Date: Dec 17 2021
Welcome to update #6 of the Little Book . Again we warn all people that what is written in the Little Book may not be something you want to know about but many other people do want to know .
In this section of the Little Book LORD ELohim wants to focus on the Bible New Testament and also some of the Old Testament . Most subjects that are coded are finished now . If any more coded are added in future updates we will put it at the top .
LORD ELohim wants to go back to the start of Matthew . In past updates we did work on a few verses and we will try to make them short rewrites in this update . Remember the true name of Jesus was Y'shua . Jesus is a Greek name and the name Y'shua which is Jewish should have never been changed to Jesus .
The letters JB means the verse is from the Jewish Bible . CB means the verse is from the Christian Bible . ( R ) means the verse is a red letter verse in the Christian Bible said to have been said by Y'shua . ( B ) are verses written in black letters which means Y'shua did not say them . Backs up : means Christians use Old Testament verses to make New Testament verses sound valid . ( 6 : 1 ) is to occasionally number the verses or notes . Y'shua is the Hebrew name for Jesus and LORD ELohim wants the Little Book to use Y'shua's real Jewish name and not the Greek name Christians gave him which is Jesus . NOTES : is just additional information . All the women called Mary in the Bible New Testament , their real Jewish name was Miriam and not Mary . The name Mary is a Greek name for Miriam and should not have been changed to Mary .
( 6 : 0 ) NOTES : Remember again that LORD ELohim has always had problems communicating with mankind . Even with Y'shua there were problems . During Y'shua's life he did develope his own beliefs also and a few of those beliefs were errors . The early church did add a lot to the New Testament writings and most all were errors . So how do we know what's true or false ? LORD ELohim says for us to " let the 666 coded words guide you and me and always think not beyond logic " .
This is a message from LORD ELohim to people of any faith or of no faith . LORD ELohim for many months has been going to a Jewish Synagogue and a Christian Church who's congregation has read the Little Book . The Jews don't seem to have any problem with the Little Book but the Christians do in many ways . The Christians have a few concerns . They have a great fear of hell and they believe that anyone who is not a Christian would go to hell and they are afraid to leave the faith because of that . Another reason they are going to keep things as they are is because there would not be much left of their beliefs and church if they did change things based on the Little Book : not even the Sabbath Day will be corrected . LORD ELohim just wants people to know He does not care if any faith keeps their beliefs as is now as long as the beliefs cause no harm to others . What people believe does not change what the future will be someday for all people of any faith or of no faith . Again : as long as your faith causes no harm to other people LORD ELohim does not care what you believe if you find comfort in your faith . LORD ELohim knows there is a lot written in the Christian Bible and the Books of other faiths that would cause much fear about changing anything or leaving the faith and He understands why many Christians and other people of other faiths will carry on as they have in the past and He is not going to try to change that . We are living in the end times . There is not much reason for LORD ELohim to try to change anything now but He will continue to author the Little Book for a while yet because many people find it of interest and mostly because LORD ELohim wants people to know the truth about many subjects and because a lot of people want to know the truth . LORD ELohim knows there is many reasons people fear the future and their death . God hopes the Little Book will comfort people and take away some of the fears if not all the fears . LORD ELohim will continue to use the Christian Bible because many other religions have much in common with it .
A few Christians have wondered why I do not fear what they fear ? I have worked with LORD ELohim for many years now and I have come to know Him very well over these years . I have learnt to trust in Him as a truly loving and kind Spirit who is our Father . LORD ELohim taught me to " think not beyond logic " when writing His Little Book . He taught me to trust in Him and to always remember He is a deeply caring and loving Father . I don't fear Him and He has never given me a reason to fear Him in this life or to fear Him when I die . I am far from perfect and He has always been OK with me as I am . I trust in Him to be a loving and kind and understanding God regarding all people . I have learnt from Him that He has no desire to wrath against mankind because we have failed our trial . LORD ELohim has no violent anger towards mankind as some say He has . I have learnt to believe that LORD ELohim is pure love and nothing we do has or can corrupt that about Him . We have managed to disappoint God a little but He did expect us to fail just as the Grays and Anunnaki did . LORD ELohim is not going to punish us for failing but because He loves us He will end our many ways of suffering some day in the future when He ends most mortal life on earth . I trust LORD ELohim as my loving Father and your loving Father which is why I do not fear Him or my soon coming death . Over the years LORD ELohim has proven Himself to me many times as being a deeply loving and good Spirit and caring Father . He also taught me not to believe everything I read in religious Books of any kind written by man and He is hopeful with His Little Book He can teach you and the world the same thing so you do not fear Him or fear your death either because that will happen someday .
LORD ELohim heard some Christians saying that maybe Satan is behind the Little Book . If that were true then how did Satan manage to author an entire chapter about the Little Book in the Christian Bible New Testament ? Revelation 10 . And if Satan could author all this chapter and all it's verses then he could have authored many other chapters and many other verses to . So if you believe Satan could author the entire chapter of Revelation 10 then how will you know what is true and what is not true of any other chapters and verses in the Bible ? If you believe Satan authored the coded information and the notes in the Little Book without pen and paper and a calculator it would be Satan who needed to teach people modern math and the entire English language and modern spelling of the English language that fits the code ? If you believe Satan could author even one verse in the Bible then logic says he could do many so how can you tell what is of LORD ELohim's or Y'shua's or Satan's work with words in the New Testament ? What then is true or false teachings in any verses ? How can you know for sure who authored what ? If you believe Satan is behind the Little Book and not LORD ELohim you will have opened a can of worms you cannot close again for yourself and for others . Now , this is a good reason why there is no hell : How are you suppose to know for sure who authored what in the Bible or any other religious Book if you believe even Satan could add many verses of his own to it ? Then there is what people must have added also to the New Testament long after Y'shua and his disciples died . There is a great deal in many different religions who's teachings that are not inspired by LORD ELohim .
LORD ELohim is hopeful that by reading His Little Book you will come to know Him better and He hopes you will also come to know Y'shua the Lamb of God better also . LORD ELohim hopes you will no longer fear Him or death for any reason .
LORD ELohim goes to a Christian church on Sundays just to see what's going on with these Christians who have all read His Little Book . Today they had a long talk about what they believe and don't believe anymore but they are having trouble moving forward . They no longer believe in hell , Y'shua raising the dead back to life , healing the sick by just words or prayers , feeding thousands with just a couple of fish and bread , turning water into wine , eternal life or believing that the Bible is true and perfect and much more has changed in their faith . I asked LORD ELohim what they and other Christians can do to move forward ? The LORD said give respect and honor to Y'shua as the Lamb of God but do not worship him as a God because he was not a God and stop calling him the Messiah ( Christ ) because he was not the Messiah . Most of Y'shua's true teachings were about peoples lives while they are alive and how to find greater joy and happiness in their lives now . One road to happiness Y'shua taught is by trying to keep LORD ELohim's Ten Commandments including keeping His seventh day Sabbath . But probably most of all like Y'shua lived his life : Christianity or any other religion should not just be words and sermons ; it should also be about doings . The way things are today it should not be hard to find many ways to help other people who need help like Y'shua and his disciples did . There is not much in the New Testament that really did happen like about how much Y'shua and his followers did to help other people , but they did a lot to help people and a lot of those things were little things but those little things made a big difference in peoples lives . LORD ELohim also noticed that many Christians in the same church really don't know each other very well . I remember as a child that when the church service was over people shook the preachers hand while going out the door and that was it until next Sunday . There is not much community there . Most people did not know the name of the people sitting on the same bench in church . A pot luck supper and other things would be nice now and then to bring the congregation together that has not much to do with religion but about growing a community of shared interests and faith . Remember LORD ELohim is your God and Father and creator of all that was created and it is Him alone to be worshiped . Remember we are all LORD ELohim children and He does love His children ; flesh and Spirits . LORD ELohim says Christianity does not have to come to a end but it does need to teach the truth and only what is possible and not all the fiction and impossible stuff that is written in the CB . Again LORD ELohim says " think not beyond logic " . LORD ELohim does not expect Christians to become newcomers to Judaism but there is a lot that can be learned from the Jews and their faith since LORD ELohim is their God also and has been for thousands of years back in time to Abraham . Judaism is not perfect but no religion is . However the LORD says Judaism is the closest to being perfect then any other religion . The Jews who have read God's Little Book are rethinking some of the verses in their Jewish Bible and LORD ELohim is pleased about that . LORD ELohim hopes that all the Christians can find a way to move forward in their faith but all in truth and not fiction .
( 6 : 1 ) LORD ELohim knows He has many difficulties in speaking to mankind . If you believe in a hell for the unbelievers think about this : What's your proof ? What's your proof there is a hell ? What's your proof there is even a God ? What's your proof your faith is the only true religion of the only true God ? What's your proof about anything in your faith no matter what faith you are in ? LORD ELohim knows He has not given mankind much proof before the Little Book about anything so why would He punish people in hell for not believing in what they cannot see or hear or prove to exist ? A few religions believe in the End Time when LORD ELohim or their god will cause a great wrath against all mankind who are not of their faith . Christians believe Y'shua is alive and soon he will start his wrath of terror and suffering against all who are not Christians . LORD ELohim says why would He torture people who could not believe in what they could not see or hear or could not believe in questionable religious writings of many religious faiths ? The word ' faith ' itself means : a believing without proof . LORD ELohim knows He has never proven Himself to most all mankind beyond any doubt . He also knows there are many errors and lies in all religions that makes it hard for logical thinking people to believe are true such as the belief in a hell and the wicked and cruel and evil god who created hell . LORD ELohim says it's time for any people of any religion to start thinking about what's in their religious books and not just reading it without critical thinking about what's written in it .
( 6 : 2 ) Many Christians would say that Old Testament prophecies proves what they believe is correct . LORD ELohim has already proven in the Little Book that many such prophecies have nothing to do with Y'shua or the Christian faith . The Christian religion came about as a surprise to LORD ELohim . That is not what LORD ELohim was hopeful for so there would not be anything in the Old Testament about Christianity itself . There is only a couple of prophecies in the JB about Y'shua himself but nothing about him being a King of the Jews or the Messiah and there would be nothing about him being a god . Y'shua as the Lamb of God was an afterthought long after Abraham so there would not be many prophecies about Y'shua in the JB .
( 6 : 3 ) NOTES : First LORD ELohim wants to talk about His beloved Elephants . There was a commercial on T.V. about saving the Elephants who are being slaughtered for their ivory tusks . Walrus ivory tusks have been on the market to . If people really wanted to save the Elephants and other wildlife just do what LORD ELohim would do if He was ruling the world . If every nation would give ten years in jail with hard labor for buying or the selling or knowingly transporting any raw ivory or anything made of ivory then the slaughter of Elephants and Walruses would mostly come to an end but as it is now talk is cheap and the Elephants and Walruses are dying . Every nation needs a ironclad laws to end this slaughter . LORD ELohim's favorite animal is the Elephants He created . If people loved each other as much as Elephants love each other we would not be in many of the troubles we are in .
( 6 : 4 ) NOTES : Here is a common question asked : What is the meaning of life ? I asked LORD ELohim for the answer . God's answer to this question is that there is no answer from Him . Spirits He created for company after being alone for a long time . When LORD ELohim created Spirits ; He created a family for Himself as their Father . Why did He create flesh ? Simply put : He was playing in dirt and thought to see if living creatures could be made from dirt so He played around with that and created mortal life from dirt . So what is the meaning of our life as flesh ? Again LORD ELohim does not have an answer for this other then to say : " you need to answer this question for yourself " . He hopes you enjoy your life while you can but remember from dust you were made and dust you shall again return to . Again this question should be answered by you and not by God . What have you found for yourself that gives your life meaning to you ?
( 6 : 5 ) NOTES : There is a lot written about Humanity failing our trial to be good , kind , loving and peaceful and moral mortal creatures . Did LORD ELohim know we would fail the test ? When the test started more then six thousand years ago LORD ELohim did not know if we would pass or fail the test . LORD ELohim cannot know what the future will be anymore then you can but LORD ELohim is good at guessing what may be . Remember LORD ELohim learnt a lot from the Grays and Anunnaki who were mortal flesh and had free will also , who God created on this earth also in the past . LORD ELohim had hope for us to pass the test but we greatly failed Him . Had LORD ELohim known before the trial started what we humans would do in six thousand years He would have never bothered to test us : we would have failed before the trial even started . But LORD ELohim did have hope for us to pass the test which is why in the Little Book it could say : LORD ELohim * I AM HE saying * " Humanity * has been tried a * great trial * and has passed * timed trial * on earth ark * . Much mankind * in great have a * loving life * , an happy peace * an be joyful * in past age and * even today * an mankind make * God's life so * much happy * an be joyful " * . There is probably more in the Little Book about mankind passing God's test but there is enough in the Little Book to prove we failed the test . If you think about the above coded words you know it's a lie that we passed the test which is why these sentences are not in the Little Book . Most people in the past and even today are not living a happy, peaceful and loving life and what has mankind in the past and even today done that would make LORD ELohim happy and joyful about ? The Little Book is about the truth and not about lies . The truth is mankind failed their six thousand years test as the Little Book says and that is no lie and you know it .
( 6 : 6 ) NOTES : Some people believe their body has a Spirit and with this Spirit they will let each person have eternal life . LORD ELohim says the only Spirits all people and most all other mortal life has are the Souls and the Souls have nothing to do with people living beyond this mortal life . The only other Spirits regarding mankind are the ones which are the teaching Spirits or Spirits that cause visions and dreams and they have nothing to do with people having an afterlife either . Remember this is LORD ELohim's Sabbath Day, His day of rest , and working with mankind He is pretty much finished except for the Little Book and Oak Island . As LORD ELohim has said often in the Little Book there is no eternal life for any mortal life .
( 6 : 7 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim on the Seventh Day ( Saturday ) spends the day at a Synagogue near my home and on Sunday He spends the day at a Christian church near here . The preachers and Rabbis and their congregations have read the Little Book and are now talking a lot about LORD ELohim's Book . So far the Rabbis seem to have no problems with the Little Book but there are some Christians who are dealing with fear and worry regarding their faith and what they were told to believe . Remember the New Testament teaches if you don't believe in Y'shua ( Jesus ) as your God and Savior you are headed for hell no matter how good , kind , moral and loving you are . Does this make sense to you ? Most Christians have always believed this to be true . This is an ancient scare tactic used by the early Catholic church and it worked back then and obviously it is still working today . LORD ELohim is hopeful that people will get to know Him better by reading His Little Book and will find there is no reason to fear Him or to fear death . Again LORD ELohim says think not beyond logic . Christians believe : John 1 : 1 - 3 In the beginning was the Word , and the Word was with God , and the Word was God . He was with God in the beginning . Through him all things were made ; without him nothing was made that has been made . Christians say the word ' Word ' is another name for Y'shua . Christians believe Y'shua created all that was created so that would mean they believe Y'shua created hell for the purpose to torture and cause great pain and suffering for all eternity for most people who ever lived and did not believe in him as a God . Is that the type of man - god you believe Y'shua to have been in the past and yet still is today ? If that were true that Y'shua was that cruel and evil LORD ELohim would have kicked him in the ass long ago . But it's a lie about Y'shua being that evil . It is a lie Y'shua created all things and a hell . LORD ELohim was the one who did create everything that was created and LORD ELohim never created a hell or purgatory or a lake of fire . LORD ELohim is your Father and the Father of Y'shua the flesh man who was no god . Again LORD ELohim created all that was created and He never created a hell because He is not a evil and cruel and wicked Father . LORD ELohim is hopeful you will find peace of mind so you can feel free to make choices about what you do believe without fear to believe whatever that is : as long as it brings no harm or hatred toward other people .
( 6 : 8 ) NOTES : It's important to remember that many verses in the New Testament are based on what the Christian Old Testament says . One would think that the English Christian Old Testament would be the same words as the English Jewish Bible but that is not the case for most verses . Many verses in the Christian Old Testament are corrupted to make the verses in the New Testament sound valid and truthful . An example of that is Isaiah 9:6 . In the Christian Bible it says : For unto us a child is born , unto us a son is given : and the government shall be upon his shoulder : and his name shall be called Wonderful , Counsellor , The mighty God , The everlasting Father , The Prince of Peace . Now read what is in the Jewish Bible regarding the same verse but in the JB the verse is 9 : 5 and not 9 : 6 . For a child has been born to us , A son has been given us . And authority has settled on his shoulders . He has been named " The Mighty God is planning grace , The Eternal Father , a peaceable ruler " . According to the JB these are throne names of the royal child . Jewish names often describe LORD ELohim in some way . The JB says these names do not describe that person who has such names ; but the names would describe these things about LORD ELohim . Again the name given to the child in this verse does not describe that person or attribute divinity to him , but describes LORD ELohim's actions . Notice how different the CB is compared to the JB . Remember it was Isaiah who wrote this long before Y'shua and Christians lived and Y'shua never became a royal King so this is not about him . Many Christians would say they believe Y'shua will be a King when he returns . Again Y'shua is dead and he will never be returning . The Jewish Bible Christians call the Old Testament in their Christian Bible the Christians have changed many verses in their Old Testament when compared to the original Jewish Bible .
( 6 : 9 ) NOTES : If Y'shua did not do something when he was alive it will never happen regarding him because he is dead . Y'shua was never King of the Jews and he was never the Messiah . Maybe someday LORD ELohim will find a King and a Messiah for the Jews and the world but since David and Solomon that has not happened yet . It was LORD ELohim who made David and Solomon Kings and after them He made none .
( 6 : 10 ) NOTES : When we write the word ' we ' that means LORD ELohim , Spirits and me . The Little Book is LORD ELohim's Book and He and Spirits taught me how to write His Book . Remember I am still learning as we go along writing this Book .
( 6 : 11 ) NOTES : What was LORD ELohim hoping for at the time of Y'shua ? LORD ELohim was hopeful that people would remain faithful to the religion of Judaism and people around the world would become new converts to the faith of Judaism . God was hoping the lost sheep of Israel would return to the faith of Judaism . What LORD ELohim did not expect was a new religion to come about with Y'shua the Jewish flesh man as their God . That's when LORD ELohim plans all went wrong . Today over 32 % of the worlds population are Christians and a lot are the lost sheep of Israel and are Hebrews ( white race ) . Christianity since it's beginning LORD ELohim has called it a " pagan faith " for many reasons . Today only about .02 % of the world population are Jews of the faith of Judaism . Simply put : LORD ELohim was hoping for a lot more Jews and a lot less pagans in the world by now but the opposite happened . I asked LORD ELohim if He ever created other faiths other then Judaism and God said " no and He never will " . He hoped for ONE global religion called Judaism because He has seen the slaughter of many people who war for no other reason then because they have a different faith and god then others they war against . LORD ELohim hoped for ONE global religion called Judaism , for global peace , for greater love , for greater kindness , for greater joy and greater happiness about all earth and a lot less hate and wars and killing and terrorism and tears and suffering caused by mankind . It was not the Jews who made Y'shua their God . That came years later among pagans . The Romans and the Roman Catholic church had a lot to do with that .
( 6 : 12 ) NOTES : What did Y'shua believe ? Y'shua for the most part did believe many things correctly but he did believe in a couple of things that were errors . LORD ELohim says it's not important what Y'shua believed because any errors are corrected by LORD ELohim's Little Book anyway . What LORD ELohim wants you to know is that Y'shua never believed that he was to be a King or the Messiah or even a God and the Jews never called him any of these names . Long after Y'shua and his disciples died the early Catholic church and the Romans created a new religion called Christianity with Y'shua as their main God out of three Gods . Again Y'shua was no God . Y'shua was a flesh Jewish man who was to be the Lamb of God .
( 6 : 13 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim has asked me to start with the book of Matthew . We have written about several verses in Matthew in past Books but we will just mention them once more .
Matt. 1 : 1 - 17 ( B ) 1 : The book of the generation of Jesus Christ , the son of David , the son of Abraham . 17 : So all the generations from Abraham to David are fourteen generations ; and from David until the carrying away into Babylon are fourteen generations ; and from the carrying away into Babylon unto Christ are fourteen generations . According to the Bible and LORD ELohim a generation equals 40 years . Verse 17 says that from Abraham to Y'shua there were a total of 42 generations . Dating Y'shua's birth at 0 A.D : 42 generations x 40 years for each generation would come to 1680 B.C.E. for Abraham's time of birth . The key question is : was Abraham born around 1680 B.C.E. ? The dates for Abraham's time are all over the place . One Christian book says Abraham's time was 2166 B.C.E. which would be 54 generations . A book regarding Judaism says Abraham was alive in 1800 B.C.E. which would make it 45 generations . So far any dates we found about Abraham don't even come close to 1680 B.C.E. . LORD ELohim says this is another one for the Rabbis to give an answer to because the key to solve this being true or false is : around what date was Abraham's birth ? We know each generation=40 years but what we don't know is what is the true date for Abraham being alive if not 1680 B.C.E. as this chapter says it is ?
Matt. 1 : 17 ( B ) ... unto Christ are fourteen generations . The word " Christ " in Hebrew means " Messiah " . The belief in a coming Messiah is a ancient Jewish belief that goes back in time long before Y'shua and Christianity . The Jews expected a few things to occur because of the Messiah's work and none of those occured regarding Y'shua . The Jews do not call Y'shua their Messiah because he was not the Messiah . The fact that Y'shua was not the awaited Messiah of the Jews then he is also not the Christ .
( 6 : 14 ) NOTES : It would have been wiser if the Christians long ago started up their own religion that had nothing to do with the beliefs of others such as the Jews and Judaism and whats written in the Jewish Bible . It's because the Christians used the Jewish Bible for their Old Testament and not understanding Judaism they now have errors in their New Testament . Example : The Jews say Y'shua was not their awaited Messiah so it is an error for Christians to call Y'shua the awaited Messiah of the Jews . Had Christians gone off on their own using nothing written by ancient Jews or anyone else they would have been able to write anything they wanted to and nothing could be called a error or corrupt because there is nothing that involves other peoples beliefs and Bible . Christians still would have been pagans who worship false gods but so was most of the worlds people and religions back then . LORD ELohim called Christians pagans back then and even today anyways . Because Christians used the Jewish Bible to back up their faith it's easy to find the errors and corrupt writings in the Christian Bible . It's not that the Jewish Bible has errors , it's that Christians messed around with words to make it sound like the Jewish Bible backs up their religious beliefs . Many verses in the Chrisitan Old Testament are very different then what is written in the Jewish Bible . The Christian Old Testament should be exactly the same as the Jewish Bible .
( 6 : 15 ) NOTES : The Christian Bible has two sections . The Old Testament and the New Testament . The Old Testament is suppose to be a copy of the Jewish Bible and the New Testament is the Christian Bible . In the New Testament it often says that in the writings of the Old Testament the verse will back up what is written in the New Testament . The problem is that the early Christians changed words and meanings in their Old Testament so many of these Jewish Bible verses are corrupted by the Christian writers regarding the Christian Old Testament . To really study the Christian Bible you need to get a good Jewish Bible from a book store . Again remember the Chrisitian Old Testament has been corrupted and is not word for word a copy of the Jewish Bible as most Christians say it is and the way to find errors or corruption of verses in the Christian Old Testament is by getting a good English Jewish Bible like the ' Oxford ' Jewish Bible called ' The Jewish Study Bible ' , Second Edition , which is what we use .
