Date: August 18 2021
Welcome to #5 666 of the Little Book . Again the Little Book is not for everyone . Not all in the Little Book is good news to some people while other people are happy about what they read . The Little Book is LORD ELohim last book for mankind . Today we are living in the End Times also called the Sabbath Day and Judgement Day . The Little Book is mostly a coded book about many subjects and it is a information book about many subjects . The Little Book 666 books are also correction books and mostly about what people have made errors about in what they believe in about LORD ELohim and also other subjects in the Bible . Again the Little Book is not for everyone . The mention of the Little Book is in Revelation chapter 10 .
The code for the Little Book is a simple code LORD ELohim created . It's the addition of 6 to the sum of the last letter .
A = 6 ; B = 12 ; C = 18 ; D = 24 ; E = 30 ; F = 36 ; G = 42 ; H = 48 ; I = 54 ; J = 60 ; K = 66 ; L = 72 ; M = 78 ; N = 84 ; O = 90 ; P = 96 ; Q = 102 ; R = 108 ; S = 114 ; T = 120 ; U = 126 ; V = 132 ; W =138 ; X = 144 ; Y = 150 ; Z = 156 .
The code works by simply adding the value of the letters in a word or words . The word " computer " = 666 . Dry pits = 666
C =18 ; O = 90 ; M = 78 ; P = 96 ; U = 126 ; T = 120 ; E = 30 ; R = 108 D = 24 ; R = 108 ; Y = 150 P = 96 ; I = 54 ; T = 120 ; S = 114
Verses from the Bible or Torah are written in italics (this font style) .
A dash '-'' means what is written is coded . NOTES : are not coded .
( 5 : 1 ) are just to find again something in this book . ( R ) means it's a red letter verse or verses which means it is said to be spoken by Y'shua ( Jesus ) . The name Y'shua is used because the true name of the man Christians call Jesus was the name Y'shua and not Jesus . The name Jesus is Greek for Y'shua . The name Mary is a Greek name for Miriam . LORD ELohim wants us to use the many Miriam's true name when possible . ( B ) is black letter verses in the Bible meaning Y'shua did not say this verse or verses . The letter C.B. means Christian Bible and J.B. means the Jewish Bible .
NOTES : If you are just interested in Oak Island go to ( 5 : 15 - 43 ) We were not expecting to write any more about Oak Island but we found some old papers about Oak Island and LORD ELohim said to add it . This should be the last written about Oak Island until something is completely new .
( 5 : 1 ) NOTES : The hardest stuff to find is dates of the past ages and all that agree with each other is rare . LORD ELohim says this " He does not know the calendar date of Y'shua's birth but after his birth God started counting the years " . At the age of 30 Y'shua became a Rabbi and he taught as a Rabbi for 3 years . LORD ELohim says that Y'shua died at the age of 33 years old . So that would make his birth at the 0 year or whatever it's called which means he died in 33 A.D. . Now Christians mostly believe : Y'shua's birth 4 B.C. , death 33 A.D. which would make Y'shua 37 years old at his death though most believe he died at 33 years old in 33 A.D. which is not possible if he was born in 4 B.C.And we will leave it at that . This might be the reason that his birth had to be pushed back to 4 B.C. . Herod who is said to have all in Bethlehem who were two and under years old murdered while trying to kill Y'shua as a child . Herod died in 4 B.C. . So if this story is true Y'shua had to have been born before Herod's death . Herod was a Edomite and not a Jew . Matthew 2 : 16 . It says "according to the time which he diligently enquired of the wise men" . According to the C.B. it says when the wise men got to Bethlehem Y'shua was already born . In ( B ) Matthew 2 : 2 it says the wise men said Saying , Where is he that is born King of the Jews ? for we have seen his star in the east , and are come to worship him . When the wise men were in Jerusalem Y'shua was already born according to the wise men . Jerusalem is not far from Bethlehem so the wise men would have been there in a day or two . Did Herod wait two years for the wise men to come back because why did Herod murder two year olds ? Does the date of Y'shua's birth need to be pushed back two years more to 6 B.C. ? Again did this even happen ?
NOTES: ( B ) Matthew 2 : 2 Who were the first to call Y'shua " King of the Jews " ? The answer is the pagan so called wise men . Did Y'shua become King of the Jews ? Never happened and never will : he is dead and LORD ELohim never had plans for Y'shua to become King . Jeremiah and Zechariah both prophesied a coming King ( Messiah ) but the man Y'shua never fit in with those prophecies in any way . Remember again the " pagan " wise men claimed Y'shua to be a King to be worshiped . So are you as a Christian following the ways of these pagans and worshiping a mortal human called Y'shua as your God ? Again did that even happen ?
NOTES : What was the star the wise men were following ? A lot of pagans were and still are into astrology believing the stars know all things about mankind . Probably using astrology these pagans claimed Y'shua to be the next King of the Jews . They got that wrong and they got the wrong person . So much for the powers of astrology . LORD ELohim knows nothing about any star .
NOTES : LORD ELohim's best work with mankind is in our dreams and even that is difficult to do . Visions are even more difficult and those are also in our dreams . LORD ELohim remembers all the visions in people dreams and He never did a vision of a city built in Heaven coming to earth and many others in the Bible .
( 5 : 2 ) NOTES : Was Y'shua any of the following ? The awaited Jewish Messiah , a Jewish Prophet , a teacher , King of the Jews , son of man , only begotten son of God LORD ELohim , Lamb of God , prince of this world , a God equal to LORD ELohim , did Y'shua come down from Heaven as a Spirit God , is Y'shua part of three Gods in one God called a Trinity ? When Y'shua was alive he did nothing that was expected of the Jewish Messiah therefore he was not the Messiah or the Christ since Messiah means Christ . LORD ELohim says that Y'shua was not a Prophet therefore a lot of prophecies said to have been taught by Y'shua are added teachings . Y'shua was a teacher when he was a Rabbi . Y'shua was never a King or prince of anything so he was not a King of the Jews . If son of man means he was a human then that one is true . Y'shua was not the only begotten son of God because LORD ELohim is our creator and we are all sons and daughters of our Father LORD ELohim and not Y'shua's . Y'shua was the Lamb of God and was sacrificed for many reasons for the good of mankind by LORD ELohim . Y'shua is not a Spirit any more then you are and he never came down from Heaven and when he died he never went to Heaven, either . Y'shua was never a God in any form because there is only one God and Father who's name is LORD ELohim and LORD ELohim never created other Gods . Y'shua was not part of a Trinity of three co-equal Gods since LORD ELohim is one and only one Spirit . So out of all these claims by Christians about Y'shua there are three which are true : Y'shua was the Lamb of God who died and stayed dead and he was a human in every way only he was a perfect Jewish man without sin . Y'shua was a Rabbi and a teacher about his faith of Judaism before he died . Some Christians will say that Y'shua will be all these things when Y'shua returns but LORD ELohim again tells you He never resurrected Y'shua from the dead and Y'shua is still dead and will remain dead forever as will you someday when you die .
( 5 : 3 ) NOTES : This question came up by people reading the Little Book . The question is : is she a prophetess , meaning me . The answer is no I am not a prophetess and have no interest in becoming one and LORD ELohim knows that . At most I'm just LORD ELohim's secretary and nothing more and that is going to stay that way . Any prophecies in the Little Book come from God .
