Date: May 17 2024
The Little Book may not be for everyone . The author of the Little Book is LORD ELohim who just wants people to know the truth about many subjects . You may not want to know the errors about the beliefs of many religions . LORD ELohim is our one God and our one Father . The LORD wants to teach mankind the truth about the many errors and many lies regarding what many religions teach . LORD ELohim just wants people to know what the true future is for all mankind : including your future . The LORD also teaches about our past and present in order for people to understand why our future will be what it will be . Again : not everyone wants to know the truth about our past , present and future , so the Little Book may not be something you want to read .
Jesus true Jewish name was Y'shua . The several women called Mary , their true Jewish name was Miriam . CB means the Christian Bibles . JB means the Jewish Bible . NT means the CB New Testament . OT means the CB Old Testament . LORD ELohim is the true name of our God and Father and is the God of Israel and all other people . The name ' LORD ' means LORD ELohim . The name EL means God who is LORD ELohim . ( 22 : # ) NOTES means more information . (R) means red letter verses that the Christians claim Y'shua spoke . (B) means black letter verses that other people spoke or wrote . JB means Jewish Bible . There are over two hundred versions of the Christian Bible . We will be using mostly five of those CB versions . NIV means the New International Version of the CB . KJV is the King James Version of the CB . CBV means the Catholic Bible Version of the CB . Verses in this font are verses that are in the CB or the JB . We write exactly what is written in any Bible : even the errors that need to be corrected . .... means not all the verse is written . The Lamb of God was Y'shua . We use Y'shua's true name when writing about him regarding what is not verses within the CB's . Again : we write verses exactly as they are written in the CB so the wrong name Jesus will be written if it is written in the CB verses we are writing about . But remember Jesus was not his true name and therefore not all that is written in the Christian Bibles NT is true or the Word of God . The Lamb of God's true Jewish name was Y'shua and is the name that all mankind should be using to remember him and not the false Greek name Jesus .
The LORD ELohim wants to study this subject . Many people believe every word in their Bible or other sacred Books is the Word of God and what things happen is the Work of God . We will also write about other subjects but the LORD is mostly interested in this subject .
Note :
# 50 more about Oak Island and some in coded words .
# 68 is about how Prophets and Prophesy works .
# 97 is about ' The Tattooist Of Auschwitz ' television show .
1 - Is The Bible Only The Word Of God : This is something that LORD ELohim wants to focus on in this update . Many Christians believe that every word in the Christian Bibles are only the ' Word of God ' and therefore must be true . As an example what is not the ' Word of God ' is the name Jesus . The Lamb of God's true Jewish name was Y'shua and not the Greek name Jesus . Calling Y'shua the name Jesus is not the Word of God but the work of people who wrote the Christian Bible and changed his Jewish name Y'shua to the Greek name Jesus . Why did those people do that ? There is much more that is not the Word of God . It's not just the Christian religion but other religions who believe everything in their sacred book is the Word of their God . There is only one God and He is LORD ELohim our God and Father and the God of Israel and the one and only God of Y'shua . The LORD also want people to know He is not as gabby as people think He is . As in the past is also today : we mortals cannot hear Spirits , not even LORD ELohim . Many sacred books are not the Work of God but the work of people . Not everything in any Bible or sacred book written by people who's God is LORD ELohim is the LORD's Word or the LORD's Work but mostly the words and work of people .
2 - Call Him Y'shua : To call the Lamb of God by the name Jesus is very disrespectful toward the true Jewish Lamb of God who willingly gave up his life for most all mankind to be forgiven of their sins and minor wrong doings by LORD ELohim . Through Y'shua the LORD taught mankind The Simple Truth in order to help mankind . Also Jesus is a Greek name given to Y'shua by the writers of the Christian Bible who lied to everyone that Y'shua's name was Jesus . Y'shua was fully a mortal Jewish man who deeply loved his religion of Judaism and his one and only God LORD ELohim . This Jewish man who never sinned deserves to be honored and remembered by his Jewish name Y'shua , which is his true Jewish name . So call him Y'shua ! Christians changing Y'shua's name to Jesus is not the Word of God or Work of God .
3 - The Many Bibles : In this update of the Little Book we will be mostly using three Christian Bibles and the one Jewish Bible . The three Christian Bibles are the NIV : New International Version , the KJV which is the King James Version and the CBV which is a Catholic Bible Version . JB means the Jewish Study Bible . We do have other versions of the Christian Bible but we only use them if needed . The NIV is usually used first only because it is easier to visually read than the other CB's . So if there is no indication of which Christian Bible is being used it is the NIV . Remember that there were over two hundred versions of the Christian Bible and no two are exactly the same that we could find . The word ' version ' means : translation , an account or description from a particular point of view especially as having a great difference with another , a form or variant of a type or original . Variant means : differing from others of it kind or class . Again : there has been more than two hundred translations and versions and variants of the Christian Bible over the past many years and are even being written today .
4 - Is all Written In The Christian Bible New Testament The Word Of God ? : The LORD says to start with Matthew 1 : 1 - 17 . This is not an easy one to do . This is about the bloodline of Y'shua and starting with Abraham . The genealogy of Y'shua in the CB is the king of confusion in both the book of Matthew and the book of Luke . We will do the best we can do with all that confusion . One problem is that according to the CB people often had two or more names or are written two or more different ways . Some names are not Hebrew but like the name Jesus others are Greek also even though these people were also Jews . In the book of Matthew there are 41 names beginning with Abraham and to Y'shua . In the book of Luke there are 56 names in the NIV and the KJV , but 57 names in the Catholic Bible . In the NIV in both Matthew and Luke it claims that both are the bloodline of Y'shua . The recent KJV and the NIV has headlines stating what the following verses are about . The headline in the KJV of Matthew it says the genealogy in Matthew is Y'shua's but in the book of Luke it says the genealogy is that of Miriam's ( Mary , Y'shua's mother ) . Obviously someone recently noticed the difference between Matthew and Luke and tried to find a way to fix it in the recent KJV's by claiming it is Miriam's genealogy and not Y'shua's . In the 1611 King James Version the headline sentences say that the genealogy in Luke is that of Y'shua's and not Miriams . That change must have been recently to say it's Miriam's bloodling . To add to the confusion the book of Matthew says the son of David the King is Solomon who the bloodline of Y'shua goes to but in Luke it says the son of David the King is Nathan which Y'shua's bloodline go to . I asked LORD ELohim which is the right one , Solomon or Nathan , and the LORD indicated that Matthew writing Solomon is the right name as David's chosen son to be the next King . It was David's bloodline through Solomon's his son that Y'shua's bloodline goes to and not Nathan's bloodline . Again the newer KJV says that in Luke it is the genealogy of Miriam and not Y'shua's . Luke has 56 generations and in the Catholic Bible Version there are 57 generations from Abraham to Y'shua . In Matthew there are only 41 generations from Abraham to Y'shua . That would mean a difference of 57 - 41 = 16 generations and about 640 years using the 57 generations . How then could Miriam be the mother of Y'shua if Miriam would have to be born about 640 years later than when Y'shua was born . The LORD says to garbage the genealogy of Miriam that Luke wrote . Is Matthew any better . Matthew's claim of 41 generations from Abraham and Y'shua does not work out very well either . 41 x 40 generations = 1640 years . The problem with that is that Abraham lived around the years of 1800 B.C.E. which would be a difference of 1800 - 1640 years = 160 years and 4 generations . In the KJV which headline says in Luke that the genealogy is Miram's , this verse is written 3 : 23 & 24 And Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age , being ( as was supposed ) the son of Joseph , which was the son of Heli , Which was the son of Matthat , which was the son of Levi , .... The headline says its Miriam's bloodline but these verses clearly say it's Y'shua's genealogy . The name Miriam is no where in the verses of this bloodline . To add to the confusion some of the names are Greek just like Jesus is a Greek name to replace Y'shua's true name . The names in Matthew are the same as in Luke from Abraham to David but in Luke the next name is Nathan and in Matthew the next name is Solomon and then the names are different until the name Joseph and then Y'shua's wrong Greek name Jesus . According to Matthew Y'shua's grandfather is Jacob and in Luke Y'shua's grandfather is Heli . How is it possible that Y'shua had two grandfathers regarding one bloodline : the bloodline of David and Solomon . How is it possible that Joseph had two fathers : Jacob and Heli . LORD ELohim says Y'shua's bloodline would have to be the King David's and also his son named Solomon and so on . In a book it says that Matthew omitted three generations after Joram . Those names are Ahaziah , Joash and Amaziah . If that is true that changes something Matthew also wrote . Matthew 1 : 17 Thus there were fourteen generations in all from Abraham to David , fourteen from David to the exile to Babylon , and fourteen from the exile to the Messiah . The Messiah means Y'shua which is an error because he was never and will never be the Messiah . Matthew being what it is in the CB does add up to 14 from Abraham to David . David is already counted so from Solomon to Jechonias is also 14 but from Salathiel to Y'shua is only 13 and not 14 . Adding three more names , Ahaziah , Joash , and Amaziah after Joram would make David to Jechonias 17 names and not fourteen . As it is in Matthew in the CB it is missing 1 name . As it is now there are only 41 names in Matthew . 14 x 3 = 42 not 41 . Adding 3 more names would get the list closer to Abraham's time 3 x 40 = by a 120 years . Many of the names in Matthew do not match what we could find in the JB , names and timeline . In the Catholic Bible ( CBV ) in the book of Luke after Hezron , the # 6 name in line , are the names Arni and Admin and then Amminadab . The CBV has one more name than the KJV and the NIV in Luke . What had been added is one of these names , but which one we don't know . # 7 Aram is missing and in its place is Arni and Admin is # 8 . From Amminadab to Y'shua the names are all one below the names in the KJV and the NIV . The names Arni and Admin are added and Aram # 7 is missing so that would make 57 names in the CBV in Luke . Luke uses the name Nathan as David's son . David had a lot of sons . Nathan was never the King , it was Solomon and the LORD says the genealogy of David to Y'shua must include Solomon . The bottom line is : LORD ELohim says the bloodline of Y'shua must go to David but also Solomon too . Luke's writings mean nothing to LORD ELohim . We are not going to write all the names but if you want to spend a lot of time trying to understand what is written in Matthew and Luke doing the following helps lessen the confusion . Divide a paper into three sections and start with # 1 Abraham in all two or three Bibles . Matthew is easy but Luke is backwards so its easier to go up and not down in Luke starting with Abraham . Matthew in 1 : 1 - 17 starts with Abraham and Luke in 3 : 23 - 38 starts with Y'shua . Luke also ends at Adam who Luke also calls ' the son of God ' . We did not bother with anyone before Abraham in any Bible . LORD ELohim says there is nothing in these genealogies that is His Word . Y'shua was of the line of David and Solomon but the LORD says Y'shua did not have to be of David's bloodline since Y'shua would have never become King of the Jews . David had many sons but only Solomon counts for something greater than other sons according to LORD ELohim . Solomon was LORD ELohim's favorite . Luke using the name Nathan is just wrong says the LORD and really makes no sense . We know now why the names of people in Luke are different than the names in Matthew because the geneology from Joseph to David are this Nathan guys if even any of that is right ? We noticed in Luke that some of the names are only found in this geneology and are not found anywhere else in any Bible , not even in the JB that we could find . In the JB 2 Samuel it explains who this Nathan is that Luke writes about may have been . 2 Samuel 5 : 13 - 16 After he left Hebron , David took more concubines and wives in Jerusalem , and more sons and daughters were born to David . These are the names of the children born to him in Jerusalem : Shammua , Shobab , Nathan , and Solomon , Ibhar , Elishua , Nepheg , and Japhia , Elishama , Eliada , and Eliphelet . The word more used twice in these verses makes it sound like David was never cold at night or on his lunch break . Obviously David had children born to him in Hebron or maybe other places also . According to these verses neither Nathan or Solomon were the first born to David. We think David chose Solomon out of many sons to be the next King . 1 Kings 1 : 16 & 18 Bathsheba bowed low in homage to the king and the king ( David ) ; and the king asked , " What troubles you ? " 17 She answered him , " My lord , you yourself swore to your maid-servant by the LORD your God : ' Your son Solomon shall succeed me as king , and he shall sit upon my thorne ' . 18 Yet now Adonijah has become king , and you , my lord the king , know nothing about it . Bathsheba is repeating to king David what King David had said to her in the past . According to the Encyclopedia Adonijah was an older son of David , older than Solomon . Who would be the next King seems to be David's choice and the LORD said He was pleased with David's choice being Solomon . LORD ELohim says He was not involved in the choice David made . People often believe that the LORD is involved much more with people than He really is about many things . Not all is the Work of God and not all is the Word of God . I asked LORD ELohim if all this many wives and concubines was common then and He said no it was not . He indicated that David and Solomon were both morally wrong in having more than just one wife . I asked LORD ELohim if David's bloodline through Solomon today would be in the many hundreds and LORD ELohim indicated it would likely be in the many thousands .
There are many lists of names in the Bibles : the CB's and the JB . We are just going to do one more list . 2 Samuel 5 : 13 - 16 and 1 Chronicles 14 - 3 - 6 . After he left Hebron , David took more concubines and wives in Jerusalem , and more sons and daughters were born to him . These are the names of the children born to him there : .... Again we are only going to do one more about listed names . We browsed through the different Bibles and there is a lot more than just these two list where the different books in the Bibles have different name or less or more names listed . Maybe there is a reason that we do not understand , including LORD ELohim does not understand . This is about David's children born in Jerusalem . In the book of 2 Samuel 5 : 13 - 16 JB and the CB's ... These are the names of the children born to him in Jerusalem : Shammua , Shobab , Nathan , and Solomon ; Ibhar , Elishua , Nepheg and Japhia ; Elishama , Eliada , and Eliphelet . In the book of 1 Chronicles 14 : 3 - 7 ... These are the names of the children born to him in Jerusalem . Shammua , Shobab , Nathan , Solomon ; Ibhar , Elishua , and Elpelet ; Nogah , Nepheg , Japhia ; Elishama , Beeliada , and Eliphelet . In 2 Samuel in the JB there are 11 names and in the book of 1 Chronicles there are 13 names in the JB and the NIV and the KJV and the CBV . After the sixth name listed nothing is the same in name or even in number until Eliphelet . 1 Chronicles has three different names not found in 2 Samuel : Elpelet , Nogah and Beeliada . In 2 Samuel the name Eliada is not in 1 Chronicles . I don't know how to explan this and the LORD is no help because He does not know what the difference in names and their numbers and a spelling difference means either .
LORD ELohim did not teach these lists of names . There are other lists of names and we are not going to write about them . These two lists of names and there errors are not the Word of God or the Work of God . I asked LORD ELohim if He remembers the names of people from Adam to David and from David to Y'shua and He says He does not know the names of most all of those people . Hopefully we are not going to do anymore lists of names because with four Bibles it can be very confusing and a lot of work .
5 - David And Bathsheba's Baby Dies : 2 Samuel 12 : 1 - 25 .... 13 Then David said to Nathan , " I have sinned against the LORD ." Nathan replied , " The LORD has taken away your sin . You are not going to die . 14 But because by doing this you have shown utter contempt for the LORD , the son born to you will die . " This Nathan was not the brother of Solomon . This Nathan was a Prophet at the royal court in Jerusalem during the reign of David . This is the story about David sinning against LORD ELohim regarding Bathsheba and the murder of her husband caused by David . The Prophet Nathan told David that his sin was forgiven but the baby of David and Bathsheba will die as punishment to David . LORD ELohim says He was not the cause of the babies death . If He were to punish David for his sins and iniquities , the LORD would punish David and not someone else and especially not a baby . David and Bathsheba had other sons and called one of them Solomon who became King . The LORD says He remembers Nathan the Prophet and He says Nathan was not a very good Prophet . Nathan was like Paul who made up stuff which LORD ELohim never taught him but Nathan like Paul would claim the LORD said it to them . The death of the baby was not the Work of LORD ELohim and the words Nathan spoke to David were not the Words of God either . Its stories like this that the LORD wants to correct because He knows He was blamed for the babies death by this Nathan guy .
6 - Who Called Y'shua The Messiah ? : The first time Y'shua is called the Messiah in the CB is in Matthew 1 : 16 and Jacob the father of Joseph , the husband of Mary , and Mary was the mother of Jesus who is called the Messiah . This claim that Y'shua was the awaited Jewish Messiah is not the Word of God or the Work of God . Only one Jewish man , one of Y'shua's Disciples asked Y'shua if he was the Messiah and Y'shua said he was not the Messiah and it was never mentioned again . At that time probably every Jew was hopeful that the next born son would grow to be the awaited Messiah so it is not surprising that one of Y'shua Disciples asked Y'shua that question . Most every Jew from that time to now never believed Y'shua was the Messiah and they were right . Even LORD ELohim never thought Y'shua would make a good Messiah . Christians , most all Roman and Greek Christians were the ones who claimed Y'shua to be the Messiah and wrote about that belief in the CB which they did write . They also added Y'shua to be a God , to be the only Son of God and so on . It was not LORD ELohim or the Jews who made these claims . The belief that Y'shua was the Jewish Messiah and so on is a pretty much only a Christian belief and this belief is wrong . Again : none of these beliefs that Y'shua was the Messiah , a God and so on is the Word of LORD ELohim or even Y'shua when he was alive .
7 - The Shroud of Turin : There was a show on TV last night about the shroud of Turin . The shroud is a burial cloth that has a image of a man who may have been crucified . LORD ELohim and the other Spirits with me knew Y'shua and everyone said the face and body that is on the shroud of Turin is not the face or body of Y'shua . This shroud in on display at the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Turin Italy and is claimed by the Roman Catholics to be the burial shroud of Y'shua . The LORD says nothing happened to Y'shua after his death that could have caused this image . The LORD says this is most probably a fake image put on the shroud by someone who never saw Y'shua because it does not look anything like Y'shua . The Shroud of Turin is not the Work of God .
8 - Can Christian Preachers And Popes Forgive You Of Your Sins ? : The LORD ELohim says only He can forgive our sins . Not even the pope can do that for you . The Roman Catholic Church has what is calls ' indulgence ' which means if a person repents or fasts or give money to the church their sins would be fully forgiven or partialy forgiven by , not the LORD ELohim , but forgiven by the Catholic preachers . People believed in the past and may still believe today that they can pay money to the Roman Catholic Church and that persons or their loved ones soul will spend less time suffering in purgatory and will get to Heaven faster . The Roman Catholic Church practice of selling indulgences for money gain is one main reason out of many main reasons preachers wanted to reform the corrupted Roman Catholic Church and this lead to the beginning of Protestant churches . The many reasons for the reform movement is that no where in the CB is there any teachings about this kind of stuff . Indulgence and purgatory and even souls are not the Words of God and the Roman Catholic Chruch creating indulgences is not the Work of God . Remember no mortal human is going to Heaven and purgatory does not exist and we do not have a Spirit soul . Preachers cannot forgive the sins of any people no matter how much they pay cash for an indulgence . For most of all mankind in the past , present and into the future the LORD ELohim has already forgiven their sins and wrong doings . The LORD did that about two thousand years ago when Y'shua died on the cross . It was not just the Jews who were forgiven but most all people everywhere on earth in the past , present and future . The people He has not forgiven will never be forgiven no matter how much money they give to the church . For the people not forgiven by LORD ELohim this is where all the money in the world , fasting , repenting and prayers means nothing to LORD ELohim . Again : not even the pope can forgive your sins and great or small wrong doings . The Roman Catholic Church pope and all the clergy has no more authority than any ordinary non-clergy Christian , Catholic or Protestant to forgive sins . Again : if you are a fairly good person your sins were forgiven by LORD ELohim about two thousand years ago . You don't need any church clergy or the pope to forgive your sins and wrong doings . That Work LORD ELohim did do long ago for you . Y'shua the Lamb of God truly did willingly die for the forgiveness of your sins and iniquities and for The Simple Truth to help you live a better mortal life .
9 - King And Prophet And Priest And Messiah : Many Christians believe Y'shua was all four of these : a King and a Prophet and a Priest and the Messiah . LORD ELohim says that Y'shua was never any of these and will never be any of these four . Y'shua was never a King of the Jews or King of anyone else and he never will be because he is dead . Only LORD ELohim can choose someone to be a Prophet . The LORD never chose Y'shua to be a Prophet at that time and Y'shua will never be a Prophet of the LORD because Y'shua is dead . Many of the prophecies in the CB NT was never said by Y'shua . Y'shua was never a Priest . Y'shua was a Rabbi for a few years but he was never a Jewish Priest and never will be because he is dead . Y'shua was never the Jewish Messiah and never will be the Jewish Messiah because he is dead . Y'shua was never resurrected from the dead and never will be resurrected because LORD ELohim cannot do that . Resurrection of mortal bodies from the truly dead is impossible to do even for the LORD . Y'shua was the Jewish Lamb of God who willingly gave up his life for the forgiveness of most all peoples sins and wrong doing and for the understanding of The Simple Truth which the LORD tried to teach us with the help of Y'shua and the Jews to help all mankind live a better life . Y'shua was also not a God or the only Son of God and much more that Christians believe about him . What most Christians believe about Y'shua is not the Work of God and is not the Word of God LORD ELohim .
10 - Is The Story Of Y'shua Full Of Mysteries ? The truth about Y'shua is not as mysterious as Christians claim it is . Y'shua was a mortal Jewish man who was conceived by LORD ELohim and the fertalized egg was put in the womb of Miriam his Jewish mortal mother . Y'shua was born in Bethlehem without any fanfare . Y'shua grew up with his mother Miriam and father Joseph a carpenter . LORD ELohim with the help of a teaching Spirit asked Y'shua if he would be His Lamb of God . Y'shua when he was past twenty three years old agreed to be the LORD's Lamb . Y'shua knew he would need to die and he knew he would never be resurrected from the dead . At that point LORD ELohim left it up to Y'shua : when , where and how his sacrifice would happen . The LORD thought Y'shua would probably wait until he was an old man but Y'shua made it happen when he was about thirty three years old . Y'shua before he died as the Jewish Lamb of God was a husband to Miriam Magdalene and they had two sons and at the age of thirty Y'shua became a Rabbi . When Y'shua died his children were age four and six says LORD ELohim . The LORD says that Y'shua was married to Miriam before he became a Rabbi , about age 23 when he also agreed to be the Lamb of God . Y'shua was a carpenter until the age of 30 when he became a Rabbi . Y'shua was fully a Jewish mortal man and was almost as common in everyway as any other Jewish mortal man at that time . There is no deep mystery about Y'shua or about his life or about his death when the truth is told . Y'shua should be remembered by all mankind and honored as the Jewish Lamb of God who willingly gave up his mortal life for the sins and iniquities of most all people on earth to be forgiven by LORD ELohim and for helping LORD ELohim teach mankind The Simple Truth .
