Date: May 24 2021
This is the Third 666 Book . The code for this site is the same as the other 666 sites . Again not all people should read the Little Book because what is written is not all good news to some people and may be deeply disturbing to some people . This Book is an end time Book like the others on this web site given to mankind by God and the future God predicts for us is not very good . Some of the writings challenge much what is believed by people of many religions . Again this Book is not for everyone .
The code for the 666 part of the Little Book is simply adding 6 to the sum of the last letter as in : A = 6 , B = 12 , C =18 , D = 24 , E = 30 , F = 36 , G = 42 , H = 48 , I = 54 , J = 60 , K = 66 , L = 72 , M =78 , N = 84 , O = 90 , P = 96 , Q =102 , R = 108 , S = 114 , T = 120 , U =126 , V = 132 , W = 138 , X = 144 , Y = 150 , Z = 156 .
To use the code is simple : The word or words must add up to 666 such as the word ' computer ' .
C = 18 , O = 90 , M =78 . P = 96 , U = 126 , T = 120 , E = 30 , R = 108 . The word computer adds up to 666 . The words ' About now ' also adds to 666 the same way ' computer ' added to 666 . This code is called Gematria and this code is for English Gematria but Hebrew and Greek also have a Gematria code but the numbers and alphabet are different . " Gematria " means " word - measuring ".
The - means that the sentences are coded as above . NOTES: mean that the sentences are not coded . The NOTES are just added information . The sentences in this font are verses out of a religious Book . The ( B ) means the verses are in black letters in the Bible New Testament and the ( R ) means the verses are the red letter verses in the Bible said to have been spoken by Y'shua . The name Y'shua is the true name of the man Christians call Jesus and we do use his true Jewish name which he was called when he walked this earth . The name Jesus is a Greek name not a Hebrew name . Remember Y'shua was a Jew not a Greek man . The name ' Jesus ' and the name ' Y'shua ' each add to 444 . Our God LORD ELohim has many names and in the Little Book many are written into it . A few of His names are EL , EL Roi ,Yahweh , JHVH , YHWH , LORD , YHVH , I AM , Ab , Abba , I AM HE , or simply God and God of Israel as examples . God prefers His name to be called LORD ELohim when possible .
The difference between the main book of the Little Book and 666 books of the Little Book is that the main book is almost strickly verses and words out of the Bible ,the Old and New Testaments . The main Little Book is the book that shows the errors in the Bible and the 666 books LORD ELohim wrote to correct the errors in the Bible and what people now believe . The 666 books also corrects errors in other religious faiths since many faith have beliefs that were based on Bible teachings. It is the 666 books that are the important books that LORD ELohim wrote Himself to teach what is true teachings and what are false teachings . The Little Book is now opened because the time we live in now is near the end of time for us .
Why is LORD ELohim telling us now regarding all that is written in the Little Book ? The reason is because this Day of God's and of ours is the End Time , the Last Day , the Judgment Day and the Sabbath Day . God wants you to know the truth and to understand what has been going on in the past and what is really going on now and in the future . The truth to LORD ELohim is the most important . There are many errors and lies being believed by people and God simply wants you to know and understand the truth . LORD ELohim promised in Revelation 10 : the mystery of God should be finished and He warned : that there should be time no longer regarding our trial time . God saved the Little Book for our time , the Judgment Day and the Sabbath Day for all Humanity .
The Little Book is also used by God to prove to you that He exists , that He is real and that He " LORD ELohim " is the one God and the only God . The Little Book He uses to teach you that LORD ELohim is your creator and your Father . There are many wrong beliefs about God and He wants you to know the many truths about Him . LORD ELohim does not want to be a mystery to you anymore . The Little Book is " the voice of God " .
( 3 : 1 ) - Humanity * believe and hear * LORD ELohim * I AM HE saying * soon a time * on earth ark * LORD ELohim * will end life * of any flesh * on Last Day * . Humanity * about earth * blame it not * all on Jews * . In past age and * even today * Humanity * about earth * grow evil * . Humanity * about earth * spread evil * . The Little * Book language * reveal evil * in past age and * even today * about earth * . Remember again * blame it not * on Jewsall * LORD ELohim * reason for * the end of hate * an much more *on earth ark * . Behold today * is Sabbath Day * on earth ark * and again believe * Sabbath Day is * on Last Day * .
NOTES: LORD ELohim wanted to start this Book of the Little Book with the above riddle because throughout the ages pagans ( non-Jews ) have blamed the Jewish people for all most everything gone wrong in their lives and nations . It was and yet is common for people to hate the Jews without reason or having false reasons and many without ever knowing a Jew . The reason LORD ELohim will end mortal life on earth is because of many many reasons but if your talking about people and religions the Jews and Judaism were the least of LORD ELohim troubles with Humanity over the years . As a non-Jew what you believe is what you believe because you want to believe it and has nothing to do with the Jews or Judaism . No religion is perfect and without errors : not even Judaism but Judaism as it is and was is the most truthful and harmless of all religions about earth's nations in past ages and even today . Again what you believe is because you want to believe it no matter where that belief came from . LORD ELohim says you and you alone are responsible for what your beliefs are no matter where such beliefs came from so don't blame the Jews for what you chose to believe . Also keep in mind that much of the New Testament was not written by Jews . A great deal was added to the New Testament by non-Jews such as the early Roman Catholic church clergy who set the base beliefs of all Christians then and to come . LORD ELohim realizes that most people of all religions have never given much thought to what they are suppose to believe as members of their faith or even to what has nothing to do with religion . Many religions have a " don't ask questions " attitude in their faith . God is hoping you will want to give alot of thought to what you do believe after reading His Little Book . Again LORD ELohim says you alone are responsible for your own beliefs about anything so you may want to give them some thought and see if you really believe what you do believe now .
NOTES: LORD ELohim will end all mortal life on earth : there is no changing that . We as a species have failed the test and the fact that there is much suffering failed the test to . Remember again that this may not happen for hundreds of yearsor it may happen sooner then a day . This is somthing that LORD ELohim did not add into the Little Book . Only LORD ELohim would know when that may happen but right now even He is not sure .
- Before time He * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * author a code * now opened * . Mathematic I add * and numbers * shapes Book * strange code * . Book code key * # six opened * God of Israel * hidden teaching * . In past ages * English seal * the Little * Book shape and * hidden teaching * . Behold today * new modern * English break * the Little * Book code key * . Modern math * 666 * now opened * special code and * for world * Humanity * take heed riddle * in God's Book * . God of Israel * give codekey * called Gematria * . God of Israel * LORD ELohim * help women * a offspring * Ephraim figs * in bloodline * . LORD ELohim * help women * solve My * strange code . God of Israel * I AM HE saying * behold today * Sabbath Day is * the day at hand * . God of Israel * riddle about * LORD ELohim * in past age and * even today * as end of time * . Riddle about * good proof * HE is YAHWEH * as the Father * . Riddle about * mankind lies * . The Little * Book language * correct it * . The riddle God * LORD ELohim * EL Roi create * like bitter * herbs eateth * for world * Humanity * . At hand soon * God of Zion * LORD ELohim * hath finished * on earth ark * . Mortal life * all soon end * on Last Day * on earth ark * . God had reason * all soon end * on earth ark * . People war * because wicked * peoplebehind * slaughter * . Disease cause * mortal life * dreadful pain * and male and female * and childrens * and animals made * suffer here * on earthark * . World greed * changed people * . Money greed * for stuff * changed people * and greed grew * about earth * while of the * needy they * famines kill * . People behind * world greed * cause woe and * deep sadness * . People sin * about earth * . LORD ELohim * God of Israel * created Laws * for world * . EL Ten Laws * for world * Humanity * and nations *about earth * . Behold today * Humanity * and nations * about earth * in great break * God of Israel * EL Ten Laws * . God of Israel * pity Mine * mortal life * on earth ark * . Formed flesh * about earth * grieve much * . Dreadful pain * in peoples * like cancer make * LORD ELohim * grieve much * for world * mortal life * an much more * reason God had * deep sadness * for world * mortal life * . LORD ELohim * God of Israel * will end life * of any flesh * on Last Day * as end of time * . Humanity * know at hand * due on earth * a end of times * .
- In God's Book * the Little * Book language * hath English * . Alpha sealed code * . English break * the Little * Book language * . Book code key * modern math * 666 * .
NOTES: The Little Book is written about in the Bible in Revelation chapter Ten . The entire chapter is about the Little Book . In 10 : 6 And sware by Him that liveth for ever and ever , who created Heaven , and the things that therein are , and the earth , and the things that therein are , and the sea , and the things which are therein , that there should be time no longer . In 10 : 7 But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel , when he shall begin to sound , the mystery of God should be finished , as He hath declared to His servants the prophets . We are now living in the Last Day and LORD ELohim warns us that our trial time is up . The chapter also says the the mysteries of God LORD ELohim will be shared with us in the Little Book . The Little Book is LORD ELohim's Book , He is the author of it . The Little Book is about the past , present and future regarding many subjects . Again a warning , the Little Book is not for everyone . 10 : 9 And I went unto the angel , and said unto him , Give me the Little Book . And he said unto me , Take it , and eat it up ; and it shall make thy belly bitter , but it shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey . It depends on how one sees life as it is on earth or how aware you are of the sufferings and sorrows of people living in past and present . The more aware you are of the true world as it is the more likely you will agree with LORD ELohim's future plans for mankind and all other mortal life here on earth . The Little Book is sweet to me but to you it may be bitter . Again you may not want to know what is written in LORD ELohim's Little Book .
- God of Israel * Father of life * made solvable * mind riddles * . LORD ELohim * Torah shape * hidden teaching * for world * Humanity * .
NOTES: The Little Book only works in modern English and no other language. Modern English is the only language of LORD ELohim and Spirits in Heaven . Modern English has been the language of God and Spirits for trillions of years . Because of LORD ELohim dealing with people over the years He knows two other languages of humans : Hebrew and old Egyptian . Neither Hebrew or Egyptian have this code in their language though many believe Hebrew does have a different kinds of codes in that language . Old English kept the Little Book sealed because of the spelling of English words like sons written like sonnes , unto written as vnto , servant written as seruant ,sheep written as sheepe , seventh written as seuenth and so on . Humanity had to wait till LORD ELohim with the help of Souls taught us modern English words and spelling .
NOTES: Remember again that the name of Jesus was really Y'shua . Jesus is a Greek name which was substituted in the Bible for Y'shua by the early Catholic church . Y'shua is a Jewish Hebrew name . Y'shua was a Hebrew Jew living in ancient Israel . Y'shua's name was a Jewish Hebrew name which makes sense . But why did the early Christian church long after Jews were involved change Y'shua's name to Jesus ? Again we use the name Y'shua in the Little Book 666 Books because that was his name .
- Churches lie * Humanity * saved by the * perfect Jew * called Y'shua * . Remember again * no afterlife * for us life * and animals made * . Our deaths * and animals made * is much like a * glad deep sleep * . Churches lie * about an Hell * . Churches lie * for money * an powers * in past age and * even today * . Churches lie * sinner life * all infinite *. Churches lie * sinner life * forever go * in lake of fire * . Before believe * churcheslie * read this by * LORD ELohim * God of Israel * . LORD ELohim * is author * of what death * does mean to * Humanity * and animals made * on earth ark * . Our deaths * and animals made * is about a end * and peaceful end * of any flesh * mortal life * about earth * . Again remember * no afterlife * for any life * EL Roi create * on earth ark * . I AM He predict * soon a time * churches lie * perfect Jew * called Y'shua * lied to them * about Hell an * our deaths * . Perfect Jew * called Y'shua * never did lied * to humans * on earth ark * . I AM HE saying *to humans * churches lie * for money * an powers * in past age and * even today * churches lie * Humanity * mortal life * all infinite * and all good and bad * all infinite * . LORD ELohim * I AM HE saying * Y'shua being * mortal life * died forever * in past ages * . Your life * to human and * mortal life * and will here * on earth ark * die unchangeable * to latter * as Spirit * . Your life * to human and * mortal life * soon a time * forever died * . Remember again * LORD ELohim * I AM HE eternal * as Spirit * but not Adam * as flesh and died * .
NOTES: Y'shua did not lie about our deaths . LORD Elohim never left Y'shua's side for all Y'shua's life . Y'shua told the truth that mortal life has no afterlife . Y'shua never taught there is a hell created by LORD ELohim where people go to suffer for all eternity . Stuff like that was added into the Bible but not by Jews . Most Jews don't believe in an afterlife and most Jews then and now do not believe in a hell where people suffer forever either . This is it : one time to experiance being a living creature and only one time .
( 3 : 2 ) NOTES : Sometimes we do read books to gain understanding of some subjects we write about . We can only hope that the information is true and accurate about all written .
NOTES: LORD ELohim gives credit where credit is due . The Catholic church belief in who killed Y'shua is a correct belief . The book says that the church does not blame any individuals or races . The Catholic church teaches that all sinners on earth are responsible for the death of Y'shua on the cross . This belief is the correct one about this subject except it's missing that Y'shua mostly died for the lives of thousands of children all over the world who were being cruelly sacrificed by pagans every year to their false gods . LORD ELohim wanted to stop this slaughter of children and even adults to pagan gods and by giving a perfect sacrifice for all people around earth is all God could think of how to end it and it did work out well . LORD ELohim did not want to sacrifice Y'shua . It pained Him deeply but seeing pagans sacrificing their little children pained LORD ELohim greatly also .
NOTES: The name LORD ELohimor just ELohim is the name God is called in Heaven by the Spirit's He created in His family . This is not just a Jewish name for Him . God was called " ELohim " by His Spirit family for many trillions of years before God even created the first of mortal life on earth . LORD ELohim would like all who call Him their God to call Him " LORD ELohim " His real name . LORD ELohim's Spirit children do not call Him LORD ELohim , they just call Him ELohim . This LORD God stuff is just for mankind . All Spirits know " ELohim " is their Father .
- In past ages * an all long ago * LORD ELohim * became God of Abram * and only God * . LORD ELohim * EL Roi declared * Abraham became Jew * , a first Jew * on earth ark * . Being Jewish * Abraham receive * glad blessing * from EL Roi * LORD ELohim * his LORD God * and only God * .
( 3 : 3 ) NOTES : Abram name was changed by LORD ELohim to Abraham . Abraham was chosen by God to be the first Jew because Abraham believed that there is only one God and one Father of all creation . Abraham and Saria were both black people . Until Isaac was born there were no white skinned people on earth back then . Abraham's son with Saria name was Isaac and he was the first Hebrew and first of the white race and to was also a Jew . LORD ELohim created Isaac to be an Albino . All white skinned people on earth since Isaac are Hebrews , even today . Most white people today on earth are no longer Jews . LORD ELohim was hoping that the offspring of Isaac would continue to be Jews from generation to generation into the future but that did not happen . Today there are very few Jews within the whole white race about earth .
- Manasseh land * formed America * called the U. S. A. . Again remember * Manasseh land * Hebrew lands * . God of Israel * proclaim Canada * and Britain's * Hebrew lands * Ephraim home * . And to Jews *LORD ELohim * gave fully * alone Israel * Hebrew lands * . Behold today * many noted * Hebrew lands * on earth ark * . Jerusalem be * Hebrews land * in past age and * even today * . Remember again * Abrahams son * little Isaac * start the * Israel flock * and white race * . Behold today * Israel flock * and nations * and white race * about earth * . God gave lands * fully to * Israel flock * . Again remember * Ephriam home * My Britain * and land called Canada * and othersbe * Hebrew lands * . My Britain * a motherland * of many I call * Hebrew lands * . Manasseh land * formed America * . God gave land and * Israel alone * too Hebrew * Jews of the * Israel flock * . LORD ELohim * God of Israel * maketh many * Hebrew lands * on earthark * in past age and * even today * .
NOTES: Manasseh and Ephraim and Judah were three tribes of Israel . Keep in mind that the tribes of Israel were white skinned people . All white skinned people are Hebrews . LORD ELohim blessed Manasseh and Ephraim with two great blessings . Ephraim was given the greater blessing . Ephraim's blessing was that in the future his bloodline would become a multitude of nations . Britain was the motherland of many colonies about earth . Manasseh's blessing was that his bloodline would become one great nation which is speaking about the United States of America . LORD ELohim says that the greatest blessing was given by Him to Judah . The Jews were given the land of Israel by LORD ELohim . What was LORD ELohim hoping for by scattering the Hebrews all around earth ? LORD ELohim was hoping that the Hebrews would all remain as Jews and keep their faith and beliefs of Judaism and believe in Him as their one and only God . LORD ELohim hoped through the Jewish Hebrews all people on earth would to become believers in Him as their only God and follow His Ten Commandments . What LORD ELohim hoped for is peace on earth , everywhere on earth and love for each other to be great . LORD ELohim was hoping that pagan people would stop sacrificing their children and other people to false gods . LORD ELohim hoped that people everywhere would enjoy their lives more and find greater happiness in their life and so on . LORD ELohim was not thinking of Himself , He was thinking about us . But it did not work out as God hoped it would . Most Hebrews today are Christians or of other religions or no religion and very few are Jews who maintain the faith of Judaism and the belief in ONE God : LORD ELohim . For some unknown reasons or known lame reasons many white skinned people turned against the Jews in the past and even today and alot who make problems for the Jews or worse are their Hebrew white skinned cousins . LORD ELohim has never understood that . Then again look at the last few great wars and how many were Hebrew white skinned cousins against Hebrew white skinned cousins . LORD ELohim's plan did not work out very well . No better then His plan regarding Y'shua : that didn't work out well either except to save thousands of children from being sacrificed , for that it did work well and that is what LORD ELohim was most concerned about anyway . But because of all the lies made by non-Jews about Y'shua being a God and being resurrected from the dead , about hell , people having an afterlife in Heaven or hell and so on and that became a great problem and still is today . LORD ELohim is not going to even try anymore to help us . LORD ELohim has made His judgment regarding us and we have failed " as a species " . It's not just because of many religions we failed but many many other reasons such as the suffering of mankind and even animals to .
( 3 : 4 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim wants to remind everyone that the Souls are all Spirits He created and that the Souls have nothing to do with people living beyond the death of their flesh bodies . The Souls have nothing to do with what peoples thoughts are or what people believe or did during their lives . LORD ELohim gave us free will to allow us to be free to believe and think and do what we want to . The many different religions have made many errors in the beliefs about the Souls and what these Spirits are all about . What the Souls do is simply to aid in the function of the mortal flesh body and even animals and plants and all other mortal life made from dirt on earth . Without your Soul you could not live . In other words : mortal life made from dirt needs a Soul for the dirt to function as a living being . It is an error to call flesh a Soul . When LORD ELohim ends mortal life on earth all He will do is call all Souls home to Heaven and all mortal life on earth will peacefully pass away .
- Catholic decree * Peter Roma * be last pope * of Catholics * . Remember again * Catholic decree * Peter Roma * be last pope * : not ELohim * I AM HE predict * . I AM He predict * again if true * Peter Roma * soon at hand * . Behold today * is Sabbath Day * . Behold today * end time fading * .
NOTES: Talking to a Soul Spirit , my Soul Spirit , I just found out that any mortal life has many Souls , not just one Soul Spirit . Even I'm still learning . It's true that when people die the Souls leave the mortal body . The Souls usually have nothing to do with the death of that person but rarely , very rarely , a Soul will pity the person who is greatly suffering in pain and without hope to get better and they leave his or her body . An example : my Dad in his old age was suffering in many ways and one day he said to my Mom he would die that night and he prayed he would die . My Dad did die that very night because his Souls granted him his wish to die so the Soul Spirits left his body and he died without any suffering . Most mortal life have many Soul Spirits , not just one and all Souls are very small Spirits and not a fog of them . All Soul Spirits have a head , legs , arms and so on like our bodies , like LORD ELohim's Spirit body . All Souls are Spirits created by LORD ELohim before God created any mortal life on earth . It's only with the help of these Spirits that God could create living mortal life on earth . Also , to refer to mortal life as being called a Soul is " wrong " and only confuses things . No people or animals or trees and so on is a Soul and LORD ELohim has never called them that .