NOTES : In order to understand dreams and visions LORD ELohim did that to me the other night . Dreams and visions are God's way of communicating with prophets and other people but there has always been a problem . The problem is the mind forgets the dream and vision quickly .When I woke up for a few seconds I knew the whole dream but the memory of the dream quickly faded . I still remember a few seconds of the dream and the visions but not all of it . Just having a normal dream for most people it quickly fades to if even remembered . With the prophets and others they only remembered bits and pieces of the whole dream or vision which is why LORD ELohim only works with one or two at a time hoping that each person will put the pieces together like a puzzle and some got the puzzle wrong . It's very difficult for LORD ELohim to communicate with people which is why there are errors . It would be nice if LORD ELohim could just speak and be heard but He cannot do that . LORD ELohim can let me know if something is right or wrong but this is something new He figured out how to do recently . God did not know how to do that even a hundred years ago . This is why Moses spent so much time on the mountain , getting a lot of bits and pieces until he understood what LORD ELohim wanted him to know . Moses learnt by God giving him dreams and visions while Moses slept and even while awake . LORD ELohim did not write on the rock with His finger but Moses saw that in many dreams . It was Moses who wrote on the tablets .
( 5 : 4 ) NOTES : Exodus 20 4 - 6 Moses served LORD ELohim well but Moses was not beyond making mistakes . The Ten Commandments are almost perfect except for the Second Commandment . The error is : ... For I the LORD your God am an impassioned God , visiting the guilt of the parents upon the , upon the third and upon the fourth generations of those who reject Me , but showing kindness to the thousandth generation of those who love Me and keep My commandments . It says the LORD ELohim puts the guilt of the parents upon the children. LORD ELohim would never do this . We each are responsible for our own guilts and sins and not the guilts and sins of others . It's like many Christians believe in " original sin " . They believe that all people of the world since Adam have Adam's sins of disobedience to the word of God put upon them and all Humanity , even today . LORD ELohim says that Adam's sins were his own and no sin of someone is ever put upon other people . LORD ELohim would never blame a child or even grown up for the guilt and sins of their parents . LORD ELohim would not have said if you love Him and keep His Laws He would be kind to their offspring for a thousand generations . God does not know what the would grow up to be so He would have never made such a promise . Other then this the Ten Commandments Moses got right says LORD ELohim . The Christian Bible has the same error as above and one more . LORD ELohim says " Thou shalt not kill " in the C.B. is a error and it should be as the Torah says " You shall not murder " . LORD ELohim has no problem with people enjoying a big steak or brisket or chicken and so on as long as the animal was treated well and without any suffering and died without any suffering .
( 5 : 5 ) NOTES : Instead of writing hundreds of verses we will deal with many at the same time . There are certain verses that Y'shua and the disciples would not have said . If the verse contains the words hell or lake of fire or Holy Spirit , Holy Ghost or Comforter or says that there is eternal life for mankind or that some people go to Heaven when dead or that there are books in Heaven written by Spirits or by God or that the dead of mankind will all be resurrected from the grave or any claims that Y'shua is the only begotten son of LORD ELohim or any statement that Y'shua is also a God or Lord of the Sabbath or is a God that can forgive sins or that Y'shua raised the dead back to life or that Y'shua feed thousands with just a few loaves of bread and fish or turned water into wine or walked on water or talking to dead peoples ghost or healing the sick or any writings that refer to Y'shua as the Messiah like to rule over Israel or to rule the world someday these are simply wrong .
NOTES : Then who was Y'shua ? It was LORD ELohim who chose Miriam and Joseph to be the parents of Y'shua . The fertilized egg LORD ELohim put into the womb of Miriam . Y'shua was brought up in the religion and customs and laws of Judaism and the Jewish people of Israel . Y'shua was a great believer in the faith of Judaism and the customs and teachings of the Jewish people . As a child he was the son of a carpenter and learnt carpentry from Joseph but he was deeply involved in learning all he could about the Jewish faith , customs and laws . At the age of thirty he became a Rabbi and began his work as a teacher of his beloved faith called Judaism . At this time Y'shua learnt from LORD ELohim that he would be His Lamb of God . At the age of thirty one Y'shua married Miriam Magdalene and with Miriam there were two sons born . At the age of thirty three Y'shua died on the cross as the Lamb of God and a sacrifice not just for his people the Jews but for all Humanity on earth . I asked LORD ELohim if there was anything that stood out about Y'shua and He said " no " except Y'shua was without sin . Y'shua was a kind and gentle and loving man and a greatly humble man . Y'shua was a good teacher and never lead people astray to believe what was not true . Y'shua was a Jew and a deeply religious Jew who followed LORD ELohim's Laws and teachings to the letter and taught people to do the same . Y'shua was a man of great compassion for people and understood that he was the chosen Lamb of God and willingly gave himself to God's will . Y'shua was a man to be remembered by all people : not as a King , not as a Messiah , not as a Prophet , and not as a God but as the Lamb of God who willingly gave away his life for the sake of many . This Jewish man's name was Y'shua .
( 5 : 6) ( B ) Matthew 1 : 18 Now the birth of Jesus Christ ... First : his name was a Jewish name and called Y'shua and Y'shua was not the awaited Messiah , he was to be a teacher and the Lamb of God . The name Christ means Messiah ..... she was found with child of the Holy Ghost . LORD ELohim placed the fertilized egg of Y'shua in the womb or Miriam ( Mary ) . LORD ELohim does not know what this Holy Ghost is that Christians believe in as a God . Remember LORD ELohim is the one and only God .
( B ) Matthew1 : 21 And she shall bring forth a son , and thou shalt call his name Jesus : for he shall save his people from their sins . The Angel would have said " call his name Joshua or Y'shua " not Jesus . We know now that LORD ELohim named him Y'shua . It was later that the Catholic church changed his name to Jesus and should not have done so according to LORD ELohim . Y'shua was a Jew and there was no reason to change his name to Jesus which is a Greek name and not a Jewish Hebrew name . The Angel did not say Y'shua was the Messiah . The Angel referred to him as who will save his people from their sins which is the Lamb of God and not the Messiah . From what I have read, Jews believe only God can forgive sins and not mortal man and Y'shua was a mortal man and not a God . The Lamb of God and the Messiah are two completely different Jewish people . LORD ELohim says one person cannot be both the Lamb and the Messiah . Y'shua's people were the Jews but LORD ELohim did this sacrifice also for all people of the world and hoped by doing this all pagan people of the world would stop sacrificing human babies and and adults to their false gods and this did work well in many ways and many places .
( 5 : 7 ) NOTES : The Jews believe that the Messiah was supposed to bring about a new age of peace , compassion , and love into this world . They also don't believe any human , even the Messiah , can be a God . Y'shua did not bring in this awaited new age of peace so he was not the Messiah the Jews have been waiting for . As LORD ELohim has said " Y'shua was not the Messiah " which means he is also not the " Christ " since Christ means Messiah . Again Y'shua was not the Messiah , he was the Lamb of God and he could not be both at the same time .
( B ) Matthew 1 : 23 Behold , a virgin shall be with child , and shall bring forth a son , and they shall call his name Emmanuel , which being interpreted is , God with us . Emmanuel can also be written Immanuel . LORD ELohim is God and not Y'shua . From the time of Isaiah to the time of Y'shua LORD ELohim changed His mind about calling His Lamb Immanuel because the meaning of Jewish names tend to confuse pagans . Emmanuel means " with us is EL " or " God with us " as Christian write . We wrote a lot about this . Jewish Hebrew names often described something about LORD ELohim and is not describing the person with this name . To say Emmanuel means " with us is EL " simply means the belief is that LORD ELohim does hang around the Jews a lot . Most Jews believe that LORD ELohim is often near and very much a part of their lives , which is true but remember LORD ELohim is one Spirit and not a Spirit like a fog in the universe . In other words like us He can only be in one place at a time but He does spend all His Sabbath Day hanging out at the Synagogues and even other days . He has also found a Christian church where the preachers are talking about the Little Book . LORD ELohim says things are just getting interesting . Remember again that the name Emmanuel means " with us is EL " ( the name EL means God ) but this name does not mean the person with that name is God .