11 - If Y'shua Was A God ? : If Y'shua was a God , the only Son of God like Christians believe he was , then why would the LORD not have Teaching Spirits incarnating into people like His mortal Prophets or even me His mortal secretary . It took years before I understood what was going on and ancient Prophets made mistakes to because they could not tell what is the LORD's Words in their thoughts or what is just their own thoughts . There is only one God and that is LORD ELohim . There is no ' only Son of God .' LORD ELohim created all mortals and all Spirits and He as the Father has many many billions of sons , Spirits and mortals . Y'shua was fully a mortal Jewish man and no Spirit incarnated into his flesh . Incarnation of Spirit into mortal flesh is something that LORD ELohim does not even know how to do that . Teaching Spirits going into a certain area of the mortal brain is the best the LORD can do to try to communicate to mortals and that does not work very well . Y'shua did have a Teaching Spirit since the age of six but it was not until he was 23 did he come to understand what the LORD was asking of him to do . At the age of 23 Y'shua agreed to be LORD ELohim's Lamb of God before he married Miriam . Remember the LORD said in the past that He cannot change Spirit into flesh or flesh into Spirit and He cannot mix the two into one form . No Spirit incarnated into Y'shua and there is only one God and He is LORD ELohim . The Jewish mortal man Y'shua was not a God . Miriam his mother was not the ' Holy Mother of God ' as the Catholics call her but the mother of Y'shua the Jewish fully mortal man . The name Miriam was very popular back then .
12 - Did Y'shua Go To Hell ? : In a book about Catholicism and their beliefs it says that Y'shua after his crucifixion , death , burial , he then went to hell . Why would Y'shua have gone to hell is unknown because the book does not explain that . There is no place called hell . Y'shua never went to hell for any reason because again there is no fires of hell or even purgatory . It's written that Y'shua did descend into hell which means he went down beneath the earths surface . The word ' Sheol ' is also used for hell by Christians . The Jewish word ' Sheol ' does not mean hell but means the grave . We just found something in the book that says : According to the Apostles Creed , Y'shua went to hell when he died to tell those dead people in Hell or Sheol about his victory over death . If Y'shua could talk to the dead people who must also be alive in hell or their grave to hear him than those people had victory over death before Y'shua did and if they had victory over death and they are in a grave or in this believed Hell place than all of them would probably be wishing they were truly dead and knowing nothing . Christianity is a very confusing religion . According to the CB in Luke 9 : 30 - 34 even Moses and Elijah were alive again before Y'shua died on the cross so they also had victory over death before Christians claim Y'shua did . Most Christians claim that Y'shua was the first to be raised from the dead but if that is true what about Moses , Elijah , and the rest of other people that Y'shua and even his followers claimed to have raised from the dead . These claims of resurrection were not the Work of LORD ELohim and what is written about this subject is not the Word of the LORD either . Y'shua never went to hell after he died and all those dead bodies including Y'shua's in graves know nothing . No mortal can be resurrected from the truly dead , not even Y'shua's dead fully mortal body . Nothing about Y'shua's body was Spirit just like nothing about your body is Spirit either . Spirit Souls do not exist because LORD ELohim did not create any Spirit like that . Did Elijah raise a child from the truly dead as written in 1 Kings 17 ? LORD ELohim says that never happened either . The truly dead cannot be resurrected . The LORD says that there is about 10 minutes from the last breath to be truly dead .
13 - Does Purgatory Purify The Soul ? : Again , there are no Spirit Souls . If mankind did have Spirits called Souls and our mortal evil caused those Spirits to become evil too , the LORD ELohim would have stopped giving humans a Soul Spirit long ago . Catholics believe that the Soul experiences punishment for sins they committed during their mortal life time . Confusing ! Spirit is Spirit and mortal is mortal . The word Soul or soul has many meanings . Some religions believe that the Spirit Soul and the body are separated when the human dies and the Soul lives forever . Others believe that Spirit Soul must be reunited with the resurrected dead mortal body before that person can live for all eternity . Souls can also just mean us mortal humans . So who goes to this purgatory that Catholics believe in ? Is it a Spirit or is it mortal flesh and bone ? LORD ELohim again says : Think Not Beyond Logic . If you dig up a grave you will find a corpse there so it is not the mortal body in purgatory being punished for that persons sins . So that just leaves Spirit being punished in purgatory for that mortal human's sins . LORD ELohim would never punish Spirit for any humans sins and iniquities . The book says that in purgatory the whatever that goes their suffers pain but what causes that pain is not known . The Roman Catholic Church could not have created this place called purgatory : at least we don't think so . Since purgatory has to be created by LORD ELohim like hell and the lake of fire , it would be something that the LORD does to cause such pain . Again : who is being blamed for this wickedness ? The LORD ELohim is being blame for this or Y'shua if you believe the lie written in the CB that it was Y'shua who created everything . Purgatory and suffering there is not the Work of the LORD or Y'shua . Roman Catholic writings about purgatory and even hell and the lake of fire is not the Word of the LORD either . The Word of the LORD is that He never created a purgatory or a hell or a lake of fire and He and other Spirits would not be the cause of suffering in such places either .
14 - Do People Need To Suffer To Be Forgiven ? : Why is it that many people believe someone has to suffer great pain and great emotional suffering in order to be forgiven of their sins and iniquities . LORD ELohim did not know what Y'shua would do in order to be sacrificed for our sins and iniquities . Y'shua could have just made a Roman mad and to then be struck down by the Roman's sword . That would be a sacrifice and there were other ways also . Y'shua alone choice how he would be sacrificed for our sins to be forgiven . Y'shua gave up his mortal life as the Lamb of God but he did not suffer any pain when put on the cross . LORD ELohim made sure Y'shua did not suffer pain . When people sacrificed an animal they did not beat or whip the animal before killing it as a sacrifice . The LORD taught mankind to treat such animals with great care and kindness so it would not suffer any pain . Most all people don't need to suffer any kind of pain in order for your sins and wrong doings to be forgiven by LORD ELohim . You just need to be a fairly good person and thats it : your sins and iniquities are forgiven by LORD ELohim because of the Lamb of God Y'shua's sacrifice . You cannot be forgiven by any church or any church preacher . Remember that LORD ELohim would never cause anyone pain in fictional places like purgatory or hell . It is not the Word of God that Christian denominations say only being a follower of Y'shua and being a Christian can you have your sin and iniquities forgiven and have a good eternal life . That is not the Word of God LORD ELohim . What Christians teach is not the Work of the LORD teachings either , it's the work of mankind . Christians are not the only religion that try to scare people into joining their faith and staying with their religion and the LORD does not agree with scaring people either . No one is going to hell because there is no life after death for any mortals and there is no hell or purgatory or lake of fire created by LORD ELohim . These places have never existed and will never exist .
15 - What Is The Worst Punishment ? : In the book about Christianity it says the worst thing about hell is not the fires of hell . Many believe that as soon as a person dies who still has unforgiven sins they go straight to hell and will suffer in the eternal fire . But in another sentence below this one it says hell is a place of death , where the sinner dies . So which is it ? an eternal place of suffering or the true death for whatever went to hell ? The worst punishment some believe is not the fire of hell but the eternal separation from their God : Father , Son and Holy Spirit . The above are not the Word of the LORD . When mortals die thats it . Your life is forever over . This is the Word of the LORD . Mortals cannot live forever . None ever did including Y'shua the mortal Jewish Lamb of God . So when we die what would it matter about anything . In death we know nothing anyway . There are some people who want to live forever . Some had their dead body or just their head frozen in hope to live again or had their body mummified and so on . Those bodies are still not living people yet after many years or even after many thousands of years . None of them are suffering . Their suffering ended when they died .
16 - Did LORD ELohim Promise Mankind Eternal Life ? : LORD ELohim says He never promised eternal life to any mortal human including Y'shua . Y'shua knew that he would never be resurrected from the dead . Resurrecting dead corpses from the grave or anywhere else is something the LORD is not able to do for any mortal life species including all mortal humans . Y'shua did not teach people that they would have an eternal life for any reason because he knew he also would never have an eternal life . LORD ELohim never promised any people what He knew He could never do and resurrection of the dead and making corpses alive again is something He cannot do now and He will never be able to do in the future . LORD ELohim never promised you that you will have an eternal life . It was the Roman Catholic Church and other Christians and people of other religions who did promise that and they have no way to make that happen either . All regarding a coming resurrection and eternal life is not the Word of LORD ELohim . It's the word of people .
17 - Was Y'shua The Awaited Messiah ? : Matthew 1 : 18 This is how the birth of Jesus the Messiah came about : ... LORD ELohim did not know what kind of man Y'shua would become . The LORD had many hopeful thoughts about the baby named Y'shua but He was not sure about anything regarding Y'shua . As Y'shua grew into an adult the LORD became sure that Y'shua would never make a good Messiah or a good Jewish King . The mortal man Y'shua did make a perfect Lamb of God , a man without sin and deeply devoted to Judaism . Y'shua was never thought to be the awaited Messiah by the Jewish people . The Jewish people also knew that Y'shua would never make a good King for them either . The hope for a Messiah was a Jewish hope and not a hope of any other people . Christians calling the fully mortal Jewish man Y'shua their Messiah is just wrong says the LORD . It is for the Jewish people to declare who is their fully mortal Jewish ' Messiah ' and not for any other people to do that including Christians . The hope and belief in a coming Messiah is not the Word of God and will not be the Work of God says LORD ELohim . This hope that the Jewish people have had for thousands of years regarding the Messiah to create global peace on earth for all mankind , should this Jewish man come to be , the LORD will do what He can to support that Jewish man . Remember that the true Messiah can only be a fully mortal Jewish man . Y'shua was not that man .
18 - Did A Holy Spirit Put The Fertilized Egg Of Y'shua In The Womb Of Miriam ? : Matthew 1 : 18 .... , she was found to be pregnant through the Holy Spirit . The LORD ELohim says there is no such Spirit as the Christians believe in and call the Holy Spirit . The LORD with the help of the little Spirits did that . Y'shua was not the only one that the LORD created like that . Isaac and Samson were also created by LORD ELohim that way . That was LORD ELohim's Work and not some fictionary Holy Spirit .
19 - Did Joseph Have A Vision ? : Joseph became aware that Miriam was pregnant and he was thinking about how to deal with this situation . Joseph thought about a quiet divorce . Matthew 1 : 20 But after he had considered this , an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said , " Joseph son of David , do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife , because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit . LORD ELohim and teaching Spirits started working with three men , Joseph being one of them , years before Miriam became pregnant with Y'shua . Out of the three Joseph became Miriam's husband . A teaching Spirit caused the vision Joseph had about Miriam and her son . Because the LORD with the help of teaching Spirits had taught Joseph for years about the LORD's plan Joseph kind of knew a little bit and chose to keep Miriam as his wife . This was the Work of the LORD but only very few of the Words in that verse are the LORD's Word . These are not all the Word of God . Nothing was said about ' the Holy Spirit ' since there is no truth in that . The truth is Joseph and Miriam really did not know what was going on regarding the LORD and their son . Being Jewish and not pagans like the Romans and the believe Magi's , Joseph and Miriam certainly did not think their son would be a God or able to raise dead people and so on . Y'shua , Joseph and Miriam lived a common Jewish lifestyle . Even the Romans crucifying Jews was a very common occurrence . The vision Joseph had was not much information at all but just enough he did marry Miriam .
20 - What Name Did LORD ELohim Give To Miriam's Son ? : Matthew 1 : 21 She will give birth to a son , and you are to give him the name Jesus , because he will save his people from their sins . " The teaching Spirit taught Joseph what LORD ELohim asked him to teach . The Spirit taught Joseph to name the baby ' Y'shua ' and not Jesus . The baby was a Jewish child : not Greek . According to one book Y'shua or Joshua means : Jehovah is salvation . The word salvation simply means : LORD ELohim forgiving of peoples sins and iniquities . There is nothing about eternal life associated with the word ' salvation ' according to LORD ELohim . Calling Miriam's baby Jesus is not the Word of God . Joseph and Miriam did name their baby Y'shua as the LORD asked them to . Christians wrongly changed Y'shua's name to the Greek name Jesus . The name Jesus is not the Word of God . Changing Y'shua name to Jesus is not the Work of God . It's the work and word of the Greeks and the Roman Catholic Church .
21 - What Should Salvation Mean To People ? : What salvation should mean to you is LORD ELohim forgiving your sins and iniquities if you are a fairly good person . Sins are not the cause of mortal deaths . Mortals have been dying on earth for many billions of years starting with bacteria . Our bodies dying is just the way it is . Death is simply part of life for any species of mortals . So when you think about salvation it has nothing to do with eternal life or raising dead corpses and making them living beings again . No mortal will have eternal life . There is no way for that to happen . Not even LORD ELohim can make that happen and it was LORD ELohim who created us . Eternal life for mortals is not the Word of God but the word of man .
22 - Did The Jews Kill Y'shua ? : The answer is ' No .' Y'shua chose to be the willing Jewish Lamb of God . Y'shua set everything up that would lead to his death . Y'shua decided when , where and how he would die and who to make mad . Y'shua used the Romans mostly and a Jewish priest to help make his sacrifice happen . Y'shua used crucifixion for his death . Again LORD ELohim left it all up to Y'shua to decide how he would die as the Lamb of God . What is very strange is that Christians praise and worship Y'shua for giving up his life for their sins and iniquities to be forgiven and many at the same time speak against the Jewish people and blame them for the death of Y'shua as if the Jews did something horribly wrong and it was their fault that Y'shua had died . That makes no sense . This is something you cannot have both ways . Remember that the LORD ELohim has been working with His chosen people the Jews for 1800 years before Y'shua was born . It makes perfect sense that the Lamb of God would be a Jewish man and not a Roman or Greek man or anyone else that was not a Jew . Y'shua was a devoted Jewish man to the religion of Judaism and he deeply loved his God LORD ELohim . Y'shua began to understand what LORD ELohim was trying to do for mankind and was fully willing to be His Lamb of God . By the sacrifice of Y'shua most all mankind was forgiven of their sins and iniquities and The Simple Truth was taught to the Jews and the Jews to other people . The Jews tried to teach other people about The Simple Truth and the sacrifice of the Lamb of God but non-Jews , especially Christians , began to kill the Jews for their teachings so the LORD told the Jews to stop teaching people the truth and the meaning of both Y'shua's sacrifice and The Simple Truth . Y'shua's sacrifice and The Simple Truth is the Word of LORD ELohim and the Work of LORD ELohim and Y'shua . The Jews did not cause Y'shua's death . Y'shua a Jewish man willingly died to help LORD ELohim and to help most all of mankind . Its possible today that some non-Jewish people think the death of Y'shua was an unnecessary death to happen and the LORD's forgiveness of sins and wrong doings is no big deal . You had to be there . At that time in history two thousand years ago , having committed a sin or iniquity was a very big deal to the Jewish people . The feeling for needing the LORD's forgiveness was real to the Jews and very important to them . Even today probably most all Jews still desire for LORD ELohim's forgiveness when they error and is just as important today as it was back then . The only difference is that since Y'shua's death their sins and wrong doings are already forgiven just as yours are forgiven if you are a fairly good person .
23 - The Name Immanuel ? : Matthew 1 : 22 & 23 All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet : 23 The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son , and they will call him Immanuel " ( which means " God with us " ) . I had no idea what to do with these verses . LORD ELohim made it simple . The LORD says these verses should not be in the CB New Testament . These verses have nothing to do with Y'shua . Christians claim the backup JB verses are in Isaiah 7 : 14 and 8 : 10 . The LORD says these verses do not back up anything in the CB NT . In the JB Isaiah 7 : 14 says Assuredly , my Lord will give you a sign of His own accord ! Look , the young woman is with child and about to give birth to a son . Let her name him Immanuel . The CB NT changed the young woman to the virgin but Miriam was a virgin but this verse is not about her . In the JB Isaiah 8 : 10 Hatch a plot - it shall be foiled ; Agree on action - it shall not succeed . For with us is God ! This verse also is not about Y'shua . I think the Jewish people often thought LORD ELohim their one and only God is often with them so a Jewish person saying For with us is God is probably a common belief . Remember LORD ELohim is a Spirit about eight feet tall so He is not everywhere . Because the LORD cannot be everywhere is the reason He gave His chosen people land to call their home which is Israel . The LORD knows where to find many Jews there . Because LORD ELohim is not everywhere He knew nothing about the Holocaust until it was over and He heard the Jews in Israel talking about it and then He greatly did weep . The LORD says all these verses have nothing to do with Y'shua the mortal man . The Word of God never indicated to anyone that Y'shua was to be named Immanuel . Again the LORD says these verses about Immanuel should not even be in the CB NT .
24 - Again : Y'shua Was Not Named Jesus : In the book of Matthew 1 : 24 - 25 Joseph took Miriam home to be his wife . ... But he did not consummate their marriage until she gave birth to a son . And he gave him the name Jesus . Never did LORD ELohim or any mortal when Y'shua was alive ever use the name Jesus for him or even the name Immanuel . It was the Greeks and the Roman Catholic Church that change Y'shua's Jewish name to a Greek name Jesus and associated the name Immanuel with Y'shua which is also wrong . ... And he gave him the name Jesus is not the Word of God . This is the Word of our God Who says to use the Greek name Jesus for His Jewish Lamb of God Y'shua is fully wrong and fully disrespectful toward this loving Jewish man . This Jewish man named Y'shua is to be honored and remembered for what he did for most all people and remembered by his real Jewish name Y'shua says the LORD ELohim .
25 - Magi Or Wise Men ? : According to the NIV they were Magi but according to the KJV and CBV they were wise men who came to find the newly born King of the Jews . Magi were the priest of the ancient Medes and Persians . When the Zoroastrian religion came to be the Magi became priests of that religion . The Magi were known as astrologers , interpreters of dreams , and givers of omens . One tradition says their name were Melchior , Balthasar and Gaspar . Wise men means what ? LORD ELohim was there in Bethlehem with Miriam and Joseph when Miriam gave birth to Y'shua . There were no Magi or wise men who came to Bethlehem for the birth of Y'shua . The birth of Y'shua was very uneventful . No one gave gifts , no sheep shepherds , no Magi or wise men , no one worshiping the baby Y'shua , and no manger . The LORD says Y'shua was not born in a stable but in a friends house they were staying with . The story in the CB's about the birth of Y'shua is not the Word of God , but the word of Christian men who wrote fiction . Joseph and Miriam were very devoted Jews who would have never allowed someone to ' worship ' the baby Y'shua as if he were a God or a King . The Jews never worshiped David or any other King . A Jewish belief is that no mortal human can be a God and the Jews are right : Y'shua was not a God and Y'shua never became a King .
26 - Does The Jewish King Need To Be The Messiah ? : LORD ELohim says that a Jewish King does not need to be the Messiah and the Messiah does not have to be a Jewish King or King of anything else . Remember that the LORD did not come up with this hope . It was the Jewish people's hope for a Messiah who would bring peace to all mankind and do a few other things . The LORD's answer is how He understands what the Jewish belief is about the Messiah who must be a Jew . Y'shua was not the Messiah and he also was never a King and never will be . What is written in the CB's about Y'shua being a King and the Messiah and a God and , and , and is not the Word of the LORD or any Jews , but the word of Christian men who had very little understanding about the Jewish Messiah .
27 - Are Near-Death Experiences Proof Of A Afterlife ? : We were reading a magazine about people who claim to have a near-death experiance . We will call near-death experiances NDE . Instead of writing what the experiances were we will write about what could not have been reality like people claiming they did see Angels who all had wings . A lot of people do believe Angels do have wings but the LORD and other Spirits say that no Spirit has wings . A common claim is people have gone to Heaven and that Heaven is a very bright light . Heaven does not have a bright light . Heaven is far outside of this galaxy and any other galaxy . The LORD ELohim says Heaven is in darkness and Spirits can see in that darkness . The Spirits can see stars and galaxies a great distance away like we can on earth but Heaven has no sun for light . To correct other claims : there are no stairs or doors or ladders going to or in Heaven , no clouds , no dead humans souls , no mansions , no tunnels , no life review , no thrones , no books or scrolls , no crowns , no city called Jerusalem being built by Angels in Heaven , no thunder , no lamps , no Spirits covered with eyes , no Spirits looking like animals with wings , no Spirits who constantly worship the LORD , no Lamb of God with seven horns and seven eyes , no horses and riders , no seals , no bowls , no trumpets , no war in Heaven , no book of life , no new Heaven , no harps , no Miriam the mother of Y'shua , again no Y'shua , no Christians Only signs , no more than One God and Father : LORD ELohim , and so on . Again Heaven is a very empty place other than the Spirits there and no mortal has ever been to Heaven , not even Y'shua in any form because he was fully only a mortal man . When someone almost dies and has dreams of Angels with wings or seeing Y'shua sitting on a throne in Heaven or other kinds of dreams , nothing about the dream is reality . LORD ELohim says such dreams are common and is just the mortal brain in the process of shutting down . Some people have dreams while other people have none when they almost die . Dying is like falling asleep . The dying brain will funtion for about ten minutes according to LORD ELohim so there is time for a few dreams . All this about Angels with wings , clouds , bright light and so on is not the Words or Work of the LORD . All of these are the imaginations of mortal men and women and may have a lot to do with what a person believes . The fact that a person must be alive to tell other people about their dreams means they never really died , they just had a NDE which is becoming common today because of medical advancements which keep people from truly dying .
28 - What Is The Meaning Of Mortal Life ? : This is some-thing many have probably wondered about since our ancestors the Grays were first given free will by LORD ELohim . Many people try to find a great purpose for why they or the rest of us exist . So why do we exist ? There is not a great purpose for why we exist . What is almost everywhere in the universe is dust . Billions of years ago LORD ELohim contemplated about if He could create living beings out of dust . Thats why you exist . Thats why the Dinosaurs existed . Thats why any mortal life exists . We mortals have no great purpose . We exist because LORD ELohim wanted to see if He could create life from dust and obviously He could . This is the Word of God . At first He wasn't sure about His creation of mortals but He did learn to love most all of us .