Matt. 1 : 18 & 20 ( B ) ... she was found with child of the Holy Ghost . LORD ELohim put the fertalized egg of Y'shua into the womb of Miriam not a Holy Ghost . LORD ELohim does not know what this Holy Ghost is . He never created such a Spirit . Miriam was and is the Jewish name of Y'shua's mother that Christians call Mary .
Matt. 1 : 21 ( B ) ... And she shall bring forth a son , and thou shalt call his name JESUS : for he shall save his people from their sins . First : The name of Miriam's son was " Y'shua " and not Jesus . And second .. for he shall save his people from their sins . This verse makes it sound like the Jews are the only ones sinning on earth when the Jews had a lot less sinning going on then any other people . Y'shua's sacrifice was for all people on earth and not just for his people the Jews . The most common belief of the Christians is that ' the penalty for sin is death ' but no body has a afterlife anyways and all mortal life dies sooner or later . The dictionary says : Salvation is a saving of the soul ; the deliverance from sin and from punishment for sin . Remember Souls never sin and they do not give you eternal life either so Souls have nothing to worry about . The word Soul only means a Spirit and not flesh . LORD ELohim usually does not punish people for their sins in this life and there is nothing to punish when a person dies . When people sin it usually causes something that comes back to them in not a good way and one can say that this is their self made punishment . If a person murders someone they usually go to prison and that's a punishment caused by themselves for their sin though the family of the person murdered suffer also . LORD ELohim never said life was fair . He said something like the rain falls on the heads of the good and evil alike . According to the CB Jeremiah 23 : 6 , backs up this belief . We added verse 5 to explain verse 6 . The JB says in Jeremiah 23 : 5 & 6 See , a time is coming - declares the LORD - when I will raise up a true branch of David's line . He shall reign as king and shall prosper , and he shall do what is just and right in the land . In his days Judah shall be delivered and Israel shall dwell secure . And this is the name by which he shall be called : " The LORD is our Vindicator " . The two Christian Bibles we use also say this man is going to be king . Y'shua was never a king of anything because Y'shua was not this man spoken of by Jeremiah . What's interesting is the name to be given to this man . The JB says his name will mean : " The LORD is our Vindicator " . One CB says " The LORD Our Righteousness " and the other CB says " The LORD Our Righteous Savior " . For one person he sure has a lot of different meaning names . Again in the JB these verses are about a coming king . If the JB is to be used regarding prophecy about Y'shua you cannot use one verse out of many verses and call that a prophecy about Y'shua . Y'shua was never a king so these verses have nothing to do with him . LORD ELohim never intended Y'shua to be a king . I asked LORD ELohim if Y'shua would have made a good king and LORD ELohim says " no " . Y'shua was a very humble man and missing other characteristics needed for a king . Y'shua was the Lamb of God for all people on earth and not just the Jews . A reminder that Y'shua was the given name of this man . The name Jesus is a Greek name given to him by Christians long after Y'shua died .
Matt. 1 : 22 ( B ) Now all this was done , that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet , saying , . So far there is no correct prophecies about Y'shua being the Lamb of God .
Matt. 1 : 23 ( B ) Behold a virgin shall be with child , and shall bring forth a son , and they shall call his name Emmanuel , which being interpreted is , God with us . In the JB the name means ' with us is EL ' not ' God with us ' . EL means God but the name Emmanuel does not mean Y'shua is a God . Many Jewish names describe something about LORD ELohim just as this name does . ' God with us ' or ' with us is EL ' simply means the belief that LORD ELohim is with the Jewish people and greatly apart of their lives . LORD ELohim changed this man's name to Y'shua because pagans did not understand that Jewish names usually describe something about LORD ELohim and not about the person who has that name . Y'shua or Joshua means " Jehovah is salvation " . Again we are back to the word salvation . Many Christians believe that Y'shua's sacrifice opened the door of salvation for themselves through Y'shua . Many Christians believe they can stop from trying to get things right with LORD ELohim and that they have no reason to obey the Laws of God because they believe their salvation is guaranteed through Y'shua no matter how much of a sinner they are . Again the concept of salvation just does not work as Christians and others believe . Again remember Y'shua was a perfect Jewish man without sin and died on the cross and is still dead because LORD ELohim cannot resurrect the dead , not even you when you die . Your believed redeemer Y'shua himself is dead for all eternity . No mortal life has a eternal life so what does the meaning of salvation then mean ? The word " interpreted " is wrong . Jewish names are " meanings " regarding LORD ELohim . Christians claim the Book of Isaiah backs up their beliefs regarding this Christian verse . Isaiah 7 : 14 in the JB says : Assuredly , my Lord will give you a sign of His own accord ! Look , the young woman is with child and about to give birth to a son . Let her name him Immanuel . In the JB Isaiah says nothing about this women being a virgin . Also Christians say that Isaiah 8 :10 backs up Matt. 1 : 23 . The verse which speaks about the enemy says : Hatch a plot - it shall be foiled ; Agree on action - it shall not succeed . For with us is God ! This verse has nothing to do with Y'shua . The chapter 8 is about war and the belief that LORD ELohim is with them and the Jews shall win the war with the help of God . You have to read the whole chapter Isaiah chapter 8 and not just a few words in one verse . Remember also the God of Isaiah and the Jews at that time and still today is LORD ELohim and not Y'shua the man . So Isaiah was saying " For with us is LORD ELohim " .
( 6 : 16 ) NOTES : Prophecies are the telling of what will happen ; the foretelling of future events and divinely inspired revelation . The JB and CB has a lot of prophecies and some are yet to happen like the coming of the Jewish Messiah . Must every prophecy LORD ELohim gave to Prophets come true ? Again LORD ELohim is not able to know what the future will be but He is good at guessing what may happen . Many prophecies LORD ELohim is hopeful they will not happen . There is a lot of prophecies in the Christian Bible that are not prophecies given to man by LORD ELohim . The book of Revelation is full of man made prophecies . LORD ELohim would never make a prophecy come true when it involves suffering or the slaughter of people . If it's in the Bible it's a prophecy warning to mankind and such a prophecy LORD ELohim is hopeful that it will never happen . Again if some of LORD ELohim's prophecies do not come true LORD ELohim will be very happy about that . Remember a lot of prophecies in religious writings are man made prophecies and are not given to mankind by LORD ELohim such as most of the Book of Revelation . In the CB the man made prophecies are more of a horror story then anything LORD ELohim has given mankind as prophecy .
( 6 : 17 ) NOTES : This is a bad time for the Jewish Messiah to come about . One of the things the Jewish Messiah is suppose to do is bring about world peace . The problem is the Beast is suppose to do that also for a short time . Anyone who has read about the Beast knows the Beast is a gentile and a pagan and not a Jew but there is a lot of anti-Semitism in the world and the Jewish Messiah will probably have to deal with people who say he is the wicked and evil Beast even though he does nothing wicked . Some Christians believe the Beast is also the Antichrist but others believe the Beast and the Antichrist are two separate people . If it's two people , neither are Jewish .
( 6 : 18 ) NOTES : A few people may be wondering what ' salvation ' means then since there is no eternal life for any mortals . I asked LORD ELohim that question and He said " to save us mostly from ourselves and other people in this life " . There is a lot of verses in most every faith about peoples hopes and dreams like having an eternal life beyond this life . LORD ELohim says He never said to any mortals or religious faiths that there is a afterlife for us . Y'shua may have never taught people there is an eternal life for any people but Y'shua had a few beliefs that were not correct . So what does saving people from their sins mean then ? In the dictionary it says ' salvation ' means : The saving of a person from sin or its consequences especially in the life after death , of the saving from danger , difficulty or evil . There is no afterlife but LORD ELohim has done a lot for mankind to keep us safe and out of danger and away from evil and we failed at that to . When people sin and go against other teachings of God it usually gets them into trouble of some kind . For over six thousand years LORD ELohim has tried to help people have a better life , a more happy life and a loving life and for most people we failed to find that for ourselves . To save us from our sins is God's way of saying " to save us from unnecessary sorrow and pain and regrets in this mortal life " .
( 6 : 19 ) NOTES : So why the sacrifice of Y'shua ? It's what people around the world were doing at that time . Sacrifice of animals was not LORD ELohim's idea . Humanoids had been sacrificing animals and humans , even human babies to many false gods long before Adam and Eve . LORD ELohim knew He could not change mankind in a day . God knew it would be step by step over many years to end old traditions and corrupt religions of people but change was very slow in coming so LORD ELohim gave the world the ultimate sacrifice for most every reason they sacrificed animals and even humans . LORD ELohim's ultimate sacrifice for all the world Humanity was a man called Y'shua . Today LORD ELohim would be happy if people of any faith stopped sacrificing any animals to Him and to any false gods .
( 6 : 20 ) NOTES : Does Satan and Demons rule the world today and in the past ? Acts 26 : 17 & 18 ( R ) Delivering thee from the people , and from the Gentiles , unto whom now I send thee , To open their eyes , and to turn them from darkness to light , and from the power of Satan unto God .... CB 2 Corinthians 4 : 3 & 4 ( B ) But if our gospel be hid , it is hid to them that are lost : In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not , lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ , who is the image of God , should shine unto them . Another CB says : And even if our gospel is veiled , it is veiled to those who are perishing . The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers , so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ , who is the image of God . Many Christians believe this is true . Many Christians call Satan " the god of this world " or " the god of this age " . LORD ELohim again says " think not beyond logic " . Remember we have just finished a six thousand year trial in which we have failed . Are people going to blame Satan for our failure ? Some have done so . How fair would it be to people if LORD ELohim allowed even one person to be lost because of something Satan or Demons did ? LORD ELohim and other Spirits have worked very hard over the past six thousand years to help us pass the trial . Why then would LORD ELohim allow evil Spirits to mess up His plans for mankind and to bring all LORD ELohim's and other Spirits hard work to be nothing gained for mankind or for God ? It's easier for people to blame someone else for our faults then to put the blame upon ourselves where it belongs . I have dealt with Spirits for a long time and there really is not a lot that Spirits can do to motivate people to do evil or even good things and their Father LORD ELohim who is our Father too would not let them do such a thing to His flesh children . Our free will is what was tested . If Spirits in the past and even now are running our lives then how fair would that trial test we have just finished be ? In all these years I have never met a demon because there are none and Satan I have met and he is a good and loving Spirit just like all the rest of the Spirits . Spirits are different from us humans . They know great happiness and constant joy comes from love , kindness , and peace within the family and Satan who's real name is David is as smart as the rest of the Spirits .
( 6 : 21 ) NOTES : This is about Satan also . ( B ) Revelation 20 : 1 - 3 And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven , having the key to the Abyss and holding in his hand a great chain . He seized the dragon , that ancient serpent , who is the devil or Satan , and bound him for a thousand years . ..... to keep him from deceiving the nations anymore until the thousand years were ended . After that , he must be set free for a short time . ( B ) Revelation 20 : 7 & 8 When the thousand years are over , Satan will be released from his prison and will go out to deceive the nations in the four corners of the earth .... LORD ELohim says He did not teach mankind these verses . The LORD and other Spirits worked very hard to try to teach us the way to peace , love , goodness and happiness . Why would LORD ELohim go against Himself by allowing Satan to cause Him and us humans problems ? How can the LORD judge us if Satan had such power over us to make us unclean before God ? If Satan has been and still is a great problem for the LORD and people , why did LORD ELohim not lock up Satan over six thousand years ago before our trial started so it would be a fair trial ? If Satan is so wicked then why would LORD ELohim release him after a coming thousand years are over ? What is the reason the LORD would release Satan ? Nothing makes sence in these verses says the LORD. Again LORD ELohim says think about what you read in the Bible's of any religion and don't just read them without thinking about each verse to .
Matt. 1 : 25 ( B ) And knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son : and he called his name JESUS . Joseph and Miriam ( Mary ) were faithful Jews and not Greeks . Joseph and Miriam called this child Y'shua and not the Greek name Jesus . LORD ELohim says there was no reason to change Y'shua's name to Jesus which is why in the Little Book we use his real name which is ' Y'shua ' .
Matt. 2 : 1 & 2 ( B ) Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the King , behold , there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem . Saying , Where is he that is born King of the Jews ? for we have seen his star in the east , and are come to worship him . Did this even happen ? LORD ELohim was with Y'shua all his life and never saw this happen . In 2 : 11 it says And when they were come into the house , they saw the young child with Mary his mother , and fell down , and worshipped him : .... Joseph and Miriam were very faithful Jews and they would have believed that only LORD ELohim is to be worshipped and not humans or false gods , not even their son Y'shua . If this happened these wise men would have been pagans and not Jews . Joseph and Miriam and the town Jews would have forbidden the worship of this child and sent the pagans packing back to their pagan country in the east . Had that happened LORD ELohim would have remembered these pagans worshipping a mortal human but LORD ELohim says that did not happen .
Matt. 2 : 2 & 9 ( B ) ... for we have seen his star in the east .... lo , the star which they saw in the east went before them , till it came and stood over where the young child was . LORD ELohim does not know anything about a star that can stop and stand still in the night sky or even the day sky . The Magi called wise men were known for their pagan practice of astrology , divination , dream interpretations and other pagan stuff . Divination was prohibited by LORD ELohim and is a sin unless God's chosen Jewish prophets get information from Him . LORD ELohim never made a Magi to be a prophet or any other non-Jews . Divination is the art or act of foreseeing the future or revealing the unknown by supernatural means and is a pagan act . What star can stand still ? LORD ELohim does not have an answer for this other to say this did not happen . Again LORD ELohim says " think not beyond logic " . He cannot make a true star stand still .
( 6 : 22 ) NOTES : Who were the first to call Y'shua " King of the Jews " . It was the pagan wise men and not the Jews themselves . To believe Y'shua was to be a King is following the ways of pagans and what they believed if that even happened . Y'shua was to be the Lamb of God and not a King or the Messiah . The worshipping of Y'shua was first done by the pagan so called wise men and not the Jews . Christians in the past and even today are still following the ways of these pagans by worshipping Y'shua . That's why in past ages and even today LORD ELohim calls Christians " pagans " because they worship a false human god called Jesus and another nonexistent false god they call the Holy Spirit . Remember LORD ELohim is sure that all this wise men stuff did not happen . And who first called them " wise men " . LORD ELohim says it was not likely to have been the Jews because wanting to worship human flesh among the Jews was not to smart . In some CB it says these guys were pagan Magi from a pagan country in the east . The Magi were the priests of the ancient Medes and Persians who were pagans . The question is : why were Christians in past ages and even today following the ways and beliefs of ancient pagans if this really happened ?
Matt. 2 : 4 ( B ) ... he demanded of them where Christ should be born . The word " Christ " means " Messiah " and Y'shua was not the awaited Jewish Messiah of the Jews . Y'shua did nothing that was expected of the Messiah when he was alive . The awaited Messiah is a Jewish belief and who better then the Jews would know what was hoped for regarding the Messiah . If you ask a Christian today what did the Jews expect the Messiah to do and most all would not have an answer for that . If your going to use other peoples beliefs and religion for the development of your new faith and beliefs it would be wise to at least know what their beliefs and religion is all about . Obviously Christians never did that !
( 6 : 23 ) NOTES : I was sitting outside and a retired Christian preacher came and sat beside me and started preaching to me . This guy has probably spent fourty years of his life preaching the gospel in a church . When I mentioned hell he came back over and over again saying that I have a choice : Hell or Heaven . When I asked questions about his beliefs he had no answers other then to say I have a choice . He left and has never said " Hi " to me since though I always say " Hi " to him . I don't know if he gave up trying to convert me to Christianity or he was embarrassed because he could not give me answers about his faith and what is written in the Christian Bible . This is what LORD ELohim means to people of all religions when He says " think about what you read and don't just read it " . ( This is just adding a few weeks later . This preacher died recently . Not likely he will notice he is not in Heaven . )
Matt. 2 : 6 ( B ) And thou Bethlehem , in the land of Juda , art not the least among the princes of Juda : for out of thee shall come a Governor , that shall rule my people Israel . Christians use this verse for Y'shua but Y'shua was never a Governor . Another CB says of the same verse : But you , Bethlehem , in the land of Judah , are by no means least among the rulers of Judah ; for out of you will come a ruler who will shepherd my people Israel . If LORD ELohim was to make Y'shua a ruler over all He would have made Y'shua a King but that never happened because Y'shua was to be a Rabbi and teacher for a few years and then the Lamb of God . Many Christians would say Y'shua will be a King when he returns to earth . That is not going to happen because this Lamb is dead . It's strange the word Governor is used in one of the CB . A Governor is only a representative in a colony of a monarch or executive head of a state . LORD ELohim makes Kings to rule His people of Israel and not just Governors who would be someones puppet . LORD ELohim only made David and Solomon Kings of Israel and the rest He had nothing to do with them . Christian use Jeremiah 23 : 5 to the claim Y'shua would be King . See , a time is coming - declares the LORD - when I will raise up true branch of David's line . He will reign as king and shall prosper , and he shall do what is just and right in the land . When was Y'shua a King ? Never . This verse has nothing to do with Y'shua . If something did not happen when Y'shua was alive it is not going to happen now that he is dead . LORD ELohim never intended for Y'shua to be a King or the Messiah which is why he was not either . LORD ELohim intended Y'shua to be the Lamb of God and so he was .
Matt. 2 : 11 ( B ) And when they were come into the house , they saw the young child with Mary his mother , and fell down , and worshipped him ; and when they had opened their treasures , they presented unto him gifts , gold , and frankincense , and myrrh . The Christian Bible we are using says this verse is backed up with two prophecies in the Old Testament . The first is Isaiah 60 : 6 which says in the Jewish Bible : Dust clouds of camels shall cover you , Dromedaries of Midian and Ephah. They all shall come from Sheba ; They shall bear gold and frankincense , And shall herald the glories of the LORD . This verse has nothing to do with Y'shua . It's about a time coming when nations of the world will recognize and fear LORD ELohim and will bring tribute to Israel . Just because gold and frankincense is mentioned does not mean it's a prophecy about Y'shua . Second is Song of Songs 3 : 6Who is she that comes up from the desert Like columns of smoke , In clouds of myrrh and frankincense , of all the powders of the merchant ? The next verse 7 says There is Solomon's couch , ... This verse is obviously not about Y'shua . Again just because myrrh and frank-incense is mentioned does not make it a prophecy about the so called wise men bringing gifts to Y'shua . In one of the CB these verses say : Who is this coming up from the wilderness like a column of smoke , perfumed with myrrh and incense made from all the spices of the merchant ? Look ! It is Solomon's carriage , ... Again ' It is Solomon's carriage ' and not the so called wise men . Remember Solomon lived long before Y'shua lived .
Matt. 2 : 12 ( B ) And being warned of God in a dream ... This verse says LORD ELohim warned the so called wise men not to return to Herod . LORD ELohim says that did not happen and He should know since He is God .
Matt. 2 : 13 & 14 & 15 ( B ) ... And was there until the death of Herod : that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the LORD by the prophet , saying , Out of Egypt have I called my son . These three verses are about Joseph , Miriam and Y'shua going to Egypt because of fearing Herod . LORD ELohim says they did go to Egypt but not for that reason . The reason was because Joseph , a very successful carpenter , had work to do in Egypt . The family spent three years in Egypt and returned home to Nazareth when he finished his work . The verse in the Old Testament that Christians use and call a prophecy about LORD ELohim calling Y'shua and his parents out of Egypt is Hosea 11 : 1 . In the Christian Bible it says When Israel was a child , I loved him , and out of Egypt I called my son . Another Christian Bible says When Israel was a child , then I loved him , and called my son out of Egypt . The Jewish Bible says I fell in love with Israel When he was still a child ; And I have called him My son Ever since Egypt . This verse is a metaphor for the loving relationship between LORD ELohim and the people of Israel . This verse has nothing to do with Y'shua and his family leaving Egypt . Another Old Testament verse Christians say is a prophecy about this is Exodus 4 : 22 & 23 One Christian Bible says Then say to Pharaoh , This is what the LORD says : Israel is my firstborn son , and I told you , " Let my son go , so he may worship me . " ... In another CB it says And thou shalt say unto Pharaoh , Thus saith the LORD , Israel is my son , even my firstborn : And I say unto thee , Let my son go , that he may serve me : and if thou refuse to let him go , behold , I will slay thy son , even thy firstborn . The Jewish Bible says Then you shall say to Pharaoh , " Thus says the LORD : Israel is My first-born son . I have said to you , : Let My son go , that he may worship Me , yet you refuse to let him go . Now I will slay your first born son . Again these verses have nothing to do with Y'shua and everything to do with LORD ELohim trying to free the Jews from being slaves to the Pharaoh of Egypt . LORD ELohim says at that time of Moses Y'shua as the Lamb of God was not even in His thoughts which is why there is not a lot of prophecies about the Lamb of God .
Matt. 2 : 16 & 17 & 18 ( B ) Then Herod , when he saw that he was mocked of the wise men , was exceeding wroth , and sent forth , and slew all the children that were in Bethlehem , and in all the coasts there of , from two years old and under , according to the time which he had diligently enquired of the wise men . Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Jeremy the prophet , saying , In Rama was there a voice heard , lamentation , and weeping , and great mourning , Rachel weeping for her children , and would not be comforted , because they are not . The name of this prophet was Jeremiah and not Jeremy . The Christians say LORD ELohim predicted this slaughter through Jeremiah in Jeremiah 31 : 15 . For LORD ELohim to be able to predict this He had to know it would happen . It's important to remember : LORD ELohim had to know that Herod would slaughter the children if He was able to predict this would happen . Did LORD ELohim predict this slaughter if this slaughter even happened ? The JB says in Jeremiah 31 : 15 Thus said the LORD : A cry is heard in Ramah - Wailing , bitter weeping - Rachel weeping for her children . She refuses to be comforted For her children , who are gone . Then in Jeremish 31 : 16 & 17 it says Thus said the LORD : Restrain your voice from weeping , Your eyes from shedding tears ; For there is a reward for your labor - declares the LORD : They shall return from the enemy's land . And there is hope for your future - declares the LORD : Your children shall return to their country . The CB says they are not which seems to mean they are dead but in the JB it says they were taken away to their enemy's land and that's why Rachel was crying . According to the JB this has nothing to do with Herod or Y'shua and everything to do with the children ( people ) of Israel being taken into exile . Did Herod really cause the murders of a great many Jewish children and babies ? LORD ELohim knows nothing about this . Remember this : had LORD ELohim been able to predict this would happen He would have dropped Herod dead long before this could happen . So this subject LORD ELohim will leave to the Jewish Rabbis to answer this question : did this really happen ? Jews do know their history better then most people . Had this tragic horror really happened it should still be in the memory of the Rabbis and all Jewish people even today and would probably have at least a annual day of mourning for the children and babies who were murdered and the suffering of their parents and the Jewish community as a whole . LORD ELohim wants people to know that Herod was not a Jew or even a Hebrew . Herod was a Edomite and a puppet King of Israel for the Romans . Again remember LORD ELohim has no way to know what the future will be about anything but He is good at guessing what may happen . What signs were there that such a thing could happen ? I asked LORD ELohim if Herod had any reasons to fear that a Jew would take his place as King of Israel while the Romans ruled Israel and God said " No " . Herod was a non-Jewish puppet King and a yes man for the Romans and a Jewish King would not be a very good puppet or yes man for the Romans and the Romans knew that and most likely Herod knew that to .
