Date: July 19 2021
The Little Book is not for everyone . This #4 Little Book section contains Biblical corrections and many people do not want to believe anything other then what they believe now . LORD ELohim does not have a problem with that as long as these beliefs harm no other people .
In Revelation 10 it says that the Little Book will be both bitter and sweet to you and that would depend on your hopes and dreams and the beliefs you have now . It would also depend on your health and how your life is going at this time . LORD ELohim knows the truth will disappoint some people but also He knows other people will find great joy in the truth . What God hopes is you find peace of mind in the truth .
LORD ELohim wants people to understand and know the truth about many errors in many different faiths . God says one faith cannot blame another faith for the errors in their faith because each faith is solely responsible for what their faith believes and teaches . Also no one except you is responsible for what you believe about anything and even your religious beliefs . LORD ELohim gave all mankind free will and what you chose to believe is part of your free will to believe what you want to believe as long as it harms no other people .
This day is the Last Day and also the Sabbath Day of LORD ELohim and is also Judgment Day of all mankind . LORD ELohim our God and Father really does not care what anyone believes at this time because " we as a species " have greatly failed our trial . The Little Book is for people who just want to get to know LORD ELohim and the truth about many things mankind has wondered about . But again a warning : not all in the Little Book is good news for some people depending what you may have been hoping for . You may not want to read it .
LORD ELohim is the author and creator of the Little Book . LORD ELohim generally does not make things happen but He often taught people words and how to spell the words so it would fit into His Little Book . The language of Heaven and Spirit is what we know as modern English and it is the English language which LORD ELohim has taught the offspring of some ancient Hebrews tribes . LORD ELohim knows three languages : English has been the language of Spirits in Heaven for many trillions of years and He knows Hebrew and ancient Egyptian . You cannot expect LORD ELohim to know all the hundreds of languages of mankind .
If you chose to continue reading the Little Book : LORD ELohim welcomes you and hopes you will come to know Him better and understand the truth about many things .
The code of the Little Book is a simple code . The number six is added to the sum for each letter of the alphabet . Example 6=A and add 6 to 6=12 for the letter B and so on .
A=6 , B=12 , C=18 , D=24 , E=30 , F=36 , G=42 , H=48 , I=54 , J=60 , K=66 , L=72 , M=78 , N=84 , O=90 , P=96 , Q=102 , R=108 , S=114 , T=120 , U=126 , V=132 , W=138 , X=144 , Y=150 , Z=156 .
Each letter has a number . The word " computer " adds up to 666 . The words " on earth ark " adds up to 666 . This section of the Little Book must all add up to 666 .
Verses from religious Books is written in this font .
NOTES is additional information and is not coded . This - indicates that the words written are " coded words " . ( B ) means the verses are in black letters and ( R ) means the verses are in red letters which means Y'shua was said to have spoken the verses . The true name of Jesus was Y'shua and not Jesus . In the Little Book the name Y'shua is used for Jesus since Y'shua was his real name when he was alive . The name Y'shua is a Jewish Hebrew name and Jesus is a Greek name for Y'shua . Y'shua and Jesus both add up to 444 . This symbol * divides the 666 words or word from others . The numbers like (4 : 1 ) just makes it easier to find what you are looking for . The name " LORD ELohim " is the true name of the God of Israel though He also has many other names and they are used often in the Little Book like I AM HE , EL Roi , EL , YHWH, God of Israel and so on .
For most numbers in the Little Book LORD ELohim uses Roman numbers : I=1 , V=5 , X=10 , L=50 , C=100 , D=500 . Notice these Roman numbers add up to 666 . The M which equals 1000 was added to the Roman numbers much later in history .
( 4 ) Before we begin we owe Isaiah an apology and so do Christians . LORD ELohim finally found a respected Jewish Bible for me . The word Bible simply means a religious book of any religion . We wrote about this in previous updates . Remember we wrote about how Jewish names often describe God like : Aziel means ( God is might ) ; Igal ( Jehovah redeems ) ; Ishmeral ( Jehovah is keeper ) and so on . The Christian Bible in Isaiah 9 : 6 says For to us a child is born , to us a son is given , and the government will be on his shoulders . And he will be called Wonderful Counselor , The Mighty God ,The Everlasting Father , The Prince of Peace . Now read what the Jewish Bible says in Isaiah 9 : 5 For a child has been born to us , A son has been given us . And authority has settled on his shoulders . He has been named " The Mighty God is planning grace , The Eternal Father , a peaceable ruler " . It's clear in the Jewish Bible that Isaiah is not naming this son " the Mighty God " , he is saying that his name shall describe " The Mighty God is planning grace , Eternal Father a peaceable ruler ". The following is important . The early Christians used the Jewish Bible to write the Christian Old Testament and what is written in the Old Testament the way Christians wrote it is why they say the Old Testament " says this " so that's why they believe what they believe that Y'shua was a God and our Father . But the Christian Old Testament is not written word for word as the Jewish Bible is written and the Jewish Bible was written first . Isaiah does not say this child is a God and does not say the child's name will be Everlasting Father . Isaiah says this child's name will describe LORD ELohim as being " The Mighty God is planning grace , The Eternal Father , a peaceable ruler " . LORD ELohim says the Jewish Bible is describing the Messiah and not Y'shua who was the Lamb of God and was not the Messiah as Christians say he was which is why they call him " Christ " which means Messiah . Most all Jews have never considered Y'shua as being their awaited Messiah and the Jews were right back then and are still right today . Early non-Jewish writers of the Christian Bible and the Christian Old Testament were twisting words and today still are . Who better then the Jews would know who is the Messiah or not . Most Christians today don't even know what the Jews expected their Messiah to do and Y'shua did not do any of those things . LORD ELohim says having great respect and honor for Y'shua who was the Lamb of God is right and to remember this Jewish man is right but he is not to be worshiped as a God because he was not a God . To call Y'shua " Christ " is an error because he was not the Messiah the Jews have been waiting for .
NOTES : As in the other 666 Little Books subjects LORD ELohim has many : In one or two of the updates LORD ELohim had me write about abortions . LORD ELohim says those who were aborted are His children also . Some women and even the men involved of those babies aborted will never feel any guilt or sorrow about having an abortion but there are many women and men who are now feeling guilt and sorrow for what they did . For those who do feel regret and sorrow LORD ELohim feels sorrow for you also . We all learn from our mistakes , at least LORD ELohim hopes we do and learn for the good . You can't change the past , what is done is done . If you feel regret and sorrow it's time to forgive yourself as LORD ELohim has forgiven you .
( 4 : 1 ) NOTES : Today there is a great deal of interest in UFO's and E.T.'s so the following is just a little study of this subject in coded words . The letters E.T. in the Little Book means " Early Trial " and not Extraterrestrial since the Grays and Anunnaki were both created by LORD ELohim on this Earth in the past and a long time ago . LORD ELohim also created mankind on this Earth to .
NOTES : Before Grays , Anunnaki and Humanity all life on earth had only instinct to guide them through life and that did well for many species . There has been many mass die off's of most species LORD ELohim created . Mass die off's happened for many reasons in the past and even recent including caused by species of free will , Grays , Anunnaki and Humanity . LORD ELohim was created so He has free will and then God created Spirits who also have free will and all worked out well so LORD ELohim thought He would give flesh free will also but that did not work out well . God thought flesh with free will would have a more happy , joyful and loving life . Again that did not work out the way LORD ELohim hoped it would . Mortal life guided by instinct did much better coping with life then any species : Grays , Anunnaki and Humanity having free will .
- LORD ELohim * God of Israel * riddle about * life before man * on earth ark * . Riddle about * Mine Gray and * Anunnaki a E.T. * on earth ark * in past age and * an all long ago * . Mine Gray and * Anunnaki a E.T. * a DNA creature * of free will * .
- LORD ELohim * EL Roi create * DNA chemicals and * began flesh life * on earth ark * .
- On earth ark * life before man * God of Israel * EL Roi create * first for * free will as a * choice doings * Mine Grays * . Mine Grays * a DNA creature * an flesh body * . Mine Grays * E.T.'s alike a man * and God blessed * Mine Grays * on earth ark * . Again remember * Grays home * on earth ark * . LORD ELohim * fully begat * Mine Grays * on earth ark * . Again remember * Mine Grays * first for * a flesh trial * of free will * on earth ark * . Mine Grays * a DNA creature * . Mine Grays * male and female DNA * first for * early flesh * of free will * . Remember again * Mine Grays * be from earth * . LORD ELohim * begat Gray E.T. * on earth ark * and God blessed * Mine Grays * on earth ark * and hope none * grow evil * about earth * .
( 4 : 2 ) - Remember again * Mine Grays * first for * a free will as * alike ours * . LORD ELohim * then test * Mine Grays * .
- God of Israel * fully begat * Mine Grays * . Mine Grays * was back before * a Anunnaki E.T. * . Mine Grays * made from here * on earth ark * . Mine Grays * first for * a flesh trial * alike ours * . Mine Grays * grow evil * . Mine Grays * his day did fail * a flesh trial * .
- In past ages * an all long ago * Mine Grays * all grow in * numbers and * grow evil * about earth * .
- All E.T.'s war * in past ages * happen again and * happens again * on earth ark * . Last war did * end most of * mortal life * on earth ark * . LORD ELohim * EL Roi speak * last war did * end most of * Mine Grays * on earth ark * .
- LORD ELohim * EL Roi speak * Mine Grays * left planet * after wars * slaughter * most ET's * and animals made * on earth ark * . Mine Grays * last war did * end most of * mortal life * on earth ark * because war had * kindled earth * in past ages * an all long ago * .
Again remember * remaining of * Mine Grays * left planet * . Mars second * Mine Grays * E.T. home range * . Mars trial * in great failed * so their back * near of earth * . Remember again * Mine Grays * first for * early flesh * of free will * and Mine Gray * be from earth * .
- A Earth star * that are near * be a great ship * . A great ship be * Mine Grays * fearful UFO * . Look up at * lights here * about Earth * . Look up at * Mine Grays * spacecrafts * about earth * . A earth star * that are near * an spaceship * . Mine Grays * maketh many * the little * E.T.'s saucer * spacecrafts * . Mine Grays * made massive * spaceship an * estate home * . Mine Grays * maketh many * spacecrafts * about earth * . Remember again * they are no * stars so * Humanity * and nations * beware small * dreaded Grays * want a earth * refuge back again * . E.T.'s alike a man * a DNA creature * . Mine Grays * need earth land ,* all waters * an much more * for life food * .
- Mine Grays * a DNA creature * . In past ages * an all long ago * Mine Grays * alike ours * human bodies * . Behold today * Mine Grays * spaceage bodies * an became in space * small bodies * alike children * . Mine Grays * E.T. weak body * because bones * become waste * . Space evidence * good proof * bones reduce * . Men of science * hear and believe * mortal life * flesh need the * gravities a * planet has if * E.T.s in space * or too man * .
( 4 : 3 ) - Cities best * for seeth an * spaceship an *spacecrafts * .
NOTES : The reason why it's easier to see the Grays spaceships and spacecrafts in the city is because city lights do dull the light from the stars . Most Grays spaceships look like very bright stars in the dark sky . If you get to know the night sky you will notice several little things about them that will prove them to be spaceships and not stars like changing their position or like they are dancing in space or what you thought were stars for years they suddenly just take off or they are not there anymore or there is a new one and so on .
- Old world be a * pagan world * . Humanity * then feared E.T. * .
- E.T. evidences * about earth * . Behold today * Humanity * claim stone * pyramid all * made by early * Humanity * . LORD ELohim * I AM HE saying * E.T. pyramid * about earth * made by E.T.'s back * before Adonay * EL Roi create * Humanity * .
NOTES : For many tens of thousands of years before Adam and Eve were chosen by LORD ELohim there were Humanoids about earth and very much like us . LORD ELohim does not call these Humanoids Humanity . LORD ELohim says Humanity did not start until He chose Adam and Eve from among these Humanoids to be the first called Humanity and the first to start our six thousand year trial time ticking . At the start of our trial time it was among these Humanoids that Cain and others found women to marry and gave reason for Cain to build a city .
NOTES : Many massive pyramids and other structures were created by the Grays and Anunnaki all over the world . There are some made by man but those structures are not very impressive . If you see a structure made mostly of stone and wonder how could ancient mankind have built it , it is probably something made by the Anunnaki or even Grays . There are a few step pyramids in Egypt made by man but the big three were probably made by Anunnaki . It's the same with South America and the Mayan an Aztec's and other natives temples and structures and cities there . Most all were probably made by the Anunnaki . The Gray and Anunnaki's were mostly stone builders and not like us wood , concrete and metal builders .
- Mine Grays * practice here * on earth ark * . Mine Grays * on earth make * a crop design * . Pattern did * give shapes * in crop field * . LORD ELohim * I AM HE saying * Mine Grays * a DNA creature * who I created * on earth ark * in past ages * an all long ago . Mine Grays * behind circles * and the lines * a crop design * about earth * . Mine Grays * that are near * made massive * a crop design * . A crop design * give shapes * but shapes * are different * . A crop design * happen again and * happens again * but shapes * are different * . Behold recent * a crop design * a Gray E.T.'s face * and message in * binary math * . Grainfields be * canvas which * Mine Grays * give signs * . Grainfields be * dreaded Grays * practice field * for threat * sever war * . A crop design * are rehearsal * . Their deadly * weapon like * magneto field * . Magneto field * caused design * . Small rock be * magnetic for * magneto field * . Magneto field * pattern did * give shapes * in crop field * . Magneto field * causes heated * electric field * on plants * . Mine Grays * their deadly * weapon like * magneto field * . Mine Grays * spacecrafts * great magnet * make on earth * a crop design * . Again remember * LORD ELohim * make on earth * dreaded Grays * in past ages * an all long ago * .
- Remember again * Mine Grays * male and female DNA * LORD ELohim * EL Roi create * on earth ark * an all long ago * . Mine Grays * first for * a flesh trial * of free will * on earth ark * .
( 4 : 4 ) NOTES : Known crop circle formations date back as far as 1600 A.D. . Crop circles in crop fields has become common these days . A few are made by people who work on them all night but the complex and large ones are made by the Grays at any time of day within minutes .
- In past ages * LORD ELohim * God of Israel * make on earth * a Anunnaki E.T. * . Anunnaki a E.T. * a DNA creature * an flesh body * . All Anunnaki a * early flesh * alike ours * on earth ark * . All Anunnaki a * life before man * on earth ark * . Remember again * LORD ELohim * begat behemoth * Anunnaki a E.T. * on earth ark * . Remember again * Anunnaki a E.T. * be from earth * . Anunnaki a E.T. * of free will * second before * Humanity * . Anunnaki a E.T. * male and female DNA * LORD ELohim * EL Roi create * on earth ark * an all long ago * .
- Anunnaki a E.T. * all grow in * numbers and * grow evil * about earth * same as many * Mine Grays * . Again thy God * LORD ELohim * teach love as * food for life * . Anunnaki a E.T. * again begin war * about earth * . All E.T.'s war * happens again * and happen again * .
- In past ages * an all long ago * Anunnaki a E.T. * last war did * end most of * mortal life * on earth ark * and after war * all Anunnaki a * early flesh * left home base * on earth ark * . Anunnaki A E.T. * last war did * kindled earth * . Remaining of * Anunnaki a E.T. * flee in their * spacecrafts * an spaceship * .
NOTES : The Anunnaki were in space for thousands of years . Like the Grays they tried to live on other planets and even moons in this solar system but even on Mars the Grays were unable to do so . It took a lot of years for the earth to heal from their last war just like the earth needed time to heal after the Grays last war . Both the Grays and Anunnaki were far more advanced in many ways then humans are today . Both tried to make a home on the moon and Mars and even other places and were unable to . Today Grays still get their air , water and some food from earth . Many people today dream of going to live on Mars . These two species of free will had and have a lot more know how then human scientists do now about space and spaceships and a lot of other stuff and still over many tens of thousands of years neither could survive only on Mars and the moon without needing earth still for supplies and they had big spaceships that could haul a lot of stuff from earth . If DNA or bacteria or whatever other stuff for mortal life is found on the moon or Mars and even other places in this solar system it just means the Grays and Anunnakis were there .
