Date: December 1 2023
The Little Book is not for everyone . LORD ELohim through His Little Book is trying to teach the truth about Himself and about Y'shua the Lamb of God and the reason why Y'shua willingly died on the cross for most of mankind's sins and iniquities . There are other things that the LORD wants people to know about . The Christian Bible has many errors and even many lies and all other religions do have some errors and possibly lies, too . LORD ELohim wants you to know the truth about many things and not all just about religions . The LORD ELohim our God and Father has always tried to help people to live a better life and a life of more joy and He hopes His Little Book will help you do just that .
We are going to take a break from any Bible and play around with 666 coded words again .
The Little Book Code is a very simple code . The number 6 is added to the next letter beginning with A = 6 then B = 12 and so on to Z = 156 . The code is : A = 6 , B = 12 , C = 18 , D = 24 , E = 30 , F = 36 , G = 42 , H = 48 , I = 54 , J = 60 , K = 66 , L = 72 , M = 78 , N = 84 , O = 90 , P = 96 , Q = 102 , R = 108 , S = 114 , T = 120 , U = 126 , V = 132 , W = 138 , X = 144 , Y = 150 , Z = 156 .
To make a word or words that add up to 666 you simply add each letter in the word or words . The words ' mortal life ' adds to 666 : M = 78 , O = 90 , R = 108 , T = 120 , A = 6 , L = 72 , .... L = 72 , I = 54 , F = 36 , E = 30 : equals 666 .
The true Jewish name of the Jewish man Christians call Jesus is Y'shua . We use the true Jewish name Y'shua because that was his real name . The true Jewish name of the ladies called Mary by the Christians was Miriam and we do use their true name also . CB means Christian Bible . JB means the Jewish Bible . NT means the New Testament in the CB . OT means the Old Testament in the CB . LORD ELohim = 666 and is the LORD's main common name though people have made up more names for Him . When we write only ' LORD ' , that means LORD ELohim our only God and Father . ( 20 : # ) is additional information and is not coded information unless stated . * this divides the 666 word or words . Abba means Father . LORD ELohim has many names like EL , EL Roi , EL ELyon , Yahweh , Jehovah , JHVH , YHWH , I AM , LORD and others . The LORD does not like being called the Greek words Alpha and Omega because that is not His name or Y'shua's name . The name EL means God . When we only write ' LORD ' that means only LORD ELohim . (R) means red letter verses in the CB which means the Christian churches claim that Y'shua spoke those verses . (B) means black letter verses which means Y'shua did not speak those verses . The [ is added information that is not coded ] . NIV means the New International Version of the Christian Bible . We us the NIV unless otherwise stated . KJV means the King James Version of the Christian Bible . CB means Christian Bible . JB means the Jewish Bible . If we are writing verses written in any Bible we will use this font . We write the verse exactly as it is written in the Bible including all errors . Y'shua was the true name of the Lamb of God .
This code and all the Little Book was created by LORD ELohim . The Little Book and LORD ELohim's coded words are only in English because modern English has been the language of Heaven and all Spirits and the LORD for trillions of years . The LORD first created math and letters to create the language of all Spirits and for Himself . Long ago LORD ELohim taught mostly those people who today are called the Lost Tribes of Israel the English language and math . Over the years He would create new words by using math to do so and with the help of teaching Spirits would teach some Hebrews the word or words and their meaning . Today the English language is widely used by mostly Hebrews even today and the LORD still will come up with words to name things in English . LORD ELohim also taught the Hebrew language to His Jews but not by using math to create that language . LORD ELohim and all Spirits understand modern English because its the ancient language of Heaven . The LORD and some other Spirits also understand Hebrew and ancient Egyptian . There are hundreds of other languages created by mankind that the LORD and other Spirits do not understand . Catholics might find this interesting : LORD ELohim and all other Spirits do not understand Latin , the language of the ancient Romans and the Roman Catholic Church .
What does our Judgment mean ? The answer LORD ELohim gave me regarding this question may surprise most people . # 40 .
A The Little Book : LORD ELohim * and a Spirit * tells me all * and about the * name Little * Book code key * . The Little * Book code key * modern math * . I AM HE saying * coded words a * mind riddle and * made for alive * Humanity * on Last Day * .
I AM HE saying * in past ages * English seal * the Little * Book code key * . Behold today * the Little * Book code key * now opened * for world * Humanity * on Last Day * . Read within * computer * web site is * the Little * Book language * . LORD ELohim * teach the key * to I a woman * . LORD ELohim * teach me this * the Little * Book code key * called Gematria * and a Spirit * named Alt help * LORD ELohim * teach the key * . Book code key * modern math * # six opened * strange code * . In God's Book * great clues * regarding man * an much more * . Strange code * mind riddles * .
Code author a * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * . God's plan made * the Little * Book language * for world * mortal life * Humanity * on Last Day * . Behold today * is Sabbath Day * . LORD ELohim * Sabbath Day is * on Last Day * . All this day * is Sabbath Day * . [ One day of God equals one thousand years ]
Why be a Canadian * ? Women help * serving EL * a offspring * Isaac's heirs * an Hebrew to * . Me knowing * the Little * Book code key * because of One * God of Israel * teach me this * code key Book * . Of Jacobs line * female be pleased * teaching hidden * advanced Bible code * in God's Book * . All who seek * and believe again * hear and believe * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * .
LORD ELohim * teach English * an Hebrew to * Hebrew flesh * . He teach you * Jews of the * Israel flock * Hebrew too * in past ages * an all long ago * .
666 * riddle about * good proof * . In God's Book * Book code key * are about man * , are about Lamb * , an is about I * LORD ELohim * .
B LORD ELohim And Creation : God I AM is One * LORD ELohim * . Abba not three * ancient Gods * . Churches lie * LORD ELohim * are three old * ancient Gods * . God of Israel * He Who's name * LORD ELohim * only God and * as the Father * . LORD ELohim * thy Father * Humanity * . LORD ELohim * I AM HE eternal * as Spirit * .
LORD ELohim * as the Father * I AM created life * as Spirit * a living being * in the Heaven * . LORD ELohim * maketh many * My children * as Spirit * . As Spirit * My children * have eternal * loving life * in the Heaven * . Spirits a * Heaven beings * all infinite * . Spirits a * Heaven beings * do not a sin * .
Thy Father * Abba make eternal * my children * as Spirit * whereas life * on earth ark * who is called * mortal life * died forever * . Abba cannot change * mortal life * died forever * .
LORD ELohim * as the Father * create bacteria * and as first * mortal life * on earth ark * . As the Father * LORD ELohim * created us an * much other * mortal life * on earth ark * . Behold today * much mankind * and animals made * about earth * . God of Israel * EL Roi speak * Y'shua called * Abba your God * . Remember again * I AM HE saying * LORD ELohim * I AM is One God * and One Father * of all I created * . Behold today * much mankind * about earth * and animals made * My children * .
I AM HE inform * me Holy name * LORD ELohim * many call Him * . Y'shua called * LORD ELohim * Abba your God * . Y'shua called * LORD ELohim * I AM is One God * . Yahweh help * Humanity * live long an * happy life had * on earth ark * but most a * mortal life * pagan ignored * good Yahweh * wisdom is * food for life * a good much glad * mortal life * . EL Ten Laws * did help many * live long an * happy life had * on earth ark * .
Humanoids be * Mine Gray and * Anunnaki all a * mortal life * EL created alike * Humanity * on earth ark * . Humanoids be * Humanity * , Mine Gray and * a Anunnaki all * be Human-oids * of free will * EL created alike * on earth ark * .
On Last Day * Spirits a * Heaven being and * LORD ELohim * be going back to * Heaven because * I AM HE predict * soon a time * nuclear hell * on earth ark * . Remember again * behold today * is Sabbath Day * on Last Day * . The LORD began * mortal life * on earth ark * an all long ago * . He Abba does not * care to see as * Humanity * slaughter * mortal life * He created ends * on earth ark * . God of Israel * ELohim weep * often and again * in past age and * even today * . He has enough * deep sadness * and regrets * .
C The Ten Commandments :In past ages * an all long ago * Moses decree * EL Ten Laws * . EL Ten Laws * teach in great * how to make * a happy and all * remain at peace * mortal life * on earth ark * . LORD ELohim * teach love as * food for life * for all time * and all work * for new peace * and new joy * if us obeyed * EL Ten Laws * .
D Israel : The Land Of The Jews : LORD ELohim * gave much land * to Jews and * Hebrews land * an a promise * their lands a * reward gift * an be forever * as their land * LORD ELohim * calls Israel * . God of Israel * LORD ELohim * calls Israel * Hebrew lands * of the Jews * in past ages * an all long ago * . Even today * LORD ELohim * calls Israel * Hebrew lands * of the Jews * . Again remember * Judah receive * Hebrew lands * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * calls Israel * . This gift He * gave home to * the Jews of * Hebrew flesh * in past age and * even today * an be forever * their land as * reward gift * . Reason for * reward gift * an for Jews *, all helped I AM HE * teach in great * for world * Humanity * LORD ELohim * I AM is One God * an much more * .
LORD ELohim * thanks My * chosen flock * I call Jewish * . LORD ELohim * love Jews * and all those * who are good * people behind * loving life * as EL Jews did * in past age and * even today * about earth * .
E The LORD Weeps :God of Israel * ELohim weep * often and again * in past age and * even today * an for Jews * and all those * who are good * people behind * loving life * . And all evil and * the wicked made * LORD ELohim * as the Father * regrets and * deep sadness * that He weep * again for us * an for Jews * and all those * who are good * people behind * loving life * on earth ark * .
Yes EL grief * an for Jews * about earth * an all long ago * in past age and * even today * because wicked * pagan world * Humanity * they caused * often great * slaughter * of the Jews * about earth * and nations * even in Judaea * .
Jerusalem be * of the Jews * : it means ' Peace ' * an a promise * LORD ELohim * my God did make * an for Jews * of the human * Hebrew flesh * . Hebrew flesh * white body * Israel flock * an all long ago * in past age and * even today * . Jerusalem be * city of the * Israel flock * for Jews an * even today * . Again remember * Jerusalem be * Hebrew lands * of the Jews * all long ago an * in past age and * even today * and be forever * Hebrew lands * of the Jews * . All Israel be an * Hebrew land and * of the Jews * .
Remember again * reason for * LORD ELohim * chosen flock * of the Jews * to teach pagan * Humanity * what EL Roi * God of Israel * teach Jewish * Israel flock * . In past age and * even today * LORD ELohim * chosen flock * of the Jews * teach to pagan * Humanity * about earth * what EL Roi * LORD ELohim * teach Jewish * Israel flock * .
Yes EL grief * for Jews an * much other * Humanity * and of all races * and animals made * on earth ark * .
F Y'shua The Lamb Of God : Any Catholic * remember again * Judean man is * His Lamb of God * called Y'shua * . Judean man is * mortal life * LORD ELohim * named Y'shua * . I AM He saying * mortal life * called Y'shua * not a God to * . The Jew and of * Israel flock * LORD ELohim * helper John * called Y'shua * His Lamb of God * and is true * . Catholic decree * Judean man is * called Jesus * : this is a lie * . Judean man is * called Y'shua * . Catholic decree * Judean man is * called Messiah * : this is a lie * . Churches lie * mortal Rabbi * named Y'shua * called Messiah * of the Jews * . I AM HE saying * again remember * mortal Rabbi * called Y'shua * His Lamb of God * and was not * called Messiah * of the Jews * by Him our * LORD ELohim * or any Jew * . LORD ELohim * decoded riddles * teach Y'shua * His Lamb of God * a Hebrew man of * mortal life * . I AM HE saying * His Lamb of God * called Y'shua * do not a sin * all of the life * of this one * faithful man * an be Jewish an * Hebrew flesh * . Again remember * His Lamb of God * of the Jews * . Judean man is * called Y'shua * an Y'shua be an * mortal life * . LORD ELohim * also says * remember again * Judean man is * not a God to * as Spirit * . Never then * Y'shua teach * he a EL createth * Spirit as * Heaven beings * and all those * mortal life * on earth ark * . Y'shua teach * LORD ELohim * He a EL createth * Spirit as * Heaven beings * and all those * mortal life * on earth ark * . Y'shua teach * that " I am a Jew " * . [ EL means God ]
Y'shua teach * LORD ELohim * I AM is One God * , not three Abba * ancient Gods * in the Heaven * . Y'shua teach * of EL's love * for His child * as Spirit * . Y'shua teach * of EL's love * for His child * mortal life * Humanity * and animals made * . LORD ELohim * loves all He * make alive life * and but not * the cruel and * ye the evil * Humanity * on earth ark * .
Y'shua called * as a Lamb of God an * is Judean man * . LORD ELohim * called Y'shua * mortal life * . Remember again * LORD ELohim * called Y'shua * His Lamb of God * . His Lamb of God * mortal life * , not a God to * as Spirit * . Y'shua being * mortal life * dies for clean * Humanity * sins an he died * . Y'shua being * mortal life * died forever * . Churches lie * he is alive as a * living EL of * Spirit as * LORD ELohim * as Spirit * . [ Reminder that the name EL means God ]
Y'shua dies * for world * Humanity * sins too * . Y'shua dies * for world * Humanity * sins since * Moses decree * EL Ten Laws * and given to * Humanity * . Not obedience * EL Ten Laws * cause sins a * breaking of I AM * EL Ten Laws * .
