Date: October 9 2023
LORD ELohim liked what we did together with the help of teaching Spirits at the end of # 18 , so we are going to continue with ' The truth is : ' in this update . Other then that its whatever the LORD wants written about also .
CB means Christian Bible . NT means New Testament . OT means Old Testament . JB means Jewish Bible . LORD ELohim is the most commonly used name of our God and Father . LORD means LORD ELohim . Y'shua is the true Jewish name of Jesus . The name Jesus is Greek for Y'shua . The name Christ is Greek and Latin for the ' Jewish Messiah ' . If we write verses then we write it as it is written . If not a verse from the CB then the true name of the Lamb of God Y'shua is written . Miriam is the true Jewish name of the mother of Y'shua that the Christians changed to Mary . ( 19 : ## ) NOTES : is something the LORD wants written about . ' Back up verse ' is what Christians try to use to verify their beliefs and the verses are often in the Jewish Bible . NIV means a Christian Bible called the New International Version . KJV means the Christian Bible called the King James Version . Old Christians means those Christians keeping their beliefs as is . New Christians are the people who are truly trying to study what the LORD ELohim is teaching in His Little Book . The Little Book is LORD ELohim's book and can only be found on His web site and put in writing by me . B.C.E. means Before the Common Era or B.C. . C.E. means Common Era or A.D. .
In update # 18 we did finish writing about the Christian Bible New Testament and some in the Old Testament and Jewish Bible .
1: Y'shua's Incarnation - We wrote about this in # 18 but we have done some more thinking about this . Again : in the Dictionary ' Incarnation ' means : the taking on of human form by a divine being , the union of divine nature and human nature in the person of Jesus Christ , assumption of human form by the son of God , the thing assumed . The word ' Assumed ' means : pretended ; not real , supposed . LORD ELohim did a lot of work regarding Y'shua . The LORD had to find the right man and right women to acquire a mortal sperm and a mortal egg . When the mortal egg was fertilized , with the help of the little Spirits the mortal egg was put in the womb of a mortal lady named Miriam ( Mary ) . If Y'shua was fully a Spirit that could change form into a fully mortal human form , then why did the LORD have to do all this sperm and egg stuff ? If Y'shua could change form then why did he not just take on the form of a twenty year old man in the wilderness and travel to Jerusalem and start there at that age . Miriam and Joseph would not be needed and there would have been no need to flee to Egypt , if that story is true about killing babies in Bethlehem by Herod's command . Everything would have been easier and make more sense had the ' only Son of God ' Spirit just transformed into an adult mortal human Jewish man . If the Spirit Son of God really existed , he would be an Archangel because LORD ELohim created the six Archangels first . How could a six foot tall Archangel fit into a mortal human egg in Miriams little womb ? Imagine if this were possible giving birth to that Angel ? The need for a mortal fertilized egg means there was no ' Incarnation ' . That fully mortal egg grew up to become a fully mortal Jewish man named Y'shua . The LORD says there was never an ' Incarnation ' of a Spirit changing into mortal flesh and bone . LORD ELohim says Archangels cannot fit into mortal bodies and certainly cannot effect our minds . Remember LORD ELohim said He cannot change Spirit into flesh and bone and flesh and bone cannot be changed into Spirit . Even Spirits on their own cannot change themselves into mortal flesh of any species because that is impossible for Spirit to do and the LORD cannot make Spirits into flesh and bone either . The truth is : Y'shua was a fully mortal Jewish man in every way . Like you , Y'shua had no Spirit to call his own . Y'shua's true mother and father were fully mortal humans . The LORD says He never created an ' only Son of God Spirit God ' . The only Son of God that Christians believe in does not exist and no Spirit changed form into a mortal man , that is impossible to do . Y'shua was the fourth mortal Lamb of God . The first three were men conceived of the normal way . Those three Jewish men truly did try to find a way to be sacrificed as the Lamb of God but it just did not work out that way . Y'shua was the fourth Lamb of God and Y'shua did find a way to be sacrificed for the forgiveness of most peoples sins and iniquities by LORD ELohim and for The Simple Truth .
2: New Covenant - The New Covenant is The Simple Truth and that Covenant promise the LORD ELohim made with most all mankind began the moment Y'shua died on the cross for most peoples sins and wrong doings to be forgiven by LORD ELohim and for The Simple Truth to help mankind live a better mortal life . Most Christians believe the New Covenant was a promise of eternal life . In Jeremiah 31 : 34 ... - declares the LORD . For I will forgive their iniquities , And remember their sins no more . The truth is : This Covenant has nothing to do with eternal life for any mortals , but has everything to do with The Simple Truth . LORD ELohim never made eternal life a promise to any mortal and He never heard Y'shua make that promise to anyone either . In verses in Jeremiah 31 : 35 - 37 the LORD does make a promise to the ' people of God , Israel ' , that Israel as a ' nation ' will have an eternal existence if possible through the LORD's work to do that . It does not say the people of Israel will have eternal life but that the nation of Israel for many generation to come will continue to exist , so hopes the LORD . The Covenants of the LORD ELohim cannot be 100 % absolute because they involve mankind and mankind can get in the way of anything the LORD promises . If we have a third world war and it is a massive massacre with nuclear weapons over most all nations of the earth than people would have broken such Covenants like this one : not LORD ELohim .
3: What Cannot Be Proven - There is a lot in CB NT and even in the JB and the sacred Books of other religions that cannot be proven . Because there is no proof about many things people have written about , the LORD made no rules about The Simple Truth . The LORD ELohim says to all people of any beliefs to " Think Not Beyond Logic " . In the Dictionary the word ' logic ' means : a science that deals with the rules and tests of sound thinking and proof by reasoning , sound reasoning . If a belief is not logical like LORD ELohim resurrecting back to mortal life many many billions and billions of dead human corpses in the future or Y'shua resurrecting many dead corpses back to mortal life in his time : then it needs to be rethought using sound reasoning . Can LORD ELohim destroy the universe and then make another New Earth and New Heaven in a moment of time as written in the CB book of Revelation . There is no logic to this belief . The truth is : LORD ELohim cannot raise the mortal dead back to mortal life again and neither could Y'shua . The LORD cannot destroy the universe and He cannot create a New Earth and New Heaven in a few minutes . There is a lot of beliefs in many religions that cannot possibly be true and need to be rethought . LORD ELohim is not going to judge people on their religious beliefs or the Atheists who have no God in their beliefs because there is so much in many religions that is hard to believe is true . The Simple Truth has no rules about religions . You do not need to be a Christian or of any other religion to be forgiven of your sins and iniquities by LORD ELohim . The fact is : you just need to be a fairly good and loving person to be forgiven of your sins and wrong doings . The wicked , cruel and evil people will never be forgiven by the LORD .
4: Resurrection and Glorified Bodies - We have written about this in the past but LORD ELohim wants people to understand that He cannot resurrect dead corpses back to mortal life again or even to Spirit life . Christians who believe in the resurrection , believe that the resurrection is the resurrection of the mortal body back to life . The Christians commonly call this a ' bodily resurrection ' . Bodily means : of or related to the mortal body . Most Christians also believe that the change to an eternal mortal body will not happen until the thousand year reign of Y'shua ends . That reign has not even started yet . The Christians have been waiting for that to happen for about two thousand years . The truth is : There will be no resurrections of the dead mortal bodies . How is LORD ELohim suppose to do that ??? If you believe that Y'shua raised truly dead dusty corpses and bone fragments back to living mortal life again : explain now how he did that . Many people believe the LORD ELohim and even Y'shua can do anything , but that is not true . Y'shua was a fully mortal man who had no more powers than you do . LORD ELohim is limited to what He can do also . LORD ELohim created mankind but it took many trials and errors and over four billion years for Him to create us . LORD ELohim says creating Dinosaurs was a very big error He made and it took millions of years to correct that error with the help of a very big asteroid . If not for that asteroid and other stuff , mankind would probably not exist today . The LORD knew smaller mortals would all be a walking luncheon for T Rex . Creation of Spirits and mortals was work for LORD ELohim and creation did not happen just by Words spoken . So how can LORD ELohim raise many many billions of dead mortal people back to living people again ? Even in the Jurassic Park movie they had to create the Dinosaurs beginning with small DNA which would be the only way to do it if that movie were true . When LORD ELohim created Y'shua , Isaac and Samson He used mortal sperm and egg and a woman’s womb . The LORD created mortal life so it starts off very small but it will grow on its own . Thats the only way to create mortal life . Can we live on in Spirit ? That does not work . Spirit and flesh and bone are completely different and every Spirit has their own life going on so no Spirit would want the company of a mortal and the LORD cannot do that anyway . We will not become Spirit because no mortal human has a Spirit to call their own . There are many many billions of dead people and there is only a couple of thousand Spirits created by the LORD so that would not work . Most all Spirits are in Heaven and none are near earth most of the time . People do not have Soul Spirits . Those Spirits do not exist according to LORD ELohim . Mortal species of any kind , including mankind , do not have any Spirit as part of their mortal body . Death of our mortal body is eternal for mankind and all other mortal species and the LORD cannot change that fact . Mortals are made from dust and dust our bodies will return to . According to some Christians , the mortal bodies will not become eternal glorified mortal bodies until after the 1000 year reign of Y'shua is over . So what happens to the mortal Christian bodies resurrected at the time of the rapture ? How many times will they die and be resurrected until the thousand years are over ? This makes no sense . What also makes no sense is how can mortal Christians go to Heaven as a fully mortal men and women ? Anything to do with the five different resurrection times makes no sense . LORD ELohim says no mortal will be resurrected because He cannot do that for any mortal . Also , how would LORD ELohim know who are Christians and who are not Christians at the time of the rapture ? Again : the LORD does not know what Christians mean by the words ' glorified bodies ' .
5: Assumption Of Miriam - The Jewish name of the mother of Y'shua is Miriam . The Roman Catholic Church changed her name to Mary . Assumption means : the act of assuming , the thing assumed , presumption . Presumption means : the act of presuming , Presume means : take for granted without proving , supposed . Supposed means : accepted as real or true but mistakenly or without proof or evidence . What the Catholics and maybe other Christians call ' The Assumption ' is the belief : a bodily taking of the Virgin Miriam from earth to Heaven after her death . No where in the CB NT does it say that Miriam was taken up to Heaven by LORD ELohim . It’s difficult to use the word Assumption regarding this subject . In one book it says ' ... Mary overcame death and was assumed body and soul into Heaven ' . It sounds like assumed means something like ' taken up ' but there is nothing written that says that is what it means , not even in the Dictionary . What is interesting about this belief is that it was proclaimed as a doctrine by the Roman Catholic pope in 1950 C.E. ( 73 years ago ) and almost 2000 years after Miriam died . If the Encyclopedia is right that Roman Catholic pope would be Pius XII who was pope from 1939 - 1958 . Where is the evidence of this happening ??? There is nothing in the Bible that says this happened . It seems this is just the imagination of the pope who proclaimed this to be true . Doctrine means : something that is taught . Would the church teach something if they did not believe it to be true ? How many times in the past has the Roman Catholic Church done this ? How many times have doctrines that have no proof been added into the CB NT before 500 C.E. ? The Latin Bible was revised in 405 C.E. and that version of the Bible and whatever else was added to it was not translated into an English version until 1582 C.E. and the Old Testament in 1609 C.E. . The word ' canon ' means : the official list of the books contained in the Bible : the inspired by God . It says the Jews fixed the canon of their books in 90 C.E. but the canon of the New Testament was not fixed until hundreds of years later . The word ' fix ' means : to give a permanent or final form too . That gave the Roman Catholic Church lots of time to add words to the NT writings . The truth is : LORD ELohim says that Miriam was never taken to Heaven before she died or after she died . Miriam like Y'shua truly died and neither of them were resurrected by LORD ELohim and there is no way possible to take mortals to Heaven without a spaceship . The pope had no proof of any kind that Miriam went to Heaven so why did he make this into a doctrine to be taught as being true ? How many times in the past of the Roman Catholic Church did they add stuff like this , but put it into the Christian Bible ? Did Y'shua raise dead people ? The LORD says Y'shua never did that . Did Y'shua feed thousands with just a couple of fish and bread ? LORD ELohim says Y'shua never did that . Was Y'shua a Spirit that changed form into a mortal man ? The LORD says Y'shua was fully a mortal man and was never a Spirit . And on and on that had to be added by the Roman church .
