also . Y'shua was no God ever, in any form . The LORD likes His very ancient name ELohim which means only He alone is God and Father of all He alone created . The Spirits often call Him just EL .
LORD ELohim wants to remind Christians He is not trying to close down the Christian churches . What He is trying to do is correct the errors and lies in your religion and beliefs and even in other peoples religion and beliefs . The LORD just wants you and everyone else to know the truth about many subjects .
In this update LORD ELohim explains what the sacrifice of Y'shua was all about in the past and is still about for people today and in the future . The LORD hopes you will learn from Him .
The code is simple mathematics . The number 6 is added to each letter in the English alphabet . This form of coded letters is called Gematria which means ' word measuring ' . The code is this :
A = 6 , B = 12 , C = 18 , D = 24 , E = 30 , F = 36 , G = 42 , H = 48 , I = 54 , J = 60 , K = 66 , L = 72 , M = 78 , N = 84 , O = 90 , P = 96 , Q = 102 , R = 108 , S = 114 , T = 120 , U = 126 , V = 132 , W = 138 , X = 144 , Y = 150 , Z = 156 .
To add a word is as follows .
L = 72 , O = 90 , R = 108 , D = 24
E = 30 , L = 72 , o = 90 , h = 48 , i = 54 , m = 78
The name LORD ELohim adds up to 666 . In the following coded writings all word or group of words added up to 666 just as this name did . The 666 word or words are divided by an * so you know what does add to 666 . The following sentences are about many subjects . I found old writings I forgot we had done so we are hopeful we did not already put them on the web site . We need a break from Paul's writings and maybe you do to . Again all word or words must add to 666 .
1 - Numbers and * mathematic I add * shapes book . ELohim used * 666 * strange code * . Strange code * are truth * LORD ELohim * reveal at hand * to Humans * . This code is * sent by God * , God of Israel * LORD ELohim * . An to Hebrew * LORD ELohim * God of Israel * teach English * . Book language * I call English * . Humanity * hear words * sent by God * LORD ELohim * God of Israel * . On last day * LORD ELohim * give signs * . The Little * Book is decoded * on last day * . Sign affirmed * a quickening * reality of * a end of times * . A end of times * is Sabbath Day * . Again remember * LORD ELohim * God of Israel * teach English * and numbers * . This code is * hidden evidence * sent by God , * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * . Remember again * end time fading * . Sabbath Day is * the day at hand * . Nay disbelief * strange code * teachings all * are truth * . The Little * Book shapes * a prophetic * hidden teaching * for any men * an ye woman * and all lives * . A prophetic * new message * LORD ELohim * teaches when * a dictator as * a president * kingdom nigh * . Nay disbelief * . Read web site * . Decoded riddles * sent by God * , God of Israel * LORD ELohim * . Women help * LORD ELohim * and open new * decoded riddles * in God's Book * . The Little * Book shapes * hidden teaching * . # Six opened * a prophetic * hidden teaching * for any men * an ye woman * and nations * . All flesh here * seek amazing * decoded riddles * in God's Book * . Judaic Deity * YHWH did make * the Little * Book code key * . Read web site * . Web site is * a prophetic * new message * for any men * an ye woman * .
2 - LORD ELohim * a God created man * . LORD ELohim * God of Israel * begat species * on earth ark * . As Spirit * God cannot die * .
3 - And nations * a wealth gone * an banks cause * gold crashes * . Soon a time * heavy debts * humble America * and nations * . And nations * heavy debts * causes a war *. Soon a time * all the earth a * world flu * . A war causes * world flu * .
4 - In past ages * Babel religion * had many gods * . Churches lie * about what * are truth * . Truth are * no afterlife * for any life * . Babel religion * mankind fables * . End of a times * Rome preached * many beliefs * . Rome preached * Babel religion * . Again remember * Babel religion * had many gods * . Behold today * Catholics of * a end of times * Babel religion * do have three * ancient gods * . Remember again * I AM is One God * . One God I AM is * LORD ELohim * an no other a * creation God * . LORD ELohim * creation God * and only God * . LORD ELohim * begat humans * . Catholics of * churches lie * Y'shua called * a God of the Bible * . Churches lie * Y'shua like * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * .
Vatican help * lies mankind * made by church * in God's Book * . Papacy cause * a global church * . A global church * terrible Babel * . A global church * head has risen * . Today behold * the secrecy * . Of him fear him * . Their Rome * soon evil * . Soon a time * future as * wicked past * .
5 - Soon a time * A president * as a dictator * kingdom nigh * . Soon evil * president * as a dictator * causes a war * and after war * feeble humans * dead bodies left * down beneath * snows of * raised glacier * . Their Rome * all in a ruin * . Dreadful mind * of dictator * causes a war * . When coming * a time of war * ? When coming * a end of times * . Strange code * knows it * . Soon at hand * a time of war * . A end of times * is Sabbath Day * . Behold today * is Sabbath Day * . LORD ELohim * EL Roi speak * as the Father * : a time of war * and nations * mourning * is Sabbath Day * . Sabbath Day is * in God's Book * . In God's Book * good proof * teaches when * Sabbath Day is * . Today behold * Sabbath Day is * .
Wicked past * of dictator * hate known * . Sabbath Day is * when coming * of dictator * causes a war * . Coming age hell * and a awful man * as a dictator * for world * Humanity * . Wicked past * people sin * . Future as * wicked past * . Soon evil * people war * .
Second Rome * make Great Eagle * . ( or ) Great Eagle make * Second Rome * . Soon a time * on earth ark * ten definite * nations and * a president * as a dictator * . Rome is again * as us before * . Soon a time * a president * saying " I AM HE " * rules here * . A president * dictator of * nations and * a global church * make great eagle * their Rome * . Soon evil * Rome is again * . Soon bondage * for any men * an ye woman * . Second Rome * as big nation * .
Computer * partners * a robot mind * . Bar code as mark * ; Mark of Beast * .
Peace on earth * illusion * of reality * . Soon evil * end of a times * than total * war causes a * bloody death * of many called * mortal life * , Humanity * and animals made * .
The Little * Book last if a * nuclear hell * .
6 - LORD ELohim * God of Israel * give signs * . Sign affirmed * future as * a time of war * and a Ice Age coming * . Sign affirmed * coming age hell * on earth ark * .
Behold recent * corrupt * men of science * make heap bombs * and nations * now have made * their bombs * . Soon a time * nuclear hell * on earth ark * . LORD ELohim * I AM HE predict * soon a time * all the earth a * burned rock * .
In God's Book * the little * teachings all * give signs * . War causes a * nuclear hell * . Feeble humans * fearful war * slaughter * mortal life * . Mortal life * on earth ark * died forever * . Remember again * no afterlife * after in death * . Nuclear hell * mortal life * road to death * . Today behold * a quickening * road to death * . On last day * an for all life * a time of war * . Sabbath Day is * on last day * . Behold today * is Sabbath Day * . Again remember * Sabbath Day is * the day at hand * . Today behold * end time fading * . A end of times * future as * wicked past * .
Reality of * war brings * about what * horrors * a war causes * . Remember again * LORD ELohim * strange code * sign affirmed * a total war * is Sabbath Day * . On last day * global war as * nuclear hell * slaughter * mortal life * on earth ark * . The day at hand * a time of war * . Again remember * for any men * an ye woman * no afterlife * as future * .
And after war * mortal life * a living hell * on earth ark * . Biggest war * bombs make Ice Age * on earth ark * . War causes a * darker sun * . Nuclear hell * blackened sun * . Soon a time * all earth cold * and nations * all in a ruin * . War brings * horrors * and hungers * and a great pain * as radiation * withered DNA * within man * and in animals * . And a global war * spread famine * about earth * . Soon a time * on earth ark * famines kill * mortal life * begat species * . Soon a time * large hail alike * all golfballs * . Large hail nigh * . Ashes buried * a shaken earth * . Strubborn * rains makes a * lower ocean * . A lot of rain * feed rivers * where flood * . As future * lakes spread * . Lakes cover * food crops * . Food crops * all in a ruin * where flood * that are near * . Again remember * soon a time * war brings * blackened sun * . Soon a time * plants became * black plants * and after war * no plants * for any life * . Famine spread * about earth * . Famines kill * mortal life * on earth ark * .
And after war * a living hell * . War brings * a weather Ice Age * and hungers * . Ice Age desolate * a shaken earth * . End of a times * nuclear hell * created glacier * . This glacier * buried earth * . Glacier begins * all earth cold * . Soon a time * raised glacier * lower ocean * . Soon a time * an for all life * a time of war * and after war * earth all cold * . Mortal life * here suffer * who had lived * beyond fierce * Nuclear hell * . Nuclear hell * made poison * as radiation * and after war * food crops * plants black * . And after war * food toxic * on earth ark * . Food crops * all in a ruin * and made animals * a toxic meat * . Famines kill * mortal life * Humanity * and animals made * about earth * . All intense * famines kill * . Mega storm * made massive * oceans descend * .
Nuclear hell * battle bombs * damaged humans * dreaded Nukes * . Dreaded Nukes * nuclear rod * flame killing * mortal life * as radiation * it spreads * about earth * . Humanity * about earth * maketh many * dreaded Nukes * on earth ark * . End of a times * a quickening * toward fear * and a global war * . Soon a time * Pacific Ocean bare * as radiation * lakes spread * .
Remember again * mortal life * : No afterlife * for any life * on earth ark * . Churches lie * Humanity * here eternal * on earth ark * or in Heaven * . LORD ELohim * Abba cannot change * mortal life * as Spirit * . LORD ELohim * O Father can't * save dead flesh * of any flesh * LORD ELohim * EL Roi create * on earth ark * . Churches lie * paradise nigh * on earth ark * or in Heaven *. Churches lie * about what * LORD ELohim * Abba cannot change * . Coming age hell * about earth * . Abba cannot change * all in a ruin * . Global wars a * slaughter * for any life * on earth ark * if a greatest * nuclear hell * on earth ark * . Again remember * LORD ELohim * Abba cannot change * no afterlife * for any life * about earth * . Churches lie * soon a time * Humanity * eternal here * on earth ark * or in Heaven * or dreaded hell * . Abba cannot change * mortal life * formed flesh * as Spirit * . Again remember * Abba cannot change * no afterlife * for any life * about earth * .
The Little * Book causes * warfare feared * . This code is * sent by God * LORD ELohim * for any men * an ye woman * and all lives * on earth ark . In God's Book * beliefs affirm * hidden evidence * sent by God * are truth *. In God's Book * hidden evidence * affirmed that * time cometh * a time of war * . Seek amazing * hidden evidence * in God's Book * . In God's Book * hidden evidence * riddles decoded * . Read web site * . The Little * Book causes * great deep fear * for any men * an ye woman * about earth * .
LORD ELohim * Abba cannot change * a time of war * . Again remember * Sabbath Day is * the day at hand * . LORD ELohim * as the Father * Abba cannot change * the bare earth * after war and * a weather Ice Age * . LORD ELohim * give signs * about what * a weather Ice Age * make desolate * . Soon a time * after wars * all earth cold * All earth cold * . Ice Age desolate * food crops * . Plants became * black plants * . Mankind lies * about what * biggest war * horrors * and after war * horrors * . Coming age hell * for any life * on earth ark * . Nuclear hell * bombing cause * our deaths * and for many * living , death * is hope for * after wars * .
LORD ELohim * soon a time * finished teach * hidden evidence * . End time fading * for world * mortal life *. LORD ELohim * is hopeful * the Little * Book causes * Humanity * great deep fear * on earth ark * so peace time * for all time * as future * about earth * and nations * . Flock leaders * regardeth all * LORD ELohim * in great teach * much mankind * . Again remember * peace on earth * is false mind * illusion * of many I call * Humanity * about earth * .
This code is * a last Book if * war causes a * nuclear hell * .
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( This is not coded . The name Abba means Father . Words like ' regardeth ' is mostly found in the King James Version as old English . )
( 16 : 01 ) Why did LORD ELohim code so much about war ? The LORD is trying to scare people so much with the truth that people become intelligent enough to not have war anymore , especially nuclear war . If you were scared by what you read , that is exactly what LORD ELohim was hopeful for . There are many thousands of nuclear bombs about earth right now . If a nuclear hell should happen : no one wins . All mortal life and nations on earth would lose in that war . The word Nukes mean Nuclear Power Plants .
- ODD CODED : 1 Today behold * few Judaism * of Jacobs line * . 2 Judaic Deity * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * . As the Father * God of Israel * begat humans * and made animals * mortal life * . 4 ( coded ) : Code of God keep * good secret * about altar * . God of Israel * give code key * . Abba Ten Sefirah * numbers and * mathematic I add * decoded riddles * about altar * . A old sinner * women help * LORD ELohim * God of Israel * and open gift * mind riddles * about altar * an much more * gifts too * from Island * . In past ages * an all long ago * Holy Rabbis * made massive * third altar * an much more * . All Oak Island * hides ancient * treasured * third altar * an much more * . About altar * take heed # six * is Tiferet * Tiferet is * sandstone * . All Oak Island * good proof * decoded riddles * are truth * . Remember again * Oak Island Canada a * treasured * Hebrew sacred * altar buried * . Hebrew sacred * third altar * YHWH did make * . Many a Jews * help YAHWEH * . LORD ELohim * God of Israel * made massive * a man made island * . Many a Jews * help YAHWEH * . All Oak Island * hath traps * . Traps seal * all Oak Island * treasured * gold an emerald * third altar * . All Oak Island * is made Holy * and a Holy land * and God blessed * all Oak Island * . Holy Rabbis * help YAHWEH * . Holy Rabbis * and many a Jew * buried altar * . Sea waters * sealed shore * . All Oak Island * shore sealed * . All Oak Island * hath traps * . Traps seal * Hebrew sacred * gold an emerald * third altar * . Remember again * LORD ELohim * own island * , all Oak Island * . Oak Island Canada a * curse say * when coming * seventh died * before found * third altar * an much more * . Hebrew sacred * third altar * made from His * perfect gold * . Treasured * third altar * many a Jews * buried altar * an much more * not under * sea waters * an for Jews * the day at hand * . The day at hand * is Sabbath Day * . Behold today * is Sabbath Day * . Many a Jews * seal traps * . Remember again * LORD ELohim * God of Israel * own island * Hebrew sacred * third altar * . Behold today * humans reach * Hebrew sacred * third altar * an much more * . Behold today * all Oak Island * riddles decoded * . # six opened * and solves * all Oak Island * strange code * . Strange code * sent by God * LORD ELohim * . It knows * all Oak Island * secret clue * . Lagina give ear * third altar * not under * Mercy Rock * . Mercy Rock * a wrong name * . Abba Sefirah ten * numbers and * ELohim's map * . ELohim's map * Sefirot do * teach help find * treasured * third altar * an much more * . # six opened * all Oak Island * hidden teaching * . Hidden teaching * solves and * decoded riddles * . Read wisdom * . LORD ELohim * God of Israel * Sefirot and * lines create * strange code * . ELohim's map * names where * Holy Rabbis * buried altar * . Island # six * is Tiferet * . Lagina give ear * altar where * Tiferet is * an much more * . To unlock * all Oak Island * use rocks * like cross * and Sefirot * . LORD ELohim * wrote map * and under map * Tiferet is * third altar * . Again remember * Holy Rabbis * and many a Jew * salt island * down beneath * with man made * objects like * small sherd * of finer gold * , metal coins * , pagan money * , iron nails * , clay pots * an much more * . An lead cross * like Y'shua * be Templars * . Templar God * LORD ELohim * . All Oak Island * decoy holes * an salted to * . All Oak Island * has many deep * decoy holes * . All Oak Island * decoy holes * hath traps * . All Templars a * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * partners * an to salted * all Oak Island * with man made * objects like * metal coins * , pagan money * , iron nails * , an lead cross * an much more * . Again remember * LORD ELohim * own island * . Abba's Oak Island * as Holy land * . Templars be * descendants of a * Israel flock * . Remember again * Holy Rabbis * and Levites * and Israelis * create island * in ages past * an all long ago * and hide much at * all Oak Island * . Lagina give ear * search below * Sefirah pit * called Beauty * . Tiferet is * called Beauty * . Island # six * Sefirah pit * called Beauty * . Third altar * of the Jews * called Beauty * . Remember again * third altar * not under * hidden water * . Sea waters * below of the * third altar * and rock above * third altar * . God of Israel * I AM design map * and Sefirot * map He designed a * great clue and * to help reach * third altar * . Both Lagina go * use I AM HE map * an begin where * Island # six * Tiferet is * . One boulder * sandstone * seal Beauty * down beneath * island # six * . Island # six * is Tiferet * . The whole face * of engraver * image on rock * . Again remember * be of caution * when you * remove the * hewed rock and * ancient pit * inner dirt * . Sea waters * feeds Money * Pit ashore * .
( Odd ) Blue clay deep * down beneath * all Oak Island * . Swamp for * buried ship * . Buried ship * be Templars * . In past ages * an all long ago * LORD ELohim * partners * salt island * with man made * objects like * man made coins * , jewels like * red garnets * , nobles gems * , and gem rings * , and jewel like * much ancient * emerald an gold * , clay pots * , iron nails * , rose head nail * , an lead cross * like Y'shua * , an much more * . In past ages * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * partners * be Templars * and middle east * Holy Rabbis * and many a Jew * . Remember again * Israel flock * an all long ago * create island * . Oak Island Canada a * riddle about * Israel flock * third altar * an much more * hidden evidence * . LORD ELohim * love Jews * .
God of Israel * I AM HE warns * in past age and * even today * search digging * all Oak Island * create holes * made on island * and offshore * . Search digging * may have digged * into many * trap seals * making raised * sea waters * in the beneath * gift chambers * . That could be * a problem on * all Oak Island * . Be of caution * . Lagina give ear * : wisdom is * use EL's map * . Go begin # six * Sefirah pit * down beneath * sandstone * one boulder * . Island # six * Sefirah pit * is Tiferet * . Tiferet is * called Beauty * . Third altar * down beneath * island # six * Sefirah pit * called Beauty * .
God of Israel * LORD ELohim * pity Mine * Israel flock * of the Jews * . The Jews of * Israel flock * suffer here * about earth * because of hate * . Hate because of * Judaea people * God of Zion * LORD ELohim * chosen flock * . Jews of the * Israel flock * preach One God * . an Judah kept * their Rabbis * faith and do it * . Behold today * all Oak Island * elect items * for a Temple * an much more * Judah receive * from EL Roi * LORD ELohim * . Israel alone * of the Jews * owns any * treasured * objects like * sacred lamps * , sacred goblet * , gold crown * , perfect gold * , all gift gems * , all silver a * pure metal * an much more * . Jews of the * Israel flock * altar heirs * an much more * now heirs * . LORD ELohim * love Jews * LORD ELohim * God of Israel * thank Jews * for still * believing God * is one God I AM * . 5 - Holy Ark of * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * now buried * where now * ? LORD's Ark had * God of Israel * EL ten Laws * for world * Humanity * . God of Israel * EL ten Laws * permit peace * on earth ark * . God of Israel * EL Roi speak * Humanity * wisdom is * keepest peace * about earth * . In past age and * even today * Humanity * about earth * in great break * God of Israel * EL ten Laws * . Feeble humans * about earth * break Laws and * mankind did fail * because of hate * and when war * on earth ark * . 6 God of Israel * EL Roi speak * Humanity * don't blame all * Jews of the * Israel flock * for reason * LORD ELohim * sacrifice My * perfect Jew * called Y'shua * . God of Israel * LORD ELohim * sacrifice Jew * called Y'shua * and Rome help * God of Israel * sacrifice My * perfect Jew * called Y'shua * more then did * Jews of the * Israel flock * . Faithful man * called Y'shua * he a sinless * perfect Jew * . God of Israel * Jehovah behind * faithful man * called Y'shua * death and cries * for His Lamb be a * perfect Jew * loved by God * . LORD ELohim * God of Israel * He sacrificing * faithful man * called Y'shua * for world * Humanity * sins too * an forgiven * sins too * for world * Humanity * an all sin became * a washed void * . All not needed * are enlarging * His rules * . Much mankind * on earth ark * flesh sins * a washed void * all long ago an * in past age and * even today * about earth * . Remember again * LORD ELohim * sacrifice Jew * called Y'shua * for world * Humanity * sins too * .
( 16 : 02 ) NOTES : The Sefirot map has changed over the years . The Little Book says Tiferet has a sandstone boulder with the image of the engraver carved on it . LORD ELohim says that the ship in the swamp is a Templar ship . The Templars would help the Jews a lot and did take a lot of items the Jews had to Oak Island when the Jews no longer had ships . The ship in the swamp was the last Templar ship to go to Oak Island . That was around the time when the Templars were being slaughtered by the King and the pope . The last Templars to go to Oak Island never returned to their homeland and remained here in North America . Their ship was hidden in the swamp . Is there a curse on Oak Island ? The LORD says there is none . That's a man made false curse that seven people must die before any treasure is found . It could come true if people are not careful with the amount of holes they are putting into that island . Its a Holy Island : not a cursed Island .
4 Middle Easts * pyramid all * ET pyramid . ET's work * about earth * . Massive made * ET pyramid * standing in * Middle Easts * humble lands * . 5 ( Odd ) Jerusalem be * YAHWEH home * on earth ark * . LORD ELohim * Abba home Israel * on earth ark * . In past ages * Jerusalem be * city of the * Temples of * LORD ELohim * God of Israel * .
( 16 : 02 )
NOTES : This is not coded . Its just questions that LORD ELohim can answer like :
1. Is what is
written about the future going to happen for sure ? Again LORD ELohim cannot see the future : He can only guess
what the future will be . No human can see the future either . The LORD is good at guessing what it will be .
His guesses are not just based on what He knows about mankind but also about what the Grays and Anunnaki did
with their free will too . The LORD says we are no different then them and both their last war almost destroyed
the earth and slaughtered most all of them . Will a Nuclear hell happen ? It is very possible that it will
happen unless people greatly change and soon .
2. Is there more
than one universe ? The LORD does not know of a end to space but He also does not know of any other universe .
If there is another universe it would be so many countless light years away that nothing mankind has can detect
its presence . If another universe exists what's the chance of life there ? It took millions of years for the
LORD to even create the first living bacteria and over four billion years to create us so what is the chances of
life in our universe or any other universe where the LORD has never been and never played in the dirt there ? To
give free will to mortals like the Spirits have was not easy to do and that alone took millions of years for
LORD ELohim to do that . Also all who have free will need a Soul like the Grays , Anunnaki and us Humans . To
give every other species on earth instinct so they could survive was not easy either . LORD ELohim has always
been the reason that species have evolved on earth . He is the one who did the work for that to happen with all
species on earth to evolve . The chance of mortal life in any other place other than our solar system is very
very very unlikely in any universe including this universe we live in .
3. Will the sun
blacken because we have a nuclear war ? The sun will not change in any way . Our atmosphere will have so much
ash and other stuff in it like the dust of mortals bodies so that the sun looks blackened when looking up from
earth .
4. There are two types of a Sabbath Day . The Sabbath Day is always on the seventh
day and there are two types of days . Our days are seven days in a week and the last day of the week is the
Sabbath Day . The LORD's Sabbath Day is on the seventh Day also but one day of LORD ELohim's is a thousand of
our years . The first Day of the LORD regarding mankind started around 4000 years before the time of Y'shua .
That day started with Adam and Eve . We are living a little over 2000 years since Y'shua was alive . Today we
are living in God's Seventh Day since Adam and Eve . The seventh Day Sabbath began at the time of 2000 CE .
Today is LORD ELohim's seventh Day Sabbath and it is also Judgement Day . Our 6000 years trial ended in 2000 CE
and we failed our trial .
5. Did people really live hundreds of years like the Book of Genesis starting in
chapter 5 says they did ? Its written that Adam lived 930 years , Enosh lived 905 years , .... Noah lived 950
years . The LORD says He never knew of any human that lived beyond 120 years . Moses writing these dates was
probably Moses trying to make sense of things he thought about . These dates are like the errors he made about
LORD ELohim's creation of all things and mortal life . The LORD says it was most common back then that people
did not live past 90 years old .
6. This is something I don't know much about . Over the years LORD ELohim made a few
' Covenants ' with the Jews and two with all people . Covenants are a binding agreement or a promise made by the
LORD with people . LORD ELohim says His covenants were all unconditional . Unconditional means the LORD cannot
take back His promise : He must keep that promise . The LORD made a covenant with Noah and all mankind that He
would never cause a flood to destroy mortal life again and His covenant sign is the rainbow in the storm clouds
. That does not mean mother nature could not cause floods : that the LORD cannot control . The LORD made a
covenant with Abraham that He would be his God and the God of the offspring of Abraham and Sarah and another
covenant was that David's offspring would be the Kings of Israel and so on . The last covenant was regarding
Y'shua being the Lamb of God and that the sins of most all people everywhere on earth would be forgiven in the
past back to Adam , present at the time of Y'shua and in the future as long as mankind exists . This promise is
unconditional and has no rules . It only has one fact not mentioned in the Bible , that the wicked and evil
people would never be forgiven by LORD ELohim of their sins . This is a covenant like all His covenants . The
LORD cannot end this promise at any time . This promise is for as long as mankind exists . Again The Simple
Truth has no rules .
7. In the book of Daniel the Prophet Daniel writes about three boys who were thrown
into a blazing furnace by King of Babylon Nebuchadnezzar . This is a story that LORD ELohim does not understand
why Daniel wrote it because it is not true . The LORD could have not been able to help these boys . In the
Jewish Bible in Daniel 3 : 24 - 25 it says when the boys were in the furnace : .... " Did we not throw three men , bound , into the
fire ? They spoke in reply , " Surly O king " . He answered , " But I see four men walking about unbound and
unharmed in the fire and the fourth looks like a divine being . " In
the King James Version it says .... and
the form of the fourth is like the Son of God . In the New
International Version it says : .... and
the fourth looks like a son of the gods . Had this been true , what
would a pagan king who believed in many gods have said ? Would he have said ' divine being ' or ' Son of God '
or ' a son of the gods ' ? The king probably would have said ' a son of the gods ' . Many Christians claim that
it was Y'shua in the furnace with the boys because the KJV calls him ' the Son of God ' . In the old 1611 KJV it
says ' like the sonne of God ' . Remember the year 1611 KJV is written in old English so the word ' sonne '
means ' son ' with no capital ' S ' . It's interesting that the NIV which was written long after the KJV says ' a
son of gods ' as though not agreeing with the KJV . The name ' Son of God ' is the way Christians in the New
Testament spell and refer to Y'shua . Again its wrong for Christians to change anything that is in the Jewish
Bible . No religion is perfect and the LORD says for sure this did not happen , it could not have happened and
certainly Y'shua could not have been in the furnace to because his mortal body would have burned up with the
other three .
8. In Daniel 3 : 1 it says that Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon had a image of
gold built : sixty cubits high and six
cubits wide . We hope this is right : sixty cubits is 90 feet and six
cubits is 9 feet . Could be wrong with the math here but thats about the height of a 9 or 10 story building .