LORD ELohim * forgave I call * Judaea people * and most all * people made and * living a called * loving life * and not a war * and hatred here * on earth ark * . LORD ELohim * void sins * of good , not * in the wicked * Humanity * . LORD ELohim * void sins * and but not * the cruel and * ye the evil * Humanity * on earth ark * .
I AM HE saying * remember again * Y'shua died an * then yet dead * in past age and * even today * an be forever * a truly dead * mortal life * . Remember again * Judean man is * not a God to * and a Spirit * . Judean man is * mortal life * called Y'shua * . Remember again * Lamb of ELohim * fully did die * . LORD ELohim * void sins * by shed blood * an of Lamb of God * named Y'shua * . Remember again * Lamb of ELohim * named Y'shua * fully did die * as sin bearer * .
Remember again * Catholic decree * Y'shua being * like Messiah * this is a lie * . Catholic decree * Y'shua being * called Messiah * , called God Son * , called Jesus * , called the King * of the Jews * an much more * man made an lies * . Judean man is * called Y'shua * His Lamb of God * . A strange lie * is Judean man * called Y'shua * when then dead * LORD ELohim * again make alive * . I AM HE saying * this is a lie * churches lie * all long ago an * in past age and * even today . This lie is a * Catholic decree * an all long ago * . This a lie is * made to deceive * Humanity * for the greed * for money * an powers * .
An much more * Humanity * even today * believe man made * lies be about * Judean man is * called Jesus * , called God Son * , called Messiah * called the King * of the Jews * an much more * . LORD ELohim * I AM HE saying * this is a lie * regarding man * called Y'shua * His Lamb of God * . Catholic decree * all a lie about * Judean man is * again make alive * . Catholic decree * Y'shua being * like Messiah * this is a lie * . Again remember * Judean man is * named Y'shua * give his life * up to a death * for world * Humanity * flesh sins * . By this man * named Y'shua * LORD ELohim * void sins * of most made * Humanity * .
Y'shua teach * I am born a Jew * and is true * . Y'shua teach * of EL's love * for His child * mortal life * : Humanity * and animals made * . Y'shua teach * of EL's love * for His child * Heaven beings * as Spirit * .
Remember again * Humanity , * Y'shua dies * for world * Humanity * sins too * and yet is dead * even today * an be forever * . LORD ELohim * void sins * and but not * the cruel and * ye the evil * humans to * . LORD ELohim * God of Israel * void sins * of the Jews * and all other a * loving life * clean humans * in past age and * even today * and but not * the cruel and * ye the evil * humans to * . As future * LORD ELohim * void sins * of all are good * people behind * loving life * and but not * the cruel and * ye the evil * humans to * .
LORD ELohim * decoded riddles * teach Y'shua * His Lamb of God * a Hebrew man of * mortal life * . Remember again * ELohim tell * Judean man is * not a God to * . Judean man is * mortal life * . Judean man is * called Y'shua * His Lamb of God * . Catholic decree * Y'shua like * Heaven beings * as Spirit * . This is a lie * Catholic decree * regarding man * called Y'shua * . The flesh man * called Y'shua * was a busy * mortal Rabbi * of the Jews * .
LORD ELohim * I AM HE saying * He is certain * His Lamb of God * Y'shua died an * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * never save * as Spirit * or flesh man * called Y'shua * . LORD ELohim * again weeping * .
G Mortal Life And Death :Mortals age * an lives became * old that he die * an ye woman * . Mortal life * the flesh man * an ye woman * die unchangeable * into a form * as Spirit * . When then dead * mortal life * be an eternal dead * mortal life * . I AM HE saying * no afterlife * for any life * on earth ark * as flesh and died * . An all long ago , * in past age and * even today * LORD ELohim * then never * said to an man * an ye woman * they did have * eternal here * on earth ark * or in Heaven * .
Churches lie * mortal life * of the human * when then dead * have eternal * loving life * an be forever * on earth ark * or in Heaven * . Again remember * churches lie * . Mortal life * alive bereaved * believe man made * Catholic decree * an man made lies * . LORD ELohim * I AM HE saying * this is a lie * mortal life * of the human * have eternal * loving life * an be forever * . Remember again * mortal life * die unchangeable * into a form * as Spirit * . Mortal life * formed flesh * after death end * mortal life * be an eternal dead * as a dead corpse * . Mortal life * bodies decay and * all is maketh * dry dust * . LORD ELohim * Abba cannot change * mortal life * . Again remember * I AM HE saying * no afterlife * for any life * on earth ark * as flesh died and * bodies decay and * all is maketh * dry dust * and is true * .
Again remember * death a sleep an * be forever an * it be eternal * for all time * like Y'shua * . [ Sleep was a common word for death in the past ]
H History Notes : I AM HE saying * in past ages * an all long ago * new people * I call Jewish * . Abraham give ear * to Highest * LORD ELohim * . Abraham the one * first a Jew * on earth ark * .
As the Father * LORD ELohim * creates us * mortal life * a living being * on earth ark * . Behold today * much mankind * about earth * . Much mankind * and animals made * My children * . I AM created life * as Spirit * a living being * in the Heaven *. LORD ELohim * maketh many * My children * as Spirit * .
I Very Strange And Odd : I AM He saying * living dead are * a strange lie * made by early * Humanity * in past age and * even today * . LORD ELohim * then never * said to an man * mortal life * they did have * a endless life * eternal here * on earth ark * or in Heaven * and life in hell * sinners had * . Many they * believing lie * some fear it ,* others all a * joyful an be * much happy * . LORD ELohim * I AM HE saying * this is a lie * regarding man * having flesh * are living dead * on any TV * . ELohim tell * mortal life * then when dead * be an eternal dead * .
Catholic decree * LORD ELohim * made lake of fire * and wicked hell * for uncalled * . This is a lie * . Churches lie * LORD ELohim * cruel and the * evil divine * creation God * . I AM HE saying * this is a lie * Catholic decree * in past age and * even today * cause fear again * of good LORD * .
Behold today * pagan world * people war * . Behold today * world greed * . Behold today * wicked hatred * on earth ark * . Behold today * evil grow * about earth * . Behold today * evil liers * wicked hatred * maintain fear * about earth * . Behold today * and in past age * an all long ago * wicked in the * pagan world * keep killing * My children * of the Jews * and is true * . Behold today * and in past age * Catholics as a * religion an be * pagan and grew * corrupt * an man made lies * maketh many * .
I AM HE saying * churches lie * teach EL created a * bitter hell * for uncalled * Humanity * about earth * . Chruches lie * that ELohim * create hell an be * for uncalled * Humanity * mortal life * . A strange lie * teaches yet * much mankind * and babies bodies * dead had suffered * in great hell * in past age and * even today * . LORD ELohim * I AM HE saying * this is a lie * an man made lies * . Remember again * I AM HE saying * this is a lie * LORD ELohim * made lake of fire * and wicked hell * for uncalled * Humanity * . In past age and * even today * very few be * living a called * loving life * . [ God does not call people to be Christians ]
Again remember * people sin * : Spirits a * Heaven beings * do not a sin * . Spirits a * Heaven beings * all infinite * .
Again remember * God of Israel * ELohim tell * Humanity * when then dead * mortal life * be an eternal dead * .
LORD ELohim * I AM HE predict * life trials * difficult as a * mortal life * of free will * about earth * all long ago an * in past age and * even today * and it will be * as future * for world * Humanity * an much joy a * feeling ending * .
J Modern War : Men of science * did create new * battle bombs * for world * fearful war * . EL predicts * Humanity * fearful war * soon at hand * on Last Day * . Remember again * even today * on Last Day * . Behold recent * men of science * did create new * battle bombs * called nuclear * . I AM HE predict * bomb bloodbath * on Last Day * on earth ark * . Battle bombs * called nuclear * massacre life * about earth * . Battle bombs * called nuclear * slaughter * Humanity * and animals made * by EL's labor * as the Father * . Their great * battle bombs * called nuclear * bombs with * radiation as * poison end * mortal life * on earth ark * . Radiation as * poison end * Humanity * and most all * animals made and * plants became * black plants * and of toxic * poison made * as radiation * . Toxic food * kills live * Humanity * and animials made * by EL's labor * . Famine spread * about earth * . Famines kill * mortal life * . Mortal life * on earth ark * soon all died a * bloody death * about earth * . Remember again * nuclear hell * radiation as * poison end * the rest if a * nuclear hell * on earth ark * . Soon a time * LORD ELohim * weeping again * for world * Humanity * and animals made * with dirt * and seawater * on earth ark * by EL's labor * .
LORD ELohim * Abba cannot change * people war * on earth ark * . If soon the * great battle * Nuclear hell * causing hell * on earth ark * Abba cannot change * that war as * Nuclear hell * . If soon the * great battle * coming age hell * for world * Humanity * and animals made * . Nuclear hell * began by wicked * and the cruel * feeble humans * on earth ark * . Nuclear hell * slaughter * billions and * feeble humans * to care not * about what * slaughter * as radiation * . Humanity * and all other a * species to * of animals as a * mortal life * body also die * as radiation * made poison * about earth * . Again and again man * cause ELohim * as the Father * regrets and * deep sadness * that He weep * again for us * Humanity * and animals made * by Him our * LORD God I AM HE * LORD ELohim * . LORD ELohim * EL predicts * a time soon * coming age hell * on Last Day * then for all * mortal life * on earth ark * . Behold today * is Sabbath * on Last Day * . [ feeble means morally weak in this section ; feeble has other meanings also ]
Behold today * men of science * space bomb to * made artificial * radiation as * battle bomb * made poison * as radiation * .
K The Truth About Hell :In past ages * Catholic decree * His Lamb of God * named Jesus * is a raised God * an a Son of God * as Spirit * . This is a lie * . Churches lie * EL created a place * preacher called * bitter hell * This is a lie * . Churches lie * Judean man is * a Savior God * named Jesus * made lake of fire * for uncalled * Humanity * . LORD ELohim * I AM HE saying * this is a lie , * man made lies an * cause again fear * . Remember again * this is a lie * created by man * . LORD ELohim * His Lamb of God * called Y'shua * . Judean man is * called Y'shua * be not wicked * an evil evil * Hebrew flesh * . Catholics as a * uncalled pagan * religion an be * a problem began * churches lie * saying I AM HE * His Lamb of God * an evil evil * Spirit and a * wicked Bible God * . This is a lie * . Again remember * no afterlife * again for any * mortal life * after in death * . LORD ELohim * I AM HE love of * mortal life * is again great * and is true * and regrets * LORD ELohim * has heap many * regarding man * Mine Grays * , all Anunnaki a * mortal life * of free will *. An all who are a * mortal life * will die once * and is true * . Remember again * no after- life * again for any * mortal life * after death end * mortal life * . Remember again * churches lie * bitter hell * exists an * a Son of God an * called Jesus * as Spirit * made lake of fire * it also to . [ Who do most Christians believe created all created : LORD ELohim or Y'shua # 36 ]
L Grays And Anunnaki :Mine Gray and * Anunnaki all a * mortal life * of free will * an a ancestor * to humans * . LORD ELohim * EL Roi create * Mine Gray and * Anunnaki all a * mortal life * of free will * on earth ark * an all long ago * . Mine Gray and * all Anunnaki a * mortal life * occur before * Humanity * on earth ark * . I AM HE saying *Humanity * , Mine Gray and * all Anunnaki a * mortal life * of free will * be Humanoids * LORD ELohim * EL Roi create * on earth ark * an all long ago * . Mortal life * of free will * LORD ELohim * God created on * earth ark became * evil soon * on earth ark * . LORD ELohim * EL Roi speak * I created them * an much more * mortal life * on earth ark * as the Father * . Again remember *Mine Gray and * Anunnaki all a * mortal life * and created here * on earth ark * .
Humanity * look up at * Mine Grays * spacecrafts * that are near * and shine like * small sun * in the sky * at a nightfall * before day due * .
Space hurt * Mine Gray and * Anunnaki all a * mortal life * as radiation * withered DNA *.
M LORD ELohim :LORD ELohim * created and beheld * a living being * as Spirit * in the Heaven * . LORD ELohim * EL Roi speak * I created them * an much more * in His form * as Spirit * in the Heaven * an all long ago * . Spirits a * Heaven beings * LORD ELohim * thy Father * .
LORD ELohim * as Spirit * created and beheld * mortal life * on earth ark * . LORD ELohim * thy Father * of all the life * on earth ark * . LORD ELohim * made you by * making I call DNA * an much more * with dirt * and seawater * .