( 5 : 8 ) ( B ) Matthew 2 : 2 When Y'shua was born wise men came to Jerusalem saying , Where is he that is born King of the Jews ? for we have seen his star in the east , and are come to worship him . If this happened LORD ELohim does not know about any star depicting the birth of Y'shua . LORD ELohim was with Y'shua from birth to his death and never saw any so called wise men . Again Y'shua was not the Messiah and so his future had nothing to do with becoming King of the Jews and he never did . Miriam and Joseph were Jews who's beliefs are that no human can be a God . If these guys came and were saying they have come to " worship " Y'shua who was a human goes against the faith of Judaism . LORD ELohim chose Miriam and Joseph because they were very good and faithful Jews . If this happened Joseph and Miriam would have told these men off and sent them packing back to their pagan country and their pagan ways but the C.B. makes no mention of that . Jews believe only LORD ELohim is to be worshiped and these guys from the east were not Jews but were pagans who are into the worship of false gods . If these guys were so wise then how come they knew nothing about Jews and Judaism . LORD ELohim is sure this did not happen . In 2 : 12 it says LORD ELohim warned the wise men in a dream to not go back to Herod . LORD ELohim says He did not do that because there was to His knowledge no so called wise men .
( 5 : 9 ) NOTES : I asked if Jews would worship the Messiah ? and LORD ELohim said " no " . Would they worship a new King ? and LORD ELohim said " no " . Would they worship the Lamb of God Y'shua and LORD ELohim said " no " . In other words to worship Y'shua is a very big wrong doing . Remembering Y'shua as the Lamb of God just like remembering Moses or Abraham or David and a few others is right ; they earned that but not to worship them .
NOTES : Again the mother of Y'shua was a Jew and her name was Miriam and not Mary . Again Jesus and Mary are Greek names . LORD ELohim used the name Mary a few times in the Little Book but in general He prefers their true Jewish name .
( B ) Matthew 2 : 4 Herod through priests and others tried to find out where Christ should be born . Again the Christian word Christ means Messiah and Y'shua's work had nothing to do with being the Messiah just like he was never meant to be King of the Jews . Y'shua was meant to be a Rabbi and teacher for a short time and then the Lamb of God and only the Lamb of God . If it's true the pagan so called wise men gave Herod reason to think he's got competition coming as a Jewish King then maybe that gave Joseph and Miriam something to worry about . Herod was a Edomite and not a Hebrew Jew and he was employed by the Romans . Herod was a puppet and the Romans were the puppeteers .
( 5 : 10 ) NOTES : Remember the Jewish Bible is written J.B. and the Christian Bible is written C.B. .
( B ) Matthew 2 : 15 Joseph took Miriam and Y'shua to Egypt and then it says And was there until the death of Herod : that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet , saying , Out of Egypt have I called my son . J.B. Hosea 11 : 1 is said to be the prophecy which says LORD ELohim calls Y'shua out of Egypt : I fell in love with Israel When he was still a child ; And I have called him My son Ever since Egypt 11 : 2 thus were they called , but they went their own way ; According to LORD ELohim He was talking about all the people of Israel . Even the C.B. in Hosea 11 : 1 says When Israel was a child , then I loved him , and called my son out of Egypt . Y'shua is not the nation of Israel . There is nothing here which speaks of Y'shua even in the C.B. . This is God calling the tribes of Israel out of Egypt and not Y'shua . You may have noticed that there is not a lot of " she or her or women or girl " in the Bibles so it's not surprising that LORD ELohim would call the nation of Israel His son and His child as a metaphor . Notice the C.B. is not much like the same verse in the J.B. . Remember the J.B was written first and much long before Y'shua's time and the time of the Christians . In the C.B. it says : then I loved them . That is not in the J.B. and LORD ELohim says what is written in the C.B. is wrong . LORD ELohim loved Israel then and yet loves His Jews and the religion of Judaism today . LORD ELohim's love for His Jews has never faded over time . LORD ELohim says this verse is not a prophecy about Y'shua . He says you can not take a few words out of a verse of many words and not take into account the other words as the Christians did with this verse .
- LORD ELohim * I AM HE saying * again remember * think not * beyond logic * .
( 5 : 11 ) NOTES : Was Herod responsible for the slaughter of two years old and under in Bethlehem ? Remember LORD ELohim is one Spirit who cannot be everywhere at the same time . This question God cannot be sure of either way . Herod was a very cruel pagan and not a Jew so anything is possible . In the C.B. is says ( B ) Matthew 2 : 16 - 18 Then Herod , when he saw that he was mocked of the wise men , was exceeding wroth , and sent forth , and slew all the that were in Bethlehem , and in all the coasts there of , from two years old and under , according to the time which he had diligently enquired of the wise men . 17 Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Jeremy the prophet , saying , 18 In Rama was there a voice heard , lamentation , and weeping , and great mourning , Rachel weeping for her , and would not be comforted , because they are not . First , I know how to spell Jeremiah but who wrote this Christian Bible he does not . According to the C.B. this verse 18 is a prophecy about this mass murders in Bethlehem and coastal areas but in the J.B. it says Jeremiah 31 : 15 -16 Thus said the LORD : A cry is heard " in Ramah " - Wailing , bitter weeping - Rachel weeping for her . She refuses to be comfortedFor her , who are gone . 16 Thus said the LORD : Restrain your voice from weeping ....... 17 They shall return from the enemy's land . And there is hope for your future - declares the LORD : Your shall return to their country . According to the J.B. Rachel the wife of Jacob is the women weeping . At this time Rachel is dead but her tomb was near that road that the Jews being taken in to exile were walking on . This story has nothing to do with being murdered by Herod according to LORD ELohim . God makes a promise to the people of Israel " that your shall return to their country " . God cannot raise the dead so this story and the promise had nothing to do with Herod . According to the J.B. the spoke of here by Jeremiah were the Jews taken into exile by their enemy and not killed . If this was a prophecy about the of Bethlehem being murdered by Herod LORD ELohim says He would have known such a prophecy made by Him . I asked LORD ELohim if He ever dropped dead someone because of the great evil they would soon do and LORD ELohim said He has done this a few times in the past . Remember LORD ELohim is one Spirit and cannot be everywhere at the same time and cannot know all things also . If this is true of Herod and had God known what was to happen regarding the God would have dropped Herod dead and with no regrets and the same with Hitler and a few others . Is this story about Herod killing true ? We looked through books about Jews and Judaism and the history of the Jewish people and we could not find anything about this . The Jewish people more then most other groups know their history going back to Abraham so one would think that something this horrifying and tragic in their history would be remembered even today . LORD ELohim is going to let todays Rabbis answer this question because this question LORD ELohim cannot answer . It's not that LORD ELohim cannot remember , it's that He never heard of that happening back then . It's only been recently He heard about this when we started studying the Christian Bible and not just reading it .
NOTES : Why is there a question if something is true or not . The reason for this is because all to often it seems that the Old Testament is being used to make the New Testament sound valid . Valid mean something founded on truth or fact : capable of being justified or defended .
NOTES : LORD ELohim wants you to remember that He would never hurt anyone just to make a prophecy of His come true . The verse in Matthew 2 : 17 says Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Jeremy the prophet , saying ..... regarding Rachel weeping for her . This verse makes it sound like LORD ELohim made the prophecy about the slaughter of and it makes it sound like it was LORD ELohim who made Herod fulfill the prophecy . LORD ELohim says He did not make this prophecy about Y'shua's time and He never made Herod fulfill such a prophecy . Again we are back to people thinking LORD ELohim is a very wicked God and that is not true . Also God did not make any prophecy about the mass murder of Jewish babies and young . Again if LORD ELohim knew Herod would do this He would have dropped Herod dead before any were murdered by him .
