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Welcome to Update #24

Date: September 3 2024

Important Notes

Again , the Little Book may not be for everyone . This Little Book is LORD ELohim's Book , our Father's Book . The LORD is trying to correct many errors and even lies written in the Christian Bibles and in the sacred Books and beliefs of other religions . LORD ELohim is hopeful that you will at least think about what the LORD is teaching mankind .

General Information

LORD ELohim is the name of our God and Father . When we write LORD it means LORD ELohim . The name EL also means LORD ELohim . Jesus is not the true name of the Lamb of God . This man's Jewish name was Y'shua , not Jesus . Women that the Christians renamed Mary , their Jewish name was Miriam and not Mary . We use the true names of people in the Little Book except when we are writing word for word the verses in any Bible . JB means Jewish Bible . CB means Christian Bible . OT means Old Testament . NT means New Testament . (R) means red letter verses that Christians claim to be spoken by Y'shua . (B) means that Y'shua did not speak those verses written in black letters . NIV means a Christian Bible Version called the New International Version . KJV is the Christian Bible called the King James Version . CaBV is the Catholic Bible Version . Verses in Italic font are verses from a Bible . [ ] are enclosed with added information . What we call ' back up verses ' are the claim in the Christian Bible that there is evidence in other verses or in other Bibles that gives proof a verse is true . Often the back up verse is also not true or the verse has been changed in what was written especially in the CB OT . The Old Testament in the Christian Bible should be exactly the same as written in the Jewish Bible but often the Christian Bible Old Testament was changed by the Christians . We use the NIV Bible if it's not noted which CB the verses are from . It's not because the NIV is a better Bible , far from it , it’s because it has bigger written words than the KJV we have .

LORD ELohim Wants You To Know

LORD ELohim goes to gatherings of people who are reading and talking about His Little Book . Some of the Christians said they never liked the God written about in the Christian Bible New Testament but did not talk about these feelings to other Christians . The LORD wants Christians and any other people who feel this way also about the CB Gods , that He never liked the Christian Gods depicted in the CB NT either . The LORD says it's OK to feel that way . Even a lot written about Y'shua by the Roman Catholic Church in the CB NT makes it hard to like him too . The LORD is hopeful that His Little Book has helped these Christians and other people to know the truth about Him and about Y'shua and the truth about many other subjects . LORD ELohim is very happy about what He hears from Christians and other people at these gatherings .

1 : Who Is Your Father?
According to many (R) verses in the CB , Y'shua is said to have said your Father is LORD ELohim like in Matthew what says ' your Father ' or ' your Father in Heaven ' or ' our Father ' in verses : 5: 16 , 5 : 45 , 5 : 48 , 6 : 4 , 6 : 6 , 6 : 8 , 6 : 9 , 6 : 14 , 6 : 15 , 6 ; 18 , 6 : 26 , 6 : 32 , 7 : 11 , 10 : 20 , 10 : 29 23 : 9 . But in John 1 : 1 - 18 In the beginning was the Word , and the Word was with God , and the Word was God . 2 He was with God in the beginning . 3 Through him all things were made ; without him nothing was made that has been made . .... 10 He was in the world , and though the world was made through him , the world did not recognize him . .... 12 Yet to all who did receive him , to those who believed in his name , he gave the right to become children of God - .... 14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us . We have seen his glory , the glory of the one and only Son , who came from the Father , ... According to John our Father would be Y'shua and not LORD ELohim . What to believe ? According to this Y'shua gave the right to be children of God . Were we ever forsaken by our Father LORD ELohim . No . The LORD our Father has always called us His mortal children . Even the most evil of people are still His children , even though He is not proud of them in anyway . In Matthew 23 : 9 (R) And do not call anyone on earth ' father ,' for you have one Father , and he is in heaven . According to this verse claimed to be spoken by Y'shua , LORD ELohim is your Father and not Y'shua . Could it be more plain than this ? According to the Dictionary the Roman Catholic pope is called Holy Father . Since most all Christians believe what is written in the CB NT is true and should be obeyed , especially when its claimed Y'shua is speaking , then why is the Roman Catholic pope called Holy Father and most Catholic clergy are called Father ? According to the LORD , Y'shua never said verse 23 : 9 so why would the Greeks or Roman Catholics add it to their Bible and then call themselves ' Father ' which goes against what they wrote ?