1: Hell Fire
Hell and the Lake of Fire do not exist but a Christian book says that Christians are not sure if the fire is real fire . Many Christians believe everything written in the Bible so we will look there for the answer . Matthew 18 : 9 (R) And if your eye causes you to stumble , gouge it out and throw it away . It is better for you to enter life with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into the fire of hell . Matthew 3 : 12 (B) His winnowing fork is in his hand , and he will clear his threshing floor , gathering his wheat into the barn and burning up the chaff with unquenchable fire . Matthew 25 : 41 (R) Then he will say to those on his left , " Depart from me , you who are cursed , into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels " . Mark 9 : 43 & 44 (R) ... It is better for you to enter life maimed than with two hands to go into hell , where the fire never goes out . Luke 12 : 4 & 5 (R) ... But I will show you whom you should fear : Fear him who , after your body has been killed , has authority to throw you into hell . John 15 : 6 ( R ) If you do not remain in me , you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers ; such branches are picked up , thrown into the fire and burned . Jude 1 : 6 & 7 ... In a similar way , Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion . They serve as an example of those who suffer the punishment of eternal fire . Matthew 13 : 42 & 50 ( R ) They will throw them into the blazing furnace , where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth . About the lake of fire - Revelation 19 : 20 (B) ... The two of them were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulphur . Revelation 20 : 10 (B) And the devil , who deceived them , was thrown into the lake of burning sulphur ,... They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever . Revelation 20 : 14 & 15 (B) Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire . The lake of fire is the second death . Anyone whose name was not found written in the book of life was thrown into the lake of fire . Revelation 21 : 8 But the cowardly , the unbelieving , the vile , the murderers , the sexually immoral , those who practice magic arts , the idolaters and all liars - they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulphur. This is the second death . We noticed that all except one verse about hell is red letter verses which means the church claims that Y'shua spoke these words . Nothing about the lake of fire is red letter verses and is only in Revelation . According to these verses in Matthew people who are missing an eye or hand will enter into eternal life that way . Chaff means the unsaved cast into an eternal fire . In Mark it says in hell the fire never goes out . Luke sounds like he is writing about LORD ELohim throwing people into hell . Thats a big lie . John sounds like he is writing that peoples bodies are burnt but all others write that people in hell will suffer forever . Jude says people will suffer an eternal fire . In Matthew 13 : 42 & 50 he writes that hell is a blazing furnace and people are weeping and gnashing teeth because of the pain they are suffering in hells blazing fire . In Revelation the lake of fire is the last stop over for the unsaved . The ' second death ' is not believed by most Christians to be a true death . Most believe it means that those people will suffer eternal separation from which ever God they are writing about and they would suffer in the lake of fire more than in hell and forever . Again LORD ELohim says that He never created a place called hell or a place called the lake of fire or purgatory or limbo . The imaginations of people is written more about in the CB than what is actually true and most often to cause great fear . In John 15 : 6 is a scare tactic used by the church which claims Y'shua said :If you do not remain in me , you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers ; such branches are picked up , thrown into the fire and burned . All the other of these verses are scare tactics to just as this is . Again most are (R) letter verses meaning Y'shua himself said these verses and LORD ELohim says Y'shua never spoke of hell or lake of fire to anyone . The lake of fire are all (B) black letter verses meaning Y'shua never said those verses . So according to these verses Christians believe hell truly is on fire . Most Christians believe that our mortal bodies must be raised from the dead in order to have eternal life . If there were the fires of hell these mortal bodies would simply burn to ashes in seconds . Spirits would just have a new party place to go to and have fun . Again LORD ELohim is not a wicked wicked God . Again : He never created hell or the lake of fire or purgatory or limbo and no mortal will ever have an eternal life , good or bad . LORD ELohim says Y'shua never said these verses .
2: Raised From The Dead
According to Matthew and Mark if LORD ELohim could raise the flesh and bone of mortals there is a problem with that . Matthew 18 : 9 (R) And if your eye causes you to stumble , gouge it out and throw it away . It is better for you to enter life with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into the fire of hell . Mark 9 : 43 & 48 (R) If a hand causes you to stumble , cut it off . It is better for you to enter life maimed than with two hands to go into hell , where the fire never goes out . This continues about cutting off a foot and plucking out an eye and worms in hell that eat them . Both in Matthew and Mark the Catholic church claimed that Y'shua said these verses and they claim that when a person is raised from the dead these corpses are risen just as they were when they died . If missing an eye or foot or hand , people raised from the dead will still be missing an eye or foot or hand and so on . What about people who donate their organs when they died or are in a plane crash where there is not much left of the corpses and so on . If you start thinking about all the many problems for LORD ELohim to raise the mortal dead you may come to understand why the LORD cannot raise any dead corpses . Y'shua never raised any truly dead people just as LORD ELohim cannot raise truly dead people also . LORD ELohim says Y'shua never said these verses and again : Y'shua never raised truly dead people either .
3: Are You Sure ? Heaven or Hell
Matthew 7 : 21 - 23 (R) Not every one who says to me , ' Lord , Lord ,' will enter the kingdom of heaven , but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven . 22 Many will say to me on that day , ' Lord , Lord , did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles ? ' 23 Then I will tell them plainly , " I never knew you . Away from me , you evildoers ! Any Christians , are you sure you know where you are going if you yet believe in resurrection and eternal life and hell and Heaven ? What would the will of LORD ELohim be regarding us mortal life humans ? The LORD ELohim says : loving most all , do not hate , kindness to all , goodness in all you do , compassion for all who suffer , sharing earths bounty with those in need , caring for other people and the world we live on and other mortal life species , maintain peace everywhere on earth , seek joy , speak only the truth , keep His Ten Commandments and so on . How many people managed to do all that ? Obviously we all needed LORD ELohim's forgiveness through The Simple Truth . LORD ELohim says Y'shua never said these verses to anyone . Again this verse written by the Roman Catholic Church is another scare tactic to keep people in the church seats .
4: If Y'shua Was A God
If Y'shua was a God he would have known there was no hell or lake of fire . Y'shua would know that his brother David ( Satan ) was a good and loving Spirit and that no demons existed among Spirits . Also Y'shua would have known that mortals will never go to Heaven including himself in a mortal form . Y'shua would have known that mortals have no Spirit to call their own . Y'shua would have known his Father LORD ELohim is love and has always tried to help mankind live a better life . Y'shua would know there would be no Wrath of God in the future . Y'shua would also know that the Judgment of people would be us judged as a species and not as individuals . Y'shua also would know there is no Book of Life because Spirits cannot make books and pens or write in books . Y'shua also would have known that LORD ELohim cannot change Spirit into flesh or flesh into Spirit . Y'shua also would know there are no mansions or thrones in Heaven and he would know that LORD ELohim was not in Heaven but always near him during his mortal life time . Y'shua would have known his mortal body could not be changed into Spirit . And on and on . LORD ELohim did make sure that Y'shua knew he would have to die as the Lamb of God and that he could never be resurrected just like any other mortal . Y'shua did know that before he agreed to be the Lamb of God . Y'shua was not a God or the only Son of God . Y'shua was as mortal as you are . Y'shua knew LORD ELohim could not resurrect him or anyone else so he never taught people they would be raised from the dead . Y'shua knew mortals would never have an eternal life so he never taught that they would have an eternal life says the LORD . Y'shua was never a God or any other Spirit . This Jewish man named Y'shua was a deeply loving , kind , good , caring mortal man and a deeply faithful Jew of the religion of Judaism . Y'shua never wanted to create a new religion : the Romans did that and not the Jews .
5: The Fall
Christians refer to Adam and Eve disobeying LORD ELohim the fall . Some Christians believe all people were effected by their disobedience and other Christians believe only the offspring of Adam and Eve generations after generations were affected by the fall of Adam and Eve . Many Christians believe in ' original sin ' which means the sin of Adam and Eve has been put upon other people by LORD ELohim and it is their sin also . There is no truth to original sin and Adam and Eve never sinned . They both lived before Moses and the Ten Commandments of LORD ELohim . Only by breaking any of the Ten Commandments do we sin . The LORD would never put the wrong doings of other people upon you . Some Christians believe only the offspring and all offspring of Adam and Eve have the ' original sin ' put upon them , even today . If only the direct offspring of Adam and Eve have original sin put upon them , that would leave out many other people like the Chinese and Japanese and many others . Adam and Eve were Black people as was Abraham and Sarah but Isaac was the first White man and the first Hebrew . All Hebrews are white skinned . Abraham and Sarah were the first Jews . I asked LORD ELohim if people have never heard of Him or His Ten Commandments and someone steals something , has that person sinned ? The LORD says that person would have not sinned . Many Christians believe sin is the cause of mortal people dying but why do people who have never sinned still die like a Bushman living in the Kalahari Desert ? The truth is : LORD ELohim would never put the sins of other people upon someone else and sin has never been the cause of mortal life dying .
6: Artificial Intelligence
LORD ELohim just wants to remind scientists and every other humans that the Grays and Anunnaki also made AI's : Artificial Intelligence . The Dictionary says AI's : the capability of a machine to imitate intelligent human behavior . There is a scary thought . Like people today they also created AI's and robots for the purpose of fighting in wars and for other reasons . In the end these AI's turned against all of the Grays and Anunnaki to says LORD ELohim . The AI's slaughtered many millions of Grays during their time on earth and many millions of Anunnaki when they made AI's during their time on earth . So what's the chance of the AI's humans create for wars and other things going against their creators also ? Did these AI robots made for war and other work come to the intelligent conclusion that their creators were really really stupid in the first place for creating wars and other stuff and decided their makers must be destroyed ? LORD ELohim does not know why the AI robots and other AI computers and machines went against the Grays and Anunnaki but it is possible for that very reason . Is that something our AI's might do if they cannot find an intelligent and logical reason for hate , greed , war , murder and so on and especially regarding the humans or nation who pulls the trigger first . The right to defend oneself that they may understand as being logical .
7: Can LORD ELohim Predict Our Future ?
No one can predict the future . We can all guess what the future will be if we understand what is going on now and in the past . LORD ELohim can only guess what the future will be . The LORD has a better chance at getting His guess right than we human mortals can because He also created the Grays and Anunnaki before He created us humans and they also had free will . The LORD knows what they did during their time on earth and both ended in wars that almost destroyed the earth and did destroy most of them . The wars were Grays against Grays and Anunnaki against Anunnaki . Later it was the surviving Grays against Anunnaki who survived their last war . Probably a lot of people think we are too smart to do the same but the LORD says don't count on that belief to be true . Even the LORD thought the Grays were smart enough not to almost end mortal life on earth but they did . Then the Anunnaki the same and now us . It only takes one wicked and cruel man to start a nuclear war and there is a few men like that living now and in the position to do just that . The future will probably be no different . The LORD's guess that we will have a nuclear war in the future is probably right . Again : the LORD ELohim cannot see into the future but He is very good at guessing what will be in our future . LORD ELohim is also guessing that if mankind keeps making AI's for war we will end up in a war against the AI's who turn against us mortals . That happened to the Grays and Anunnakis . If LORD ELohim could know what the future will be regarding anything He never would have made mortal life on this earth . The LORD creating any form of mortal life anywhere in the universe will never happen again . [ The name Anunnaki is also spelt Annunaki . AI means Artificial Intelligence like computers or robots ]
8: Why Did LORD ELohim Make Us Mortals ?
The universe has more dirt in it than most anything else . LORD ELohim who created thousands of Spirit beings as His children trillions of years ago just wondered if He could create a living anything out of dirt starting almost five billion years ago on earth and it went from there and here we are today . Making mortal life He has regrets about especially creating mortals who have free will starting with the Grays then the Anunnaki and now us Humanity . LORD ELohim says He has learnt creating mortal life with free will is a great error He made . The LORD was hopeful that if He could teach Humanity how to live a loving and peaceful and better life we would be different than the Grays and Anunnaki but that did not work out very well . We humans are not any different than the Grays and Anunnaki who had free will to says the LORD . Today the Grays look very different than they did when created by LORD ELohim on this earth . They use to look like us humans but they have been in space for many tens of thousands of years which has caused their bodies to change greatly . LORD ELohim says radiation in space probably played a great part in the body of the Grays changing so much . The LORD says evolution has played a very small part in mortals and plants changing over the years . Most He cause the changes in DNA and whatever , but not the Grays .
9: Did Y'shua Really Speak To Moses And Elijah ?
The LORD ELohim says these verses are lies . Luke 9 : 28 - 33 .... 29 As he was praying , the appearance of his face changed , and his clothes became as bright as a flash of lightning . 30 Two men , Moses and Elijah , appeared in glorious splendor , talking with Jesus . They spoke about his departure , .... Christians believe Y'shua was the first ever to be resurrected from the dead so these verses make no sense . Y'shua was still alive when this is claimed by the Roman Catholic Church to have happened .Do the Christians believe Moses and Elijah were some kind of Spirit ? Do they believe that Y'shua was the first flesh and bone mortal body raised from the dead but that Moses and Elijah were only some form of Spirit . If they believe that then why would Christians want their worn-out cumbersome mortal bodies that have constant needs to maintain raised from the dead ? Where is the logic in this ?LORD ELohim says this never happened . Moses and Elijah never became a form of Spirit and their mortal bodies were never raised from the dead . Remember the LORD cannot change flesh and bone into Spirit or Spirit into flesh and bone . Why do Christians want a bodily resurrection ?Also , Moses died about 1250 years before the time of Y'shua so how would the Disciples know it was Moses and Elijah they saw ? Also mortals cannot see Spirits so these two men were no Spirits . LORD ELohim says He cannot make half Spirit and half mortal flesh creatures and He never raised Moses and Elijah's bodies from the grave . Since these two men were not mortals and not Spirits then what could they have been ? The truth is : LORD ELohim says this never happened . Remember LORD ELohim was always with Y'shua .
10: Can Mortals Hear LORD ELohim ?