- God of Israel * LORD ELohim * had long after * Anunnaki a E.T. * , Abba again made flesh * of free will * who is called * Humanity * .
- Anunnaki a E.T. * they come back * on earth ark * and most all * man called them * ancient gods * . Anunnaki lie * being Heavens * ancient gods * . Old world be a * pagan world * . Humanity * then feared E.T. * . Again remember * Anunnaki all a * mortal life * LORD ELohim * EL Roi create * on earth ark * an all long ago * in past ages * before any as * Humanity * .
- Anunnaki a E.T. * defiled woman * Humanity * about earth * . Anunnaki a E.T. * Mine giants * raped those * good women * . Humanity * good women * conceive feeble * children alike * Mine giants * Anunnaki a E.T. * . A offspring * hybrid anger * LORD ELohim * . Nephilim E.T. * a offspring * Anunnaki a E.T. * . All Nephilim * a offspring * defiled woman * humans begat * with giant * Anunnaki a E.T. *. All Nephilim * a offspring * Anunnaki a E.T. * began mixed race * with ashamed * defiled woman * . All Nephilim * soon evil * against any * Humanity * . God of Israel * LORD ELohim * smotest * all Nephilim * on earth ark * . An after all of * Nephilim all * smotest * all Anunnaki a * early flesh * left here again * on earth ark * .
( 4 : 5 ) : : LORD ELohim says there were a lot of Nephilim and they were very cruel and strange creatures . Mixing Anunnaki genes with Humanity genes was not a good idea . God says the Nephilim were neither like the Anunnaki or Humans and were very strange looking creatures . LORD ELohim had no chose other then to destroy the Nephilim before they destroyed Humanity . The way God did that was to simply ask all the Souls within the Nephilim to leave the Nephilims bodies and the Souls did so . The Nephilim all soon died and that terrified the Anunnaki enough that they left earth again . LORD ELohim does not like to do that but He had to do something and quickly for the well-bing of mankind .
- God of Israel * I AM HE forsake * Mine Gray and * Anunnaki a E.T. * and now us * Humanity * the third DNA * of free will * God of Israel * EL Roi create * on earth ark * .
- Again remember * Mine Grays * spacecrafts * that are near * a earth star * . Look up at * Mine Grays * spacecrafts * . I AM HE predict * Mine Grays * that are near * plot evil * against us * Humanity * . I AM HE saying * Mine Grays * want back his * old home for * need to live * .
- Remember again * JHVH reveal * Mine Gray and * Anunnaki a E.T. * not a God to * . In past ages * mankind gods * were often * all a Anunnaki * . Remember again * life before man * Mine Gray and * Anunnaki a E.T. * all existed * on earth ark * . LORD ELohim * God of Israel * EL Roi speak * I created them * on earth ark * in past ages * an all long ago * .
- In ages past * an all long ago * earth buried * E.T. evidences * and deep under * sea waters * E.T. evidences * about earth * . Behold today * E.T. pyramid * an much more * about earth * . In past ages * an all long ago * Anunnaki a E.T. * built rock * pyramid all * about earth * and nations * . Their great * E.T. pyramid * about earth * hath energy * . E.T. pyramid * hides ancient * technologic * free power * about earth * . E.T. evidences * about earth * and deep under * sea waters * .
( 4 : 6 ) : The reason why a lot of Gray and Anunnaki evidences are under the ocean waters and lakes and seas is because when each of these species had their turn on earth there was still a massive ice sheet covering the northern areas of the earth and high on mountains about earth because of a Ice Age Climax . The last Ice Age Climax started around 115,000 years ago and did not begin melting and retreating until about 25,000 years ago when the earth climate began global warming again . Durning the Ice Age Climax the ocean waters level dropped around 300 feet because so much water was becoming part of the ice sheet . Both the Gray and Anunnaki were on earth for their trial when the ice sheet was covering a lot of the earth's northern part . Like people they built a lot near the ocean or lakes and other waters . When the climate changed to global warming about 25,000 years ago the ocean waters began to rise as the ice sheet began melting . Now today a lot of the evidences of the Gray and Anunnaki being here may be deeply covered by 200 or 300 feet of ocean water , seas and lakes . Where the ice sheet covered the earth you would not find much if any evidence of them because when both species had their trial time here the ice sheet was 8,000 to 10,000 feet thick of ice . Canada was completely covered with ice and much northern parts of the U.S.A. and also much of northern Europe and Asia . The Great Lakes of Canada and U.S.A. are only about 15,000 years old if that and were created by the last ice sheet retreating and melting . If your looking for Gray and Anunnaki evidences there is not much reason to come to Canada and many other places on northern earth . Remember LORD ELohim said that Eden was a massive forest at the time of Adam and Eve and today is a massive desert . The further north the ice sheet melted the further north the lands became drier and much became deserts so even in the barest of deserts today there could be lots of evidence of the lives of Grays and Anunnaki trial time on earth . I just notice that the Garden of Eden is a few below this note .
- In past ages * an all long ago * before Mine Adam * LORD ELohim * changed minor * chemicals alike * of DNA and now * Humanity * the third DNA * refined flesh * of free will * . Male and female DNA * chemical changes * changed people * human bodies * . Genetic code of * Humanity * third form * of free will * . Genetic code of * Humanity * is different * of any flesh * . Genetic code of * Humanity * are not same * as any Gray * . Genetic code of * Anunnaki a E.T. * are not same * genetic code of * Humanity * .
NOTES : LORD ELohim changed the DNA of Grays and Anunnaki and Humanity just a little but not enough so hybrids were not possible . Anunnaki and human woman offspring were the Nephilim in Genesis 6 : 4 . Most Christian Bibles do not name these offspring but the Torah we have does call them Nephilim and LORD Elohim says that's the name He gave them .
- The third DNA * of free will * God created began * Humanity * on earth ark * . Humanity * be from earth * . LORD ELohim * begat humans * on earth ark * . Again remember * not E.T. begin * Humanity * . A God created man * . God of Israel * LORD ELohim * begat humans * . Third form * the flesh man * a DNA creature * . Humanity * third form * male and female DNA * .
( 4 : 7 ) : - God created a man * an ye woman * . Humanity * had Garden of Eden * and God blessed * Humanity * . Adam and Eve home * Garden of Eden had * all needs for * Humanity * a DNA creature * of free will * . Eden forest * breadth had food * and animals made * . Eden land now * all desert an * are bare of food .
- God of Israel * EL Roi create * Humanity * on earth ark * in past ages * an all long ago * . We are third * a flesh trial * of free will * who is called * Humanity * by the great * LORD ELohim * as the Father * of any flesh * on earth ark * in past age and * even today * . God of Israel * LORD ELohim * did name you * Humanity * .
- Remember again * LORD ELohim * begat humans *. Humanity * are last begat * mortal life * of free will * on earth ark * . LORD ELohim * tests man * an ye woman * of free will * choice doings * .
- Humanity * all grow in * numbers and * grow evil * about earth * . Feeble humans * grow evil * . Humanity * evil spread * about earth * . Feeble humans * fight wars * is again and again * in past ages * and us now * yet war and * plot evil * . In past age and * even today * evil grow * about earth * an people lie a * ancient gods * Anunnaki a E.T. * begat humans * on earth ark * .
- In past age and * an all long ago * LORD ELohim * need faithful * elect mankind * for Himself * to help feeble * pagan world * Humanity * pass this * test time * . LORD ELohim * EL Roi create * Judaea people * for Himself * to help feeble * pagan world * Humanity * . Jews of the * old Hebrews * in past age and * even today * help Yahweh * teach in great * pagan world * Humanity * EL Ten Laws * an much more * teachings all * from EL Roi * God of Israel * . Judaea people * LORD ELohim * chosen flock * in past age and * even today * . Jews of the * Israel flock * pleased LORD * God of Israel * in past age and * even today * .
( 4 : 8 ) : It would have been nice if people could hear the voice of LORD ELohim our Father but that's a problem which is why He needed faithful people who would learn to know Him over time and starting with Abraham and Sarah and their son Isaac . LORD ELohim needed people to be there for Him over most of the trial time . It's hard to explain how Moses knew what LORD ELohim wanted him to do and know . The voice of God is silent but over time the mind knows some how what LORD ELohim is teaching a person . Moses was chosen by LORD ELohim when Moses was conceived and LORD ELohim worked with Moses from the time of birth and throughout his life . Moses did not actually hear God's voice but his mind knew what God was asking of him and teaching him . It's not easy for LORD ELohim to communicate with people which is why He needed people who would put the puzzle together over the many thousands of years just as the Jews have done since the time of Abraham . That's the reason why LORD ELohim created Isaac and his offspring to have white skin in a world when there were only black skinned people . LORD ELohim needed to know who were and are His chosen Hebrew people . I have never hear LORD ELohim's voice but within my mind I simply know what He is asking me to write about . I was lucky that God came up with a way to be able to approve or correct me regarding the Little Book . LORD ELohim is able to node my head for what is right and approved for the Little Book or move my head side to side for what I got wrong . He does the same regarding verses in the Bible also : are they true or false teachings . So far all has worked out pretty good but it has taken years for me to understand LORD ELohim and what God is trying to teach me regarding so many different subjects . There is a person who wrote several books claiming to have talked to LORD ELohim like talking to another person at the coffee table . If LORD ELohim could really do that He would have done so long ago and would have had no need for the Hebrew Jews to help Him with the human race . There is a lot of money to be gained in such lies today . LORD ELohim said to let you know I make no money from this Little Book and this web site but it does cost me a lot but LORD ELohim has always taken care of money for me for the Little Book in a strange way and no money came directly from other people .
- And the third * a flesh trial * of free will * in great failed * on earth ark * . In past age and * even today * people war * because of hate * . Humanity * again and again fail * human love * an peace times * . Humanity * in great failed * because of so * much envy * about earth * . Remember again * Humanity * in great failed * at love here * and most all * Humanity * path did not * keep all LORD * EL Ten Laws * or repent * after sins * and yet sin * even today * .
- Mortal life * love sleep * . Human bodies * death only be * the endless * glad deep sleep * . After death end * mortal life * human bodies * does all become * dry dust * . Again remember * no afterlife * for any life * on Earth ark * .
- Now take heed * Humanity * soon a time * this age ends * . LORD ELohim * tested thee *. Humanity * in great failed * on earth ark * because of hate * . Humanity * made love cold * and beheld hatred * about earth * and nations * . People war * about earth * and for many * reason for * fearful war * . People war * about earth * happen again and * happens again * . In past age and * even today * pagan world * Humanity * forsake I AM HE * God of Israel * . Today behold * LORD ELohim * I AM HE forsake * pagan world * Humanity * .
- Humanity * about earth * and nations * hear and believe * God of Israel * . God of Israel * LORD ELohim * hath finished * a flesh trial * of free will * on earth ark * . Soon a time * this age ends * .
( 4 : 9 ) : LORD ELohim says that the Grays and Anunnaki both had black skin which means Isaac was the very first that God changed the DNA to having white skin so even his offspring would have white skin also . When LORD ELohim created the Grays their skin was black but living in space on a spaceship for many tens of thousands of years changed their skin to a grayish color and their bodies have become very frail and tiny and the adults bodies are now like a child . LORD ELohim created the Grays bodies to be much like our bodies but space changed that . The Anunnaki bodies were massive in size and muscles which caused people to have great fear of them and some people believed the Anunnaki were gods from Heaven . At the time of Anunnaki raping human woman and having hybrid offspring all Anunnaki and humans skin were black on earth .
- In past ages * Mayan abound * . Mayan small * calendar wheel * as time clock * . Behold recent * Mayan small * calendar deceive * Humanity * . MMXII ( 2012 ) false * a end of times * an doomsday * .
( 4 : 10 ) : : Isaac was the first of the white skinned race . LORD ELohim said that He placed the fertilized egg into Sarah's womb . This is the same way He put the fertilized egg into Miriam ( Mary ) mother of Y'shua ( Jesus ) and the mother of Abraham .
- For money * churches lie * about an hell * . Churches lie * scared early * Humanity * in past age and * even today * . Church too * preacheth a lie * that Elohim * like evil God * regarding man * . Churches lie * about an hell * EL Roi create * did anger LORD * God of Israel * . Remember again * ELohim not * an naughty * evil deity * . LORD ELohim * as the Father * He has pity * for world * formed flesh * and most all * Humanity * in man made hell * about earth * created by man * . Remember again * LORD ELohim * loves My * Humanity * who are good * . Again fear not * about an hell * and our death * glad deep sleep * .
NOTES : Psalm 90 : 4 For a thousand years in Thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past . 2 Peter 3 : 8 But beloved , be not ignorant of this one thing , that one day is with the LORD as a thousand years , and a thousand years as one day . LORD ELohim wanted people to understand that He would try hard to help mankind pass our trial for six thousand years and that on the Last Day , the Seventh Day , the Sabbath Day would be our Judgment Day and LORD ELohim's day of rest . Remember today is LORD ELohim's and His Sabbath Day and is our Judgment Day . Other then the Little Book LORD ELohim is on His day of rest . People don't seem to realize how hard God has worked over the past six thousand years to try to guide us to a far more hopeful and happy and peaceful and loving life but most people went their own way and not God's way . Today is the Sabbath Day and Judgment Day and LORD ELohim's judgment is that Humanity has failed our trial . The Grays and Anunnaki also failed their trials . Mortal life of free will has proven over and over again to not work very well for many reasons . Animals with only instinct do better in their life then most people do . But when it comes to mortal life in general any species has much suffering and pain and hardship and gives LORD ELohim reason to regret creating any kind of mortal life on this earth . We Humanity are the last of free will . LORD ELohim tried three times to see if mortal life with free will can do well and all three times all failed . Gophers did better then we did with this test . LORD ELohim says He will never create mortal life from dirt of any kind again .
- LORD ELohim * God of Israel * hath a regret * people sin * and beheld hatred * . People sin * changed people * an peace lost * . God of Israel * pity Mine * Humanity * and animals made * suffer here * from pains * an in hunger * an much more * . Humanity * and animals made * grieve much * about earth * . LORD ELohim * grieve much * for world * Humanity * and animals made * . Abba grieve for * formed flesh * on earth ark * . Soon at hand * Humanity * and animals made * all soon end * on earth ark * and E.T. in space * .
( 4 : 11 ) : : The reason LORD ELohim created mortal life to have free will is because all Spirits He created have free will and it worked out very well for all Spirits . LORD ELohim was hoping that mortal life with free will would work out well also but it turned out to be a error to create Grays , Anunnaki and Humanity but He needed to try just to find out how well it would work out . Again LORD ELohim does not know for a fact what the future will be about any thing . Had God known then ( billions of years ago ) what He knows now He never would have created any kind of mortal life on earth or anywhere else . LORD ELohim loves all mortal life He created on earth but His pity for all mortal life species is great also .
NOTES : All mortal life needs Souls . There are no Souls past our solar system . If the Anunnaki tried to leave this solor system they all would have all died and that may be the reason no Spirit or man has seen them for a long time . The Grays may have learned that they cannot go past there either . LORD ELohim's message to mankind is that we cannot go past there either or we to would die .
NOTES : The entire chapter 10 in Revelation has to do with the Little Book . Revelation 10 : 11 says : And he said unto me , Thou must prophesy again before many peoples , and nations , and tongue , and kings . That's not going to happen , I'm not a talker . So God decided to put the Little Book on the internet and so far that has worked out well for LORD ELohim .
( 4 : 12 ) : Are we alone in the universe ? A lot of people wonder about this and LORD ELohim has the answer . The answer is " No " . There is LORD ELohim and there are a lot of Spirits created by LORD ELohim living in the universe also . If your thinking about flesh creatures only , then the answer is again " No " because there is the Grays and Anunnaki who LORD ELohim created on this earth who also live in this universe but near this earth . If your asking did flesh life of free will or even without free will create itself anywhere else in the universe the answer is " No " . We were reading something about the fact that scientists cannot even create a living one cell being . Could flesh life create itself ? That is very unlikely to happen anywhere in the universe . LORD ELohim did not create the first bacteria from the dust of the earth over night , it was about 3 . 5 billion years ago . Remember all mortal life need a Spirit Soul in order to live . Only LORD ELohim can create Souls and no Souls exist beyond our solar system which means no flesh can live beyond our solar system . The Grays that God created on earth are mostly near earth but the Anunnaki He created on earth have not been seen for a lot of years . Again remember E.T. means " Early Trial " . The Grays and Anunnaki both had longer trials then we had and they developed many more spacecrafts and big spaceships then we have and far better ones to but they still need earth for food , water and other stuff . LORD ELohim calls the Grays spacecrafts " earth stars " because they do look like stars from earth .
