Date: July 1, 2022
Welcome again to the Little Book . Like the others chapters in the Little Book this update is not for everyone . Most in this book is about errors in the Christian Bible and some are common to in other religions beliefs . This is the Sabbath Day which is the Seventh Day and is also Judgment Day . With the Little Book LORD ELohim wants people to know Him and to know the truth about Him and other subjects but not all people want to know what's in the Little Book so a word of warning : this book may not be something you would want to read . The Little Book is LORD ELohim's Book .
In the Little Book CB means Christian Bible and JB means the Jewish Bible . ( B ) means black letter words which means they are not spoken by Y'shua . ( R ) red letter verses are said to be words spoken by Y'shua . ( 9 : 1 ) NOTES is other information . Y'shua is the true Jewish name of Jesus and we write his true name in the Little Book unless it is written Jesus in a verse . The name Jesus is Greek and not Jewish . We will write the verses as they are written in the Bible . The women who's name is Mary in the Bible true name is Miriam their Jewish name so we will write the true name unless it is written in the Bible as Mary . Sometimes the name Mary is in the code . Note that many Jewish names were changed by the writers of the CB . NIV means the Bible used is the New International Version . KJV means the Bible used is the King James Version Bible . Again we write the verses the way they are written in the CB and JB . Back up verses means the verses in the Jewish Bible that the Christians used to validate their writings in the Christian Bible . Because of problems putting the Little Book on the web site we are changing the way it is written a little .
There a coded information in this update . This code system is called English Gematria . Gematria was used for hundreds of years for Greek and Hebrew alphabet but the value of the letters are different from English Gematria . The English Gematria is LORD ELohims own work . The LORD created this 666 code . The code is as follows . A = 6 , B = 12 , C = 18 , D = 24 , E = 30 , F = 36 ,G = 42 , H = 48 , I = 54 , J = 60 , K = 66 , L = 72 , M = 78 , N = 84 , O = 90 , P = 96 , Q = 102 , R = 108 , S = 114 , T = 120 , U = 126 , V = 132 , W = 138 , X = 144 , Y = 150 , Z = 156 . These are the code value of the English language and modern English spelling . The code works by adding the total value of each word or words . In this update each word or words must add up to 666 such as : C = 18 , O = 90 , M = 78 , P = 96 , U = 126 , T = 120 , E = 30 , R = 108
The 666 word or words are divided from each other with the * as in : Remember again * Think Not * Beyond Logic * . Each group of these words adds to 666 . The code is simply the number 6 added to the sum of the number before it . A = 6 , + 6 B = 12 , + 6 C = 18 , + 6 D = 24 , and so on for the entire English alphabet . The following is coded .
( A ) -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- In God's book * the Little * Book language * hath English * . Book code key * 666 * . God of Israel * EL Roi create * the Little * Book's shape * . English seal * hidden teaching * . English break * advanced Bible code * in God's Book * . Modern math * # six opened * the riddle God * EL Roi create * . Hidden teaching * like bitter * herbs eateth * . End of a times * hidden teaching * for world * humanity * .
- God of Israel * LORD ELohim * teach Jewish * . LORD ELohim * teach English * . LORD ELohim * teach DCLXVI * = 666 * . DCLXVI break * the Little * Book language * .
( 9 : 1 ) NOTES : DCLXVI is Roman Numerals . I = 1 , V = 5 , X = 10 , L = 50 , C = 100 , D = 500 . The Roman Numerals add up to 1 + 5 + 10 + 50 + 100 + 500 = 666 . The Roman Numeral M = 1000 was added to the Roman Numbers not very long ago . The Little Book occasionally uses the Roman Numbers .
- God of Israel * author a code * called Gematria * . God of Israel * LORD ELohim * teach Gematria * . Gematria break * the Little * Book code key * .
- A old sinner * women help * pen God's coded * mind riddles * for world * humanity * . LORD ELohim * create logical * advanced Bible code * . LORD ELohim * God of Israel * help women * a offspring * Ephraim Figs * in bloodline * . LORD ELohim * help women * solve My * strange code * .
- Read wisdom * how alphabet * being English * now opened * the Little * Book shape and * the Little * Book language * .
- In God's Book * logical riddle * great clues * about now * and past here * on earth ark * .
- The Little * Book code key * seal bitter * war message * for world * humanity * . The Little * Book bad news * for world * humanity * and animals made * .
- Remember again * Think Not * Beyond Logic * when you * read decoded Book * . Remember again * LORD ELohim * is author * .
( 9 : 2 ) NOTES : English and it's spelling is the ancient language of LORD ELohim and Spirits . LORD ELohim created what we call the English language trillions X trillions of years ago using math and Gematria to create this language . Over the years the LORD added new words to this language and how to spell them . When dealing with mortal life with free will He added a lot of words . A word like ' taxes ' was created by LORD ELohim when dealing with the Grays because Heaven does not have taxes . The LORD never taught the Grays and Anunnaki the English language but He made up words in English using the code for the Little Book regarding who they were and what they did . When Humanity were creating something new or doing stuff that had no English name the LORD would give it a English name using math and Gematria and then teaching Spirits would try to teach humans the word or words that God made up for those things . In other words : LORD ELohim loves to play with riddles , math and Gematria and without a computer or calculator . Now that's amazing . LORD ELohim also created the Hebrew language for the Jews . The reason the LORD did not teach early Jews the English language is because it was to early and not the right time for people to know the Little Book . It was the English language and it's spelling that sealed the Little Book until today which is the Sabbath Day and Last Day .
- The Little * Book language * believe and hear * God of Israel * EL Roi speak * to you an * He teach you * about now * and in past age * an much more * . LORD ELohim * Who is called * God of Israel * is author * alone of Book * . Again remember * humanity * Think Not * Beyond Logic * . The Little * Book code key * create logical * riddle about * LORD ELohim * His past and * the day at hand * an much more * for all flock * who is called * humanity * . Read within * a teaching book * from EL Roi * Who is called * LORD ELohim * . The Little * Book giving * decoded riddles * a last Book if * riddles decoded * on Last Day * . Behold today * is Sabbath Day * on Last Day * .
- Remember again * riddle about * good proof * He is Yahweh * as the Father * Who is called * LORD ELohim * . Riddle about * mankind lies * . The Little * Book language * correct it * .
- God of Israel * riddle about * life before man * on earth ark * . Riddle about * Mine Grays * ; Anunnaki a E.T. * ; all Nephilim * ; a crop design * ; all Oak Island * ; climate hoax * ; behold recent * great deep Ice Age * ; future as * angry chaos * ; nuclear hell * ; false gods made * ; mark of beast * an much more * .
- Sabbath Day is * the day at hand * . The day at hand * is time here * on earth ark * . Sabbath Day is * on Last Day * .
( B ) -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- LORD ELohim * Who is called * God of Israel * thy Father * Humanity * . LORD ELohim * Who is called * I AM is one God * and only God * .
- Is God real as a * God of Israel * ? As Spirit * good Abba is real * Who is called * LORD ELohim * God of Israel * .
- In the Heaven * LORD ELohim * EL Roi create * many Angels * as Spirit * .
( 9 : 3 ) NOTES : The name Abba means Father . Father means who created us and all else that was made by LORD ELohim our Father .
( 9 : 4 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim does not talk a lot about Himself in the
Little Book but people over the years have talked a lot about Him and
mostly about the character and nature of LORD ELohim . The following is
what many people believe about the LORD .
( 1 ) - Many people believe the
LORD ELohim is omnipresent which means God is everywhere , present , free
of limits of space and time . This is an error . God is not a fog like
Spirit everywhere in the universe at the same time . LORD ELohim is one
Spirit about nine feet tall . Remember the LORD said in Genesis 1:26 " Let
us make man in our image , after our likeness " . He was speaking to His
Spirit children . The likeness of man and God is having a head , arms ,
legs , torso and so on just like the LORD and all the Spirits He created
have . The LORD cannot be everywhere at the same time . He cannot know
everything happening about earth all the time .
( 2 ) - Omniscient means
the LORD is all knowing about past , present , future . A lot of people
believe God has complete and infinite knowledge about everything . Again
this is not right . Here is some proof . If the LORD knew what mankind
would do and become in the future He never would have created us . He would
have already known we would fail our trial so what would be the point in
creating us or the Grays and Anunnaki . All three of us species with free
will have caused the LORD and even other Spirits a lot of grief over these
many years . The LORD says had He known back then when He was creating
mortal life with free will what we would do and become He never would have
made any of us . The LORD knows some present and past but He has no
knowledge what the future will be . When He predicts things will happen He
bases that on what He knows about the present and about the past of all
three free will species and about other things . Again the LORD is not
everywhere so there is a lot God does not know about past and present
regarding mankind and He has no idea what the future will be for sure . The
LORD's predictions about the future of mankind is just good guessing on His
part and is based on what the Grays , Anunnaki and mankind had done in the
past and present that He knows about . Again LORD ELohim does not know all
things .
( 3 ) - Omnipotent means LORD ELohim is all powerful and can do
everything He wants to do . This is an error to . An example of this is
that God could not make Big Bangs happen if the chemistry for Big Bangs was
not already there first . What scientists call the Big Bang is an error to
. The LORD says it took many Big Bangs to create even one galaxy . The LORD
knows how Big Bangs happen and He even did a couple but again what He used
already existed in the nature of the universe . There is a lot the LORD
cannot do that people think He has the ' power ' to do like raising mortal
life that is dead back to life again , healing the sick , making Christians
disappear on earth and reappear a moment later in Heaven billions of miles
away and many more things He cannot do . Again remember it took billions of
years for LORD ELohim to create what is created on earth now . Moses did
not get all the timing right or how the LORD did it but he was right that
LORD ELohim created everything that is created but by His hands and not
just words He spoke . What the LORD created over trillions of years
starting with Spirit is almost everything in the universe including you .
( 4 ) - Many people believe LORD ELohim and Spirits are nonmaterial and
nonphysical . The LORD says everything that exists is made of something
including Him and His Spirit children .
( 5 ) - Another belief is that LORD
ELohim is immutable which means God never never changes in any way and is
unchangeable . The LORD says this is not true . A lot of people especially
Christians in their Bible depict LORD ELohim as someone that just sits on a
big throne in Heaven and never gets off His butt . This is a very wrong
depiction of the LORD . LORD ELohim does not have a throne in Heaven or on
earth . Physically the LORD never changes but mentally He changes a lot
just like we do . One thing He took an interest in as a hobby billions of
years ago is creating mortal life on this earth . The LORD is pure love and
that has never changed but we did give Him reasons to be angry with us many
times . Being angry with Grays , Anunnaki and now us was a new feeling for
LORD ELohim because His Spirit children never made Him angry . We failed
our trial and someday most mortal life will end on earth but that's not
what He was thinking six thousand years ago about us . LORD ELohim had
great hope for us back then . The LORD can change in many ways , just not
physically .
( 6 ) - This Christian belief is called the unity of God
meaning LORD ELohim is three persons but yet only one Godhead what ever
that means . It's also called the Trinity . The three persons of the
Godhead Christians believe in is ' The Father , the son Y'shua and the Holy
Spirit . Y'shua ( Jesus ) was just a mortal flesh man and he is dead and
the Holy Spirit or also called the Holy Ghost never existed because the
LORD never created that kind of fog Spirit . LORD ELohim never made others
who He would call Gods . LORD ELohim is the one and only God and Father of
all created by Him which is everything except many galaxies which the
nature of the universe created with many many Big Bangs . The LORD did
create a few galaxies which is why He worries about what scientists are
doing . There are no other Gods . LORD ELohim is the one and only God . God
means the creator and ruler of the universe . LORD ELohim is the creator of
all that was created by someone and not by nature making Him alone your
Father . The word God means Father : our creator . Again LORD ELohim is the
one and only God . Y'shua was not a God and is not a God and neither is
whatever the Holy Spirit is in people minds .
( 7 ) - God's moral
attributes . Naming a few . LORD ELohim is Holy , just , compassionate ,
patient , gracious , greatly abounding in love , wise , understanding ,
faithful and all this belief is true for a change but only when speaking of
the one and only God LORD ELohim . There are no other Gods .
- Jehovah send * mortal Rabbi * called Y'shua * . Mortal Rabbi * feed My sheep * as the Father * teach Joshua * . As Spirit * Joshua teach * mortal Rabbi * I call Y'shua * . Loving Rabbi * called Y'shua * teach love as * food for life * . Lamb of God here * teaches flesh * human love * for world * humanity * . Human love * for all races a * glad blessing * among all here * on earth ark * . In past ages * and also say * even today * humanity * failed Y'shua * and fail YHWH * . Behold today * humanity * about earth * made love cold * .
( 9 : 5 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim has many names : EL , ELohim , Jehovah , Yahweh , EL Roi , EL - Shaddai , EL ELyon ,Yahweh , JHVH , YHWH , LORD , YHVH , I AM , I AM HE and so on . The reason LORD ELohim has so many names is because of this Little Book and because His many names have different meanings . His name in Heaven among His Spirit children is just ELohim .
- Remember again * God I AM is one * creation God * and one Father * and one noted * God of Israel * Who is called * LORD ELohim * . Y'shua teach * God I AM is one * creation God * and one Father * . Y'shua teach * humanity * YAHWEH home * in the Heaven * . Y'shua teach * humanity * YAHWEH home * on earth ark * be Jerusalem * . Y'shua teach * LORD ELohim * loves My * humanity * who are good * .
- I AM HE Lamb of God * called Y'shua * . As Spirit * called Joshua * is within * Hebrew flesh * called Y'shua * . As Spirit * called Joshua * teach who is * God of Israel * as the Father * of all the life * about earth * in past ages * and us now * . The flesh man * Y'shua teach * God of Israel * Alpha sacrifice * void sins * for world * humanity * on earth ark * in past age and * even today * . Again remember * Y'shua called * Lamb of God here * on earth ark * .
( 9 : 6 ) NOTES : Christians believe only Christians and a couple of ancient Jews will be saved for the good eternal life because they believe Y'shua is their savior God or something like that . They think only Christians will be saved for the happy eternal life while those who do not believe what they believe will suffer extreme torment and pain for all eternity : so most Christians believe this . LORD ELohim wants all people , all nations people , all religions people and everyone else to know that He never promised eternal life for any mortal life . Not even once to anyone . Even Y'shua , Moses , Elijah were never risen from the dead . No mortal life has ever gone to Heaven and the LORD promises no mortal will ever go to Heaven or have an eternal life of any kind there . If you want to read fantasy read any religious book . If you want to read about peoples hopes and dreams that cannot come true read any religious book . Again LORD ELohim never promised any mortal life a eternal life beyond our death or even in this mortal body .
( 9 : 7 ) NOTES : Is it right to worship Y'shua . LORD ELohim says it is not right . LORD ELohim is hopeful people will remember him and honor him but to worship him is wrong . Y'shua was not a God in human flesh . Y'shua was a mortal Jewish flesh man who chose to give up his life as the Lamb of God for the sins of all humanity . For that he is worthy of being remembered as the Lamb of God but not as a God like Christians made him out to be . Y'shua is dead and was never resurrected from the dead because LORD ELohim does not know how to do that for him or for you .
( 9 : 8 ) NOTES : Some Christian preachers have said Miriam ( Mary ) the mother of Y'shua was 13 years old when she became pregnant with Y'shua ( Jesus ) . LORD ELohim says that would have been cruel to do to any child . LORD ELohim said Miriam was a women and was 20 years old at that time .
( 9 : 9 ) NOTES : Is Y'shua the only begotten son of LORD ELohim like
Christians believe he is ? The LORD says that Y'shua was a mortal man like
anyone else . The only difference is that Y'shua had a teaching Spirit
named Joshua . The LORD ELohim did make the DNA of Y'shua and the
fertilized egg was put into the womb of Miriam but Y'shua was a flesh man
like any other men . There was nothing about Y'shua that made him to be a
God in any way . The belief that Y'shua created everything created is wrong
. LORD ELohim created everything created by someone except He did not
create Himself . Again Y'shua was a mortal man like any other mortal man .
Y'shua was not the only begotten son of LORD ELohim .
The LORD ELohim
created mankind and all humans and all other mortal life are His children
both male and female . The LORD ELohim has had billions of sons and
daughters regarding mankind . In the CB Y'shua is often said to say : thy
Father , our Father , your Father who art in Heaven and so on regarding
LORD ELohim . Y'shua is not calling himself your Father , he is calling
LORD ELohim your Father . John 1 : 1 - 3 is a lie and probably not written
by John if this John was a Jew . The Jews do not believe mortal man can be
a God and that correct belief got them in trouble with many pagans . LORD
ELohim says Y'shua who was a Jew never said he was a God . Christians made
him a false god .
- The Little * Book tells * the flesh man * called Y'shua * is Judean man * and white race * . The flesh man * called Y'shua * God of Israel * raised Judean * and God blessed * the man too * . The flesh man * called Y'shua * himself a Jew * .
- As Spirit * Joshua being * within man * called Y'shua * teach Y'shua * God of Israel * I AM is one God * an much more * . God of Israel * ELohim not * within man * called Y'shua * .
( 9 : 10 ) NOTES : The Spirit Joshua is a teaching Spirit and not a God . Teaching Spirits help LORD ELohim to communicate with mortal flesh . Sometimes it works but not to often .
- An to you * I AM HE saying * I AM is one God * . As the Father * Abba not three * Us deities * . The flesh man * Y'shua teach * God of Israel * I AM is one God * .
- Y'shua teach * God of Zion * as the Father * of the human * mortal life * and animals made * about earth * . Y'shua teach * thy Father * name in Heaven * LORD ELohim * . The flesh man * called Y'shua * teach love as * food for life * for world * humanity * .
- Again remember * the flesh man * called Y'shua * not a God to * . Y'shua teach * I AM is one God * thy Father * . Y'shua called * LORD ELohim * Abba your God * . As Spirit * called Joshua * not a God to * .
- I AM He Lamb of God * Hebrew flesh * called Y'shua * . LORD ELohim * sacrifice Jew * the flesh man * called Y'shua * for world * humainity * . Remember again * LORD ELohim * sacrifice Jew * called Y'shua * .
- The flesh man * called Y'shua * was married * to Mary and * LORD ELohim * blessed both * . Faithful man * called Y'shua * love Mary * . As the Father * God of Israel * love Mary * as His child and * the flesh man * called Y'shua * love Mary * . I AM He Lamb of God * called Y'shua * married wife * good Mary M. . Magdalene born * a offspring * an a twofold * sons and all * too Hebrew * like Y'shua * and Mary to * and Jews to * like Y'shua * and Mary to * . God of Israel * LORD ELohim * blessed both * and Mary to * .
- I AM HE saying * divine sex * for marriage * . Divine sex * not a sin and * remember again * LORD ELohim * blessed both * the flesh man * called Y'shua * and Mary to * for marriage * . A Rabbi wed them * .
- Hooked X on * chapel rocks * means heirs * of O LORD God * faithful man * called Y'shua * and Mary to * . Hooked X became * symbolical * about earth * . Hooked X on * chapel rocks * be Templars * .
- City of the * Temples at * Jerusalem be * EL earth home a * hallowed land * of the Jews * LORD ELohim * chosen flock * in past age and * even today *.
( 9 : 11 ) NOTES : The name Abba means Father . LORD ELohim is our Father . Christians believe Y'shua ( Jesus ) created everything created which would make Y'shua our Father and the Father of Satan . This is a big error in the Christian faith . The CB often says Y'shua says LORD ELohim is your Father , our Father , thy Father , the Father . The LORD's prayer starts off with ' Our Father who art in Heaven ' in Matthew 6 : 9 . In Matthew 6 : 14 it says : For if ye forgive men their trespasses , your heavenly Father will also forgive you . Y'shua was right that LORD ELohim is our Father . Where did the Christians go so wrong ? John 1 : 1 - 3 In the beginning was the Word , and the Word was with God , and the Word was God . The same was in the beginning with God . All things were made by him ; and without him was not any thing made that was made . A Christian book says .... Jesus is therefore rightly called ' the Word ' who created everything . Did John really write that ? These verses are an error . The truth is LORD ELohim is our Father who made everything that was made by someone .
( 9 : 12 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim would never tell Rabbis or priests or other clergy that they were not allowed to have a wife . The LORD says this is a big mistake that Catholic clergy are not allowed to marry . LORD ELohim has heard a lot about children being raped by Catholic clergy , even boys being sodomized by Catholic priests . LORD ELohim says He would never forgive these men or any men who have raped a child . This may sound old fashioned but sex outside of marriage is a sin according to the LORD . Why would a religion say to the clergy you cannot marry . If a priest does not have a wife and children to support there is a lot more money for the church . If money greed is not the answer then what is the answer ? In the past and in the time of Y'shua and still today Jewish Rabbi were allowed to marry and have a family according to the LORD .
( 9 : 13 ) NOTES : Has LORD ELohim abandoned mankind ? The LORD has never abandoned mankind since the time of Adam and Eve . Over the years LORD ELohim has tried to guide mankind in ways He never did with the Grays and Anunnaki . LORD ELohim deeply wanted Humanity as a whole to pass this trial . The LORD has never abandoned us but mankind over and over again has abandoned LORD ELohim and His guidance .