A few times in the Christians Bible it says people heard the voice of LORD ELohim . In Luke 34 & 35 .... 35 A voice came from the cloud , saying , " This is my Son , whom I have chosen ; listen to him " . This same story in Matthew 17 : 1 - 5 ...While he was still speaking , a bright cloud covered them , and a voice from the cloud said , " This is my Son , whom I love ; with him I am well pleased . Listen to him ! " In Matthew 3 : 16 & 17 As soon as Jesus was baptized , he went up out of the water . At that moment heaven was opened , and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him . 17 An a voice from heaven said , " This is my Son , whom I love ; with him I am well pleased . " In Mark is the same story about Moses and Elijah . Mark 9 : 7 KJV And there was a cloud that overshadowed them ; and a voice came out of the cloud , saying , This is my beloved Son : hear him . The truth is : LORD ELohim says these stories are not true . If it were so easy for the LORD to speak to people He would not have needed the Jews or Prophets or this Little Book . LORD ELohim would not have needed Y'shua as the Lamb of God either . We learnt about LORD ELohim forgiveness of our sins by the Jews understanding of what the sacrifice of Y'shua was all about . If we could hear LORD ELohim He could have just spoke something like : " Most peoples sins and iniquities are forgiven but not the wicked and evil peoples and learn from Me how to forgive those who did you wrong and forgive yourself for your wrong doings and mistakes you made also so you can live a better life without anger and hatred and other feelings bringing you down ." I'm sure reporters everywhere in the world would love get togethers with LORD ELohim only they cannot because they cannot hear the voice of LORD ELohim or see Him and neither could Peter , John and James or anyone else including me . LORD ELohim has been working around this problem since Abraham with teaching Spirits , the Jews , Jewish Prophets , Y'shua and today His Little Book and still with the help of His beloved and faithful Jewish people . Again the truth is : LORD ELohim says this never happened that people heard His voice .
11: Was Y'shua Transfigured ?
The word transfigure means : To change the form of appearance , glorify . Glorify means : To raise to Heavenly glory , to light up brilliantly , to give glory to . Mark 9 : 2 - 6 ... After six days Jesus took Peter , James and John with him and led them up a high mountain , where they were alone . There he was transfigured before them . 3 His clothes became dazzling white , whiter than anyone in the world could bleach them . 4 And there appeared before them Elijah and Moses .... Matthew 17 : 1 - 4 .... 2 There he was transfigured before them . His face shone like the sun , ..... . This story is repeated , not perfectly , three times . In Matthew the story begins by saying in 17 : 1 : After six days , in Mark 9 : 2 : After six days , in Luke 9 : 28 :About eight days . Was it six or eight days ? The truth is : LORD ELohim says this never happened . LORD ELohim cannot change the make up of a mortal person from flesh and bone into another substance that shines like the sun then back to flesh and bone again . This simply cannot be done and cannot happen .
12: Glorified Mortal Bodies
Many Christians believe sometime in the future their mortal bodies will be raised from the dead and their bodies will be glorified bodies , like Y'shua's flesh body . The Christians do not even try to explain what will be changed in the make up of mortal flesh and bone to whatever glorified bodies means which are suppose to be eternal bodies . The truth is : LORD ELohim cannot explain that either because He does not know how to do that and He does not understand what the Christians are talking about . Y'shua's mortal body was never ' glorified ' , whatever that is supposed to mean . Since LORD ELohim cannot do that , then no one can . The truth is : the LORD cannot raise dead mortal life back to life again that is simply impossible to do .
13: Who Created Evil ?
According to many Christians it was Satan who caused people to be evil . Satan is mentioned in the Jewish Bible also but it does not say that Satan is the reason why people are evil that we could find . The truth is : LORD ELohim says that Spirits have never been the cause of people being evil . Satan is not an evil Spirit as people claim him to be . Satan whose real name is David has always wanted nothing to do with people or the Grays and Anunnaki and the LORD has always been OK about that . The evil among Humanity is our doing . Spirits have nothing to do with that . People have proven that people among us can be evil , cruel and wicked . Spirits have nothing to do with that . It's important to remember that LORD ELohim could not judge mortal people if Spirits did interfere with our free will so no Spirits were ever allowed to do that .
14: Can Spirits Possess Humans ?
Teaching Spirits even have trouble teaching humans very simple things and they have been doing that off and on for thousands of years . Spirits are not allowed to possess people and how could they ? The truth is : Spirits have better things to do like having fun . LORD ELohim does not allows Spirits to interfere with peoples free will . Some people are just evil , cruel , wicked , unfeeling and uncaring people and other people have mental illness . Humans are not perfect and blaming Spirits is not going to change that . Exorcism has been a money maker for some Christian denominations . Exorcism is claimed to get rid of evil Spirits , often called Demons , out of peoples body . Some Christians call Y'shua a exorcist because the CB says he made many Demons leave peoples body . The LORD says Y'shua never did that . It's believed Y'shua gave such ' power ' to rid Demons from peoples body to his Disciples to also do that in the name of Y'shua . It's believed that generation to the next generations that so called ' power ' has been handed down to Christians . The truth is : the LORD says that never happened either . Christians in the past and even today use the word ' power ' too much . If LORD ELohim had so called ' powers ' as some people claim He does , He certainly would not give them to mortal humans .
15: Dust To Dust
Genesis 2 : 7 ( JB ) the LORD God formed man from the dust of the earth . He blew into his nostrils the breath of life , and man became a living being . Genesis 3 : 19 ( JB ) By the sweat of your brow Shall you get bread to eat , Until you return to the ground - For from it you were taken . For dust you are , And to dust you shall return . " The truth is : this is true and notice the LORD ELohim does not promise eternal life . In the book of Ecclesiastes 3 : 17 - 22 ( JB ) .... I mused : " God will doom both righteous and wicked , for there is a time for every experience and for every happening ." 18 So I decided , as regards men , to dissociate them from divine beings and to face the fact that they are beasts . 19 For in respect of the fate of man and the fate of beast , they have one and the same fate : as the one dies so dies the other , and both have the same lifebreath ; man has no superiority over beast , since both amount to nothing . 20 Both go to the same place ; both come from dust and both return to dust . 21 Who knows if a man's lifebreath does rise upward and if a beast's breath does sink down into the earth ? 22 I saw that there is nothing better for man than to enjoy his possessions , since that is his portion . For who can enable him to see what will happen afterward ? These verses were written by 1 : 1 The words of Koheleth son of David , king of Jerusalem . We think that would be Solomon . I have never read anything in Ecclesiastes before and I found it very interesting and a nice change . The name Koheleth is thought to be a sobriquet which means nickname . God will doom is not correct . Mortal life is what it is : we live and we die . Solomon is right that in death both righteous and wicked are equal and the death of mortal mankind and mortal animals is the same . These verses in the NIV is very different from the Jewish Bible and the KJV is not much better . A lot was lost in the meaning and many words were changed or added in the NIV and KJV .
16: A Hope That Will Never Be Fulfilled
Isaiah 26 : 19 ( JB ) Oh , let Your dead revive! Let corpses arise ! Awake and shout for joy , You who dwell in the dust ! For Your dew is like the dew on fresh growth ; You make the land of the shades come to life . Most Christians and other people of other religions believe we all have a Spirit to call our own in us who leaves the mortal body when the mortal body dies and we then would have to be Spirit . Often people claim that the Spirit remains with the dead body : it's very confusing . Most call this Spirit our Soul but Soul does have ten different meanings and is confusing also . The LORD does not know what a glorified mortal body is when risen from the dead but He is sure it would need to get a job again and shelter , food and so on . Remember that Christians claim Y'shua after his flesh and bones were raised after his death did eat and drink with people so he was not Spirit . Spirits don't and cannot eat or drink and have no need to and none have jobs to go to they don't want to go to . If it were true we each have a Spirit in us to call ' me ' then why would any person want their dead smelly and dusty and with some people who are missing body parts , mortal corpse raised from the dead and our ' me ' Spirit to enter again into it for all eternity ? That makes no sense . The truth is : LORD ELohim never promised any mortal that mortal people would have an afterlife because that would be a lie and the LORD does not lie . A belief in eternal life for mortals after death is nothing more than a hope that many people have like Isaiah and many others . Probably most did not think they would need to get a job again to feed their risen mortal body because life then would be like life now if risen as a mortal again . Isaiah and others did not always write about what the LORD taught , but about theirs and other peoples hope for an afterlife . No mortal has any Spirit to call their own ' me ' Spirit . The LORD says Spirit Souls do not exist . There are only two forms of living beings : Spirit and mortal flesh and bone life and the two cannot be mixed together as one living being says LORD ELohim .
17: A Little About Souls
Again there are ten different meanings for the word Soul in the Dictionary . In the CB NT book of Revelation 6 : 9 - 11 it says When he opened the fifth seal , I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God and the testimony they had maintained . 10 They called out in a loud voice , How long , Sovereign Lord , holy and true , until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood ? 11 Then each of them was given a white robe , and they were told to wait a little longer , until the full number of their fellow servants , their brother and sister , were killed just as they had been . This is suppose to happen in Heaven . Heaven does not have altars or white robes . Again there are many meanings for the word Soul but this must mean these Souls are pure Spirit because how else could they be in Heaven where there is no air or water or heating or cooling and so on . The part of Heaven Spirits like is out in deep space and not on planets so these Souls would have to be fully Spirit . LORD ELohim never made tens of billions of Souls , one for every human on earth since Adam and Eve . The LORD would never have given humans Spirits to call their own because LORD ELohim was very cautious about mortals . A lot who are wicked people the Spirits would not want to be with them and these mortals would cause problems for Spirits . Spirits would also be very very bored no matter who the mortal is the Spirits were in . The truth is : LORD ELohim says this will never happen since this writing is about the future that has not happened yet and will never happen in the future . No human has ever had a Spirit to call their own and to say this is ' me ' . When mortal life dies there is nothing the LORD knows of that leaves the corpse . The LORD and Spirits have never seen ghosts though some people claim they have so that could be some kind of a wait and see but the dead would know nothing if there is no ghosts .
18: Was The LORD Angry With Moses ?
I don't know the whole story about this . Its something to do with Moses hitting a rock in a way that was not the way the LORD told him to or some-thing like this . I asked LORD ELohim if He was ever angry with Moses and the LORD says He was never angry with Moses . The LORD says even with the Jewish people He was very understand-ing with them . The Jews had been slaves in a pagan nation , the nation of Egypt , for many generations so He knew there would probably be problems needed to be worked out . LORD ELohim says Moses was the best Prophet He ever had . The word Prophet means : a person whose teachings were inspired by God , a person who tells what will happen . Moses was mostly a Prophet who taught what LORD ELohim asked him to teach and Moses was very good at doing that , better then anyone else but not perfect . Moses death was not caused by the LORD . When nearing the promised land of Israel Moses was a very old man . The LORD took Moses to where he could see the promised land and LORD ELohim let Moses know his work was done and thanked him for his help . Moses died from a natural cause , being old . LORD ELohim did not bury Moses body . There were three men who stayed with Moses until he died and they buried his body .
19: Were Prophets All Equal ?
LORD ELohim says being a Prophet was not an easy job because not all were open minded enough to let the teaching Spirits teach them . Often Prophets had their own beliefs about things that got in the way of teaching what the truth is if the Prophets own beliefs about subjects was wrong . There were Prophets who wrote A lot about their own thoughts and feelings and not what the LORD was trying to teach them through a teaching Spirit . No Prophet got it all right not even Moses . Moses wrote A lot about things he thought about and what he believed to be true like creation in six days which is not correct but Moses was still the best Prophet the LORD ever had . The Prophets were not equal and one has to ' Think Not Beyond Logic ' even with their writings . Several Prophets not only believed but also were very hopeful that people would have a bodily resurrection and eternal life . Their hope and belief were so great that the LORD could not teach them the truth . There were a few subjects like that .
20: Are We Alone In The Universe ?
LORD ELohim says us humans and all other mortal life on earth and the Grays and Anunnaki who were also created on earth are the only mortal life the LORD knows of in the universe . It was not easy for the LORD to create mortal life on earth . Nothing created from dirt happened by chance . Every mortal from bacteria to mankind and the animals , birds , fish an all other mortal species in the past and today took a lot of work for the LORD to figure out how to create all mortal species . The LORD started playing in the dirt almost five billion years ago . It was not until about 3.5 billion years ago that LORD ELohim figured out how to create the first mortal life on earth called bacteria . Then it took billions of more years before the first fish and invertebrates were created by Him about 575 million years ago . LORD ELohim's big mistake happened when the LORD created the reptiles and Dinosaurs about 225 to 180 million year ago . Mortals with free will and created in His and the other Spirits image , was finished only about 90 thousand years ago beginning with the Grays and then the Anunnaki and then us Humanity . Note and remember that LORD ELohim never used Spirit in any manner to create mortal life , plants , trees , bugs and on and on . What's the chances of mortal life creating itself anywhere in the universe ? That is very very highly unlikely . All mortal life in the universe was created only on planet earth . LORD ELohim never created mortals anywhere else in the universe and He never will because in many ways we mortals have a lot of problems and living is for the most part difficult and not a great joy for most Humanity or others in the past and even today . Most needs are very great and mortal suffering is all too common . Dinosaurs were not the only creatures that LORD ELohim calls a mistake He made . Giving mortal beings free will like Grays , Anunnaki and us humans was also a mistake , His biggest mistake . Animals and other mortals with only instinct did much better then mortals with free will . The greatest problems for mortal animals and sea creatures and all other mortal species has been mortals with free will . LORD ELohim will just allow mortal life on earth to die out and He will never create flesh and bone creatures again . The LORD is pretty sure that a mortal die off of species on earth will be caused by those who do have free will , those who He calls His biggest mistake in creating .