- Again LORD ELohim is leaving it to the Rabbis of today to decide if this really happened or not .
( 5 : 12 ) NOTES : C.B. ( B ) Matthew 2 : 23 And he came and dwelt in a city called Nazareth : that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophets , he shall be called a Nazarene . According to the C.B. it is Judges 13 : 5 that is the prophecy . J.B. says in Judges 13 : 5 For you are going to conceive and bear a son ; let no razor touch his head , for the boy is to be a Nazirite to God from the womb on . He shall be the first to deliver Israel from the Philistines . This is the prophecy Christians use to say that there was a prophesy that Y'shua would be a Nazarene . LORD ELohim says this is no prophecy about Y'shua . If you read on it says in : Judges 13 : 24 The woman bore a son , and she named him Samson : and the child grew , and the LORD blessed him . It was Samson who would be a Nazirite and these verses have nothing to do with Y'shua according to LORD ELohim . Judges 13 is all about the story of Samson . Y'shua had nothing to do with trying to deliver Israel from the Philistines . LORD ELohim says you cannot pick eight words out of forty words and call the eight words a prophecy about something when all forty words is obviously a story about something or someone totally different .
( 5 : 13 ) NOTES : In Judges 13 there is some references to " an angel of the LORD " or " man of God " . The correct one would be " man of God " . We humans cannot see or heard Angels with our eyes and ears . If a Angel could be seen and heard there would have been no need for Israel and the Jews or for the Bible of any religion . If LORD ELohim could teach all mankind through Angels there would be no need for Rabbis . If I could have clearly heard the voice of an Angel or God the Little Book would have been finished years ago . Saying " man of God " is correct . As with Moses and Jacob and Abraham and others and the true prophets LORD ELohim worked through them to teach the world . Moses and the others were chosen " men of God " . In the past LORD ELohim worked through many " men of God " and most whose names will never be known . Remember if LORD ELohim or His Angels are speaking directly to someone it is through dreams and visions . These " men of God " are His messengers mostly throughout their lives .Men of God are those who were given such visions and dreams over a long period of time . It's said that Angels visited Lot in Sodom but LORD ELohim says they were " men of God " and not Angels .
NOTES : Roman Numbers are 1 = I , 5 =V , 10 = X , 50 = L , 100 = C , 500 = D , 1000 = M .
( 5 : 14 ) NOTES : We are returning to Oak Island again . I found papers about Oak Island we did a while ago and LORD ELohim said to put some of it on the web and we added some new work to it to . This is it : I'm hoping this is the last update regarding Oak Island . If something new and never written about before happens we will do an update about it . As far as the Book about Oak Island it should be finished now but that could change .
- In past ages * Daniel notice * an odd lower * of Island land * under a tree * on top land * of old Island * and Daniel then * dug down in * ashore pit * . Down beneath * of old Island * he found gold * like cross * an box chest * . And Daniel then * lifting slab * down beneath * opened gates * . Pit ashore * chamber flooded * . Sea waters * flooded access * into deeper * ancient pit * .
( 5 : 15 ) NOTES : Daniel name is Daniel McGinnis . Daniel was the one who first found the Money Pit on Oak Island in 1795 . Daniel and his friends did not find much before they tripped a booby trap about ninety feet below which flooded the pit they were digging in . The pit has since been called the Money Pit . For over two hundred years many people have been searching for the Money Pit and many made a big mess of the Island and the Money Pit was lost . Today searchers are still looking for the Money Pit . The difference now is that LORD ELohim had chosen Blankenship and the Lagina brothers to find the treasures hidden within Oak Island and now is the time for them to be found : not two hundred years ago . Mr. Blankenship has since passed away . Today LORD ELohim is helping the Lagina's through the Little Book to find what was buried down under this man made Island called Oak Island thousands of years ago and even as early as a few hundred of years ago .
- Holy Rabbis * and Levites * and Israelis * big ships go * to Canada from * Middle Easts * then Israel * before Kings * .Blankenship * an the Lagina's * now need a map * . Holy Rabbis * and Israelis * create Island * based on map of * Sefirot and * a map He designed * . Abba ten Sefirah * the Levi map * and Sefirot * . Abba ten Sefirah * layed out be a * YAH rock map * made on Island * . YAH rock map * made on Island * like cross * and stones * seal objects * down beneath * for a Temple * . YAH rock map * and Sefirot * about names * an Sefirah map * to reach Mine * elect items * like Beauty * third altar * . Mapped imageof * all Oak Island * hath cubits * .God of Israel * teach Jewish * Holy Rabbis * Sefirot and * God's Sefirah * . LORD ELohim * with Rabbis * and Israelis * create Island * down beneath * then built * Sefirot and * Sefirah above * . Map lines go * down beneath * all Oak Island * . Sefirah path * like cross * .Holy Rabbis * measuredall * Island form * . Holy Rabbis * measured sea * . Holy Rabbis * measured all * being cubits * .Swamp for * buried ship * . Sea conduit * offshores * and offshore * sea triangle * .Stones and * Sefirah an map * does give all * Island names * .
- Holy Rabbis * created beneath * all Oak Island * grand walls * and most all * treasured * elect items * for a Temple * not under * sea waters * .
( 5 : 16 ) - All triangle * Holy Rabbis * make all sides * equal cubit * .- One boulder * sandstone * the whole face * of engraver * image on rock * is Tiferet * Island # six * Sefirah pit * . One boulder * sandstone * seal Beauty * down beneath * Island # six * Sefirah pit * .Blankenship * an the Lagina's * use I AM HE map * an begin where * Tiferet is * . Tiferet is * Island # six * Sefirah pit * .Lagina give ear * to reach Mine * elect items * for aTemple * now buried * remove the * face boulder and * go digging again * . LORD ELohim * map permit * Blankenship * an the Lagina's * to help reach * elect items * for a Temple * . Again remember * LORD ELohim * made solvable * all Oak Island * mind riddles * .-Remember again * third altar * called Beauty * not under * sea waters * and most all * treasured * elect items * for a Temple * not under * sea waters * . Dig below log * ceiling form * beneath in the * Island # six * Sefirah pit * .- Map permit * you access * into depth * of Island land * .Again remember * YAH rock map * made on Island * like cross * .
( 5 : 17 ) - All Oak Island * made duck shape * in past age and* even today .-Jerusalem be * YAHWEH home * on earth ark * .Israel flock * alone built * a Temple for * YAHWEH home * then Israel * . Even today * YAHWEH home * on earth ark * be Jerusalem * . In past ages * an all long ago * Israel flock * alone built * a Temple for * YAHWEH home * then Israel * .-In past ages * Temples of * Israel flock * all ruined an * Israel alone * again weeping * .God of Israel * LORD ELohim * as the Father * also wept * an for Jews * of the small * Israel flock * .- God of Israel * LORD ELohim * wanted Judah * to have for a * third form * Temple an all * objects needed * for a Temple * like Menorah * . Holy Rabbis * and Jews to * help YAHWEH * before Kings * walk Israel * .Jews of the * Israel flock * help YAHWEH * fashion for * third form * Temple any * elect items * for aTemple * like Beauty * . God of Israel * third altar * for a Temple * LORD ELohim * called Beauty * . Remember again * Island # six * Tiferet is * called Beauty * .- In past ages * Middle Easts * Holy Rabbis * need to go hide * elect items * for a Temple * an much more * because of hate * an deep envy * .Pagan world * even today * against any * Jews of the * Israel flock * because of hate * an deep envy * . LORD ELohim * I AM HE saying * pagan world * don't blame all * Jews of the * Israel flock * for all alone * suffer here * . Pagan world * suffer here * because of hate * is within * you void * human love *.- God of Israel * letter ask * Lagina give ear * . In God's Book * He teach you * and solves * hidden work * of the Jews * HolyRabbis * and Israelis * in past ages * an all long ago *. Lagina give ear * all Oak Island * great clues * is within * the Book as an * decoded riddles * God of Israel * give to find * where altar * now buried * an much more * buried now * down beneath * all Oak Island * .