( 9 : 14 ) NOTES : Why does LORD ELohim allow so much suffering ? We are different then animals . We have free will and it's what we each do with our free will that is being judged by God . For the LORD to end most suffering He would have to take away our free will . Most of our suffering we have caused to happen . Wars , hate , greed , and on and on is the outcome of the choses we make with our free will and is the cause of much suffering . It only takes one man to cause a bloody war and his followers to carry out his orders . Bodily pain causes a lot of suffering and there is not much that the LORD can do about that and He has great pity for anyone suffering from pain . If we don't feel pain we don't know we have a medical problem and we would suffer even then . Emotional suffering is so common and for so many reasons . Mortal bodies are not perfect and is one of the reasons all mortal life will come to an end . The LORD does not allow suffering . Life for mortals , both people and animals is just the way things are and again most suffering we are the cause of and that is mostly because of wars and hate and greed and so on .
- LORD ELohim * Who is called * EL Roi speak * : humanity * don't blame all * Jews of the * Israel flock * for reason * God of Israel * Alpha sacrifice * perfect Jew * called Y'shua * . God of Israel * sacrifice Jew * called Y'shua * and Rome help * LORD ELohim * sacrifice Jew * . Faithful man * called Y'shua * he a sinless * perfect Jew * . God of Israel * Who is called * Jehovah behind * faithful man * called Y'shua * death and cries * for His Lamb be a * perfect Jew * loved by God * . God of Israel * He sacrificing * faithful man * for world * humanity * an for Jews * sins too * . God of Israel * He sacrificing * faithful man * called Y'shua * void sins * for world * humanity * all long ago an * in past age and * even today * .
( 9 : 15 ) NOTES : The above coded words says the Lamb of God called Y'shua was sacrificed by LORD ELohim for ' humanities sins ' . In other words you do not have to be a Christian to be forgiven for your sins . You don't even have to believe in LORD ELohim being our God and Father to be forgiven but there are some people who the LORD would not ever forgive their sins like Hitler types and their supporters , those who preach hate , those who have raped or sodomize children and adults , those who start wars without just cause , all murderers , and so on people like that .
( 9 : 16 ) NOTES : The Little Book and LORD ELohim says He cried when Y'shua was sacrificed for the sins of the world . A common saying by people when someone dies : he or she has gone to a better place . Probably meaning an afterlife in Heaven . If that were true then why would LORD ELohim cry when Y'shua His beloved Lamb died for the sins of most all people in the past and then and future . The reason the LORD cried is because He lost Y'shua forever . Remember LORD ELohim was with Y'shua for all Y'shua's life and He greatly loved Y'shua . If Y'shua had an afterlife which is way better then this life then the LORD would have no reason to cry .
( C ) -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- In past ages * God of Zion * LORD ELohim * maketh Shabbat * on last day * for Himself * . Later God began * Sabbath Day is * for any men * an ye woman * on last day * .
( 9 : 17 ) NOTES : The word Shabbat is Jewish for Sabbath . I think I made a mistake in the past by writing it Shabbath . Sorry .
- LORD ELohim * Who is called * God of Israel * did Ten Laws * an Law four * is Sabbath Day * . God of Israel * maketh Sabbath * . Again remember * God of Israel * Sabbath Day Is * significant * for any men * an ye woman * about earth * . Behold today * the day at hand * is Sabbath Day * . Sabbath Day is * on Last Day * . Humanity * remember again * the day at hand * is Sabbath Day * .
- Remember again * Sabbath Day is * God of Israel * depart time * an return * in the Heaven * .
( 9 : 18 ) NOTES : There are two types of Sabbath Day . One is the weekly Sabbath on the seventh day of the week for mankind . The second is the thousand year Sabbath Day . One day of ours is a thousand years day of the LORD . Adam and Eve were chosen by God as the first called mankind about six thousand years ago . That's when our six thousand year trial clock started ticking . Today is LORD ELohim seventh day after Adam and Eve which is His Sabbath Day . That began on 2000 A.D. . The beginning of His Sabbath ended our trial time . The LORD's Sabbath Day is on the Last Day and is our Judgment Day . The LORD has judged mankind and we greatly failed our trial .
- In past ages * Catholic decree * a false teaching * . Catholic decree * God of Israel * Sabbath changeable * . Corrupt * churches lie * God of Israel * Sabbath Day is * alone day one * . Catholic decree * by foolish * feeble humans * preacher teach * Sabbath Day is * alone day one * . Catholic decree * by foolish * feeble humans * preacher teach * God of Israel * Sabbath Day is * alone day one * . In past ages * then day one * was time of * pagan origin * ritual day * . Roman lands * rite offended * God of Zion * . He that abideth * on the LORD * God of Israel * Sabbath Day is * on last day * for any men * an ye woman * about earth * . Remember again * God of Zion * Sabbath Day is * on last day * . God of Israel * Sabbath Day is * day seven an a * rest day and * as a Holy Day * . I AM HE saying * on once a week * on last day * keep Sabbath as a * rest day and * as a Holy Day * . Again remember * Catholic decree * for world * humanity * a false teaching * that ELohim * Sabbath Day is * alone day one * . Churches lie * LORD ELohim * Sabbath Day is * alone day one * . Remember again * Catholic decree * lie a Sunday * on once a week * is Sabbath Day * for world * humanity * . I AM HE saying * on once a week * on last day * keep Sabbath as a * rest day and * as a Holy Day * .
( 9 : 19 ) NOTES : In a Christian book it says the reason why they changed
the Sabbath to Sunday the first day of the week is because it was the day
Y'shua was resurrected from the dead . Again Y'shua was never resurrected
from the dead and if he was to be resurrected it would not have been on
Sunday . We wrote about this a lot and we try to avoid it . When Y'shua
died on the cross it was shortly before darkness and the beginning of the
Sabbath Day . His dead body was quickly put in the tomb because it was
close to the beginning of the Sabbath which began Friday at sunset and goes
to Saturday sunset .
Remember Matthew 12 : 38 - 40 says Y'shua said he
would be in the tomb three days and three nights which is a full 72 hours .
Friday at sunset began the count of how many days and nights his body would
be in the tomb . Again Friday at sunset to Sunday morning is only 1 day and
2 nights which is only 36 hours and not 3 days and 3 nights . The
Christians are missing 2 days and 1 night . So their reason to change the
Sabbath Day to Sunday claiming that was the day Y'shua was resurrected
makes no sense . Again Y'shua dead body was never raised from the dead by
LORD ELohim because the LORD does not know how to do that and neither does
anyone else . In the CB it says Y'shua had issues with the way the
Pharisees expected the Jews to act during the Sabbath but LORD ELohim says
the CB writings are wrong . Neither Y'shua or LORD ELohim had problems with
the way the Jews would act during the Sabbath . The book also says the
early Christians were all Jews and kept the LORD seventh day Sabbath but
LORD ELohim says He did not lose more then a very small handful of Jews to
the Christians faith . LORD ELohim says the Christian faith began in Rome
with the Romans and not in Israel with the Jews . Again Y'shua is dead and
was never and will never be resurrected from the dead . But had Y'shua been
resurrected from the dead after three days and three nights which means 72
hours in the tomb it would have been the beginning of the Tuesday night .
It was Friday when Y'shua died on the cross . His body was not put into the
tomb until a few minutes before night time the beginning of Saturday and
the Sabbath Day . Friday does not count for any time Y'shua's body was in
the tomb because it was only a few minites . Saturday night begins the
count . N - means Night and the beginning of a new day . D means day time
of that new day .
Fri. Sat . Sun. Mon. Tues.
1 1 2 2 3 3 = 72 hours Y'shua would have been risen the night beginning Tuesday which ends the 72 hours the body was in the tomb just as Christians claimed he said . Saturday , Sunday and Monday equals 72 hours . Remember the Jewish people's day begins at sunset and ends at the next sunset . The Sabbath Day is Saturday that LORD ELohim made for all mankind . The Christians have sinned and errored in a lot of ways . A few of those ways is changing the LORD's Sabbath Day to another day is a great sin and breaks the fourth Commandment . Saying Y'shua was raised from the dead on Sunday or any day is a lie . Believing the flesh man Y'shua was resurrected is another error . Worshiping Y'shua like he was and is a God is another great sin breaking the first Commandment . There are many reason the LORD ELohim calls Christians pagans .
( 9 : 20 ) NOTES : Many people wonder how Adam and Eve could fail such a
simple test : to not eat from one tree in a forest of trees . LORD ELohim
has tested mankind hundreds of times over the past six thousand years .
There is not much reason for the LORD to help mankind if mankind does not
want to be helped by obeying LORD ELohim's guidance for our lives and as a
species . So now and then He tests us with simple and easy to pass tests
like keeping His Ten Commandments . One of the Commandments for all
humanity is to keep His Sabbath and to keep it Holy and to keep it on the
seventh day and to not work or cause other people to work on that day .
This test is as simple as Adam and Eve's test . So why have so many
Christians and even other religions failed to do that ? Y'shua kept the
Sabbath on the seventh day so why did Christians change it to the first day
and did greatly fail this simple test ?
Remember it was the pagan Romans
who began Christianity and not the Jews and not the Jewish disciple Peter .
Peter was not the first pope of the Roman Catholic Church as the Catholics
claim . The fact that the early Christian church was called the Roman
Catholic Church should be a hint about it's beginning and who began it .
All Ten Commandments and a few more simple requests by the LORD are a test
of mankind's willingness to obey LORD ELohim and mankind , mostly all
non-Jews , greatly failed these simple tests . The Ten Commandments are in
Exodus 20 and all Ten Commandments are for all humanity to obey and not
just for the Jews . Most all Christians believe they do not have to obey
the Ten Commandments because they believe they can sin all they want
because they believe through Y'shua all their sins are forgiven : past ,
present and future . There is some truth in that . Y'shua was sacrificed
for the sins of the world but that does not change anything when it comes
to mankind obeying LORD ELohim and the LORD's Ten Laws . You still have to
obey all the LORD's Laws and requests otherwise He will call you ' pagans '
which is what He calls Christians and most all other religions in the past
and now .
( 9 : 21 ) NOTES : The LORD just wants people to know that His Ten Commandments were all a test of our obedience to Him . People believing they are above all Laws of God and teach others to believe the same did not help mankind pass the tests that we failed . LORD ELohim just wanted to help humanity live a far more happy and peaceful life and a far more loving life during their mortal life by obeying the Ten Laws . The LORD also wanted mankind as a species to pass these and other tests because He does love most all people . This is Judgment Day and LORD ELohim has judged us and we failed at being obedient to Him and to His Ten Commandments . We failed at love , peace , happiness and knowing great joy . Had we obeyed His Ten Commandments the outcome of our trial would have been very different and we would have passed this trial . Again we failed our trial . Think about this . If you were LORD ELohim would you have passed us ? Be honest about mankind as a whole in the past , present and where we are obviously headed to in the future . We gave Him many hundreds of reasons to fail us and very few reasons to allow mankind to continue to exist .
( D ) -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Listen again * humanity * . Jews of the * Israel flock * Fig religion * belief in LORD * God of Israel * as a true God * and only God * is a correct * belief in LORD * God of Israel * Who is called * LORD ELohim * . LORD ELohim * as the Father * creation God * an for all life * on earth ark * and Spirit a * Heaven beings * . LORD ELohim * I AM HE saying * humanity * I AM is one God * and only God * and most all * humanity * rethink God * thy Father * LORD ELohim * .
- God of Israel * I AM HE saying * Judaea people * My love and * partners * on earth ark * in past age and * even today * . Judaea people * help Yahweh * to teach pagan * humanity * EL Ten Laws * . LORD ELohim * God of Israel * He give Laws * to Jews and * for world * humanity * . Jews did teach * pagan world * God of Israel * EL Ten Laws * . Jews did teach * God of Israel * I AM is one God * and only God * and a Spirit * an much more * Jews did teach * pagan world * . Again remember * Jew did teach * LORD ELohim * as a true God * and only God * is a correct * belief in LORD * God of Israel * .
- LORD ELohim * pity Mine * Judaea people * whom now * and in past age * suffer here * on earth ark * . LORD ELohim * EL Roi speak * pagans hate and * go against Me * in past age and * even today * . Jew of the * Israel flock * suffer here * because of hate * of O LORD God * LORD ELohim * . God of Israel * LORD ELohim * despise hate * of any flesh * on earth ark * . Remember again * God of Israel * love Jews * . God of Israel * loves My * humanity * who are good * kind love and * keep all LORD * EL Ten Laws * . In past age and * even today * LORD ELohim * pity Mine * Jews of the * Israel flock * .
- LORD ELohim * Who is called * God of Israel * Thanks My * Jews of the * Israel flock * for helping a * failed abominable * humanity * in past age and * even today * about earth * .
- Jews of the * Israel flock * preach one God * LORD ELohim * is a mighty * Judiac deity * and a Spirit * .
( 9 : 22 ) NOTES : Had mankind of any religion and nation and race kept LORD ELohim's Ten Laws and other teachings in the past and even today there would be peace on earth yet today and not people in fear now about which idiot is going to fire the first nuclear bomb and start world war three which the LORD thinks could be Armageddon . The Ten Commandments is the LORD's teaching for how to love and how to have peace on earth . Again we failed greatly at both love and peace because most all people everywhere on earth ignored His Ten Laws in the past and even today . The LORD tried many times to help us pass our trial but every time we failed Him and now it's to late .
- Meanwhile as a * Catholic decree * they deceive * humanity * by saying I * LORD ELohim * ancient gods * .
- In past age and * even today * many pagans * about earth * . Corrupt * headstrong * humanity * had many gods * and yet sin * even today * about earth * . Even today * old paganism * about earth * and nations * . Old paganism * of Catholics * Babel religion * in past age and * even today * corrupt * humanity * about earth * and nations * . Old paganism * of Catholics * had many gods * . Even today * Catholic decree * had many gods * .
( 9 : 23 ) NOTES : In second Corinthians 4 : 4 it says this : In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not , lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ , who is the image of God , should shine unto them . Christians believe in more then just three gods . The verse above is about Satan being " the god of this world " which would make the gods believed by Christians four gods and not just three gods . The Christian gods are the Father LORD ELohim who is the one and only God who is mostly forgotten by them and the dead man Y'shua who is mostly worshipped by them and the Holy Spirit who does not even exist and Satan who they call the bad boy who at this time they believe rules this world as a god ; so they believe . This verse is in their CB New Testament and Christians believe every word in their New Testament and even their Old Testament is perfect and without errors . So this verse above is believed to be without error which again makes four gods they believe in including Satan as one of them . That would make three false gods and one who is the only true and one God LORD ELohim . The question LORD ELohim has for Christians is what do Christians mean when they use the word God or Gods or god ? The LORD is very surprised that Christians call Satan a god .
( 9 : 24 ) NOTES : The LORD wants to remind people that if He allowed Spirits to motivate people to go against Him or to believe what is not true or whatever He would not have been able to judge us . It's what we do with our free will that was on trial . If Satan was evil , which he is not , was allowed by LORD ELohim to rule mankind and influence us to do evil or whatever then how would the LORD be able to make any kind of judgment regarding us and what we do ? LORD ELohim says that Satan ( David ) was and is not the god of this world and he never will be . The LORD is able to judge us because all we have done we did with our own free will to do it . The LORD says to all mankind to stop blaming Satan and Demons and even other people for the evil and wrong we as individuals do with our free will . If some other human is making you do evil or whatever else you do not want to do then take it up with the police or government . LORD ELohim never created evil Spirits and for trillions of years the Spirits He created have never disappointed Him .
- Catholic decree * on last day * soon a time * Peter Roma * be last pope * of Catholics * . Peter Roma * partners * with great * empire leader * .
NOTES : The word Roma means Roman . Peter the Roman . The Catholics say they found a list of future popes and the last pope on the list his name is Peter Roma .
- Vatican help * empire leader * to rule as * Babel religion * for world * . Babel religion * had many Gods * in past age and * even today . Catholic decree * made false Gods * like Y'shua * . Catholic decree * Y'shua like * a savior God * . LORD ELohim * I AM HE saying * churches lie * Y'shua like * a savior God * . Remember again * LORD ELohim * I AM is one God * . LORD ELohim * Abba not three * Us deities * . In past ages * an all long ago * God of Israel * I AM HE forsake * any Catholic * church He named * Babel religion * .
- A global church * Catholic decree * lied God's Law * all not needed * . ELohim tell * humanity * they all need * EL Ten Laws * . I AM HE saying * His Laws as * food for life * did help many * in past age and * even today * .
- LORD ELohim * decree Catholic * churches lie * a strange lie * . Churches lie * about hell if * people sin * . Churches lie * in past age and * even today * of an eternal * bitter hell * for world * humanity * . World feared * churches lie * about hell if * people sin * . God of Israel * EL Roi speak * money greed * reason for * churches lie * . Fable lie about * humanity * suffer here * after in death * a strange lie * indeed Abba says * . Churches lie * the flesh man * called Y'shua * is a God equal * to Highest * LORD ELohim * . In past age and * even today * on Last Day * the church did * have Bible lies * regarding Lamb * called Y'shua * an much more * churches lie * about now * and in past age * . LORD ELohim * decree Catholic * churches lie * about devil *, about what * Y'shua teach * an much more * pagan stuff * .
( 9 : 25 ) NOTES : A common belief of Christians is that if you are not a Christian you are going to hell and then to the lake of fire to suffer extreme suffering and pain there forever and forever . They believe that only Christians will have a happy afterlife . There are a few other religions that believe something like the Christians . This is a great lie made by the church to cause fear in people so they become Christians or remain Christians or of other religions . There is money to be made from people who fear this false belief about hell . LORD ELohim wants people to know there is no hell and never will be a hell created by LORD ELohim or anyone else . The LORD promises all humanity He will never dig up you grave or ashes to torture you forever . First Y'shua was and is not a God and he created nothing and second LORD ELohim is not a cruel and wicked and evil Spirit Who created hell like Christians like to think and teach He is . Again there is no hell or purgatory or lake of fire . Again the Lamb died for the sins of most all humanity and you do not have to be a Christian for any reason because there is nothing to gain by it . No human mortal life will have an afterlife so again we are all equal at death .
- Humanity * give ear hell be * a motive lie * for money * in past ages * an all long ago * about earth * . Behold today * at Catholics * churches lie * about an hell * to people be * a motive lie * for money * an powers * . Behold today * a motive lie * maintain fear * of O LORD God * . LORD ELohim * I AM HE saying * no afterlife * for any life * on earth ark * . Again fear not * place called hell * . Humanity * My children * . LORD ELohim * Who is called * God of Israel * thy Father * . Humanity * My love and * My children * .
( 9 : 26 ) NOTES : The LORD wants to remind all mankind that there is no afterlife for any mortal life after you and all other people and animals die . Therefore there is no reason then to fear this imaginary place Christians and other religions made up called hell . Most all Jews do not believe in a hell or in a wicked and crazy God either . LORD ELohim created all that was created but He never created a hell or purgatory or a lake of fire . Most all Jews believe in a loving God and Father called LORD ELohim . Christians commonly believe that they alone will be saved from hell and will go to Heaven . Most believe that all non Christians will go to hell . A few other religions believe only they will be the only ones saved and will go to Heaven or a good eternal life somewhere . The LORD says no human will have an afterlife anywhere no matter what religion you believe in . When you and all other people and animals die that's it : your life and their life is over . LORD ELohim cannot change that . Mortal life is what it is .
( 9 : 27 ) NOTES : The words ' The Fall ' as Christians call it is also called ' Original Sin ' by them . We wrote about this before . LORD ELohim just wants people to understand that this Christian belief is just wrong . The Fall and Original Sin means that the sin of Adam and Eve became a sin that is put on all mankind since them . People blame Adam and Eve for the reason people since Adam die . Most Christians believe that the result of sin causes the physical body to die . LORD ELohim says blaming Adam and Eve for mortal life dying is just silly . Before Adam and Eve there was mortal life almost everywhere on earth and a lot of bones of the trillions x trillions of mortal life creatures who died before Adam and Eve even lived . Again mortal life is what it is : it dies ! And Adam and Eve's sin was theirs alone . The LORD would never put the sins of others upon you or anyone else . Their sins were theirs and your sins are your's alone also . The LORD says stop blaming Adam and Eve because you are going to die someday . Stop blaming them for your sins . That you did on your own . It's not Adam's fault , it's not Eve's fault and it's not Satan's fault you have sinned . You would die someday even if you never sinned . Mortal life dies and always has died : that's just the way it is for mortal life . There is no Original Sin or The Fall . The LORD says take responsibility for your own life choices and sins and stop blaming others for them .
- Remember again * human bodies * and animals made * death only be * the endless * glad deep sleep * .