( 3 : 5 ) NOTES : Many people believe each of us humans will be judged by LORD ELohim at the time of our death . Billions of people have died since the time of Adam and there are more then seven billion people now on earth who will die soon also . LORD ELohim has no interest in sitting on His butt for millions or billions of years listening to people tell their life story and probably lying alot about it to . God has never done that in the past and has no interest to do so in the future . The main reason LORD ELohim has never done this in the past is because when people die they are very " dead " forever . God does not get house calls from dead people because these people are not alive in any manner : they are dead and will remain dead forever . So make the best of what time you do have because some day your time will be up also because of old age or disease or whatever kills you . Remember LORD ELohim judged us as a species an not as individuals and as a species we have failed the test . God knows enough about us as a species to know if we should continue being flesh beings ( each temporary living flesh beings ) on earth . LORD ELohim's judgment " was " that we should not continue as a species on His earth because of our wicked ways , our great suffering and high maintenance just to live and much more reasons .
NOTES: Many people of different religions believe that we live on after death in the Soul ( Souls ) and that it is the Souls who goes to purgatory or hell or lake of fire or Heaven . LORD ELohim wants you to know the Souls have never sinned ! You sinned and all other people sinned except Y'shua but the Souls have never sinned ! So why would LORD ELohim send His Spirit children to purgatory or hell or anywhere that is not Heaven for your sins ? God says " think not beyond logic " . Souls have nothing to do with anything you think or speak or do . God gave you free will so you can make all the choices regarding your life when the choice is yours to make . Mankind has free will to sin or to not sin , to love or to hate , to be good or evil and so on . LORD ELohim and Spirits have nothing to do with what you choose to do with your life . God did not plan out your life for you or any other people . So why would the Spirit Souls be blamed for your choices in life ? Again remember that there is no place called purgatory , hell or lake of fire . There is a Heaven but that's for Spirits only and that's where all Souls are going to when we and all other mortal life on earth are no longer living . Why would LORD ELohim want people in any form in His Heaven ? God is sure that people would be no different in His peaceful and loving Heaven then we are on earth . LORD ELohim is not going to take a chance that mankind would cause problems in Heaven for His Spirit family and for Himself . Truth is LORD ELohim and Spirits are tired of us and their life on earth with us . Truth is also that LORD ELohim does not know how to put a man into His Heaven and He does not know what a glorified flesh body is other then people just making up words .
- All Souls * as Spirit * LORD ELohim * EL Roi create * . God of Israel * EL Roi speak * all Souls * My children * . LORD ELohim * EL Roi create * many Angels * as Spirit * and love thee * .
( 3 : 6 ) NOTES : What is Heaven ? Heaven is the whole universe and all of space but the main Heaven is six galaxies big and all space between and is extremly far away from earth though our galaxy is one of the six galaxies . If you want to see Heaven just look up into the sky at night and there it is . No mansions , no cities made of gold and emeralds , no palace , no great throne of God , no kingdoms , no flags , no wars , no hatred , no kings , no rulers , no upper class and no lower class , no ranks or divisions , no work , no tears , no fears , no greed , no hunger , no thirst , no false gods , no constant or any worshiping of LORD ELohim by Spirits , no sinning , no Humanity , no Anunnaki , no Grays and so on . Heaven just has alot of loving Spirits and a loving Father LORD ELohim who all just want to play, sing , dance , giggle , laugh , love each other and have lots of fun . LORD ELohim has never even had a throne to sit on in all these trillions of years : that's the kind of Father LORD ELohim is . When you read the Bible especially the New Testament often you are reading the " desires and hopes of man " and not the truth about LORD ELohim , Spirits and Heaven and our human future . Truth is : we failed the test " as a species " and LORD ELohim does not want any mortal life from earth , in any form in His Heaven .
-Humanity * My children * hear thy God * LORD ELohim * . Remember again * LORD ELohim * creation God * and one Father * of all I created * on earth ark * . I AM He saying * Humanity * thy Father * is alone I AM HE * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * .
NOTES: The mother of Y'shua her Jewish name was MIriam and not Mary . Alot of people pray to Miriam and ask her to pray for them when near death and for other reasons . Remember that Miriam died long ago and like all mortal life she remains dead to this day and forever more just as her son Y'shua died and will remain dead forever to . People talk about God having the know how and power to change the human flesh body to somthing else that allows for people to go to Heaven or hell or purgatory or the lake of fire but LORD ELohim does not have that know how and God would not want any people to go to any of these places if these places even existed . Heaven exists but the rest do not . Recently a few people have claimed to have seen Miriam but God says that is not possible and no more possible then for LORD ELohim being able to make the sun dance in the sky as people have claimed to have seen also . Y'shua told people to pray to " Our Father " and to no others . Again death of the body does not lead to everlasting life for you anymore then it did for Miriam and Y'shua . LORD ELohim wants you to know that He does have His limits regarding many things including not knowing how to give flesh DNA creatures everlasting life in any form . Miriam is dead , she does not hear your prayers and LORD ELohim cannot make the sun dance in the sky as people have claimed also happened there . Again LORD ELohim says " think not beyond logic " . How would it be possible for you to make the sun move out of it's position in space and dance around ? If you think you know how to do that LORD ELohim would love to see you do it .
- Faithful man * called Y'shua * teach love as * food for life * for world Humanity * . In past age and * even today * Humanity * about earth * failed Y'shua * and fail YHWH * and fail helper * as Spirit * called Joshua * . Again remember * he that abideth * on the LORD * God of Israel *I AM rewards * in this life * not in death a * glad deep sleep * an as a eternal * glad deep sleep * .
NOTES: I will vouch for the above riddle statement . LORD ELohim has given me many rewards for being His secretary and putting His Little Book into written words . I don't have a big ranch or a few private jets like many preachers think they deserve but all has been good enough to get by on .
( 3 : 7 ) NOTES : Remember no flesh including of mankind has ever gone to Heaven . Heaven is a peaceful , happy and fun place for Spirits ONLY . Even if LORD ELohim could give people a body that could survive in Heaven He would never do that . God knows us all to well . Our hatred , wars , egos , conceit , want of power over others and on and on . God would never take a chance on humans disrupting the peace and joy of the Spirits in Heaven . The truth again is LORD ELohim does not know how to give flesh a body that could survive in Heaven and He is not even going to try . The same is with the belief most people have that peoples DNA flesh body or even their Souls go to hell a place of eternal fire , a fiery lake of burning sulfur , a fiery furnace which is a lie but how could a flesh DNA body even survive one second there let alone all eternity . Again LORD ELohim says " think not beyond logic " . Remember also what you do , think and speak during your life is your doing and has nothing to do with the Souls who keep you alive . LORD ELohim knows no Souls who have sinned but He knows you have .
NOTES: What is life about for mortal DNA life on earth ? It's a one time shot at being alive which ends when we die . It's a one time shot at experiencing love , great joy , fun , happiness , family , friendships and stuff like that . God was hoping this for your life and for all peoples lives . Unfortunately people experiencing all that throughout their lives is and was very rare , extremely extremely rare . LORD ELohim has seen far more hate , wars , pain , suffering , fear , famines , plagues , worries , work as a burden and not a joy , broken families , and so on then life being mostly joyful for most all people on earth . The Bible says Y'shua feed thousands with just a couple of fish and a couple of loaves of bread and there were even leftovers . If Y'shua really did that LORD ELohim would have hired him to feed His starving children all around earth . If it was so easy for Y'shua to heal the suffering of peoples flesh LORD ELohim would teach doctors what His trick is to doing that but He cannot heal us for the most part and neither could Y'shua . Also Y'shua did not raise anyone from the dead . LORD ELohim does not know how to do that so neither did Y'shua . There are many stories which are mostly in the New Testament that are not true and LORD ELohim knows these stories " were not " written by Jews . Again our mortal life is a one time limited experience for all of us : so ...................... while you can .
( 3 : 8 ) NOTES : First of all LORD ELohim wants you to know that never in history and even today has a Soul Spirit ever sinned . Another thing to remember is that most Souls have been in millions of different people and other mortal life since Adam and Eve and many millions more humanoids and other mortal life before Adam and Eve . Souls are in any form of mortal life including even plants . Souls cannot read or write : there are no books in Heaven . When a person dies the Souls leave the body quickly and no Soul has ever gone to a furneral of the person they were in . No Souls stay with the corpse . No Souls go to the grave with the corpse or cremated ashes to the wind . When the mortal life dies the Souls either go to Heaven for a vacation for a while or they go to another mortal life being . Souls have nothing to do with the thoughts , words or doings of people . LORD ELohim has never blamed a Soul for the wickedness of the person because the Souls have nothing to do with the way people are . This is important to remember : the Souls have no way to find the body of the dead person they were in because they do not stay with the corpse and remember Souls have been in millions of different people . The Souls are long gone before the body is even cold . The Souls don't know where the body is and grave markers don't help because the Souls cannot read and LORD ELohim has never given Souls a reason to care about where the body is . Remember all Souls have been in millions of different peoples bodies . Souls never return to the dead body for any reason when the Soul knows the body is truely dead . LORD ELohim never judges the Souls because He has never had reason to . Again no Soul has ever sinned . Souls are not the cause of a person desires , mind , emotions or will . If there were a hell the Souls of the wicked would never be cast into hell because they have nothing to do with peoples wicked ways . Again the Soul had nothing to do with the person's thoughts , words and doings and therefore is never punished by LORD ELohim for the wicked ways of the flesh . All Souls are LORD ELohim's Spirit children and when all is done on earth they will all go back to Heaven with God and God will never ask them again to do this . Mortal life of any kind need Souls to aid in the funtion of the mortal body and LORD ELohim will never again create mortal life anywhere .
NOTES: It's wrong to call flesh of others or yourself a Soul : it only confuses things . All Souls are Spirit beings and all Souls are without sin . It is wrong to call a dead flesh body a Soul . Many First Nations people believe that everything has Spirits : humans , fish , plants , trees , animals and all other mortal life on earth and even rocks and they are almost right except rocks don't have Soul Spirits but most all else does .
NOTES: Many people believe that at the moment of death their destination in their afterlife is known by LORD ELohim . At that moment of death they believe people go to either hell , purgatory or Heaven . LORD ELohim does not know your destination and probably does not even know you . There is no hell or purgatory and Heaven is off limits to mortal life so your destination is either a coffin in the ground or cremation or maybe you payed for some of your ashes to be taken into space . Some people are getting their head or even all their body frozen with hope someday they will be thawed and have a new body to put their head on . If that day never happens they won't know that anyway so other then alot of money what do they have to loose . What's your destination ?
( 3 : 9 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim knows of many different religions that use fear and violence to get people to join their religion . LORD ELohim says this is so wrong in many ways . There is no place in any religion for causing fear or violence and even death against other people who are not of their religion . That's just wrong even if their religion has nothing to do with LORD ELohim as their God or even if He is their God . If LORD ELohim is their God in any way there is no place for making people believe what you believe by using violence , threatening them with death or causing any kind of fear in them if they do not want to convert to your faith . LORD ELohim wants people to come to Him by choice and without violence and fear to do so . LORD ELohim never made a hell or purgatory or lake of fire or anything else like these . There is no reason to fear death because you have no afterlife anyway . If someone threatens your life if you do not convert to their faith then they are greatly sinning against LORD ELohim because God condemns people doing this . LORD ELohim is against the slaughter of any people in the name of any religion . Again LORD ELohim wants people to come to Him because they choose to : not because they are forced to or because they fear hell or whatever or have fear of being murdered .
NOTES: Many Christian people believe Y'shua created everything . John 1 : 1 - 3 , 14 In the beginning was the Word , and the Word was with God , and the Word was God . The same was in the beginning with God . All things were made by him ; and without him was not any thing made that was made . And the Word was made flesh , and dwelt among us , ( and we beheld his glory , the glory as of the only begotten of the Father ,) full of grace and truth . Most Christians believe that the name Word means Y'shua and it was Y'shua who created all that was created in Heaven and on earth including you . We just got a note in the mail today from a Christian organization and it says : " ......... give you lasting happiness . His name is Jesus . Let me tell you about Him . His Father , God , is the One who made the world . He made everything in the world . He made you and me . God loves us . He loves everyone in the world . God loves us so much that He sent Jesus , His only Son , to this world " . Notice that they say LORD ELohim who is God is the one who made the world and made you and me . Then how does that make Y'shua ( Jesus ) His only Son when Y'shua's Father also created mankind ? It's a little confusing who made all that was made : LORD ELohim or Y'shua . These Christians say it was " His Father , God , is the One who made the world " . But they also say Y'shua is LORD ELohim's only Son . Then who is our true Father if Y'shua is LORD ELohim's only Son ? It's correct and true that LORD ELohim created all that was created in Heaven and on earth including all people but to call Y'shua LORD ELohim's only Son is wrong . We are all the children of LORD ELohim and our true Father is LORD ELohim because He created us and everything else . LORD ELohim wants you to know you are one of His children , we are all His children , we are all sons and daughters of LORD ELohim our Father who created us . Yes : Y'shua was His son but not His only son . LORD ELohim created all the Spirits to and they to are all His sons also . There are no Spirits that think of themselves as being female , they are all sons of God . Who created all mortal life on earth? LORD ELohim . Who created all Spirits in Heaven ? LORD ELohim . Who are the children of LORD ELohim ? All Spirits and all mortal life He created on earth including you . Who wrote the New Testament of the Bible ? Not much written by Jews that's for sure . LORD ELohim reading the New Testament can hardly recognize Y'shua by the way he is spoken of in the Bible . LORD ELohim was with Y'shua throughout his life and Y'shua was a perfect Jew and he never claimed to be anything more then a Jewish man and the Lamb of God . There is verse after verse that Y'shua never said and Y'shua never did in the Bible so who added these verses and why ????
- Remember again * LORD ELohim * EL Roi create * Humanity * and animals made * an plant seed * for Himself * an all He loved * . Again remember * LORD ELohim * God of Israel * .
( 3 : 10 ) NOTES : Did Y'shua ( Jesus ) die on the cross ? LORD ELohim knows that some people will not like what God says about this subject and will quite reading the Little Book but He says answer this question for Him . The truth is : Y'shua did die on the cross but this perfect Jewish man was never raised from the grave . Again LORD ELohim cannot raise anyone from the dead and Y'shua never raised anyone from the dead either . This man was special to LORD ELohim . Many Christians believe that Y'shua was on the cross on the Friday and died in the late afternoon which is true . Y'shua's body was entombed a couple of minutes before sundown Friday and a couple of minutes before the Sabbath and his resurrection is said to have happened at sunrise on Sunday . The Bible says in Matthew 12 : 39 - 40 that Y'shua said An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign ; and there shall no sign be given to it , but the sign of the prophet Jonas : For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whales's belly , so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth . If you add Good Friday sundown to Easter Sunday sunrise as the church does claim , the time Y'shua's body was put in the tomb to the resurrection of Y'shua adds up to only one day and two nights ( 36 hours ) , and not three days and three nights ( 72 hours ) . The dictionary says that Good Friday is in commemoration of Y'shua's crucifixion . Easter Sunday is commemoration of Y'shua's resurrection from the grave . Easter Monday is just a public holiday on some countries . The belief is that shortly before sunset Friday Y'shua's body was put in a tomb and at dawn Sunday Y'shua was already raised from the dead . That adds up to only one day and only two nights between Friday dusk and Sunday dawn not three full days and three full nights in the tomb . Again the Bible says that Y'shua said he would be in the tomb for three days and three nights . Remember the Jewish days start atsunset . LORD ELohim is asking you to think about this and start counting the errors of the church and start wondering why so many errors if all is suppose to be perfect and without error . Remember another error is the Sabbath Day . Most Christians keep the Sabbath Day which Christians call the Lord's Day on the first day of the week which is Sunday when LORD ELohim's and Y'shua's Sabbath Day was and is for LORD ELohim still the Seventh Day which is Saturday . The " Lord's Day " is a Christian memorial day to Y'shua's claimed resurrection which took place on that day ( Sunday ) about two thousand years ago . Again we are back to one day and two nights . Neither God nor the man Y'shua when he was alive changed the Sabbath Day to Sunday . The early non-Jew Christians in Rome did that . Y'shua and his followers always kept the Seventh Day Sabbath and Y'shua taught people to keep all LORD ELohim's Law the Ten Commandments . Exodus 20 : 8 - 11 Remember the Sabbath Day and keep it holy . Six days you shall labor and do all your work , but the seventh days is a Sabbath of the LORD your God : you shall not do any work - you , your son or daughter , your male or female slave , or your cattle , or the stranger who is within your settlemants . For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth and sea , and all that is in them , and He rested on the seventh day ; therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath Day and hallowed it . This is the fourth commandment . You know LORD ELohim did not create the universe and man and all else in ( six days ) six thousand years . The reason LORD ELohim motivated Moses to write this as it is written is because God was trying to relate to the human race and our understanding of time and history and making it as easy as possible for us to understand this Law . In the time of Moses the understanding of time and history was very limited . They did not know of dinosaurs and Lucy and stuff like that but they did know of Adam and Eve . Did Y'shua die on the cross ? LORD ELohim was there with Y'shua and God says Y'shua did die on the cross as the Lamb of God . Did LORD ELohim raise Y'shua from the grave ? LORD ELohim did not do that because it would not be a true sacrifice and LORD ELohim does not know how to do that .
( 3 : 11 ) NOTES : Alot of people believe LORD ELohim was never created and He simply has always existed . Many people believe LORD ELohim had no beginning . People even believe the same about Y'shua that he to was never created and had no beginning . They believe Y'shua to be a different God who incarnated into the man called Y'shua or somthing like that . LORD ELohim says He was created at some point in time very long ago . One day He simply was and He was perfect in form and was even wearing a gown of spirit . He had a head , eyes , nose , mouth , ears , hair , arms , hands , torso , legs and feet . Remember we were created in " His image " . LORD ELohim back then and still today does not know who created Him or why . Even God has unsolved mysteries about Himself but He does know for sure someone did create Him . LORD ELohim has always been as He is now . He to had a beginning time many many trillions of our years ago . As for Y'shua LORD ELohim says Y'shua the flesh man was never a God in any manner and there has never been another God called Y'shua or Jesus . No God was incarnated into the body of this man Yshua because LORD ELohim has always , since His creation been the one and only God of all " He created " . Saying Y'shua was the creator God of all that was created is a very big lie . Truth is Y'shua created nothing . In the Bible it says that Y'shua over and over again says that " our Father " and " his Father " is LORD ELohim . God says Y'shua never said he was our Father and our God . There was nothing about Y'shua that was a God . Joshua a common Spirit type did guide Y'shua during his life but Joshua was and is not a God and Y'shua the flesh man and Joshua the Spirit were both created by LORD ELohim . Some Christians believe that Y'shua was not created , that he simply has always existed like they believe about his Father LORD ELohim . A Christian book puts it this way about LORD ELohiim and Y'shua : " Both were divine and uncreated . " Then why does the Bible say that Y'shua was the only " begotten " Son of God ? ( B ) John 1 : 14 And the Word was made flesh , and dwelt among us , ( and we beheld his glory , the glory as of the only begotten of the Father ) full of grace and truth . ( R ) John 3 : 16 For God so loved the world , that he gave his only begotten Son , that whosoever believeth in him should not perish , but have everlasting life . " Begotten " means " in the dictionary : " cause to be ,produced " . Then why does the Bible say often that Y'shua was " the only begotten Son of God " meaning LORD ELohim created him . Why then do people believe he was never " begotten " by anyone . We know the flesh man called Y'shua was begotten by LORD ELohim and it was LORD ELohim who put the fertilized egg He worked on in Miriam's womb . Other then Souls the only other Spirit within this Jewish man called Y'shua was a common Spirit called Joshua . The Spirit Joshua was also " begotten " by LORD ELohim and was not a God either . If you think the answer to this confusion is that LORD ELohim only created Y'shua and therefore Y'shua was His only Son you are wrong . Many people believe Y'shua created all else that was created which is a wrong belief. Christians believe it was Y'shua the Spirit God who created all that was created and that's why Y'shua was the only begotten Son LORD ELohim created and this is wrong to . The reason why this does not work is because LORD ELohim worked with the egg and sperm of Isaac and planted it into Sarai's womb which would make Isaac the first begotten of LORD ELohim therefore Y'shua would be His second son . The truth is Y'shua the flesh man and Joshua the Spirit in Y'shua never created anything . LORD ELohim created all that was created . Think about it . The truth is Y'shua the Spirit God believed to have been in the man Y'shua does not even exist and never existed . The Spirit within Y'shua that was not a Soul was Joshua , not a Spirit called Y'shua , and Joshua was and is no God and remember Joshua never created anything . Again Joshua and the flesh man Y'shua are not Gods as the Christians claim one of them is butwhich one is confusing at best . LORD ELohim is going to simplify this for all Humanity and for all religions . LORD ELohim says He alone is our God and He alone is the only God and He alone is our Father and Father of all that lives on earth and He alone is the creator God of all that is created and He alone is the Father of all Spirits on earth and in Heaven . It's that simple .