6: Apostasy - Apostasy means : to leave one's faith . The LORD ELohim wants to remind Christians that He is not trying to shut down Christian churches , but is hopeful they will stay open and will teach the truth . If Christians did this then it would not be apostasy says the LORD . Christians would be keeping their faith only with the truth being taught and not all the lies . LORD ELohim is hopeful that the Christian churches will remain open and the ministers teaching The Simple Truth and many other truths because the Christians can take the LORD's message to the rest of the world where there are not many Jewish people . It was not LORD ELohim or Y'shua who taught about apostasy and most likely not any of his Jewish Disciples either . What is the reason for this teaching ? Many preachers who teach about the apostasy also teach Christians that the apostasy will happen just before the rapture and the tribulation and the wrath of God toward all who are not Christian . The teachers teach Christians that only Christians will be raptured ( taken away ) from earth before the wrath of God against all who are not Christians . They teach that the tribulation will be more horrifying than anything ever before on earth . The teaching about apostasy ( leaving the Christian faith ) is a scare tactic to keep the Christians supporting the Christian churches and so people fear leaving the church and also to fear LORD ELohim and even to fear Y'shua ( the wrath of the Lamb ) . For almost two thousand years the church has been saying that mankind is living in the end times . The Bible says Y'shua said ' soon ' he is coming back . Many Christian preachers have been teaching that any day now Y'shua will return because now is the end times . The preachers teach that the non-believers are all going to hell then the lake of fire for all eternity and all the Christians will go to Heaven when raptured before God's wrath is part of that scare tactic . The truth is : There is a way around apostasy : Christians preachers teach the truth . Y'shua the fully mortal Jewish man is not coming back to life . There will be no tribulation horrors caused by LORD ELohim or Y'shua . The rapture is impossible for the LORD to do . There is no hell or lake of fire . There is no eternal life for any mortal . The only one's going to Heaven are all the Spirits soon ( The LORD's ' soon ' , not the Christian ' soon ' ) .
7: Was Y'shua A Christian ? - The truth is : Y'shua was a deeply devoted Jewish mortal man . As a Rabbi he taught Judaism . Y'shua never taught the need for a new religion . A couple of times he did speak somethings to anger the Jewish High Priest so with the help of the Romans also he would be crucified as the Lamb of God . There are many things that Christians teach that Y'shua would have never taught . Y'shua was a Jew who loved the religion of Judaism . Y'shua was not a Christian in any way , including in all his beliefs . Y'shua did not start the Christian religion and neither did the Jews . The Romans did that .
8: Fear Of Life And Death - Many verses in the Christian Bible teaches reasons so people will fear both life and death who are Christians and non-Christians . Again these are just scare tactics by the Christian churches to fill the seats in the churches and the coffers . Christianity is not the only religion that teaches reasons for fear . Fear of life : Fear of life is mostly for non-Christians . There is one for Christians : purgatory . It’s believe that purgatory purifies the soul . The word soul can mean a person or a Spirit . We know now that LORD ELohim never created soul Spirits so we will refer to the word soul as being a person . It’s believed that the Christian sinner needs to be purified of bad sinful habits before going to Heaven . Purgatory is a place of punishment and will transform the sinner to purity and then fit to be with God . Which Christian God ? For non-Christians most all of the book of Revelation is about the wrath of God and the wrath of the Lamb Y'shua regarding all non-Christian people who are still alive on earth right after the Christians are raptured . Stuff like war , famines , pestilence , earthquakes , stars fall to earth , mountains and islands moved , malignant sores , turning sea water into blood , massive death , disease , fresh water turned to blood , sun scorches people , and on and on . Death for non-Christians the Bible teaches those people are all headed for hell and then the lake of fire for all eternity where the suffering and agony from pain will be great and people will be constantly tortured with no hope for their suffering to ever end . The truth is : LORD ELohim is not going to cause any of these things written in Revelation to happen . Christians cannot be raptured , thats impossible for the LORD to do . Y'shua is dead and will forever remain dead just like any other mortals . LORD ELohim is not a wicked , cruel , evil and hateful God as Christians claim He is in the book of Revelation and other books in the CB NT . The LORD has no interest in being wrathful towards mankind . Why would the LORD wrath against the non-believers of Christianity ? The LORD calls Christians pagans . If He were to wrath against people it would be the Christians because they caused nothing but problems regarding The Simple Truth and murdered Jews for teaching The Simple Truth . Christians have always lied about who Y'shua was and on and on . The LORD says there is no reason to fear Him : dead or alive . Death is eternal . There is no hell or lake of fire or purgatory . The LORD would never do that to people just because they did not believe something that could not be proven . It’s just a belief and certainly is not worth being murdered for by LORD ELohim . The reason the whole population of mankind on earth do not believe what Christians believe is because most people cannot believe LORD ELohim is that crazy and is that cruel of a God . That's the reason I never believed what Christians believed . LORD ELohim wants people to know the only interest the LORD has is going home to Heaven in the near future with all His Spirit children . What mankind does when we are on our own is up to us . There will not be a noticeable difference because the LORD and other Spirits mostly did not interfere in our free will so it was almost never that the LORD ELohim and other Spirits were involved in our lives and in the choices we made during our lives .
9: Did The LORD Promise A Messiah ? - According to LORD ELohim the hope for a coming Messiah did not come from Him but from the Jewish people . The Jewish people hoped for a leader who would unite the world and bring peace to all nations and bring a new age of world peace , compassion and love for all the world's people . Some Jews hoped the Messiah would rebuild the third Temple but LORD ELohim is not interested in the Messiah doing that . Some Jews are hopeful that the Messiah would raise the dead and the LORD says since He cannot do that , don't expect a mortal Messiah to do that either . The truth is : Y'shua was not the Messiah : he was the Lamb of God . It’s been about two thousand since the time of Y'shua and still there is no true peace on earth among all nations . The Messiah would be mortal . The Christian belief that Y'shua was a God and the only Son of God . That belief goes against what most Jews believe about the Messiah . Again LORD ELohim did not cause the Jewish belief about a Messiah . It was the hope of the Jewish people that the Jewish Messiah could bring peace to all mankind . This was not LORD ELohim's promise to the Jews or to the rest of mankind but He is very hopeful that it will come true someday for the Jews and for all the worlds people . The LORD says He cannot help make this happen which is why He would not have promised this .
10: Predestined Lives - Predestined means : determine or settle beforehand , especially by predestination ; foreordain . Predestination : an action of God in deciding beforehand what shall happen , a doctrine that by God's decree certain souls will be saved and others lost . Most Christians believe they were predestined to be Christians and saved before the world was even created . Most Christians believe their name is in the Book of Life which one of their Gods wrote before one of their Gods formed the earth . The truth is : LORD ELohim did not even know if He could create living creatures from non living dust until He started playing in the dirt of the earth only about four and a half billion years ago before the earth had fully finished forming . The LORD has been a living Spirit for trillions of years and in all that time He never created any mortal life or even thought to try to do so until shortly before He began playing in the dust of the earth . When LORD ELohim ( not Y'shua ) made living creatures from the dust of the earth His goal was to create mortal life in His image . After many trials and many errors He first created the Grays and then the Anunnaki with free will and regretted that but He thought if He could find a way to teach mankind how to live a good and happy mortal life things would be better for us . The LORD was nearly finished creating Homo sapiens or modern humans about 25,000 years ago who spread across the world . The LORD began teaching mankind with the help of teaching Spirits starting with Abraham . Even at that time the LORD had nothing predestined regarding peoples lives . LORD ELohim was never able to know the future of mankind . He did not know you would be born or what religion you would chose . The LORD and other Spirits who could not interfere in your free will and what you believe . It was only about three hundred years before Y'shua lived that the LORD was thinking about The Simple Truth to try to help people live a much better mortal life . The LORD never predestined anyone including Abraham , Y'shua and others because they could say ' No ' to Him . The LORD created the Jews beginning with Abraham and was hopeful they would help Him but no Jewish person were predestined for that . No Christian was predestined to be a Christian . There is no Book of Life . There is no eternal life for any mortals . LORD ELohim does not know what the future will be for anything or anyone . The LORD cannot predestine anyone for anything .
11: Born And Died - Y'shua - I am not good at math but we think we got this right . What we are trying to find is when 2000 years have past for both Y'shua's birth and his death . Most Christians believe that Y'shua was born in 5 B.C.E. and not in 1 C.E. . Many believe that Y'shua was of the age of 33 when he died . The time of his birth would be 2000 - 5 = 1995 . So for Y'shua's birth 2000 years had past in the year 1995 C.E. . The 2000 year anniversary of his death would be at the age of 33 . Y'shua was born in 5 B.C.E. and died at the age of 33 which would mean 33 - 5 = 28 C.E. the year he died . 28 + 2000 = 2028 C.E. . The year to remember his birth 2000 years after his birth is 1995 C.E. . The year to remember his death 2000 years after his death is 2028 C.E. . If the math is right then 2028 - 1995 should equal the age he died which was 33 years old and it does equal 33 . It’s 2023 now , so in 5 years it will be 2000 years since Y'shua died for our sins to be forgiven and The Simple Truth . We hope the math is right . LORD ELohim says Y'shua should be remembered and honoured for what he did for most all mankind and for his teaching of The Simple Truth before he died for The Simple Truth . Y'shua must be remembered by his true Jewish name Y'shua but not worshiped as a God because Y'shua was never a God or Spirit of any kind . Y'shua was fully a mortal Jewish man who willingly truly died for our sins and wrong doings to be forgiven by LORD ELohim and for us to learn how to forgive others and ourselves for the wrong others and ourselves have done during our mortal lives .
12: Who Is Wicked : God Or People ? - Who wrote the book of Revelation ? The truth is : People wrote that book . Who came up with the idea about a hell and lake of fire and purgatory ? People came up with that stuff . Who came up with the Wrath of God ? People made that up . Who said the non - Christians would suffer greatly for all eternity and will be tortured by LORD ELohim . People said that . .... Need we say more ? LORD ELohim is a deeply loving God and Father of all Spirits and most all mortals . No Wrath of God is coming upon mankind . People made up the story about this wrath and even the Wrath of the Lamb , Y'shua . People claim LORD ELohim or Y'shua created hell and the lake of fire for only one purpose : to torture people for all eternity . People made up that belief . Who's mind is more wicked : people or LORD ELohim ? Obviously the minds of mortal people creating such beliefs is far far more wicked .