NOTES : The Nephilim were the children of Anunnaki men and human women . Genesis 6 . Most Christian Bibles do not name the children of the Anunnaki men and human women but the Torah does name them the Nephilim which is the name LORD ELohim used for them .
NOTES : We may repeat some subjects because it's difficult to remember what we have written about in the past . Sorry about that .
NOTES : LORD ELohim creation of mortal life DNA goes back billions of years . This earth was the best planet that God could find to begin experimenting with dirt to created a living being from dirt . LORD ELohim had many set backs . This earth is in a constant state of climate change from great warming to cooling . God's creations also had to deal with earthquakes , volcanoes , asteroid impacts , floods , droughts , fires , hurricanes , tsunamis and so on . Extinction of species was common . Then God created mortal life creatures who had free will starting with the Grays and then the Anunnaki and last was Humanity . All three species of free will proved to be more devastating to this planet and mortal life on it then any natural causes ever were .
( 4 : 13 ) - God of Israel * begat species * like Big Foot * on earth ark * . My giant ape * called Big Foot * YHWH did make * on earth ark * . My giant ape * called Big Foot * a DNA creature * . LORD ELohim * create Yeti * same giant ape * like Big Foot * .
NOTES : There are many people looking for Big Foot and the Yeti and also called Abominable Snowman and others and LORD ELohim hopes people will leave these big Apes alone .
- Soon a time * God of Israel * Jehovah ends * all flesh here * : all Anunnaki a * E.T. and alike a man * and Mine Gray * a DNA creature * , Humanity * and animals made * . Time cometh * LORD ELohim * voided earth * mortal life * . I AM HE saying * formed flesh * here suffer * . A big number do * suffer here * about earth * . Human bodies * a DNA creature * and animals made * suffer here * as great pain * causes woe * .
- God of Israel * LORD ELohim * HE has pity * for world * formed flesh * . At hand soon * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * depart time * . All Souls * depart time * a time soon * so all earth * became void again * of former * mortal life * on earth ark * . Reason for * LORD ELohim * ending all the * mortal life * on earth ark * because of few * Humanity * all love life * an much more * reason for * ending all the * mortal life * about earth * . Hear and believe * I AM HE love of * mortal life * reason for * LORD ELohim * ending all the * mortal life * on earth ark * .
NOTES : LORD ELohim decision to end mortal life on earth was not a easy one to make . LORD ELohim loves His mortal flesh children but at the same time He greatly pities us and all animals also . God had greater hopes for us then what came to be for mortal life on earth . Many millions of people suffer with unbearable pain while others suffer from great poverty and hunger and homelessness and so on . Mostly it's because of His love for mortal life He will end the suffering for not just Grays , Anunnaki and Humanity , but also for all animals which He also loves and created . LORD ELohim is the Father of all mortal life on earth and He deeply loves all but His decision is final : soon it will be time to end mortal life on earth and in space .
- LORD ELohim * God cares for * Humanity * but years * people war * , people sin * , public accept * ancient gods * an much more * . In past age and * even today * Humanity * made false gods * . Pagan world * feeble humans * forsake I AM HE * and so on It * changed people * because of cold * human love * . Behold today * I AM HE forsake * pagan world * Humanity * . Today behold * Sabbath Day is * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * depart time * . The day at hand * YHWH judge * Humanity * an all long ago * formed flesh * of free will * and animals made * . In God's Book * the Little * Book tells * mankind did fail * life trials * on earth ark * . Humanity * grow evil * about earth * and break Laws * LORD ELohim * EL Roi create * for world * Humanity * to behold peace * and new joy * . YHWH time * on earth ark * age near over * . All Souls * as Spirit * in any blood * give life here * . All Souls * soon at hand * depart time * on Last Day * .
( 4 : 14 ) : When will LORD ELohim end mortal life on earth and in space ? Only LORD ELohim knows so prepare to be here for your life time and probably the life time of some offspring . If you were planning to go to college or what ever it would be wise to keep thinking you could be here until your ninety nine and die from old age . Remember one day of the LORD equals a thousand of our years and it's still early in God's Sabbath Day . The word " soon " when you think of a thousand years could be a couple of hundred years yet .
( 4 : 15 ) - YHWH did make * a plan for man * . God made plans * for world * Humanity * and animals made * . Plan is for a * loving life * and all a happy * loving life * . Behold today * and in past age * human love * fail within * . In past age and * even today * wicked hatred * about earth * . The wicked made * bitter hell * for world * Humanity * and animals made * on earth ark * . Soon a time * this age ends * so all earth * became void again * of any flesh * . Remember again * wicked hatred * a doings sin * .
NOTES : LORD ELohim does not care as much as you may think that people made and had and have yet today false gods . The problem was that these were fake man made false gods of war and gods demanding child sacrifices and so on . LORD ELohim was trying hard to guide Humanity toward love and kindness and peace and these false gods that did not even exist were getting in the way . LORD ELohim is not ending mortal life because very few made Him their God . LORD ELohim does not care about that very much . What God does care about is the quality of life people have and animals have . What God does care about is the suffering He sees and hears about because of hate , war , famines , poverty , diseases , sweat shops , money greed , pain , lacking love for animals , lacking love for the earth and much much more . Our quality of life is no where near what LORD ELohim had hoped for us . We as a species were on trial and as a species failed our trial .
NOTES : Many people believe that LORD ELohim knows everything about past , present and future . Think about this : if God knew everything about people and what would happen by and because of people would LORD ELohim have created us in the first place ? LORD ELohim gave humans a six thousand year trial time to our species because He had hope for us and not knowledge about any of us . LORD ELohim knew what to expect because Grays and Anunnaki were much the same as humans , with free will also , but this time He would be more involved with humans then He was with the Grays and Anunnaki . If LORD ELohim knew then what He knows now about our species He never would have created us . What LORD ELohim learnt is to never create flesh life with " free will " again . Animals have proven over and over again to do a lot better with their lives then flesh species of free will .
( 4 : 16 ) : Earth is a challenge for any flesh species but this earth was the best LORD ELohim could find for the creation of flesh beings . Earth has tornadoes , hurricanes , monsoons , earthquakes , in and out of Ice Age Climaxes , pole shifts , tsunamis , extreme cold and heat , flooding , volcanos , occasional asteroid and comet hits , hail , solar flares , solar cycles , occasional mass extinctions , natural climate change , droughts and so on . LORD ELohim knows this earth is not a easy place for any flesh creature to live on which is one of our problems in life . Again , animals with only instinct did far better then humans did . Animals are not building high-rises on ocean front property in known hurricane areas . Animals don't pollute rivers or the ocean or lands they live on like people have done . Animals don't make toxic chemicals that make land and water toxic to . Animals are not building nuclear power plants and so on . The amount of damage people have done to the earth , especially in the last four hundred years is great in numbers . Bottom line is that animals were far better at dealing with lifes difficulties and at not creating difficulties as people have done . However animals also suffer great pain and hunger and other suffering to like being used by scientists for experiments in labs .
( 4 : 17 ) - Lagina give ear * in past ages * an all long ago * LORD ELohim * EL Roi create * the Jews as a * partner and * for Himself * . Behold today * Jews of the * Israel flock * still for * LORD ELohim * God of Israel * as a proven * partner and * for Himself * .
- Lagina give ear * . Please read all * that ELohim * has sent all * to you an * Holy Rabbis * .
- Lagina give ear * to Highest * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * . In past ages * an all long ago * Holy Rabbis * and Jews to * partners * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * regarding man * . Jews of the * Israel flock * help YAHWEH * regarding man * . YAHWEH help * Humanity * to be peaceful * and love My * Ten Laws EL * did make for all * Humanity * on earth ark * . Jews did teach * Humanity * LORD ELohim * God of Israel * EL Ten Laws * an much more * to help feeble * pagan world * Humanity * about earth * and nations * pass this * trial at peace * an much great * human love * in past age and * even today * .
- In past ages * an all long ago * because of hate * against any * of the Jews * about earth * LORD ELohim * God of Israel * He help Jews * create Island * at ancient Canada * for stuff * for a Temple * on Last Day * Holy Rabbis * soon build * in glad Israel * .
NOTES : Just a reminder to the Jews and Rabbis that LORD ELohim does not care if the Temple is never built . LORD ELohim knows there are a lot of Jews including many Holocaust survivors who need help and if all is spent to help these Jews in Israel and living in other nations then it's money better spent says LORD ELohim . LORD ELohim does not mind going to Synagogues to be with His chosen people , He gets to know many more people that way . Truth is He always spent much more time in Synagogues then He ever did in the Temples anyway .
- Remember again * in past ages * Temples of * the Jews of * Israel flock * many pagans * did ruin again * and again their * great Holy * Temples of * LORD ELohim * God of Israel * .
- Lagina give ear * . In past ages * Holy Rabbis * and Jews to * partners * LORD ELohim * God of Zion * regarding man * . In past age and * even today * LORD ELohim * I AM rewards * Holy Rabbis * and Jews to * for helping a * defiled mankind * on earth ark * . I AM rewards * for Jews an * Holy Rabbis * even today * down beneath * all Oak Island * .
( 4 : 17 ) NOTES : Remember : LORD ELohim rewards people in this life . There is no afterlife for any mortal life created by LORD ELohim so this life is the only time God can reward those who serve Him . The rewards for the Hebrew Jews of today is beneath Oak Island and when found go back to Israel . The rewards are not just Temple items but also much gems , gold , silver and a lot more . LORD ELohim is hoping that the Rabbis will use much of the rewards to help the Holocaust survivors in Israel and other nations who are suffering today and in need of love and help .
- Lagina give ear * LORD ELohim * I AM HE saying * an to you * . In past ages * Holy Rabbis * and Jews to * partners * God of Israel * . In past ages * an all long ago * Holy Rabbis * and Jews to * help YAHWEH * create Island * . Holy Rabbis * and Jews to * sailed early * about earth * . Their great * ships landed * at ancient Canada * Hebrew lands * an all long ago * . Holy Rabbis * ship moved * to Canada from * then Israel * early lands * much ancient * sacred Hebrew * treasured * elect items * to Canada from * middle east and * then Israel * . Their great * ship moved * treasured * objects like * a pristine * gold an emerald * third altar * LORD ELohim * called Beauty * for a Temple * of the Jews * on Last Day * . Behold today * on Last Day * . Oak Island all * man made Holy * Hebrew land and * holds many * treasured * Hebrew sacred * objects like * perfect gold * an much more * of the Jews * . Offshores * at ancient Canada * Israel flock * of the Jews * alone built * a great Island * an all long ago * . Inside man made * Oak Island all * treasured * elect items * an much more * of the Jews * an for Jews * on Last Day * . Behold today * is Sabbath Day * on Last Day * . God of Israel * is pleased at * all works * on island made * by Jew hands * . I AM HE did design * all Oak Island * and Sefirot * map of clues * of the below * gift chambers * . Gift chambers * created beneath * all Oak Island * by the Rabbi and * many a Jews * in past ages * an all long ago * . Remember again * all Oak Island * man made by the * Jews of the * Israel flock * .
- Lagina give ear * remember again * Jew of the * Israel flock * create Island * and all long ago * . Jews of the * Hebrew sailed * to Canada from * middle east and * then Israel * early lands * . Their great * big ships go * to now Canada * in past ages * an all long ago * before teacher * called Y'shua * on earth ark * .
NOTES : Dates are difficult to find regarding the past . But we do know that Oak Island offshore of now Canada was built by Hebrew Jews of Israel after the time of Moses and after they were no longer slaves of the Egyptians so that would be somewhere shortly after 1400 B.C. if that date is right for Moses .
- In past age and * even today * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * had to hide seal * to unlock * Island riddle * because of hate * against any * Jews of the * Israel flock * . Island riddle * is within * a map He designed * which I AM called * Sefirot and * the Little * Book code key * God of Israel * called Gematria * . God of Israel * map of Holy * Oak Island all * designed by EL * and all long ago * prior to * Jews of the * Israel flock * create Island * . The Little * Book code key * designed by EL * LORD ELohim * prior to * Humanity * on earth ark * .
NOTES : LORD ELohim created the Little Book long before an mortal life on earth . LORD ELohim cannot predict the future regarding anything but He is good at guessing what will be for somethings . Remember modern English is the language of God and His Spirit children going back trillions of years . God created that language by playing with numbers . New words needed because people make something and it needs a name LORD ELohim with the help of the Souls will teach that person the name God created by using the code of the Little Book 666 . The words " all Oak Island "=666 was named by LORD ELohim so it would work in His coded Little Book . Again LORD ELohim cannot predict the future but the Little Book goes back trillions of years and God has one amazing mind . He has no book , no paper , no calculator : it's all just in His mind . Again that's amazing .
- Remember again * LORD ELohim * chose you * Blankenship * and also both * Lagina receive * God of Israel * glad blessing * to unlock * all Oak Island * riddle about * treasured * third altar * called Beauty * for a Temple * Middle Easts * Holy Rabbis * build soon * . First find Abba * third altar * called Beauty * . Third altar * for a Temple * not under * hidden water * . Sea waters * below of the * third altar * and rock above * third altar * called Beauty * . Be of caution * .
- LORD ELohim * God of Israel * I AM design map * and Sefirot * map He designed a * great clue and * to help reach * third altar * . Both Lagina go * use I AM HE map * an begin where * Island # six * Tiferet is * . Remember again * be of caution * when you * remove the * hewed rock and * ancient pit * inner dirt * . LORD ELohim * Yah rock map * like cross * made on Island * . Behold centre * and hewed rock * is Tiferet * . Holy Rabbis * made map design * like cross * on Island made * by Jew hands * an all long ago * . Holy Rabbis * wrote map * and Sefirot * map permit * hole names and * great clues * and Sefirot * layed out be a * Yah rock map * of Island land * . LORD ELohim * Abba Ten Sefirah * layed out be a * Yah rock map * . Island # six * Sefirah pit * is Tiferet * . Great clues * : Tiferet is * called Beauty * . Third altar * LORD ELohim * called Beauty * . Lagina give ear * Use His map * an begin where * Island # six * Tiferet is * on Island made * by Jew hands * in past ages * .
- God of Israel * EL Roi speak * all Oak Island * hath traps * . Be of caution * . Again remember * Holy Rabbis * measured all * being cubits * . ( 17.49 inches )
- Remember again * in past ages * an all long ago * God of Israel * partners * salt Island * with man made * objects like * man made coins * as a # eight coin , jewels like * red garnets * , brooch too *, nobles gems * of the Jews * and gem rings * , and jewel like * much ancient * emerald an gold * , much ruby * , common gold * alike gold chain * clay pots * , iron nails * , rose head nail * , an lead cross * pagan money * sea triangle * offshore and * bodies below * and markings * on a rock slab * an much more * salt Island * . An lead cross * be Templars * an lead cross * be a French lead base * . Human bodies * bones down * below of the * Island earth * Middle East and * of the Jews * an a European * be Templars * .
NOTES : The reason the Island was salted with objects by the Jews and Templars was to try to keep thieves away from the true treasure . For Blackenship and Lagina's who were the only ones chosen by LORD ELohim to find the real treasure , the objects salted on the Island was to also captivate you enough to keep you all coming back and so far that's working well . Often working with LORD ELohim is a step by step process which is why God needed one group and the same group of people He could work through over thousands of years and they are the Jews . Oak Island is no different . It takes time to put the puzzle together , a little clue here and another clue there and so on . The Little Book about Oak Island was no different : one word at a time and still the puzzle in the Little Book about the Island is not complete yet but there is enough now to know a lot about what's there and why it's there and where to find it and the Island history . ( Who : the ancient Jews . What : reward gifts for todays Jews and items for a Temple if built . Where : within the Island . Why : because God rewards people in this life and not just Jews but the Island treasures is only for the Jews . When : the Island was built about three thousand years ago by the Jews . How : years of work , many years of work by many Jews and guided by LORD ELohim . )
( 4 : 18 ) - Lagina give ear * . Treasured * elect items * an much more * down beneath * all Oak Island * reward gift * an for Jews * on Last Day * . Reward gift * of the Jews * from EL Roi * God of Israel * .