( 6 : 24 ) NOTES : It's important to understand if LORD ELohim can predict the future of something like the murders of these children and babies ' if it happened ' then He would have stopped it from happening . Again remember these JB verses had nothing to do with Herod or Y'shua . God does not make His predictions come true the way the Christians Bible makes it sound like He does . If LORD ELohim knew that Herod would cause the slaughter of children and babies God would have dropped Herod dead long before the slaughter could happen . Again LORD ELohim did not predict this mass murders : if it really did happened . LORD ELohim wants to remind you that He cannot know the future of anything . When it comes to mankind He is just good at guessing what may happen but He does not know anything for sure will happen . Regarding the slaughter of these children LORD ELohim made no prophecies about it : if it really did happen . In history LORD ELohim has dropped a few people dead because they were so wicked and cruel but God could not predict hundreds of years before hand that these people would even exist . LORD ELohim knew these people because He was there to watch them . When it came to Hitler LORD ELohim never knew this man because God was not around those parts of the world when the slaughter of the Jews and other people was going on . Had God known what was going on He would have dropped Hitler and other Nazis dead before this mass slaughter of people . Where was LORD ELohim at this time of the slaughter of children by Herod if it happened ? LORD ELohim was with Y'shua and God says Y'shua and his parents did not go to Egypt until Y'shua was four years old and they were there for three years . So where was LORD ELohim at the time of this slaughter if it happened : Israel or Egypt ? Remember this Herod died in 4 B.C.. Y'shua was not even suppose to be born at or before that time according to many Christians . The letters A.D. means ' since Christ was born ' . The letters B.C. means ' before Christ was born ' . A CB dictionary says : Herod died in 4 B.C. , but not before the murder of the innocent babies of Bethlehem . ( Matt. 2 : 16 - 18 ) . If Y'shua was born in 5 B.C. or 6 B.C. and died at the age of 33 as LORD ELohim says ; then he died in 28 A.D. or 27 A.D. and not 33 A.D. as many Christians claim was the time of his death but many also claim he was 33 years old when he died . The math does not work out right for many claims about Y'shua's birth and death . LORD ELohim says Y'shua died at the age of 33 . Back to where was LORD ELohim at that time ? He was with Y'shua and probably in Nazareth then . Herod was not the smartest person alive then or it's the Christian writer who wrote this story . Bethlehem was Y'shua's birth place but not his family home . Joseph and Miriam's home was in Nazareth . It says the mass murderer Herod sent his butchers to Bethlehem and God was not there at that time and neither was Y'shua . Nazareth was far north of Jerusalem and Bethlehem was south of Jerusalem but even then you would think LORD ELohim would have heard of this by peoples word of mouth over the following days and years but He heard nothing about this happening . Again this is something for the Rabbis to answer . Were children and babies slaughtered by Herod or not ?
( 6 : 25 ) NOTES : The date B.C. means ' before Christs birth ' . B.C.E. means ' Before Common Era ' which also means B.C. . A.D. means ' since Christ was born ' . This Herod died in 4 B.C. which would mean Y'shua would have had to be born in 5 or 6 B.C. or even before that . How long before Herod died was this suppose to have happened ?
Matt. 2 : 19 - 22 ( B ) LORD ELohim says that these four verses did not happen other then the fact that Herod did die around that time . Had a Angel cause Joseph to dream LORD ELohim would have known about that . Verse 21 makes it sound like Joseph was going to a new place he had not been before called Galilee . The city that Joseph lived in called Nazareth is in Galilee so Joseph and his family were just heading home from his work in Egypt . Herod died in 4 B.C. so the belief that Y'shua died in 33 A.D. at the age of 33 years old mathematically does not work out but Y'shua was 33 years old when he died but which year on the calendar LORD ELohim does not know . For Y'shua to be born at the time of Herod he would have had to be born before 4 B.C. . Herod's math came to Y'shua being born possibly two years before he sent his butchers to Bethlehem which would make Y'shua's birth date possibly in 6 B.C. which would make Y'shua's death in 27 A.D. .
( 6 : 26 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim wants people to know He cannot predict what will happen for sure in the future . It's not like God can see your future like watching a movie about it . If LORD ELohim knew every minute of every day in the future of every human born God would have never created us or any other mortal life on earth in the first place . Many Christians believe Revelation 13 : 8 ( B ) And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him , whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world . The foundation of the world seems to mean when the earth was created . Many Christians believe their names were written in the Lamb's ' book of life ' before the earth was created and which also means some of you are not written in the book of life before the earth was created as the verse above says . Back to Y'shua : he is not a God . How could LORD ELohim know you before you and billions of other people were even born . How could God know what you would do every moment of your life and many billions of other people . There is over seven billion people alive on earth : how does LORD ELohim know what all seven billion are doing right at this moment ? There is no book of life . LORD ELohim has probably never meet you and probably never will . If there was a book of life just for Christians it would be unfair to all other people who are good people . In the past writings we have proven that there are not as many prophecies in the Bible as people say there is . LORD ELohim is good at guessing what people will probably do and He did make some prophecies about the most likely things we would do but it's just good guessing on His part . Remember the Grays and Anunnaki were in most all ways just like us humans and God learnt a lot about mortal life of free will watching them and that's why He worked so hard to guide Humanity so we don't make the same mistakes but we failed in many of the same ways as they failed . Just a short NOTE about this verse . Notice it says and all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him ... This is about the worship of the Beast . The word all seems to mean there are no Christians on the earth at this time . Many Christians believe God will take them from earth and in the blink of an eye they will reappear in Heaven hundreds of millions of miles away from earth . Christians call this the ' Rapture ' . LORD ELohim wants Christians to know that He does not know how to do that . Real life has nothing to do with science fiction like " beam me up Scotty " . In other words you Christians are stuck here on earth with the rest of us . Remember no human has ever entered into Heaven and no Grays , Anunnakis or Humans ever will .
( 6 : 27 ) NOTES : Many Christians believe that only Christians will be saved from going to hell . I brought this up with LORD ELohim and He sayed to write about it . When I was a baby I was baptized in a Chrisitan church , by a Christian preacher . This is a question to Christian preachers : was my name in the book of life ? My parents took us to church every Sunday and this preacher's favorite subject was ' hell ' . At the age of thirteen I stopped going to church and stopped believing in the Christian faith because of all this hell stuff and much more that made no sense to me . The next question for a Christian preacher : is my name still in the book of life ? Today I am not of any faith but LORD ELohim has proven Himself to me to be the one and only God and I do believe a lot about LORD ELohim which would make me a Deist . This question for the Christian preachers : will I still go to hell even though I have worked for LORD ELohim for many years ? A Deist is a person who believes that God exists but does not believe in any particular religious faith and all their beliefs . Some Deists believe that God does not involve Himself with mankind but the truth is the LORD does try to help us a lot . Remember LORD ELohim has said He never created a hell and neither did Y'shua the flesh man and the flesh man called Y'shua never in any form came down from Heaven to earth and did not go to Heaven when he died .
Matt. 2 : 23 ( B ) And he came and dwelt in a city called Nazareth : that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophets , He shall be called a Nazarene . This was not an incredible prophecy made by LORD ELohim . According to many Christians Miriam's husband Joseph lived in Nazareth before Miriam and Joseph were married so it not surprising that they returned to Nazareth with Y'shua when his work was done in Egypt . One book says that Nazareth was Joseph and Miriam's home town . Joseph and Miriam were Nazarene's and Y'shua also . LORD ELohim seeded Miriam's womb with the fertilized egg of Y'shua so He picked a Nazarene lady for this and picked her husband for her . Was this a prophecy given to the Old Testament prophets by God as this verse says ? .... spoken by the prophets , He shall be called a Nazarene . We cannot find any prophecy in the Old Testament regarding this verse . In fact we cannot even find the word Nazareth or Nazarene anywhere in the Old Testament but in the New Testament there is a lot of verses with the words Jesus of Nazareth and a couple with the word Nazarene . Finally we found in a Christian dictionary that the town of Nazareth and Nazarene is ' never mentioned in the Old Testament ' so where are these claimed prophecies by more then just one JB prophet ? LORD ELohim says He never made a prophecy about Y'shua to be a Nazarene . Anything in the New Testament about Nazareth or that Y'shua was a Nazarene is not a prophecy : it's just about the time of Y'shua . Again where are these prophecies in the JB or even in the CB Old Testament ?
( 6 : 28 ) NOTES : Just in case I made an error in the past about this . The words Nazarite and Nazarene do not mean the same thing . Joseph , Miriam and Y'shua were Nazarenes because they lived in Nazareth . Nazarite's were a religious Jewish sect . Samson , Samuel and John the Baptist were all Nazarites which had nothing to do with Nazareth . If I refered to the Nazarites as those who only live in Nazareth that was an error . Nazarites came from anywhere in Israel and has nothing to do with the town of Nazareth . Again I'm still learning .
Matt. 3 : 1 & 2 ( B ) In those days came John the Baptist , preaching in the wilderness of Judaea . And saying , Repent ye : for the kingdom of heaven is at hand . The words ' is at hand ' means ' now ' according to God . LORD ELohim does not know what ' the kingdom of heaven ' means regarding that time in history . Y'shua in any form did not come down from Heaven and LORD ELohim for about four thousand years since Adam to Y'shua's time has spent most of His time on earth . The only new thing at that time was that Y'shua was about to start his ministry as a Rabbi and that is nothing new for those who are Jewish . What's changed and what was different at that time ? LORD ELohim does not call Heaven a kingdom . Heaven begins far away from earth and will never be coming to earth . Heaven is six galaxies big and all the space between the galaxies . Our galaxy is one of the six galaxies .
Matt. 3 : 3 ( B ) For this is he that was spoken of by the prophet Esaias , saying , The voice of one crying in the wilderness , Prepare ye the way of the Lord , make his paths straight . First : the prophet's name is Isaiah not Esaias which is Greek for Isaiah . LORD ELohim does not know why Christians needed to change Jewish Hebrew names to Greek names . In JB Isaiah 40 : 3 says : A voice rings out : " Clear in the desert A road for the LORD ! Level in the wilderness A highway for our God ! ... As it says Isaiah was talking about God : LORD ELohim . At that time LORD ELohim was Isaiah's and Israels only God and still is today regarding the Jews . Matthew seems to be talking about John the Baptist talking about Y'shua . The word LORD when written like this " LORD " is referring to LORD ELohim and when written like " Lord " it is referring to a human to express respect or authority . Matthew wrote it ' Lord ' which does not mean LORD ELohim as Isaiah did . What is wrong here is the Christians using Isaiah 40 : 3 as a prophecy about John the Baptist and Y'shua because Isaiah is clearly writing about LORD ELohim his God and the God of Israel and not about a human man called Y'shua or John the Baptist . According to the JB Isaiah is talking about the presence of LORD ELohim leaving Israel with the Jewish exiles taken from their land and God will now return with the exiles back to their land of Israel . It's interesting to note that the JB refers to LORD ELohim as a single Spirit where other faiths think He is a fog throughout the universe and is everywhere all the time . LORD ELohim is a single Spirit and not much bigger than a tall man and as the JB says God can only be one place at a time just like us .
( 6 : 29 ) NOTES : We are not going to put every verse in the Bible on this web site . We are just going to write about the ones LORD ELohim says people need to think about .
Matt. 3 : 7 ( B ) This is talking about John the Baptist baptizing people . But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism , he said unto them , O generation of vipers , who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come ? John in this verse speaks harshly to the Pharisees and Sadducees . This is also mentioned in Luke 3 : 7 but Luke does not mention the Pharisees and Sudducees , it just says John was yelling at everyone this way . Then said he to the multitude that came forth to be baptized of him , O generation of vipers , who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come ? LORD ELohim says at that time He did not have a lot of problems with the Pharisees and Sadducees or as in Luke , all the Jews in Israel . LORD ELohim does not believe a Jew wrote this and what it is : is anti-Semitism . What is the ' wrath to come ' ? LORD ELohim does not know the answer to this question because He had no reason to wrath against Israel and the Jews or all Humanity then or now . We failed the trial but our failing LORD ELohim kind of expected that . What is the logic of LORD ELohim having a fit about that and taking it out on Humanity ? There is no wrath to come from LORD ELohim . God has better things to do with His life then to spend time being evil and wicked to us . LORD ELohim is love and as bad as mankind has been and still is this never changed LORD ELohim from being pure love . If you read Revelation 5 & 6 and so on it says it is the Lamb Y'shua who is mostly behind a coming wrath against mankind . LORD ELohim says Y'shua was a humble loving , gentle and kind Jewish man and to depict him as being a lunatic out to happily slaughter billions of people is just wrong to speak of the dead this way .
Matt. 3 : 9 ( B ) There is a lot of verses in the CB that even LORD ELohim cannot understand what it means and neither do I . John the Baptist is said to say : And think not to say within yourselves , We have Abraham to our father ; for I say unto you , that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham . What does that even mean ? Abraham was dead and LORD ELohim cannot make flesh out of stones alone . The CB says that John 3 : 8 backs this verse but that verse does not make anymore sense then this verse . The wind bloweth where it listeth , and thou hearest the sound thereof , but canst not tell whence it cometh , and whither it goeth : so is every one that is born of the Spirit . What does John's verse got to do with Matthew's verse about Abraham's children made of stone ? And what does wind have to do with Spirit ? And what does born of the Spirit mean ? Spirits know where they come from and where they go : they are not without a mind . LORD ELohim does not understand either of these verses so I'm not even going to try to understand these without my God LORD ELohim as my guide .
Matt. 3 : 10 ( B ) And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees : therefore every tree which bringeth not fourth good fruit is hewn down , and cast into the fire . If this verse is about people (trees) and not about horticulture and is also about hell (cast into the fire) LORD ELohim says there is no fires of hell . Most Jews do not believe in a hell and many do not believe in eternal life for mortal flesh either . LORD ELohim says most Jews are right : there is no hell or eternal life for mortals .
Matt. 3 : 11 ( B ) I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance : but he that cometh after me is mightier than I , whose shoes I am not worthy to bear ; he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost , and with fire . Mark 1 : 7 & 8 has the same story about this . And this was his message : " after me comes the one more powerful than I , the straps of whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop down and untie . I baptize you with water , but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit . According to Mark : John the Baptist never said Y'shua would baptize people with fire but according to Matthew it says he did . LORD ELohim does not know what that means : to be baptized with fire ? Some Christians refer to this as either purification or punishment . LORD ELohim would never recommend fire for either . And again LORD ELohim does not know what a Holy Spirit or a Holy Ghost is but He does know that the Christians created a imaginary false god with these names .
Matt. 3 : 12 ( B ) John goes on to say : Whose fan is in his hand , and he will thoroughly purge his floor , and gather his wheat into the garner , but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire . Garner means barn or storage house . This seems to say that Y'shua will gather those saved called wheat and the chaff meaning the unsaved will end up in hells fire . Again LORD ELohim never created a hell and neither did Y'shua as Christians believe he did . If you were LORD ELohim could you create a eternal hell fire to torture billions of your flesh children for all eternity ? Are you that wicked , cruel , evil and without feelings for those billions of people who would suffer great pain in hell for all eternity ? Think about it and remember LORD ELohim is the God of love and the Father of all mortals and Spirits . You have been told you have a choice according to Christians : believe Y'shua is your God and be saved or believe Y'shua is not a God and you go to hell . But the truth is you do not have that choice because LORD ELohim does not know how to raise the dead back to life and neither do you . Believe or not believe : we all end up the same way ' dead and dust ' .
( 6 : 30 ) NOTES : Who created Hell if it existed ? John 1 : 1 In the beginning was the Word , and the Word was with God , and the Word was God . The same was in the beginning with God . All things were made by him ; and without him was not any thing made that was made . 14 And the Word was made flesh , and dwelt among us , ( and we beheld his glory , the glory as of the only begotten of the Father , ) full of grace and truth . According to the CB the name ' Word ' is Y'shua's nickname . The CB says : All things were made by Y'shua . It goes on to say Y'shua created us because it says LORD ELohim only created Y'shua , His only begotten son and Y'shua created everything else that was made . Who created hell for the purpose to cruelly and without any compassion to torture billions of humans for all eternity who don't believe Y'shua is a God ? Again Christians believe Y'shua created hell . It's a good thing I don't believe in everything written in the CB or I would be saying to LORD ELohim You really need to spank that cruel spoiled rotten brat son of Yours and make him put things right . LORD ELohim has a question for all Christians . How cruel and evil and wicked do you believe Y'shua to have been ? You believe Y'shua created hell for the purpose to cruelly torture billions of people and how does that make you feel ? Have you ever thought about it : truly thought about it ? Back to the truth . LORD ELohim created all that was created . LORD ELohim never created a hell and Y'shua was a flesh man who could not create a hell and we are all the children of LORD ELohim and not the children of Y'shua . Again it was LORD ELohim who created all that was created and not Y'shua and LORD ELohim never created a hell or purgatory or a lake of fire to torture forever billions of His flesh children for any reason . Y'shua was a kind and humble and loving sinless Jewish flesh man and to say he created hell for those who don't call him God is a insult to this loving gentle Jewish man . Y'shua willingly gave up his life for all mankind and nothing about him was a God . Y'shua was not the only begotten son of LORD ELohim ; we are all the children of LORD ELohim because He created us . LORD ELohim wants people to believe this : there is nothing to fear about death . LORD ELohim wants you to remember this : Y'shua is dead and nothing about him is living now just as nothing about you will be living after you die . Souls have nothing to do with who you are and they have nothing to do with you when you die . The New Testament has a lot of hell and fire and people suffering and being tortured but that is a lie and LORD ELohim wants you to think about it . There are other religions who believe in something like hell for the unbelievers of their faith . LORD ELohim wants all people to truly think about this belief .
( 6 : 31 ) NOTES : The Jewish word Sheol means grave . The New Testament often uses the word Hell for Sheol . The Christian hell is often called the eternal fire , or fiery lake of burning sulfur , or fiery furnace . Hell is also called Hades . Hades is a temporary place for the unsaved but eventually all would be cast into the lake of fire . All mortal life dies no matter how good or bad they are . Many people today and in the past are cremated or if in the grave the body will decay and turn to dust . LORD ELohim says again " think not beyond logic " . Could you walk into a furnace and not feel the fire ? You know you would feel great pain until your flesh burned up enough in the fire it would cause your death . How are people suppose to be alive in hell's fire for all eternity ? Why would their flesh body not burn to dust in a minute ? Spirits will never go to hell or the lake of fire because no Spirit has done evil and Souls have never sinned either . Remember you need Souls to be a complex living mortal being . How can flesh live in hell without Souls needed for the flesh body to function ? There is no logic about this hell stuff or purgatory or lake of fire and so on and LORD ELohim hopes you will think about this and stop fearing Him and your death . What else is not logical is that only Christians will be saved from being in this hell place . LORD ELohim for almost two thousand years has called Christians " pagans " for a lot of reasons like the worship of three Gods , not even trying to live by LORD ELohim's Law , not keeping His Sabbath , the cruel treatment of His Jews by many Christians and on and on . Think about this : LORD ELohim would never base something like ' final destination hell or Heaven ' on peoples choice of religious faith because nothing can be proven to be true . We cannot see LORD ELohim or hear Him and we rely on peoples writings about their God or gods and their beliefs which has errors and even lies . Christians believe Y'shua is a God but where is the proof that that is true . There is no proof . Why would LORD ELohim make people suffer for not believing something that cannot be proven ? Even LORD ELohim has not proven to most people beyond a doubt that He exists either .
( 6 : 32 ) NOTES : Our God LORD ELohim wants to talk more about " faith " . The word faith means ' a believing without any proof ; to trust in something that cannot be proven to be true ' . In past ages and even today LORD ELohim has never been able to prove Himself beyond doubt that He exists . LORD ELohim is hopeful that the Little Book will change this . Again LORD ELohim would never base a judgment on what peoples faith is because He knows He has never proven Himself to any people that He does exist and who He is regarding His personality . Have you ever seen LORD ELohim ? or heard God's voice without visions and dreams ? and so on . If someone said to you to prove your God exists how would you do that ? Would you use your religions writings ? No religious writings are perfect and without error . If your writings even mention hell is for anyone not of your faith one time you will loose the attention of many who don't believe in a cruel and wicked God . We have proven that a lot of prophecies claimed by Christians ' are not prophecies ' so you will have problems proving a God exists based on them alone . So where is the proof that LORD ELohim and even other Spirits exist ? LORD ELohim was hopeful that piece by piece people would learn about Him and people would come to know Him as their loving Father but that outside of Judaism did not work well . Even Jewish writings have some errors . LORD ELohim warns people that no religion is perfect so you need to find what you believe within yourself . Such as : do you believe there is a hell and that a very wicked and evil God created it just to cruelly torture billions of people in it ? Or : do you believe there is no hell created by God because LORD ELohim is a God and Father of love and would never torture any of His children in such a place forever no matter how wicked they are . Christians say Y'shua created all and not LORD ELohim . If you are Christian and believing Y'shua ( Jesus ) created all things do you believe Y'shua created a hell deliberately for the purpose of torturing billions of people forever ? This might sound weird but for many people seeking to know their faith better and their God better you will also find out many things about yourself better to . LORD ELohim says " instead of just reading religious writings stop often and think about what you have just read and think not beyond logic " .
( 6 : 33 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim wants to spend some time just writing about death and hell and eternal life . What we are learning is that the Jewish Bible is full of metaphors and the verses were not treated as metaphors when Christians used these verses in the Christian Bible . Metaphor means an implied comparison between two different things ; a figure of speech in which a word or phrase that ordinarily means one thing is used of another thing in order to suggest a likeness between the two . An example is Ezekiel 37 the whole chapter so we are just doing a few verses . Ezekiel had a vision about a valley full of dry bones and LORD ELohim told Ezekiel they would live again . Ezekiel 37 : 5 Thus said the LORD God to these bones : I will cause breath to enter you and you shall live again . According to the Jewish Bible chapter 37 symbolizes the restoration of Israel and the Jews going back to their land and is explicitly a metaphor of a time of national renewal and not as the physical resurrection of the dead . Most Christians however use this verse to back up their belief of eternal life . There are a few Jews who believe in an afterlife but LORD ELohim says He cannot bring any people back to life after they die . Most all Christians believe they will live again after their death in Heaven and most all also believe non believers of the Christian faith will live again in hell . Many faiths believe the non believers of their faith will end up somewhere like hell . LORD ELohim says : going back to the time of Adam , not even one person has been resurrected from the grave , not one person has lived beyond their true death . The Hebrew word ' Sheol ' means grave and not hell as many Christian verses depict it . Sheol meaning grave is right . There is no hell and there is no eternal life for any mortals . Heaven is the home of Spirits and LORD ELohim only . Death is nothing to be afraid of . As LORD ELohim says " it is just like falling into a deep sleep and never waking up " to an alarm clock again . Think of the billions of people who have lived and died . Have you ever heard any of them complaining ?