13: Limbo - Now Who's Wicked - This is something that the Catholics believe but it would not be surprising that many Catholics do not believe this . In the past Catholics believed if a new born baby died before being baptized the baby could not enter Heaven to be with the LORD and therefore went to hell . Who do Catholics believe came up with this rule ? Parents rushed to the church to get their baby baptized in fear that the LORD would send the child to the fires of hell just because the baby was not baptized before the baby died . A time came that many Catholics could not accept anymore this Catholic belief that LORD ELohim would send innocent babies to the fires of hell . Hurray for those people . But the church was not willing to change that belief very much . The church came up with a place they called ' Limbo ' . The belief is that there is a third eternal place where the babies went to . Limbo is not Heaven or Hell but somewhere in the middle . The belief changed to that the babies in Limbo would live happily there but would never be in Heaven in the presence of the Lord , probably meaning Y'shua . As time passed the Catholic church rejected this idea of Limbo because nothing is written in the CB about it . So is the belief back to believing babies go to hell ? In 1794 pope Pius VI taught that a Catholic should think of Limbo being a middle eternal place where babies who die before being baptized go to . The truth is : Do you really believe that LORD ELohim would send a baby to hell just because the baby was not baptized ??? LORD ELohim never taught mankind about a place called hell or lake of fire or limbo or purgatory . It was the minds of people who came up with the idea of hell and lake of fire and eternal torture and agony for non-Christians in these two places . Purgatory and Limbo were also created in the minds of people . LORD ELohim says that a person cannot even sin before the age of ten years old no matter what a brat the child is . Baptism is a symbol or sign that a person has chosen to accept a religion as their faith and that baptism does not usually happen before the age of thirteen . That is what baptism means to LORD ELohim . A baby is a little too young to make that choice . I was an Atheist for most of my life but I was baptized as a baby in a Christian church , so does that baptism still count for something today ??? Just curious about that answer and so is LORD ELohim . It was not LORD ELohim who came up with the idea of hell or limbo . It was the minds of people who did that so how wicked and cruel were they in their minds . What kind of evil people and cruel evil people were they who believed these babies deserved to go to hell ? Those people who believed in this and feel OK about this , babies going to hell for all eternity to greatly suffer there , how wicked and cruel are they in person . LORD ELohim never heard of this before now and He is not happy with this Catholic belief about Him . This belief makes the LORD sound like the most wicked and evil and cruel being who ever existed . Many Christians believe Y'shua was the God of creation so how wicked and cruel was he if that were true but it’s not true . LORD ELohim is the God of all created and He never created a hell , lake of fire , purgatory or a place Catholics call limbo . No dead baby or children has ever suffered by the works of LORD ELohim and never will suffer . No dead adult has ever suffered by the works of the LORD either and never will suffer after death . The LORD is saddened that people in history and now believe He is that cruel , wicked and evil towards any mortal life at any age . Remember it is people who must be wicked who came up with such beliefs . According to a book about Catholics it says that because limbo is not mentioned in the CB the belief about limbo had to be rejected and hell was back in use . We don't remember purgatory being mentioned in the Bible either so why was this belief not rejected to ? There is no where in the CB about babies going to hell because they are not baptized either or do we need to find a Catholic Bible to find it there . In 1794 pope Pius VI brought back the belief about limbo being a middle state where babies go to . The question is ? Why did the many popes not just say LORD ELohim would never do that to a baby or even an adult ? which is the truth . Mortal babies like all mortals , when they die do not have an afterlife and they will never suffer . If dead babies could be resurrected , even those not baptized , and able to become a Spirit form they would be cradled in the loving arms of their loving Father LORD ELohim in Heaven . The teaching that the LORD would send babies who die and are not baptized to hell is just another lie and a scare tactic to keep people from leaving the Roman Catholic Church and any other Christian church that teaches the same thing . Catholics saying the baby would go to hell for all eternity and there would suffer greatly forever : is the Catholics who made up this lie . This belief is like saying they also believe LORD ELohim is the most cruel and wicked and evil being that was ever existed . Mortal flesh could not get those babies to hell so it means that LORD ELohim or other Spirits would have to do that . It means Catholics believe LORD ELohim would have created hell and that limbo place for that purpose . This is the most insulting belief that LORD ELohim has ever heard about Him and His Spirit children . Catholics and any other Christians who believe the LORD would do this to innocent babies : you have work to do to correct this lie about LORD ELohim and He does expect you to do just that !!! The LORD is not trying to bring down the Catholic church or any other Christian denomination , but He is trying to correct all errors and all the lies and He certainly has the right to defend Himself from these wicked people who lie and accuse the LORD as being wicked and cruel and evil as all this about Limbo does depict Him to be , and other accusations also . The LORD ELohim deserves a public apology from the Roman Catholic Church pope for the church depicting LORD ELohim as to be so evil and cruel to those babies .
14: Once To Die - In Hebrews 9 : 27 it say : Just as people are destined to die once , and after that to face judgment . It is true that people will die once . The problem is , is that the CB NT says Christians will be raised from the dead at the time of the rapture and then about seven years later Y'shua will reign on earth for a thousand years and it is not until after the thousand year reign , then people will get their eternal body . Mortal people cannot live a thousand years . As mortals we are lucky to get to eighty . So all those people who's mortal bodies are resurrected are going to die again , probably many times , before they get their eternal body . The truth is : All mortals will truly die just once and will never be resurrected so to die again . LORD ELohim does not know how to change mortal bodies into eternal mortal bodies and He does not know how to resurrect mortal dead bodies either . No mortal will ever have a mortal body or a Spirit body that will last for all eternity .
15: Y'shua Not Anointed - We mentioned this before . We cannot find anywhere in the CB NT that Y'shua was anointed . Did we miss something written about this or did Y'shua miss being anointed . In Acts 4 : 24 - 28 it’s written that the chief Jewish priests and elders did not like what was being taught by the Disciples . It says they were praying to God and said 27 Indeed Herod and Pontius Pilate met together with the Gentiles and the people of Israel in this city to conspire against your holy servant Jesus , whom you anointed . This is the only mention we could find of Y'shua being anointed and it says nothing about being anointed by people , but anointed by the LORD ELohim . The name Y'shua is another why to say Joshua and means ' Jehovah is salvation ' and not Y'shua is salvation . The name Messiah means ' the anointed one ' . Jesus is a Greek name claimed to mean Joshua . Christ is a bit of Latin and Greek meaning the Messiah . The truth is : Y'shua was never anointed . It’s believe Luke wrote Acts . Luke wrote ' whom you anointed ' , referring to LORD ELohim anointing Y'shua . LORD ELohim says He never anointed Y'shua and no where could we find in the CB that men anointed Y'shua . Anointing is a people thing to do and not something that LORD ELohim does . It’s not for the LORD or the Gentiles to decide who is the Messiah . It’s up to the Jewish people who are waiting for the Jewish Messiah to proclaim who the Messiah is , not the LORD and not Gentiles . Most every Jew then and now believe Y'shua was ' not ' the Messiah and the LORD fully and completely in every way agrees with the Jews . It was wrong , greatly wrong , for the pagan Gentile Christians to steal this Jewish hope and belief and to completely corrupt it and to be the people who murdered many millions of Jews and to cruelly treat other Jews just because they did not in the past and do not today believe Y'shua is the Messiah and a God .
16: Righteousness And Saints - This word righteous means : upright conduct , virtue , the state or condition of being right and just , morally right , free of guilt or wrong . LORD ELohim forgiving your sins and wrong doings if you are a fairly good and loving person does not mean you are righteous now . To be considered righteous by LORD ELohim will most likely take some work for you to do . Just because your sins and iniquities were forgiven by the LORD does not make you a Saint either . Saint means : to be holy and godly person , being holy is having a divine quality . To be a Saint would take more work for most all people than being called righteous . In the early years of the Roman Catholic Church every pope from 42 C.E. to 337 C.E. were called Saints . That was 35 popes . What's the chance of all of them being truly holy and godly people ? Many other popes after these guys were also called Saints by the church also . The word Saint is a Christian word and not a Jewish word . Because it means a holy and godly person then only LORD ELohim can call someone a Saint and He has never done that but He did call Abraham , Moses , Y'shua and several other people to be ' deeply devoted and righteous ' people but no Christians because of their pagan beliefs of more then one God and mostly because of the cruel way Christians have treated and slaughtered His beloved Jewish people over the years . Also because of the Roman Catholic Church and the French King mass slaughter of His beloved Knights Templars who the LORD created for Himself to help the Jews .
17: Catholics And The Ten Commandments - We were browsing a book about Catholics and found information about Catholics and the Ten Commandments . At first it said that the Ten Commandments are very important to the Catholic faith . We have thought all along that Christians don't believe they need to obey LORD ELohim's Ten Commandments so the beginning of this writing seemed a little strange . And how can Christians keep the fourth Commandment about the Sabbath on the seventh day when Christian Sabbath day of worship is the first day ? We read on and found the answer to this question . The Catholic ten commandments are not LORD ELohim's Ten Commandments . The first Catholic commandment just says : I am the Lord your God . You shall not have strange gods before me . Which of their Gods are they writing about ? Their second commandment is : You shall not take the name of the Lord in vain . This is not the LORD's second Commandment . It’s the third Commandment of the LORD's . So the second Commandment is missing . The second Commandment of the LORD is : You shall not make for yourself a sculptured image , or any likeness of what is in the heavens above , or on the earth below or the waters under the earth . You shall not bow down to them or serve them . Most of the Christian churches and homes have Y'shua on a cross , sculptures of Miriam the mother of Y'shua and other stuff like that and they often kneel before these and pray . The book says Christians do not worship them . That may explain why the true second Commandment of LORD ELohim is missing from the Catholic list if this book is right . The third commandment of the Catholics is : Keep the Sabbath holy . There is nothing more . It says the Catholic church interprets this commandment for people to attend Mass on Sunday . This commandment is not LORD ELohim's Commandment . The LORD's Commandment says : Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy . Six days you shall labor and do all your work , but the seventh day is a Sabbath of the LORD your God : you shall not do any work .... . We are not going to write all the Ten Commandments . The Catholic fifth commandment is : You shall not kill . The LORD's Commandment about this says : You shall not murder . In the history of the Roman Catholic Church there has been a lot of murders and blood shed done by the Catholic church . This is another Commandment of the LORD they did not keep . The way the Catholic church has ten commandments with the second commandment missing from the ten is their ninth says : You shall not covet your neighbor's wife . And their tenth commandment says : You shall not covet your neighbor's goods . In the LORD's Commandments the ninth and tenth commandments of the Catholics are both in the tenth Commandment together as : You shall not covet your neighbor's house ; You shall not covet your neighbor's wife , or his male and female slave , or his ox or his ass , or anything that is your neighbor's . The Catholic ten commandments are mostly not LORD ELohim's Ten Commandments . Either the writer of the book about Catholics is wrong or the Roman Catholic Church is very very wrong . The Catholics cannot claim they truly follow the Ten Commandments of LORD ELohim because they follow mostly only their own commandments made up by themselves and most are not made by the LORD ELohim .
18: Who Killed Y'shua ? - First remember that LORD ELohim worked to help all mankind through the Jews starting with Abraham and Sarah about 3800 years ago . Abraham and Sarah were the first Jews . The Jews are His chosen people to help Him help all people and all generations of mankind everywhere . Y'shua was a Jewish mortal man . The LORD did not chose a non -Jew because He works through the Jewish people to help all other people . Again : Y'shua was a Jewish mortal man that LORD ELohim worked through to teach all mankind The Simple Truth and so LORD ELohim could forgive the sins and iniquities of most people on earth : past , present and future people . People long before Abraham and Sarah often sacrificed animals and even their own children to their false gods for many reasons . The LORD does not know how that came about but it was common everywhere on earth and even with Abraham . The LORD ELohim did not try to change sacrificial rituals but He did work hard through the Jews to end the sacrificing of humans and to better the treatment of animals who would be sacrificed . The LORD tried to teach the benefits of forgiving other people who did you wrong and forgiving ourselves for the wrongs we did to others but not much was working for that teaching to people . LORD ELohim knew what would work : for Him to sacrifice mortal flesh for the forgiveness of the sins of most all people and for people to learn from His example . The LORD did not want to do this but the mortal to be His sacrifice had to be more than just an animal , it would have to be a mortal man . Because the LORD always worked through His Jews the mortal man would need to be a Jew . Three times before Y'shua the Jewish men the LORD asked to be the Lamb of God did not work out . They did try hard to be the sacrifice but it just did not happen . Y'shua was the fourth Jewish man who agreed to be the Lamb of God . Y'shua a Jewish mortal man did understand fairly well The Simple Truth and that the LORD promised in the past to forgive peoples sins and wrong doings and to do this He needed someone , a Jewish mortal man to be His one and only ever sacrificed by Him . Again : Y'shua agreed to be the Lamb . LORD ELohim left the rest up to Y'shua . Y'shua could chose the time and the how and the where and all else . John the Baptist was taught by the LORD through teaching Spirits that Y'shua was His Lamb of God , and John taught that Y'shua would take away the sins of the world . John was murdered before he could teach much about Y'shua so that caused a few problems . LORD ELohim thought that Y'shua would wait until he was old and that he would chose something not so horrifying as crucifixion but again it was Y'shua's choice . Y'shua set everything up when he was ready . Y'shua knew how to anger the Romans and the High Priest and he did so . Y'shua could have said " no he would not go through with it " to LORD ELohim at any time and the LORD would have be perfectly OK with that and Y'shua knew that . Y'shua knew he would die and would never be resurrected but he believed in what the LORD was trying to do and he believe in The Simple Truth that it would help make peoples lives far more happier and better in many ways . Y'shua knew that LORD ELohim has always worked through the Jews to teach people of all the world . Y'shua picked the day , how and where he would give up his life for the betterment of most all peoples lives . The LORD's promise to forgive people of their sins and iniquities was done by the LORD by the sacrifice of the Lamb of God Y'shua . Who killed Y'shua ? The truth is : Y'shua the fully mortal Jewish man chose willingly to give up his life because he believed that The Simple Truth would help most all mankind to live better and happier mortal lives and to fulfill the promise that LORD ELohim made for most all mankind . Jeremiah 31 : 34 ... For I will forgive their iniquities , And remember their sins no more . LORD ELohim says to ' remember their sins no more ' means to forgive . Remember that LORD ELohim created the Jewish people to help all the people everywhere on earth . That did not always work too good but the Jewish people tried often to help the LORD teach people how to live better mortal lives . The LORD's Ten Commandments was one of those teachings . The Jews taught the real Ten Commandments given to Moses by LORD ELohim : not the Catholics fake ten commandments .