29 - Does David ( Satan ) Rule The Earth Today ? : David has never ruled the earth and never will . David who people call Satan has no interest in having anything to do with humans just like most all other Spirits . People calling a Spirit the serpent , the devil and Satan gave the LORD reason to ask an Archangel if needed would he play the part of being Satan . David agreed to do that but over the thousands of years David never had reason to play the role of Satan . The mortal belief of an evil , cruel and wicked Spirit was created in the imaginations of people . The LORD did not know where people were going with that . The LORD did try to correct people about Satan but that is not easy to do . It seems that people believed that if mortal humans are either good or evil then Spirits would be some good and some evil also . It's very true that many people are good and some people are wicked and evil but that is not true about Spirits . Spirits are all good , kind and loving Spirits who just want to sing , dance , play games and so on to have fun and enjoy their life . There are many Christians who blame David for all evil on earth instead of blaming the wicked people for being wicked . Saying David is the cause of all wars and all evil among people is a great lie . David has never ruled the world and never will . Mostly David does not want to and LORD ELohim would never allow him to do so either . Remember Spirits cannot be the cause why mortal people do anything : good or evil . The LORD did not allow that because He knew in the future He would judge Humanity so no Spirit could interfere in our free will . How could the LORD judge Humanity if all good or evil was caused by Spirits . We are not LORD ELohim's puppets . Recently we were judged and we failed our trial because of so much evil and wickedness among people and no Spirit was the cause of this evil . The Christian belief that Satan ( David ) ruled the world in the past and even now is not the Word of God but the errors in mortals beliefs about Spirits in general . The LORD says David has never ruled the world and will never rule the world , not even if the LORD wanted him to and that will never happen regarding any Spirit including LORD ELohim Himself . David like most all Spirits has never wanted anything to do with mortals with free will and who can blame them for that ? This is the Word of LORD ELohim .
30 - Did David ( Satan ) Really Do That ? : Luke 22 : 1 - 6 .... 2 and the chief priests and the teachers of the law were looking for some way to get rid of Jesus , for they were afraid of the people . 3 Then Satan entered Judas , called Iscariot , one of the Twelve . .... He consented , and watched for an opportunity to hand Jesus over to them when no crowd is present . Did David really enter into Judas ? The LORD says that never happened . A teaching Spirit can teach a person for years and that person may only get one thought out of the many teachings . It took me many years to come to know that Soul Spirits do not exist even though my teaching Spirit worked every day on that to teach me for years . Spirits do not have the ability to take over peoples minds like Christians believe they can . David is no different than any other Spirit . David is one of six Archangel and is too big to even do that , to go into peoples body . Teaching Spirits are the small Spirits . Judas did what he did on his own for the money . Judas lived to regret it and committed suicide shortly after Y'shua died . The movie the Exorcist is full of lies . Spirits cannot do all that stuff the movie claimed they can do . Spirits have better things to do , even David , like playing game , dancing , singing and a million other fun and loving things to greatly enjoy doing . In a book it says David hated Y'shua . That is also not true . Spirits do not know how to hate . David had nothing to do with Y'shua because there was no need for that . Y'shua the mortal Jewish man set up everything for his sacrifice on his own . Not even LORD ELohim was involved in that . The LORD gave Y'shua a lot of room to change his mind about being the Lamb of God and Y'shua did know he could do just that at any time . How could people have known if a Spirit went into someone or came out of someone ? Spirits cannot be seen or heard . The Word of the LORD is that David did not enter Judas .
31 - What Should Have Been Written About Y'shua In The Christian Bible That Was Not Written ? : LORD ELohim says there are three main things about Y'shua that should have been written about in the CB that were not written about . (1) The fact that Y'shua was a devoted husband and father should have been written in the CB . Y'shua was a deeply loving family man and father of two sons . Y'shua's wife is noted in the CB but not all is true . Y'shua met Miriam Magdalene at a social gathering and fell deeply in love with her and her in him and they were soon married . The CB says nothing about this . The CB NT says that Y'shua cast out seven demons out of Miriam . The LORD says that is not true . Demons do not exist . Many Christians believe Miriam Magadalene was a prostitute and the LORD says there is no truth in that either . Did the Roman Catholic Church leave this out of the CB because of their rule that Catholic preachers cannot marry ? For the church to support a preachers family , wife and children , would cost much more money than supporting just one preacher . The LORD says Y'shua never said to any of his followers not to marry and Y'shua's words are the only ones that count about that subject . LORD ELohim loved Miriam and their children and was extremely happy that Y'shua had found such joy in his life . What Paul and others say about this subject means nothing . LORD ELohim would never tell someone they could not have a family life and neither did Y'shua . LORD ELohim says the Roman Catholic Church is wrong saying it preachers could not marry and enjoy a family life . Many children have been raped by Catholic preachers . (2) Y'shua spoke about the needy and the poor living anywhere he went . Y'shua never feed nine thousand people with a couple of fish and bread . That never happened . But Y'shua did help many people and did teach that everyone should do what they could to help people in need . In doing that Y'shua did make a difference for the poor and needy and widows and their children and other peoples lives also . Y'shua cared deeply about people and throughout his life he did all he could do to help many people live better lives . Y'shua taught people everywhere he went to do the same . LORD ELohim was very pleased that Y'shua had such passion about helping those in need of help . (3) Y'shua was very fond of animals , any kind of animals . The Jews were good at being loving and kind toward animals , even the ones who were sacrificed because that was the LORD's Law and Y'shua loved animals . The Jewish Priests made sure the animals did not suffer . It was other people of other religions that Y'shua spoke out against regarding cruelty to animals , any animals . The LORD says Y'shua made a difference and people wherever Y'shua went who he spoke to did begin taking better care for animals in their care . The LORD was pleased that Y'shua was passionate about this . Pagans were often very cruel to animals . This about Y'shua is the LORD's Word and these truths about Y'shua should have been written in the CB NT .
32 - Was Y'shua The Foundation Of Christianity ? : A common claim by Christians is that Y'shua created the religion of Christ-ianity . The Word of LORD ELohim is that Y'shua never had any-thing to do with the Christian religion . Y'shua's life and the way he lived his life was all about his deeply devoted belief of Judaism . Y'shua never sinned : thats how devoted he was to his religion and to his God , LORD ELohim . Y'shua was a deeply caring and loving man of people and animals . Y'shua did all he could to help those who needed help . What you now know about Y'shua and the Roman Catholic Church history , does Y'shua sound like the kind of man who would approve of the mass slaughter of people like the Roman Catholic Church did during the Inquisition and the death of thousands of Knights Templars for the greed of money and land . Do you believe Y'shua was the kind of man who would tell parents that if their dead baby was not baptized their baby would go to hell or limbo and suffer there for eternity and will never see God or know God . Do you really believe that Y'shua would teach that people must pay money to be forgiven of their sins by Catholic preachers or the pope . Y'shua knew his coming death as a sacrifice is for the forgiveness of most all peoples sins and no money changed hands . The LORD says Y'shua did not die so Christian preachers could get rich from other peoples money and on and on ... . The Word of God is that Y'shua had nothing to do with anything regarding Christianity and all their rules and neither did his Disciples and other Jews . There is a lot in the CB NT written about Y'shua that has no truth and is not the Word of the LORD or Y'shua .
33 - Was Y'shua The Only One Who Never Sinned ? : LORD ELohim says He knew many Jews who also never sinned through-out their lives to . Those who were devoted Jews did try to keep the LORD's Ten Commandments and His other teachings and many had no problems in doing that . The Ten Laws are not hard to obey and when people all around you are doing the same , obeying His Laws , the Laws are even more easier to keep . So much for the Christian belief that sin is the cause of death since a lot of Jews who never sinned did still die . Again there is no such thing as Original Sin , meaning that Adam's wrong doing was put upon you as being a sin you now have to . Sin did not exist at Adam's time and the LORD would never put someones sins upon other people . You only have your own sins that if you are a fairly good person were forgiven by LORD ELohim . The LORD did forgive Adam and Eve wrong doings also . The LORD indicates that when Y'shua was alive there was not a lot of sin offerings going on because there was not a lot of sinning going on by the Jews . The LORD says even today many Jews have never sinned . This is the Word of God .
34 - Do You Need To Be A Christian To Be Forgiven ? : When Y'shua died most all people's sins were forgiven . Most all who lived in the past since Moses and most all who lived at the time of Y'shua and most all who would live in the future like all of us and our offspring ... . The LORD never said anything about needing to belong to a certain religion , race or nation . John the Baptist said Y'shua was the Lamb who would take away the sin of the world and not just the sins of the coming Christians like it were a prophecy . John was not a Prophet . Who are forgiven ? Most all people who are fairly good people of any religion , race and nation and even most all Athieists . The wicked , cruel and evil people will never be forgiven of their sins . Who can forgive your sins ? Only LORD ELohim can forgive the sins of mankind . Not even popes can do that . Not even Y'shua could do that when he was alive . So if you are a fairly good person your sins are already forgiven by LORD ELohim . What does that mean for you ? For many it would be having a clear conscious knowing the LORD forgave them and if you add The Simple Truth to this and forgive other people and yourself for wrong doings than a less troubled mind will happen which allows for a much better and more joyful mortal life . The LORD ELohim forgiving your sins will not lead to an eternal life but a better mortal life . If you want to even have a more better mortal life : keep the LORD's Ten Commandments and peace on earth !
35 - A Little Bit Of Wisdom ? : Ecclesiastes 3 : 12 - 22 Thus I realized that the only worthwhile thing there is for them is to enjoy themselves and do what is good in their lifetime ; 13 also that whenever a man does eat and drink and get enjoyment out of all his wealth , it is a gift from God . ... 18 So I decided , as regards men , to dissociate them from the divine beings and to face the fact that they are beasts . 19 For in respect of the fate of man and the fate of beast , they have one and the same fate : as the one dies so dies the other , and both have the same lifebreath ; man has no superiority over beast, since both amount to nothing . 20 Both go to the same place ; both come from dust and both return to dust . Ecclesiastes 12 : 7 And the dust returns to the ground As it was , And the lifebreath returns to God . The LORD says the word ' lifebreath ' does not mean Spirit but that He created us and He gave us life . The JB ( above ) does not mention Spirit but simply ' lifebreath ' but again the LORD says it does not mean Spirit . In the KJV and NIV the word they used is ' spirit ' which is wrong according to LORD ELohim . The LORD gave no mortal a Spirit . The wisdom in these verses is to try to enjoy this life and be good so you can enjoy it , since like the beasts we will all die and amount to nothing . The LORD knows that for us to enjoy life today can be very difficult at times and for some people its difficult most of the time . The LORD's hope for mankind has always been people enjoying their lives which is why LORD ELohim has worked hard over the years to help us find that joy . The Ten Commandments , and for the most of us the Forgiveness of our sins and The Simple Truth and more is the LORD's wisdom and His Word that He has shared with us with the help of the Jews so we may find that joy in our lives .
36 - One Of The Greatest Lies Written In The Christian Bible : There are many great lies written in the CB NT but this one is truly the greatest . 2 Peter 2 : 4 For if God did not spare angels when they sinned , but sent them to hell , putting them in chains of darkness to be held for judgment . This verse in 2 Peter is fully a lie in every way possible . The LORD has never had a problem with His Spirit children . LORD ELohim and His Spirit children go back trillions of years and not once has the LORD needed to punish His Spirit children for any reason says the LORD . This verse is not the Word of God but the words of the Roman Catholic Church . This is proof that the CB NT is not all the Word of LORD ELohim . How could people even know what goes on among Spirits and LORD ELohim . That is not possible for mortals to know . I have never known a evil Spirit . LORD ELohim has never known a Spirit son being evil . This verse is such a lie about the LORD . LORD ELohim is not an evil , cruel and wicked Spirit who spends most of His time punishing His children , mortal or Spirit , in such a cruel and wicked way . And as we have written many times : there is no place called hell . The Christians who wrote the CB NT and even some in their OT must have had wild imaginations but not much understanding about the truth of most everything . Again : this verse is not the Word of God .
37 - What Does The CB NT Say About Resurrection Of The Dead That You May Not Know ? : (R) Mark 9 : 43 If your hand causes you to stumble , cut it off . It is better for you to enter life maimed that with two hands to go into hell , where the fire never goes out . (R) Mark 9 : 45 And if your foot causes you to stumble , cut it off . It is better for you to enter life crippled than to have two feet and be thrown into hell . (R) Mark 9 : 47 And if your eye causes you to stumble , pluck it out . It is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into hell . These verses are all red letter verses which the CB claims Y'shua himself spoke these words . What these verses say is that when you die and your body is resurrected some day in the future as many Christians believe , what is resurrected is only what was in the grave or wherever the body is . If you suffered in mortal life the loss of a body part when you are resurrected that body part will still be missing . If you were in a car accident and broken many places those broken bones will still be broken . Also when resurrected the mortal body will be brought back to life at the same age that your body died . Something to think about . These verses are not the Word of God or Y'shua . There will be no resurrection of dead bodies because LORD ELohim cannot do that . A resurrection of a truly dead body , whether in a few minutes , in hours , years or thousands of years since that person died cannot be done . A resurrection of the mortal dead is impossible to do even by the LORD . There is no hell .
38 - What Does The Christian Bible Say About Hell , Hades And The Lake Of Fire ? In the book of Matthew in 5 : 22 ... (R) And anyone who says , " You fool " ! will be in danger of the fire of hell . Did you Christians really believe there are no rules in the human made game of Heaven or Hell ? LORD ELohim says there is no hell , hades or lake of fire . He also says there is no purgatory or limbo that the Roman Catholic Church created in their imaginations or any other place of horrors for the dead . Hell , hades and the lake of fire also came about from the imagination of people . What does hades mean ? The Greek word hades translated into English is often used for hell or the grave . Its believed that hades is a temporary place where the resurrected mortal body goes to suffer greatly and in constant agony and misery and some day after being there the resurrected mortal body will be thrown into the lake of fire by LORD ELohim to suffer even more pain and misery . In the CB NT it says Y'shua said this about hades . Luke 16 : 19 - 24 .... (R) 22 The time came when the beggar died and the angels carried him to Abraham's side . The rich man also died and was buried . 23 In Hades , where he was in torment , he looked up and saw Abraham far away , with Lazarus by his side . 24 So he called to him , " Father Abraham , have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue , because I am in agony in this fire ." Remember that Christians use the word ' hades ' for both the grave and hell . This is not the Word of God or Y'shua's . It's the word of Christian men . Matthew 23 : 15 (R) Woe to you , teachers of the law and Pharisees , you hypocrites ! You travel over land and sea to win a single convert , and when you have succeeded , you make them twice as much a child of hell as you are . LORD ELohim says that the Pharisees did not deserve to be spoken to like this . The LORD says He did not have any problems with the Pharisees at that time . The Jews of Israel were under pagan Roman rule at that time and there was probably not even one Jewish person enjoying that . The Pharisees were probably a little more stern about their teachings because they were trying hard to keep Roman paganism out of Judaism . The LORD says Y'shua never said this and this verse is not the Word of God . Matthew 25 : 41 (R) Then he will say to those on his left , " Depart from me , you who are cursed , into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angles . This is something Y'shua would never have said . Y'shua was not a God so he did not know much of anything about Spirits and Heaven and so on . Most Jews never believed in a hell and they certainly did not believe LORD ELohim was so wicked and cruel that He created that hell place and enjoyed torturing people there . This verse is not the Word of God or Y'shua says the LORD . Matthew 25 : 46 (R) Then they will go away to eternal punishment , but the righteous to eternal life . If hell and lake of fire are places of torture and cause agony for all eternity than those people would also have ' eternal life ' . Not the best eternal life . In such a fire mortal bodies would turn quickly to ashes and no more suffering . If you believe you have a Spirit the LORD would never send that Spirit to hell because its not the Spirits fault that some people were evil , wicked and cruel . Just a reminder that you do not have a Spirit . If Spirits for each of us existed , hell and the lake of fire and limbo and purgatory and so on would be a waste of space since Spirits would not be bothered by such places . But they do not exist and certainly would not be for the purpose Christians say these places are for because LORD ELohim is not wicked and cruel to any of His children , mortal or Spirit . The ' righteous ' will not have an eternal life because the LORD cannot do that for any mortals . In the end , good and evil people all end up the same for all eternity , dead and dusty . Luke 12 : 4 & 5 (R) " I tell you , my friends , do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that can do no more . 5 But I will show you whom you should fear : Fear him who , after your body has been killed , has authority to throw you into hell . Yes , I tell you fear him . The LORD is getting a little tired of being called wicked , cruel and evil by Christians and their CB and a few verses in the JB , mostly in Job . Who else can this verse mean ?? No other Spirits have that kind of work and it was LORD ELohim alone who has judged mankind . Again no hell and these are not the Word of God or Y'shua . Revelation 21 : 13 (B) The sea gave up the dead that were in it , and death and Hades gave up the dead that were in them , and each person was judged according to what they had done . Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire . The lake of fire is the second death . Christian books say that the words ' second death ' means those people are still alive but they will forever be separated from God in the lake of fire and forever tormented and tortured . That is not true or the Word of God . LORD ELohim never planned to listen to every human story of their whole life . We were judged as a species and that is all . Can you imagine how many millions of years that would take for the LORD to listen to everyone's life story . There would probably be more lies then truths spoken . There are about 8 billion people alive now and how many billions have come to be and died since Adam ? Revelation 14 : 10 & 11 (B) .... They will be tormented with burning sulphur in the presence of the holy angels and of the Lamb . 11 And the smoke of their torment will rise for ever and ever . There will be no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and its image , or for anyone who receives the mark of its name . LORD ELohim says He had nothing to do with these verses and He is sure that Y'shua would never cause or want to watch people suffer or any of the Angels . These verses are not the Word of God . When people die that's it , they will forever be dead . Matthew 10 : 28 (R) Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul . Rather , be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell . People have no Soul Spirit and if we did the LORD would never blame the Spirit Soul for what the mortal flesh did that was evil . Why would LORD ELohim created Spirit Souls if the Soul has nothing to do with what the person does ? The CB is confusing : do people remain alive in their imaginary hell ? or are people destroyed in hell as these verses says happens ? Revelation 21 : 8 (B) KJV But the fearful , and unbelieving , and the abominable , and murderers , and whoremongers , and sorcerers , and idolaters , and all liars , shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone : which is the second death . Again many Christians believe the ' second death ' is that people remain alive but they are eternally separated from God and spend eternity in the lake of fire . According to these verses the lake of fire is going to be packed full with the resurrected mortal bodies of a variety of people . These verses are not the Word of God . Most verses about hell and hades were red letter verses which means that Y'shua was suppose to have spoken them . LORD ELohim says Y'shua never spoke such words . The lake of fire is only in Revelation and are black letter verses which means Y'shua did not speak them . The LORD says there is no lake of fire just like there is no hell . There will be no eternal suffering for people who have died and there will be no resurrection of the dead either . LORD ELohim is love and kindness and not the wicked and cruel God that the Christians believe in and their CB says He is . Revelation 1 : 17 & 18 (R) .... " Do not be afraid . I am the First and the Last . 18 I am the Living One ; I was dead , and now look , I am alive for ever and ever ! And I hold the keys of death and Hades . These verses the Christians claim Y'shua said after he died . What is Y'shua the first and last of ? The first created as a Spirit who we know was LORD ELohim . The first raised from the dead is a good question . Remember the CB claims Y'shua spoke to Moses and Elijah before Y'shua died and Y'shua is said to have raised a couple of people from the dead so its not about Y'shua being the first resurrected , which he was not and neither were Moses and Elijah and those others . The first created only son of LORD ELohim does not exist . The LORD says He created six Archangels first but Y'shua was no Archangel and the LORD does not think of His Spirit children as who was first and who was the last created . LORD ELohim created all Spirits , the thousands of little ones too , so there is no such Spirit who is the only Son of God LORD ELohim . And what was he the last of ? According to a book Christians believe Alpha and Omega ( first and last ) means : nothing comes before or after Y'shua . How could Y'shua be the first when Y'shua is said to be the first and only son of LORD ELohim . That would mean LORD ELohim is the first among Spirits and not Y'shua . There has never been an Archangel called Y'shua . And if nothing came after Y'shua then who are all of us mortal human children and who are all these Spirit children ? How did we all come to be ? All these verses in 38 are not the Word of LORD ELohim . There will be no resurrection of the dead and there is no hell , lake of fire , purgatory , limbo or any other places of horror . There are no keys to death and hades . The LORD would need a shovel to dig up all those billions of graves , keys just would not do , so you know that is not going to happen . Note that most all verses in the CB NT about hell and hades is said that Y'shua (R) spoke those verses . The LORD says Y'shua never even once spoke those words . All these verses are not the Word of LORD ELohim either . This is it . We are finished writing about hell and all the other fictional places of horror . Unless some verse stand out about them we will avoid writing about them .
39 - What The LORD Would Never Punish People For : Most all Christians believe that the road to eternal life and Heaven begins with believing Y'shua was all that they say he was : a God , a King , the Messiah , the only Son of God , our Creator , our true Father , a Prophet , our Saviour , is one part of the trinity of three Gods , that he able to raise truly dead people , that Y'shua himself was raised from the dead and on and on . Many Christians believe that if you do not believe all this stuff about Y'shua you will go to hell . You are even expected to believe there is a hell . Many Christians believe if you do not believe all this about Y'shua , the LORD is going to punish you in hell and the lake for all eternity . That is not true . LORD ELohim is not going to punish people for not believing all this about Y'shua : not because none of these are true but because there is no proof about any of these things about Y'shua as being true . If you found it difficult to believe that Y'shua feed nine thousand people with just a couple of fish and bread loaves . LORD ELohim would not punish you for not believing such hard to believe stories . Where is the proof that even happened ? Where is the proof he raised the truly dead people ? Where is the proof that hell and lake of fire and purgatory and limbo exist ? The LORD is not going to punish any people for not believing in something that has no proof that it exists or no proof that it is true . No proof - no punishment ! The LORD ELohim is hopeful that people will find evidence in His Little Book that He exists and He is our one true Father and our one and only God . 2 Thessalonians 1 : 6 & 9 ... This will happen when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven in blazing fire with his powerful angels . 8 He will punish those who do not know God and do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus . They will be punished with everlasting destruction .... Again : no proof - no punishment . This CB verse is not the Word of God . Y'shua did not have ' his powerful angels ' . Y'shua was a fully mortal man and he had no Spirit Angels to call ' his ' . Remember that LORD ELohim was always with Y'shua : from birth to death . The LORD never saw Y'shua raise the dead and on and on and He never heard Y'shua say he was all these things Christians claim he was and yet is like a King , the Messiah , a God , and on and on .
