Date: March 22 2022
Welcome again to the Little Book . This is #8 of the Little Book . Again we warn all people that what is written in the Little Book may not be something you want to know about but many other people do want to know .
This is about the book of Mark and Luke and other verses in the Christian Bible . Again the Little Book is not for everyone . The Little Book is LORD ELohim's book which He uses to inform people about many subjects but there are subjects that some people may find disturbing .
CB means Christian Bible . JB means the Jewish Bible . ( 8 : 1 ) NOTES : Notes are more information about the subjects . If there is any coded information we will put it above all non coded words and sentences . The true name of Jesus is Y'shua and LORD ELohim hopes people will call Y'shua by his real name . When writing the verses , we will write them as they are written including the wrong names . Miriam is the true name for any women called Mary by Christian . Again in the Little Book LORD ELohim wants us to use the true name of these people . There are many other names of the Jews that the Christians change to Greek or other languages . To change the names of Jewish people in the past or even today LORD ELohim says this was wrong of the Christian church to do which is why in the Little Book we try to use the true names of people . If the words are written this way it means these are verses in a Bible . If the words are written this way , they are just more information about the subject and are not verses from any Bible . ( R ) means red letter verses which means that Y'shua was said to have said these verses . ( B ) means black letter verses which means Y'shua did not say the words in those verses . We don't mark each verse . To have a Bible would be helpful to you .
LORD ELohim just wants people to understand that Y'shua was sacrificed for the sin of the world . That means you do not have to be a Christian to be forgiven for your sins . LORD ELohim hopes you will try to keep His Ten Commandments so your life is a happy and more joyful life . No mortal has a afterlife so He hopes the life you have now in the flesh is one that brings you joy . Again LORD ELohim says no religion including Christianity can give you eternal life beyond mortal life and there is nothing the LORD can do to change that .
( 8 : 1 ) NOTES : In the following books in the CB we are not going to write about every verse in those books since we did write about almost ever verse in the book of Matthew . A great deal in other books of the CB we hope is almost a copy of what is in the book of Matthew . If the verses are the same as what is in Matthew we will not be writing about it again .
( 8 : 2 ) NOTES : Again Y'shua was not the awaited Messiah or the King of the Jews or the only Son of God . What he was is said to have been spoken by John the Baptist in John 1 : 29 & 36 The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him , and saith , Behold the Lamb of God , which taketh away the sin of the world . Again the next day after John stood , and two of his disciples ; And looking upon Jesus as he walked , he saith , Behold the Lamb of God ! There was a great deal expected by Jews of the coming Messiah so he could not be both the Messiah and the Lamb of God . Y'shua did nothing that was expected of the Messiah and he never will . Many Christians believe Y'shua will return someday and do all those things but LORD ELohim says that will not happen because Y'shua is dead and will remain dead like all other mortals . In Christian books there was only four things expected of the Messiah : to be a prophet , to be a priest and to be a king and to be a God . As a prophet LORD ELohim says Y'shua was a minor prophet at best . As a priest Y'shua did well though he made a few errors . As a king : he was never a King and never will be . To be a God : Y'shua was not in any form a God or a special kind of Son of God . Y'shua being the Lamb of God has nothing to do with the awaited Messiah . Y'shua as the Lamb of God could not be both Lamb and Messiah . The Lamb was to die for the sins of mankind and the Messiah was to live and to do all the things the Jews expected their Messiah to do . Again Y'shua could not do both .
( 8 : 3 ) NOTES : We are going back to Matthew 16 : 18 & 19 . It is written that Y'shua said to Peter And I say also unto thee , That thou art Peter , and upon this rock I will build my church ; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it . The word church is a strange word in this verse . Y'shua was a faithful Jewish man who believed deeply in the religion of Judaism . Was the word church even a known word at the time of Y'shua ? A lot in the CB was written long after Y'shua and his disciples were dead . LORD ELohim says He never heard this word back then . Anything related to the word church in the dictionary is regarding the Christian religion and has nothing to do with Judaism . The words I will build my church makes it sound like Y'shua was trying to start a new religion which is not true . Again Y'shua was a deeply faithful Jew who loved Judaism and believed in LORD ELohim as his one and only God . Then it says Y'shua says the gates of hell .... Y'shua believed in eternal life for some people but for the wicked he believed they would not be risen from the grave ever . Y'shua did not believe in a hell to torture the sinners in for all eternity and most all Jews did not believe in a hell then and even today either . Y'shua belief in eternal life for some people was a error . No mortal life has eternal life . LORD ELohim tried to teach Y'shua all that is true and what is not true but Y'shua was a mortal man like all others and not all that LORD ELohim taught him did Y'shua become aware of . Then Y'shua says to Peter And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven : and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven : and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven . LORD ELohim is the one who says what will be or what will not be in Heaven . Not Y'shua and not Peter . LORD ELohim did not hear Y'shua say this to Peter but it's interesting how the Catholic and other Christian churches uses these verses to validate their existence . According to the Catholic church Peter was the first pope who started his reign as pope in 42 A.D. to 67 A.D. so it says in the Encyclopedia . No mortal in any form has ever lived beyond this mortal life and no mortal in any form has ever gone to Heaven and no mortal ever will . Y'shua was a mortal man and he never went to Heaven and he is still dead and will remain dead because LORD ELohim cannot raise any dead mortal flesh back to life .
Mark 1 : 14 & 15 ( B ) ( R )
Now after that John was put in prison , Jesus came into Galilee , preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God , And saying , The time is fulfilled , and the kingdom of God is at hand : repent ye , and believe the gospel . The word gospel has several meaning . Gospel is the Anglo Saxon word meaning good tidings or good news . The word ' gospel ' means the first four books of the New Testament in the CB . Matthew , Mark , Luke and John's books are called the four gospels . It also means the absolute truth . Did Y'shua say to teach the good new and much later it was translated to the name gospel ? At the time Y'shua was said to have said this the four gospels of Matthew , Mark , Luke and John did not exist as they are today . Again remember that there is no hell . If the gospels are the absolute truth then why do the first three gospels say there is a hell for the unbelievers . In the book of John we could not find even one ' hell ' word but the others had the ' hell ' word each a few times . Believing in hell as a place where the unbelievers in Y'shua will forever suffer in is not true so therefore the first three books cannot be gospels because they are not ' the absolute truth ' . Again remember Y'shua did not believe in a hell and neither did most other Jews then and now . The word hell became a word to cause fear among Christians thinking to leave the faith and other religions used it for the same purpose . Hell is a word the different faiths use to cause fear and to bring in new people into their religion . Atheists don't believe in a hell or in a very cruel and wicked God that Christians and other faiths say built hell just to torture non believers of their faith in . Again there is no hell but we cannot prove that to you can we , which is why LORD ELohim says " Think Not Beyond Logic " . And Christians believe that Y'shua created everything which would mean it was Y'shua who created hell and the lake of fire to torture billions of men , women and children in . First it is a lie that Y'shua created everything and second it's a lie that LORD ELohim created hell or the lake of fire or purgatory to make people suffer in . LORD ELohim has a question for you : how cruel and evil do you think He is ?
( 8 : 4 ) NOTES : Again John the Baptist called Y'shua twice " the Lamb of God " in John 1 : 29 and 36 . John the Baptist was right in calling Y'shua the Lamb of God . Remember John the Baptist also said Behold the Lamb of God , which taketh away the sin of the world . John did not say " to take away the sins of some people : he said the sin in all the world's people . Christians believe only they will be saved but LORD ELohim says that is not true . Since the time of Abraham LORD ELohim had taught the Jews how they could be forgiven for their sins and most Jews did as the LORD asked of them . This was a promise given to the Jews by LORD ELohim that He would forgive their sins . LORD ELohim did not promise the Jews they would have eternal life but He taught them how to have a better mortal life by keeping His Commandments and other teachings given by Him . John the Baptist taught that Y'shua being the Lamb of God would take away the sin of all people on earth and not just some people . LORD ELohim says believing that the penalty of sin is death and the cause of death is a lie spoken by the church . Had even Y'shua who had no sin not been crucified he would have died from old age or by war or whatever just as all other people die because he was a mortal living a mortal's life . Death has nothing to do with sin but everything to do with the make up of mortal flesh . But for most people their sins have a lot to do with living a far less then a good mortal life . Many people even today know nothing about the Lamb of God and that does not matter to be forgiven of one's sins . When LORD ELohim told John the Baptist He would forgive the sin of this world through the sacrifice of Y'shua He did so for all Humanity dead and alive , past and present and future since the time of Adam . In other words you do not need to be a Christian or of any other religion to benefit from this Lamb of God sacrifice . Again you will not gain eternal life for any reason and LORD ELohim never said you could have eternal life with Him in Heaven or on earth because He cannot do that for any mortal people including all Christians and of all other religions and Atheists to .
( 8 : 5 ) NOTES : Forgiveness is in the mind of God . When you forgive a person who did you or your loved ones wrong it's all in your mind to . Can LORD ELohim forgive all the many millions of Hitler types who lived in the past and present and no doubt will be more of them in the future ? LORD ELohim thought about this and His answer is " No " He cannot forgive them but His forgiveness or no forgiveness does not change anything and He knows that . There is no hell or eternal torture of these very cruel and wicked people . Also there is no eternal life in Heaven for good people and victims of the wicked people . LORD ELohim does not dwell on the deeds of these cruel and wicked people . There is not a lot He can do about them . Usually when the LORD hears about these wicked people , all evil done by them is did and done . LORD ELohim's forgiveness does have it's limits and a lot of people went far beyond what the LORD is willing to forgive , even among Christians . LORD ELohim has seen a lot of suffering because so many people can be so cruel and wicked . There are many many reasons why LORD ELohim is going to end mortal life on earth and the cruel deeds of the wicked and the suffering of good people by the hands of the wicked is one of those reasons . The LORD ELohim can forgive many things we do and we all do stupid sometimes but there are many He will never give His forgiveness to and He can live with that .
( 8 : 6 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim has never said to people " to fear Him " . The LORD asked people to love and respect Him but He never taught people to believe in Him because you fear Him . Any words in any religions writtings that says to fear the LORD is man saying that and not LORD ELohim saying that .
Mark 1 : 23 - 28 ( B ) ( R )
In the Synagogue a man has a unclean Spirit and he cried out , Saying , Let us alone ; what have we to do with thee , thou Jesus of Nazareth ? art thou come to destroy us ? I know thee who thou art , the Holy One of God . LORD ELohim never created evil Spirits and none of His Spirit children ever became evil : not even Satan whose real name is David . LORD ELohim never created Demons or a wicked Satan but mans imagination did . Who was speaking ? The man or the Spirit ? Again humans cannot hear Spirits just as we cannot hear the voice of LORD ELohim with our ears . The verses say Y'shua got the Spirit out of the man and it says all the people there were amazed because the unclean Spirits obeyed Y'shua . And immediately his fame spread abroad throughout all the region round about Galilee . LORD ELohim says there are no Demons if that is what unclean Spirits means ; therefore this did not happen .
Mark 1 : 32 - 34 ( B )
And at even , when the sun did set , they brought unto him all that were diseased , and them that were possessed with devils . And all the city was gathered together at the door . And he healed many that were sick of divers diseases , and cast out many devils ; and suffered not the devils to speak , because they knew him . Again Y'shua could not heal peoples sickness and there was not a problem with evil Spirits back then or even today . Why would he tell the devils not to speak because they knew him ? I have been around a lot of Spirits over these many years and I have yet to be able to hear a Spirit speak and it's not like Y'shua hides things about himself from people in general according to the CB . All the city was gathered together because Y'shua did not hide what he does according to the CB . But again Y'shua could not heal peoples diseases and there were no devils to cast out of people according to LORD ELohim . This did not happen .
( 8 : 7 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim goes to a Christian church on Sundays just to listen to what is going on with the Christians who have read the Little Book . The LORD heard family members who said they prayed and prayed for the healing of a loved one and that person they prayed for Y'shua to heal died . The family and their friends felt like Y'shua let them down because they believed everything in the CB about Y'shua healing all forms of sickness and they cannot understand why Y'shua did not heal the person they were praying for . The LORD ELohim says that Y'shua did not let them down but false teachings in the CB did . Y'shua cannot hear your prayers because he is dead and he was not a God and he was never able to heal peoples sickness and death is something we as mortal life cannot avoid . LORD ELohim hopes you will understand this .
Mark 2 : 5 - 10 ( B ) ( R )
Y'shua is said to have healed a man by saying Son , thy sins be forgiven thee . The Scribes heard him and said Why doth this man thus speak blasphemies ? who can forgive sins but God only ? LORD ELohim says the Scribes are right that only LORD ELohim can forgive the sins of mankind . We as people can forgive each other for wrong doings that we do to each other but when we sin and break any of LORD ELohim Commandments and teachings then only LORD ELohim can forgive us for our sins . Had Y'shua said this then he would have spoken blasphemies just as the Scribes said . Then it says Y'shua said Whether is it easier to say to the sick of the palsy , Thy sins be forgiven thee ; or to say , Arise , and take up thy bed , and walk ? This verse makes it sound like if people sin LORD ELohim punishes people with an illness for doing that sin therefore if the sin is forgiven the illness goes away . LORD ELohim does not punish people with sickness when we commit a sin and if someone is sick and LORD ELohim forgives that person's sins their sickness will not go away because of that . Then Y'shua is said to say But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins ,... LORD ELohim says Y'shua had no such power given to him . When Y'shua was alive only LORD ELohim could forgive the sins of man and that has never changed . Many Christian preachers and priests in the past and even today believe they have the power to forgive sins and the LORD ELohim says that is a lie . LORD ELohim again says to you that He alone can forgive peoples sins . Catholics are best known for thinking they are Gods on earth with the power to forgive the sins of people . LORD ELohim says Christians have no such power in the past and now or in the future to forgive sins and Y'shua also could not forgive the sins of people . Had Y'shua said these verses then again the Scribes are right : Y'shua did speak a blasphemy .
( 8 : 8 ) NOTES : In a Christian book it says that ' Heaven is a community of all who have lived in Christ ' . LORD ELohim wants to remind Christians that since the time of Adam He has forgiven a lot of people . Since Abraham LORD ELohim had forgiven all Jews and many other people around earth for their sins . Most Jews since Abraham have tried to obey LORD ELohim's teachings and when and after Moses lived the true Jews tried to keep His Ten Commandments and other teachings . LORD ELohim has since the beginning of Christianity called the Christian religion a ' pagan religion ' for many reasons including having three Gods and the belief that no Christian needs to keep God's Ten Commandments and because of all the false teachings and many many lies in their CB and so on . It was Christianity that ruined LORD ELohim's plan for the one world religion of Judaism . LORD ELohim has forgiven all Christians for all their pagan stuff and lies but Christians are not alone who are forgiven by LORD ELohim . What is forgiven regarding mankind is because Y'shua was the Lamb of God for almost all mankind including pagans like the Christians . Remember : John the Baptist said in John 1 :29 Behold the Lamb of God , which taketh away the sin of the world . Just because Christians are forgiven by LORD ELohim does not change the fact that the LORD calls you all ' pagans ' and as long as Christians maintain and teach their false beliefs and lies they will continue to be called ' pagans ' by LORD ELohim . No human has gone to Heaven and no human will ever go to Heaven but if that could happen it would be standing room only and not just pagan Christians in Heaven . LORD ELohim never said that mortals will have a place in His Heaven and LORD ELohim never promised mortals that they will have an eternal life beyond death because neither is going to happen and neither can happen . Again LORD ELohim sacrifice of Y'shua was to take away the sin of almost all people of all the world : past , present and future people . Just because you are without sin does not mean you will never die . Again sin is not the cause of people dying as the many Christian churches teach . People for thousands of years in the past before Y'shua lived had no sin also because LORD ELohim forgave them and they all died and are still dead and will forever be dead on earth .