That is a lot of gold . The LORD says He was in Babylon at that time and He never saw a 9 or 10 story high
golden idol . It was because the three boys would not worship this idol they are written to have been put into
the furnace . Again that did not happen says LORD ELohim .
9. The LORD says
it was the Anunnaki who built the great pyramids in Egypt . He says the Anunnaki and Grays were mostly stone
builders which makes sense . For both , when they were living here on earth the massive Ice Age climax was
happening which covered much of the northern part of the earth with a 8,000 to 10,000 feet high ice . The Ice
sheet was as far as the valleys of Missouri and covered much of Europe and other northern parts . There was not
a lot of trees on earth at that time like we have today so a lot of what they made was made from stone .
10. Christians say that the name ELohim is plural for EL . EL means God . Plural means
means more then ' one ' . The name ELohim is the ancient name of LORD ELohim and has been His name for trillions
of years and there has never been more the one God so the Christians have made a great error or a great lie
saying ELohim means more then one God . In Heaven the Spirit children of LORD ELohim only called Him ELohim and
not LORD ELohim . This error or lie was probably made on purpose by the Christians in order to give room for
Y'shua to also be a God . Again Y'shua was never a God but the Christians worship him as a false god .
The LORD says Noah's flood effected most islands and continents on earth but not all land was covered with water
. The LORD says that flood had to do with a ice melt from the Ice Age and in one area the ice melt was behind a
massive ice dam . The LORD knew the ice dam was melting and the massive amount of water behind the ice dam would
soon break through the dam . Where Noah lived the LORD knew the land would flood there and many other places on
earth . The wave created by this massive amount of water being released would have been very high coming over a
lot of the earths lands . The LORD had three men build ships and gather local animals into their ship . I
remember the name Gilgamesh but I don't know how to spell it . That man was also asked to save the his family
and local animals in his ship to . The other man I don't know his name . Again using logic : Noah and the other
two men could not have traveled everywhere on earth collecting animal species and bringing them all back to
their ship which were all still sitting on land . It was the local animals in three different areas they each
collected and saved for the LORD .
12. Did animals
and plants evolve on their own over time ? LORD ELohim says that He was the one who caused animals and plants to
change in many different ways in the past to make them better able to survive as a species . The LORD lost a lot
of species in the past for many reasons including climate change which happens naturally and happens very often
on earth the LORD says . LORD ELohim says that natural climate change was the number one reason that most all
species died out in the past and that will continue to happen in the future . Planet earth is not a perfect
place for mortal life but it was the best planet He could find for trying to make living beings out of dirt .
Viruses and bacteria are able to mutate because of how simple their structure is . People , animals and plants
and trees and so on : not so easy to change on their own which is why the LORD has to do that for them . Some
scientists say birds evolved from dinosaurs but the LORD said that did not happen . The LORD created both
dinosaurs and birds . The LORD did use two species of dinosaur DNA to create the first birds with and from those
birds DNA He changed or created new species from that DNA and over and over again over the years He did the same
thing . Today there are many thousands of different species of birds He created . It was the same He did for all
life on earth . LORD ELohim was the one behind what scientists call evolution .
13. Is everything
Moses wrote correct and true ? The LORD ELohim says Moses many several mistakes . About how creation happened is
one of the mistakes . About how the LORD created mankind is an error also . About how long people lived in the
past is another error . Some about the story of Adam and Eve is an error like saying they were the cause of
death for mortal mankind because they disobeyed the LORD . That humans would live forever if Adam ate from the
tree of life is an error . Mortals of every species have never been able to live forever . In the second of the
Ten Commandments Moses wrote that the LORD is a jealous God and so on in verse 5 and verse 6 is an error also .
The LORD says the rest of the Ten Commandments is perfect . There are a few more errors . At that time in
history people did not know much about the history of life on planet earth so errors happened . The LORD did not
teach Moses anything about most these subjects : only the Ten Commandments which Moses made a small error only
in the second Commandment . The LORD is not a jealous God and the verse six the LORD says is also wrong . Again
its not easy for the LORD to teach people anything . Moses was probably just trying to put the pieces about the
past together regarding what he knew or believed .
14. Where is the
Book of Y'shua ? LORD ELohim says Y'shua did some writings , about ten pages of writings . The LORD says Y'shua
writings were good and truthful writings . Matthew , Mark , Luke , John and so on : their writings were saved
even though those books were greatly added to by the Christians . So what happened to Y'shua's writings ? Surely
Y'shua's writings were far more desired then Paul's . Any writings would be more desired than Paul's .
15. I
asked the LORD questions about Y'shua . LORD ELohim never learnt much of the language of the Romans . He said
about 90 years after Y'shua had died He heard Romans using the name Jesus but not any Jews using that name . The
LORD had taught the Jews Hebrew so He did know what the Jews talked about and none were talking about a person
named Jesus . The Jews talked about Y'shua using the name Y'shua . Only the Romans were speaking with the word
Jesus so He did not think much about it . It was not until about 120 years after Y'shua died that He realized
that the Romans were speaking about Y'shua but using the name Jesus instead of Y'shua . The LORD said the Jews
were teaching only The Simple Truth and calling the Lamb of God by his true name Y'shua . The name Jesus is
Greek for the Jewish name Joshua or Y'shua . So the LORD ELohim did not know the Romans were speaking about
Y'shua using the name Jesus for about 120 years after Y'shua had died . The LORD says He never heard any Jews
use the name Jesus and they only taught The Simple Truth . The Jews never called Y'shua the Messiah or a God and
other stuff like that which the Roman Christians were starting to teach . So if your looking for who began the
many lies about Y'shua : the Romans and Greeks were behind the lies and the Roman Catholic Church added even
more lies to those .
16. LORD ELohim says that Y'shua was not involved in any Jewish sects like Sadducees
, Pharisees , Zealots , Essenes , Scribes or any other sects . Y'shua was only a Jewish Rabbi who just taught
what was common to the Jewish faith of Judaism .
17. In
Revelation 2 : 1 to 3 : 22 John writes about seven churches which are all in Asia . Today that land would be
western Turkey . The LORD says at that time there would not be even a few Jews in that area so John is not
writing about or to the Jews . John writes like he had a coffee table talk with the dead Y'shua . The LORD says
if only He could do that then He would have not needed His chosen people the Jews to teach the world or Prophets
or anybody else like teaching Spirits to help Him . The LORD cannot do coffee table talk which is why He needed
the Jews to help Him communicate to mankind . That worked somewhat but it still took generations to put most of
the bits and pieces together . Moses did not come to know all the Ten Commandments only when he went up the
mountain . LORD ELohim says Moses was given a teaching Spirit when he was three years old and throughout Moses
life the teaching Spirit taught Moses what the LORD was teaching Moses . In all what LORD ELohim was trying to
teach Moses with the help of a teaching Spirit , Moses only put a small amount of bits and pieces together of
what he was taught . LORD ELohim's main topic for Moses was the LORD's Ten Commandments . Moses did well with
that except for one error in the second Commandment . The error begins with : For I the LORD your God am an impassioned God
.... and all the other following words in the second Commandment are
errors also . Other then that error Moses got it right . In the NIV it says : for I the LORD your God , am a jealous God
... and the rest in the second Commandment is errors . LORD ELohim is
not a jealous or impassioned God and He never blames other people for someone else’s sins . Again it took many
years with a teaching Spirit to teach Moses what the LORD wanted Moses to teach the world so how could John have
heard all these many dozens of words claimed to have been from Y'shua ? John was the only Disciple who LORD
ELohim gave a teaching Spirit to but the teaching Spirit never taught anything about any churches . The teaching
Spirit only taught about The Simple Truth and nothing more , therefore there was no need for churches . The
reason John was given a teaching Spirit is because John the Baptist was murdered . John the Baptist was to teach
what the sacrifice of Y'shua meant for most all people . John the Disciple got a lot wrong if he truly wrote all
that the CB claims he wrote . Again there was no way John could have heard a Spirit speak all these words in
Revelation . The LORD says that could not ever happen .
18. There are
some clues in the CB that proves the LORD ELohim or Y'shua were not the authors of what's written . In
Revelation 1 : 8 it says : " I am the
Alpha and the Omega ", .... The LORD ELohim says He would never call
Himself this name and neither would Y'shua when he was alive . The LORD says He never liked this name the
Christians made up . The word Alpha is the first letter of the Greek alphabet and Omega is the last letter of
the Greek alphabet . The name Jesus is Greek also and not Jewish . Y'shua was his true Jewish name . So don't
call the LORD or the dead mortal man Y'shua " Alpha and Omega " meaning the first and the last . LORD ELohim
says Y'shua and Himself could never speak Greek or much Roman .
19. LORD ELohim
said when Pontius Pilate was talking to Y'shua they both needed an interpreter because Y'shua did not speak much
Roman Latin and Pilot did not speak any Hebrew . The CB says the Disciples were taught how to speak many
languages by the Holy Spirit and all within a minute . Acts 2 : 1 - 4 When the day of Pentecost came , they were all together
in one place . Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house
where they were sitting . They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of
them . All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled
them . Acts is said to be written by Luke and the LORD says this is a
lie . The word tongues means languages . So why would Y'shua not be able to speak in any other language other
then Hebrew ? LORD ELohim says no Spirits themselves knew every language and the Holy Spirit does not exist .
The LORD said this did not happen . None of the Disciples knew more then one other language and most not even
that many . Even LORD ELohim never learned much of the language of the Romans and Y'shua did not know it either
. That is the reason both Y'shua and Pilot needed interpreters . LORD ELohim only knows English , Hebrew and
ancient Egyptian . The LORD and Spirits cannot teach what they do not know .
20. Paul is said
to have been born in Tarsus which was in Cilicia which would be in south eastern Turkey today near the
Mediterranean Sea . The LORD has problems believing Paul was a Jew . Not a lot of true Hebrew Jews traveled to
other places at that time . The Romans ruled over them but they still were able to live in Israel their homeland
given to them by LORD ELohim . The Romans ruled over Tarsus so to leave Israel to live in Tarsus a Jew would not
gain much if anything by doing so . So how much influence did the few Jews living in Tarsus have on Paul ? Paul
has no love for the Ten Commandments , circumcision , other Jewish apostles teachings and other stuff . Was Paul
a true Jew and of the religion of Judaism ? Did he even exist or if he did exist was his writings added to by
the Roman Catholic Church ? The question we have is how did Paul become a Roman citizen ? I asked LORD ELohim if
Y'shua was a Roman citizen and He said Y'shua was not . So just being born under Roman rule did not make the
Jews Roman citizens . So again , how did Paul become a Roman citizen ? Maybe and only maybe is that Paul's dad
was a Roman and his mother was a Jew which by tradition would make the children Jews but also a Roman citizen .
Again : just maybe .
We are back to the Bible . The book of Galatians is said to have been written by Paul .
CB means Christian Bible . NT means the CB New Testament . OT means the Old Testament in the CB . JB means Jewish Bible . KJV means the King James Version CB . NIV means the New International Version CB . ..... means not all the verse is written . ( R ) means red letter verses claimed to be spoken by Y'shua . The name Y'shua is the true Jewish name of Jesus . In the Little Book we write the true name of Y'shua . We only write the false name Jesus if it’s used in verses . We write the verses exactly as they are written in the CB . Y'shua was not the awaited Messiah . The word Christ means Messiah . Our true God has many names . The name we use most often is LORD ELohim . If we only write LORD it means LORD ELohim .
- Galatians 1 : 1 - 10 In the NIV : 1 Paul , an apostle - sent not from men nor by a man , but by Jesus Christ and God the Father , who raised him from the dead - ... Paul was probably mostly the one who sent himself . Paul says ' nor by a man ' . Y'shua was a man , a mortal man and not a God and LORD ELohim never raise him from the dead . Again LORD ELohim never knew Paul and neither did Y'shua . 3 Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ . Again : neither the LORD or Y'shua knew Paul . Paul calls LORD ELohim ' our Father ' , not Y'shua ' our Father ' . LORD ELohim is our creator and Father so Paul has that right . 4 who gave himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age , according to the will of our God and Father , .... Y'shua did willingly give his mortal life up for the forgiveness of most all peoples sins but he never rescued us from evil at anytime in history and today . It was LORD ELohim who authored The Simple Truth and not Y'shua the mortal man . People are following other preachers and their gospels so Paul says . .... 7 which is really no gospel at all . Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ . 8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other then the one we preached to you , let them be under God's curse ! We are still waiting for Paul to explain what he does preach to people . There is very little if any explained about that in his books . Again Paul thinks very highly of himself . Even more highly then the Angels in Heaven and the LORD is not happy about that . The CB being perverted started in the book of Matthew and does not end being perverted until the last word in Revelation which is Amen and Paul's many books are in between these two . Actually is started in the Christian Bible Old Testament when they changed many verses that are in the Jewish Bible .
- Galatians 1 : 11 - 18 In the NIV : I want you to know ..... that the gospel I preached is not of human origin . 12 I did not receive it from any man , nor was I taught it ; rather , I received it by revelation from Jesus Christ . It is not easy for LORD ELohim to reveal anything to humans . It is very difficult for a teaching Spirit helping the LORD to communicate to people . Also the LORD says He never knew Paul and teaching Spirits do not work unless LORD ELohim asks them to . The coded words above in this update we found in a book we wrote nine years ago and there were some errors in it because it took years before that to teach me some stuff and I am still learning . We corrected the errors . So how could Paul suddenly know all that he thinks he knows in a few minutes of time ? That could not have happened says LORD ELohim . Also Paul was a man who thinks he knows everything for sure which would make it much more difficult for the LORD to teach him the truth about the errors regarding his beliefs . The LORD chose an Atheist to help Him with His Little Book because I knew , I knew nothing about all this stuff . Y'shua the mortal man was dead at that time so Paul got nothing from Y'shua . From what we could find in the CB so far , it sounds like Paul never met Y'shua when he was alive but Paul may have known Peter . Paul goes on talking about how he used to persecute the followers of Y'shua . 14 I was advancing in Judaism beyond many of my own age among my people and was extremely zealous for the traditions of my fathers . 15 But when God , who set me apart from my mother's womb and called me by his grace , was pleased 16 to reveal his Son in me so that I might preach him among the Gentiles , my immediate response was not to consult any human beings . 17 I did not go up to Jerusalem to see those who were apostles before I was , but I went to Arabia . Later I returned to Damascus . .... Hopefully this is right . Paul may mean this in 15 . If the mother is a Jew then her children are also Jews . The LORD setting him apart from his mother's womb would make him a Gentile or something like that : maybe or maybe not that is what it means ? The CB says Paul was a Roman citizen . 16 Y'shua was a mortal man so how could he after his death be in Paul or even before his death ? Paul says he never went to learn The Simple Truth from other people because obviously he though he knew everything he needed to know . Because of Paul's ' I know everything ' attitude about himself , the LORD ELohim would have never been able to teach this man The Simple Truth or anything else he needed to know regarding the truth because Paul thought he already ' knew everything ' .
- Galatians 1 : 18 - 24 In the NIV : Then after three years , I went to Jerusalem to get acquainted with Cephas .... 19 I saw none of the other apostles - only James , the Lord's brother . So according to this , Paul was preaching for three years without having spoken to the disciples of Y'shua or anyone else . 20 I assure you before God that what I am writing you is no lie . When people say I am not lying to you , they most often are lying . The LORD finds it hard to believe that Paul preached what he preached without information from other people . Paul persecuted the followers of Y'shua and was even behind the murder of one man named Stephen and put others in prison , so he must have known many things about what those people believed but it was not all likely what Christians today believe . 21 ....I was personally unknown to the churches of Judea that are in Christ . 23 They only heard the report : " The man who formerly persecuted us is now preaching the faith he once tried to destroy . " And they praised God because of me . Again obviously Paul knew a lot about what people believed back then so all he knew was not given to him by the dead man Y'shua as he said he did in 11 & 12 where it says .... that the gospel I preached is not of human origin . I did not receive it from any man , nor was I taught it ; rather , I received it by revelation from Jesus Christ . Obviously he lied about that . How could he persecute people because of their beliefs and teachings if you did not know what their beliefs and teachings were in the first place ?
- Galatians 2 : 1 - 10 In the NIV : There is not much here other then Paul talking about himself . 6 As for those who were held in high esteem - whatever they were makes no difference to me ; God does not show favoritism - they added nothing to my message . LORD ELohim says He has often had favoritism for one person and not the other people . When He chose one person to be a Prophet and not the other people is because that person was had a personality and other stuff that the LORD was looking for regarding that work . Out of all humans living at the time the LORD favored Adam and Eve over all others . Abraham and Sarah the same to and on and on . So the LORD says Paul is very wrong about this subject . LORD ELohim wants to make this clear : He did not favor Paul for anything . He did not even know of Paul . Paul goes on saying that no one added to his message which probably means Paul believes his message is so perfect and needs nothing more added . We are still waiting for any writings about what he does preach . There has been very little of that in his books .
- Galatians 2 : 1 - 18 In the NIV : When Cephas came to Antioch , I opposed him to his face , because he stood condemned . This is not easy to write about , so we will just let people read it in the CB . 15 We who are Jews by birth and not sinful Gentiles 16 know that a person is not justified by the works of the law , but by faith in Jesus Christ . The LORD does not agree with this . He knows of many Jews who were pronounced free from guilt or blame because the kept all the Ten Commandments and lived a loving and kind life . These people were justified by the LORD . Paul commonly speaks against the Laws of LORD ELohim . The LORD says Paul was not in position to condemn other people . The LORD ELohim has said often that you do not need to have faith in Y'shua . LORD ELohim's forgiveness has no rules , just one fact that was not written in the CB , the evil and wicked and cruel among mankind will not be forgiven . Through John the Baptist the LORD was going to teach that fact but John was murdered before that happened . Again for most all mankind everywhere on this earth the LORD ELohim has forgiven you of your sins and will continue to forgive your sins as long as you never become evil and wicked and cruel . The LORD does hope people will try to keep His Laws for our sake : not His sake . There is nothing about The Simple Truth in these verses . 16 .... that we may be justified by faith in Christ and not by the works of the law , because by the works of the law no one will be justified . Again Paul says no one will be forgiven of their sins by keeping the LORD's Laws . Again LORD says He has known many people who were found to be without sin by keeping His Laws . At least they tried and the LORD has always given people approval for that . Again Paul is so wrong about this subject and also so wrong about what he believes about LORD ELohim . 17 But if in seeking to be justified in Christ , we Jews find ourselves also among the sinners , doesn't that mean that Christ promotes sin ? Absolutely not ! 18 if I rebuild what I destroyed , then I realy would be a lawbreaker . We don't get this . Paul said people cannot be justified by the works of the Law . If that were true Paul would be a Jewish sinner among the pagan sinners . What is Paul writing about ? We really don't know what people fully believed back then about Y'shua . Paul seems to have no understanding about The Simple Truth . Christians seem to have no understanding about The Simple Truth either . If you are reading LORD ELohim's Little Book now and you are not a evil and wicked person the LORD forgave your sins about two thousand years ago . You don't need to be a reader of the Little Book to be forgiven either . There are no rules and no need to believe anything about Y'shua and no need to be a Christian . Again John the Baptist said in John 1 : 39 : " Look , the Lamb of God , who takes away the sin of the world ! " 36 " Look , the Lamb of God ! "
- Galatians 2 : 19 In the NIV : For through the law I died to the law so that I might live for God . No one understands this verse . The LORD ELohim worked on the Ten Commandments so that mankind could have peace and greater happiness . The Laws are not that hard to keep . Paul talks about the Laws of the LORD like they are the worst thing that ever happened to mankind .
( 16 : 01 )
NOTES : For those who do not know the Ten Commandments it is in Exodus 20 : 1 - 14 . We will write what they are
about .
First : You shall
have no other gods besides Me .
: You shall not make for yourself a sculptured image ,
or any likeness of what is in the heavens above , or on earth below , or in the waters under the earth. You
shall not bow down to them or serve them .
Third :
You shall not sware falsely by the name of
the LORD your God ; for the LORD will not clear one who swears falsely by His name .
: Remember the Sabbath Day and keep it holy . Six days
you shall labor and do all your work , but the seventh day is a Sabbath of the LORD your God : you shall not do
any work - you , your son or daughter , your male or female slave , or your cattle , or the stranger who is
within your settlements . For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth and sea , and all that is in them , and
He rested on the seventh day ; therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath Day and hallowed it .
Fifth :
Honor your father and your mother , that
you may long endure on the land that the LORD your God is assigning to you .
Sixth : You shall not murder .
Seventh : You shall not commit adultery .
Eighth : You shall not steal .
Ninth : You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor
Tenth : You shall
not covet your neighbor's house : you shall not covet your neighbor's wife , or his male or female slave , or
his ox or his ass , or anything that is your neighbor's .
The word covet means : to desire enviously what belongs to others . The Fourth Commandment Moses added a little on his own . The LORD did not create all on earth and Heaven in six days , it was more like billions of years for any life on earth today and some galaxies it was trillions of years and a lot of Big Bangs He caused for each galaxy . In the second commandment Moses also added some words which we did not write because the LORD says Moses did error . Those words say LORD ELohim is a jealous God and punishing the children for the sin of the parents and so on . We only wrote above what the LORD approved of . What is there in these Laws that are so hard to keep ? The way this Paul guy writes its like you would lose yourself and your freedom if you kept them . The LORD ELohim did not come up with these Laws for His benefit , but for our benefit and they are simple to keep if you want to live a good life .
- Galatians 2 : 20 & 21 In the NIV : I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live , but Christ lives in me . The life I now live in the body , I live by faith in the Son of God , who loved me and gave himself for me . . The KJV says : I am crucified with Christ : nevertheless I live ; yet not I , but Christ liveth in me ... For Paul to say he was crucified with the Lamb of God is just wrong and belittles what Y'shua did and went through for most all mankind who has ever lived on earth , in the past , today and most all people in the future . How can Y'shua live in millions of Christians ? Y'shua was a mortal man who had no Spirit to call his own . Y'shua truly did willingly die for the sins of most all mankind and he was never resurrected . Y'shua was not the only Son of God . Y'shua was a son of God like all male humans are sons of our God and Father LORD ELohim . Also Y'shua did not create anything that was created . LORD ELohim was the one who created everything created . Y'shua did willingly give up his life for most all mankind to be forgiven of their sins . 21 I do not set aside the grace of God , for if righteousness could be gained through the law , Christ died for nothing ! Righteousness means to have upright conduct ; virtue ; the state or condition of being right and just . To be free of guilt or wrong . The LORD calls righteousness to be free of sin . LORD ELohim says over the years He knew many people who He called righteous people . Paul is wrong about saying that keeping the Laws of the LORD cannot make a person righteous . Maybe Paul is thinking about himself . According to Paul the fact that the LORD has known people He called righteous people , Paul says the sacrifice of Y'shua then means nothing . Paul is a man without understanding about a lot of things says LORD ELohim . Y'shua died for the sinners of the world and for the righteous to . Again the Ten Commandments are not that hard to keep if you know them . Its not something many Christian preachers teach in church because many believe they don't have a reason to worry about keeping them . Again the reason for the Laws is to help people live a better life and a more peaceful life to . If every one kept His Ten Commandments this world would be a very different loving and peaceful and happier and a less fearful world for all mankind .
- Galatians : 3 : 1 - 6 In the NIV : You foolish Galatians ! Who has bewitched you ? 2 .... Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law , or by believing what you heard ? The problem with Christian writings is you never know for sure which of their three gods are they writing about . Since Paul believes Y'shua's Spirit was in him that maybe who he is talking about . But many Christians believe it is the Holy Spirit in them . We are fairly sure that it is not LORD ELohim being the one doing that and we cannot remember anyone saying that the LORD goes in people . This Spirit cannot be Y'shua and the Holy Spirit has never existed and LORD ELohim says He does not make house calls . LORD ELohim has never made a Spirit that can be in millions of people or even in two people all at the same time . This Spirit Paul talks about so much does not exist except in his imagination . 5 So again I ask , does God give you his Spirit and work miracles among you by the works of the law , or by your believing what you heard ? Now it seems Paul is writing about LORD ELohim when he writes ' his Spirit ' . What miracles ? The CB says Y'shua feed thousands with a couple of fish and a couple of bread . That's not true . That Y'shua raised the dead . Thats not true and so on more that was not true like Y'shua healing all sickness . The word miracles is common regarding other people , the so called followers of Y'shua , but rarely does it say what the miracles were . Remember LORD ELohim was always with Y'shua and the LORD says He never witnessed Y'shua even do one thing that the LORD would call a miracle . So what are the chances that other mortal people could do miracles that Y'shua and LORD ELohim could not do and cannot do ?
- Galatians 3 : 7 - 9 In the NIV : 8 Scripture foresaw that God would justify the Gentiles by faith , and announced the gospel in advance to Abraham : " All nations will be blessed through you . " At the time of Abraham the LORD knew nothing about the coming Christian gospel . Even at the time of Y'shua the LORD knew nothing about the coming Christian gospel . At the time of Abraham the LORD had no thoughts about a Lamb of God either . LORD ELohim says He came up with the Lamb of God idea only about three hundred years before the time of Y'shua . The LORD says when He told Abraham that all nations would be blessed by the offspring of Abraham He was thinking that would happen by the Jews teaching the world about LORD ELohim and His Ten Commandments and His other teachings : that's what He was thinking about and not about a Lamb of God . Remember the Christian Bible New Testament and even much of the CB Old Testament is not the work of LORD ELohim or Y'shua .