40 - Atomic Bombs And The Grays : According to some UFO researchers since the use of Atomic Bombs by us humans there have been far more sightings of UFO's . They never gave a reason for that but its probably about the fact that the Grays need air , food and water that they can only get on earth . If we destroy the earth with thousands of Atomic Bombs and contaminate the air , food and water with radiation and other contaminants , we also destroy the Grays air , food and water source also and maybe even the Anunnakis too if they are still alive . They said that the Grays have caused nuclear missile sites to shut down . We see UFO's often here and many times we have watched the UFO's dance . Dance is what we call it when the UFO's fly side to side and up and down quickly like they are dancing . What they are probably doing is practicing and pretending to be fighting with us or teaching their children how to drive those things . We are not the only ones who need safe air to breath , pure drinking water , and good food . The Grays need all this too . The Grays almost destroyed the earth in their last war and to the point they had to leave earth many tens of thousands of years ago before the LORD had finished creating us as we are today . This is something we need to make a note of . The Grays are not trillions of miles away flying in space or living on a planet far from earth in another galaxy . The surviving Grays offspring are near earth because even they cannot go any other place and live there . If we humans poison our earth's air , water , soil and food with atomic bombs we will be in the same situation as the Grays : no place else to go to . According to The World Almanac in the year 1990 there were 59,239 nuclear bombs made by mankind and in 2023 there were only 12,512 yet existing . Is the decrease in those bombs true ? Not every nation lets others know what they have or do not have . In 1950 scientists and with their governments want for these bombs began making the Hydrogen bombs . The Hydrogen Bomb also called the H-Bomb or super bomb was the most powerful explosive device ever created by humans . The H-Bomb is a thou-sand times more powerful than the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki five years earlier . These H-Bombs also produce radioactive fallout . The first H-Bomb detonated on a Pacific island produced almost half a ton of deadly radioactive fallout . In 1952 the U.S.A. first H-Bomb released 14 megatons of energy . In 1961 Russia exploded their H-Bomb which had 55 to 60 megatons of energy . We could not find anywhere about how many of the H-Bombs are out there but it maybe that the H-Bomb has been replacing the Atomic Bomb , we don't know ? It is not surprising that the Grays would be concerned enough about all the big bombs they have seen tested that they are working to try and make sure total devastation will not happen . If we loss all they to will lose all also . The LORD says that if we are in a war with the Grays , the Grays most likely would win . Spirits and the LORD indicated that the Grays and Anunnaki did war against each other and in all those wars the Grays did win also .
41 - Are The Scare Tactics On Purpose In The CB ? The Christian churches using the words hell and lake of fire and Catholics using limbo and purgatory also are on purpose to scare people into becoming Christians and remaining Christians . The LORD does no approve of such scare tactic stuff in any religion . The LORD ELohim gave mankind free will so people can contemplate about anything and come to their own decision about stuff . Any religion that uses fear or terrorism or violence to get what they want is in the wrong with the LORD . LORD ELohim does not approve of anything like these . People have the right to make their own choices about stuff like which religion to join or not join and as long as no harm comes to other people by the choice that person made the LORD really does not care what peoples choice is regarding their religion . The LORD does not have a problem even with Atheists . LORD ELohim gave up expecting all people to only call Him their God and LORD ELohim never told Jews to go door to door for converts to Judaism . Scare tactics are a wicked and cruel way to operate any religion . LORD ELohim does not want blood shed about religion . Not even one of mankinds many many religions is perfect .
42 - Y'shua In The Jewish Bible : Spirits do not do anything in the way of needing to know time . In Heaven and even on earth Spirits have no need to know what time it is . No one in Heaven has a job and no on sleeps there and all they do is play and dance and , and , and have lots of fun . Nothing needs a clock in Heaven . When I ask LORD ELohim something about ' when ' He has to guess what that may be . In the past the LORD has mostly not been close to the ' when ' question . In the past I asked LORD ELohim when He began thinking about the Lamb of God and His answer was a two or three hundred years before Y'shua was conceived of . I was reading Isaiah about something else and while reading Isaiah I started thinking the verses sound like Isaiah was writing about Y'shua . I asked LORD ELohim if He worked with Isaiah to teach about a time of forgiveness from Him and He said yes He did work through Isaiah about that subject . Isaiah is the one of the Prophet He told about that . Dates are hard to come by but the JB says Isaiah lived from late 8th to early 7th centuries . Isaiah did not get it all perfectly right but its easy to know that what he wrote is about Y'shua the Lamb of God . We are going to write only what is close to the truth and for what is not correct we will do ..... . Isaiah 53 : 1 Who can believe what we have heard ? Upon whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed ? For he has grown , by His favor , like a tree crown , He had no form or beauty , that we should look at him : ..... 4 Yet is was our sickness that he was bearing , Our suffering that he endured . ..... But he was wounded because of our sins , Crushed because of our iniquities . He bore the chastisement that made us whole , And by his bruises we were healed . 6 We all went astray like sheep , Each going his own way ; And the LORD visited upon him The guilt of all of us . 7 He was maltreated , yet he was submissive , He did not open his mouth ; Like a sheep being led to slaughter , Like a ewe , dumb before those who shear her , He did not open his mouth . 8 By oppressive judgment he was taken away , Who could describe his abode ? For he was cut off from the land of the living Through the sin of my people , who deserved the punishment . 9 And his grave was set among the wicked . And with the rich , in his death Though he had done no injustice And had spoken no falsehood . 10 ..... That if he made himself and offering for guilt , He might see offspring and have long life , And that through him the LORD's purpose might prosper . 11 Out of his anguish he shall see it ; He shall enjoy it to the full through his devotion . My righteous servant makes the many righteous , It is their punishment that he bears ; ..... For he exposed himself to death And was numbered among the sinners , Whereas he bore the guilt of the many And made intercession for sinners . We wrote before about this , that before Y'shua LORD ELohim asked two other Jewish men if they would be the Lamb of God and both agreed to be the Lamb . Both did honestly try to be the LORD's Lamb but each of them just could not make that happen . Y'shua who was the third Lamb of God like the other two before him was allowed to chose ' where , how and when ' he would be sacrificed as the Lamb of God . The LORD thought Y'shua would wait until he was much older but Y'shua at the age of about 33 chose his time then . Remember that Y'shua knew he could say no to being the LORD's Lamb at any time but he never did that probably because he believed so greatly in what LORD ELohim was trying to do for mankind . All about Y'shua may seem strange to some people but the Jewish people understood the meaning of Y'shua's sacrifice very soon after Y'shua had died ' for forgiveness of our sins ' by LORD ELohim and to teach ' The Simple Truth ' about forgiving others and ourselves like LORD ELohim has forgiven most of us . LORD ELohim has always tried to help mankind live a better mortal life but remember we cannot hear or see the LORD or other Spirits so LORD ELohim had to work around that problem . Y'shua's death was a sign from the LORD that the Jewish people understood and they tried to teach other people but Christians began murdering Jews for teaching the truth . It became so common the Jews being murdered for teaching the real truth that LORD ELohim through a teaching Spirit told the Jews to quit teaching the truth regarding Y'shua and LORD ELohim and over the past two thousand years the real truth was mostly forgotten by the Jews and all others . LORD ELohim waited for another time and way to teach people . Today is that day and His Little Book is the new way . Most of what is written in Isaiah 53 though not perfect it is the Word of God .
43 - Were Christians Predestined ? : Many Christians believe they were predestined by their God to be Christians and saved for eternal life . Many Christians believe they were chosen by God even before the earth was created . Romans 8 : 30 And those he predestined , he also called ; those he called , he also justified ; those he justified , he also glorified . Ephesians 1 : 11 In him we were also chosen , having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will , ... 1 Thessalonians 1 : 4 For we know , brothers and sisters loved by God , that he has chosen you , .... Ephesians 1 : 4 For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight . In love he predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ , .... 1 Peter 2 : 9 But you are a chosen people , a royal priesthood , a holy nation , God's special possession , .... LORD ELohim says no Christian was predestined for anything before the world was created . The LORD was not even thinking at that time if He could create living beings from dust . When the LORD ELohim created living beings called Humanoids from dust on this earth He had no idea who would be born or what kind of person that person would be like and He was not even thinking about ' religion ' . No one was predestined to be a Christian . Think about it . Christians were a big problem for LORD ELohim in many ways and not His helpers in many ways for the most part . Do you really believe that the LORD was behind the creation of the Roman Catholic Church and the Inquisitions and , and .... ? The Word of God is that nothing was predestined : especially not humans . We mortal humans are just small part of billions of years of the LORD playing in the dirt . Truth is : if the LORD knew back then what He knows now about mortals with free will , He certainly never would have created the Grays , Anunnaki or us Humanity .
44 - Who Created All That Was Created ? : John 1 : 1 - 14 In the beginning was the Word , and the Word was with God , and the Word was God . 2 He was with God in the beginning . 3 Through him all things were made ; without him nothing was made that has been made . ..... 14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us . We have seen his glory , the glory of the one and only Son , who came from the Father , full of grace and truth . The name Word means Y'shua . Y'shua did not exist in the beginning . Y'shua the fully mortal man began his one and only mortal life about 5 B.C.E. . Y'shua was in no way a Spirit or a God mixed with flesh . LORD ELohim cannot make flesh into Spirit or Spirit into flesh and cannot mix the two together as one being . Again the Word was not a God but fully a mortal man named Y'shua . Y'shua did not create anything and LORD ELohim did not create anything through Y'shua . By the time Y'shua existed about 5 B.C.E. everything LORD ELohim created was already created by LORD ELohim Himself . The LORD says He has not created anything since the time of Y'shua and long before the time of Y'shua . Y'shua a mortal man and a carpenter like his father Joseph for much of his early life did make with his hands tables and chairs and stuff like that . Y'shua was not LORD ELohim's one and only son . Look around the world . There are billions of mortal sons who exist because LORD ELohim created us and created our ability to reproduce . The Spirits created by LORD ELohim are many thousands of sons also . A God did not become flesh . There is only one God and that God is only LORD ELohim our true Father who created all mortal species on earth including us and all other Humanoids and He also created all Spirits . Y'shua was never in Heaven and Y'shua did not come , so to speak , from LORD ELohim . Y'shua as a fully mortal man was conceived on earth , born on earth , lived on earth and died on earth . Y'shua did agree to be the Lamb of God and the LORD says Y'shua was good about speaking the truth as he a Jew believed it to be . These verses in John are not the Word of God , LORD ELohim but the word of Christian fiction writers . The LORD says Y'shua never said anything in these verses that would give someone reason to write them . LORD ELohim was the one who created all that was created . In Geneses 1 : 1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth .... . Moses was not writing about Y'shua but only about Moses one and only God LORD ELohim .
45 - Did Becoming A Christian Make You Instantaneously Holy And Righteous ? : If you are a fairly good person your sins and wrong doings are forgiven but don't expect LORD ELohim to call you Holy or Righteous . I asked the LORD if He would call Y'shua a Holy and Righteous Jewish man when he was alive and even now , and the LORD indicated Yes . LORD ELohim says He called a few Jewish people a Holy and Righteous people . I asked the LORD if He has ever called non-Jews Holy and Righteous and He says there have been five non-Jewish people who He called Holy and Righteous . The LORD says one of these five was a Christian and that man was not a pope . I asked if any He called Holy and Righteous were women , Jewish or non-Jewish , and He indicated that there were more women than men He called Holy and Righteous . I am not one of those women and I can certainly understand that . Ephesians 1 : 4 For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight . No mortal human was chosen to be Holy and blameless before the creation of the world . No mortals were created at that time . Only Spirits existed before our earth existed . The LORD was not even thinking about if He could make living being out of dust at that time . The LORD ELohim is not able to predestine any human even at our birth let alone billion or trillions of years before our birth . Would that even be fair for Him to do that ? The LORD says it would not be fair . Not even LORD ELohim can interfere in our free will . We are not His puppets . Christians have no more chance at being called Holy and blameless ( without sin ) than any other human and of any other religion . Remember that Christians were a big problem for LORD ELohim and the cause of great terror for all people and the murderers of the Jews and other people far far more just once in the past and in places on earth even today . The LORD is pleased about what He hears Christians talking about at the gatherings where His Little Book is being read and talked about but there are other Christian preachers avoiding LORD ELohim's true Words in His Little Book .
46 - Will LORD ELohim Adopt Christians Some Day ? : Romans 8 : 23 Not only so , but we ourselves , who have the first fruits of the Spirit , groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption to sonship , the redemption of our bodies . Ephesians 1 : 4 & 5 .... In love 5 he predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ , in accordance with his pleasure and will - Anything to do with Christianity the problem is most always ' which God of their three Gods are they writing about ? ' The way we may understand this ? Christians believe Y'shua created all that was created including you . This is a very wrong belief but it explains what the adoption is all about . Since Christians believe Y'shua is our true Father who created all , including us , then it would be LORD ELohim adopting Christians . This too is not the Word of God : LORD ELohim . The truth is that LORD ELohim created all that was created therefore we mortals are already His sons ( and daughters ) . Whatever all this adoption stuff is all about , there will be no adoptions because there is no reason for adoptions . These verses are not the Word of God LORD ELohim who is already our one true Father and our only one true God .
47 - The LORD ELohim's Love Is Greater than Only The Love Of One : This is what Paul writes about the love of the LORD . Ephesians 1 : 6 & 7 ... to the praise of his glorious grace , which he has freely given us in the One he loves . 7 In him we have redemption through his blood , the forgiveness of sins , .... The Spirits sake their heads over verse 6 . Y'shua was not the only One mortal human loved by the LORD and nothing about Y'shua was ever a Spirit . LORD ELohim deeply loves every Spirit He created . With humans it's a little different . The LORD loves most all people but some people not so much and other people there is no love at all for them . The people that the LORD will never forgive there is no love of the LORD for any of them . Remember the LORD ELohim is not able to ' hate ' but He can simple not ' love ' someone . These verses are not the Word of God . The blood shed of the Lamb of God did allow forgiveness of sins and wrong doings but not just for Christians only . People everywhere on earth of any race , nation , religion and so on who were living in the past and those who are living today and those who will be living in the future , who are fairly good people were and will be also forgiven .
48 - There Was And Is Nothing To Believe : Ephesians 1 : 7 , 13 7 In him we have redemption through his blood , the forgiveness of sins , in accordance with the riches of God's grace ... 13 And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth , the gospel of your salvation . When you believed , you were marked in him with a seal , the promised Holy Spirit , .... . LORD ELohim made no rules except one : the wicked , cruel and evil people will never be forgiven . John the Baptist said Look , the Lamb of God , who takes away the sin of the world . John the Baptist never said you have to believe the Lamb is a God , is the only Son of God , is the Jewish Messiah and on and on . In the NIV in John 1 : 34 John the Baptist says I have seen and I testify that this is God's Chosen One . In the KJV its written that John the Baptist says And I saw , and bare record that this is the Son of God . The LORD says the name ' God's Chosen One ' is more right than calling Y'shua the Son of God as though all His other billions of sons , Spirits and mortals , count for nothing . The LORD says there was and is nothing that people had to believe about their forgiveness of sins by LORD ELohim . Its nice to know what LORD ELohim has done regarding His forgiveness of peoples sins and iniquities but not knowing does not change the fact that most all people since Adam and Eve and now and into the future were and will be forgiven of their sins by the LORD and no one has to believe anything about the Lamb of God . It would be nice that people know the LORD has done this so they can live a better mortal life and it would be nice that people remember Y'shua who's blood was shed that allowed for the forgiveness of sins and wrong doings . Remember this : LORD ELohim did not teach mortal men and women about sacrificing animals and even sacrificing humans for the many reasons people most everywhere on earth were doing at the time of Y'shua . People came up with this idea on their own long before Adam and Eve lived . The only thing the LORD did was to teach people not to sacrifice humans , including children , and to not cause animals sacrificed pain and suffering in any way . The LORD used what He knew the Jews and other people would understand to be a sacrifice for peoples sins and iniquities to be forgiven . A ultimate sacrifice of a Holy and Righteous and Sinless Jewish man named Y'shua the Lamb of God that John the Baptist spoke of when teaching people about Y'shua . Not all teachings by John the Baptist is true in the CB . John never mentioned the Holy Spirit or a Spirit coming down upon Y'shua or that Y'shua was the only Son of God . John the Baptist taught that Y'shua was the Lamb who would be sacrificed for LORD ELohim's forgiveness of most all peoples sins and wrong doings . The Jews came to understand this and to teach this but when Christianity came to be , the Christians began to murder the Jews who were teaching this simple fact and this easy to under-stand truth about Y'shua and LORD ELohim had to tell the Jews to stop teaching about His Lamb and also The Simple Truth . Pauls verses in Ephesians are not the Word of God and only some in the book of John about what John the Baptist said are the Word of God also . You don't need to believe anything to be forgiven by LORD ELohim of your sins and iniquities if you are a fairly good person , your sins and minor wrong doings have been forgiven even if you are not a Christian . People who are wicked , cruel and evil your sins and major and minor iniquities will never be forgiven by LORD ELohim even if you are a devoted Christian . There are even some popes of the Roman Catholic Church in the past that LORD ELohim will never forgive of their sins and iniquities .
49 - Prophecy : There Will Be Wars : This called a prophecy in the CB is the cheepest of all prophecies . Its not really a prophecy : its just stating a well know fact about mankind . Cheep means of little value and this prophecy has very little value . If you know mankind's history and whats going on in the world today you know how cheep this prophecy is . We already know there are wars coming in the future and we know there is terrorism and wars on earth right now . Was there ever a day on earth since Adam and Eve that the whole of mankind was living in peace everywhere on earth ? Not very likely ! There will be wars in the future . That is not a prophecy . Its just a well known fact .
50 - About Oak Island : We do watch the show about Oak Island and there is something we came to realize about it . The Lagina's have had we think , three or maybe four different men on the show who's theory is that a map called The Tree of Life will lead them to the treasure . They talked a lot about this ' map ' being the answer to all . There is one thing that they did not say , that we can remember about that map , is that this map called The Tree Of Life was created by the ancient Jewish people . We do not remember this fact about this map ever being mentioned on the show , which is strange . They talk about Vikings , Knights Templars , British , and on and on , but nothing about the Jewish connection to Oak Island . In the Little Book we wrote a lot about the Jewish connection to Oak Island long before these men spoke of this Jewish ' map ' called The Tree of Life on the TV show . Jewish mysticism uses three basic ' maps ' and these have always been called ' maps ' . The three maps are called The Tree of Life , the Four Worlds , and the Five Levels of Soul . It is true that the Tree of Life was the ' map ' that was used on Oak Island but it was by Jewish Rabbis and Jewish helpers who made the Tree of Life map on Oak Island thousands of years ago . It is true that the Knights Templars went to Oak Island but they were serving the LORD and helping the Jewish people when the Jews no longer had ships or their own land called Israel . The LORD made the Knights Templars for that purpose : to help His Jews . The Jews created Oak Island about 500 B.C.E. and the Knights Templar were formed about 1118 C.E. and the torture and murderous slaughter of thousands of Templar's by the French king Philip IV and the Roman Catholic pope Clement V began in 1307 C.E. and ended when the murder of Grand Master Jacques de Molay in 1314 C.E. . The slaughter of His Knights Templar's was another big problem that the Roman Catholic Church caused by helping Philip IV . The pope and the French king were allied in the torture and murder of about 5000 Knights Templar's . It's said that the last Grand Master de Molay was tortured every day for seven years before he was burnt alive at the stake . What was the cruel and wicked king and the cruel and wicked pope after ? Is it all beneath Oak Island ? According to the LORD that is where much Hebrew Jewish owned treasures are which were taken there by the Jews and some by the Knights Templars .
Again : we cannot remember these people who say The Tree of Life is the answer to the Island's mysteries saying this map was created by the Hebrew Jews thousands of years ago . We cannot remember any of them mentioning the fact that the ' map ' called The Tree of Life was created by the Jews . It's that map that was used by the Jews to map out Oak Island and the treasures they put there . The LORD says that the map has changed a little bit over the years but is still good enough to use to find the Jewish treasures on the island along with information in the Little Book . The Templar Knights also used this map to put more Jewish owned items beneath Oak Island . Why was that fact never mentioned ? Why were these men never asked about where this map came from ? Why no questions about who wrote the map ? We are not going to write the whole code . Everyone should know it by now . The following is what we wrote in code many years ago about Oak Island before these men were on the show . It's 45 pages long so we will just use a few of the sentences about this subject . We watched a recent show of Oak Island and they lifted up one of the big rocks . At best one of them put his hand in the water and swirled it around for a minute in the water . The metal detector was not used , at least not shown on the show , but they did take samples from the hole for testing . As soon as we saw that rock they lifted we knew that boulder is not Tiferet ( Beauty ) # 6 . How did we know that ? Because the Little Book teaches a lot about the boulder called Tiferet . One boulder * seal Beauty * down beneath * island # six * Sefirah pit * . Tiferet is * island # six * Sefirah pit * called Beauty * . The pit name * is Tiferet * . Remove the * sandstone * one boulder * . The whole face * of engraver * image on rock * . Dig below log * ceiling form * . Third altar * called Beauty * not under * sea waters * . Third altar * down beneath * ceiling form * .
- God of Israel * letter ask * Lagina give ear * . In God's Book * He teach you * and solves * hidden work * of the Jews * holy Rabbis * and Israelis * . All Oak Island * great clues * is within * the Book as an * decoded riddles * . God of Israel * give to find * where altar * an much more * now buried * . God of Israel * author a code * now opened * . Modern math * # 666 * opened riddle * about riddle * made on Island * . LORD ELohim * asks you * solve My * riddle about * all Oak Island * . Remember again * all teachings * from EL Roi * God of Israel * about altar * an much more * . All Oak Island * holds many * treasured * man made holy * elect items * an much more * of the Jews * an for Jews * living nigh * on Last Day * about earth * . The Jews of * Israel alone * owns any * sacred Hebrew * elect items * an much more * down beneath * all Oak Island * . Lagina give ear * : All Oak Island * holds many * treasured * man made holy * elect items * like Jewish * perfect gold * third altar * called Beauty * , an much more * of the Jews * an for Jews * living nigh * on last day * . LORD ELohim * advanced Bible code * an ancient map * of the Jews * teach the key * to unlock * all Oak Island * down beneath * .