Mark 2 : 27 & 28 ( R )
And he said unto them , The sabbath was made for man , and not man for the sabbath : Therefore the Son of man is Lord also of the sabbath . LORD ELohim says that Y'shua was not the Lord of the Sabbath . LORD ELohim created the Sabbath Day for mankind and He alone is LORD of the Sabbath what ever that is suppose to mean . The LORD just wants to remind Christians that He made the seventh day the Sabbath Day and not the first day . If you are not keeping the seventh day Sabbath that is a sin for breaking one of the Ten Commandments . Even the pope is a sinner along with most other Christians who are again all pagan including the pope . Remember the sabbath day and keep it holy . Six days you shall labor and do all your work , but the seventh day is a sabbath of the LORD your God : you shall not do any work - you , your son or daughter , your male or female slave , or your cattle , or the stranger who is within your settlements . For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth and sea , and all that is in them , and He rested on the seventh day ; therefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day and hallowed it . LORD ELohim did not create all that exists in six days which is obvious but that does not change the Sabbath Day from the seventh day . LORD ELohim was not just talking to Jews but to all people of the world . Remember that one of God's days equal one thousand years . Our trial was six thousand years or six of God's days and our trial ended in the year 2000 A.D. and on that date the thousand year Sabbath Day began . The Sabbath Day is Judgment Day and the Last Day and LORD ELohim's day off from work to .
( 8 : 9 ) NOTES : We are not writing ever verse . So far in Mark most verses are about Y'shua healing the sick . Again LORD ELohim said Y'shua could not heal people who were ill because he had no such power to do so anymore then LORD ELohim has to do that . The lies about Y'shua healing many different sickness without medicine is to give reason to people to believe Y'shua was a God . It's the same as the lies about Y'shua raising people back to life who died . Again those lies are to give people reason to believe Y'shua was a God because who but a God could do that . LORD ELohim is the one and only God and even He cannot do these things . Y'shua was not a God and he never healed people and he never brought any person who was dead back to life . So all the many verses about healing and raising the dead we will not bother to write those lies anymore if possible . Again the Jews know their history better then most people . Had Y'shua been the great miracle healer of multitudes of sick and dying people and the one who raised many people from the dead : the Jews would have remembered him for all that even to today but there is nothing there in their history of all this happening that we could find . LORD ELohim was with Y'shua most of the time and He never saw Y'shua do any of these things .
Mark 3 : 11 & 12 ( B )
A great multitude of people came to Y'shua for he had healed many so it says . And unclean spirits , when they saw him , fell down before him , and cried , saying , Thou art the Son of God . And he straitly charged them that they should not make him known . There is nothing here that Y'shua is said to have said : they are all black letter verses . Mark was not among the original disciples so this came to him as second hand news or he made it up or the Catholic church added the verses . First : no mortal can see Spirits and no mortal can hear Spirits . So who claimed that they saw Spirits bow down to Y'shua and who claimed he could hear Spirits saying Thou art the Son of God ? If I could hear God and Spirits speaking to me the Little Book would have been finish many years ago but they cannot be heard or seen . So who was the person or persons who claimed he or they heard and seen these unclean Spirits speaking to Y'shua and Y'shua speaking to them ? LORD ELohim says Y'shua as a mortal could not hear or see Spirits either . Y'shua was not the Son of God as the only begotten Son of God so the unclean Spirits would have been lying and Christians then believing a lie said to be spoken by unclean Spirits . Again it was unclean Spirits saying Y'shua Thou art the Son of God . What Christians believe are the words of demons if that is what unclean Spirits means . Is it wise to believe a unclean Spirit and base an entire religion around what those unclean Spirits say ? LORD ELohim says there are no unclean Spirits like demons or devils and so on and no people can hear or see any Spirits so this could not have possibly happened but it is interesting that the Christian churches believed these bad boys even though they did not really exist and all this never could have happened . Y'shua was a son of LORD ELohim as all people and you are either a son or daughter of LORD ELohim also .
Mark 3 : 22 -26 ( B ) ( R )
Y'shua is said to have cast out devils . And the scribes which came down from Jerusalem said , He hath Beelzebub , and by the prince of the devils casteth he out devils . And Y'shua says How can Satan cast out Satan ? The verse of the Scribes says devils , meaning more then one . Satan's real name is David not Satan or Beelzebub and so on . I asked LORD ELohim : if Satan could cause evil things to happen on earth would it be fair to judge people if Satan was allowed to effect people and what we do and think . LORD ELohim said that it would have not been fair to people if Satan and demons could cause people to do evil and cruel and stupid things which is why LORD ELohim never allowed Spirits to in any way influence people to do evil and sinful things . Spirits who are teaching Spirits have influenced a few people to allow for good things to happen but not for evil of any kind and even those people were not greatly influenced . There is no evil Satan and there are no devils or demons . According to the CB Satan and the demons will be gathered by LORD ELohim and the good Spirits and cast into the lake of fire in the future . If the LORD could do this in the future then He could have done this in the past and present . So why wait if they did exist and were causing problems and evil among people ? If they did exist LORD ELohim would have done just that .
( 8 : 10 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim says the book of Job is not a true story . LORD ELohim would never do that to someone . The book of Job is in the JB and CB also . Again this is not a true story but it's interesting how the Jews dealt with this book . In the JB it calls Satan the Adversary . It's hard to explain this book and you would have to read it . The LORD calls Job a blameless and upright man who fears Him and shuns evil . It's about LORD ELohim allowing Satan to cause great calamity in the life of Job . Satan trys to make Job curse LORD ELohim because Satan caused the loss of almost everything that Job had . Even his ten children are said to have died because of Satan . Remember this : LORD ELohim says He would never test someone the way it is written in the book of Job but the LORD likes the way the Jews dealt with this book . First : God says most Jews in past and present never believed this was a true story but it is in their JB so it needed to be treated as if it were true . In the end it says LORD ELohim gives Job twice what he had before all the calamity happened . Thus the LORD blessed the latter years of Job's life more than the former . He had fourteen thousand sheep , six thousand camels , one thousand yoke of oxen , and one thousand she-asses . He also had seven sons and three daughters . Job became very wealthy again . In the JB there it says that ' Nahmanides ( 13 c) cannot believe that God would have allowed for the death of Job's original children , so he explains that the ten restored children are the original ones , secreted away by the Satan along with the cattle and servant , to execute the test ' . LORD ELohim again says this calamity never happened to Job and his family but Nahmanides would have been right had it happened because LORD ELohim would have never allowed for people or animals to be killed just for testing any person to see if he or she would keep being respectful and faithful towards the LORD in very difficult times . One of the problems with this story is that it makes LORD ELohim sound like He is a raging egotist . I have been working with the LORD for a long time and there is nothing about LORD ELohim that is that of an egotist . And how could Satan a Spirit , even with the help of other Spirits cause this all to happen ? How could Satan make the Sabeans attack and take the five hundred donkeys and five hundred oxen , to make fire come down from the heavens and burn to death all the seven thousand sheep , to make the Chaldeans raid and take all three thousand camels , and most all the servants killed and the house the children were in blown down by a wind killing all of them and all this happening almost at the same time . There are a lot of things Spirit cannot do and David ( Satan ) could not do all of these things to Job and others . The book of Job is simply not true . There are many millions of books written by people in the past and today . Could it be that who wrote the book called Job long ago was just a writer who liked writing short stories that are not true but make people think about the stories ?
Mark 3 : 28 & 29 ( R )
Verily I say unto you . All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men , and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme . But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness , but is in danger of eternal damnation . Christians seem to believe that their God is three ' persons ' in one God : Father and Son and Holy Ghost . LORD ELohim says He is One Spirit and the only One Spirit who is the One and only God and Father of all other Spirits and mortal life . That being true of LORD ELohim : Christians are blaspheming now against the LORD ELohim ? It must be scary for those who believe in a hell and eternal torture and great pain forever because how can you be without a doubt that all your beliefs are the only truth ? LORD ELohim has never created a Holy Ghost which Chistians also call a Holy Spirit . Again LORD ELohim never created such a Spirit . The definition people have of the Holy Ghost is that it's a fog everywhere in the world . One book says that : ' this is the Spirit of God ' . LORD ELohim says He is only one Spirit and in Genesis 1 : 26 Then God said , " Let us make mankind in our image , in our likeness " , .... . LORD ELohim is not a fog or a mist and no Spirit He created is like a fog . All Spirits including the LORD Himself have arms , legs , head , torso , hand , feet and so on but no genitals . LORD ELohim is only about 8 feet tall . LORD ELohim does not know of any Holy Spirit because again He never made such a Spirit . Many people believe Y'shua is always with them . Y'shua is dead and the only Spirit he had was Joshua a teaching Spirit and his Souls . Y'shua cannot be in all Christians and all Christians cannot be in him . Again Y'shua is dead and he had no ghost Spirit like a fog . It's like LORD ELohim : He cannot be everywhere at the same time . LORD ELohim knows of no Holy Spirit because all created was created by Him and He never made a Spirit like a fog everywhere . Y'shua cannot be in you and you Christians cannot be in Y'shua like you believe you can and he can . I asked LORD ELohim if people saying " I am not sure I can believe .... " is that blasphemy and the LORD said it is not blasphemy . Again there is probably no proof the LORD can give to people about many things including is there or is there not a Holy Spirit . The LORD says there is no Holy Spirit . At best about many things the LORD says " Think Not Beyond Logic " .
( 8 : 11 ) NOTES : According to some Christian writings they believe there is one true God and He is a Trinity . In the unity of the one God , there are three co-equal and co-eternal persons - the Father , Son , and Holy Spirit . LORD ELohim wants Christians to know He does not approve of being called " a person " by you . The word ' person ' is a word to call people and not a word to be calling mankinds God and Father LORD ELohim . There is only one God and He is not a Trinity of three Gods in one God and no flesh or Spirit is co-equal to Him . Y'shua was not a God and the Holy Ghost or also called the Holy Spirit never existed . Again stop calling Him or any other Spirit ' a person ' .
Mark 4 : 1 - 12 ( B ) ( R )
It says Y'shua taught a great multitude of people a parable and then his disciples asked him the meaning of it and Y'shua said Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God : but unto them that are without , all these things are done in parables . That seeing they may see , and not perceive , and hearing they may hear , and not understand ; lest at any time they should be converted , and their sins should be forgiven them . It says Y'shua was teaching a great multitude of people but on purpose it says Y'shua did not want them to understand what he was teaching lest at any time they should be converted , and their sins should be forgiven them . If you believe in hell this multitude of people are chosen to go in that direction by Y'shua according to these verses . Y'shua had no right to choose who will be forgiven of their sins or not forgiven . It was common for women and children to go to such gatherings according to the CB . Matt. 14 : 21 And they that had eaten were about five thousand men , beside women and children . According to LORD ELohim Y'shua did not say this and again there is no hell or afterlife for any mortal . Y'shua being the Lamb of God was for all people living since Adam to today and any generations in the future . What you believe it your choice and LORD ELohim is not going to try to confuse you as the writers of the CB are trying to do . There are many thousands of people like Hitler types that LORD ELohim would never forgive but the blood of Y'shua covers the sins of most all people including this multitude mentioned in these verses . God gave people free will for a reason . Remember Y'shua was the Lamb of God for all most all Humanity everywhere in the world . In other words you do not have to be a Christian to be forgiven for your sins . LORD ELohim knows a few Christians who He will never forgive . LORD ELohim says if you keep His Ten Commandments you will live a more happy life in this life you have now . The word without in verse 11 no body knows what that is suppose to even mean but it sounds like hell . LORD ELohim says Y'shua never said the above verses and Y'shua was never in the position to deside who will be forgiven and who will not be forgiven by LORD ELohim . There is a reason we have free will so we can make choices about things and what to believe when we have the facts about anything . Remember John the Baptist spoke the truth when he said in John 1 : 29 … Behold the Lamb of God , which taketh away the sin of the world .
( 8 : 12 ) NOTES : Christians believe Y'shua is both God and LORD . That he had characteristics of being a God . That Y'shua did things only a God could do such a creating the universe and raising the dead back to life and healing the sick and stuff like that . LORD ELohim says it was Him who created a lot in the universe and and all else that was created . LORD ELohim says He is God and Father and He cannot raise flesh from the dead back to life and He also cannot heal most all sickness . What the LORD cannot do Y'shua certainly could not do either . A great deal was added to the CB by the Catholic church to make people believe Y'shua was a God when he was not . Y'shua never taught anyone that he was a God and he never faked healing people because he could not heal the many sick people . And he never faked raising the dead back to life because he could not raise the dead . LORD ELohim says Y'shua was not a famous man in all the lands he went to . Most people never heard of him . He was a Rabbi and teacher but LORD ELohim says multitudes of people did not follow him around like the CB says . Bottom line : Y'shua was a mortal man and the Lamb of God but that's it .
( 8 : 13 ) NOTES : Some people believe Y'shua did not die on the cross and that he was not the Lamb of God . Some believe he did not die but ascended into Heaven : flesh body and all because he was a prophet of God . There are other people who are believed to have not died but were taken to Heaven also : flesh body and all . LORD ELohim says He cannot do that . Heaven starts billions of miles away from earth so how can a mortal man or woman survive in outer space without a space ship ? Spirits do not need a space ship but people do and LORD ELohim does not have any space ships . Even in a space ship by the time those people got to Heaven they would have all died from old age millions of years ago . The LORD cannot change the flesh body into something that can survive in space . Y'shua's body , and by now just a few bones are somewhere on earth because he did not go to Heaven because LORD ELohim cannot do that with mortal flesh . Again LORD ELohim says to all people " Think Not Beyond Logic " .
( 8 : 14 ) NOTES : How famous was Y'shua when he was alive ? LORD ELohim says that Y'shua was not a famous man during his life time but the CB says he was a very famous man during his life time . So which is true ? Just using the book of Matthew the word ' multitude ' was used about 24 times and 7 of those was a repeat regarding the same multitude of people . The word ' multitude ' means a great number . One gathering called a multitude was five thousand men , besides women and children and another multitude gathered was four thousand men , besides women and children and another says ' and great multitudes ' so according to the CB Y'shua was extremely famous . Remember it says Y'shua feed the four thousand and the five thousand men not counting probably a thousand or two thousand women and children with just a few fish and a few loaves of bread . We know Y'shua could not have turned these few fish and bread into thousands of fish and thousands of bread so that's not true . So is it possible that saying there were thousands of people is also not true ? Also Y'shua did not heal multitudes of peoples sickness either . Christians say Y'shua was famous and if all these many multitudes of people came to him and this were true then he would have been very famous . Christians did not even exist during the life time of Y'shua and for a long time after he died . Y'shua was a Jew and a very faithful Jew . He was a Rabbi and he was a teacher of Judaism and not Christianity . Again LORD ELohim says that Y'shua was not a famous man even among the Jews . Had he become famous for healing thousands of sick people of dozens of different diseases and raising many people from the dead back to life and making fish and bread suddenly appear out of no where the Romans would have taken Y'shua to Rome to be the personal doctor and chef for the ruling Emperor of that time . According to the CB the Romans did know all about Y'shua because a centurion got Y'shua to heal his servant without even going to the centurions house , which could not have happened . If all the CB New Testament were true the outcome would have been very different and Y'shua the Lamb of God would have never been put on the cross to be sacrificed for the sins of the world . Again LORD ELohim says Y'shua did not become famous for anything other then being the Lamb of God for all mankind : past and present and future generations . It wasn't until Christianity became a religion and taught a lot of lies about Y'shua : then he became world famous but much of that was because of the many lies made up by the Roman Catholic Church . Lies like : Y'shua is a God , Y'shua's name is Jesus , Y'shua being a king , Y'shua being the Messiah ( Christ ) , Y'shua being the only begotten son of God , Y'shua being the creator God who created everything , Y'shua being your Father , Y'shua being able to heal any sickness , Y'shua being able to make thousands of fish and bread and wine out of nothing and water , that people must be Christians to be saved by the blood of Y'shua , that Y'shua created a hell for those non - believers in him , that God is three Gods in one God and Y'shua is one of those three Gods , and on and on the many lies . Again LORD ELohim says Y'shua was not famous at all which is why the people did not say to Pilate to give freedom to Y'shua and not Barabbas . If Y'shua did all that the CB says he did , every person in the crowd would have known all about Y'shua and would have picked Y'shua and not Barabbas to be freed . There is one truth in the CB about Y'shua and that's in John 1 : 29 and written about in a few other verses Look , the Lamb of God , who takes away the sin of the world !