Matt. 3 : 16 ( B ) These verses are about the baptism of Y'shua . In 3 : 16 it says And Jesus ; when he was baptized , went up straightway out of the water : and , lo , the heavens were opened unto him , and he saw the Spirit of God descend like a dove , and lighting upon him : There is only one Spirit of God and that is LORD ELohim Himself and He says He never did this like a dove . How does God open the heavens ? LORD ELohim does not know what that even means and LORD ELohim says nothing exciting or weird happened that day . One of the problems LORD ELohim has with mankind is that we cannot see Him or other Spirits so this did not happen . Christians back up this verse with Isaiah 11 : 2 The spirit of the LORD shall alight upon him : A spirit of wisdom and insight , A spirit of counsel and valor , A spirit of devotion and reverence for the LORD . If you read the whole chapter it's about a coming King from the line of Jesse . Jesse was King David's father . Y'shua was never a King of anything . Y'shua was never King of the Jews . Isaiah 11 : 2 has nothing to do with Y'shua the Lamb of God . Remember LORD ELohim said that one person can not be the Lamb of God and the Messiah and King of the Jews at the same time .
Matt. 3 : 17 ( B ) And lo a voice from heaven , saying, This is my beloved Son , in whom I am well pleased . Remember one problem LORD ELohim has always had when dealing with mankind is that we cannot hear His voice . It would certainly be nice if LORD ELohim could speak to us with His mouth and we could hear Him . LORD ELohim would not need middle men preachers anymore or me to spend years to write the Little Book . If I could hear LORD ELohim's voice we could have finished the Little Book in a few months and not in many years . In all these years I have never heard the voice of God directly . Visions and dreams or just knowing something new in the morning has happened many times but no voice of God from Heaven . At the time of Y'shua's baptism LORD ELohim was not in Heaven , He was on earth with Y'shua . LORD ELohim would love it if mankind could really hear Him speak to us but He does not know how to make that happen so this did not happen either as described . There is one truth in these verses : LORD ELohim was well pleased with Y'shua the mortal man . To claim there is prophecy about this Christians use Isaiah 42 : 1 This is from the JB : This is My servant , whom I uphold , My chosen one , in whom I delight . I have put My spirit upon him , He shall teach the true way to the nations . According to the JB this verse is about Israel and the Jews . To prove that in the JB Isaiah 42 : 6 it says : I the LORD , in My grace, have summoned you , And I have grasped you by the hand . I created you , and appointed you A covenant people , a light of nations . The covenant people are the Jewish people of Israel and not just Y'shua . This has nothing to do with Y'shua as the Lamb of God . In one CB Isaiah 42 : 1 says : Behold my servant , whom I uphold ; mine elect , in whom my soul delighteth ; I have put my spirit upon him : he shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles . LORD ELohim does not have a Soul and there is nothing about judgment to the Gentiles in this verse in the JB . It was not Y'shua's job to judge people but to teach people and to be the Lamb of God . Our Judge is our Father LORD ELohim and His judgment recently is that mankind has greatly failed . Y'shua lived around two thousand years ago and our trial time still had another two thousand more years to go .
( 6 : 34 ) NOTES : The word " Spirit " with a capital S means God or the Spirits He created . The word " spirit " with a small s has many meanings like a influence that stirs up and rouses . When LORD ELohim says He has put His spirit upon people it means He has encouraged people to do His will . Again that is not easy for Him to do .
( 6 : 35 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim had Spirits watching the disciples and others . God says that if you put all the writings together of all who wrote about Y'shua ( New Testament ) it would not take up more then 17 pages in the Bible . So if your starting to think what's going to be left of the New Testament this could give you a clue .
Matt. 4 : 1 -11 ( B ) Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil . And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights, he was afterward an hungered . There is a lot in this chapter that never happened so we will go through it quickly . This chapter sounds a lot like the Book of Job which never happened either . LORD ELohim does not tempt people just so they prove themself to Him that He is their God . LORD ELohim was with Y'shua all his life . Y'shua had nothing to prove to God . LORD ELohim knew Y'shua very well . Remember Y'shua was 30 years old at this time and LORD ELohim was with him for all those 30 years . LORD ELohim says Y'shua did not spend 40 days and 40 nights without food in the hot wilderness . LORD ELohim put in a lot of work and a lot of years with Y'shua and He would not take a chance loosing him to death in such a stupid way and for such a stupid reason . LORD ELohim says this never happened . The back up verse in the JB for this is Deuteronomy 8 : 3 : ... man does not live on bread alone . This is about the Jewish people of Israel in the wilderness and not Y'shua . Another back up verses used by the Christians : Psalms 91 : 11 - 12 For He will order His angels to guard you wherever you go . They will carry you in their hands lest you hurt your foot on a stone . This is not just about Y'shua . These verses in Psalms 91 are about LORD ELohim trying to protect those who trust in Him . Who wrote these verses exaggerated some but it is true that LORD ELohim does try to protect any people from harm who put their trust in Him but again He is just one Spirit and cannot know what's going on around the world to people . Angels cannot carry those of flesh . Their hands would just past through our body , even Y'shua's body because he was a mortal man .
Matt. 4 : 3 - 11 ( B ) ( R ) And when the tempter came to him , he said , if thou be the Son of God , command that these stones be made bread . Could Y'shua make bread out of stone ? LORD ELohim says even He cannot do that so the answer is " no " . If Y'shua the flesh man jumped off the high pinnacle of the Temple could Spirit's slow his fall ? LORD ELohim says no Spirit could slow his fall . Could Satan show Y'shua all the kingdoms of the world while sitting on a mountain ? God says " no" because they had no TV's back then . Satan can do visions but he was never asked to be involved with Y'shua by LORD ELohim . If LORD ELohim or who ever were to tempt someone it would be wise to tempt that person with what is possible and not with what is impossible for even LORD ELohim to do . LORD ELohim says this never happened either .
( 6 : 36 ) NOTES : Here is where probably a few people will quit reading the Little Book . Satan and Demons were man's creation in their minds and not LORD ELohims creation . LORD ELohim created all Spirits and so far He has never had a problem of evil with them . There is a Spirit whose name is David and LORD ELohim asked him if He needed someone to play the role of Satan would he do that and David said yes . In all these years David was never asked to play the role of Satan , there was no reason for it . I have met David several times and he is a good and loving Spirit just like all the other Spirits and there are no Demons either .
( 6 : 37 ) NOTES : Did LORD ELohim throw Satan down to earth ? In Luke 10 : 18 ( R ) And he said unto them , I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven . This verse is what Christians back up that belief Isaiah 14 : 12 in the CB ( B ) : How you have fallen from heaven , morning star , son of the dawn ! You have been cast down to the earth , you who once laid low the nations ! Same verse in another CB says : How art thou fallen from heaven , O Lucifer , son of the morning ! how art thou cut down to the ground , which didst weaken the nations . Christians claim this verse above is about Satan and in the verse of two CB Satan's name is Morning Star or O Lucifer . Its' interesting that in Revelation 22 : 16 ( R ) it is said that Y'shua says this after he is long dead : I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches . I am the root and the offspring of David , and the bright and morning star . In Revelation this verse says that another nickname for Y'shua is Morning Star just like Satan's nickname Morning Star . Maybe the JB can help : again Isaiah 14 : 12 How are you fallen from heaven , O Shining One , son of Dawn ! How are you felled to earth , O vanquisher of nations . There is a lot written in the JB about this verse . Quickly put : this is not about Satan or Y'shua and there is no Morning Star name in the same verse in the Jewish Bible . This is about a dead king , the son of Dawn in Sheol (the grave) who wants to be god-like and is mocked by other kings in Sheol and this has some of Canaanite myth added and some of Greek mythology mixed in . Vanquisher means : to conquer , defeat or overcome . It's just interesting that Y'shua and Satan share the same nickname of " Morning Star " in the Christian texts when the JB verse that Christians used to back up their belief about Satan thrown to earth has nothing to do with Y'shua or Satan . Just to add a little more to this story in the JB Isaiah 14 : 10 & 11 All speak up and say to you " So you have been stricken as we were , You have become like us ! Your pomp is brought down to Sheol , And the strains of your lutes ! Worms are to be your bed , Maggots your blanket ! " 12 How are you fallen from heaven O Shining One , son of Dawn ! ... Do these verses sound like verses talking about Satan a Spirit or flesh in the grave covered by maggots ? It's an interesting story in the JB and not so much in the CB and the JB does not have the word hell in it . An example in the JB in Isaiah 14 : 9 says : Sheol below was astir To greet your coming - and the same verse in the King James Bible it says : Hell from beneath is moved for thee to meet thee at thy coming...: In another CB , the NIV it says The realm of the dead below is all astir to meet you at your coming ; it arouses the spirits of the departed to greet you - . This CB does not say hell . In Isaiah 14 : 9 & 15 the KJV CB uses the word hell but in 9 & 15 of the JB the word used is Sheol meaning grave . The Christian Bible Old Testament is suppose to be the Jewish Bible word for word but that is not true is it as these verses above prove . What we are learning is that the Jewish Bible is no easy read but the JB we use is the ' Jewish Study Bible ' which has a great deal of information about the verses in it and it is far more interesting then the CB . This verse is from a third CB we have Isaiah 14 : 11 Your pomp is brought down to Sheol , And the sound of your stringed instruments , The maggot is spread under you , And worms cover you . There is only one maggot in this grave . Remember in the JB it says ... Worms are to be your bed, Maggots your blanket . How easy it would be to write word for word what Isaiah wrote that is in the JB . How many changes and changes upon changes before the CB is a finished book ? But this third CB was written recently by a Christian preacher who's name is on the cover so even the Christian preachers think changes need to be made still . The word ' version ' is common on Christian Bibles . The King James Version , New International Version and so on . The word version means : a statement or description from a particular point of view . A variant of something . Variant means : something that is somewhat different from the standard of normal . We could go on and on about the difference of the Christian Old Testament compared to the Jewish Bible but LORD ELohim says move on . One last thing : there are no Spirits of the departed in graves as one of the CB says . When you die the Souls leave your body quickly .
( 6 : 38 ) NOTES : A lot of people who are not Jews believe they do not have to keep the Ten Commandments . Most Christians believe that just by believing Y'shua is their God and Saviour they are saved and will have eternal life with him in Heaven or on earth no matter how evil and wicked they are . 1 John 5 : 2 & 3 By this we know that we love the children of God , when we love God , and keep his commandments . For this is the love of God , that we keep his commandments : and his commandments are not grievous . There are other verses in the New Testament saying that LORD ELohim expects all of us including Christians to keep all His Ten Commandments . Y'shua himself even taught that often . To not keep all or even one of His Ten Commandments is to sin .
( 6 : 39 ) NOTES : True or false : is LORD ELohim pure love ? We know now according to Christian belief in the creation of a hell it was Y'shua ( Jesus ) and not LORD ELohim who created hell for it is written that Y'shua created all that was created . John 1 : 1 - 3 In the beginning was the Word , and the Word was with God , and the Word was God . All things were made by him ; and without him was not any thing made that was made . The name Word is a name for Y'shua ( Jesus ) . This would mean LORD ELohim only created Y'shua ( Jesus ) His only son and Y'shua ( Jesus ) created everything else including hell , purgatory and the lake of fire that Christians believe exists . When you think about it even Satan and Demons and all other Spirits except for LORD ELohim were created by Y'shua ( Jesus ) according to Christian beliefs . LORD ELohim says to you " think about it " . According to Christians Y'shua ( Jesus ) is the creator and father of Satan and Demons which would make Y'shua ( Jesus ) the first to create evil or was it LORD ELohim who was the first to create evil when He created Y'shua ( Jesus ) and Y'shua ( Jesus ) being evil then created hell , purgatory and the lake of fire for the purpose to greatly torture billions of people for all eternity . Again Y'shua ( Jesus ) would have even created Satan and Demons . LORD ELohim says again " think about this " don't just read it . To believe there is a hell and a purgatory and a lake of fire it's only logical to think these were created on purpose for a purpose since all was created according to Christians by Y'shua ( Jesus ) and not by LORD ELohim . How do you feel about Y'shua ( Jesus ) now ? Back to true or false : Is LORD ELohim pure love ? LORD ELohim is pure love but it's not looking good for Y'shua ( Jesus ) since Christians believe it was Y'shua ( Jesus ) who created hell , purgatory and the lake of fire and even evil Spirits for the purpose to torment and torture people and even to torture Spirits in these places Y'shua ( Jesus ) created for this purpose . Do you still believe Y'shua ( Jesus ) created all things that were created as the Bible says he did ? One thing for sure LORD ELohim never created a hell or purgatory or a lake of fire or evil Spirits .
( 6 : 40 ) NOTES : Back to the question : Is LORD ELohim pure love . 1 John 4 : 16 And so we know and rely on the love God has for us . God is love . Whoever lives in love lives in God , and God in them . The error here is that LORD ELohim cannot live in all these people because He is one Spirit and He does not want to live in you and people do not live in Him either . 1 John 4 : 7 Dear friends , let us love one another , for love comes from God . Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God . Love does not come from God even though LORD ELohim is pure love . LORD ELohim has tried many times to help people find love but love is something we all have to find for ourselves and within ourselves . LORD ELohim thinks He has proven often in the Little Book that not a lot of people know Him for who He really is , most likely including you . There are many other verses even in the JB about LORD ELohim being of pure love and the answer is He is pure love .
( 6 : 41 ) NOTES : To finish this subject : Y'shua never created anything . It was LORD ELohim who created all that was created and He never created a hell or a purgatory or a lake of fire to torture billions of people there for all eternity . Y'shua was and is not a God and he was not the only son of God . LORD ELohim created mortal life and He alone is the Father of all mortal life created on earth including you and all Humanity . LORD ELohim is your Father and not Y'shua . LORD ELohim created all the Spirits and none of the Spirits are evil , not even Satan who's real name is David . People were the ones who created evil Spirits in their beliefs who are not really evil or even real like demons . Mankind like all mortal life has no afterlife . LORD ELohim cannot wake you up from the dead when you die . Sooner or later all people and all other mortal life dies and then soon our body turns back to dust again . Again LORD ELohim says to all people " there is no reason to fear death or to fear Him " . The answer is LORD ELohim is pure love and the LORD wants people to always remember Y'shua as the Lamb of God who was a deeply loving , kind and caring humble Jewish mortal man who truly did willingly give up his life forever for all mankind . Other then Joshua the teaching Spirit and Y'shua's Souls there was nothing about Y'shua as a mortal man that came down from Heaven and nothing about Y'shua himself that went up to Heaven . LORD ELohim says Y'shua's remains are still on earth somewhere and Y'shua is dead and has been dead for nearly two thousand years . Y'shua is not coming back to life on earth or in Heaven in the future because he is dead .
Matt. 4 : 16 ( B ) The people which sat in darkness saw great light ; and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death light is sprung up . The JB verse Christians claim to be about this is Isaiah 9 : 1 - 2 The people that walked in darkness Have seen a brilliant light ; On those who dwelt in a land of gloom Light has dawned . You have magnified that nation , Have given it great joy ; They have rejoiced before You As they rejoice at reaping time , As they exult When dividing spoil . This 9th chapter of Isaiah goes on to talk about the Messiah in the other verses like the 5 th. verse in the JB and the 6 th. verse in the CB : This is the CB verse 9 : 6 For unto us a child is born , unto us a son is given : and the government shall be upon his shoulder : and his name shall be called Wonderful , Counsellor , The mighty God , The everlasting Father , The Prince of Peace . Remember names of Jewish people do not describe the person with that name but describes LORD ELohim their God like the Jewish name Azaliah means ' Jehovah is noble ' , Annas means ' grace of Jehovah ' , Elihu means ' God himself ' , Eliathah means ' God is come ' , Eliel means ' God , my God ' , Elisha means ' God is Savior ' , Jehu means ' Jehovah is he ' , Jerahmeel means ' God is merciful ' Malcheil means ' God is a King ' , and the name Joshua which is another way to write Y'shua means ' Jehovah is salvation ' and so on . There is a problem with this Christian verse which are suppose to be the exact copy of the Jewish Bible verse but is not . The JB Isaiah 9 : 5 says For a child has been born to us , A son has been given us . And authority has settled on his shoulders . He has been named " The Mighty God is planning grace ; The Eternal Father , a peaceable ruler " - This verse in the JB is very different then the CB . The CB has five names for this man and the JB only has two names . Again these Semitic meanings for two names not written do not describe the person with that name but describes LORD ELohim is some way or God's actions . In the JB they say this is a throne name of a royal child . Y'shua was of the blood line of David but Y'shua never became King of the Jews because that was not his purpose . Again Y'shua was never meant to become King or the Messiah . Y'shua's purpose was to be the Lamb of God .
Matt. 4 : 17 ( R ) From that time Jesus began to preach , and to say , Repent : for the kingdom of heaven is at hand . LORD ELohim does not know what ' kingdom of heaven ' means . Heaven is a long way away from earth and LORD ELohim does not call Heaven a kingdom for it has no king . Heaven only has a Father of all Spirits in Heaven and His name is LORD ELohim . The words ' at hand ' means ' now ' , not our now but at the time of Y'shua now . There was not much going on back then that would in any way describe the ' kingdom of heaven ' being on earth .
Matt. 4 : 23 ( B ) And Jesus went about all Galilee , teaching in their synagogues , and preaching the gospel of the kingdom , and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people . At this time we do not know what the ' gospel of the kingdom ' means . Could Y'shua heal all manner of disease and sickness ? LORD ELohim says " No " . We are now suffering with Covid 19 and thousands of other illnesses and there is not a thing one LORD ELohim can do about that just as Y'shua could not heal people regarding all the illness at that time . I once thought that LORD ELohim had the Spirits to make people sick so Y'shua could put on a show healing these people but LORD ELohim said He did not do that to people . People seem to forget the love of LORD ELohim for mankind whom He created . If it were possible for LORD ELohim to heal the sick and suffering He would have done that throughout history . What LORD ELohim cannot do neither could Y'shua .
Matt. 4 : 24 ( B ) ...and those which were possessed with devils ,... What I have learnt over these many years is that Spirits are smart enough to know : love , kindness and goodness will allow for great happiness and great joy for all eternity . This is something mankind seems to have yet to figure out for our short life . There is big money out there for exorcism and there is a lot of mental illness out there to . Some times when people believe in something they can make it seem to come true for themselves like believing that we can be possessed by evil Spirits . In all these years working with LORD ELohim and Spirits I have yet to meet a evil Spirit .
Matt. 5 : 1 - 11 ( R ) Y'shua went to a high mountain to preach . And he opened his mouth , and taught them , saying . These verses are the " Blessed are the " or " Blessed are they " verses . Each verse has Blessed are the or they before the rest of the verse as this verse . 5 : 3 Blessed are the poor in spirit : for theirs is the kingdom of heaven . Where is this heaven ? LORD ELohim's Heaven is very far from earth . If the verse means Heaven is coming to earth then what reward is this when everything will be much the same as is now . No flesh has ever entered LORD ELohim's Heaven way out in space and no flesh ever will . 5 : 4 ... they that mourn : for they shall be comforted . How is God to do this ? That's what family and friends are for . What can God do for you to make your sorrow less hurtful ? Many people today suffer greatly before they die . To know they no longer suffer and will never suffer any more , that should be a great comfort for many people . Natural death itself is often a glad blessing . The sudden death of someone causes great sorrow but there is little God can do about that other then to say they do not suffer any more . 5 : 5 ... meek : for they shall inherit the earth . Again what changes for these flesh people ? Take a good look around the earth at all the hate and war and terrorism going on . These people will still need food , clothings , shelter and a job and so on . To inherit the earth is not the greatest blessing one could hope for . LORD ELohim is not going to create a new earth as the CB says . 5 : 6 .... which do hunger and thirst after righteousness : for they shall be filled . Being righteous means doing right ; virtuous ; morally right and just . A back up to this verse Christians say is in JB Proverbs 21 : 21 : He who strives to do good and kind deeds Attains life , success , and honor . This teaching is an ancient one . 5 : 7 ..... merciful : for they shall obtain mercy . 5 : 8 ..... pure in heart : for they shall see God . Has the flesh of anyone ever really seen God ? The answer is no . That's why a lot of people believed LORD ELohim is like a fog in the universe and is everywhere in the universe at the same time and stuff like that because no person has ever really seen Him , not even Moses . I have never seen Him but I know He is about eight feet tall with toes , feet , torso , arms , fingers , legs , head and so on like us people but no genitals . Remember we were created in His image : Genesis 1 :27 And God created man in His image , in the image of God He created him ; . 5 : 9 ..... peacemakers : for they shall be called the children of God . Good or evil we are all LORD ELohim's children and He is our Father . Many people have caused LORD ELohim to regret creating mankind but He never made anyone a orphan so this verse is no different then what already is : we are all children of our God LORD ELohim . 5 : 10 ..... which are persecuted for righteousness sake : for theirs is the kingdom of heaven . Again no person will ever go to LORD ELohim's Heaven and if this means the kingdom of Heaven comes to earth then will much change for people living at that time ? LORD ELohim says His Heaven will never come to earth . 5 : 11 .... Blessed are ye , when men shall revile you and persecute you , and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely , for my sake . 5 : 12 Rejoice , and be exceeding glad : for great is your reward in heaven : for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you . LORD ELohim says that Y'shua never mentioned Heaven like this to people . Through Y'shua LORD ELohim never made promises He could not keep and this promise God has no way of keeping it . Death of the body is the end of one's life . There is nothing about mortal life flesh of any kind that can live beyond the death of the flesh body so many of these ' blessings ' were not taught by Y'shua . Souls are not apart of the flesh . Souls are separate from the flesh and do not need flesh for their life and we do not live beyond death of the flesh in the Souls . The Souls purpose it about the function of the flesh body in some way . A time is coming all Souls will go home to Heaven and we will not be going to Heaven with them because we will be dead .
( 6 : 42 ) NOTES : I asked LORD ELohim if the awaited Messiah comes to be is it guaranteed that this human Jewish man can bring about world peace and do other things ? LORD ELohim says there is no guarantee that this man can do what is close to be the impossible and there is not a lot of ways LORD ELohim can help this man bring peace to all mankind . Again the Jews were and are right that Y'shua was not the awaited Messiah or the King of Israel .
Matt. 5 : 13 - 16 It says Y'shua said the Jews are the salt of the earth and the light of the world . He says to let their light shine so other people see their good works to honor our Father in Heaven .