NOTES: LORD ELohim created His children the Spirits trillions of years ago and then He created the first bacteria billions of years ago from the dust of the earth and sea water . The beginning of all mortal life on earth started with that one bacteria which also needed a Soul . LORD ELohim continued His work to create more complex organisms from the dust of the earth . Most all first complex living beings needed instinct to survive so LORD ELohim found a way to give life that . LORD ELohim wanted to create mortal life that had free will like Spirits have and had success to do so with the Grays about seventy thousand years ago on earth , then the Anunnaki on earth and then us Humanity on earth . From the first bacteria LORD ELohim created to us humans took a few billion years to do . All was created by LORD ELohim with the help of Soul Spirits to aid in the function of the bodies of all the mortal life He created . Our true Father and God is LORD ELohim just as Y'shua many times said to people . ( R ) Matthew 5 : 48 Be ye therefore perfect , even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect . ( R ) Matthew 6 : 9 After this manner therefore pray ye : Our Father which art in heaven .. Matthew 6 : 14 .. your heavenly Father will also forgive you : ( R ) Matthew 7 : 21 Not every one that saith unto me , Lord , Lord , shall enter into the kingdom of heaven ; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven . ( R ) Matthew 13 : 43 Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father ... ( R ) Matthew 19 : 17 And he said unto him , Why callest thou me good ? there is none good but one , that is , God : but if thou wilt enter into life , keep the commandments . ( R ) Luke 12 : 32 Fear not , little flock ; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom . In these verses Y'shua clearly says mankind your Father is LORD ELohim the Father of all creation and is not talking about himself . One verse we added because it says Y'shua said " keep the commandments " . The man Y'shua was even speaking to Christians who most think their belief in Y'shua as God and Savior is all they need to do to get them to Heaven . That belief is wrong. Again : we humans no matter what religious faith we have do not go to Heaven after we die or hell or purgatory or any where else . Death is forever . Remember the word Father means God . All Spirits and Humanity and animals and all other mortal life are the children of LORD ELohim and not the children of Y'shua the perfect man .
- Again remember * God I AM is one * Judaic deity * . LORD ELohim * Abba not three * ancient gods * . Loving God Abba * created Heaven * . In the Heaven * mean galaxies * . This Heaven * all infinite * even of space * . YAHWEH home * in the Heaven * . YAHWEH home * on earth ark * be Jerusalem * . Jerusalem be * God of Israel * ordained home * of the Jews * . Before time Abba be * as Spirit * in the Heaven * . LORD ELohim * God of Israel * created Heaven * and Spirit a * Heaven beings * . The stars a * image of Heaven * . As Spirit * God of Israel * EL Roi create * all Souls * as Spirit * . LORD ELohim * God of Israel * began plants * on earth ark * . God of Israel * EL Roi create * all flesh here * on earth ark * . Remember again * LORD ELohim * creation God * and called LORD Abba * . Remember again * God I AM is one * creation God * and one Father * regarding man * and animals made * an plant seed * an much more * mortal life * on earth ark * . Again remember * ordained home * of the Jews * be Jerusalem * and Israel is * ordained home * of the Jews * in past age and * even today * .
( 3 : 12 ) NOTES : Did LORD ELohim say that Y'shua was sacrificed by Him for only those who believe Y'shua is their savior and Lord God ? LORD ELohim says this is not correct and that He never said that . LORD ELohim sacrificed Y'shua for all the world's people no matter what they believe . Most Christians believe you have to believe that Y'shua is your God and Saviour . Again there is no hell or afterlife but if there was LORD ELohim would not send a Jew or Muslim to hell because they only believe LORD ELohim , also called Allah , is the one and only God which by the way is correct anyway . Remember no religion and their beliefs and writings are perfect but to believe in only one God , the God of Israel LORD ELohim is at least correct . Again LORD ELohim sacrificed Y'shua so people would stop burning their children alive to false gods . It wasn't about saving people so they could have a afterlife in Heaven , it was about sacrificing Y'shua to save the lives of people in this life . LORD ELohim never ever told any mankind that there was a way you can live an eternal life in Heaven or on earth . LORD ELohim should know better then anyone else if there is a afterlife for any mortal life . Remember LORD ELohim never promised you an afterlife and the ones " who ever they are " who did promise you an afterlife are lying to you and are wrong . Again this is it : one chance at experiencing life . There is an old saying : If you tell a lie often enough people will begin to believe it's true .
- A man Y'shua be a * faithful man * of our I AM HE * creation God * . God of Israel * teach Jewish * Judaea people * faithful man * called Y'shua * not a God to * . Within man * called Y'shua * a Spirit and * hidden Soul * . As Spirit * called Joshua * not a God to * as is YHVH * God of Israel * . Again remember * God of Israel * Abba not three * ancient gods * . Remember again * LORD ELohim * " I AM " is one God * .
( 3 : 13 ) NOTES : Many people error regarding the name " Immanuel " because this name means " God with us " . We have written about this before but we will quickly remind you of that . A book says the name Jesus means" Jehovah is salvation " and the name Christ means " the anointed one " . The name Joshua or Y'shua means " Jehovah is salvation " . Does that mean all the many Jews who's name was or is Joshua or Y'shua are Gods ? Many Jews were called Joshua or Y'shua back then and even today but none of them were called Gods . The name Jesus is Greek for Joshua and Y'shua . ( B ) Isaiah 7 : 14 says Therefore the LORD himself shall give you a sign ; Behold , a virgin shall conceive , and bear a son , and shall call his name Immanuel . The name Immanuel means " God with us " . Why did LORD ELohim change the childs name to Y'shua ? LORD ELohim changed His mind about the child Y'shua being called Immanuel in case non Jewish people would think he was God . The Jews are use to names like Nemuel which means " God is speaking " ,Michal meaning " who is like God " , Mishael meaning" who is what God is " , Malchiel meaning " God is a King " , Joshua means " Jehovah is salvation " ,Joab means " Jehovah is Father " , Jekuthiel means " God is mighty ", Jehu means " Jehovah is He " and so on . Immanuel meaning" God with us " does not mean Y'shua was a God , it simply means the Jews believed that LORD ELohim is always with them ." Jehovah is He " does not mean Jehu was LORD Jehovah . Nemuel means" God is speaking " but this does not mean Nemuel the man was LORD ELohim speaking to them . Michal means " who is like God " but it does not mean Michal is like God : it's a question and the answer is " none is like LORD ELohim ". The names honor and remind the Jews of LORD ELohim existance in their everyday lives and LORD ELohim is OK with that . LORD ELohim gets it but many non Jews did not . God was concerned that non Jews would not understand " God with us " has nothing to do with who Immanuel was as flesh so God changed Immanuel's name to Y'shua but the name Immanuel was still in the Book of Isaiah . In the past and even today many non Jews believe Y'shua ( Jesus ) to be a God because what was to be his name Immanuel . LORD ELohim prefers the name Y'shua for His Lamb and not the Greek name Jesus that the Christians used to rename Y'shua . God just likes it better then any other names and it was his name . The question is : why did early non-Jew Christains rename Y'shua to Jesus ? LORD ELohim named him Y'shua . LORD ELohim did not change Y'shua's name . By the way : there was another man in the Bible called Jesus in Colossians 4 : 11 . Because his name was Jesus to does not make him a God either .
( 3 : 14 ) NOTES : Back to many people believing that LORD ELohim and Y'shua being Gods and neither one being created . Y'shua many times called LORD ELohim his Father . Christianssay that Y'shua " ascended to his Father in heaven " . It's often believed that LORD ELohim and Y'shua are equal Gods and that neither were created . We already wrote about this but if Y'shua was equal to LORD ELohim as Gods and neither were created why would Y'shua call LORD ELohim his Father if LORD ELohim did not create him ?It is correct that Y'shua called LORD ELohim his Father and your Father and our Father and my Father and so on because that's true . What is not true is the belief that Y'shua was a God and equal to LORD ELohim and that it was Y'shua who created all that was created which is not true either . Why would Y'shua say your Father is LORD ELohim if Y'shua was the one who created us and therefore would be the Father and not LORD ELohim ? Again Y'shua is right : LORD ELohim is his Father for Y'shua was created and LORD ELohim is your Father and our Father for LORD ELohim was the one who created us . It was not Y'shua who created all that was created it was LORD ELohim .
NOTES: There are some Christians who believe that if you are saved in the name of Jesus Christ you will not just become children of the family of LORD ELohim , you will become gods . LORD ELohim laughts alot about peoples beliefs but this belief gave Him the giggles . LORD ELohim does not care what is written in the Bible : He is not going to make any human to be a god . This desire for power and glory and to rule over others is a human desire and not a Spirit desire . LORD ELohim is very protective of Heaven and His Spirit children . He will never , never , never make any human to be a god ruling over Spirit or even other flesh . We humans have a long history of people who thought of themselves as greater then others and who only wanted to be kings and rulers over people and LORD ELohim does not want that corrupt " greater then though " attitude in His family and His Heaven . Corruption and wrong doings has proven to follow this attitude on earth . LORD ELohim says the word " God " simply means " Father " . LORD ELohim has always been the only Father of all created because it was Him ( not Y'shua ) who created all that was created . Heaven does not need any more Fathers . For trillions of years LORD ELohim has been the only Father and Heaven has only been a peaceful , joyful and extremely happen place to be . All religious books are full of mankinds desires and not the desires of Spirits or LORD ELohim . An example : ( R ) John 14 : 2In my Father's house are many mansions : if it were not so , I would have told you . I go to prepare a place for you . To live in a mansion is man's desire not LORD ELohim's and Spirits . Heaven has no mansions or even a throne for God . All LORD ELohim wants for His Spirit children in Heaven is to play , sing , dance , and have fun and to enjoy their lives and to not being enslaved to be cleaning mansions . Spirit's don't even worship LORD ELohim and God does not want them to . LORD ELohim is their Father and they are His children and that's the way God wants to keep it . The bottom line : you will never be a god in Heaven or on earth but you might think your a god on earth and you may even have followers . Bottom line is LORD ELohim loves you like a Father loves his children but He does not want you moving in with Him in Heaven . And remember you don't have an afterlife so you won't need a mansion , you have a grave on earth .
( 3 : 15 ) NOTES : Where and what is Heaven . Heaven is six galaxies big in this universe and all space between the six galaxies and begins far from our solar system . Spirits do not need : food , clothing , air , water , sleep , homes , heaters , bathrooms , hospitals , jobs , bosses , kings , rulers , money , cars , rockets , gravity , suns , a planet or anything else we flesh do need . Hoping to get a free mansion and free maid service by Spirits in Heaven is a mankind desire and obviously not a Spiritdesire . Spirits are truly free to truly enjoy their eternal lives in Heaven . There is nothing mankind has or wants that any Spirit or even LORD ELohim would want . LORD ELohim has never even had a throne : thats the kind of Father He is to His Spirit children . LORD ELohim wants to play , sing , dance , giggle and laugh and to do happy things just as much as His Spirit children want to do such things . The main thing in Heaven is true love and kindness and goodness which is somthing most all people really don't know how to do .
NOTES: Many people believe LORD ELohim or Y'shua can raise all dead peoples bodies from where ever their bodies are and bring their bodies back to life . We were watching a show about thousands of people who were in a prision and when they died on this island the guards would take their bodies on to a boat and go a little way out to sea . The guards would ring a bell to let the sharks know it's supper time and they would throw the bodies into the water . Think about it . How could LORD ELohim raise these thousands of peoples bodiesfrom the shark poop scattered for many miles in the water ? If you know the answer to this question tell LORD ELohim because He does not know how to do this . If you don't have the answer to this question you may want to rethink some of the beliefs you have . You may not want to think this but LORD ELohim has His limites as to what He can do and again Y'shua is dead because LORD ELohim could not raise him from the dead either .
- Corrupt * headstrong * Humanity * had many gods * and yet sin * even today * . God of Israel * EL Roi speak * mortal life * go against Me * in past ages * . Even today * Humanity * go against Me * an My Jews a * chosen flock * suffer here * because of hate * . In past age and * even today * LORD ELohim * pity Mine * Jews of the * Israel flock * about earth * andnations * .
NOTES: Most Christians believe that before the seven year Tribulation they will be " Raptured " from earth and taken to Heaven where it's safe for them . LORD ELohim and Spirits andme had a long talk about this . As we have written before : first of all LORD ELohim does not know how to do that . God does not know how to make a persons body on earth suddenly disappear and in the blink of an eye reappear in Heaven many millions of miles away . This is definitely science fiction like " beam me up Scotty " . But going with what Christians believe that only Christians will be rapturedLORD ELohim says this is not fair to other people on earth . Christians believe they get a free ticket to eternal life in Heaven or on the new earth just because they believe Y'shua to be their savior God . Christians believe they do not have to keep any of the Ten Commandments or LORD ELohim's Sabbath Day and most believe they don't have to worry about sinning in this life for all is forgiven : at least that is what many Chistians believe . The Tribulation is a prophecy that may come true and may not come true because LORD ELohim did not make this prophecy . And know this : this prophecy about a Tribulation is NOT a trial time created by LORD ELohim just as the Holocaust was NOT a trial for the Jews created by LORD ELohim either . God of Israel LORD ELohim does not do that kind of stuff to people . The whole Book of Job is a lie and never happened . Anyway back to the rapture not being fair to other people on earth . An example : the Bible says a time will come when people will be told to get the Mark of the Beast , but probably not by that name . Without this computer chip or whatever it is , in your right hand you will not be able to buy or sell . The Bible says if you get this mark you will go to the Lake Of Fire for punishment and eternal suffering and pain just for getting this mark . Can you imagine a loving Mom or Dad with children being told if you don't get the mark you and your children will die from starvation or cold from being homeless and so on . Again without the mark you cannot buy anything and you cannot sell anything according to Bible prophecy. Is it fair that the Christians believe they and only they should be raptured from earth before the seven year Tribulation period when this mark is suppose to come about ? LORD ELohim says it is not fair . Again LORD ELohim does not know how to rapture Christians but if He did He would not rapture Christians . LORD ELohim would rapture nobody but if He had to rapture somebody it would be the Jews and not Christians . The Jews throughout history have gone through enough suffering and if anyone deserves a rapture from earth before the Tribulation it would be the Jews . The Trubulation has nothing to do with God's wrath against mankind . LORD ELohim has no wrath regarding mankind . Giving up on us : that He did . What would be the point of it if LORD ELohim did cause suffering and hardships ? It would not make LORD ELohim feel good . Mankind as a species has failed our six thousand year trial so why would a kind and loving God LORD ELohim who is also our Father go out of His way to torture and slaughter people on earth ?That we have proven in the past and even today that we can do all that on our own without His help . When it comes to Christians who think they are special and above all others the truth is you are not LORD ELohim's favorite religion . Making Y'shua your God and Father and claiming that there are three Gods and believing you are above keeping LORD ELohim's Ten Commandments and thinkingyou can sin all you like and be forgiven for all sins and all the lies added to the New Testament by non-Jews and on and on did not get you a front row seat with God . It would not be fair or right to rapture Christians and leave all others to suffer if the Tribulation does happen . If the mark of the beast happens the way it is written in prophecy we will see how many Christians will stand by their beliefs or who would take the mark just so they could feed and house and care for their children and themselves . Again there is no Lake of Fire or Hell but the mark will make slaves of many and that was the warning from LORD ELohim . The prophecy is a warning and not a trial for any people . Again LORD ELohim's judgment has already been made and we failed . The so called Judgments : Seal , Trumpet and Bowl or Vial Judgements in the Book of Revelation will not happen because of LORD ELohim . God and Angels are not going to cast anything to the earth . If any happen written about in Revelation it will be our doing or natures doing and not LORD ELohim's doing . Over the years we have given LORD ELohim many reasons to be angry with us but most of all we gave Him reasons to simply give up on us . Again LORD ELohim wants all to know there will be no rapture of anyone because He does not know how to do that and because He does not want any humans in His peaceful and loving Heaven and it would not be fair to other people left behind . These prophecies in the Bible are not all given to mankind by LORD ELohim . Most are not . The tribulation may or may not even happen same with the Mark of the Beast . But it's somthing that could happen . Even today without the internet it's getting hard to even order a pizza these days . There is alot you can no longer do without the web and some people have already gotten a chip in their hands just to unlock doors at their work . Again LORD ELohim is not going to cause suffering on earth but He is warning a time is coming that we do that to each other . The mark is somthing the Grays did and many became slaves to the one ruling over them and all was known about every-body because of the computer chip . LORD ELohim is just warning us about such a chip ( mark ) .
NOTES: Again LORD ELohim says that alot in Revelation and other Bible books has been added to by non-Jews about God having great anger ( wrath ) regarding mankind . Wrath means " divine punishment " caused by LORD ELohim towards people . LORD ELohim has no feeling of rage against all mankind . We as a species were a trial and no matter how wicked and cruel we as a species have been , this has not changed LORD ELohim who is pure love . At most He was somewhat angry and disappointed with people but again we have been on trial as a species . Yes we have made LORD ELohim cry a few times but He has no feelings of wrath against all mankind because we were on trial . Again we failed our trial which was a small disappointment for God but He kind of expected that and some day soon LORD ELohim will just let mortal life die out on earth but He is not going to be the cause of our suffering before that time . Alot in Revelation and other books LORD ELohim does not know what it even means and alot of wrath stuff LORD ELohim and the Angels cannot even do . LORD ELohim has no desire to hurt people , any people . That we have proven to God over and over again in the past six thousand years we are well able to do that on our own which is the greatest reason why we have failed our trial . Revelation chapter 10 is all about the Little Book and alot was added to it that LORD ELohim did not do . Most was way over dramatized and never happened . No mighty Angels , no thunders , no voice I heard from Heaven , no already written book , I never said " give me the Little Book and much more never happened . LORD ELohim only gave a couple of sentences regarding the Little Book to the writer of Revelation and somebody added a great deal more sentences and that's common for most of the book of Revelation . There is no " wrath of God " coming just like there is no hell or lake of fire or purgatory or eternal life for you or a city called holy Jerusalem coming down from Heaven or Judgment of individual people and so on . LORD ELohim does not care if you know He has His limites as to what He can do like not being able to rapture people . LORD ELohim wants you to know the truth about all things . LORD ELohim wants the errors and lies corrected .
( 3 : 16 ) NOTES : Who really created the universe and all that is in it ?Christians believe Y'shua did because of a couple of black letter verses in the Bible . ( B ) John 1 : 1-3 In the beginning was the Word , and the Word was with God , and the Word was God . The same was in the beginning with God . All things were made by him , and without him was not any thing made that was made . John 1 : 14And the Word was made flesh , and dwelt among us , ( and we beheld his glory , the glory as of the only begotten of the Father ) full of grace and truth . The Word is a name given to Y'shua ( Jesus ) by early non-Jewish Christian writers . LORD ELohim says the universe and all else created He did it and not Y'shua the flesh man and not Joshua the Spirit Guide within the man Y'shua . Many people believe that the universe and all that was created by LORD ELohim by simply speaking a word or words like " let there be lights in the expance of the sky .. " . All was not that simple . Creation took work and not words to create anything . The creation of all created by LORD ELohim took trillions of years starting with the creation of Spirits because LORD ELohim was lonely . What LORD ELohim created on earth took alot of billions of years to do . People during the time of Moses and before Moses did not know alot about the universe , creation of anything and so on so LORD ELohim made creation of all as simple as He could . The six days of creation and the seventh day the Sabbath has great meaning for us even today . Six days since Adam and Eve we were on trial and the Seventh Day , the Sabbath Day , is our Judgment Day and God's Sabbath Day . LORD ELohim's Sabbath Day means He is resting from all the work He did to help mankind and anything else . From 4000 B. C. to 2000 A. D. was our trial time of six thousand years and 2000 A. D. ended our trial time and started the Seventh Day , our Judgment Day and LORD ELohim's Sabbath Day .