Mark 4 : 35 - 41 ( B ) ( R )
The disciples and Y'shua were in a ship and a great storm of wind came and the disciples woke up Y'shua to save them . And he arose , and rebuked the wind , and said unto the sea , Peace , be still . And the wind ceased , and there was a great calm . LORD ELohim says Y'shua had no power to do such a thing . Y'shua was a mortal man and he was not a God . LORD ELohim says even He could not stop the wind and the rolling water . Then Y'shua said Why are ye so fearful ? how is it that ye have no faith . And they feared exceedingly , and said one to another , What manner of man is this , that even the wind and the sea obey him ? There is a problem LORD ELohim has had with people even since the beginning of humanoids . The Grays and Anunnaki were the same . Most people believe the true God LORD ELohim and even more often other peoples false gods can do everything and anything . Thats not true . LORD ELohim has His limits as to what He can do . The most common question of people is : Why does God allow ...... ? It's not that LORD ELohim allows things to happen or be what is : it's that the LORD cannot do anything about most things people complain about or greatly suffer from . Y'shua a common type mortal man could not still the wind or the water . What is written in the CB is not true of Y'shua regarding many things Christians say he could do . There are a few things even in the JB and other religions books that the LORD says are not true either . Most reasons people ask : Why does God allow ...... ? is because people lied that Y'shua could change things for the better . LORD ELohim does not allow . The LORD does not allow for wars , terrorism , famines , diseases , poverty , earthquakes , floods and a million other bad things that happen to people but there is not a lot He can do about such things . It's like this : if you need healing see a doctor and for most other difficulties there are usually people who can help you . LORD ELohim has always hoped people would be there for each other when they need help .
Mark 5 : 1 - 17 ( B ) ( R )
Y'shua and his disciples get off the boat and .... ? The book of Matthew says ... And when he was come to the other side into the country of the Gergesenes , there met him two possessed with devils , coming out of the tombs , exceeding fierce , so that no man might pass by that way . In the book of Mark the writings of this same story says ...... And when he was come out of the ship , immediately there met him out of the tombs a man with an unclean spirit .... But when he saw Jesus afar off , he ran and worshipped him , . Matthew says there were two men and Mark says there was only one man possessed with devils : so which is it ? According to the CB in Matthew the devils said to Y'shua If thou cast us out , … and then Y'shua just says Go and they leave and go into a herd of pigs . In Mark Y'shua says Come out of the man , thou unclean spirit . Again Matthew says there were two men and Mark says there was only one man possessed by devils . LORD ELohim says He never created wicked Spirits called demons or devils or by any other name . Mental illness is not a new problem for mankind . We just understand mental illness better today then they did long ago . It's either something like that or it probably never happened . How could the disciples hear the devils talking ? They are called unclean Spirits in the CB . Us mortals cannot hear Spirits speaking and these are black letter words that means Y'shua never spoke about what these Spirits were suppose to have said .
( 8 : 15 ) NOTES : We may have done this in Matthew updates but LORD ELohim wants people to know things about this verse in Matthew 8 : 29 . This has to do with Y'shua casting devils out of the two men or one possessed man , which ever . And , behold , they cried out , saying , What have we to do with thee , Jesus , thou Son of God ? art thou come hither to torment us before the time ? What the LORD wants people to know is that the Spirits He created who are all His Spirit children are not stupid or evil or in trouble with their Father LORD ELohim . Where it says art thou come hither to torment us before the time ? This is speaking about the future and about something that will never happen . Spirits know evil causes people and Spirits to live a much less perfect and enjoyable life . Spirits only want to have fun and enjoy their lives with LORD ELohim . If evil Spirits existed and gave LORD ELohim reason to punish them or torment them they would go somewhere else in the universe before the time . They would not be so stupid to wait around earth until that future day . That day will never come because LORD ELohim loves His Spirit children and none of His Spirit children deserve to be punished and tormented by their Father any more then people do . Again no people including Y'shua can hear the Spirits speak so where did this story even come from and by whom ? Another thing : Most all Spirits can only speak the language of Spirits and Heaven which is modern English . LORD ELohim can speak three languages : English the language of all Spirits , Hebrew the language of Jews and ancient Egyptian but most Spirits can only speak English . At the time of Y'shua LORD ELohim had not yet taught English to some of the tribes of Israel . That came much later . The code of the Little Book only works in the modern English language and the modern spelling of English today . Only teaching Spirits needed to learn the language of who they were asked to teach . If demons existed back then their language would most likely only be English and not Hebrew so no one back then , including Y'shua could have understood them . But again the LORD never created evil Spirits and the English language was not known by people then and people cannot see or hear Spirits so this never happened .
Mark 6 : 11 - 13 ( B ) ( R )
Y'shua sent his disciples to go preach and he tells them And whosoever shall not receive you , nor hear you , when ye depart thence , shake off the dust under your feet for a testimony against them . Verily I say unto you , It shall be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment , then for that city . And they went out , and preached that men should repent . And they cast out many devils , and anointed with oil many that were sick , and healed them . The Day of Judgment is now on the Seventh Day and this LORD ELohim's Sabbath Day . We as a species have failed and we today are not any worse or better off than the people of Sodom and Gomorrah because there is no afterlife for them or for us . The disciples could not have cast out devils because they do not exist and they could not have healed the sick unless that oil had medicine in it . Mind over matter sometimes works to for healing .
( 8 : 16 ) NOTES : If demons who the CB calls devils really existed and possessed people and made people do crazy things then how could LORD ELohim judge people for what evil demon Spirits caused them to do ? LORD ELohim says He could not judge mankind if Spirits caused people to do evil things . In the CB during the time of Y'shua it's like there were great multitudes of demons on earth at that time making humans crazy and evil . Every few verses Y'shua or his disciples are casting devils out of people . Again how could the LORD judge mankind if Spirits were a problem for us and our personal free will to chose to do good or evil things ? David ( Satan ) and other Spirits had nothing to do with the choices we made in life . LORD ELohim would have never allowed that to happen because it's what we do as mortal life with our free will that He has judged us . It's like in Revelation 20 : 1 - 3 where it says Satan is chained and thrown into the Abyss and locked in there for a thousand years to keep him from deceiving the nations anymore until the thousand years were ended . This thousand years is Y'shua's time to reign on earth so the CB says . Christians believe and the CB says this about Satan , that when the thousand years are over .... he must be set free for a short time . In Rev. 20 : 7 it says When the thousand years are over , Satan will be released from his prison and will go out to deceive the nations in the four corners of the earth . Why would LORD ELohim even do that . He cannot judge people who Satan had the power to deceive . Who's fault is that ? It would be LORD ELohim's fault for letting Satan loose for just that one purpose : to deceive the people of the world . The book of Revelation is going to be fun . First : Y'shua is dead and will never reign over mankind as a King . And second : Satan who's real name is David is not going to the Abyss in the future because he is not evil and LORD ELohim and people have no problems with him or any other Spirits . Again LORD ELohim cannot judge those who are not in full control of their free will because of Spirits or greatly deceived because of Spirits which is why Spirits have never been allow to do such things to mankind . Also there is no Abyss .
( 8 : 17 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim wants people to know the truth about a lie . Y'shua a few times says Your sins are forgiven when he is said to be healing peoples illness . This sounds like because these people have sinned it was their sins that caused their illness . The LORD wants people to know that He or other Spirits do not cause illness in people because they sin . If that were true we would all be lame and deathly sick . Again : sins do not cause diseases or other illness in sinners therefore forgiving people their sins does not heal peoples illness . Some sins like having sex outside of marriage or when commiting adultery can give you a disease like any of the many venereal diseases but that's not the LORD giving you the disease . That's you doing that to yourself and passing it on to others like your husband or wife . LORD ELohim has nothing to do with that .
Mark 6 : 14 - 16 ( B )
And king Herod heard of him ( Y'shua ) , ( for his name was spread abroad : ) and he said , That John the Baptist was risen from the dead , and therefore mighty works do shew forth themselves in him . Others said , That it is Elias . And others said , That it is a prophet , or as one of the prophets . The name Elias is wrong . This man's Jewish name was Elijah . In these first three verses Herod is talking about the past . In the above verse it says That John the Baptist was risen from the dead . The next verse says But when Herod heard thereof , he said , It is John , whom I beheaded : he is risen from the dead . In the New Testament it is mentioned several times that Elijah would return from the dead or had returned from the dead . In Mark 1 : 21 there were priests who asked John the Baptist after John said ” I am not the Messiah ." They asked him , " Then who are you ? Are you Elijah ? " He said . " I am not ." But Y'shua says in Matt 11 : 14 speaking about John the Baptist saying And if you are willing to accept it , he is the Elijah who was to come . LORD ELohim says Elijah is dead and was never risen from the dead because He cannot do that . John the Baptist was himself and not someone else who lived long before Y'shua's time . In the CB it says a few times that Y'shua said that John the Baptist was Elijah like in Matthew 17 : 10 - 13 The disciples asked him , Why then do the teachers of the law say that Elijah must come first ? Jesus replied , To be sure , Elijah comes and will restore all things , But I tell you , Elijah has already come , and they did not recognize him , but have done to him everything they wished . In the same way the Son of Man is going to suffer at their hands . Then the disciples understood that he was talking to them about John the Baptist . And there are a few more like about the ghosts of Elijah and Moses appearing with Y'shua and they had a chitchat . That did not happen either . What LORD ELohim wonders about : what does restore all things mean and why would Y'shua blame many people for Herod the Tetrarch having John beheaded .
Mark 6 : 45 - 52 ( B )
The disciples got into a ship and Y'shua went into the mountain to pray . Y'shua sees them having problems because of the wind . and about the fourth watch of the night he cometh upon them , walking upon the sea , and would have passed by them . But when they saw him walking upon the sea , they supposed it had been a spirit , and cried out : …. Could Y'shua the mortal man walk on water ? LORD ELohim says if this happened Y'shua would have had to swim to the ship . Y'shua the flesh and mortal man was no different in the make up of his body then any other human body in general . Like you Y'shua's life began in a mortal woman's womb . Y'shua was a mortal man and he would have sunk into the sea if he tried walking on the water says LORD ELohim . LORD ELohim can walk on water but He can also fly to the moon in minutes without a space ship because His body is not a mortal flesh body like Y'shua's body was . Y'shua would need a space ship to go to the moon and days to get there and back . Y'shua was flesh and blood and LORD ELohim is Spirit and these are completely different in what they are made of .
Mark 7 : 1 - 13 ( B ) ( R )
It was LORD ELohim who taught people to wash their hands before eating any kind of food because the LORD knows all about harmful germs , bacteria and viruses . Y'shua's disciples began eating with unwashed hands and the Pharisees asked Y'shua why . And Y'shua is said to have come back at them with this : Well hath Esaias prophesied of you hypocrites , as it is written , This people honoureth me with their lips , but their heart is far from me . Howbeit in vain do they worship me , teaching for doctrines the commandments of men . Christians use Isaiah 29 : 13 to back up this verse : Isaiah writes : My Lord said : Because that people has approached [ Me ] with its mouth And honored Me with its lips , But has kept its heart far from Me , And its worship of Me has been A commandment of men , learned by rote - The word ' rote ' means repetition from memory often without attention to meaning . A fixed routine or repetition . One thing the LORD does not like is repetition of words during prayer or in the Sabbath Day service at the Synagogue . Working with the CB and sometimes the JB can be confusing . When I write about LORD ELohim , the word Lord is written LORD with capital letters or the word Me is first letter a capital regarding the LORD speaking of Him self and so on . There is a lot of LORD or LORD in the JB but not in the CB . Even in the Old Testament of the CB it does not often use the capital letters to indicate it's about LORD ELohim so that can be very confusing . In Mark 7 : 6 & 7 there are no capital letters for LORD ELohim so is Y'shua speaking about himself or is he talking about LORD ELohim ? Is it on purpose or are there a lot of errors made by those who wrote the CB ? In Isaiah 29 : 13 in the Old Testament of the CB it says : Wherefore the Lord said , Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth , and with their lips do honour me , but have removed their heart far from me , and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men . There should be a lot of ' Me ' and not ' me ' in this verse if Y'shua is speaking of LORD ELohim . So who is Y'shua talking about : himself or LORD ELohim ? It's hard to tell because the capital letter in honor of LORD ELohim are not there in the Old Testament or New Testament of the CB and even in the JB Isaiah should have started with ' My LORD said ' or ' My LORD said ' and not just ' My Lord said ' according to LORD ELohim . Y'shua's reply to the question asked by the Pharisees is weird . The teaching of washing hands before eating is not one the Ten Commandments but it was a teaching given by LORD ELohim to mankind to try to keep us healthy and it's still an important teaching even today . Why did Y'shua fly into a fit over such a simple question if this really happened ?
Mark 7 : 15 ( R )
Then Y'shua tells a lie according to the CB . It says Y'shua said There is nothing from without a man , that entering into him can defile him ; but the things which come out of him , those are they that defile the man . The word ' defile ' means to make filthy , corrupt , contaminate . The word ' contaminate ' means to make impure by contact ; defile ; pollute ; ( Flies can contaminate food ) . There is a lot that can go into a person that can contaminate that persons body like germs , bacteria and viruses . Covid is a good example . We just thought of this : Y'shua says There is nothing from without a man , that entering into him can defile him …. If you believe in evil Spirits possessing people from within ; what about them corrupting people ? LORD ELohim says Spirits do not do that anyway . If Y'shua said this he is wrong . There is a great deal of different things that can go in people that can defile a person says LORD ELohim .
Mark 8 : 11 & 12 ( B ) ( R )
The Pharisees went to Y'shua and seeking of him a sign from heaven , tempting him . And he sighed deeply in his spirit , and saith , Why doth this generation seek after a sign ? verily I say unto you , There shall no sign be given unto this generation . So far in Mark Y'shua healed many , feed thousands with only a couple of fish and a few bread , cast out many demons , raising the dead child , calms a storm , walks on water , is rarely without hundreds or thousands of people following him around and witnessing most of these things and the Pharisees come to him asking for a sign . If all these things really happened the Pharisees must have known about some of them . Either many witnessed or many heard about these things . People have come and gone who claimed they were greater then they are . Even a couple said they were the Messiah . LORD ELohim taught the Jews long ago to test people making great claims about themselves . That's all the Pharisees were doing . It's what the LORD taught them and people in general to do . Y'shua was a Jew and he would have respected what the Pharisees asked of him . LORD ELohim says at that time there was no reason for Y'shua to avoid the Pharisees and if he could do all these things he should have proven himself to them and given them a sign . The verse says tempting him . The Pharisees were not tempting him , they were testing him . We have heard of three Christian preachers who got caught doing false healings which they made a lot of money from and then there are the ones claiming they were casting demons out of people who also had big bank accounts . Maybe the Christians need Pharisees to protect the Christian people as the Pharisees in Y'shua's time tried to do for the Jewish people regarding Y'shua and his many claims according to the CB . Remember there is a lot not true written in the CB . Y'shua could not heal dozens of different sicknesses , create fish and bread out of nothing , raise the truly dead back to life , calm a storm or walk on water . The Pharisees were just doing their job . If the Pharisees wanted a sign from Heaven in the CB it probably had more to do with what Y'shua was saying and not what he was doing says LORD ELohim . If this is true that Y'shua said this in Mark 2 :27 & 28 ... The Sabbath was made for man , not man for the Sabbath . So the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath . LORD ELohim says He is the LORD of the Sabbath because He created the Sabbath for mankind and not Y'shua . In this verse Y'shua is claiming he is a God . LORD ELohim does not remember Y'shua saying that . If Y'shua was running around claiming himself to be a God it's no wonder the Pharisees wanted proof from Heaven or to put him to death for such blasphemy because he gave no proof . Did Y'shua really make such claims ? The LORD says " No " .