19: Can We Humans Call Something A Sin ? - The truth is : only LORD ELohim can declare something to be a sin . Our LORD says only by not obeying the true Ten Commandments that He gave to Moses is a sin . The Catholic ten commandments for the most part mean nothing to LORD ELohim . Those commandments of the Catholic church are mostly not the LORD's Ten Commandments . No man can declare something to be a sin : not even the pope . The belief in Original Sin is a lie to make an excuse why good people were dying who did not sin . In the first place , Adam and Eve did not sin . Adam and Eve disobeyed the LORD but they did not sin . The LORD ELohim did not teach Moses the Ten Commandments until about 1250 B.C.E. and that began what the LORD calls sins . Sin is not obeying the LORD's Ten Commandments and nothing else is a sin . Other wrong doings and inequities are not sins but the LORD ELohim did forgive most all people for those also . The LORD says to remind people that sin is not the cause of death , never was and never will be . Being made of dirt and being mortal : that is the cause of death : always has been .
20: Who Was The God Of Creation ? - In the Roman Catholic Church there is whats called : The Nicene Creed . It’s about the most basic beliefs of Catholicism . It says : We believe in one God , the Father Almighty , maker of heaven and earth , and of all things visible and invisible . And in one Lord Jesus Christ , the only begotten Son of God , ... According to this the Catholics believe LORD ELohim the Father created all things created , which is correct , but then they say Y'shua is the only begotten Son of God . How can the LORD make all things but only one Spirit son ? There are many thousands of Spirit sons the LORD created . But in the book of John says in 1 : 1 - 14 In the beginning was the Word , and the Word was with God , and the Word was God . He was with God in the beginning . Through him all things were made ; without him nothing was made that has been made .... According to John it was Y'shua who is called the Word created all that was created . The truth is : LORD ELohim created all that was created , visible and invisible just as the Creed says . Y'shua was a fully mortal Jewish man who was never a Spirit God so how could he have created anything like galaxies , Spirits , mortal life , trees and so on . Our one and only true Father and our creator is LORD ELohim . It’s becoming obvious that there are more than two or more different versions of Christianity .
21: More About Y'shua - In the Nicene Creed the next lines say : .... As in # 20 And in one Lord Jesus Christ , the only begotten Son of God , and born of the Father before the ages . God of God , light of light , true God of true God . Begotten not made , ... . The first two sentences of the Nicene Creed was easy and there easy ends . Note in # 20 sentences which say LORD ELohim created all things including invisible Spirits and visible mortals and all else created . Y'shua was not the only begotten Son of God of LORD ELohim . The word ' begotten ' means beget or begot , to become the father of and even sired . LORD ELohim and any other Spirits cannot sire offspring like mortals can . LORD ELohim created all mortals and Spirits and sired no one . The LORD made all He created . If ' begotten ' means that LORD ELohim made Y'shua with a mortal sperm and a mortal egg and put the fertilized egg into Miriam's womb then again Y'shua was not the first the LORD did this for . Remember Isaac and Samson were created exactly the same way as Y'shua . Isaac to be the first white skinned person and Samson to be a very strong and big man . When the LORD was creating mortals He did this a lot to create all the species He created . The LORD ELohim created the first DNA and anything else needed and then He went from there creating millions of species : including us . The LORD would change a little bit of the DNA and put the fertilized egg into the female womb of the species He was working on . Remember the LORD created the first DNA and whatever else He needed to create living beings out of dirt . The truth is : LORD ELohim created all that was created by Him . Y'shua is not the only Son of God . Y'shua like all other mortals was ' made ' by LORD ELohim only is a different way . The LORD never begotten ' any mortal species or Spirits , He ' made ' everything . Y'shua was never a ' true God of true God ' . Y'shua was not created ' before all ages ' . LORD ELohim did fertilize the mortal egg with a mortal sperm He got from other people to create Y'shua around 4 or 5 B.C.E. . Before that Y'shua never existed in any form just as you never existed in any form before your mortal body was conceived of .
22: Consubstantial - This is worse the any book Paul ever wrote . This is still about the Nicene Creed . ... Begotten not made , consubstantial to the Father , by whom all things were made . Two Dictionaries do not even have this word in them so what consubstantial means is only in one Dictionary . It says it means : the actual substantial presence and combination of the body and blood of Christ with the eucharistic bread and wine . The word substantial means : existing as or in substance , material , not illusory , real , important , essential , strong , firm . Agian the Creed says LORD ELohim is the one ' whom all things were made ' or thats what we think it’s saying . The truth is : We tried but the word consubstantial we don't know how that word works in that sentence ??? Sometimes we think these writers used big words or confusing words so the congregation will give up trying to understand what they read and rely only on what the preachers teach . Pauls books are a good example : or whoever wrote them .
23: Where Did All Us Women Go To ? - In the same Creed it says : .... by whom all things were made . Who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven . This is so common in the CB that us girls are not mentioned but no women wrote the CB NT or wrote this Nicene Creed , obviously in many ways . The truth is : Y'shua never came down from Heaven because Y'shua was never a Spirit in any form or at any time . Y'shua was fully a mortal human Jewish man : conceived on earth . Y'shua life and death as the Lamb of God was about the forgiveness of sins by LORD ELohim and The Simple Truth to teach people so to help mankind . Y'shua's life and death had nothing to do with mans salvation and their eternal life . We are just going to finish the Creed in this group .
And was incarnate of the Holy Ghost and of the Virgin Mary and was made man ; was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate , suffered and was buried ; and the third day rose again according to the Scriptures . Incarnate means : embodied in flesh , especially in human form . Incarnation means : the embodiment of a deity or Spirt in an earthly form . The union of divine and human natures in Jesus Christ . According to the LORD the Holy Spirit or also called the Holy Ghost has never existed . All Spirit are in the image of LORD ELohim just as we mortal humans are in His image too . Most Christians believe the Holy Spirit can be everywhere all the time . There is no Spirit that can do that just like LORD ELohim cannot be everywhere either . LORD ELohim with mortal human sperm and egg made Y'shua the fully mortal Jewish human man . Nothing about Y'shua was an only Spirit Son of God because there is no ' only ' Son of God says the LORD . Y'shua was crucified but the LORD and other Spirits made sure Y'shua did not suffer while on the cross . Y'shua was not resurrected on the third day or any other day . Y'shua was dead on the cross for a few hours and well beyond resuscitation or anything else . LORD ELohim cannot raise the truly dead , never could , and never will be able to . That is impossible for even Him to do and Y'shua was truly dead . The Christians have the three days and three nights in the tomb wrong as we have written about before .
And ascended into heaven , sits at the right hand of the Father , and shall come again with glory to judge the living and the dead , Y'shua never went to Heaven and the Father LORD ELohim never went to Heaven either . Someday soon LORD ELohim and all Spirits here will go home to Heaven but they have not been home since long long before Y'shua's time . Y'shua is dead and even if he were alive the LORD would never allow a mortal to judge other mortals , not even Y'shua . The LORD is not going to judge the lives of individual people and how could He judge the dead and what would be the point of doing that . The LORD judged us as a species , not as individuals and we failed . ...
"of whose Kingdom there shall be no end ." This is about the Christian belief about the Kingdom of God and that Y'shua will rule the world along with the Christians helping him . Y'shua cannot rule the Kingdom of God for a very good reason : he is dead and LORD ELohim is certainly not going to do that either . And I believe in the Holy Ghost , the Lord and Giver of life , who proceeds from the Father , who together with the Father and the Son is to be adored and glorified , Again : there is no Holy Ghost and it is LORD ELohim who created all mortal life and Spirits in the past and now . LORD ELohim is the Giver of life , not the Christian false god called the Holy Ghost . There is only one true God and one true Father and that is LORD ELohim . The only one to be worshiped is LORD ELohim our true God and Father . Y'shua and the Holy Ghost also called the Holy Spirit are false gods created by peoples minds . The LORD never created other Gods because there was no reason to .
"... , who spoke by the Prophets ." It was not the non-existent Holy Ghost who spoke through the Prophets , it was LORD ELohim with the help of the little teaching Spirits . And one holy , catholic , and apostolic Church . The Holy Spirit , who does not exist , did not speak through the Roman Catholic Church . LORD ELohim never spoke though the Roman Catholic Church either . Y'shua certainly never did because he died before the Catholic church existed and Y'shua never tried to create a new religion and neither did his Apostles according to the LORD . LORD ELohim says He stayed in Israel for three years after Y'shua died and his Disciples were busy teaching The Simple Truth . Who Mark , Luke and Paul were among others the LORD never knew them and neither did Y'shua . The book of Revelation is good proof that John who was one of his Disciples never wrote that book and probably most written in his other books he did not write all that is written in them either . The same is within other books in the CB NT .
We confess one baptism for the remission of sins . There is no need for baptism because the LORD ELohim forgave most all peoples sins the moment Y'shua died on the cross . Baptism was a ritual for people thirteen years old or older joining a religion . The LORD says baptism was not for forgiveness of sins that He remembers . If a person is wicked or cruel or evil they can be baptized all they want and that is not going to change the fact that LORD ELohim will never forgive them of their sins and wrong doings .
And we look for the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come . Amen . The dead will never be resurrected and the world to come on this earth is up to us and what we mortal humans chose to do . There is no Kingdom of God ruled by LORD ELohim coming to earth and Y'shua being dead certainly cannot rule the world . What happens in the future will be our doing : not LORD ELohim's doing . What the future will be will be the same as it’s always been , that Spirits cannot interfere in the choices we make with our free will . Throughout the history of mankind the LORD only dropped dead four extremely evil and cruel men . None of those four are written in the Bibles .