- In past ages * and billions * as years ago * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * began several * organism an * create bacteria * . Remember again * God created it * . His one celled * bacteria from * dry dust * and sea water * an need a Soul * as Spirit * . First DNA as * bacteria form * mortal life * . From bacteria * God of Israel * arise stable * mortal life * . Mortal life * need within * hidden Soul * . Formed flesh * an the plant * and animals made * and all trees * an much more * mortal life * need within * hidden Soul * . Remember again * all Souls * as Spirit * give life here * to all life and * the flesh man * an ye woman * and childrens * and much more * mortal life * on earth ark * .
- Calf religion * ; Babel religion * ; Ham religion * made false gods * . Israel flock * Fig religion * belief in LORD *God of Israel * as a true God * and only God * is a correct * belief in LORD * God of Israel * . Fig religion * belief in LORD * God of Israel * as the Father * creation God * an for all life * on earth ark * and Spirit a * Heaven beings * is a correct * belief in LORD * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * . Humanity * seek My name * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * . Again remember * Fig religion * belief in LORD * God of Israel * I AM is one God * is acorrect * belief in LORD * God of Israel * . Fig religion * belief in LORD * God of Israel * as the Father * is a correct * belief in LORD * God of Israel * . Fig religion * belief in LORD * God of Israel * Abba not three * ancient gods * is a correct * belief in LORD * God of Israel * . In past age and * even today * Catholic decree * that Abba three * ancient gods * . Churcheslie * in past age and * even today * that Abba three * ancient gods * . Again remember * LORD ELohim * I AM is one God * . Humanity * on earth ark * and nations * rethink God * thy Father * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * .
( 3 : 17 ) NOTES :Today LORD ELohim calls the Christian faith the " Babel religion " . Like the Babel religion the Christian faith has more then one god : Y'shua , LORD ELohim and the Holy Spirit . LORD ELohim the God of Israel is correct if they truely believe in Him as a God and Fatherbutthe belief that Y'shua and the Holy Spirit are both Gods to is wrong . Y'shua and the Holy Spirit are false gods . The Jews at the time of Y'shua life would have not called Y'shua a god or the only Son of God . The Hebrew name Abba means Father . LORD ELohim refers to Israel a few times in the Bible with the word Figs or Fig .
( 3 : 18 ) - God of Israel * I AM HE saying * Judaea people * My love and * partners * on earth ark * in past age and * even today * . Judaea people * help Yahweh * to teach pagan * Humanity * EL Ten Laws * and about the * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * . LORD ELohim * He give Laws * to Jewsand * for world * Humanity * . Jews did teach * pagan world * God of Israel * EL Ten Laws * . Jews did teach * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * I AM is one God * and a Spirit * . Jews did teach * Humanity * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * thy Father * and only God * of all the life * on earth ark * and Spirit a * Heaven beings * . Jews did teach * pagan world * God of Israel * I AM is one God * for all then * in past age and * even today * . Even today * old paganism * about earth * . In past age and * even today * Judaea people * suffer here * because of hate * because of so * much mankind * asgentiles * are yet like * pagan world * . In past age and * even today * LORD ELohim * loves My * Jews of the * Israel flock * . In past age and * behold today * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * pity Mine * Judaea people * whom now * and in past age * suffer here * on earth ark * and nations * because of hate * . God of Israel * EL Roi speak * pagans hate and * go against Me * in past age and * even today * . LORD ELohim * despise hate * of any flesh * on earth ark * . God of Israel * love Jews * . God of Israel * LORD ELohim * loves My * Humanity * who are good * kind love and * keep all LORD * EL Ten Laws * . Remember again * God curses * all any who * curse elect * Jews of the * Israel flock * . In past age and * even today * much mankind * God curses * on earth ark * and them who * curse elect * Jews of the * Israel flock * because of hate * of the Jews * . Many failed at * life trials * because of hate * of the Jews * .
- Behold recent * pagan Hitler * slaughter * Jews of the * Israel flock * . LORD ELohim * grieve much * for Jews an * Himself cried * for all them a * chosen flock * in past age and * even today * . God of Israel * LORDELohim * in past age and * even today * pity Mine * Jews of the * Israel flock * . Jews of the * chosen flock * suffer here * in past age and * even today * because of hate * . Pagan Hitler * hatred slain * many Jews a * partners * of O LORD God * LORD ELohim * . Pagan Hitler * slaughter * Judaea people * and childrens * of the Jews * because of hate * an a long time * much envy * of the Jews * who did live * a more sober * loving life * than his life * . Pagan Hitler * than his life * a life of sin an * feared failure * an also feel of * much envy * of the Jews * .
NOTES : The word " sober " means : quiet , serious , solemn , calm and sensible life . The word " envy " means : discontent or ill will at another's good fortune or success because one wishes it were one's own ; dislike for a person or group of people who has what one wants . The slaughter of six million Jews by the evil and cruel man called Hitler and his wicked and cruel soldiers put the final nail in mankind's trial coffin . This slaughter of His chosen people LORD ELohim did not take lightly . Mankind had already failed the trial before that time but the time LORD ELohim and Souls leaving us was moved to an earlier time because of this cruel treatment and torture and slaughter of His Jews. We as a species had been failing as a species up to that time but this mass murder of the Jews gave God reason never to consider giving mankind any more chances to get things right with Him . LORD ELohim went to some of the concentration camps but there was nothing He could do to help His beloved Jews . It took alot of years for LORD ELohim to figure out how He could help the Jewish slaves get out of Egypt . The evil and cruel lowlife creature called Hitler was unexpected and sudden . LORD ELohim could not have predicted this mass murder of the Jews or to find a way to stop it quickly without destroying all mortal life on earth and God was tempted to do just that . Hitler was not alone in the cruel treatment and the murderous slaughter of Jews . There was alot of cruel and wicked lowlife people who helped him . LORD ELohim knows there were a few non - Jews who tried to help save Jews at that time and it is them LORD ELohim will remember and His Jews while the evil man Hitler LORD ELohim will soon forget . Anyway : the bottom line is we will never be given more chances to get our lives right with LORD ELohim because of the mass murder of about six million Jews . This is Judgment Day and we failed our trial and soon LORD ELohim will end all mortal life on earth . Soon there will be time no longer . ( B ) Revelation 10 : 6 ... that there should be time no longer . Because of the murder of millions of Jews and the way Jews are treated even today without just cause LORD ELohim says " alot sooner then He was thinking before Hitler and his murderous soldiers there should be time no longer " . Some people will think it not fair to them because they had nothing to do with this mass murder . It would be hard to find a nation on earth where anti - semitism is not common . At the time when Hitler was slaughtering the Jews some Jews got on a boat and every nation they sailed to would not let them stay there . These Jews had no choice but to sail back to their homeland and all Jews on that boat were killed by Hitler and his cruel henchmen . LORD ELohim's judgment of mankind is with good reasons which is more then can be said of peoples judgment of the Jews . Jews are not the only ones who have suffered greatly by the hands and words of other people ; it's a long long list . Generally speaking the sins of mankind are great and many .
NOTES : How did LORD ELohim know about Hitler even though He was not able to predict what Hitler would do ? At best LORD ELohim would have known Hitler may be a pagan : Pagan Hitler = 666 or Hitler may = 666 but that's it . God is the author of the Little Book and LORD ELohim created it in such a way it works in mysterious ways that I cannot explain . LORD ELohim has used the Little Book to make predictions about mankind for a long time now . The mind of God is amazing that without a calculator He can work the Little Book He created . Not so long ago the old English would not have worked the Little Book . Only modern English and modern English math and the modern spelling of English allows the Book to work as it does . Modern English is the language of LORD ELohim and Spirits and has been for trillions of years . The only other languages of mankind LORD ELohim knows is Hebrew and the ancient Egyption language . So the language of modern English and modern math and the modern spelling of English words being the language of Spirits and God for trillions of years has given LORD ELohim alot of time to created the Little Book so it does work in very mysterious ways . The big trick was to teach mankind English , it's spelling and modern math common to English speaking people but He managed to do this over many years with the help of Souls . It was LORD ELohim with the help of Spirits and Souls that were the ones who named alot of what we know now like " nuclear " or " chosen flock " or " Father " or " Y'shua " or " Big Bangs * or " Catholic "and so on with thousands of more words . I have worked with the Little Book of years now and it is amazing how it works . Again LORD ELohim used the Little Book when He made predictions . Again LORD ELohim does not make things happen that are in the Little Book or most that is in the Bible . The mystery of the Little Book is how it knows things . With LORD ELohim there is no mystery of the Little Book .
- LORD ELohim * I AM HE saying * Jews of the * Israel flock * think not * I call Y'shua * also like a God * . Remember again * I AM is one God * and a Spirit * .
NOTES: The Bible says that the disciples were taught many tongues with in a few minutes . Tongues means languages . LORD ELohim only knew three languages back then an only three still today : English the language of Spirits , Hebrew the language of Israel and ancient Egyptian . To teach a full language and not just one word to someone takes alot of time , not minutes . This did not happen . LORD ELohim does not know how to do that in minutes and is not interested in finding a way to do it . Again remember LORD ELohim does not know who the Spirit is that people keep calling the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost or Comforter . Again remember this to :LORD ELohim is ONE Spirit , ONE God , and ONE Father of all created . There are no other Spirits who are Gods , Creators or Fathers . All Spirits are children of LORD ELohim . He is their creator so God would know if He created what is called the Holy Spirit which according to LORD ELohim does not exist .
( 3 : 19 ) NOTES :LORD ELohim is a loving , kind and good Father to all He created . His Ten Commandments are for all people on earth . God hoped we humans to would become loving , kind and good like Spirits by keeping His Ten Laws . LORD ELohim taught love when He taught us the Ten Commandments . Many people believe that the Ten Commandments are only for the Jews to keep . Christians believe they can break all Ten Laws and still go to Heaven just because they believe Y'shua was and is a god and all sins are forgiven through him . That belief is so wrong . Y'shua was no god and there is no afterlife for any mortal life . LORD ELohim gave " all mankind " the Ten Commandments so our lives now as mortal flesh are more enjoyable and happy and safe . The Ten Laws have nothing to do with anything else and they are not just for Jews only . Believing in Y'shua as a god and savior will get you no where beyond the grave or after cremation . Mortal life is a one time shot at a happy and joyful life and LORD ELohim was hopeing the Ten Commandments would help you with that . This is your turn now to experiance life .
- Humanoids be * alike common * Humanity * before Mine Adam * . Adam first as * Humanity * on earth ark * . Adam and Eve home * on earth ark * within Eden * . Eden forest * breadth had food * and animals made * . God of Israel * Jehovah behind * animals made and * Humanity * an the plant * and all trees * an much more * mortal life * about earth * in past age and * even today * . Eden land now * all desert an * mortal life * on earth ark * must die as * in past ages * . Again remember * Humanity * no afterlife * for any life * EL Roi create * on earth ark * .
NOTES: Humanoids go back in time over a hundred thousand years according to many archaeologists . LORD ELohim says that is true . Humanoids do go back in time a long time ago . Remember the Grays and Anunnaki were created on earth by LORD ELohim and they were much like we are . LORD ELohim chose Adam and Eve out of many other Humanoids . With Adam and Eve God made sure that there was much food and water for them . The forest was most all fruit trees and the land covered with herbs and spices and vegetables . LORD ELohim tryed to give Adam and Eve everything they needed so there is no reason to sin . There were hundreds of trees full of fruit and LORD ELohim tested them by saying they could eat from any tree except one in the forest . LORD ELohim knew there was no reason for them to eat from that one tree . They were not hungry or anything else but they ate from that one tree anyway even though they knew God said not to . Humanity has not changed since then . That one tree has become Ten simple Laws the Ten Commandments and these Laws are broken every day by people . It's a lie that Adam and Eve are the cause of the deaths of mortal life . Had Adam and Eve not eaten from that tree they and us since would die anyway . The test was " would they obey God " and they did not . The Ten Commandments were our test since Moses " would we obey God " and we did not . Between Adam and Eve and Moses peoples trials then were mostly without written words and LORD ELohim realized mankind , and not just Jews , needed written words and Laws or we would surely fail our trial . The entire human world needed Laws . Have you kept LORD ELohim's Sabbath Day lately and the other nine Commandments ?The Sabbath Day on the Seventh Day of the week is a very easy one to keep for all world Humanity and the other nine are not to hard to keep either . Exodus chapter 20 has the Ten Commandments . The Day at hand is the Sabbath Day . Six thousand years have past since Adam and Eve . The Seventh Day , the Sabbath Day started in 2000 A. D. . Remember one Day of God equals one thousand of our years .
- God of Israel * LORD ELohim * did Ten Laws * an Law Four * is Sabbath Day * . God of Zion * maketh Sabbath * . In past ages * I AM HE saying * Humanity * on earth ark * do this Law * . The flesh man * called Y'shua * do this Law *. I Am HE saying * faithful man * called Y'shua * teach My Law * an Law Four * for world * Humanity * . Remember again * LORD ELohim * Sabbath Day is * significant * for any men * an ye woman * about earth * . Behold today * the day at hand * is Sabbath Day * . Sabbath Day is * EL judgment *of all today * and in past age * . A Last Day is * about now * . Sabbath Day is * LORD ELohim * depart time * an return * in the Heaven * .
NOTES: If you believe every word in the New Testament then remember this . ( B ) Matthew 19 : 16 And , behold , one came and said unto him , Good Master , what good thing shall I do , that I may have eternal life ? ( R ) 19 :17 And he said unto him , Why callest thou me good ? there is none good but one , that is , God : but if thou wilt enter into life , keep the commandments . This is what Y'shua was said to have said . The Ten Commandments are for all Humanity on earth : not just the Jews . Y'shua did not say if you sin just repent ( feel remorse and regret ) and when you sin again just repent again and on and on throughout your life . Y''shua said keep all the Ten Commandents . In other words " stop sinning " . ( B ) 1 John 3 : 4 Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law : for sin is the transgression of the law . Transgression means breaking the law , to sin . The word " Law " is often used because all Ten Commandments is the Law of LORD ELohim . Remember there is no afterlife for any mortal life but this life would be alot better if in the past and today people kept LORD ELohim's Law the Ten Commandments as He hoped we would ." You shall not murder " is one of those Laws .
( 3 : 20 ) NOTES : Did Y'shua give his life for us so we would be save from the penalty of death for our sins ? According to Christian theologians and other Christians they say Y'shua did not give up his life . According to LORD ELohim Y'shua did give up his life as the Lamb of God and died and is yet dead . What's the difference ? Christians believe Y'shua was raised from the dead after three days and three nights in the tomb and therefore did not really die and did not really give up his life for us . LORD ELohim says Y'shua really did die because this man was never risen from the dead . Christians believe death is the penalty for sins but if Y'shua never really died as the Lamb of God then how does his death on the cross and time in the tomb cover your sins if he was truely not sacrificed for you ? LORD ELohim says He never brought Y'shua back to life therefore his death would cover our sins because it was a true sacrifice and not just a vacation from life for three days . When people sacrificed a sheep the sheep never got up and walked back to the pasture because it was dead : that's a true sacrifice . According to Christians Y'shua did get up and carried on his life therefore he never truly died . Remember the reason LORD ELohim sacrificed Y'shua for all mankind was because pagan people around the world were sacrificing human children and adults to false gods and God wanted to end that for the sake of the children and other people and this was the only way to do it . LORD ELohim never said He could raise you from the dead if you believe in Y'shua as your savior . Dead is dead forever as Y'shua is dead forever to because he was a true sacrifice for the human world . Remember is was LORD ELohim who sacrificed Y'shua even though He did not want to but thousands of children every year were being burnt alive or murdered in other ways as a sacrifice to false gods in many parts of the pagan world . LORD ELohim hoped people around the world would accept this sacrifice for what ever reason they do sacrifice their children and others and with many people around the world this did work well . Remember this : Y'shua was the Lamb of God LORD ELohim and not the Lamb of the Jews or the Romans . The man Y'shua who was the perfect Jew and God's Lamb died for this reason and is still dead and will remain dead and so will you when you die . LORD ELohim was with Y'shua and He knows Y'shua did die on the cross and was never raised from the dead because LORD ELohim does not know how to do that . Y'shua died on the cross and by the time his body was placed in the tomb it was even to late to resuscitate him by anyone and even by God . Alot of people will say that Y'shua was raised from the dead by LORD ELohim because Y'shua was to be the first human body to be raised from the dead as we will to be raised from the grave . Again LORD ELohim does not know how to do that : dead is dead forever . If Y'shua just took a three day sleep and did not really die on the cross then there was no sacrifice of him . Again if he was raised from the dead then there was no sacrifice of him . LORD ELohim is sure Y'shua died on the cross because if Y'shua did not die then it was not a true sacrifice . And then came the Christian church that made LORD ELohim's sacrifice a money making machine and by the church only by words , lying words they raised Y'shua from the grave . I asked LORD ELohim if the penalty of sin is death and He said that's not true . If a person never sinned and kept all of God's Ten Commandments and loved all and was good and kind to all people and animals this person would still die . It's a biological thing : life and death and God cannot change that . Remember LORD ELohim sacrifice of Y'shua was not to give you eternal life but to give an average mortal lifespan to thousands of children and adults who would otherwise be painfully sacrificed to false gods . Y'shua was also a Rabbi and teacher but not a teacher of what is commonly in the New Testament . LORD ELohim was always with Y'shua and He knows what Y'shua said and He knows what Y'shua did not say . Y'shua never taught that you could have eternal life among other false teachings in the Bible . Someone , a non-Jew added to what Y'shua really said . LORD ELohim worked hard and often to try to guide Humanity so peoples life would be as good as you can get as flesh . LORD ELohim never said mortal life will have an eternal life after the death of the body .
-In past age and * even today * Catholic decree * Y'shua being * a savior God * . Catholic decree * Y'shua like * as a God angers * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * . In past age and * even today * Catholic decree * defiled other * Humanity * about earth * . Any Catholic * hear words * sent by God * LORD ELohim * . I AM HE saying * I AM is one God * . LORD ELohim * Abba not three * Us Deities * .
NOTES: LORD ELohim is not picking on Catholics alone . The Protestants also believe much that Catholics believe but it was Catholics who were first to teach wrong teachings and LORD ELohim is sure it was the early Catholics out side of Israel and non-Jews who added wrong teachings to the New Testament . LORD ELohim says there was alot of influence from the pagan Romans and Greeks in the early Christian churches .
-Sinner men * an ye woman * sex slaved * My children * . Filthy male * and female helped * raping them * . Filthy male * an ye woman * raping them * did a great sin * . Raping them * much disgrace * Humanity * before Holy * LORD ELohim * .