Matt. 5 : 17 & 18 ( R ) Think not that I am come to destroy the law , or the prophets : I am not come to destroy , but to fulfill . For verily I say unto you , Till heaven and earth pass , one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law till all be fulfilled . The back up verse for these is Isaiah 40 : 8 . In the JB it says : Grass withers , flowers fade - But the word of our God is always fulfilled ! In the CB : The grass withereth , the flower fadeth : but the word of our God shall stand for ever . There are many prophecies in the JB about the future when written and some are yet to come about but we are having trouble with the word ' law ' . What in the Ten Commandments or other laws that needs Y'shua to fulfill something about the law if that's what the verse means ? LORD ELohim does not get this either . This is another one for Rabbis to answer . Is there something in the God's Law or other laws given by LORD ELohim that required Y'shua to fulfill something about them ? There may be somthing said by God's prophets that yet are not fulfilled but so far there is not anything about the Lamb of God . There are a few verses about the Messiah and coming King of Israel in the JB but again Y'shua was no Messiah or King .
Matt. 5 : 19 ( R ) Whoever therefore shall break one of the least commandments , and shall teach men so , he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven : but whosoever shall do and teach them , the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven . Again LORD ELohim does not understand what the ' kingdom of heaven ' means . Remember no flesh shall ever go to His Heaven . Christians believe every word in their Bible is true and without errors . This verse is said to have been spoken by Y'shua himself to his followers and others . The question is : why do Christians believe they don't have to obey any of LORD ELohim's Ten Commandments when this verse says to obey them and teach them ? The Ten Commandments is not just a Jewish thing . LORD ELohim taught the Jews and through the Jews many non-Jews were taught them also . The Ten Commandments and other teachings by the LORD ELohim are for all Humanity to obey in the past and even today including Christians and any other faiths .
NOTES : Matthew is a lot of words and work but once we are through the book of Matthew there won't be a lot to do since the following three main books : Mark , Luke and John repeat a lot that is in Matthew . The books Acts to Revelation should be more interesting .
Matt. 5 : 20 ( R ) For I say to you , That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees , ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven . LORD ELohim says at the time of Y'shua He and Y'shua had no problems with the Scribes and Pharisees . Righteousness means having upright conduct , virtue , the state or condition of being right and just . No Scribes or Pharisees were perfect because they were human but nothing was so wrong about them to have Y'shua treat them like this . In a Christian book it says the problem was is that the Scribes and Pharisees taught and tried to live their lives based on the Law of God : the Ten Commandents and other teachings regarding righteousness . Why would LORD ELohim or Y'shua have a problem with that ? Y'shua did not do away with the Law but taught people to have respect for the Law and keep the Ten Commandments just as the Scribes and Pharisees tryed to do . What is wrong is that Christians and other religions believe they don't need to keep LORD ELohim's Law the Ten Commandments : now that is wrong .
Matt. 5 : 21 ( R ) Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time , Thou shalt not kill ; and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment : Christians use CB Exodus 20 : 13 as their back up verse to this : Thou shalt not kill . The CB error is it should say " You shall not murder " just as this Commandment is written in the JB . There is a big difference between killing and murder . If you strictly obeyed " thou shalt not kill " you would starve to death unless you live only on fruit . Celery plants like cows are living mortal life to .
Matt. 5 : 22 ( R ) This verse goes on about if you are angry with your brother without cause your in danger of judgment . You may be thinking the Scribes and Pharisees must have been strict until you get to this verse . It goes on to say ....... but whosoever shall say " Thou fool " , shall be in danger of hell fire . According to the CB it would be so easy to get sent to hell if Y'shua ruled the world . Did Y'shua even say this ? LORD ELohim says " No " and the LORD has never said this either . There is no back up verse in the JB or the Christian Old Testament for this verse .
Matt 5 : 29 - 30 ( R ) These verses are about plucking your eyes out or cutting your hand off if they cause you to sin so your whole body is not sent to hell . ..... and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell . LORD ELohim says to you " don't do that " . It's your thinking that makes the hands and eyes sin . Y'shua never said this : it's just very bad and silly advice .
Matt 5 : 31 & 32 ( R ) It hath been said , Whosoever shall put away his wife , let him give her a writing of divorcement : But I say unto you , That whosoever shall put away his wife , saving for the cause of fornication , causeth her to commit adultery : and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery . These verses are about divorce and LORD ELohim says the teaching is wrong . LORD ELohim says if a man or women divorces the wife or husband and married someone else it is not adultery . God says adultery is the sexual unfaithfulness of a married person . Divorced people for any reason are not married anymore . LORD ELohim has no problem with divorce . The Catholic church makes divorce difficult to get and God says that should not be that way . Long ago I had neighbors who were Catholic . The ladies husband was a drunk who would beat her up often and the Catholic church would not allow her to divorce him and she suffered for years because of the church .
Matt 5 : 33 - 37 ( R ) These verses are about swearing an oath or whatever . LORD ELohim says these are just silly verses and not worth talking about . There is one verse 37 that says All you need to say is simply ' Yes ' or ' No ' ; anything beyond this comes from the evil one . Another CB says ..... But let your communication be , Yea , yea ; Nay , nay , for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil . One of the CB verse says : cometh of evil and the other CB says : comes from the evil one . LORD ELohim does not understand why saying more then just Yes or No regarding an oath would mean it comes from evil or comes from the evil one meaning Satan . Most oaths made only need a Yes or No but if more is needed what's the problem ? LORD ELohim also does not understand why people are blaming Satan for anything more said then a Yes or No . What's David ( Satan ) got to do with anything like this ?
( 6 : 43 ) NOTES : This is about verse Matt. 5 : 37 above . LORD ELohim has noticed many writings about this Satan Spirit that writers believe exists . Many people believe Satan is a wicked Spirit and all to common when these people sin they blame it on Satan . We wrote about this before that mankind in our minds and beliefs created this Satan fellow and not LORD ELohim creating a real evil Spirit . If Satan existed he would be one Spirit about the size of a big man . Like God this Satan could only be in one place at any given time just like us . To put the blame upon someone else either flesh or Spirit for your sins and wrong doings is just wrong in the first place and is not fooling LORD ELohim because LORD ELohim knows David the Spirit who agreed to play the role of Satan if needed was never needed . Why would people create a non-existent Spirit they called Satan ? Maybe to have someone to blame for their errors or maybe because they believed there must be good and evil Spirits just like there is good and evil people or maybe to find reason why the wind blew down their house and why other disasters happen to good people . Who knows ? LORD ELohim knows He never created evil Spirits or any Spirits who even want to be evil including David . Spirits are smart : they know love and kindness and goodness leads to happiness and to a very enjoyable life for all eternity . What do Spirits have to fight over . They do not need land , shelter , food , clothing , air , water , religion , school , money , jobs , electricity , oil and so on . There is only one Father they all call ELohim and His Spirit family that He created are all equal as His sons . In Revelation 12 : 7 - 9 it says : Then war broke out in heaven . Michael and his angels fought against the dragon , and the dragon and his angels fought back . But he was not strong enough , and they lost their place in heaven . The great dragon was hurled down - that ancient serpent called the devil , or Satan , who leads the whole world astray . He was hurled to the earth , and his angels with him . LORD ELohim and other Spirits say this is not true and will not become true in the future . Heaven is six galaxies big and all without even one flag claiming planets or galaxies to belong to any Spirit . What is there to fight over ? There is nothing to fight over . Mostly Spirits play in space . Spirits and even LORD ELohim seek happiness and the loving and kind friendship of all their brothers and Satan is no different then all the other Spirits . LORD ELohim with the help of other Spirits over the past six thousand years has worked hard to guide mankind to the same love and kindness and family the Spirits enjoy so we could pass our trial so why would the LORD send Satan down here to earth to destroy all God's and Spirits hard work ? There are countless galaxies He could have sent Satan to in the past or to in the future . If David ( Satan ) is so evil then it is without logic that God would send him here to earth to ruin all LORD ELohim's and other Spirits hard work to help mankind .
( 6 : 44 ) NOTES : There are many verses in many different books of different religions about a Spirit called Satan or of some other name . Christians call Satan the Devil , Serpent , great dragon , Beelzebub , tempter , liar and so on . If LORD ELohim could sit across the coffee table and talk to people He would have said My Spirit children would not know what evil is if He had never created mortal life . God's Spirit children who have watched or been involved with mortal life of free now know a million reasons why not to be evil like the Grays , Anunnaki and Humans were and are .
( 6 : 45 ) NOTES : Genesis 3 : 1 JB Now the serpent was the shrewdest of all the wild beasts that the LORD God had made . David ( Satan ) is not a wild beast ; he is a Spirit created by LORD ELohim and no flesh can see him or hear him just like any other Spirit and the LORD . Remember Adam and Eve were alone in Eden except for animals an a ' man of God ' . Adam and Eve could not hear or see God which is why LORD ELohim had a ' man of God ' speaking for Him at best he could . LORD ELohim said that this situation was Adam and Eve blaming another being for their sin and most people have been doing the same ever since , only usually blaming other people or Satan and Demons and not wild beasts like snakes. In the past six thousand years there have been a few ' men of God ' like Moses , the prophets , the men who talked to Abraham and Lot and so on . LORD ELohim and teaching Spirits spent years teaching these ' men of God ' . It's safe to say anyone who thought they had met Angels of God and could hear them speak and could see them , these men were mortal men working for LORD ELohim who God calls ' men of God ' . Remember that David ( Satan ) had nothing to do with Adam and Eve and snakes cannot speak in mankinds language then or even today . Simply put : they lied to LORD ELohim and the lie was pasted down from generation to generation . That was a double sin : first eating the fruit from that tree and second lying about why they ate from that tree .
( 6 : 46 ) NOTES : If your beginning to understand and know LORD ELohim better then you did before and are now wondering about your own beliefs ; do not blame any other people if you find errors in your faith . LORD ELohim mentioned this before . Each faith is responsible for what you believe and if you included other peoples beliefs into your faith it was then and is yet your responsiblity to make sure those beliefs have no errors so your faith has no errors also . The belief of evil Spirits and even evil gods and other evil beings that do not exist goes back long before even Adam and Eve among Humanoids and tens of thousands of years later people still believe in such evil beings existing . Today LORD ELohim is to the point that He does not care much about peoples religions as long as your faith causes no harm to other people for any reason . Humanoid means : one of the earliest ancestors of mankind .
Matt. 5 : 38 & 39 & 40 ( R ) Ye have heard that it hath been said , An eye for an eye , and a tooth for a tooth : But I say unto you , that ye resist not evil but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek , turn to him the other cheek . And if any man will sue thee at the law : and take away thy coat , let him have thy cloak also . LORD ELohim says this is right but not all of it . A wise person would try to avoid evil coming against them and if the law does not say give him your cloak to then why would you unless your feeling more guilty then the law says . An eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth is not how the world or life works .
Matt. 5 : 43 & 44 & 45 ( R ) Ye have heard that it hath been said , Thou shalt love thy neighbor , and hate thine enemy . But I say unto you , Love your enemies , bless them that curse you , do good to them that hate you , and pray for them which despitefully use you , and persecute you : That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven : ..... There is some good advice in these verses but we are all the children of LORD ELohim no matter how good or evil we are . It says : That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven . There is no ' may be ' that we are all LORD ELohim's children . We are all LORD ELohim's children . It goes on to say : 45 for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good , and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust . LORD ELohim created all that was created and not Y'shua . We are all LORD ELohim's children : good and bad children at any age .
Matt. 5 : 46 - 48 ...Be ye therefore perfect , even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect . These verses are about loving everyone and to be perfect as your Father LORD ELohim is perfect . Being perfect as LORD ELohim is perfect : that's not going to happen . God knows that people have great difficulties in their lives and trying to be perfect is one of them . LORD ELohim does not expect any people to be perfect but He hopes we will try to make the best of our lives by being loving , kind and caring toward others so we can find some joy and happiness in our daily lives .
Matt. 6 : 1 - 7 These verses talk about alms and prays and Y'shua was said to say to do both in private and don't let other people know you are doing these . LORD ELohim says He does not care if other people see you giving gifts of cloths or money and so on to those in need or to support those who help many in need . Sometimes when people see you put food in the food bank box at the store it inspires them to do so to . And God does not care where you pray to Him , just remember He is not everywhere . But there is one verse He does agree with : Matt. 6 : 7 But when ye pray , use not vain repetitions , as the heathen do .... LORD ELohim is not interested in hearing what He has heard a million times before . God says mix it up because He loves good conversation about almost everything . LORD ELohim enjoys knowing what's going on in your mind and not just about your religion . He understands time is needed to teach people the faith but then He waits for good conversation about anything else to . LORD ELohim spends almost all day every Sabbath Day at a Synagogue and on Sunday He goes to a Chrisitan church just to hear what people there are talking about who have read His Little Book . Things are starting to get interesting .
Matt. 6 : 8 ( R ) Be not ye therefore like unto them : for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of , before ye ask him . LORD ELohim is not everywhere and knowing everybody . He does not hear everyones prayers either . LORD ELohim is one Spirit and there is almost 8 billion people on earth so how could He know all people ? Getting through this life is mostly up to you and for the poor and needy He hopes we who are not so bad off will help support the people who do help people in need or to help those in need directly . LORD ELohim cannot put food on your plate or cloths on you back and a roof over your head . If God could He would for all people .
Matt. 6 : 9 - 13 ( R ) After this manner therefore pray ye : Our Father which art in heaven , Hallowed be thy name . Thy kingdom come , Thy will be done in earth , as it is in heaven .... Many Christians believe that Y'shua created all that was created ( John 1 : 1-3 ) including humans but there are many verses in the CB New Testament which have Y'shua saying Our Father or Your Father or Thy Father and so on regarding LORD ELohim as being our Father . So far we have found no verses where Y'shua is said to have said he is our Father or your Father or thy Father and so on . We will try to find that Red Letter verse said to have been spoken by Y'shua for this and not in Black Letters as written by John 1 : 1 - 3 .
Matt. 6 : 14 - 18 ( R ) These verses are about forgiving people for their trepasses and your Father will forgive yours . And if you fast do not make a scene about it in front of other people . I know nothing about fasting and why people do that . Forgiving people who hurt you sometimes helps people move on .
Matt. 6 : 24 ( R ) .....Ye cannot serve God and mammon . LORD ELohim knows very few preachers but out of the few He does know of are many very wealthy preachers . Religion of any kind is not suppose to be about gaining riches , mansions , jets , ranches , or buying an island for a get away and so on as many preachers of many different religions think is what they deserve for their work . To serve LORD ELohim He expects the preachers to live a more humble and modest lifestyle and to spend the extra money on helping the people who need help and not to spend it on themselves . Mammon means money .
Matt. 6 : 25 - 34 ( R ) ... Behold the fowls of the air : for they sow not , neither do they reap , nor gather into barns ; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them . Are ye not much better than they ?...... This goes on about lilies of the field and God clothe the grass Therefore take no thought , saying , what shall we eat ? or , What shall we drink ? or , Wherewithal shall we be clothed ? ... for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things ..... Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof . LORD ELohim is sure Y'shua never said these verses because they are silly . How can human needs be compared to birds and grass ? Nature usually provides birds and grass for everything . Yes : God created nature . The makeup of birds and grass is nothing like people and humans live everywhere in the world where birds and grass lives only where they can survive and even at that many species have become extinct in the past . We are probably the most needy creatures on earth for our survival . For the most part there is no comparison . It's always amazed me how birds and rabbits and squirrels and other animals can survive our 35 below 0 C. winters in Canada and other places in the world and in the hottest places to . LORD ELohim knows most people's needs are far far greater then grass and it is up to us to deal with our needs to survive this life because LORD ELohim cannot do that for us . No one knows what Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof means .
Matt. 7 - 11 ( R ) Ask , and it shall be given you ; seek , and ye shall find ; knock , and it shall be opened unto you : 11 If ye then , being evil , know how to give good gifts unto your children , how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him ? After reading this I put in my order with LORD ELohim for a small twenty acre farm , a couple of horses , two dogs and a mouser cat and : yah thats not going to happen . He laughed . He also laughed at these verses . A lot of people believe that LORD ELohim can do everything and anything . That is not true : He does have His limits to what He can do . If He could do everything and anything no mortal life would starve or live with and die from diseases or be without anything that we need . God created all that would provide us with all our needs but you or someone else has to grow it , weave it , sew it , build it and so on and LORD ELohim cannot heal the sick and neither could Y'shua or his disciples .
( 6 : 47 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim is not without limits to what He can do . LORD ELohim cannot turn stones to bread or suddenly make thousands of fish appear in a few baskets from a hand full of fish and so on . If God's abilities were able to do such things no human would have ever starved to death , died from disease gone without a shelter or clothing and so on . God has given mankind water to drink and the fruit of the trees He created , vegetables He created and meat of the cows and chickens and other animals and fish He created and cloths from the cotton plant or skin from the animals He created and on and on . LORD ELohim has given us all that we need to live in most places on earth but disease and famines , poverty , wars , pain , suffering , old age and death and several other things God cannot do much or anything about . There are many ways we can help each other : like food for famines in local places around earth , food for food banks for the poor , cloths for the poor , money for organizations that feed the homeless and places that give shelter for the homeless , low rental housing for those living in poverty and stuff like these . It is possible for Humanity to make a difference on our own regarding many things that are needed for other people and again we can do that without LORD ELohim's help to do so .
Matt 7 : 13 & 14 ( R ) Enter ye in at the strait gate : for wide is the gate , and broad is the way , that leadeth to destruction , and many there be which go in thereat : Because strait is the gate , and narrow is the way , which leadeth unto life , and few there be that find it . Is it the broad way that leads to hell or destruction ? Christians have got to make up their minds about stuff like this . Destruction means : the action or process of destroying something : in other words dust to dust . It also say ' which leadeth unto life ' . According to many faiths that believe in hell and heaven they believe dead people are still alive in hell just like they believe other dead people are alive in Heaven so both gates would lead to life but this verse says destruction and not life in hell . It says the narrow way leads to life but no mortal has a life after death so even that way leads to destruction of the body also : dust to dust . LORD ELohim wants you to understand . He would never punish someone for not believing in Him as their God and Father because He has never proven beyond a doubt that He even exists to many people . Y'shua never proved himself to be a God or the only Son of God LORD ELohim because he always says stuff like : your Father , our Father and so on : is LORD ELohim . Therefore we are all sons and daughters of LORD ELohim according to Y'shua and that proves a error in the belief that Y'shua created all that was created . If people do not believe in something like Y'shua being the only son of God and is a God and he created all ; LORD ELohim is not going to punish people for what they do not believe . Besides : Y'shua was and is not a God and he also was not the only son of God and he did not create everything that was created and he did not teach most written in the CB and Y'shua is not in Heaven and coming back to earth soon because he is dead : dust to dust dead .
( 6 : 48 ) NOTES : If Y'shua was the only son of LORD ELohim then why does Y'shua say many times over and over again that LORD ELohim is your Father , thy Father , the Father , our Father and more . Where in the New Testament Red Letters does Y'shua say LORD ELohim is your Grandfather and not your Father because he Y'shua is our Father ? If we find the answer to this we will certainly write that verse in the Little Book .
Matt. 7 : 15 Beware of false prophets .... LORD ELohim says there are no prophets at this time and He has no plans for prophets in the future . So if someone calls themselves to be a prophet now or in the future they would be false prophets because LORD ELohim is not doing that anymore . Again I am not a prophetess : just a secretary .
( 6 : 49 ) NOTES : Why the Little Book ? This is LORD ELohim's last attempt to prove Himself to you and all Humanity as the living God your Father who created you and all that was created . LORD ELohim over the years has come to know the many errors of peoples beliefs about Him and many other things . The Little Book is something God worked very hard at as a way to speak to all people of the world . God had hoped to talk to people through the Little Book before the Last Day but it was not easy teaching His Hebrews English and the modern English spelling and modern math . LORD ELohim did not think it would make much difference but He wanted to explain many things to people who were living at the time the Little Book was done and became known to people . He hoped your children and their children and so on would come to know LORD ELohim by reading the Little Book to . LORD ELohim wanted to correct many beliefs people had that were not true and caused people much fear . He wanted you to know there is nothing about death to fear such as hell . He wanted you to know He loves you , at least most of us . He wanted to tell His Jews thank you for all you have done to help Him with people in the past and even now and He wanted the Jews to know how deeply you are loved by Him . LORD ELohim wanted to give the Jews and the Lagina's the knowledge about the gifts at Oak Island for His Jews living now and in memory of all the Jews in the past . There is many reasons why God wrote the Little Book and one reason is that people had stopped thinking logically about Him and other Spirits and other subjects . LORD ELohim wanted you to know Him as He really is and not the lies which have been told and believed about Him . LORD ELohim wanted to try once more to give all mankind proof that He exists and is our Father . He wants his flesh human children to understand why some day in the future He will bring most species of life on earth to a end because of His love and pity for them . The Little Book contains many messages from God to His mortal children and He hopes you will believe in Him and in some way He will be apart of your life even though He cannot be with most all people because He is one Spirit . He wants you to know He loves you .
Matt. 7 : 18 & 19 ( R ) A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit , neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit . Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down , and cast into the fire . This is like a metaphor where tree means people and fruit we think means bringing new people into the faith . And it seems to mean the people who are evil fruit are cast into the fire ( hell ) . Again there is no hell . Do you really still believe LORD ELohim is that cruel and evil to have created this believed hell where many billions of people would go to and suffer in great pain and other torments for all eternity ? Do you really believe God is so wicked He would wake people from there peaceful death just to send many many billions of them to hell and then the lake of fire forever just to enjoy torturing them ? If you still believe in hell or purgatory or lake of fire or yet believe in that evil and wicked false god of yours ' who is not LORD ELohim ' you have not given much thought to what LORD ELohim has said to you in His Little Book . Again LORD ELohim cannot raise the truly mortal dead back to life and He never created a purgatory or hell or lake of fire and He has no intention to make any people suffer forever no matter how wicked , cruel and evil they are or were .
( 6 : 50 ) NOTES : We know LORD ELohim and not even Y'shua created hell , purgatory and the lake of fire . So who did create these places . No : not even Satan . People did in their mind , in their imagination . People created these nonexistent places . People made them up only in their mind and sucked in a lot of people to believe what only existed in their mind and only exists in your mind now who believe in these places as being real . It's obvious that the intention was to cause fear in people if they did not believe in what others wanted them to believe . It's just as obvious that it was about power and money back then and even today . This is also the same about Satan and Demons and Devils who were also created ' not by God ' but in the minds of people . It would seem people needed someone else to blame for their sins and troubles just like Adam and Eve tryed to do by blaming the serpent . We know snakes cannot speak so people decided to create Satan and put the blame on him regarding Adam's and Eve's lie instead of just saying those two obviously lied to LORD ELohim . Again LORD ELohim knew they both lied to Him which was one of their two sins . LORD ELohim just informed me that putting the blame on someone else for our own wrong doings is also a sin so that would make it three sins and not two : 1 eating from that tree , 2 lying to God and 3 blaming someone else for their own wrong doings .
( 6 : 51 ) NOTES : Talking to my Soul Spirits they say that only the most complex flesh beings need Souls like people and most all land animials and whales . Jelly fish , crabs , fish , plants and trees have no Souls . LORD ELohim believes those flesh species without Souls will slowly die off like most species have in the past . I may have written in the past that all mortal life has Souls but that was an error . Still learning .