( 9 : 28 ) NOTES :Why did mankind make up a fictional wicked Spirit
called Satan ? LORD ELohim never created any evil Spirits so it had to have
been mankind . The most likely reason is to have someone to blame for our
wrong doings and sins which is so common for people to do since Adam and
Eve . Eve said to LORD ELohim it was a serpent who deceived her . Many
people believe it was Satan who was the serpent . The LORD says this
serpent was not Satan : it was a real snake Eve blamed for lack of anyone
else to blame for not obeying the LORD . At the time of Adam and Eve ,
Satan was not invented yet by mankind .
The LORD never spoke to the snake
like it says in Genesis 3 : 14 because it was a real snake she blamed . Is
there a Satan ? When man invented Satan the LORD ELohim knew where people
were going with this so He asked a loving and good Spirit called David if
needed would he play the part of Satan and David said yes . In all these
years the LORD never once asked David to do that . There are no Demons
either to blame . Remember LORD ELohim cannot be seen or heard by mortal
life including Adam and Eve . It was a ' man of God ' who spoke to these
two in the garden . The name ' men of God ' are men who the LORD works
closely with and have a teaching Spirit . Men of God speak for LORD ELohim
when He deals with people . Moses was a ' man of God ' and a few other
Jewish prophets and Y'shua but Y'shua did not say a lot of what the CB says
he said .
( 9 : 29 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim wants people to know that the book of Job in the Old Testament is not a true story . So far we have not found the name of the writer . That seems to be a unknown person . People wrote books for many reasons back then just like today . Why someone wrote the book of Job is a question without an answer ? The entire book is fiction . The LORD would never hurt someone in this way just to see how strong that persons faith is in Him . Remember the LORD was judging mankind regarding what we do with our free will . Again the LORD says it was our free will being judged . Because we were being judged the LORD could not mess around in peoples lives in the way the book of Job says He did . Also the LORD is not a cruel God or a God with that big of an ego . LORD ELohim as the Father is loving , kind , good , gentle and merciful towards all His children both Spirit and most all flesh .
( 9 : 30 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim did not start the sacrifice of flesh to Him
by the Jews . This was started by people long before Adam and Eve . Even
the Grays and Anunnaki made sacrifices to their false gods and there were a
lot of humans who made sacrifices to their false gods to . Many early
religions even sacrificed humans , even their children and babies to false
gods . LORD ELohim has never understood why people do this but He went
along with this even with the Jews and was hopeful that His laws regarding
not sacrificing any humans and to be kind to the animals would be excepted
everywhere on earth .
It took time but He did make a change in many
religions but the LORD saw that much of the world , not the Jews , were
still sacrificing humans including children and babies and still being
cruel to the animals they sacrificed . The LORD felt He had to do something
really radical to end this very evil and cruel thing people were doing
almost everywhere in the world so His plan was to make the ultimate
sacrifice of a perfect human man called Y'shua the Lamb of God and it was
LORD ELohim who sacrificed him for the sins of the world . It was not the
Jews who sacrificed Y'shua but the Romans helped a lot . Through Y'shua who
was a Jew before he died the LORD taught the world how they should live
their life and not murder people , children , babies and obey LORD ELohim's
Ten Commandments .
It worked for the most part but Christianity caused a
lot of problems . Y'shua taught a lot about how people could live their
lives so to better their lives and most of these teachings are not in the
Christian Bible but there is a lot in the Christian Bible that Y'shua never
said and never did . Had the world's people followed Judaism there is a
great deal of teachings about how to live a good and loving and a happy
life . Again it was not LORD ELohim who started all this sacrifice stuff ,
it was mankind but to help people pass our trial He had to work around that
as best He could . The sacrifice of Y'shua is something LORD ELohim would
never do again for mankind or anyone else . Y'shua will always be the one
and only Lamb of God for all humanity .
- Remember again * LORD ELohim * Who is called * God of Israel * Abba not three * ancient gods * .
( 9 : 31 ) NOTES : It's to late for LORD ELohim to hope for change in all the different religions about earth . The end is soon so He does not care what people believe as long as no harm comes to other people and you do not preach hate . Hate is the main reason people failed our trial . The LORD has learnt to overlook a lot of different religions and all their errors . Even Judaism has a few errors but of the type the LORD can easily ignore as errors . This error of people believing Y'shua was and is a God is not so easy for LORD ELohim to ignore . Errors like people believing the LORD will send billions of His human children to a place called hell to torture them forever is even more difficult for God to ignore because that means people believe He is a very wicked and cruel Father and on and on and on . In the Little Book LORD ELohim just wants all people to know what are errors and what are the truths about many subjects and about Him your Father and creator .
( 9 : 32 ) NOTES : Most all Christians believe what the churches say about their Bible , that there are no errors or contradictions in it . In earlier writings and this up date the LORD has proven over and over again that there are many errors and contradictions . Most every religion has the most common ones like about hell , eternal life and so on . There is no religion on earth that has no errors of some kind .
- Calf religion * , Babel religion * , Ham religion * made false gods * . LORD ELohim * decree Catholic * religion Babel * . In past age and * even today * Babel religion * had many gods * . Again remember * Babel religion * LORD ELohim * as the Father * Abba not three * ancient gods * . Even today * old paganism * about earth * and nations * .
( 9 : 33 ) NOTES : The LORD refers to the Jews and the religion of Judaism as Figs in the Bible . ' Fig Religion ' = 666 . LORD ELohim was hopeful that all Humanity would follow the religion of Judaism so the wars caused by different religions would come to an end . It would be one less reason why people hate .
( 9 : 34 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim is the Father of love , kindness and goodness and happiness and peace . His Ten Commandments for all Humanity were taught to mankind through the Jews with hope we to will be loving , kind and good and happy and peaceful to . LORD ELohim taught humanity how to love and most of pagan humanity and the so called Lost Tribes of Israel failed to listen to Him and because of that we failed our trial . The Lost Tribes of Israel are non-Jewish Hebrews who are no longer the LORD's chosen people . LORD ELohim forsaked them long ago when they forsaked Him as their one and only God . Today most of the Lost Tribes are Christians and now pagans about Earth . Remember the Hebrews are of the white race .
- Humanity * rethink God * thy Father * LORD ELohim * .
- God of Israel * I AM HE saying * Judaea people * My love and * partners * on Earth ark * in past age and * even today * . Judaea people * help YAHWEH * to teach pagan * humanity * about earth * EL Ten Laws * . God of Israel * Who is called * LORD ELohim * He gave Laws * to Jews and * for world * Humanity * . Jews did teach * pagan world * God of Israel * EL Ten Laws * an much more * . In past age and * even today * Jews did teach * pagan world * LORD ELohim * I AM is one God * and a Spirit * .
- Israel flock * Fig religion * of the Jews * belief in LORD * God of Israel * as a true God * and only God * is a correct * belief in LORD * God of Israel * Who is called * LORD ELohim * . Fig religion * of the Jews * belief in LORD * God of Israel * as the Father * creation God * an for all life * on earth ark * and Spirit a * Heaven beings * is a correct * belief in LORD * God of Israel * . Remember again * Fig religion * of the Jews * belief in LORD * God of Israel * I AM is one God * is a correct * belief in LORD * God of Israel * Who is called * LORD ELohim * . In past age and * even today * LORD ELohim * loves My * Jews of the * Israel flock * .
( 9 : 35 ) NOTES : In the Little Book it says ' The Roman Catholic Church '
= 1356 . ' The Mother Of Harlots ' = 1356 . The Roman Catholic Church was
the beginning of Christianity and the mother of many sects of Christianity .
Today there are many different Christian churches like Roman Catholic ,
Baptists , Jehovah's Witnesses , Mormons , Lutherans , Methodists ,
Orthodox , Pentecostal , and on and on and on which are the harlots
mentioned in the coded words and in the CB . Like the Little Book says the
Roman Catholic Church being the first Christian church and the writers of
the Christian Bible is the Mother of all Christians denominations who the
LORD call Harlots in the KJV in Revelation 17 : 5 . The NIV changed it to '
The Mother Of Prostitutes . The LORD says the KJV is the right one saying '
Mystery , Babylon The Great , The Mother Of Harlots And Abominations Of The
Earth . ' Remember LORD ELohim calls the Catholic religion ' the Babel
religion ' in the Little Book and in the Bible . The ancient Babel religion
had many false gods also .
The Christians have two false gods , Y'shua and
the Holy Ghost and one true and only God the Father LORD ELohim but the
LORD does not hear any of His names mentioned much at all in the Christian
churches . It's all about Y'shua who is not even a God . John was the
writer of some of the book of Revelation but he also did not write about 60
% of the book of Revelation . Of all the disciples John was the only
disciple that the LORD made a prophet of but again most written in the CB
was not written by John or the other disciples . The LORD did not know that
Christianity would come to be but He was prepared for it and He named the
church the Roman Catholic Church when He realized this pagan religion was
coming about in Rome and created mostly by those Roman pagans and not by
Jews . The Roman Catholic Church added a lot to the writings of John and
other peoples writings and because of that there is a lot of errors and
lies in those writings .
- In past age and * even today * Judaea people * suffer here * because of hate * because of so * much mankind * as gentiles * are yet like * pagan world * . In past age and * even today * LORD ELohim * Who is called * God of Israel * pity Mine * Judaea people * whom now * and in past age * suffer here * on earth ark * . God of Israel * EL Roi speak * pagans hate and * go against Me * in past age and * even today * . God of Israel * despise hate * .
- Remember again * God curses * all any who * curse much * Jews of the * Israel flock * . In past age and * even today * much mankind * pagan world * God curses * on earth ark * and them who * curse much * Jews of the * Israel flock * .
- Remember again * God of Israel * Who is called * LORD ELohim * loves My * Humanity * who are good * kind love and * keep all LORD * EL Ten Laws * .
- Remember again * Catholic decree * they deceive * humanity * by saying I * LORD ELohim * Who is called * God of Israel * ancient gods * . In past ages * Catholic decree * defiled ancient * humanity * about earth *. Behold today * Catholic decree * defiled other * humanity * about earth * .
- For money * churches lie * about an hell * . Chruches lie * scared early * humanity * . Churches lie * scare today * humanity * . Church too * preacheth a lie * that ELohim * is perhaps * like evil God * regarding man * . I AM HE saying * no fable hell and * no hell grief * for world * humanity * . Remember again * ELohim not * an naughty * evil deity * . LORD ELohim * as the Father * He has pity * for world * formed flesh * and most all * humanity * in man made hell * about earth * . Remember again * death only be * the endless * glad deep sleep * for world * humanity * and animals made * by the great * LORD ELohim * as the Father * .
- Catholic decree * make ritual * rite about * Y'shua being * a savior God * come to us * . Churches lie * Y'shua being * a savior God * . Remember again * the flesh man * Y'shua being * mortal life * . Again remember * LORD Elohim * Abba not three * ' us ' deities * .
( 9 : 36 ) NOTES : Do Angels have wings ? The teacher Spirit who helps me says there are no Spirits with wings . A lot of people believe that Angels have wings which proves how easily errors can happen .
( E ) -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Humanity * free will as a * doings choice * so may change * many changeable * choices that * God of Israel * EL predicts * as future * for world * humanity * .
- God of Israel * LORD ELohim * begat humans * . LORD ELohim * as the Father * sow love * about earth * as a free will * choice doings * . God of Israel * YHVH hoped * loving life * for world * humanity * . In past ages * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * as the Father * love human * a DNA creature * . In past ages * evil grow * in peoples * often and again * . Again thy God * LORD ELohim * teach love as * food for life * . YHVH hoped * love changes * humanity * . Humanity * for a while had a * loving life * . Humanity * had happy life * . Again men then * grow evil * . God of Israel * teach love as * food for life * happen again and * happens again * . Behold today * evil spread * about earth * an against all * humanity * and nations * . Public at hand * and nations * fear the evil * . Soon at hand * people war * . At hand soon * nuclear hell * on earth ark * . Global war as * nuclear hell * began Armageddon * . Coming age hell * . This time be a * end of lives * humanity * and end animals * on earth ark * . Remember again * Armageddon began * as global war * . Human love * fail within * ends people * an much more * mortal life * on earth ark * . Humanity * extinct if a * nuclear hell * ends all hope * for world * mortal life * . As future * nuclear hell * kindled earth * . Nuclear hell * ends people * so all earth * became void again * . Remember again * mankind did fail * a flesh trial * on earth ark * .
- Remember again * YHWH did make * a plan for man * . God made plans * for world * humanity * . Plan is for a * loving life * and all a happy * loving life * . Behold today * human love * fail within * humanity * and nations * . Wicked hatred * about earth * even today * . The wicked made * bitter hell * for world * humanity * on earth ark * . Soon a time * this age ends * so all earth * became void again * because of cold * human love * and hatred here * on earth ark * . In past age and * even today * LORD ELohim * watch this * evil grow * about earth * and nations * . All evidences * about earth * good proof * evil grow * on earth ark * because of hate * and against of * LORD ELohim * EL Ten Laws * .
- Global war as * nuclear hell * cause again Ice Age * . Great deep Ice Age * about earth * . Global Ice Age again * ends people * , ends animals * and turns * plants black * . And after war * famines kill * mortal life * about earth * .
- On earth ark * remember again * no afterlife * for any life * after death end * mortal life * . Soon a time * after the man * begins wicked * nuclear hell * on earth ark * and most all * mortal life * then dead flesh * life became void * about earth * .
- I AM HE saying * men of science * an a federal office * and nations * then leaders * about earth * chance of later * great deep Ice Age * after war and * nuclear hell * on earth ark * . Radiation as * poison made * by the bombs * kills live * mortal life * on earth ark * . Toxic food * as radiation * withered DNA * within man * and animals made * and turns * plants black * on earth ark * . Any toxic * water kill * mortal life * . Time cometh * earth all cold * . Famines kill * remaining of * mortal life * about earth * . Time cometh * life became void * on earth ark * . Time cometh * LORD ELohim * depart time * . All Souls * also leave and * mortal life * soon ye die * on earth ark * . Remember again * no afterlife * for any life * if made of dirt a * mortal life * . Again remember * no afterlife * on earth ark * or in Heaven * for any men * an ye woman * as future * .
- After wars * earth ark became * a quickening * toward Ice Age * . Global war as * nuclear hell * cause again Ice Age * men of science * called nuclear * winter an be * a long Ice Age again * . All earth cold * .
- God cares for * humanity * but years * people war * , people sin * , public accept * ancient gods * , feeble humans * forsake I AM HE * LORD ELohim * an much more * evil grow *. People changed * because of cold * human love * . Behold today * I AM HE forsake * humanity * . Today behold * Sabbath Day is * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * depart time * .
- By foolish * men of science * an a federal office * an much more * about earth , * they caused * nuclear hell * . Future as * earth ark became * a void again by a * nuclear hell * on earth ark * . Soon a time * nuclear hell * as global war * about earth * ends people * and end animals * on earth ark * .
- Future as * Doomsday if * people war * about earth * . Soon a time * people war * on earth ark * . Global war as * nuclear hell * soon at hand * . Nuclear hell * be many bombs * . As future * Armageddon began * as global war * about earth * .
- Nuclear hell * made poison * as radiation * about earth * . Poison made * as radiation * begin killing * humanity * and animals made * an plant seed * and all trees * and turns * plants black * . Nuclear hell * made poison * as radiation * in the soil * and all water * on earth ark * . Famines kill * humanity * and animals made * on earth ark * . Nuclear hell * ends people * and animals made * an plant seed * and all trees * so all earth * became void again * .
- Nuclear hell * cause again Ice Age * about earth * . This could * happen before * this age ends * .
- LORD ELohim * Who is called * God of Israel * thy Father * . I AM He saying * humanity * My children * . Behold today * God of Israel * I AM want peace * on earth ark * for world * mortal life *.
( 9 : 37 ) NOTES : If many nuclear bombs are used it is possible that it could trigger a Ice Age and a much colder earth everywhere . Scientists call it a ' nuclear winter ' . It would take a lot of bombs to do this but counting all nations of the world there are many thousands of nuclear bombs now made . If you think back to wars in the past it only takes one man to start a global war and it will only take one man to cause the first nuclear bomb to be fired and many will die . And if the nation hit with the first nuclear bomb responds in the same manner firing their nuclear bombs back at them who started it and then allied nations get involved then on and on it goes and most all mortal life will die because of one man .
- In past age and * even today * humanity * grow evil * and hatred here * evil spread * about earth * on earth ark * . In past ages * people war * . Humanity * again and again fail * human love * an peace times * . Death lower * humanity * numbers and * the earth heal * . Soon a time * a time of war * . This time be a * total woe * for world * humanity * on earth ark * .
- Nuclear hell * on earth ark * a rising chance * even today * . God of Israel * EL predicts * soon a time * nuclear hell * about earth * . EL predicts * nuclear hell * bomb bloodbath * as global war * time cometh * soon at hand * . And most all * humanity * and animals made * an plant seed * and all trees * extinct if a * nuclear hell * on earth ark * . And good dirt * an water became * toxic an all * as radiation * made poison * . Famines kill * and most all * remaining of * humanity * and animals made * suffer here * on earth ark * . Remaining of * humanity * and animals made * here suffer * life trials * and from pain * and hungers * . Soon a time * remaining of * humanity * and animals made * hunger death * .
- LORD ELohim * I AM HE saying * people war * because wicked * people behind * slaughter * .
( 9 : 38 ) NOTES : The word " Doomsday " in the Dictionary means - The end
of the world ; Day of God's last judgment of mankind . LORD ELohim has
nothing to do with Doomsday . This day now is Judgment Day but the LORD has
no plans to wrath against mankind like Christians and other religions
believe He is going to do . This day because we failed our trial He will
gently and without pain or being cruel in anyway end most mortal life on
earth . Christians believe the LORD will cause non-Christians to suffer
great sores even cancerous sores on the skin , turn water to blood , He
turns the temperature of the sun up so people are scorched with fire ,
causes Armageddon , extremely severe hail , causes war by pitting man
against man , causes food shortage , causes plagues , earthquakes , sun to
be darkened , moon like blood , stars to fall to the earth , sky to tear
apart , mountains and islands move out of place , He throws a fiery rock
the size of a mountain to earth and on and on .
If all these and much more
happens it's not LORD ELohim or His Angels doing that . It would be mankind
or nature . LORD ELohim does not want to hurt His children and cause us to
suffer . The LORD loves us enough to want to end our suffering and not
cause our suffering . Where are the Christians when all this is suppose to
happen ? They believe Y'shua will make them disappear on earth and a moment
later reappear in Heaven billions of miles away flesh and all . The LORD
says again : Think Not Beyond Logic . Y'shua is dead and LORD ELohim who
created everything does not know how to do that . So if these things happen
the Christians are going to experience it all to . What's going to happen
in the near future has nothing to do with LORD ELohim . He is not going to
do any of these things and He is not going to start anything . What happens
is mankind's doings or natures doing . There is a very small chance that
somethings in the future may be Grays doings but Grays know they need
earth in order for them to survive also so it's not likely they would not
use nuclear bombs . The LORD wants people to know neither He or Y'shua made
these prophecies that are in the Christian Bible and other religions Books
The Christians wrote these without any Spirits help . These prophecies
lie about LORD ELohim and what kind of Father He is . LORD ELohim our
Father would never do these things . Christians if the LORD could get
people off earth and to Heaven in a moment there would not be even one Jew
on earth today because of the way they have been treated in the past and
even today but the LORD cannot do that . Remember the LORD ELohim calls
Christianity a pagan religion so why would the LORD go out of His way to
save Christians ?
( F ) -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- LORD ELohim * EL Roi create * Spirits a * Heaven beings * . Many Angels * as Spirit * EL Roi create * .
( 9 : 39 ) NOTES : Before LORD ELohim created many Spirits He only knew of Himself existing in all that space is . The LORD does not know who created Him or why but He does know He was created by someone many trillions of years ago . When He began creating mortal life on earth over four billion years ago the earth had no form of mortal life on it at all . There was no flesh , plants , trees , just absolutely nothing living existed on earth . Earth was a bare rock in space with some water on it but no form of life on it . What you see and even what you cannot see living on earth now and in the past was created by LORD ELohim : all of it . Christians believe that Y'shua created everything but that is a lie . LORD ELohim created all that was created except Himself and who ever created Him . LORD ELohim is hopeful someday He will meet His creator . We cannot see or hear LORD ELohim so He thinks maybe His Father and maybe even a Mother are with Him always but maybe He just cannot hear or see them either . The LORD created millions of Spirits that we cannot hear or see . It's possible that His creator could be one or two out of millions also that He and us cannot hear or see either . The LORD says to scientists there is only one dimension and the Spirits and us and the LORD's creator live in it .
- Remember again * LORD ELohim * Who is called * God of Israel * creation God * . God I AM is one * creation God * and one Father * regarding man * and animals made * an plants seed * and all trees * an much more * on earth ark * .
- As Spirit * God of Israel * EL Roi create * all Souls * as Spirit * .
- In past ages * and billions * as years ago * LORD ELohim * Who is called * God of Israel * began several * organism an * create bacteria * . His one celled * bacteria from * dry dust * and sea water * . From bacteria * LORD ELohim * arise stable * mortal life * .