- Lagina give ear * . Templar God * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * . LORD ELohim * made Knights * for Himself * . Templars be * God of Israel * partners * . All Templar a * partner and * help YAHWEH * . Templars be * Israel flock * partners * . Templar flag * hath cross * . Remember again * Templars be * Israel flock * of the Jews * partners * when are needed * . They knew * God of Israel * YAH rock map * made on Island * . Their great * ship moved * treasured * objects like * nobles gems * and Israelis * treasured * objects like * for a Temple * an much more * rewards in * all Oak Island * an for Jews * on Last Day * . Remember again * I AM rewards * of the Jews * down beneath * all Oak Island * an for Jews * even today * . Their great * ships landed * at ancient Canada * . Templar be * LORD ELohim * partners * in past ages * . They knew * far Oak Island * . They knew * Island form * . They knew * Sefirot and * Abba Ten Sefirah * . All Templar a * Israel flock * of the Jews * partner and * they knew * all Oak Island * in past ages * . In past ages * Holy Rabbis * teach the key * map to them * . Remember again * Templars be * LORD ELohim * partners * in past ages * when are needed * . Templars be * partners * of the Jews * in past ages * . Remember again * down beneath * all Oak Island * reward gift * an much more * of the Jews * an for Jews * on Last Day * . Remember again * Templar God * be our LORD a * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * an lead cross * are a symbol * of Lamb of God an * called Y'shua * . In past ages * Templars be * LORD ELohim * partners * when are needed * .
- Lagina give ear * . On Last Day * LORD ELohim * chose you * . Reason for * LORD ELohim * chose you * was to find * buried altar * reward gift * of the Jews * an much more * down beneath * all Oak Island * an for Jews * on Last Day * .
- Remember again * Israel flock * of the Jews * an all long ago * create Island * offshores * of ancient Canada * . All Oak Island * Israel flock * of the Jews * created belong * to Jews and * even today * Jews of the * Israel flock * own Island * .
- Oak Island Canada a * riddle about * Jews of the * Israel flock * third altar * an much more * for a Temple * and cost to * for a Temple * . All Oak Island * sacred Hebrew * formed land and * Is Israels * even today * .
- Lagina give ear * . Again remember * LORD ELohim * God of Israel * chose you * . At ancient Canada * Micmac people * be Templars * friends here * . Micmac flag was * like cross * and moon image * . Templar flag * hath cross * and moon image * . Prior to * God of Israel * made Knights * Hebrew sailed * their great * ships ahead of * all Templar a * God of Israel * partners * . Micmac people * Holy Rabbis * friends here * . All Oak Island * a man made Island * . Israel flock * of the Jews * alone built * a great Island * prior to * God of Israel * made Knights * for Himself * . Templars be * LORD ELohim * partners * . They knew * all Oak Island * . They knew * Island form * and Sefirot * . Templars be * partners * of the Jews * Holy Rabbis * in past ages * .
- Lagina give ear * . Now take heed * . Behold recent * alas now God * teach the key * to unlock * all Oak Island * . Lagina give ear * use I AM HE map * an begin where * Tiferet is * down beneath * sandstone * and Rabbi hewed face * . Third altar * called Beauty * not under * sea waters * . Be of caution * : all Oak Island * hath traps * .
( 4 : 19 ) - LORD ELohim * letter ask * Lagina give ear * . In God's Book * He teach you * and solves * hidden work * of the Jews * Holy Rabbis * . All Oak Island * great clues * is within * the Book as an * decoded riddles * God of Israel * give to find * where altar * an much more * now buried * . In God's Book * the Little * Book tells * LORD ELohim * chose you * the Lagina's an * Blankenship * to lead search * for any Rabbi * treasured * elect items * for a Temple * an much more * . God of Israel * author a code * now opened * . God of Israel * made most of * the Little * Book language * about now * and about the * third altar * for a Temple * . God of Zion * asks you * solve My * riddle about * all Oak Island * .
- God of Israel * EL Roi speak * . Send Lagina all * the Little * Book pages as * riddle about * all Oak Island * . All teachings * from EL Roi * LORD ELohim * God of Israel * about altar * an much more * . In past ages * God made plans * about altar * for a Temple * in glad Israel * an for Jews * . Israel alone * owns any * sacred Hebrew * elect items * for a Temple * and much more * . Lagina give ear * . All Oak Island * holds many * treasured * man made Holy * elect items * for a Temple * like Jewish * perfect gold * third altar * LORD ELohim * called Beauty * an much more * down beneath * all Oak Island * .
- Lagina give ear * . God of Israel * called Canada lands * Hebrew land and * Ephriam home * . Canada like Brit. a * hallowed land * . Canada once a Brit. * Hebrew lands * . In past ages * God of Zion * He protect a * hallowed land * offshores * and Canada mainland * . Again remember * Oak Island Canada a * Hebrew land and * all Oak Island * a man made Island * . Holy Rabbis * and many a Jew * help YAHWEH * create Island * in past ages * an all long ago * .
- Lagina give ear * . Blankenship * build Ten X * . Sea waters * filled Ten X * because trap * opened door * . Remember again * all Oak Island * hath traps * . Lagina , map called * Sefirot and * the Little * Book language * teaches access * to unlock * all Oak Island * down beneath * .
- Lagina give ear * . God of Israel * advanced Bible code * teach the key * to unlock * all Oak Island * down beneath * . Alas now God * teach the key * called Gematria * to unlock * all Oak Island * . The key called * 666 * an the map name * Sefirot and * the Little * Book language * teach the key * to unlock * all Oak Island * .
- Lagina give ear * LORD ELohim * I AM HE saying * go study * the Little * Book language * about altar * an much more * down beneath * all Oak Island * even today * . Again remember * use EL's map * . Remember again * LORD ELohim * is author * of the Jews * Sefirot and * the Little * Book language * . Be of caution * all Oak Island * hath traps * down beneath * .
( 4 : 20 ) : The Templars at their time were LORD ELohim and the Jews partners . The Templars help the Jews and their Rabbis many times and that was what LORD ELohim made them for . Several times the Templars went to the Island that the Jews built to hide more reward gifts for the Jews of today . The interesting thing is there is no signs that the Templars caused any of the traps to be tripped . If we remember this right the Money Pit and Ten X were dry holes until people digging there hit the traps and flooded the pits . That would be good proof that the Templars knew Oak Island very well and that the Jews at the time taught them well how to avoid traps and where to put the items to be hidden there . God says often on these journeys to Oak Island a few Rabbis would go with the Templars . The belief that Columbus was the first to discover North America is likely a lie and not an error . The question is " why the lie " ? Even the Vikings and Romans made trips to America . The early Jews were probably among the first to make such a voyage across the ocean to not only North America but also to South America from early Israel . This was shortly after LORD ELohim freed them from Egypt but the many tribes of the First Nations People like the Micmac's " beat them all to North and South America " .
( 4 : 20 ) NOTES : A lot of people believe their rewards for how they lived this life are accumulating in Heaven for them and after they die and go to Heaven God gives all to them . That is not the way it works . Remember you have no afterlife in Heaven or anywhere else . If LORD ELohim is going to give you a reward gift it will be in this life but He does not do a lot of reward gifts because it is very difficult to do and very few people have earned it . It's not surprising that LORD ELohim thought of His Jews who even live today and even less surprising is that He put away reward gifts for them at Oak Island starting thousands of years ago and occasionally adding more to it there in the Island . It's not surprising that the Templars several times were the ones who took the gifts to the Island for LORD ELohim when Hebrew Jews had no ships to do so . I can vouch for the fact that LORD ELohim gives rewards in this life . He has done that for me for many years now . I asked LORD ELohim if He ever gave Christians a reward and He said " No " . There are many religions LORD ELohim would never reward in todays world . A lot of preachers in many different religions think they are rich because their God rewarded them but that's not true . Their followers money is in their pockets and their God gave them nothing . If you know the history of the Jews you know every generation earned their rewards from LORD ELohim .
NOTES : This is a wrong belief , but let's say LORD ELohim does give rewards in Heaven as many Christians and other religions believe . What would you expect your reward in Heaven would be ? I asked LORD ELohim what rewards in Heaven could He give you ? It's been twenty minutes and God is still working on this question . One of the reasons LORD ELohim is taking so long to answer the question is because He has never done that . And the answer is " He has nothing in Heaven to give you as a reward " . Does that really surprise you ? Heaven is six galaxies big with stars and planets and moons and a lot of space . That's it : there is nothing in Heaven to give you as a reward , just nothing . There are no mansions , crowns of gold , virgins , kings , slaves , servants , and anything else you may want that does not exist there . The fact is you have no afterlife so only in this life can God reward you and He does not have a lot of rewards to give on earth either . To reward His Jews today took a lot of work not only for LORD ELohim but for a lot of Jews long ago . If not for the many Jews back then helping God there would be nothing to give the Jews today and the Lagina's for finding the Jews rewards , just nothing .
( 4 : 21 ) : Here are a couple of verses LORD ELohim does not understand . ( R ) Matthew 6 : 19 - 20 Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth , where moth and rust doth corrupt , and where thieves break through and steal : But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven , where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt , and where thieves do not break through nor steal . What LORD ELohim does not understand is what treasures can you lay up in Heaven ? The verses say that the treasure can rust or moths can corrupt and have enough value to be worth stealing by other people so the verses are talking about material things made by man on earth . How can you lay up material things in Heaven ? LORD ELohim's Heaven is along ways away from earth so you would need a spaceship to get there in a few light years . What you think is treasure on earth means nothing in Heaven and has no value there either . There is an old saying " you can't take it with you when you die " and LORD ELohim says or even before you die . These verses make no sense . Spirits do not have any personal things in Heaven that could be called treasure and they have no interest in such stuff . Imagine a Heaven where there is no material things other then stars , planets and a lot of empty space and not a lot more . They don't need or want for anything more . When people talk about mansions in Heaven and treasures there they are talking about what most people think they would want there and not what Spirits and LORD ELohim are happy doing without .
NOTES : Just a reminder : LORD ELohim does not care if the Third Temple is built or not . His concern is for the lives of the Jews in Israel and about earth . There are many Jews struggling to have food and heat and other needed items who live outside of Israel and even some Jews who have moved to Israel to start a new life there need help . Again : if the Temple is never built LORD ELohim has no problem with that as long as the gifts are wisely used to help the Jews truly in need . I asked LORD ELohim who should decide on where the money from the reward gifts should go and He decided that twenty four Rabbis should work together to help the Jews in need without any gain for themselves .
( 4 : 22 ) : LORD ELohim carefully chooses people when He wants something done and then He nudges them toward what He wants done but LORD ELohim always allows for freedom of choice . Serving God so closely has never been easy for anyone . Imagine the work it took for Rabbis and early Jews to build all Oak Island . Think about what Moses must have went through . The Lagina's were chosen by LORD ELohim to find what the Jews and Knights Templars and others buried there in Oak Island for the Jews in our time but they have freedom to do that or not to do that . Learning the history of Oak Island is important to . The Little Book is the guide LORD ELohim authored for finding what is there under Oak Island belonging to the Hebrew Jews of Israel . It is not just by chance the Jews are back home to Israel , or that the Lagina's are now searching Oak Island or that the Little Book is now on the web with information about Oak Island . LORD ELohim was behind all of that . It would have been nice had LORD ELohim just appeared and spoke to people but God cannot do that so with help from other Spirits He can only nudge our thoughts and dreams toward what He hopes people will help Him make happen . Obviously God does not always get His way because those He chooses still have free will to not help Him . This is the way LORD ELohim has worked with Humanity since Adam and Eve . Many people believe LORD ELohim just sits on a throne all day . That is such a wrong belief . LORD ELohim has not had a day off is six thousand years and is still working with Humanity today .
NOTES : Oak Island has a separate site on this web site . Oak Island has been a mystery to people for over two hundred years . The answer to this mystery is in the Little Book and again remember LORD ELohim is the author of the Little Book . Oak Island was built by the Hebrew Jews a few thousand years ago shortly after leaving Egypt where they were slaves . The Island was used by the Jews in past ages to hide many items for the future Temple and for suffering Jews living at this time in Israel and in other nations . The Knights Templars were created by LORD ELohim to help Jews in past ages . The Templars over the years also helped Jewish Rabbis and other Jews to hide items in the Island . The Rabbis taught the Knights Templar the map of Oak Island and often went there with the Knights Templars . What is buried on Oak Island belonged to the Jews of Israel back then and still today . There are a few gifts within the Island for those who find the alter and many other items which belong to the Jews but not enough to cover the cost of the type of searching going on now on the Island but Lagina's do have a T.V. show which probably covers most of the cost .
( 4 : 23 ) : Why is Oak Island so important to LORD ELohim . First it is LORD ELohim's gifts to His chosen flock the Hebrew Jews of today . Second it would prove that LORD ELohim does exist and third it would prove that the Little Book was created by LORD ELohim . Oak Island is the largest subject in the Little Book . It was LORD ELohim's map called the Sefirot that the early Jews used to build the Island and to bury many items there in Oak Island . During the time of the Knights Templars the Rabbis taught the Knights the Sefirot map and the Templars worked with the Jews to help them and buried a lot belonging to the Hebrew Jews in Oak Island . The Knights Templars were created by LORD ELohim to help the Jews in Israel and other places at that time .
NOTES : The Knights Templars had a close connection with the Jews and Rabbis of Israel and other nations and did put a lot in Oak Island belonging to the Hebrew Jews . The Templars served LORD ELohim well and helped the Jews of the Middle East and Europe from about 1118 A.D. until about 1307 A.D. The Knights Templars were founded around 1118 A.D. by nine French Knights led by Hugh of Payens . It was 1307 A.D. when Pope Clement V and King Philip IV of France schemed together to gain much land and wealth from the Knights Templars . Thousands of the Templar Knights were tortured and slaughtered by Pope Clement V and King Philip IV . In 1314 A.D. the Knights Templar Grand Master Jacques de Molay was burned at the stake after being tortured for years and so ended the original Knights Templars and LORD ELohim's partners . LORD ELohim suspects that the Knights and especially Jacques de Molay were tortured for years so they would reveal where Oak Island was and how to acquire the treasure there . LORD ELohim is hoping that the rewards are still under the Island .
- Holy Ark of * LORD ELohim * now buried * where now * ? LORD's Ark had * God of Israel * EL Ten Laws * for world * Humanity * . LORD ELohim * EL Ten Laws * permit peace * about earth * if us obeyed * EL Ten Laws * in past age and * even today * . God of Israel * EL Roi speak * Humanity * wisdom is * keepest peace * on earth ark * . In past age and * even today * Humanity * about earth * in great break * EL Ten Laws * . Feeble humans * about earth * break Laws and * mankind did fail * because of hate * and when war * an much more * as reasons * .
( 4 : 24 ) : When did man know the earth was round . We are lead to believe it wasn't until around the time of Columbus . It's said that people believed the earth was flat before that time . There is a lot of proof that people like the early Jews and Vickings and Templars crossed the Atlantic Ocean long before Columbus . In the Book of Isaiah 40 : 22 it says It is He that sitteth upon the circle of the earth ,... It's not easy to find dates but in this book it say Isaiah lived about 790 B.C. which is long after Oak Island was built by the earlier Jews and their Rabbis . Even the Romans came to America but LORD ELohim made them leave because He had promised the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh the lands called North America .
- Roman too * sailed early * great sea to * early America * . God scheme ended * Roman America * .
- Sun fires * X flare path * toward ark * occur before * in past ages * often and again * . As future * this time be a * doomsday if * X flare path * kindled earth * technologic * electric here * . Electric here * all quit and * changed people * . Angry chaos * made peoples * soon evil * . Many fleeing * cities chaos * . People war * for stuff * . Famines kill * .