( 5 : 18 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim hopes that all that was put in Oak Island is still there . Over these thousands of years the only thing protecting the Island and all that is there were the booby traps and decoy pits and the salted objects . LORD ELohim is hopeful He out smarted many thieves over these years and hopes the Templars never became thieves and never told anyone else about Oak Island .
- The Lagina's an * Blankenship * all Oak Island * a Holy land and * many a Jews * help YAHWEH * create where * to hide sacred * third altar * called Beauty * an much more * now buried * in hiding place * down beneath * Island form * . Again remember * all Oak Island * a man made Island * . Israel flock * alone built * a great Island * to hide away * their great *treasured * objects like * a pristine * perfect gold * third altar * for a Temple * . Israel flock * build soon * Middle Easts * Temple and as a * gift from EL * God of Israel * Holy Rabbis * and Israelis * take home the * third altar * called Beauty * an much more * for a Temple * an gifts to * for My few * Jews of the * Israel flock * found in need * .
( 5 : 19 ) NOTES : Again remember LORD ELohim does not care if a Temple is never built for Him . LORD ELohim knows of many Jews including those living in other nations who desperately need help for food , heating oil , and much more . There are many Holocaust survivors still living in other nations who need help . God says the value of His gifts is better spent to help those in need then to spend it on a Temple He would rarely visit . For many years now LORD ELohim through me has supported the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews " on the web at . Had LORD ELohim been able to predict a winning lottery ticket He would have gotten a lot more money over the years but God cannot do that either .
- Remember again * Holy Rabbis * and Israelis * help YAHWEH * create Island * in past ages * an all long ago * here before Canada * being a nation * , before Kings * walk Israel * . Holy Rabbis * and Israelis * big ships go * to Canada from * Middle Easts * then Israel * . Israel flock * ships landed * off shores * at ancient Canada * Hebrew lands * . All Oak Island * was years * made of work * an by a lot of * Jews of the * Israel flock * . Again remember * Holy Rabbis * and Israelis * alone built * all Oak Island * in past ages * an all long ago * . LORD ELohim * teach Jewish * Holy Rabbis * and Israelis * how to make * all OakIsland * . Israel flock * alone built * a great island * to hide sacred * treasured * elect items * an much more * an for Jews * on Last Day * . LORD ELohim * Sabbath Day is * on Last Day * . Behold today * is Sabbath Day * . Holy Rabbis * Island form * made duck shape * .
( 5 : 20 ) NOTES : The Island form looked like a duck from above the Island . The Island was built shortly after Moses time about 1400 B.C. . So the Island was probably built over 3,000 years ago . The ocean waters were a little lower back then compared to today because the slow melting of the ice from the last Ice Age climax . There is still a lot of that ice melting yet today and the ocean waters are still rising yet today . A good example is Greenland . The duck shape was more clearly a duck back then before thousands of years of weathering . Remember natural global warming started 25,000 years ago which ended the last Ice Age Climax .
- Remember again * Holy Rabbis * and Israelis * in past ages * an all long ago * to made many * elect items * for a Temple * an much more * as heap gifts * an for Jews * on Last Day * . Treasured * elect items * an much more * as heap gifts * all taken to * Oak Island Canada a * Hebrew land and * a man madeIsland * . Again remember * Holy Rabbis * and Israelis * create Island * . Holy Rabbis * and Israelis * friends here * Micmac people * . Micmac people * dwelt in Canada * ancient range * .Micmac people * teach Jewish * Holy Rabbis * and Israelis * how to make * food an drink * at ancient Canada * .
( 5 : 21 ) NOTES : The Micmac people did a lot to help the ancient Jews and also the Templars when they visited the Island . Both the Jews and Templars had a great friendship going on with the Micmac people . LORD ELohim says that the Micmac people did think that white skinned people are crazy, though .There are many Islands in that area and they watched the Jews building an Island from scratch which took many years to complete but as crazy as the Jews seemed to be to the Micmacs the great friendship remained strong . The Micmac people were never asked to help make the Island and they did not .
- Why Canada land * offshores * at ancient Canada ? * God's plan made * Ephraim figs * My Britain * . My Britain * a motherland * . Canada once a Brit. * early lands * . God's plan made * Ephraim figs * heirs of land * called Canada lands * . Ephraim figs * then be Jews * . Manasseh land * formed America * . End time U.S.A. * Manasseh land * .
( 5 : 22 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim knew then that He was going to give the tribe of Ephraim the land now called Britain and that Britain would have many colonies around earth . Canada was one of the British colonies .What LORD ELohim did not know then was that many tribes of Israel would become pagans as is most people living in Britain and Canada and other British colonies . LORD ELohim was hoping that Jews of Ephraim's tribe would be helpful to get the third altar and other stuff back to Israel . Again most of the tribes ( white race ) of Israel have become pagans over the years and many are now Christian pagans today . Maybe you can now understand why LORD ELohim deeply treasures those who are still Jews today of the Israel flock .
- LORD ELohim * God of Israel * letter ask * Lagina give ear * . Blankenship * hearken LORD * God of Israel * . Hear and believe * LORD ELohim * . God of Israel * JHVH know * the Laginas an * Blankenship * dream above all * to unlock * all Oak Island * hidden evidence * . YAHWEH dream * plan to find * Israel flock * of the Jews * perfect gold * third altar * . With map as a * special guide * in God's Book * gives way * and solves * third altar * Sefirah pit * . In past ages * an all long ago * LORD ELohim * teach Jewish * Holy Rabbis * His pit map * and Sefirot * .
- God of Israel * LORD ELohim * I AM design map * . Map He designed a * Sefirot and * ELohim's map * clues hint * where altar * now buried * . His map above * all Oak Island * stone sand * hewed rocks * . Holy Rabbis * lay stone * like cross * . Cross like * Sefirot and * Abba ten Sefirah * . Abba ten Sefirah * are a symbol * marking My * treasured * elect items * an much more * and for thy * Blankenship * and Lagina labor * reward gift * .
( 5 : 23 ) - God of Zion * LORD ELohim * beseech thou * Blankenship * an the Lagina's * recover all * treasured * objects like * third altar * sacred goblet * sacred lamps * , golden coinage * , and then much * box chest an * within is * gold crown * , man made coins * , gold an emerald * , nobles gems * , much ruby * , Chappell gold,an much more * is within * all Oak Island * .
- Why go find * elect items * an much more * now buried * down beneath * all Oak Island * ?The day at hand * is Sabbath Day * . Sabbath Day is * a end of times * due on earth * . Jehovah behind * all Oak Island * . Jehovah gift * to Jews and * MY THANKS * on Last Day * .
- Remember again * Oak Island Abba's * God of Israel * and not Canada's * . Canadian leaders * hear and believe * . In past ages * an all long ago * Holy Rabbis * and Israelis * createIsland * ; all Oak Island * . Canadian leaders * Jews of the * Israel flock * heirs of land * . All Oak Island * Jews of the * Israel flock * heirs of land * even today * .All Oak Island * treasured * elect items * Holy man made * an much more * . Third altar * called Beauty * an much more * in hiding place * down beneath * all Oak Island * even today * . God of Israel * LORD ELohim * warning all * Canadian leaders * obey YHWH * God of Israel * . God of Israel * I AM HE saying * Israel alone * Jews of the * Israel flock * owns any * treasured * elect items * and all else God * andIsraelis* bury much * down beneath * all Oak Island * and offshore * . Remember again * Canadian leaders * Jews of the * Israel flock * altar heirs * and much more * down beneath * all Oak Island * .