- Remember again * LORD ELohim * EL Roi speak * Mine Grays * first for * free will as a * choice doings * on earth ark * . LORD ELohim * Who is called * God of Israel * begat E.T. Gray * on earth ark * an all long ago * . Anunnaki a E.T. * were second * of free will * EL Roi create * on earth ark * in past ages * . LORD ELohim * create third * mortal life * of free will * human bodies * on earth ark * . Again remember * LORD ELohim * begat humans * on earth ark * . Mortal life * of free will * they all fail * life trials * on earth ark * . All three make * sever war * is again and again * about earth * because of hate * , of great greed * an powers * an much more * .
- Anunnaki a E.T. * they come back * on earth ark * after early * humanity * EL Roi create * . Man called them * ancient gods * .
( 9 : 40 ) NOTES : E.T. means Early Trial .
- Remember again * humanity * third last * earth heirs * . Humanity * third form * of free will * . Adam first as * humanity * . Humanity * we are third * a flesh trial * and us last * of free will * . Humanity * third form * of free will * EL Roi create * on earth ark * .
- In past ages * feeble humans * fight wars * about earth * . Behold today * feeble humans * yet war and * plot evil * on earth ark * . Human love * again and again fail * about earth * even today * . Feeble humans * in great failed * at love here * on earth ark * .
( 9 : 41 ) NOTES : The word feeble has a few meanings . The LORD says He means ' people who are weak intellectually or morally ' . That makes sense considering the men who have caused wars in the past and even today .
( 9 : 42 ) NOTES : Remember that Adam and Eve were not the only human types on earth . Adam and Eve were chosen out of many human types by the LORD to be the first and beginning of mankind . Our trial time clock began ticking when LORD ELohim chose Adam and Eve as the beginning of mankind .
- In past ages * an all long ago * LORD ELohim * as Spirit * begat species * of once to die * mortal life * . LORD ELohim * begat species * and made animals * and all trees * an plant seed * an much more * mortal life * on earth ark * . Remember again * and is true * LORD ELohim * start the * mortal life * on earth ark * an all long ago * . Catholic decree * one great lie * an much more * other lies * . One great lie * is said flesh * called Y'shua (Jesus) * begat humans * and made animals * an much more * mortal life * on earth ark * . Churches lie * again and to all * humanity * the flesh man * called Y'shua * begat humans * an much more * mortal life * on earth ark * . Remember again * churches lie * Y'shua begin * mortal life * on earth ark * . God of Israel * EL Roi create * humanity * and animals made * an much more * of once to die * mortal life * on earth ark * for Himself * an all He loved * .
( 9 : 43 ) NOTES : Some people believe the words ' second death ' means at that time the LORD will destroy the bodies of the non-Christians who were resurrected and are in hell . LORD ELohim says above : * of once to die * mortal life * ' . In Hebrews 9 : 27 ' And as it is appointed unto men once to die , but after this the judgment ' . LORD ELohim says that mortal life only dies once and not two times . There is no ' second death ' but also there is no coming resurrections , no afterlife , no eternal life in any form so how can there be a ' second death ' .
( 9 : 44 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim sacrificed Y'shua for the sins of most all humanity . People may wonder what was the point of him being sacrificed for our sins since no human will ever have eternal life ? The LORD says Y'shua was not sacrificed for people to have eternal life but for people to have a better mortal life on earth and He hoped this would stop the pagans from sacrificing children and babies and adults humans to their false gods .
( 9 : 45 ) NOTES : If it is our sins that cause our death and Y'shua died
about two thousand years ago to cleanse all peoples sins since the time of
Adam and Eve , and to now and people in the future then why do people
continue to die who are without sins ? In Romans 5 : 12 ' Therefore , just
as sin entered the world through one man , and death through sin , and in
this was death came to all people , because all sinned . ' The next verses
blames Adam again for our sin and coming death .
The reason people without
sin through the sacrifice of Y'shua as the Lamb for most all humans is
because sin is not the cause of death . It was never the cause of death .
And the LORD says to Christians and anyone else : stop blaming Adam and Eve
for your sins of any kind . They are not responsible for the sins of anyone
else but only for themselves . In one Christian book it says that death of
mortal life on earth only started with Adam because he sinned and his and
Eve's sin is our sin also . The LORD says that is a very silly belief .
Long before Adam there were many humanoids on earth and all of them died
before Adam died . Mortal life dying did not start with Adam , it started
over four billion years ago when the LORD ELohim created the first bacteria
who died to . You cannot blame that bacteria for sinning and causing its
own death .
Again the reason people continued to die after Y'shua died for
our sins is because we are mortals and all mortals sooner or later do
naturally die just like that cute little bacteria the LORD made first as
mortal life from dirt . The LORD ELohim wants you all to know that we
humans are born without sin . It's a lie to say the baby has Adam and Eve's
sin upon him or her . Again another silly belief of the Christians that at
the moment we as babies are conceived of we are already sinners and we are
not even out of the womb yet . LORD ELohim says again " Think Not Beyond
Logic " . What is it about some religions that the congregation and
preachers believe LORD ELohim is a cruel and evil and simple minded God ?
Is it what is written in your religious book or is it the preaching or is
it both ?
- LORD ELohim * God created a man * an ye woman * . Mine Adam and Eve * had Garden of Eden * and God blessed * humanity * . Adam and Eve home * Garden of Eden had * all needs for * humanity * a DNA creature * . Humanity * we are third * flesh trial a * mortal life * of free will . Humanity * are last begat * mortal life * of free will * on earth ark * . YHVH hoped * loving life * for world * humanity * .
- In past ages * Abraham be a Negro * . Abraham's son * Isaac all Albino * white body * . Israelis DNA * God of Israel * YHWH did make * and white race * . Abraham's son * little Isaac * start the * white race and * Israel flock * an Hebrew to * . Isaac's heirs * bloodline in * Hebrew flesh * . Isaac's heirs * white race DNA * bloodline in * Hebrew flesh * Israel flock * . Israel flock * Hebrew flesh * and white race * . Isaac's heirs * God gave lands * about earth * .
( 9 : 46 ) NOTES : Today the name Negro is not well liked by black people .
Remember when the LORD added this name to the Little Book and to the
English language the name Negro was not shunned by those who were black
skinned people . LORD ELohim as the Father loved the black people then and
now just like most everybody else . The only reason why the LORD created
the white race with Isaac being the first of the white race is because He
just wanted to be able to know who the Hebrews were and are even today by
simply looking at our skin . The LORD says Abraham and Sarah were the first
Jews and Isaac was the first Hebrew . Remember again all white skinned
people's great , great , great , .... grandparents were black people and
also were Jews and were Hebrews and were Israeli .
In fact all the white
race even today are Hebrews but very few are Jewish Hebrews today . Those
of the white race Hebrews today who are not Jews are called the Lost Tribes
of Israel because your great , great , great .... grandparents were Jews of
Israel . Israel was the early lands LORD ELohim gave to the Hebrew Jews .
Another thing to remember : today as in the past any Hebrews who are not
Jews and not of the religion of Judaism are no longer LORD ELohim's chosen
people . Only Hebrew Jews now as in the past are the LORD's chosen people
and only them and will always be only them . Again other Hebrews who are
not Jews and not of the religion of Judaism are not God's chosen people
anymore and are not heirs of anything belonging to the Hebrew Jews . Again
remember if you are of the white race but not a Jew and not of the religion
of Judaism you are not heirs of anything that LORD ELohim has or will give
to His chosen people the Hebrew Jews . It is the Hebrew Jews who are His
chosen people and always will be .
( 9 : 47 ) NOTES : We may have already wrote about this . LORD ELohim with the help of the hands of the little Spirits made with a egg from three women and the sperm from three different men created three different men . The three were Isaac , Samson and Y'shua . Three different fertilized eggs was put into the womb of three different women : the mother of each of these men . Isaac to create the Hebrew white race , Samson the giant to help the Jews with the Philistines and Y'shua who was the Lamb of God .
- God's plan made * human bodies * and made animals * an much more * mortal life * about earth * . YHVH hoped * formed flesh * hath good life , a * loving life * on earth ark * . Mankind did fail * LORD ELohim * . Mankind did fail * loving life * . In past ages * evil grow * in peoples * often and again * and us now * .
- Genetic Code of * Humanity * are not same * of any flesh * on earth ark * . Genetic Code of * Humanity * are not same * as any Gray * . Genetic Code of * Anunnaki a ET * are not same * Genetic Code of * Humanity * . Genetic Code of * Humanity * third form * mortal life * of free will * on earth ark * . LORD ELohim * God made ET called * Mine Grays * on earth ark * an all long ago * . I AM HE saying * Mine Grays * first for * a flesh trial * on earth ark * . Again remember * Mine Grays * be from earth * . LORD ELohim * God made ET called * a Anunnaki ET * on earth ark * . Anunnaki a ET * be from earth * Anunnaki a ET * second before * Humanity * . Again remember * Humanity * thrid form * mortal life * of free will * . They all fail * a flesh trial * of free will * on earth ark * .
( 9 : 48 ) NOTES : Remember ET means Early Trial . The Grays and Anunnaki were both created by LORD ELohim on this earth just as we were created on this earth also . The LORD knows all that is needed to create mortal life and He says that could never happen on another planet without Him doing the work . The LORD says He would never create mortal life again anywhere in the universe . Giving mortal life free will was a big mistake . Animals with only instinct did a lot better then those animals like us with free will . Animals without free will did not build nuclear bombs , cause wars that slaughtered millions including children , poison the earth and her waters and on and on and on ...... . LORD ELohim does love us as His mortal children but He and the other Spirits will never miss us when we are gone .
- As the Father * YHVH hoped * great deep peace * for world * humanity * . YHVH hoped * human love * as a free will * here would * allow long * loving life * for world * mortal life * . Wisdom is * loving life * .
- Peace keepest * LORD ELohim * Abba great love * for world * humanity * . If peace lost * soon a time * I AM HE forsake * humanity * . Humanity * about earth * did fail much at * keepest peace * on earth ark * in past age and * even today * . Feeble humans * fight wars * is again and again * in past ages * and us now * . Behold today * LORD ELohim * I AM HE forsake * humanity * .
- Formed flesh * here suffer * . A big number do * suffer here * about earth * . Human bodies * a DNA creature * and animals made * suffer here * as great pain * causes woe * . God of Israel * LORD ELohim * as the Father * He has pity * for world * formed flesh * . Soon a time * LORD ELohim * ends people * and end animals * on earth ark * . At hand soon * God of Israel * depart time * . All Souls * depart time * a time soon * so all earth * mortal life * became void again * .
( 9 : 49 ) NOTES : Which will it be ? LORD ELohim ending mortal flesh life on earth because of His love , pity and deep compassion for us as His mortal children or will it be a nuclear hell because of hate and greed and envy and and and because of some nations leader stupidity to start it in the first place and the rest of the nations leaders joining in ? If you look at great wars in the past it only took one person as a nations leader to start them . Who will it be this time ? There are a few leaders of nations today who could and would start a nuclear war . LORD ELohim hopes it is Him ending mortal life on earth first so no one suffers . LORD ELohim remembers the last war of the Grays and the last war of the Anunnaki during each of their trial times and He does not want Humanity to suffer the way they did . Both the Grays and Anunnaki who survived each their war had to leave earth after the war in order to survive . The LORD does not want Humanity to go through what they each went through .
( 9 : 50 ) NOTES : - When LORD ELohim finished creating the Grays they looked a lot like us humans . That was about ninety thousand years ago . Somewhere in between the Grays and Humanity the LORD created the Anunnaki . Both looked a lot like people especially the Grays . The Anunnaki were giants and that was a big error the LORD made with their DNA . The Grays have lived in space for a very long time now . Today the Grays are small and very weak and very fragile except the hybrids who are part Gray and part human . What changed the Grays bodies was being in space for a very long time . The LORD says their bodies are weak but their weapons are great . One thing good if a war happens the LORD says the Grays bodies would not be able to handle earths gravity for very long . Where are the Anunnaki ? Where the Anunnaki are today the LORD does not know but they did have a war with the Grays very near earth ( could be seen ) a few hundred years ago and then they left earth again after loosing the fight and the LORD and Spirits have not seen them since . It was the Anunnaki who raped human women in Genesis 6 during the time of Noah . The Bible says the Anunnaki married these women but the LORD says that was not true : the women were raped and many human women were taken away by the Anunnaki and not seen again .
- God of Israel * LORD ELohim * created Heaven * . I AM HE saying * " I with Big Bang * often and again * created Heaven * . Heaven a few of * the galaxies * " . LORD ELohim * Who is called * God of Israel * created Heaven * . This Heaven * means are a few * galaxies the * home of LORD * God of Israel * .
( 9 : 51 ) NOTES : Again the LORD ELohim created Heaven . Not all the universe galaxies are part of the LORD's Heaven . Heaven is only six galaxies big that God created . The rest of the galaxies the nature of the universe and space created . Again it was a lot of Big Bangs to create each galaxy like pool balls on a pool table . One Bang sets off a lot of Bangs . Our galaxy the Milky Way is part of Heaven . The LORD created this galaxy .
( 9 : 52 ) NOTES : What did LORD ELohim expect from mortal life with free will . The LORD was hopeful that mortal life with free will would live in peace , love one another , help each other , share the earths bounty , be happy and find great joy in their lives and care for the earth we live on . None of that happened much . Not only did it not happen very much for Humanity , it also did not happen much when Grays and Anunnaki were here on earth during their trial times . Like baseball : three strikes and we mortals with free will are out .
- Humanity * God of Israel * EL Roi create * and made animals * an plant seed * . Humanity * thy Father * is alone I AM HE * Who is called * LORD ELohim * . Again remember * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * creation God * and one Father * of all He create * on earth ark * and in Heaven He a * creation God * . LORD ELohim * creation God * of all today * and in past ages * an all long ago * .
- As the Father * LORD ELohim * begat species * on earth ark * . Many noted * species did die * in past ages * an all long ago * . Radical climate * did kill flesh * about earth * . Most all and * many noted * species fell * in past ages * about earth * because of heat * , because of cold * , because of chance * . Species did die * because object * as asteroid * . The long Ice Age * ends animals * who are gone * . Many a animal be * extinct if a * species did die * . Radical climate * did kill flesh * about earth * in past ages * an all long ago * . In past ages * volcano began * blackened sun * . All earth cold * . Famines kill * about earth * ends animals * . Humanity * remember again * in past ages * an all long ago * radical climate * ends animals * and turns * plants black * . Humanity * remember again * note changes * on earth ark * . Future as * in past ages * an all long ago * . Radical climate * and seasons * are natural * on earth ark * . Radical climate * in past ages * an all long ago * happens again * and happen again * on earth ark * . LORD ELohim * warning all * humanity * future as * in past ages * an all long ago * . In past ages * an all long ago * species did die * . Behold today * remember again * warming heal * land after Ice Age * . After Ice Age land * then warmed * and bring rain * . Rains helped * melting old * raised glacier * north here * on earth ark * . God of Israel * warning all * humanity * future as * greater being * warmth is * yet coming * . Behold today * radical climate * a rising heat * . As future * yet coming * a rising heat * about earth * raises any * sea waters * . The warmer * sea waters * flood where * New York * land is now * an much more * about earth * . Behold cities * in past ages * an all long ago * below deluge * about earth * offshores * . Remember again * the long Ice Age * lower ocean * sea waters * . Ice Age sea level * lowers and * glacier raised * . Hidden water * in earths ice * melt coming * as future * warming heal * land after Ice Age * . Future as * in past ages * an all long ago * . Sea waters * flood us and * our farms * . Know at hand * raising heat * melting old * earths blue * hidden water * in earths ice * . In past ages * flood buried * much land to * . Even cities * flood buried * about earth * . Sea waters * on more land * about earth * accordingly * with a melt * of lower ice * on earth ark * .
( 9 : 53 ) NOTES : The words ' sea waters ' also means oceans . In the Bible there is no word ' ocean ' that we could find . The word sea is often used for ocean in the Bible and also in the Little Book . LORD ELohim wrote the Little Book and not me . How do I know what He wants written ? I just know and I do have teaching Spirits with me . When writing the above about earths naturally changing climate I ask LORD ELohim to name one city that may come under a flood because of ocean waters rising and the name ' New York ' suddenly was in my thoughts and it fit perfectly and on it's own it equals 666 . The LORD has been around earth for billions of years . I asked Him if He ever saw the North and South Pole without ice there and He said He does not remember seeing the Poles completely without ice but He has seen both with a lot less ice then what is there today . During Interglacial warming periods between Ice Age climaxes there was not a lot of ice left any where on earth . There is still a lot of ice to melt from the last Ice Age climax .
( 9 : 54 ) NOTES : According to a science book most extinct animals died out gradually as a result of changes in their environment to which they could not adjust to . Sometimes the earth changed so rapidly that animals and plants did not evolve fast enough to adjust to the changes . A great number of species died off . Over the past almost four billion years since LORD ELohim created life on earth other then bacteria more than two billion species have evolved ; however approximately 90 % - 99 % of all species that ever lived are thought to be extinct . Again climate change is very common and is natural . If LORD ELohim did not restart life on earth many times over again there would be no mortal life on earth . The chances that mortal life is on other planets and only by chance to be created is very unlikely . This earth is the best planet for mortal life that LORD ELohim could find . What is the chance that mortal life could survive on another planet when there is no one to restart life when needed . The LORD warns people that this earth is not perfect for any mortal life including mankind which is one reason why He will allow all to end .
( 9 : 55 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim wants to remind you that when the last Ice Age climax was happening the ocean waters dropped 300 feet . When the ice began retreating when the global warming started about 25,000 years ago the ocean water began to rise again . There is still a lot of ice from that Ice Age climax and we can expect the ocean waters to continue to rise for a long time to come . The climate can change suddenly but the average time of Interglacial warming in the past million years it lasts about 70,000 years before the next Ice Age climax so this climate as it is may last another 45,000 years and probably will continue to warm . The last Ice Age climax lasted about 95,000 years before this Interglacial global warming started about 25,000 years ago and not when the Industrial Revolution started in the middle of the 18th century .
- God of Israel * LORD ELohim * pity Mine * humanity * and animals made * . Mortal life * suffer here * from pains * an in hunger * . Humanity * an animals made * grieve much * about earth * . Abba grieve for * mortal life * about earth * . Soon at hand * mortal life * all soon end * on earth ark * .
( G ) -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- God chose Abram * . LORD ELohim * God of Israel * changed his name * . An as a new name * the flesh man * Abram God chose * receive Abraham * from EL Roi * LORD ELohim * . Abraham receive * God of Israel * glad blessing * . Abraham receive * EL covenant * an a promise * heir of lands * . Abraham's son * Isaac the elect * . Abraham's son * Isaac all Albino * white body * . The elect Isaac * start the * Israel flock * and white race * . Isaac's heirs * of Jacobs line * . White body * and white race * affirmed that * Israel flock * in bloodline * an Hebrew to *. Yahweh figs * Israel flock * . God of Zion * LORD ELohim * chosen flock * the Jews of * Israel flock * an Hebrew to * in past age and * even today * .
- Again remember * Jews of the * Israel flock * an Hebrew to * God of Israel * chosen flock * in past age and * even today * on Last Day * .
( 9 : 56 ) NOTES : That's right . If you are white skinned and of the white race your ancestors were Hebrew and Jews and you are yet Hebrew even if you are not Jewish . The egg and sperm of Isaac was hand made by LORD ELohim so that Isaac would be the first white skinned human on earth and the first Hebrew . Abraham and Sarah were both black skinned people . Isaac was their son . The reason LORD ELohim did make Isaac white skinned and his offspring is so the LORD only has to look at people to know who's who back then and even today . If the LORD had His way all white skinned Hebrew people in the past and even today would be Jews and yet of the religion of Judaism but that did not happen . There are many reasons why LORD ELohim cherishes the people who are Jewish Hebrews today as in the past : mostly because there are so few of them who still believe in Him alone as their one and only God and Father . Remember Abraham and Sarah were both black skinned people and they were also the first Jews and the beginning of Judaism . Isaac their son was the first white skinned person on earth making him a Jew that is the first of the white race and the first Hebrew and remember again he was a Jew like his parents .
- In past age and * even today * LORD ELohim * God of Israel * give land called * Israel then * an all to His * Israel flock * . Israel also * a motherland * too Hebrew * about earth * . Middle Easts * Hebrew lands * a Holy land and * is Israels * Hallowed land * . Judaea people * of the Jews * heirs of land * . Middle Easts * Hebrew lands * is Israels * an for Jews * : LORD ELohim * chosen flock * . God of Israel * chosen flock * in past age and * even today * are ye Jews * .