- Galatiians 3 : 10 - 14 In the NIV : 10 For all who rely on the works of the law are under a curse , as it is written : " Cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the Book of the Law . " The CB says that in the Book of Deuteronomy 27 : 26 backs up this verse . In the JB in this book it says : Cursed be he who will not uphold the terms of this Teaching and observe them - And all the people shall say , Amen . There are twelve verses that start with the first word ' Cursed ' . These verses are not the Ten Commandments . The LORD says these are not Laws but Teachings just as the verse says . They are interesting teachings like : Cursed be he who lies with any beast . or Cursed be he who misdirects a blind person . In the NIV it calls these laws and so does the KJV CB's . That is wrong . The LORD says these twelve verses are not Laws but Teachings . These teachings are Moses teachings and not LORD ELohims but the LORD does agree with Moses . Being ' cursed ' is different from a sin . The LORD says that not obeying any of these twelve verses is not a sin which is why Moses wrote that a person would be cursed if he did not obey them . So Paul is wrong about that . Again Paul wrote : as it is written : Cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything in the Book of the Law . The LORD says there is no Book of the Law in the Jewish Bible . 11 Clearly no one who relies on the law is justified before God , because " the righteous will live by faith . " 12 The law is not based on faith ; on the contrary , it says , The person who does these things will live by them . " The CB says this verse in Leviticus 18 : 5 backs up this verse . In the JB it say : You shall keep My laws and rules , by the pursuit of which man shall live : I am the LORD . In the NIV it says : Keep my decrees and laws , for the person who obeys them will live by them . I am the LORD . In the KJV : Ye shall therefore keep my statutes , and my judgements : which if a man do , he shall live in them : I am the LORD . Again the LORD has known many people who He regarded as being justified . What's Paul's problem ? He does not seem to like being a Jew if he really wrote this stuff . I asked the LORD since most all peoples sins are forgiven does that make us all righteous or justified ? The LORD's answer was that the forgiveness of our sins did make us righteous and justified . The word ' righteous ' also means to be upright , virtuous , noble , moral , ethical . A lot of us people will have to work on those says LORD ELohim . 13 Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becomeing a curse for us , for it is written : " Cursed is everyone who is hung on a pole . " The CB says the back up verse is Deuteronomy 21 : 23 . The JB does not have the word ' Cursed ' . The NIV does not have the word ' Cursed ' . The KJV says .... ( for he that is hanged is accursed of God ) . The JB says in verse 23 : you must not let his corpse remain on the stake overnight , but must bury him the same day . For an impaled body is an affront to God : you shall not defile the land that the LORD your God is giving you to possess . The word ' affront ' means ' insult . There is no mention of a curse in the JB or NIV but it was the NIV which said Deuteronomy 21 : 23 backs up the 13 verse . The JB says ' impaled ' . Impaled means to pierce with something pointed . There is no mention of being hung on a pole . The LORD says that person would be tied to a stake then impaled and not hanged on the stake like crucifixion . Who is right . Since the Christians use the Jewish Bible to claim their CB is correct : the Jewish Bible is always right says LORD ELohim even though the JB does have some errors to . 14 He redeemed us in order that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus , so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit . The LORD says there is no truth in this verse . LORD ELohim never promised Abraham eternal life or that he would receive a Spirit of some sort . At best Abraham had a teaching Spirit just as a very few other people had but teaching Spirits are few and rarely work . At this time there are only three teaching Spirits working , including the teaching Spirit with me . The LORD promised children and land to Abraham and his offspring . Abraham was the father of Judaism and his son Isaac was the beginning of the Hebrews and white race . There is nothing about The Simple Truth that involves Abraham or the Promised Land of Israel given by the LORD to him and his offspring forever . The LORD says He never promised Abraham that his offspring would always be forgiven of their sins . At the time of Abraham the Ten Commandments did not exist . No Law : No Sin . The LORD said nothing was a sin before the Ten Commandments given by the LORD to Moses long after the time of Abraham . So what blessing or promise is Paul talking about ? There was no ' promise of the Spirit ' to Abraham and this kind of Spirit if Paul means the Christians Holy Spirit : that Spirit does not exist so the LORD would not have promised that Spirit to anyone .
- Galatians 3 : 15 - 18 In the NIV : .... 16 The promises were spoken to Abraham and to his seed . Scripture does not say " and seeds , " meaning many people, but " and to your seed , " meaning one person , who is Christ . Abraham's seed was one man but that man was Isaac , Abraham's only son with Sarah . Abraham lived long before the LORD even thought of the Lamb of God and The Simple Truth . The LORD says Abraham's seed was Isaac in this promise . The NIV says Genesis 12 : 7 , 13 : 15 , 24 : 7 back up these verses . The JB and the NIV uses the word ' offspring ' in these verses and not the word ' seed . ' Only the KJV uses the word ' seed . ' Again LORD ELohim says He would have been talking about Abraham's son Isaac if you are using the word ' seed . ' and not about Y'shua . The LORD said He used the word ' offspring ' and not the word ' seed ' when the teaching Spirit spoke to Abraham so Paul is wrong about that to . Paul says the years between Abraham and Moses is 430 years in verse 17 . According to what the Jews wrote in a separate paper in the JB Abraham and Moses were 550 years apart . That's a 120 year difference . .... 18 For if the inheritance depends on the law , then it no longer depends on the promise ; but God in his grace gave it to Abraham through a promise . The LORD promised offspring and land to Abraham . That promise LORD ELohim worked hard to keep and He has never taken that promise back . The Jews , the offspring of Abraham , have not always been living on the land of Israel that the LORD gave to them but that land was still their land and forever will be theirs . Abraham had a lot of offspring from his line over the years just as the LORD promised him . Every white skinned people on earth are Abrahams offspring . Isaac the son of Abraham was the first white skinned person and the first Hebrew . If you are white skinned you are a offspring of Abraham and a Hebrew to even if you are not Jewish . There are more Hebrews today that are not Jews anymore then Hebrews who are Jews . If you are a Christian and white skinned you are still Hebrew of the Hebrew race and a offspring of Jews but you are no longer part of that promise because you have to be a Hebrew Jew for that promise to be regarding you . The LORD says the inheritance promise does not in anyway depend on the Ten Laws . The promise of the LORD to Abraham was only for his Jewish offspring says the LORD . Again " if you white skinned but not a Jew the promise the LORD made to Abraham no longer includes you or even me . The promises were for Hebrew Jews only who keep the faith of Judaism . Again the LORD did not promise Abraham and his offspring eternal life or even the Jews sins would forever be forgiven . What promise Paul is writing about we really don't know .
- Galatians 3 : 19 & 20 In the NIV : 19 Why , then , was the law given at all ? It was added because of transgressions until the Seed to whom the promise referred had come . The LORD's promises to Abraham had nothing to do with the forgiveness of sin regarding any people . The Jews did sacrificial rituals for the forgiveness of their sins by LORD ELohim and as the LORD taught them . Again the LORD did not promise Abraham anything to do with the Lamb of God and the forgiveness of sins . The LORD never mentioned to Abraham anything about Y'shua's purpose because that was not even in the LORD's thoughts at that time . The LORD was hopeful that the Hebrew Jews would be a good example for all Humanity to learn from . The Ten Commandments were not for Hebrew Jews only but for all mankind . Again the LORD says He came up with the idea of The Simple Truth about three hundred years before Y'shua was born , not 1800 years before Y'shua's time . 20 The law was given through angels and entrusted to a mediator . A mediator , however , implies more than one party ; but God is one . Is he saying Moses was the mediator ? Why would he write ' God is one ' if Paul believed that Y'shua was a God to ? I asked LORD ELohim and other Spirits if Paul ever wrote that Y'shua is a God and no one can remember Paul ever doing that so far . Most Christians believe that Y'shua is the mediator between LORD ELohim and mankind . Paul is right ' God is one ' and there are no other Gods . We will watch for if Paul calls Y'shua a God as Christians do . In the KJV it says : 20 Now a mediator is not a mediator of one , but God is one . What does Paul mean saying a mediator means more than one . The word mediator without an ' s ' does mean one : doesn't it ? Paul says the Law was given through angels . That is not true . The Law was given to Moses for all mankind by LORD ELohim with the help of a teaching Spirit working within Moses . Teaching Spirits are about six inches tall . The eight foot tall LORD ELohim could not fit in people .
- Galatians 3 : 21 & 22 In the NIV : 21 Is the law , therefore , opposed to the promises of God ? Absolutely not ! For if a law had been given that could impart life , then righteousness would certainly have come by the law . The word ' impart ' means to make known or to give part or share of ; give . What life is Paul talking about ? Flesh life or a afterlife for flesh ? The LORD never promised Abraham an eternal life for himself or his offspring . No one understand this verse . The LORD says righteousness can come by keeping His Ten Commandments and He says many Jews did do that and are still doing that today . But righteousness will not get Jews or Gentiles an eternal life : just a better mortal life . Again the purpose of the Ten Laws was for people to have a more peaceful and happier mortal life . The Law has nothing to do with people having an afterlife . Remember the LORD has always kept His promises but He never made a promise to Abraham or anyone else that there is an afterlife for any mankind or any other mortal life . 22 But Scripture has locked up everything under the control of sin , so that what was promised , being given through faith in Jesus Christ , might be given to those who believe . Again this is hard to understand . LORD ELohim tried but even He does not understand : But Scripture has locked up everything under the control of sin . ???? The LORD will see if the Rabbis might know what it means or even Christians at their get togethers . There is nothing in The Simple Truth that promises anyone eternal life . Sometimes it seems that Paul just wants to sound smarter than everyone else . The Simple Truth is so easy to understand . What is all this stuff that Paul writes about in all most every verse he is claimed to have written got to do with The Simple Truth ? We have looked in a few books about the promises the LORD made to Abraham and no where does it say that He promised eternal life or the forgiveness of peoples sins . So what does Paul mean about what was promised , being given through faith in Jesus Christ . That people will have offspring and land : thats what the LORD promised Abraham and his offspring . Even when most tribes left Israel and Judaism , the LORD ELohim still kept His promise He made with Abraham . Many nations around the world are mostly Hebrews living there . And it says might be given to those who believe . As if to say there is no guarantee that you would receive that which the LORD promised Abraham ? We will be honest , we do not understand this . Again The Simple Truth has no rules that say you have to believe something . Abraham has nothing to do with The Simple Truth or the LORD's promises to Abraham so what Paul is writing about we don't get it ? The LORD's forgiveness of our sins has nothing to do with faith in Y'shua and what Christians believe . LORD ELohim forgave the sins of all fairly good people everywhere on earth : past , present and future . The Simple Truth has nothing to do with race , color , nationality , religion or any other stuff like these . If you are a fairly good person LORD ELohim forgave your sins about two thousand years ago .
- Galatians 3 : 23 - 29 In the NIV : 23 Before the coming of this faith , we were held in custody under the law , locked up until the faith that was to come would be revealed . The LORD ELohim was not wanting to create a new religion but to simply add The Simple Truth to Judaism and for the Jews to teach mankind The Simple Truth . The LORD revealed nothing beyond The Simple Truth . People added everything else regarding Christianity and maybe a Jew named Paul who lost his way . It’s hard to know what was added by the Roman Catholic Church and what the writers really wrote who were not Christians . Paul writes often like he never liked the Ten Commandments , the Laws LORD ELohim gave to mankind to help us have a better mortal life and to help us pass our trial . There was no other faith coming made by LORD ELohim or by Y'shua . Christianity is all most 96 percent made by mankind but not made by Y'shua or his Disciples or LORD ELohim or the Jews . Y'shua never did or said most that is written in the CB says LORD ELohim . Remember the LORD was with Y'shua throughout Y'shua's life . He knows what Y'shua said and did and what he did not say and what he did not do . 24 So the law was our guardian until Christ came that we might be justified by faith . 25 Now that this faith has come , we are no longer under a guardian . Again you need no faith to be forgiven of your sins if you are mostly a good person . Y'shua taught people to obey the Laws of the LORD because Y'shua believed in them as teachings that could make all the world a much better place for mortal humans . Justified means free of guilt and blame , sins forgiven . You do not need to be justified by faith . LORD ELohim has forgiven most all people because of His love for His mortal children and He wanted to help us . Y'shua was the Lamb who paid the price for your sins and your sins were forgiven the moment Y'shua died about two thousand years ago , long before you were even born . 26 , 27 , 28 ..... 29 If you belong to Christ , then you are Abraham's seed , and heirs according to the promise . We are all LORD ELohim's children , every human of every race for He alone is the Father and creator of all mortal life . The sacrifice of Y'shua as the Lamb of God allowed the LORD to forgive the sins of most all mankind . Again remember the LORD ELohim was not the one who invented sacrifices : people did that long before Adam and Eve . The LORD went along with that because it was just so common among mankind everywhere on earth . The rules of sacrifices were made mostly by mankind . The LORD worked at ending human sacrifices and people causing animals to suffer . The sacrifice of Y'shua was based on the beliefs and ways of mankind and not what the ways of the LORD are . The Lamb of God was sacrificed in order for the LORD to forgive the sins of most all people and nothing more . There is no promise of anything more . Abraham's seed was Isaac . The LORD promised Abraham two things : land which is Israel for the Hebrew Jews and other lands for the other tribes . How can the followers of Y'shua be promised the same things ? LORD ELohim says its wrong to call Y'shua the seed of Abraham . Y'shua was a offspring of Abraham and a Hebrew Jew living in Israel but his followers have no promise of anything other than to be forgiven of your sins if you are a good person . That's it and nothing more . That promise made by the LORD to Abraham was for him and his offspring the Hebrew Jews and no one else and thats the way it is even today and forever . If you are not a Hebrew or a Jew there was no promise made to you by the LORD other than to forgive your sins . It does not matter which race , color , religion or nationality you are . If you are a fairly good person your sins were forgiven by your Father LORD ELohim . Faith has nothing to do with that : nothing at all . The LORD does not know what promises Paul is writing about .
- Galatians 4 : 1 - 7 In the NIV : Understanding Paul's writings are not getting any easier . 1 & 2 is about children being heirs of an estate and guardians and whatever that all means which has absolutely nothing to do with The Simple Truth like 99 % of all his writings . This is even more beyond understanding : 3 So also , when we were underage , we were in slavery under the elemental spiritual forces of the world . In the KJV 3 Even so we , when we were children , were in bondage under the elements of the world . LORD ELohim gives up trying to understand this verse and so am I . What we do know is that it definitely has nothing to do with The Simple Truth . 4 But when the set time had fully come , God sent his Son , born of a woman , born under the law , 5 to redeem those under the law , that we might receive adoption to sonship . Christians believe Y'shua was a God and the only Son of God . Christians believe Y'shua was the only Son of God created by LORD ELohim . The LORD ELohim made many thousands of Spirit sons and He never made any Gods . LORD ELohim is the one and only Father of all Spirit sons and mortal sons and daughters . Why would the LORD ELohim need to adopt any humans since He and He alone is already our Father ?
( 16 : 3 ) NOTES : If LORD ELohim created the Holy Spirit who the Christians say exists it would be Spirit child abuse done by LORD ELohim . Most Christians believe this Spirit is everywhere at the same time . They believe this one Spirit is in every Christian , all the millions of Christians at the same time everywhere on earth . LORD ELohim never created a Spirit like this .
( 16 : 4 ) NOTES : Most Christians believe LORD ELohim the Father created Y'shua . Most Christians believe Y'shua is a God and the only Son of God . Most Christians believe Y'shua created everything else . If Y'shua created all that Christians believe in then Y'shua created Hell so he could enjoy torturing people who did not believe he was a God . Y'shua would have created purgatory and the lake of fire to torture people even more . Y'shua would have created Satan and Demons to torment mankind even more before they died and went to hell . According to Christian beliefs Y'shua would have been the creator of the Holy Spirit and mankind and plants , trees , animals , universe and on and on . Many Christians believe it was Y'shua who spoke to Moses and that would mean it was Y'shua who gave mankind through Moses the Ten Commandments for all mankind to obey . In John 1 : 1 - 14 In the beginning was the Word , and the Word was with God , and the Word was God . 2 He was with God in the beginning . 3 Through him all things were made ; without him nothing was made that has been made . ... 12 Yet to all who did receive him , to those who believed in his name , he gave the right to become children of God - 13 children born not of natural descent , nor of human decision or a husband's will , but born of God . 14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us . We have seen his glory , the glory of the one and only Son , who came from the Father , full of grace and truth . If you are a Christian do you really believe Y'shua created a hell or purgatory or lake of fire to greatly torture people for all eternity ? LORD ELohim says Y'shua created nothing . The LORD says there is no hell , purgatory or lake of fire and no afterlife for mortals to be tortured . Again He has also said no mortal life has an eternal life . The LORD has many sons : Spirits and mortal flesh . Y'shua was never in any form a God . Only the teaching Spirit in Y'shua came from Heaven and that did not make Y'shua a God . Y'shua was in no way a God and nothing about him other then the teaching Spirit came from Heaven and on and on . Y'shua is dead and like all other mortals he and us will never be resurrected . Are Christians ' born of God ' and not by the natural way : sex . If some people were born of God , what ever that means , so they would be saved , that would not be fair to all other people . Our trial was about free will and what we mortal humans did with our free will . Not even LORD ELohim can interfere in the choices we make so He would not choose people to be saved before they are even conceived of . Remember no mortal can be saved because there is no way we could have an eternal life . Again : Y'shua was in no way a God and in no way did he create anything created . LORD ELohim is the one and only God who created everything that was created .
( 16 : 5 ) NOTES : The Holy Spirit as Christians claim exists does not exist . The capital ' S ' would mean an actual Spirit . The claim is by the Christians is that the Jewish people believed in the Holy Spirit as the one Christians claim exists . Most Christians also claim that the Holy Spirit is a God and the third ' person ' of the trinity of three Gods . The LORD ELohim who Christians claim to be the first ' person ' of the trinity does not like being called a ' person ' . They claim that Y'shua is the second ' person ' of their three Gods . Two of the Christians three Gods are false gods . Only LORD ELohim is the one and only true God . The Christians claim that the Jews called a Spirit the Holy Spirit but all the back up verses they claim say this in the Jewish Bible the word Spirit is written ' spirit ' and not with a capital ' S ' . In the Christian Bible Old Testament all most all verses in the Jewish Bible was changed in the CB . Many Christians claim in Genesis 1 : 1 is speaking of the Holy Spirit . In the JB it says in Genesis 1 : 1 When God began to create heaven and earth - .... . In the NIV CB it says In the beginning God created the heaven and earth . In neither Bible does it say a Holy Spirit created Heaven and earth . According to Christians it was Y'shua who created everything created so why do many Christians who wrote about Gen. 1 : 1 in a few books believe the Holy Spirit created stuff to ? Another example : Psalm 51 : 11 in the NIV says : Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me . In the JB this verse is verse Psalm 51 : 13 and not 11 . It says : Do not cast me out of Your presence , or take Your holy spirit away from me . In the JB there is no capital ' h ' or capital ' s ' . If the Jew who wrote this was writing about LORD ELohim's Spirit in any way these word would have a capital ' H ' and ' S ' like the word ' Your ' has . The CB claims there are many mentions of the Holy Spirit in the JB and we went through all of them and none had a capital ' H ' or a capital ' S ' . The word with a small ' s ' in the word spirit means many things including booze . In the Dictionary there are 28 different meanings for the word ' spirit ' like a state of mind , encouragement , emotional nature and so on but only two meanings for the word ' Spirit ' : LORD ELohim and the Holy Ghost . The believed Holy Ghost which is also called the Holy Spirit is wrong because that Spirit does not exist . LORD ELohim's Spirit sons that He created are also Spirits with a capital ' S ' and they are also called Angels . We could not find a capital ' S ' and a capital ' H ' for Holy Spirit in the Jewish Bible but there are many in the Christian Bible . LORD ELohim says the ' spirit of the LORD ' does not mean a Holy Spirit Spirit . It's mostly about Him trying to encourage the Jews and lighten their mood when times were difficult .
( 16 : 05 ) NOTES : Paul's problem with the Law has caused many people to believe they have no reason to keep the LORD's Ten Commandments . LORD ELohim's giving the Ten Commandments to mankind was to help us and nothing for Him to be gained . Paul was wrong telling people they no longer needed to keep the LORD's Laws . The LORD is asking again that all mankind keep His Ten Commandments so the world would be a better place to live for all people . People still sin because they do not obey the Laws but those sins are forgiven for most people . The Jews often just call the Ten Commandment the Law .
- Galations 4 : 8 - 11 In the NIV : 8 Formerly , when you did not know God , you were slaves to those by nature are not gods . 9 But now that you know God - or rather are known by God - how is it that you are turning back to those weak and miserable forces ? LORD ELohim is one Spirit . He knows some people but the chances of the LORD knowing you personally is very unlikely . He does go to a Synagogue every Sabbath Day and one Christian church on Sunday because at both people are talking about His Little Book . Other than those people He does not get around much so how is He to know all people as Paul claims in this verse . The LORD never even knew Paul . Do you wish to be enslaved by them all over again ? 10 You are observing special days and months and seasons and years ! 11 I fear for you , that somehow I have wasted my efforts on you . Who is Paul writing to ? Jews or pagans ? The heading of these verses says : Paul's Concern for the Galatians . Galatians were not Jews . One book says this letter to the Galatians was his first letter . Again Paul's many letters are not in order and what reason was there for that ?
- Galations 4 : 12 - 20 In the NIV : 12 I plead with you , brothers and sisters , become like me , for I became like you .... Paul writes about having an illness and that these people did not treat him badly . 14 .... Instead , you welcomed me as if I were an angel of God , as if I were Christ Jesus himself . 15 Where , then , is your blessing of me now ? ..... 16 Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth . In a lot of Paul's writings its all about him . Paul writes a lot about his preachings but rare is it written about what he preached that has anything to do with The Simple Truth . What is it that Paul calls the truth ? We think Paul is writings about other people preaching the gospel but not what Paul preaches . 19 My dear children , for whom I am again in the pains of childbirth until Christ is formed in you , how I wish I could be with you now and change my tone , because I am perplexed about you . If someone called me his child who is not my parents I would not be impressed by that . It would be more like : where do you get off saying that ? We are children of the LORD and our parents but not Paul or Catholic so called fathers . What does Paul mean saying until Christ is formed in you . It would make more sense if he just said ' until you believe in Christ ' .
- Galations 4 : 21 - 31 In the NIV : 21 Tell me , you who want to be under the law , are you not aware of what the law says ? The LORD says to not even try to understand the verses following this verse . The LORD says there is nothing in the following verses that has anything to do with the Ten Commandments . There is mention of two Jerusalems : one on earth and one we think he is talking about in Heaven . We think he is saying that the one on earth is in slavery maybe because of the Law . In a Christian book it says that Paul who's real name was Saul grew up in a home the was very strict in the traditions of Pharisaism . Pharisees believed in eternal life , in resurrection , judgement day , and a coming Messiah . They believed the teachings could be changed depending on what's happening but at the same time very strict about written Law ; the Ten Commandments and oral teachings . Had Paul only written about The Simple Truth this Paul guy probably would have been a happier person .
( 16 : 06 ) NOTES : Again LORD ELohim wants to remind people to not blame the Jews for any errors in your religion if its not Judaism . Every religion has its errors , some more than others . If you use somebody else’s beliefs for your own beliefs you are fully responsible to make sure those beliefs are true and make perfect sense . If you did not do that then your errors are your errors and no one else’s . No one else is responsible for what you choose to believe . You have free will so you can make choices and what you choose to believe you alone are responsible for those beliefs . When you use someone else’s beliefs for your own beliefs and you did not carefully think about them and seek to make sure they are not errors then its your error if they were errors . Bottom line : You alone are responsible for what you choose to believe no matter where you got that belief from : says the LORD .
( 16 : 07 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim is almost sure that Paul was not Jew or the Roman Catholic Church added a lot to his writings or Paul is a fictional man created by the Roman Catholic Church so that this fictional man's writings would back up a lot of rules and teachings of the Roman Catholic Church .
- Galatians 5 : 1 - 6 In the NIV : 1 It is for freedom that Christ has set us free . Stand firm , then , and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery . 2 Mark my words ! I , Paul , tell you that if you let yourselves be circumcised , Christ will be of no value to you at all . There is nothing in these verses about The Simple Truth like most all of Paul's writings . Who ever wrote all the books claimed to be Paul's really seems to hate the Ten Commandments : the question is why ? Christians believe they do not have to keep the LORD's Laws and they can be as wicked and evil as they want to be and they will still be saved . No human is going to be ' saved ' . That teaching is a lie created by the Roman Catholic Church . Y'shua did hope that was possible but the LORD says he did not teach it but only talked about it with his friends . Y'shua never guaranteed any people they would live forever because there was no proof of that and there still is no proof of that even today . It’s a lie that the Disciples saw Y'shua talking to the dead Moses and Elijah . That never happened because the LORD says it could not have happened . Y'shua did not die for our freedom as Paul writes . Y'shua died for the forgiveness of our sins . Keeping the Laws is not slavery . The LORD does not care if you are circumcised or not circumcised : that has absolutely nothing to do with The Simple Truth . 3 Again I declare to every man who lets himself be circumcised that he is obligated to obey the whole law . The LORD says there is no obligation to keep the Ten Commandments just because of circumcision . 4 You who are trying to be justified by the law have been alienated from Christ ; you have fallen away from grace . This is such a great lie . Again LORD ELohim did not make any rules about who would be forgiven of their sin if you are a fairly good person . Again no rules : just one fact that the wicked and evil and cruel people would not forgiven of their sins . So how can most all people be alienated by The Simple Truth just because they have chosen to try and keep the Ten Laws of LORD ELohim . Why would anyone lose LORD ELohim's grace because they try to keep His Ten Laws ? Again it’s like this Paul guy or whoever wrote this does not get what The Simple Truth means . These verses make no sense at all . 5 For through the Spirit we eagerly await by faith the righteousness for which we hope . If you are waiting for a Spirit to make you righteous that will never happen . This is not something given to people by the LORD . Righteousness is something you have to do on your own says the LORD . The Dictionary says that righteousness is : doing right , virtue , the state or condition of being right and just , moral , upright . LORD ELohim says that this has nothing to do with being free of sin even though one Dictionary says : free from guilt or wrong but in no Dictionary does it say : free of sin . So how can LORD ELohim or any Spirit make you righteous when no Spirit is allowed to interfere with our free will . If you want to be righteous you have to work on that yourself . Paul writes like it is something the LORD gives to people and the LORD says He cannot and would not do that because it would interfere with your free will . Your not His puppet on a string . 6 For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision has any value . The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love . Didn't Paul in verse 4 say that if you get circumcision you have been alienated from Y'shua . Now Paul is saying it does not matter if your circumcised or not ; either way it has no value so how can a man be alienate from Y'shua if this verse 6 is the truth . That people love one another is a big deal to LORD ELohim .
- Glatians 5 : 7 - 12 In the NIV : 7 You were running a good race . Who cut in on you to keep you from obeying the truth . 9 That kind of persuasion does not come from the one who calls you . There was no reason for a good race . There was no reason for believing or obeying anything . Again : No Rules !!! and no need for faith !!! . And how often has Paul taught The Simple Truth ??? One or two verses . Its hard to remember with all the other writings of his that had absolutely nothing to do with The Simple Truth . Paul is talking about the truth as he sees it and not the truth as the LORD knows it to be . If this man really existed he is awful at teaching . Who is Paul talking about when he says ' who calls you ' . Y'shua was dead , the Holy Spirit never existed and LORD ELohim did not know who the Romans were talking about regarding the name Jesus until about 120 years after Y'shua died . 9 .... 10 I am confident in the Lord that you will take no other view . That means at that time there were many theories about whatever Paul is writing about . 10 ....The one who is throwing you into confusion , whoever that may be , will have to pay the penalty . What exactly is there in The Simple Truth that would cause any person to be confused about The Simple Truth . Paul himself is more confusing than any other writer so far in the CB NT . 11 Brothers and sisters , if I am still preaching circumcision , why am I still being persecuted ? In that case the offence of the cross has been abolished . This one is difficult to understand also . Paul has been preaching against circumcision not for it . If Paul and others were only preaching The Simple Truth what is there in The Simple Truth to be persecuted for ? The Simple Truth would have brought great happiness to Jews and Gentiles . There are several meanings to the word ' offense ' like : sin , breaking the law , rudeness , displeasure , being offended , hurt feelings , anger . Even the LORD does not understand this verse . What also makes it confusing is that it seems that Paul being pursecuted has something to do with ' the offense of the cross ' . Abolish means : do away with like a law , put an end to like slavery . We give up with trying to understand this verse . It just makes no sense especially when it sounds like Paul being persecuted has something to do with ' the offense of the cross being abolished . ' 12 As for those agitators , I wish they would go the whole way and emasculate themselves . The word ' emasculate ' means to castrate , geld , weaken . We are pretty sure Paul was not saying ' weaken themselves ' . This sounds like Paul is speaking of the Jews and Gentiles who were circumcised . For a man who wrote : The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love : he sure does not practice what he preaches .