( 8 : 18 ) NOTES : One of the reasons LORD ELohim does not judge people based on the religious beliefs is because for most people it was not much of a choice what religion they believe in . Parents who are religious usually take their children to their place of worship and the children grow up in that faith and know very little about other religions and what those people believe in . There are not a lot of parents who would teach their children what is out there for the different religions . People grow up in nations that have very few religions to choose from and the nation has one religion that most all people there belong to . Some nations you don't have much of a choice which religion you will follow . By the time children are adults they are well versed in what religion their parents believed in and know very little about other faiths . Religion is not the most exciting conversation topic out there . Most people have very little interest in other peoples beliefs and remain with the religion they were brought up to believe in . LORD ELohim is a fair God and He understands all this which is why He does not judge people based on their religion . The only thing LORD ELohim cares about is He is hopeful that people of all religions will respect others faith and not cause wars and harm to other people of other religions or for any other reason based on their religious beliefs . LORD ELohim says no religion is perfect so He is not going to judge the world based on what religion people grow up with or what a few people choose as long as their faith believes in world peace also and has no reasons to harm or kill other people . LORD ELohim wants peace on earth and no blood shed in His name or in the names of the many false gods or for any other reason ! The LORD ELohim does understand that people have to defend themselves when others start the fight first .
Mark 8 : 27 - 29 ( B ) ( R )
Y'shua asked his disciples Whom do men say that I am ? And they answered , John the Baptist , but some say Elias , and others , One of the prophets . And he saith unto them , But whom say ye that I am ? And Peter answereth and saith unto him , Thou art the Christ . John the Baptist baptized Y'shua so how could Y'shua be John the Baptist ? If Peter said this Peter would have said " Thou art the Messiah " and not " Thou art the Christ " . The name of Elias was Elijah . LORD ELohim does not understand why Christians changed so many Jewish names to non Jewish names . Y'shua was a Jew and not a Greek called Jesus . LORD ELohim says there is nothing about John the Baptist or even yourself that can go from one person into another person . The LORD says that reincarnation cannot happen . The dictionary says reincarnation is the rebirth of the Soul in a new body . LORD ELohim and my Soul says that Soul's do not become who they are in . The Souls are needed for the funtion of the more complex mortal bodies and have nothing to do with who people are . Incarnation means the taking on of human form by a divine being . The Christian book says : union of divine nature and human nature in the person of Jesus Christ . LORD ELohim says there was nothing about Y'shua that could be called a divine being . But whom say ye that I am ? LORD ELohim says Y'shua was a mortal man like any other mortal man except one difference from most other people : he had a teaching Spirit named Joshua . Abraham and Moses and a few more people did have teaching Spirit's to . There was no divine Spirit within him because LORD ELohim is the one and only God and He did not go into Y'shua . LORD ELohim spent a lot of time with Y'shua but He never incarnated into Y'shua and Y'shua was not the only begotten son of God . LORD ELohim is the Father of all Spirits and all mortals . So who was Y'shua ? Y'shua was a Jewish man : a mortal Jewish man who was the Lamb of God . Y'shua was not the Messiah and was never to be a King and he was not John the Baptist and he was not Elijah and he was not one of the prophets of old . John the Baptist , Elijah and the prophets of old were dead and there is nothing that mortal flesh has that lives beyond our death as to be who we are as mortals . Again there is no afterlife for mortal flesh so how could Y'shua be these people come back to life ?
Mark 8 : 31 ( B )
And he began to teach them , that he Son of man must suffer many things , and be rejected of the elders , and of the chief priests , and scribes , and be killed , and after three days rise again . LORD ELohim says Y'shua did believe righteous and repentant people would have an afterlife with LORD ELohim but Y'shua did not believe in a hell or the eternal suffering of sinners in a hell or lake of fire . Y'shua believed that some people LORD ELohim just will not wake up from the dead . Y'shua was wrong about people having an afterlife but remember it is very difficult for the LORD to teach people anything . Y'shua was not any easier for LORD ELohim and Joshua to teach than anyone else . The flesh man Y'shua did not rise from the dead after three days and never will because LORD ELohim does not know how that would even be possible for Y'shua or any other mortal life . So this is it : this mortal life is our one and only one life to live .
Mark 8 : 34 & 35 ( R )
The CB says Y'shua said .... . For whosoever will save his life shall loose it , but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel's , the same shall save it . For what shall it profit a man , if he shall gain the whole world , and lose his own soul ? The Christian belief about life and death is confusing at best even for LORD ELohim . You only have this one mortal life to lose and for many people in this crazy world who are suffering greatly that is not a big loss . Just believing in Y'shua as your savior God will not change what is true : you have no afterlife but through Y'shua for most all people your sins are forgiven and the LORD hopes you will quit sinning and live a better mortal life . The LORD ELohim never promised any people that there is a way they can live forever and Y'shua is not a way by any means to eternal life . People have many different definitions for the word Soul . The dictionary says : the spiritual part of a person , regarded as the source of thought , feeling , and action , and considered as separate from the body . It says : Many religions believe that the soul and body are separated in death and the soul lives forever . The immaterial essence of a person . LORD ELohim and my Soul says it is true that the Souls leaves the flesh body when the person or even some animals die but there is nothing about the Soul in which that person lives on in . The Soul and flesh are completely separate from one another and we do not live on as part of the Souls . Souls have nothing to do with our thoughts , feelings and actions because that would take away the free will the LORD gave us . Souls do live forever like all Spirit and when LORD ELohim goes home to Heaven all Souls will go home with Him and most mortal life on earth shall die . The word ' own ' means : belonging to oneself or hold as property belonging to oneself . The CB says .... and lose his own soul ? This makes it sound like we have some kind of ownership of our Souls . LORD ELohim says the Souls are not for you to own and in now way do you live on after death as part of the Souls .
Mark 8 : 38 ( R )
Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation ; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed , when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels . LORD ELohim does not understand why it says Y'shua was picking on that generation as though they were so different from generations before them . Y'shua was without sin but he was not a man who thought he was better than everybody else . The LORD did not notice anything worse about that generation than others before them and He had very few problems with the Jewish people at most times . LORD ELohim wants to make this perfectly clear : He is finished with mankind . We had our six thousand years of trial and we have been judged and we failed the test . LORD ELohim some day ; sooner or later will leave us and go home to Heaven and with Him all Spirits on earth including all Souls will leave earth to and go to Heaven with LORD ELohim . Without Souls most complex mortal life cannot live . This means people to will die off as a species and most all animal species also . Y'shua is not coming back because he is dead and no holy Angels want to remain on earth much longer with mankind . Most Angels are in Heaven and have no desire to come to earth in the future to baby-sit all of mankind . When will all Spirits leave earth ? Even LORD ELohim does not know when that will happen yet : but it will happen .
( 8 : 19 ) NOTES : Is LORD ELohim angry with mankind . Well He is not totally pleased with us . Mostly He is going to end most life on earth because He greatly pities mortal flesh : people and animals . As a Father He does love His children very much : Spirit and mortal children but His mortal children suffer greatly for many many reasons . LORD ELohim is not ignorant as to what is going on around the world now and He has not forgotten what happened around the world in the past . LORD ELohim is guessing but He is sure He knows what will happen in the future for people and it's not good for most all of mankind everywhere on earth . Human suffering will greatly increase soon for many reasons and the joy of life will become very little soon also . The suffering of people and even animals outweighs what little joy and little happiness there is in most all peoples lives today . LORD ELohim is ending most mortal life on earth because He does love us and those animals greatly, too .
Mark 9 : 1 ( B ) ( R )
The CB says Y'shua said Verily I say unto you , That there be some of them that stand here , which shall not taste of death , till they have seen the kingdom of God come with power . This was a lie . If Y'shua really said that , all who heard him speak died before the kingdom of God was established on earth because that has not yet happened and will never happen . LORD ELohim and all Spirits want to go home to the true Heaven far away from earth where there are no crazy mortals . LORD ELohim is not going to make earth His new Heaven and no mortal has ever gone to the real Heaven and no flesh ever will go to His Heaven . So what exactly does this verse even mean ? What does come with power mean ? The preachers have a lot of explanations what the kingdom of God means to them but LORD ELohim does not agree with any of them . Who better than the LORD ELohim would know what ' kingdom of God ' or ' kingdom of Heaven ' means . Y'shua did not create this kingdom of God in the CB just because he was the Lamb of God born on earth like all other mortals . Y'shua was not a God or the only Son of God . LORD ELohim does not rule on earth therefore His Kingdom is not here . There is only one God and He is LORD ELohim and His kingdom has never been on planet earth . The LORD has always allowed mortal flesh to rule over mortal flesh in their kingdoms and Y'shua never became a king because he was not conceived of to become a king and he never will become a king or a Messiah or anything else because the Lamb of God is dead .
Mark 9 : 2 - 8 ( B )
This is a repeat of Matthew 17 : 1 - 9 where Y'shua body changes and Moses and Elijah appear to the disciples . LORD ELohim says this did not happen and this following verse did not happen either . And there was a cloud that overshadowed them : and a voice came out of the cloud , saying , This is my beloved Son : hear him . The claim is that LORD ELohim is the Father of Y'shua therefore it would have had to be LORD ELohim that said that . LORD ELohim says he never said that and Moses and Elijah could not have appeared to Y'shua and his disciples who were with him because both Moses and Elijah were dead at that time and will forever be dead . According to the CB it is Y'shua that was to be the first person to be ever resurrected from the dead so how could Moses and Elijah be there before Y'shua died and resurrected . Remember the LORD cannot raise people from the dead . LORD ELohim just wants to remind people that if He could speak to mankind like this verse says He could : He would have had a totally different relationship with all mankind . The LORD says none in these verses are true . Again He says to you " Think Not Beyond Logic " .
( 8 : 20 ) NOTES : This is one of the verses that says Y'shua is to be the first to be resurrected from the dead . 1 Corinthians 15 : 20 - 23 But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead , the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep . For since death came through a man , the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man . For as in Adam all die , so in Christ all will be made alive . But each in turn : Christ , the first fruits , then when he comes , those who belong to him . Notice who is blamed for people dying . LORD ELohim says that humanoids and all other mortal life before Adam even lived died to so don't blame Adam for the fact that some day you are going to die, too . All mortal life dies and always have died . Adam could have been a perfect and sinless man and he still would have died and all his children and all who lived since him just like all who lived before him . That's what ' mortal ' means : subject to death . Mortal flesh goes back billions of years and they all died : right ? If all did not die then where are they on earth ? Again the LORD wants to remind you that sin does not cause sickness or death . Sins can cause a far less than perfect mortal life like ending up in prison for stealing ( Thou shalt not steal ) but you will not die because you sinned . You will die someday because you get old or hit by a bus or .... or .... or .... .
Mark 9 : 11 - 13
The disciples asked Y'shua ... Why say the scribes that Elias must first come ? And he answered and told them , Elias verily cometh first , and restoreth all thing , and how it is written of the son of man , that he must suffer many things , and be set at nought . But I say unto you . That Elias is indeed come , and they have done unto him whatsoever they listed , as it is written of him . Again Elias is the name the CB used for Elijah . The verses say Y'shua said That Elias is indeed come , and he is obviously speaking about in his time alive . In Mark 9 : 2 - 8 are the verses about Moses and Elijah being seen talking to Y'shua so according to the CB Elijah did come but according to LORD ELohim Elijah is dead and could not have come . In Matthew 11 : 13 it says For all the Prophets and the Law prophesied until John . And if you are willing to accept it , he is the Elijah who was to come . It's John the Baptist spoken of here . Matthew 17 : 11 - 13 is much the same as Mark 9 : 11 - 30 .... But I tell you , Elijah has come , and they did not recognize him . ...Then the disciples understood that he was talking to them about John the Baptist . The CB a few times says John the Baptist was Elijah risen from the dead . The CB also says Y'shua would be the first to be risen from the dead and that cannot be right if in some form the once dead Elijah and even Moses are having a party on earth before Y'shua is even dead . What does the and restoreth all things even mean ? LORD ELohim does not have any answer for that . So far in Matthew and Mark John the Baptist has not done much and the LORD does not know what restoreth means either . The verses also say that people did not recognize him ( Elijah ) . Elijah lived around 850 years before Y'shua . Not surprising people would not recognize him if it were true he came back . In the Old Testament 2 Kings 2 : 11 it says that LORD ELohim took Elijah to Heaven in a whirlwind and therefore Elijah never died . LORD ELohim says no man or woman has ever gone to Heaven including Elijah . LORD ELohim does not know what the chariot of fire and horses of fire and the whirlwind is all about but He does know Elijah did not go to Heaven and logic is he did die on earth . Maybe someone wanted the story of Elijah's death to be as great and amazing as Elijah's life . The LORD says the Souls of Elijah did not reincarnate into John the Baptist . Spirits don't do that . The Souls would never do that or any other type of Spirit . Again we do not live on after our death as being somehow part of our Souls . For most all people and other mortal life on earth the Souls are the only type of Spirits who are in our body .
( 8 : 21 ) NOTES : There is a belief that many Christians do believe in . They believe that the kingdom of God exists today on earth and is the Christian church and the Christians of the church . Many believe that Y'shua as the Messiah ( Christ ) is present by his Spirit in the church at all times . The capital S on the word Spirit seems to mean that is Y'shua Spirit body . To be in all the churches at the same time Y'shua would need a body bigger than the earth itself . Y'shua's flesh body had only one Spirit more than other people have and that was a little teaching Spirit called Joshua . The Christian church is not the kingdom of God because LORD ELohim is the one and only God and He says He does not do kingdoms : that is a human thing . Y'shua was not a God and LORD ELohim calls Christianity a " pagan religion " because they called Y'shua the mortal flesh man their God . If Y'shua really did speak dozens of times about the kingdom of God or kingdom of Heaven remember that is a human thing and Y'shua was a mortal human . LORD ELohim and His Spirit children do not have kingdoms because they all have one home called Heaven and they all have the same Father who's name they call ELohim . LORD ELohim is a God to many of us people but to His Spirit children He is just their Father which is why they just call Him ELohim or just EL which means God but God means Father says the LORD .
( 8 : 22 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim is our God and Father for all mortal life on earth but most all if not all the Christians believe He is not their Father . This is explained in John 1 : 1 - 4 it says In the beginning was the Word , and the Word was with God , and the Word was God . The same was in the beginning with God . All things were made by him ; and without him was not any thing made that was made . In him was life ; and the life was the light of men . In verse 14 And the Word was made flesh , and dwelt among us ( and we beheld his glory , the glory as of the only begotten of the Father ) full of grace and truth . The name Word is another name Christians gave to Y'shua . The verses say that the Word made all things which means mankind to . Therefore Christians believe that Y'shua was their creator and Father and not LORD ELohim . In verse 12 it says But as many as received him , to them gave he power to become the sons of God , even to them that believe on his name . Which means Christians believe they are sons of Y'shua and in their Christian faith they will then become adopted sons and daughters of LORD ELohim . Again according to the CB Y'shua is the Father of all that was made therefore Y'shua is the believed Father of all Christians and LORD ELohim is their Grandfather at this time but Y'shua will soon allow LORD ELohim to adopt the followers of Y'shua . That : you Christians better ask LORD ELohim first about and the wise would say please . Most Christians have rejected LORD ELohim as your true Father and creator for a long time now . The truth is you are already LORD ELohim children and not Y'shua's children . LORD ELohim created all that was created : even you and that makes you one of His mortal children and not Y'shua's children . In verse 10 He was in the world , and the world was made by him , and the world knew him not . Again this verse says Y'shua made the world and people . If all is true in the CB about Y'shua claiming to be the Messiah , a king , a God , the only begotten son of God and so on : that's a lot to expect people to suddenly believe especially the Jews . For most Jews their one and only God has been LORD ELohim since Abraham about 1800 B.C.E. and Y'shua is suddenly saying to them " I am God , the Creator of all created , the creator of all living and non living , the only Son of LORD ELohim " and more . That's a lot to take in and believe to be true for any faithful Jew and even many non-Jews . LORD ELohim has no problem with the Jews rejecting Y'shua and these teaching about himself if he really taught these things but LORD ELohim says Y'shua did not teach these things about himself and He is sure the disciples did not teach these things about Y'shua either . A lot has been changed and added to in the New Testament writings after the death of Y'shua and his disciples by the Roman Catholic Church . Y'shua did not create the new religion of Christianity but those who were not Jews did : beginning with the pagan Roman Catholic Church and the pagan Romans . It's the Roman Catholic Church that claims that Peter who was one of Y'shua disciples was their first pope who started his reign as pope in 42 A.D. and reigned until 67 A.D. when St. Linus took over as pope of the Roman Catholic Church . That would make Peter pope only 14 years after the death of Y'shua and Peter was a Jew and a faithful believer in Judaism as was Y'shua . Who and when decreed Peter to have been a pope ?