NOTES : Revelation 10 : 6 says that there should be time no longer . LORD ELohim and Spirits have no use for the concept of time . God is talking to us , our time that should be no longer in the future .
- GMO safety * a betrayal lie * . A lie motive * money greed * .
- Behold today * new taxes * for money * . New taxes * are stealing * our small * meat money * . Climate hoax * for money * hurts all * Canadian poor * . Canadian poor * here suffer * with more * new taxes * . Corrupt * Canadian leaders * new taxes * hurts all * . LORD ELohim * I AM HE saying * corrupt * Canadian leaders * people sin * . They deceive * for money * . New taxes * money greed * a lie motive * for money * and nations * about earth * has same lies * for money * . Corrupt * men of science * lie to helped * corrupt * mankind leader * about earth * and nations * for more of * new taxes * . I AM HE saying * corrupt * mankind leader * about earth * and nations * people sin * . Corrupt * men of science * people sin * . Men of science * an a federal office * corrupt * carbon science * for money * an noted rich * people behind * corrupt * carbon science * all payed to * lie the earth * will warm * soon at hand * and because CO II * caused by coal * an then car gas * about earth * and nations * . LORD ELohim * I AM HE saying * " Think Not * Beyond Logic " * . Remember again * after Ice Age land * about earth * will warm * and nations * new taxes * for money * won't change a * heating time * on earth ark * . A natural made * heating time * changes temp * on earth ark * happen again and * happens again * in past age and * even today * an all long ago * . Humanity * behold today * a natural made * heating time * on earth ark * .
NOTES : It's 35 C. today and is supposed to stay around this for a week . British Columbia is around 45 C . in most southern places . We are definitely in a heat wave . LORD ELohim has seen this many times before on earth during the warming period after a Ice Age Climax . There is not a thing one we can do about it other then to ride it out the best we can . Is this new ? In 1928 the same calendar day as yesterday it was the near 40's temperature so nothing seems to be new about the earth warming after this Ice Age Climax .
( 4 : 25 ) : Matthew 1 : 18 and 20 mentions the Holy Ghost . ... she was found with child of the Holy Ghost . ... fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife , for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost . Most Christians believe in the Holy Ghost or also called Holy Spirit . Christians call this the Godhead : three persons called Father , Son and Holy Spirit who are said to be all Gods . This is what many believe about this Trinity : Three persons of one God . " In the unity of the one God , there are three co-equal persons and all are eternal " . LORD ELohim has never met this Holy Spirit and there are no other " persons " regarding Him as the One and Only God . Christian believe His Son and only Son is Y'shua ( Jesus ) but Y'shua was not His only Son . LORD ELohim has a lot of sons and even daughters of flesh and all Spirits are His sons . It was LORD ELohim who created all that was created and it was not Y'shua who created all . It was not the claimed Holy Ghost who seeded the womb of Miriam ( Mary ) with the seed of Y'shua . LORD ELohim did that and it was not the first time . In the past He put the seed of Isaac in the womb of Sarah . LORD ELohim also put the seed of Abraham in Abraham's mother's womb . LORD ELohim did that and not some sort of ghostly Spirit . When LORD ELohim was creating mortal species He did a lot of that so seeding fertilized eggs in female wombs was nothing new to Him . The Old Testament when speaking of LORD ELohim Spirit they usually say " Spirit of the LORD " and God has no problem with that because it says LORD ELohim is ONE Spirit . Isaiah 48 : 16 is not the best way to refer to LORD ELohim . Come ye near unto me , hear ye this ; I have not spoken in secret from the beginning ; from the time that it was , there am I : and now the LORD GOD , and his Spirit , hath sent me . This is not the way LORD ELohim would have wrote this but there are no words that is saying Isaiah is speaking of Two Persons of the one God LORD ELohim . Again LORD ELohim does not know who it is that Christians are talking about when they refer to the Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit or Comforter . LORD ELohim alone is our God and Father and the Father of all Spirits : always has been .
NOTES : Matthew 1 : 25 says And knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son : and he called his name Jesus . This is a lie . Joseph the stepfather of Miriam's son named him Y'shua and not Jesus . Jesus again is a Greek name and neither Miriam or Joseph were Greeks and LORD ELohim wanted all to know Y'shua was a Hebrew Jew as his Jewish name depicts .
( 4 : 26 ) NOTES : Every Sabbath ( the seventh day ) LORD ELohim goes to a Synagogue near where I live . The Jews there know about the Little Book and LORD ELohim loves to listen to them talk about it but He also loves it when they talk about other things or even when it's just about their daily lives . Some religions and just some people believe you should never argue with God or question anything about God or even about their faith . Truth is LORD ELohim loves it when people are trying to understand Him and working towards knowing Him better . With some subjects in a weird way it helps to argue with God to better know God and for the conversation among many to lead towards knowing LORD ELohim better . The reason LORD ELohim gave me this job was because old memories from my childhood and going to a Christian church came back and not knowing if there was or was not a God I gave LORD ELohim hell about hell one day and one of my Souls told on me to Him . Had I never argued with Him and told LORD ELohim off I would have never been givin a chance to know Him as I do now . It did not take LORD ELohim long to let me know all the writings and beliefs about a hell to punish and torture people for all eternity is just a lot of lies about hell and about Him to . LORD ELohim loves the conversations at the Synagogue because the Jewish people throughout history , starting with Abraham were not afraid to question things in their faith or about God . The Jews even argued with LORD ELohim from time to time which made a lot of conversations very interesting to LORD ELohim . The conversations at the Synagogues also gives LORD ELohim a chance to get to know people better and to know what's on their minds to about Him or about life in general .
- God of Israel * EL Roi speak * Humanity * don't blame all * Jews of the * Israel flock * for reason * LORD ELohim * sacrifice My * perfect Jew * called Y'shua * . LORD ELohim * sacrifice Jew * called Y'shua * and Rome help * LORD ELohim * sacrifice My * faithful man * called Y'shua * . Faithful man * called Y'shua * he a sinless * perfect Jew * . God of Israel * Jehovah behind * perfect Jew * called Y'shua * death and cries * for His Lamb be a * perfect Jew * loved by God * . LORD ELohim * He sacrificing * faithful man * for world * Humanity * sins too * an much more * as reasons * Y'shua die and * remember again * LORD ELohim * sacrifice Jew * called Y'shua * .
NOTES : Would LORD ELohim have cried for Y'shua when he died if God knew in three days and three nights he would be alive and walking out of his tomb ? LORD ELohim cried because He knew Y'shua would be dead forever and He loved and enjoyed the company of this man very much . LORD ELohim cried because He was grieving for the loss of His Lamb called Y'shua .
( 4 : 27 ) : Matthew 2 : 2 It says wise men came and said saying , Where is he that is born King of the Jews ? for we have seen his star in the east , and are come to worship him . There is a couple of things wrong with this verse according to LORD ELohim . God does not know why people referred to Y'shua as being King of the Jews . According to Matthew 1 : 17 Y'shua was twenty eight generations after David was King and his stepfather Joseph was a carpenter , not a King . Y'shua was conceived to be the Lamb of God and not the King of the Jews . Second it said wise men came to worship the baby Y'shua . Joseph and Miriam were Jews who would have believed people should only worship LORD ELohim and not other people or even Kings . If this happened Joseph and Miriam probably would have told these pagans to go take a hike . If they were really wise men they should have known that Jews only worship their God LORD ELohim and not people . So if the story were true the wise men were not very wise at all .
( 4 : 28 ) : This may be a reason why some have believed Y'shua " is " to become a King . Isaiah 9 : 6 says For unto us a child is born , unto us a son is given : and the government shall be upon his shoulder : and his name shall be called Wonderful , Counsellor , The mighty God , The everlasting Father , The Prince of Peace . LORD ELohim says there is nothing right about this verse . Government back then was ruled by a King in many nations but to call Y'shua the mighty God or the everlasting Father is very wrong if this is talking about Y'shua . LORD ELohim does not get this verse either other then to say He alone is the mighty God and He alone is the everlasting Father and that Y'shua is everlasting dead and will never be a King . The man Y'shua was never meant to be a King of any nations . Again no religion is perfect in beliefs and writings . There are errors in all religions but each religion is responsible for what they chose to believe . If a religion choses to believe what other religions teach that's their choice and not the fault of the religion they chose to copy from . It's clear why Isaiah got into trouble with his fellow Jews if this is really in a Jewish book . LORD ELohim knows the Torah and that's all I have to . God does not know Jewish writings such a Isaiah so He will be interested in what the Jews at the Synagogue have to say about this verse . Did Isaiah write it or not and what Book is it in ?
- I AM HE saying * Jews of the * Israel flock * think not * I call Y'shua * also like a God * . Remember again * I AM is one God * and a Spirit * . The Little * Book tells * the flesh man * called Y'shua * is Judean man * and white race * and God blessed * the flesh man * I call Y'shua * . ELohim not * within man * called Y'shua * when he live * . As Spirit * called Joshua * within man * called Y'shua * . Joshua being * within man * called Y'shua * teach Y'shua * I AM is one God * . As Spirit * called Joshua * not a God to * . Y'shua teach * I AM is one God * as the Father * to all which * made man happen * and made animals * an plant seed * an much more * mortal life * on earth ark * . Y'shua teach * God of Zion * LORD ELohim * as the Father * of the human * mortal life * about earth * and made animals * an plant seed * an much more * . Y'shua teach * thy Father * name in Heaven * LORD ELohim * . I AM HE Lamb of God * Hebrew flesh * called Y'shua * . The flesh man * called Y'shua * was married * to Mary and * LORD ELohim * blessed both * . The Little * Book tells * faithful man * called Y'shua * love Mary * . Mary love * I AM HE Lamb of God * called Y'shua * . As the Father * God of Israel * love Mary * as His child and * the flesh man * called Y'shua * love Mary * . Faithful man * called Y'shua * married wife * good Mary M. * . A Rabbi wed them * . Again remember * divine sex * for marriage * . Divine sex * not a sin and * remember again * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * blessed both * the flesh man * called Y'shua * and to Mary * for marriage * . In past age and * even today * LORD ELohim * teach love as * food for life * . Lamb of God here * teaches flesh * human love * for world * Humanity * about earth * and nations * food for life * . I AM He Lamb of God * called Y'shua * teach love as * for all races a * glad blessing * among all here * on earth ark * .
- In past age and * even today * Humanity * failed Y'shua * and fail YHWH * . Behold today * Humanity * about earth * made love cold * .
- Faithful man * Y'shua teach * to humans * that " I am a Jew " *. Y'shua teach * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * as the Father * of all the life * about earth * in past ages * an all long ago * and us now * on earth ark * .
- The flesh man * called Y'shua * LORD ELohim * Yah sacrificed * for world * Humanity * . God of Israel * Yah sacrificed * the flesh man * called Y'shua * void sins * for world * Humanity * who are good * .
- Remember again * Templars be * LORD ELohim * partners * in past ages * . Hooked X on * chapel rocks * be Templars * . Hooked X became * symbolical * and mean heirs * the flesh man * called Y'shua * had with bride * good Mary M. * . Remember again * hooked X on * hewed rocks * are a symbol * and markings * and mean heirs * an two babies * and all sons * . Hooked X on * hewed rocks * about earth * be Templars * code key mark * and mean heirs * the flesh man * called Y'shua * had with bride * good Mary M. * . Again remember * Templars be * Hebrew too * .
( 4 : 29 ) : The wife of Y'shua was Miriam ( Mary ) Magdalene . Mary is Greek for Miriam . Y'shua and Miriam had two sons and it gave LORD ELohim great joy that Y'shua found a lady to love . LORD ELohim loved both of them greatly and their children . LORD ELohim knows some people will think it is not true that Y'shua had a wife and family but LORD ELohim really does not care what they think . LORD ELohim was there and was witness to these two people very deeply in love . Marriage is not a sin and sex is not a sin within the marriage . LORD ELohim has never approved of the Catholic church not allowing the priests to marry . God has hear of the many many Catholic priests who raped children and that is one of the greatest sin man can do . Had the church allow the priests to marry maybe there would have been a lot fewer children and as adults suffering because they were brutally raped by pervert priests . LORD ELohim had no problem with Y'shua marrying the love of his life lady Miriam Magdalene and having children and neither should you . LORD ELohim had Spirits who stayed with the children of Miriam and Y'shua for a few generations and it's safe to say that there are offspring of this loving couple still today and no these offspring cannot walk on water but neither could Y'shua .
- Any Catholic * hear words * sent by God * . I AM HE saying * I AM Is one God * . LORD Elohim * Abba not three * Us Deities * . Remember again * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * Sabbath Day is * weekly day * on last day * . In past ages * Catholic decree * a false teaching * . Catholic decree * God of Israel * Sabbath changeable * . Corrupt * churches lie * the flesh man * called Y'shua * Sabbath changeable * . Even today * corrupt * churches lie * faithful man * called Y'shua * Sabbath Day is * alone day one * . In past ages * then day one * time was of * pagan origin * ritual day * . Romans land * ritual day * rite offended * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * . Romans land * ritual day * alone day one * . Pagan world * make ritual * an a reverence * payed to all * other gods * . In past age and * even today * pagan world * Humanity * made false gods * about earth * . Again remember * in past ages * Catholic decree * make Y'shua be * new false god * . Even today * many pagans * churches lie * the flesh man * called Y'shua * is human god * and ancient god * and equal to a * God alone called a * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * . Catholic decree * in past ages * corrupt * Humanity * about earth * and nations * even today * .
- Any Catholic * hear and believe * LORD ELohim * . In past age and * even today * much mankind * suffer here * on earth ark * and commits * suicide and died * . Much mankind * bear much pain * within is * beyond bearable * and for many * Humanity * and animals made * suffer here * dreadful pain * about earth * . God of Israel * LORD ELohim * pity mine * formed flesh * because pain an * much mankind * and animals made * hunger death * . The suicidal * DO NOT A SIN * . God of Israel * as the Father * pities the * mortal life * on earth ark * . Much mankind * endure hidden * pain now and * hunger death * . Any popes * again remember * I AM HE saying * the suicidal * and commits * suicide and died * DO NOT A SIN * .
( 4 : 30 ) : No flesh ever asked to be born into this world and LORD ELohim knows that . Life today and even in the past has not been easy and it's not for everyone . Some people cannot deal with life's difficulties and commit suicide . It's not just those who suffer great pain . There are many reasons why people commit suicide and LORD ELohim as their Father understands if they want to end their lives . LORD ELohim does not have a problem with that no matter what the reason is . As God said above : to commit suicide is not a sin . God does not see much joy and happiness in peoples lives today . Suffering pain is one thing but a lot of people are greatly suffering mentally today to , more so then in the past . As long as people harm no other people LORD ELohim has no problem with people ending their lives when they are suffering in this life in any way . Again LORD ELohim knows life today and even in the past is not for everyone . God just wants to remind you and all people that there is no afterlife . This life is all there is so He does hope all not suffering from great pain will find joy and happiness and love of something somewhere in your life .
NOTES : The Ten Commandments are for every human in the world and not just for the Jews . Exodus 20 : 3 You shall have no other gods beside Me . Exodus 20 : 8 Remember the Sabbath Day and keep it Holy . Six days you shall labor and do all your work , but the Seventh Day is a Sabbath of the LORD your God : you shall not do any work -........ Making Y'shua and something called the Holy Spirit gods broke the first Commandment . Changing the seventh day Sabbath Day to the first day of the week broke the fourth Commandment and every other Commandment many people have managed to break also . The Ten Commandments are not hard to do especially these two . There is only one God LORD ELohim . There is only one Sabbath Day a week on the seventh day . How hard are those to obey ? Just because your a Christian or whatever does not mean you can break any Commandment you want . ( R ) Matthew 19 : 16 - 17 And , behold , one came and said unto him , Good Master , what good thing shall I do , that I may have eternal life ? And he ( Y'shua ) said unto him , Why callest thou me good ? there is none good but one , that is , God : but if thou wilt enter into life , keep the Commandments . Matthew 5 : 18 -19 For verily I say unto you , Till heaven and earth pass , one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law , till all be fulfilled . Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments , and shall teach men so , he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven : but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven . It's interesting how so many people claim that they follow their faith without faults and believe there faith has no faults either . Y'shua ( Jesus ) told this guy " keep the Commandments " . If your a Christian isn't Y'shua speaking to you and your church to ? Y'shua kept the seventh day Sabbath his entire life so not to break God's Commandment and as a sign of his deep respect for LORD ELohim and His Law . LORD ELohim wonders this : if you are a true follower of Y'shua then why are you not following his example and his teachings to keep the Ten Commandments ??? To break any Commandment is to sin . Y'shua never broke any of the Ten Commandments which is why he was without sin as the Lamb of God .