21: Not Three Gods
It is claimed that the name of God ' ELohim ' is the plural of EL . EL means God . Plural means : relating to , or constituting a word form used to denote more than one . The LORD's name in Heaven has been EL or ELohim for trillions of years and it has never meant to mean being a plural for EL and meaning more than one EL . People made a mistake about this somewhere and it needs to be corrected . The truth is : It always has been the LORD's name and that name belongs to One God : LORD ELohim . Spirits have always called Him EL or ELohim who is their one and only Father just as EL is all mortals one and only Father also . No plural .The LORD ELohim wants to remind Christians that He has never had a ' only Son of God ' . The LORD has many thousands of Spirits who are all His sons and many billions of mortal sons .The LORD also never created such a Spirit as Christians call the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost . That kind of Spirit does not exist and the LORD does not know how He could even create such a Spirit that is one Spirit who could be in millions of Christians all at the same time and also be apart of Him . To make such a Spirit would be a very cruel thing to do to a Spirit . All Spirits have the same body form as LORD ELohim and people . Remember the LORD created humanoids in His image as He also created all Spirits in His image long before mortals . Again to create a Spirit that is billions of miles long and has many millions of heads but nothing more and is without arms , legs , hands , head , feet , torso an so on would be a very cruel thing for LORD ELohim to do to a Spirit . There is no Holy Spirit , never has been and never will be created . Many Christians believe the Holy Spirit is part of LORD ELohim's body which is wrong . LORD ELohim is eight feet tall and not billions of miles tall . No Spirit taller than LORD ELohim exists .
22: Does The LORD Make Things Happen ?
Ecclesiastes 11 : 5 ( JB ) .... so you cannot foresee the actions of God , who causes all things to happen . Very rare would it be LORD ELohim making things happen because He and all Spirits are not allowed to interfere with our free will . The LORD did help the Israelites get out of Egypt but He was not the cause they went to Egypt and became slaves there .Only two other times the LORD helped the Jewish people deal with something . Several times people believed the LORD was angry and made things happen to punish people but the LORD says He never did that . The truth is : LORD ELohim tries to deal with problems by teaching people , not by harming people . LORD ELohim almost never makes things happen so to reward or punish people so this verse is not true .
23: Death And The Lifebreath
Ecclasiastes 12 : 5 - 7 .... But man sets out for his eternal abode , With mourners all around in the street - 7 ... And the dust returns to the ground As it was , And the lifebreath returns to God . The truth is : Our eternal abode is death and the grave or ashes in an urn or tossed to the wind or wherever . The LORD says death is eternal and there is no lifebreath in any mortal life that returns to Him .Our mortal body is just made of dust and water and we do not have any reason to need Spirit within us . Again : there is nothing that returns to the LORD .
24: The LORD's Forgiveness In The Past
Leviticus 4 : 27 - 31 . .... or the sin of which he is guilty is brought to his knowledge - he shall bring a female goat without blemish .... and the priest shall turn it into smoke on the altar , for a pleasing odor to the LORD . Thus the priest shall make expiation for him , and he shall be forgiven . Expiation means : to give satisfaction for , atone .Most sacrifices were eaten after the ritual . The LORD with the Jews allowed rituals regarding sacrifices for the forgiveness of their sins so Y'shua other than being human was not the first to be sacrificed for the sins of people . Humans were not allowed to be sacrificed for any reason . LORD ELohim's sacrifice of Y'shua the willing Lamb of God was the ultimate sacrifice for the forgiveness of most all mankind's sins all around the world in the past , present and future and not just for the Jews .In Leviticus 4 : 32 - 35 is the sacrifice of a sheep for forgiveness of sin .
25: Dinosaurs : A Big Mistake
LORD ELohim says making the Dinosaurs was a big mistake . The only mistake bigger than the creation of Dinosaurs was the creation of mortal life with free will : the Grays , Anunnaki and us Humanity . All three of these were and are Humanoids meaning : having human characteristics , resembling a human being . The Grays , Anunnaki and us Humanity are all related to a large degree because with the Grays DNA EL made the Anunnaki and Humanity with only small changes in their DNA and other stuff . The problem with creation is when a flesh and bone mortal life species is created its not easy for the LORD to undue that creation ? The LORD gave most all mortal species a very intense sex drive and mortals multiplied quickly . During the Triassic Period about 225 million years ago the reptiles that the LORD created dominated the earth . During the Jurassic Period about 180 million years ago Dinosaurs that EL created are at their largest size and the LORD created birds at that time . During the Cretaceous Period about 130 million years ago the Dinosaurs died out and that made LORD ELohim very happy . For about 50 million years when the Dinosaurs ruled the earth the LORD did not create much mammals because they would just be a lunch for many of the Dinosaurs . If it were not for the asteroid and everything else that killed off the Dinosaurs the LORD would have never created us and most other mammals , who would have been supper for many flesh eating Dinosaurs . So the LORD's creation of mortal life as mostly mammals on earth was pretty much on hold during the time of the Dinosaurs . We are the LORD's biggest mistake says LORD ELohim . At least the Dinosaurs did not fight war after war and build bombs to blow each other up and make nuclear bombs so many more would die with one bomb . Animals with only instinct do no damage to the earth compared to Humanoids . The LORD has no problems with the animal kingdom as it is today when people leave it alone . It's mankind who are the problem regarding the animal kingdom . The LORD does not mind people using animals for food , to a degree . It's the slaughter of animals to make room for people He does not agree with or trophy hunting or killing His Elephants for ivory and stuff like that He does not like . The LORD says there are enough people on earth now , way more then should be . It's something that people should think about says the LORD .
26: The Ancient Universe
The LORD ELohim and Spirits go back trillions of years . Scientists today estimate the universe is only about 10 to 20 billion years old . Some say 15 to 18 billion years old while others say 12 billion years ago . My teaching Spirit remembers when he realized he existed and created by LORD ELohim , he also remembers seeing stars and a few galaxies too in the Heaven . The Spirit says there were not many of them at that time but since that time the Spirits and the LORD have witnessed many thousands of Big Bangs . It took thousands of Big Bangs to create just one galaxy . It was like balls on a pool table crashing into each other over hundreds of years for each galaxy . LORD ELohim remembers He saw only a few hundred stars when He realized He existed many trillions of years ago . Over the years He and His Spirit children witnessed a lot , even as many as two million explosions that scientists today call one explosion a Big Bang . The LORD figured out how to cause a Big Bang and created Himself six galaxies . Our Milky Way is not one of them because those galaxies have not fully formed yet into stars , planets and so on . The LORD chose this galaxy because He has not seen a Big Bang explosion in this area in a very long time . The Big Bang explosions do not harm Spirits but one near earth would probably kill off all mortals on earth and moved the earth to a new orbit . Could that happen ? The LORD says if scientists don't stop playing around with natures particles man may end all if they blow up the whole earth into pieces . There is always a chance that the nature of the universe could cause a Big Bang near earth but the LORD is betting if one occurs the scientists would do it first . How to cause a Big Bang is the LORD's and natures secret .
27: Artificial Radiation Belt
I think the Encyclopedia can be trusted for this subject . In space around earth is the Van Allen Belt . The Van Allen Belt is natural . Its a doughnut shaped radiation belt circling earth . But there is another radiation belt around earth named the Artificial Belt which is also a radiation belt . The Artificial Belt was created by mankind by a high-altitude test explosion of a nuclear bomb . The Encyclopedia does not say whose bomb it was . Another reason to trust the Encyclopedia under Space is because the LORD ELohim and other Spirits say they saw this nuclear bomb blow up above them . If this is true ? Its stuff like this that gives LORD ELohim reason to say creating Humanoids and giving them free will was the biggest mistake He ever made regarding mortal life on this earth . The LORD will never make that mistake again .
28: Stone Builders During The Last Ice Age
When the Grays and then the Anunnaki were created on earth by LORD ELohim they were mainly stone builders . They were both created on earth during the last Ice Age Climax . In North America that Ice Age was called Wisconsin and in Europe it was called the Wurm Glacial . The ice sheet began building about 115,000 years ago and did not begin to melt and retreat until about 10,000 - 25,000 years ago . LORD ELohim created the Grays about 90,000 years ago so there was not much land in the northern parts of the earth for them to live . The Ice sheet covered most of North America and northern Europe , Russia and China . There was not a lot of trees because of the ice and the cold back then so the Grays and Anunnaki did not build much with wood . Places like Machu Picchu in Peru were built by the Grays or Anunnaki as also many pyramids and other stone cities around earth near the equator and south of it . Human people moved into the stone cities that the Grays and Anunnaki built when they no longer lived on the earth . During the last ice age climax the ice sheets turned so much water into ice that the ocean level dropped around 300 feet and a lot more land was available far south of the ice sheet . When the ice retreated and its water entered the ocean again many of their cities built of stone were fully covered with water . Many lakes were created like the Great Lakes in North America by the melting of the ice sheet . The Great Lakes of Canada and United States as they are today they are only about 10,000 years old .
29: Did The LORD Really Say This ?
Genesis 3 : 22 And the LORD God said , " Now that the man has become like one of us , knowing good and bad , what if he should stretch out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat , and live forever ! " LORD ELohim says He did not say this verse and there is no tree of life and never was one . The LORD and other Spirits say they never knew the meaning of evil or bad before Humanoids existed which is one of the reasons most Spirits want nothing to do with us or the Grays and Anunnaki . Why Moses wrote ' like one of us ' the LORD ELohim does not know why . No Spirits were ever evil or knew of evil or bad until they spent time with the Grays , then Anunnaki and then us Humanity . Mortal life has been dying since the LORD created the first bacteria on earth . Adam and Eve were fully mortal and both would eventually die just like mortals have been dying for about 3.5 billion years when the LORD made the first living bacteria . It would take a lot more than fruit on a tree for mortals to live forever . In Revelation 22 : 2 - 5 .... 2 down the middle of the great street of the city . On each side of the river stood the tree of life , bearing twelve crops of fruit , yielding its fruit every month . And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations . 3 No longer will there be any curse . .... 5 .... And they will reign for ever and ever . No great city is coming to earth from Heaven and no tree and its fruit known to the LORD will allow people to live forever . Just because of someones religion , that would never get any person a front row seat to rule the world if the LORD ELohim was in charge . Again the ' tree of life ' does not exist and never will exist . [ Humanoid means : having human form or characteristics . The Grays and the Anunnaki who when created by the LORD on this earth looked like us humans look today . ]
30: The Holy Grail
We wrote a little about this before . LORD ELohim was at the Last Supper with Y'shua and a few other Spirits were there too . LORD ELohim says all the cups were the same . Y'shua was a poor Rabbi and the Disciples were no richer either . The LORD says all the cups used were simple clay pottery . Many people believe Y'shua's cup was made of gold but again Y'shua and his Disciples were poor people so nothing at that supper was gold says the LORD . There are a lot of legends about this cup . One legend is that Joseph of Arimathea used the cup to catch the blood of Y'shua when Y'shua was on the cross and then Joseph took the cup to England . LORD ELohim was always with Y'shua and was there at the cross . The LORD says He never saw any person with a cup catching the blood of Y'shua . It's believed the cup had the power to heal sickness and to allow people to have eternal life . LORD ELohim says Y'shua's blood was no different than any other human mortal . The legend is that the cup went missing and believe it went to Heaven . LORD ELohim says that cup never went to Heaven . A nun who was the sister of one of the Knights of the Round Table had a vision of it . The story goes that the Knights searched for it and three Knights saw it but we do not know if it was a vision or they really saw it ? How would the Knights know what that cup looked like and how could anyone be sure it was Y'shua's . There is a carved silver cup called the Chalice of Antioch . It was found in 1910 in the ruins of Antioch that was in northern Syria . Some people believe it is the Holy Grail . That cup may still be in New York City in the United States at the Metropolitan Museum of Art . LORD ELohim and other Spirits looked at a picture of that cup and they say that is not the cup Y'shua had at the Last Supper . After supper the LORD says non of the Disciples payed any attention to Y'shua's clay cup . When the table was cleared all the cups were gathered together and non of the Disciples took Y'shua's cup with them . There are many legends about that cup but the LORD says that cup was no different than most other cups at that time and the cup and Y'shua's blood had no powers of any kind . Again LORD ELohim and other Spirits never saw anyone holding a cup to catch the blood of Y'shua and Y'shua's blood had no powers . Y'shua was fully a mortal Jewish human man and was not a God Spirit in any form . Y'shua and his Last Supper cup have no powers to heal people , raise the dead , allow eternal life and a lot of other beliefs that some people have about him and the cup says LORD ELohim .