( 8 : 23 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim says that some people wonder what I believe in ? I believe LORD ELohim created all that was created . That LORD ELohim is our creator and Father . I do believe that LORD ELohim tried many times to help His mortal children to find the way to be happy and enjoy their lives . I believe LORD ELohim is a deeply loving Spirit and a deeply loving Father to all He did create . I do believe Y'shua was the Lamb of God because LORD ELohim was trying to save the lives of people and even children who were being sacrificed to false gods . I believe Y'shua was a mortal man without sin who was not a God or the Messiah or to be a king but to be the Lamb of God for the sins of all mankind . I believe Y'shua is a man to be remembered and honored as the Lamb of God who knowingly gave his life to help the LORD bring about changes to help mankind . I don't believe LORD ELohim is a wicked and cruel God who created a hell to torture people in or a lake of fire where people will be tortured and suffer great pain and suffering for all eternity . I have never believed in life after death but a few times I did wonder about stories about ghosts and hoped that's not true . I have never heard of a happy ghost not even in Disney Land . I do believe LORD ELohim's judgment of us is right and is a judgment based on His love for us and animals to because there is more suffering then there is joy in the world today . I do believe life is difficult for most all people today in many ways and I believe in the near future it will become even more difficult . I believe that the LORD did all He could to help us over the years but this creation of life made from dirt has more problems and more reasons for great suffering then the LORD can pretend is not there and not happening . The suffering of many people and even animals is not something the LORD can ignore anymore . I do know LORD ELohim is pure love and it's because He is pure love and He is our one and only Father that He will gently bring to a end the suffering of most mortal life on earth .
Mark 10 : 26 & 27 ( B ) ( R )
Y'shua is talking to a young man about the kingdom of God and then saying to the disciples that rich people were not likely to go there . And they were astonished out of measure , saying among themselves , Who then can be saved ? And Jesus looking upon them saith , With men it is impossible , but not with God : for with God all things are possible . We are back to the fact it took over four billion years of work and many trials and many errors for LORD ELohim to figure out how to make us . Moses made it sound like all that LORD ELohim created was so easy for Him to do . LORD ELohim does have limits with mortal life as to what He can do for us . Heaven is different where He and His Spirit children live . There is nothing there but stars , planets and a great deal of empty space . LORD ELohim and Spirits have no need for anything else in Heaven but us mortal life do have many many needs . LORD ELohim created the seeds for food for us but we need to plant it because He cannot do that for us . He created wood for us to build shelters but we have to cut down the tree and saw it and build the shelter because He cannot do that for us . When people are sick we need a doctor because He cannot heal us . LORD ELohim created many herbs and other plants for medicine for us but we need to farm them and make the pills because He cannot do that and so on . LORD ELohim has done all He could do for us but even with all of that it seems to be not enough .
Mark 10 : 28 - 30 ( B ) ( R )
This is one of many we do not know what it is suppose to mean . Then Peter began to say unto him , Lo . we have left all , and have followed thee . And Jesus answered and said , Verily I say unto you , There is no man that hath left house , or brethren , or sisters , or father , or mother , or wife , or children , or lands , for my sake , and the gospel's . But he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time , houses , and brethren , and sisters , and mothers , and children , and lands , with persecutions ; and in the world to come eternal life . Peter said to Y'shua that they , his disciples left all they had to follow him and Y'shua says to them There is no man that hath left house , or ...... . First he says that no man hath left house , or ..... . Then he says But he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses , and ...... . Obviously the disciples do not agree with Y'shua . LORD ELohim thinks a hundredfold means a hundred times more than one . Could Y'shua really create a hundred or more children if a disciple left one or more children to follow him , or a hundred more houses and so on for each of his followers who left behind much to follow him . Notice the boys do not get a hundred more wives or fathers . Pity the one wife through whom there would be a hundred more children . Maybe what Y'shua is saying is that the followers of him will gain all these people who are followers of the disciples . If Y'shua really said all this then he does not have much of an understanding how important a family is in peoples lives . Again Y'shua was married with children . Why a hundred more lands and houses ? with persecutions ( By whom ) , and in the world to come eternal life . In the world to come there is no eternal life for anyone . This is a promise Y'shua cannot keep for any mortal on earth and even for himself . Did Y'shua really say all this ? Again Y'shua had a wife and two sons around this time and probably most if not all of his disciples had their own family . These verses read more like a guide line for the rules of the Catholic church than spoken by a Jewish man with a loving family and who was a loving man who cared a lot for his disciples welfare and happiness .
Mark 10 : 45 ( R )
For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto , but to minister , and to give his life a ransom for many . Again in John 1 : 29 The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said , " Look , the Lamb of God , who takes away the sin of the world ! “ Verse 45 says ‘ a ransom for many ' . John the Baptist says <‘I> who takes away the sin of the world ' meaning all people of the world . Y'shua says for many people and John says for all people of the world and LORD ELohim agrees with John that it is for all people of the world except for a few Hitler types : past and present and future people . Christian's believe that the good type of eternal life you need to believe in Y'shua as the saviour God . Again Y'shua was not a God of anything . I asked LORD ELohim if all that Christians believe were true about all people having an eternal life either in hell or Heaven would only the believers in Y'shua be saved for the good eternal life . LORD ELohim's answer was that who is saved would have nothing to do with Y'shua and what people believe about him . First : He would never send any flesh to hell or even Heaven . In other words we mortal flesh are stuck on earth in this life and if we could live on beyond death even then we would be stuck on this earth . LORD ELohim has forgiven all people except many Hitler types over the years but He would base His judgment of people on what they choice to do with their life and if they harmed other people by those choices and how much good they have done for other people in need of help and stuff like that . All of this has nothing to do with Y'shua . Y'shua was the Lamb of God sacrificed by LORD ELohim for most all peoples sins but no one needs to believe anything about Y'shua for their sins to be forgiven . LORD ELohim says Christians have no more to gain by their faith in Y'shua than an Atheist does or any other people of any other religion . But again there is no afterlife for any mortal flesh . Y'shua as the Lamb of God knew he was LORD ELohim's Lamb and he did not run from that . Y'shua gave his life away and does deserve to be remembered and honored by all mankind . Y'shua the man believed in eternal life but he did not believe in a hell or in a wicked and cruel LORD ELohim as his God . Anything written in the CB about hell and the eternal punishment of people who are non-believers in Y'shua is a lie .
( 8 : 24 ) NOTES : In 1 Corinthians 15 : 17 - 20 Paul is said to have written : And if Christ be not raised , your faith is vain , ye are yet in your sins . Vain means having no real value , worthless . Y'shua was never risen from the dead but Paul is wrong . It was the death of Y'shua as the Lamb of God that cleansed the sins of mankind therefore there is no reason why Y'shua needed to be raised from the dead for people to be forgiven of their sins . Y'shua was not raised from the dead but your sins are forgiven because of Y'shua death on the cross which has nothing to do with resurrection . The word atonement means : the reconciliation of God and man through the death of Y'shua . People of the past , present and future sins were forgiven by LORD ELohim the moment Y'shua died on that cross . Paul also says if Y'shua was not raised from the dead Then they also which are fallen asleep in Christ are perished . What Paul writes in this verse is right without Paul knowing it is right . Perished means to become destroyed or ruined , die . LORD ELohim words it this way : ashes to ashes and dust to dust . Paul also blames Adam for people dying . He says For as in Adam all die , even so in Christ shall all be made alive . Adam did not cause people to die and Y'shua who is dead cannot make the dead come back to life . Mortal life has been living and dying on this earth for billions of years and will continue to do so . The LORD says again Think Not Beyond Logic .
( 8 : 25 ) NOTES : I asked LORD ELohim what changes for people who have sinned and then has Your forgiveness for their sins . The answer LORD ELohim gave me will probably surprise a lot of people . Nothing changes . It's that simple : nothing changes . Nothing changes unless change comes from within that person and that person trys to no longer live a life of sin . Then for most people there is change for the better in their mortal life . LORD ELohim gave mankind the Ten Commandments and other teachings so people could live a much happier and better life than when not obeying LORD ELohim's Laws . If a sinner does not want to change and obey LORD ELohim's Commandments then ' nothing changes ' for that person which will probably effect other people to . LORD ELohim gave all of mankind the Ten Commandments because He knew we were in trouble and we needed He guidance but that did not work out well either . Again : LORD ELohim forgiving you for your sins changes nothing unless you change and stop sinning by trying to obey His Ten Commandments then your mortal life in general should change for the better .
( 8 : 26 ) NOTES : There are many different beliefs about who the Soul is , what the Soul is and what happens to the Souls when the flesh dies . In religions there are ten different definitions of what a Soul is . The most common : people are called souls . It's believed the Soul has effects on our desires , emotions , mind , heart . Neither of these are true and it is wrong to call flesh souls . In a Christian book it says on Judgment day all souls , both good and bad will rise from the dead and be reunited with their bodies than Y'shua will send the wicked to eternal punishment and the good ones to eternal life . This is not true . One reason it's not true is Souls do not stay in the corpse . When a person dies the Souls leave the body quickly . Souls never go into the grave or crematory . LORD ELohim created all and He certainly would not tell a Spirit you have to stay in the grave for thousands of years until the resurrection of the dead flesh body and you Spirits with it . Spirit's don't need to sleep . What's a Spirit suppose to do with all that time being buried with a smelly corpse without TV or a radio . Why do people more often than not think LORD ELohim is a very stupid or a very wicked Spirit even to His Spirit children . Again Think Not Beyond Logic . Souls are Spirit like any other Spirit . The reason mankind and other complex animals have a Soul is for the function of the flesh body and without the Soul flesh dies . Souls allow for most mortal life to exist . LORD ELohim does not judge Souls and no Soul has ever been punished and never will . The LORD does not blame the Souls for the wicked people being wicked because the Souls have nothing to do with the choices we make in our life . LORD ELohim gave us free will and not a Soul to lead us to good or evil . All Souls are LORD ELohim's Spirit children and like all Spirits they are loving , kind and good . Again Souls have nothing to do with what you do in this mortal life so they just leave the body when the person dies and has nothing more to do with that person . The Souls might go play or there is a baby on the way who needs a couple of Souls . Again it is wrong to call people Souls : it confuses things .
Mark 11 : 13 , 14 & 20 , 21
Y'shua and his disciples were coming from Bethany and Y'shua was hungry . Y'shua comes to a fig tree and he found nothing but leaves ; for the time of figs was not yet . And Jesus answered and said unto it , No man eat fruit of thee hereafter for ever . And his disciples heard it . Then Y'shua goes to the Temple and throws some tables around and then when leaving Jerusalem they pass by the same fig tree And in the morning , as they passed by , they saw the fig tree dried up from the roots . And Peter calling remembrance saith unto him , Master, behold , the fig tree which thou cursedst is withered away . In the CB it often says ' Jesus answered ' when there was no question . If these verses were true even LORD ELohim would call Y'shua's behaviour totally unreasonable and a little scary to . The verse says the fig tree fruit was not in season yet . Why kill the tree because it had no figs because they are not in season . If Y'shua could make thousands of fish and bread from nothing then why didn't he just say : " Figs appear on this tree and a double scoop of ice cream on them to " . LORD ELohim says this did not happen .
( 8 : 27 ) NOTES : In the CB it says chapter 11 of Mark is about the official presentation of Y'shua as king . In the JB Zechariah 9 : 9 is a prophecy about the coming king ( Messiah ) . Rejoice greatly , Fair Zion ; Raise a shout , Fair Jerusalem ! Lo, your king is coming to you . He is victorious , triumphant , Yet humble , riding on an ass , On a donkey foaled by a she-ass . This time when Y'shua was going into Jerusalem he was sitting on a colt . The CB says the prophecy about this is Zechariah 9 : 9 and proves Y'shua is the Messiah and king . LORD ELohim did not make Y'shua a king of Israel and the Jews at that time did not make Y'shua a king of Israel either . Christians can say over and over again that Y'shua was the king but that does not make him the king in the past . How was Y'shua victorious and triumphant ? Even the LORD does not have an answer for that because there was nothing Y'shua was victorious and triumphant about except the sin of the world being forgiven by LORD Elohim by Y'shua willingly being sacrificed as the Lamb of God . Y'shua as the Lamb : that he should be remembered and greatly respected for but he was not a king . In Zechariah 9 : 10 the next verse it talks about this king and what the king will do and Y'shua did none of these things . He shall banish chariots from Ephraim And horses from Jerusalem ; The warrior's bow shall be banished . He shall call on the nations to surrender , And his rule shall extend from sea to sea And from ocean to land's end . Again Christians used one verse 9 : 9 out of the JB to validate their beliefs and did not finish writing about this greater story about this king in at least in 9 : 10 of the JB . This king had work to do according to the JB and Y'shua would not be around to do that . Again Y'shua was never a king and was never meant to be a king and never will be a king because he is dead and is not coming back to life ever . There is a great difference of what is written in the CB KJV and what is written in the JB in Zechariah 9 : 9 . In the JB it says : Rejoice greatly , Fair Zion ; Raise a shout , Fair Jerusalem ! Lo , your king is coming to you . He is victorious , triumphant , Yet humble , riding on an ass , On a donkey foaled by a she-ass . The KJV says Rejoice greatly , O daughter of Zion ; shout , O daughter of Jerusalem : behold , thy King cometh unto thee : he is just , and having salvation ; lowly , and riding upon an ass , and upon a colt the foal of an ass . There is no mention of the king being just or having salvation in the JB . This was changed by the Christians so it could be used to validate their beliefs . The NIV had changes but was less changed than the KJV in these verses . We looked up this verse in the year 1611 King James Version and it's the same as in this modern KJV . Most all Christians do not have a Jewish Bible : they only have the Old Testament in the CB which is suppose to be exactly the same as what is in the JB . So when the New Testament says a verse is backed up by the JB like Zechariah 9 : 9 is said to do , they believe what they read in the Old Testament is the same as the JB . We have proven several times that is not true . The Catholic church and other writers of CB's have changed and added to many verses in the Old Testament of the CB .
Mark 11 : 22 - 26 ( B ) ( R )
After they leave the withered tree Y'shua says to the disciples Have faith in God . For verily I say unto you , That whosoever shall say unto this mountain , Be thou removed , and be thou cast into the sea ; and shall not doubt in his heart , but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass : he shall have whatsoever he saith . Therefore I say unto you , What things soever ye desire , when ye pray , believe that ye receive them , and ye shall have them . To test this you have to pray for the near impossible thing and twenty different near impossible things . The reason why near impossible is because it says Y'shua said you can move a mountain by prays and words alone so can LORD ELohim make an old elephant fly without any man made machines to do that ? Stuff like that . If the LORD can move a mountain He can surely make an old elephant fly . Some writings in the Bible are just silly : like these verses but you can give it a try to prove it to be true though LORD ELohim warns you He cannot move mountains and He cannot make an elephant fly either . Remember : near impossible or impossible and nothing man made used .
Mark 12 : 26 ( R )
In the CB it says And as touching the dead , that they rise : have ye not read in the book of Moses , how in the bush God spake unto him , saying , I am the God of Abraham , and the God of Isaac , and the God of Jacob ? The CB says that in the JB Exodus 3 : 5 & 6 backs up this CB verse . LORD ELohim speaking to Moses somehow . I am ", He said , " the God of your father , the God of Abraham , the God of Isaac , and the God of Jacob .” This is where it gets confusing . Again in Mark it says the LORD ELohim spoke to Moses these words . In Luke 20 : 37 this is repeat of this verse in Mark but Luke wrote it differently . Now that the dead are raised , even Moses shewed at the bush , when he calleth the Lord the God of Abraham , and the God of Isaac , and the God of Jacob . In this verse it's Moses saying all this and not the LORD . This in the NIV it says But in the account of the burning bush , even Moses showed that the dead rise , for he calls the Lord ' the God of Abraham , and the God of Isaac , and the God of Jacob . ' In Exodus 3 : 5 & 6 theses verses clearly state that it was LORD ELohim speaking to Moses and not Moses speaking these words to the LORD . .... Moreover he said , I am the God of thy father , the God of Abraham …. Unless Moses is telling the LORD he is a God and the God of the LORD's father this is definitely saying LORD ELohim is speaking . Where is it written that Moses some how proves the dead rise when he was with God near the burning bush . Just saying LORD ELohim says He was the God of Abraham , Isaac and Jacob is simply stating a fact and nothing more that we could find . These Christian Bibles do not put a capital H on He when speaking of LORD ELohim so without such show of respect for Him it can cause confusion . In these verses there is nothing that says Abraham , Isaac and Jacob are risen from the dead and the LORD says they were never risen from the dead and neither was Moses and Elijah . Remember that the belief of Christians is that Y'shua has to be the first to be resurrected before anyone else can be resurrected and this will never happen . If the CB is perfect and without error as Christians claim then how could Mark say the LORD is speaking and Luke says Moses is speaking and still one is not an error ?