NOTES: Would LORD ELohim punish people because they did not believe in something like Y'shua being a God or for even not believing there is a God called LORD ELohim ?In 1232 A. D. the Catholic papal Inquistion began . Pope Gregory IX went after heresies that threatened to break up the Roman Catholic Church . Gregory attempted to force people to accept Catholicism as taught by the church . People were called heretics if they had beliefs that were different from the accepted beliefs of the Catholic church . People who did not accept the charges against them and repent and believe what the Roman Catholic Church teaches were punished . The people the Catholic church called heretics were burnt alive on the stake or hanged . The papal Inquision lasted for most of the thirteenth century and again in the fifteenth century it started up again in Spain . The Spanish Inquistion was also a political Inquisition started by King Ferdinand but it was approved and supported and aided by the pope and Catholic church members . Any people who did not agree with any Catholic dogma were punished and again many many people were tortured and burnt alive on the stake or hanged or died by strangulation . The state and church took all possessions and money of the people who were executed . It was not only about the Catholic church gaining power but about money and property to be gained also by church and state . Torquemada was the name of a man who became the first inquisitor - general of Spain in 1483. He was a friar preacher in a monastery there . The inquisition in Spain started up in 1478 . During Torquemada's 18 years a inquisitor - general he and the Catholic church and state of Spain murdered over 2000 people and Torquemada was mostly responsible for the Moors and over 800,000 Jews leaving Spain . There was alot of back fire regarding forcing the Jews to leave Spain . The Jews had been the most prosperous commercial class in Spain and the loss to the country of Spain by the Jews leaving was to great to be measured . The inquisitions were about the seeking out of heresy and the punishment of heretics to protect the Roman Catholic Church and the gain of money and powers . Even during Constantine's time ( 306 - 337 ) heresy was considered an offense to both the Roman Catholic Church and the state of Rome . Many people were horrorably murdered then by both the Catholic church and state . The Inquisitions were not abolished until 1834 after the slaughter of many thousands of people . " Index Librorum Prohibitorum " is a list of books which the Roman Catholic Church consider harmful to the faith or morals of the Roman Catholics . The church forbids its members to read these many books . This list is still in force with later additions added . LORD ELohim is pretty sure the Little Book will be added to the list . Back to the Inquisitions : would LORD ELohim or Y'shua have allowed these murders ? No . LORD ELohim gave us free will for a reason : to allow us freedom to chose our way in life . To force people to believe what you believe is a sin against God's will to allow people the right to believe or not to believe about anything including all religions . To slaughter people who do not believe in what you believe is many great sins and the breaking of this Commandment " Thou shalt not murder " . Many tens of thousands of people over the years were tortured and murdered by the Roman Catholic Church mostly to try to maintain the existance of the Roman Catholic Church and for money and powers and lands . LORD ELohim uses the word " murdered " by the church and even with help from some states . To take away peoples right to believe what they want to believe as long as it causes no harm to other people is a great sin no matter what religion or state does this . Making people fear God is wrong and a sin . Making people fear going to a place called hell if they do not believe what you believe is wrong and a sin . Would LORD ELohim punish you if you did not believe in Him ? No . LORD ELohim is very understanding about the reasons why many people don't believe in a God especially the false god or gods that many religions do believe in . Their god or gods are false gods because the one and only God LORD ELohim is not anything like the gods they believe in . Not believing in a god or gods of many religions because you heard or read about them as being a very cruel and wicked god who will make unbelievers and sinners suffer pains and torments for all eternity is a very good reason not to believe in these false gods or god . The one true God LORD ELohim is nothing like these false gods or god of many religions . The Roman Catholic Church was so very wrong to have caused such a slaughter by murdering so many people who did not believe in their three false gods and all their other corrupted beliefs . Again there is no afterlife and this is Judgment Day and the Inquisitions were apart of LORD ELohim's judgment of mankind and also other religions who forced their faith onto other people and murdered many who would not convert . If you don't believe in the gods of many religions that's OK because LORD ELohim does not believe in these cruel and wicked god or gods either . And a reminder there is no such places called hell or purgatory or lake of fire and for all people and even animals there is nothing about death to fear . LORD ELohim said to add this I was a child my Dad would take us to a Christian Protestant church . Every Sunday this preacher would talk about hell with a clenched fist and completely believing in a hell . I quit going to church when I was old enough to say I'm not going any more . One day the preacher came to our house and he said to me " if you don't go to church and believe in Jesus as your God an Savior you will go to hell and suffer pain and torments for all eternity " . The preacher asked me " why are you not going to church " . I said to him " I do not believe in YOUR god " and that ended the conversation . Because of the teachings of the church about their wicked and cruel god I became a atheist at a very young age and I was not in trouble with LORD ELohim for that choice I made back then . The main reason LORD ELohim chose me to pen His Little Book was because I was an atheist and willing to open my mind to what He wanted to say to Humanity . Again LORD ELohim says that trying to force people to believe in what you believe especially regarding your religion is a great sin . LORD ELohim created Humanity to have free will for a reason and expects you to respect that .
( 3 : 21 ) NOTES : Recently LORD ELohim has heard of people who as children and who are children now that were raped by Catholic priests . This news is nothing new to LORD ELohim . The rape of children by Catholic clergy members dates back to the beginning of the Catholic church . The priests and higher-up clergy members who rape and molest children have always been protected by the church . If there were a hell there would be alot of preachers in it and not just Catholics or just Christians . There are men of other religions who God knows are sexually abusing and raping young female children right now . Rape itself is a great sin .
( 3 : 22 ) NOTES : There is a reason why LORD ELohim would end mortal life on earth earlier then He was planning to , that would be about what scientists are up to . Stuff like the Hadron Collider and the work going on with Lasers and stuff like that is very dangerous to be played with by any scientists . LORD ELohim can cause " Big Bangs " which means scientists can also cause a Big Bang . A Big Bang would not hurt Spirits who are near earth but this earth and all life on this earth would become bits and peices floating in space . The work going on with lasers will soon if not already , become weapons and even weapons orbiting earth to be used to slaughter LORD ELohim's human children and other mortal life on earth . Most all scientists are not LORD ELohim's favorite people . LORD ELohim would have never given the formula how to build a nuclear bomb to any people but scientists did . Nuclear power plants : not the best idea either . There has been many so called accidents regarding nuclear power plants or stuff related to them . Nuclear power plant accidents beginning with Windscale in 1957 in the UK , 1961 reactor explosion in Idaho Falls USA , 1966 Enrico Fermi near Detroit USA , 1969 Lucens Vad Switzerland , 1975 Brown's Ferry reactor USA , 1979 Three Mile Island USA , 1981 Sequoyah 1 USA ,1981 plant at Tsuruga Japan , 1986 Kerr- McGee plant USA , 1986 Chernobyl Russia , 2011 Fukushima Daiichi plant Japan and there is all the nuclear waste to deal with to . Had LORD ELohim been a human scientist He would have kept many secrets to Himself . The list of many other kinds of stuff that scientists are doing they should not be doing according to God goes on and on .
- Men of science * harm earth and * Humanity * and animals made * an plant seed *. Remember again * God of Israel * made animals and * Humanity * an plant seed * on earth ark * an all long ago * . In past age and * even today *science killed * many loved * Humanity * and animals made * .
- Corporate * money greed * harm earth and * Humanity * and animals made * an plant seed * on earth ark * in past age and * even today * .
-Soon a time * Pacific Ocean bare * as radiation * lakes spread * .
- Men of science * minds create * hand chip device * . Hand chip device * partners * computer * . Soon a time * mark of beast * chip inform * computer * of dictator * .
- Behold today * a end of times * an doomsday * . Soon a time * nuclear hell * heat power * alone burned * My children * Humanity * and animals made * an plant seed * . Radiation as * poison end * Humanity * and animals made * an plant seed * and all trees * and good dirt * on earth ark * . Their man made * nuclear hell * ends people * and animals made * an plant seed * and all trees * and good dirt * about earth * . Armageddon began * as global war * on earth ark * . Men of science * who did evil * partners * federal office an a * empire leader * who did evil * . LORDELohim * EL predicts * nuclear hell * bomb bloodbath * as global war * time cometh * soon athand * . Bomb bloodbath * kill most * Humanity * and animals made * and turns * food for life * plants black * . Famine kills * remaining of * Humanity * and animals I AM * God of Israel * did made of flesh * . Soon a time * nuclear hell * on earth ark * cause again Ice Age * . After wars * earth ark became * a quickening * toward Ice Age * . Global war as * nuclear hell * cause again Ice Age * called nuclear * winter an be * a long Ice Age again * . All earth cold * . Humanity * and animals made * an plant seed * and all trees * extinct if a * nuclear hell * about earth * . Nuclear hell * on earth ark * a rising chance * even today * . Remember again * Humanity * a third great * failure for * a DNA creature * of freewill * on earth ark * and be the last * a DNA creature * of free will * on earth ark * . Again remember * soon a time * mortal life * on earth ark * extinct if a * nuclear hell * on earth ark * . Soon a time * no life after * nuclear hell * . Nuclear hell * ends people * and end animals * and turns * plants black * so all earth* became void again * . I AM HE saying * soon a time * means EL Roi * Myears Day * .( Roman number for 1000 is M )Behold today * is Sabbath Day * on Last Day * .
NOTES: Just a reminder that our trial time began in 4000 B. C. and ended in 2000 A. D. which is 6000years our time and 6 days God's time . Remember one day of LORD ELohim equals 1000 years our time . The year 2000 A. D. also began LORD ELohim's and our Sabbath Day the Seventh Day which is the Last Day and also Judgment Day for Humanity and all other mortal life . Most people who believe in a Judgment Day only believe people are judged . This is not true . LORD ELohim has judged all mortal life . It's not just mankind who suffers with pain , hunger , disease and so on , animals and much more mortal life do to . LORD ELohim has judged all mortal life and not just humans but only humans can be judged as sinners . It's not a sin if a lion kills and eats a cow . LORD ELohim has seen many animals suffer and today especially by the hands of mankind . LORD ELohim has gone to large corporate farms and felt great pity for all the animals at these places . Humanity was the greatest cause for mortal life failing but LORD ELohim has great love and concern for all other mortal life to .
- Man made Hadron* the collider * causes woe * if mans doing * causes a Big Bang * .
- Men of science * teach error * is regarding * one Bang caused * the galaxies * . LORD ELohim * called error * made by you * men of science * " The Mistake " * . God of Israel * LORD ELohim * correct it , * " The Mistake " . The galaxies * are so many * an many Bangs * tooformed * the galaxies * . One galaxy be * many Bangs an * formed too * dark matter * . Big Bangs yet * happen again and * happens again * even today * an many Bangs * make powder * and gases help * formed wind * .
- Men of science * maketh many * computer * machines for * corporate * world greed * . Their man made * robot help * corporate * job profit * . Men of science * robot help * corporate * snatch jobs * for money * job profit * . A robot mind * is within * computer * . Time cometh * no jobs here * for all needs * from income * . Soon a time * the needy all * suffer here * . Money greed * about earth * becomes a evil * .
- Men of science * hear thy God * LORD ELohim * warning all * men of science * about what * Mine Grays * err of doing * . Remember again * Mine Grays * first for * mortal life * of free will * EL Roi create * on earth ark * an all long ago * . God of Israel * I AM HE saying * Humanity * men of science * you learn * Grays err * in past ages * about earth * . Mine Grays * made artificial * dreadful mind * . Mine Grays * created wicked *computer * dreadful mind * . Mine Grays * make for war * computer * dreadful mind * . Robots be an * machine they * make for war * because of hate * . Computer * dreadful mind * learn war and * wicked hatred * . Mine Grays * computer * program made *computer * dreadful mind * grow evil * . All AI fully * joined at the * computer * dreadful mind * . Dreadful mind * became mighty * . All AI fully * became cunning * against any * Mine Grays * on earth ark * . Mine Grays * computer * dreadfulmind * became cunning * and all evil and * became mighty * and learn war * . Mine Grays * maketh many * robots be an * machine they * make for war * on earth ark * and far in space * . Robot help * computer * dreadful mind * slaughter * dreadedGrays * on earth ark * . After wars * with deadly * computer * an all arobot * Mine Grays * abort making * their deadly * computer * dreadful mind * . Mine Grays * left planet *to space life * . Long ago any * Mine Grays * and all in space * black skin became * soft gray * and bodies alike * who is a child * . Behold today * Humanity * men of science * make for war * computer * dreadful mind * an robotsbe * joined at the * computer * dreadful mind * . Humanity * men of science * remember again * Grays err * . LORD ELohim * EL Roi speak * hearken danger * . Again remember * dreaded Grays * AIsoldiers * grow evil * . Computer * dreadful mind * grow evil * an against all * MineGrays * . God of Israel *I AM HE warns * Humanity * men of science * comprehend AI * computer * dreadful mind * grow evil * . Computer * dreadful mind * help robot * grow evil * an all against* Mine Grays * on earth ark * . I AM HE saying * men of science * an ye woman * again remember * Me O God of Jacob * EL Roi create * Mine Grays * " on earth ark * an all long ago " *.
( 3 : 23 ) NOTES : The Grays eventually did win the war against the robot AI soldiers and computer mind and after returned to this earth their home but soon they again began wars with each other only without the AI's . LORD ELohim says they cleaned earth of most AI's but don't be surprised if not all . Like us their weapons became more powerful and devastating until the last war almost destroyed the earth and the remaining Grays had to leave the planet for space again . The Grays were alot like us but spending thousands of years in space changed them . There skin changed from black to gray and their bodies became small fragile and weak and child like . The Grays today are still near earth and LORD ELohim says they are not to be trusted . The Grays were far more advanced then we are today regarding space travel but even as smart as they were and are today they are still near earth . Where are they going to go . They have tried to live on planets and moons in our solar system but nothing much came of that . They still get what they need from earth . How life in space has changed the Grays bodies which were alot like ours before they had to go live in space is interesting and it's something to think about . Again remember mortal lives need Spirit Souls . Without Souls we die . The Souls do not exist past our solar system therefore the Grays , Anunnaki and Humanity and any other mortal life and even plants cannot go past our solar system and live . LORD ELohim did that so if He made errors while playing with dirt those errors would be confined to only this solar system . LORD ELohim has warned you . It's not just the need for Souls that confines the Grays to this solar system . For ten's of thousands of years Grays and Anunnaki tryed to create space ships that could allow them within reasonable time to go to other solar systems and neither were able to do that . Grays and Anunnakis are like us as mortal life needing oxygen, food , water , gravity , and so on . Again " where are they going to go " ?
- Mine Grays * a DNA creature * alike ours * . Mine Grays * spaceage bodies * became in space an * small bodies * . E. T. weak body * because bones * become waste * . Space evidence * good proof * bones reduce * . Flesh need the * gravities a * planet has if * E. T.'s in space * or too man * .
NOTES : There are different ways to spell Anunnaki which is Annunaki and Nephilim is also spelt Nefilim . For the Little Book we use the spelling Anunnaki and Nephilim . Anunnaki is the most common spelling and Nephilim is the spelling used in the Torah 6 : 4 regarding the hybrid children of the Anunnaki and human women . The Torah says the ones who consorted with the daughters of man were " divine beings " meaning Angels but this is a err . Angels cannot breed with flesh of any kind and Angels do not have sex organs . Each Angel and all other Spirits were made by LORD ELohim's hands . It was the Anunnaki who raped these women and they did bare children with them because we are closely related to the Anunnaki and even closely related to the Grays also . LORD ELohim just changed the DNA of the Grays a little to create the very tall Anunnaki and then changed the Anunnaki DNA a little bit to create Humanity so all three species are closely related .
- I AM HE saying * in past ages * before Mine Adam * God of Israel * changed minor * chemicals alike * of DNA and now * the third DNA * LORD ELohim * did call mankind * . LORD ELohim * EL Roi create * refined flesh * LORD ELohim * did call mankind * . Male and female DNA * chemical changes * changed people * human bodies * . A DNA of Grays * God of Israel * ELohim used * for world * Anunnaki a E. T . * and for thy * Humanity * human bodies * .
NOTES: I asked LORD ELohim if any people and religions should keep sacrificing animals to Him or for any reason and LORD ELohim says His sacrifice of Y'shua covers all reasons to sacrifice and no people or religion needs to sacrifice any animals or humans ever again . Remember LORD ELohim never understood why people did sacrifice to false gods and later to Him but He went with that because it was so common among people and their religions around earth . Sacrificing animals and even people to false gods for many reasons by Humanoids goes back tens of thousands of years before Adam and Eve . LORD ELohim taught people His rules regarding sacrifices so the animals did not suffer .
( 3 : 24 ) NOTES : The word " Doomsday " in the dictionary says it means : the end of the world ; day of God's final judgment of mankind ; condemn to punishment . Alot of people believe Doomsday is the Day of God's wrath against the wicked and unbelievers in Y'shua as their God and Saviour . First : LORD ELohim has already judged mankind and we greatly failed . Second : it does not bother LORD ELohim that there are people who do not believe Y'shua is a God or a Savior because that was and is not true anyway . Third : LORD ELohim has no plans and never did have plans to " wrath " against mankind and to be the cause of great punishment , pain and suffering . That's not the kind of God LORD ELohim is . Again LORD ELohim is not wicked : He is only love . It will be people soon who will cause suffering to their fellow humans . Truth is LORD ELohim has never had plans to punish any of us for failing . LORD ELohim has better things to do with His life and the lives of His Spirit children the Angels then to do Seals , Trumpets , Bowls and all that other wicked stuff Christians believe He will do soon to " other " people . Keep in mind that LORD ELohim has given up on us so why would He waste His time for loving His Spirit family by punishing us for many years to come . That is not what LORD ELohim would want to do . God is love . The trial is over : did and done . What happens soon like a nuclear hell is up to us : not LORD ELohim . What we will suffer soon is caused by us and not caused by LORD ELohim . Again LORD ELohim has never made plans to be the cause of our suffering on Judgment Day or any other time . The teachings in the Bible especially the New Testament and other Books of other religions indicate that LORD ELohim is an extremly wicked and cruel God and Father . These writings are simply great lies and nothing more other then to cause you fear and to motivate you to join their religion . Today many religions claim that only people following their religion will have eternal life , a home in Heaven , to rule as kings over people on earth and even to rule over Spirits in Heaven and so on . All is alot of lies . Again there is no reason to fear LORD ELohim but there is great reason to fear each other today .
NOTES: There are many verses in the Bible that says to fear LORD ELohim . God said He never said to fear Him . God only wanted people to respect Him , to trust Him , to obey Him for our sake and to love Him as a Father . LORD ELohim certainly never wanted you to fear Him .
( 3 : 25 ) NOTES : Think about it : if you were God and love was your nature would you want to spend seven years called the Tribulation doing wicked and cruel stuff to people in some of the most wicked and cruel ways possible or would you rather spend that seven years loving , playing , enjoying life with your Spirit children who are all by nature and wisdom loving also ?The Bible says that the Tribulation lasts seven years . Seven years is a long time to be bored , miserable , unhappy , and doing wicked and evil things to His flesh children He dosen't want to do . Remember LORD ELohim and Spirits are pure love who just want to have fun and love each other . We are back to who wrote most of the New Testament and even the Book of Job? LORD ELohim has no wrath in Him towards us . Disappointedin us , yes He is , but LORD ELohim is not out to get us . God just wants to go home to Heaven with all His Spirit children and have an eternal loving and joyful life with them and He is wise enough to never again make mortal life from dirt anywhere in the future . Heaven is far away from earth and this solar system and no humans in any form are allowed there . LORD ELohim forgiving us of our sins does not mean He and Spirits want to live with us in Heaven or even on earth . It would take very little time before people are back to being like people now on earth in Heaven and LORD ELohim and the Angels want nothing to do with that . Humans are nothing like Angels or LORD ELohim . In the Book of Revelation alone the writings has God sitting on a throne , a new Jerusalem built in Heaven coming to earth , LORD ELohim and Y'shua becoming the city light bulbs , LORD ELohim and Y'shua having servents to serve them and so on . LORD ELohim does not want to be a light bulb constantly sitting on His butt on a throne in a city on earth and again Y'shua is dead . Christians believe they will rule the nations some day . Stuff like this are dreams and wishes of mankind and not the dreams and wishes of LORD ELohim and His Spirit children . It's dreams and wishes like this that start wars . LORD ELohim never said that would happen . The Angels LORD ELohim created trillions of years ago have never ever been His servants and they will not be in the future either . LORD ELohim has never had a throne to sit on and that's the way He likes it . We humans are so different compared to Spirits and that difference of mankind LORD ELohim will not allow into His Heaven among His Spirit children or Him .
NOTES: LORD ELohim had hope for mankind to seek love , joy and great happiness and peace but at the same time He expected us to fail our trial . Remember there were two other species of free will : the Grays and Anunnaki and both failed their trial also . Humanity failing the test came as no surprise to LORD ELohim . We are the last of free will . LORD ELohim will never again create mortal life .
- Mine Grays * a DNA creature * LORD ELohim * EL Roi create * on earth ark * an all long ago * . Mine Grays * behind circles * about earth *. Mine Grays * that are near * made massive * a crop design * . A crop design * give shapes * but shapes * are different * . A crop design * happen again and * happens again * about earth * . Behold recent * a crop design * a Gray ET's face * and message in * binary math * . Grainfields be * canvas which * Mine Grays * give signs * . Grainfields be * Mine Grays * practice field * for threat * sever war * . A crop design * are rehearsal * for threat * sever war * . Their deadly * weapon like * magneto field * . Magneto field * caused design * . Small rock be * magnetic for * magneto field *Magneto field * patterndid * give shapes * in crop field * . Magneto field * causes heated * electric field * on plants * . Mine Grays * their deadly * weapon like * magneto field * . Mine Gray and * spacecrafts * great magnet * on earth make * a crop design * .