2 : Were The Jewish Prophets Murdered?
All the Jewish Prophets were LORD ELohim's people helping Him communicate with mankind . All these Jewish Prophets had a few Teaching Spirits who would try to teach the Prophets what LORD ELohim asked them to teach the Prophets . The LORD knew His Prophets well and so did the Teaching Spirits . In Matthew 23 : 29 - 32 it says Y'shua said : Woe to you , teachers of the law and Pharisees , you hypocrites ! You build tombs for the prophets and decorate the graves of the righteous . 30 And you say , ' If we had lived in the days of our ancestors , we would not have taken part with them in shedding the blood of the prophets . ' 31 So you testify against yourselves that you are the descendants of those who murdered the prophets . 32 Go ahead , then , and complete what your ancestors started ! LORD ELohim says all this is a lie . The LORD never lost any Prophets because they were murdered by Jews , not even by Pharisees or teachers of the Law . We read a couple of books about Jewish people and the Jewish Prophets and there is no mention of any of the Jewish Prophets being murdered by his own people , just as the LORD said .

3 : Is David ( Satan ) A Liar?
David is the Archangel Spirit who if needed would play the role of Satan who is the creation of peoples imagination , but the LORD has never asked him to do that . David is the Archangel who wants nothing to do with humans and who can blame him for that : not even LORD ELohim . The Spirit people call Satan and other names like the ancient serpent , great dragon , Beelzebub , Devil , Lucifer , tempter , and a liar , was created in the imagination of humans and not by the LORD . Satan became a name used by people to blame someone else for their own wrong doings or the world's wrong doings . The words ' the devil made me do it ' became a common saying . Christians also call Satan : god of this age , ruler of the kingdom of the air , the accuser of our brethren , the Spirit who leads people of the world astray , a deceiver . Truth is David is none of these things : says the LORD . But , only but , if David was a deceiver and a liar who has he been deceiving ??? Who believes in more than ' One God ' and that Satan is the ' god of this age ' ? Who believes a fully mortal man can be a God equal to LORD ELohim ? Who believes that Y'shua is the Messiah ? Who believes that LORD ELohim resurrected Y'shua ? Who believes LORD ELohim has ' only one Son ' and named him Jesus ? Who believes that through Y'shua all things were made and therefore it was Y'shua who created Satan and all Demons , hell , lake of fire , purgatory and limbo the universe and other stuff ? Who believes that hell , lake of fire , purgatory , limbo and even evil Spirits exist ? Who believes the Magi called Y'shua a King ? Who believes the only Son of God incarnated into the flesh of a fully mortal man ? Who believes this about Y'shua : ' He is God ' ? Who believes worshiping Y'shua is the right thing to do ? Who believes the Spirit ' only Son of God ' did you a big favor when it was only the fully mortal Jewish man Y'shua who suffered and truly died and his blood was shed for your sins and iniquities to be forgiven ? Who believes the fully mortal man Y'shua raised the dead , healed the sick , feed thousands with all most nothing , cast out demons ? Who believes their Gods are Righteous and Holy Gods even though they believe these Gods would even cast human new born babies into hell to suffer for all eternity ? Who believes their Gods would make people suffer great agony and extreme pain and severe mental anguish for all eternity just because those people did not believe something that could not be proven to be true and most of these beliefs were far far beyond logical thinking ? And on and on ... ??? Satan was a very very busy boy if it were true it was him who lied and deceived the world . Only it was not David or the Jewish people who deceived the world , it was the religion of Christianity starting with the Roman Catholic Church and Greeks .