Mark 12 : 27
This verse says Y'shua says that He ( LORD ELohim ) is not the God of the dead , but the God of the living : ye therefore do greatly err . Is Y'shua claiming that Abraham , Isaac and Jacob are living again ? Y'shua was speaking to the Sadducees , who do not believe in the resurrection of dead mortal flesh . LORD ELohim says the Sadducees were right and Y'shua who believed in resurrection of the dead body and eternal life for mortals was the one who erred . Because Y'shua was a mortal man it was very difficult for the LORD to communicate with him even with the help of a teaching Spirit and Y'shua did have a few of his own beliefs . Not all Y'shua's beliefs were right or true and resurrection of dead people was one of those beliefs which is not true . Is LORD ELohim the God of the dead ? The LORD says " No He is not ". To say He is the God of dead people is like saying He is the God of rocks along the seashore . Rock cannot think and therefore cannot believe in a God or not believe in Him and neither can a dead human corpse . What a person believed when he or she was alive , one might say dies with that person . When people die their time to believe or not believe in LORD ELohim is over : but for both believers or non believers death is the same . Is LORD ELohim the God of the living . LORD ELohim is the creator of all created and so He is the Father of all living anything even if you do not believe there is a God . If you do not believe in LORD ELohim as a God that changes nothing . He is still your Father in His mind even if not in your mind . The bottom line is : death is the same for all people no matter race , color , religion , good or evil , rich or poor and so on . At the moment of death we are all equal . LORD ELohim never said to Moses that He raised Abraham , Isaac and Jacob from the grave . The LORD just reminded Moses that when these men were alive they all believed in Him as their one and only God and Father .
Mark 12 : 28 - 34 ( B ) ( R )
What the Scribes asked is which Commandment is the greatest or most important . The NIV uses the words ' most important ' and the KJV says ' the first ' . And Jesus answered him , The first of all the commandments is , Hear , O Israel ; The Lord our God is one Lord : And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart , and with all thy soul , and with all thy mind , and with all thy strength : this is the first commandment . And the second is like , namely this , Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself . There is none other commandment greater than these. And the scribe said unto him , Well, Master , thou hast said the truth : for there is one God ; and there is none other but he . The word Lord should be spelt LORD or LORD and the word he should be He when speaking of LORD ELohim but we will write how it is written in the CB or JB . Another mistake is that LORD ELohim never taught and with all thy soul though it is in Deuteronomy 6 : 4 where this verse is . The only Soul Spirits have nothing to do with what people believe , think or do , therefore you cannot believe in God with all thy soul . Y'shua is said to say The Lord our God is one Lord and the Scribe says for there is one God ; and there is none other but he : . How did it go from the belief of Y'shua that there is only one God named LORD Elohim to the Christian belief that Y'shua is a God also and there are three Gods when you add in the Holy Ghost ? There is no truth in the Christian belief about LORD ELohim being three different Gods in one God . How is that even possible ? Every Spirit has a body and mind unto themselves . Y'shua taught The Lord our God is one Lord . That kind of belief of three Gods is very pagan in origin and probably greatly influenced by the pagan Romans long after any Jews were involved with anything regarding Y'shua . This new religion under the name of Roman Catholic Church is so pagan . This is why LORD ELohim calls Christians all ' pagans ' back then and even today . LORD ELohim knows Y'shua did not teach paganism . The CB says the back up to this verse is in the JB Deuteronomy 6 : 4 Hear , O Israel ! The LORD is our God , the LORD alone . You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might . Just a note here . This verse as it is written in Deuteronomy 6 : 4 is not how this subject is written about in the Ten Commandments . Exodus 20 : 1 - 3 First Commandment : God spoke all these words , saying : I the LORD am your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt , the house of bondage . You shall have no other gods besides Me . Believing Y'shua to be a God goes against every word in this verse .
Mark : 12 : 35 - 37 ( B ) ( R )
In the NIV : While Jesus was teaching in the temple courts , he asked , " Why do the teachers of the law say that the Messiah is the son of David ? David himself , speaking by the Holy Spirit , declared : " The Lord said to my Lord " Sit at my right hand until I put your enemies under your feet . " David himself calls him ' Lord . ' How then can he be his son ? " The large crowd listened to him with delight . The CB says these verses are backed up in the JB in Psalms 110 : 1 The LORD said to my lord " Sit at My right hand while I make your enemies your footstool . " In Luke 20 : 41 - 44 Is the same verses but Luke writes it different . Why is it said that the Messiah is the son of David . David himself declares in the Book of Psalms : ” The Lord said to my Lord : " Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet ." David calls him ' Lord ' . How then can he be his son ? “ How then can he be his son ? In the CB it claims Y'shua claimed he was the ' son of man ' and as that Y'shua's mortal blood line is said to be the line of David . Matthew 1 : 1 - 17 This is the genealogy of Jesus the Messiah the son of David , the son of Abraham : …. We know one fact for sure : David only had one God so he would not be speaking about another God . Is it even written by David ? The JB says LORD ELohim is talking to a king , called my lord and perhaps this verse is spoken by a prophet . We know it was said that the LORD is said to have spoken this to a king but Y'shua was never that king and Y'shua was never a God living before David . So what's this suppose to mean to Christians ? One of the problems with this verse in the CB it that it's confusing who is who ? The JB says The LORD said to my lord , …. LORD means LORD ELohim . The word ' lord ' and ' Lord ' means a dozen different things : king , ruler , master , chief , nobleman , and stuff like that . It would help to understand who is who if the CB showed some respect toward LORD ELohim and wrote His name LORD or LORD so we know who is being spoken of . LORD ELohim says leave this be because even He does not understand what these verses are suppose to mean to Christians or how they involve Y'shua . Just remember that Y'shua was never alive in any form at the time of David and Y'shua was never a God or the Messiah or a king . Now try to figure out what the verses mean . Also there is no Holy Spirit .
( 8 : 28 ) NOTES : I asked LORD ELohim if the Messiah has to be from the blood line of David and the LORD said " No , but he has to be a Jew " . In the writings of almost any religion the words women , her , she , lady and so on is rarely mentioned as though women don't exist most of the time . I jokingly asked the LORD if a women could be the Messiah and He said " A Jewish women could indeed become the Messiah but that is very unlikely to happen " .
Mark 13 : 3 ( B )
And as he sat upon the mount of Olives over against the temple , Peter and James and John and Andrew asked him privately , ….. Maybe we are wrong here but according to a atlas the Mount of Olives is not against the Temple . The Mount of Olives is not anywhere near the Temple . The Mount of Olives is a long walk outside of the city walls . The Temple is within the city walls of Jerusalem .
Mark 13 : 5 & 6 ( B ) ( R )
The conversation was about the future . In the KJV it says And Jesus answering them began to say , Take heed lest any man deceive you : For many shall come in my name , saying I am Christ ; and shall deceive many . In the NIV it says Many will come in my name , claiming , ' I am he ,' and will deceive many . The name Christ means the Messiah which Y'shua was not according to LORD ELohim and a lot of Jews . The name ' I Am He ' is LORD ELohim's name and not Y'shua's . For Y'shua to claim he is ' I Am He ' is blasphemy . If Y'shua talked about himself like in this verse he would have been stoned to death long before he was crucified . Did he really say this ? LORD ELohim says Y'shua did not claim to be LORD ELohim or the Messiah ( Christ ) either .
Mark 13 : 7 - 13 ( R )
Most of these verses are Y'shua speaking prophecy . Most are cheap prophecies like war , earthquakes , famines , nations againt nations , kingdoms against kingdom . These are cheap prophecies because in all human history when were these things not happening in many places on earth ? Cheap means : little effort to obtain . It goes on to say followers of Y'shua will be persecuted and family members will go against one another . Everyone will hate you because of me (Y'shua) , but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved . The early couple of generations of Christians were persecuted but this verse is not about those people since it also says And the gospel must first be preached to all nations . That did not happen during the time of Y'shua and his disciples or even a thousand years after Y'shua . If you believe the story about Columbus being the first to come to America then the preaching of the gospel could not have happened here until long after 1492 . Is it preached to the whole world today : probably for the most part , but is it excepted by most of the world today ? Not all people and nations believe what Christians believe but there are a lot of them who are Christians but what religion was Y'shua speaking about if he said this ? Remember Y'shua did not teach Christianity : he taught Judaism all his life . Y'shua was born a Jew and died as a faithful Jew . In verse 11 it says that if his followers are arrested they need not worry about what to say because in that hour ; that speak ye ; for it is not ye that speak , but the Holy Ghost . Again LORD ELohim who created all that was created did not create a Holy Ghost . If it were true that this imagined Holy Ghost could speak through people and people could hear this Spirits voice we could have finished the Little Book years and years ago and for the past six thousand years LORD ELohim would not have needed Rabbis or anyone else as middle men . And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake : but he that shall endure unto the end , the same shall be saved . We have a problem with this verse . This seems to be talking about the future . Who is Y'shua talking about ? There is mention of Synagogues and Judea so it must be about Jews . That is possible when you think about what's going on in the world . The problem with the verse is he says hated of all men for my name's sake . What does this mean ? Y'shua was the Lamb of God and nothing else so what does his name Y'shua have to do with people being hated by other people . Did Y'shua even say this because it does not make sense . It says he also said the same shall be saved . The LORD ELohim cannot save people from death . We will all die someday and no mortal flesh will ever be resurrected for the dead . Remember Y'shua was a very faithful Jew who loved his faith and loved his people and loved his God LORD ELohim . There is a lot in the CB that makes Y'shua out to be against the faith of Judaism and those verses have no truth .
Mark 13 : 14 - 37 ( R )
When you see ' the abomination that causes desolation ' standing where it does not belong - let the reader understand - then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains . …. The rest is mostly prophecy about the future . We are not going to go there in this section of the Little Book because most are not cheap prophecies and we will have to do some work on the others . In verse 30 Y'shua is said to have said Trully I tell you , this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened . But that generation did die before most happened . A few that did not happen : And except that the Lord had shortened those days , no flesh should be saved but for the elect's sake , whom he hath chosen he hath shortened the days . The word ' elect's ' means the Jews . How can the LORD shorten days ? But in those days , after that tribulation , the sun shall be darkened , and the moon shall not give her light . A full out nuclear war could make this happen but it did not happen before Y'shua's generation died . And the stars of heaven shall fall , and the powers that are in heaven shall be shaken . What people do on earth like a nuclear war would not effect the stars and stars cannot fall . Even if scientists cause a Big Bang with the Hadron Collider or by anything else that would only effect a small part of this galaxy . LORD ELohim says it takes many Big Bangs to create even one galaxy but it would blow up the earth and that would end all mortal life . And then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds with great power and glory . That did not happen and thats not going to happen . Y'shua in any form never went to Heaven and he is not coming back to life in any form because he is dead . The word ' glory ' and ' power ' are words LORD ELohim would never use . These are words mankind would use for themselves . LORD ELohim says Y'shua never used it for himself . And then shall he send his angels , and shall gather together his elect ( the Jews ) from the four winds , from the uttermost part of the earth to the uttermost part of heaven . Y'shua did not have any Angels to call his own and he was not the boss of any . LORD ELohim says it would be the Jews who He would call His elect and not the pagan Christians or anyone else . How would the Angels gather people . Angels go through everything and none of them have a drivers license . How would Angels know out of all the billions of people on earth who among us are the elect , His Jews ? The Angels would know who are Hebrew ( white skinned ) but not all Hebrews are Jews today . Most Hebrews are not Jews now . You have to be a Jew to be called LORD ELohim's elect people . Also there are no people in any form in Heaven or even near Heaven so there is no reason to look there . Then Y'shua is said to have said Heaven and earth shall pass away : but my words shall not pass away . Yah , the Heaven and earth are not going anywhere soon . Watch ye therefore : for ye know not when the master of the house cometh , at even , or at midnight , or at the cockcrowing , or in the morning . Lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping . The NIV says ..... If he comes suddenly , do not let him find you sleeping . People need sleep , all mortal life needs sleep that I know of and the master of the house Y'shua needed sleep when he was alive and mortal flesh to . If this means do not fall asleep in your faith : day and night then that makes more sense . Again remember Y'shua is said to say in verse 30 in the NIV also . Truly I tell you , this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened . This was Y'shua speaking to his disciples and his generation while Y'shua was still alive . LORD ELohim says one generation equals 40 years not over 2000 years . We living today are about the 50th generation since Y'shua's generation .
( 8 : 29 ) NOTES : I asked LORD ELohim if He is able to recognize Y'shua based on what is written in the Christian Bible about him and the LORD said He does not . The description of Y'shua in the CB for the most part is not who Y'shua was or what he did or what he said .
Mark 14 : 21 ( R )
The Son of man indeed goeth , as it is written of him : but woe to the man by whom the Son of man is betrayed ! good were it for that man if he had never been born . LORD ELohim says the man Judas was partly move by Spirit to betray Y'shua . Judas was chosen by LORD ELohim partly because of his personality and also his love of money and want of a high position among the disciples . Judas Iscariot committed suicide after he betrayed Y'shua . The LORD says Y'shua was wrong if he said that the man who betrays him good were it for that man if he had never been born . When LORD ELohim has a mortal work for Him the LORD takes full responsibly for what that person was moved by a teaching Spirit to do . Judas had nothing to fear from God . It's like if you have a problem with the Little Book you take it up with LORD ELohim , not with me . There are a lot of people who believe they are working for and motivated directly by LORD ELohim and even by Y'shua but most all are not . LORD ELohim says He and teaching Spirits are involved at this time with three people . I'm one and the other two are Jews . Y'shua and the Holy Spirit are not motivating anyone because Y'shua is dead and the Holy Spirit does not exist .
Mark 14 : 61 & 62 ( B ) ( R )
The priests and elders were questioning Y'shua saying … But he held his peace , and answered nothing . Again the high priest asked him , and said unto him , Art thou the Christ , the Son of the Blessed ? And Jesus said , I am : and ye shall see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power , and coming in the clouds of heaven . LORD ELohim does not like being called the name ' power ' in the KJV . The NIV says ' the Mighty One ' which is OK but He does have a name . LORD ELohim says it's not likely the priests would ask Y'shua if he were the Son of God because Jews believe all mortal humans are all sons and daughters and LORD ELohim's children . The Jews do not believe mortal flesh can be a God : not even the Messiah . We could not find anywhere in Jewish writings where the Messiah had to be the only son of God or has to be a God . Again Christianity would have been better off had they not used other peoples religion as the base beliefs to their own religion and then added a great deal of their own beliefs . The beliefs in a Messiah is a Jewish belief going back long before Y'shua was even born and long before Christianity . The Jews know what is expected regarding the Messiah and Christians don't seem to know what these are . Again the word ' Christ ' is Greek for ' Messiah ' . I asked LORD ELohim if the Messiah has to be a Jew and He said " Yes " . Y'shua was a Jew but he was obviously not the awaited Messiah . Y'shua was the Lamb of God for almost all Humanity on earth : past , present and future . Almost meaning Hitler types : not forgiven !!!