- Galatians 5 : 13 - 18 In the NIV : 13 You , my brothers and sisters , were called to be free . But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh , rather , serve one another humbly in love . 14 For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command : Love your neighbor as yourself . 15 If you bite and devour each other , watch out or you will be destroyed by each other . Its interesting how Paul says your free then the next word is ' But ' . Throughout his books so far Paul is a rule maker like a dictator would do . Remember that The Simple Truth has no rules . LORD ELohim says one Law does not fulfill all the Laws . Keeping all Ten Commandments : that fulfills the Laws He gave for all mankind . Paul a few times has mentioned that his followers were arguing with each other . The Simple Truth has nothing to argue about that we know of . They were probably disputing about what Paul is teaching and all his many many rules . 16 So I say , walk by the Spirit , and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh . 17 For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit , .... They are in conflict with each other , so that you are not to do whatever you want . 18 But if you are led by the Spirit , you are not under the law . Again : this Spirit that Paul writes a lot about does not exist . In past verses Paul told men to stay away from women and to not marry them . There are a few verses in the books said to have been written by Paul that are very similar to the practice and rules of the Roman Catholic Church . Here again Paul is instructing the so called ' free people ' about how they are not to do whatever they want to do .
- Galatians 5 : 19 - 26 In the NIV : Paul writes about what people should not do like sexual immorality , hatred , jealousy , selfish ambition , orgies and so on . Then he writes : 21 ..... I warn you , as I did before , that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God . Catholic and Protestant preachers cannot forgive the sins of people : only LORD ELohim can do that . Like Catholic and Protestant preachers who is Paul to think he can decide who would go to the kingdom of God and who cannot . If the kingdom of God were to exist then only LORD ELohim could decide who He would allow in and who He would not allow in . According to the LORD there is no coming kingdom of God coming on earth or in Heaven for mankind . .... 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love , joy , peace , forbearance , kindness , goodness , faithfulness , gentleness and self-control . Against such things there is no law . Why would LORD ELohim have Laws against any of these things ? The result of keeping the Ten Commandments are most all of these things . 24 Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires . When Paul writes about other people being symbolically crucified it belittles the crucifixion of Y'shua says LORD ELohim . He does not like that ! 25 .. 26 .
( 16 : 08 ) NOTES : Christians believe that a time is coming when a kingdom of God is on earth . Many Christians believe that God has been the sovereign ruler of the earth since creation and will be throughout eternity . Which God of the three Christian Gods is not clear . The LORD ELohim says He has never ruled over mankind on earth because we were on trial and it was what we did with our free will that was on trial so how could He rule over us in the past and now . LORD ELohim promised Israel that the offsprings of David will be Kings over Israel . Many Christians believe Y'shua who is a offspring of David will rule over not just Israel but the entire world in the future . They believe that Y'shua will reign a thousand years . LORD ELohim says Y'shua is dead and will never be resurrected in the future because the LORD cannot do that . Would LORD ELohim reign that thousand years ? That is never going to happen . The LORD ELohim would not even try to rule all mankind on earth and mortals are not allowed in Heaven . Again : that's not going to happen . The LORD says there will never be a Kingdom of God on earth because how would He do that ? He cannot be seen or heard and it can take years with teaching Spirits to communicate to flesh even one sentence . Mortals have to take care of that kind of stuff for ourselves . Most of all the LORD does not want to do that ! If you were God would you want to try ruling over all mankind ? Again there will never be a kingdom of God on this earth . Heaven is the LORD's Kingdom and for His Spirit children and Him only .
( 16 : 09 ) NOTES : Remember the LORD does not make people help Him . No body who helped the LORD was ever His slave as with all His Jews . The LORD only worked through His Jews . I am not the only non Jew the LORD has ever worked through . The LORD also worked through the Knights Templars . All the Prophets , Abraham , Moses , Miram , Joseph and some others including Y'shua were asked by request to assist the LORD . Everyone asked could have said No to LORD ELohim and He would have been perfectly OK with that . Paul and all his rules is like a dictator out of control and the LORD does not like that because He was never a dictator Himself . With the LORD ELohim's Ten Commandments , the LORD asked people to obey them but left it up to our free will to do so or not . It’s like The Simple Truth ; the LORD did not make any rules about that . The moment Y'shua died for our sins was the same moment the sins of most all people were forgiven by LORD ELohim . From Moses to people in the future and all in between : most all peoples sins on earth were forgiven . In the past I may have written since the time of Adam and Eve : that's wrong . The Laws and Sin did not exist until the LORD gave the Laws to Moses therefore Adam and Eve never sinned but they did disobey the LORD . The LORD forgave people for their disobedience also starting with Adam and Eve . The LORD says its only by not keeping His Ten Commandments do we sin . Sorry for the error if I made it before . Still learning .
( 16 : 10 ) NOTES : Again LORD ELohim says Adam and Eve did not sin because the Ten Commandments did not exist until the time of Moses . Only by not keeping the LORD's Ten Laws do we sin . No Law : No Sin . Therefore Adam and Eve never sinned but they did disobey LORD ELohim . Since the LORD says Adam and Eve did not sin then the Christian belief in ' Original Sin ' is a great lie or error . Again Original Sin means : the state of sin in which , according to Christian theology , all human beings exist because of Adam's disobedience to the word of God . In other words many Christians believe all mortal men and women have Adam and Eve's sin put upon them by LORD ELohim the moment we are conceived of . The LORD says that is a big lie . The LORD never put the sins of anyone upon other people . We are all responsible for our own sins and no one else’s . Back to Adam . Adam and Eve never sinned because there was no Law at that time so how could they have sinned ? Since Adam did not sin there is no ' Original Sin ' . And since Adam and Eve never sinned they could not be the cause of why people die as claimed by the Christians . Chistians call Adam the first Adam who they blame for bringing death into the world and Y'shua they call the second Adam who Christians believe will bring eternal life into the world . Both are wrong . First Adam was never the cause of our death and Y'shua called the second Adam , his sacrifice has absolutely nothing to do with eternal life for mortal mankind . The LORD ELohim's forgiveness of peoples sins would have included the Christian belief in ' Original Sin ' also but again there is not truth in the Christian belief of ' Original Sin ' .
- Galatians 6 : 1 - 10 In the NIV : 1 - 5 is just more of Paul's rules . 6 Nevertheless , the one who receives instruction in the word should share all good things with their instructor . If we remember correctly this is the second time Paul taught this . Paul's teachings were not for free except one time but he got the money from another group of people for that free one . 8 Whoever sows to please their flesh , from the flesh will reap destruction ; whoever sows to please the Spirit , from the Spirit it will reap eternal life . Christians have no Spirit that Paul writes about and neither do any other people of any other religion : not even the Jews . Remember : LORD ELohim calls Christians pagans so why would He in anyway try to work through them about anything ? The LORD only worked through Christians who were the Knights Templars . I forgot about them in the past . There is nothing you can do to ' reap eternal life ' . Most Christians believe there will be a bodily resurrection . Meaning the flesh and bone will be raised from the dead . I'm almost 70 years old . I don't want this body to be raised from the dead . Its old and broken down and wrinkly and often painful . This is a question for Christians : does resurrection mean the resurrected body stops aging ? Many people are to old and suffering to much to continue to keep aging and enjoy life at the same time . We would need our walkers or cains or wheelchairs buried with the body . LORD ELohim says if He could raise a mortal body from the grave it would be exactly the same as when it was buried , even with the cause of its death . It would have no memory of who it was or anything else because the brain would have deteriorated or turned to dust . The LORD says the body would continue to age so for many old people their so called eternal life would only last a few minutes at best . Happy news for many people : there is no resurrection of the mortal body or any other kind of resurrection and there is no eternal life for any mortal life , never has been and never will be and LORD ELohim never promised eternal life to any mortal because He knew He could not keep that promise . The LORD always keeps His promises . 9 - 10 Just Paul trying to keep the believers together and working for his cause .
( 16 : 11 ) NOTES : Y'shua's mortal body was dead and still on the cross for about four hours in the heat . For three hours and about 55 minutes of the time he would have been brain dead and his brain would have quickly deteriorated . Then his body was put in the tomb for exactly how long is a unknown question but the Christians said Y'shua said it would be there for three days and three nights but we know their math about that has big errors . There was no way the LORD could have resurrected Y'shua's body back to life after being dead for that long . Even someone being dead for 10 or so minutes cannot be resurrected as a mentally healthy person unless they were given CPR for all that time . Even LORD ELohim cannot raise a dead person who has been dead for even a few minutes .
- Galatians 6 : 11 - 18 In the NIV : Paul writes about circumcision again and again like that has something to do with The Simple Truth which the LORD says it does not have anything to do with the Truth . Then he writes ... 12 The only reason they do this is to avoid being persecuted for the cross of Christ . The crucifixion of Y'shua was mostly by LORD ELohim . The truth is the Jews had very little to do with that . The Romans were more involved with that then any other mortals . 13 Not even those who are circumcised keep the law , ..... The LORD says Paul is lying about the Jewish people . Most all Jews at least do try to keep His Ten Commandments and LORD ELohim has most always been happy about the way the Jews lived by His Laws . When the Jews came out of slavery it did take a while to take the pagan ways of their slave masters out of some of the Jews but for the most part the LORD has been pleased by his Jews respect for His Laws . No one is perfect including this Paul guy . Over the years the LORD says He has called many Jews righteous people because they never broke any of the Ten Commandments . So it is possible to keep His Laws just as Y'shua also did . 14 May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ , through which the world has been crucified to me , and I to the world . No one knows what Paul means but the LORD does not like the wording in this verse . Only His Lamb of God Y'shua was crucified for the sins of the world and not Paul and not you . In the KJV verse 14 But God forbid that I should glory , save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ , by whom the world is crucified unto me , and I unto the world . In the 1611 KJV it says 14 But God forbid that I should glory , saue in the Crosse of our Lord Iesus Christ , by whom the world is crucified vnto me , & I vnto the world . In old English spelling the ' u ' is a ' v ' and the ' v ' is a ' u ' , Cross has a ' e ' and the ' J ' in Jesus is spelt with a ' I ' . None of the Bibles make any sense . Paul sure thinks highly of himself but what he means the world was crucified and he to was crucified makes no sense . The only one crucified in The Simple Truth was Y'shua the Lamb of God and no one else . This verse angered LORD ELohim a bit . This is not the first time that this Paul guy belittled what Y'shua as the willing Lamb of God did for most all mankind by The Simple Truth . 15 More about circumcision and that either way means nothing . We wish Paul would read his own writings . If circumcision or uncircumcision means nothing then why won't Paul stop writing about it . ... ; what counts is the new creation . Paul's definition of the new creation he would probably only say that about his followers who follow his rules . 16 Peace and mercy to all who follow this rule - to the Israel of God . Like we said : his rules . In this book in 1 : 2 it says : To the churches in Galatia : This letter Paul wrote was to the Galatians in the county of Galatia . So what does Paul mean writing : to the Israel of God ? Galatia was in what today is called Turkey . Is Paul calling the county and people of Galatia the new Israel of God ? Paul is a lier if that is what he means . The land and Jewish people of Israel have always been LORD ELohim's helpers and chosen people since the time of Abraham and that has never changed and will never change . In the KJV it says : 16 And as many as walk according to this rule , peace be on them , and mercy , and upon the Israel of God . There is a big difference in KJV compared to the NIV . In the NIV he writes like Paul has declared Galatia to be the new chosen people and new Israel of LORD ELohim but in the KJV it sounds like Paul is speaking peace and mercy to the Jews of Israel . The 1611 KJV says : And as many as walke according to this rule , peace be on them , and mercie , and vpon the Israel of God . The NIV is really wrong about this verse . Paul was not making a new Israel regarding Galatia and its people according to the KJV . Paul was writing mercie upon the existing Israel and the Jews . The KJV was written first so we will go with that . 17 From now on , let no one cause me trouble , for I bear on my body the marks of Jesus . Paul would not have been beaten up so much if he had only preached The Simple Truth and that goes for anyone who preached what Christians came to believe . The marks on Paul or any other person can in no way be compared to Y'shua's . Amen .
- Ephesians 1 : 1 - 14 In the NIV : 1 Paul , an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God . To God's holy people in Ephesus , the faithful in Christ Jesus . Ephesus was in Asia now called Turkey . It seems that Paul was not calling the Jews ' God's holy people ' but his followers . You probably know by now LORD ELohim would never call a Christian ' His holy people ' . 2 Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ . In this verse it sounds like Paul just had a talk with the LORD and Y'shua and they said to say hello for them to these people . Paul should have written not ' from God ... ' but from Paul himself . 3 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ , .... 4 For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight . When the earth was pretty much finished forming the LORD ELohim was not even thinking yet about playing in the dirt to see if He could make some form of life from the dirt . According to a science book the earth was only starting to form about 15 billion years ago . That's a long time ago for the LORD to remember mega millions of Christian names of people who were not even born yet and would not be born for about 15 billion years . This is not the first time in the CB NT that this kind of verse was written . No human was chosen to be holy before the world was created or even after . People had to do the work on their own to be called righteous or holy . LORD ELohim probably does not know your name now : how was He to know you 15 billion years ago ? This is a silly verse . .... 4 In love he predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ , in accordance with his pleasure and will - ... 15 billion years ago the LORD ELohim had a lot of Spirit children He had created trillions of years ago but none of them had the name Jesus Christ or Y'shua and the LORD never created a Spirit God called Jesus Christ or Y'shua Messiah either . Y'shua was as mortal as you are . Y'shua was created with a mortal sperm and egg and was then put in the womb of Miriam who to was as mortal as you are . If you are a Christian you were not predestined for anything 15 billion years ago . In fact no one was predestined for anything even at the moment you were conceived . Only Isaac , Samson and Y'shua were made by the LORD ELohim by Him fertilizing a mortal egg with a mortal sperm and placing the fertilized egg into the womb of a chosen and willing woman . They were not exactly predestined because they all had free will and could have not done what the LORD hoped they would do for Him . It was only about 300 years before Y'shua was born that the LORD started thinking about the Lamb of God and not 15 billion years ago . 15 billion years ago the LORD was not even wondering if He could make living creatures out of dirt . That happened almost 5 billion years ago . The first living bacteria was not created until about 4 . 5 billion years ago . LORD ELohim created all that was created including mortal life so why would He need to adopt mortal humans through Y'shua ? We mortal humans have always been LORD ELohim's children and both male and female mortal children LORD ELohim is alone the Father of . All mortal species on earth He alone is the Father of . Remember LORD ELohim cannot predestine anyone because even He cannot interfere with our free will or able to see into the future . 6 to the praise of his glorious grace , which he has freely given us in the One he loves . This verse makes it sound like Y'shua was the only One loved by the LORD . That's so wrong . The LORD loves all He created except for wicked and evil humans . The KJV says : To the praise of the glory of his grace , wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved . That's better . 7 In him we have redemption through his blood , the forgiveness of sin , in accordance with the riches of God's grace 8 that he lavished on us . Going back to verse 5 : again the name Christ means Messiah and Y'shua was never the Jewish Messiah and never will be . Finally in verse 7 Paul writes about The Simple Truth but he writes ' us ' probably meaning only he and his followers . ... 8 With all wisdom and understanding . Paul definitely did not have all wisdom and understanding about what the LORD was doing and why He did sacrifice the Lamb of God . 9 he made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure , which he purposed in Christ , 10 to be put into effect when the times reach their fulfillment - to bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth under Christ . The words ' under Christ ' we think means that they believe that Y'shua will be ruling both all Heaven and earth . That's not going to happen and LORD ELohim never said it would happen . The LORD ELohim would never allow a mortal , not even Y'shua , to go to Heaven and be the ruler of it . LORD ELohim is the Father of all in Heaven and not a ruler of Heaven . Y'shua is dead so he will not be ruling over all earth either and there will be no unity of Heaven and earth whatever that means . Someday in the future the LORD and only all His Spirit children here about earth will be going home to Heaven forever . 11 In him we were also chosen , having been predestined according to the plan of him .... To be predestined would mean people without free will : puppet people , and the LORD does not do that . 12 in order that we , who were the first to put our hope in Christ , might be for the praise of his glory . LORD ELohim would not have sacrificed the Lamb of God Y'shua just to be praised for doing that . The LORD has never needed or wanted the praise of mankind for that . 13 And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth , the gospel of your salvation . Most Christians believe salvation means to be saved so to have an eternal life . The LORD never promised any of mankind eternal life . The Dictionary also says it means : deliverance from sin and from punishment for sin . The LORD did forgive your sins if you are not evil and wicked , but that does not mean you will have eternal life . The LORD has never been involved in punishing people because they sin . .... 13 When you believed , you were marked in him with a seal , the promised Holy Spirit , 14 who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God's possession - to the praise of his glory . The Holy Spirit which Paul often just calls the Spirit ; that Spirit does not exist . No Spirit created by LORD ELohim is taller then six feet . How can one of those Spirits be in millions of Christians at the same time . Again the Holy Spirit which is often called the Holy Ghost does not exist in any form . There is no Spirit to be gained just because anything . The word ' inheritance ' probably means the kingdom of God for which most Christians believe they will be with Y'shua . Many Christians believe they will rule over all earths nations with Y'shua and even rule over Spirits . The word ' redemption ' has many meanings . Paul is probably meaning : to free from the consequences of sin but since Y'shua as the Lamb of God by his blood shed and death paid the price for our sins redemption has already happened . There really is not any consequences from LORD ELohim when we sin and death is not a consequence for our sins . It never has been . Mortals die and that has been a fact for billions of years . Even the Dinosaurs all died from natural causes or other reasons before the asteroid hit earth , then they almost all died . Death has always been normal for all mortal species . The only difference for most mortal species is that we humans know we are going to die : other animals not so much .
( 17 : 12 ) NOTES : The LORD wants people to understand that at the moment when Y'shua died on the cross most all of mankind was forgiven of all their sins and without any rules . Most all people of the world were forgiven of their sins back to the time of Moses when the Ten Commandments were given to mankind . People who did not obey the Laws were sinning . Before the Ten Laws there was no sin but LORD ELohim has also forgiven Adam and Eve and others before Moses for their disobedience also . At the moment Y'shua died most all people of the world were forgiven of their sins . Today is the same and into the future . We who are fairly good people and our offspring who are fairly good people are forgiven by LORD ELohim of our sins to the moment Y'shua died even thought the LORD never knew you . Again LORD ELohim made no rules to this forgiveness of sins . Again there is only one fact : the wicked and evil and cruel people will never be forgiven . Again that is not a rule , it is just a fact . Redemption means to free from the consequences of sin . With LORD ELohim there were not much for consequences when people sinned and death has never been a punishment of LORD ELohim's for peoples sinning . Salvation is much the same as redemption but also a word used for life after death by Christians . There is no life for mortals after death . When Paul or anyone else uses the words redemption or salvation we not going to write much about that anymore . Christians should have noticed that the moment Y'shua died for most all mankind’s sins , it did not change the fact that no mortal has ever had eternal life and the LORD says we will never have eternal life . Again : sin is not the cause of death .
- Ephesians 1 : 15 - 17 In the NIV : .... 17 I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ , the glorious Father , may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation , so that you may know him better . That did not work out to well . How can people think they know LORD ELohim or even Y'shua and still believe there is a hell and lake of fire created by Y'shua where the LORD and Y'shua will send billions of people to so they will suffer greatly in unbearable pain and great emotional agony for all eternity and to be without hope for that to ever change . If you believe this to be true : You do not know the LORD ELohim or Y'shua the gentle and loving mortal Jewish man who gave up his life for most of you and knew he would never be resurrected . The book of John in 1 : 1 - 5 says Y'shua made everything which means it would have been Y'shua who created hell and the lake of fire for the purpose to brutally torture people for all eternity as Christians believe . If you believe this then you do not know who Y'shua really was . If you don't believe your beloved Y'shua created hell and the lake of fire for that purpose then you don't believe your Christian Bible either . There is no purgatory or hell or lake of fire or eternal suffering because LORD ELohim would never do that to any mortal . There is no eternal life for mortals either so there are none who would go there , not even the most wicked and evil and cruel people who have ever lived . Do you believe the book of Revelation is all true regarding what Christians call the Wrath of God . Do you believe LORD ELohim and even Y'shua would cause war , famine , pestilence , earthquakes , blacken out the sun , cause the moon to become like blood , mountain and islands are moved , burning up a third of the earth , killing a third of all life in the sea , poisoning rivers , torturing people with demonic locust , Angels killing a third of mankind , causing boils on people skin , killing everything else living in the sea , turning fresh water to blood , causing painful suffering , causing the last great war at Armageddon , the greatest earthquake ever , massive hailstones from Heaven and on and on . If you believe the book of Revelation about the wrath of God again you do not know LORD ELohim or who Y'shua was . If you do not believe that LORD ELohim is a wicked , cruel and evil God and you do not believe the coming wrath of God then again you do not believe your Christian Bible . Revelation says that Y'shua begins all these evil and cruel things to happen . Y'shua is dead so he is not behind any of this and LORD ELohim is not a wicked and cruel and evil God so He is not behind any of this either . The book of Revelation and other CB books is full of lies after lies about LORD ELohim and even about Y'shua . The book of Job is a book of lies about the LORD and even David to . No religion is perfect which is why LORD ELohim is behind the writings in this Little Book so to correct the errors and lies in books made by mankind .
( 16 : 13 ) NOTES : In a book it says ' the righteousness of God is revealed in this act and in all His judgments . ' I asked LORD ELohim if He were to really do all this Wrath of God stuff in Revelation and put people in hell and the lake of fire so most people will suffer greatly and other stuff like that : would He call Himself to be a ' righteous ' God ? Would He call what He did an act of righteousness ? LORD ELohim says He would not be able to call Himself to be a righteous God and Father of all He created . The LORD says He could not call these wicked and cruel and evil acts upon all mortal life on earth an act of righteousness . The LORD says purgatory and hell and the lake of fire do not exist . The LORD says He is not going to do any of these things in CB book of Revelation to mortal life on earth . The LORD ELohim says He did not give any of this stuff in Revelation to John other than about the Little Book and two other subjects and He does not believe John added all this wrath stuff . The truth is : there is no coming wrath of God . The LORD is not a wicked and cruel and crazy God . Christians believe that Y'shua broke the first seal of these punishments upon mortal life on earth . Y'shua is dead so how could he do that and Y'shua the mortal Jewish man was not wicked and cruel and a crazy mortal man either when he was alive . Christians have a strange way of honoring this gentle and loving mortal man named Y'shua . If a great war happens we humans are to blame and if there is a great earthquake the earth is to blame and if it hails big hailstones the weather is to blame and so on . Don't blame the LORD for any of that stuff in Revelation and other books of the CB if any of that stuff should happen . LORD ELohim is pure love , good and kind and a righteous Father of all Spirits and mortals .
- Ephesians 1 : 18 - 23 In the NIV : .... 19 and his incomparably great power for us who believe . That power is the same as the mighty strength 20 he exerted when he raised Christ from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms , far above all rule and authority .... LORD ELohim never raised Y'shua from the grave . The LORD has not been back to Heaven for millions of years so how could Y'shua be at His right hand in Heaven ? If Y'shua was doing work among mankind that was obviously not finished , why would he go to Heaven ? The CB says when Y'shua was raised from the dead people could see him and hear him talking and he was eating and drinking . If he was Spirit none of this seeing him and hearing him and so on could have happened . So he would have been mortal flesh and bone again . How can mortal flesh and bone go to Heaven billions of miles away without a spaceship ? If Y'shua was flesh and bone again then why would he have left earth even if he could do that when his work was not finished like watching over people to make sure they got it right about him being the Lamb of God and The Simple Truth so people really understand it . Again : LORD ELohim could not raise Y'shua back to life just like He cannot raise you . .... 22 And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church , 23 which is his body , the fullness of him who fills everything in every way . LORD ELohim never made Y'shua head of the developing Christian church because there was and is no need for a new religion just to teach The Simple Truth . The LORD was just thinking that the Jews would add The Simple Truth to Judaism and through the Jews to be taught to the world . The LORD placed nothing under the feet of Y'shua ; meaning Y'shua would be the ruler of it . Y'shua was dead and was never a God . The CB says Y'shua went to Heaven so how could Y'shua fill everything in every way on earth ? LORD ELohim never made a Spirit that can be on earth and billions of miles away in Heaven at the same time . Y'shua never had a Spirit to call his own and neither do you .
- Ephesians 2 : 1 & 2 In the NIV : 1 As for you , you were dead in your transgressions and sins , 2 in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air , the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient . The ruler of the kingdom of the air is said to be Satan . Satan's real name is David . David cannot be involved in anything that has to do with people free will , no Spirit can . Even LORD ELohim cannot interfere with our free will and all the choices we make in our life . Again : how could the LORD judge us as a species if Spirit was allowed to influence our free will to make us sin and disobey the LORD . Remember that David wants nothing to do with mankind and the LORD has no problem with that . Like mankind the LORD does not make Spirits do what they do not want to do .
( 16 : 14 ) NOTES : To most Christians the meaning of dead or death means that you are a sinner . Most believe death is caused by sin . Death is also believed to be a separation from God . Its also believed this about Satan in Hebrews 2 : 14 Since the children have flesh and blood , he to shared in their humanity so that by his death he might break the power of him who holds the power of death - that is the devil ... . Its believed that Y'shua will someday take the power of death from Satan . Many believe that Y'shua had victory over death by his bodily resurrection . It would not be Y'shua's victory since it would have been LORD ELohim who would have to raise Y'shua from the dead since there was no God incarnated into the human mortal man Y'shua . The second death is used a couple of times in the CB . It is believed the second death happens to those who's names are not in the Book of Life . Many Christians believe these people have an everlasting separation from LORD ELohim and would be headed for hell and then the lake of fire forever . The LORD says to Christians to stop blaming David ( Satan ) for everything people consider to be bad . David has no power to cause peoples death . People are mortals and all mortal species die . Thats just the way it is for mortals and David has nothing to do with that . All people have free will and no Spirit can influence the choices you make .