24: Who Is More Terrifying Toward Mankind : LORD ELohim Or Y'shua Or Satan According To The Bible ? - According to the book of Job LORD ELohim gave Satan permission to greatly torment and torture a man named Job just to prove to Satan Job is a blameless and upright man who fears God and shuns evil . The book of Job is an interesting book in the JB and CB OT but LORD ELohim says none of it is true . The LORD says He never knew of a man named Job and He would never do that to a person for such a lame reason . So this book is fiction but it is in the Bibles so that must mean something like people do believe it’s a true story or should believe this story is true ? Regarding this story about Job , both LORD ELohim and David ( Satan ) are innocent because it never happened . The book of Revelation is full of stuff that would be terrifying to mankind . In 5 : 1 - 14 it says that LORD ELohim is sitting on a throne in Heaven and had a scroll in His hand and Y'shua took the scroll and opened the seals one at a time . Each seal caused great terror to mankind like the Antichrist to conquer the world , famines , much war and death , food shortage , pestilence . Then the Trumpet judgments like hail mixed with fire and blood cast to earth and a third of the earth is burned , mountains burning with fire cast into the sea killing a third of all life in the sea , and it goes on and on what LORD ELohim and Y'shua do to mankind and the earth like earthquakes , plagues . About the fifth Trumpet Christians believe Satan is cast down to earth from Heaven and he opens the bottomless pit and lets demonic locusts out who torture unbelievers for five months . Then the Bowl judgments which are worse then these like malignant sores , turning water into blood , extreme heat from the sun burning flesh , Armageddon , the greatest earthquake ever , and on and on . According to the CB NT these Seal and Trumpet and Bowl judgments are the work of LORD ELohim and Y'shua . Keep in mind that Y'shua is dead so he will have nothing to do with this even though the Christians says he will . It makes one wonder what kind of man Christians believe Y'shua was that he would do this to mortal life ? LORD ELohim says He and all Spirits including David ( Satan ) will have nothing to do with this stuff so if there is a great war or great earthquake and so on : don't blame Him or David or Y'shua . The LORD says these writings in Revelation are all lies . The seven year tribulation that many Christians believe in , is a mass slaughter and torture of all non-Christians and even ocean and sea life and much land animals will also suffer and die too . The strange thing is that at the end of the tribulation most Christians believe Satan will be sent to the bottomless pit for 1000 years , during the 1000 year reign of Y'shua , so the Christians believe . After the 1000 years Satan is going to be released from the pit and allowed to deceive people to go against the LORD or Y'shua . Satan and those he deceived are then judged and cast into the lake of fire . Again Christians believe LORD ELohim and Y'shua are behind all this Seals , Trumpets and Bowls stuff and that at the end of the 1000 year reign of Y'shua , Satan is released by the LORD or Y'shua and is used by the LORD or Y'shua to weed out the malcontents who do not follow the rules and laws of the LORD or Y'shua . The truth is : There will be no wrath of God or wrath of Y'shua on earth . What is written in Job and Revelation and some in other books is a lie about LORD ELohim , Y'shua and Satan . According to Christians and their CB : LORD ELohim first and Y'shua second are the most wicked , hateful , cruel and evil Spirits and David ( Satan ) comes in as the third most wicked and evil Spirit . Most of the time David is depicted as just serving the LORD's or Y'shua's requests for David to do evil and cruel and wicked things to people and none of that is true . The truth is : I asked the LORD if He has ever been depicted as being so evil , hateful , wicked and horribly cruel as the Christians have depicted Him and He said never before . Y'shua was a deeply loving and gentle and caring Jewish mortal man and the LORD does not like that Christians have depicted Y'shua to be as evil and cruel and wicked and hateful as they have depicted LORD ELohim also . Satan who is named David is a loving , good and caring Archangel Spirit who does not want anything to do with mankind , and who can blame him for that ?
25: How Do You Test A Spirit ? The truth is : Even the LORD does not have an answer for that . Christians say you should test a Spirit to know if its good or evil . LORD ELohim says all Spirits are His children and they are all good and loving Spirit children who only want to play games , sing , dance , and have thousands of other ways to just have fun playing together and playing with the LORD . The LORD says none of His Spirit children have ever been evil or hurtful to anyone , Spirit or mortal .
26: Was The Virgin Miriam The Mother Of God ? - Most Catholics do believe this is true . They also believe that Miriam is forever a virgin and that she was born by Immaculate Conception , and that she was bodily taken to Heaven and her mortal body did not decay . Mary is Greek for the Jewish name Miriam , which was her true name . Immaculate Conception means that Miriam was conceived free of original sin . The truth is : Y'shua was never a God therefore Miriam was not the Mother of a God . Miriam was a virgin when the LORD put the fertilized egg in her womb at her age of twenty , but after the birth of Y'shua she did have three more children with her husband Joseph according to LORD ELohim and therefore she was not a virgin forever . In the CB NT James was the brother of Y'shua . James is not his true name . Jacob was the true Jewish name of James who was Jewish just like his brother Y'shua . According to a book about Catholics it’s written that they believe James was the brother of John the Disciple but LORD ELohim says the Protestants are right , Jacob was the brother of Y'shua . LORD ELohim says Miriam had four children including Y'shua . The only way Miriam could be a virgin forever according to the Catholics , she could not have had children after Y'shua so that is probably the reason the Catholics say Miriam only gave birth to Y'shua and Jacob was the brother of John . Miriam was not born by Immaculate Conception because this ' original sin ' stuff Catholics made up does not exist . The LORD says Miriam never went to Heaven . Like any mortal that would be impossible for LORD ELohim to do . Miriam like any other mortal died and her body was never resurrected by the LORD . Miriam's dead body is probably with her families bodies and probably along with Y'shua's body to but maybe not . According to the CB NT Y'shua's body disappeared from the tomb and LORD ELohim say He never saw Y'shua's body after it was put in the tomb . There were a few people who had reason to take it .
27: The Eucharist - Most Catholics believe in the Eucharist but most all Protestants do not . At the Last Supper the Christians say that Y'shua said to his Disciples to eat bread representing his body and to drink wine representing his blood . The LORD says Y'shua did say something about that but Y'shua meant to do this in memory believing that the Eucharist is literally the body and blood of Y'shua . They call it transubstantiation . This long word means : a changing of one substance into another , the miraculous changing of the substance of the bread and wine of the Eucharist into the substance of the body and blood of Christ , only the appearance of the bread and wine remaining . Y'shua never said that the bread and wine would really be changed into flesh and blood . That would be cannibalism and it certainly would not be kosher . Again : LORD ELohim said that He cannot turn Spirit into flesh and bone or flesh and bone into Spirit . Y'shua mortal body is probably all dust by now except maybe some bone yet . The LORD cannot turn bread into flesh and bone and He cannot change wine into blood and why would He even want to do that ? Y'shua said to his Disciples to ' remember him that way .' The Eucharist is definitely not people really eating Y'shua's body or drinking his blood , that would be impossible and it would be very wrong according to LORD ELohim . The bread and wine are just bread and wine and Catholic vegetarians would probably be happy to hear that .
28: Sacramentality - This word means that everything reveals God . No Dictionary we have has this word in it . There is most of everything created by the LORD that can reveal something about the LORD but LORD ELohim does not agree completely with Catholics regarding this belief of theirs . The LORD created mortal mankind but mortal mankind created wars , terrorism , hatred , torture , evil , cruelty , wickedness , greed and so on . Mortal wars and terrorism and so on do not reveal who the LORD is or what His personality is like . Loving , caring , gentle , kind , tender , sympathetic : that reveals the LORD ELohim .
29: LORD ELohim's Grace - Grace means : freedom from sin by divine grace . Before The Simple Truth the LORD forgave the Jews by the sacrifice they offered to Him . The LORD knew that by the sacrifice of Y'shua for the sins of the world the Jewish people would understand why He did that . Catholics and maybe other Christians believe non-clergy people need a mediator that can plead a Christians cause to LORD ELohim . Many believe that Y'shua is the ultimate mediator for the forgiveness of peoples sins and the consequences of sin . It’s not true but many Christians believe the consequences of sin is death . The truth is : The sacrifice of Y'shua for the forgiveness of sin is the reason most all people in the past and now and into the future have no sin or iniquities against them . The Simple Truth is the reason why . Y'shua was the willing Lamb of God who gave up his mortal life so most all peoples sins could be forgiven by LORD ELohim based on the traditional sacrifices of the Jewish people for their sins to be forgiven by LORD ELohim . The LORD does not care which religion you belong to . You can be Muslims , Buddhists , Christians , Hindus , Jews , Taoists , Deism or any other religion and even Atheists . You only need to be a fairly loving and a good person to be forgiven of your sins and wrong doings . There is no person who needs a mediator to plead with the LORD to forgive you . Your sins and iniquities were forgiven the moment Y'shua died on the cross . If you are wicked , cruel , evil or hateful , no amount of pleading even by the pope will get you forgiven of your sins and wrong doings by LORD ELohim . The LORD hopes you will learn from Him and forgive other fairly good and loving people of their sins and wrong doings and to forgive yourself of your sins and wrong doings too .
30: Did Y'shua Really Die ? - Most Christians believe the Spirit Son of God who is also a God to Christians changed his Spirit body into a mortal body . This the Christians call incarnation which means : the union of divine and human natures in Jesus Christ , the embodiment of a deity or Spirit in an earthly form . Again : LORD ELohim says He cannot make flesh and bone into Spirit or Spirit into flesh and bone . It’s impossible for the LORD to do that or even Spirits themselves to do that . The LORD says only mortals can die but Spirits cannot die . Crucified on the cross mortals would die but the Spirit of the Son of God , God would have lived and never would he have died on the cross even when in human form . The Spirit Son of God , God , if he changed form to a mortal he still would have never truly died and therefore he would have not been sacrificed for our sins and iniquities to be forgiven by the LORD . Also there would have been no need for the Son of God , Spirit God , to be resurrected from the dead because he never would have truly died in the first place even in incarnated mortal form . LORD ELohim said He never resurrected Y'shua because He cannot do that if the flesh and bone are truly mortal and Y'shua was truly mortal and truly dead . Resurrecting the truly dead mortals is impossible to do and Y'shua was truly dead and truly was a fully mortal Jewish man who was never a Spirit . So Christians saying the Son of God , Spirit God changed his Spirit form into a mortal form , even in the mortal form he would not have truly die for our sins . Above all this : LORD ELohim says He does not have an ' only Son of God Spirit God .' That Spirit does not exist in any form : mortal or Spirit . The LORD ELohim was behind everything to do with Y'shua and The Simple Truth . The truth is : Y'shua was the willing fully mortal Jewish Lamb of God who did truly die on that cross for most of all peoples sins and iniquities to be forgiven by LORD ELohim . Nothing about Y'shua was Spirit other than a teaching Spirit who left his mortal body long before the crucifixion when Y'shua understood what the LORD was asking of him : if Y'shua would be His Lamb of God . Y'shua could have said no and he understood that but he agreed to be the Lamb . Y'shua willingly died on that cross for the forgiveness of most all peoples sins and wrong doings and for The Simple Truth to be taught to the world . Remember The Simple Truth has no rules , just one fact , that the wicked , evil , cruel and hateful people will never be forgiven by LORD ELohim . Again : Y'shua was not a Spirit who changed his Spirit form into a bodily mortal flesh and bone man . No Spirit can do that : not even LORD ELohim . Only by Y'shua's death , a true mortal death , could most all peoples sins be forgiven by the LORD ELohim . Y'shua should be remembered for this , having truly given up his mortal life for most all mankind , and remembered by his true mortal Jewish name Y'shua not the Greek name Jesus . Obviously if a Spirit incarnated into the form of man and went to the cross and never really died then that would not be a true sacrifice and that Spirit would have done nothing for any mankind or for LORD ELohim . The LORD ELohim says only a fully mortal Jewish man could be the Lamb of God and Y'shua was fully mortal and Y'shua was a deeply devoted Jewish man to the faith of Judaism .
31: Will You Be Resurrected ? - No mortal has ever been resurrected from the dead . The truth is : The LORD ELohim and any other Spirits do not know how to do that and the LORD has no interest in trying to do that because logic says that is impossible to do . Most corpses in the ground are dust by now . How is the LORD suppose to know what dust is a nose or what dust is a toe nail and so on . If somehow He started with the DNA found in the dust , if that were even possible , and made a fertilized egg somehow and put it in a mortal women's womb , that person born would not be the same person who died . The body may look the same but that persons mind and thoughts and beliefs and life experiences and so on would be that persons and not the person who died and whose dust was used . Resurrection is impossible to do . If a person died from old age at eighty , the mortal body resurrected would be eighty also and how long would that person live . If a person died from cancer , the mortal body resurrected would also have cancer unless the LORD finds a way to sort the dust like a puzzle so the dust of the cancer cells is not used , and how long would that person live also before dying from old age . How could the LORD know what specks of dust is what part of the mortal body ? No mortal has a Spirit to call our own . If people had that kind of Spirit than the resurrection of the flesh and bone would not be needed . But we know now that Souls do not exist according to LORD ELohim . People have no Spirit to live in beyond the death of their mortal body . That LORD ELohim does not know how to do that either and He would never do that because all Spirits He created have their own lives to live and no Spirit wants to be in boring mortals . It would need to be the mortal flesh and bone resurrected and the LORD cannot do that , not for Y'shua and not for you . Eternal life is a hope of some people but it is not a reality to come and never will be . The LORD would have to do supernatural stuff to raise the dead and nothing about what LORD ELohim is and what He does is supernatural . Our Father LORD ELohim cannot do anything that is beyond the Laws of Nature and raising the dead is far far beyond the Laws of Nature .