Mark 16 : 15 & 16
After Y'shua was said to have come back to life And he said unto them , Go ye into all the world , and preach the gospel to every creature . He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved , but he that believeth not shall be damned . Again LORD ELohim would not judge someone based on their religion or lack of religion . The word ' faith ' means ' believing without proof ' but not all people can do that including me . When people teach that all dead people will be raise from the grave or from ashes it makes those peoples beliefs hard for others to believe and the LORD knows that and He has no problem with that . Even LORD ELohim does not believe that belief that the dead can come back to life because He has never seen anyone ever raised from the truly dead either . Saved from what ? There is no afterlife for any mortal in any form so keeping the LORD's Ten Commandments what a person may gain is a better and more happy mortal life . Many Christians are willing to believe anything in the CB because of fear that if they do not keep believing everything in their faith they will be ' damned ' and go hell or lake of fire for all eternity . Again there is no purgatory or hell or lake of fire but that is something that cannot be proven either . Again for that the LORD says " Think Not Beyond Logic " . It's said there is a constant fire in these places . How can your body not be burnt to ashes there within a minute ? Souls are all innocent and without sin so they are not going there so all that is left to send to hell or the lake is peoples mortal flesh . LORD ELohim cannot make it so mortal flesh cannot burn up in these places and again these places and purgatory do not exist . LORD ELohim says what He cannot prove to you beyond any doubt He cannot judge you about that . There is a lot about Y'shua also that cannot be proven beyond any doubt also . LORD Elohim does not care what your religion is or if you have no religion or what your beliefs are as long as those beliefs and you harm no other people because of those beliefs . It's too late now for LORD ELohim to hope for a one world religion . It would have been Judaism .
Mark 16 : 17 & 18 ( R )
And these signs shall follow them that believe ; In my name shall they cast out devils , they shall speak with new tongues ; They shall take up serpents , and if they drink any deadly thing , it shall not hurt them ; they shall lay hands on the sick , and they shall recover . LORD ELohim would never say to you to do some of these things like drink poison . In other words do not do these things . You probably would die from these deadly things and the LORD cannot raise you up from the dead . Could the disciples suddenly speak in other languages without being taught them ? LORD ELohim says " No " . Could the disciples heal people like Y'shua is said to have done ? LORD ELohim says " No " and Y'shua could not either . They shall take up serpents , what is this suppose to mean ?
Mark 16 : 19 & 20 ( B )
So then after the Lord had spoken unto them , he was received up into heaven , and sat on the right hand of God . And they went forth , and preached every where , the Lord working with them , and confirming the word with signs following . Amen . Y'shua did not go to Heaven and LORD ELohim was not in Heaven at that time : even from the time of Y'shua's conception . Y'shua did not sat on the right hand of God . Maybe that should have been written ‘ sat at the right hand of God ' and not that he sat on the right hand of God . Even better ' and sat by the right side of God ' . Again LORD ELohim does not have a throne in Heaven because He has no want or need for one and the LORD would have not made Y'shua second in command in the LORD's Heaven . Y'shua was not raised up from the dead and Y'shua never went to Heaven . If Y'shua were in Heaven there is no way that Y'shua could have been working with the disciples from Heaven . How could Y'shua be in two places at the same time or in every Christian church in the world today at the same time ? Heaven starts billions of miles away from earth . Since Y'shua remained dead he definitely could not have been working with his disciples . LORD ELohim says Y'shua remains are probably in a Ossuary ( Bone Box ) and probably in Israel some where or even buried in the desert sand or where ever . LORD ELohim does not know where the body is but He is sure Y'shua died on the cross .
( 8 : 30 ) NOTES : Who took Y'shua body out of the tomb ? LORD ELohim does not know what happened to the body of Y'shua but He knows Y'shua did not rise from the dead . The CB says that Y'shua had risen from the dead and it says LORD ELohim raised Y'shua from the dead . If you believe LORD ELohim that He cannot raise the mortal dead back to life , including Y'shua's body , then how could the writings in the CB New Testament and a few verses in the Old Testament be true ? Probably most people through out history believed and hoped for eternal life but a better eternal life than our mortal life and those hopes were entered into many many different religions over the years . If the LORD ELohim raised Y'shua from the dead then it would not be a true sacrifice . The LORD loved Y'shua greatly but He could not raise this mortal man from his death any more than the LORD ELohim can raise you from your death . Where did Y'shua's dead body go ? There were many people for many different reasons why the body of Y'shua would be taken out of the tomb and hidden away some where . We do know it is not true that an Angel spoke to Mariam ( Mary ) when she went to the tomb and found no body there of Y'shua . The three days and three nights were not finished when she went to the tomb so the body should have still been there according to what Y'shua was said to say . Matthew 12 : 38 - 40 The Pharisees asked Y'shua for a sign and Y'shua said A wicked and adulterous generation asks for a sign ! But none will be given it except the sign of the prophet Jonah . For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish , so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth . It says Y'shua said his dead body would be resurrected from the dead after his body was three full days and three full nights being in the tomb . Good Friday near dusk to Easter Sunday early morning is only 1 day and 2 nights when Miriam ( Mary ) Magdalene , Y'shua's wife , went to the tomb and found no body there when it should have been in the tomb for 2 more days and 1 more night . Again Y'shua said his body would not be resurrected until it was a full 72 hours in the earth , the tomb , and not just 36 hours . The two Miriam's did not go to the tomb to see if Y'shua had risen . They went to the tomb when the Sabbath Day ended to prepare the dead body of Y'shua with spices and oil . The story of an Angel being there at the tomb and being seen and hear by these ladies proves this did not happen as it is written in the CB . Mortals cannot see or hear Angels because they are Spirits and LORD ELohim cannot make earthquakes happen . If Y'shua said his mortal body would be risen from the dead after his body being dead would be in the tomb until the full 72 hours are up : then someone is lying because the Miriam's were at the tomb around the 36th hour and the body was gone already then . From this point onward : what's true or what is false regarding the dead Y'shua ? The LORD says Think Not Beyond Logic . LORD ELohim could not raise Y'shua from the dead or take him to Heaven . Who took the dead body of Y'shua and where did they put it ? There are many people for different reasons who had a motive to remove the dead body of Y'shua from the tomb if that even happened .
( 8 : 31 ) NOTES : Why did LORD ELohim sacrifice Y'shua ? The sacrifice of mortal flesh go back tens of thousands of years before Adam lived . LORD ELohim never approved of these sacrifices to false gods or for any other reasons . This was going on around much of the world and much of this was very cruel to the animals sacrificed . People were cruelly sacrificing other people and it was common that human children were sacrificed also . It was simply the way things were back then . LORD ELohim had to figure out a way to end man-kinds savage behavior and there were many other reasons the LORD thought mankind needed His guidance if we were to pass our test . LORD ELohim had to have people who He could work through which began with Abraham who was the first Jew and Isaac who was the first Hebrew . The LORD did not try to change all things in one night . He allowed the people of Israel to sacrifice certain animals for certain reasons but did not allow human sacrifices and the animals had to be treated well before and when sacrificed . LORD ELohim trying to change the world was slow going and time was running out and the Israelites spent a lot of time in captivity among heathens and things really slowed down . This is the last thing LORD ELohim wanted to do but He would hear the cries of babies and children dying on heathen altars and He knew He had to do something extreme in order to stop such cruel and wicked behavior among mankind . The Jews tryed to teach people that the one and only God LORD ELohim did not approve of such wicked behavior but that was slow to change things . The only things LORD ELohim could think of that people would understand is an ultimate sacrifice for all mankind and for Judaism to become a great religion on earth . The ultimate sacrifice by the LORD was Y'shua the Lamb of God , who takes away the sin of the world ! but the religion of Judaism becoming world wide : that did not happen . The Jews tried to help the LORD but it was a deeply pagan world everywhere back then and many false gods and the Jews were not pagans and only had one God , the true God . LORD ELohim has only sacrificed one mortal body and that was Y'shua and it is something that the LORD will never do again for any reason . Sacrificing Y'shua pained LORD ELohim greatly and still today the LORD regrets doing that . The reason Christianity became widely accepted back then and not Judaism is because Christianity quickly became as pagan as most all other religions at that time and still today . But the sacrifice of Y'shua for most all peoples sins did bring to an end of much of the sacrificing of people and animals that was going on around the world . LORD ELohim goes to a Synagogue every Sabbath and He is happy that the Rabbis and other Jews now believe that Y'shua was His Lamb who He sacrificed for the sins of most all people in the world , past , present and future . He is also happy that the Rabbis and other Jews do not believe much else about Y'shua and other stuff that is written in the Christian Bible .
Luke 1 : 11 ( B )
The verses are talking about John the Baptist . The verses have an Angel named Gabriel talking to Zacharias the father of John like you talking to a freind over coffee . The Angels LORD ELohim created can no more speak to you through your ears then LORD ELohim can Himself . And there appeared unto him an angel of the Lord standing on the right side of the altar of incense . I have dealt with many Spirits over these many years and I have yet to see one because to mankind , dogs , cats and all mortal life Spirits are invisible to us : including LORD ELohim . Spirits are not invisible to each other and they can hear each other speak . At best it could be one of the ' men of God ' with a teaching Spirit but that does not always work well . What did happen is LORD ELohim chose John because of his family and birth time to be a speaker about the Lamb of God . John was given a teaching Spirit and the teaching Spirit was able to teach John about Y'shua being the Lamb of God .
( 8 : 32 ) NOTES : The language of the LORD ELohim and all Spirits is modern English . LORD ELohim created the English language trillions of years ago to be the language of all Spirits in Heaven . The LORD only knows three languages of mankind . The English language which He taught us , Hebrew which He also taught and ancient Egyptian which He did not teach but learnt when the Jews were slaves there . The English language was taught to the Hebrews by the LORD and teaching Spirits and mostly to the tribe of Ephraim which became Britain . Britain was the Motherland of other English speaking countries like Canada and other nations . It was a lot of work to teach English to the Hebrews and the spelling of the words . The Little Book was created by LORD ELohim over a long period of time before Adam . The LORD based many new English words and spellings on what the Grays and Anunnaki did during their trial time here on earth . The LORD ELohim was hopeful we would be different but the coded Little Book was ready to be given to mankind by Him just in case we were much the same as the Grays and Anunnaki were . It turned out we are not any different then the Grays and Anunnaki were which is why LORD ELohim gave mankind His Little Book on this Judgment Day .
Luke 1 : 15 ( B )
This is talking about John the Baptist . I asked LORD ELohim if John the Baptist was predestined by the LORD and He said " No " . This following verse is said to have been said by the Angel . For he shall be great in the sight of the Lord , and shall drink neither wine nor strong drink ; and he shall be filled with the Holy Ghost , even from his mothers womb . LORD ELohim liked John the Baptist and John had a teaching Spirit to teach John about Y'shua being the Lamb of God . And again there is no Spirit called the Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit because the LORD ELohim never created such a Spirit . All Spirits have a body , much alike ours . How can Spirits be in millions of different places if each Spirit have a body alike ours ? LORD ELohim is the same : He also has a body alike ours which is why He said in Genesis 1 : 26 And God said , : Let us make man in our image , after our likeness . 1 : 27 And God created man in His image , in the image of God He created them . The LORD explains the word " us " . LORD ELohim did 99 % of the work regarding creation but occasionally other smaller Spirits with smaller hands helped Him . LORD ELohim's body is about eight feet tall so again : He cannot be everywhere and no Spirit He created can be everywhere because the LORD created Spirits in His image . The Holy Ghost who is said by the CB to be a fog everywhere does not exist . The LORD created Spirits so they could have brothers and play , sing , dance and stuff like that . How could a Spirit like a fog do all that ? Again LORD ELohim did not create the Spirit called the Holy Ghost or also called the Holy Spirit and no Angel spoke to Zacharias .
Luke 1 : 17 ( B )
This says in the CB that the non existent Angel is still talking to Zacharias . And he shall go before him in the spirit and power of Elias , ... to make ready a people prepared for the Lord . Again Elias is Elijah . LORD ELohim says He never said that Elijah will return as a living person or in a living person someday . The word Spirit or spirit means many things . Out of all different meanings the LORD chose in the spirit and power of Elias would be spirit means courage , vigor , liveliness of Elijah . The word power means authority ; influence ; right . Again this verse does not mean Elijah the man was risen from the grave and reincarnated into John the Baptist . Again John the Baptist was not preordained by LORD ELohim to be who he was but as John was growing up the LORD did choose him to know Y'shua was the Lamb of God and to teach that about Y'shua . John was given a teaching Spirit by the LORD . In John 1 : 29 The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said , " Look , the Lamb of God , who takes away the sin of the world .... “
Luke 1 : 18 - 25 ( B )
And Zacharias said unto the angel . Whereby shall I know this for I am an old man , and my wife well stricken in years . Zacharias said this after the Angel told him he would become a father . It say's Zacharias questioned the Angel Gabriel and Gabriel made Zacharias dumb and not able to speak because he did not believe what the Angel told him about Elisabeth his wife would have a son in her old age . LORD ELohim says that no Angel would do that . LORD ELohim gives people room to not believe what is hard to believe or is without proof to be true . The LORD would have never done that or allowed any Angel to do that to Zacharias just because he did not believe what the Angel was said to have said . LORD ELohim has no problem when people say " Where's the proof so I know what to believe or not to believe " ? LORD ELohim says He never sent a Angel to speak to Zacharias because Angels cannot be seen or hear by any mortal life and the LORD had nothing to do with Elisabeth becoming pregnant . John the son of Zacharias and Elisabeth was chosen by the LORD because of his family and the timeing of his birth and who he was as a three year old child . At the age of three the LORD gave John a teaching Spirit . LORD ELohim says He gave me a teaching Spirit at the age of six years old so being chosen by the LORD as a child is common . Why me for the Little Book : I don't know ?
( 8 : 33 ) NOTES : Where is the proof ? is a question LORD ELohim does not mind if people ask that about Him or about every thing . How can the LORD prove to you beyond any doubt that He is your Father or that He even exists ? Again : where is the proof ? The LORD would not punish someone who questions what is true or not true . In the same way the LORD hopes that any religion does not punish those who are not of their religion because where is the proof that their religion is all correct and perfect . LORD ELohim says He knows of no religion that is perfect in their beliefs and teachings .
Luke 1 : 26 - 31 ( B )
The CB says the Angel Gabriel was sent to Nazareth to tell Miriam ( Mary ) that she would conceive and have a son . And , behold , thou shalt conceive in thy womb , and bring forth a son , and shalt call his name JESUS . The name Jesus is a lie and Mary's true name was Miriam . Miriam called her son Y'shua . The name Y'shua was changed by the Roman Catholic Church to Jesus and Miriam to Mary . Why are so many Jewish names changed to Greek or other languages in the CB . LORD ELohim says this is just wrong and He does not give His approval for any names changed from peoples Jewish name to other non-Jewish names in the CB . There was no Angel Gabriel who went to Miriam but teaching Spirits were sent to her and Joseph and she and others did have visions or simply woke up knowing things like I do . Again no mortal life can hear with their ears of see with their eyes Angels or LORD ELohim .
Luke 1 : 32 - 33 ( B )
The Angel Gabriel is still talking but there was no Gabriel Angel sent to Miriam . He shall be great , and shall be called the Son of the Highest : and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David : And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever , and of his kingdom there shall be no end . It says Y'shua shall be great . Y'shua was never as great as the CB says he was . Y'shua was a humble and gentle man who could not raise the dead or heal the sick or walk on water or , or, . Y'shau was not called by LORD ELohim the Son of the Highest because Y'shua was not LORD ELohim's only son . We are all sons and daughters of LORD ELohim and so was Y'shua with a small ' s ' the LORD's son, too . Then it says and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David : . LORD ELohim says no teaching Spirit ever said Y'shua would become a king and sit on the throne of David . David lived around 1005 - 965 B.C. which is around 24 generations before Y'shua's time . LORD ELohim says Y'shua was just one of many many people who were descended from David . Why was Y'shua's dad Joseph not called the king of Israel and people of all generations since Solomon the son of David ? What made Y'shua different from them ? LORD ELohim says Y'shua was no different then those generations before him and again at the time of Y'shua there were many thousands of other people who's blood line was that of David's . Y'shua was the Lamb of God and LORD ELohim never meant that Y'shua should become King of Israel in his mortal life and also not forever more because dead is dead . Remember it was not Jews who said Y'shua was a king but it was the three pagans who said that first : if that is even true ? Matthew 2 : 1 & 2 After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea , during the time of King Herod , Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked , Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews ? LORD ELohim says Y'shua will never reign over the house of Jacob .