Why here and * down beneath * all Oak Island ? * In past ages * theft from * Israel then * being a common * reason for * holy Rabbis * and Israelis * hide all their * treasured * sacred Hebrew * elect items * for a Temple * of the Jews * . A holy sacred * third altar * called Beauty * down beneath * island form * . Elect items * called menorah * , sacred lamps * , sacred goblet * , a golden ark made * by Jew hands * an much more * down beneath * all Oak Island * . All Oak Island * hath objects * like menorah * for a Temple * of the Jews * . An much more * objects like * man made coins * , much ruby * , perfect gold * as talents * , gold crown * , gold an emerald * , even garnet * , common gold * , great kings * of the Jews * nobles gems * and more coin * , golden coinage * an much more * all Oak Island * hath in great * an for Jews * . Swamp gold a * reward gift * an for Jews * all taken to * Oak Island Canada a * Hebrew land and * of the Jews * an for Jews * in past ages * . Even today * a end of times * all Oak Island * for Jews an * of the Jews * . Remember again * all Oak Island * as Holy Land * of the Jews * and of ELyon * God of Israel * .
In past ages * all Oak Island * A Holy land and * many a Jews * help YAHWEH * create where * to hide sacred * third altar * called Beauty * now buried * in hiding place * down beneath * Island form * . Lagina give ear * : Remember again * all Oak Island * a man made Island * of the Jews * . Israel flock * an all long ago * alone built * a great Island * to hide away * their great * treasured * objects like * a pristine * perfect gold * third altar * for a Temple * an much more * . God of Israel * JHVH know * the Laginas an * Blankenship * dream above all * to unlock * all Oak Island * hidden evidence * . YAHWEH dream * plan to find * Israel flock * of the Jews * perfect gold * third altar * for a Temple * an much more * an for Jews * . With map as a * special guide * in God's Book * gives way * and solves * third altar * lost pit * . In past ages * LORD ELohim * God of Israel * teach Jewish * holy Rabbis * His pit map * and Sefirot * . God of Israel * I AM design map * . Map He designed a * Sefirot and * ELohims map * clues hint * where altar * an much more * now buried * . His map above * all Oak Island * stones and * hewed rocks * on Island made * by Jew hands * . Cross like * Sefirot and * Abba Ten Sefirah * . Abba Ten Sefirah * are a symbol * marking My * treasured * elect items * an much more * hidden evidence * of the Jews * . All Oak Island * treasured * elect Items * an much more * of the Jews * . Even today * elect items * for a Temple * an much more * in hiding place * down beneath * all Oak Island * . All Oak Island * holds many * sacred Hebrew * elect items * of the Jews * for a Temple * an much more * . All Oak Island * a man made Island * so rock map * help find place * third altar * down beneath * and much more * down beneath * all Oak Island * of the Jews * an for Jews * on Last Day * .
God of Israel * I AM HE saying * please look * down beneath * Island # 6 six * Sefirah pit * . Tiferet is * third altar * down beneath * called Beauty * . Tiferet is * called Beauty * .
Remember again * holy Rabbis * wrote map *and Sefirot * map I AM design * an for Jews * . Lagina give ear * . Use I AM He map * to guide ye * down beneath * all Oak Island * . Remember again * down beneath * all Oak Island * hath traps * , maintain fear * down beneath * all Oak Island * . First find Abba * third altar * called Beauty * .
Again remember * in ages past * Templars be * partners * of the Jews * . Crusades hid * Israel flock * treasured * perfect gold * , and hid gems by * holy Rabbis * in past ages * an much more * down beneath * all Oak Island * . Templar God * is their I Am * , God of Israel * . God of Israel * LORD ELohim * made Knights * for Himself * in past ages * an lead cross * on Island made * be Templars * .
Remember again * Oak Island Abba's * and not Canada's * . Canadian leaders * in past ages * holy Rabbis * and also much * Jews of the * Israel flock * create Island * , all Oak Island * offshores * before Canada here * . Canadian leaders * Jews of the * Israel flock * heirs of land * : all Oak Island * . Canadian leaders * remember again * the Jews of * Israel alone * owns any * elect items * third altar * , perfect gold * and hid gems by * holy Rabbis , much ruby * , golden coinage * an much more * down beneath * all Oak Island * even today * . Remember again * Canadian leaders * Jews of the * Israel flock * altar heirs * an much more * down beneath * all Oak Island * . Abba's Oak Island * as Holy Land * .
Remember again * holy Rabbis * and also much * Jews of the * Israel flock * form Island * offshores * at ancient Canada * . Holy Rabbis * needed a perfect * hiding place made * for stuff * for a Temple * an much more * of the Jews * on Last Day * . Behold today * is Sabbath Day * on Last Day * .
Why go find * all this day * all Oak Island * elect items * now buried * ? The Day at hand * is Sabbath Day * . Sabbath Day is * a end of times * due on earth * . God of Israel * Jehovah behind * treasured * elect items * for a Temple * of the Jew * an much more * on Last Day * . Down beneath * all Oak Island * God of Israel * Jehovah gift * to Jews and * My thanks * on Last Day * . LORD ELohim * loves My * Jews of the * Israel flock * . Down beneath * all Oak Island * are gifts all a * reward gift * an for Jews * on Last Day * .
NOTE : LORD ELohim at the time Oak Island was made by the Jewish Hebrew people did not know what the Jewish people would suffer even more by the hands of pagans over the years in the future . The fact that there are Jewish people even today is really amazing . The LORD did not know then that so many Jews would be suffering and in need of help today . LORD ELohim says He does not need a Temple in Israel for Him . The LORD enjoys going to the many Synagogues to listen to the Jews and be with them there . Right now He does love going to the gatherings of people talking about His Little Book at the Synagogues and Christian Churches . LORD ELohim would like the third altar named Beauty sent to Israel and kept there to remember Him by but all the other items can be sold and used to help the Jews suffering and in need in Europe and other places outside of Israel and those in need in Israel . There are many Holocaust survivors outside of Israel who greatly do need help . Because of the recent war He knows there a Jews in Israel who also need help to . The LORD knows there are many other people suffering on earth but none have suffered more than His Jews in the past and even now . People need to help people . For most people everywhere , these days life is not easy and there is nothing the LORD can do to change that for us . Change is something people have to do . The LORD ELohim loves most all people but He also pities most people also . LORD ELohim cannot solve all our problems . Again : only we can do that .
The reason Oak Island was created offshore of ancient Canada before Canada existed is because this land along with other lands beginning with Britian would be given to the Jewish tribe of Ephraim by LORD ELohim in the future . The LORD was hopeful that the twelve tribes of Israel would remain Jewish people . That did not happen . Ephraim was one of the ten tribes that left Israel and then left the religion of the Jews that did not have a name back then according to LORD ELohim . In time Judah and many of the offspring of Levi remained Jewish . The name of their religion became Judaism which came about by the people of Judah . Even though Ephraim and other Hebrew tribes turned away from the LORD , LORD ELohim did keep His promise of giving the lost tribes lands . Ephriam's Hebrew offspring became the beginning of Britain and her colonies . Canada became one of the British colonies . Had the offspring of Ephraim kept their faith regarding LORD ELohim things would be very different today , especially regarding Oak Island but not all worked out as the LORD hoped for . This is good proof that LORD ELohim does not know what the future will be . Remember Hebrews are all white skinned people who are living in many nations today . Over the years these lost tribes of Israel began treating the Hebrew Jews mostly of the tribes of Judah and Levi offspring very wickedly and cruelly . The German Hebrews is a good example regarding the Holocaust but they were not alone in the horrible murders and the wicked treatment of Hebrew Jews over the many years . Oak Island and all that is within it , all belongs to the Hebrew Jews as a gift to His Hebrew Jewish people and nothing belongs to any other Hebrews who are not Hebrew Jews at this time . The Hebrew Jews are very very very precious to LORD ELohim because they never turned away from Him over these many years even in the worst of times for them and those times have been many and mostly caused by other Hebrews . Most all Hebrews today are Christians : Protestants or Catholics and a few in other religions and LORD ELohim and even Y'shua and other Jews had nothing to do with the creation of any of those religions . The only religion the LORD ever created was what became Judaism . Again : the LORD ELohim does not care what a persons religion is as long as it harms no other people and as long as it does not use violence or fearful lies to make people join it and stay in it . The LORD is hopeful that people of any religion is willing to seek and teach only the truth and as the LORD often says : to Think Not Beyond Logic which will help you find the truths .
51 - LORD ELohim Loves Good Conversation : The LORD loves to listen to a good conversation . Many people pray the same prayer over and over again like the Christian ' LORD's Prayer ' in Matthew 6 : 9 - 13 (R) NIV Our Father in heaven , hallowed be your name , 10 your kingdom come , your will be done , on earth as it is in heaven . ..... The NIV LORD Prayer is different from the KJV . In verse 13 in the NIV it says And lead us not into temptation , but deliver us from the evil one . And thats where the prayer ends . In the KJV in verse 13 it says And lead us not into temptation , but deliver us from evil : For thine is the kingdom , and the power , and the glory , for ever . Amen . The NIV says the evil one . Probably meaning Satan but the KJV only says deliver us from evil : which probably means evil humans . The Catholic BV in verse 13 says And do not bring us to the time of trial , but rescue us from the evil one . And thats where their ' LORD's Prayer ' ends to . As children we were taught the KJV of the LORD's Prayer . LORD ELohim does not want to hear over and over again the ' LORD's Prayer ' or any other repeated prayers of any other religions also . The LORD enjoys a prayer that is unique , a one of a kind prayer that is more like a conversation with the LORD . Remember that the LORD is one Spirit and not much bigger than a very tall man so He is not everywhere at the same time and a Holy Spirit does not exist . Also remember He cannot read peoples mind so the prayers must be spoken . And also LORD ELohim only knows three languages : English , Hebrew and ancient Egyptian . English is the language of Spirits and has been for trillions of years . LORD ELohim taught people the Hebrew language and the English language . The LORD learnt the ancient Egyptian language when the Jews were slaves there . Teaching Spirits also only know these three languages to . Also remember that LORD ELohim is limited to what He can do to help you . The LORD cannot cure peoples sickness and neither could Y'shua . Also the LORD cannot raise the dead and neither could Y'shua and so on . Mind over matter sometimes does work and some reasons for prayers can allow for your mind over matter to happen . The LORD has seen mind over matter happen in the past and sickness cured this way . Again : LORD ELohim loves to listen to interesting conversation like what's going on in Synagogues and some Christian Churches today . The LORD likes to listen to what the Rabbis and Christian Preachers are preaching but also to when men and ladies are having conversations about other things . He also loves to go to gatherings where people of a few religions are talking about His Little Book .
52 -2 Who Is Our Father ? : This is something LORD ELohim and us do not understand . Red letter verses (R) means it is claimed Y'shua spoke those words . Black letter verses (B) means that other people spoke and wrote those verses . Christianity is a very confusing religion . The question we are going to try to find a answer to based on the CB is who is our Father ? In red letter verses that claim Y'shua spoke those verse they say : In the book of Matthew are the following : 5 : 16 (R) ... that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven . 5 : 45 ... that you may be children of your Father in heaven . 5 : 48 Be perfect , therefore , as your heavenly Father is perfect . 6 : 6 ... close the door and pray to your Father , who is unseen . Then your Father , who sees what is done in secret , will reward you . 6 : 8 ... for your Father knows what you need before you ask him . 6 : 9 ... Our Father in heaven , 6 : 14 ... your heavenly Father will also forgive you . 6 :15 ... your Father will not forgive your sins . 6 :18 ... but only to your Father , who is unseen ; and your Father , who sees what is done 6 : 26 ... and yet your heavenly Father feeds them . 7 : 11 ... how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts 7 : 21 ... who does the will of my Father who is in heaven 10 : 29 ... your Father's care ... and so on . According to these verses Y'shua teaches that LORD ELohim is your Father and is his Father . In the book of John it is written in John 1 : 1 - 14 (B) In the beginning was the Word , and the Word was with God , and the Word was God . 1 : 2 He was with God in the beginning . 1:3 Through him all things were made ; without him nothing was made that has been made . ... 1 : 10 He was in the world , and though the world was made through him , the world did not recognize him . 1 : 12 Yet to all who did receive him , to those who believed in his name , he gave the right to become children of God - 1 : 13 ... but born of God . 1 : 14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us . We have seen his glory , the glory of the one and only Son , who came from the Father , full of grace and truth . According to John , Y'shua created all things made : without him nothing was made . And it is Y'shua John writes about : The Word became flesh .. . Let's pretend that all these verses are true ( but they are not all true or the Word of God ) . If you are a Christian : who do you believe ? Y'shua one of your three Gods or John who was just a mortal Disciple ? They cannot both be right . Y'shua says your Father is LORD ELohim and John says your Father is Y'shua who created you . LORD ELohim says He alone is your Father and creator and should be your only God also . Only some claimed to be Y'shua's words the LORD agrees with but John there are no verses that are the Word of God . Again remember any of these verses , red or black , could have easily been written by the Roman Catholic Church or Greeks and not by John or Y'shua . So who do you believe who is your Father ? Y'shua or John and some in Pauls writings ? Or LORD ELohim who says it was He who created all that was created on this earth ? Remember : Y'shua , John and Paul were all mortals and Y'shua and John were Jews who only believed in one God : LORD ELohim . What Paul was if he even existed is uncertain and according to the CB Paul was a Roman citizen . The Romans were not known for running around giving any Jews a Roman citizen-ship says the LORD .
53 - Its Not Easy To Get A First Class Ticket To Heaven : In the book of Matthew 7 : 21 - 23 it says (R) : Not everyone who says to me ' Lord , Lord , will enter the kingdom of heaven , but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven . 22 Many will say to me on that day , ' Lord , Lord , did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles ? ' Then I will tell them plainly , ' I never knew you . Away from me , you evildoers ' ! Who can go to heaven ? Demons do not exist so that would be a lie but how could a person know if they did drive out demons since all Spirits cannot be seen or heard by mortals . Only LORD ELohim choses who would be a Prophet and these guys were not Prophets because only John the Baptist was a Prophet at that time . I think we wrote that the Disciple John was also a Prophet but LORD ELohim says He did not chose John to be a Prophet and most of what is written in John's name is not John's words like almost the whole book of Revelation . My mistake writing John was a Prophet . There is not a lot that the LORD can do that we mortals would believe it to be a miracle and peoples miracles would be far far less a miracle . These people would have been followers of Y'shua so if I were a Christian I would be wondering what does it really take to be chosen to go to Heaven . These verses are not the Word of God . Truth is no mortal will ever go to the LORD's Heaven , not even in spaceships . How could a resurrected mortal flesh and bone body get to Heaven without a spaceship . Some Christians believe Heaven will come to earth . LORD ELohim says that will never , never ever happen . When the LORD and all His Spirit children with Him go home to Heaven we mortals are on our own but most people have been acting like we have been on our own for a long time already so not much will change . There are a few Christian groups who believe only their version of Christianity is the correct version and only their followers will go to Heaven with them . They believe the other Christians who have other thoughts about Christianity and Y'shua will be going to hell with everybody else who is not of their group . Again : the Christian faith can be very confusing . These verses are not the Word of LORD ELohim or even Y'shua says the LORD . If you were a Spirit child or the LORD , would you want people in your happy and fun Heaven ?
54 - Did Herod Really Have Children Murdered In Bethlehem ? : Matthew all the 2nd chapter (B) . King Herod was not a Jew . Herod was a Edomite and a puppet of the Romans . In Matthew the CB says that king Herod heard that some Magi were looking the the new born King of the Jews and Herod was out to have this baby killed so he would not lose his place as king . LORD ELohim and many other Spirits were with Miriam and Joseph when Y'shua was born . There was no star that suddenly appeared out of no where that gave a sign of Y'shua's birth . Just because Y'shua was of David's bloodline did not mean that Y'shua would be the next King of the Jews . A lot of men were born of David's bloodline . David was a busy boy among the ladies just as his son Solomon did also . According to a book Solomon was not the first born son of David . The CB says the declaration that Y'shua would be a King of the Jews was made by pagans and not by any of the Jewish people , so that declaration counts for nothing . In the CB it says that the Magi wanted to worship Y'shua . There were a lot of Jews around Y'shua at that time an no Jew would worship or allow the worship of a mortal . 2 : 16 When Herod realized that he had been outwitted by the Magi , he was furious , and he gave orders to kill all the boys in Bethlehem and its vicinity who were two years old and under , ... LORD ELohim says that this never happened . The birth of Y'shua was very uneventful . No Magi , no star , no belief that Y'shua would be King of the Jews or the Messiah , no thinking Y'shua was the only Son of God , no going to Egypt to hide from Herod and so on . The Jews would have remember such a horrifying event in Jewish history had that happened . The LORD says Matthew chapter 2 is not the Word of God . The LORD was always with Y'shua and He says He never heard Jewish people anywhere saying that these murders happened . Had this happened everyone in Israel would have known about it very soon after it happened . The LORD and many Jews never heard of this until we started reading the Christian Bible . According to LORD ELohim this never happened . The CB backs up this story with a story in Jeremiah 31 : 15 but the Jewish Bible does not back that up . In Jeremiah 31 : 15 in the JB it says Thus said the LORD : A cry is heard in Ramah - Wailing , bitter weeping - Rachel weeping for her children . She refuses to be comforted For her children , who are gone . The CB NIV says A voice is heard in Ramah , weeping and great mourning , Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted , because they are no more . The JB says this story is about Rachel weeping not for herself , but for her lost children who have gone into exile . Rachel was Jacob's wife who died giving birth to Benjamin her second son . Her first son was Joseph . Her tomb was on the road Ramah toward the north . So the CB is wrong that her children are no more meaning dead . This was confusing to me and even to LORD ELohim . At best I only know bit a pieces about the Jewish Bible and not much more about the CB New Testament . Dates are almost impossible to find but we decided to go with Jeremiah being alive around the time of the Babylonians overthrow of the Southern Kingdom . The Babylonians destroyed the first Temple and took the Judeans to Babylonia as slaves in 586 B.C.E. . ... Rachel weeping for her children . She refuses to be comforted For her children , who are gone . Again : Rachel was the wife of Jacob and the mother of Joseph and Benjamin who were the grandchildren of Abraham and Sarah so this is not about Abraham's time about 1800 B.C.E. . This has to be a metaphor about the Jews who have gone into exile caused by the Babylonians . It's like Jeremiah saying if Rachel were alive she would be weeping for her offspring . What the LORD is certain of is that these verses have nothing to do with Herod killing babies the infant sons of the Jews of Bethlehem and the LORD still believes that never happened . This story about Herod is not the Word of God and is not a true story according to the LORD and the many Rabbis who read it .
55 - For God So Loved The World ... : John 3 : 16 & 17 (B) in the NIV and (R) in the KJV . For God so loved the world he gave his one and only Son , that who ever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life . 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world , but to save the world through him . This is not the Word of God . Y'shua was not the ' only Son ' of LORD ELohim . If you are a mortal man , you are as much a son of LORD ELohim as Y'shua was . Y'shua was never His only Spirit son or first mortal human son . By the sacrifice of the mortal Jewish man Y'shua , the LORD ELohim did forgive the sins and minor wrong doings of most all people but that does not change the fact that mortals will not have eternal life . The Day today is Judgment Day and we greatly failed our trial as humans . All the other creatures still on earth who do not have free will passed their trial . So much for most peoples belief that mortal humans are smarter than toads . In the past the Dinosaurs failed and the LORD was thankful for that asteroid hit which He did not cause . The LORD says that asteroid hit changed the way the earth rotates around its axis and moves around the sun . Seasons were caused or changed . Note that in John 3 : 16 - 21 in the NIV these verses are black letter verses , but in the KJV these verses are red letter verses . We bought a new NIV because the old one is falling apart and the new one has no red letter verses . We do need to know what is claimed to be Y'shua's words . The Catholic Bible also has no red letter verses . The verses do not sound like Y'shua spoke these verses . Y'shua would have never claimed that he was the only son of LORD ELohim and Y'shua would have never said Who ever believes in him is not condemned , but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God's one and only Son . Would LORD ELohim punish someone for not believing Y'shua was his only son . The LORD says He would never punish someone when there is nothing to prove Y'shua was His only son . There is a lot of words in the many religious Books of many religions but where is the evidence that all written in those books is true ? The Egyptians believed their Pharaoh's would have an eternal life , but where is the evidence that this belief is true ? There is a lot of mummified corpses in those tombs even today . The rest were probably stolen and in museums now . Not everyone can believe in something that has no proof of being true and LORD ELohim would never hold that against those people and me .
56 - Believing In What Name ? : In John 3 : 18 (B) in the NIV and (R) in the KJV . Whoever believes in him is not condemned , but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God's one and only Son . The Greek name Jesus was not the Lamb of God's name . Y'shua was the name of the Jewish mortal Lamb of God and Y'shua must be the only name used when referring to him . The name Jesus will get you no where with LORD ELohim so its a good thing that His forgiveness of most all peoples sins and iniquities had and has nothing to do with believing or not believing in the name Y'shua the Lamb of God . With all the lies and errors in the Christian religion , especially the Roman Catholics , how can the LORD judge mankind based on Christian peoples religious beliefs . The LORD ELohim understands why many people cannot believe in the teachings of Christianity because of those lies and errors in that faith and Christianity is not the only religion that have teachings that are hard to believe in . The Judgment of the LORD was not based on religious beliefs as long as those beliefs do not harm other people of any other religions or Atheists . Again Y'shua is not the ' only Son of God ' . This verse is not the Word of God . Y'shua is the only name of the Lamb of God .