Matt. 7 : 21 - 23 ( R ) Not every one that saith unto me , Lord , Lord , shall enter into the kingdom of heaven , but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven . Many will say to me in that day , Lord , Lord , have we not prophesied in thy name ? and in thy name have cast out devils ? and in thy name done many wonderful works ? And then will I profess unto them , I never knew you : depart from me , ye that work iniquity . It's so hard to know which side of the fence your on with this guy . Maybe it has something to do with the fact that true prophets were very very rare people like Isaiah and Jeremiah ? Maybe it's because Y'shua did not believe in evil Spirits ? Maybe it's because Y'shua knew his name has no powers and would still have no powers in the future ? Maybe their works were not so wonderful or maybe lies ? If they did not do what Y'shua told them to do then why not explain this more ? Christians claim the back up verse for this is in the JB Psalm 119 : 115 Keep away from me , you evildoers , that I may observe the commandments of my God . The LORD says this is not a prophecy . This is someone just writing what he feels at that time . True prophecies are rare in the Bible and this is not one of them . If this was a prophecy about Y'shua then it teaches that those who follow Y'shua ( Christians ) are to keep the Ten Commandments just as Y'shua did .
( 6 : 52 ) NOTES : In the Bible we have noticed that the word LORD is spelt three ways : LORD and Lord and lord . In the Old Testament , the Jewish Bible the word LORD is written LORD with all upper case letters meaning LORD ELohim . When I write about LORD ELohim I just write all letters in capital letters and the same font so I don't have to change the fonts a lot and God is OK with that , besides I just figured out how to do LORD this way . In the New Testament of the Christian Bible the word Lord is often used when referring to Y'shua and written in lower case letters except for the L . The word Lord with lower case letters does not mean God . The word lord or Lord are used for peoples name to express respect or authority of that person . To call Y'shua Lord is OK because this spelling of Lord or even lord refers to a mortal man and not to God LORD ELohim . In Revelation 19 : 15 & 16 it says this about Y'shua : Coming out of his mouth is a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations . " He will rule them with an iron scepter " . He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty . On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written : KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS . The spelling of ' LORD OF LORDS ' means ' God of Gods ' since all are capital letters . Y'shua was not and is not a God and who are all these other Gods with a capital ' G ' that he was to rule over some day in the future ? Another CB says : KING OF KING , AND LORD OF LORDS which still means ' God of Gods ' since all letters are capital letters . The only God LORD ELohim knows of is Himself . LORD ELohim created a lot of Spirits and mortal life but He never created any other Gods . Agian Y'shua was not a God and he was not the Christ which means the Messiah . The name Christ is Greek for the Jewish name Messiah . In one of the CB dictionary it refers to Y'shua as the man-God which is a great error . The same dictionary says that Y'shua fulfilled the role of a anointed priest , a prophet , and a king . Being anointed was common for Kings , priests , and even some prophets so that was not something only Y'shua had done . So far there is not much prophecies made by Y'shua but we will watch for them . Did Y'shua fulfill being a King ? That never happened and never will happen . Y'shua was never King of Israel or any other place .
Matt. 8 : 1 - 4 ( B ) ( R ) When he was come down from the mountain , great multitudes followed him . And , behold there came a leper and worshipped him , saying , Lord , if thou wilt , thou canst make me clean . And Jesus put forth his hand , and touched him , saying , I will ; be thou clean . And immediately his leprosy was cleaned . Even LORD ELohim cannot cleanse a human with Leprosy . If Y'shua could do that LORD ELohim would have hired him to cleanse all who had Leprosy and not just one man . Y'shua's secret of how to cleanse the leper LORD ELohim would have learnt and God would have cleansed the world of this horrible disease . But it says Y'shua said to the leper see thou tell no man ; but go thy way , shew thyself to the priest ... LORD ELohim was with Y'shua and He says this did not happen .
( 6 : 53 ) NOTES : Flesh needs bacteria in order to live but what LORD ELohim did not count on is the changing forms of bacteria and viruses over the years to become the enemy of flesh also .
Matt. 8 : 5 - 13 ( B ) ( R ) This story is about a centurion asking Y'shua to heal his sick servant and Y'shua said he would go to him and the centurion said that he believed Y'shua could heal his servant without need to go there to him . Then it says in verses 10 - 13 When Jesus heard it he marvelled , and said to them that followed . Verily I say unto you , I have not found so great faith , no , not in Israel . And I say unto you , That many shall come from the east and west , and shall sit down with Abraham , and Isaac , and Jacob , in the kingdom of heaven . But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness : there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth . And then it says Y'shua healed the servant and the centurion left . I use to think that maybe LORD ELohim had Spirits to make people sick so Y'shua could pretend that he could heal Palsy or Leprosy and any other sickness by simply having the Spirits who cause the sickness to leave the body : but LORD ELohim said He did not do that and would not do that to people . What LORD ELohim did say is Y'shua did not heal the servant and this did not happen . These words written above mean what ? Who are the children of the kingdom ? This is Luke's version of this happening in the CB : Luke 13 : 28 ( R ) There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth , when ye shall see Abraham , and Isaac , and Jacob , and all the prophets , in the kingdom of God , and you yourselves thrust out . And they shall come from the east , and from the west , and from the north , and from the south , and shall sit down in the kingdom of God . These verses are so different about the same thing Y'shua was suppose to have said . Y'shua is said to have been in Israel at that time and people were following him so who is he talking to ? LORD ELohim read these verses and His opinion is that Y'shua is said to be speaking to his fellow Jews and about his fellow Jews who Y'shua called the children of the kingdom . In another CB it says sons of the kingdom . LORD ELohim says these are more verses that are anti-Semitic in the CB's and this did not happen . LORD ELohim says that Y'shua never spoke to people like this . Y'shua was a kind and gentle man who loved his people the Jews . Christians back up these verses with Isaiah 53 : 4 . In the JB it says : Yet it was our sickness that he was bearing, Our suffering that he endured . We accounted him plagued , Smitten and afflicted by God ; LORD ELohim says He does not do smitten and afflicted to people but many people have though He did as punishment . Y'shua never had Palsy or Leprosy as this verse seems to say he would have had from healing the sick who had these diseases . If people thought Y'shua was plagued he would not have many people following him anywhere . They would be to busy running away from him . Bottom line is that Y'shua had no powers or whatever to heal sick people . If LORD ELohim knew how to do that no person would have ever suffered from any disease in the past or today ; not even the wicked . And who are all the people who come from east, west , south and north ? Would these be pagans from pagan nations ? If LORD ELohim had a choice between pagans and Jews He would pick the Jews . Another CB in Luke 13 : 29 says People will come from east and west and north and south , and will take their places at the feast in the kingdom of God . LORD ELohim says Y'shua did not say these verses . It's common the Christians believe the kingdom of God is on earth now in the minds of people and soon will be literally on earth before it's here forever . If you think of the Christian faith itself ; many pagan people from east and west and north and south have become Christians but remember LORD ELohim calls Christianity a " pagan religion " for many reasons . Did Y'shua say these verses ? LORD ELohim said Y'shua did not say them .
( 6 : 54 ) NOTES : Y'shua was a deeply faithful Jew of the religion of Judaism . Y'shua was in no way trying to create a new religion . At the age of 30 Y'shua became a devoted Rabbi of the religion he loved called Judaism . Y'shua lived the life of a deeply faithful Jew and died as a faithful Jew . Again what LORD ELohim was hoping for is that through Y'shua many people around the world would come to the religion of Judaism so the world would only have one religion so that people would have one less reason to hate , war and kill each other . LORD ELohim was very pleased with Y'shua's teachings of Judaism but all went wrong after Y'shua and his disciples died and many years later the pagan Romans became involved and very corrupt pagans created this new religion called Christianity with Y'shua ( Jesus ) as their Messiah ( Christ ) and as one of their three Gods . The LORD says to you to please remember the Lamb of God Y'shua was a very devoted Jewish man who loved and believed in his faith of Judaism . When Y'shua died he was a Jew belonging to the faith of Judaism and not a Christian and not someone trying to create a new religion .
( 6 : 55 ) NOTES : Is there three Gods in One God ? According to a Christian book it says : There is only one true God , and He is a Trinity . In the unity of the one God , there are three co-equal and co-eternal persons - the Father , Son , and Holy Spirit . Again LORD ELohim created many Spirits to be His sons but none were created to be a God . LORD ELohim created many mortals to be His sons and daughters but none were created to be a God either . LORD ELohim has no co-equal or co-eternal persons who He would call Gods and equal Gods to Him . LORD ELohim alone is complete as He is . LORD ELohim has never needed any ' persons ' to complete Him as the one and only God of all creation . Y'shua was not and is not a God in any form and he is still dead . The Holy Spirit or often called the Holy Ghost does not even exist as far as LORD ELohim knows . If the Holy Spirit existed you would think LORD ELohim would know of him . The LORD does not care how Christians mix words to come up with three Gods in one God : there is still only one God LORD ELohim and none others . Christians say they believe in one God but LORD ELohim can do the math and it keeps coming up with Christians believing in three Gods , not one God . There are no three Gods in one God . There is no trinity of Gods .
Matt. 8 : 14 - 17 ( B ) This is just about another healing and casting out devils . Again Y'shua could not heal the sick and there are no Spirits who are devils except in peoples mind .
Matt. 8 : 18 Now when Jesus saw great multitudes about him , he gave commandment to depart unto the other side . This is not a lot of anything on it's own but it is something to remember that great multitudes of people knew who Y'shua was .
Matt. 8 : 19 - 22 ( B ) ( R ) A scribe told Y'shua he would follow Y'shua wherever he goes and Y'shua complained he had no place to sleep .Then : And another of his disciples said unto him , Lord , suffer me first to go and bury my father . But Jesus said unto him , Follow me ; and let the dead bury their dead . Did this happen ? Was Y'shua that mean a cruel to other Jews ? LORD ELohim says that at that time He had very few problems with the Jews living at that time . LORD ELohim says this did happen but Y'shua just told this gentlemen that he was sorry for his loss and to go and take care of his family obligations as a son and to go bury your father . These verses in the CB make Y'shua sound like a unfeeling and mean and cruel person . LORD ELohim says Y'shua was not mean to anyone and he respected the traditional obligations of his people the Jews . These words ... and let the dead bury their dead : Y'shua never thought his people were dead to LORD ELohim : he believe the opposite , that they were very much alive to God and loved by LORD ELohim and Y'shua was right .
Matt. 8 : 23 - 27 ( B ) ( R ) This is about Y'shua and his disciples on a ship when a storm happens and Y'shua calmed the wind and sea . LORD ELohim says Y'shua did not have such powers to do that . These are just false stories to make it sound like Y'shua was a powerful God . Again Y'shua was and is not a God .
Matt. 8 : 28 - 34 ( B ) ( R ) This is about two men possessed with devils and the devils said to Y'shua : And , behold , they cried out saying , What have we to do with thee , Jesus , thou Son of God ?art thou come hither to torment us before the time ? LORD ELohim did not create devils or demons and if they did exist there is a whole universe they could go to , to avoid being punished by God . The way it's written makes it sound like these devils know they will be punished . ... before the time ? probably means when the book of Revelation prophecies are to happen . The book of Revelation has a lot of error and lies . Again Y'shua was not the only son of God : we are all LORD ELohim's children . And then it says the devils told Y'shua to send them into a herd of pigs and Y'shua did that and the pigs ran into sea and died which angered the locals who told Y'shua to go away from there . What happened to the devils in the pigs ? Did this really happen because devils do not exist beyond peoples mind and imagination ? The LORD says this did not happen .
Matt. 9 : 1 - 8 ( R ) ( B ) Y'shua was said to have healed a sick man with palsy by simply saying Son , be of good cheer ; thy sins be forgiven thee . The scribes thought this to be blasphemeth because many people believed only the LORD ELohim could forgive sins . Then Y'shua says For whether is easier , to say , Thy sins be forgiven thee , or to say , Arise , and walk ? And then Y'shua claims he ... hath power on earth to forgive sins and then the healed man went home . This makes it sound like God causes people to be ill just because they sin . I asked LORD ELohim if sickness is the penalty for sins and He said illness has nothing to do with peoples sins . People become sick for many reasons but not one reason is because of their sins . Did God give Y'shua powers to heal the sick ? LORD ELohim says " No " . Even LORD ELohim cannot heal palsy so did this really happen ? The LORD says this never happened .
( 6 : 56 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim wants people to remember that He cannot cure people who are sick and neither could Y'shua . If LORD ELohim could cure peoples sickness or feed those who hunger for food and so on : as our Father He would do so . Logic says what LORD ELohim cannot do neither could Y'shua .
Matt. 9 : 9 - 17 ( B ) ( R ) These verses are about why Y'shua spends time with sinners and about fasting : for I am not come to call the righteous , but sinners to repentance . There is a couple of things LORD ELohim does not agree with . First : it was the job of the Pharsees to bring sinners to repentance also . At that time the Pharsees were the religious leaders of the Jews according to a Christian dictionary . Second : ... many publicans and sinners came and sat down with him and his disciples . The word publican means ' Tax Collector ' . Being a tax collector may not get them a lot of friends but LORD ELohim says it is not a sin to be tax collector as long as they are not cheating people out of their money for their own pockets : thou shalt not steal . In verse 14 it says : Then came to him the disciples of John , saying ,Why do we and the Pharisees fast oft , but thy disciples fast not ? Again remember that a lot of people knew a lot about Y'shua and his disciples back then . A book says fasting was only required on the Day of Atonement once a year and Y'shua and his disciples would have fasted on that day .
Matt. 9 : 11 ( B ) This may be an error or it's the way people talked back then ? ... Why eateth your Master with publicans and sinners ? This is in a King James Version . It's a funny verse and makes it sound like a lot of cannibals came for dinner and Y'shua was the main course . LORD ELohim says it's good for a laugh . The same verse in a NIV Bible says : ... Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners ?
Matt. 9 : 18 - 26 ( B ) ( R ) These verses are about Yshua healing a sick women and raising a dead girl back to life . Again Y'shua could do neither but remember this verse 26 And the fame hereof went abroad into all that land . Remember according to the Bible Y'shua was becoming a very famous and well known person when he was alive .
Matt. 9 : 27 -31 These verses are about Y'shua healing a few blind men . Y'shua told them : See that no man know it . But they , when they were departed , spread abroad his fame in all that country . Again Y'shua become famous in whatever country he was in .
Matt. 9 : 32 - 34 ( B ) Y'shua cast out a devil and the dumb man spoke ... and the multitudes marvelled , saying , It was never so seen in Israel . And again Y'shua is said to have become famous . But the Pharisees said , He casteth out devils through the prince of the devils . LORD ELohim says Satan ( prince ) had nothing to do with this because God never created devils so this could not have happened in the way it is written in the Bible . The word multitude means a great number . Again LORD ELohim did not have Spirits make people sick just so Y'shua would become known as a man with the power to heal people . God would not do that to people .
Matt. 9 : 35 - 38 ( B ) ( R ) These verses are about Y'shua going to cities and towns teaching and preaching ... and healing every sickness and every disease among the people . LORD ELohim wishes He could heal us who suffer and if He could He would start at the childrens hospitals but He cannot heal every disease and sickness and neither could Y'shua .
Matt. 10 : 1 ( B ) And when he had called unto him his twelve disciples , he gave them power against unclean spirits , to cast them out , and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease . If this were true then why is there still people suffering from disease and sickness even today ? Do you believe that LORD ELohim does not care for us enough to keep healing us ? or to at least teach doctors how to do what the Bible says Y'shua the flesh man could do ? LORD ELohim wants all people to know that if He had such abilities to cure all illness and disease or the blind or the deaf or cancer and much more He would do that for all His human children on earth now to . The Bible makes it sound like it's so easy for LORD ELohim or even Y'shua to cure people . That is not true . The word ' power ' means the ability to act or produce an effect . This word ' power ' means nothing to LORD ELohim . LORD ELohim says stop thinking He has some sort of ' power ' over everything existing in the universe because He does not . What LORD ELohim cannot do Y'shua and the twelve disciples could not do either like raising the dead back to life or curing Leprosy , Boils , T.B. , Dropsy , Epilepsy , Palsy , Cancer , Fever , Insanity and dozens more diseases and sickness . There were no ' powers ' given to them by LORD ELohim or given to them by the false and nonexistent god Christians call the Holy Ghost . This verse says ' he ' ( Y'shua ) gave the disciples this power to cure diseases and LORD ELohim says Y'shua had no such powers to give .
( 6 : 57 ) NOTES : Many people think LORD ELohim can do anything by simply thinking about it or by simply saying something like abracadabra . If you think about LORD ELohim's creation of mortal life on earth you will need to go back in time 3 . 5 billion years ago when He created the first living bacteria out of the dust of the earth . For LORD ELohim to heal a persons illness abracadabra is not going to work for that either . ( The word abracadabra means : a word supposed to have magic powers , used in incantations or as a charm to ward off disease )
Matt. 10 : 2 - 13 ( B ) ( R ) Did Y'shua say it or not ? The first verses names the disciples of Y'shua and he tells them to go preach : Go not into the way of the Gentiles , and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not : But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel . Y'shua told them to preach to the Jews only and not to the Gentiles . Gentile means those who are not Jews . Y'shua said they were to preach the kingdom of heaven is at hand to the Jews only . LORD ELohim does not know what the kingdom of heaven is at hand is supposed to mean . Heaven is a long way away from earth . LORD ELohim would not call Jews at that time the lost sheep because the Jews were the only ones practicing the ancient faith of Judaism at that time . When Y'shua lived LORD ELohim did not have many problems with the Jews then and they certainly were not lost and Y'shua being a Jew would have known that . In verse 8 he says Heal the sick , cleanse the lepers , raise the dead , cast out devils : freely ye have received , freely give . Again even Y'shua could not do all that . If there was a man in your town or city today who proved he could raise the truly dead who are now dust or ashes or died yesterday would you go find this guy and get him to do that for your loved ones you lost to death ? If someone became known for raising the dead back to life you would think that thousands or millions of people would be after this man and his disciples to raise their loved ones form the grave to . So far in Matthew we have not read anything alike that . A small town of people probably would have said " we will show you the grave yard and you can raise them all back to life and without old age or the disease or the illness or the wound that killed all them " . You would think his claimed ability to raise the dead back to life would have caused a great stir among the people then but there is nothing so far in the Bible saying that . Where's the excitement ? Where are the many multitudes of people begging Y'shua and even his disciples to raise their parents or children or good friends back to life ? At this time according to the Bible Y'shua was famous for healing the sick and raising the dead . The excitement about this is missing ?
Matt. 10 : 14 & 15 ( R ) Then he tells them what to ware and so on . Y'shua said And whosoever shall not receive you , nor hear your words when ye depart out of that house or city , shake off the dust of your feet . Verily I say unto you , It shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment , than for that city . Again Y'shua seems to be speaking of Jewish cities and homes . So far in Matthew LORD ELohim has read a lot of verses said to be spoken by Y'shua that the Jews should not believe are true : back then or even today so why would LORD ELohim punish the Jews for not believing every false word spoken by Y'shua and his disciples , if these verses were even said by Y'shua ? Remember Y'shua was a Jewish Rabbi at this time and his work was not only to support Judaism among the Jews but to invite non Jews ( Gentiles ) to the faith of Judaism . Y'shua's work was not to create a new religion but to try to bring Gentiles into the faith of Judaism . Remember LORD ELohim was working to bring about a one world religion called Judaism so there would be one less reason for people to hate , war and kill each other . So why would Y'shua tell his disciples to stay away from the Gentiles when the Gentiles were LORD ELohim's main target group of people to bring into the Jewish faith ? LORD ELohim says Y'shua never said this .
Matt. 10 : 16 ( R ) Behold , I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves : be ye therefore wise as serpents , and harmless as doves . This verse obviously means the wolves are the Jews based on the above verses . LORD ELohim is getting tired of verses which speak wrongly of the Jews who He had few problems with at that time and even today . If Y'shua claimed to be a God equal to LORD ELohim or the only Son of God and many other false teachings so far in Matthew then he could have gotten into some trouble with the Jews at that time for blasphemy but LORD ELohim said that did not happen . These words LORD ELohim says Y'shua never spoke . Y'shua never called his people " wolves " .
( 6 : 58 ) NOTES : We are just going to remind people that Y'shua's main purpose was to be the Lamb of God for all people of the world and not to be a king and not to be the Messiah . I asked LORD ELohim who was more involved in Y'shua's death , the Jews or the Romans and the LORD said it was the Romans He worked through to sacrifice Y'shua on the cross for all mankind . Remember LORD ELohim was with Y'shua through out his life . LORD ELohim knows what did happen and what did not happen .
( 6 : 59 ) NOTES : Note that several times Y'shua is said to have said " your Father which is in heaven " or " our Father which is in heaven " and so on . According to Christians : is Y'shua suppose to be a flesh man-God or was there a Spirit God within Y'shua's body possessing him or was he not a God in any form ? If Y'shua in some way was a God and part of a Trinity God : Father , Son and Holy Spirit , you would think that Y'shua would have known that LORD ELohim was with him all his life and that LORD ELohim was not in Heaven but on earth with him . If Y'shua was a God it's strange that Y'shua did not know this . And if Y'shua was a God equal to LORD ELohim then why does Y'shua talk about the LORD like He is everywhere and knows everything and everyone and so on . If Y'shua was a God then why did he not tell the truth that LORD ELohim is just one Spirit the size of a big man and is not everywhere . LORD ELohim says the reason why Y'shua made a few mistakes is because he was not and is not a God in any form and there is no Trinity as Christians believe there is . Did Y'shua even say this ?
Matt. 10 : 17 - 20 ( R ) Yshua is teaching what to do if the disciples get into trouble with Jews and Gentiles for preaching what Y'shua told them to preach . .... But when they deliver you up , take no thought how or what ye shall speak : for it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak . For it is not ye that speak , but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you . That would have been so nice if LORD ELohim could have done that when putting His Little Book on paper . The Little Book is very important to LORD ELohim for many reasons but because He cannot put His Spirit within people and take over their mind it's taken a lot of years to write it . If Y'shua said this he errored . If other people added this to the book of Matthew they lied . Again LORD ELohim is one Spirit and not a fog everywhere . How could LORD ELohim be within all the twelve disciples at the same time and every where they go all the time ? Back to the most common question : did Y'shua say this ?
Matt. 10 : 21 - 28 ( R ) A few of these verses are beyond understanding what they mean . Even God does not know . It's a lot about death and hatred because of believers in Y'shua are put to death . 22 And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake : but he that endureth to the end shall be saved . Again there is no afterlife for any mortal life . 28 And fear not them which kill the body , but are not able to kill the soul : but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell . Another Bible says the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell : which seems to mean LORD ELohim would do that . First : the CB flips often from ' eternal life in hell or lake of fire ' to ' destroyed in hell ' . So which is it ? My Souls say that each person has two Souls . Your Souls and mine are LORD ELohim's Spirit children and they have nothing to worry about because no Soul has ever sinned . You and me have sinned but our Souls have never sinned . According to this verse flesh is destroyed in hell . According to this verse there is no eternal pain and suffering in hell . Again , so which is it : eternal suffering or total destruction of the flesh ? Again there is no hell full of smoke and fire and screams created by LORD ELohim for any reason or for anyone .