4 : Can LORD ELohim Feed And Cloth You?
In Matthew 6 : 25 - 34 Its claim that Y'shua said don't worry about you life , what you will eat or drink ; or about your body , what you will wear . Is not life more than food , and the body more than clothes ? 26 Look at the birds of the air ; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns , and yet your heavenly Father feeds them . Are you not much more valuable than they ? 28 And why do you worry about clothes ? See how the flowers of the field grow . They do not labor or spin . ... and your heavenly Father knows that you need them . 33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness , and all these things will be given to you as well . LORD ELohim cannot feed , cloth or give you water to drink . The LORD during creation created fruit , grains , vegetables , animals , fish , cotton , and on and on for us . In that way He did give us food , water , clothing but He cannot just suddenly put cotton clothes on you or food on your plate and water in your glass . How can anyone use birds and flowers as a comparison of what the LORD has given to them and therefore will give to you . That makes no sense . It's always amazed me how birds and rabbits can survive our winters but the LORD created them differently then He created us humans . Compared to them we humans are very very high maintenance just to keep us alive from day to day , especially people who live in places like the far north or around deserts and so on . The garden of Eden is gone along with the Ice Sheet and our climate and earth has been changing even before then . We humans have to work to put food on the plate and water in our glass and clothes on us because the LORD cannot do that for us . The LORD says Y'shua did not say most all red letter verses in the CB NT . LORD ELohim says Y'shua was a very smart man and certainly smart enough to not compare humans to birds and flowers .

5 : The Gate Story
Matthew 7 : 13 & 14 Enter through the narrow gate . For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction , and many enter through it . 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life , and only a few find it . It would have been nice if the writers of the CB NT could decide if the non-Christians are headed to the fires of hell or destruction so we know what clothes to wear that day for that occasion . The CB is very confusing . There is no road or gate to eternal life but if there were a lot of Roman Catholic popes and other Christians would not get through the small gate .

6 : Did People Really Hear The LORD's Voice?
2 Peter 1 : 16 - 18 For we did not follow cleverly devised stories when we told you about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in power , but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty . 17 He received honor and glory from God the Father when the voice came to him from the Majestic Glory , saying , " This is my Son , whom I love ; with him I am well pleased ." 18 We ourselves heard this voice that came from heaven when we were with him on the sacred mountain . When Y'shua was alive LORD ELohim , God our Father , was not in Heaven and has not been in the old Heaven for billions of years . If a person wanted people to believe a story like this , it would make sense to say : For we did not follow cleverly devised stories .... . If the LORD could be heard like these verses claim , there would be no need for His creation of the Jewish people , Jewish Prophets , or me as His secretary . The LORD has always wanted to be able to talk to people like that but He cannot do that . For some reason mortals cannot hear the voice of the LORD or other Spirits and why that is the LORD does not know . Its been over twenty five years and I have never heard the voice of LORD ELohim or any other Spirits . So these verses are in fact : cleverly devised stories written by someone who is not Peter , Y'shua's Disciple . The Christians had a bad habit of changing names and giving new names to whomever . The LORD does not like the name ' Majestic Glory ' so do not call Him that name either .

7 : The LORD Wants To Remind You
Most all Christians believe that Y'shua never sinned , which is true , but in every Christian book we have the writers say only Y'shua never sinned and everyone else who has ever lived were sinners . LORD ELohim wants to remind Christians that only by not keeping any of the Ten Commandments , for that reason and only that reason do people sin . The rest is wrong doings or iniquities . To say only Y'shua never sinned is very wrong says the LORD . Most all the Jewish people , past and now , were very good at keeping all Ten Commandments . Many many Jews died of old age who never broke even one of the LORD's Ten Commandments during their lifetime . To say only Y'shua never sinned is a Christian lie . Again : many Jews in the past and many Jews living today have also never sinned says the LORD . Not because of the Lamb of God and the LORD's forgiveness of their sins , but because they never broke any of the Ten Commandments . The Ten Commandments created by LORD ELohim are really not very hard to obey . The LORD did not make the Ten Commandments for any selfish reason , but to help mortal people live a better life .