57 - Does LORD ELohim Know Everything About You ? : John 3 : 21 (B) in NIV and (R) in the KJV . But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light , so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God . This is not the Word of God . Again the LORD is not everywhere so you don't have to be shy about taking off your cloths in the shower . What is the truth ??? Christianity and other religions are not based fully on what is true or what is truly the Word of God or the Work of God . There is about eight billion people in the world today and a few billion probably in the past going back to the time of Adam and Eve . Logic says Adam and Eve were not alone . Genesis 4 : 17 Cain knew his wife , and she conceived and bore Enoch . And he then founded a city , and named the city after his son Enoch . Why would Cain build a city if there were only him and his mom and dad on earth as humans . And who did Cain marry and have children with ? Humanoids go back tens of thousands of years before Adam and Eve . The Grays and Anunnaki were also Humanoids . The Grays don't look anything like they use to look like but that is what happens when you live in space for thousands of years and no gravity . Anyway , how is the LORD suppose to know everyone and to know everything everyone has done ? The chance of the LORD knowing you is very unlikely , very very unlikely . Again : there are no Angels on earth taking notes in books about you and about how you lived your entire life . There are no books in Heaven and you were not judged as an individual . The LORD judged mankind as a whole species .
58 - Where Would Salvation Come From ? : John 4 : 21 - 24 (R) Its claimed Y'shua is talking to a Samaritan women about salvation . 22 You Samaritans worship what you do not know ; we worship what we do know , for salvation is from the Jews . Salvation means : saving or being saved , Christ is the salvation of the world , deliverance from sin and from punishment for sin especially in life after death . Most Christians believe sin is the cause of death for mortal humans and that being forgiven of their sins means they will have an eternal life . That kind of salvation does not exist . No mortal human will have an eternal life at any time in the future . Death is what it is : your time for being among the living is out of time . Death is eternal not life . Genesis 3 : 19 ... Until you return to the ground - For from it you were taken . For dust you are , And to dust you shall return . This is true . The LORD did not lie about this true fact about our death . LORD ELohim never said that sin is the cause of death : Christian people said that and there is no truth in these beliefs . A note here : the Jewish people never said and neither did Y'shua : for salvation is from the Jews . Christians wrote that in their Bible NT . If salvation existed for eternal life it would be from LORD ELohim and not from the Jews or from Y'shua the mortal man or from the pope . It is LORD ELohim alone who can forgive peoples sins and their wrong doings . Jews did teach only the LORD can forgive sins . Again the Christians wrote verse 22 , not the Jews . If you asked a Jewish person if he could forgive your sins he would tell you that you need to talk to LORD ELohim about that , not a Jew . Even the pope cannot forgive you of any sins and iniquities . 23 ... when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth , for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks . 24 God is spirit , and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth . ' In the Spirit ' probably means Holy Spirit : who does not exist . Again : what is the truth since this is Christian writings ??? The LORD does not seek people for the purpose of only worshiping Him . He would like it if He was the God of all mankind but also a friend and Father to all people too . This was not my error in verse 24 . In the NIV it writes ' God is spirit ' with a small ' s ' on spirit . In the KJV it says : God is a Spirit : and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth . The KJV is more right and far more respectful of the LORD . The LORD says these verses are not the Word of God . Remember God is only LORD ELohim . Y'shua was and is not a God and the Holy Spirit never existed .
59 - Can A Spirit Possess A Person ? : We probably wrote about this before but we were watching a show on TV and it had some about people being possessed . Ephesians 2 : 1 & 2 : As for you , you were dead in your transgressions and sins , in which you used to live when you followed the ways of the world and the ruler of the kingdom of the air , the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient . First : David ( Satan ) wants nothing to do with mankind and who can blame him for that . David is not now at work in those who are disobedient . David right now is in Heaven playing with his brothers like he has always done . People need to stop blaming the LORD ELohim and other Spirits for what your fellow mankind and you do . The LORD says it is impossible for a Spirit to cause people to be wicked and evil . Teaching Spirits work hard to teach people stuff and at best we only come to know a few small bits and pieces now and then of what the Spirit taught . How then can a Spirit take full control over a persons mind ? There are also no Spirits called Demons , they do not exist . These verses are not the Word or Work of LORD ELohim . Exorcism : the freeing someone from evil Spirits is an easy money grab even today . Most of those people need mental health experts to help them and not an exorcist . It is possible some fully believe what the exorcist tells them and that helps a few also but that thought , mind over matter , may not last long . Mental illness is not just a modern illness , its been around as long as Humanoids have been around .
60 - Deeds Count More than To Simply Believe In Something : Ephesians 2 : 8 & 9 For it is by grace you have been saved , through faith - and this is not from yourselves , it is the gift of God - 9 not by works , so that no one can boast . The LORD has no problem if someone speaking the truth said " you know I have not sinned in three years and I am feeling pretty good about that ." Or if someone said in a group " I bet I cannot sin longer than you guys and girls cannot sin " . LORD ELohim has no problem with these . Like a traffic ticket that on your driving record for two or three years , the LORD says our minor sins are only on our record for six years . Murder will never come off your record . But remember the LORD does not and did know most every human living in the past or now , so probably you and maybe others are the only ones who know your sins . Only you can clear your own guilty conscious and The Simple Truth helps with that . Back to deeds . The LORD says faith is not enough . Someone who is a Christian , even a very devoted Christian or even the pope and is also a wicked and evil person , having only faith in Christianity will get you no where with LORD ELohim . Peoples deeds of good or evil count more than just believing in some man made religion called Christianity or other religions . Remember the only religion that LORD ELohim was behind and creator of is Judaism . Only people who are fairly good people are forgiven of the sins and minor wrong doings . People who are wicked , cruel and evil people and you know who you are , your sins and iniquities will never be forgiven because deeds , good or bad , done by you count more than anything else . Most in these verses that Paul is claimed to have wrote are wrong and are not the Word of God . Forgiving peoples sins and wrong doings is a gift from LORD ELohim : these words alone he get right .
61 - What About Repentance ? : The word repent means to turn away from sin and resolve to reform one's life , to feel sorry for something you did , to regret doing something . People like Hitler who are fully evil , fully wicked and fully cruel people can repent all they want but that would never get LORD ELohim's forgiveness for their sins and iniquities . Fairly good people truly repenting for their sins and minor wrong doings is mostly for our own benefit , to clear our own troubled conscious of wrong deeds we have done . Its like The Simple Truth , forgiving ourselves of sins and wrong doings and forgiving other people of their sins and wrong doings that effected you will get rid of anger , hate , sorrow and other thoughts and feelings that are bringing you down and keeping you from enjoying your life in happiness and in peace of mind . Truly repenting and truly feeling deep regret for something wrong done and having learnt from that wrong or sin is a good way to start over again and to try hard not make the same mistake twice . Again : the LORD reminds you that no mortal human will have an eternal life so it's all about the mortal life you are living now . The LORD has always tried to teach all mankind how to have a good and happy mortal life .
62 - Why Twelve Tribes Of Israel ? : Because LORD ELohim hoped that at least a few tribes would remain His chosen people into the distant future . The Hebrew tribe of Judah and many from the Hebrew tribe of Levi still remain to this day as His chosen people . The rest of the Hebrew tribes are scattered around the world in many nations . Remember Hebrews are white skinned people . The Hebrew people who are no longer Jews are also no longer His chosen people says the LORD . The LORD's ' Thank You ' gifts at Oak Island Canada are only for the Hebrew Jews who were born Jews and remained Jews and devoted to Judaism and are His chosen people even to today .
63 - What Makes No Sense : All most the entire book of Revelation ! According to one book about Revelation , Y'shua will be born again and that belief is based on Revelation 12 : 1 - 6 . 5 She gave birth to a son , a male child , who " will rule all the nations with an iron sceptre ." And her child was snatched up to God and to his throne . LORD ELohim says that is never going to happen . Y'shua was never taken to LORD ELohim and his throne the first time born . There is no mention of that happening in the past when Y'shua was a baby so this must be about the future . Remember there are no thrones in Heaven . Some Christian writers don't even want to write about verses Revelation 12 : 1 - 6 . LORD ELohim has no idea what this could mean along with most all of the rest of Revelation . The strange thing is : Christians believe Y'shua's dead mortal body was raised from the dead back to life . So why would Y'shua their God need to be born again into another mortal body ? What would happen to Y'shua's old mortal body ? Most Christians believe only Y'shua " will rule all the nations ... . So if this is not about Y'shua coming to ' rule all the nations ' then who is it about ? 6 The woman fled into the wilderness to a place prepared for her by God , where she might be taken care of for 1,260 days ( 3 and a half years ) . A few Christians believe the ' woman ' means a religion or the nation of Israel and the Jews of this world . Religion as in ' Christianity is Y'shua's bride and is referred to as a woman ' . LORD ELohim has also done this kind of metaphor : ' son ' meaning Israel , as in Exodus 4 : 22 & 23 Then you shall say to Pharaoh , ' Thus says the LORD : Israel is My first-born son . 23 I have said to you , " Let My son go , that he shall worship Me ," . The LORD does not know what the Christian verses in Revelation 12 means and they are not the Word of God . There is no place prepared for Jews by the LORD other than the land of Israel as it has been their land given by the LORD to Israel for thousands of years .
64 - Will There Be A War In Heaven ? : In all the trillions of years that LORD ELohim and His Spirit children have existed there has never been a war in Heaven or anywhere else so why would that change now ? Revelation 12 : 7 Then war broke out in heaven . Michael and his angels fought against the dragon , and the dragon and his angels fought back . This never happened and never will happen . Spirits are a truly loving and happy family and LORD ELohim is the Father . Spirits are not like us and when we think about Spirits we need to not think that they are like us humans . LORD ELohim created only six Archangels and none of them is named Michael . The dragon's name is David and nothing written in these verses is true and these verses will never be true . These verses are not the Word of LORD ELohim .
65 - If Satan Existed Then Who Are Those He Lead Astray ? : Revelation 12 : 9 The great dragon was hurled down - that ancient serpent called the devil , or Satan , who leads the whole world astray . This verse is not true or the Word of God but if it were true : who did Satan lead astray ? Something to think about . Who are the multitudes of people who believe in three Gods : Father God , Son God and Holy Spirit God , who teaches that a fully mortal man is one of those Gods , that this God is also the Jewish Messiah they call Christ , that there is a good eternal life for only the followers of Y'shua , that the followers would be kings and rule the world with Y'shua , who named the Jewish man Y'shua the Greek name Jesus , who changed LORD ELohim's Sabbath to the first day of the week , who claims Y'shua the mortal man was raised the dead because the LORD could do that , who taught that Y'shua is LORD ELohim's only son and is a God , who claims that Y'shua created everything created , who claims that LORD ELohim is a very cruel , evil and wicked God who has sent even baby humans to hell , who caused great fear of being tortured and burned alive at the stake without any just reason , who helped slaughter the Knights Templars who were helping the LORD help the Jews , who caused the Jewish people great suffering , who claims sin is the only thing that causes people to die , who teaches that all you need to do to have a good eternal life is to be a Christian , who teaches that if you are not of their faith you will go to hell and then the lake of fire and be punished with great pain and agony for all eternity because thats how wicked and cruel LORD ELohim is , who is the largest religion in the world with 244,990,000 members in the year 2024 , and on and on . Since it was never David ( Satan ) a Spirit who leads the whole world astray : then who are the most likely mortals who did that and are yet doing that even today ? Guess .
66 - A Broken Promise : John 8 : 50 & 51 (R) I am not seeking glory for myself ; but there is one who seeks it , and he is the judge . 51 Very truly I tell you , whoever obeys my word will never see death ." LORD ELohim says Y'shua never said that and these verses are not the Word of God . Do you know of any living mortal that is two thousand years old ? LORD ELohim has not lied to you that this mortal one life is all there is for all of us mortals . Y'shua never lied but whoever wrote these verses did lie to you . You are mortal and you will die someday and will never be resurrected by the LORD . LORD ELohim does not seek glory .This is a lie to . The only thing the LORD was hopeful for was to be our Father and to be like a family . For the most part we mortals were not much of a family to Him . Most all of the Jewish people did manage to be like a family with LORD ELohim their Father and our Father but the rest of mankind not so much . If we were all Jews since the time of Abraham the LORD says we would have past our trial .
67 - Can LORD ELohim Do Supernatural Miracles : LORD ELohim can do amazing things like creation of all mortal life on earth from just dust and salt water , but remember , that took Him well over four billion years to accomplish creating what mortals exist on earth today . LORD ELohim is as limited by the nature of matter and chemistry and the nature of the universe as scientists are regarding anything . There is no way that the LORD can put back together the dust of an old corpse and create that living person again . There is a lot the LORD cannot do like supernatural miracles that goes against the nature of anything .
68 - How Does Prophesy And Prophets Work : The prophecies in the JB mostly worked out well because none of the Prophets were alone in what they have come to know . Prophesies are not all perfect but a lot in the JB is very good writings by the Prophets . There are a few things written in the JB that LORD ELohim does not know why it was written , like the three boys thrown into a very hot burning furnace and claimed to have lived to tell about it . That never happened but it also was not a prophesy . I am not a Prophet and never will be , but the way the LORD and teaching Spirit worked with me is much the same as they worked with the Jewish Prophets and John the Baptist . The only difference is that Spirits can nod my head to indicate ' Yes ' or shake my head to indicate ' No ' . The ancient Prophets did not have that because at that time the LORD did not know how to do that . So I was lucky that I did not have to wonder where my thoughts came from , me or LORD ELohim's teaching Spirits . In the past the LORD created the Jewish people and the religion of Judaism starting with Abraham and Sarah who were willing to help the LORD . The LORD needed people who would be His chosen people to willingly help Him teach mankind from generation to generations . The LORD knew He needed Prophets to help Him too , but even Prophets could not hear or see LORD ELohim . At best a Prophet only acquired bits and pieces of information over their life time so the Prophet had to put the bits and pieces together and using what past Prophets before them came to know also . Over the years all Prophets gained an understanding of LORD ELohim and what He was teaching them with the help of teaching Spirits . The Prophets and the Rabbis put the bits and pieces together over the generations . It took many generations of Prophets and Rabbis to come to know what the Jewish people know today . My learning was like that . At first I truly knew nothing . I was a Atheist who never read the CB or any other Bibles . I did not know stuff like Jesus was not the true name of Y'shua or anything about the Lamb of God . When the LORD gave me this work to do I could not write a sentence without a dozens of questions and I needed the LORD's and the teaching Spirit's help . The thousands of bits and pieces over the years came together and now I know a lot more than I did at first . Now more than twenty years later writing the LORD's Little Book is a lot easier today but if something is beyond what I know about , LORD ELohim and the teaching Spirits are there to help me . Its not perfect because I still have to know enough to know what the question I need an answer to : yes or no . After many generations of Israelites and a few Jewish Prophets and many Jewish Rabbis and a lot of bits and pieces put together like a puzzle the Prophets and Rabbis were able to write many verses without wondering who's thoughts they were , theirs or the LORD's taught by His teaching Spirits . The LORD ELohim has always tried to find ways to help all mankind live better mortal lives . With the help of the Jews He was able to help many people even today .
69 - Do Not Call Y'shua These Names ! : Isaiah 9 : 6 in the NIV . For to us a child is born , to us a son is given , and the government will be on his shoulders . And he will be called Wonderful Counselor , Mighty God , Everlasting Father , Prince of Peace . In the JB this verse is not the 6th verse , its the 5th verse and says For a child has been born to us , A son has been given us . And authority has settled on his shoulders . He has been named " The Mighty God is planning grace ; The Eternal Father , a peaceable ruler " - The JB says the error in the CB's is that these are not names for that person but are what the names would mean . An example : the Hebrew name Isaiah means : The LORD saves . These names in this verse describes what LORD ELohim's actions will be and have nothing to do with Y'shua . In the JB 9 : 6 In token of abundant authority And of peace without limit Upon David's throne and kingdom , That it may be firmly established In justice and in equity Now and evermore . The zeal of the LORD of Hosts Shall bring this to pass . The LORD of Hosts is LORD ELohim and this has not happened yet that the LORD knows of . Expecting the LORD or a mortal Jewish man called the Messiah , to bring fully peace on earth is probably expecting too much of the LORD and the Messiah . When Isaiah was alive the LORD still had hope for all mankind to make our way to a more peaceful and loving life than it is today . I asked the LORD if He still has hope today for us mortal humans to work toward a world of peace and He says He has run out of hope for all mankind to bring peace on earth . The LORD has run out of zeal . Remember we failed our six thousand year trial and we failed as a species for very very good reasons . The LORD and even the Messiah cannot make peace on earth happen if all people on earth are not willing to help the LORD or the Messiah make that happen . So are you willing ? Remember that Y'shua was not the awaited Messiah , says the Jews and LORD ELohim also . So the Jews and LORD ELohim are still waiting for this fully mortal Jewish man to come into existence if he has not yet come in the last few years . The Messiah must be Jewish or he is not the Messiah . If a person wants to work at world peace who is not Jewish give him or her another name .
70 - Were There Chatty Demons ? : According to the CB NT there were several chatty Demons back then . One example is In Acts 19 : 13 - 16 where it's claimed that Jews were going around driving out evil Spirits using the name Lord Jesus . ... They would say , " In the name of the Jesus whom Paul preaches , I command you to come out ." 14 Seven sons of Sceva , the Jewish chief priest , were doing this . 15 One day the evil spirit answered them , " Jesus I know , and Paul I know about , but who are you ?" That did not work very well because the possessed man gave those seven boys a beating . So much for the power of Y'shua's name . We cannot hear Spirits . No mortal can hear Spirits and no mortal can see Spirits . That is something that LORD ELohim does not know why we cannot hear His voice or the voice of any other Spirit . Spirits cannot make a person beat up other people or anything else . Any writings that people heard the voice of Spirits or saw Spirits or see and hear dead people like Moses and Elijah in any Bible , it's not true . Jews doing this at that time is very unlikely especially if their dad is a Jewish chief Priest . The town called Ephesus where this was suppose to have happened existed in Asia ( East coast of Turkey today ) far away from Israel . The LORD says there would have not been many Jews living there . It's believed Acts was written by Luke and Y'shua and the LORD never met Luke . The LORD ELohim never knew Paul either and neither did Y'shua . The LORD wonders if Paul and maybe even Luke ever even existed . So there is no truth in these verses and these verses are not the Word of God . Remember that no human has ever heard the voice of any Spirit .
71 - Why Would Y'shua Have Been Honored ? : In the book of Acts this makes no sense or we have read it wrong . Before this verse , as written above in 70 , seven sons of Sceva tried to get an evil Spirit out of a man by using the name of Y'shua . Back then Jesus was probably still named Y'shua . The possessed man severely beat up these boys . People heard about this .... Acts 19 : 17 When this became known to the Jews and Greeks living in Ephesus , they were all seized with fear , and the name of the Lord Jesus was held in high honor . Why would people honor the name of Y'shua if the evil Spirit never left this man and this possessed man beat the crap out of all seven men ? ... 16 they ran out of the house naked and bleeding . This makes no sense and LORD ELohim says that could never have happened as it is written because there are no evil Spirits . Again this makes no sense but had this happened this man would have been mentally ill or just malicious and not possessed by Spirits . Using the name Y'shua or Jesus if it were a Spirit would have no power over that Spirit says the LORD because Y'shua was a mortal human who did not become immortal and Y'shua was not a God . You would need to use the name LORD ELohim to get that Spirit's attention . Again there are no evil Spirits , so these verses as they are written never happened and are not the Word of LORD ELohim .
72 - Did The LORD Really Work Through Paul ? : In the book of Acts 19 : 11 & 12 God did extraordinary miracles through Paul , 12 so that even handkerchiefs and aprons that had touched him were taken to the sick , and their illnesses were cured and the evil spirits left them . We wrote long ago and in this update that LORD ELohim and Y'shua never knew this Paul guy . The LORD wonders if this man even ever existed and was made up by the Roman Catholic Church . Since the LORD never knew this man then how could LORD ELohim do miracles through Paul ?? Again remember Y'shua was not a God and Y'shua never met Paul either . If healing the sick was so easy to do then why do so many people suffer even today from a sickness . If the LORD could heal people so easily He would and other Spirits would help Him also . Y'shua never healed any peoples suffering and LORD ELohim cannot do that either . These verses are not the Word of God , they are most likely the written words of the Roman Catholic Chruch like most all in the CB NT .
73 - Was Y'shua And Christianity A New Covenant ? : We were reading a Christian magazine that a friend gets that says Y'shua was a new covenant . Covenant means a formal and binding agreement . Remember : only LORD ELohim can make a covenant with people . LORD ELohim in the past starting with Noah made seven covenants that we could find , promises with people and mostly with Abraham and Israel . The LORD says He never made a covenant with Adam . A Christian book says the covenant the LORD made with Adam was for eternal life but Adam broke that covenant by not obeying the LORD and that brought sin into the world . The LORD says this belief is silly . Humanoids were dying long before Adam . Again the LORD says He made no covenant with Adam . Noah was the first time the LORD made a covenant with a human about humans . Humanoids go back many tens of thousands of years before Adam . Iniquities were going on in the world long long before Adam was alive . Adam and Eve did not obey the LORD but no covenant was broken by Adam and the LORD never said to Adam and Eve " if you be good your reward is eternal life , but if you are bad you will die ." At that time Adam and Eve they knew death as being just a normal part of being mortals . And at the time of Adam , sin did not exist because LORD ELohim did not define what sin is to mankind until the time of Moses . So before Moses and the Ten Commandments given to all humans through Moses by LORD ELohim no mortal human ever sinned . I asked LORD ELohim if stuff about Y'shua is a new covenant that the LORD made with mankind and the LORD says there was no covenant regarding anything about Y'shua . There was forgiveness of sins for most all people , past , present and future and there was also The Simple Truth taught by Him through Y'shua but there was no covenant associated with Y'shua . The covenant many Christians believe in was a promise for followers of Y'shua to have eternal life . LORD ELohim did not promise this to anyone and He never heard Y'shua make such a promise either . Why would the LORD promise people with a covenant what He cannot do ? The LORD said He never made that promise to anyone , not even Y'shua . Anything about people having an eternal life in the CB or any other religious books is not true and it is not the Word of LORD ELohim or the words of Y'shua . Again : Y'shua never made the promise of eternal life to anyone because he did not believe that was even possible says the LORD .
74 - What Is The LORD Waiting For ? : The LORD knows there is a lot of talking going on about His Little Book and He is very happy about what He hears but what He is waiting for is the Roman Catholic Church pope to say something about His Book .