32: Icons And Statues - Most Catholics have many icons and statues in the churches and their homes . Many Protestants believe this is ' Idolatry ' . Idolatry means : the worship of a physical object as a god , excessive devotion . Idolize means : to make an idol of . Idol means : an object of passionate devotion , a false god . The interesting thing is that the Second Law of the true Ten Commandments is missing in the Catholic ten commandments . In the LORD's Ten Commandments the Second says : You shall not make for yourself a sculptured image , or any likeness of what is in the heavens above , or on the earth below , or in the waters under the earth . You shall not bow down to them or serve them . The LORD says the rest of this Commandment is an error made by Moses . Again this Commandment is missing from the Catholic ten commandments probably because it’s all about such icons and statues . In a book it says Catholics do not worship them but they do bow down to them and pray before them as though they believe there is some kind of supernatural connection to who ever the statues represents like Y'shua or Miriam and even LORD ELohim painted on the ceiling with Adam . The truth is : LORD ELohim calls this ' Idolatry ' also . Both Y'shua and Miriam his mother are dead and cannot supernaturally hear such prayers and neither can LORD ELohim who is one Spirit who made us in His image : meaning He cannot be everywhere . Bowing before icons and statues in Y'shua's and Miriam's or even the LORD's image does not change that fact . Neither Y'shua or Miriam have eternal life now and never did . Both Y'shua and Miriam were fully mortals in every way and like you who is fully mortal in every way : they and you will never be resurrected from the dead .
33: Suicide - Many religions and denominations are against people committing suicide . The truth is : LORD ELohim is under-standing of this and He says suicide is not a sin . The LORD has seen people so greatly suffer that the LORD hoped their death will end that soon for them . Not everyone will love their mortal life and not everyone will have perfect health and not everyone will age well and not everyone will get through our mortal life without constant and extreme agonizing pain that cannot be healed such as terminal cancer and many other reasons why people commit suicide . LORD ELohim knows that mortal life is not perfect and our mortal bodies are not perfect either . When people feel they have had enough regarding their mortal life , no matter the reason , LORD ELohim is not going to be against their decision to end their mortal life as long as how they do it does not cause physical harm to any other mortal life . Again the LORD says suicide is not a sin and it’s not even a wrong doing . Since LORD ELohim does not find people who chose to end their own life to be a sinner or to be in the wrong then all religions and everyone else should be as understanding and loving as LORD ELohim is toward these people .
34: The Infallible Popes - Probably most all Catholics believe that the popes have always been infallible regarding in matters of faith and morals . Infallible means : never able to error , sure , certain . Morals means : of or relating to principles of right or wrong , conforming to a standard or right behavior , virtuous , righteous , ethical , noble . Catholics believe the pope is the earthly representative of Y'shua on earth and thats may be why they believe the pope is infallible . The truth is : LORD ELohim does not believe that at all . A good example is the Catholic belief in a place called Limbo . Going back a very long time and many popes Catholics were taught if their baby died before being baptized the baby would go to the fires of hell . Some Catholics could not believe the LORD would do that to an innocent baby just because the baby was not baptized before the baby died . So the Catholic Church came up with the idea of Limbo , their idea , : a place in the middle , not Heaven and not hell . And Limbo would be the home of these babies souls forever because they were not baptized so they would never be allowed in Heaven to be with the LORD . Limbo was said to be a place that the babies souls would be somewhat happy in but no where near as happy as those who go to Heaven . In the thirteenth century the Roman Catholic Church approved the Limbo idea . But later Limbo was rejected by a church council because Limbo is not mentioned in their regulations decreed or whatever . So it would seem the babies souls are back in the fires of hell again . How many popes over the years allowed this lie to continue about LORD ELohim sending these innocent babies souls to hell ? How many popes allowed this belief to be an acceptable part of the Roman Catholic faith ? There are many examples about some of the beliefs of Catholics and other Christians and other religions that the LORD ELohim says are lies and are completely unacceptable to the LORD . Most people believe that the soul is a Spirit . The LORD says He never created any Souls as people believe in but that does not change the fact that the Roman Catholic Church believes the pope can send the LORD's Spirit children to hell without asking Him first . The LORD's answer would be if Souls really existed : " My Spirit children are completely innocent : it is you popes who are the guilty ones regarding this wicked belief and lie that tortures the minds of the dead babies living families " . This Catholic belief disgusts LORD ELohim . The LORD had nothing to do with such a wicked and evil and cruel belief and neither did Y'shua . Again : how many popes over the years allowed this belief and teaching to remain in the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church . Was no pope loving , caring and concerned enough about this belief to bring to an end this repulsive belief that is obviously fully a lie . What about the parents and family of the baby too . How many parents could not sleep at night believing their new born baby was in the fires of hell being tortured with great pain and tormented just because they could not get the baby baptized quickly enough before the infant died ? How many family members and parents mentally suffered with great feelings of guilt the rest of their lives believing in the horrible painful suffering of their infant child in the fires of hell ? In the Encyclopedia it says that Limbo is back in style with the Catholic Church but unbaptized babies still go to limbo for eternity and will never go to Heaven according to the Roman Catholic Church just because these innocent babies were never baptized . It says This is still the teaching of the Catholic Church . The LORD does not understand why over many many centuries and many many popes , why was there not one pope among them who said to the Catholic people : " Don't worry your innocent baby is with their loving Father LORD ELohim who is in Heaven . " That would be another lie but a lie the parents and family could probably live with compare to what the Catholic church did teach . The truth is hell does not exist , lake of fire does not exist , purgatory does not exist , limbo does not exist , eternal suffering does not exist , eternal joy with the LORD or Y'shua will not happen , and Spirit souls do not exist and the Roman Catholic Church popes are obviously not infallible . Remember the Inquisitions and the burning of living people on the stake or hanging them just because they did not believe all the Roman Catholic stuff : many thousands were murdered by many popes . What about the slaughter of thousands of Knights Templars who most were burnt at the stake by the pope at that time who was involved with the French King for reasons of pure greed . Were those popes afraid to admit they were wrong ? Also what is not true is ' original sin ' so those innocent babies had done no sin . The Roman Catholic Church and some Protestant churches cause fear not only regarding death but also regarding life , and they have many lame reasons for those lies . Who would the Catholics and other Christians say created limbo , hell .... ? Mortals certainly could not do that somewhere out in space or in the earth . And who do they teach made this rule about baptism and babies ? They would probably have to say LORD ELohim or Y'shua made those places and rules . When it comes to these places only the LORD could have made them and the LORD ELohim says He never made such places . Who made the rules about what would happen to babies who die before they were baptized ? Who said they would go to hell or limbo ? That was not LORD ELohim or Y'shua : that was the Roman Catholic Church and with the approval of many many popes over many many hundreds of years or over a thousand years . Who would the Roman Catholic Church say made that rule about babies eternally screaming in horror and extreme pain for all eternity or going to limbo and never Heaven ? They would have to blame LORD ELohim or Y'shua if they are not willing to speak the truth that it was themselves . Again the Catholics believe the pope is the earthly representative of Y'shua . Y'shua was dead but not long dead before the Roman Catholic Church indirectly said to people that LORD ELohim is a wicked , cruel and evil God who makes innocent unbaptized babies to go to the fires of hell for all eternity . Who else could they be talking about in not so many words ? LORD ELohim is getting a little tired of people making Him out to be the most crazy and evil and wicked and cruel being who ever lived . LORD ELohim says to all people and all religions : Think about who your beliefs are talking about . If you realize its about LORD ELohim or Y'shua , you better make sure its about a deeply loving , kind and caring God and Father and a deeply loving , kind and caring dead mortal Jewish man named Y'shua who truly died as the Lamb of God for the forgiveness of most all peoples sins and iniquities and for The Simple Truth . Most all written by ' people ' in the CB NT is a lie about the LORD and a lie about Y'shua and other stuff . Again most of these lies were created by the Roman Catholic Church and not by the LORD ELohim and not by Y'shua when he was alive . What about the morals of the popes that is never suppose to be wrong ? With limbo and the innocent babies and parents suffering unbearable guilt , the Knights Templars massacre and murders and torture of thousands because of greed , the Inquisitions and the murders and torture of thousands of innocent people just because they did not believe what the popes believed and much more . Where were the morals of these many popes to know right from wrong and what was right behavior . Being involved in mass murders and torturing thousands of innocent people is not the right behavior and morals for anyone , especially popes . The Catholic popes are not representatives of the dead Jewish man Y'shua or LORD ELohim . Never have been and never will be says LORD ELohim unless the Roman Catholic Church and other Christians change a lot of their wicked and wrong beliefs first .
35: Is There A Holy Trinity ? - Most Christians believe there are three persons in one God which they call the Trinity . To start : LORD ELohim does not like being called a ' person ' by Christians . Mortal mankind are all a ' person ' . Spirits are not ' persons ' . All Spirits are children of the LORD ELohim and only LORD ELohim is a Father of all Spirits and of all mortals too . The truth is : LORD ELohim says He alone is a God . Y'shua was a Jewish fully mortal man who was the Lamb of God but Y'shua was not a God . The Holy Spirit depicted by Christians never existed because LORD ELohim never created such a Spirit that could be in over 80 million Christians all at the same time . The LORD does not even know how to create such a Spirit and He would never create such a Spirit . Every Spirit the LORD created is in His image . In Genesis 1 : 26 And God said , : Let us make man in our image , after our likeness ... The LORD was talking to His Spirit children who are all in His image and likeness . Sometimes the little Spirits helped LORD ELohim when He was playing in the dirt . The six Archangels are about six feet tall and the rest of His Spirit children are about four or five inches tall . No Spirit is bigger than LORD ELohim who is about eight feet tall . How can a Spirit that looks a lot like us and is no taller than six feet be everywhere on earth at the same time and in every Christian at the same time to ? All Spirits can play games , sing , dance , enjoy each others company and have thousands of other ways to have fun and enjoy their lives . How could a Spirit like the Christian Holy Spirit do all that : he could not . That Spirit in that form would not have anyway to enjoy much of anything so the LORD never created such a Spirit . Also the LORD did not create any Spirits for mankind . He created His Spirit children trillions of years ago to enjoy their company . The truth is : LORD ELohim alone is our God and Father and the Father of all Spirits . Y'shua was a fully mortal Jewish man and the Lamb of God and was never the only Son of God , Spirit God . The Holy Spirit who Christians also call the Holy Ghost never existed and never will exist because to create a Spirit like that would be a very cruel thing to do to a Spirit . If you’re interested in reading about some of lies about what Spirits look like , read the book of Revelation . LORD ELohim never created those Spirits either and those Spirits like the Holy Spirit also do not exist . Even Y'shua claimed to be in Heaven is not the best looking Spirit or whatever he is in Heaven . In Revelation 5 : 6 Then I saw a Lamb , looking as if it had been slain , standing at the centre of the throne , encircled by four living creatures and the elders . The Lamb had seven horns and seven eyes , which are the seven spirits of God sent out into all the earth . Y'shua was a lot more handsome when he was a mortal . Again this is not Y'shua and he never went to Heaven and no Spirit looks anything like that .
36: Understanding Christianity - Keep in mind our understanding of Christianity and other religions and other things is only as good as the books we read and what LORD ELohim hears at the gatherings of people talking about their religion and the LORD's Little Book . We do try very hard to find the best books to help us understand what we write about . No matter what books we read , we still Think Not Beyond Logic as the LORD taught us to do and as the LORD has been teaching you to do .
37: Was Y'shua Murdered ? - In a Catholic book it says : from the murder of Christ . Since Christians believe Y'shua never really died but lived again to wine and dine with his Disciples and have many chitchats with other people for forty days after he died then there was no murder and there was no true sacrifice for our sins and inequities either . Acts 1 : 3 After his suffering , he presented himself to them and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive . The truth is : Y'shua really did die on the cross and it was by the will of Y'shua that he did just that for most all mankind to be forgiven of their sins and wrong doings and for The Simple Truth to be learnt and taught to the world . Y'shua did die and if his mortal body was resurrected he still really would not have died . The LORD says that the flesh and bones of Y'shua were never resurrected and Y'shua was not a Spirit in any form just like you . Y'shua was not murdered . Y'shua willingly gave up his mortal life for most all peoples sins and wrong doings to be forgiven and for LORD ELohim's Simple Truth to be learnt and taught to all mankind .