8 : Do You Believe You Have The Holy Spirit?
In John 14 : 25 & 26 .... But the Advocate , the Holy Spirit , whom the Father will send in my name , will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you . If the Holy Spirit existed and only taught what Y'shua truly did say to people : that would be a very short conversation and probably in no need of reminders . Advocate means : to plead in favor of . The Holy Spirit does not exist . No Christian has this Spirit or anyone else . If this Spirit did exist he would have the same problems the LORD and Teaching Spirits have trying to communicate with mortals . If this Spirit did exist , why is it such a big deal that he would have to plead with the LORD about you Christians . Did you break a few Commandments and have some minor wrong doings . Remember : Y'shua was the Lamb of God who truly and willingly did die for your sins and wrong doings if you are a fairly good person . Your sins and wrong doings are forgiven by LORD ELohim already so you do not need an advocate to plead your case before the LORD . The moment Y'shua died , he died for the sins and wrong doings of most all people in the past , back to Moses time for sins and minor wrong doings and back to Adam's time for minor wrong doings . Also all fairly good people when Y'shua lived and also all fairly good people into the future , their sins and wrong doings were forgiven by LORD ELohim already , the moment Y'shua died . Also remember that no Spirit can interfere with peoples free will so the Holy Spirit would have no work to do for you . Again : this Christian Holy Spirit does not exist . All the wicked , cruel and evil people , past , present and future will never be forgiven for anything .

9 : My Mistakes
When we were writing the above we suddenly realized we may have been making a mistake in past writings . We think we wrote in the past that ' most all fairly good people ' are forgiven of their sins and wrong doings . That is wrong because it would mean that for whatever reason not all fairly good people would be forgiven . We should have been writing that ' all fairly good people ' are forgiven by the LORD . Sorry about that mistake .

10 : Who Taught The Prophets?
2 Peter 1 : 20 & 21 Above all , you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet's own interpretation of things . 21 For prophecy never had its origin in the human will , but prophets , though human , spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit . Nothing in this verse is true . The Holy Spirit does not exist . The LORD never made a Spirit that is bigger than this earth and with many millions of separate minds who each speaks to every Christian and Prophets . The LORD is not that cruel to His Spirit children who love to play thousands of games , sing , dance , do live theater plays and on and on . How could a Spirit like the Christian believed Holy Spirit do all that and enjoy his life without arms , legs , feet , hands , torso and his own head ? There is no Holy Spirit . LORD ELohim taught the Teaching Spirits and the Teaching Spirits taught the Prophets as best they could . But not all the Prophets taught is perfect and correct . Some of their writings is of human origin , their own thoughts on many subjects . Jewish Prophets commonly said it is the LORD punishing Israel whenever times got bad , which is not true . LORD ELohim says He has never punished the Jewish people but the pagans did bring about a lot of hard times for His Jews , including the pagan Christians . You Christians who believe in three Gods : you're a pagan , the LORD says so .

11 : Can LORD ELohim Keep You Safe?
2 Peter 2 : 8 - 10 It begin by writing about Lot who was rescued by LORD ELohim through the Men of God . The LORD says that is true but it is not something He can do everyday for every person in great danger . 9 If this is so , then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials and to hold the unrighteous for punishment on the day of judgment . LORD ELohim through the Men of God did save Lot and his family but they were not saved from thousands of soldiers out to make war or to take them to be sold as slaves or other things . The LORD saved Lot and his family from several big asteroids heading for Sodom and Gomorrah . Noah and his family were saved from an ice dam that would soon break though by a massive amount of water behind the ice dam . This was caused by the last Ice Age northern ice sheet melting when the earth had enter into a global warming period many years before Noah , which we are still in today . Noah did gather animals and birds and other creatures but only in his local area and not from every inch of the world . Stuff like being in a war zone , someone knifes you on the bus , you’re hit by a bus , the plane you’re on crashes and so on , there is not a lot the LORD can do for you . There is no Judgment Day in the future . The LORD is not going to punish even the wicked , cruel and most evil people who ever live . How is the LORD suppose to do that ? Most of those people and their many goons are dead now . How is the LORD suppose to punish a corpse ? The LORD has already judged mankind as a species and we greatly failed . 10 This is especially true of those who follow the corrupt desire of the flesh and despise authority . Why is there so much about sex in the CB NT ? The strange words are and despise authority . The Jews were under Roman rule at the time . If the writer was a Jewish man why would he have written that . It was no sin for the Jews to despise the Romans . Even the LORD said He did not like the Romans either . So who is the writer talking about ? Why is the writer so stern about obeying those of authority . Most likely the writer is not a Jewish man . Maybe the Roman Catholic Church wrote it about its wanted authority over all peoples lives . That is very possible .