( 5 : 24 ) - In Gods Book * the Little * Book tells * God of Israel * chose you * Blankenship * an the Lagina's * to lead search * for any Rabbi * treasured * elect items * for a Temple * an much more * down beneath * all Oak Island * . LORD ELohim * God of Israel * asks you * solve My * riddle about * all Oak Island * . God of Israel * EL Roi speak * to me please * send Lagina all * the Little Book pages as * riddle about * all Oak Island * . All teachings * from EL Roi * God of Israel * about altar * called Beauty * an much more * down beneath * all Oak Island * .
- LORD ELohim * God of Israel * advanced Bible code * teach the key * to unlock * all Oak Island * down beneath * . The Lagina's an * Blankenship * an crew time * due on earth * is to build * Abbas Temple an * recover all * down beneath * all Oak Island * for a Temple * an much more * treasured * gifts too * an for Jews * who today * believe and hear * LORD ELohim * .
- In past ages * an all long ago * God made plans * about altar * for a Temple * in glad Israel * an for Jews * . Again remember * Israel alone * owns any * sacred Hebrew * elect items * for a Temple * an much more * down beneath * all Oak Island * . Lagina give ear * : All Oak Island * holds many * treasured * man made Holy * elect items * for a Temple * like Jewish * perfectgold * third altar * LORD ELohim * called Beauty * .
( 5 : 25 ) - Again remember * LORD ELohim * God of Israel * author a code * now opened * . LORD ELohim * made most of * the Little * Book language * about now * and about the * third altar * an much more * for a Temple * an for cost * .
- Lagina give ear * . Cross seal * third altar * called Beauty * . One boulder * sandstone * seal Beauty * down beneath * Island # six * . Island # six * Sefirah pit * is Tiferet * .Altar where * the pit name * Tiferet is * . Remove the * one boulder * called Beauty * . Dig below log * ceiling form * . Remember again * be of * .
- God of Israel * I AM HE saying * the Lagina's an * Blankenship * believe again and * go digging again * all Oak Island * . Use I AM HE map * and Sefirot * and great dream * to guide ye * . God ofIsrael * I AM HE saying * please look * down beneath * Island #six * Sefirah pit * called Beauty * . Island # six * Sefirah pit * Tiferet is * called Beauty * . God of Israel * I AM HE saying * Lagina give ear * to My plead * an the Lagina's * keepeth dream * .
( 5 : 26 ) NOTES : English for the Jewish word Tiferet is Beauty . The altar is called Beauty and even the stone above the altar God calls Beauty .
- Remember again * Blankenship * an the Lagina's * God of Zion * chose you * an all long ago * to unlock * riddle about * the Islands * treasured * third altar * called Beauty * an much more * down beneath * all Oak Island * . Again remember * all OakIsland * a Holy land and * LORD ELohim * chose you * Blankenship * and the Lagina's * to fully * recover all * elect items * for a Temple * an much more * down beneath * all Oak Island * an begin where * Island # six * Tiferet is * .
- Reason for * Jews of the * Israel flock * hide all their * treasured * elect items * for a Temple * an much more * because wicked * nations and * people war * against us * Jews of the * Israel flock * an pagan steal * any spoil * like Menorah * and Israelis * perfect gold * an much more * . In past ages * theft from * Israel then * being a common * reason for * Holy Rabbis * hide all their * treasured * sacred Hebrew * elect items * for a Temple * an much more * . Again remember * in past age and * even today * LORD ELohim * chosen flock * Judaea people * . Jews of the * Israel flock * alone built * a great Island * offshores * at ancient Canada * an all long ago * .
( 5 : 27 ) - LORD ELohim * I AM HE saying * all Oak Island * has Mine gift * of the Jews * on Last Day * . Again remember * behold today * on Last Day * . All Oak Island * has Mine gift * of much elect * treasured * objects like * gold an emerald * , perfect gold * , their great * third altar * called Beauty * , sacred goblet * , much ruby * , golden coinage * , man made Shekel * , all Oak Island * hath jewels * , hath Menorah * , red garnets * , an much more * gifts too * .
- Lagina give ear * . Remember again * all Oak Island * hath traps * . Be of caution * . Danger under * all Oak Island * . First find Abba * LORD ELohim * third altar * called Beauty * .
- Holy Rabbis * and Israelis * reward gift * from EL Roi * God of Israel * . LORD ELohim * reward gift * an much more * from Island * gift chambers * . Remember again * reward gift * from EL Roi * LORD ELohim * .
( 5 : 28 ) NOTES : Just to prove LORD ELohim did not know two Temples would be destroyed by the pagans and that He had nothing to do with that , lets pretend that only one Temple was destroyed by pagans . What would be at Oak Island would be for a second Temple :.... * a time soon * Holy Rabbis * build soon * second great * Temple for a * Judaic Deity * Jews call God * LORD ELohim * . .... In past ages * an all long ago * second great * altar buried * down beneath * far Oak Island * offshores * at ancient Canada *. Had only one Temple been destroyed by the pagans the above would work for all about Oak Island . Had none been destroyed then the original one would still be there and there would not be much to write about . LORD ELohim did not know what might happen but He took a good guess that the pagans would destroy at least one Temple of the Jews at Israel . Just a reminder two Temples were destroyed by pagans and what is at Oak Island is for the third Temple . Again LORD ELohim does not care if the third Temple is ever built . He never spent much time in the Temples of the past anyway .
( 5 : 29 ) NOTES : The reward gifts for the Lagina's will probably in no way cover the cost for all the work done on the Island . There is probably no place on earth with so many holes in such a small space . LORD ELohim hopes your T.V. show has taken care of the bills over the years for all that has been done on the Island . Using LORD ELohim's map would probably make all work a lot easier and cheaper but if you enjoy finding history keep up this good work to because it is interesting and proves Columbus was not the first to come across the ocean to the Americas .
NOTES : Because of so many holes in Oak Island now be of great caution because the Island was not designed to be a pin cushion . Again remember * all Oak Island * hath traps * .
( 5 : 30 ) NOTES : The above information about Oak Island is old writings I found again . With sadness LORD ELohim does know Mr. Blankenship has passed away but He said to write it on this web site as is . And LORD ELohim just wants to remind His Jews that He does not expect a Temple built in Israel for the alter and other stuff for a Temple . LORD ELohim is more concerned for the Jews living today who need help in Israel and in other nations and the money would be better spent on them . In the past LORD ELohim only chose three people to help find the items buried in Oak Island and they were Mr. Blankenship and the Lagina brothers . Those many people digging on Oak Island before Blankenship and the Lagina brothers were not asked by God to dig and were thought of by LORD ELohim as being thieves . The six people who died on the Island : LORD ELohim had nothing to do with that and neither did the Island traps from what God understands . LORD ELohim also says that the curse " seven much die before the treasure can be found " is not true . LORD ELohim is hopeful no more people die on that Island .
- In bloodline * Templars be * a offspring * Israel flock * an to Hebrew * . Templar God * as the Father * God of Israel * . LORD ELohim * God of Israel * made Knights * for Himself * an forJews * in past ages * . Templars be * a European an * LORD ELohim * partners * in past ages * and Templar be * Holy Rabbis * and Israelis * partners * in past ages * . All Templar a * order which * partners * the Jews of * Middle Easts * Hebrew lands * .