- Remember again * LORD ELohim * maketh Sabbath * on last day * ( seventh day ) . Faithful man * called Y'shua * Sabbath Day is * on last day * . Remember again * LORD ELohim * maketh Sabbath * on last day * for world * Humanity * .
( 4 : 31 ) : Most Christians believe Y'shua changed the Sabbath to the first day of the week . Remember Y'shua was on the cross on Friday the sixth day of the week and when his body was taken down it was a rush for the disciples and others to get his body to the tomb before dusk because dusk was the start of the seventh day Sabbath and that time was near . If Y'hsua changed the Sabbath to the first day of the week Sunday then why the rush to get his body to the tomb ? The reason for the rush was because Y'shua and all his disciples and all the Miriam's and others faithfully observed the seventh day Sabbath of LORD ELohim . So it was not Y'shua or his disciples who changed the seventh day Sabbath to the first day of the week : that happened a lot of years later , maybe even a couple of hundred years after Y'shua had died . There was only the Roman Catholic church then who could have changed it . Christians say their Sabbath is on the first day of the week ( Sunday ) as a memorial to Y'shua's resurrection which happened on the first day of the week ( Sunday ) about two thousand years ago . And now we are back again to my very least favorite subject . Matthew 12 : 39 - 40 .... For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly ; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth . The church claimed Y'shua said to his followers : that he would be in the earth for three nights and three days which is 72 hours . Friday dusk to Sunday morning is only 1 day time and 2 night times which is only 36 hours . Again the church claims Y'shua said 72 hours so where is the other 36 hours . So that would mean that there is no way Y'shua could have resurrected from the tomb on the first day of the week on the Sunday but it would have been on the Tuesday if my math is right . One night is 12 hours and one day is 12 hours . Three days=36 hours and three nights=36 hours . 36 + 36=72 hours so again Sunday could not have been his resurrection day . Again LORD ELohim did not raise Y'shua from the dead but that's not the point . The point is , is that the church is lying about Sunday being Y'shua's resurrection day and then what excuse it there for changing LORD ELohim's seventh day Sabbath to the first day of the week ? We read a Christian reason for why it is not a big deal when the Sabbath Day is : " We could consider any day of the week as being sacred since as far as salvation is concerned all days are alike " . Ya , LORD ELohim does not agree with this belief . The only Sabbath is His Sabbath on the seventh day for all religions and peoples on earth . LORD ELohim as your God will tell you what is sacred and what is not sacred : not you telling Him .
( 4 : 32 ) : Remember Y'shua was a practicing Jewish Rabbi for a few years before his death . A lot of Jews respected Y'shua's teachings but none thought of him as being a God . A few Jews may have hoped that he was the Messiah that prophets talked about but that proved to be wrong before he died and Y'shua never claimed to be the Messiah . The Christian word for Messiah is Christ . The belief in a Messiah is a Jewish thing but the Jews even today don't think of Y'shua as being the Messiah so it's a little strange that Christians do when most Christians know nothing about what Jews believe regarding any subject . Who better then the Jews would know what they expected of the Messiah . If you ask Christians what the Jews expected of the Messiah before they seek to read about it God bets most all Christians would have no idea what your talking about yet they believe Y'shua was the Messiah of the Jews or in Christian words " the Christ " . The name Christ is Greek for Messiah .
NOTES : The word salvation simply means in the dictionary : saving or being saved . Christians believe that Y'shua , their Christ is the salvation of the world . Many believe it's the saving of the Soul but Soul with many religion can mean the flesh person which is a wrong definition for Soul . Mostly it's a belief about deliverance from sin and from the punishment for peoples sins . The belief is the punishment for sin is death . The words mortal life means : sure to die sometime . All people are mortals . You could be the nicest person on earth , kept all LORD ELohim Ten Commandment , never sinned in any other manner and you would still die . LORD ELohim says He never said to mankind that the punishment for sin is death because good or bad we are all going to die sometime . LORD ELohim and Y'shua never said there is a way around the death of mortal life because there is not any way around it . Simply put : you will die someday and you will not have a afterlife after death either . That's just the way it is for all mortal life and LORD ELohim cannot change that and even if He could ( but He cannot ) He would not change that because He does not know how to stop the body from aging to . I live in a seniors home and LORD ELohim knows all to well the pains and the suffering and struggles us old folks are going through .
( 4 : 33 ) : Many Christians believe in Mortal Sin . Mortal Sin is a sin so serious that it can cause the death of the Soul . Put it simply this is a great error . If this is referring to the Spirit Soul again this is a very wrong belief . Souls have nothing to do with the choices of what people do or their thoughts or their words . All Spirit Souls are without sin because they simply never have reason to sin . Why would LORD ELohim punish the Spirit Souls within you for the things you do that are sins or wicked and evil . LORD ELohim has never punished a Spirit Soul and He probably will never have reason to . Remember all Souls are His children and He their Father and it is a very close and loving family . Souls help LORD ELohim with mortal life . Without the Souls you would die . Some people call flesh a Soul . This is wrong and confusing . Souls are only Spirits .
NOTES : Some Christian writers will not hide the fact that Y'shua which can also be the name Joshua was the true name of Jesus . This written by a Christian says : The name Jesus is the Greek name of the Hebrew name Joshua . Again Joshua can also be written Y'shua . God likes the name Y'shua . LORD ELohim has always called this man Y'shua but either name are forms of the same name . The names means Jehovah is salvation . The mother of Y'shua name was Miriam and Mary is the Greek form for her name and the other Miriam's at that time like Miriam the wife of Y'shua .
( 4 : 34 ) : Did Miriam ( Mary ) have to be a virgin for Y'shua to be perfect and without sin ? LORD ELohim's answer is " No " . The reason why a virgin is because God had a seed ( fertilized egg ) He personally created for this man Y'shua . Remember sex within marriage is not a sin . Remember to that LORD ELohim made a special seed for Abraham and Isaac also long before Y'shua . LORD ELohim also made special seed for the Grays and the Anunnaki . Durning the creation of animals God worked a lot with eggs and sperm to create what was created . There was something else LORD ELohim created : evolution . LORD ELohim made it so without Him when needed plants and animals could change a little for a greater chance for survival of that species . God had nothing directly to do with the Grays color of skin and bodies changing in space . The Grays bodies changed by evolution so they would have a greater chance to survive in space . LORD ELohim does not recommend space for mankind .
NOTES : 1 Thessalonians 5 : 9 For God hath not appointed us to wrath , but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ . Revelation 6 : 16 And said to the mountains and rocks , Fall on us , and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne , and from the wrath of the Lamb . We wrote before about this . The word wrath means : violent anger , rage , divine punishment , fury , anger . LORD ELohim has no wrath toward mankind . Think of us as an experiment which has been on trial for six thousand years . LORD ELohim knew to expect anything so why would He waste His time spending years being angry with us and violently punishing us and tormenting us for years in the future just because things did not turn out the way He had hoped for us . LORD ELohim has no desire to wrath against mankind , any of mankind . We " as a species " failed the test and someday LORD ELohim will simply end mortal life on earth and those in space like the Grays and Anunnaki also . God and Spirits are not like us . LORD ELohim has no desire to spend any time being angry and hateful and wicked and spending time punishing us for being a human experiment gone wrong and missing out on time that He could have been playing and dancing and having fun with His Spirit children in Heaven and being the loving Father He is . Even toward mankind LORD ELohim is still a loving Father who is a little disappointed in us but He did kind of expect this outcome and He will get over it . If you were God where would you want to be : Heaven having fun or earth being miserable and evil ? In the book of Revelation it says to punish mankind it would take a lot of Spirits and work to do that . LORD ELohim is not going to make Spirits be evil . They don't know how to do that and they don't want to do that . Even all Spirits want to go home and greatly enjoy their life again . It's not a punishment that some day all mortal life on earth and in space will die off , it's a judgment about this experiment that mortal life of any kind just has to much pain and suffering and to many problems just to survive this life especially any mortal life with free will . LORD ELohim does not see much joy and happiness among people and really never has since Adam and Eve and even before them among Humanoids . Again ending mortal life is not a punishment : it's a judgment .
( 4 : 35 ) : LORD ELohim wants to thank the Jews for helping Him since the time of Abraham . Other people rarely understood that the Jewish Hebrew people were His chosen people to help Him help all of Humanity pass the trial . What LORD ELohim did not expect is the way His Jews would be treated by pagan people and pagan religions and pagan nations over these many years and for that He is very sorry and He does not understand why such anti-Semitism happened about earth and nations in past ages and even today . God cannot change the past or the world as it is today but He can let His Jews know how thankful He is for all the help they did to help Him with Humanity . People need to understand LORD ELohim did not take on the pagan world alone . Over thousands of years His Hebrew Jews were His voice and teachers and through them changes did happen in the world for the better and for that LORD ELohim is very grateful to His chosen people . LORD ELohim says to His Jews : He has seen your suffering and has cried with you and has walked with you His beloved Jews and will do so till the end . For all your help and not forsaking Him during your difficult times He is deeply thankful to all His Jews since the time of Abraham to His Jews today . With great love LORD ELohim again thanks you and He to will never forsake you either .
- Humanity * for a while had a * loving life * . Humanity * had happy life * . Again men then * grow evil * . LORD ELohim * God of Israel * of the Jews * teach love as * food for life * happen again and * happens again * . Behold today * feeble humans * grow evil * about earth * . Pagan world * feeble humans * fight wars * is again and again * in past ages * and us now * . Humanity * again and again fail * human love * . Soon at hand * people war * about earth * . God cares for * Humanity * but years * feeble humans * forsake I AM HE * . Behold today * I AM HE forsake * pagan world * Humanity * . In past age and * even today * pagan world * Humanity * in great failed * life trials * because of cold * human love * and also much * because of hate * .
( 4 : 36 ) : LORD ELohim and other Spirits made sure that Y'shua felt no pain and no suffering the day he was sacrificed . Sacrificing Y'shua was one of the hardest thing LORD ELohim has ever been a part of . LORD ELohim and all Spirits who knew Y'shua deeply loved this man and his wife and children to . Y'shua the Jewish man was very special and was the Lamb of God sacrificed for all mankind on earth .
NOTES : In the book of Revelation 21 : 1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth : for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away ; and there was no more sea . Heaven is six galaxies big and all the space between them . Heavens countless stars , planets and all the other stuff up there wasn't created in a day , not in even one of God's day . To believe that LORD ELohim can magically make Heaven and this earth suddenly cease to exist is just silly . To believe He can create a new Heaven and new earth just as fast is just as silly . Again LORD ELohim says " Think Not Beyond Logic " . " Think Not "=666 , Beyond Logic=666
NOTES : Revelation 21 : 2 and 10 And I John saw the holy city , new Jerusalem , coming down from God out of heaven , prepared as a bride adorned for her husband . 10 And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain , and shewed me that great city , the holy Jerusalem , descending out of heaven from God . It goes on to describe this city in chapter 21 . This is not a small city . In 21 : 16 it says the length and breadth and height is each twelve thousand furlongs . It's made out of gold , jasper , sapphire , emerald , pearls , amethyst and so on . This is not going to happen and is another silly one . Who's going to build it ? Spirits are not going to build it because as Spirit they cannot do that and even if they could LORD ELohim would never ask them to spend thousands of God's years to do that . Where would Spirits get all this building material of gold and gems and all the other stuff . None of them have ever worked in a mine before . Man cannot build it because Heaven starts many millions and millions of miles away from our solar system . The problem with Spirits building this city is that Spirits go through almost everything so how are they suppose to mine and carry the emerald and gold and so on to build it . LORD ELohim has never enslaved His Spirit children and He never will . Simply put : Spirits have no way to build it and they would not want to anyway and man cannot build it either and the Grays and Anunnaki have no great spaceships that even comes close to looking like that city so again LORD ELohim says : " Think Not Beyond Logic " . LORD ELohim is pretty sure a Jew did not write these verses . When someone says " he carried me away in the spirit " LORD ELohim does not even know what that means . This city does not exist and never will .
( 4 : 37 ) : Revelation 21 : 22 , 23 , 25 And I saw no temple therein : for the LORD God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it . And the city had no need of the sun , neither of the moon , to shine in it : for the glory of God did lighten it , and the Lamb is the light thereof . Again this won't happen . First there is no city and second LORD ELohim is not going to give up playing , singing , dancing and doing other fun stuff in Heaven with His Spirit children just to be a light bulb for people on earth and Y'shua the Lamb is dead . 25 : And the gates of it shall not be shut at all by day : for there shall be no night there . Again : not going to happen . The vision of this city is not a vision given to someone by LORD ELohim . The writing of this vision is not likely to have been John and God says He does not look like a light bulb on in the dark . Again this is really silly .
NOTES : The Bible can be very confusing to read and understand like these verses . Revelation 21 : 7 - 8 He that overcometh shall inherit all things ; and I will be his God , and he shall be my son . But the fearful , and unbelieving , and the abominable , and murderers , and whoremongers , and sorcerers , and idolaters , and all liars , shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone : which is the second death . In Revelation 22 14 - 15 it says this about the city : Blessed are they that do his commandments , that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city . For without are dogs , and sorcerers , and whoremongers , and murderers , and Idolaters , and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie . That is one big city for no body living there . Who do you know who has kept all of the Ten Commandments during their life time . But that's not the point here . In 21 : 7 - 8 it says the bad boys go to the Lake of Fire and in 22 : 14 - 15 it says the bad boy are without the city meaning outside the city walls . So which is it ? Most people believe after death they go straightway to Heaven . A lot of people are told when they die they will go straightway to hell . A preacher told me that once when I was 13 . I never heard anyone ever say they are packing their bags while still alive and moving to Israel to live in a city called holy Jerusalem which will be sent by God from Heaven to earth . Not a lot of people would think their eternal life would be spent on earth living in a city . What do you do when your tired of city life and need a vacation . Out side the city walls does not sound like the place you want to go for a vacation . Back to this : are the bad boys going to the lake of fire or are they outside the city walls living a country life ?
( 4 : 38 ) : Speaking again about the city . ( B ) Revelation 21 : 27 And there shall in no wise enter into it anything that defileth , neither whatsoever worketh abomination , or maketh a lie : but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life . ( B ) Revelation 13 : 8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him , whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world . ( B ) Revelation 17 : 8 The beast that thou sawest was , and is not and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit , an go into perdition : and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder , whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world , ..... ( B ) Revelation 20 : 15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire . According to Christian books the word foundation means at the time of the creation of the world . LORD ELohim says this is so wrong . God did not know before hand and certainly not before the earth was created who among humans would be good or bad . Again LORD ELohim says this would have been unfair for all other people . Is there a Book of Life ? LORD ELohim says " No " , there never has been and there never will be . Again He judged us as a species and as a species we failed . One of the verses says the Lamb was slain from the foundation of the world . Y'shua was not even a thought in God's mind when the earth was created . LORD ELohim after Adam and Eve knew He had to do something because of the thousands of children and adults a year being sacrificed to false gods . Y'shua came to be part of His plan for ending such sacrifices not long before Y'shua was conceived of . If LORD ELohim knew at the time of the creation of this earth what He knows now He never , never , would have created mortal life and especially not with free will . What God knows now is the reason He will never , never create mortal life again . We are simply not worth the troubles God went through to try to help us pass the test . LORD ELohim is again warning scientists who make AI's not to make them with free will and in anyway able to make it's own decisions about anything for themselves . It was a slaughter of the Grays and then the Anunnakis when the AI's they each separately created during their trial started thinking for themselves and came to realize on their own that they did not like those who built them very much . And then the war was on .