( 9 : 57 ) NOTES : The Little Book teaches all white skinned people are Hebrews beginning with Isaac the son of Abraham with Sarah . All Hebrew ancestors were Jews and were of the twelve tribes of Israel . LORD ELohim hoped that all the tribes of Israel would remain Jews and of the faith of Judaism . That did not happen the way the LORD wanted it to happen . Most of the tribes people gave up Judaism . LORD ELohim expected most of the tribes to move to lands the LORD kept for them like Britain , United States and so on but His hope was that these nations would be mostly Jews and of the faith of Judaism and spreading the faith of Judaism to other people . Again that did not happen . Hebrews who are no longer Jews are also no longer LORD ELohim's chosen people . The Hebrew Jews about earth are still the LORD's only chosen people . That never changed and never will change . The land of Israel still belongs to the Jews today as in past ages and was given to the Jews by LORD ELohim at the time of Abraham .
- In past age and * even today * Israel flock * partners * LORD ELohim * . Holy Rabbis * in past ages * and all long ago * partners * LORD ELohim * to help clean * feeble humans * . Feeble humans * in past ages * had many gods * and yet sin * even today * .- In past age and * even today * LORD ELohim * God of Israel * love Jews * . The elect mean * Jews of the * Israel flock * .
- In past ages * an all long ago * LORD ELohim * God of Israel * give land called * Israel then * an all to His * Jews of the * Israel flock * . Israel also * a motherland * too Hebrew * about earth * . Middle Easts * Hebrew land and * a Holy land and * is Israel and * of the Jews * in past age and * even today * . Judaea people * heirs of land * . Middle Easts * Hebrew lands * is Israel and * of the Jews * in past age and * even today * . Again remember * Middle Easts * heirs of land * the Jews of * Israel flock * .
- Behold today * many noted * Hebrew lands * one earth ark * .
- Jerusalem be * Hebrews land * of the Jews * and all long ago * in past age and * even today * . Remember again * God gave land and * Israel alone * too Hebrew * Jews of the * Israel flock * an all long ago * . Even today * Israel alone * an for Jews * .
- Ephriam home * My Britain * and land called Canada * and others be * Hebrew lands * . My Britain * a motherland * of many I call * Hebrew lands * .
- God of Israel * called Canada lands * Hebrew land and * Ephriam home * . Canada like Brit. a * hallowed land * . Canada once a Brit. * Hebrew lands * . In past ages * LORD ELohim * God of Israel * He protect a * hallowed land * offshores * and Canada mainland * . Oak Island Canada a * Hebrew land and * all Oak Island * a man made island * by Jew hands * an all long ago * . Even today * Jews of the * Israel flock * own island * . All Oak Island * reward gift * from EL Roi * LORD ELohim * an for Jews * on Last Day * .
- Manasseh land * Hebrew land and * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * hallowed land * . Manasseh land * Hebrew America * called the U.S.A. .
( 9 : 58 ) NOTES : It's important to remember that the Jews are the legal
heirs of the land of Israel and have been so since the time of Abraham .
LORD ELohim gave all the land of Israel and Jerusalem to the Hebrew Jews .
Hebrews who are no longer Jewish are not the heirs of anything regarding
the lands of Israel or Oak Island . Only Jews can lay claim to anything in
Israel and Oak Island Canada . Hebrew lands around earth were given by LORD
ELohim to the other tribes of Israel like Britain , United States , Germany
, France , Russia , Ireland , Scotland , Norway , Sweden , Ukraine , Poland
, Australia and on and on . What the LORD was hopeful for is that all the
twelve tribes of Israel would remain Jewish and of the faith of Judaism so
they all could help LORD ELohim help other people find more peace and joy
in their life . That did not happen . In fact some of the big wars lately
were started by Hebrew nations which was a great disappointment to LORD
ELohim .
The Holocaust started by Hebrew Germany against Hebrew European
Jews and others is far beyond what LORD ELohim is able to forgive Hebrew
Germany for . LORD ELohim's chosen was first Abraham and Sarah in the
beginning which lead to the Hebrew Jews of the faith of Judaism , the
offspring of Abraham and Sarah and their son Isaac . Today as in the past
the Hebrew Jews are still His chosen people and will always be that . Other
Hebrews who are not Jews are not His chosen people anymore . All tribes of
Israel were Jews in the past and for many generations but most lost their
way over time and left the faith of Judaism . Most Hebrews today are pagan
Christians .
( 9 : 59 ) NOTES : Why did LORD ELohim need a chosen people ? The LORD wanted to try guiding people so humanity would pass the trial and not fail . Since mankind cannot hear or see LORD ELohim and other Spirits He needed to put a lot of work into teaching people in other ways and even that was not easy . At best people He works through has a few bits and pieces of what He is trying to teach so He needed to work with many people over many years . He needed a group of people who were closely connected to be able to work together to come to an understanding with those bits and pieces of what the LORD is trying to teach people . This did not work out perfectly but it was better then nothing . The LORD chose Abraham and Sarah to begin that group and they were the first Jews of what would be the faith of Judaism and the people of Israel . It was LORD ELohim and teaching Spirits who taught the Jews and it was the Jews who taught the rest of mankind what we know of LORD ELohim and other stuff like the Ten Commandments . He needed a chosen people to work through to help us pass the trial . The Jews of Israel tryed to teach the world but most pagans would have nothing to do with them and their faith about LORD ELohim the only one and true God .
( 9 : 60 ) NOTES : Do other Hebrews have any claim regarding Israel or Oak Island . When LORD ELohim gave lsrael to the Hebrews they were all Jews . All the twelve tribes of Israel were all Jews . When the Jews built Oak Island they were all Jews . Israel and Oak Island today as in the past belonged to the Hebrew Jews . The Hebrews who are not Jews have no claim regarding Israel and regarding Oak Island . These lands were a gift from LORD ELohim for those Hebrew Jews in past ages and even today . The ancient Jews built Oak Island and anything on or within Oak Island is a gift for the Jews of today which is the Last Day . Again Hebrews today who are not Jews have no claim on anything within Oak Island and the island itself or anything to do with the land of Israel and anything within the land of Israel . Israel and Oak Island and all within these lands and on those lands and the land itself is a gift from LORD ELohim for the Hebrew Jews today for never forsaking Him as their God like other Hebrews have done in the past and even today .
- He that abideth * on the LORD * are the love * of O LORD God * . God of Israel * LORD ELohim * chosen flock * Israel flock * . Judaea people * Fig religion * pleases YAH * LORD ELohim . Judaea people * keep Jewish * faith and do it * pleases YAH * LORD ELohim * .
( 9 : 61 ) NOTES : Remember that Hebrews are white skinned people . I asked LORD ELohim if the non-Jewish Hebrews are still His chosen people and the LORD said those Hebrews are no longer His chosen people . Only Hebrew Jews in the past and those who are Hebrew Jews today are His chosen people . Most of the tribes of Israel lost their way over time and are no longer Jews and are no longer His chosen people . Most Hebrews today are Christians and that is a pagan religion and not accepted by the LORD as a valid religion in any way as to with other religions . Again only Hebrew Jews are His chosen in the past and now and in the future . LORD ELohim is pleased with His Jews even today which is more then He can say about other religions and people about earth . The LORD greatly welcomes other people to the faith of Judaism , that is what He hoped for , but it is the Hebrew Jews He usually works through . For the Little Book the LORD needed a Atheist who knew almost nothing about people and their religions and nothing about LORD ELohim but was willing to be open minded about a lot of stuff . I'm not a Jew but if I were to ever join a religion the LORD would make sure it was Judaism .
- Holy ark of * God of Israel * now buried * where now * ? LORD's ark had * God of Israel * EL Ten Laws * for world * humanity * . EL Ten Laws * permit peace * about earth * if born obey * EL Ten Laws * . God of Israel * EL Roi speak * humanity * wisdom is * keepest peace * about earth * . In past age and * even today * humanity * about earth * in great break * God of Israel * EL Ten Laws * . Feeble humans * about earth * break Laws and * mankind did fail * because of hate * and when war * . Because of cold * human love * humanity * in great failed * great trial * on earth ark * .
- Behold today * many noted * Hebrew lands * nations and * in bloodline * Israel flock * and white race * .
- Behold today * back home thy * Judaea people * . Israel alone * for Jews an * in past age and * even today * .
- I AM HE saying * Jews of the * Israel flock * think not * I call Y'shua * also like a God * . The flesh man * called Y'shua * mortal life * an not as a God * .
( H ) -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Mortal life * dust needs * hidden Soul * . Mortal life * has within * an need a Soul * . Hidden Soul * give life to a * mortal life * . Spirits a * hidden Soul * and Heaven being * . Sabbath Day is * all Souls * depart time * an return * in Heaven the * home estate * of O LORD God * as Spirit * .
- Humanity * a flesh trial * of free will * on earth ark * . Soon at hand * LORD ELohim * God of Israel * depart time * . All Souls * time cometh * depart time * . Remember again * mankind did fail * a flesh trial * part because * mortal life * suffer here * dreadful pain * , because of hate *, because of cold * human love *, because wicked * feeble humans * fight wars * an much more * as reasons * mankind did fail * .
- Humanity * at hand soon * this age end and * a end of times * due on Earth * . Behold recent * last day began * . Today behold * Sabbath Day is * and a end of time * .
- In past age and * even today * humanity * in great failed * at love here * because of hate * . Because of hate * feeble humans * fight wars * . Because of hate * humanity * and animals made * suffer here * an ye be dying * about earth * because of cold * human love * .
- Take heed earth * humanity * soon a time * this age ends * . LORD ELohim * Who is called * God of Israel * tested thee * . Humanity * in great failed * on earth ark * because of hate * . Humanity * made love cold * and beheld hatred * about earth * . People war * about earth * and for many * reason for * fearful war * . People war * about earth * happen again and * happens again * . Humanity * path did not * keep all LORD * EL Ten Laws * or repent * . Mankind did fail * life trials * on earth ark * and most all * mankind die off * because of hate * in past ages * and yet war * about earth * behold today * on Last Day * . In past ages * humanity * forsake I AM HE * LORD ELohim * . Today behold * on Last Day * LORD ELohim * I AM HE forsake * humanity * .
- LORD ELohim * I AM HE saying * on Last Day * He goes back to * a kingdom place * in the Heaven * . I AM HE saying * with Me the * Spirits a * Heaven being and * My love and * My children * soon a time * go home at hand * for I go home * in the Heaven * a time soon * on Last Day * . Hidden Soul * as Spirit * within man * and animals made * he goes back to * a kingdom place * in the Heaven * . Sabbath Day is * on Last Day * . Behold today * is Sabbath Day * on earth ark * . Remember again * all Souls * is within * humanity * and animals made * .
( 9 : 62 ) NOTES : Some day all who are Spirits will go home to Heaven and most all mortal life on this earth will die . The LORD wants you to understand that you do not live on as part of any Spirit including Souls . Mortal life does not have any Spirit that you live an eternal life in . Again there is no afterlife for any mortals and again no mortal life will ever go to Heaven with the LORD and again Y'shua is dead and was and is not a God .
- Remember again * LORD ELohim * YHWH time * on earth ark * age near over * . Soon at hand * LORD ELohim * Who is called * God of Israel * depart time * . All Souls * as Spirit * in any blood * give life here * on earth ark * . All Souls * soon at hand * depart time * on Last Day * .
( I ) -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Mankind lies * made by church * that all I call * human bodies * eternal here * as Spirit * . People behind * ancient lies * for money * an powers * . I AM HE teach death * a deep sleep end * mortal life * for world * humanity * and animals made * an much more * mortal life * on earth ark * . After death end * mortal life * all Souls * as Spirit * then depart * the flesh man * an ye woman * an much more * mortal life * about earth * . All Souls * as Spirit * all infinite * Heaven beings * . After death end * mortal life * human bodies * and animals made * all does become * dry dust * . In God's Book * LORD ELohim * God of Israel * made clear that * after death end * mortal life * then cometh * no afterlife * for any men * an ye woman * and animals made * .
- I AM HE saying * no fable hell and * no hell grief * for world * humanity * after death end * mortal life * . Remember again * God of Israel * LORD ELohim * be not wicked * regarding man * an ye woman * on earth ark * .
- Mortal life * dust needs * hidden Soul * . Mortal life * has within * an need a Soul * . Hidden Soul * give life to a * mortal life * . Souls all * a Spirit and * Heaven beings * . Sabbath Day is * all Souls * depart time * .
- In past age and * behold today * humanity * in man made hell * . The day at hand * behold hell is * about earth * . And no fable hell * in earth here * and our death * agonize free * . After death end * moral life * human bodies * and animals made * does all become * dry dust * . Mortal life * love sleep * . Human bodies * and animials made * death only be * the endless * glad deep sleep * .
- Again remember * he that abideth * on the LORD * LORD ELohim * I AM rewards * in this life * not in death a * glad deep sleep * and as a eternal * glad deep sleep * .
- Remember again * Humanity * after in death * no afterlife * on earth ark * . The flesh has * no afterlife * in the Heaven * . Again remember * no afterlife * on earth ark * or in Heaven * for any life * on earth ark * including me * .
( 9 : 63 ) NOTES : Since LORD ELohim has in a strange way asked me to help Him with His Little Book the LORD has taken care of me and my needs in a few strange ways to . He cannot do that for everyone but for some He worked hard at rewarding people . I asked the LORD if He ever rewarded a Christian preacher and He said no : never . Remember the LORD calls Christianity a pagan religion . Other religions also He had nothing to do with He also does not reward anyone . Rewarding people is very difficult for the LORD to do so very few people have been rewarded by God . Most all rewards have gone to the Jews in the past and even today . Remember death is equal for all mankind and for all religions . When people die their life is over forever . The LORD ELohim created us from dust and we go back to being dust .
- Remember again * no afterlife * for any men * an ye woman * . Mortal life * love sleep * . Death only be * like the good * glad deep sleep * . I AM HE saying * again fear not * . God of Israel * makes clear in * God's end Book * the Little * Book code key * no afterlife * for any life * of any flesh * .
- Then when dead * hidden Soul * as Spirit * depart time * . At death arise * hidden Soul * and our death * ends peaceful * . After in death * like a perfect * glad deep sleep * for any life * on earth ark * .
- Churches lie * mortal life * made ghost and * all infinite * as Spirit * . Mankind lies * ghosts in * mortal life * . LORD ELohim * I AM HE saying * again fear not * no afterlife * .
- Churches lie * place called hell * for uncalled * Humanity * . LORD ELohim * I AM HE saying * again fear not * place called hell * . Churches lie * place called hell * made by the Lamb * . I AM HE saying * place called hell * created by man * for money * an powers * . In past ages * an all long ago * churches lie * place called hell * is real then * . Behold today * churches lie * place called hell * all yet real * for uncalled * Humanity * to go to and * forever be an * mortal life * filled in pain * . Remember again * LORD ELohim * I AM HE saying * again fear not * churches lie * about some * place called hell * . Place called hell * all not real , a * Catholic decree * be lies about * bitter hell * in past age and * even today * .
- Humanity * remember again * EL Roi create * no fable hell and * no afterlife * for any life * on earth ark * .
( 9 : 64 ) NOTES : First of all there is no hell as the coded words say .
The early Roman Catholic church used their definition of hell to cause fear
so people and their money would join the church and the church could gain a
lot of power over people and even nations . Christians believe that Y'shua
created everything that was created as it says in John 1 : 1 - 3 ' In the
beginning was the Word , and the Word was with God , and the Word was God .
He was with God in the beginning . Through him all things were made ;
without him nothing was made that has been made ' . Christians say that the
name ' Word ' is Y'shua ( Jesus ) . Hell and even Purgatory and the Lake of
Fire would have needed to be created and according to the CB it was Y'shua
who created these places to torture billions of people for all eternity .
It's strange what Christians really believe about Y'shua who was a deeply
loving and caring Jewish man and the Lamb of God who willingly gave up his
life for all Humanity and not just for Christians .
The uncalled means
those who are not chosen by their Christian gods to be saved for the good
eternal life . Christians believe they were called by one or more of their
gods to be a Christian and also to be saved for the good eternal life and
most believe no Christian will go to hell . It's commonly believed by
Christians that only non-Christians go to hell . LORD ELohim says there is
no hell , there is no resurrection of any dead including Christians , there
are no Christians called by Him to their religious faith because Christians
are called pagans by the LORD . Remember again Y'shua is dead and will
never be resurrected , and LORD ELohim created all that was created by
someone except Himself and some galaxies and Y'shua the flesh man who was
no God created nothing .
( 9 : 65 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim wonders how people can believe billions of people will suffer great pain and torments forever in hell or a lake of fire for all eternity but also believe at the same time their gods are pure love . This is a big contradiction . Either LORD ELohim who is the only God is pure love and there is no hell where people would suffer or LORD ELohim is a very cruel and wicked God and there is a hell and lake of fire where billions of people and even children will suffer greatly for all eternity . Logic says He cannot be both extremely loving and extremely wicked and cruel at the same time . Christians need to pick one and stick with it and not believe in both because believing He is both loving and wicked makes no sense . The truth is : LORD ELohim is the one and only God and He is pure love and there is no place called hell or purgatory or lake of fire and no mortal life will suffer after their death .
( 9 : 66 ) NOTES : When it comes to what Christians and even other
religions believe they have a lot that is all over the place . Some
Christians believe the meaning of the ' second death ' is the eternal
separation of living flesh people who use to be dead from God in a place
called the Lake of Fire . The Lake of Fire is like hell and is the last
place the non-Christians go to so they will spend all eternity suffering
greatly and constantly in great pain : so many Christians believe . Another
group of Christians believe the ' second death ' is just that . They
believe that people do not suffer for all eternity but will spend a lot of
time in hell then they will die a second time in the lake of fire and will
be dead for all eternity .
The LORD says neither are right since He cannot
raise people who are truly dead back to life . The question the LORD asks
Christians is " why do you people think the LORD would raise the wicked and
also all the non-Christians from the dead in the first place if they are
only all destined to die again or be tortured forever in the second place
according to Christian beliefs " ? Can you imagine how much work it would
take for LORD ELohim to just put back together even one decomposed corpse
from the dead ? What a trick that would be and would probably only take a
thousand years to do one corpse with a lot of crazy glue and it would still
have no life in it !!! The LORD says again that He does not know how to do
that trick .
Keep in mind if you are a Christian that LORD ELohim calls the
Christian faith a pagan religion for many reasons including your belief of
three existing Gods so why would the LORD raise Christians from the dead
and not just His Jews who believe He LORD ELohim is the one and only God .
And to all Jews again the LORD does not know that trick .
( 9 : 67 ) NOTES : One of the errors Christians made is using the writings
of the Jewish faith of Judaism as the base for your religion . One of the
great errors is they said the Jewish Bible backs up what they believe is
true in their religion but their Old Testament that is suppose to be a
perfect copy of the Jewish Bible is often changed by the Christians in
their Bible . In past updates of the Little Book we have written about many
of these changes made by the Christians .
Another example is : Daniel 3 :
25 . In the Jewish Bible it says ' He answered , " But I see four men
walking about unbound and unharmed in the fire and the fourth looks like a
divine being ." In the Christian NIV Bible it says - ' He said , : Look ! I
see four men walking around in the fire , unbound and unharmed , and the
fourth looks like a son of the gods ." In the Christian KJV it says - He
answered and said , Lo , I see four men loose , walking in the midst of the
fire , and they have no hurt ; and the form of the fourth is like the Son
of God . Notice how the JB which was written first says ' divine being '
then the KJV which was written second says ' Son of God ' and then the NIV
written recently says ' son of the gods ' . The 1611 KJV which was the
first KJV written in the year 1611 says ' ... is like the sonne of God ' .
In the 1611 KJV it is old english spelling . The word ' sonne ' is spelt
today as ' son ' . Christians say the Jewish Bible which in the CB is the
Old Testament says a lot about Y'shua but in this verse the JB says '
divine being ' and not ' the Son of God ' . Divine means many things but
here it seems to mean a ' Heavenly being ' like a Spirit . The JB says
nothing about Y'shua in this verse . Considering it is a pagan who is
claimed to have said this a few thousand years ago ' son of the gods '
makes more sense to what he would say . It was wrong for the Christians to
claim this verse is about Y'shua when what they did was changed a few words
to make it sound like it's talking about Y'shua .
The LORD ELohim wants
everyone to know this story never happened and why it's in the JB God does
not know . Remember no religious writings are perfect . Had these three
boys been cast into a very hot and fiery furnace they would have been
cremated . The LORD or any other Spirit could not have protected them or
saved them . The LORD does want people to know that He does have limits to
what He can do and this is one of them . Again think not beyond logic .
Spirits could survive in there but not mortal life . Also this guy said he
could see a Spirit or divine being in the fire . If a Spirit were in the
furnace he would have not been able to see it because mortal life cannot
see the LORD or other Spirits He created . Also this guy lived long before
Y'shua . How could he have known what Y'shua looked like or that someday
some people would believe in such a person . The LORD ELohim loved Daniel
and says he was a good prophet and teacher but why this untrue story about
three boys being cast into a really hot furnace the LORD does not know .
This never happened .