( 6 : 60 ) NOTES : Do you believe LORD ELohim is a God of love ? If you do believe He is pure love then how can you also believe in a purgatory , hell or lake of fire . The LORD would have had to create these places and for one reason : to torture billions of people in . The CB New Testament is full of verses about hell and the lake of fire . We are soon going to stop writing about verses repeating stuff about hell . This subject has become a big bore . LORD ELohim just wants all people to know that He never created a hell or purgatory or lake of fire for any reason . Any kind of suffering for any mortal life ends when mortal life dies . For all people there is no reason to fear God or death because the LORD is pure love and death is like an eternal deep sleep .
( 6 : 61 ) NOTES : If you still believe in purgatory or hell or lake of fire where billions of people will suffer great constant pain and great emotional suffering for all eternity you must still believe LORD ELohim or even Y'shua are very very wicked , evil and cruel Spirit beings . LORD ELohim says " you need to think more about what you do believe " . Again think not beyond logic and again remember LORD ELohim is truely a loving and caring God and Father for all His children : Spirits and mortal flesh . Also if you are Christian you would have to believe John 1 : 1 - 3 that says Y'shua ( Jesus ) created purgatory , hell , the lake of fire , Satan , Demons and everthing else that was created even though that is a lie . LORD ELohim created all that was created and He did not create a purgatory , hell , lake of fire or any evil Spirits . Something more to think about .
Matt. 10 : 29 - 33 ( R ) Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing ? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father . This verse in the KJV seems to be missing an ending . In another Bible : same verse it says ...... Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father's care . How is LORD ELohim suppose to care for the lives of every sparrow on earth ? The next verse is just silly to . But the very hairs of your head are all numbered . Lucky Spirits who get bald men . If these verses are suppose to be metaphors they are not very good ones . Fear ye not therefore , ye are of more value than many sparrows . We may be of more value then a sparrow to God but LORD ELohim and Spirits who are not Souls cannot be with us 24 / 7 to care for us . Even if they could be with you always : if you get into a car crash there is not a lot God or Spirits can do about that for you is there ? LORD ELohim says Y'shua did not teach these verses .
( 6 : 62 ) NOTES : The reason we underline words like 'your' or 'our' or 'thy' God or Father and so on is because many people believe Y'shua created everything that was created including themselves . These underlined red letter verses are said to mean that Y'shua spoke those words . Why do people not believe red letter verses which means Y'shua said LORD ELohim is 'your' Father and instead believe black letter verses which are just the opinions of other people and are not spoken by Y'shua . We underliine them to remind people that Y'shua is said to have said LORD ELohim is 'your' Father and not Y'shua .
Matt. 10 : 32 & 33 ( R ) Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men , him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven . But whosoever shall deny me before men , him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven . Again LORD ELohim was not in Heaven at this time , He was on earth . There is over 7 billion people on earth now and billions have come and gone before us since Adam and Eve when our trial clock started ticking . What about the people who lived before Y'shua ? For this to happen : that each person is judged it would take many thousands of years or even millions of years to do with this many people but this is not going to happen . LORD ELohim judgment is regarding all people as a species and not as individuals . Yes there are a lot of good people but mortal life does not have an afterlife . If Y'shua was truly the Son of God and he came down from Heaven : he would have known there is no afterlife for mortals . LORD ELohim knows that . Y'shua was not the only son of God and he did not come to earth from Heaven and he did not go to Heaven when he died . Y'shua was a mortal man who's life began from a egg and sperm like everybody else who are mortal people . LORD ELohim says Y'shua never said these verses .
Matt. 10 : 34 - 38 ( R ) These verses LORD ELohim says are just wrong and Y'shua never said any of them . They are not just wrong : they make no sense in any way . Think not that I am come to send peace on earth : I came not to send peace , but a sword . For I am come to set a man of variance against his father , and the daughter against her mother , and the daughter in law against her mother in law . And a man's foes shall be they of his own household . He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me : and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me . And he that taketh not his cross , and followeth after me , is not worthy of me . He that findeth his life shall lose it : and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it . These verses makes Y'shua sound like he was a very conceited and spoilt brat . So much so he would have been hard to love based on these verses . Everything is wrong about these verses and LORD ELohim is hoping you are able to see this for yourself . LORD ELohim says Y'shua was a very humble man and a very kind and loving man throughout his life . Nothing in these verse are true about this man or about what his personality was like . Y'shua did not say any of these words . These verses are so bizarre : why were they even written ? What is the meaning of them suppose to be in the Christian beliefs about Y'shua ? Y'shua's purpose was to be the Lamb of God for all people even those of other faiths and races and that is what he willingly did for all mankind . Y'shua never pretended to be a God or the Messiah or a King and the Jews never believed he was these . It was the pagans long after Y'shua and his disciples died who made Y'shua their God and their Messiah and to be much more like the creator of all created . When you read the CB you need to remember that book was in the hands of pagans long before it was finished and made available to non-clergy people . LORD ELohim says that the disciples did not believe Y'shua to be a God or even the Messiah .
Matt. 10 : 40 - 42 ( R ) He that receiveth you receiveth me , and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me . LORD ELohim does not have a problem with this verse . The next verse is about getting rewards . If LORD ELohim gives rewards it is in this life because no human has an afterlife . And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple , verily I say unto you , he shall in no wise lose his reward . LORD ELohim does not understand why the water would have to be in the name of one of his disciples ? LORD ELohim has no problem if you give kindly in your own name .
Matt. 11 : 1 - 6 ( B ) ( R ) John the Baptist is in prison and he sends two of his disciples to question Y'shua . And said unto him , Art thou he that should come , or do we look for another ? Y'shua said Go and shew John again these things which ye do hear and see . The blind receive their sight , and the lame walk , the lepers are cleansed , and the deaf hear , the dead are raised up , and the poor have the gospel preached to them . And blessed is he whoso-ever shall not be offended in me . Again if LORD ELohim could do all that ' through Y'shua ' back then , still today there would be no blind, lame , lepers , deaf or many dead people in graves . Some people He would leave in the grave like a lot of Romans and Hitler and a lot others over the years but your good and kind and loving grandmother would not be in her grave still , even though we would need another earth for the population explosion . Y'shua himself did not have such ability to do all this on his own : he was just a man and not a God and even LORD ELohim cannot do all that either . If Y'shua truly did all that then where is all the excitement among the Jewish people ? In Matthew 9 : 24 - 26 Y'shua is asked to raise a women from the dead and he says , Give place : for the maid is not dead , but sleepeth . But when the people were put forth , he went in , and took her by the hand, and the maid arose . And the fame hereof went abroad into all the land . LORD ELohim calls death " a peaceful deep sleep " but Y'shua said she is not dead but sleepeth . Bottom line is Y'shua could not do all these things to help people which is why there is not a lot of excitement about him regarding ' these things ' . Something else : if all these things really happened even the ruler of Rome would have known about it and a smart ruler would have probably said " were going to keep this man because someday we will be ill or die and we want him around to cure us and to raise us back to life " . Why are the Romans not excited about all this going on with Y'shua and his disciples also ? Just a note : these are not spelling errors like ' shew ' , it's the way they are written in the Bible . Shew means ' show ' which means ' reveal ' .
Matt. 11 : 7 - 11 ( B ) ( R ) The disciples of John leave and Y'shua spoke to the multitudes who were there about John . He speaks kindly of John for a couple of verses like : But what went ye out for to see ? A prophet ? yea, I say unto you , and more than a prophet . For this is he , of whom it is written , Behold I send my messenger before thy face , which shall prepare thy way before thee . Then it says : Verily I say unto you , Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist : notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater then he . There is nothing that makes common sense in these verses . This kingdom Y'shua is said to have talked about gets harder and harder to get a invitation for . If John the Baptist is one of the greatest men who ever lived and yet is the least of any others in the kingdom of heaven where do you fit in ? This is something that does not exist in Heaven : upper class , middle class or lower class but these verses makes it sound like there is such classes and kings , slaves , servants and so on there . The true kingdom of God in Heaven only has LORD ELohim as the Father of all Spirits and all Spirits are His children and all children are equal . There are no least of anyone there and if Y'shua truly came down from Heaven he would have known that . LORD ELohim said Y'shua did not say these verses .
Matt. 11 : 12 -19 ( R ) What does this mean ? And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence , and the violent take it by force . LORD ELohim says there are no problems with violence in Heaven because there are no people there hateing each other and making war . Some people believe they will not go up to Heaven but Heaven will come to earth . Is this verses speaking of earth ? John the Baptist was about Y'shua's age . If talking about earth ; violence has been around a lot longer then John had been alive at that time . LORD ELohim says Heaven will not come to earth . He likes the true Heaven where it is now and a reminder that no mortal will ever go to His true Heaven .
Matt. 11 : 13 & 14 For all the prophets and the law prophesied until John . And if ye will receive it , this is Elias , which was for to come . Did the man Elijah who is said to have gone to Heaven come back from Heaven as the flesh man called John the Baptist ? LORD ELohim says Elijah never went to Heaven . Elijah died on earth and his dry bones are still here somewhere . No mortal life has ever gone to Heaven in any form including Y'shua .
( 6 : 63 ) NOTES : Christians use the JB in Psalms 139 : 7 - 8 as proof of a Holy Spirit but LORD ELohim does not agree with them . The verses say : Where can I escape from Your spirit ? Where can I flee from Your presence ? If I ascend to heaven , You are there ; if I descend to Sheol , You are there too . This is not proof that there is a Holy Spirit but proof that the belief that LORD ELohim Himself is everywhere was also believed long ago and still is today by many people . This belief is an error since LORD ELohim is one Spirit and not a fog in the universe .
( 6 : 64 ) NOTES : There are writings in all religious Books that LORD ELohim cannot explain . Many are stories about stories told . All LORD ELohim can say about them is " Think Not Beyond Logic " when your thinking about those verses that make no sense to you or even God . Remember LORD ELohim has been blamed by mankind in the past and even today for almost everything : bad and good . If people back then and even some people today could not explain something bad happening they often said it was an act of God that caused it as a form of punishment . It was rare that people said all is well so God must be pleased with us . Today we know much more about nature and the earth and of much more things so we know it's just the way things can happen on earth and in the universe .
Matt. 11 : 16 - 19 ( R ) Just more about John the Baptist and Y'shua complaining about the Jews again which LORD ELohim says he did not say . LORD ELohim says Y'shua was a quiet man and not a big mouth about things like these verses . It's hard to understand these verses .
Matt. 11 : 20 ( B ) Then began he to upbraid the cities where in most of his mighty works were done , because they repented not : The word upbraid means to criticize or scold severely . The question is what were the mighty works that Y'shua did in these cities ? LORD ELohim says that Y'shua could not raise the truly dead or heal all types of disease and illness or make the lame walk and so on . Why would it be written in the Bible when it's not true that Y'shua could do all these things ? Probably because people believe only a God could have such powers to raise the dead and heal people of leprosy and so on . LORD ELohim who is the only real God cannot do all that either . Some people wanted to make a simple Rabbi who was the Lamb of God into a God in peoples mind and it worked very well . LORD ELohim knows it was not the work of the Jews to make Y'shua a God . A great deal was added to the writings of the disciples and others to create a new ' false God ' and a ' new religion ' .
( 6 : 65 ) NOTES : This is something we just noticed in the CB while we were looking for something else . ( B ) Luke 22 : 2 - 5 : and the chief priests and the teachers of the law were looking for some way to get rid of Jesus , for they were afraid of the people . Then Satan entered Judas , called Iscariot , one of the Twelve . And Judas went to the chief priests and the officers of the temple guard and discussed with them how he might betray Jesus . Most people believe each person will be judged and most people believe in evil Spirits such as Satan and Demons . Most people also believe that people can be possessed by Satan and Demons and be controlled by them as this verse says Judas was controlled by Satan . If that were true then how could LORD ELohim or even you judge Judas ? The New Testament if full of stories about people being possessed by Demons who are also called Devils and some people were crazy people because of being possessed by evil Spirits . Would it be right if LORD ELohim or even you were to judge these people if it was evil Spirits who caused all crazy or evil things they did ? Again remember LORD ELohim created all that was created and He did not create evil Spirits . The LORD says He did not ask David ( Satan ) to possess Judas . Satan had nothing to do with Judas but a teaching Spirit worked at motivating Judas to betray Y'shua if needed . Again remember LORD Elohim worked through the Romans more then through the Jews regarding the sacrifice of Y'shua the Lamb of God . LORD ELohim did not judge Judas but He did judge Himself . The LORD did not expect Judas to hang himself because he betrayed Y'shua and LORD ELohim felt deeply sorry about that and at fault for the death of Judas . LORD ELohim has never done anything like this since Judas . If the LORD could raise people from the dead Judas would be at the top of the list but He could not and cannot do that . Again Satan had nothing to do with Judas .
Matt. 11 : 21 - 24 ( R ) Woe unto thee , Chorazen ! woe unto thee , Bethsaida ! for if the mighty works , which were done in you , had been done in Tyre and Sidon , they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes . But I say unto you . It shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon at the day of judgment , than for you . And thou , Capernaum , which art exalted unto heaven , shalt be brought down to hell .... And it continues on much the same . This is the day of judgement and if Capernaum still exists it would still on top soil because LORD ELohim judged us all as a species and not as individuals . LORD ELohim is not going to spend thousands or millions of years listening to all people tell Him their life stories which would probably be mostly lies anyways . God cannot raise the dead to hear such stories . LORD ELohim is one Spirit and He does not even know most all people who are reading this now . Again what mighty works by Y'shua would these people have even seen . Y'shua was a teacher and not much different then other Rabbis in his teachings . Y'shua could not raise the dead or heal peoples sickness or feed thousands with just a couple of fish and not much bread . Again there is no hell and Y'shua did not believe in a hell according to LORD ELohim . A lot of Jews even today don't believe in a hell or that LORD ELohim is so evil and wicked that He would have created a hell .
( 6 : 66 ) NOTES : Some people believe miracles have happened in their lives or in the lives of people they know . There is an old saying : ' mind over matter ' and sometimes that does seem to work . Prayer is just another form of ' mind over matter ' because many people believe for sure that their prayers will be answered . Hope and positive thinking are another form of ' mind over matter ' . Strange things do happen all the time because of what we think and deeply believe will happen .
( 6 : 67 ) NOTES : I asked LORD ELohim this question . Lets pretend that Y'shua was all that Christians believe him to be . Again this is pretending . Would non-believers in him be punished for simply not believing in him regarding all that Christians say he is ? LORD ELohim's answer is that no non-believers would be punished . Again this was pretending Y'shua was all those things : which he is not . Remember LORD ELohim is not a evil and cruel Father to Spirits or flesh and there is no hell or purgatory or lake of fire . One of the main reasons LORD ELohim will end most mortal life on earth is because we do suffer greatly for many reasons in general and none of us asked to be conceived and born into this crazy world .
Matt. 11 : 25 - 27 ( B ) ( R ) At that time Jesus answered and said , I thank thee , O Father , Lord of heaven and earth , because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent , and hast revealed them unto babes . We don't know what was hidden since it is not written and what was the question Y'shua was asked ? Prudent means cautious , foresighted , sensible and sane . Why would LORD ELohim hid anything from anyone that is the truth ? LORD ELohim did not do all the work He did with Y'shua just to play mind games with all mankind . How could LORD ELohim pass judgment if He was the cause many people did not understand whatever Y'shua was teaching . This did not happen because LORD ELohim was not playing mind games with any people . And what's wrong with being sensible ? In another Bible it says : At that time Jesus said . There you go , now the first verse makes sense . There was no question . So much for every Bible being perfect and the same .
Matt. 11 : 26 & 27 ( R ) Even so , Father : for see it seemed good in thy sight . All things are delivered unto me of my Father : and no man knoweth the Son , but the Father , neither knoweth any man the Father , save the Son , and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal him . The teaching Spirit Joshua knows his and our Father LORD ELohim but Y'shua did not know much more about God then others did at that time . LORD ELohim knew Y'shua well because He was always with him . But it was not a ' your my only Son ' thing going on with Y'shua and God and the man Y'shua did not come down from Heaven . Only his teaching Spirit Joshua and LORD ELohim came down from Heaven at that time . The flesh body of Y'shua was no different then yours . Y'shua had Souls as do you and the only difference was that he also had a teaching Spirit . So far in the Bible Y'shua has not revealed much of anything about LORD ELohim our Father . Did Y'shua really say this ? LORD ELohim says " No " .
Matt. 11 : 28 - 30 ( R ) Come unto me , all ye that labour and are heavy laden , and I will give you rest . Take my yoke upon you , and learn of me ; for I am meek and lowly in heart ; and ye shall find rest unto your souls . For my yoke is easy , and my burden is light . The word Souls cannot mean the person . The only Souls are Spirits and every person has one or two of them . Souls are Spirits but people do not live beyond death within the Soul some how . The purpose of Souls is for the function of complex mortal life such as people . Without a Soul you would die . Souls generally do not need rest .
Matt. 12 : 1 ( B ) This verse is in the King James Version . At that time Jesus went on the sabbath day through the corn , and his disciples were an hungred , and began to pluck the ears of corn , and to eat . The NIV Bible same verse says At that time Jesus went through the grainfields on the Sabbath . His disciples were hungry and began to pick some heads of grain and eat them . You may be thinking that corn was not known outside of America and the West Indies until in 1492 A.D. when Columbus men found it on a island in the West Indies which today is called Cuba . According to the Encyclopedia this was the first time white men had heard of corn : then called maize . So why would the word corn be written in the Book of Matthew that is said to have been written about 80 A.D. ? This may be the answer : The word ' corn ' is commonly used in the British Isles for grains like oats , barley and rye . Or it's an error . Or it's true that it was corn on the cob . Or the believed history of America is a lie . We know now that the Israelites , Vikings , Knights Templars , and even a few Romans came to America long before Columbus . And we have always known that the First Nations people ( Indians ) beat them all here from Africa and did discover America first and LORD ELohim says that happened long before even Adam and Eve's time . There is a Knights Templar Chapel in Europe where there are many ' ears of corn ' , not grain , that the Templars carved in the wall . Templars time was from around 1118 to 1314 A.D. which again is long before Columbus and many of the others . What was the reason why people said Columbus was first to find America when he obviously was not ?
Matt. 12 : 2 - 5 ( B ) ( R ) The Pharisees see them eating the corn and said to Y'shua that for them to do this is not lawful on the Sabbath . And Y'shua began talking about David doing something not lawful to . Then Y'shua says Or have you not read in the law , how that on the sabbath days the priests in the temple profane the sabbath , and are blameless ? LORD ELohim knows nothing about what this means . Again the LORD was not having problems with the Jewish priests and Rabbis at that time .
Matt. 12 : 6 - 8 ( R ) But I say unto you , That in this place is one greater than the temple . But if ye had known what this meaneth , I will have mercy , and not sacrifice , ye would not have condemned the guiltless . For the Son of man is Lord even of the sabbath day . In the first verse Y'shua seems to be saying he is greater then the Temple and LORD ELohim says Y'shua did not say that . How is that possible and what would that even mean ? The name ' Lord ' means someone who is human who has power and authority over others . The name ' LORD ' or ' LORD ' is God's name . LORD ELohim says Y'shua had no such position or power over other people . Y'shua was a humble Rabbi and he had no thoughts that he was a God equal to LORD ELohim or that he was greater then other people . Had Y'shua talked to people in this way and the way he was said to speak to people in other verses the Jews would have been against him for blasphemy many times over .
Matt. 12 : 9 - 20 ( B ) ( R ) Y'shua is said to have cured a man in the Synagogue on the Sabbath and it's claimed that made the Pharisees mad at him . I asked LORD ELohim if healing the sick people was not allowed on the Sabbath and God said there is no such law against doing that . Then the Pharisees went out , and held a council against him , how they might destroy him . But when Jesus knew it , he withdrew himself from thence : and great multitudes followed him , and he healed them all ; And charge them that they should not make him known : If great multitudes followed him when he left the Synagogue that would mean he was already greatly known to multitudes of people . Again he healed nobody because he could not . That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet , saying , Behold my servant , whom I have chosen , my beloved , in whom my soul is well pleased . I will put my spirit upon him , and he shall shew judgment to the Gentiles . ...... LORD ELohim does not have a Soul : only mortal life have Souls . The CB says that Isaiah 42 : 1 - 3 are the prophecies about verses 18 - 20 . In the JB Isaiah says nothing about God having a Soul . The NIV CB says nothing about a Soul either . So far only the KJV CB says LORD ELohim has a Soul . LORD ELohim cannot put His Spirit upon anyone either but what He can do is give a person a teaching Spirit that is not of His Spirit . Sometimes it's hard to know what words to use when speaking of the LORD . Isaiah used ' put My spirit upon him ' as a way to say LORD ELohim will guide this man or something like that .This verse 18 says : ... and he shall shew judgment to the Gentiles . The CB says this verse is backed up in the JB in Isaiah 42 : 1 - 3 : This is My servant , whom I uphold , My chosen one , in whom I delight . I put My spirit upon him , He shall teach the true way to the nations . There is no mention of judgment in the JB and note LORD ELohim calls this man His servant and not His only Son .
Matt. 12 : 21 ( B ) And in his name shall the Gentiles trust . There is nothing in the JB that says this . It does say Romans 15 : 12 does back this up : And again , Isaiah says , : The Root of Jesse will spring up , one who will arise to rule over the nations ; in him the Gentiles will hope . " It's said Isaiah 11 : 10 backs up this verse : In that day , The stock of Jesse that has remained standing Shall become a standard to people - Nations shall seek his counsel And his abode shall be honored . This is talking about a Davidic King in the furture and not Y'shua in the past . Jesse was the father of King David . LORD ELohim does not know who this man will be other then he may be from the line of Jesse which means he will be a Jew . Y'shua was of the line of Jesse but he was never to be a King or the Jewish Messiah and his time was wrong for this and he is dead . Y'shua was the Lamb of God and only to be the Lamb .
( 6 : 68 ) NOTES : If LORD ELohim could heal His mortal children we would not have doctors in the past or now , we would have healers as is claimed Y'shua was during his life . Y'shua was a mortal man like any other mortal man . Y'shua had no powers or knowledge of how to heal all illness and diseases . If that happened it would have been LORD ELohim through Y'shua doing the healing but LORD ELohim says He could not heal all thoses sickness and diseases they claim Y'shua did healed . And if LORD ELohim could do that then ; then why would He have quit healing people when Y'shua died ? God says He never would have quit . He would have worked through other people after Y'shua . What He could do through Y'shua in the past , He could do through other people in the past and now but He just cannot heal all people of every type of illness then or now and neither could Y'shua himself . Many diseases and illness back then at the time of Y'shua even doctors today still don't know how to cure them and neither does LORD ELohim .