75 - Two Things The LORD Does Not Know How To Do ? : In the book of 1 Corinthians 15 : 50 - 56 it says 51 Listen , I tell you a mystery : We will not all sleep , but we will all be changed - 52 in a flash , in the twinkling of an eye , at the last trumpet . For the trumpet will sound , the dead will be raised imperishable , and we will be changed . 53 For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable , and the mortal with immortality . The two things the LORD cannot do is ' raise the dead ' and ' make the mortal flesh and bone body imperishable and eternal '. As the LORD teaches often : Think Not Beyond Logic . This verse says about a billion dead Christian people will be all raised from the dead at the very same time in a flash . LORD ELohim cannot do that . What do Christians think to believe this is even possible ? And how is LORD ELohim suppose to make all those raised mortal flesh and bone Christian bodies into imperishable bodies and also in a flesh to ? The LORD says these two things He cannot do . Remember that Christians from the beginning of that religion were a problem for LORD ELohim and even a problem for His Jewish people in the past and even today . So why would the LORD want to raise that problem back to life . There is nothing logical about that Christian belief . 54 When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable , and the mortal with immortality , then the saying that is written will come true : " Death has been swallowed up in victory . " .... 56 The sting of death is sin , and the power of sin is the law . 57 but thanks be to God ! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ . Y'shua had nothing to do with people having eternal life . Y'shua's death was all about LORD ELohim forgiving most all peoples sins and the teaching of The Simple Truth that LORD ELohim is the author of . Nothing to do with eternal life . Sin is not the cause of mortals death which is why even with all your sins and iniquities forgiven by the LORD , you are still going to die . Adam and Eve did not sin , they just did not obey the LORD . In 55 " Where , O death , is you victory ? Where , O death , is your sting ." The CB says the back up verse in the JB is in Hosea 13 : 14 . From Sheol itself I will save them , Redeem them from very Death . Where , O Death , are your plagues ? Your pestilence where , O Sheol ? Revenge shall be far from My thoughts . Sheol is the netherworld , the land of the dead . The JB says the LORD will save Israel even from Sheol , if Israel repents . Again : no religion is perfect in it understanding of the LORD and what the LORD ELohim can do and will do . People have hopes and dreams about their lives and the lives of others and those deeply set hopes are hard for LORD ELohim to correct . It took LORD ELohim over twenty years to teach me that people do not have Spirit Souls . Hosea is wrong and all these verses are not the Word of LORD ELohim .
76 - Our Chances To Try Again Are Over : How many times in the past did LORD ELohim allow mankind to have another do over ? Do overs , to try again only this time without the sins and iniquities , started with Adam and Eve , then Cain , then after the flood all mankind , then then then .... . The LORD has tried many time to give mankind a chance to get it right . Christians write often that the LORD had problems with the Jews . The LORD said that was not true . When the so called ' Ten Lost Tribes Of Israel ' forsook LORD ELohim they became a problem for the LORD at a time they were no longer Jewish . Most all the tribe of Judah and many from the tribe of Levi and some others from the lost tribes were not a problem for LORD ELohim because they remained faithful to the LORD and remained Jews . If you are a white skinned person you are a Hebrew . You may not know of anyone in your ancestry being Jews , but they were Jews . Non-Jewish Hebrews did become a great problem for the LORD and for their Jewish Hebrew family members . The LORD says He did not have problems with the Jews as Christians often write He did . Most Christians are of the lost tribes in the past and today . Any nation where people are mostly white skinned but not Jews they are still Hebrew nations . The Assyrians , Babylonians , and Romans and others were bad enough but cruel treatment of the Jews was going to get worse . In 489 C.E. the people of Antioch slaughtered the Jews , in 855 Louis 11 made the Jews leave Italy , in 1021 Jews in Rome were blamed for causing an earthquake and hurricane by tormenting a wafer used in Roman Catholic mass . They were tortured and burned to death . Talk about crazy : a wafer . In 1099 the first Crusaders slaughter tens of thousands of Muslims and Jews ( not Templars ) . In 1180 the king of France took all the Jews property and made the Jews leave France . 1290 the Jews were expelled from England , 1306 again the Jews were sent out from France , 1349 Jews were massacred throughout Europe . Thousands of Jews were burned to death and many Jews committed suicide to avoid torture . 1391 Tens of thousands of Jews were murdered in Spain and others forced to convert to Christianity . During the Inquisition over 50,000 Jews were murdered . 1492 Jews forced to leave Spain . 1517 the pope makes Jews wear badges of ' shame ' and to only live in ghettos . 1543 Martin Luther who began Protestant Christians declares that the Jews homes should be destroyed and the Rabbis forbidden under threat of death to teach . 1648 Around 200,000 Jews were murdered in the Ukraine during the Chmeinitski Pogroms . The word Pogroms means the organized massacre of helpless people especially the Jews . 1862 General Ulysses Grant order all Jews out of Tennessee . Abraham Lincoln rescinded that order . 1900 - 1920 Thousands of Jews were murdered in Eastern Europe . 1915 The Russian leader moved 600,000 Jews to the interior of Russia . Over 100,000 Jews died of exposure or starvation . 1925 Adolf Hitler publishes Mein Kampf where he writes : Today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator : by defending myself against the Jew , I am fighting for the work of the Lord . This sounds like Christian talk to us . 1941 -1945 Hitler is behind the Holocaust . Almost six million Jews were murdered in death camps . 1.5 million murdered Jews were children . And there is much more that the Jews over the years suffered . Note that most of the Jews sufferings were cause by non-Jewish white skinned Hebrews who's ancestry all goes back to Jewish people . LORD ELohim never understood any of this . He found no fault with the Hebrew Jews that would give reason to be murdered and treated so cruelly by mostly other Hebrews . A lot of kings and popes along with other people will never be forgiven by LORD ELohim . This may give you an idea why the Jews are so precious to LORD ELohim . In 1997 pope John Paul II declared that " In the Christian world ... the wrong and unjust interpretations of the NT relating to the Jewish people and their presumed guilt circulated for too long , contributing to feelings of hostility toward these people ." In 2000 the pope John Paul II went to Jerusalem and he offered a deep and profound apology to the Jews for the long history of persecution . Much of the persecutions were done by Christians like during the Inquisitions . There are a lot of reasons why mankind has failed our trial and the suffering of the Hebrew Jewish people is one very big reason why we have failed . The LORD gave us many chances to try again to get it right but our do overs are over with . What would be the point of Him allowing us to try again . The historical proof is that we don't seem to want to get things right with Him like the Jews do try to do . Most people know how to get it right with the LORD : to keep His Ten Commandments , to be good , kind and loving and caring toward other people , to be at peace , which is all very simple to do , but we mortal humans just cannot seem to get it , to understand what the LORD is trying to do to help us live a better mortal life . Our chance to do ' do overs ' are over now . Its pointless for the LORD to keep trying to help us . Mankind failed over and over and over ..... . Our trial is over and we greatly failed . Soon LORD ELohim is heading home because other than the Jews , most non-Jews give Him any reason to stay with us on this earth . Most all peoples sins and wrong doings are forgiven by the LORD but that does not mean He wants to stay with us .
77 - Remember Y'shua Was A Jew ! : LORD ELohim goes to the gathering of people who are talking about His Little Book and the LORD said that some Christians admitted that they did not think of Y'shua ( Jesus ) as being a Jew and a very devoted Jew of the religion of Judaism . Y'shua was fully a mortal man and he was fully a Jewish man . Since the time of Abraham and Sarah the LORD has worked through the Jewish people to try and help all mankind pass our trial and live a good life , so its not surprising that the Lamb of God would be a Jewish man named Y'shua . Y'shua was a Jewish man who willingly gave up his mortal life so not just Jews but even non-Jews also who are fairly good people could be forgiven by LORD ELohim of our sins and wrong doings . Through Y'shua the Jewish Lamb of God the LORD also tried to teach all mankind The Simple Truth but the Christians began murdering the Jews for teaching The Simple Truth and the LORD's forgivness of our sins and iniquities of most people . The LORD managed to tell the Jews to stop teaching pagans these things . Some Christians also thought that Y'shua was a Christian . That is not true in any way . Y'shua never tried to create a new religion . Y'shua was not the foundation of the Christian religion . The main foundation of the Christian religion were the Romans and the Roman Catholic Church and Greeks long after Y'shua had died . Again : Y'shua was not a Christian . Y'shua loved his religion of Judaism and he loved being a Jew . Y'shua loved the teachings of the Jewish religion and he above all : he greatly loved LORD ELohim his one and only God . Y'shua never claimed to be a God or the only Son of God . He also never claimed to be the Messiah or a king and all the other stuff Christians claim he was . Y'shua was a husband and father of two sons . Why is that not mentioned in the CB . All the Disciples knew that and if they were writing about Y'shua they probably would have mentioned that fact and many other truths not written about the life of this Jewish mortal man who's name was and in memory of him should still be named Y'shua today . Remember this : If you hate the Jewish people just because they are Jews , you are also being hateful toward the Jewish mortal man named Y'shua also , says LORD ELohim .
78 - Did Abraham Know About Y'shua ? : In Galatians 3 : 8 & 9 Scripture foresaw that God would justify the Gentiles by faith , and announced the gospel in advance to Abraham : " All nations will be blessed through you . " So those who rely on faith are blessed along with Abraham , the man of faith . LORD ELohim says that Abraham knew nothing about Y'shua . The reason the LORD knows that fact for sure is because during the time of Abraham even LORD ELohim knew nothing about the Lamb of God or the Jewish man Y'shua . The Lamb of God was almost a last minute thought in the LORD's mind because the Jews tried to teach the pagans but few payed any attention to the Jews . The world of mankind was crazy almost everywhere on earth since the time of Adam and Eve and long before them . Wars , murders , sacrifices of human children , the want of other peoples lands , and making people into slaves , hatred , violence , and on and on were almost everywhere on earth . About the time of Isaiah around the 8th century B.C.E. LORD ELohim came up with the idea of the fully mortal Jewish Lamb of God . The Romans were cruel rulers . In Genesis 18 : 18 since Abraham is to become a great and populous nation and all the nations of the earth are to bless themselves by him ? Abraham and his offspring the LORD was hopeful they would help Him help all mankind . Abraham and Sarah were the first two Jews on earth and the first of the LORD's chosen people , the Hebrew Jews . The LORD was never disappointed with His Hebrew Jewish people who remained faithful Jews . What the LORD means is that all nations will beneifit from the Jewish people by the Jews teaching them about LORD ELohim and what the LORD teaches the Jews that can help all mankind . The Christian teachings about Abraham knowing about the Lamb of God is not the Word of God . The Christian teaching about them being chosen by their gods before this earth even existed is also very wrong and has no truth and is not the Word of God also . The LORD was hopeful that Him working through the Jewish people , He could help mankind . There is nothing about the purpose of the Lamb of God that has anything to do with faith and religions says the LORD . No religion needed !
79 - Why Do Christians Believe Ancient Jewish Prophets Knew A Lot About Y'shua ? : We think the problem is : is that Christians think Y'shua was the Messiah . The LORD says there is almost nothing written about the Jewish Lamb of God but there is some writings about the awaited Jewish Messiah . The Christians have been mixing these two up for well over 1,600 years . The Lamb of God and the Messiah are two different mortal Jewish men . The Jewish Messiah could not be the Jewish Lamb of God because the Jewish Messiah would need to be alive to do what Jewish people hope he will do : bring peace to all mankind on earth and other stuff . The Jewish Lamb of God had to die for LORD ELohim's forgiveness of sins and iniquities of most all people on earth and the LORD's teaching of The Simple Truth . The truth is Y'shua was not the Jewish Messiah that the Prophets did write some about . There is not as much as Christians think there is written in the JB about Y'shua the Lamb of God . Believing Y'shua was the Messiah is a great error and is not the Word of God . Christians believing the Messiah is also a god , a king and so on is also an error . Remember the Jews came up with the hope for a Jewish man they call the Messiah who can help all mankind find peace and great joy . This hope for the Messiah was not LORD ELohim's idea but He likes it and He is hopeful that someday this hope of the Jews will come true to help all mankind to find peace .
80 - Death Through Adam And Eternal Life Through Y'shua : Is this true . Was death of human mortals caused by Adam and Eve ? Romans 5 : 12 Therefore , just as sin entered the world through one man , and death through sin , and in this way death came to all people , because all sinned . All verses we have read about this subject only goes back to Adam and Eve . According to the CB sin did not exist until these two people lived . The truth is : sin did not exist until LORD ELohim through Moses gave mankind the Ten Commandments . Breaking any of the Ten Commandments is a sin . So death through Adam did not happen because Adam and Eve never sinned , they just disobey the LORD . We have wrote about this a few times but we were reading a Christian magazine and its still in there . What about the Hominoids who lived before Adam . Why is there only pieces of bone found of them dating back hundreds of thousands of years ago when that person died . Why were there not billions of old H. erectus running around earth at the time of Adam if none died . These Hominoids before Adam did not sin but they all still died . Hominoids means like a man , of the form of a man . Adam and Eve were chosen by the LORD out of millions of other humans . Moses tried to explain stuff like this and he did not always get it right . Have all people sinned since the time of Moses ? LORD ELohim says He has known many Jewish men and women who never disobeyed His Ten Commandments and they all also did die . ( I think we have been writing Humanoids : it should be Hominoids . My mistake . ) Homo sapiens have been around about 90,000 years , thats us . The LORD says that was about the time of the first Grays who were the first species He gave free will to . The Grays are our ancestors who looked a lot like us at that time and they lived and died also . The LORD says the first Grays were not full of understanding . Like Humans it took them tens of thousands of years to understand how to build their spaceships . Death of any mortal species is going to happen and Adam and Eve and sin is not the cause of death . Romans 5 : 13 To be sure , sin was in the world before the law was given , but sin is not charged against anyone's account where there is no law . This is Pauls words and his first verse after verse 12 above . Now Paul writes that sin did not count for anything by the LORD before the Law , the Ten Commandments were given to mankind by Him through Moses . Thats true . No Law - no sin . If sin was not put upon peoples account by the LORD then why did all those people still die , even Adam and Eve , as though they were sinners ? Adam and Eve never sinned . None of these confusing verses are the Word of LORD ELohim . Who is this Paul guy is still a mystery .
Are people going to have an eternal life ' through Y'shua ?' You know the answer is ' no ' . LORD ELohim never promised any mortal life they would have an eternal life . Y'shua never made that promise to anyone either . There was no New Covenant through Y'shua that guaranties Christians eternal life . The LORD ELohim never made a covenant like that with Christians or anyone else . Covenants can only be made by LORD ELohim . You are mortal and you are going to die someday . You will never be resurrected . Even if a crazy scientist used your DNA or whatever to create a person in a plastic dish , you will not be that person and that does not resurrect who you are . Nothing can resurrect who you are from the dead : not even LORD ELohim !
81 - Are Womankind Only Good For Breeding ? : 1 Timothy 2 : 11 - 15 A woman should learn in quietness and full submission . 12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man ; she must be quiet . 13 for Adam was formed first , then Eve . 14 And Adam was not the one deceived ; it was the women who was deceived and became a sinner . 15 But women will be saved through childbearing - if they continue in faith , love and holiness with propriety . 1 Timothy was written by Paul . The word propriety means : the standard of what is socially acceptable in conduct or speech . I never had children because I did not want to bring a child into the crazy and cruel world so according to this Paul guy that leaves me out . According to the LORD this Paul guy is lying . LORD ELohim has never taught any person that lie . Some women are not able to have children at no fault of their own choice . LORD ELohim would never hold that against them . What word in Christianity is the least of all written ? Women or woman . In the CB , in magazines , in books . There is a lot of verses with the word men will be forgiven or men will be saved but no mention of women to the point one would think some men think men alone will go to Heaven . And where do these kind of men like Paul think all us women would go to ? : probably to a kitchen and laundromat in Heaven . The LORD did say through a teaching Spirit that Adam and his companion Eve should not eat from one tree but Satan never said anything to them . No Spirit spoke to Adam and Eve so they should eat from that tree . David would need a teaching Spirit for that just like the LORD needs teaching Spirits . David never tried to deceive them . That would take a lot of years of work for a teaching Spirit to do and teaching Spirits only work for the LORD . Again : LORD ELohim did not and does not allow Spirits to interfere in peoples free will . LORD ELohim with the help of a teaching Spirit did send them both out of the Garden of Eden for disobeying Him . The LORD says one was a guilty as the other . Eve did not force the fruit down Adam's throat . LORD ELohim said to Eve that her punishment was to be in the pain of childbearing and Adam's was to be in working the ground to feed his family . Moses got a lot right but David ( Satan ) had nothing to do with people even back then . I just though that Eve lied about the snake saying to her its OK to eat from that tree because she wanted someone to blame for that and the LORD thats probably why she said that . LORD ELohim never said that they would die if only they were to eat from that tree because that would be a lie . Adam and Eve were destined to die just like any other mortal and they both knew that because mortal humans were dying everywhere around them . People then like people today knew death is just another part of mortal life . So the threat of death would not be a good threat for the LORD to use and the LORD did not say that . The LORD ELohim never said the pain of childbearing would ' save ' women because the LORD cannot do that saving stuff for women and for men . LORD ELohim says He never said all that is written in these verses regarding Adam and Eve . These verses in 1 Timothy are not the Word of God but are the words of Paul . Some written in Genesis about Adam and Eve is the Word of God but some are also the words of Moses but much of the LORD's teachings to Moses , Moses did get enough right . Moses was LORD ELohim's best Prophet but Moses did not have many Prophets before him to also work from what they learnt about the LORD and other stuff .
82 - Why Did The LORD Want A Virgin Mother For Y'shua ? : LORD ELohim cannot be seen or heard which has always been a very big problem . The LORD cannot communicate with mankind and even through His chosen Prophets there were many problems . The LORD since Adam and Eve has been trying to help mankind live a better mortal life and was hopeful that we would pass our trial . LORD ELohim loved us that much . Many times the LORD had to try to communicate with us in other ways , in ways that did not require spoken words . Ways that people would think that the LORD made a miracle happen , like a virgin becoming pregnant . The LORD was hopeful that people would come to realize that He was fully behind Miriam becoming pregnant with Y'shua . It took some time but many Jews talking to each other and putting the bits and pieces together came to believe the LORD was fully behind the miracle of the virgin Miriam's pregnancy and the child born was the Lamb of God . The death of Y'shua and putting more bits and pieces together they came to understand that Y'shua willingly gave up his mortal life so people would understand that by the blood shed of Y'shua the sacrificed Lamb of God , LORD ELohim has forgiven the sins and iniquities of not just the Jews but of most all people everywhere in the world . By the death of the Lamb of God the Jews also knew that the LORD was also teaching people to forgive themselves and other people for any minor wrong doings just as LORD ELohim had forgiven most all of us of our sins and minor iniquities . We have called this The Simple Truth . The LORD's forgiveness of most all peoples sins and wrong doings goes back to Adam and Eve for their wrong doings to most all people in the future since Adam and Eve . Again sin did not exist until the time of Moses when the LORD gave Moses the Ten Commandments and Moses began teaching it . Why the virgin Miriam ? The LORD wanted people to know He was at work trying in His own way to teach all mankind about the purpose of the Lamb of God and to also teach mankind The Simple Truth . A note to Christians and anyone else : this ladies Jewish name was Miriam and she was a Jew like her son Y'shua was a Jew also . The LORD hopes in memory of her people will remember her by her Jewish name ' Miriam ' and not the Greek name Mary .
83 - Who Is The Only True God According To Y'shua ? : In the book of John 17 : 1 - 4 (R) " Father , the hour has come . Glorify your Son , that your Son may glorify you . 2 For you granted him authority over all people that he might give eternal life to all those you have given him . 3 Now this is eternal life : that they know you , the only true God , and Jesus Christ , whom you have sent . Verse 2 and 3 sounds like a third person is writing these verses and not Y'shua speaking them . Y'shua never had authority over all people and Y'shua cannot give people eternal life . Since LORD ELohim cannot do that Y'shua the fully mortal man cannot do that either and Y'shua is truly dead . LORD ELohim never gave Y'shua any people . Y'shua chose his own Disciples . In verse 3 it says eternal life is based on knowing LORD ELohim . Do all Christians truly know our Father LORD ELohim ? Many Christians may have a fairly good understanding of the LORD now because they have read the LORD's Little Book but before reading it Christians and other people did not know Him very well at all . According to verse 3 LORD ELohim is the only true God according to Y'shua : says the Christian Bible . These four words are true . Our Father LORD ELohim is ' the only true God '. Using the right name the next words would say : and Y'shua , whom you have sent . The LORD did ask Y'shua if he was willing to be His Lamb of God and in that way the LORD did send him for that purpose but He did not send him from Heaven . Y'shua was mortal . 4 I have brought you glory on earth by finishing the work you gave me to do . LORD ELohim did not give Y'shua work to do . Y'shua was a mortal man whose understanding of LORD ELohim was no better than any other devoted Jewish person . So the LORD did not send Y'shua to teach . Y'shua chose to be a Rabbi for a few years and the LORD was pleased by most of his teachings but there were several mistakes Y'shua made also . The only work Y'shua had to do if he chose to remain willing to do it , was to die as the Lamb of God . LORD ELohim says a lot of Y'shua's teachings were about the forgiveness of sins and iniquities by LORD ELohim and that would happen soon and he also taught about The Simple Truth . 5 And now , Father , glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world began . Y'shua did not exist before his mortal body was conceived of by LORD ELohim . There is nothing about Y'shua that was a Spirit son of God and Y'shua never said these Words or most any other words in these verses . It is very possible that Y'shua said many times that LORD ELohim is the only true God . Y'shua was Jewish and he greatly believed that .
84 - Did ' us ' Mean More Than One God ? : Some Christians believe that this verse means two or three Gods . Genesis 1 : 26 & 27 Then God said , " Let us make mankind in our image , in our likeness , so that they may rule over the fish .... So God created mankind in his own image , in the image of God he created them ; male and female he created them . The word ' us ' does not mean the ' us ' Spirits are also Gods . LORD ELohim has many thousands of Spirit sons and in this verse the ' us ' would mean His Spirit sons and not other Gods . LORD ELohim is a big Spirit compared to other Spirits He created and some of creation of mortals , animals , trees ... needed little hands so some of His Spirit children did help Him with His creation of mortals and all other stuff on earth . There is only one God and Father and He is LORD ELohim and coming to a understanding of how to make mortals was the LORD's understanding , not His Spirit childrens .