- Templars be * Holy Rabbis * partners * . They knew * all Oak Island * .They knew * Island form * and Sefirot * of the Jews * Holy Rabbis * . They knew * all Oak Island * a Holy land and * Hebrews lands * of the Jews * .They knew * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * own Island * . They knew * LORD ELohim * partners * Holy Rabbis * and Israelis * .They knew * all Oak Island * a man made Island * of the Jews * . They knew * a map He designed * and Sefirot * . They knew * Israel flock * of the Jews * alone built * all Oak Island * . They knew * Jehovah behind * all Oak Island * .
( 5 : 31 ) - LORD ELohim * YAHWEH help * Templars be * partners * of the Jews * Holy Rabbis * .They knew * any Temple * elect items * Middle Easts * Israel flock * of the Jews * shall heir and * Israel alone * own Island * treasured * elect items * for a Temple * an much more * down beneath * all Oak Island * of the Jews * .
- Third altar * last buried * of the Jews * for a Temple * and cost to * rebuild any * an all Temple * in glad Israel * much ancient * perfect gold * an much more * .
- Micmac people * be Templars * friends here * . Templar flag * hath cross * . Micmac flag does * hath cross * like cross * be Templars * .
( 5 : 32 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim knows about the rock slab found about ninety feet down in the Money Pit .I asked Him what the symbols mean that were carved on the rock slab and He said they mean nothing . What's written on the slab is just a lot of gibberish symbols . It was put on the rock slab to keep the thieves busy thinking they are digging in a place that must mean something and the rock slab was keeping the brass gate closed . * Down beneath * brass gate and * lifting slab * opened gate and * sea waters * flooded chamber * . When they lifted the slab they set off a bobby trap and opened the brass gate which let the sea water into the pit . LORD ELohim says He remembers the Money Pit well and it was and is a decoy pit . Someone said they decoded the symbols on the slab and it is said to say something like : forty feet more and two million pounds are buried . The Money Pit goes back to almost the time of Moses . People did not use the word " pounds " and they did not use the word " feet " or " millions " back then . The Jews would have used the words " talents " and the word " cubits " or " rod " and there was probably no word for " two million " . According to the Jewish Bible a talent is 75.558 pounds and a pound was last night's hamburger supper and a cubit is 17.49 inches while feet is 12 inches . There is no way that the words decoded can mean both pounds and talents or both feet and cubits at the same time and have the same measurement or weight . If it were in cubits the boys would have a lot more digging to do but again LORD ELohim says the Money Pit is a good decoy pit and as that it obviously worked very very well in the past and even today . Think about this : What has been the main focus of the searchers in the past 226 years ? LOOKING FOR THE MONEY PIT . Again the Money Pit as a decoy pit worked very well . The Money Pit is not the only decoy pit on the Island . LORD ELohim says there are many others that have been salted with stuff also .
- Blankenship * build Ten X * down beneath * an a long time * Blankenship *labor Ten X .Hidden timber * beneath in the * Ten X wall * moved gates * and sea water * filled Ten X * . Down beneath * X x reveal * thick silt * upon much * hewed floor * . Blankenship * saw shapes * down beneath * thick silt * .Shapes was * corspe image * , an box chest * and axe tool * and ship beams * are pillars * .
( 5 : 33 ) NOTES : In Roman numbers the X means 10 . Is Ten X a chamber that has something worth while looking for or is it a decoy pit ?LORD ELohim does not know for sure the answer to that question but it is an interesting pit . The X x means Ten X .
- Holy Rabbis * salt Island * down beneath * with man made * objects like * small sherd * of finer gold * ,metal coins * an much more* Island salt * . All Oak Island * decoy holes * salted too * . All Oak Island * has many deep * decoy holes * . All Oak Island * decoy holes * hath traps * . All Templar a * LORD ELohim * partner and * too salted * all Oak Island * with man made * objects like * metal coins * , pagan money * , iron nails * , an lead cross * and much more * . Holy Rabbis * salt Island * on top land * and Templar be * Holy Rabbis * partners * salt Island * on top land * with man made * objects like * iron nails * an lead cross * an much more * .
- Good proof * were found * to prove * all Oak Island * a man made Island * to hide away * treasured * objects like * third altar * of the Jews *.People behind * cool items * found before * Blankenship *an the Lagina's * search dig begin * .Found were * gold alike chain *, ancient pit * had parchment * , man made cement * , coconut as * fibers create * good filter * , Chappell gold * , pure metal * , three chest * had jewelry * , an one chest be *hid cheap golden * like cross * , deep blue clay * , a stone hath * markings and * rock slab deep * down beneath * Island form * .
( 5 : 34 ) NOTES : So far there is nothing found that LORD ELohim would call treasured items . There has been a lot of salted items found on Oak Island which has made the show interesting .
- So far what * Blankenship * an the Lagina's * has found in * all Oak Island * Found were * hid # eight coin * from Spain * corpse image * human body be a * Holy Rabbis * all black wood * a rough coin * metal found * pagan money * and thread nail * iron nails * inside dirt * even broken * clay pots * digging search * take up a bone * man's bone is * Middle Easts * and Israelis * an a European * is man's bone * offshores * sea triangle * rose head nail * an in a swamp * buried ship * wood plank * an lead cross * be a French lead base * be Templars * metal coins * iron nails * ship nail in * Island earth * hewn brooch * hewed ruby * stuff for * many oxen * be like a shoe and * charcoal too * an much more * .
( 5 : 35 ) NOTES : The word salt means putting different items in many places around the Island for a few reasons . To lead thieves away from where the treasured items are and to maintain the interest of those chosen by God to find the real treasured items . " Salt a mine " means putting ore , gold dust , etc. into a mine to create a false impression of value and that was what the early Jews and Templars did on the Island only the Island is not a mine .
- Holy Rabbis * salt Island * with man made * stuff for * thief finding * Templars be * reason for * Island salt * beneath later * and dig top of * Island form * .
( 5 : 36 ) NOTES : A lot of people have been to Oak Island since the Templars and Holy Rabbis and Israelis who were not there for treasure hunting . The Island has a great history over thousands of years since created by the Jewish Israelis as Blankenship and the Lagina brothers have proven and there is much more history yet to be found .
- Good proof * were found * to prove * all Oak Island * a man made Island * . Lagina's give ear * . God of Israel * amazing us * helped you * maintaining * a interest * about what * all OakIsland * hidden is for * About what * hidden is for * Jehovah gift * and to Jews * Blankenship * and the Lagina's * find one hidden * object and like * sacred lamps * or dig into * down beneath * Island # six * Sefirah pit * called Beauty * to dig out * third altar * called Beauty * . It would be * good proof * in past ages * Jews of the * Israel flock * create Island * an all long ago * It would be * good proof * God of Israel * Jehovah behind * all Oak Island * It would be * good proof * the Little * Book tells * riddle about * all Oak Island * It would be * good proof * LORD ELohim * chose you * Blankenship * and the Lagina's * God of Israel * EL Roi speak * Blankenship * an the Lagina's * maintain fear * down beneath * all Oak Island * Blankenship * and the Lagina's * believe again and * keepeth dream * .
NOTES : LORD ELohim again wants to warn the Lagina's and all crew that with all the work that has been done on Oak Island and all the dozens of holes in the Island now to be extremely careful on that Island . When God designed the Island He had no idea of what kind of machines would be around at this time so please be very careful because there seems to be a lot of flooding going on .