Matt. 12 : 22 - 30 ( B ) ( R ) A lot is just repeats of earlier verses so we are just going to write about what is not written about yet . It says the Pharisees said Y'shua does not cast out devils but Satan does and Y'shua says that : Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation .... And if Satan cast out Satan ; he is divided against himself ; how shall then his kingdom stand ? LORD ELohim says He never created devils or demons or a evil Spirit called Satan and no Spirit He has made has ever become a devil or a demon : not even Satan who's real name is David . LORD ELohim did create David ( Satan ) . The ones who created devils and demons and an evil Satan are people within their minds and the stories have grown over the years about non-existent evil Spirits . Over the years people have believed in vampires , witchcraft , ghosts , astrology , mediums , divination , magic spells , crystals , sorcerers , fairies , tarot cards , fortunetellers , and a lot more which has come from peoples imaginations just like demons and devils and Satan . David does not have his own kingdom nor does he want for that . David is happy being a loving son in the Spirit family of LORD ELohim and is looking forward to going home to Heaven soon with his brothers and his Father LORD ELohim .
Matt. 12 : 31 - 32 ( R ) Wherefore I say unto you , All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men : but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men . LORD ELohim does not know who this Holy Ghost Spirit is who is also called the Holy Spirit . And even if he did exist LORD ELohim would not condemn people for not believing he exists because where is the proof of that . It's not enough to be simply written about in a Book . According to LORD ELohim there is no Holy Ghost . Remember LORD ELohim was alone for a long time until He figured out how to make Spirits and He never made one He calls the Holy Ghost . The Holy Ghost is suppose to be able to be in all believers of Y'shua at the same time . The Holy Ghost written about sounds like a Spirit that is like a fog around the whole earth and LORD ELohim never created such a Spirit . LORD ELohim would not condemn you for not believing in even Him as your Father and God because there is not a lot of evidence that He even exists but the LORD hopes His Little Book will change that . This is not an unpardonable sin to not believe in the Holy Ghost and if he did exist he would not be an equal to LORD ELohim who is our one and only God . LORD ELohim would have had to create this Spirit in the past and He did not . A single Spirit who is like a fog covering all earth who can communicate differently with many millions of different people at the same time : LORD ELohim does not believe He could even make such a Spirit like that . The word ' faith ' means to believe in something without proof that something even is something . Faith is good but it does not mean you should ignore obvious errors and what is obviously lacking in logic . LORD ELohim says again " think not beyond logic " .
Matt. 12 : 36 & 37 ( R ) But I say unto you . That every idle word that men shall speak , they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment . For by thy words thou shalt be justified , and by thy words thou shalt be condemned . LORD ELohim can guarantee you that He in no way is going to judge you on your idle words or any other words . How many billions of people have lived since Adam and Eve ? Do you right now remember every worthless sentence you have ever spoken in your life so far ? LORD ELohim does not know either so how can He judge you for idle words you have spoken ? This is Judgment Day and no one has gone before the LORD to tell Him all those idle words and no one ever will .
( 6 : 69 ) NOTES : A few religions believe that God's Angels watch over all of us constantly but that belief is an error . LORD ELohim is not cruel to His Spirit children either . There are no Angels watching us and writing everything we do and say into a book . Spirits don't find much that we do being of any interest to them and neither does the LORD . He would never make Angels do that because it would make their lives extremely extremely boring as are most of our lives when compared to their lives in Heaven .
Matt. 12 : 38 - 40 ( B ) ( R ) Then the scribes and Pharisees asked for a sign . But he answered and said unto them , An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign ; and there shall no sign be given to it , but the sign of the prophet Jonas : For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly ; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth . Again we are back to 72 hours which he would be in the tomb according to these verses . Good Friday ( night ) to Easter Sunday ( morning ) is not 72 hours : it's only 36 hours . Thats not a sign because how many people saw a resurrected Y'shua ? The Pharisees had no sign given to them which is one of the reasons LORD ELohim would not punish people for not believing many things about Y'shua written in the Bible . If LORD ELohim could have resurrected Y'shua He would have made sure everyone knew that . LORD ELohim would have made sure everyone saw Y'shua alive again especially all the Pharisees and scribes and even all the Romans in all of Israel . Now that would have been a great sign to even prove LORD ELohim exists but it did not happen . Y'shua was never resurrected from the dead by LORD ELohim because He does not know how to do that with flesh made from dirt . Y'shua flesh body was no different then any other human being . Y'shua's body began with an egg and a sperm just like you .
Matt. 12 : 41 & 42 ( R ) LORD ELohim said that Y'shua never acted or thought of himself as being greater then all other people . LORD ELohim was with Y'shua all the time and He never heard Y'shua say what these verses say he said . The men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment with this generation , and shall condemn it : because they repented at the preaching of Jonas , and , behold , a greater than Jonas is here . Next verse it says he said : ..... a greater than Solomon is here . Again LORD ELohim says that Y'shua was a very humble and gentle and loving Jewish man who at no time thought he was greater or better then anyone else and he never claimed to be a God or the Messiah or a King .
Matt. 12 :43 - 45 ( R ) It says Y'shua spoke of unclean Spirits going into people and so on . LORD ELohim never created demons and devils . LORD ELohim says He does not know of any unclean Spirits . It goes on to say Y'shua said : ....shall it be also unto this wicked generation . This is not the first time it says Y'shua called people back then " this wicked generation " . LORD ELohim says that the generation at the time of Y'shua was not perfect but they did not deserve this kind of talk about them . I asked LORD ELohim if He had a problem with the Pharisees and scribes at that time and God said " No : He had no problem with them " . No religion is perfect in their beliefs and Judaism was no different then and even today , but Judaism is not so wrong LORD ELohim would want to do a make over regarding it . Mostly LORD ELohim has been pleased with Judaism and the Jewish people and was pleased back then to . Y'shua said to be calling them a wicked generation is just wrong . Y'shua never said that about his people .
Matt. 12 : 46 - 50 ( B ) ( R ) Miriam the mother of Y'shua wanted to talk to him and it says he said some strange stuff . And he stretched forth his hand toward his disciples , and said , Behold my mother and my breathren ! For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven , the same is my brother , and sister , and mother . For Y'shua's entire life LORD ELohim was with him and the LORD was never in Heaven at that time . If Y'shua was a God and the Spirit Son of LORD ELohim he would have known that LORD ELohim was on earth with him . Y'shua did not come down from Heaven . The Spirit Joshua who is a teaching Spirit came down from Heaven but nothing else regarding Y'shua himself . LORD ELohim never heard Y'shua ever claiming he was a God . These above verses even the LORD does not understand . Humanity is suppose to be one family but that does not make millions of Christian women Y'shua mothers . It's not likely Y'shua said these silly sentences .
Matt. 13 : 1 - 16 ( B ) ( R ) Again it say great multitudes were gathered together with Y'shua and he began to speak in parables . We are not going to write all the parables . The disciples went to Y'shua an asked Y'shua : Why speakest thou unto them in parables ? He answered and said unto them , Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven , but to them it is not given . LORD ELohim does not understand why Y'shua would teach some people and not clearly teach others . Y'shua never said this . Y'shua knew that LORD ELohim wanted all people of the world to know LORD ELohim as their Father and to trust in LORD ELohim as their God . Y'shua was not in the position to pick and choose who he would teach and who he would not teach . LORD ELohim says Y'shua did teach in parables and such teachings were common back then . Christians believe in Hell and Heaven . If Y'shua was picking and choosing who would go to Hell and who would go to Heaven then that is not fair in any way to any people . Y'shua was never given that job by LORD ELohim . Then it says : For whosoever hath , to him shall be given and he shall have more abundance : but whosoever hath not , from him shall be taken away even that he hath . What : hath what ? The word hath means have or has . Hath may mean having knowledge of the kingdom of heaven but we do not know what it means for sure . It seems to mean the hath people get more hath and those who hath not any hath they have what hath they have taken away . If some people hath not any hath then how can some hath be taken away when they had no hath in the first place ? A little confusing ! This is one of the reasons why I have never read the Bible because most of it is confusing . Maybe a preacher has an answer for this " hath " but LORD ELohim did not want only the preachers to understand what is written . The teachings of Y'shua were for all people and nothing written should need a preacher to explain it . Children should be able to understand the Bible . LORD ELohim has no idea what that verse means either . ... Then Y'shua is said to have said : Therefore speak I to them in parables : because they seeing see not ; and hearing they hear not , neither do they understand . And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Esaias , .... The back up verses are Isaiah 6 : 9 - 10 . In the JB it says : And He said , Go , say to that people ; Hear , indeed , but do not understand ; See , indeed , but do not grasp . 10 : Dull that peoples mind , Stop its ears , And seal its eyes - Lest , seeing with its eyes And hearing with its ears , It also grasp with its mind, And repent and save itself . LORD ELohim says this verse is not a prophecy . According to the JB LORD ELohim does not order Isaiah to cause the people to not understand Isaiah's teaching but the LORD predicts that people will not understand Isaiah's teaching because people do not want to understand the truth . What is prophecy and what is not ? LORD ELohim would never put old prophecies or verses in the JB first before the good of peoples lives . There was no reason for Y'shua to try to confuse people because though Y'shua LORD ELohim was trying to bring the world's people into Judaism : not into a new religion called Christianity . It goes on to say : For this people's heart is waxed gross , and their ears are dull of hearing , and their eyes they have closed : least at any time they should see with their eyes , and hear with their ears , and should understand with their heart , and should be converted , and I should heal them . LORD ELohim wanted people in other countries to be converted to Judaism . What would be the point of Y'shua and his disciples going to the non-Jews to teach them if the LORD did not want them to convert into the only faith that knows Him as their God at that time ? LORD ELohim does not understand these verses for many reasons . The LORD wants all His mortal children to all come to Him as their Father and God . Then it says Y'shua said to his disciples : But blessed are your eyes , for they see and your ears , for they hear . Blessing is a giving of God's favor . LORD ELohim did not put the disciples of Y'shua above all other people . The LORD gave them no special favor . Y'shua picked his own disciples . The next verse 17 says that Y'shua was just telling his disciples how great he is and LORD ELohim says He never heard Y'shua talk about himself like that . For verily I say unto you , That many prophets and righteous men have desired to see those things which ye see , and have not seen them ; and to hear those things which ye hear ; and have not heard them .
Matt. 13 : 18 - 20 ( R ) This begins with a parable . In verse 20 : But he that received the seed into stony places , the same is he that heareth the word , and anon with joy receiveth it . The word ' anon ' means : in a little while ; soon ; another time ; again . People should not need a dictionary to read the Bible so says LORD ELohim who did not know what ' anon ' ment either . And then there is more parables after this verse .
Matt. 13 : 21 - 33 ( B ) ( R ) These verses are just parables about the kingdom of heaven . LORD ELohim and the Spirits with me say these parables about Heaven make no sense . LORD ELohim does not call Heaven a kingdom and His Heaven will never come to earth and no mortal will ever go to Heaven which starts billions of miles from earth in space . God's Heaven is six galaxies big and one of those galaxies is our galaxy the Milky Way .
Matt. 13 : 34 - 52 ( B ) ( R ) These verses are mostly just Y'shua explaining his parables to his disciples . When verses have Y'shua saying there is a hell or a furnace of fire meaning hell the verses are lies : it's that simple . Twice in these verses Y'shua was said to have said in 42 & 50 : And shall cast them into a furnace of fire ; there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth . Furnace of fire means hell and only people alive there would have reason to wail and gnashing their teeth because of great pain and suffering . There is not one word in all these verses where Y'shua shows any pity for the billions of people who would be cast into hell according to the Christian religion : not one word of pity . These words did not come from the Y'shua LORD ELohim knew . It was not Y'shua who lies to you but the early Christian church several hundred years after Y'shua and his disciples died . Today there are people of other religions who believe in a kind of hell or in the Christian definition of hell . Again LORD ELohim says all people are responsible for what you believe . If you or your faith included beliefs from other religions or people it's not their fault their errors are now your errors . Again you alone are responsible for your beliefs . Today is the End Time and the LORD is not trying to bring the family of Humanity together under the religion of Judaism anymore . As long as your religion and your personal beliefs harms no other people LORD ELohim does not care what you believe anymore .
Matt. 13 : 53 - 58 ( B ) ( R ) These verses say that Y'shua returns to his own country and teaches in a Synagogue and people are astonished by what he taught but some are offended by his teachings . Y'shua says A prophet is not without honour , save in his own country , and in his own house . And it says And he did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief . Why would Y'shua not do his mighty works before those who do not believe whatever it is he is teaching or doing ? Those are the people who need to be amazed by his works . We still do not understand what mighty works means ? When healing the sick and raising the dead and feeding thousands with a couple of fish and a couple of bread and so on was not really happening then what's left to be called mighty works . LORD ELohim says Y'shua did nothing that He would call mighty works . LORD ELohim says Y'shua was a minor prophet but he was nothing like Isaiah , Jeremiah , Daniel , Ezekiel and others like them .
Matt. 14 : 1 - 14 ( B ) These verses are about the murder of John the Baptist by Herod the tetrarch ( non-Jewish puppet king ) . In 14 : 1 & 2 At that time Herod the tetrach heard of the fame of Jesus . And said unto his servants , This is John the Baptist ; he is risen from the dead ; and therefore mighty works do shew forth themselves in him . LORD ELohim would never allow a ghost to take over someone elses living flesh and as far as God knows there are no ghosts of the dead people , dogs , rats , cows you ate , big foot and so on .
( 6 : 70 ) NOTES : If ghosts can only see and feel other ghosts like Spirits can only see and feel other Spirits , and all mortal life bodies or consciousness creates ghosts somehow , then it must be standing room only on earth by now for the ghosts of all the dead mortals . LORD ELohim says the flesh of people is no different then that of a cow , pig , horses , dinosaurs and so on . So if dinosaurs mortal flesh or consciousness could make ghosts of the dinosaurs then it would be possible for mankind , cows and chickens and all other mortal life to become ghosts also . But if dinosaurs and dogs and other mortal life could not make ghosts of themselves then why would people think only their flesh could ? Spirits can go through almost anything but among themselves they are as solid as we are among people and other mortals . If that was the same for ghosts then again it would be a very crowded earth with ghosts everywhere . LORD ELohim and the other Spirits have never seen a ghost . The dictionary says : ghosts are the spirit of dead people . The LORD says no Spirits are ghosts of dead mortal life and we do not live on past death as part of our Souls . All Souls are Spirits unto themselves and no one else . Our LORD ELohim would never allow mortals in any form to incarnate into any Spirits and He would never allow Spirits to incarnate into any mortal flesh and take over the mind and body of that person and no Spirit would want to . Do ghosts really exist ? If they do then only the ghosts themselves know for sure .
Matt. 17 : 2 - 5 We are going to jump ahead here since we are talking about ghosts . The verses say that Y'shua and a few of his disciples were on a mountain and this happened : There he ( Y'shua ) was transfigured before them . His face shone like the sun , and his clothes became as white as the light . Just then there appeared before them Moses and Elijah , talking with Jesus . Peter said to Jesus , " Lord, it is good for us to be here . If you wish , I will put up three shelters - one for you , one for Moses and one for Elijah " . LORD ELohim says this did not happen . Moses and Elijah were a long time dead at that time . Moses and Elijah were and are not alive as Spirits so that would mean they would have had to be ghosts . What are ghosts made of since it is not Spirit ? And if Moses and Elijah came back to life without LORD ELohim doing that , then any mortal life could come back to life also including dinosaurs . The disciples were lucky it was not the ghost of T Rex who appeared . As LORD ELohim says " this did not happen " . Here is some proof it did not happen . While he ( Peter ) was still speaking , a bright cloud covered them , and a voice from the cloud said , " This is my Son , whom I love ; with him I am well pleased . Listen to him ! " LORD ELohim is not a cloud or like a fog . He is one Spirit . Remember the LORD ELohim made man in His image . If the LORD has always been able to speak to us humans in such a easy way He would not have needed middle men like prophets or men of God or Rabbis or priests and preachers and so on . If LORD ELohim could have spoke to me like that , this Little Book would have been finished years ago . LORD ELohim would have corrected all religions errors years ago about many subjects like hell , eternal life and so on . The biggest problem the LORD has when dealing with Humanity is that we cannot hear Him speak to us . Other Spirits like teaching Spirits we cannot hear either . At best the LORD can cause dreams and visions or thoughts in our mind but this rarely works well . LORD ELohim says no human has ever heard His real voice and neither did Peter and the other disciples . Even I have never heard the voice of God but unlike people in the past the LORD figured out a way to let me know when I am wrong or right in what I'm thinking and typing and that works 99 % of the time but there is 1 % of the time I can still error . This subject is not a error . Y'shua never spoke to Moses or Elijah because neither were alive in any form at that time .
( 6 : 71 ) NOTES : The ninth Commandment says : Exodus 20 : 16 You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor . This is one of LORD ELohim's Ten Laws . One of the things this means is do not put the blame for your sins upon any other person in this world . It also means don't lie about whatever is the truth . In the CB the Christians are breaking this Commandment by blaming Adam and Eve for the reason people die . Romans 5 : 12 - 14 Therefore , just as sin entered the world through one man ( Adam ) , and death through sin , and in this way death came to all people , because all sinned - .... Nevertheless , death reigned from the time of Adam to the time of Moses , ..... Again people are blaming Adam for the reason all people have sinned and all people must then die . even over those who did not sin by breaking a command , as did Adam ,... Most Christians believe that because Adam sinned and became alienated from God , the whole of Humanity was also alienated from our God LORD ELohim in the past and even people today . This is called ' Original Sin ' which means the state of sin in which all humans exist in is because of Adam's disobedience to the word of God . Bottom line is that Christians believe death is the result of sin and is all Adam's fault we die . Today we know more about the earth and life that has existed on the earth then they knew thousands of years ago . We know about Humanoids who were early humans living tens of thousands of years before Adam and Eve and the JB teaches these Humanoids existed . Cain married one of them . Cain built a city for them . Humanoids lived before Adam sinned and they all died to because they like us were mortal . Unlike people today who blame Adam for all peoples deaths since Adam and our coming death the Humanoids probably had no one but the nature of being mortal to blame for their death . Again LORD ELohim says stop blaming Adam and Eve for the deaths of all people who have lived and died since Adam and don't blame your coming death someday on Adam and Eve because their sins did not in any way carry over to their descendants . Stop breaking the Ninth Commandment by blaming Adam for peoples death . Death is just a natural part of life for all mortals . LORD ELohim says it's important to remember this : the penalty of sin is not death . The penalty of sin is a far less then perfect life , this mortal life . There is nothing that LORD ELohim can do about people who sin against you and your loved ones and make yours and their life less then perfect . That the LORD knows happens a lot to people .
( 6 : 72 ) NOTES : Why are there errors . At best LORD ELohim can do to guide those people He works through is by giving bits and pieces by dreams and sometimes thoughts in their mind . Again the LORD has trouble speaking with people including Moses and prophets and so on . No human has ever heard God's voice speaking to them . What God hopes for is what He often teaches us today " Think Not Beyond Logic " . Thousands of years ago people did not know a lot of what we know today so they did not have the knowledge base to ' Logically Think ' about many subjects . Moses and prophets and others did the best they could to fill in the blanks between the bits and pieces given to them by LORD ELohim . So most written is based on the thinking of these people and not much by the direct words from God which is why there was room for errors . Without some knowledge as a base to work with I would not have been able to help LORD ELohim put into writing His Little Book . He taught me long ago to not just read the CB or even the JB but to think about every verse we work on and to " Think Not Beyond Logic " . One of the knowledge base we have now that they did not have back then is that there were Humanoids existing many thousands of years before Adam and Eve . Humanoids are one of the earliest ancestors of mankind . Moses did the best he could with what people knew back then and for the most part LORD ELohim was pleased but there are a few errors the LORD wants to correct with the Little Book and I will try to do the best I can do also .
( 6 : 73 ) NOTES : The story of Cain is interesting because it is so easy to see the errors . According to Genesis the LORD created Adam and Eve in a day . Adam and Eve's first son was Cain and their second son was Abel and Cain murdered Abel . The way LORD ELohim spoke to Adam and his family was through a ' man of God ' who was a Humanoid since Adam and Eve were the first to be called by the LORD mankind or humans . Today many people are offspring of Humanoids and not of Adam and Eve . Anyway the LORD sent Cain out of Eden a punishment for the murder of Abel . Cain said to the LORD ... " I will be a restless wanderer on the earth , and whoever finds me will kill me " . But the LORD said to him , " Not so ; anyone who kills Cain will suffer vengence seven times over " . Then the LORD put a mark on Cain so that no one who found him would kill him . So Cain went out from the LORD's presence and lived in the land of Nod , east of Eden . If Adam and Eve were the first of Humans then who is Cain worried about killing him . According to Genesis only Adam and Eve and Cain existed as humans at that time but the LORD says " anyone who kills Cain ... " meaning there must have been other people at that time . The ' land of Nod ' sounds like a peace of land that already had a name . Then it says Cain made love to his wife , and she became pregnant and gave birth to Enoch . If there was only Adam and Eve and Cain then where did this wife come from ? Cain's wife was a Humanoid and when you think about it Adam and Eve were also offspring of the Humanoids to , so says the LORD . LORD ELohim could not create mankind from the dust of the earth in a day . The LORD started playing with the dust of the earth billions of years ago and mankind is one of the outcome of His work He started back then . Then it says Cain was then building a city , and he named it after his son Enoch . To Enoch was born Irad , and Irad was the father of Mehujael , ...... If there was only Adam and Eve and Cain and Cain's wife and children , then who was Cain building a city for , not a town , a city ? And who married Enoch and Irad and so on . Bottom line : there were a lot of humans on earth long before Adam and Eve but it was with Adam and Eve that the LORD started our trial time . Did Adam live 930 years , Seth 912 years , Enosh 905 years , Noah 950 years and so on ? LORD ELohim says " No " . The LORD says the average life span back then was no more then 140 years . There are many generations missing in Moses work according to God . In Genesis 6 : 3 Then the LORD said , My Spirit will not contend with humans forever , for they are mortal ; their days will be a hundred and twenty years . Today the average life span is about 80 years for women and about 76 years for men in America . LORD ELohim says that diseases have greatly increased and the number of people infected and different kinds of diseases have greatly multiplied also since the time of Adam and Eve . LORD ELohim says that cancer was very rare at that time compared to today . A lot of people believe LORD ELohim is in complete control of everything but the LORD created evolution and nature to be what they are and the truth is nature and evolution has more to do with change and new diseases and plagues and changeing the flesh then LORD ELohim . The LORD created nature and evolution as is because it was the only way to safeguard species like mankind and other animal species from extinction . Even with all the safeguards that LORD ELohim created the LORD has lost many species to extinction over these many years .
( 6 : 74 ) LAST NOTE : When we started writing about the book of Matthew we thought maybe 15 or 20 pages but that did not work out that way . We were trying to finish Matthew so it's on it's own update page but there was a lot more to this book then we expected . We will finish Matthew in the next update . The other books after Matthew seem to repeat a lot that is in the book of Matthew so maybe with them it will be only 15 or 20 pages but we were wrong about that once before . The situation is that neither me or Spirits and LORD ELohim have ever read the CB . At best we have just skimmed through the books except to where we are in Matthew , chapter 1 to 14 : that much we have read . LORD ELohim told me just to go verse by verse and that's what we are doing . One would think that all the other books in the New Testament teach mostly the same beliefs but we will know if that's true when we get there .