( 8 : 34 ) NOTES : We are hoping that our math is right regarding this subject . In a book it says Abraham was alive around about 1800 B.C.E. . The JB says David was King around 1005 - 965 B.C.E. . LORD ELohim says one generation equals 40 years . The CB says in Matthew 1 : 1 - 17 So all the generations from Abraham to David are fourteen generations , and from David until the carrying away into Babylon are fourteen generations , and from the carrying away into Babylon unto Christ are fourteen generations . Again one generation = 40 years . 14 + 14 + 14 = 42 generations from Abraham to Y'shua . 42 generations x 40 years = 1680 years . From Abraham to Y'shua = 1800 B.C.E - 5 B.C.E. = 1795 years and divided by 40 years for each generation that would equal 44.875 generations and not 42 generations . There are almost 3 generations missing which means 1795 - 1680 = 115 years are missing . The reason Y'shua had to have been born before 5 B.C.E. is because it is written that the evil Herod died in 4 B.C.E. . I was told by the Spirit we had done this one before : but we will leave it .
Luke 1 : 34 -37 ( B )
It says Miriam asked the Angel Gabriel how could she a virgin bare a child and the CB says And the angel answered and said unto her , The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee , and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee ; therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God . This verse 35 is in the KJV and is also written the same way in the year 1611 King James Version . The word ' thing ' is used a lot even by me but to call a human baby in the womb of his mother a ' thing ' is just so wrong . Abortion clinics would love that verse . The NIV says this .... So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God . Much better . Again there is no Holy Ghost . LORD ELohim with the help from some little Spirits placed the fertilized egg in Miriam's womb but not in John the Baptist mother named Elisabeth . LORD ELohim says Elisabeth was not as old as the CB makes it sound about her . It was just by chance that Elisabeth became pregnant around the time Miriam did . The LORD did give John a teaching Spirit so he could understand who Y'shua was . John did not preach about Y'shua being the Lamb of God as much as LORD ELohim hoped he would but he was murdered just as Y'shua was getting started as a Rabbi . Was Y'shua the Son of God . Y'shua was one of God's sons but not the only Son of God . Isaac's mother Sarah became pregnant with Isaac the same way Miriam did with Y'shua . The LORD says two other people were brought about the same way making it four , so you cannot say it's because of the way Y'shua was conceived that makes him the one and only Son of God . Y'shua was one of LORD ELohim's billions of sons but a little closer to Him . The LORD says Moses was one of the other two . I have to guess at who the number four person was but I have not got that right yet but he was a Jew and the LORD sayed it was not David or or Solomon or a prophet and he lived before Y'shua . I finally got the right name : it was Samson . Again LORD ELohim was the one who put a fertilized egg in the wombs of the mothers of Isaac , Moses , Samson and Y'shua . In verse Luke 1 : 37 For with God nothing shall be impossible . LORD ELohim does not agree with this verse . There are many things He cannot do like raising the dead , healing peoples sickness and so on .
( 8 : 35 ) NOTES : We watched a show about a catacomb where the bones and skulls of over six thousand people are neatly stacked up from the floor to the ceiling in room after room . This is not the only catacomb in the world where many hundreds or thousands or over a million bones are stacked from the floor to the ceiling . There are 206 bones that make up the human skeleton . In this one catacomb with over 6000 skeletons x 206 bones in each skeleton that comes to 1,236,000 bones in all . This question is for people who believe that the LORD will some day put flesh and blood back on these over a million bones : just how do you think LORD ELohim is suppose to do that ? These catacombs would be one the biggest puzzles on earth for the LORD to raise back to life . Which leg bones goes with which skull ? What about the hundreds of thousands of people who died from the atomic bombs at Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan and nothing was left of them but a little dust ? Have you ever just sat back to think about how complex and complicated the mortal human body is or even other animals bodies ? I asked LORD ELohim if He could make from scratch the flesh body and bones of a living 40 year old man ? The word scratch means : a point at the beginning of a project at which nothing has been done ahead of time . The only stuff existing ahead of that time is the dust of the earth . LORD ELohim said He could not do that . The LORD had to make mortal life so that from a sperm and egg mortal life can start to happen at the moment when the egg is fertilized . The LORD made it so the fertilized egg can grow into a baby , then a child , then a adult , then a old person . There is no way the LORD could make a 40 year old living human body any other way . Since the LORD ELohim cannot create a 40 year old living person from scratch then how can He put flesh back on dried bones and raise them from the dead back to life ? A lot of people believe LORD ELohim can do anything and everything but they are wrong . The LORD does have limits to what He can do and raising the dead back to life is not something He can do or would want to do . LORD ELohim did not start out trying to make mortal life die : it's just the way it happened and is the only way mortal life works . The fertilized egg needed to grow and to age . The LORD ELohim has watched the suffering of mortal life over billions of years and He is glad that all mortal life does eventually die . Glad for all mortals and including other animals to . LORD ELohim noticed that us animals with free will tend to suffer greatly more than other animals who live mostly by instinct . Animals who's behavior is based on instinct do not blow each other up with atomic bombs or think they need more than they do need or poison water and land with their industries . We are the only animal species who needs an alarm clock and to go to a job most people don't like doing and so on . People like to think we are not animals but LORD ELohim says we are an animal species just like the other mammals . The only difference is we have free will which keeps getting us into trouble compared to those who don't have much free will . People have far more reasons why we suffer more then other animals and most of that is because of our free will and the things we do . As a species of animal we failed the test .
Luke 1 : 50 ( B )
His mercy extends to those who fear him , from generation to generation . LORD ELohim does not like this verse . The LORD is a loving God and Father and He does not want people to fear Him but to love Him as their Father .
Luke 2 : 8 - 12
And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby , keeping watch over their flocks at night . An angel of the Lord appeared to them , and the glory of the Lord shone around them , and they were terrified . But the angel said to them , Do not be afraid . I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people . Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you ; he is the Messiah , the Lord . … Again Angels cannot be heard or seen . If this Angel really did happen then why did the Angel lie to the shepherds about Y'shua being the awaited Messiah ? The word ' Lord ' is a problem as to what that means in many places in the CB . It could mean respect or authority or ownership or nobility and Y'shua is often called Lord . LORD ELohim should be written LORD or LORD . What does the Lord mean in this verse ? It also says an angel of the Lord appeared to them . Is this talking about Y'shua or LORD ELohim . Y'shua did not have any Angels to do his bidding but LORD ELohim has many Spirit children called Angels and if the Angels were helping the LORD they would have known Y'shua is the Lamb of God and not the Messiah and not a God . LORD ELohim says this did not happen . The proof it did not happen is that mortals cannot see or hear Angels who are Spirits .
Luke 2 : 13 - 15 ( B )
Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel , praising God and saying , " Glory to God in the highest heaven , and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests . " So far in Luke it is all black letters which means that Y'shua never said any of this . How did Luke come to believe this happened since it did not happen ? Not much is known about Luke other than it's believed he spent time with Paul . Neither Paul or Luke were of the twelve disciples of Y'shua . Again it says a great company of the heavenly host which sounds like more Angels came there because the only living beings in Heaven are Angels . The word ' his ' should have been ' His ' if speaking of LORD ELohim . This explains things in verse 15 When the angels had left them and gone into heaven , the shepherds said to one another , " Let's go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened , which the Lord has told us about . " This did not happen because again no mortal can see one Spirit or a thousand Spirits and no mortal can hear even a thousand Spirits talking . And again who is the Lord has told us about . Y'shua was just born so it could not have been him and LORD ELohim says it was not Him or any of His Angel children and Y'shua was not part human and part God so again it was not him . LORD ELohim says there is nothing in these verses that could have happened . LORD ELohim says whats written is about what is impossible to have happened .
( 8 : 36 ) NOTES : This is something that LORD ELohim wants all people to clearly understand . We have written about this before but we just got some Christian junk mail in the mail which is really pushing people to believe a few wrong beliefs . In the NIV in Romans 6 : 22 - 23 But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God , the benefit you reap leads to holiness , and the result is eternal life . For the wages of sin is death , but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord . Here is a word LORD ELohim would never use for Spirits or for mortals who help Him : the word ‘slaves ' . No Spirits have ever been His slaves , Y'shua was not His slave . Moses , Abraham and so on were not His slaves either . Spirits and mortals have been His children but His children have never been His slaves . I had a choice : do I help the LORD with the Little Book or not help Him . I have never been His slave and neither has anyone else in history . Y'shua could have walked away from being the Lamb of God but he chose to be the Lamb . Just because you believe in Y'shua for many wrong reasons does not mean you will have eternal life . No mortal will ever have eternal life . This next one the LORD ELohim wants you to understand the truth . Sin is not what causes people to die . Sin has nothing to do with that . This is the way the flesh and bone of mortal life works . You are conceived and you live and grow and then you pay a lot of taxes and then you die . This has nothing to do with your sins . The reason the LORD taught the Ten Commandments and other teachings to people is so peoples mortal life is a much better life than when you do sin .
Luke 2 : 25 - 28 ( B )
There is three times mentioned about the Holy Spirit which again does not exist . We have written many times about the fact the Holy Spirit does not exist . For now on we are not going correct this and other subjects over and over again unless needed .
Luke 3 : 4 - 6 ( B )
John the Baptist was preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sin . As it is written in the book of the words of Isaiah the prophet : A voice of one calling in the wilderness , Prepare the way for the Lord , make straight paths for him . Every valley shall be filled in , every mountain and hill made low . The crooked roads shall become straight . And the rough ways smooth . And all people will see God's salvation . The book of Isaiah 40 : 3 - 5 that the CB says these verses are based on , in the JB these verses read a little different . Isaiah made it clear that it was LORD ELohim who is being spoken of and not Y'shua . " Clear in the desert A road for the LORD ! .... A highway for our God ! .... The Presence of the LORD shall appear , And all flesh , as one , shall behold - For the LORD Himself has spoken , " The valleys are still there and the mountains and hills to are still there . LORD ELohim does not know how someday He shall appear before mortals and be seen by them ? Christians say these verses are speaking of Y'shua but Y'shua lived and died and those mountains and valleys are still there and Y'shua was and is not a God . The prophets of old were not perfect . Like Y'shua the prophets of old had their own beliefs about everything on which they often based some of their writings on and not all their beliefs were correct . Again LORD ELohim says no religion in this world has gotten everything right in their beliefs and writings but Judaism is closer to getting most things right than any other religion on earth .
( 8 : 37 ) NOTES : A lot of people believe that there is a Spirit within us that is in our image like a ghost . Many believe these Spirits are in all peoples body other then the Souls and it is that Spirit who we have an afterlife as that Spirit . LORD ELohim says the only Spirits people have is the Soul Spirits . Right now only three people have teaching Spirits . There is no other Spirits within us . There are no Spirits in our image or like people think ghost would look like . There is no Spirit in any people that we as mortals can live beyond this life in which was a good idea because the last thing Spirits want in their peaceful and loving and happy Heaven is us , so make the most of this mortal life , it will only happen once .
Luke 3 : 16 - 18
People were wondering if John the Baptist was the Messiah . John did not say no but he said Y'shua will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire . The word fire in the CB is related to punishment or purification . LORD ELohim says this is just wrong . He would never punish any mortal with fire and a person cannot be purified by fire either . If you are killing someone by burning them alive until dead with fire that has nothing to do with punishment or purification and has everything to do with you being an extremely cruel and wicked person and a murderer .
Luke 3 : 23 - 37 ( B )
This is very confusing and a brain teaser if you like that stuff . In Matthew 1 : 1 - 17 it lists the people of Y'shua blood line . In Matthew the list starts with Abraham and ends with Y'shua . In Luke 3 : 21 - 37 it starts with Heli the father of Joseph the husband of Miriam the mother of Y'shua and ends with Adam , the son of God . Luke is written backwards compared to Matthew . Many of the names are not the same in Luke compared to Matthew . One thing that really stands out in Luke's list is that Solomon is missing from the list . In Luke the son of David is Nathan and not Solomon . I asked LORD ELohim if Y'shua could be of the blood line of David if not of the blood line of Solomon as Luke claims . LORD ELohim says He has no idea who this Nathan guy is and Y'shua can only be of the blood line of David if he is also of the blood line of David's son Solomon . Because there is no Solomon in Luke's list there is no son of Solomon who was according to Matthew in the NIV is Rehoboam and also written in the KJV Roboam , if thats the same person : and on and on it goes . We did write about the blood line list in Matthew where it says that the generations were 42 from Abraham to Y'shua . In Luke there are 56 generations from Abraham to Y'shua . Luke has 14 more generations listed than Matthew has . Both Luke and Matthew claim that the list is the genealogy of Y'shua . There is no blood line listed of Miriam that we could find so far but her being a women that is not surprising . One of the problems with these lists is because everyone wants to spell names their way but most are obviously a name of someone else . LORD ELohim says it becoming so obvious that Jews are not writing this stuff . Christians constantly are saying that every word and every verse is perfect and with out error in the Christian Bible but in these few verses alone there are probably well over a dozen errors so the CB is not as perfect as they believe . An example : In the NIV the father of Joseph in Luke is Heli the son of Matthat and in Matthew it says the father of Joseph was Jacob the son of Matthan . In Matthew it says Eleazar is the father of Matthan and in Luke it says the father of Matthat was Levi and this just goes on and on like that . One day when we are very bored we will try to figure out why Luke has 14 more generations than Matthew but that day is not today . We shut the computer down and then we noticed something . There are headlines which are not verses that give information about what is written below in the verses . This is in Luke in both the NIV and KJV . This is about the above verses , the blood line of Y'shua but the KJV headline says ' The Baptism of Jesus and the Genealogy of Mary ' . The NIV headline says ' The Baptism and Genealogy of Jesus ' regarding the same verses . So which is it ? Y'shua's blood line or Mariam's blood line ? These headlines are just above Luke 3 : 21 in both CB's . We are going to verse 23 for both . In the NIV Now Jesus himself was about thirty years old when he began his ministry . He was the son , so it was thought , of Joseph , the son of Heli , the son of Matthat , the …… In the KJV the same verse says And Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age , being ( as was supposed ) the son of Joseph , which was the son of Heli , which was the son of Matthat , which was the son of Levi , which was ……. It's the KJV headline that says the following verses are the blood line of Mariam ( Mary ) but that's not what verse 23 says from what we can understand . There is no mention of Mariam in any of the verses in 21 , 22 or 23 so how can these verses be about her blood line when it is Y'shua being written about ? Did some people know there was a problem with these verses and tried to cover it up by saying this is Mariam's blood line . They did not do a very good job of fixing the problem . We will probably come back to this in the next update .
( 8 : 38 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim goes to a Christian church every Sunday just to listen to what Christians are talking about who have read the Little Book . At first it was : how do we deal with this ? Can we just ignore the Little Book ? After months and more people talking about the Little Book they decided that it cannot be ignored anymore and it had to be dealt with : but how ? Many of their beliefs as Christians had changed like Y'shua being a God and the Messiah and a king they no longer believe this . They no longer believe in eternal life or in a hell and things like that . The LORD watched them struggle with : what now as Christians ? The LORD ELohim was there today and He is happy that they are moving forward the ways they are . One of the reasons they still go to church is because it's their place to worship the true God LORD ELohim and to remember and honor Y'shua the Lamb of God and to gather and be together like a family . LORD ELohim is very happy for these people and pleased how they did move forward . LORD ELohim no longer calls all Christians pagans though there are most who still are . And the LORD does not mind if Christians keep their name Christian as long as it only means something like : someday they hope the true Messiah , a mortal man not yet known , will come to be and help the world find a way to peace and greater joy and a lot less to fear .
( 8 : 39 ) Who is responsible for what is written in the CB ? The CB was only in the hands of the Roman Catholic Church until the 1500's . For a long time only Roman Catholic clergy could have a CB . Back then you could not buy a Bible at the book store because the Roman Catholic Church forbid any non-Catholic clergy to have one . The Roman Catholic Church also claims that the disciple Peter was their first pope beginning in 42 AD - 67 AD . The Protestant churches began in the 1500's . Until that time all that existed of the Christian religion was the Roman Catholic Church . So there can only be one answer to this question : it was the Roman Catholic Church that wrote the Christian Bible . LORD ELohim is sure that Peter knew nothing about him being a pope . LORD ELohim is also sure that Y'shua never said to Peter that he would build his church with Peter being his foundation stone of that church .