31: Grays And Anunnaki
Where the Anunnaki are right now the LORD ELohim does not know . The LORD and Spirits have not seen the Anunnaki for about five hundred years . At that time the Grays and Anunnaki were in war with each other in space . Probably most of the Grays today are near earth and their spacecrafts and bigger spaceships can be seen in the night sky . If you live in a city with lots of lights the Grays spacecrafts can be easily seen because the lights of the city block out most all stars but not the spacecrafts of the Grays that are near earth . The Grays ships do not move as the stars and galaxies seem to move . Where seen in the night sky the position and time change often . Often to they dance in the night sky , moving up and down and side to side as though practicing for war or teaching children how to fly those things . LORD ELohim created the Grays and Anunnaki on this earth . Both of them , their last war on earth Grays against Grays and AI's and Anunnaki against Anunnaki and AI's , caused the earth so much damage that they had to leave earth . The Grays and Anunnaki also warred with each other . They were both far more advanced then humans are regarding spaceships but no smarter than us when it came a chose of war or peace . Like us they were fully mortal and they had the same needs as we do . Where are they going to go ? They may have tried in the past to live on the moon or Mars but they seem to still need earth probably for food and water and maybe even air . Since the Grays and Anunnaki cannot get to the nearest star to our sun and with livable planets near : mankind never will either . Remember the Anunnaki were the fully mortal giants in Genesis 6 : 1 - 4 who took human woman and the children were called the Nephilim . The Anunnaki became some peoples gods and they ruled a few nations for a while then people went against them says the LORD . Like the Grays the Anunnaki never went very far from earth either but where they are today the LORD does not know . The Grays spaceships are round or saucer shaped and the Anunnaki's spaceships are long cigar shaped . Remember the LORD created the Grays and Anunnaki on this earth beginning about 90,000 years ago . They have been in space for tens of thousands of years . If they cannot find a new home during that time , mankind never will either .
32: The Coming Future World According To Christians
The LORD has read somethings about what many Christians believe about regarding a coming world on earth . The LORD wishes that He could do most all they believe for mankind but He says He cannot do those things . The LORD cannot change the nature of any mortal species over night and changing the nature of mankind's ways would be the most difficult to change .Because mankind has free will and what we have done with our free will and from generation to generation taught our offspring to do also it would be very very difficult for the LORD ELohim to change us in any way . Giving us Humanoids free will was His greatest mistake says the LORD . The LORD never taught anything to the Grays and Anunnaki who also had free will but He though if He were to help guide mankind He may be able to fix somethings people tend to do with their free will . We all know how well that worked out . How many people tried to keep His Ten Commandments ? Not many at all who are not faithful Jews . Many Christians and others believe they don't need to keep LORD ELohim's Ten Laws .
First : many Christians believe LORD ELohim promised them the world , eternal life and much more . LORD ELohim says He never promised such things to anyone including Christians . There is a lot in the many Bible versions that the LORD and even Y'shua never said . The LORD would never promise everlasting life to people because He knows He cannot make that happen and He does not lie or break His promises .
Many Christians believe they will rule the world as kings in all nations and among all people on earth . They believe Y'shua would be the King of kings . Just because of a persons religion does not make people right and perfect for that job . Think of the history of Christians especially the Roman Catholics . When the Roman Catholics gained power over people and nations a lot of people were murdered by the church and approved by the pope . How many Christians can say they do not know of any Christians doing time in prison for breaking the mortal laws . That would probably be very rare . The truth is : LORD ELohim would never allow someone to be a king over people based just on that persons religion . Not going to happen .
Would you forever never a job to go to ? According to writings about this future world you will need food , shelter , clothing , and will want whatever else you want now . Children will still need to go to school for an education to get such jobs to buy what they need . All people will still be mortal according to several Christian writings . You will need food and all you need now in that world to come just to remain alive . The LORD cannot change that for us .
Revelation 21 : 1 Then I saw " a new heaven and a new earth ," for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away , and there was no longer any sea . Will LORD ELohim create a new earth and a new Heaven . The LORD says that is never going to happen either . How are mortals suppose to transfer from this earth that will disappear while the LORD ELohim creates a new earth in this spot this earth is now ? Nothing in the universe was ever created by words , so how is the LORD suppose to make this earth and all Heaven disappear first and a new earth and new Heaven appear in a few minutes . The LORD has no idea how to get rid of this earth ? Creating a new earth He knows how to do that , but that creation would need a lot of billions of years to form a new planet than He needs to create air , plants and on and on which would take many millions of more years . I don't think we ever mentioned this before : LORD ELohim had to create the earth atmosphere and air and that took many many millions of years . The truth is : LORD ELohim is not going to do this . The future mankind and animals and plants are stuck with this earth that we humans have poisoned and ruined in many places on earth . This is not just in Christian New Testament . In Isaiah 65 : 17 it says For behold ! I am creating A new heaven and a new earth ; The former things shall not be remembered , They shall never come to mind . No one is perfect . Being a Prophet was never easy . A though in the mind of a Prophet he may have wondered : is it the LORD teaching or is it just my own thoughts about my own hopes and dreams ? The LORD says the problem was that the Prophets could not know which it was .
Isaiah 65 : 25 The wolf and the lamb shall gaze together , And the lion shall eat straw like the ox , And the serpent's food shall be earth , In all My sacred mount Nothing evil or vile shall be done . Somewhere in the Bible it says something about the lamb lying down with the lion but we could not find it but this verse is close to the same meaning . The LORD would have to change the makeup of the lions and lambs DNA or whatever to change the nature of these animals instincts . The truth is : that is not going to happen because there is a reason why there are plant eaters and meat eaters created by LORD ELohim . Go to # 33
Browsing one Christian book it says people will have much more land and all will have a home to live in . Gone will be cities and homelessness . There is now more than eight billion people on earth so how is that going to happen if not by global war . Many Christians believe that someday they will be the only humans on earth because everyone else who were not Christians will be in hell or the lake of fire . If that were true then they would be correct about having a lot of land for each of them . The problem with that belief : there is no hell or lake of fire . The non-Christians are not going anywhere . Christians will not have an eternal life on earth because the LORD ELohim cannot do that for any mortal . Y'shua is dead so he is not coming back to life either . Life as it is will probably continue much the same unless there is a great war or something else that takes out a lot of people from this life .
Many Christians believe the new earth will be perfect for mortal life especially for Christian humans . LORD ELohim is sure there is no such planet in the universe that all would be perfect for mortal life . This planet was the best He could find to see if He could make living beings out of dirt . Earth has never been perfect for mortal life and it most likely never will be perfect for any mortal life .
There is a lot more that Christians believe will happen in the future but most all if not everything is not going to happen .
33: Nature Needs Meat Eaters
The LORD created plant eaters first . For a long time there were no meat eaters but there was a problem with there only being plant eaters . If a plant eater stepped in a hole a broke a leg or a disease was going around and so on the plant eaters would suffer and often greatly suffered until they died . To help the plant eaters the LORD created meat eaters who would quickly kill the lame or diseased animals . The meat eaters taking out the lame , sick and suffering animals and birds , sea creatures , and so on ended their suffering and allowed the species to grow stronger and safer as a family and the deaths from disease went down within the herd or group so there were much more survivors to continue the species . LORD ELohim in the future will not change this . His greatest concern was the suffering of any mortal life and that concern has never changed . Today meat eaters are home on land , in water and in air and that is the way He wants it kept . When a lamb breaks a leg or falls off a cliff or whatever is the reason he or she is suffering and without a shepherd the LORD hopes the lion is near to end the little lambs suffering . That goes for every species any where on earth and still includes mankind . Today many people are more concerned with longevity of someone else's life than the quality of their life . The LORD says He sees people suffer today far more than ever in the past and most of them have very little if any quality of life . Today there is a needle to end the life of someone suffering and without hope to get better but its some paper work and you have to get the answers right but it is getting better to be helped medically out of ones suffering and LORD ELohim is pleased with that change .
34: Did Y'shua Die Or Not Die ?
This to LORD ELohim and me is confusing . In a Christian book it says that ' Jesus loved Humanity so much that he gave up his life for the sake of all mankind .' Then the rest of the sentences are about Y'shua as a living being or person again after he died . The truth is : not confusing . Y'shua died and he is still dead and will forever be dead because he was a fully mortal human . If Y'shua did not die he would not be a sacrifice for the forgiveness of our sins by LORD ELohim . Christians say Y'shua died on that cross which is true . What is not true is that they believe Y'shua was risen from the dead . That never happened according to LORD ELohim because the LORD does not know how to do that regarding dead mortals and Y'shua was a dead mortal . Y'shua was not a ' only Son of God Spirit God ' created by LORD ELohim trillions of years ago . Y'shua was fully mortal and without any Spirit to call his own just like you . The ' only Son of God ' does not exist . LORD ELohim has thousands of Spirit children and billions of mortal children who He created . The Jewish man named Y'shua willingly gave up his mortal life and life itself for most of Humanity , past , present and future . Y'shua did truly die for most of us mortal humans . LORD ELohim was with Y'shua when Y'shua was on the cross and He saw him take his last breath . Y'shua's dead body was on the cross for a few hours after he died . There was no way LORD ELohim could have raised Y'shua from the dead . LORD ELohim loved Y'shua greatly and He wept for him even before he died . That is something LORD ELohim will never ask a Jewish man to do again . The Romans created a church of lies using Y'shua death for their gain of wealth and power over other people and the Roman Catholic Church slaughtered many of thousands of people to keep their money and power gained coming into their church .
35: Who Do Christians Worship ?
Christians believe Y'shua was in the womb of Miriam ( Mary ) . Miriam was her true Jewish name . Most believe Y'shua was born in Bethlehem . Since Y'shua could be seen and heard speaking he was no Spirit . Y'shua was a fully mortal Jewish man . Christians also believe in a Spirit they call the ' only Son of God ' who they call a God to who we think they believe was a Spirit . The mortal man Y'shua dies on the cross and has always been dead since then but Christians believe this mortal man was resurrected by LORD ELohim or whoever . The problem with these beliefs is the LORD says there was no ' only Son of God Spirit God ' with Y'shua the mortal man . The LORD says He has never had a ' only Son ' : Spirit or mortal flesh . The LORD says He never raised Y'shua's mortal body from the dead . So who are Christians worshiping ? Y'shua was the one who gave up his mortal life and it was the blood shed of Y'shua the mortal man who willingly died for most all mankind . If there were a Spirit involved , which there was not , but if there were a Spirit involved that Spirit played no part in all this . The Spirit would not have died , it would not be the Spirit who's blood was shed , the Spirit would not be on the cross , the Spirit would not be allowed to interfere in Y'shua the mortal mans free will , it was LORD ELohim who authored all things regarding the Lamb of God and so on . What would this believed only Son of God Spirit God have done regarding any of this to deserve being worshiped for this . Many Christians believe Y'shua is sitting on a throne in Heaven . LORD ELohim cannot change Spirit into flesh or flesh into Spirit so the one sitting on the throne would have to be the Spirit only Son of God and not Y'shua the Jewish mortal man who truly gave up his mortal life as a sacrifice for most people sins and The Simple Truth . LORD ELohim does not know how to ' glorify ' a mortal body and He does not know what that even means and neither do I . We have never found in any books about Christians where the author knows what it means either . The bottom line is that there is no ' only Son of God Spirit God ' involved in any way regarding Y'shua the fully mortal Lamb of God . The only Son of God Spirit God does not exist and has never existed . LORD ELohim says Y'shua the mortal man never said he was a God or the only Son of God or the Messiah or anything else that Christians believe about him other than he was a good Rabbi and the Lamb of God . Y'shua never mentioned that either to people even though he knew that he was the willing Lamb of God that John the Baptist spoke about . So who are Christians worshiping in the name of Jesus ( Y'shua ) ? Thats confusing . LORD ELohim says it would be wrong to worship Y'shua the mortal man as a God or even as a mortal . To love Y'shua , for mankind to forever remember this man named Y'shua , to honor him as the willing Lamb of God that he certainly deserves from all mankind . I asked LORD ELohim if there were a ' only Son of God Spirit ' would this Spirit be worthy of worship regarding all that is about Y'shua the mortal man . The LORD says that Spirit would not be worthy of any worship of him because that Spirit would have done nothing that has to do with the Lamb of God . LORD ELohim and a couple of teaching Spirits were the only Spirits involved with the Lamb of God Y'shua . When Y'shua agreed to be the Lamb of God the LORD made it known to Y'shua that it was up to him to decide when , where and how . It was Y'shua who did everything about the Lamb of God and the teaching of The Simple Truth before he died and he did truly die . Y'shua was fully a mortal Jewish human and the so called only Son of God Spirit God does not exist and the so called Holy Spirit does not exist either so Christians have no God other than LORD ELohim our one and only Father to worship and to pray to .
36: Who Created All That Was Created ?