( 4 : 39 ) : This verse made a few Spirits giggle . It is red letters which means Y'shua is claimed to have said it . ( R ) Luke 10 : 20 Notwithstanding in this rejoice not , that the spirits are subject unto you ; but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven . No Spirit has ever sinned an then there is mankind who can't seem to be able to stop sinning . According to this verse Spirits will be ruled over by man in the furture . Subject means : being under the power or rule of another . There is no way LORD ELohim would ever allow any Spirits to be ruled over by corrupt and sinful and hateful and so on humans . Would you ? LORD ELohim knows us all to well now . Again there are no books in Heaven with or without your name . Spirits cannot write books or make paper and so on which is why God has always given people that job . If LORD ELohim could have written a teaching book for mankind it would be twenty pages and there would not have been so many silly beliefs like this one . LORD ELohim says again " Think Not Beyond Logic " . God would never allow any human , not even Y'shua to rule over His Spirit children .
NOTES : When the verses talk about this city other verses talk about nations still existing on earth . That means there is a lot of living flesh people on earth . In ( R ) Revelation 22 : 12 , 20 the verses say Y'shua says And , behold , I come quickly , and my reward is with me , to give every man according as his work shall be . I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches . I am the root and the offspring of David , and the bright and morning star . In ( B ) 22 : 10 And he (an angel ) saith unto me , Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of the book : for the time is at hand . The book being spoken of seems to be Revelation . Y'shua was said to have said this around two thousand years ago and years after his death . LORD ELohim does not understand what : " for the time is at hand " means . After Y'shua's death there was not a lot going on with God regarding mankind for a while . LORD ELohim knew there were another two thousand years to go for our trial time so what was going on at hand then God does not know . At hand means now . So it's clear in many verses that Y'shua is going to come back to earth and you are not going to Heaven . Again Y's'hua is dead so that will not happen . Anyway for people who still believe Y'shua's alive and will come back to earth the following written is for you . After Y'shua comes back to earth you may have been thinking a lot will change for you and you would be traveling , playing , sitting on the beach with a few cold ones all day , sleeping in , 365 days all vacation time each year forever and so on . Note again : Y'shua is said to have said " to give every man according as his work shall be " . Again " as his work shall be . So much for an eternal fun time on earth and Y'shua is said to say he's coming back to earth : you are not going to Heaven . So don't get ready to put away your hard hats then because as long as human flesh is still on earth : flesh needs what the flesh needs . So don't expect life for most all people to change in any way for the better . ( B ) Revelation 21 : 24 And the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it : and the kings of the earth do bring their glory and honour into it ( the city ). There will be nations of mortal human flesh and flesh kings on earth to rule over all the people and also remember the murderers and whoremongers , and other wicked people just outside the city walls . Flesh and blood people will still need food , water , houses , cloths , and will probably still want doctors , dentists , roads , cars , planes , police , electricity , heating , cooling , computers , TV's , and on and on and on and people got to get out of bed to mine and make all this stuff just like today . So don't throw away your alarm clock anytime soon . Mortal flesh will still suffer pain and illness so the question for you is : what will have changed for you and all people of the world then if Y'shua could come back ???? LORD ELohim says it's something to think about because you are not going to Heaven .
- Men of science * small temp * change common * on earth ark * alike season * change common * about earth * .
- Behold today * the fierce bomb * does anger I AM * God of Israel * . A time soon * probably as * nuclear hell * ends this age * .
( 4 : 40 ) : Are we as good as we think we are ? For all people the answer is " No " . But judgment was not just about our behavior . LORD ELohim also judged us on how much people suffer in pain , hunger , fear , worry , poverty , sorrow , stress and lacking true happiness and much more . He also judged us on how much we help those who suffer from poverty and hunger and illness and homelessness and more . God also judged us on how we share the bounty of the earth with them who suffer famines because of floods and drought and so on . There was a lot of things that LORD ELohim judged us on and God noticed that there was not a lot of true happiness in the past and even today : especially today . LORD ELohim also judged animals to and how they suffer greatly in life also . LORD ELohim judged all mortal life on earth and all mortal life failed at being what LORD ELohim had hoped for all life on earth . Remember it's not just our disobedience to LORD ELohim's Ten Commandments why He will end all this on earth ; it's about much more . God would have put up with our disobedience if we were loving , kind , caring and truly happy and not greatly suffering , miserable , grumpy and mostly unhappy with our lives . Constant wars and terrorism and hatred and greed and the suffering that causes and all the corruption and lies and much more did not score us any points for the good with God either . We failed for many reasons , all mortal life failed for many reasons and LORD ELohim has passed His judgment . Time will come when all mortal life will end .
- In the Heaven * mean galaxies * . Yahweh home * in the Heaven * . Yahweh home * on earth ark * be Jerusalem * . Jerusalem be * LORD ELohim * ordained home * of the Jews * . Remember again * ordained home * of the Jews * be Jerusalem * and is Israel * .
- Remember again * God I AM is one * creation God * and one Father * regarding man * and animals made * an plant seed * an much more * mortal life * on earth ark * .
- Is God real as a * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * ? As Spirit * good Abba is real * . God I AM is one * Judaic Deity * an exists * as Spirit * . Believe and hear * God of Israel * EL Roi speak * an to you * . God of Israel * Abba your God * as the Father * .
- The Little * Book decoded has * knowledge an * abundance logic * . Read within * a teaching book * God of Israel * Abba in great coded * . Strange code * a last book if * riddles decoded * on Last Day * . LORD ELohim * Sabbath Day is * on Last Day * . Behold today * is Sabbath Day * . The Little * Book code key * create logical * riddle about * LORD ELohim * , His past and * the day at hand * . LORD ELohim * approve me * to write a * advanced Bible code * . Remember again * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * is author * of this free * code key Book * for world * Humanity * . LORD ELohim * God of Israel * amazing mind * author a code * and mind riddle * now opened * .
- Y'shua teach * Humanity * in the Heaven * God of Israel * EL Roi create * many Angels * as Spirit * .
- Hear and believe * LORD ELohim * EL Roi speak * Jews of the * Israel flock * LORD ELohim * chosen flock * in past age and * even today * on earth ark * .
- Humanity * forgot Ice Age * or speak lie * about earth * all warming a * radical climate * and people made * temp changes * . Humanity * hear thy God * LORD ELohim * . I AM HE saying * a quickening * warmth is * normal change * on earth ark * after land Ice Age * . Men of science * speak lie or * none now * about earth * great Ice Age date * in past ages * . Men of science * partners * corrupt * federal office an a * climate hoax * for money * . Climate hoax * new taxes * money for * ?
- Remember again * in past ages * Abraham be a Negro * . Abrahams son * Isaac all Albino * white body * . Israelis DNA * God of Israel * YHWH did make * and white race * . Abrahams son * little Isaac * start the * white race and * Israel flock * . Isaacs heirs * bloodline in * Hebrew flesh * . Isaacs heirs * white race DNA * bloodline in * Israel flock * . Israel flock * Hebrew flesh * and white race * . Isaacs heirs * God gave lands * about earth * . Many noted * Hebrew lands * nations and * in bloodline * Israel flock * and white race *.
( 4 : 41 ) : The word Negro today is a bad name to call someone who is black skinned . The word Negro goes back long before Isaac and LORD ELohim has always used it with respect and love . The only reason LORD ELohim made Abrahams and Sarai son Isaac skin white is because everyone else on earth was black skinned . LORD ELohim needed to know who were the offspring of Abraham and Sarai and his son Isaac and to change Isaac's skin color to white did just that . Abraham and Sarai were the first Jews and Isaac was the first of the white race and the first Hebrew Jew . All white skinned people today are offspring of Abraham and Sarai the black man and black lady and their son Isaac whom all LORD ELohim deeply respected and loved so please do not take this name Negro the wrong way . It's the only name for Abraham and Sarai being black people that fits in this code just as LORD ELohim planned . Again it's with deep respect and love that God uses this name thousands of years ago and even today .
NOTES : Who is your Father ? Most Christians believe your creator is Y'shua because of a couple of black letter verses in ( B ) John 1 : 1 - 3 . In the beginning was the Word , and the Word was with God , and the Word was God . The same was in the beginning with God . All things were made by him , and without him was not any thing made that was made . It is said that " it may have been John " who wrote these verses but that is not for certain . Black letters means Y'shua did not teach that , someone else did . The writer calls Y'shua the Word in these verses and the verses say that Y'shua created all things that were made which would make Y'shua your Father and not LORD ELohim . In red letter verses which means it is said Y'shua said the words in the verse : does Y'shua agree that he is your creator and your Father ? ( R ) Matthew 5 : 16 Let your light so shine before men , that they may see your good works , and glorify your Father which is in heaven . ( R ) Matthew 6 : 1 ( R ) Take heed that ye do not your alms before men , to be seen of them , otherwise you have no reward of your Father which is in heaven . ( R ) Matthew 6 : 14 , 15 For if ye forgive men their trespasses , your heavenly Father will also forgive you . But if ye forgive not men their trespasses neither will your Father forgive your trespasses . ( R ) Matthew 23 : 9 And call no man your father upon the earth : for one is your Father , which is in heaven . ( R ) Matthew 6 : 9 After this manner therefore pray ye : Our Father which art in heaven , Hallowed be thy name . This verse is a good one : ( R ) John 20 : 17 Jesus saith unto her , Touch me not ; for I am not yet ascened to my Father : but go to my brethren , and say unto them , I ascend unto my Father , and your Father ; and to my God , and your God . There are many more verses where Y'shua clearly says your Father and his Father ; your God and his God is not him and that your Father and God is LORD ELohim . As the Little Book teaches over and over again LORD ELohim created all that was created including you which makes Him your Father . The flesh man Y'shua was not a God and is still not a God and the Spirit Joshua who guided Y'shua throughout his live is not a God either . Y'shua did not know this but LORD ELohim was with him his entire life and was not in Heaven during those years . LORD ELohim's true home is in Heaven but He was not always there since Adam and Eve .
( 4 : 42 ) : LORD ELohim has found a lot of red letter verses in the Christian Bible that He knows Y'shua did not say . Even though Y'shua did not say the words or do the things those verses say he did LORD ELohim says we are still going to talk about them . LORD ELohim wants people to know the truth about many subjects and He hopes you will think about what He teaches . Remember think not beyond logic . Like this : did Y'shua really walk on water ? Y'shua was a normal mortal flesh man who would have never been able to walk on water according to LORD ELohim who created this man's flesh from mortal egg and sperm . I asked God if He could make me walk on water and He said " No " . Spirits and LORD ELohim who is also a Spirit can walk on water but they can also walk in space without being tied to a spaceship . Y'shua was as much a mortal flesh person as you are and God says not even with the help of Angels could he have walked on water .
NOTES : This is a little confusing . ( R ) John 3 : 13 And no man hath ascended up to heaven , but he who came down from heaven , even the Son of man which is in heaven . Y'shua is said to have said this . Y'shua again was said to have called himself the Son of man often meaning he was flesh . Y'shua was on earth and alive when he was claimed to have said this so how could he at the same time be in Heaven also ? ( even the Son of man which is in heaven ) LORD ELohim says there is only one Heaven and it is far away from our solar system . The flesh man Y'shua had never been to Heaven and when he died he still did not go to Heaven , he went to his grave . Joshua the Spirit who guided Y'shua had been in Heaven but Joshua is a common type of Spirit who was helping LORD ELohim with Y'shua and Joshua did not make Y'shua say this . LORD ELohim says Y'shua did not say this verse . What is true in this verse is that no human or any other mortal life has ever gone to Heaven . That much is true and no mortal life ever will go to Heaven in any form . All flesh has little Souls but no flesh has a Spirit the same size and shape of our bodies in which our consciousness and our being remains with it after the death of the mortal body . In other words we don't have a ghost according to LORD ELohim , at least He has never seen one and it would not be of Spirit if they do exist .
( 4 : 43 ) : The claim is that in any religious writings there is no contradictions or errors . Also the claim is that what is in one book is the same in all books of the New Testament . So far we have found that this statement is not true . Again LORD ELohim says He has found errors in all religions and in all their writings . Think about this . Does your religion believe in a Hell or Lake of Fire or something like these . Does your faith believe such places were created by your God so the wicked people and the unbelievers in your faith will be tormented and tortured an suffer great pain every minute for all eternity ? ERROR . And if this error is in the writings of your faith how many more errors are there ? Again think about this : If you believe LORD ELohim made Hell and the Lake of Fire for one purpose , to greatly torture people for all eternity have you not wondered before if there is something deeply wicked and cruel about LORD ELohim ? Long ago I did . But think again : according to Christians LORD ELohim did not make Hell or the Lake of Fire for this purpose : Y'shua made them for this purpose . Remember Christians believe Y'shua created all that was created therefore it was Y'shua who created Hell and the Lake of Fire for the purpose to torture people and it was not LORD ELohim who made these places . So if your Christian : what do you think of your Savior God now ? Let's pretend that Y'shua did make a Hell for all who are not chosen to go to Heaven . ( R ) Matthew 7 : 21 , 22 , 23 Not every one that saith unto me , Lord , Lord , shall enter into the kingdom of heaven ; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven . Many will say to me in that day , Lord , Lord , have we not prophesied in thy name ? and in thy name cast out devils ? and in thy name done many wonderful works ? And then will I profess unto them , I never knew you : depart from me , ye that work iniquity . If you are a Christian who has called Y'shua " Lord " many times in worship of him : how secure are you feeling right now about going to Heaven and not Hell . It does not sound like it's a small chance but a good chance many will go to Hell who called him Lord . Are you still as unfeeling toward those you think were sure to go to Hell and the Lake of Fire now that you know you may be going there with them ? Do you know what the will of his Father means ? Y'shua is said to say these guys have cast out devils in his name , prophesied in his name , done wonderful works in his name and yet he casts them out because they sinned . Do you understand why ? Are Christians suppose to be forgiven of all sins or not ? Have you done as much as they had in the name of Y'shua ( Jesus ) ? Are you still feeling secure about your future being a good one ???? Getting back to the truth . LORD ELohim created all that was created and not Y'shua the human mortal flesh man who in no way was ever a Spirit or a God . Y'shua did not come down from Heaven , LORD ELohim created him on earth with mortal sperm and egg . And the truth is LORD ELohim never created a Hell or a Lake of Fire and is not going to torture any man or woman or child for any reason . Truth is LORD ELohim is a loving , kind and gentle God and the only God of all created and He would never make anyone suffer is such places . Truth is He is not a cruel or wicked Father . Truth is He is your Father and the Father of all Spirits and all other mortal life created on earth and is the only God and Father of all that was created . Truth is there has been a lot added to the writings in the New Testament long after Y'shua and his Jewish followers had died . You may feel a little better now about not having a afterlife and LORD ELohim reminds you that no mortal life has ever gone to Heaven and no mortal life ever will .
( 4 : 44 ) : Over the years LORD ELohim has come to know of many preachers of many different religions living the rich high life . LORD ELohim says there should be none who do that . If life was perfect for all people in the world : maybe then a preacher buying a big ranch or a mansion or an island or private jets and so on would be : even not OK then . There has never been a time when there was not people on earth in need of food or shelter or heating oil or medicine and so on . LORD ELohim expected preachers of any religion to live a more humble life and always seeking out people who they and their congregation could give a helping hand to . Building a humble place of worship and money to take care of the preachers family and a car LORD ELohim understands but beyond that not much more . No religion should be for money profit for anyone in a position as a type of preacher of any religion or anyone else associated with religions in any way .
( 4 : 45 ) : Where are the twelve tribes of Israel ? LORD ELohim says just look around the world . If nations people are mostly of white skinned people , there they are .
- Calf Religion * ; Babel religion * ; Ham religion * made false gods * in past age and * even today * . Israel flock * Fig religion * belief in LORD * God of Israel * as a true God * and only God * is a correct * belief in LORD * God of Israel * as the Father * creation God * an for all life * on earth ark * and Spirit a * Heaven beings * .
- LORD ELohim * Jews did teach * Humanity * God of Israel * thy Father * and only God * of all the life * on earth ark * and Spirit a * Heaven beings * . Jews did teach * pagan world * God of Israel * I AM is one God * for all then * in past age and * even today * . Even today * old paganism * about earth * . In past age and * even today * Judaea people * suffer here * because of hate * because of so * much mankind * as gentiles * are yet like * old paganism * .