38: The Miracles - Did Y'shua do about thirty seven miracles ? Turning water into wine , healing the sick , healing many with leprosy , cure the blind , ridding the possessed from demons , curing the deaf , healing the crippled , calming the storm , walking on the water , feeding 5,000 people with a few fish and bread , feeding 4,000 with a few fish and bread , coin in a fishes mouth , withered a Fig tree , catch of many fish , raising three dead people ? LORD ELohim and other Spirits were with Y'shua all his life until his dead body was in the tomb . LORD ELohim says Y'shua did none of these things . If it were so easy to heal all sickness the LORD would have taught all the Spirits who are with Him on earth to do that and and there would be little need for hospitals and doctors . If it were so easy to feed 9,000 people then no children would die from starvation or adults . Since there are no evil demon Spirits Y'shua could not have cured the possessed . Y'shua was fully mortal so he could not have walked on water and so on . LORD ELohim in one way is the same as people : He has to work within the laws of nature too : the sum total of the forces at work throughout the universe . Y'shua a mortal man had to do the same . LORD ELohim could make six galaxies , not because He had supernatural powers but because He knew how to use the laws of nature to make a lot of big booms happen or as scientists call Big Bang only it was a lot of Big Bangs for each galaxy . He made the galaxies the same way nature made many millions or more galaxies . LORD ELohim created mankind , dogs , horses , elephants and all other mortal species on earth , but it took Him almost five billion years of trials and errors to do that and He could only do that because He learned how the laws of nature worked to allow Him to do all that . There is nothing supernatural about anything the LORD has created or did . What the LORD used for all He created most likely existed even before He existed . Any scientists reading the Little Book , it took a lot more than one Big Bang to create the universe . The LORD said it took a lot of Big Bangs to create even one galaxy . The Spirits say that over the trillions of years that they have existed they and LORD ELohim have seen many Big Bangs that the laws of nature on its own created .
39:9 Could Y'shua Resurrect Himself ? - In a book about Catholic beliefs it says Y'shua's greatest miracle was resurrecting himself . The truth is : The LORD ELohim says that would be impossible for any dead mortals to do . Y'shua was truly dead and truly mortal so how can a truly dead mortal man resurrect himself . Resurrection would require someone else doing that because a dead person in no way could do that themselves . Do you know of any truly dead person buried in the ground or cremated who resurrected themselves ? Y'shua was never a Spirit in any form , he was not a Son God , and LORD ELohim cannot raise dead people from the dead so that never happened . Y'shua was never resurrected . People made up that great lie about Y'shua and other people obviously wanted to believe it . We mortals have just one life to live no matter what religion you believe , no matter how good or evil you are , and no matter anything else . For mortals we will truly only die once . For mortals it is death that is eternal and LORD ELohim our Father cannot change that .
40: Can Y'shua Be In All Christians As They Believe ? - Lets ' pretend ' that Y'shua is alive and a Spirit . Even with that Y'shua could never be in more than one person at a time . Christians make Y'shua's Spirit alike the Holy Spirit : everywhere on earth and in Heaven and everywhere in between for trillions and trillions of miles . The truth is : No one Spirit is that big . No Spirit is a fog throughout the universe or from Heaven to earth . Even the LORD is only eight feet tall and He is the biggest of all Spirits created . When LORD ELohim is in Heaven nothing about Him is on earth and that would be the same for Y'shua . Most Christians believe Y'shua is sitting on a throne in Heaven right now and has been since forty days after his resurrection . How could he be in all Christians on earth if he were in Heaven ? There is no Holy Spirit so he is not in any Christians . Not pretending anymore : Y'shua is a dead fully mortal Jewish man and was never resurrected and was never a Spirit God turned into mortal man and back to Spirit again and was never ever a God . Again : LORD ELohim says He cannot change Spirit into flesh and bone or flesh and bone into Spirit . Y'shua was flesh and bone who could be seen and heard speaking by people and he was never Spirit in any form and he was never the only Son of God and he was never a God .
41: Did Y'shua Go To Hell ? - In a book about Catholic beliefs it says that when Y'shua was buried he descended into hell . We spent hours trying to find this written in the Bible but we never found it there . If its in the CB NT we could not find it . Then we remembered the Nicene Creed . The Nicene Creed is about what the Roman Catholic Church believes and some is not what is in the CB NT . So we got out the Encyclopedia . We found what is called the Apostles Creed . There is an Apostles Creed for both Catholics and Protestants . Both Creeds are much the same and both say Y'shua descended into hell . It says about Y'shua : .... who was conceived by the Holy Ghost , born of the Virgin Mary , suffered under Pontius Pilate , was crucified , dead , and buried ; He descended into hell ; the third day He arose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven , and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty ; .... According to the CB NT Y'shua said he would not be raised from the dead until three days and three nights have passed after he died . Matthew 12 : 40 For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish , so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth . Do Christians believe the ' heart of the earth ' is hell ? Is it believed that hell is in the outer core of the earth beneath the mantle ? Y'shua had no Spirit to call his own so how did Y'shua the fully mortal man get there if this were true . The word Sheol means ' grave ' and often Christians changed that to the word hell . The truth is : The LORD says Y'shua never went to hell and there is no hell in the earth or above the earth . Y'shua dead body went into a tomb and was never raised from the dead in that tomb or anywhere else . What does it mean : ... the third day he arose again from the dead ... What does ' again ' mean ? The word ' again ' means more than one time so according to the creed Y'shua was resurrected more than one time but nothing in the CB NT that we remember says that . Do Christians believe Y'shua was raised after his mortal body was put in the tomb so he could go to hell ? Again : Y'shua never went to hell . What would be his purpose to do that ? According to the CB no mortal has been risen from the dead yet except for Y'shua even though the CB NT says Y'shua when alive was talking to Moses and Elijah who would have had to be risen before Y'shua was risen . Again another lie . The Holy Ghost does not exist . It was LORD ELohim with the help of little Spirits who put the fertilized egg into Miriam's womb . Again : Y'shua never went to hell but his dead body did go to Sheol meaning grave in a tomb . LORD ELohim says Y'shua's body was never resurrected , never went to hell and never went to Heaven and Y'shua was never a Spirit or a God .
42: Who is The Creator Of All Created - The Apostles Creed that the Dictionary says dates back to 600 C.E. says : I believe in God , the Father Almighty , Creator of heaven and earth ; and in Jesus Christ , His only Son , Our Lord : who was conceived by the Holy Ghost , born of the Virgin Mary ..... Who created all the thousands of Spirits if LORD ELohim's only son was Y'shua ? Who created all mortal life on earth ? No mortal life came to be on its own . Someone had to be behind the creation of all mortals on earth . The truth is : LORD ELohim our Father created all Spirits and trillions of years later the LORD ELohim created all mortals and Y'shua the mortal man on earth and no place else in the universe . It would seem according to this Creed it must have been Y'shua who created all Spirits and therefore the Spirits would all be Y'shua's sons . If Y'shua created all mortal species then he would be the Father of all mortals . Where in the CB NT do people call Y'shua their Father or where Y'shua says he alone is your Father ? We do not remember that anywhere . There is a lot where LORD ELohim is called our Father . The Spirits with me say only LORD ELohim is their Father . Y'shua never came into existence until all Spirits and most all mortal species already existed . LORD ELohim created all Spirits and all mortal life species on earth who existed in the past and who exist now and may exist into the future . The LORD did create how mortal species could have babies so that all species will continue to survive without Him .
43: Who Is The Judge ? - In the Apostles Creed it says : .... sitteth at the right hand of God , the Father Almighty ; from thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead . According to the creed it is Y'shua coming here to judge people . LORD ELohim says even if Y'shua was all that Christians say he was and is , the LORD would never allow Y'shua to judge any mortal . Our only judge is our only God and Father : LORD ELohim . For the most part He judged us as a species and not as individuals . There were some very evil and wicked and cruel and hateful people that He heard about or came to know that He did judge as individuals . The LORD would never allow a mortal man to judge all the worlds humans , past , present and future . Again : we fail our trial .
44: The Last Of The Apostles Creed - The last lines of the Apostles Creed says : I believe in the Holy Ghost , the Holy Catholic Church , the communion of saints , the forgiveness of sins , the resurrection of the body , and life everlasting . Amen . The Protestant Apostles Creed its written : the holy catholic Church ; No capital letters except on Church . The Holy Ghost does not exist . The LORD does not know any He would call saints since most all early saints were dozens of popes that gave Him problems and made many lies even about the LORD ELohim . The LORD ELohim did forgive most all people of their sins but the many popes behind the Inquisitions : those popes will never be forgiven . The pope Clement V in 1305 C.E. and the French King Philip IV and their goons will never be forgiven for the slaughter of His Knights Templars that the LORD created for Himself . He will never forgive the popes that made the lie or never ended the lie about LORD ELohim making babies go to hell or limbo . There is a long list of popes and other people He will never forgive . Resurrection of the mortal body for all mankind will never happen for any mortal because it cannot happen . It did not happen for Y'shua and it will not happen for you . For mankind and all other mortals there will be no everlasting life .
45: A Happy God - LORD ELohim goes to Synagogues and Christian Churches and a Bible College where people have been gathering to talk about LORD ELohim's Little Book . The LORD is happy about what He has been hearing at these places spoken by people from a few religions . LORD ELohim wants to thank all the Jewish Rabbis and other Jewish men and women everywhere for helping people of other religions to understand The Simple Truth and other things . The LORD greatly enjoys being among all the people at these places and has great hope for a better future for most all people who believe His Little Book , who obey the wisdom of His Ten Commandments and who use His wisdom He taught within The Simple Truth .
46: Bits And Pieces - We are going to finish this book with odd stuff while we still have a few hours to do so .
1 Catholics say a mystery as something that is hidden in God and can only be learned from God's teaching . The truth is : that is true but the LORD never taught any human about what they believe about hell , lake of fire , limbo , purgatory , wrath of God , Y'shua being a God , a non-existing Holy Spirit and much much more . How do you know what is revealed by the LORD or made up by man ?
2 It's believed that the LORD protects and has loving care for all His children . The truth is : the LORD does not have a lot of ways to protect us good mortals from the wicked mortals which is why He tried very hard to teach all people how to live a loving and good mortal life of peace and joy . The belief that LORD ELohim is very loving and caring about most all life He created is true but it is a contradiction in the Catholics belief . What about Limbo , again . In that belief , where is the LORD protecting these innocent babies ? The Catholics in this belief has the LORD sending these unbaptized babies to hell or limbo , which ever it is now . There is no truth in their idea about babies going to hell or limbo and love and cruelty are two very different things contradicting each other . It is true the LORD is deeply loving and caring about most all His mortal children and all of His Spirit children .
3 Was Y'shua the only begotten ' Son of God ?' The truth is : Y'shua is one out of billions of fully mortal sons of God and there are many thousands of Spirits sons of God too . If you’re thinking about how Y'shua was conceived by LORD ELohim remember He did that the exact same way with Isaac and Samson also . Isaac was the first begotten that way , not Y'shua . LORD ELohim created all mortals and all Spirits . Y'shua had nothing to do with creation because he was fully a mortal Jewish man who began his one and only life around 5 B.C.E. . Y'shua in no way was the only Son of God and was never a Spirit God either .
4 Is Y'shua our mediator between us and LORD ELohim ? The truth is : We do not need a mediator to intercede for us . We mortals will never be eternal and we are all , good or evil , headed for the same places like the grave or cremation or whatever . The LORD has finished judging us mortal humans and we greatly failed our trial . Does it really surprise you that we failed ? Also : Y'shua is dead .
5 Most Christians believe the Trinity is One God and there are not three gods but one God in three persons . Also they believe these three persons do not share one divinity but each of them is fully God . The truth is : This makes no sense says the LORD and I certainly agree with that . It’s like reading Paul's writings . The Dictionary says : the union of Father , Son and Holy Ghost in one divine nature or in one Godhead . Godhead means : the nature of God as existing in three persons . What does it mean ? The book says these three persons do not share one divinity ( God ) ? They say the three are one God so how can they not share as being that one God ? Whatever it means LORD ELohim says none of this belief is true . LORD ELohim is our only God and our only Creator making Him our Father . Y'shua was a fully mortal man and the Holy Ghost or Spirit never existed .