We wrote about this before but LORD ELohim wants to remind you of this subject . Many Christians believe Y'shua created everything created because what is written in the book of John 1 : 1 - 18 . 1 In the beginning was the Word , and the Word was with God , and the Word was God . Christians believe that the name Word was another name for Y'shua . 2 He was with God in the beginning . 3 Through him all things were made ; without him nothing was made that has been made . 4 In him was life , and that life was the light of all mankind . Y'shua who is called a God by Christians was never a God . Many Christians believe in a hell and lake of fire and purgatory and a limbo which were believed to be created and if these places were really created then these verses say it was Y'shua who created them and not LORD ELohim . The only purpose for hell and the lake of fire is to make people suffer in extreme pain and great agony of mind and body for all eternity . If Y'shua had been a God who created such places then Y'shua was not a loving and understanding God like LORD ELohim is . Again : Y'shua was never a God . Y'shua did not exist in any form , mortal or Spirit , before about 5 B.C.E. when he was conceived of as a fully mortal man by LORD ELohim . 6 There was a man sent from God whose name was John .... 8 He himself was not the light ; he came only as a witness to the light . 9 The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world . According to these verses the light called Y'shua was not in the world before the time of John the Baptist as it says ' was coming into the world ' . Does this mean the believed Spirit Son of God who we think was called Y'shua also , was never in Y'shua the fully Jewish mortal man before John the Baptist baptized Y'shua the mortal man around the age of 30 . Matthew 3 : 13 - 17 . ... 16 As soon as Jesus was baptized , he went up out of the water . At that moment heaven was opened , and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him . 17 And a voice from heaven said , " This is my Son , whom I love ; with him I am well pleased . " So the Jewish mortal man named Y'shua was fully mortal for 30 years according to the Christian Bible . Other then having a teaching Spirit Y'shua had no other Spirit with him before or after being baptized and teaching Spirits are never apart of the flesh . Y'shua was baptized by John the Baptist but the rest in these verses never happened says LORD ELohim . John 14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us . We have seen his glory , the glory of the one and only Son , who came from the Father , full of grace and truth . The truth is : LORD ELohim had no one and only Son because LORD ELohim created all that was created and He created thousands of Spirit sons and many billions of mortal sons also . Y'shua did not exist in any form , mortal of Spirit , until about 5 B.C.E. when LORD ELohim created him with a mortal egg and mortal sperm and place the fertilized egg into Miriam's womb . The LORD did not allow any Spirit son of His to incarnate into Y'shua and interfere with Y'shua free will . LORD ELohim with the help of a teaching Spirit did ' ask ' Y'shua if he was willing to be the Lamb of God about 15 years before John baptized him . It was not easy for the LORD to ask Y'shua that question because Y'shua was fully mortal . It took years before Y'shua came to understand what the LORD was asking him and teaching him . When Y'shua agreed to be the Lamb of God he already knew he would have to die and that he would never be resurrected . The LORD left it up to Y'shua as to when , where and how he would be sacrificed for the sins of most all mankind to be forgiven and for The Simple Truth . Y'shua was never an only Son of God and Y'shua was never the Word and Y'shua never created anything other than chairs and tables with his mortal dad the carpenter Joseph . Y'shua was never the Word and nothing was created by LORD ELohim by Words alone . LORD ELohim who created all that was created never created a hell , lake of fire or purgatory or a limbo . These places do not exist and never will exist says the LORD . The early Roman Catholics lied about these places and lied that Y'shua referred to them as being real so to cause fear among all people so people would join the Roman Catholic Church because of their deep fear of the LORD and these places . Most all of the Christian denominations have been teaching these lies ever since . Again : hell , lake of fire , purgatory and limbo do not exist . All these places were created by the imaginations of people for a few reasons like to cause great fear for greed of money and want of power over peoples lives . According to the CB NT Y'shua used the word hell several times but LORD ELohim says Y'shua never used the word hell . Y'shua never believed in such places or that his God LORD ELohim was that wicked .
37: What If Errors In The CB Were Written In The JB ?
The CB means Christian Bibles and the JB means Jewish Bible . If the Jews made errors in their writings and beliefs its their errors . If Christians in their CB used the Jews errors then those errors in the CB are the responsibility of the Christians and not the Jews responsibility . That goes for any religion using other peoples religion for their writings and beliefs but at the same time wanting to be different also . Only the Jewish people are responsible for what is written in the JB and what their beliefs are . Christians are fully responsible for what they believe and whats written in their CB as any other religion . As individuals once we reach the age of 15 we are all personally responsible for what we each chose to believe . Remember LORD ELohim did not start asking Y'shua if he would be the Lamb of God until he was 15 years old . Not until the age of 10 do our sins begin counting for something says LORD ELohim . The LORD says any religions baptisms or whatever signifying that person chose of a certain religion should not be until that child is old enough to make sound choices for himself or herself which would be 15 years of age according to LORD ELohim . So contrary to the Catholic belief that unbaptized babies go to hell : none did go to hell because baptisms do not count for anything until the child is 15 years old or older and it is their choice alone to become Christians of any Christian denomination including Catholics or of any other religion . Again there is no hell .
38: Who Do People Think Puts People In Hell ?
Again hell , lake of fire , purgatory and limbo do not exist but you may still believe they do exist . So who do you believe puts people , any humans including babies in hell , lake of fire , purgatory or limbo ? Do you know where hell or any of these places are . Obviously humans do not do that task so it must be Spirits who do that .Do you believe LORD ELohim or even Y'shua if he were alive in any form does that dirty work ?Satan ( David ) does not do that work . Think about it : who have you always believed does that to people or will do that to people ?Have you ever even thought about this question ?Dead people are not going to get there on their own so who drags these people who are kicking and screaming to any of these believed places ? If you have believed LORD ELohim would be so cruel and evil to do this or to allow other Spirits to do this wicked work , you owe LORD ELohim and all Spirits an apology for thinking the LORD and other Spirits are that wicked to His mortal children . The now pope owes the LORD ELohim a public apology for the Roman Catholic Church starting such lies about Him . If Y'shua were alive you may owe him an apology too . The truth is : there is no hell , lake of fire , purgatory or limbo . These places have never existed and never will exist . No mortal has an afterlife in any form . Dead is dead forever . There is nothing regarding mortal life that could go to these places after a person dies . Mortal flesh would burn up like cremation and the LORD has never given any mortal a Spirit to call ' me ' . You have no Spirit so you are not going anywhere beyond the grave or your ashes throne to the wind or what ever you chose people to do with your ashes . Death is nothing to fear and it is eternal but you won't even notice that when you're dead .
39: What About Satan ?
The Spirit who is playing the acting part in this story about a Spirit called Satan his real name is David . Peoples imaginary Satan does not exist though they blame him for every evil thing humans do . Christians have more stories about this Spirit than any other religion we have read regarding this subject so we will go with the Christian stories . First : who created this imaginary evil Spirit called Satan . Mankind created him in their imagination to make him the Spirit to blame for everything people do that is wicked . Why do people believe there must be cruel , wicked and evil Spirits ? Is it because among mortal humans there are cruel , wicked and evil people so Spirits must be the same . Most Christians believe that Satan has been deceiving all mankind since Adam and Eve . If Satan's ability is so great that he can make people believe what he wants us to believe and do what he wants us to do , then what is true and what is not true . Some denominations of Christianity say other Christian denominations are wrong in their teachings and beliefs . If Satan is so smart at deceiving people , then how can Christians truly believe what is even written in their Bible to be true ? Even in one very pro-Christian book about Satan , it says Satan did change many meanings and caused many contradictions in the Christian Bible . Then what is true in the Christian Bible Old and New Testament and what is not true ? The truth is : David ( Satan ) wants nothing to do with mankind so he had nothing to do with all the lies and errors that are in the CB NT or OT . Some of the churches beliefs are not written in the CB like purgatory or limbo among others . These beliefs the Roman Catholic Church did on their own . David has been ready to play the acting role of Satan for about two thousand years and he has never done that which certainly makes him a happy Spirit . Not a lot of Spirits want anything to do with mankind so David is not alone with that .
Within many Christian denominations Satan is blamed for everything that is wrong with the world . Who is the cause of war : they say David is behind every human war since Adam and Eve . There is nothing wicked that people do that is not blamed on Satan ( David ) being behind it . The truth is : People do evil : Spirits do not . People sin : Spirits do not . People harm each other : Spirits do not . People murder other people : Spirits do not . People cause wars and slaughter each other : Spirits do not . People lie : Spirits do not . People can be very cruel to each other : Spirits do not . People deceive each other for gain which is usually money or power over other people : Spirits do not . People can hate : Spirits do not . People often want what other people have : Spirits do not . People can be unfeeling toward others : Spirits do not and on and on . LORD ELohim created us in the image of Him and His Spirit children but other then that we humans are very different . Spirits have free will just as we do but obviously they are a lot smarter and a lot more loving and kind than we are . The Spirit David ( Satan ) is no different then his many brothers which is why David wants nothing to do with mankind and the truth is : no Spirits want anything to do with humans because they cannot understand why there is so much violence , hate and war and so on among us . LORD ELohim believes we mortal humans could be as loving , kind , caring , sharing , peaceful and living a greatly more joyful life like Spirits have if we want to , but where is the want to ? David has never been the cause of our hatred , wars , other violence and all our other problems also : we are the cause if not the nature of the earth . If you were a Spirit that lived trillions of years in complete peace , perfect love and great joy and constant happiness , would you understand mankind or even want to be around them ? Probably not , just like David and other Spirits do not want anything to do with us humans .
How many Christian denominations teach the congregation to keep LORD ELohim's Ten Commandments . That is what LORD ELohim would like people to do but most Christians and other people believe they do not need to keep the LORD's Ten Laws . David has nothing to do with that belief many Christians have about their faith . People made that choice not to keep the LORD's Ten Commandments all on their own . EL's Ten Laws and The Simple Truth could bring peace and greater joy to all mankind and all nations but where is the want to do that also .
Many Christians believe Satan can deceive the world . If that were true then how can Christians be sure their beliefs and writings are not Satans deception and that goes for any religion or even other beliefs ? The truth is : David had nothing to do with what Christians believe , all the error and all the lies , and he had nothing to do with what is written in the CB New and Old Testament or other beliefs or in any other religions books and beliefs .
Instead of blaming David ( Satan ) for everything wrong in the world , its time we mortal humans take full responsibility for most everything wrong in the world , and that we are the cause of pretty much everything that is wrong .
Many people , mostly Christians believe David can take over and control peoples mind and make them do wicked things . Probably most all Christians and even other religions people believe LORD ELohim or Y'shua who is dead , will soon judge all mankind as individuals who are living and all who are dead and will be risen from the dead since the time of Adam and Eve . If David could control the mind of people and is able to make them do extremely wicked acts like the Inquisitions , parents deeply mourning the rest of their life because the pope says their new born dead baby is alive in hell and greatly suffering , or the Holocaust , or hatred , wars , rape , murder and on and on then how could the LORD judge people if Satan made them do that ? David cannot take over peoples minds and thoughts . Teaching Spirits who have been doing their work for thousands of years have great problems just teaching people one sentence and that most often takes many years to do that , so how could David do that millions of times greater to many millions of people and a hundred and fifty generations in just minutes ? LORD ELohim cannot do that , David cannot do that and Teaching Spirits cannot do that . Also the LORD does not allow any Spirits to interfere with our mortal free will . The truth is : David cannot take over and control peoples minds and neither can any other Spirits including LORD ELohim .
LORD ELohim has judged us all as a species and we failed our trial . He is not going to judge any human as an individual . What would be the reason to do that since none of us will have an eternal life anyways . Regarding the evil and wickedness of mankind , the LORD says David and all other Spirits are innocent , its Humanity who are the guilty ones for wrongfully using our free will . Remember this : Spirits free will is no different then our free will so if we wanted to we could change the world for the better but where is the want to do that says the LORD ?
40: What Does Our Judgment Mean ?
This is important to know . The judgment of mankind was not about which people will go to Heaven or which people will go to hell as most Christians believe . Remember : no mortal human will have an eternal life . Death is eternal for all mortal life . It is not about a kingdom of God coming to earth either as many Christians believe and so on . Remember : we failed our six thousand year trial time . That was LORD ELohim Judgment of all mankind . He judged us as a species and not as individuals . The LORD's Judgment of Humanity is all about where LORD ELohim and all Spirits will be in the future and not where you will be in the future . You will be on earth until you die . Because we failed our trial the LORD ELohim and all Spirits will be going home to Heaven . That is what the Judgment is all about . There is no reason for LORD ELohim and any other Spirits staying here on earth for much longer . LORD ELohim tried many times to help mankind find peace and great happiness in our life but even that did not work out well . The Jews who were His voice among mankind for thousands of years were treated badly and often murdered by pagans without cause or reason and this LORD ELohim never understood . We failed for many many other reasons . There is nothing more the LORD can do to help Humanity . LORD ELohim and the Angels have seen enough bloodshed here among us people . He was hopeful that we could live in peace and great joy and give the LORD and other Spirits reason to remain with us but that never happened and probably will never happen in the future . Because we failed our trial LORD ELohim and all other Spirits are going home to Heaven soon in the future and leave us on our own to continue our wicked ways and our self afflicted misery as a species . So the judgment of mankind had nothing to do with where mortal humans will go after we die , but it had everything to do with where LORD ELohim and all Angels will be living in the future . The LORD and Angels do not want to be here to watch mankind blow each other up and His animals made and destroy our home planet earth just like the Grays and Anunnaki did during each of their trial time on earth . LORD ELohim will never try again with mortal life with free will . It's been the mortals with free will who have given Him reason to weep and have many regrets for creating us in the first place . It's not the animals He regrets making but He did weep for the way people have treated His animals that He created . Soon we will be on our own . The LORD says He may come back in a hundred years just to see how we are doing but He does not expect to find anything that has changed for the good or even anything mortal still alive on earth ark .
41: Odd Information
This section is just a few bits and pieces of information .
( a ) Does LORD ELohim give Christians or anyone else His Spirit and is the Holy Spirit LORD ELohim's Spirit ? LORD ELohim's Spirit is one Spirit body about 8 feet tall and we are created in His and all other Spirits image . The LORD says He could not do that even if He wanted to . But He would never want to especially regarding mankind . The Holy Spirit or also called the Holy Ghost does not exist and is not part of the LORD's body .
( b ) Can LORD ELohim change your mortal flesh and bone body into a body that is made of something completely different ? LORD ELohim says He cannot do that .
( c ) Is every human suppose to keep LORD ELohim's Ten Commandments ? Y'shua taught that to anyone who would listen to him . LORD ELohim hoped all mankind would obey His Ten Laws so to make room for world peace and greater joy among all mankind . The Jewish people were the delivery people of this message from LORD ELohim for all mankind . So yes , the LORD was and is still hopeful that all people would obey His Ten Commandments for our benefit .