( 16 : 15 ) NOTES : Bodily resurrection means the flesh and bone are raised from the dead . The CB says that Y'shua was raised back to life by a bodily resurrection . Again : Y'shua was never raised from the dead but if he were it would have to be a bodily resurrection and the same for you . Y'shua had no Spirit to call his own and there was no Spirit Son of God incarnated in him so all that was there to be raised back to life was his mortal flesh and bone . How then could Y'shua who was mortal flesh and bone have gone to Heaven ? The Spirits I know can fly to the moon in minutes but our flesh and bone cannot do that and Y'shua raised flesh and bone could not have done that either . The LORD has never made any people or Y'shua half flesh and bone and half Spirit . It would not work very well especially for the Spirit who has his own free will and likes and dislikes . The LORD would never do that to any Spirit child of His . Also if Y'shua did have such a Spirit and the Spirit left his dead mortal body then Y'shua the mortal flesh man would still be dead and not living on in the Spirit because the Spirit by his own will would remain only himself says the Spirits with me and LORD ELohim . So the LORD has never done that because there is nothing for the mortal to be gained and the Spirits were all against that and it would not have worked out anyway . The only way mortals can have an afterlife is to raise the flesh and bone but LORD ELohim cannot do that : not even for Y'shua which is why the LORD made sure that Y'shua knew that he would not be resurrected and yet he was still willing to be the Lamb of God . Y'shua died for our sins to be forgiven by LORD ELohim which has nothing to do with eternal life or the mortal flesh and bone never dying in the first place . We mortals are all going to die someday just like all mortals have been dying for billions of years and the LORD ELohim cannot change that fact of life for any mortals .
- Ephesians 2 : 3 - 5 In the NIV : 3 All of us also lived among them at one time , gratifying the cravings of our flesh and following its desires and thoughts . Like the rest , we were by nature deserving of wrath . Like most all mortal species mankind does have a very active sex drive . If we did not have that we probably would just pass each other in the street and take no interest in each other . If mortals did not have any desire for sex most species would probably die out from lack of babies being born . So if you have thoughts and feelings about sex : its not a sin says the LORD . The LORD is hopeful that you will wait until you are married because there is a lot of STD's ( Sexually Transmitted Diseases ) out there that can kill you . The LORD created our sex drive so pretty much only rapists are deserving of the LORD's wrath . .... 5 God ..... made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions - it is by grace you have been saved . The word ' saved ' used by Christians usually means ' to have eternal life ' . It cannot mean you will not die because there are no humans walking around who are about two thousand years old . There is no eternal life for mortals and the LORD never promised any people that there would be .
( 16 : 16 ) NOTES : The LORD says there was never a Prophet or other writers in any religion book who did not make errors . The LORD says people who have their own beliefs which are errors makes it difficult to teach them the truth . That's why for the Little Book He chose a Atheist who knew almost nothing about all thats in this Book to help Him write His Book . It’s been over twenty years and I am still learning new things even now from Him and I have in the past made some errors but I have learnt from them and corrected them in later writings . That's why when John writes like he had coffee with the LORD and wrote about the seven churches that took almost four pages to write in one sitting , its hard to believe that the LORD is behind such writings or even John himself . Y'shua was dead and LORD ELohim never taught anything to do with Christianity . The LORD never knew anything about this new pagan religion developing until long after John was dead .
- Ephesians 2 : 6 - 10 In the NIV : 6 And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus . Paul is probably writing about the future . The mortal body is all that could be raised from the dead because no Spirit is ever buried with a dead body . Did you really think that LORD ELohim would be that wicked and cruel to His Spirit children that He would bury them alive with a stinky corpse for hundreds or thousands of years ? Again no mortal will ever go to Heaven . Why did Paul write ' And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him ' like that has already happened ? .... 8 For it is by grace you have been saved , through faith - and this is not from yourselves , it is the gift of God - 9 not by works , so that no one can boast . Again : LORD ELohim would not punish people of any religion because where is the proof of any religion to be all perfect in what they believe . The written words in the CB are not perfect and as the LORD has proven : the words are far from being 100 % correct in the CB and even in the Jewish Bible there are a few errors . Some people do not do ' faith ' very well because they want the proof and the LORD does not mind that at all . He is not going to punish Atheists because they need proof in all they do believe to be true . So to be forgiven of your sins there are no rules to that . You do not have to be a Christian or even a believer of The Simple Truth . If you are a fairly good person your sins were forgiven about two thousand years ago : the moment Y'shua the Lamb of God died for your sins to be forgiven by LORD ELohim . 10 For we are God's handiwork , created in Christ Jesus to do good works , which God prepared in advance for us to do . The Simple Truth does not require anyone to do any real work . The LORD was hopeful His Jews would teach The Simple Truth to the world and they were beginning to do that shortly after Y'shua died but people like Paul started making rules and a new religion with many many lies and errors about The Simple Truth . So it became dangerous for the Jews to teach The Simple Truth and even a lot more dangerous when the Roman Catholic Church was formed so the Jews had to stop teaching against what the Christians were teaching and because it was a very simple oral teaching it became forgotten by the Jews over the years . The LORD agreed with the Jews to stop teaching The Simple Truth because it was so dangerous for them to teach the truth about the Lamb of God almost everywhere . Even in Israel it became dangerous because of the pagan Romans who were starting to convert to early Christianity . Paul was not a true Jew or he would have known the errors and lies being told about Y'shua and LORD ELohim . Instead , Paul made some of those lies up himself . The first sign of a lie would be Y'shua being a God and a lot of other signs . The LORD ELohim never prepared anyone or anything in advance except for what was The Simple Truth .
( 16 : 17 ) NOTES : The Christians really push you are only forgiven if you have ' faith ' in Y'shua . The word ' sin ' only came to be after Moses received the Ten Commandments from LORD ELohim . Before that some people disobeyed the LORD but it was not called sin . When any people break any of the Ten Commandments then it is called a sin . If you personally need to believe and have faith regarding all that stuff Christians say you have to believe and do : is that fair ? Y'shua was sacrificed for the sins of the world . There were sinners all over the earth when the Lamb of God was sacrificed for the forgiveness of sins . What about the people living in South America , North America , Australia and so on who for hundreds and some for well over a thousand years never heard of Y'shua or LORD ELohim or the Ten Commandments . Is it fair to believe that because they did not have ' faith ' they were never forgiven by the LORD ? What about the time of Moses to the time of Y'shua which is about 1250 years . Would it be fair if these people living all over the earth were not forgiven of their sins too ? John the Baptist taught " Look , the Lamb of God , who takes away the sin of the world " . John the Baptist had a teaching Spirit because the LORD needed help to explain what was going on . John did not say you need ' faith ' and to believe something . John the Baptist told The Simple Truth to people . He was also to teach the fact that the wicked and evil people would not be forgiven of their sins but John was murdered before he did that . So the LORD is telling this fact to the world now . Its not a rule but it is a fact . It would only be fair if from the time of Moses when sin began with the Ten Commandments to all humans in the future including us and all our offspring and their offspring and so on , everywhere on earth people were forgiven of their sins to by LORD ELohim even without anything to do with the Christian faith . LORD ELohim was fair to all people , everywhere on earth and every generation since Moses . He never made rules to how people can be forgiven of their sins : He just forgave most all of us of our sins . People before Moses were also forgiven for their disobedience starting with Adam and Eve's generation and all other people everywhere on earth to the time of Moses . In other words LORD ELohim through the shed blood of Y'shua His Lamb forgave most all people everywhere on earth since the time of Adam and Eve to now and all future generations as long as mankind exists and there are no rules to this forgiveness . The forgiveness is not just a gift from LORD ELohim but it is a teaching by LORD ELohim about forgiving people who did you wrong and forgiving yourself for your mistakes and regrets just as LORD ELohim forgave you and without any rules .
( 16 : 18 ) NOTES : The question some people are asking is " what have we gained by the LORD's forgiveness of our sins if not eternal life " ? LORD ELohim says there are two things He hopes we have gained . One is for mortals to learn how to forgive other people who have hurt you in anyway and to forgive them without rules . To learn how to mend our broken relationships by forgiveness so peoples lives become better lives . Second is to forgive ourselves for our errors . LORD ELohim is hopeful we have learnt that much from Him and from Y'shua so our lives can be better through forgiveness also . When LORD ELohim forgave us He had to put aside the disappointments He had about us and even some anger and even His life became better because of that . LORD ELohim has always tried to help mankind live a good and joyful and a peaceful life . His Ten Commandments were for that very purpose . What have we gained : the LORD's wisdom in how to live a more emotionally peaceful life and a better life without pent up anger or hate . A life of greater love , joy , peace and a peaceful mind through forgiving others and by forgiving ourselves for our own mistakes just as LORD ELohim forgave you and without rules and without any need to believe anything . The LORD has always tried to help mankind have a loving , kind , peaceful and happy mortal life . He tried many times through Prophets to teach the benefits of forgiveness but nothing worked . He hoped people would learn that from His own forgiveness of our sins by the sacrifice of the Lamb of God Y'shua for the sins of the world . The LORD hoped we would learn from His example and know His love for mankind . Y'shua understood what the LORD was trying to do and the love of Y'shua for people and for the LORD ELohim is why he willingly gave up his life for us . This is what The Simple Truth was about and many Jews at that time understood it and taught the truth until it became to dangerous for them to do so because of the pagan Christians . As time went by The Simple Truth was forgotten and the Christian lies took over and buried The Simple Truth by their lies . Today LORD ELohim is teaching again The Simple Truth . He hopes again mankind will learn from His example and from Y'shua about the power of forgiving others and forgiving ourselves and the power of love .
- Ephesians 2 : 11 - 13 In the NIV : .... 12 remember that at that time you were separate from Christ , excluding from citizenship in Israel and foreigners to the covenants of the promise , without hope and without God in the world . What is the promise that Paul writes about but does not explain . The LORD ELohim made a few promises to not only the Jews but to all mankind too . The LORD never made a promise He could not keep even though people caused problems for the LORD to keep those promises sometimes . In a Christian book it says there are three promises in the CB NT . The promises are a kingdom , eternal life and the second coming of Y'shua . Again LORD ELohim does not make promises He cannot keep like the promise of a kingdom , eternal life and the return of Y'shua . There will be no kingdom of God on earth or eternal life for mortals and Y'shua is dead so he is not going to be returning and the LORD never made these promises because He knew He could not keep them . Even Y'shua did not make these promises . What is written in the CB about these promises was not the spoken word of Y'shua . Paul writes ' without God in the world ' . The LORD has always been on earth since Adam and Eve and even long before them , billions of years long before them . Someone had to have made us mortals and that was LORD ELohim's hobby . 13 But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ . You do not need to be ' in Y'shua ' to be forgiven of your sins . The blood shed of Y'shua allowed for the forgiveness of most all peoples sins everywhere on earth and for most all people who ever lived since Moses and us and our offspring . That happened the moment Y'shua died for our sins to be forgiven by LORD ELohim . And those who lived before the Laws of the Ten Commandments and to the time of Adam and Eve they were also forgiven for their disobedience .
( 16 : 19 ) NOTES : This is a what if question : If Y'shua's purpose on earth was to be the Lamb of God and to create a new religion then why would Y'shua have gone to Heaven after his death and stayed there for about the last two thousand years ? Remember there was nothing called Christian until long after Y'shua died . Why would he have left the formation of a new religion to mortals to do and without his supervision if he was responsible for the creation of that new religion . That makes no sense . Look at all the errors and lies in the Christian religion because it was left to men and many corrupt men to create it . Y'shua was not asked by LORD ELohim to create a new religion . The LORD says Y'shua never even thought to create a new religion . Y'shua was a deeply devoted Jew and loved his religion of Judaism . Y'shua would have only taught Judaism . It was never Y'shua's intention to create a new religion . And above all : Y'shua truly died and was never resurrected so he could not have been involved in the creation of the Christian faith and 99.9 % of all the Jews were not involved in the development of Christianity either which is very obvious by the many errors in the Christian Bible that a Jew would not have made . The true beginning of Christianity began in Rome among Romans and not in Israel among the Jews . Notice the books Paul is said to have written which were not written for Jews in Israel , a lot of names in his books are Roman and Greek names and not Jewish names . So the reason Y'shua did not supervise the creation of Christianity was not because he was in Heaven , its because he was dead on earth . Some Jews and some other people around the world had hopes for an eternal life but LORD ELohim never promised anyone that there would be eternal life for mortal mankind and Y'shua never made that promise either . So if you are waiting for Y'shua to return and a kingdom of God and eternal life and for Y'shua to fix all our problems , none of these are going to happen for anyone . None of these are the reason for The Simple Truth . Do you really believe if Y'shua were alive that he would have approved of the Inquisitions and the brutal torture and slaughter of innocent people by the Roman Catholic Church including their involvement in the brutal torture and slaughter of the Knights Templars and other people murdered also over the years by the Christians ??? Y'shua truly died long before Christianity and he would have never approved any of the above and most of what Christians did and believe .
- Ephesians 2 : 14 - 18 : In the NIV : For he himself is our peace , who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier , the dividing wall of hostility , 15 by setting aside in his flesh the law with its commands and regulations . Y'shua's death did not set aside the Ten Commandments for any race , nationality , or anyone else . The Law was not just for the Jews but for all mankind and all generations beginning with the time of Moses . This is another example why the LORD does not think this Paul guy was a Jew . Most all Jews had and have great respect for the Ten Commandments and they knew it was from LORD ELohim for all mankind and they taught mankind . Paul writes like if the Ten Commandments were done away with there would be peace on earth . We don't think Jews and Gentile people have ever warred just because of the Laws of LORD ELohim . Even Y'shua taught people to keep the Laws the LORD created . Paul should not be the one writing about the Laws ' commands and regul-ations . We have read a few of Paul's books and he is the king of rule and regulation making . Paul created a lot more commands and regulations for people to obey him , then the LORD ever made for people to obey Him . 16 and in one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross , by which he put to death their hostility . If only that were true . Wars and hostility have never stopped happening because of Y'shua's death and one of the reasons out of many many reasons why there was no peace is because non-Jewish people did not keep the Ten Commandments back then and even today . Paul writes like he has no idea about anything related to LORD ELohim and what the LORD has tried to do to help all mankind have that peace Paul writes about . 17 He came and preached peace to you .... 18 For through him we both have access to the Father by one Spirit . Does the one Spirit mean Y'shua or the Christian made up Spirit called the Holy Spirit ? LORD ELohim can only be one place at a time . Y'shua is dead and the Holy Spirit never existed so there is not a lot of access to our Father LORD ELohim . Paul writes about everyone being one happy family . 20 .... with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone . If Y'shua is declared to be the ' cornerstone ' of whatever Paul is writing about then if Y'shua were alive and mortal still at that time he would have been involved in what was going on ' in his name ' . And his name was not Christ because he was not the Messiah . And his name was not Jesus because he was a Jew and his name was Y'shua . 21 In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord . We mortals even when gathered together are not a temple let alone a holy temple says the LORD . 22 And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit . The LORD ELohim cannot do that . There are a lot of Christian churches around the world and many millions of Christians so how can one Spirit only eight feet tall be dwelling in these places and people and all at the same time ? In the old days and even recently the Roman Catholic Church preachers spoke only Latin in their churches . The LORD does not speak Latin which was the language of the ancient Romans so why would the LORD spend time in those churches ? Again LORD ELohim only knows English , Hebrew and ancient Egyptian . Most of His Spirit children only know English the language of Heaven which LORD ELohim taught some tribes of Israel .
- Ephesians 3 : 1 - 6 In the NIV : 1 For this reason I , Paul , the prisoner of Christ Jesus for the sake of you Gentiles - Paul was never a prisoner of Y'shua and neither are you . The LORD and Y'shua never asked Paul to do anything he did . The LORD ELohim never makes people His slave or as Paul says Y'shua's prisoner . All who have helped the LORD including Spirits and Y'shua could have said ' no ' and LORD ELohim would have been OK with that . Y'shua was dead and the LORD never asked Paul to do anything and the LORD ELohim never met this man . The following is a interesting one : 2 Surely you have heard about the administration of God's grace that was given to me for you , that is , the mystery made known to me by revelation , as I have already written briefly . Again Paul sure thinks highly of himself . The Catholic preachers believe they can forgive people of their sins and maybe this is where they got that idea from or just added it to this book . The only one who can forgive the sins of mankind is LORD ELohim and He did that about two thousand years ago and for all even today who are not wicked and evil people . No rules and no need for any preachers . The LORD never gave Paul or anyone else any right to forgive anyones sins . Paul was not given the position of administrator of God's grace and who's sins would be forgiven or not forgiven . Paul never had the right to forgive anyone . The LORD never needed help to forgive the sins of most all mankind . He did that on His own . What need would He have for Paul or anyone else for that ? None . The only things the LORD needed help with is for the Jews to teach the world The Simple Truth . What's the mystery ? Paul never had a revelation because the LORD who asks the teaching Spirits to try and do that : no one knew of this Paul guy , not even LORD ELohim . The LORD did not know the corruption that was going on around the time of Paul if this man even existed . Again only LORD ELohim can forgive sins and if you are a fairly good person your sins are already forgiven by LORD ELohim . The LORD does not have to know you personally to do that because He did that for you at the moment Y'shua His Lamb died . 6 This mystery is that through the gospel the Gentiles are heirs together with Israel , members together of one body , and sharers together in the promise in Christ Jesus . If you know The Simple Truth you already knew this . It was not through the gospel most all Gentiles were forgiven . It was LORD ELohim who forgave most all mankind of every race , color , nation , and so on before the books of Paul even existed . What does he mean by heirs ? You could be heirs of sins being forgiven since they are forgiven for most all people . But knowing Paul a little its probably back to the kingdom of God , eternal life , and the second coming of Y'shua which none of these will ever happen . This was not LORD ELohim's promise and it was not Y'shua's promise . Again LORD ELohim made sure Y'shua fully understood he would not be resurrected and there was no eternal life for mortals , so why would Y'shua teach what he knew was a lie ?
- Ephesians 3 : 7 - 13 In the NIV : Paul again is just telling people he was given by the LORD the job to preach to the Gentiles . The LORD ELohim wanted the Gentiles to know about The Simple Truth and that He forgave most all Gentiles their sins but that is not what Paul teaches . Paul teaches that only through faith in what he believes is your sins forgiven . Paul teaches a lot about his rules and that those rules have to be obeyed and stuff like that . 10 His intent was that now , through the church , the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms , 11 according to his eternal purpose that he accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord . Manifold probably means diversity or variety . The LORD's plan never included the Christian church . There are no rulers and authorities in Heaven . LORD ELohim is the Father of all Spirit but there are no Spirits who rule or have authority over any other Spirits in Heaven . Paul writes a lot about stuff he could not possibly know about and this is an example of that . Mankind is not ever going to Heaven . The sacrifice of Y'shua had to do with only forgiveness and the LORD was hopeful that we could learn to forgive others and ourselves as He forgave us so our mortal life would be a much better life . This sacrifice of Y'shua had nothing to do with eternal life , a kingdom , for Christians to rule the world and Heaven or the return of Y'shua and so on .
- Ephesians 3 : 14 - 21 In the NIV : 16 I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being . Again : no people have any Spirit of the LORD or Y'shua within them . Why would you or anyone else have such a Spirit . Our trial was all about what people do with their free will and no Spirit , not even LORD ELohim , can interfere with that . So what would be the point to have such a Spirit ? 17 so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith .... Again : you do not need faith in Y'shua to be forgiven of your sins . There is nothing in The Simple Truth that requires faith . Again : No Rules . 18 may have power , together with all the Lord's holy people . Paul has used the words ' holy people ' several times . Who is he talking about ? the Jews or his followers ? I asked LORD ELohim if He would call anyone His holy people and He said ' Yes ' and it is only the Jews He would call His holy people . Still don't know who Paul is talking about ? ... 18 to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ . Paul forgot to also say ' the love of LORD ELohim ' . Paul is writing about the risen from the tomb and back to life Y'shua who never existed . The Y'shua who did exist was never resurrected from the tomb and he knew he would not be resurrected back to life . So now how much greater was the love of the true Y'shua who truly died and was never risen then the false Christian Y'shua they say is sitting on a throne in Heaven and has been taking a vacation away from mankind for the past two thousand years . The true Y'shua out of a much greater love really did willingly give up his mortal life for the forgiveness of our sins . It was not easy for LORD ELohim to see His beloved Y'shua sacrificed but it was from His great love and hope for mankind He emotionally suffered greatly because He was the author of The Simple Truth and Y'shua's death . 20 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine , according to his power that is at work within us , 21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations , for ever and ever ! Amen . LORD ELohim does not have unlimited powers and neither did Y'shua . There is not anything of the LORD or Y'shua within Christians or any other people . The LORD has a few times asked a teaching Spirit to help Him communicate with humans . All people have no Spirit of the LORD's own Spirit or of Y'shua . Y'shua never had such a Spirit either . Christians do not praise and worship LORD ELohim much . Most of their worship is regarding the dead man named Y'shua , the mortal Lamb of God .
( 16 : 20 ) NOTES : Had the LORD ELohim made rules for His forgiveness then it would have taken hundreds or even over a thousand years for most all humans everywhere on earth to know about The Simple Truth . There is still many people on earth today who have never heard about The Simple Truth . That would be fifty generations who missed being forgiven of their sins to and probably all these generations have never heard about the Ten Commandments either . And what about those who lived at and after the time of Moses and well before the time of Y'shua . How fair would that be if to be forgiven you had to have faith like the Christians teach . To be fair to all mankind the LORD needed to forgive most all mankind in the past , present and into the future at the moment Y'shua died and without any rules like the Christians created like the rule that says we need to have faith to be forgiven . The LORD says there are No Rules and He hopes that you have learnt from Him that when you forgive other people and even yourself having no rules either .
- Ephesians 4 : 1 - 6 In the NIV : 1 .... I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received . Many Christians believe that one or all three of their Gods ? have given them a job to do which they call the ' calling ' . Most Christians believe that the LORD or which of their Gods also gave them all a ' gift ' to make them able to do such work . LORD ELohim says He never did that regarding any Christians . There were a few Jews like Abraham and Moses and the Prophets and a couple of others that He gave a teaching Spirit to , but no Christians . The LORD long after the Disciples were also dead He started hearing the name Jesus by those who were not Jews . He did not know what they were talking about regarding this man they called Jesus Christ because He did not know their language . It was about three hundred years later that the LORD came to realize it was Y'shua they were talking about by the name Jesus Christ . By that time it was to late to correct that because the Christians were set in their beliefs and there were many Roman and other Christians and it had become dangerous for any none believers and for those who did not agree with all the church taught and wrote and that danger continued to increase . 2 - 3 More commands by Paul . 4 There is one body and one Spirit , just as you were called to one hope when you were called ; one Lord , one faith , one baptism ; one God and Father of all , who is over all and through all and in all . In these verses we think Paul calls Y'shua ' one Lord ' . We tried to think back to other verses and we do not remember Paul ever calling Y'shua to be a God but we could be wrong . Paul writes ' one God and Father ' which would mean LORD ELohim but with the Christians they believe Y'shua created everything including us mortals and all Spirits except LORD ELohim . That belief has no truth . LORD ELohim created everything created and He alone is our God and Father . The first verse in this chapter Paul writes : As the prisoner for the Lord , .... which means Y'shua we think . But where is The Simple Truth ? LORD ELohim is not ' in all ' and neither is any other Spirit , or over all ( what ever that means ) and through all ( what ever that means ) ?
- Ephesians 4 : 7 - 13 In the NIV : 7 But for each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it . 8 This is why it says : " When he ascended on high , he took many captives and gave gifts to his people . " Y'shua never apportioned grace . The forgiveness of sin was equal for all mostly good people . LORD ELohim never divided it up with some people getting more grace then other people . He never did that and neither did Y'shua . The word ' ascended on high ' would have to be related to earth because how could mortal ' captives ' get to Heaven . The CB says the JB backs up this verse in the JB . The NIV says this verse is in Psalm 68 : 18 but in the JB it is 68 : 19 . You went up to the heights , having taken captives , having received tribute of men , even of those who rebel against the LORD God's abiding there . Again like many times Paul used a few words out of one verse in the Jewish Bible to back up what he is writing about . This verse has nothing to do with Y'shua . This verse does not back up anything Paul has written . Again the Christians have corrupted what is written in the JB just to make it sound like their CB is correct . Paul says the LORD ELohim ' gave gifts to His people ' but in the JB it says that the LORD was given gifts from people , ' having received tribute of men ' . ' LORD God's abiding there ' the LORD says it probably means ' God's Jews abiding there ' , He thinks . Its hard to know what half a verse or one verse means when its out of 36 verses in the chapter . The story gets lost .This verse Paul wrote has nothing to do with Y'shua or The Simple Truth .
( 16 : 21 ) NOTES : In the Christian Bible New Testament the Christians often use the Jewish Bible to back up their claims regarding their faith . More often then not they change the wording in the verses . They also choose verses that have nothing to do with their faith and everything to do with a completely different story . The Old Testament in the Christian Bible is full of word changes and meaning changes and their errors . LORD ELohim says it was very wrong that they corrupted the Jewish Bible in the Christian Old Testament . It was even wrong that they used Judaism and the Jewish Bible when they created the Christian religion . And above all it was wrong that they used Y'shua the Jewish mortal Lamb of God for their corrupted pagan religion . It was wrong to makeup so many lies about this innocent man who was a deeply devoted Jewish man . It was greatly wrong to completely corrupt The Simple Truth about Y'shua and LORD ELohim and to add to it many lies for the sake of money and power to be gained . Roman Catholics claim that Y'shua founded their faith and religion . LORD ELohim says that Y'shua never spoke any words that would make people think he was trying to create a new religion or any other truly Jewish people . Y'shua was a deeply devoted Jew to the religion of Judaism which he loved greatly so why would he want to create a new religion ? The Roman Catholic Church is a pagan religion with three Gods and a lot of lies about Y'shua and a lot of lies about LORD ELohim our loving Father . Y'shua never would have taught that stuff about himself and about the LORD that is in the CB . Y'shua did not say most of the red letter verses in the CB . Y'shua was never risen from the dead so how could he have spoken anything that is in the CB NT written after he died . LORD ELohim through a teaching Spirit taught John who was one of Y'shua's Disciples about this Little Book in Revelation 10 but someone added a lot of drama to what he taught John . In the NIV it’s called the Little Scroll . Most all of Revelation 10 the LORD did not teach John and much of what He was trying to teach John about the Little Book , John did not write because he did not come to know in his mind those teachings . Again it’s not easy for LORD ELohim to teach people anything . The book of Revelation is 99 % wrong about the wrath of God , letters to the seven churches and so on . It would have been a lot easier and faster to do if people just wrote what was true about The Simple Truth in the CB instead of the errors and lies written . Christians using someone else’s religion for the base of their religion was wrong . Changing the wording of the JB was wrong . Claiming the JB backs up their religion by changing the verses words in their Old Testament was wrong . Writing that both Y'shua and LORD ELohim were both wicked and evil , such as whats written in the book of Revelation is so very very wrong . Blaming the Jews for LORD ELohim's sacrifice of Y'shua is so very greatly wrong and a lie . Christians have a lot of work to do to correct all the errors and lies before the LORD can stop calling Christians ' pagans ' . Others should think about what the beliefs are in their religion too .