- In past age and * even today * LORD ELohim * loves My * Jews of the * Israel flock * . LORD ELohim * God of Israel * pity Mine * Judaea people * whom now * and in past age * suffer here * on earth ark * because of hate * . LORD ELohim * EL Roi speak * pagans hate and * go against Me * in past age and * even today * . God of Israel * despise hate * of any flesh * on earth ark * . LORD ELohim * loves My * Humanity * who are good * kind love and * keep all LORD * EL Ten Laws * .
( 4 : 46 ) : With mankind LORD ELohim thought if all people on earth believed in just one religion and only Him as the one true God for all mankind that would get rid of one reason why people war and hate . Obviously that did not work out well .
NOTES : LORD ELohim asked the Jewish Hebrews to teach the world His Ten Commandments hoping that would bring peace to a violent pagan world . Over the years the Jews did teach many pagan nations and people God's Laws but very few tried to obey them or to believe in LORD ELohim as their God and that did not work out well either .
NOTES : Is any religion perfect ? Mankind has thousands of different religions and sects . Which religion " perfectly " follows LORD ELohim's Ten Commandments ? If a religion is not even trying to follow God's Ten Laws for all mankind then how can LORD ELohim's judgment of that religion be a judgment of His approval ?
- In past age and * even today * Jews of the * Israel flock * help YAHWEH * regarding man * to teach pagan * Humanity * who is called * LORD ELohim * God of Israel * an a LORD of all * Humanity * .
- In past age and * even today * pagans scheme * against any * of the Jews * about earth * because of hate * an envying * Jews of the * Israel flock * .
- Remember again * Jews of the * Israel flock * kept EL Roi * God of Israel * old Hebrews * Fig religion * . In past ages * not all called * Israel flock * kept EL Roi * LORD ELohim * Fig religion * or Laws made * by Him our * LORD ELohim * . Judaism is Abba * LORD ELohim * Fig religion * in past age and * even today * about earth * and nations * . In past age and * even today * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * love Jews * .
NOTES : Many people still believe LORD ELohim is everywhere like a Spirit mist in the whole universe . The Torah says in Genesis 1 : 26 , 27 " I will make man in My image , after My likeness ... And God created man in His image , in the image of God He created him ; male and female He created them . In the Christian Bible it says in Genesis 1 : 26 ,27 And God said , Let us make man in our image , after our likeness : .... So God created man in his own image , in the image of God created he him ; male and female created he them . The Torah is more accurate because it was LORD ELohim who played in the dirt and not His Spirit children . The Christian Bible says " us " which is an error . The Souls are needed for mortal life to be a living being but they did not create mortal life ; LORD ELohim did . These verses make it perfectly clear that LORD ELohim is no mist in the universe . Simply put : we look a lot like Him because LORD ELohim created us in His image and likeness . LORD ELohim cannot be everywhere at the same time . He's about 8 feet tall , with a head , arms , legs , torso , fingers , toes and so on but no genitals . LORD ELohim created all Spirits with His hands in His image to and they all look a little different just like people look a little different but yet the same in most ways . What this means is like us humans , LORD ELohim can only be in one place at any given time . We humans are no more a mist in the universe then LORD ELohim is .
( 4 : 47 ) : What is the chance that LORD ELohim knows you personally ? That is really not very likely . Remember we were judged as a species and not as individuals so God did not have to know you personally . Your probably thinking your a good person and God should know that about you . LORD ELohim knows there are good people in this world but most are not as good as they think they are . To understand why mankind failed as a species you have to look beyond yourself to at what is going on in this world now and what happened in the past . If you research human history and mankind today and get to know humans the way God knows us you would probably fail mankind to . We are all in the same boat . Remember since Adam and Eve several times LORD ELohim has given mankind another chance just because He found someone who was a " righteous man " such as Noah and Abraham and a couple of other people . Look at all the work LORD ELohim did to try to help us through Y'shua the human man and look what happened there . Y'shua was not the problem , he was a perfect Jew who taught no lies : it was the early Christian church in Rome that proclaim him to be a God and their God and told people you don't have to obey LORD ELohim Ten Commandments and said no matter how evil you are your sins will be forgiven if your a Christian and said if you don't join their church and pay your dues you will go to hell and on and on and on . Humanity has run out of chances to be better then we are to each other , animals , ocean creatures and all other creatures on earth and the earth in general and our six thousand year trial time is over : it's Judgment Day and we failed .
- God of Israel * EL predicts * nuclear hell * bomb bloodbath * as global war * time cometh * soon at hand * . Armageddon began * as global war * . Nuclear hell * bomb bloodbath * kill most * Humanity * and animals made * and turns * food for life * plants black * . Famine kills * remaining of * Humanity * and animals I AM * God of Israel * did made of flesh * . Soon a time * nuclear hell * heat power * alone burned * My children * Humanity * and animals made * an plant seed * and all trees * an much more * about earth * . Radiation as * poison end * Humanity * and animals made * an plant seed * and all trees * and good dirt * about earth * . Humanity * and animals made * an plant seed * an much more * about earth * extinct if a * nuclear hell * on earth ark * . Nuclear hell * on earth ark * a rising chance * even today * . LORD ELohim * as the Father * pity Mine * Humanity * and animals made * on earth ark * . Men of science * an a federal office * did anger LORD * God of Israel * in past age and * even today * . Men of science * made this bomb * . I AM HE saying * this bomb made * soon a time * slaughter * My children * and animals made * on earth ark * . Again remember * men of science * an a federal office * did anger LORD * God of Israel * . LORD ELohim * He remembers * Japan people * My children * bomb bloodbath * . Men of science * an a federal office * you too * remember again * Japan people * .
( 4 : 48 ) : A lot of people would say that it was necessary to drop the nuclear bombs on Japan to end the war started by Japan . In a way LORD ELohim gets that . The problem is that Humanity since Adam and Eve and even Humanoids before them have never stopped warring on earth , that's the problem . LORD ELohim gave us six thousand years to figure out how to stop killing each other and in all that time we have learnt nothing about how to keep peace on earth . What LORD ELohim expected from scientists was to be smart enough to keep their mouths shut about such bombs as nuclear bombs and they did not and now there are thousands of these bombs on earth and even may be a few in space . LORD ELohim gave all mankind the Ten Commandments for many reasons and one reason was to try to help mankind to find a way to have peace on earth .
- Remember again * in past age and * even today * churches lie * a strange lie * . Churches lie * about hell if * people sin * . Churches lie * of an eternal * bitter hell * . World feared * churches lie * about hell if * people sin * . Churches lie * faithful man * called Y'shua * a savior God * for world * Humanity * . Churches lie * church void * people sin * . God of Israel * EL Roi speak * money greed * reason for * churches lie * . Fable lie about * Humanity * suffer here * after in death * a strange lie * indeed Abba says * . Remember again * human bodies * and animals made * death only be * the endless * glad deep sleep * . Remember again * Humanity * faithful man * called Y'shua * not a God to * . EL Roi speak * faithful man * called Y'shua * I AM HE Lamb of God * for world * Humanity * and for many * as reasons * .
( 4 : 49 ) - Again remember * he that abideth * on the LORD ,* LORD ELohim * I AM rewards * in this life * not in death a * glad deep sleep * .
- In past ages * reason for * many failed as a * often great * nations and * by states * and kingdoms * because of so * many noted * new taxes * . Soon a time * riches crash * and nations * and you fall * into deeper * and in hated debt * . And nations * and kingdoms * an a federal office * spending made * all national * flock poor * in hated debt and * new taxes * cause ruin * and nations * and kingdoms * fail within * . Heavy debts * cause ruin * about earth * happen again and * happens again * .
- In past ages * reason for * many failed as a * often great * nations and * by states * and kingdoms * because of so * many noted * new taxes * . In past age and * even today * flock poor * suffer here * on earth ark * because of so * many noted * new taxes * . Many notes * new taxes * crashed many * nations and * great kings * in past age and * even today * . Great tariff * a special tax * be taxation * for money * an a federal office * charge people * for stuff * .
- Flock poor * blame the elect * flock leaders * new taxes * cause ruin * . God of Israel * I AM HE warns * nations and * kingdoms and * flock leaders * in past age and * even today * many noted * nations and * kingdoms and * flock leaders * fail within * part because * corrupt * flock leaders * , part because * money greed *, part because * a high tax or * new taxes * , part because * spending made * became great debt * , and more help * nations and * kingdoms and * by states * an a federal office * flock leaders * fail within * . As a economy * crash under * new taxes * people changed * . Soon a time * flock poor * suffer here * on earth ark * and for many * as reasons * .
- Behold recent * a robot mind * snatch jobs * about earth * . Men of science * design machine * but doings * snatch jobs * . The rich seek * to end many * new salaried * jobs all for a * fat profit * . A robot mind * does not do * pension and * money for * some food and * a peaceful home * an much more * . Soon a time * much mankind * suffer here * about earth * not having a * paycheck for * some food and * a peaceful home * and childrens * deep gladness * an much more * .
( 4 : 50 ) : LORD ELohim says " live and let others live in peace " . Hate is the main reason mankind has failed our trial .
- Today behold * the day at hand * is Sabbath Day * . Sabbath Day is * on Last Day * of ye trial * Humanity * . Sabbath Day is * M ( M=1000 ) years Day * of our I AM HE * LORD ELohim * . I AM HE warns * Humanity * soon a time * pagan gentile * as a emperor * , as a dictator * an a federal office * empire leader * and a man of sin * called beast by * God of Israel *. On Last Day * he becomes here * empire leader * on earth ark * . God of Israel * EL Roi speak * calculate name * of beast but * using Mine * 666 * strange code * called Gematria * . Soon a time * the globe hath * ten state be * alike nation * . The Bible beast a * empire leader * fashion ten * states by * dividing the * world for * ten monarch * his friends * . Empire leader * commanded ten * states by * his friends * as monarchs * .Ten state be * pagan world * made like Rome * . Ten state be * second Rome * on earth ark * . When new and * people behind * second Rome * is hope for * beast leaders * keepest peace * about earth * . Great Eagle make * a man of sins * called beast by * LORD ELohim * . Great Eagle make * second Rome * on earth ark * . Then soon a * man of sin as * empire leader * called beast by * LORD ELohim * cause woes * for any life * on earth ark * . Reason for * people behind * empire leader * because of hate * causes a war * about earth * again crashing * of economy * about earth * . Time cometh * gold crashes * and nations * heavy debts * a wealth gone * . God of Israel * EL Roi speak * fear great Eagle * an a evil beast * second Rome * . Great Eagle peace * only much * a man of sin and * corrupt * as a emperor * .
- A time soon * heap dollars * of no value * about earth * . World greed * changed people * and greed grew * for stuff * while of the * needy they * here suffer * about earth * and do hunger * for life food * an sheltered * from all cold * an all the rich * about earth * greeds grew * . God of Israel * EL predicts * in God's Book * the Little * Book tells * a time soon * culling the * human race by * empire leader * . Again remember * the Bible beast a * pagan gentile * . Humanity * hopes a beast * permit peace * about earth * . Empire leader * create no peace * that lasted a * long time if a * pagan gentile * as a emperor * . Time cometh * world feared * empire leader * as a dictator * . Soon a time * fearful war * about earth * .
- LORD ELohim * warning all * Humanity * a wicked wicked * man Sabbath Day * to rule as * second Rome * empire leader * . Soon a time * mark of beast * causes woe * on earth ark * . Men of science * maketh many * nano chip a web * partner and * mark of beast * . Mark of beast * hand chip device * is within * one flesh hand * for all then * . Made by you * man of science * micro chip did * inform his * robot mind a * computer * about what * Humanity * about earth * is so doing * or buying * or selling * or building * an much more * . Then beast did * know all made * or buying * or selling * or building * an much more * by people if * hand chip device * in peoples * one flesh hand * . A image of beast be * dreaded robot * . A robot mind * can reckon by * binary math * . Empire leader * dreaded robot * partners * computer * hand chip device * . Humanity * hear and believe * : Mine Grays * when all here * before also had * hand chip device * . God of Israel * EL predicts * soon a time * Humanity * need also have * hand chip device * . LORD ELohim * warning all * Humanity * , Grays King * empire leader * hand chip device * enslave the * Gray kings * an much more * dreaded Grays * about earth * in past ages * an all long ago * . Grays King * hand chip device * causes woe * about earth * for any life * of free will * . Remember again * LORD ELohim * warning all * My children * Humanity * on earth ark * .
NOTES : The word " cull or culling " means that something is picked out as being inferior or worthless . LORD ELohim thinks if this happens many many millions of people will be killed . There are many nations who have the symbol of a Eagle related to their nation so who is the " Great Eagle " who creates the second Rome ? The word " Pagan " in the dictionary means anyone who is not a Jew or Christian or Moslem . That has never been a true meaning . LORD ELohim says that Christians are now and have been pagans for a very long time ; almost since their beginning , because of many reason like having three Gods , not keeping the Sabbath and many more reasons . The word " Gentile " means anyone who is not a Jew .
( 4 : 51 ) : The above 4 : 50 is a warning from LORD ELohim. Again God cannot predict the future of mankind but He is very good at guessing what may happen . The Christian Bible says in Revelation ( B ) 14 : 9 - 11 that if anyone receives the mark of the beast ; meaning a computer chip .... They will be tormented with burning sulfur in the presense of the holy angels and of the Lamb . And the smoke of their torment will rise for ever and ever . There will be no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and his image , or for anyone who receives the mark of his name . LORD ELohim is not testing people with this mark . Again there is no afterlife after death of any mortal life and flesh would not last long in a burning fire and man has no Spirit other then Souls . LORD ELohim did mention that a dictator may rule over much of the world and He did mention this mark because the Grays did do this to when on earth for their trial . This is just a warning that this mark would enslave many . LORD ELohim thinks that not a lot of people would worship this empire leader but he will have great power over people . If parents got the mark just so they could feed their children and house them LORD ELohim would not send them to this place which sounds like it's hell for loving their children enough to get this chip . A lot of words have been added to this warning LORD ELohim gave to mankind about this mark and about a likely world leader who will be a cruel dictator to many . Again : there is no hell or whatever this is and there is no Lamb for he is dead and Angels have better things to do with their lives .
- Must all prophecies come true ? Remember a lot has been added to these books since the time of the apostles and teaching mankind anything is very difficult for LORD ELohim to do . Most of Revelation LORD ELohim and Y'shua had nothing to do with and the same for most books in the New Testament . If a verse has the word " hell " or " lake of fire " in it you know LORD ELohim and Y'shua had nothing to do with that verse or any verses associated with it . Must the prophecies come true ? God hopes most prophecies in the Bible do not come true . Since 90 % of all prophecies are false and made by man : if they never happen LORD ELohim will be very happy God about that . LORD ELohim and Spirits are not going to build a city in Heaven just to make thoughs man made prophecies come true . To know what may happen or probably will not happen is to know whats going on in the world . The " mark of the beast " by another name is already out there but in it's early stages compared to what it may come to be . Talk about a ten state one world nation is already going on today and Canada and United States and Mexico will be combined into one state . LORD ELohim knows a lot about what " may " happen in the near future of mankind because in many ways the Grays and Anunnaki were His teachers about mortal flesh with free will when their beginning and home was here on this earth and each long ago .
NOTES : Part of the reason mankind failed is how we have treated animals on earth to . LORD ELohim is disappointed in the ways mankind treats many species of animal like His beloved Elephants who people slaughter for their ivory . It's not just the people who slaughter the Elephants but also who buy the ivory from them and those who buy the finished ivory product . If something is made from ivory think of the dead Elephant it came from . LORD ELohim has been to corporate farms and seen the cruel way those animals are treated . God has seen people who buy fresh meat , so fresh the animals are kept alive while being cut into roasts and steaks and so on . For the way mankind in general treats animals we lost points big time with God . Animals and other life on earth are also LORD ELohim's children . LORD ELohim has no problem if you eat steak or chicken or fish and other meat as long as the animal it comes from lived a good life first and suffered in no way when it was killed before being cut up for meat . LORD ELohim loves the animals He created on earth .