6 Many Christians believe God the Father is the Creator , God the Son is the Redeemer and God the Holy Spirit is Advocate and Teacher . The truth is : God the Father is right about being the Creator , but Y'shua is not a God or the only Son of the LORD . Y'shua was a son like any other male mortal . Y'shua was the Redeemer whose blood shed allowed the LORD to forgive most all people of their sins and iniquities when Y'shua truly died . The Holy Spirit does not exist and there is no advocate but none are needed because no mortal is going to have eternal life and no mortal is going to hell or Heaven and the little Spirits are the teachers for mankind .
7 Many Christians believe LORD ELohim is without origin and without end . Origin means : beginning . The truth is : LORD ELohim was created by someone very long ago . Who His parent or parents are He does not know . All He knows is that at one point in history , many trillions of years ago , He realized He was a living being and all alone . So He did have a beginning and probably will have no end like all Spirits He created but the LORD does not know what the future will be for Himself , Spirits and even mankind . LORD ELohim created His Spirit family and Y'shua was not among them or the Holy Spirit . Then LORD ELohim created mortal life from dirt on earth beginning about almost five billion years ago and Y'shua never existed until about 5 B.C.E..
8 Christians believe Y'shua was begotten and not made . The truth is : LORD ELohim ' made ' all Spirits and if He created Y'shua among all the other Spirits Y'shua as a Spirit would have been ' made ' just like all other Spirit children the LORD ' made '. The LORD ELohim knows for certain He was ' made ' and then He ' made ' all other Spirits in His image that His Creator made Him . There is no begotten Spirits and the LORD never made Y'shua as a Spirit . Y'shua was never a Spirit or a God .
9 Many Catholics and probably other Christians believe LORD ELohim can only teach the truth and He can never lie therefore believers can fully trust in His word regarding everything . The Truth is : How do you know what is in the Bible is the truth and the words given by the LORD ? How does the church explain so many contradictions and so much that is beyond sound logical thinking . LORD ELohim taught me and now you to Think Not Beyond Logic for a reason : so you will be better able to know what is true and what is not true . In the Bible there is many things that are not true like Y'shua raising the dead , feeding thousands with a few of fish and bread , healing all sickness , Y'shua being raised from the dead and on and on . LORD ELohim cannot do all that so how could Y'shua a fully mortal man do all these things ?
10 God is love . The truth is : that is true about LORD ELohim , He is pure love which is why hell , lake of fire , purgatory , limbo , wrath of God and on and on are all lies created by man to create fear to keep people in the church seats and the church in their money pocket .
11 A book says that Christians will become part of the love between the Father , Son and Holy Spirit . The truth is : The LORD says that Christians will die just like everyone else and there will be no resurrection of any Christians because that is impossible to do and to raise Christians only would not be right and would not be fair to any other people .
12 Some people believe that the LORD ELohim or Y'shua or the Holy Spirit is in all the mortal life . The truth is : the LORD or any other Spirit cannot do that . The LORD or other Spirits are not the reason you live , breath , think and do things . It’s the way the LORD made our DNA and other stuff from dirt is the reason any mortal species is alive . There is no Spirit of any kind in most any humans .
13 Some Christians believe the LORD or Y'shua or the Holy Spirit or all of them is involved in guiding them throughout their lives so they can be saved . The truth is : No Spirit can interfere with any persons life and free will in anyway . Only LORD ELohim can ask a human to help Him but He does not make them do anything they do not want to do . Mostly the LORD can only help people by words through the Prophets or like now : through His Little Book . What you do with what you have read in His Book is up to you and your free will and not up to LORD ELohim or any other Spirit .
In one sentence the writer says ' Creation is not perfect . ' In another sentence they say that the work of people is to complete creation and to perfect it . The truth is : The LORD ELohim knows much that He created is not perfect regarding mortals but He never gave people the job to make it perfect . Much is not perfect but its as good as it can get regarding mortals .
15 Will LORD ELohim ever create mortals again ? The truth is : The LORD says that creating mortals will never ever happen again . Our trial proved to be a great error , same with Grays and Anunnakis . The LORD has had far far more regrets having made mortals than times of joy being among mortals that He created . The worst of all mortal species on earth has been the species who have free will : Humans , Grays and Anunnakis . The rest of the other animals with only instinct He enjoys being around most of them but He still has some regrets because they too can suffer . We and other species are the only mortals in the universe and when mortals die out on earth there will never ever be mortals again in the universe .
16 Can people forgive the sins of other people ? The truth is : peoples sins are LORD ELohim's department and not anyone elses . Only the LORD can forgive sins . People can forgive peoples wrong doings but sins can only be forgiven by the LORD . If someone murders someone close to you and you forgive them for that , that's OK , but it does not mean that LORD ELohim forgave them . Sins are only the breaking of LORD ELohim's Ten Commandments . All other wrong doings are not sins . Catholics believe the LORD gave the higher-up people of the church the power to forgive sins but that is not true says the LORD . Forgiving sins is like Judgment of people : only LORD ELohim can do that to . Most all peoples sins have been forgiven by LORD ELohim by The Simple Truth .
17 What Christians believe about eternal life is very confusing . A Catholic book calls it a journey to everlasting life at the moment people die but other Christians don't believe eternal life happens until the mortal body is resurrected . Catholics also believe in the resurrection of the mortal body . Most of the confusion is when people become eternal . Many Catholics seem to believe it happens when you die and other Christians don't believe eternal life starts until the end of the thousand year reign of Y'shua and when the mortal body is resurrected . The truth is : Neither of these beliefs are true . No human or any other mortals will have an eternal life .
18 If people could have an eternal life , does that mean that dogs , cats and elephants could also . The truth is : The LORD says there is not any difference between the basic make up of a human mortal body then the basic make up of any other mortals . We look different , some live in water , others on land , some in cool areas and other in warm areas of the earth . We do have minor differences but the basic make up of mortals flesh and bone and organs and so on is the same for all species of mortals . So if humans have an eternal life so would T Rex and any other mortal creature . Many people believe the LORD made us special but that is not true . The only difference between us and other animals is that we humans have free will says the LORD .
19 Can people sin against the Catholic church ? The truth is : People commit a sin when they break and disobey one of LORD ELohim's Ten Commandments otherwise those wrong doings are just that , wrong doings . The Catholics believe there are three kinds of sin against the Catholic church . First is heresy , then apostasy and schism . Heresy means : a belief different from the accepted belief of the church . Apostasy means : a complete forsaking of ones religion , faith , political party or principles . Schism means : the division or separation of a group into opposing factions , a division within or separation from an established church on account of some difference of opinion of faith or discipline , the offence of promoting or causing such a division or separation , a faction formed by schism . The truth is : The Simple Truth is so simple to understand . Take away all the many many lies , the many errors and a lot of very very strange opinions and beliefs and take away all the strange and silly rules and all that is left is The Simple Truth . The Christian churches should not have come to be . The Simple Truth had no need for a new religion for any reason . According to LORD ELohim the Jewish Rabbis and the Jewish people were teaching The Simple Truth shortly after Y'shua had died as the Lamb of God . The Jews understood the meaning of Y'shua's death : The Simple Truth . It is the Christians and other religions that did not understand almost anything about The Simple Truth . There was no money to be made by the teaching of The Simple Truth until non-Jewish Christians took over and added greatly many lies and promises that LORD ELohim cannot keep like eternal life and Y'shua who is dead cannot keep either . People can only sin against the LORD's Ten Laws and not against the Catholic Church .
20 According to a Catholic book the saints are in Heaven with God . The truth is : No mortal is in Heaven with LORD ELohim . Even LORD ELohim is not in Heaven and Y'shua is dead so he cannot be in Heaven either . No mortal has ever become Spirit and no mortal ever will become Spirit . The word saint means : a holy and godly person . LORD ELohim has never known any person that He would call holy or godly . He has known some Jews who came close to being that but never a Christian and certainly never a pope .
21 Can the saints in Heaven intercede for Catholics with Y'shua . The truth is : No Catholic saints are in Heaven and Y'shua is dead . If there were saints in Heaven , which there are not , how could they know who is asking them to do that ? The only prayers the LORD knows of is the prayers people speak with their mouth and He has to be near them and know their language to . LORD ELohim cannot read people minds and prayers cannot supernaturally travel to Heaven or where He is around earth . Intercede means : to act between parties with a view to reconciling differences . The LORD says no one is doing that for the Catholics or for anyone else . Both Y'shua and non - living saints are dead , truly dead and never resurrected . Again : no mortal has a Spirit to call their own .
22 The word salvation means eternal life to most Christians . The truth is : LORD ELohim cannot do that for mankind or any other mortals . Salvation means too many Christians : to conquer their sins so they could lives forever . Remember : Y'shua the Lamb of God who truly died so most all peoples sins would be forgiven . LORD ELohim forgave most all people of all their sins and wrong doings . LORD ELohim conquered most all peoples sins about two thousand years ago . You are alive now and if you are a fairly good and loving person your sins and iniquities are forgiven already by LORD ELohim . That's what The Simple Truth is all about and is a teaching about you forgiving others for theirs wrong doings and forgiving yourself for your wrong doings also , just as the LORD has forgiven you . The belief in ' original sin ' is a lie but if you believe in that the LORD ELohim forgave that sin too . Just because your sins and wrong doings are forgiven by LORD ELohim does not mean you will have an eternal life . The LORD cannot do that for you or any mortal . But if you forgive others and yourself also it is very likely you will live a much better mortal life . LORD ELohim would never promise any people something when He knows He cannot keep that promise . LORD ELohim did not promise you eternal life and Y'shua did not make that promise either . The church leaders and leaders of other religions made that promise and they cannot keep that promise either .
23 Does sin cause death ? The word mortal means : sure to die sometime . All living creatures ( not Spirits ) are mortals . Remember that sin is only when people disobey and break LORD ELohim's Ten Commandments . So why did people before the time of Moses die when there was no sin at that time ? The Catholic Church could not answer questions like that so they came up with what is called ' original sin ' which was a lie and very wrong to do says LORD ELohim . The blame why people die was put on Adam as to why people died before Moses . Original sin means : the state of sin in which all human beings exist because of Adam's disobedience to the word of God . The LORD says Adam and Eve did not sin but they did a wrong doing . How could Adam sin long before the Ten Commandments were given to Moses ? Whales die , dogs die , birds die and all the other mortal flesh creatures die and mankind has never been any different . Modern man goes back 40,000 - 35,000 years ago . They never sinned but they being mortal flesh and bone never lived any longer then most of us live today and none of them went to Heaven either .
24 Is reincarnation possible ? Reincarnation means : a rebirth of the soul in a new body . We learnt recently from LORD ELohim that souls do not exist which makes sense . The LORD over the past 40,000 years would have needed to create around or over 10 billion individual Soul Spirits just for humans . There are around 8 billion people on earth now . LORD ELohim never had a sweatshop going on in Heaven making souls . I know there are only a few thousand Spirits created by their Father LORD ELohim . Soul means : the spirit of a dead person , the spiritual part of a person , regarded as the source of thought , feeling , and action and considered as separate from the body . The truth is : Again souls do not exist . The soul being Spirit as people believe would never be allow , if it did exist , to interfere in peoples thoughts , feelings and actions or anything else to do with our free will . Even if they wanted to they are not able to that .
25 Is mortal sin real ? Mortal sin means : a sin so serious that it can cause the death of the soul . When did LORD ELohim ever teach that ??? The truth is : We know souls do not exist but if people did have a Spirit Soul why would the Soul die for the sins and iniquities of the human murderer the Soul is in . LORD ELohim would never blame the Soul for the wicked and evil deeds of the human . Souls could not make us do evil things and why would they even want to do evil ? Spirits are not stupid beings like people are . They know great love , kindness , goodness toward each other guarantees a very happy and very fun eternal life . Based on my experience with many Spirits : Spirits do not have any influence when it comes to what people choose to think and choose to do . Teaching Spirits only teach people what the LORD is teaching and this did not work out very well in the past . Teaching Spirits could not make people do anything and neither can LORD ELohim .