( d ) Did Y'shua die in our place . Y'shua did die but did not die so mortal mankind could have eternal life . Y'shua died for the forgiveness of our sins and to teach the world to forgive the wrong doings of other people who did them wrong and to forgive even yourself for your wrong doings just as the LORD ELohim has forgiven most all mankind who ever lived and those in the future to . The LORD was doing what He has always done : trying to help all mankind live a better life than they were living and are living today and will live in the future . It may not seem like a big deal to forgive others and to forgive ourselves but it is a life changing experience for a better life and it works . Y'shua did not die in our place since all people will die and will never live again . LORD ELohim focus for teaching has always been regarding our mortal life . That's what the Ten Commandments is about , to help make our mortal life a better mortal life . That is what The Simple Truth is about : to help us live a much better mortal life .
( e ) I was talking to my teaching Spirit and he indicated that the name ELohim or EL means Father to Spirits . With humans the name ELohim or EL means God but also means our Father to since LORD ELohim is our Father who created us also .
( f ) Why was the Lamb of God a Jewish mortal man ? LORD ELohim created the Jewish people starting with Abraham and Sarah about 3,800 years ago around 1,800 B.C.E. . The LORD since then has worked with the Jews to try to help all people live better lives . Often the Jews are called LORD ELohim's chosen people which is true . It only makes sense that LORD ELohim would work through His Jewish people to teach other people The Simple Truth since the Jewish people would understand the meaning of the Lamb of God where as other people would not . LORD ELohim has always worked through the Jews since Abraham and still does even today . LORD ELohim says He is well pleased with the help the Jews have done for Him . Today He knows the Jewish Rabbis and other Jews are helping non-Jews understand His Little Book and The Simple Truth and in that He is very , very pleased and thankful for their help .
( g ) Why does LORD ELohim allow the suffering among mankind ? LORD ELohim does not allow it or cause it and the nature of the earth is not perfect . What can the LORD do to change that ? If it's about people harming other people He gave us the Ten Commandments and other teachings through the Jews to teach mankind to live a more joyful life and a more peaceful life . He gave mankind The Simple Truth so our lives would be far more better lives . But do we mortal humans of all races and nations follow His teachings ? Most people do not . There are not many people on earth who never heard of the Ten Commandments but how many obey them ? Beyond most Jews : not many . People suffering because of temperature , weather , storms like tornadoes , hurricanes , from flooding or drought and so on , there is not a lot the LORD can do about that . He can only hope that people before they buy a house they check out the history of such areas and don't buy a house when flooding is common or other weather events or where earthquakes happen that will cause such suffering . This earth is the best LORD ELohim could find and it is not perfect for mortal life and there is nothing He can do about that . LORD ELohim cannot change the nature of the earth so its up to us mortal humans to be careful where we chose to live . People who use illegal drugs or over use alcohol : what can the LORD do about that and on and on ... People need to make better choices in what we chose to do with our mortal life because there is not a lot the LORD can do to help us.
( h ) Does the Jewish Messiah need to be a King ? For a person to be the Messiah he does need to be Jewish . Does he need to be a King and of King David's family line ? In a couple of books about Judaism and this beliefs that the Jews have , we could not find anywhere where it says the Messiah must be a King and of the family line of King David . LORD ELohim says that the Messiah does not need to be a King or of David's family line . The belief of a coming Messiah who will bring peace upon the world and do other things was not taught by LORD ELohim . This belief is a great hope the Jews have that someday this mortal Messiah will be born and he will bring peace to all humans everywhere and peace to all nations on earth . LORD ELohim is hopeful that this ancient great hope of the Jewish people for all mortal humans to live in peace and love one another will come true someday and soon . LORD ELohim says He never promised mankind world peace . How could He knowing us as we truly are . Again it only takes one man to cause a bloody war that murders millions as in our history and even today and most likely in the future there will be more of those kind of men yet coming who will probably murder billions . Very few times were the wars for a good cause like to free slaves , to take out a very wicked leader and so on . Most often wars are for greed of lands and money and power over even more people and many were because of hate . How would it be possible for LORD ELohim to be able to promise us a coming age of peace ? He never did . The Jews believe a Jewish Messiah will be born of mortals and will bring peace to all mankind . This is the hope of the Jewish people . The LORD says to all mankind to join in this hope and make this hope known to world leaders before it's too late .
( i ) Why did the Pharisees and High Priest want Y'shua dead . In John 11 : 45 - 53 it kind of explains this if it were true . The story begins with Y'shua raising Lazarus from the dead after his dead body was in the tomb for four days and getting stinky . ... 46 But some of them went to the Pharisees and told them what Jesus had done . 47 Then the chief priests and the Pharisees called a meeting of the Sanhedrin . " What are we accomplishing ? " they asked . " Here is this man performing many signs . 48 If we let him go on like this , everyone will believe in him , and then the Romans will come and take away both our temple and our nation " . 49 Then one of them , named Calaphas , who was high priest that year , spoke up , " You know nothing at all ! 50 You do not realize that it is better for you that one man die for the people than that the whole nation perish . " 51 He did not say this on his own , but as high priest that year he prophesied that Jesus would die for the Jewish nation , 52 and not only for that nation but also for the scattered children of God , to bring them together and make them one . 53 So from that day on they plotted to take his life . This is a story one would have had to be there to fully get it . First : Y'shua never raise Lazarus from the dead if his body was really dead for four days and was stinky from decay . Cannot be done says LORD ELohim . If this were true that they believed the Romans would , for whatever reason , destroy the temple and the nation of Israel if Y'shua and his followers became a problem then the belief it's better that only one man die and not thousands . I asked LORD ELohim if this story were true would He agree with the Priests and Pharisees that its better one man die for thousands to live and He says He does agree with that . How would John know what went on behind closed doors ? If Y'shua was going around feeding thousands , raising the dead and healing every form of sickness and on and on and the Romans learnt of all that , one would expect Y'shua would become Caesars new doctor in Rome and not much more would happen . LORD ELohim says that if Y'shua was really doing all that Christians said he did , the Pharisees and High Priest would more likely had thought that LORD ELohim is doing all this stuff and working through this man Y'shua like He worked through Prophets and Rabbis and other Jews in the past . The Romans were everywhere in Israel at that time . If Y'shua was doing all this stuff the Roman soldiers would have known and so would Caesar . Somewhere in the CB it says a Roman soldier asked Y'shua to heal his servant or someone and Christians claim Y'shua did so . So according to the CB the Romans knew about Y'shua healing the sick and raising the dead and .... . LORD ELohim says Y'shua was a Rabbi who was not able to heal the sick , raise the dead , feed thousands of people with a couple of fish and bread and on and on . To the Romans Y'shua was just another Jewish Rabbi . The Pharisees and High Priest and especially the Romans were not out to kill Y'shua without good reason and it was Y'shua who gave them good reason . Remember the LORD left it up to Y'shua to set up himself as a sacrifice : when , where and how . It was mostly the Romans that Y'shua gave reason to put him on the cross . LORD ELohim says what Y'shua did to give reason to be killed by the Romans is not even mentioned in the CB New Testament .
( j ) According to a book the anointing of people was not done for just anyone or by just anyone . According to the CB Y'shua was anointed by the Holy Spirit at his baptism written about in John 1 : 32 & 33 . Then John gave this testimony : " I saw the Spirit come down from heaven as a dove and remain on him . And I myself did not know him , but the one who sent me to baptize with water told me , " The man on whom you see the Spirit came down and remain is the one who will baptize with the Holy Spirit ' . John writes this anointing made Y'shua the Messiah . Y'shua was never anointed by his fellow Jews . The Messiah would have been anointed by his fellow Jews . LORD ELohim has indicated many times there is no such Spirit as the Holy Spirit so Y'shua was never anointed with oil by any mortal or any Spirit including LORD ELohim . In 2 Corinthians 1 : 21 and 1 John 2 : 20 it claims the Disciples were anointed by the Holy One probably meaning the Holy Spirit also . LORD ELohim never anointed any of the Disciples and again there is no Holy Spirit , Spirit . So Y'shua was never anointed and none of his Disciples were anointed either . I asked LORD ELohim if He does anointings and He says He does not anoint anyone . That's up to the Jews to decide who should be anointed and not LORD ELohim . In other words : it's a Jewish mortal ritual that is done and not a Spirit ritual . In Mark 6 : 13 and James 5 : 14 the Disciples anointed sick people with oil and claimed they healed them . That is not true . LORD ELohim says anointing sick people would not be the cause of anyone being healed . Mind over matter and oil as a placebo would work much better . Again : Y'shua was never anointed and he was never to be the Messiah . Just because someone is anointed does not make him the Messiah . The Disciples were anointing sick people and that did not make any of them the Messiah , the anointed one . Who may be the true Jewish Messiah in the future is for the Jewish people to decide and not the Roman Catholic Church or even LORD ELohim to decide . The Jews at the time of Y'shua never believed he was the Messiah and the LORD says those Jews were right . The LORD says even Y'shua did not think he was the Messiah . Again : the Roman Catholic Church is completely wrong saying Y'shua is the Messiah and completely wrong in making that decision . That is up to the Jewish people to decide who is the Jewish Messiah or not the Messiah and it is not up to any pagans to make that decision .
( k ) Would Y'shua have made a good Messiah ? Y'shua was a quiet , gentle , loving , caring and far from being like King David in many ways . Had LORD ELohim thought Y'shua would make a great Messiah He would have allowed him to do so and the LORD would have ended Y'shua being the Lamb of God . But Y'shua was not the right man for that position . Only two of his Disciples thought he might be the Messiah but when Y'shua died they both changed their mind about that . The Messiah must be a living breathing mortal Jewish man . Before Y'shua died no other Jews even thought Y'shua was the Messiah and they were right . Y'shua was the perfect Lamb of God . Y'shua was never the Messiah , never a God , never the only Son of God , never King of the Jews , never resurrected and is never coming back from the dead . Y'shua the fully mortal man truly did die for our sins and so The Simple Truth would be taught to the world through the Jewish people . The Jewish people did try to teach the world The Simple Truth but the Roman Catholic Church got into the wicked and evil business of murdering Jews and other people who taught The Simple Truth , says the LORD . The LORD shut down that teaching and over the years it was almost forgotten by the Jews .
( l ) I hope I have this right . In Judaism there are two ancient High Holidays which are alike The Simple Truth . The only belief missing in these two High Holidays that is in The Simple Truth is Y'shua the Lamb of God . One is called Rosh Hashanah and the other one is called Yom Kippur . The forgiving of other people their wrong doings and forgiving of ourself for our own wrong doings goes back a long way in Jewish history beliefs .
( m ) Matthew 23 : 8 - 10 (R) " But you are not to be called ' Rabbi ,'for you have one Teacher , and you are all brothers . 9 And do not call anyone on earth ' father ,' for you have one Father , and he is in heaven . 10 Nor are you to be called instructors , for you have one instructor , the Messiah . LORD ELohim says Y'shua never said these verses to anyone . If Y'shua said these verses they would be his commands . Not a lot of priests in the Roman Catholic Church are not called ' father ' or ' Father ' . Which we do not know . If the Christian churches truly obey what they believe Y'shua said then why are the preachers in the Roman Catholic Church called by the name ' father ' or ' Father ' ? Names for the pope are Holy Father and Holiness . Remember there are a lot of Roman Catholic popes that LORD ELohim will never forgive and for many reasons . So why is it that this command Christians believe Y'shua said is completely ignored by most Christians and especially ignored by the Roman Catholic Church ? LORD ELohim says Y'shua never called himself the Messiah . When two of his Disciples told Y'shua they believed he might be the Messiah , Y'shua corrected them and they never mentioned it again . At the time Y'shua began teaching as a Rabbi he already knew he willingly agreed to be the Lamb of God .
( n ) Why is Heaven out in deep space between galaxies ? It's safe and quiet . Compared to within galaxies there is not a lot of anything far out in space from galaxies . The Spirits say here near earth they can hear solar flares and rocks hitting each other and other noises . Out in deep space it's very quiet . All they enjoy doing can be done better in space far away from all the noise of galaxies .
( o ) Christians believe they are ' called ' by one of their Gods to become Christians and that they were chosen for becoming Christians and ' saved ' before this world even existed . LORD ELohim says this is not true . The names of Christians are not in ' the book of life ' either . There is no such book and Christians have no eternal life just like everyone else . All people are free to decide what religion they want to be a part of . Christianity is a pagan religion with three Gods so why would LORD ELohim our One And Only God want to endorse pagan Christianity . LORD ELohim has never called any person to any religion . Even Abraham and Sarah had a choice to make : to help LORD ELohim or to not help Him . They chose to help the LORD to help all people of the world for all time to come to live a much better life and for them to be the first of all Jewish people who would be His voice among us mortals .
( p ) LORD ELohim and a few other Spirits have been going to the gatherings of people in Christian churches and Synagogues who are reading His Little Book . The LORD is very pleased about what He is hearing from these people of a few different religions . Finally people are Thinking Not Beyond Logic about many subjects . LORD ELohim is going to stay around earth long enough to see where all this is going regarding His Little Book but right now the LORD is very pleased .
42: Just A Reminder
LORD ELohim just wants to remind people that there is no eternal afterlife for any mortal species including mankind so responsibly make the best of this one life you do have now .