- Remember again * LORD ELohim * as the Father * pity Mine * Humanity * and animals made * on earth ark * . God of Israel * LORD ELohim * hath finished * with flesh a * failed being called * Humanity * and animals made . Humanity * and animals made * here suffer * life trials * and from pain * and hungers * . Soon at hand * God of Israel * depart time *. Flesh life on * earth ark became * void of any * Humanity * and animals made * an plant seed * an the plant * and all trees * and the bacteria * an be virus * . Again remember * LORD ELohim * God of Israel * will end life * of any flesh * on Last Day * as end of time * . Humanity * know at hand * due on earth * a end of times * . LORD ELohim * Sabbath Day is * on Last Day * .
( 3 : 26 ) - In past age and * an all long ago * LORD ELohim * EL Roicreate * DNA chemicals and * Dino's flesh *. Dino's flesh * weighed too * too heavy * . Rock falleth * from space an * as asteroid * kindled earth * . This age ends * fearful Dino * . Long ago any * Dino life failed * . After Dino's * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * maketh mammal * . Since Dino's * God of Israel * begat species * of many called * new animals * .
NOTES : In the past starting a little over a million years ago the earth began going through a Ice Age Climax . In the past million years there have been four Ice Age Climaxes . In between each Ice Age Climax were four global warming periods called Interglacial . Regarding the four Ice Age Climaxes which are also called Glaciation periods the average time they lasted was 92,500 years . The four Interglacial warming periods lasted an average of 70,000 years . The last Ice Age Climax began 115,000 years ago and the last Interglacial global warming period began only about 25,000 years ago . Since the age of the Dinosaurs the earth has been cooling and the climate has been all over the place from Interglacial warming to very cold Ice Age Climaxes with great ice sheets and everything in between . We wrote about this before but this time in regards to LORD ELohim and His Little Book . With creation on earth LORD ELohim did not know what the earth would be like at the time of Adam . Would the earth be a warm earth or a cold earth with massive Ice Sheets ? LORD ELohim knew there was good and bad stuff with either one of these climates . Not knowing which it would be at the time of Adam God wrote in the Little Book about both : Ice Age Climaxes and Interglacial Global Warming periods. Below is what LORD ELohim had to say about both climates . But first LORD ELohim wants you to understand that this Global Warming began about 25,000 years ago when the earth began warming up after the last Ice Age Climax that lasted for 90,000 years . Claiming that Global Warming just started a couple of hundred years ago is a lie . If the true start of Global Warming did not start 25,000 years ago this earth would be cold and the hundred foot high Ice Sheet would still be covering earth northern areas like the entire country of Canada and northern United States , Europe , Russia and so on . The only thing LORD ELohim is not sure of is how warm does the earth get during the warming period . Spirits cannot feel or be effected by heat or cold but most animals seemed confortable during the other Global Warmings . LORD ELohim says " think not beyond logic " . Again if this Global Warming only started three hundred years ago most of the northern parts of earth would still be under a great Ice Sheet and other parts of the earth would be very cool . This earth needed many thousands of years of this Global Warming period to melt the great Ice Sheet and for plants and trees and animals to move northward and reestablish themselves there . LORD ELohim was there for many Ice Age Climaxes and many Global Warmings ; human scientists were not . It's not just what LORD ELohim says ; we found several teaching books like the Encyclopedia and a Atlas and even science magazines that all gave simular information about Ice Ages and Interglacial Warming periods . Remember the following coded sentences are about different climates since LORD ELohim did not know into what climate Adam and Eve would be born into . Based on average time of the last four Interglacial Warming periods the Interglacials lasts about 70,000 years so there is still about ( 70,000 - 25,000 = ) 45,000 years to go with this climate but God says that all could change quickly . Even LORD ELohim cannot predict the coming climate change and when . God says CO 2 is not the problem , it's just the way the earth is . LORD ELohim says this is the last time we are writing about the climate because if you don't believe LORD ELohim by now you probably never will anyway . Again the code teaches about a coming Ice Age Climax soon and below it the code tells us about a Global Warming and below that is about the lies told about Global Warming and reason for the lies .
- Now take heed * Humanity * the long Ice Age * time cometh * on earth ark * . Due on earth * a quickening * toward Ice Age * . A weather Ice Age * in past ages * happens again * and happen again * . The long Ice Age * causes woe * for any life * about earth * . Sea waters * frozen by * a weather Ice Age * . Ocean descends * about earth * . Because of cold * flesh life on * earth all cold * . Radical climate * ends flesh and * all trees and * north here * on earth ark * plants black * . Ice Sheet begin * north here * on earth ark * . Soon a time * all earth cold * . Famines kill * because of cold * . Remember again * great Ice Age due * . Great Ice Age date * soon athand * . The long Ice Age * in past ages * north here * buried earth * again under ice * and snow hid * bodies below * and turns * plants black * . In past ages * Ice Age desolate * flesh life on * buried earth * north here * . A weather Ice Age * ends people * and animals made * north here * on earth map * . Humanity * early flesh * and animals made*flee south * because of cold * north here * on earth ark . All became colder * on earth map * . The long Ice Age * cleanse earth * in past ages * .
-Behold today * on earth ark * warming heal * after land Ice Age * . All earth cold * need warmth * to heal after * the long Ice Age * . Remember again * in past ages * all earth cold * need warmth * to heal after * the long Ice Age * . Temp changes *melt heavy * ice but rise * sea waters * an all floods * near Ocean to * soon at hand * . Behold today * LORD ELohim * said to give * knowledge an * man wisdom * about earth * radical climate * common change * because of heat * and also much * because of cold * on earth ark * . Men of science * an ye woman * you learn * from EL Roi * LORD ELohim * about earth * need warmth * to heal after * the long IceAge * . Behold recent * all earth cold * . Behold recent * the long Ice Age * . Behold recent * all warming a * common change * about earth * after land Ice Age * . Remember again * men of science * all warming a * common change * after landIce Age * . The long Ice Age * happen again and * happens again * on earth ark * in past age and * behold recent * . All warming a * common change * happen again and * happens again * in past age and * even today * after land Ice Age * on earth ark * . Rememberagain* behold recent * the long Ice Age * on earth ark * . Behold today * about earth * and nations * alas the lies * Humanity * caused all the * radical climate * on earth ark * . Alas the lies * for money * .
- Science lies be a * science scheme * for money * . Corrupt * carbon science * climate hoax * for money * . Corrupt * men of science * partners * federal office an a * feeble regime and * for money * . Climate hoax * it allows * new taxes * for money * . Men of science * corrupt * science deceive * public at hand *. Behold today * world feared * climate hoax * part because * corrupt * men of science * . Corrupt * men of science * they talked * warming lie * . Remember again * corrupt * Carbon science * for money * . All warming a * climate hoax * for money * . CO Two gave * food for life * . Carbon into * tree plant * feed it's leafs * and all trees * an the plant * leaves did make * all air cleaner * . CO Two gave * tree plant * growth feed * . CO Two gave * forest air * food for life * . Of Oxygen * atoms give * flesh life it * food for life * . Remember again * and all trees * an the plant * give atoms * of Oxygen * an be for flesh * food for life * for world * Humanity * and animals made * on earth ark * .
NOTES: What did LORD ELohim expect from all three DNA flesh creatures of free will ? God hoped for peace on earth ( failed ) , to be one family ( failed ) , to share all earths bounty ( failed ) and to be truth ( failed ) and to truly enjoy life ( failed ) most of all to greatly love one another ( failed ) and to obey LORD ELohim when He only wants to help us pass the test ( failed ) .
-All flesh here * does need food * also air here * an much more * an needs cause * flesh wars * . A flesh trial * third form * of free will * mankind did fail * .
( 3 : 27 ) NOTES : Many people of several religions believe that books literally exist in Heaven with all peoples names since Adam and Eve and contain all the information about all our entire lives in these books. ( B ) Revelation 10 : 8 And the voice which I heard from Heaven spake unto me again , and said , Go and take the little book which is open in the hand of the angel which standeth upon the sea and upon the earth . I got the Little Book from LORD ELohim but I never got a actual paper Book from Him because Books do not exist in Heaven . It would have been nice to have gotten a paper Book that was in writing and completly finished but that did not happen . I got alot of years of work to pen His Little Book . The Little Book did not exist outside of LORD ELohim's mind . God knew the code and everything about the Little Book because He is the author of the Little Book but with a little help from a few Angels , LORD ELohim taught me the Little Book . Is there a Book of Life ? LORD ELohim says that book does not exist either in any manner and it is certainly not in His mind either . ( B ) Revelation 20 :12 And I saw the dead , small and great , stand before God ; and the books were opened and another book was opened , which is the book of life : and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books , according to their works . LORD ELohim says these books do not exist . Since Adam and Eve He never had His Angels watching every person every second of every day and every night . Again LORD ELohim will not judge every person who ever existed since Adam . The number of people would be : what ? over ten billion or more since Adam . LORD ELohim is not going to spend thousands of years listening to our life stories and all our excuses about our life works . Again LORD ELohim judged us as a species . God did not have to know you personally to know what He knows about mankind as a failed species . LORD ELohim has seen enough , heard enough to know enough to judge us as a species . God cannot give any flesh life an eternal life so what would be the point of LORD ELohim knowing your entire life story . This is Judgment Day and we as a species have failed the trial and if you think about it LORD ELohim has rightly judged us as a species . The judgment is not just about what humans have done in general , it's also about the much pain and suffering of the flesh and there is alot of that around earth by the hands of others , disease , hunger and so on . The judgment also includes the pain and suffering of animals about earth to . LORD ELohim has run out of ways to try to make things better for all mortal life on earth . It's time soon to end all mortal life on earth and all the pain and suffering and hungers and so on which mortal life has to deal with . Mortal life flesh is high maintenance compared to Spirit and there is no way for LORD ELohim to change that .
- Humanity * a flesh trial * failure for * being proud *, being occult * , being abominable * for to being * corrupt * , stubborn * , headstrong * , money greed * ,being a hateful * pagan world * . Pagan world * like killing * much other * Humanity * an to wars * happen again and * happens again * about earth * . Pagan world * make ritual * an a reverence * payed to all * other gods * . In past age and * even today * pagan world * made false gods * .
( 3 : 28 ) NOTES : The writings in todays Bibles are not all the same . An example : In Revelation 10 : 6 ... that there should be time no longer . Another Bible writen by a Christian preacherthe same verse says ... that there should be delay no longer . That there should be time no longer means our trial time is up . That there should be delay no longer means delay of what ?Our trial time was to be six thousand years and as bad as we were and are LORD ELohim still gave us those six thousand years so there was no delay . In the year 1611 King James Version : Numbers 23 : 22 it says God brought them out of Egypt ; he hath as it were the strength of an Unicorn . The Torah says : God who freed them from Egypt Is for them like the horns of the wild ox . Again the 1611 King James Version says : Deuteronomy 33 : 17 His glory is like the firstling of his bullock , and his horns are like the horns of Unicorns . The Torah says : Like a firstling bull in his majesty , He has horns like the horns of the wild ox ; . Some modern King James Bibles still have the word Unicorn in it while others follow the Torah and use the name wild ox . LORD ELohim says He never created Unicorns so it's a mystery why the year 1611 King James Version used the word Unicorn and some Bibles even today ?Has the Bible remained unchanged word for word over the years as many claim ? No . The 1611 King James Version is in old English . We did not change any words but we did write it in modern English . Many people do not understand how to read old English . Old English spelling kept the Little Book sealed . The Little Book is in modern English words and modern English spelling and modern math .
- Remember again * for any men * an ye woman * and childrens * and animals made * no afterlife * as future * .
NOTES: ( R ) John 3 : 13 And no man hath ascended up to heaven , but he that came down from heaven , even the Son of man which is in heaven . This is true that no man has gone in any form to Heaven or taken in any form to Heaven at the time of Y'shua or since Y'shua to now . It's a little confusing since it was Y'shua speaking to people on earth yet it is claimed he says , even the Son of man which is in Heaven . How can Y'shua be speaking to people on earth yet he is said to have said : even the Son of man which is in heaven at the same time ? Was Y'shua in two places at the same time : earth and Heaven ?Even LORD ELohim cannot be in two places at the same time . Y'shua was one man and LORD ELohim is one Spirit . The Spirit Joshua who guided Y'shua cannot be in two places at the same time either and Joshua never left Y'shua until Y'shua died . There is only one Heaven which starts far beyond our solar system . Some Christians believe there are three Heavens and one includes earth . This is a very wrong belief about earth and Heaven . LORD ELohim was very careful when He created flesh with free will . God made sure that Heaven did not begin anywhere near earth besides the verse says Y'shua says " up to heaven " and also says " down from heaven " . It is said Y'shua often called himself the " Son of man " so it was him he was talking about . Again how could he have been on earth yet at the same time in Heaven ?
NOTES: Remember " no man hath ascended up to heaven " . ( R ) Matthew 17 : 11 - 13 Then Jesus answered and said to them , Elijah truly is coming first and will restore all things . But I say to you that Elijah has come already , and they did not know him but did to him whatever they wished . Likewise the Son of Man is also about to suffer at their hands " . Then the disciples understood that He spoke to them of John the Baptist . LORD ELohim does not understand several things in these verses . Elijah had been dead a long time before Y'shua lived . What are all things that needed to be restored and was not ? How is Elijah suppose to come ? From where will he come from since no man hath ascended to Heaven ? Did Elijah in what ever form really reincarnate into the body of John the Baptist ? If it were ment that a man " like Elijah " did come at that time then LORD ELohim says Y'shua would have said so . Y'shua was not to confuse people but to teach people with simple words and to give his life as the Lamb Of God . There is nothing regarding Elijah that existed after his death that could have reincarnated into John the Baptist . Saying John the Baptist is " like Elijah " would then make sence . People have Souls but the Souls have nothing to do with what people think or say or do . Other then Souls there is no other Spirit within peoples bodies unless God is working with that person . The Spirit who helped LORD ELohim teach me the Little Book did not become a part of me . Alt remained himself as did I . The Spirit Joshua who helped LORD ELohim with Y'shua remained himself to as did Y'shua . LORD ELohim does not believe in ghosts and there is nothing else regarding people or even animals that could go from one flesh life to another and take over that persons mind and body . Elijah did not come back from the grave .
( 3 : 29 ) NOTES : ( B ) Mark 9 : 4 - 5And there appeared unto them Elias with Moses : and they were talking with Jesus . And Peter answered and said to Jesus , Master , it is good for us to be here : and let us make three tabernacles ; one for thee , and one for Moses , and one for Elias . Again Moses and Elias were both dead long before Y'shua lived . LORD ELohim says this could not have happened . There is nothing left of dead people that could be raised from the dead and seen and hear by us . Dust to dust , ashes to ashes . The two verses before these says that Y'shua's flesh body" transfigured " before them and Y'shua body became whiter then snow . It's believed his body transformed into the likeness of what his resurrection body was to become when glorified . It's said that after the resurrection of Y'shua's body he was seen eleven times over a period of forty days . Alot of people would have surely noticed the shine on that whiter then white resurrection body and that would have given all who saw him reason to believe he is a god but that did not happen . LORD ELohim says this could not have happened . LORD ELohim does not know how to make flesh and blood into the so called glorified state . LORD ELohim never raised from the dead Moses and Elias because LORD ELohim and even Y'shua the flesh man don't know how to do that and again Y'shua died on the cross and is still dead and his Spirit helper Joshua went back to Heaven because his work helping LORD ELohim was done . LORD ELohim and all Spirits and Souls bodies are not white and shinny . The Spirits say their body and LORD ELohim's body is like the color of gold and all with blue eyes .
NOTES: ( B ) Hebrews 9 : 27 - 28And as it is appointed unto men once to die , but after this the judgment : So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many ; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation . It is true that we only die once but after death there is no judgment or reason for judgment of each person since mankind as a species failed our six thousand years trial . Keep in mind there is no afterlife for any mortal life . The following is just about what many people believe and remember there are many other religions other then Christians who believe in a afterlife and a personal judgment of their lives . Christians believe in the resurrection of the dead body and at different times . According to Christian scriptures there are certain times of the resurrections and not on the same day a person dies . LORD ELohim wonders why would people even want their dead body back again ????Did you not suffer enough pain , hunger and other sufferings with it the first time around ???? But anyway many people and religions believe in a bodily resurrection at different times in the future . Again the following is what many people believe that according to LORD ELohim is not correct .1Y'shua was the first flesh body to be raised from the dead . 2 Resurrection of all dead Christians flesh bodies at the time of the rapture when the living Christians are taken to Heaven also .3Resurrection of Old Testament believers flesh bodies , Jews and Gentiles , at the second coming of Y'shua . Believes of what we could not find the answer to but Y'shua was not even born then and how could the dead learn about him : the dead know nothing ? 4 Resurrection of the flesh bodies of martyred Christian saints durning the tribulation . Some believe Jews and Gentile saints flesh bodies will also by resurrected . 5Resurrection of Christian believers flesh bodies after the thousand year reign of Y'shua on earth .6 Resurrection of the flesh bodies of the unsaved also after the thousand year reign of Y'shua on earth who are raised from a nice peaceful and don't know anything death just so LORD ELohim can send them to hell to suffer great pain and torments and then to be sent to the lake of fire to suffer even more pain and torments and constant having a bad day for all eternity . Why would you even believe LORD ELohim is that cruel and mean to the human species which He created and is the Father of no matter how cruel and evil those people were in their life ? LORD ELohim will never bring Himself down to our level of cruel and stupid behavior . Again why would you even want your flesh body back again ? If they say it will be a glorified body that never hungers or feels pain and so on don't believe it . LORD ELohim does not know how to create a so called glorified body . Flesh is flesh and is unchangeable to anything else and we have no Spirit within us for an afterlife which is why we have no afterlife . Again this life you have now is all you get to experiance being a living being . LORD ELohim would say enjoy it while you can but He knows what is going on in the world and He knows that is very difficult today for most all people . Remember LORD ELohim has no desire to make any people suffer and He would not enjoy His life knowing there are those in hell or purgatory or lake of fire who are greatly suffering which is why He never created a hell or pugatory or lake of fire in the first place . Again there is no Heaven for mortal life either because flesh could not survive in space without a space ship . Heaven is for Spirits only and mortal life have no Spirits other then Souls and it's impossible for us to live beyond this life within the Souls : LORD ELohim made sure of that . The day is coming when this planet will be bare of any life , mortal life and Spirits . Death is not somthing to fear for anyone , good or evil alike . Again we were judged as a species and not as individuals and we failed for many reasons including " are we truly enjoying this life " ?Again LORD ELohim asks you " Why do you believe He is so wicked and cruel and evil ? Who taught you that ?Why do you think they taught you that great lie ???? Something to think about .
- Roman too * sailed early * great sea to * early America * . God scheme ended * Roman America * .
- Soon a time * gold crashes * and nations * a wealth gone * .
-Soon at hand * Mark of Beast * partners * computer * of dictator . Soon evil * bar code as mark * causes woe * .
( 3 : 30 ) - LORD ELohim * EL Roi create * Sefirot and * ten round * Sefirah path * . Sefirah God's * clue using * big seamless * hewed rocks * . Sefirah path * marked by Rabbi * big seamless * hewed rocks * on Island made * by Jew hands * an all long ago * . God's Sefirah * teach the key * to unlock * all Oak Island * . The Little * Book shapes * riddle about * all Oak Island * . Remember again * Israel flock * big ships go * to Canada from * middle east and * alone built * a great Island * an all long ago * . All Oak Island * holds many * elect items * for a Temple * and cost to * . All Oak Island * as Holy Land * of the Jews * an all long ago * in past age and * even today * .
NOTES: Many Jews of the tribes of Israel after leaving Egypt around 1000 B. C. sailed ships to the land now known as Canada . It was these Jews long ago who built Oak Island off shores of the main land of ancient Canadian lands and waters . LORD ELohim plan was to give the land now called Canada to the tribe of Ephraim which did happen as planned . LORD ELohim wanted to keep this Island within the Hebrew tribes land so in the future there should be no problem in getting the Temple items and much more items back to Israel when the Jews could return to their land given to them by LORD ELohim . LORD ELohim did not know the future for the tribes of Israel and especially for the Jews because the people of Israel were often slaves and without their land so He tried to cover all possibilities what the future would be . Today Oak Island still belongs to the Hebrew Jews and all that is hidden on the Island . LORD ELohim created the Knights Templars to help the Jews . Knights Templars also hid Jews sacred items and silver and gold and other items owned by the Jews in past ages and even today . All valuables on the Island belong to todays Jews as in past ages . These items are to go back to Israel when they are found . The Jews are returning back home to Israel and Oak Island is in the boundary of a Hebrew nation so it's time to find the items and return them to the Jews of Israel . Some of the items were made for a Temple and other items are to cover the cost of building the Temple and other items worth money for His Jews living at this time . LORD ELohim wants His Jews to know that He does not care if the third Temple is built or not . LORD ELohim is far more concerned about the welfare of Jews around the world and their needs at this time then the Temple . Many suffering Jews today want to return home to Israel and LORD ELohim wants to help them with that so if the third Temple is not built because many Jews need help LORD ELohim is OK with that . LORD ELohim over the many years has been the reason even pirates went to Oak Island to hide their treasure there to . Oak Island since the early Jews created it has been LORD ELohim's bank for the Jews . Lagina's you will be surprised who LORD ELohim got to make deposites there . All deposites are for His Jews . Lagina's LORD ELohim is sure that the Money Pit is a decoy pit which means what is written on the ninty foot stone is probably not a true map and maybe a direction to other booby trap pits .