- Ephesians 4 : 14 - 16 In the NIV : 14 .... and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming . Paul seems to be writing about other followers of Y'shua . Paul does not have much room to call other people that , considering what Paul himself teaches . And so the lies have started even before Paul wrote this . What is there in The Simple Truth that anyone could scheme about ? In one cup of coffee a person could teach the whole Simple Truth so why would The Simple Truth need a new religion to teach it . The LORD says when the Jews began to teach The Simple Truth it was a spoken teaching and needed no writings . Why would the Jews back then and even today be against Paul's and other Christian peoples teachings ? It was because Paul and others were working hard to corrupt even the religion of Judaism . Had Paul and others only spoke of The Simple Truth no one would have a problem with that , especially not even the Jews . 15 Instead , speaking the truth in love , we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head , that is , Christ . Y'shua was never the head of these people . Paul writes about ' love ' . What did the Roman Catholic Papal Inquisitions and the Spanish Inquisition that slaughtered many many thousands of people by hanging them or by being burned alive at the stake got to do with Christian love ? What did the slaughter of thousands of Templar Knights by the Roman Catholic Church under the leadership of pope Clement V and the king of France king Philip IV got to do with Christian love ? And it goes on and on and not because of love but for greed and great wealth , much property and great power over peoples lives and to terrify people into becoming Christians : Roman Catholic Christians . There are many Roman Catholic popes and kings that were not forgiven by LORD ELohim says the LORD . Remember LORD ELohim created the Knights Templars for Himself to help Him help the Jews .
( 16 : 22 ) NOTES : The Inquisitions were for the seeking out of heresy and the punishment of heretics by the Roman Catholic Church . The tribunal was called The Holy Office . Heresy simply means : those people who did not agree with the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church . Heretics were those people who had different opinions which went against what the church taught or did . If the Roman Catholic Church back then only taught The Simple Truth there probably would not be any heretics and there would probably be no Roman Catholic Church either because there would be no need for it . Emperor Constantine used the teachings of the Christian church as the foundation of law and order . Heresy was considered an offence again the state as well as the church . For centuries the Roman rulers worked with the church to enforce that people would obey the rules and laws of the Roman Catholic Church by threats made . In the 1100's and 1200's there were groups of people who went against the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church like the Waldenses who pope Alexander III forbade them to preach . They were persecuted greatly and were excommunicated ( banned ) from the church ay pope Lucius III in 1184 . This group grew in numbers and nations . The Roman Catholic Church believed that groups like this one were dangerous to the power and wealth of the Roman Catholic Church . The beginning of Protestants did not begin until the 1500's . until then it was pretty much only the Roman Catholics . The tribunal to suppress heresy began in 1229 by the Roman Catholic Church under the Dominican order and remained until 1834 . In Spain , it became a state tribunal and they used the Inquisition against the Jewish people living in Spain . The Holy Office still exists and now oversees the Index Librorum Prohibitorum which is banning books that the Roman Catholic Church thinks is harmful to the faith or morals of the Roman Catholic people . The first index was issued at Rome in 1559 and its still going on today .
The Knights Templars were created by LORD ELohim around 1118 beginning with nine French Knights . Hugh of Payens led the group . The Templar Knights were created so eventually they would help LORD ELohim help His Jews but in their early years they were warrior-monks who protected European pilgrims going to the Holy Land of Israel and fought in the Crusades against the Muslims . Eventually the Templars began assisting the Jews to protect and hide treasured items . The Templars gained wealth themselves and lands . The Roman Catholic Church did back them up in the beginning but that was to quickly change . The French king Philip IV and pope Clement V formed an alliance and together went against the Knights Templars to take their lands and wealth . That would seem to be their only reason . On October 13 , 1307 about thousands of French Templars were arrested , including their Grand Master Jacques de Molay . Its claimed that they were guilty of blasphemy and sacrilege and much more like the worship of a false god and denying that Y'shua was a God and stuff like that . King Philip IV owed the Knights Templars a great deal of money . The stories varied about the Templars in different books but LORD ELohim says He lost most of His Knights to mass slaughter and death from torture . In 1314 Grand Master Jacques de Molay was burned at the stake . Its said that Jacques de Molay was tortured every day for seven years until he was burned at the stake . We know the Knights Templars came a few times to what would become Canada , to an island off the eastern shores called Oak Island to bury treasure owned by the Jews before the pope and the king went against them . Some Templars survived the slaughter and came to Oak Island again and never returned to Europe . They served the LORD many times to take the Jewish treasures and the Jews silver and gold and much more items of value to Oak Island and to hide them there on the island the Jews built long before the time of the Templars . The Jewish Hebrews who built the island also often buried treasure there and their Jewish offspring to . Is that the reason why the Knights Templars were brutally tortured by Philip and the pope's goons so they could acquire such treasures hidden on the island ? This French king and the Roman Catholic pope and their goons are people who LORD ELohim will never forgive for what they did to His beloved Knights Templars .
( 16 : 23 ) NOTES : We wrote a while ago that I was the only non-Jew that the LORD ELohim has ever worked through . That was an error . I forgot about the Knights Templars who LORD ELohim created for Himself . These Knights were not Jews either but they did help the LORD's Jews in many ways , including taking what belonged to the Hebrew Jews and hiding it on Oak Island for future generations of Hebrew Jews to have as gifts from LORD ELohim . If a third Temple is ever built they buried the third altar for this Temple . Jewish Rabbis always went with the Knights to Oak Island to show them how to bury all of their stuff on the island . So with the Knights Templars the LORD did work through thousands of non-Jews . Again LORD ELohim does not care if there is never a third Temple built in Israel . That was never where He would spend much time at anyways .
- Ephesians 4 : 17 - 32 ... 5 : 1 - 20 In the NIV : The does and don't according to Paul . 17 ... that you must no longer live as the Gentiles do , in the futility of their thinking . 22 ... put off your old self , which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires 24 and put on the new self , created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness . 25 .. put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor , 26 In your anger do not sin . Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry . 27 and do not give the devil a foothold . 28 Anyone who has been stealing must steal no longer , but must work , doing something useful with their own hands , that they may have something to share with those in need . 29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths , 30 And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God , with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption . Many Christians believe that redemption means to set free from the consequences of sin ; save from damnation ( going to hell , eternal punishment ) . First : there is no Holy Spirit of God . LORD ELohim says there is no need for the ' day of redemption '. The LORD ELohim forgave most all peoples sins so there is no consequences because of sin for them or for any people , at least usually not by the LORD . If you want justice when someone does you wrong us mortals have laws for that and prisons . There is no hell or eternal punishment for the wicked and evil people and there is no eternal life for all the mostly good people who's sins were forgiven two thousand years ago . So what reason is there for the ' day of redemption ' ? 31 Get rid of all bitterness , rage and anger .... 32 Be kind and compassionate to one another , forgiving each other , just as in Christ God forgave you . Finally Paul writes about The Simple Truth . But LORD ELohim did not just forgive the good Christians but most all mankind everywhere on earth . There were a some evil and wicked people who He will never forgive and He does not feel bad about that at all . 5 : 1 Follow God's example , therefore , as dearly loved children 2 and walk in the way of love , just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God . True . 3 But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality , or of any kind of impurity , or of greed , because these are improper for God's holy people . The Christians never became ' God's holy people ' . Christians became ' pagans ' with three Gods and they completely corrupted The Simple Truth of LORD ELohim's forgiveness of most all peoples sins . Christians created a lot of lies to cause fear and to intimidate people to become Christians when there was no reason or need for the Christian religion in the first place . Christians will never be God's holy people says LORD ELohim . 4 ... Paul continues to make more laws for people to obey then the LORD ever made . 5 For of this you can be sure : No immoral , impure or greedy person - such a person is an idolater - has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God . Idolater is the worship of idols . LORD ELohim does not agree with Paul calling these people idolaters . There is no coming ' kingdom of Christ and of God ' . Y'shua is dead and the LORD wants nothing to do with that . The LORD ELohim gave mankind many times a new chance to get things right and every time within a couple of generations we were back to being unruly brats again . Then came wickedness and evil among us again and hate and wars and on and on that goes every time . We have run out of new chances to get things right . This day is Judgement Day and we greatly failed our trial . Again this day is Judgement Day and not the Day of Redemption . There will never be a Day of Redemption . 6 Let no one deceive you with empty words , for because of such things God's wrath comes on those who are disobedient . .... LORD ELohim has no intention to ' wrath ' against mankind . 99 % of the book of Revelation is all lies . If the LORD's wrath comes to those who are disobedient it would be a constant full time job for Him . For the most part the LORD allows us to use our free will and He rarely interferes with our free will . Its what we do with our free will that was being judged so no Spirit can interfere with what we choose to do : not even LORD ELohim . 8 For you were once darkness , but now you are light in the Lord . Live as children of light 9 ( for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness , righteousness and truth ) Paul often and most Christians believe they do not have to keep the Ten Commandments so how then can they be righteous . LORD ELohim says its impossible for a person to be righteous if they are not keeping the Ten Laws of LORD ELohim . You will not become righteous by keeping Paul's hundred or so laws and rules . 10 and find out what pleases the Lord . How are people suppose to do that . Y'shua is dead and in the CB from what we remember Y'shua never said much about that . Y'shua did say a couple of time to keep LORD ELohim's Ten Commandments , that would please him . Y'shua would have to be alive again to answer that question and thats never going to happen . 11 - 12 About those who live in darkness . 13 But everything exposed by the light becomes visible - and everything that is illuminated becomes a light . Paul says be children of light . Paul is writing about people who do wicked things but he writes if it become visible then what is illuminated becomes light . We do not get that . 14 This is why it is said : " Wake up , sleeper , rise from the dead , and Christ will shine on you ." Death is sometimes called being asleep but that is not true . The KJV says Isaiah 26 : 19 backs up what Paul is taking about . Paul mentions in this verse ' Christ ' so how is it possible that Isaiah talks about Y'shua ? In the Jewish Bible it written in Isaiah 26 : 19 Oh , let Your dead revive ! Let corpses arise ! Awake and shout for joy , You who dwell in the dust ! - For your dew is like the dew on fresh growth ; You make the land of the shades come to life . Obviously this verse does not back up what Paul wrote . In the KJB it says Thy dead men shall live , together with my dead body shall they arise . Awake and sing , ye that dwell in dust ; for thy dew is as the dew of herbs , and the earth shall cast out the dead . Obviously this verse is not a back up to what Paul writes . We don't remember anywhere we have read the verse that Paul writes about . The LORD cannot bring the dead back to life and He never said He could . That is a promise He never made to anyone . Such a belief is the hope and dreams of people but LORD ELohim cannot make that hope come true . 15 - 20 is more of Paul rules .
- Ephesians 5 : 21 - 33 In the NIV : 21 More of Paul's rules . 23 For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church , his body , of which he is the Savior . If to you the word Savior means to have a happy eternal life , neither LORD ELohim or Y'shua are your Savior because no mortals will have eternal life . If it only means to you that your sins have been forgiven ' by LORD ELohim ' and you are a fairly good person then you are right . Y'shua was the Lamb of God . It was LORD ELohim who would be the Savior . It was LORD ELohim who authored The Simple Truth and not Y'shua which would make LORD ELohim the Savior and not Y'shua . 25 Husbands , love your wives just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her The mortal man Y'shua had nothing to do with the creation of Christianity . Most all of that had to do with the pagan Romans and Greeks . No Christians existed until long after Y'shua had died . Y'shua did not give up his life for a church or religion but for the forgiveness of most all peoples sins around the whole world ; past , present and future . Note that Paul calls his church ' her ' . 26 To make her holy .... The LORD knows about the Roman Catholic Church past and also its present time . LORD ELohim would never call the Catholic Church ' holy ' or even others like Protestants . How could He call any Christian denomination ' holy ' when all the Christians have so much wrong in their teachings and beliefs and its bloody past . Because Christians believe in three Gods and because of other stuff the LORD calls all Christians ' pagans ' . Being pagans is a long way from being called holy . 27... and to present her to himself as a radiant church , without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish , but holy and blameless . Y'shua is dead so the church has no ' head ' as they call him . Christians have a lot of work if you ever expect the LORD ELohim to call you blameless and holy . Most all Christians are forgiven of your sins and for all the lies and problems you caused LORD ELohim and the Jews and all mankind by your lies and corrupt teachings , but don't ever expect the LORD to call the church holy . LORD ELohim has only called a few people holy and that was based on what those individuals did during their lives and they were most all very devoted Jews . Y'shua was a holy Jewish mortal man according to the LORD . I asked LORD ELohim if He would call the religion of Judaism a holy religion and He sayed ' no He would not ' . He indicated that to be called holy is something you have to do on your own . No religion is a holy religion but Judaism is the best religion to learn from to guide you in that direction . You do not have to be a Jew to be called holy but you do need to faithfully keep the Ten Commandments and be good and loving and caring and forgiving towards other people and even towards yourself . The LORD says two of the people He called holy were not Jews but of an ancient religion before the time of Y'shua . They were not Jews but they put into practice what they learnt from the Jews like keeping the Ten Commandments . Again : you do not have to be a Jew to be called holy by LORD ELohim , you just need to obey Him from what you learn from the Jews . Obviously LORD ELohim would have to be your one and only God as the Commandments say . 29 After all , no one ever hated their own body ,.... Obviously Paul has never been a three hundred pound woman . ... but they feed and care for their body , just as Christ does the church - 30 for we are members of his body . The word ' Christ ' means Messiah and again Y'shua was never the Messiah . Y'shua is not alive to care for Paul's church or any other Christian denominations . 31 - 33 more rules .
- Ephesians 6 : 1 - 9 In the NIV : 1 Children , obey your parents in the Lord , for this is right . 2 Honor your father and mother - which is the first commandment with a promise - The LORD says Paul is somewhat wrong . LORD ELohim promised the land of Israel to Abraham and his offspring through Isaac about 550 years before Moses so that covenant ( unconditional promise ) to Abraham came first about the land of Israel belonging to the Hebrew Jews . So the fifth Commandment is mostly just reminding people that He gave them the land of Israel about 1800 years before Y'shua lived . The fifth Commandment is not really a new promise . The fifth Commandment says in the JB Honor your father and your mother , that you may long endure on the land that the LORD your God is assigning to you . The LORD is speaking of the same land He promised Abraham and his offspring through Isaac , the Hebrew Jews , so Paul is writing about something that is not new news to the Jews . 2.... 3 - which is the first commandment with a promise - 3 so that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth . This is more about inheritance then it is about living a long life . 4 Fathers , do not exasperate your children ; instead bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord . When Paul is writing about Y'shua he writes ' Lord ' . Paul could have said LORD ELohim because Y'shua obeyed LORD ELohim in everything regarding LORD ELohim's teachings . 5 - 8 More rules . 9 Paul is writing about how slave owners should act ..... Do not threaten them , since you know that he who is both their Master and yours is in heaven , .... Y'shua is not in Heaven and never was in Heaven since he was a mortal . It’s impossible for any mortal to go to Heaven without a mighty spaceship and thousands of years to get there . The LORD did not change Y'shua's body to something that could fly and survive in space . The LORD does not know how to do that for mortal people . Y'shua was as mortal as you are . The only difference from most all people is he had a teaching Spirit . So again Y'shua is dead and not in Heaven . Even LORD ELohim is not in Heaven . .... 9 and there is no favoritism with him . How could Y'shua have no favoritism regarding people if Y'shua wrote the Lamb's Book of Life that only the names of the saved are written in . Y'shua never wrote such a book when he was alive and he could not have written before he was born or after he died . Remember no mortal will have eternal life and if Y'shua was a God he would have known that before the LORD taught him that even he would not have an eternal life . There was nothing about Y'shua that was a God . Even LORD ELohim did not know that you would be born so how could a mortal man know that . Would it be fair if the only people written in the Lamb's Book of Life were people he knew personally ? That would leave out about 5,967 years of living people since Adam and Eve and about 149 generations . How fair would that be . LORD ELohim says there is no Lamb's Book of Life : never has been and never will be . Does LORD ELohim have favoritism ? LORD ELohim judges all people the same way . Does He like some people better then others ? There is a big difference between Hitler and Moses . Of course He does like some people better then others . Moses was forgiven and Hitler and his goons will never be forgiven by LORD ELohim .
- Ephesians 6 : 10 - 17 In the NIV : 10 Finally , be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power . Who is Paul writing about Y'shua or LORD ELohim ? There are many claims that people made about both of them and most of those claims are either lies or the truth is greatly overblown . It took LORD ELohim over 4.5 billion years to create mankind . Moses writing that it happened in one day , even if it was one of the LORD's thousand year Days , that's not the way it happened . LORD ELohim says He does not have ' mighty power ' and Y'shua did not have ' mighty power ' either . Neither LORD ELohim or Y'shua could raise people from the truly dead but billions of people in the past and even today claim that can be done by their gods or God . There is a lot written in the various Bibles and beliefs in various religions that greatly exaggerate the truth . The LORD wants people to know He does not have ' mighty power ' and neither did Y'shua . Y'shua never raised even one person from the truly dead because he could not do that and neither can LORD ELohim . What's written about Y'shua raising the dead and even other people raising the dead is a fabricated lie and probably made by the Roman Catholic Church . 11 Put on the full armor of God , so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes . Its not the devil's schemes you have to worry about , its the schemes of mortal humans . David ( Satan ) still wants nothing to do with us humans and who can blame him for that . A lot of people today want nothing to do with other people either . 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood , but against the rulers , against the authorities , against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms . First Paul writes that their problems is not flesh and blood and then he writes its rulers and authorities in ' this dark world ' . That sounds like flesh and blood to us . Then he writes ' and ' against the spiritual forces .... That sounds like its about Spirits . The LORD ELohim says there are no rulers or authorities in Heaven and again it does not sound like Paul was writing about LORD ELohim and Angels but of flesh and blood in ' this dark world ' . The LORD says there is no ' forces of evil ' in Heaven . The LORD says He has never had a problem with evil Spirits . Paul writes like he thinks he knows everything about everything . How could any mortal know about what goes on in the ' heavenly realms ' . Realms means : kingdom , sphere , domain . Again there is no evil going on in Heaven says the LORD . That proves that Spirits are a lot smarter than people . 13 There-fore put on the full armor of God , so that when the day of evil comes , you may be able to stand your ground ..... 14 Stand firm then , with the belt of truth buckled around your waist , with the breastplate of righteousness in place , .... Which day would that be ? When has there not been evil going on in ' this dark world ' ? The Christian belt of truth needs repair work about The Simple Truth . Paul writes often about him being against the Ten Commandments or as he calls the Laws . A person cannot be a righteous person if that person does not keep the Laws of LORD ELohim . The Christians choose LORD ELohim to be one of their three Gods so His Ten Commandments do count for you to keep , all Ten of them , or you will never be called a righteous person by LORD ELohim . LORD ELohim wants Christians to know that you choose Him to be one of your Gods , LORD ELohim did not chose you . Even Y'shua kept the LORD's Ten Commandments and he was a righteous man who also had good morals and principles . Its written in the gospels that Y'shua taught that people should obey the Ten Commandments just as he did all his life . LORD ELohim says Y'shua often taught people to obey the Ten Commandments . 15 Just more of the same . 16 ... take up the shield of faith , with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one . Paul does not say who the evil one is . This evil one would have to be a mortal . 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit , which is the word of God . Again there is no salvation for mortals : no life after death . No Christian has a Spirit to call their own . The Christian Bible New Testament is not the word of LORD ELohim or even of Y'shua . What's in the Christian Bible Old Testament has a lot that was changed in the wording from what is in the Jewish Bible so even much of the Christian Bible Old Testament is not the word of the LORD either .
- Ephesians 6 : 18 - 24 In the NIV : 18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests . Again the LORD ELohim is one Spirit eight feet tall . Most Christians and even of other religions prayed by words in their head and not words spoken by their mouth . The LORD cannot hear whats going on in your mind and He cannot be everywhere on earth . The LORD can only be in one place at any given time just like you can only be in one place at any given time . The chance of the LORD hearing your requests is very unlikely to happen . The LORD ELohim says the few requests He has heard from people He could not do . Again the LORD does not have ' mighty powers ' and I know He cannot win the lottery . Peoples requests have been like raising the dead , healing cancer and other diseases and a lot of other stuff that the LORD cannot do for people . Its a lie that Y'shua could do these things . Y'shua never raised any dead people or feed thousands or cured all illness and so on and on . The LORD cannot do these things either but mind over matter sometimes work regarding somethings but of course it would not work to raise the dead or cure all illnesses . ... keep on praying for all the Lord's people . We are all the LORD ELohim's children . Because of all the problems the LORD has communicating with mortals He needed people to work through and those people were and are the Hebrew Jews . LORD ELohim would not call Christians His people . It would be the Jews He would call His people . If Y'shua who was a deeply devoted Jewish man knew what people would teach and believe about him and believe about LORD ELohim , he would not call Christians his people either says the LORD . 19 Pray also for me , that whenever I speak , words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel , Paul never received anything from LORD ELohim or Y'shua . Y'shua was dead at that time and the LORD never knew Paul or even heard anything about him . Paul's beliefs were his own if this guy ever existed . It is very possible that a lot was added by the Roman Catholic Church to his writings if he did exist . There is no mystery regarding The Simple Truth . The Simple Truth about LORD ELohim , Y'shua and mankind is a easy one page read if even that much and easy to understand and easy to believe . Its all the other stuff in the CB thats hard to believe and hard to understand . 20 for which I am an ambassador in chains . .... Ambassador means a high-ranking representative of government or ruler . An official representative . Paul was never LORD ELohim or Y'shua's ambassador . If Paul was in chains it was not LORD ELohim's or Y'shua's fault . It was his lies and errors that got him in trouble and not The Simple Truth . 23 Peace to the brothers and sisters , and love with faith from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ . LORD ELohim ' the Father ' never knew Paul and neither did Y'shua and Paul never personally knew either of them . Paul's a little bold writing that . Paul writes like he just had dinner with the LORD and Y'shua . If only it was that simple .
We are just going to write Phil for this book .
- Phil 1 : 1 - 14 In the NIV : 1 .... To all God's holy people in Christ Jesus at Philippi .... The word holy means : worthy of absolute devotion , sacred , having a divine quality , hallowed . I asked the LORD if a religion could be called holy and He said No because not all people in that religion are righteous and not all beliefs are without errors and lies . 2 Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ . How is it that John the Disciple of Y'shua wrote that it was Y'shua who created everything created in John 1 : 1 - 13 but others call LORD ELohim the Father as Paul did in this verse . If Y'shua created mankind then he would have been our Father . Someone is lying or have not got their facts right . The truth is LORD ELohim created all that was created and not Y'shua the mortal man . Y'shua is said to have said regarding the LORD's Prayer " Our Father who art in Heaven " . Y'shua said the LORD ELohim is ' Our Father ' . LORD ELohim was not in Heaven at that time ; He was with Y'shua but obviously Y'shua did not know that . If Y'shua was a God he would have known that . Paul again is writing like he just had coffee with LORD ELohim and Y'shua . 6 .... until the day of Christ Jesus . There will be no day of Y'shua because the Lamb of God is dead . The LORD does not even know where Y'shua's bones are now . 7 - 14 Just repeats mostly about himself . 8 God can testify how I long for all of you with the affection of Christ Jesus . That would be quite the trick for LORD ELohim to do . How is the LORD who cannot be heard or seen and who never knew Paul suppose to ' testify ' on behalf of Paul ?
- Phil 1 : 15 - 23 In the NIV : 15 - 18 is mostly about himself and other preachers . 19 for I know that through your prayers and God's provision of the Spirit of Jesus Christ what has happened to me will trun out for my deliverance . Y'shua like you never had a Spirit to call his own . No mortal has ever had such a Spirit . The LORD says there is no Spirit of Y'shua . 20 .... but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body , whether by life or by death . 21 For to me to live is Christ and to die is gain . The words ' to live is Christ ' means what ? What is gained by dying is your suffering then ends . Many people when they get old and have many medical problems and others younger who are suffering in pain and so on , many start to loose interest in living as I have . No mortals have an eternal life to gain . Paul talks about life or death . 22 ....If I go on living in the body , There is no other place to live . 23 I am torn between the two : I desire to depart and be with Christ , which is better by far ; Many people who believe in an afterlife also believe the moment they die they go to Heaven . The LORD and Y'shua never taught anyone that because that would be a lie .