85 - Does His Name ' ELohim ' Mean More Than One God ? : Christians say that the name ' ELohim ' means more than one God . According to the Jews that is not true when people are referring to the One God , LORD ELohim . If we understand this right the name ELohim can be both singular and plural . If this is right , Christians have three Elohims and the Jews and Muslims have only One ELohim . ELohim means ' God ' as in the faith of Judaism and Islam but in Christianity it means ' gods ' because many believe in three gods in one god and only One of them is the One and Only true ELohim ( God ) . LORD ELohim says the trinity of three gods in one god does not exist . The LORD ELohim alone is our Father and our God . We hope we got this right about the meaning of ELohim . Remember that ELohim is the oldest name of LORD ELohim . His Spirit children have been calling Him ELohim or EL for trillions of years . English has been the language of Heaven for trillions of years also . The LORD had to add words to it when He began dealing with mortal humans . It was not an easy task to teach people the English language of Heaven . The LORD also taught the Jews the Hebrew language He created which was not easy to do either but He managed with the help of teaching Spirits . Both English and Hebrew language were created by the LORD . The 666 # 6 code only works with English because the LORD created words by using that code .
86 - Was The Son Of God In The Person Of Y'shua ? : Many Christians believe that the Son of God Spirit incarnated into the mortal man called Y'shua . Incarnation means : the embodiment of a deity or spirit in an earthly form , the union of divine and human natures in Y'shua . So : who died on the cross for the purpose of LORD ELohims forgiveness of most all peoples sins and iniquities ? Who should the greater thanks go to if you believe a Spirit Son of God incarnated into the mortal man Y'shua ? Again , there is no Only Spirit Son of God but let's pretend there was . Who deserves the greater thanks : Spirit or mortal flesh . Spirits are eternal and the Spirit Son of God would not have suffered and would not have died . The fully mortal man Y'shua truly did die but the LORD made sure he did not suffer in pain . What would the Spirit Son of God have lost by going to the cross with the mortal man Y'shua ? The Spirit would have lost nothing and we would have gained nothing , where as the mortal man Y'shua did loss his mortal life forever and through Y'shua the Jewish man we gained LORD ELohim's forgiveness of our sins and iniquities and the teaching of The Simple Truth . LORD ELohim says no Spirit other than one teaching Spirit was in Y'shua the mortal man sometimes . There is no ' only Son of God ' , he does not exist and he never existed . Y'shua the Lamb of God was fully mortal and nothing more . Y'shua's flesh and bone mortal body was never resurrected and like all of us he had no form of life after he died and he knew that would be the fact before he agreed to be the Lamb of God . The LORD says to Christians : thank the one who willingly lost everything , the fully mortal Jewish man named Y'shua and stop worshiping and thanking the ' Only Son of God ' who does not exist and if he did exist as Spirit he would have done nothing for you and he would have lost nothing . It would not be the Son of God either who forgave most of us of our sins and iniquities because only LORD ELohim can do that .
87 - What Was The Purpose Of Y'shua ? : Many Christians believe the main reason for Y'shua's death on the cross as a sacrifice as the Lamb of God was to allow his followers to have eternal life . LORD ELohim says that was never the purpose for the Lamb of God's death and it never will be . Y'shua's purpose was to teach mankind of LORD ELohim's forgiveness of sins and minor wrong doings and to teach mankind The Simple Truth . The LORD says that Y'shua did teach The Simple Truth to people when he was a Rabbi and he also spoke of the LORD's forgiveness soon to happen . Much about what Y'shua taught was about forgiveness . Y'shua's teachings focused mostly on how people could live better lives during the time of the Romans ruling over Israel . LORD ELohim says Y'shua never taught anything about eternal life for people . Any teachings in the CB NT about eternal life for people is not the Word of God or Y'shua's words and is completely wrong .
88 - The Family Of LORD ELohim's : We were reading a Christian magazine that was teaching about the close connection of LORD ELohim and Y'shua as His only Son but there is no mention of the LORD's other thousands of Spirit children He created . How can Y'shua be LORD ELohim's only son since it was LORD ELohim who created all of His Spirit sons . LORD ELohim created all His Spirit children with His own hands so there is no ' only Son of God ' . There are thousands of Spirit sons of LORD ELohim . Y'shua is not counted among those Spirit children because nothing about Y'shua was a Spirit . Y'shua was a Jewish mortal son of God but that is the same for all male humans : good or evil . All women are daughters of LORD ELohim also and any who are good or evil too . The LORD has always wanted to be thought of as our Father also like all Spirits do because LORD ELohim created us mortals also and therefore is our one and only Father just like He is the one and only Father of His Spirit family . The book of John where John is claimed to have written in John 1 : 1 - 3 In the beginning was the Word , and the Word was with God , and the Word was God . 2 He was with God in the beginning . 3 Through him all things were made ; without him nothing was made that has been made . Y'shua created nothing that has been made . Also how could Y'shua create himself if he were a Spirit . LORD ELohim is the God and Spirit behind all that was created except His own creation and a lot of galaxies . The LORD does not know who created Him but He knows He was created , He did not just happen . The LORD has existed long enough to know that galaxies make themselves if there are enough Big Bangs happening for each galaxy . Whoever wrote John claiming Y'shua created mankind and everything else did not make the LORD happy about that lie . Yes we are apart of our Father LORD ELohim's family but obviously we mortal humans for the most part are not His favorite children .
89 - Does LORD ELohim Have An Eternal Plan For Mankind ? : The answer is simply ' No ' . Mortals cannot live an eternal life because we are mortals made from the dust of the earth . No mortal human can live forever with the LORD . In a thousand years from now will our human mortal offspring still be alive on earth ? Not the way we are going today and have been going for a lot of years , even before Adam and Eve lived . If we do not change our ways , soon in the future people will be saying : blessed are the dead .
90 - The Holy Spirit : This Spirit called by Christians : the Holy Spirit or just The Spirit , is the third and a false God of the Christians . A very few Christians do not believe the Holy Spirit is a God or as they call a ' person ' , the third person of the One God . The LORD does not know how the Christians came up with that math equation either . In their writings about the Holy Spirit is not a God nothing has changed much . It's still believed that the Holy Spirit goes within only the Christians and somehow this one Spirit can be in over 244 million Christians today . LORD ELohim says again " Think Not Beyond Logic " all Christians . The LORD never created One Spirit that big and with that many minds to guide that many humans . Remember this : the Holy Spirit does not exist , but if he did exist , like all Spirits including David , he would not be allowed to interfere with peoples free will and therefore cannot guide people . Some believe the Holy Spirit is the power of LORD ELohim and the Holy Spirit was who the LORD used to create all that was created . Now among Christians there are two creators : Y'shua and the Holy Spirit . No mention of LORD ELohim creating all that was created but the truth is LORD ELohim was the only creator of all created and sometimes with the help of His Spirit children . If the Christian Bible is without errors then why are there so many different interpretations of the CB NT . It's like if the Christian Churches are without error then why can the church suddenly change their mind about what is preached like the Roman Catholic Church taught that babies who die without being baptized go to hell . People took issue with that teaching and the church changed it to the babies go to Limbo . Obviously none of these teachings is the Word of LORD ELohim but are only the words of men . There is only One God and Father and He is LORD ELohim . There is no Holy Spirit or the one called the Spirit and there is no Spirit that is the Only Son of God . The Jewish fully mortal man named Y'shua truly died as the Lamb of God and was never raised from the dead . LORD ELohim created all that was created . Creation was not done by Y'shua and not by the Holy Spirit . Again : there is only One true God and Father and Creator and He alone is LORD ELohim .
91 - Do We Have Any Kind Of Spirit Within Us ? : Roman 8 : 16 & 17 says The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children . 17 Now if we are children , then we are heirs - heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ , if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory . The Spirit probably means the Holy Spirit . What does ' with our spirit ' mean ? The spirit may mean something like a persons faith or the belief we have a Spirit Soul : we don't know . No mortal has a Spirit or Soul to call their own . Spirit Souls do not exist and the word soul has many meanings including mortal flesh and bone . A ' spirit ' can also mean a person . People have always been LORD ELohim's children , even the most wicked people to who will never forgiven by their Father LORD ELohim for their wicked , evil and cruel ways . Whoever wrote this thinks very highly of themselves . To believe the LORD would make a person heirs of something just because they believe something that cannot be proven , that is not going to happen . To believe you would be a co-heir with Y'shua the Lamb of God that too is not going to happen except in death . Death is the same for all mortals . This being written by Christians probably means that Christians will rule the world as Kings with Y'shua or go to Heaven . Y'shua is dead and he will never rule the world and the LORD hopes Christians will never get that job . Christianity does not have a good record in the past and even some stuff going on today . Some Christians whip themselves or put barbed wire around them and other stuff so to suffer . Christians can cause their own suffering all they want : that is not going to mean anything to the LORD other than it's a silly thing to do . No mortal including all Christians , no matter how much they suffer , none can share equally in Y'shua's glory as the willing Jewish Lamb of God .
92 - Is The LORD ELohim Trying To Make People Into Gods : We were reading something that says what the LORD's purpose with mankind is to raise some of mankind ( Christians ) to divinity as His eternal family . Divinity means : a divine being ; a god or goddess , God , divine nature or quality . The truth is : LORD ELohim does not like us or trust us mortal humans that much ! Is the LORD adding to His family and to the Kingdom of Heaven ? The LORD says no mortal human can be eternal and He has no plans of adding humans to His Heaven far from earth . That cannot be done anyway . The LORD has enough Spirit children to love and who all love Him . Spirits the LORD trusts completely and greatly likes and deeply loves all of them a lot . Mortal people are His children but if you were the LORD would you want humans in your loving and peaceful happy Heaven ? There are many reasons we failed . We have no more chances for do overs .
93 - Can The Holy Spirit Change Us ? : There is no Holy Spirit or as sometimes called by Christians ' the Spirit ' . Again : no Spirit is allowed to interfere in our free will for any reason . The Holy Spirit does not exist and the Spirit of LORD ELohim and Y'shua is not in any Christians or anyone else . The LORD cannot do that and does not want to do that and Y'shua the fully mortal man never was a Spirit in any way . There is no ' only Son of God ' Spirit . The LORD has thousands of Spirit sons He alone created and none are Y'shua .
94- Were Christians Chosen Before Time Existed ? : 2 Timothy 1 : 9 He has saved us and called us to a holy life - not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace . This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time . Time existed even before LORD ELohim existed says the LORD . When did time not exist in some way . The LORD was trillions of years old when He started playing in the earths dirt around five billion years ago . Even at that time He did not know if He could create life out of the dust of the earth and He certainly never thought of creating Paul or the rest of us humans back then . The LORD's grace to free most all mankind from the guilt of their sins and iniquities was only in His thoughts a few hundred years before Y'shua lived . The LORD has nothing to do with Christians and He never chose any persons to be Christians . Christian people did that on their own to join that religion . Again : Y'shua was never a Christian . Y'shua was a devoted Jewish man .
95 - Spirits First And Mortals Humans Second : If the LORD was going to make gods or kings or a Kingdom of God on earth like Christians write about , His first choice would be a Kingdom just for Spirits and not humans and not on earth . LORD ELohim's Spirit children have never given Him problems but His mortal Hominoids with free will have been a constant problem to deal with and have given Him reason to even weep . The LORD did not even know He could cry and feel so badly until He created us mortals . Would the LORD give mankind another chance for another do over again . LORD ELohim says He would never give mankind another chance to get things right because it has never lasted generation after generations or even one generation . According to the CB NT and some Christian writers the LORD had problems with the Jewish people but LORD ELohim says that is a lie . The Hebrews who remained faithful to Judaism and remained Jews were not His problem , not in the past and not today . It was the rest of the humans of the world who were His problem in the past and even today including Christians : often Christians .
96 - The Holy Grail : The Holy Grail is believed by many to be the cup Y'shua used at the Last Supper . A lot of people have searched for the ' Cup of Christ ' as it's called . Y'shua was not the Messiah so the word ' Christ ' is wrong . If a cup was found and claimed to be Y'shua's cup at the last supper how could they prove that it was his cup ? Even if the clay or whatever else its made of can be traced to Israel , even then how can it be proven to be Y'shua's cup ? A lot of cups were made in Israel and other places near . LORD ELohim was at the last supper and He says all cups that were used at that supper were the same and there was nothing special about the cup Y'shua used . So how can it be proven that one of the 13 cups which are the same is Y'shua's cup ? What is to be gained by finding the cup other than money if sold ? LORD ELohim says that cup has no power of any kind . Drinking from it will not heal you or give you eternal life or anything else . If you're thinking about buying a cup claimed to be the Holy Grail what would it take to prove to you that it is the cup of Y'shua and not the cup of John or Matthew or any of the others at that supper . Y'shua was a poor Rabbi who was supporting his family on Rabbi wages and the Disciples were not rich either . The cup was a commonly made style of cup and of clay and not a cup made of gold with jewels embedded in it like some people today believe it was . The LORD says no one took the cup Y'shua was using . The table was cleared off with no attention payed to the cup Y'shua used . Also LORD ELohim says that the Disciples and anyone else really did not know what exactly was to happen to Y'shua and for what reason . Y'shua gave them hints about his fate but not clear information . It was not until they saw Y'shua dying on the cross did the bits and pieces of his hints start coming together but a greater understanding did not start until days later , long after the dishes and cups were cleaned and put away . The dishes and cups were not the Disciples or Y'shua . It was like a catered gathering and those who catered the table knew nothing about Y'shua . Again : how can any cup claimed to be only Y'shua's cup be proven to be his and only his cup ? A cup never used before Y'shua and never used after Y'shua . The LORD does not think it would be possible to prove that . Is the cup worth millions ? We think only if it could be fully proven to be Y'shua's cup and the LORD says that would probably be impossible to prove . Old cups and other stuff are found often in diggings in the Middle East . There is a unproven legend about Joseph of Arimathea . Its said that Joseph had Y'shua's cup and Joseph went to the cross with the cup and caught the blood of Y'shua dripping from Y'shua's body . LORD ELohim was there with Y'shua and never left him . The LORD says He saw no one doing that . Joseph was not at the last supper so how would he have gotten the cup and to be sure it was Y'shua's ? None of the Disciples took that cup anywhere . Who would be thinking at that time that Y'shua's cup was special in any way . The LORD says no one and He also thought the cup was nothing special . The Disciples did not know that Y'shua would die as the Lamb of God the next day . The LORD says that even He did not know what Y'shua's plans were to die the next day . Remember it was Y'shua who planned when , where and how he would die as the sacrificial Lamb of God : not LORD ELohim . I asked LORD ELohim if Y'shua said to his Disciples : Matthew 26 : 26 - 29 While we were eating , Jesus took bread , and when he had given thanks , he broke it and gave it to his disciples , saying , " Take and eat ; this is my body . " 27 Then he took a cup , and when he had given thanks , he gave it to them saying , " Drink from it , all of you . 28 This is my blood of the covenant , which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins . 29 I tell you , I will not drink from the fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father's kingdom . " There is no new covenant made by LORD ELohim according to the LORD . Christians claim the new covenant is the promise of eternal life . The LORD and Y'shua never promised anyone that . The LORD says Y'shua never said these verses and they are not the Word of the LORD . Drinking blood is not kosher and Y'shua and his Disciples were Jews . Joseph is claimed to be a Jew also so it's very unlikely he tried to get Y'shua's blood . For what purpose would he have done that ? Again the cup would have no supernatural powers and its just a common cup and without any proof its Y'shua's cup at the last supper it probably has no value . Again the cup Y'shua used has no supernatural powers and Y'shua the fully mortal Jewish man had no supernatural powers either . We wrote this before . In the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City there is or was a chalice ( cup ) made of carved silver called the Chalice of Antioch . Some people believe this cup is the Holy Grail but there is no proof of that . The cup was found in 1910 at the ruins of Antioch in todays Turkey . Where would Y'shua have got the money to pay for such a very fancy carved silver cup . Y'shua deeply believed in helping the poor and people in need so it's very unlikely he would have spent a lot of money for just a silver cup . Y'shua's cup was a clay cup , not a silver cup . See how easy it is that many people can believe in something that has absolutely no evidence to back up their belief .
97 - Did LORD ELohim Punish The Jews A Lot ? : LORD ELohim says that did not happen . Sometimes the Prophets and others exaggerated about what was going on by writing that the problems of the Jews is because LORD ELohim is mad at them and is punishing them for some reason . LORD ELohim says He never punished His Jewish people because He was never angry with them . What He would get angry about is how other people treated His chosen people the Jews . The LORD is a very understanding God and He loved and loves the Jews greatly . The Jewish people were always there to help the LORD just like Y'shua and many Jews never sinned , just like Y'shua . At least for the most part they tried to obey LORD ELohim but often the pagan world got in the way like the Romans prohibiting circumcision and prohibiting them of reading the Torah and prohibiting other required Jewish rituals and much more . Most Christians believe their religion has replaced the Jews and thats why their faith exists . LORD ELohim and Y'shua never created Christianity or any other religion other than Judaism and that religion LORD ELohim began creating at the time of Abraham . The LORD has never wanted to replace the Jews with anyone else . LORD ELohim has always been pleased with the Hebrew Jews . The LORD never caused the Jews to become slaves of other nations , ruled over by the Romans and others , the destruction of their Temples , losing their land of Israel that was given to them by the LORD , being treated horribly by other people for no sound reason , slaughtered for no sound reason and many more reasons why the Jews have suffered in the past and now . According to the LORD He has never had reason to punish His chosen people the Hebrew Jews or to stop loving them . The Prophets were not perfect and it was not easy for them to know what the LORD was trying to teach them . Most of the time they did the best they could and sometimes they went their own way and needed correction from LORD ELohim but that did not always work . So a common belief came to be that the LORD does punish the Jews for their errors , which is not true . Again : LORD ELohim greatly loved and loves His Hebrew Jews and will never replace them with anyone else says the LORD . On Sunday May 12 there was a show on Show Case called The Tattooist Of Auschwitz which LORD ELohim watched at one of the gatherings . The show was about the Holocaust . Remember the LORD is not everywhere and He did not know anything about the suffering and mass murders of His chosen people the Jewish people and other people when the Holocaust was happening . The LORD heard about this after the 2nd World War with Germany was over by Jews speaking of it in Israel . This show was the first show that LORD ELohim has seen about the Holocaust and about the survivors who survived the German death camps like Auschwitz . The LORD cried while watching the show and weeped for His Jews while listening to elderly Jews at the gathering who were placed by the Germans in Auschwitz during the war . About six million Jews were murdered without any just cause by the Germans during the war caused by Hitler and his goons . This show will continue for a few weeks and the LORD will make sure He can watch all of them . The LORD does want to fully understand what happened at that time to His Jews and to other people like Gypsies , people with mental and physical disabilities , homosexuals and other people like the Slavs and so on who also were put in death camps and were murdered along with His Jews . People did not just die in German death camps . It was a world war started by the Germans under Hitlers ruling . Around 45 million people died during that war , military people and civilians , and probably millions who survived it suffered mental and physical disabilities because of the war and the death camps like Auschwitz . The LORD will continue to watch this show and we will continue to talk to Him about it . Is anyone still wondering why we failed our trial ? We did not fail because of only this , but the Holocaust and World War II was added to a very long list of why we were already failing our six thousand year trial .
98 - Did Y'shua Speak Greek ? : The reason I asked LORD ELohim that question is because in the CB it's written in Revelation 1 : 8 and 22 : 13 they say Y'shua said 1 : 8 " I am the Alpha and the Omega , " says the Lord God , " who is , and who was , and who is to come , the Almighty . And in 22 : 13 I am the Alpha and the Omega , the First and the Last , the Beginning and the End . The words Alpha and Omega are Greek words used in their alphabet . Alpha is the first letter and Omega is the last letter of the Greek alphabet . LORD ELohim says Y'shua had no knowledge of the Greek language or the Greek alphabet . Y'shua was Jewish so if Y'shua were to say this why would he use the Greek alpha-bet and not the Hebrew alphabet : Aleph and Tav . Aleph is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet and Tav is the last letter . The LORD says Y'shua could not have said these verses because Y'shua did not know any Greek and at the time Revelation was written Y'shua was also dead . What was in Hebrew some was translated into Aramaic then into Greek then into Old Latin then in 383 Jerome created a new version called the Vulgate and and and Old Syriac , Peshitta , Coptic was written in the Greek alphabet in 375 and why it is listed after Jerome in 383 we don't know . There are well over two hundred versions of the Christian Bibles and versions by Greeks a few times . In the NIV Rev. 1 : 8 is in black letters but in the KJV this verse is in red letters . In Rev. 22 : 13 both the Bibles are in red letters . When people translate any kind of book , they should not change the names of real people . Y'shua never said these verses says LORD ELohim . Y'shua never knew the Greek language or their alphabet . The only language Y'shua knew was Hebrew and his Disciples only knew Hebrew also . When Y'shua went before Pilate and it was Pilate who had an interpreter to translate the Hebrew language . So these verses in Revelation are not the Words of the LORD or of Y'shua .
99 - Y'shua's Two Thousand Year Anniversary Of His Death : Soon it will be the anniversary of Y'shua's death as the willing Lamb of God who died for our sins and iniquities to be forgiven by LORD ELohim and for the teaching of the LORD's Simple Truth . Y'shua was born in about 5 B.C.E and died 33 years later in 28 C.E. . So if mine and the LORD's math is right Y'shua's death two thousand year anniversary will be in 2028 , 4 years from now . LORD ELohim hopes that people will remember Y'shua then on a special day but not on the Roman pagan holiday of December 25 or any other pagan holiday . A day to remember the Jewish Lamb of God the LORD will leave it up to the Jewish Rabbis which day that would be . Y'shua the fully mortal Jewish man should be remembered every year on that day by all mankind . Again : Y'shua should be remembered and honored but not worshiped as a God because he was never a God .
100 - Are Spirits Only Servants ? : Some Christians believe a day will come when all Spirits will become their servants . It's written somewhere in the CB NT but we don't remember where . LORD ELohim says this will never ever happen . His Spirit children are not even the LORD's servants , so why would LORD ELohim allow Christians to make His Spirit children into their slaves ? Again : this will never happen . Also , how could Spirits that cannot be seen or heard speaking and cannot pick up most of any kind of matter in the universe with their hands , how could they make good servants for mankind ? LORD ELohim deeply deeply loves all His Spirit children who are all easy to love and to greatly enjoy being with . People in general are not all that easy to love or easy to enjoy being with . We failed our trial for many many reasons . Wherever in the CB NT where that verse is written , it is not the Word of God and certainly is not the words of Y'shua . Who would even think or believe such a thing ?