( 9 : 68 ) NOTES : Many people believe if they put a big enough tombstone on their grave the LORD will find them and dig up their corpse and put it back together again . The LORD personally knows very few people by name and what their religion is . Again the LORD is one Spirit and He is not everywhere at once so how can He know all people ? There are also no books in Heaven with or without your name in . The book of life does not exist . We are all His children but there is more then seven billion people are earth right now and billions in the past . How could it be possible that He would know all of us . LORD ELohim is not going to dig up the dust and bones of any corpses or cremated bodies ? Again there is no afterlife for any mortals including Y'shua , Moses and Elijah and all Christians and all the rest of humanity including you . There is just no way the LORD can raise the dead back to life again . Think about it .
- Humanity * do not fear Abba be * LORD ELohim * as the Father * . Again fear not * our death and * glad deep sleep * .
- God of Israel * hath a regret * people sin * and beheld hatred * about earth * in past age and * even today * . People sin * changed people * an peace lost * about earth * happen again and * happens again * . LORD ELohim * Who is called * God of Israel * He loved us * mortal life * as the Father * . Remember again * LORD ELohim * I AM HE forsake * humanity * .
( 9 : 69 ) NOTES : The word ' forsake ' means to renounce or turn away from entirely . LORD ELohim has given up trying to help the human race .
( J ) -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Churches lie * the flesh man * called Y'shua * his grail is * the gold cup * . His grail is * the gold cup * is a lie created * by foolish * church since * after the Lamb * called Y'shua * mortal life * had fully died * . I AM HE saying * the flesh man * called Y'shua * his grail is * earthen cup * .
( 9 : 70 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim says that the cup Y'shua drank from at the last supper was not put aside as being something special to the Jews , his disciples , who were with him . Idol worship is forbidden by the faith of Judaism and forbidden by LORD ELohim . The LORD says people just cleared the table without given any interest in the cup Y'shua was using . There were 13 cups on that table and all were the same . There was nothing special about that cup and there was no gold or precious stones on it . It was a cup that was commonly made then and there were probably thousands made of that type of cup . There is a story that a man used Y'shua's cup to catch the blood of Y'shua when he was on the cross but LORD ELohim who was with Y'shua at that time says that never happened . LORD ELohim says Y'shua's cup had no powers and still has no powers of any kind if it is still somewhere and not in pieces . If someone says a cup they have is the cup used by Y'shua : don't believe it and don't make it your idol . The LORD says Y'shua's name was not carved on the cup so where is the proof it was his cup ? Many things claimed to be antiquities are fake .
- Behold recent * a crop design * a Gray ET's face * and message in * binary math * .
( 9 : 71 ) NOTES : The above riddle about a crop circle the LORD said He got the Grays to make that so it fits in the riddle about crop circles in crops . What the binary message was the LORD does not know . Crop circles created by Grays have been common recently . The LORD says what the Grays use to make crop circles is probably a weapon to fear .
( 9 : 72 ) NOTES : The Grays were first of free will and they failed their trial . The Anunnaki were the second trial of free will and they failed to . We Humanity are the third trial of free will and we failed to . Where the Anunnaki are LORD ELohim does not know . The LORD has not seen the Anunnaki since the time of Noah . The Anunnaki were the giants who raped human women who's offspring LORD ELohim named the Nephilim . The Anunnaki may have gone so far out in space where there are no Souls and died . The Grays are in space ships orbiting earth . Many of their space crafts can be seen in the night sky . Where are they going to go ? The Grays like us mortal life need water , food and other stuff to live . They tried the moon and Mars and could not make a go of it at either . When the LORD ends mortal life on earth that will end the Grays to .
- Climate hoax * warming lie * for money * an a federal office * partners * corrupt * men of science * for money * and for carbon * new taxes * . After heavy * Ice Age desolate * blue earth and * mortal life * warming heal * blue earth and * mortal life * on earth ark * . All warming a * climate hoax * for money * . Climate hoax * it allows * new taxes * for money * . CO 2 gave * food for life * . Carbon into * tree plant * feed it's leafs * . Trees are as * all air cleaner * . CO 2 gave * all trees and * plants it * food for life * . CO 2 gave * forest air * food for life * . Of oxygen * atoms give * flesh life it * food for life * .
( 9 : 73 ) NOTES : The earth has had many Ice Ages . In the past million years there have been four great Ice Age climaxes when earth was much colder and a ice sheet a hundred feet thick covered most of the north . The last Ice Age climax began 115,000 years ago and began warming again about 25,000 years ago . On average the warm period between Ice Age climaxes last 70,000 years . We are only 25,000 years into this warming period and there is still a lot of ice to melt before the next Ice Age climax . The Great Lakes in Canada and the United States were only made about 15,000 years ago from the melting of the last ice sheet . The LORD says warming will probably continue for another 45,000 years and it will probably become even warmer then it is now and there is nothing man can do to change that and carbon is not the problem causing it . The earth is not perfect for mortal life to live here but it is the best LORD ELohim could find in the universe . The climate and earth has changed immensely over the past billion years as it always has . How is higher taxes and poorer people going to change what is and what is coming naturally to our earth and climate ?
( 9 : 74 ) NOTES : People have found city ruins beneath the ocean waters
and even lake water . During the last Ice Age climax the ocean waters
lowered 300 ft. because the water was becoming the Ice sheet covering
mostly the northern part of earth . Not counting the land under the Ice
Sheet , there was a lot more land at the time of the climax so like people
today they built mostly stone cities near the ocean when the ocean water
was hundreds of feet lower . These cities could have been built by ancient
humans or even by the Grays and Anunnaki long before Adam .
When this
global warming started about 25,000 years ago the ocean level began rising
because the Ice Sheet was melting and now this water covers these ancient
towns and cities . There is still a lot of ice from this Ice Sheet to melt
and the ocean level will probably continue to rise and will probably cause
flooding of some cities recently built by the ocean just like the ancient
cities flooded and became below the ocean level . The reason LORD ELohim
speaks about Ice Age Climaxes and Interglacial Warming periods so much is
because people especially governments and climate scientists are not and
many of those who do are not telling the truth .
LORD ELohim says people
are not responsible for this Interglacial Warming that we are experiencing
at this time . This has happened many times before and after each Ice Age
Climax which happens often also . This Interglacial Warming began about
25,000 years ago causing the massive Ice Sheet to melt and many thousands
of years before mankind's industrial age . According to a couple of science
books the Ice Sheet covered 27 % of the world and the Ice Sheet was ten
thousand feet thick in places . Canada and northern U.S.A. and much of
Europe and Asia and else where were under that Ice Sheet . Where I live in
Canada now it was under thousands of feet of ice . The ice was so massive
it took many thousands of years for the Ice Sheet to melt and retreat to
where it is today . The Great Lakes created by the Ice Sheet melting are
only 15,000 years old . Again there is still a lot of ice to melt yet into
the ocean .
( 9 : 75 ) NOTES : Part of this human trial is can people find ways to deal with natural climate changes and stop complaining about the weather so much . It's disturbing and a shame that many governments today are using natural global warming as a excuse to tax people in their country . There is also a global thing going on about carbon tax . A tax on carbon is not going to make any difference with the climate . It only makes a difference of how much money the governments steal from people called carbon taxes . It only makes a difference when it comes to how much food you can afford to put on the dinner table and gas in your car and for other things needed for the way the world works today .
- Behold recent * men of science * maketh many * a robot mind * . A robot mind * snatch jobs * about earth * . Men of science * design machine * but doings * snatch jobs * . The rich seek * to end many * new salaried * jobs all for a * fat profit * . A robot mind * does not do * pension and * money for * some food and * a peaceful home * an much more * . Soon a time * much mankind * suffer here * about earth * not having a * paycheck for * some food and * a peaceful home * and childrens * deep gladness * an much more * .
( 9 : 76 ) NOTES : It was said on a show that within the next ten years 40 % of existing jobs will be done by computers and robots . If all these jobs become automated then who will be getting a pay check to buy all the stuff these robots are making ? Corporate greed today may cause corporate bankruptcy in the near future .
- In past ages * Mayan abound * . Mayan small * calendar wheel * as time clock * . Behold recent * Mayan small * calendar deceive * humanity * . MMXII (2012) false * a end of times * an doomsday * .
- Soon a time * again crashing * of economy * about earth * . Time cometh * gold crashes * and nations * heavy debts * a wealth gone * . A time soon * heap dollars * of no value * about earth * .
- I AM HE warns * humanity * soon a time * pagan gentile * as a emperor * as a dictator * an a federal office * empire leader * next a beast * on Last Day * . A beast meaning * empire leader * . The Bible beast a * empire leader * fashion ten * states by * dividing the * world for * ten monarch * his friends * . Empire leader * commanded ten * states by * his friends * as monarchs * . Soon a time * the globe hath * ten state be * alike nation * . Ten state be * pagan world * made like Rome * in past ages * . Ten state be * second Rome * on earth ark * . When new and * people behind * second Rome * is hope for * beast leaders * keepest peace * about earth * . Reason for * people behind * empire leader * because of hate * causes a war * about earth * . Then soon a * man of sin as * empire leader * called beast by * LORD ELohim * cause woes * for any life * on earth ark * . Bible name a beast * as a emperor * on last day * . Empire leader * create no peace * that lasted a * long time if a * pagan gentile * as a emperor * on earth ark * . Time cometh * world feared * empire leader * as a dictator * . God of Israel * EL Roi speak * calculate name * of beast but * using Mine * 666 * strange code * called Gematria * . Soon a time * great eagle make * second Rome * . Great eagle make * a man of sins * called beast by * God of Israel * . LORD ELohim * EL Roi speak * fear great eagle * an a evil beast * second Rome * soon a time * on earth ark * . Remember again * the Bible beast a * pagan gentile * . LORD ELohim * warning all * humanity * a wicked wicked * man Sabbath Day * to rule as * second Rome * empire leader * .
( 9 : 77 ) NOTES : Gentiles are those who are not Jews . The beast cannot be a Jewish person . Most Jews today are still waiting for their Messiah who is a Jew who they hope will bring peace on earth and other good things to happen . Again Y'shua was not the awaited Jewish Messiah . The beast is a non-Jew who will promise much the same things that the Jews believe their Messiah will do and can do but again the beast is not a Jew and is not the Jewish Messiah .
- Soon a time * mark of beast * causes woe * on earth ark * . Men of science * maketh many * nano chip a web * partner and * mark of beast * . Mark of beast * hand chip device * is within * one flesh hand * for all then * as future * . Made by you * men of science * micro chip did * inform his * robot mind a * computer * about what * humanity * about earth * is so doing * or buying * or selling * or building * . Then beast did * know all made * or buying * or selling * or building * by people if * hand chip device * in peoples * one flesh hand * . A image of beast be * dreaded robot * . A robot mind * can reckon by * binary math * . Empire leader * dreaded robot * partners * computer * hand chip device * . Behold recent * men of science * maketh many * a robot mind * .
( 9 : 78 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim says He did mention the ' Mark of the Beast
' to the writer of Revelation 13 but He never said if people get the mark
of the beast they would go to hell and be punished by Him . When the Grays
were on earth during their trial they had a mark like a computer chip put
in their hands and they quickly lost their freedom and privacy and became
slaves to the Gray leader God called the beast they had then .
did get the writer to warn people that this would happen to us if we do the
same and get the mark but the rest about this is not taught by the LORD .
He would not punish people for getting the mark but He is sure in the near
future there will be many reasons why He would pity those with this mark .
The beast would know everything about you like where you are and what you
buy and sell and what your job is and on and on . The LORD knows nothing
about people worshiping the image of the beast because He never taught man
anything about that either . People worshiping idols and even mortal people
like Y'shua and Caesar and many many others is something the LORD is use to
and that would be nothing new to Him so no one would be punished by LORD
ELohim for that either . The LORD says it is likely that the day will come
when if parents want to feed , house , dress and do much more for you
children you will need the mark for many reasons .
( 9 : 79 ) NOTES : Will most people get the mark of the beast ? Most people know nothing about this mark and even most Christians have no true understanding about it . I live in a seniors home and most people here are Christians and if they try to drag me into a preaching talk about the Christian faith I ask one question and always a different question and no one yet had a answer to any very simple questions asked . What we have found is that most Christians don't even know what's written in their Bible . Reading it is one thing but thinking about what they have read does not happen and most all have never read their Bible . Again most Christians I know have never read the Bible and they never thought about what little they did read . Most of what they do know they learnt from their preachers during Sunday service . Christians will probably be like most people : Why not get it if it's like using a debit card and charge card and ID card and a lot more and can even unlock doors with the mark ? Again the LORD warns all people : you will probably lose more then you think you will gain from it .
( 9 : 80 ) NOTES : There are many 666 words regarding computers and robots that we did not use because we know nothing about robots and computers and all that stuff . 666 words - Computer * bar code as mark * a forehead device * and sealed hands * made artificial * digital digit * binary math * technologic * micro chip did * .
( 9 : 81 ) NOTES : The Jewish Hebrew name ' Sheol ' means ' grave '. In the Jewish writings where the Jews wrote ' Sheol ' meaning the ' grave ' the Christians often changed ' Sheol ' to mean the word ' hell ' . Most Jews do not believe in a hell but most Christians these days do believe in a hell . The LORD says the Jews are right .
( 9 : 82 ) NOTES : The word ' Figs ' in the Bible means Israel and Jews and the religion of Judaism .
( 9 : 83 ) NOTES : Logic is the science of getting new and valid information by reasoning from true and correct facts that one already knows . LORD ELohim often says to you and all people " Think Not * Beyond Logic * . Humanity * attain logic * .
- All teachings * of O LORD God * against rape * . The men who * rape them all * did a great sin * . I AM HE saying * for any men * them girls * My children * . An ye woman * My children * . The men who * rape all them * and boys rage * LORD ELohim * in past age and * even today * on earth ark * . Remember again * in past age and * even today * LORD ELohim * against rape * . Most raped * are of woman * about earth * an all is a sin * by JHVH Law * . Rapist man * of woman are * ye a evil men * . Evil men rage * LORD ELohim * Who is called * God of Israel * . YHWH calls * all who rape * My children * ye a evil men * and break Laws * of O LORD God * .
- God of Israel * begat species * like Big Foot * * . My giant ape * called Big Foot * YHWH did make * . My giant ape * called Big Foot * a DNA creature * . God of Israel * LORD ELohim * create Yeti * same giant ape * like Big Foot * .
- This could * happen before * this age ends * . Science caused * fearful Big Bang * . Fearful Big Bang * ends people ,* Mine Grays ,* Anunnaki a E.T. * mortal life * on earth ark * . Man made Hadron * Collider the * men of science * which do err * maketh machine * .
( 9 : 84 ) NOTES : According to a science book : Hadron means : is any
particle that participates in strong interactions . Collider means : a
particle accelerator in which two beams of particles are made to collide .
LORD ELohim says this is the way Big Bangs happen in nature and when one
happens it's like balls on a pool table colliding . What all this means the
LORD and me don't know but people have said the scientists are trying to
see what happened a moment before the Big Bang . If that's true then how
can what ever happens in that moment be stopped before the next moment a
Big Bang ? The LORD says scientists should not be messing around with this
. Scientist believe it was only one Big Bang that formed the universe but
the LORD says there were a lot of them .
Again it took many millions of Big
Bangs to form the existing universe according to the LORD who is a witness
to most of them . One galaxy each had many Big Bangs . The Big Bangs which
have happened on their own have never caused harm to Spirits but if a Big
Bang happens within the earth in the collider scientists built or even near
our solar system the LORD says mortal life can kiss their butt goodbye .
Most of the universe the LORD did not create but He has seen a lot of Big
Bangs that created galaxies . The LORD knows how to make Big Bangs happen
and He did a few which is why He does not like scientists messing around
with anything about Big Bangs . What God can do with what exists in the
universe naturally man can do also . The LORD is concerned about how stupid
scientists can be . They gave the world the nuclear bomb and a lot more
they should have not done . It would not surprise LORD ELohim if scientists
cause a Big Bang . If a Big Bang happened in this collider it would turn
the earth into millions of new great and small asteroids flying through
space and a lot of mortal dead bodies with them . Nothing on earth would
survive .
- LORD ELohim * I AM HE saying * humanity * men of science * you learn * Grays err * an all long ago * on earth ark * . Mine Grays * created wicked * computer * dreadful mind * . Mine Grays * make for war * about earth * computer * dreadful mind * . Grays err * created wicked * computer * dreadful mind * because of hate * . Computer * dreadful mind * learn war and * wicked hatred * . Mine Grays * computer * program made * dreadful mind * . Dreadful mind * became mighty * . All AI fully * became cunning * against any * Mine Grays * about earth * . Behold today * humanity * men of science * make for war * computer * dreadful mind * . Time cometh * computer * dreadful mind * against us * if it's maker * program in * computer * wicked hatred * and learn war * . LORD ELohim * I AM HE warn * humanity * men of science * comprehend AI * Mine Grays * computer * . Mine Grays * computer * dreadful mind * became cunning * and all evil and * became mighty * and learn war * . Humanity * men of science * Grays err * making this * computer * dreadful mind * . Many a army * robot help * computer * dreadful mind * kill those * dreaded Grays * . Mine Grays * few all lived * after wars * . Mine Grays * abort making * their deadly * computer * dreadful mind * after wars * with deadly * computer * . Remember again * Mine Grays * made artificial * dreadful mind * . Humanity * men of science * you learn * Grays err * so man not * error like * Mine Grays * on earth ark * . Remember again * men of science * LORD ELohim * EL Roi create * Mine Grays * on earth ark * in past ages * an all long ago * .
( 9 : 85 ) NOTES : AI means Artificial Intelligence : which means the
capability of a machine to imitate intelligent human behavior . We are
doomed . For the Grays it was their behavior . If you think about this you
can easily see where the error is . Mankind's favorite passion seems to be
war and not peace . The LORD says the Grays built this computer artificial
mind and it's many robots . After the war with this AI mind and it's robots
the few Grays who survived went into space with the spaceships they already
had and they are still in space orbiting earth to this day . They tried
living on Mars and the moon and the Anunnaki after the Grays but that did
not work out well for either of them . As advanced as these guys are,
where are they going to go ? Besides the Souls will not go beyond this
solar system if even that far .
The Grays war with each other and then the
AI computer run robots almost destroyed the whole earth and then the
Anunnaki tens of thousands of years later did the same and the way humans
are going right now we will do the same soon . The LORD and other Spirits
are not going to miss mortal life with free will . The LORD will miss His
elephants and many other animals but people not so much . The outcome of
three trials with mortal flesh and free will proved that these do not mix
well together . All Spirits have free will so the LORD thought He would try
that with mortals and it did not work well at all . Animals with only
instinct did much better and none of them were stupid enough to build
nuclear bombs or other stupid things made by mortals with free will . LORD
ELohim has seen a lot of stupid things that mankind has done and the Grays
and Anunnaki before us . Giving mortal life free will was LORD ELohim's
error and that is what He said .
We were more interesting then the LORD
just bird watching but the interest is now long gone .
- Look up at * lights here * about earth * A earth star * that are near * about earth * an spaceship * . I AM HE saying * Mine Grays * made massive * spaceship an * estate home * . Mine Grays * maketh many * spacecrafts * about earth * . Mine Grays * Mars trial * after wars * about earth * in great failed * . After wars * about earth * Anunnaki a E.T. * and Mine Gray * left planet * . In past ages * an all long ago * all E.T. wars * kindled earth * . Look up at * lights here * about earth * . They are no * stars so * humanity * and nations * beware small * pure Gray * want a Earth * refuge back again * or like help * and from us * humanity * . Again remember * a earth star * be a great ship * .
( 9 : 86 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim says the Grays were far more wicked then Humanity when on their trial but that's hard to imagine . What they are like today the LORD does not know what goes on in their spaceships . Could they be getting help from us now ? The LORD does not know but it may be possible in exchange for advanced knowledge . The eyes of the Grays are very large . LORD ELohim says that's the way He made their eyes when He created the Grays . A lot of people believe the Grays are telepathic which means one mind able to comminicate with another mind by extrasensory means . The LORD said He never created any species so it is telepathic and He is sure that is not even possible to do .
( 9 : 87 ) NOTES : A reminder that E.T. means Early Trial and not extra-terrestial .
- Mine Grays * a DNA creature * alike ours * an all long ago * . Mine Grays * spaceage bodies * became in space an * small bodies * . Behold today * Mine Grays * E.T. weak body * because bones * become waste * . Space evidence * good proof * bones reduce * . Flesh need the * gravities a * planet has if * E.T's in space * or too man * .
( 9 : 88 ) NOTES : The worry about the Grays starting a war on earth with mankind is not likely . They have been in space for tens of thousands of years and there is not much left of their bodies because of being without gravity for so long . Would they even be able to walk on earth because of it's gravity ? If a war were to happen it would probably be them up there and us down here . It's the Grays that make the real crop circles with what is probably one of their weapons . Where the Anunnaki are today the LORD does not know but the Grays and their spaceships are near earth . Both tried living on Mars and the moon after they nearly destroyed the earth but it did not work out for them .