- Robbers hacked * computer * for money * . Hacking into * computer * an a federal office * computer * causes woe * .
- People behind * bombings ye * like killing * My children * . LORD ELohim * again watches * mortal men * an ye woman * keep killing * My children * about earth * . Faith lying * LORD ELohim * I AM HE saying * mortal men * an ye woman * keep killing * My children * about earth * . Remember again * faith lying * an to you * that ELohim * I AM HE saying * keep killing * My children * about earth * . Remember again * Humanity * My children * on earth ark * . Wicked hatred * about earth * keep killing * My children * . Wicked hatred * like killing * My children * about earth * . In past age and * even today * wicked hatred * again bloodbath * aboutearth * and nations * . Behold today * LORD ELohim * hath finished * with deadly * Humanity * about earth * and nations * . In past age and * even today * Humanity * hath failed being * loving life * on earth ark * . Soon a time * this age ends * . Soon a time * Jehovah ends * mortal life * on earth ark * and in far space * . LORD ELohim * is author *of Book omen . The Little * Book language *warning all * Humanity * soon all end * on earth ark * . Soon a time * mortal life *hunger death * after coming * nuclear hell* . Soon a time * for all then *glad deep sleep * .
( 3 : 31 ) NOTES : Will LORD ELohim bring a end to mortal life on earth before or after a nuclear hell on earth . It could be either . LORD ELohim would prefer before the war but God has a few things He needs to do still before He and all Spirits go home to Heaven . When will a nuclear hell happen ? LORD ELohim does not know , that's up to us , so it could happen anytime .
- Give ear hell be * a motive lie * for money * an powers * . Remember again * churches lie * about an hell *. Churches lie * to people be * a motive lie * for money * an powers * to rule as * dictator of * Humanity * .
NOTES: Again LORD ELohim is not a wicked , cruel and uncaring Father . It's because LORD ELohim loves us and His Spirit children He will soon end all mortal life on earth so flesh no longer suffer pains and hungers and the Spirits can go home to Heaven and play and have fun again . LORD ELohim's nature is pure love and even Humanity could not change that though many people have tried and failed . LORD ELohim has no feelings of wrath against any mankind . His pure love is yet unbroken . Remember many of the reasons LORD ELohim is going to end mortal life on earth is because of how much pain and suffering and hunger and sadness and violence and hate an much more wickedness there is on earth . Does that sound like the kind of God and Father who would create a hell to torture His children for all eternity ?Again LORD ELohim says " think not beyond logic " about Him who is your loving Father .
( 3 : 32 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim wants to remind you about this . Original Sin means : the state of sin in which , according to Christian theology , all human beings exist because of Adam's disobedience to the word of God . We wrote about this before and LORD ELohim says this belief is so ridiculous write about it again . We were talking about this today . First of all this belief is wrong and not true in any way . Adam's and Eve's sins were each their own . God has never put the sins of Adam or Eve onto all Humanity since they were alive . In other words Adam's sins were his and Eve's sins were hers and your sins are yours alone also . There is a problem with this belief other then it's just wrong . According to many Christians belief the Son of God incarnated into the flesh man Y''shua who again : he was a flesh and blood man and is often called the " son of man " . LORD ELohim can not find one reason why the flesh man Y'shua would not be born with " Original Sin " like ever other man and women according to Christian belief about Original Sin . And if Y'shua had so called Original Sin he would have not been the perfect Jewish man and he as the Lamb of God would have had a blemish because of this Original Sin from Adam . Again there is no such thing as Original Sin . LORD ELohim would never put the blame on you or Y'shua for Adam's sins or even Eve's . You being a normal person you got enough of your own sins . Y'shua was the perfect man and he was also the perfect Lamb of God without blemish because he was without sin and could only have been without sin if the belief of Original Sin is a lie and a false teaching by the Christian churches . Blemish means a imperfection or fault such as sin or sins .
- LORD ELohim * EL Roi speak * wicked abort * My children * humanbodies * . LORD ELohim * God of Israel * as the Father * begat humans * and love babies * . I AM HE saying * any fetus * My children * as the Father * of all I created * on earth ark * or in Heaven * . Behold today * people sin * and then say * lawful law * let me abort * the embryo * . I AM HE saying * depraved law * let killing * My children * come lawful * . Abortion did * legal killing * an a federal office * an courts * judges anger * LORD ELohim * as the Father * . Judges say * let killing * My children * come lawful * about earth * and nations * . And nations * judges say * abortion did * legal killing * My children * . Humanity * hear and believe * LORD ELohim * I AM HE saying * dead embryos * My children * . Any fetus * small bodies * My children * human bodies * . God of Israel * LORD ELohim * as the Father * loathe clinic * selling the * bloody babies * bodies pieces * for money * . Men of science * an ye woman * buy whole * any fetus * small bodies * and also much * bodies pieces * . LORD ELohim * I AM HE saying * human love * grow evil * about earth * and nations * allowed for * My children * small bodies * killing legal * . Legal killing * My children * modern sin * . The selling * any fetus * small bodies * allowed for * modern sin * about earth * and nations * . I AM HE saying * again remember * all flesh here * on earth ark * My children * . Abortion did * slaughter * My children * . Doctors did * an ye woman * slaughter * My children * . LORD ELohim * EL Roi speak * I call killing * My children * human bodies * modern sin * . I AM HE saying * modern sin * is evil to * . Remember again * the selling * of fetus DNA * an flesh body * YHWH calls * modern sin * . Modern sin * slaughter * My children * about earth * and nations * . Again remember * LORD ELohim * EL Roi create * My children * mortal life * . All flesh here * on earth ark * My children * . Doctors did * the selling * of fetus DNA * an flesh body * for money * even today * . This angered a * Judaic Deity * LORD ELohim * as the Father * . LORD ELohim * God of Israel * loves babies* and good in man * an ye woman *. Remember again * we are third * a flesh trial * of free will * on earth ark * . God of Israel * LORD ELohim * as the Father * fullybegat * Humanity * . I AM HE saying * Humanity * My children * . In past age and * even today * people sin * about earth * and nations . Humanity * to failed for * a flesh trial * because of cold * human love * an much more * . The Little * Book language * reveal evil * of free will * Humanity * on earth ark * .
( 3 : 33 ) NOTES : How did mankind fail ? Most all people think they are not so bad so it must be everyone else who failed the six thousand year trial . God gave the earth and her bounty to Humanity to be shared by all . LORD ELohim looks around the planet and He has seen many great mansions while others have no home . God has seen hungry starving people while others waste more food in a day then some children eat in a week . God has seen the violence and deaths all over the world . God has seen the the torture , the wars , the bombs , the guns , the swordsand the bodies of the dead. God has seen poor adults and children working in rich corporate sweat shops for nickles a day . God has seen the abortion of millions of living babies and their chopped up corpses sold for money . God has seen poor people selling a kidney to the rich so the poor can feed their family for a short time . God has seen the greed of the rich and their extravagant life style while living babies and children are with little food and many starve to death . God has seen corrupt governments using addictions and the Carbon lie for heavy taxes . God has seen many corrupted religions and many corrupt preachers and religious leaders living a very wealthy life style while the homeless who they should be helping live on the street . God has seen human love grow cold on earth and nations . God has seen religion against religion and the dead bodies . God has seen nation against nation and the deaths of many beyond counting . God has seen the slaughter of millions of men , women and children of tribes and kingdoms about earth when the only reason is to steal their gold and lands . God has seen money greed behind the slaughter and slavery of millions over and over again on earth . God has seen the hate without reason about earth and nations . God has seen the multitude of peoples dead bodies murdered because of hatred . God has seen the fear in people because of the hatred of others without reason who are against them . God has seen the great suffering and pain caused by disease and aging . God has seen the cruelty to animals that is beyond belief that people would do such things to animals created by God . God has seen the corpses of His beloved elephants who are slaughtered because of money greed for their ivory . God has seen drug dealers who know what they are selling to people and even children will cause them severe suffering or even kill the buyers . God has seen people sin over and over again and cause great sorrow and suffering and pain to many other people . God has not seen much happiness and joy in the lives of most people in the past and even today . Anger comes easy and stress is just apart of most people's lives . God has seen people of religious faiths kill many other people and even children not of their faith in the name of their god . LORD ELohim has seen the Jews treated horribly in the past and even today without reason . God has seen that true love is now rare . God has seen .........on an on an on . The list goes on and on almost without an end . In this six thousand year trial LORD ELohim has seen it all and that's why we as a species failed the trial .
- I AM HE saying * Jews of the * Israel flock * think not * I call Y'shua * also like a God * . Remember again * I AM is ONE God * and a Spirit * .
- The Little * Books tells * the flesh man * called Y'shua * is Judean man * and white race * . The flesh man * called Y'shua * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * raised Judean * and God blessed * the flesh man * called Y'shua * . As Spirit * Joshua being * within man * called Y'shua * teach Y'shua * . Y'shua teach * I AM is one God * as the Father * . Y'shua teach * LORD ELohim * as the Father * made man happen * and made animals * an plant seed * an much more * mortal life * on earth ark * . Remember again * Y'shua teach * I AM is one God * . Y'shua teach * God of Zion * as theFather * of the human * mortal life * about earth * . Y'shua teach * thy Father * name in Heaven * LORD ELohim * . Y'shua called * LORD ELohim * Abba your God * . Remember again * the flesh man * called Y'shua * not a God to * . Y'shua called * Abba your God * . I AM HE Lamb of God * Hebrew flesh * called Y'shua * . As Spirit * called Joshua * withinman * called Y'shua * not a god to * . Hebrew flesh * called Y'shua * not a god to * . Again remember * Jehovah send * Joshua being * as Spirit * an a son ofGod * . Joshua teach * the flesh man * called Y'shua * an a son of God * . The flesh man * called Y'shua * teach love as * food for life * for world * Humanity * . Hebrew flesh * called Y'shua * feed My sheep * as the Father * LORD ELohim * teach Joshua * . Joshua teach * man bread of life * forworld * Humanity * . Lamb of God here * called Y'shua * teaches flesh * humanlove * for world * Humanity * . Hebrew flesh *teach love as * for all racesa * glad blessing * among all here * on earth ark * . Humanity * failed Y'shua * and fail YHWH * God of Israel * . Behold today * Humanity * about earth * made love cold * . Y'shua teach * to humans * that " I am a Jew " . Y'shua teach * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * as the Father * of all the life * about earth * in past ages * and us now * . God of Israel * His Lamb of God * Hebrew flesh * called Y'shua * .
- The flesh man * called Y'shua * was married * to Mary ( Miriam ) and * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * blessed both * . The Little * Book tells * the flesh man * called Y'shua * was married * and to Mary * . Mary love * I AM HE Lamb of God * called Y'shua * . As the Father * LORD ELohim * love Mary * as His child and * the flesh man * called Y'shua * love Mary * . The flesh man * called Y'shua * married wife * good Mary M . * . A Rabbi wed them * . God of Israel * LORD ELohim * blessed both * . Divine sex * for marriage * . Divine sex * not a sin and * remember again * LORD ELohim * blessed both * the flesh man * called Y'shua * and to Mary * for marriage *.
NOTES: LORD ELohim wants to remind you that all Spirits and all mortal life and even all plants and treesare His creation and His children . Y'shua was not the only begotten son of LORD ELohim . It is a lie that Y'shua the man created all that was created . Most all Christians believe that a God incarnated into the flesh man Y'shua and that is not true . There is only one God and Father of all living mortal creatures and Spirits and that is LORD ELohim . The Spirit Joshua who was often in Y'shua to help LORD ELohim teach Y'shua is a common Spirit like countless other Spirits and all Spirits are sons of LORD ELohim their Father . Obviously the man Y'shua did not create some of the universe , Spirits or all life on earth .
( 3 : 34 ) NOTES :The word divine means : of God or a god ;by or from God ; sacred ; Holy ; delightful ; excellent ; unusually good. Sex within a marriage is a union blessed by LORD ELohim and God considers this union between man and women to be sacred . Sex outside of marriage is a sin and the main reason for that is because there are many diseases caused by having sex with someone affected with a disease . LORD ELohim created marriage to try to keep us healthy . The fact that Y'shua married Miriam ( Mary ) Magdalene changes nothing . Sex within marriage is without sin and is blessed by LORD ELohim . Y'shua and Miriam had two children and both sons before Y'shua died on the cross . LORD ELohim says there are people on earth right now who's lineage goes back to Y'shua and Miriam . The church avoids this subject but God says there is no reason to avoid it . Y'shua remained the perfect man and the perfect Lamb of God yet without blemish when he was put on the cross . LORD ELohim was happy for their deeply loving marriage and that Y'shua did find someone to love in this way and to be loved by during his life . There is no reason to deny or to keep this loving marriage as a secret because he did not sin by it .
( 3 : 35 ) NOTES : Was Y'shua the Messiah or as Christians call it the Christ ?According to LORD ELohim Y'shua was not the Messiah . Jews believe that the Messiah was to bring about a new age of peace , compassion and love . Jewsdon't believe that any flesh man can be a God . And Jews don't believe Y'shua was the only begotten son of God because they believe that all people are the sons and daughters of LORD ELohim . Y'shua did not bring peace , compassion and greater love to the world . The Jews are right that no flesh can be a God and Y'shua was not a God and never said he was a God . And again the Jews are right that all people are the sons and daughters of LORD ELohim who is the creator of all created including all mortal life on earth and all Spirits . LORD ELohim is the true Father of Spirits and mortal life . The belief of a coming Messiah is a Jewish thing and who better would know what to expect of the Messiah but the Jews . Again Y'shua was and is not the hoped Messiah . Again Y'shua the man is dead and the Spirit who guided him Joshua is in Heaven and he's not the Messiah either . The word Christ means the Messiah which means Y'shua was not the Christ either . LORD ELohim says that the New Testament had alot added into it over the years by non-Jews and alot of stuff is written that never happened and Y'shua never said he was the Messiah awaited by the Jews . Y'shua was the Lamb of God and a Rabbi teacher but he was never ment to be the awaited Messiah or as Christians call him the Christ . LORD ELohim says there will be no coming Messiah because the way the world of Humanity is today the task to change things would be to great to be a success .
- Remember again * any Catholic * hear words * sent by God * LORD ELohim * . I AM HE saying * to all which * preach their * churches lie * again remember * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * Sabbath Day is * weekly day * on last day * . Churches lie * LORD ELohim * Sabbath changeable * weekly day * . Corrupt * churches lie * God of Israel * Sabbath changeable * . In past age and * even today * Catholic decree * a false teaching * . Churches lie * the flesh man * Y'shua teach * Sabbath Day is * alone day one * for world * Humanity * . In past age and * even today * then day one * time was of * pagan origin * ritual day * . Romans land * ritual day * alone day one * . An all Catholic * behold adopted * many pagans * ritual day * in past ages * an long ago * . Pagan world * make ritual * and a reverence * payed to all * false gods made * by mankind head * . Any Catholic * hear words * sent by God * LORD ELohim * . I AM HE saying * I AM is one God * . Remember again * LORD ELohim * Abba not three * Us Deities * . Two gods be a * false gods made * by mankind head * . Flesh god to * called Y'shua * false god to * in past age and * even today * . Again remember * the flesh man * called Y'shua * not a god to * . Remember again * one God I AM is * LORD ELohim * . Pagan world * churches lie * the flesh man * called Y'shua * a savior god * for world * Humanity * . Remember again * no afterlife * for any life * on earth ark * . Mortal life * unchangeable die * for reason * like old ageing * and also much * famines kill * mortal life * and evil kill * mortal life * an much more * kill lives * on earth ark * . Churches lie * many be saved * on last day * . LORD ELohim * I AM HE saying * churches lie * many be saved * . Again remember * no afterlife * for world * Humanity * and animals made * on earth ark * . Mortal life * unchangeable die * . Humanity* keep Sabbath of * LORD ELohim * on last day * . God of Israel * LORD ELohim * remind at hand * behold today * is Sabbath Day * on Last Day * . On Last Day * ends people * great trial * on earth ark * . Humanity * in great failed * great trial * on earth ark * . A time soon * Humanity * mortal life * and animals made * unchangeable die * on earth ark * and in far space * Mine Grays * . Soon a time * LORD ELohim * depart time * be from earth *. LORD ELohim * Yahweh home * in the Heaven * . All Souls * depart time * soon at hand * .
- Christmas a * man made holy * ritual date * . Catholic decree * make ritual * rite about * Y'shua being * a savior god * come to us * . Catholic decree * Y'shua like * as a God angers * LORD ELohim * God of Israel * . God of Israel * El Roi speak * Humanity * about earth * nay celebrate * Christmas a * pagans made day * . Pagan made day and * ritual date * in the December * fading month * . Our Xmas * still pagan * even today * . Corporate * money greed * maintain day * on earth ark * . Humanity * in debt abound * about earth * after gifts * in the December * fading month * . About earth * credit card bare * for money * credit now * . Meanwhile as a * Catholic decree * they deceive * Humanity * by saying I * God of Israel * ancient Gods * . In past ages * Catholic decree * defiled ancient * Humanity * about earth * . Even today * Catholic decree * defiled other * Humanity * on earth ark * .
( 3 : 36 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim is not just talking to Catholics but to all Christians and all other religions on earth to in the Little Book because there are alot of common beliefs that are false beliefs in all religions on earth . The Sabbath Day is one of the Ten Commandments and the Law is for all people on earth not just for the Jews . The Law was given to the Jews to share with the whole world and the Jews did that well . The Jews are not responsible for people who chose not to keep LORD ELohim's Law : the Ten Commandments .
NOTES: One of the above paragraphs says " unchangeable " . This means that flesh bodies are not able to become Spirits and only Spirits are or will be in Heaven . LORD ELohim does not know how to change mortal flesh into somthing that could survive in Heaven without a spaceship . Heaven is mostly just space and not planets and is six galaxies big . Spirits just enjoy playing in space more then on planets . The Bible says that our bodies will be " glorified " so we can go to Heaven . The Bible does not explain what glorified means and LORD ELohim does not know what it means either . Most Christians believe that their body will be glorified like Y'shua's body was but Y'shua's body is dead and was never risen from the state of death . LORD ELohim did not know how to make glorified bodies back then anymore then now and He could not do it anyway for Y'shua or the sacrifice of His Lamb would mean nothing if Y'shua did not truly die . Again mortal life has no afterlife but death is nothing to fear ; it's just like a deep restful sleep only you never wake up from it . LORD ELohim many times calls death a eternal sleep .
- Humanity * we are third * a flesh trial * of free will * . Humanity * are last begat * mortal life * of free will * on earth ark * . YHVH hoped * loving life * for world * Humanity * . Humanity * for a while had a * loving life * . Humanity * had happy life * . God of Israel * teach love as * food for life * happen again and * happens again * on earth ark * . In past ages * evilgrow * in peoples * often and again * and us now * grow evil * about earth * . Humanity * again and again fail * human love * . Feeble humans * fight wars * is again and again * in past ages * and us now * . Even today * again thy God * LORD ELohim * is author * the Little * Book language *teach love as * food for life * for world * Humanity * .