( 16 : 24 ) NOTES : Again many people believe that when they die they go straight to Heaven . Billions of mortals humans have died and still not one person has gone to Heaven and the LORD says no one living now or our offspring will ever go to Heaven either . A lot of Christians do not know what other Christians believe will happen when we die . Many believe that when we die the Soul leaves our body : that is not true . I recently learned that we do not have a Spirit called a Soul . We will write about that later . Again I am still learning . But they believe that the same Soul must return to the body : that is not true says LORD ELohim . Its also not true that we live after death as part of the Soul . Some Christians believe that the Soul and the mortal body must come together as one again when the mortal body is raised from the grave so that person can have eternal life : that is not true because LORD ELohim cannot raise mortal flesh and bone that is dead and we in no way live on as part of the Soul . Again : we have no Spirit called a Soul . The LORD ELohim's sacrifice of the Lamb of God was a true and permanent death and Y'shua knew he would never be resurrected from the dead but he was still willing to be the Lamb of God . Had Y'shua not truly died and his blood shed for the sins of mankind then it would not have been a true sacrifice and no peoples sins would have been forgiven . Many Christians believe that our resurrected body will be like Y'shua's raise dead body : but that is not true because Y'shua mortal flesh was never raised therefore there was nothing about Y'shua and us that can ever be raised from the dead . Many Christian scholars teach that resurrection of the dead will happen this way . 1 No mortal when they die go to Heaven at the time of death . 2 They believe Y'shua was the first to be resurrected but that cannot be true . In Luke 9 : 29 - 33 it says : 29 As he was praying , the appearance of his face changed , and his clothes became as bright as a flash of lightning . 30 Two men , Moses and Elijah , appeared in glorious splendour , talking to Jesus . .... 32 Peter and his companions were very sleepy , but when they became fully awake , they saw his glory and the two men standing with him . 33 As the men were leaving Jesus , Peter said to him , " Master , it is good for us to be here . Let us put up three shelters - one for you , one for Moses and one for Elijah . " For Peter and the others to be able to see Moses and Elijah then their mortal bodies must have been resurrected by LORD ELohim . No mortal can see or hear Spirits . If Moses and Elijah's mortal bodies were both resurrected before Y'shua died then Y'shua's body would not be the first to be resurrected from the dead . Some Christians may say that their flesh and bone were not resurrected yet and that what Peter saw was the Spirit or Soul of Moses and Elijah . Again mortals cannot see Spirit . The verse says these men were seen in ' glorious splendour ' . If that were true that it was some sort of Spirits they saw then who would ever want their broken down and painful mortal bodies back from the grave ? Would you ? Spirits can fly in space , no need for air , food , shelter , jobs to go to and on and on . Again this never happened . The bodies of Moses and Elijah were never risen from the grave and no mortal human has their own personal Spirit . To be seen by mortals you have to be mortal and not Spirit . Again this never happened that Peter and others saw Moses and Elijah before Y'shua died , but had this happened it would prove that Y'shua was not the first to be resurrected therefore one way or the other these are lies written in the CB . Again LORD ELohim says He never resurrected Moses or Elijah . Back to resurrection of the Christians masses . 2 Resurrection of the Christians when the rapture happens . LORD ELohim says no rapture of the Christians will ever happen because He cannot do that and neither could Y'shua if he were alive but he is dead . This goes back to people believing He has ' mighty powers ' which the LORD says He does not have . Many Christians believe that the Spirit of the Lord ( Y'shua ) or their other Gods ? will in a moment take them bodily from earth to Heaven . The word bodily means their whole mortal body will be taken to Heaven in a moment of time . Now that would be quit the trick if LORD ELohim could do that . At the same moment every Christian everywhere on earth disappears and reappears in Heaven billions of miles away by the time of the next moment . There are over 250 million Christians . How is the LORD suppose to do that ? Remember that no mortal has ever gone to Heaven and the LORD says no mortal will ever go to His Heaven . The Christians use Acts 8 : 39 to back that up . Acts is in the CB NT and said to have been written by Luke . Philip baptized a eunuch ... 39 When they came up out of the water , the Spirit of the Lord suddenly took Philip away , and the eunuch did not see him again , ... 40 Philip , however , appeared at Azotus .... The LORD says Philip was not airlifted by Him to Azotus , he walked there or hitchhiked and the eunuch not seeing him again happens all the time when we meet someone once and never again . Its a big world especially when the world had no planes , trains or cars . LORD ELohim says no Christians will be raptured and taken to Heaven and if the LORD could do that it would be the Jews He would take and not the pagan Christians . Again : He cannot do that trick . The rapture is called a resurrection but no books says the dead Christians are raptured with the living . 3 Resurrection of the believers of the Jewish Bible before Y'shua lived . It’s confusing what is written about these resurrections . These are dead people being raised who are Jews and also Gentiles . The Christians believe that will happen at the second coming of Y'shua . Again Y'shua is dead and he will remain so and there will never be a second coming of him . 4 Resurrection of the martyred Christians at the second coming of Y'shua . This is said to happen at the end of the seven year tribulation period . 5 Resurrection of all Christian believers who died during the thousand year time that Y'shua rules the world . This makes no sense . If Y'shua or LORD ELohim had the ' mighty power ' to give mortals eternal life then why not do that before people die instead of having to dig up the graves or work with cremated ashes to try to put that body back together again . 5 The resurrection of the people who were not redeemed ( not forgiven of their sins ) and Christians believe these people are headed for hell and the lake of fire for all their eternal lives . Christians say these unbelievers in Christianity are resurrected after the end of the thousand year reign of Y'shua on earth . Not going to happen . 6 So Christians believe when you die it could be thousands of years before you are resurrected from the dead . At the moment of death you do not go to Heaven and LORD ELohim says you will never be resurrected : that cannot happen for any people and no mortal will ever go to Heaven . Many Christian scholars believe the eternal you and for all other people does not happen until after the thousand year reign of Y'shua is over . So there would be 25 generations during the thousand years reign of Y'shua who will die and need to be resurrected when his reign is over . Does Y'shua continue to reign along with all the Christians as they believe ? Y'shua will never reign as King of kings on earth or in Heaven . Y'shua will never be resurrected says the LORD and neither will you because He cannot do that .
- Phil 1 : 24 - 30 In the NIV : Most in these verses is Paul writing about himself and his rules . 29 For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe in him , but also to suffer for him , ... LORD ELohim and even Y'shua before he died did not expect or say that people have to suffer . The LORD did not expect anyone to suffer because of The Simple Truth . There is nothing in The Simple Truth that we can think of to cause anger , hatred , lies , confusion , suffering and so on . If Paul suffered it was not because of The Simple Truth but because of the lies and rules and because he acted and wrote like he was like a pope chosen by Y'shua and LORD ELohim to rule over all people in the church . He brought suffering upon himself and upon other people who followed his lead and also preached his lies or errors . LORD ELohim never expected people to suffer for any reason regarding The Simple Truth . The LORD even made sure that Y'shua suffered no pain or any other suffering when His beloved Lamb of God was crucified .
- Phil 2 : 1 - 11 In the NIV : I - 4 It is Paul just telling people how to act and think again . 5 In your relationships with one another , have the same mindset as Christ Jesus : 6 Who , being in very nature God , We don't remember Paul ever calling Y'shua a God but in this verse he does . Y'shua was never a God in any form . No God incarnated into the flesh man Y'shua and there is only one God : LORD ELohim and He did not incarnate into Y'shua either . ... 6 did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage ; Y'shua was never equal to LORD ELohim and there is no ' only Son of God ' who is a God also . Y'shua was as mortal as you are . It is the Christians who made Y'shua to be a false God and one of their three Gods to worship : not LORD ELohim . Jews believed mortals cannot be Gods so it was not them who started the rumor that Y'shua was a God . 7 rather , he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant , being made in human likeness . Again : Y'shua was a mortal man who was born as a mortal man . No God went in him and he was not equal with LORD ELohim . Y'shua had to be a mortal man in every way so to be the Lamb of God . Spirits cannot shed blood or be sacrificed and die . Spirits are eternal and have no blood in them to shed . Only a purely mortal man could be the Lamb of God who truly died for the forgiveness of our sins by LORD ELohim . Y'shua was conceived by an egg and sperm just like you were . Of course he was made in human likeness and not a sheep or a goat . Y'shua was to be the ultimate sacrifice for the sins of the world , if only he was willing to be sacrificed as the Lamb of God by LORD ELohim himself . 8 And being found in appearance as a man , he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death - even death on a cross . 9 Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name . The name LORD ELohim gave the Lamb of God was Y'shua and not Jesus which was given to him by the Christians . Remember one of Paul's Greek friends name was Jesus so the name Jesus is not above every name . The Christians have been praying in the wrong name for well over a thousand years . Many years after the death of Y'shua the LORD heard non-Jewish people talking about and worshiping someone named Jesus but it took a long time before LORD ELohim came to know that they were talking about Y'shua because He did not understand the language the pagans spoke . LORD ELohim just thought their Jesus was just one of their many false gods they were worshiping . The LORD ELohim was right : they were worshiping a false god called Jesus . If you are using the name Jesus which is a Greek name you will not get anywhere with LORD ELohim . The Lamb of God was a deeply devoted Jewish man who's name was and is yet Y'shua even though he is dead . Y'shua was not a Greek man called the Greek name Jesus so call him by his real Jewish name ' Y'shua ' because the LORD can ignore you a lot longer than you can ignore Him . 10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow , in heaven and on earth and under the earth , Again : written is the wrong name : Jesus . The Christians are bowing to this Greek and Roman false god but no one else is doing that on earth or in Heaven . And not even LORD ELohim knows what ' and under the earth ' means . 11 and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord , to the glory of God the Father . Again : the wrong name and both Jesus and Christ are a wrong name . The pagan name Jesus should be the Jewish name Y'shua and the name Christ should not even be there . The Latin name Christus and Greek name Christos and English name Christ means Messiah and we hope we read all that right in the Dictionary . The LORD ELohim says to all Christians that Y'shua the Lamb of God was not the awaited Jewish Messiah . The LORD did not intend to give him that work and position back then or at any other time in the future .
( 16 : 25 ) The LORD says to write about this again .The Messiah is a Jewish belief which is another thing the Christians stole from the Jewish people and greatly corrupted this belief by calling Y'shua the Messiah . The Jewish Messiah is suppose to do some things like bring peace to this troubled world and to bring greater compassion and love . The Jews do not believe the Messiah or any other mortal can be a God and the Jews are perfectly right about that . The Jewish Messiah will be a mortal man and LORD ELohim says He would back up this Jewish man in anyway He can help . The Jews believe the Messiah will unify the world and he will be a spiritual guide to people everywhere like teaching the Ten Commandments . The Messiah will be chosen to lead the world to peace and greater happiness . The Messiah is also expected to rebuild the third Temple but LORD ELohim does not care if that happens or not . He loves going to Synagogues . Some Jews gave the Messiah another task : to raise the dead . LORD ELohim says that is to much to expect of a simple mortal man . That will never happen and the Jews should not expect it to happen because LORD ELohim Himself cannot do that . If the Messiah brings peace , greater love and compassion and greater joy and happiness to all the world then everything else that is good will fall in place except raising the dead or healing the sick . When will the Jewish Messiah come to be ? No one really knows the answer to that , not even LORD ELohim because He is not the author of this hope the Jews have for all mankind .
- Phil 2 : 12 - 18 In the NIV : Paul is writing about how good people are obeying : probably him . 12 .... - continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling , The LORD ELohim does not expect people to suffer or fear Him . What is there to fear about LORD ELohim regarding The Simple Truth ??? What is there in The Simple Truth that most all people would need to work about . LORD ELohim authored The Simple Truth . He did all the work for that and Y'shua gave his life up for that . There is nothing more to be done or to work out . Again : No Rules . Paul was against the Ten Commandments because he did not like the work to keep these simple Laws . How many commands and rules has Paul written so far ? Over a hundred maybe or two hundred maybe . It would be a lot easier to keep LORD ELohim's Ten Commandments than to figure out what Paul's are all about and to obey his rules and commands . The LORD says if you are a fairly good person there is nothing for you to work out ; your sins are forgiven by LORD ELohim . The LORD hopes by His and Y'shua's example your have learned to also forgive other people and even to forgive yourself for wrong doings . The LORD says that teaching is what The Simple Truth was and is still all about . Again : The Simple Truth has nothing to do with having an eternal life . The LORD cannot do that for any mortal . But if you forgive people and yourself for the wrong doings you will be surprised at how much better your mortal life will become . Keeping the LORD's Ten Commandments will even make your life much happier and without regrets to . 13 For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose . Again : which God of the three Christian Gods is Paul writing about . We are not sure what ' to will and to act ' means . If it means interfering with peoples free will then Paul is not writing the truth . Remember the LORD and any other Spirits are not allowed to interfere in any peoples free will . 14 Do everything without grumbling or arguing , 15 so that you may become blameless and pure , " children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation . " What is there in The Simple Truth to grumble and argue about . The LORD says there is nothing . If people were grumbling and arguing about all of Paul's rules and commands that is easy to understand why the disagreements . ... you may become ... children of God ... We mortal humans are all ' children of God ' . LORD ELohim created mortal life and not Y'shua . The LORD ELohim is our only Father and God . So we are already ' children of God ' . At the time of Y'shua and Paul the LORD did not have any problems with the Jews . Rarely in the past and now did LORD ELohim have any problems . If Paul really was a Jew then the LORD would have had a problem with him if he really wrote all these verses but the LORD never knew of Paul . The rest of 15 - 18 is just Paul being Paul .
- Phil 2 : 19 - 30 In the NIV : 19 I hope in the Lord Jesus to send Timothy to you soon , that I also may be cheered when I receive news about you . Y'shua was dead and there is no Spirit that can be in all Christians at the same time . Y'shua could not have sent Timothy to those people . 25 .... 27 Indeed he was ill and almost died . But God had mercy on him , and not on him only but also on me , to spare me sorrow upon sorrow . Again LORD ELohim did not know Paul or Epaphroditus . The LORD did not heal Epaphroditus illness . 21 For everyone looks out for their own interests , not those of Jesus Christ . Y'shua had no interests because he is dead and was dead at the time Paul started preaching whatever he preaches . And the rest has nothing to do with The Simple Truth just like the above verses .
- Phil 3 : 1 - 11 In the NIV : Most is just Paul writing about himself . In 4 - 6 he tells his life story . 8 .... knowing Christ Jesus my Lord , for whose sake I have lost all things . I consider them garbage , that I may gain Christ 9 and be found in him , not having righteousness of my own that comes from the law , but that which is through faith in Christ - the righteousness that comes from God on the basis of faith . LORD ELohim and Y'shua never said your sins are only forgiven if you have some kind of faith . The LORD never made any rules about forgiving most all peoples sins . He only had one fact that the wicked and evil people will never be forgiven . If you are a fairly good person your sins are forgiven . No rules and no need to have any kind of faith . Even the fairly good Atheists are forgiven . I asked LORD ELohim since most all peoples sins are forgiven does that make all of us who are forgiven righteous ? The LORD said that does not make us righteous . To be considered righteous you need to obey the Ten Commandments , to be moral , to be virtuous , just , and ethical . The LORD says righteousness requires work for most all people . Paul writes that he considers himself to be a righteous man by only faith . Paul would not have been called a righteous man by the LORD . 10 I want to know Christ - yes , to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his suffering , becoming like him in his death , 11 and so , somehow , attaining to the resurrection from the dead . Paul's corpse will be waiting for all eternity to be raised from the dead because Y'shua was never resurrected from the dead . People who whip themselves and cause themselves other suffering are silly people the LORD says . That gets you no closer to Y'shua or LORD ELohim then if you did not do that to yourself . There is nothing about The Simple Truth that requires you to beat up yourself . Doing that to yourself does not impress LORD ELohim in anyway and would not have impressed Y'shua either . People who believe they must suffer as Y'shua suffered belittles Y'shua's sacrifice for most all mankind . Paul is wrong to teach that .
- Phil 3 : 12 - 21 In the NIV : Paul mostly writes about himself . 14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus . LORD ELohim has never called any mortal heavenward ; not even Y'shua . Again : no mortal will ever go to Heaven . There are no prizes to be given to people . Many Christians believe they with Y'shua will rule the whole world someday and having the crowns like kings and thats not likely to happen but it could . Not with Y'shua or LORD ELohim involved but in the past the Roman Catholic Church gained a lot of power to the point even some kings had to get approval or permission from the pope for stuff . That could happen again if the Roman Catholic Church regains such power again and don't be surprised if Inquisitions happen again also . 17 Join together in following my example , brothers and sisters , and just as you have us as a model , keep your eyes on those who live as we do . Again Paul thinks very highly of himself regarding himself as a preacher . 18 For , as I have often told you before and now tell you again even with tears , many live as enemies of the cross of Christ . 19 Their destiny is destruction , their god is their stomach , and their glory is in their shame . And this is the reason why only LORD ELohim can judge mankind and not mankind judging each other . If you want to say who are the ' enemies of the truth about the cross of Y'shua ' it is the Christians . The destiny of all people is the same for all people . We are all going to die and our flesh and bones will decay and back to dust we all go . Many today choose cremation which changes nothing ; its just becoming dust a lot faster and cheaper . Their god is their stomach probably means they are in it for the money . Paul in a couple of verses admitted he is a payed preacher too . Today there are many preachers who have made their millions preaching , and not just Christians . Paul does not write much about The Simple Truth and a lot of what he believes is simply not true so for him to call other preachers shameful is just wrong . Some of those shameful preacher could be preaching only The Simple Truth and maybe thats what is bothering Paul . There should be no money to be made other than tithes regarding The Simple Truth . The Simple Truth is coffee shop talk or the Jewish Rabbis just adding it to their teachings in their Synagogues . Again the LORD is not trying to shut down Christian churches , He is just trying to get Christians preachers to teach Christians The Simple Truth and to be honest about many things with their congregation . If people know the truth that there is no eternal life after death they might live this life better than they are doing now . 20 But our citizenship is in heaven . And we eagerly await a Savior from there , the Lord Jesus Christ . Only LORD ELohim and Spirits are citizens of Heaven . Y'shua is not in Heaven , never has been . Neither LORD ELohim or Y'shua were or are a Savior since the word seems to mean to allow people to have an eternal life . 21 who , by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control , will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body . LORD ELohim never changed Y'shua's body into a ' glorious body ' what ever that means . Y'shua was a mortal man and his body would have decayed just as yours will unless your cremated . Y'shua had no magical powers or any other powers and LORD ELohim could not raise Y'shua from the grave so not you either . LORD ELohim did not create anything by just using words . The LORD had to work with His hands to create anything so how is LORD ELohim suppose to raise billions of dead people with only His hands to work with ?
( 16 : 26 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim wants to remind people that if you write or speak about Him or Y'shua or anything related to them the LORD then owns those writings or even spoken words . The LORD has every right to defend the truth about Him and Y'shua and much more and to make known to all people the lies and errors people have made about The Simple Truth or anything else in the Christian Bible or in any other books . So if you have written about LORD ELohim and Y'shua and anything about anything to do with them , then LORD ELohim has every right to use your words , written or oral , to defend the truth and to make known to all people the lies and errors you have written . The Little Book is owned by LORD ELohim . This Book is what He is using to correct errors and lies about Him and Y'shua and anything else He wants to write about like the Christian faith and their many Bible Versions and many other subjects . Again : LORD ELohim has every right to use your book or oral words for correction of your errors and lies or for information that He can use to defend all that is the truth about anything .
( 16 : 27 ) NOTES : We usually use two different Bible Versions though we do have a couple of others . The King James Version and the New International Version . Since 1000 C.E. (A.D.) there has been written over 225 Versions of the Christian Bible and these were just the English Versions and not all early ones were complete Versions . Most all of these Versions were written after 1526 C.E. Version means : translation , an account or description from a particular point of view especially as contrasted with another , a form or variant of a type or original . Variant means : variation from a type or form , a change in form , position or condition . The Protestant movement began in the 1500's and the word Protestant was first used in Germany in 1529 . That is when Christians began to break away from the Roman Catholic Church . The Latin word Protestans means , one who protests . There was a Catholic man named William Tyndale who died in 1536 . William began translating the New Testament Bible into English in 1524 . The Roman Catholic Church went against him and tried to stop him from doing that . William went to Germany and did his work there in secret . William was able to publish his Version of the New Testament in English in 1526 . In 1530 he finished his Version of the Pentateuch ( the first five Books of the Jewish Bible ) . The Catholic church with permission of King Henry VIII sent the religious authorities and arrested William Tyndale and strangled him and burned his body at the stake . The Roman Catholic Church burned much of Tyndale's Bibles but a few that he had published survived the wrath of the Roman Catholic Church . From 1526 to now , 223 English Versions of the Christian Bible have been written . If we are reading right the Old Testament was not added until about 1560 to new Versions . The Papal Inquisition happened in the 12 and 13 century . The Spanish Inquisition began at the time of Columbus around 1490 and did not end until 1834 . The Spanish Inquisition lasted 344 years . One would think the Roman Catholic Church would have stopped murdering people by the time of William Tyndale but the Spanish Inquisition continued for another 298 years after William was murdered . Why was there a reason why there were 223 English Versions of the Christian Bible written since 1526 ? There is a old saying : follow the money . If you go to a Book Store for a Bible : they are not cheap . The writers and publishers are making money writing and selling different Bible Versions . How has meaning and wording in the CB's changed in the past all most 500 years ? A Bible would not be a new Version if every word was exactly the same as the Bible they are copying from . The word Version might as well be called ' changes : many many changes ' in the New and Old Testaments . The writers and publishers believe they own all rights to their Bible Version . The LORD says different . If any of His names or the name God or Jesus Christ or Y'shua is in any writings including the hundreds of Christian Bible Versions : He owns them and He can use these books and Bible Versions in any way He wants including to correct their errors and lies .
( 16 : 28 ) LORD ELohim says to let you know that I have never made a penny regarding the Little Book . In fact its the other way around . It has cost me a lot of money to help LORD ELohim to get it to what it is now and on the web . I don't mind doing this for Him . It has become a full time hobby and I do greatly enjoy helping the LORD with His Little Book that He alone owns .
- Phil 4 : 1 - 9 In the NIV : 3 ....Clement and the rest of my co-workers , whose names are in the book of life . Here Paul believes he is the judge of mankind and has declared himself and Clement and his other follower to be saved . Again there is no book of life and no eternal life . Only LORD ELohim can judge us . How are Angels and the LORD suppose to make books and pens and write with them ? Spirits cannot do that and do not want to do that . All mankind was judged as a species and not as individuals so there is no need for books and since there is no eternal life there is no book of life . Many people believe if their name and your name is written in the book of life , they and you will have a good and happy eternal life and if their name or your name is not in that book then they and you will go to hell . The LORD says both are wrong . There is no eternal life for any people , good or bad and not even Christians . 5 ... The Lord is near . The name Lord spelt like that by Paul means Y'shua , we think . Christians are so confusing with their three Gods and how they spell their names . Paul and others have written that Y'shua is in Heaven sitting on a thorn and this verse he says Y'shua is near . Heaven is billions of miles away so that is hardly near . 7 And the peace of God , which transcends all understanding , will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus . LORD ELohim since the time of Adam and Eve has tried in every way to help us live a happy and peaceful life . Happiness and peace among other people and happiness and peace in our thoughts and mind . Through Y'shua He tried to teach us to forgive other people and even ourselves so our mind would be at peace . John the Baptist was to teach that in words but he was murdered before he could do that and the pagan Roman and Greek Christians caused LORD ELohim nothing but problems regarding The Simple Truth . Christianity is everywhere on earth and the problems they caused still exist even today . 9 .... Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me , or seen in me - put it into practice . And the God of peace will be with you . The Simple Truth and the Ten Commandments can help give you peace of mind and world peace . Paul's two hundred or so rules : not so much if anything .
- Phil 4 : 10 - 23 In the NIV : Paul is mostly just writing about himself again . 15 , when I set out from Macedonia , not one church shared with me in the matter of giving and receiving , except you only ; 16 for even when I was in Thessalonica , you sent me aid more than once when I was in need . .... I am amply supplied , now that I have received from Epaphroditus the gifts you sent . They are a fragrant offering , an acceptable sacrifice , pleasing to God . Paul is near the end of his time . Paul writes like he was not a popular preacher . LORD ELohim does not like that Paul called the gifts ' an acceptable sacrifice ' . Those gifts were not a sacrifice says the LORD . 19 And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus . If LORD ELohim could meet all peoples needs then why are many children and their families suffering from hunger , suffering without shelter , suffering illness , suffering in poverty , and suffering in many other ways . There is not a lot the LORD can do about this but He hopes you can . Y'shua being a mortal man could give to charities but the LORD cannot . LORD ELohim has always hoped that people would share the earth and help each other in hard times because He cannot . A reminder : Y'shua never feed thousands of people with just a couple of fish and bread . That never happened because it could not happen . If LORD ELohim could do that , He would do that and no child would ever be hungry or suffer homelessness and so on . In all that He needs your help to help others who are suffering .
We will us Colos for this book .
- Colos 1 : 1 - 13 : In the NIV : 2 To God's holy people in Colossae , .... Grace and peace to you from God the Father . Paul's followers are not God's holy people and still are not . Christians are pagans to LORD ELohim because of their three Gods and other reasons . Paul here is speaking for God without the LORD speaking for Himself . I learnt long ago not to do that . 5 the faith and love that spring from the hope stored up for you in heaven and .... No moral will ever go to Heaven . There is nothing stored up for Christians or anyone else there . Again : there is nothing in Heaven but stars and planets and stuff like that and a lot of empty space . No mansions , no crowns , no thrones , no work , no anything and thats the way LORD ELohim and Spirits like it . Nothing to do except to play , dance , sing and have nonstop fun and nonstop enjoyment and nonstop loving each other . ... 5 and about which you have already heard in the true message of the gospel 6 that has come to you . The true message of the sacrifice of Y'shua is something I did not know until recently . I often wondered what then was the point of the sacrifice of Y'shua if not eternal life and stuff like that . The true message of the sacrifice was for us to learn from LORD ELohim to forgive one another for wrong doings and to forgive ourselves for the sins and mistakes we made in life . To help us to emotionally and mentally live a better mortal life . To rid ourselves of the baggage of hate and anger so we can truly fully love again just as LORD ELohim did when He forgave most all peoples sins and even the mistakes we made . This is something that Y'shua taught and John the Baptist was going to teach but he was murdered before he did that . No where so far has Paul and the Disciples gotten that right that we can remember . If we find anything like the truth about The Simple Truth we will note that . Again : Y'shua knew the reason of for his sacrifice and taught people to forgive one another and ourselves . Where is that written ? Also : where are Y'shua's writings ? 6 ... - just as it has been doing among you since the day you heard it and truly understood God's grace . Grace means freedom from sin by LORD ELohim's divine grace . In other words the LORD ELohim forgave most all of us of our sins . But thats where Paul's and other peoples understanding ends . What we did not gain from the sacrifice of the Lamb of God is eternal life , a trip to Heaven and stuff like that . What we do gain if we learn from the LORD to forgive people and ourselves is peace of mind , a happier mortal life , and much greater love of others and ourselves . 10 ... growing in the knowledge of God , 11 being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience , How can people believe that a day is coming when the LORD is going to wrath against most all mankind like it says in the book of Revelation and yet believe they have a lot of ' knowledge of God ' . If you believe in stuff like what is written in Revelation then you know nothing about the LORD . The words ' power ... glorious might ' are not words LORD ELohim would use to describe Himself or even Y'shua when he was alive . The Simple Truth is not something that a person would say they work for a living teaching it . We call it ' coffee shop news ' . There was and is no reason to ' have great endurance ' to teach The Simple Truth . 12 and giving joyful thanks to the Father , who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light . If you have read LORD ELohim's Little Book so far , you would know that the LORD would never call a Christian a ' holy person ' . Paul has not taught much of anything that would have qualified people being called ' holy ' by LORD ELohim . If the ' kingdom of light ' means the kingdom of God then Paul is wrong . There is not going to be any kingdom of God on earth . 13 For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves , in whom we have redemption , the forgiveness of sins . Some day all us mortal humans living now will be in the same kingdom that Y'shua is in : the kingdom of death and decay just like all mortals in the past . LORD ELohim has many billions of mortal sons . He named them males of mankind . Y'shua was not from Heaven and never went to Heaven when he died . Y'shua was the mortal Lamb of God and yes the LORD did greatly love Y'shua . Y'shua was the sacrificed Lamb of God for the redemption of our sins but it was LORD ELohim who forgave the sins of most all mankind : not Y'shua . If a animal like a sheep is sacrificed for peoples sins to be forgiven , it is not the dead sheep who forgives their sins : it’s LORD ELohim who does that .