- Humanity * hath failed like * Anunnaki a E.T. * and Mine Gray * . Remember again * God made E.T. called * Mine Grays * . LORD ELohim * Who is called * God of Israel * make on earth * a DNA creature * . Mine Grays * first for * a flesh trial * of free will * on earth ark * . Mine Grays * left planet * after wars * slaughter * most E.T.'s * . Mars second * E.T. home range * . Mine Grays * Mars trial * in great failed * so their back * about earth * . Remember again * Mine Grays * first for * early flesh * of free will * and Mine Gray * be from earth * .
- LORD ELohim * I AM HE saying * men of science * teach error * is regarding * one bang caused * the galaxies * . God of Israel * called error * made by you * men of science * The Mistake * . God of Israel * correct it ; * The Mistake * . The galaxies * are so many * an many bangs * too formed * the galaxies * . After Big Bangs * helped formed * the galaxies * an many bangs * happen again and * happens again * . One galaxy be * many bangs an * Big Bangs yet * happen again and * happens again * . After Big Bangs * make powder * and gases help * created Heaven * the galaxies * . And God said the * men of science * think not * beyond logic * .
- God of Israel * EL Roi create * DNA chemicals and * Dino's flesh * . Dino's flesh * weighed too * too heavy * . Rock falleth * as asteroid * kindled earth * . This age ends * fearful Dino * . Long ago any * Dino life failed * . After Dino's * LORD ELohim * maketh mammal * . Since Dino's * LORD ELohim * begat species * of many called * new animals * .
- Disease cause * mortal life * dreadful pain * and male and female * and childrens * and animals made * suffer here * on earth ark * . Formed flesh * about earth * grieve much * . Dreadful pain * in peoples * and animals made * like cancer make * LORD ELohim * grieve much * .
- World greed * changed people * . Money greed * for stuff * changed people * and greed grew * about earth * while of the * needy they * famines kill * about earth * . People behind * world greed * cause woe and * deep sadness * .
- Remember again * soon a time * in the December * fading month * Christmas a * pagans made day * , a Romans Day * an all celebrate * in past ages and * even today * . In past age and * even today * Christmas a * rite offended * LORD ELohim * Who is called * God of Israel * . Humanity * take heed rite * kill trees * in great called * Pine trees * . Behold recent * our Xmas * ritual day * for world * corporate * money greed * .
- In past ages * reason for * many failed as a * often great * nations and * by states * and kingdoms * because of so * many noted * new taxes * . Many noted * new taxes * crashed many * nations and * great kings * an a federal office * in past age and * even today * . A time soon * nations and * kingdoms and * by states * an a federal office * crash under * new taxes * . Again remember * great tariff * a special tax * for money * . Behold today * free trade became * no free trade * . Soon a time * riches crash * and nations * and you fall * into deeper * dismayed debt * . In past age and * even today * new taxes * cause ruin * and nations * and kingdoms * fail within * . And nations * and kingdoms * an a federal office * spending made * all national * flock poor * and in hated debt * . Soon a time * heavy debts * cause ruin * about earth * . Flock poor * blame the elect * flock leaders * new taxes * cause ruin * . In past age and * even today * many noted * nations and * kingdoms and * flock leaders * fail within * part because * corrupt * flock leaders * , part because * money greed * , part because * a high tax or * new taxes * , part because * spending made * became great debt * , part because * war taxes * and more help * fail within * many noted * nations and * kingdoms and * new taxes * cause ruin *.
- Much mankind * bear much pain * within is * beyond bearable * and for many * humanity * and animals made * suffer here * dreadful pain * about earth * . God of Israel * pity mine * formed flesh * because pain an * much mankind * hunger death * . God of Israel * as the Father * pities the * mortal life * on earth ark * . Much mankind * endure hidden * pain now and * hunger death * . Much mankind * suffer here * in past age and * even today * and commits * suicide and died * . In past age and * even today * Catholic decree * the suicidal * and commits * suicide and died * did a great sin * . LORD ELohim * decree Catholic * decree against * human love * and hear ye Him * the suicidal * and commits * suicide and died * DO NOT A SIN * . Again remember * Catholic decree * a strange lie * that ELohim * is evil to * . I AM HE saying * the suicidal * and commits * suicide and died * DID NOT A SIN * all long ago an * in past age and * even today * .
( 9 : 88 ) NOTES : Most people know someone if not themselves who are
suffering greatly with pain and other kinds of suffering . People suffering
for many reasons is one reason that LORD ELohim regrets creating mortal
life . The LORD tried mortal life that felt no pain and that did not work
out either . Pain is like a warning signal that something is wrong with the
body and without that all those without feelings got into a lot of
different troubles and many caused death . Some people who are not
suffering like others are suffering believe committing suicide is wrong and
is called a sin by LORD ELohim . The LORD says this belief is without love
and caring about those people who are suffering and is a wrong belief about
the LORD to .
LORD ELohim does not want people or even animals to suffer
and when people are suffering and they want to end their life the LORD has
no problem with that . As the Little Book says : the LORD has great pity
for any of His children suffering and if they chose suicide to end their
suffering the LORD is OK with that and He says suicide is not a sin as long
as no one else is physically hurt or killed by the way a person commits
suicide . LORD ELohim says if your are not loving , kind , good and caring
toward other people and even animals you are not being obedient to His ways
. The LORD does not want any flesh to suffer when there is no hope for life
without suffering . The LORD loves His children and understands when they
cannot stand their suffering any longer .
( 9 : 89 ) NOTES : This is a interesting note about creation . The LORD created animals and others who were only grass and herb and fruit eaters and so on first . The problem was when they broke a leg or something else is painfully wrong with them that animal would suffer greatly for a long time . So LORD ELohim created meat eaters so when a grass eater and others got badly hurt or to old to walk or fly or swim the meat eaters would quickly end their suffering . The LORD's creation of meat eaters was long before the dinosaurs and long before T Rex . The suffering of animals and other species was greatly shortened in time . The meat eaters had and have even today a lot to do with controlling disease among the non-meat eaters to . Species of plants and animals and much more over the billions of years changed in some form by LORD ELohim . LORD ELohim did that a lot so species were able to survive environmental changes . Then LORD ELohim created evolution so species can change in minor ways without Him doing that so species could better survive changes .
( 9 : 90 ) NOTES : People are blaming climate change for all most everything these days . Before there were forty storey hotels on ocean front property there were known hurricanes there off and on for millions of years but people still blame global warming for them . Any kind of stormy weather these days people blame carbon in the air for it even though that area is known for such weather since man walked that area . LORD ELohim says He has seen worse on earth deeper into the Interglacial warming periods . The reason we were tested shortly after the Ice Age climax ice sheet began melting is because it will probably get even warmer . Remember the Grays and Anunnaki were both tested when the Ice Age climax was still happening and the earth was colder . This earth is not perfect for mortal life but this earth was the best the LORD could find to try out mortal life .
( 9 : 91 ) NOTES : It is likely to find evidence of bacteria on Mars and even the moon . The Grays and Anunnaki both spent time on Mars and on the moon in past ages an long ago . The bacteria and even viruses came there with them .
( 9 : 92 ) NOTES : Is there parallel universes , worm holes , star gates and stuff like these ? LORD ELohim says neither He or other Spirits have ever found such things in space or near planets . If you travel near the speed of light does it stop your aging and does time slow down ? LORD ELohim says that both are silly beliefs and the answer is No . I asked the LORD if space is infinite is it possible that there are galaxies or even many billions of galaxies that we cannot see or hear on machines and He said that is very likely . Could there be many other universes like ours and the LORD said that what happened in this area of space could happen anywhere in space if space is infinite . Remember the LORD did not create all galaxies in our universe but like ours it would take trillions x trillions of Big Bangs to create another universe like ours but the chemistry is there in space for that to happen anywhere . I talked to Spirit and they said it happened a few times that where they were playing in space all of a sudden a big boom happened . The Big Bangs did not hurt them but like the LORD said these can happen anywhere in space without Him causing them .
( 9 : 93 ) NOTES : Why is there not a lot of evidence of the Grays and
Anunnaki living on this earth . The LORD ELohim created the Grays about
90,000 years ago and the Anunnaki long after the Grays failed their trial .
Remember there was an Ice Age climax happening at that time for both Grays
and Anunnaki . That Ice Age climax started 115,000 years ago and the
warming period did not start to melt back the massive Ice Sheet that
covered most of the earths northern hemisphere until 25,000 years ago . The
global climate change as people call it today began around 25,000 years ago
. So the earth before global warming started was a colder earth then now .
During the climax the Ice Sheet cover 27 % of the earth and the Ice Sheet
was up to 10,000 feet in depth . So if you are looking for evidence of the
Grays and Anunnaki being on earth don't bother looking where Canada ,
Northern United States , Europe , Asia and Russia is today .
These places
were under thousands of feet of ice when the Grays and Anunnaki lived here
. Also the ocean levels dropped 300 feet during the Ice Age because it's
water was becoming part of the massive Ice Sheet so if your looking for the
Grays and Anunnaki ocean front property you will need to look far off shore
under a lot of ocean water . Both were mostly stone builders except when
they were building space ships . Some pieces or stone structures have been
found offshore because these were built when the land there on was above
ocean water level . If something ancient is built of stone even on dry land
today and hard to imagine how ancient humans built it : it's probably Grays
or Anunnaki who built them long long ago .
- In past ages * mankind gods * were often * all a Anunnaki * . God of Israel * JHVH reveal * Mine Gray and * Anunnaki a E.T. * not a God to * . Remember again * life before man * Mine Gray and * Anunnaki a E.T. * of free will * all existed * on earth ark * . LORD ELohim * EL Roi speak * I created them * on earth ark * in past ages * an all long ago * .
( 9 : 94 ) NOTES : Again the Anunnaki were a problem for the LORD at the time of Noah . The Anunnaki were thought to be gods by a few civilizations even before Noah . There is a lot of carvings in stone showing how the Anunnaki looked . The Anunnaki were giants with long curly hair and beards and very muscular . The LORD knows the Grays are still near earth but where the Anunnaki are today this the LORD does not know and He has not seen them on or near earth in a long time . The Anunnaki like the Grays had a lot of space ships and far more advanced then mankind's today .
- Men of science * forgot Ice Age * or speak lie * about earth * all warming a * radical climate * and people made * temp changes * on earth ark * . Humanity * hear thy God * LORD ELohim * . I AM HE saying * a quickening * warmth is * normal change * on earth ark * after land Ice Age * .
- Men of science * speak lie or * who talk of * radical climate * about earth * none know * great Ice Age date * in past ages * an all long ago * . Climate hoax * it allows * new taxes * about earth * nations and * for money * .
- Men of science * small temp * change common * on earth ark * alike season * change common * about earth * . Ofter great * change common * on earth ark * . Corrupt * men of science * hear thy God * LORD ELohim * tell you a * radical climate * be ordinary * about earth * . Radical climate * happen again and * happens again * . Great deep Ice Age * often and again * on earth ark * in past ages * an all long ago * . Even today * change common * on earth ark * . Small Ice Age are * common change * about earth * . Climate at hand * all warming a * common change * about earth * . Hear thy God * men of science * who lie for * money greed * . Even today * radical climate * be ordinary * on earth ark * . Remember again * after Ice Age land * warming heal * buried earth * under ice again * . Men of science * remember again * God of Israel * EL Roi speak * think not * beyond logic * . Buried earth * under ice again * need warmth * to end Ice Age made * .
- God of Israel * EL Roi speak * men of science * you learn * about earth * carbon science * and all trees * an the plant * and all need for * changeable carbon * for any life * on earth ark * For any life * about earth * all do need for * your life * oxygen of * changeable carbon * and all trees * an the plant * clean CO two * within air * on earth ark * .
( 9 : 95 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim has seen many Ice Age climaxes with massive Ice Sheet on earth . The Ice Age climaxes and then the Interglacial warmings periods between them the LORD has seen many times both small and great . In a science book it says ' Solid evidence for greenhouse warming has not yet been found . Natural fluctuations in local climate , and even the world climate , is common ' . That is what LORD ELohim has said many times in the Little Book over many years . This Interglacial warming is completely natural after a Ice Age climax . If we did not get natural Interglacial warming periods this earth would be covered with a massive Ice Sheet still today and it would be a much colder earth everywhere else .
- This could * happen before * this age ends * . Soon at hand * global plague * for world * with man made * germs used * to cull man * an ye woman * about earth * .
( 9 : 96 ) NOTES : The word ' cull ' means something picked out as being inferior or worthless . Remember LORD ELohim cannot predict what will happen . The LORD is not able to see the future and know exactly what will happen . At best the LORD can guess what may happen because of not only our history and what we did but the history of the Grays and Anunnaki and what they did also . Germ warfare as it's called is nothing new even for mankind . Will this happen soon or has it happened recently ? The LORD does not know but He is warning people that this could happen .
( 9 : 97 ) NOTES : The LORD ELohim has always been concerned with people becoming wicked and evil like the Grays and Anunnaki were . Even if Adam and Eve never eaten from the forbidden tree mankind would still have become as they were in the past and as we are now . That was a test for Adam and Eve and ever since them God has tested us often . Like them we to have failed but since them mankind has failed many times in many ways . The LORD never tried to guide the Grays and Anunnaki during their trial time but He thought if He tried to guide mankind maybe we would become and remain loving and kind and good and obedient to Him and His Laws . That did work well with a lot of Jews of the faith of Judaism over the years but not so much for the rest of humanity . Bottom line is we failed a lot of times .
( 9 : 98 ) NOTES : I asked LORD ELohim if races like the Chinese are offspring of Adam and Eve and He said no they were not . At the time of Adam and Eve there were many human races in the world . Remember Cain the son of Adam and Eve married one of them and built a city for them . Adam and Eve were black skinned people like Abraham and Sarah and the Chinese then were much like today . The LORD made Isaac an albino and the first white skinned human on earth . The Chinese and many other races today were not Adam and Eve's offspring but they are as human as anyone who is offspring of Adam and Eve . The Chinese and others are children of the LORD ELohim like all other people . Moses said that the LORD created Adam and Eve . That's not exactly what happened . LORD ELohim chose Adam and Eve out of all the humans races on earth at that time to be the first to be called mankind and humanity . Those who are not offspring of Adam and Eve like the Chinese and many other races the LORD does not love them any less then the offspring of Adam and Eve . All humanity and all the races of humanity were created by LORD ELohim and all humanity are His children equally .
- Japan fearful * and nations * as radiation * make desolate * sea waters * . Time cometh * Pacific Ocean bare * mortal life * .
- Mine Grays * practice here * . On Earth make * a crop design * . Pattern did * give shapes * in crop field * .
- Sinner men * an ye woman * sex slaved * My children * . Filthy male * raping them * much disgrace * humanity * . God of Israel * again watches * humanity * grow evil * . Flesh sins * hath increase * about earth * .
- People behind * bombings ye * like killing * My children * . LORD ELohim * Who is called * God of Israel * again watches * humanity * grow evil * about earth * .
- LORD ELohim * again watches * men of science * . YHWH judge * men of science * who did evil * all this day * and in past age * . God of Israel * noted many * men of science * who today * did tell lies * for money * . Behold today * the fierce bomb * does anger I AM * God of Israel * . A time soon * probably as * nuclear hell * ends this age * and ends flesh * mortal life * about earth * .
- Robbers hacked * computer * for money * hacking into * computer * an a federal office * computer * cause woes * .
( 9 : 99 ) NOTES : Are there ghosts created by mortal life . The LORD and all Spirits have never seen ghosts and if ghosts of people exists then every animal in the world including dinosaurs would have a ghost also . The LORD says there is nothing in the make up of mortal life bodies that He knows of that could create a ghost . LORD ELohim knows the Souls do not create ghosts because no Soul has ever been changed as a Spirit after being in humans . Ghosts cannot be made of Spirit because the only Spirit within flesh are the Souls . So are there really any ghosts ? The LORD says that is very unlikely .
- Due on earth * a deadly bacteria * and most all * humanity * like past die * .
( 9 : 100 ) NOTES : People often blame Satan for the evil that's going on about earth . The LORD gave people free will that gave us freedom of choice regarding right and wrong , good and bad , love or hate and so on . Blaming Satan who's real name is David for all our problems is never going to fix all the problems we have created for ourselves and all the evil happening today . The LORD again says think not beyond logic . If Satan is allowed by LORD ELohim to cause mankind to do evil then how can the LORD judge us regarding what we do that is evil . Even LORD ELohim says He would not have been able to judge us if any Spirit made us be evil . The LORD says Spirits have never been allowed to make people do anything bad or evil . God has problems communicating with mankind so how could any other Spirits do better in causing us to do anything . The LORD says David ( Satan ) has never made any person do evil . It's not something that the LORD would allow and David is a loving and good Spirit like all Spirits . The LORD can judge us because the choices we make in life is our choice alone unless another human makes you do evil . This man made hell today was made by many generations in the past and us today . The LORD and Spirits had nothing to do with that .
( K ) -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- In past ages * an all long ago * LORD ELohim * became the LORD * God of Israel * . In past ages * an all long ago * Jews of the * Israel flock * partners * LORD ELohim * . Holy Rabbi and * many a Jews * sailed early * . Their great * ships landed * at ancient Canada * Hebrew lands * . Holy Rabbis * ship moved * to Canada from * then Israel * early lands * . Ship moved * of the Jews * much ancient * sacred Hebrew * treasured * elect items * of the Jews * to Canada from * Middle East and * then Israel * . Their great * ship moved * treasured * objects like * a pristine * gold an emerald * third altar * . All Oak Island * of the Jews * . All Oak Island * their man made * Hebrew land and * holds many * treasured * objects like * perfect gold * of the Jews * . Remember again * offshores * at ancient Canada * Israel flock * of the Jews * alone built * a great island * . Inside man made * Oak Island all * treasured * elect Items * an much more * of the Jews * in past age and * even today * .
- Remember again * all Oak Island * a man made island * by Jew hands * an all long ago * . All Oak Island * reward gift * from EL Roi * LORD ELohim * an for Jews * on Last Day * . Behold today * is Sabbath Day * on Last Day * . Even today * Jews of the * Israel flock * own island * . All Oak Island * Hebrew lands * of the Jews *.
- God of Israel * Sefirot and * map lines go * to reach Mine * elect items * for a Temple * an much more * . LORD ELohim * teach the key * to unlock * all Oak Island * a Holy land and * of the Jews * in past age and * even today * .
- Again remember * Templar God * LORD ELohim * God of Israel * . LORD ELohim * made Knights * for Himself * . Templars be * Israel flock * partners * . All Templar a * LORD ELohim * partners * in past ages * an all long ago * . Their great * ships landed * at ancient Canada * . They knew * far Oak Island * . They knew * island form * . Holy Rabbis * Jews did teach * all Templar a * partner and * they did come * at ancient Canada * . Templars be * I AM Knights * .
- Lagina give ear * and believe again * great dreams * and about the * treasured * gold an emerald * an much more * now buried * . One boulder * sandstone * seal Beauty * . Third Altar * called Beauty * for a Temple * . Third Altar * down beneath * Island # six * . Island # six * is Tiferet * called Beauty * . Move this * sandstone * one boulder * . Dig below log * ceiling door * . Dig in to find * third Altar * called Beauty * . YAH rock map * made on island * like cross * and Sefirot * . Image on rock * the whole face * of engraver * . Engraver as a * Holy Rabbi and * then helper * of YHWH God * . God of Israel * create island * . The Jews of * Israel flock * an all long ago * help Yahweh * form island * . I AM HE saying * Lagina give ear * . Try for I * God of Israel * island # six * . Island # six * is Tiferet * called Beauty * . Again remember * third Altar * called Beauty * . LORD ELohim * wrote map * and Sefirot * like cross * . Again remember * Templars be * LORD ELohim * partners * and partner * of the Jews * Israel flock * an all long ago * and in past age * . Templar God * LORD ELohim * .
- All Oak Island * a Holy land and * Hebrew land and * of the Jews *. An rock sign * made on island * layed out be a * rock map so * use I AM HE map * the clue called * Sefirot and * dig in to find * third Altar * an much more * . Use His map * an begin where * Tiferet is * . Again remember * Tiferet is * island # six * Sefirah pit * called Beauty * . Third Altar * is also His * called Beauty * . Third Altar * an much more * for Jews an * as gifts due * for Jews an * from EL Roi * LORD ELohim * God of Israel * .
- Remember again * Jews of the * Israel flock * create island * an all long ago * . Behold today * all Oak Island * Hebrew land and * of the Jews * and the buried * treasured * elect items * an much more * for Jews an * as gifts due * even today * .
- Roman too * sailed early * great sea to * early America * . God scheme ended * Roman America * . America for Fig * Israel flock * . Early America * in past age and * even today * Hebrew lands * and offshore * all Oak Island * Hebrew land and * of the Jews * like that all * Israel alone * of the Jews * . All Oak Island * Canadian Israel * of the Jews * an for Jews * all long ago an * in past age and * even today * .