( 5 : 37 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim goes to a Synagogue every Seventh Day on the Sabbath and spends the day there . LORD ELohim says many Rabbis and other Jews around the world have now read about Oak Island in LORD ELohim's Little Book . Through the Little Book LORD ELohim has told all Jews and their Rabbis that He does not care if the third Temple is never built and that the value of the gifts are better spent on helping Jews in need . According to LORD ELohim a lot of Jews and their Rabbis have agreed not to build a new third Temple in Israel which made God happy to hear that . LORD ELohim never spent much time at the last two Temples anyway but He does love going to Synagogues .So does not building the third Temple change anything ? As far as we can tell it does not change much for the Jews but it changes a lot for the Christians . The Christian church believes there will be four Temples built in Jerusalem . Two have been built by Solomon and Herod and both were destroyed by the cruel and wicked pagans called Babylonians and Romans . The third Temple Christians believe should be built in Jerusalem around this time now . The third Temple is called the tribulation Temple and is also called the Temple of the Antichrist . The fourth Temple is called the millennial Temple which is to be built when Y'shua returns . Again the third and fourth Temple have not yet been built .Christians also believe there is a fifth Temple in Heaven where LORD ELohim and Y'shua sit on their thrones and do nothing all day and night . They believe the Antichrist will defile the third Temple in Jerusalem so much it has to be torn down . Then it's believed that Y'shua will return after the seven year Tribulation and he will put people to work building his Temple : a Temple greater then any before him . Y'shua's Temple is the fourth Temple , the millennial Temple and for 1000 years Y'shua will rule the world and people will worship him as their God in the fourth Temple in Israel . Many Christians believe that when they have their eternal life there is no Temple because the new Heaven and new Earth is not corrupted by sin . For a lot of this to happen there must be a third Temple built in Jerusalem and the time is now for that . These Temples do not build themselves . It takes years of hard work and money to build a Temple and according to the Christians it's going to be torn down in a few years anyway . Even the millennial Temple number four will be destroyed when Y'shua creates a whole new Heaven and Earth in the blink of an eye .If a third Temple is not built in Israel many Christian prophecies become void of meaning and false as prophecies and LORD ELohim does not have a problem with that since these prophecies listed above did not come from Him .Just a reminder : Y'shua is dead and he is and was not a God ; there is no eternal life for any mortal life and that means you to ; there is no Temple in Heaven because LORD ELohim does not even have a throne ; there will be no new Heaven or Earth because how is LORD ELohim suppose to destroy the old and create a new Heaven and Earth within a few seconds when it took trillions of years to create the first Earth and Heaven ; prophecies about the third Temple are not prophecies given by LORD ELohim ; and again worth repeating : Y'shua is dead so he is not coming back because he is dead .
( 5 : 38 ) NOTES : Many people believe LORD ELohim or even Y'shua have a massive Temple built in Heaven and that some of the Spirits LORD ELohim created do nothing but serve Him day and night . The Bible says that there are weird looking Spirits who worship LORD ELohim constantly day and night and never quite worshiping Him or Y'shua . Remember LORD ELohim created His Spirit and He is their Father like He is our Father . LORD ELohim did not create Spirit slaves for Himself , He created a family . There is no Temple or thrones or Angels constantly worshiping Him as their God .Spirits love LORD ELohim as their Father and they do not worship Him as their God . This God stuff is for mankind because it was the only way for LORD ELohim to be apart of mankind's world and we are His to and LORD ELohim is our Father to . In Heaven God and Spirits have nothing and are happy with nothing . LORD ELohim and Spirits can play , sing , dance , enjoy each others company , and they have a million other ways for just having fun and enjoying life in space because they have nothing and they want for nothing more . Spirits are perfect for a life of great love and joy and happiness : us mortals , not so much .
( 5 : 39 ) NOTES : Below here there is just extra information about Oak Island . Oak Island is all over the place in the Little Book . Sorry about that . This update should finish information about Oak Island until we have new news about the Island .
- Again remember * Blankenship * an the Lagina's * now need a map * Holy Rabbis * and Israelis * create island * based on map of * Sefirot and * a map He designed * Abba Ten Sefirah * the Levi map * and Sefirot * Abba Ten Sefirah * layed out be a * YAH rock map * made on Island * YAH rock map * made on Island * like cross * and stones * seal objects * down beneath * for a Temple * an much more * YAH rock map * and Sefirot * about names * an Sefirah map * to reach Mine * elect items * like Beauty * Remember again * Holy Rabbis * and Israelis * create Island * to hide away * treasured * elect items * for a Temple * Hewed rocks * are a symbol * and markings * .
( 5 : 40 ) - Holy Rabbis * and Levites * and Israelis * big ships go * to Canada from * Middle Easts * then Israel * before Kings * walk Israel * in past ages * an all long ago * .
- Down beneath * ancient pit * on a rock slab * are a symbol * and markings * .
- Deep blue clay * down beneath * all Oak Island Coconut as * fibers create * good filter * offshores * all Oak Island * Coconut as * fiber helping * keep traps * clear of thick * thick silt * .
- Snow hole * three beneath * sea waters * offshores * .
- Man made cement * became covers * of the wood * down beneath * all Oak Island * .
-Sefirah say * Island names * and Sefirot * Island riddle * . Again remember * I AM design map * .
- All Oak Island * hath traps * down beneath * Brass gates * traps seal * sea waters * from Island * Opened gates * allowed for * sea waters * to go inland * .
- All Oak Island * hath trap and * are for thief * .
( 5 : 41 ) - Grand walls * down beneath * all Oak Island * .Gift chambers * down beneath * all Oak Island * Sea tunnel * offshores * are box drain * down beneath * sea waters * Behold recent * melting old * glacier raised * seawaters * offshores * .Sea waters * feeds Money * Pit ashore * Offshores * stones and * sea triangle * Holy Rabbis * salt Island * with man made * objects I call * junk beneath * all Oak Island * And Templar be * God's ancient * partners * salt Island * with man made * objects like * pagan money * , metal coins * an much more * . All Oak Island * salted a way * to guard all * treasured * elect item * in hiding place * . Remember again * Templars be * a descendant of * Israel flock * Holy Rabbis * hew spiral * stairs all * down beneath * all Oak Island * Canadian leaders * hear and believe * All Oak Island * owned by I AM * LORD ELohim * Again remember * All Oak Island * owned by I AM * God of Israel * an for Jews * on Last Day * Oak Island Canada a * hallowed land * Before Kings * of the Jews * Holy Rabbis * and Israelis * and Levites * create Island * an for Jews * on Last Day * Behold today * is Sabbath Day * Sabbath Day is * on Last Day * God of Israel * EL Roi speak * Israel alone * of the Jews * own Island * treasured * elect items * for a Temple * an much more * down beneath * all Oak Island * .
( 5 : 42 ) - Behold today * Jews of the * Israel flock * altar heirs * an much more * down beneath * all Oak Island * LORD ELohim * God of Israel * love Jews * .God of Israel * thank Jews * for still * believing God * is one God I AM * On top land * Holy Rabbis * and Israelis * measured all * . Map be cubits * and His rods * Believe map of * Holy Rabbis * and Sefirot * YHWH calls * map of dreams * Again remember * be of caution * an begin where * Island # six * Tiferet is * calledBeauty * .
( 5 : 43 ) ( B ) Revelation 4 : 2 And immediately I was in the spirit : and , behold , a throne was set in heaven , and one sat on the throne . LORD ELohim did not cause this vision and God does not know what " I was in the spirit " even means . Remember LORD ELohim has never had a throne in Heaven or on earth . And the next verse says John says ( B ) Revelation 4 : 3 And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone : and there was a rainbow round the throne , in sight like unto an emerald . LORD ELohim says He does not look anything like jasper or a sardine stone : what ever that is . This vision never happened and did John even write it ???
( 5 : 44 ) NOTES : I asked LORD ELohim if the disciples of Y'shua were also prophets chosen by Him and God said that only John and another disciple were given dreams and visions by Him but not all the verses that are in the Bible New Testament . To write about the dreams and visions given to these two men by God would not take more then one page of the Bible to write about it . Some people who are not Jews have added a great deal of writings to what were very short and very few dreams and visions .