- Colo 1 : 15 - 23 In the NIV : 15 The Son is the image of the invisible God , the firstborn over all creation . Y'shua was in the image of mortal man because he was a mortal man . LORD ELohim is the image of only Himself . Spirits are alike LORD ELohim but most all of them are much shorter . Y'shua was not a Spirit or a God anymore than you are . Y'shua was not the first to be ' the firstborn ' of Spirit or of flesh and bone . The LORD ELohim started creating His Spirit children trillions of years ago and Y'shua was not the first because Y'shua is not Spirit . Adam and Eve were chosen to be the first to be called mankind and that was about four thousand years before Y'shua was born as a mortal . The only ' first ' Y'shua was is the human mortal Lamb of God and he was also the last to be the human Lamb of God . LORD ELohim will never do that again for mankind . Think about how big of a mess the corrupt pagans , mostly Romans and Greeks , made of that . Christians corrupted The Simple Truth so much , It came to the point that LORD ELohim deeply felt that Y'shua died for nothing and He deeply regretted everything about He did regarding The Simple Truth . Even LORD ELohim needed to forgive Himself for the death of Y'shua . 16 For in him all things were created : things in heaven and on earth . Paul is talking about Y'shua . This is a lie . It’s interesting how this lie went from one person , maybe John , and became the lie of many people . We say maybe John because so much has been added to the Christian Bible by the Roman Catholic Church . We cannot even be sure Paul ever existed or what the Disciples of Y'shua really did write . There has been over two hundred Versions of the English CB and everyone had to be different so the writers and publishers are not sued for simply copying other peoples work . The LORD understands the Bible being translated into different languages but not this Version stuff . So what were the writings of the Disciples ? who knows ? Again : where are Y'shua's writings ? The LORD says you can be sure that Y'shua's Disciples never wrote Y'shua feed thousands with just a couple of fish and a couple of bread or raised the dead or healed all sickness , or heard LORD ELohim speaking , or saw Moses and Elijah , or , or , or .... because none of these things ever happened because they could not have happened . Remember this : Y'shua was not the creator of the Christian faith . Not in anyway . LORD ELohim is very sure none of Y'shua's Disciples were involved in anyway in that either . It was among the Romans when the LORD first heard the name ' Jesus ' used and not among any Jews . Again : LORD ELohim created all that was created in Heaven and on this earth and not Y'shua . .... 16 visible and invisible , whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities ; all things have been created through him and for him . Again : Y'shua did not create all this stuff . If Paul is saying that Y'shua created thrones and rulers and authorities and whatever powers means he is wrong . There is none of that in Heaven and Spirit cannot interfere in mankind’s free will . Also Y'shua was never Spirit so he was never in Heaven . Nothing was created by LORD ELohim for Y'shua because Y'shua was a mortal man and he would die someday even if he was not sacrificed . 17 He is before all things , and in him all things hold together . Y'shua did not exist in any form until he was conceived of about two thousand years ago by LORD ELohim . How is flesh or Spirit suppose to hold all things together ? Even LORD ELohim does not need to do that . We would have to go to the science book and look up atoms and gravity and stuff like that regarding what hold all together . LORD ELohim is not in you keeping your bum from falling off . 18 And he is the head of the body , the church ; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead , so that in everything he might have the supremacy . Don't blame Y'shua for what became pagan Christianity . Y'shua died as a deeply devoted Jew . Even Y'shua like all Jews did not believe a mortal could be a God . Y'shua was not the beginning of ' the church ' . The words Roman Catholic Church probably explains that . It would not be Y'shua who has ' supremacy ' over everything , it would be LORD ELohim . To all Spirits LORD ELohim is their Father , not their king , or their ruler or anything like that . To mankind and all other mortals LORD ELohim is our Father and our God . Was Y'shua the firstborn from the dead as Paul writes ? Remember the CB says Moses and Elijah were alive again from the dead before Y'shua had even died and that story is no true either . 19 For God is pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him , 20 and through him to reconcile to himself all things , whether things on earth of things in heaven , by making peace through his blood , shed on the cross . LORD ELohim never dwelled in Y'shua . LORD ELohim says there was nothing to reconcile to Himself on earth or in Heaven . No one really understands what Paul means by ' reconcile ' . Y'shua's blood shed did not make peace on earth and in Heaven there has always been peace there . Again Spirits are smarter than people . 21 Once you were alienated from God and were enemies in your minds because of your evil behavior . 22 But now he has reconciled you by Christ's physical body through death to present you holy in his sight , without blemish and free from accusation - I asked LORD ELohim if at the moment Y'shua died did all who were forgiven , past , present and future people become ' holy ' and the LORD said No . So Paul is wrong . The word ' holy ' means worthy of absolute devotion , sacred , having a divine quality , hallowed , blessed , sanctified , consecrated . The LORD does not agree with mankind’s definitions of the word ' holy ' : the last four definitions . LORD ELohim forgave most all peoples sins but that did not change us or stop us from sinning or make us better people . People still hate , war , harm each other , treat others badly , kill His beloved elephants , and stuff like that . Thats not being holy and without blemish . Most Christians believe they do not have to keep the Ten Commandments . That is definitely not being holy or even trying to be holy . I used the word holy when writing about Oak Island saying the Rabbis who helped Him were Holy Rabbis and He let me get away with that because these Rabbis and the other Jews came very close to having a divine quality . Divine also meaning : supremely good . 23 ... This is the gospel that you heard and that has been proclaimed to every creature under heaven , and of which I , Paul , have become a servant . A lot of people never heard of the gospel until well over a thousand years after Y'shua died and there are still a lot of people on earth who have not heard them . That is why the LORD forgave the sins of past , present and future fairly good people and of all loving religions all at the same time : the moment Y'shua died for the LORD's forgiveness of our sins . There were times several different religions were not loving religions . That is why many Roman Catholic popes and their goons and some people of other religions were never forgiven .
- Colo 1 : 24 - 29 In the NIV : 24 Now I rejoice in what I am suffering for you , and I fill up in my flesh what is still lacking in regard to Christ's afflictions , for the sake of his body , which is the church . Is Paul saying he must suffer as much as Y'shua did ? LORD ELohim says thats a silly thing to do and is completely unnecessary to be doing . You gain nothing by doing that . 25 I have become its servant by the commission God gave me to present to you the word of God in its fullness . The word commission means : authority to act as agent for another . LORD ELohim did not hire Paul for anything . The LORD never knew or even heard anything about this man . If the LORD knew Paul He would have fired him from being one of His servants as Paul calls himself . LORD ELohim did not commission Paul to teach The Simple Truth or anything else . 26 the mystery that has been kept hidden for ages and generations , but is now disclosed to the Lord's people . Again : the Lord's people are not you Christians . The mystery regarding The Simple Truth for the most part is not much of a mystery . Most of us did not completely understand the full reason for the sacrifice until recently : to learn from LORD ELohim so to forgive others and to forgive ourselves so we could live a happier life without regret , anger and hatred in our lives . Paul makes not mention of this in any of his writings so far . We don't remember even the gospels teaching this either . If the LORD hired Paul He would have worked closely with Paul and that never happened because LORD ELohim never hired Paul in the first place . The Simple Truth and the reason for The Simple Truth was not kept hidden for ages or generation . The LORD indicated He only began thinking about The Simple Truth about three hundred years before the time of Y'shua . LORD ELohim did not think He could do that to a man and feared to regret it . Because of Christian teachings He did regret that Y'shua willing gave his up his life for what seemed to be nothing gained for people . It was not easy because He loved Y'shua greatly but the LORD needed to forgive Himself for that . LORD ELohim did forgive Himself for being the author of The Simple Truth and now that LORD ELohim has a way to speak to mankind about The Simple Truth and why He did that for us He has no regrets . The LORD hopes you will learn from Him and forgive those who hurt you and you will learn to forgive yourself also like He forgave Himself . Again : the LORD's people are not pagan Christians , never have been and unless Christians make changes in their religious beliefs they never will be . LORD ELohim cannot give mortals an eternal life but He has never stopped trying to help people have a happier and more peaceful life and that to was what The Simple Truth and the Ten Commandments and other teachings were all about . That is what His Little Book is about to . 26 ... but is now disclosed to the Lord's people . 27 To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery , which is Christ in you , the hope of glory . The LORD never chose anyone who writes like Paul writes about Y'shua and the LORD . Y'shua was never the Messiah ( Christ ) just as the Jews said he was not . And Y'shua is dead and was never a Spirit so how could he be in you ? There is no ' glory ' for you in The Simple Truth but the LORD hopes you will have a better life . 29 ...contend with all the energy Christ so powerfully works in me . That's not the way it works . It’s not that obvious that LORD ELohim and Spirits are working to teach a person and you have to work as hard as they do to understand what they are teaching . I'm lucky that the LORD and teaching Spirits can indicate to me whats they are teaching but even then it took years for me to finally understand what The Simple Truth was all about . It was about LORD ELohim teaching us how to forgive as He forgave our sins and it was about learning how to forgive ourselves also , so our mortal lives will be much better lives then when we are angry and full of hate and regrets . All that is part of The Simple Truth .
- Colo 2 : 1 - 5 In the NIV : I want you to know how hard I am contending for you .... Paul writes about himself more then he writes about rules and not much about The Simple Truth . Contend means : to strive against rivals or difficulties , maintain . Paul writes he has 2 full riches of complete understanding ... Paul really understood very little if anything of what LORD ELohim was trying to help mankind with . 5 Just more of the same .
( 16 : 29 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim knows that some Christians and maybe others will say Satan is behind the Little Book . We could say the same thing about the Christian New Testament and how Satan was behind the Christians changing many verses in the Jewish Bible in their Old Testament . Again LORD ELohim says : Think Not Beyond Logic but please think and think without a closed mind . David ( Satan ) has never had anything to do with mankind and LORD ELohim has never allowed any Spirits to interfere with our free will . There is a lot written in the CB about Spirits causing problems for people . That is not true . David has never been " the one who leads the world astray " or " the deceiver of men " or " god of this age " or " ruler of the kingdom of the air " or " the accuser of our brethren " or a fallen Spirit and so on . The CB says the LORD will chain Satan in the end of times . If that were true then why did the LORD not do that six thousand years ago when Adam and Eve were alive so he could not cause mankind problems ? Many Christians believe it was David who brought evil to our world . That's not true : we mortals brought evil into our lives . It's so common that people seek someone else to blame for our problems . David has never been our problems . Our hatred , violence , wars , unforgiving anger , greed , envy , creation of false gods , and so on is mankind’s doing and not the doing of any Spirits . As a species we humans need to take full responsibility for all that and much more and stop blaming others for what we do and stop blaming Spirits too . The Little Book is LORD ELohim's book . We failed our trial as a species and there is no turning back . Being forgiven of our sins does not mean we have another chance to pass our trial . The LORD has given mankind many chances to get things right so we could have a more loving and caring and happy life and just as many times mankind became evil and hateful and uncaring an so on again . There are no more chances left . Sometime in the future LORD ELohim and other Spirits will head home to Heaven . The reason why is a very long list of reasons . The LORD pities humans a lot because we do suffer in many many ways and most our lives are difficult and greatly lacking true joy and happiness and its not getting any better . LORD ELohim does love us as His children but He has also given up on us to change to .
( 16 : 30 ) NOTES : We were talking about Angels . There are only six Angels about six feet tall . People call these Angels the Archangels . David is an Archangel . The names are wrong but the Angels people call Michael and Gabriel are Archangels to . LORD ELohim is about eight feet tall . The rest of all the many thousands of Spirits are only about six inches tall . All teaching Spirits are the little Spirits . The Spirits and the LORD says that it was not an Archangel that went to Miriam the mother of Y'shua or to John the Baptist father named Zechariah . Those Spirits were the little teaching Spirits helping LORD ELohim . The Archangels and LORD ELohim would have trouble fitting into people but the little Spirits can go in people without problems . Again people cannot see Spirits or hear them with our ears .
( 16 : 31 ) NOTES : A lot of people are wondering what LORD ELohim is like . There is no human or Spirit as smart as Him . The LORD coded the English language when He created English without pen or paper , but just in His mind . He is wiser than any other living being . LORD ELohim is deeply loving and kind and a gentle Spirit . The thing I love about Him is He has an awesome sense of humor . The teaching Spirits say that He jokes a lot and makes everyone near laugh a lot . The LORD has always been very patient and understanding , even with me . LORD ELohim and His Spirit children to are deeply loving , kind and good and very caring about each other . The LORD ELohim and all His Spirit children are pure love . His Spirit children love Him as much as He loves them .
- Colo 2 : 6 - 5 In the NIV : .... 2 may have the full riches of complete understanding , in order that they may know the mystery of God , namely , Christ . Paul or who ever wrote this book does not have a ' complete understanding ' of The Simple Truth . It seems that Paul is calling Christ a God . Y'shua in no form was a God . LORD ELohim is the only God and Father of all Spirits and all mortals that He created , including us humans . There is no living beings in Heaven or on earth that was not created by LORD ELohim . The Simple Truth was not a mystery back then , especially to the Jews , but when the Christians took over teaching about Y'shua and added so many lies and errors , then The Simple Truth did become somewhat of a mystery to mankind . 3 - 5 Just Paul being Paul .
- Colo 2 : 6 - 15 In the NIV : 6 So then , just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord , continue to live your lives in him , ... strengthened in the faith as you were taught , ... 8 See to it that no one takes you captive through hallow and deceptive philosophy .... Paul trys to takes away peoples right to think and when people are not allowed to think about stuff they can easily be sucked into believing anything . What LORD ELohim is trying to do is to get you thinking about The Simple Truth and about what is written in the CB . 9 For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form , Deity means God . God means LORD ELohim and not Y'shua . There is only one God : LORD ELohim . There are not the three Gods the Christians believe in . LORD ELohim was never in bodily form , He cannot fit in a human body . There was no other God or only Son of God in Y'shua and neither of those even existed . He is head over every power and authority . In Heaven the word power or authority do no exist . LORD ELohim is the Father of all His Spirit children and thats it . The LORD is a Father : not a politician or dictator . Y'shua was a mortal man who was a carpenter for most of his life . Y'shua was a simple Rabbi for a few years but he had no power or authority over anyone . 11 In him you were also circumcised .. not performed by human hands . Your whole self ruled by the flesh was put off when you were circumcised by Christ , 12 having been buried with him in baptism , in which you were also raised with him through your faith in the working of God , who raised him from the dead . Circumcision was a sign of the covenant between LORD ELohim and Israel . I'm having a problem understanding this . What does circumcision have to do with peoples belief in eternal life through Y'shua ? Circumcision goes back to the time of Abraham . The LORD says leave it to the Rabbis to think about that . ' Having been buried with him in baptism ' must be like just a symbol ' raised with him through your faith ' is not a symbol but a lie . Y'shua and you will never be raised from the dead by the LORD because He cannot do that . LORD ELohim says Paul writes about circumcision way to much to the point it makes no sense even to Him . Circumcised or not circumcised the LORD forgave fairly good people of their sins so what does circumcision got to do with anything about The Simple Truth . The LORD says : nothing . 13 When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your flesh , God made you alive with Christ . The LORD says no one was dead in their sins because sin is not the cause of death . Circumcision was a Hebrew Jewish covenant thing between the LORD and Israel which had nothing to do with death or eternal life or even sin . People were not dead in their sin so they were no more alive in Y'shua . And like always I hope we have this right . There is nothing here about The Simple Truth . ... 13 He forgave us all our sins , 14 having canceled the charge or our legal indebtedness , which stood against us and condemned us ; he has taken it away , nailing it to the cross . LORD ELohim did forgive most all people of their sins . The LORD does not like the words ' legal indebtedness ' . If Paul was a Jew he would know that the Jews did rituals as the LORD taught them for the LORD to forgive their sins . What does Paul mean by ' condemned us ' ? In what way could LORD ELohim do that ? The LORD did not sentence judicially any people . He did teach right from wrong but when people did wrong He did not throw people in jail . Again : sin is not the cause of death . Because we die it has nothing to do with people being condemned by the LORD . The LORD forgave most all people of their sins so why are all people still dying and not just the wicked and evil people . Because sin has nothing to do with death of mortals . Why did Noah , Abraham and others die before the Ten Commandments and sin existed . Again : because sin has nothing to do with mortal death , never has been . Nailing it ( sin ) to the cross is correct . Y'shua did take our sin upon himself as the Lamb of God . 15 And having disarmed the powers and authorities , he made a public spectacle of them , triumphing over them by the cross . The LORD says verse 15 makes no sense .
( 16 : 32 ) NOTES : Some people did and do hope that they might have an afterlife but where was the proof that could happen. Even Paul had no proof because there is none . The LORD says Moses and Elijah were never risen before the death of Y'shua and Y'shua was never risen from his death . That story is a written lie like many others . Most Christians believe because of their faith they are saved , but saved for what and saved from what . Like all people , no Christians will be saved for an eternal life and no Christian will be saved from death .
- Colo 2 : 16 - 23 In the NIV : 16 - 19 is Paul being Paul again making rules to live by . 19 They have lost connection with the head , .... The head means Y'shua according to Paul's past writings . So it would seem that he is writing about other followers of the same faith he has . And so the different Versions of the Christian faith begins . Actually it started a few books back of Paul's and several times . 20 Since you died with Christ to the elemental spiritual forces of this world , why , as though you still belonged to the world , do you submit to its rules . We tried , even with two Dictionaries , and we still don't understand this verse . But it does not matter because obviously it has nothing to do with The Simple Truth . The LORD says no mortal ' died with Christ ' or is in Y'shua or anything else like that . Y'shua was the one and only truly mortal Lamb of God and not you . Why do Christians try so hard and often to belittle what Y'shua willingly did for us and for LORD ELohim ? The LORD says : never compare yourself and make yourself equal to Y'shua . It was wrong that Paul likened himself and others to Y'shua and his death in any way . Again : never do that says LORD ELohim ! Paul and you did not willingly give up your mortal life for all mankind and knowing you would never get it your life back again in any way . The mortal Jewish man Y'shua did that for you . Remember him and honor him and respect and love him for that . Call the Lamb of God by his real Jewish name ' Y'shua ' . Tell the truth about The Simple Truth . The truth will honor Y'shua to . Stop worshiping him as your false god . Y'shua being a mortal Jew who did not believe any mortal man could be a God , as all Jews do , never even wondered if he was a God and neither did his Jewish Disciples says the LORD . Remember that LORD ELohim was with Y'shua all his life . 20 -23 Its like Paul went overboard with his thoughts . Using the NIV and the KJV we think what Paul is saying : since they are no longer part of this wicked world then why do they need to keep the mortal laws of this world . Is he also saying ' to or not to ' touch , tast , handle ... not in any honour to the satisfying of the flesh . The word sensual indulgence means gratification of the senses . We do not know if Paul is for or against taste , laws or whatever else so LORD ELohim says its got absolutely nothing to do with The Simple Truth so give up trying to understand it . He did .
- Colo 3 : 1 - 11 In the NIV : This may or may not explain the above last few verses . 1 Since , then , you have been raised in Christ , set you hearts on things above , where Christ is , seated at the right hand of God . 2 Set your minds of things above , not on earthly things . 3 For you died , and your life is now hidden with Christ in God . 4 When Christ , who is your life , appears , then you also will appear with him in glory . No mortal has ever been to Heaven and no mortal ever will : not even Y'shua . What is there above . When Christians write about Heaven it has a lot of mansions , thrones , crowns , and mortal kings with crowns ruling over people and Spirits and stuff like that . There is none of that there especially mortals ruling over Spirits . First : if your reading this the good news is you never died . Your life is in a mortal body and not in Y'shua and not in LORD ELohim . Y'shua is not your life and he will never appear and you will never appear with him in glory whatever that means . Y'shua truly did willingly die for you so LORD ELohim could help you have a better mortal life . A mortal life without anger , hate , regrets , troubling thoughts and other stuff like that . A mortal life of forgiveness of others and forgiveness for yourself . 5 Put to death , therefore , whatever belongs to your earthly nature : sexual immorality , ... 6 Because of these , the wrath of God is coming . LORD ELohim is not going to waste a minute of time wrathing against mankind . Remember He forgave most all mortal humans so how much wrath is there in the LORD's thoughts ? The LORD ELohim says He has none . The LORD taught you to forgive to help you make your thoughts more loving and kind and happy and without the baggage of hate , anger and regrets . LORD ELohim has no wrath in Him against mankind because He forgave most all people of the sins , mistakes and errors . 7 You used to to walk in these ways , in the life you once lived . Paul writes like every human on earth is having drunken orgies everyday . Most people are fairly good people but it only takes one wicked and evil man and a few of his goons to be the cause of war and slaughter of millions . 8 But now you must also rid yourselves of all such things as these : anger , rage , malice , slander , and filthy language from your lips . 9 .... since you have taken off your old self with its practices 10 and have put on the new self , which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator . Paul mentioned in past verses that he believes it was Y'shua who created all things . Whats the point of gaining knowledge if that knowledge is wrong and lies . There is very very little in Paul's mind that is in the image of LORD ELohim the true Creator . 11 Here there is no Gentile or Jew , circumcised or uncircumcised , barbarian , Scythian , slave or free , but Christ is all , and is in all . LORD ELohim said that He never created any Spirit the size of our solar system with billions of minds who the Christians called the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost . How would it be even possible for Y'shua to be in all if he were Spirit ? Y'shua died as a mortal man and he had no Spirit to call his own . Again : we have no Spirit to call our own or ourselves and Y'shua did not either . So how can Y'shua who really died be in all these people at the same time ???
- Colo 3 : 12 - 17 In the NIV : 12 Therefore , as God's chosen people , holy and dearly loved , clothe yourselves with compassion , kindness , humility , gentleness and patience . Paul like Christians the LORD ELohim would never call holy or His chosen people . In the past there have been many times LORD ELohim found Christians hard to dearly love . Compassion , kindness , humility , gentleness and patience is nice . But The Simple Truth has no need for people to be patient . The LORD never said you would be forgiven when your sixty . He forgave your sins , errors and mistakes about two thousand years ago and long before you were born . So what is there to be patient about ? Nothing . 13 Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone . Forgive as the Lord forgave you . Finally Paul gets it ! But it was not Y'shua who forgave people , it was LORD ELohim who forgave the sins , errors and mistakes of most all mankind . 14 And over all these virtues put on love , which binds them all together in perfect unity . Now Paul starts preaching something that compliments The Simple Truth . 15 Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts , since as members of one body you were called to peace . ... singing to God with gratitude in your hearts . 17 And whatever you do , whether in word or deed , do it all in the name of Lord Jesus , giving thanks to God the Father through him . For hundreds of years LORD ELohim heard the name Jesus several times but did not know who this was . The LORD did not know the Roman or Greek language . He thought Jesus was just another Roman and Greek false god because they had many false gods and He knew the name Jesus was a Greek name . It took a few hundred years before LORD ELohim came to know they were speaking about Y'shua . So all those prayers and thanks to LORD ELohim if they even happened went no where and they are still pretty much going no where because you keep calling Y'shua Jesus and the Christians worshiped him and called him a God . So the LORD was right . Mainly the Romans and Greek people were worshiping a false god called Jesus and not the Jews .
- Colo 3 : 18 - 25 In the NIV : 18 - 25 is mostly Paul mainly teaching people how to live their lives . 23 Whatever you do , work at it with all your heart , as working for the Lord , not for human masters , 24 since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward . If you keep the Ten Commandments and forgive people and yourself as the LORD has taught you , your reward will be living a better and happier mortal life . There is no rewards after you die other then ' Rest in Peace ' and its not really a rest because its eternal . There is no inheritance from the Lord before you die because LORD ELohim does not have something to reward you with . What would you expect from Him since He does not even have a throne in Heaven or on earth . Heaven is full of nothing and on earth its not much better . The truth is He has nothing to give you other than His Ten Commandments and His wisdom to forgive people who do you wrong and forgive yourself of what wrongs you have done and cannot change . 25 Anyone who does wrong will be repaid for their wrongs , and there is no favoritism . We do not understand this verse . What would be repaid to a person who is the one who did the wrongs . In the KJV it says But he that doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong which he hath done : and there is no respect of persons . And the KJV does not help . Repaid or receive means what ? Does repaid and receive mean jail time ? This has nothing to do with The Simple Truth anyways .
- Colo 4 : 1 - 18 In the NIV : There really is not much of anything in chapter 4 of Colossians . It's mostly Paul given instructions to others who seem to believe what he believes . 3 And pray for us , too , that God may open a door for our message , so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ , for which I am in chains . This was a mystery to many people , even to me until recently but the mystery was created by people like Paul and the Roman Catholic Church . The lies and errors got in the way of The Simple Truth about why LORD ELohim sacrificed His Lamb of God . The attention of writers of the CB focused on eternal life , raising the dead , kingdom of God , hell , the wrath of God and lies like that . These lies got in the way of people simply understanding The Simple Truth . The Simple Truth was LORD ELohim teaching people how to forgive others and themselves like He forgave most of us so people could live a better mortal life . The LORD has always tried to teach people how to live a much better and happier mortal life . 4 Pray that I may proclaim it clearly , as I should . We have dealt with many of Paul's books and it would take a lot of praying for Paul to ' proclaim it clearly ' . 10 My fellow prisoner Aristarchus sends you his greetings , as does Mark , the cousin of Barnabas . .... 11 Jesus , who is called Justus , also sends greetings . These are the only Jews among my co-workers for the kingdom of God . We are near the end of Paul's books and in this book he says he only has three Jews that are in the same mind set as he is . The name Jesus is a Greek name so was this man truly a Hebrew Jew ? LORD ELohim is not surprised that Paul had problems getting Jews to follow Paul's and others beliefs . Again it was not Y'shua and it was not the Jews behind the creation of the Christian religion .
( 16 : 33 ) NOTES : This is a very big error I have made . I try not to write anything based on what people have believed . It gets in the way of what LORD ELohim is trying to teach me . But I did error greatly about this one . Today I asked LORD ELohim many questions about this subject . What He taught me is the mortal life does not have a Soul . People use the word Soul a lot so I guess deep in my mind I just thought it was true . The LORD says we do not have Spirits called Souls . In fact we have no Spirit within our bodies unless there is a teaching Spirit working within to teach something . Some how I thought the Soul had something to do with the function of mortal bodies who have free will . That is wrong . I wrote that sometime in the future the LORD will allow mankind to die off by removing the Soul . That is wrong . What will happen in the future is that LORD ELohim and all Spirits on earth are simply going home to Heaven and leave mankind and the Grays and Anunnaki on our own along with all other mortal life on earth . Thinking about this , that would probably not make a big difference . Most people in history mostly just ignored LORD ELohim anyways except most of the Jews . LORD ELohim tried over and over again to try to help mortals enjoy a good and loving and happy and peaceful life but there were a lot of Paul types in the past and even today and will be in the future who says to just ignore the Ten Commandments , create lies about the Lamb of God and so on . The LORD does not give up easy but He has given up on Humanity just as He gave up on the Grays and Anunnaki in the past . So someday in the future LORD ELohim and all His Spirit children will be leaving us for Heaven . The LORD does not even think we will notice any difference . LORD ELohim does love us but He has come to know too much hatred , bloodshed , war , hunger , hardships , suffering and on and on . The LORD has done what He could for us but it has never made a big difference . Soon we will be on our own and we humans will probably not even notice any difference in our lives . Sorry about my errors regarding Souls . The LORD could not get past what was already in my mind about Souls which again this is why He chose and Atheist . I never could understand how almost 8 billion people living now and all in the past could have a Soul which would have to be a Spirit . Now it makes sense that none of mankind have ever had a Soul .
( 16 : 34 ) NOTES : We found in a book information about Nuclear Bombs . In the year 2017 there were 14,930 Nuclear Bombs existing on earth among many nations . Not all nations on earth admitted to having the bombs so there could be more . This might sound like a lot but in 1990 there were 59,239 of these bombs . The United States and Russia have the most . LORD ELohim does not have much hope for mankind to do well in the future . The Grays and Anunnaki almost destroyed the earth and the LORD ELohim does not expect mankind to do any better .