( 9 : 101 ) NOTES : After being in Egypt as slaves the Jews built ships for many reasons . The Jews used their ships to take much treasured item across the ocean to ancient Canada and all thousands of years before this land was called Canada . They built an island offshore and hide these items in the island . When the Jews again lost their Middle East land the Templars who were Knights brought together by LORD ELohim helped the Jews to continue to hide items on Oak Island for future Jews . People for over two hundred years have tried to find these items and have so far failed to do that . Six men have died trying . All on Oak Island and all hidden there still belongs to the Hebrew Jews and Israel . The reason why offshore ancient Canada was chosen by the LORD for this is because LORD ELohim's plan was to give the land now called Canada to Hebrew Jews and again that did not work out the way God hoped . Most people in Canada are Hebrew but not Jews . Again all Oak Island and all hidden there still belongs to the Hebrew Jews of Israel to help Jews in Israel and other nations . There is a section in this Little Book only about Oak Island .
( 9 : 102 ) NOTES : Why is Oak Island important to LORD ELohim ? It would
have been a lot more important had mankind passed the test . What is buried
at Oak Island Canada by early Jews and Templars are gifts from LORD ELohim
for the Jews of today who never quite believing in LORD ELohim as their one
and only God . It's many gifts to the Jews is when they got their land of
Israel back at this future time . At the time ancient Jews built Oak Island
they were being persecuted by a cruel pagan world and LORD ELohim knew then
that life would probably not get any better for His chosen people in the
future and He was right . That is the main reason why Oak Island is
important to LORD ELohim . Another reason is that finding objects which
obviously belongs to the Jews and is written about in the LORD's Little
Book proves LORD ELohim does exist and is our God and Father . That would
also prove that LORD ELohim authored the Little Book .
Again all that is
buried at Oak Island is the LORD's thank you gifts to the Jews His chosen
people at this future time . The LORD does not want a Temple built in
Israel for Him at this end time but many elderly Holocaust survivors living
out side of Israel live in poverty and need help . Some Jews want to go
home to Israel and need help for that . Helping Jews who are being
persecuted in nations out side of Israel need help and so on . Again what
is beneath Oak Island belongs to the Hebrew Jews . The value of the gifts
if found the LORD wants 24 Rabbis to use it to help Jews who truly need
help in this pagan world . The reason we say " if found " is because the
Lagina's seem to be stuck looking for a old decoy pit called the Money Pit
that the early Jews or Templars made on the island to interest any thieves
. The island has many decoy pits and many treasure pits also .
- Templar God * is their I AM * . I AM HE eternal * God of Israel * LORD ELohim *. God of Israel * made Knights * for Himself * . In bloodline * Templars be * a offspring * of the Jews * Israel flock * . Templars be * Hebrew too * . All Templar a * I AM HE friend and * helped Hebrew * Israel flock * of the Jews * in past ages * an all long ago * . Templars be * Holy Rabbis * partners * in past ages *. Holy Rabbis * in past ages * gave them heap * treasured * elect items * to hide away * an for Jews * for end day and * on Last Day * . Remember again * in past ages * Holy Rabbis * partners * be Templar and * they knew * all Oak Island * in past ages * . An all long ago * . Israel flock * alone built * all Oak Island * . Behold today * all Oak Island * is Israels * an for Jews * . All Oak Island * treasured * elect items * an much more * is Israels * of the Jews * an for Jews * on last day * . Remember again * Templars be * Holy Rabbis * and also much * Israel flock * partners * in past ages * an all long ago * . Again remember * Templars be * LORD ELohim * partners * in past ages * an for Jews * about earth * even today * .
( L ) -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- On earth ark * ...... * happen again and * happens again * in past ages * and most all * as future * happens again * an all as before * . - - As future * again super * volcano began * the long ice age * . Earth all cold * . Famine kills * . - - In past ages * a pole shift * causes woe * . - - Remember again * all ET's war * in past ages * an all long ago * and a global war * about earth * as future * for world * humanity * . Nuclear hell * even repeat * about earth * . - - In past ages * evil grow * about earth * . ET's alike a man * an ye woman * a DNA creature * . LORD ELohim * maketh many * flesh E.T. here * on earth ark * before any as * humanity * . Humanity * like E.T.'s peace * was seldom * . All ET's war * about earth * . People war * and hate maketh * fearful war * is again and again * on earth ark * . Time cometh * as future * nuclear hell * . God of Israel * I AM HE predict * for world * a void again by a * nuclear hell * . - - Solar chaos * causes woe * in past ages * because of heat * but also of * because of cold * . - - In past ages * the long ice age * about earth * created glacier * often and again * . As future * time cometh * earth all cold * is again and again * . For any life * about earth * because of cold * famines kill * . - - Sun fires * X flare path * toward ark * occur before * in past ages * often and again *. As future * this time be a * doomsday if * X flare path * kindled earth * technologic * electric here * and most all * electric here * all quit and * changed people * . Angry chaos * made peoples * soon evil * . Many fleeing * cities chaos * . People war * for stuff * . Famine kills * . - - ET's time as * a flesh trial * grow evil * . I AM HE forsake * mine Gray and * Anunnaki a ET * . In past ages * abundance chaos * . Behold today * humanity * a flesh trial * grow evil * . Pagan world * forsake I AM HE * is again and again * . Soon a time * I AM HE forsake * humanity * because of cold * human love * on earth ark * . - - In past ages * warming heal * land after ice age * . Behold today * warming heal * about earth * land after ice age * on earth ark * . Sea ice melts * often and again * . As future * sea ice melts * on last day * . In past ages * ice age sea level * lowers and * became more land * upon much * of My earth * . Behold today * sea ice melts * began flooding * about earth * . - - Climate at hand * happen again and * happens again * on earth ark * . Warmth is * long climate * after heavy * Ice Age desolate * blue earth and * mortal life * . Warming heal * blue earth and * mortal life * often and again * . - - Small Ice Age are * common change * on earth ark . - - Radical climate * happen again and * happens again * about earth . - - Big Bangs too * happen again and * happens again * . God of Israel * noted many * Big Bangs among * the galaxies * . - - As future * repeat chaos * in past ages * for world * humanity * and animals made * on earth ark * . - - Behold recent * climate at hand * in past ages * an long ago * happen again and * happens again * . In past ages * an all long ago * a climate then * cause woes * . Even recent * climate at hand * cause woes * for world * humanity * and animals made * on earth ark * . LORD ELohim * pity mine * mortal life * on earth ark * in past age and * even today * because of cold * and also much * because of heat * often and again * . - - Global plague * happen again and * happens again * in past age and * even today * an all long ago * about earth * . Global plague * due on earth * . Behold today * global plague * named as a Covid * causes woe * on earth ark * . Even today * global plague * causes woe * on earth ark * . In past age and * even today * Humanity * fear plagues * about earth * . Many have died * about earth * . Behold recent * changeable Covid * causes woe * . - - Big Bangs yet * happen again and * happens again * . After Big Bangs * the galaxies * too formed * . The galaxies * are so many * since Big Bangs * are so many * . - - In past age and * even today * new taxes * happen again and * happens again * . In past ages * reason for * many failed as a * often great * nations and * by states * and kingdoms * because of so * many noted * new taxes * .
( 9 : 103 ) NOTES : There are a lot of things that happened over and over again in the far past and even today and will also happen in the future on earth like earthquakes , volcanoes , tsunamis , hurricanes , thunderstorms , snowstorms , cyclones , flooding , hail , forest fires , droughts , famines , extreme heat , extreme cold , solar X flares , temperature changes , seasons , sand storms , asteroid hits , lower ocean water , higher ocean water , Ice Age climaxes , Interglacial warming periods , massive growing Ice Sheets , melting of the massive Ice Sheets , people complaining about the weather , wars , terrorism , plagues , and on and on . When people say they are able to see the future or even in the Bible as prophecies and they use any of the above : those are really cheap prophecies because these happened over and over again and most likely will continue to happen over and over again in the future .
( 9 : 104 ) NOTES : ET means Early Trials for DNA creatures who have free will . The LORD ELohim created the mortal Grays first and when they failed their trial He created the mortal Anunnaki and when they failed their trial mortal Humanity who LORD ELohim had created also was given earth and we failed our trial to . All Grays , Anunnaki and Humanity were all created on this earth . There is no mortal life on earth in the past and now that came from other planets . This earth is the only planet in the universe with mortal life living on it and it will be the last with mortal life living on it . Giving mortal life free will was a trial and that He will never do again . Even animals had their problems with mother earth and life itself but most all not nearly as much as mortals with free will did and do . Our trial and the Grays and Anunnakis trials proved to LORD ELohim that mortal life and free will does not mix well together at all .
( 9 : 105 ) NOTES : We are going to finish writing about the blood line of Y'shua mentioned in Matthew 1 : 1 - 17 and in Luke 3 : 23 - 34 in both the CB's : the KJV and the NIV . In the book of Luke we are only going to write from Abraham to Y'shua . The book of Luke lists the blood line back to Adam but we are just going back to Abraham in verse 34 . Both the KJV and the NIV are simular except how many of the names are written : like in the KJV the name Roboam is written and in the NIV Rehoboam . In fact 24 names are written differently in the KJV compared to the NIV in Matthew and 23 in Luke . The need to know : LORD ELohim says one generation = 40 years . In 1800 BCE Abraham was alive . According to a book about Jews Abraham and Sarah begin the journey to Judaism in 1800 BCE .
Y'shua's father is Joseph in the book of Matthew and in the book of Luke . But then the errors begin like in the book of Matthew it says the father of Joseph is Jacob the son of Matthan and in the book of Luke the father of Joseph is Heli the son of Matthat . The father of Joseph cannot be both Jacob and Heli .
In the book of Matthew in both CB's there are 41 generations from Abraham to Y'shua which means 41 x 40 = 1640 years . In the book of Luke in both CB's there are 56 generations from Abraham to Y'shua which means 56 x 40 = 2240 years . 56 - 41 = 15 generations difference between Matthew and Luke . That would mean 15 generations x 40 years for each generation = 600 years difference between Matthew and Luke .
In the book of Matthew it says in Matthew 1 : 17 that there are 42 generations from Abraham to Y'shua . We have counted this a few times and all we could find was 41 generations including both Abraham and Y'shua . Again in Luke there are 56 generation from Abraham to Y'shua including both of them . In Luke it says the son of David the King is Nathan . In the book of Matthew it says David's son is Solomon . We are sure the Jews would say the son of David was Solomon and not Nathan . There are a lot of names in Luke that are not in Matthew . Again there is a difference of 15 generations and 600 years .
A Jewish book says that Abraham was alive in 1800 BCE . Matthew says there were 42 generations but we could only find 41 generations listed from Abraham and Y'shua which would make 41 x 40 = 1640 BCE . Luke says there were 56 generations which would make 56 x 40 = 2240 BCE . Neither one of these are close to 1800 BCE when Abraham was alive .
In the KJV it says in Matthew 1 : 1 - 17 is the generations of Y'shua . In the KJV in Luke 3 : and above verse 21 it says ' The Baptism of Jesus and the Genealogy of Mary ' . In the NIV it says in Matthew 1 above verse 1 ' The Genealogy of Jesus the Messiah ' . In the NIV in Luke 3 : above verse 21 it says ' The Baptism and Genealogy of Jesus ' . So the question is which is right in Luke ? Are the verses about the genealogy of Y'shua ( Jesus ) or Miriam ( Mary ) ? Lets try for it being Miriam . Luke says there are 56 generations from Abraham to Y'shua . Using Matthew for the bloodline of Y'shua it says 41 generation from Abraham to Y'shua . 41 X 40 = 1640 and for the bloodline of Miriam in Luke it says there were 56 generations so 56 x 40 = 2240 . Miriam the mother of Y'shua lived at the time of Y'shua . 2240 - 1640 = 600 . So this would mean that Miriam lived 600 years after Y'shua lived . That is a full 15 generation difference . And if Luke's genealogy is not regarding Miriam but regarding Y'shua that would mean that what is written in Matthew : 41 generations and in Luke 56 generations is in error by 600 years and 15 full generations or my math is wrong .
Again it is the KJV that says in Luke it is the genealogy of Mariam but if you read Luke 3 : 21 - 23 there is no mention of Mariam . There is only mention of this genealogy being about Y'shua .
This is getting confusing . These lists are of the generations one after another and on and on . If Luke is the generation of Miriam and Miriam's name goes in place of Y'shua then Joseph would be the father of Miriam and in Matthew the father of Y'shua to or something like that and that would make Miriam and Y'shua brother and sister and not mother and son or something like that . The CB in Matthew says Y'shua's father is Joseph and the book of Luke in the verses says Joseph is the father of Y'shua . Why does the caption above the verses in KJV say the genealogy is that of Mariam : who knows ? But again in Luke it is still 600 years out of date . Either Y'shua or Miriam should not be born for another 600 years when comparing Matthew to Luke .
Abraham was alive in 1800 BCE . 1800 divided by 40 = 45 generations to the time of Y'shua . Not 41 and not 56 generations . In Luke where did all these names come from and why are they not in Matthew . There are 15 more names in Luke then in Matthew . Did someone who was writing the KJV notice the problem and try to get rid of the problem by saying in Luke it is Miriam's genealogy and not Y'shua's . That did not work out very well if you do the math .
In the KJV and the NIV in Matthew between the two Bibles there are 24 names written differently . Like Booz in the KJV and is written Boaz in the NIV . Others are Esrom written Hezron , Abia written Abijah , Ozias written Uzziah , Ezekias written Hezekiah , and so on . In Luke there are 23 names written differently . In the KJV the name is Melchi and in the NIV it's Melki , Jose is written Joshua , Joseph is written Josek , Phares is written Perez , and so on . The LORD says some of the names in both Matthew and Luke are not even Jewish Hebrew names .
( 9 : 106 ) NOTES : The LORD was at a Christian church today and there were many Christian preachers talking about the Little Book . There are a few things they do not believe in anymore like hell , an afterlife , going to Heaven after death and even Y'shua being a God and much more . But the bottom line was this : it's where they get their paycheck being a Christian preacher so nothing is going to change .
( 9 : 107 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim is hopeful that His Little Book has given people a new understanding about Him and everything else in His Book . He hopes you will think about what He has written and it gives you peace of mind . If you are upset because there is no afterlife and about other things there is nothing the LORD can do about that . When you are dead you will not be upset anymore .
( 9 : 108 ) NOTES : There is something the LORD wants to say to all religions . He would never try to scare people into believing in Him and for many of the world religions to scare people into believing in their religion is just wrong . It was wrong in the past and it's just as wrong today .
( 9 : 109 ) NOTES : According to a history book the Inquisition in Toulouse
forbids Bible reading by all laymen ( non clergy ) in 1229 A.D. . Why would
the Roman Catholic Church do that unless the writings are being questioned
by the public ? The Papal Inquisition began in 1232 A.D. when Gregory IX
was the pope at that time ( 1227 - 1240 or 1241 ) and it was Gregory IX who
ended the public being able to read the Bible also in 1229 A.D. . The
reason why the Inquisition was to find the heretics who the church believed
were causing the break up of the church . Heretics are people who has a
belief that is different from the accepted beliefs of the Roman Catholic
Church .
That was before the Protestant Churches came about in the early
sixteenth century . If people did not accept what the Roman Catholic Church
charged them of and repent they were commonly burned alive at the stake or
hanged until dead . The Spanish Inquisition which followed was far worse
and the state took all that belonged to the executed heretics . The
Inquisition was used as a weapon against the Jews also . The Roman Catholic
Church and the Spanish monarchy had a lot to gain from that slaughter of
many thousands of people and both were equally guilty of the mass murders
and of other great sins : ' You shall not murder ' and ' You shall not
steal ' and other Commandments they both sinned against . The monarchy at
that time of the Spanish Inquisition was King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella
who gave Columbus money for his voyages . So that was not so long ago in
1492 A.D. . In 1484 - 1491 or 1492 the pope was Innocent VIII . In 1492 -
1503 the pope was Alexander VI .
( 9 : 110 ) NOTES : The Roman Catholic Church has what they call ' Index Librorum Prohibitorum ' . That is a list of books considered harmful to the faith or morals of a Roman Catholic person . The Roman Catholic Church forbids most all of its members to read these books for any reason . The first ' index ' was issued at Rome in 1559 when Pius IV was pope . It would not be surprising if the Little Book has been added to the list .
( 9 : 111 ) NOTES : The LORD wants all people to understand that He is not picking on the Roman Catholic Church alone . It's the Christians of any Christian denominations including all Protestants that error to . The LORD is also speaking to other religions who believe some of the things the Christians believe like hell , an afterlife and so on . It just so happens that what's written in the Christian Bible was put there by the Roman Catholic Church long ago . The Christian Bible had a lot to do with other religions and their beliefs over the years also . When LORD ELohim corrects the Chrisitan Bible He is also correcting many other religions sacred books and personal beliefs also . This is the end time and the LORD ELohim just wants to help people understand what is the truth about Him and many other subjects . The Little Book is the last book from LORD ELohim because there is no need for anymore because it is Judgment Day and we failed our trial .
( 9 : 112 ) NOTES : I asked LORD ELohim if the Christian religion had never
happened would Y'shua have become as well known today as he is because of
Christianity ? LORD ELohim says the Jews were just beginning to understand
that Y'shua was the Lamb of God after Y'shua died . Had the Christian
religion never happened probably most Jews and other people today would
know Y'shua to be the Lamb of God for the sins of most all people but the
Christian religion caused many people to walk away from that path . The
Christians began calling Y'shua Jesus and claiming that Jesus was a God and
the Messiah and the only Son of God and a king and who created everything
and stuff like that so the Jews and other people could not except Y'shua as
being these things so the Jews and other people turned away from these
beliefs .
Over time the fact that Y'shua was the LORD's Lamb of God got
lost along the way . Belief that Y'shua was the Lamb of God for most all
humanity faded out some because of the Christians false teachings .
Christians teachings became that Y'shua died only for their sins and they
alone will be saved for the good eternal life . Had Christianity never
happened the LORD said Y'shua would have been as well known now as he is
and probably better known by mankind . There were enough Jews then and
others who believed Y'shua to be the Lamb sacrificed by LORD ELohim for
most all humanity to support that truth and for that truth to grow in
numbers of believers . That belief and understanding was growing until
Christianity changed everything .
The LORD says He thinks Y'shua would be far better known today had Christianity never happened because being told
you have to believe in three Gods and that Y'shua was one of those three ,
that Y'shua was the Messiah and the only Son of God and stuff like that
made many people turn away from believing anything about Y'shua . LORD
ELohim goes to a Synagogue on the Sabbath Day and He says the many Rabbis
there have no problems with believing Y'shua was the Lamb of God and that
the LORD sacrificed him for the sins of the world : for most all humanity .
So if Christianity and all it's pagan false teachings and false writings
had not happened back then ; Y'shua would be remembered for being the
LORD's chosen Lamb of God for most all humanity . Y'shua would have been
remembered by the Jews and by most of all world humanity in the past and
even today .
The LORD was and is so pleased that the Jews and others turned
away from the false teachings of the Christian churches and He is hopeful
that the people of this world will get to know Y'shua the Lamb of God again
and LORD ELohim your one and only Father . Most all means for humanity that
is not like the Hitler types who the LORD ELohim cannot forgive . There has
been a lot of people who were so evil and cruel including a few Catholic
popes that the LORD would never forgive them . In the CB in Matthew 6 : 14
& 15 it says that Y'shua said ' For if you forgive other people when
they sin against you , your heavenly Father will also forgive you . But if
you do not forgive others their sins , your Father will not forgive your
sins ' .
I asked LORD ELohim that if He cannot forgive someone must people
forgive that person and the LORD said " No " . LORD ELohim says He would
not expect the Jews to forgive Hitler and others like him . LORD ELohim
would not expect the Templars to forgive pope Clement V or king Philip IV
who tortured and slaughtered thousands of Templars . The LORD never did
forgive that pope and king so He would not expect the few surviving
Templars and the families of the dead Templars to either or even you . The
popes of the Inquisition the LORD never forgave either for slaughtering
thousands of innocent people . There have been many who have slaughtered
millions or thousands of people and them to the LORD would never forgive .
We all error in life and hurt other people . It's those little errors that
we are better off forgiving then keeping a grudge to bother ourselves with
( 9 : 113 ) NOTES : LORD ELohim in the Little Book has written about most subjects He wanted to write about . We will do one or two more updates but there is not a lot left to write about . The LORD knows there is a lot going on because of His Little Book and for the most part He is happy about what is going on except with the Christians but He did expect what's going on with them would happen . This Little Book is the last Book given to mankind from the LORD and He hopes you understand that His love for mortal life is so great and His pity for mortal life is so great also that He will let mortal life He created on earth die off in the future . The LORD ELohim hopes you and all His mortal children will understand why He will let this happen . Again it out of true love for most of us . When will this happen ? One of the LORD's day equals a thousand years and this is the Last Day which is the Sabbath Day and that began in 2000 AD and this is 2022 AD and the Sabbath Day ends in 3000 AD so this could happen anytime in the next 978 years . ( 3000 - 2022 = 978 ) Only LORD ELohim knows when and He is not saying .