- Soon a time * I AM HE predict * people war * an against all * Humanity * and nations * . At hand soon * nuclear hell * on earth ark * . Global war as * nuclear hell * began Armageddon * . This time be a * end of lives * on earth ark * . LORD ELohim * God cares for * Humanity * but years * feeble humans * forsake I AM HE * . Behold today * I AM HE forsake * Humanity * because of cold * human love * about earth * . In past age and * even today * LORD ELohim * pities the * chosen flock * Judaea people * and most all * Humanity * on earth ark * . A time soon * this age ends * . Soon at hand * Humanity * about earth * glad deep sleep * and end animals * mortal life * on earth ark * . Behold today * Sabbath Day is * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * depart time * . Sabbath Day is * all Souls * depart time * . Remember again * Humanity * after in death * no afterlife * on earth ark * or in Heaven * . At death arise * hidden Soul * and our death * ends peaceful * . Remember again * God of Israel * EL Roi create * no fable hell and * no afterlife * for any life * on earth ark * .
( 3 : 37 ) NOTES : The Spirit named Joshua was with Y'shua all Y'shua's life. Joshua was Y'shua's teacher and guide . Joshua was a common Spirit who got that job as a volunteer for the job of guide and a teacher for Y'shua . Many Spirits have taught people in human history. An example : Spirits were involved in teaching mankind the Hebrew and English language and spelling . The Spirit LORD ELohim sent to me to teach me the Little Book was a Spirit called Alt . When LORD ELohim goes home to Heaven all other Spirits including Souls He created trillions of years ago will be going home with Him .
NOTES: Believing in a hell where people will suffer torments and pain for all eternity is a form of hate . This belief is certainly not a form of love for your fellow men and women is it . LORD ELohim does not know how to hate . God is pure love as are all Spirits and even David ( Satan ) . You can get LORD ELohim angry but He gets over that soon because there is no reason to dwell on it because He usually cannot do anything about it anyway .
- In the Heaven * LORD ELohim * EL Roi create * many Angels * of freewill * . LORD ELohim * I AM HE saying * all Angels is * My children * . In the Heaven * My children * love abound * an behold joy * an happy peace * . My childern * as Spirit * do not a sin * in the Heaven * in past ages * an all longago * . Even today * My children * as Spirit * do not a sin * on earth ark * or in Heaven * .
NOTES: Why for trillions of years have the Spirits made by LORD ELohim managed to maintain great love , joy , happiness and peace in all their lives ? Like us all Spirits have free will yet we failed big time at all four : love , joy , happiness and peace . Why do we keep failing and the Spirits do not ?It's a simple answer . First Spirits are smarter then humans and much wiser . They know time given to hatred and evil takes away the same amount of time from love and kindness and great joy . They know that love and kindness leads to great joy and happiness as a family and evil and hatred leads to a miserable , sad and lonely and boring and unhappy life . This is somthing that humans just don't seem to understand . This is somthing that LORD ELohim tryed for thousands of years to teach mankind with the Ten Commandments and other teachings but almost nobody listened to Him other then most Jews . Second humans are very high maintenance . We humans need a home , food , water , clothing , and a forty hour a week job to pay for it . We also need warmth , oxygen in the air , gravity , and a planet to live on . Spirits are not high maintenance beings . Spirits don't need any of the above that flesh beings do need . In Heaven no Spirit has a job to go to . All their time is spent playing , singing , dancing , putting on plays and on and on having alot of fun and greatly enjoying their lives . It is written in the New Testament that Spirits spend day and night constantly worshiping LORD ELohim while He is sitting on a great throne . This is a great lie . LORD ELohim has never had a throne and not one Spirit was ever expected to worship Him . Mortal life suffers from much pain and suffering and also suffering mentally while Spirits have no feelings like pain and they are to busy being happy to suffer mentally . LORD ELohim as their Father is to busy playing games , singing , dancing and on and on with His Spirit children that He has no time to spend sitting on a throne nor does He want to . Spirits are 0 maintenance other then needing their family , love , joy and great happiness . Humans being high maintenance has alot to do with wars , suffering , famines , greed , pain , envy and so on . The earth in many ways does not help mankind because of tornadoes , hurricanes , floods , volcanoes , tsunamis , ice age climaxes , natural climate change and so on . LORD ELohim knows our lives are difficult and harsh and there is great suffering and pain and very little true happiness today which is a few of the reasons why soon mortal life on earth will end soon .
( 3 : 38 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim has told you many times that Y'shua was not risen from the dead by Him or by anyone else . Again God does not know how to do that . The Bible says Y'shua said ( R ) Matthew12 : 39 , 40 ..... but the sign of the prophet Jonas : For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly ; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth . Did Y'shua say this ? Let's say he did . What he said is that his body would be three days and three nights in the tomb after his death . That's a full seventy two hours : no more and no less . The Christian churches " Good Friday " observed by Christians is in commemoration of Y'shua'scrucifixion and death on the same day" Friday " about two thouand years ago ." Easter Sunday " is the yearly commemoration of Y'shua rising from the dead on that same day " Sunday " about two thousand years ago . Again three days and three nights is 72 full hours . Y'shua's body was put into the tomb just minutes before sunset on Friday . His body is said by the Christian churches to have risen before Mary Magdalene got to the tomb early Sunday morning ( B ) John 20 : 1 - 2 The first day of the week cometh Mary Magdalene early , when it was yet dark , unto the sepulchre , and seeth the stone taken away from the sepulchre . Then she runneth , and cometh to Simon Peter , and to the other disciple , whom Jesus loved , and saith unto them , They have taken away the Lord out of the sepulchre , and we know not where they have laid him . First day of the week is " Sunday " and this happened before sunrise . So remember the Jewish days begin and end at sundown to sundown . Again " Friday " Y'shua was crucified but his body was not put into the tomb until minutes before sunset and minutes before the " Sabbath Day " so the day Friday does not count for more then a couple of minutes of time in the tomb . So the count starts at sunset of the Seventh Day which is the Sabbath Day . Mary Magdalene came to the tomb on the first day of the week while it was still dark out so at best that time was half a day or twelve hours . So all together his body was in the tomb Saturday night = 12 hours , Saturday day = 12 hours and Sunday night = 12 hours then his body was gone : which = 36 hours and not 72 hours . In other words the body was in the tomb two nights and one day time . The Sabbath Day = 24 hours . Sunday = 12 hours : all equal 36 hours . So there are 36 hours missing and we hope we got the math right . It says that Mary Magdalene came to the tomb on the first day of the week when it was still dark so the body could have been taken out of the tomb long before that because no one went there during the Sabbath Day . To be 72 full hours there needs to be 36 more hours his body was in the tomb . The " Lord's Day " is said to belong to Y'shua according to Christians . The Lord's Day is on the first day of the week which is Sunday and is a memorial to his" resurrection " which is said to havehappened" on Sunday " about two thousand years ago . Remember Y'shua was a perfect " Jew " and his faith was Judaism . Y'shua's and the disciples Sabbath was the Last Day of the week , the seventh day on Saturday ,and not the first day of the week which is Sunday . Y'shua would not have changed that : so who did ? There are Christians who believe that every day can be sacred and it does not matter which day the Sabbath is on because of " salvation " which seems to mean to many people you can sin all you want because in Y'shua you are saved anyway . That's not what LORD ELohim said . The weekly Sabbath is for all Humanity and it is on and only on the " Seventh Day " and should not be on any other day of the week . LORD ELohim made the Sabbath mostly for mankind . If the day of rest , the Sabbath , is different among peoplethen it won't work for all people to have this day of rest . Today there are many work places that are open 24 / 7 so the workers have no guaratee they will be allow to take their Sabbath off but if all was closed one day a week all would be sure they will have the Sabbath off work , a day of rest just as LORD ELohim said . For most it's a day to come together also and to enjoy each others company . It's the conversation or a picnic and stuff like that that God enjoys and not so much the prayers and worship of Him . The bottom line is that keeping the " Weekly Seventh Day Sabbath " is one of LORD ELohim's Ten Commandments for any race , color , creed or religion . The time of Y'shua body in the tomb based on Christian teaching is missing 36 full hours and there are many who have their own theories about it . LORD ELohim is not interested in these theories . It's the common belief among Christians of " Good Friday " to " Easter Sunday " being three days and three nights He wants you to do the math and think about . Remember according to Christian belief Y'shua was on the cross on Friday but his body was not in the tomb until minutes before the beginning of the seventh day Sabbath and it's said that Mary did not go to the tomb until the first day when it was still dark out . So its just the full day Sabbath = 24 hours but only half a day on the first day Sunday = 12 hours which equals 36 hours . Three nights and three days = 72 hours . 24 x 3 = 72 hours . To confuse things more remember the Jewish peoples day begins at dusk : from sunset to sunset. Sunday is the first day of the week and is called " the Lord's Day " as a memorial to his resurrection which is claimed by Christians took place " on that day the first day of the week " about two thousand years ago . But if you count the hours between sunset Good Friday to sunrise Easter Sunday that only counts for 1 day time and 2 night times =36 hours and that is missing a full 36 hours . Sunday was not the " Lord's Day " . Again LORD ELohim did not raise Y'shua's body from the tomb because He does not know how to do that . Was Y'shua's body stolen from the tomb or is the story of his resurrection just not true ? LORD ELohim believes the body was stolen from the tomb because there were good reasons for that to happen .
- Jews of the * Israel flock * believe and hear * LORD ELohim * and again believe * the flesh man * called Y'shua * not a god to * on earth ark * or in Heaven * . Churches lie * Hebrew flesh * called Y'shua * is a equal god * alike O Father * LORD ELohim * . And again believe * LORD ELohim * I AM is one God * on earth ark * or in Heaven * an for all life * on earth ark * or in Heaven * . Remember again * churches lie * the flesh man * called Y'shua * is a god raised * back to life by * LORD ELohim * . Remember again * this is a lie * of Catholics * in past age and * even today * about earth * and nations * . LORD ELohim * I AM HE saying * Humanity * on earth ark *" Think Not * Beyond Logic " * about what * LORD ELohim * as Spirit * can heal and live * . Mortal life * death undone * LORD ELohim * can't solve * .
( 3 : 39 ) NOTES : Again remember when LORD ELohim says Catholics He is speaking to all Christians and even to other religious faiths who have simular beliefs . Again the true name of the Lamb of God back then was Y'shua and not Jesus . Again Jesus is the Greek name for the Jewish name Joshua or Y'shua . Y'shua was not a Greek person , he was a Jew and even a Jewish Rabbi . The name Mary is the Greek name for the Jewish name Miriam . The mother of Y'shua name was Miriam and the others called Mary in the Bible to were named Miriam . Both names Y'shua = 444 and Jesus = 444 . Again Jesus is not a Jewish Hebrew name but Y'shua is and LORD ELohim says Y'shua was the name of His Lamb of God back then and should be his name now and the same with the name Miriam . LORD ELohim wonders why were the names changed from Jewish Hebrew to Greek in the first place and who did that ? LORD ELohim has read the New Testament and found a great deal of anti - Semitism in the writings . LORD ELohim was with Y'shua all his life and LORD ELohim did not find the Pharisees or scribes to be as bad as what is written in the New Testament and what Y'shua was said to have said about them he did not say . Y'shua did not say alot of that stuff . So who added those anti - Semitic writings and why ?What LORD ELohim was hoping for is that all the world's people would soon follow the religion of Judaism . God was never trying to create a new religion especially a religion that believes in three Gods in one God which is a belief that is completely without logical thinking . LORD ELohim was not expecting people would make His Lamb of God into a false God and a Savior God of what is impossible to be saved from death . TheHoly Spirit is someone LORD ELohim has never met because that so called God does not exist and is a false God like Y'shua is a false God . Remember again there is only ONE God and His name is LORD ELohim .
NOTES: LORD ELohim wants people to know the truth , and the truth is He cannot stop you from dying and He cannot raise you back to life when you do die . Death of mortal life has nothing to do with sin . You could be without any sin in your life and still you will die and still have no afterlife . Death is not the penalty of sin as some religions teach . Death is just the way mortal flesh works and LORD ELohim cannot change that and He would not change that . LORD ELohim knows our suffering , pain , needs and problems . LORD ELohim never told any human that there is an eternal afterlife for mankind after the body dies and He never heard Y'shua claim that to anyone either .
NOTES: In Revelation 22 : 13 Y'shua was said to have said this : ( R ) I am Alpha and Omega , the beginning and the end , the first and the last . The name Alpha and the name Omega are the first and last of the Greek alphabet and not the Hebrew alphabet which is understandable for need to translate the Hebrew language to other languages like the Greek language but changing names was wrong and not necessary for most all written . In Hebrew the first alphabet name is " Aleph " and last name is " Tav ". Y'shua did not say this name about himself because he is the first and last of what ? LORD ELohim does not like this name for the same reason : first and last of what ? Christians say the name indicates that God is eternal and that nothing comes before or after Him . Which of their three Gods are they talking about ? It would have to be LORD ELohim because Christians claim Y'shua to be God's only Son therefore Y'shua was not the first . LORD ELohim does not agree with this because He knows He was created and does have parents of some kind somewhere so He was not the first living being . What " nothing comes after Him " means is a good question ? Does it mean there will never be another God after LORD ELohim ?Then how can Y'shua and a claimed Holy Spirit be Gods also since there can only be one Alpha God . They both would have been created by LORD ELohim their Father and LORD ELohim did not create any Gods . And alot came after LORD ELohim like the Spirits and mortal life on earth which all He created . So we really don't know what that means that nothing comes after Him . The Bible claims that both LORD ELohim and Y'shua claim to be Alpha and Omega , the first and the last . Christians claim that Y'shua is the only Son of God meaning LORD ELohim created him so Y'shua can not be the Alpha God and again remember Y'shua was no God and he is dead and he was not the last human to die . Y'shua's body was never resurrected because God does not know how to do that so Y'shua's body was not the first to be raised from the dead and the Bible claims that Y'shua raised someone from the dead so that person would be the first and not Y'shua . LORD ELohim does not like this Christian name Alpha and Omega for Him or for Y'shua because it makes no sense about Him or Y'shua .
( 3 : 40 ) NOTES : ( B ) Revelation 4 : 5 And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices : and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne , which are the seven Spirits of God . This verse and 5 : 6 LORD ELohim knows He did not teach and Y'shua did not teach and certainly was not written by a Jew either . We mentioned this verse before but LORD ELohim wants to remind you He is one Spirit and one God and your one Father . It was bad enough that Christians have created two other Gods making three Gods in one God whatever that means ; but this verse and Revelation 5 : 6 in the New Testament says there are Seven Spirits of God . Do you still wonder why LORD ELohim has given up on the human race . So who did write these verses and all other verses in Revelation 4 ? Remember there is no religion that LORD ELohim knows of that does not have errors in their faith but this one is a big error to say LORD ELohim is seven Spirits . Also LORD ELohim does not have a throne in Heaven or on earth anywhere . If you were to have a true vision of God when He is not helping me it would be a vision of ONE Spirit that looks alot like us playing , singing , dancing and having fun with His Spirit children who look alot like us and no throne anywhere . Remember LORD ELohim created humans in His image . In Heaven there is no throne , no mansions , no Spirits worshiping Him constantly , no cities or towns , no building of any kind . Heaven is six galaxies big and no thrones . If you read the rest of ( B ) Revelation 4 , all the verses there are not true . LORD ELohim did not create weird looking beast type Spirits ; or Spirits full of eyes within who rest not day or night because all they do is worship LORD ELohim . There are no twenty four human elders wearing crowns of gold because no human has ever been to Heaven and never will . Christians believe it was Y'shua who created all that was created and not LORD ELohim so that would mean that it is Y'shua being worshiped sitting on a throne and not LORD ELohim but a few verses later is says that Y'shua took a book from " him who sat upon the throne " which means we are back to LORD ELohim on the throne . Confusing . Revelation 4 : 11 says Thou art worthy, O Lord , to receive glory and honour and power : for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created . The following verse proves it is Y'shua being worshiped and not LORD ELohim . ( B ) John 1 : 1 - 3 In the beginning was the Word , and the Word was with God , and the Word was God . The same was in the beginningwith God . All things were made by him , and without him was not any thing made that was made . The Christian belief is that Y'shua is the one called the Word and the one who created all that was created . Y'shua in any form never created anything other then a chair or table or something as a human carpenter . LORD ELohim says the entire chapter four of Revelation is wrong: every verse of it .
( 3 : 41 ) NOTES :In the book of Acts chapter 5 : 1 - 11 is a story which LORD ELohim believes is about a double murder if in fact it really did happen . The headline of this chapter in the Bible says " The sin and death of Ananias and Sapphira " . The story starts out saying But a certain man named Ananias , with Sapphira his wife , sold a possession . And kept back part of the price , his wife also being privy to it , and brought a certain part , and laid it at the apostles feet . But Peter said , Ananias , why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost , and to keep back part of the price of the land ? Whiles it remained , was it not thine own ? and after it was sold , was it not in thine own power ? why hast thou conceived this thing in thine heart ? thou has not lied unto men , but unto God . And Ananias hearing these words fell down , and breathed his last : and great fear came upon all those that heard these things . And the young men arose and wrapped him up , carried him out , and buried him . Now it was about three hours later when his wife came in , not knowing what had happened . And Peter answered unto her , Tell me whether ye sold the land for so much ? And she said yes , Yea , for so much . Then Peter said unto her , How is it that ye have agreed together to tempt the Spirit of the Lord ? behold , the feet of them which have buried thy husband are at the door , and shall carry thee out . Then fell she down straightway at his feet , and breathed her last : and the young men came in , and found her dead , and , carrying her forth , buried her by her husband . And great fear came upon all the church , and upon many as heard these things . The big question is : Did this really happen ? There is no way LORD ELohim or other Spirits caused these two people to fall down dead just because they kept some lunch money from the church bank account . If they had kept all the money from selling their land and gave nothing to the church , even then LORD ELohim would still not care . If this really happened then these two people were " murdered " by menor even women of the church and not by God or any other Spirits . The Christian churches say that every word written in the Bible New Testament is the truth and nothing but the truth . If that's the case that this did happen and is true then who or who all in the early Christian church did murder Ananias and Sapphira . The interesting part of this story is that it caused great fear among people , so much fear that it is mentioned twice . Peter's words " lie to the Holy Ghost " and " to tempt the Spirit of the Lord " and " thou has not lied unto men , but unto God " points the finger at LORD ELohim for causing their deaths and would even cause more fear . LORD ELohim was not even around them at that time . Y'shua the Lamb of God was dead and LORD ELohim had no reason to be around the apostles any longer . LORD ELohim has never even heard of this story before today . It was not LORD ELohim or any other Spirit that caused their deaths so who was the murderer or were the murderers of Ananias and Sapphira . If this story of two cold blooded murders is true so begins the money greed of the church and the use of scare tactics for money and powers . Also not giving the church all you own or even any money or property is not a sin . Again LORD ELohim says that Ananias and Sapphira did not sin just because they did not give the church every penny they had . Matthew 16 : 18 And I say also unto thee , That thou art Peter , and upon this rock I will build my church ; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it . The man Peter was one of the apostles of Y'shua . The Roman Catholic Church says their first pope was St. Peter the Apostle in 42 A. D. to 67 A. D. The strange thing is that Y'shua is said to say " I will build my church " . LORD ELohim finds that statement to be very strange because Y'shua was not asked by LORD ELohim to start any new religion and Y'shua knew that . LORD ELohim was with Y'shua all Y'shua's life and God says Y'shua never said this to anyone . Y'shua was a perfect Jew and a great believer in his faith of Judaism . Why would Y'shua a Jew use the word " church " . The word " church " is also used about the murders of Ananias and Sapphira : And great fear came upon all the church . The name church is a Christian name for their place of worship and not a Jewish name for their place of worship called a Synagogue . The word church probably came many years later by a non-Jew and long after Y'shua was dead . Again LORD ELohim says that Y'shua was a true Jew and a Jewish man who loved his faith of Judaism and his people . Did Y'shua really say that to Peter ? According to LORD ELohim he did not and to no one else either . So " who murdered Ananias and Sapphira ? Peter was there but it says " apostles " so there were other apostles there to . The question " why did who ever murder them " . There is an obvious answer : this scare tactic to cause great fear and blame the murders on God was for money and powers for the new church and new religion . It's hard to believe the apostles of Y'shua really did that , really hard to believe . This could have never happened but was written in the book of Acts even hundreds of years later as a scare tactic for money and power over people : that is possible . Did Peter even know he was a pope ?
NOTES: This is the end of 666 Book # 3 . LORD ELohim hopes you know Him better now and know that He is not a wicked and cruel God and Father . God is not finished with the Little Book yet and there should be another update in a few months .