12 : How Tough Are The Angels?
2 Peter 2 : 10 - 12 ..... Bold and arrogant , they are not afraid to heap abuse on celestial beings ; 11 yet even angels , although they are stronger and more powerful , do not heap abuse on such beings when bringing judgment on them from the Lord . Who wrote this stuff ??? Their imaginations get stranger and stranger . How can some mortal human heap abuse on Angels . No human has ever seen even one Angel . Like the LORD who cannot be seen by mortals , neither can His Spirit children . How can a person abuse an Angel when you don't even know where they are . The LORD goes to gatherings of people who talk about the LORD's Little Book , but those people do not know LORD ELohim and some Angels are there watching and listening . ( To those people at these gatherings : don't let the fact that the LORD may be there bother you : He is really really enjoying all this . ) Angels go through everything and so does the LORD . If you were to throw a pie at an Angel or even the LORD , the pie would go right through them and hit the wall . They would not even get any pie on them . The only way to abuse an Angel and LORD ELohim is with words and the CB NT especially in Revelation did a lot of that . The book of Job in the JB and CB also did that too . The LORD and Angels are not stronger or more powerful than mortal humans , only among themselves . One of the verses say do not heap abuse on such beings when bringing judgment on them from the Lord . No mortal is ever going to bring judgment on any Angels . LORD ELohim has never said that and never will . The LORD has never had problems with His Spirit children . It’s His mortal pagan children who are not Jewish , they have given Him a lot of grief and regret that He created us . The LORD has never regretted creating His Spirit children . 12 But these people blaspheme in matters they do not understand . Look who's writing . How much did he who wrote these verses understand about Angels and LORD ELohim ??

13 : Y'shua Is Not Coming Back
2 Peter 3 : 3 & 4 Above all you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come , scoffing and following their own evil desires . 4 They will say , " Where is this ' coming ' he promised ? .... Just because people ask when will Y'shua return , as the Christians say he promised does not make people out to be evil people . In Revelation 22 : 12 and 20 it says Y'shua said when he was dead 12 " Look , I am coming soon ! ... 20 ... " Yes , I am coming soon ." Remember I asked LORD ELohim what ' soon ' in Spirit Years would mean to Him and He said three years . It been almost two thousand years since Y'shua died . It’s not surprising that many people today are saying ' where is Y'shua ' and that does not make them evil people says the LORD . It’s an honest question to ask . Some people are feeling the word ' soon ' has run out of time and who can blame them for feeling that way . Again the LORD says just because people ask that question ' when is Y'shua coming ' does not make them evil or wrong in anyway . It’s a good question and a honest question that deserves an honest answer .

14 : What Is A Day With The LORD?
In Psalms 90 : 4 For in Your sight a thousand years are like yesterday that has passed , like a watch of the night . The Christians learnt this from Psalms . In the CB NT it’s written in 2 Peter 3 : 8 - 10 But do not forget this one thing , dear friends : With the Lord a day is like a thousand years , and a thousand years are like a day . 9 The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise , as some understand slowness . Instead he is patient with you , not wanting anyone to perish , but everyone to come to repentance . This is true that a thousand years equals one day of the LORD's . The LORD taught this to a Prophet long before this writer lived . On the LORD's calendar , today is Judgment Day and also is the Sabbath Day which began in the human years 2000 C.E. and will last a thousand years as the Sabbath Day . Judgment of mankind is finished and we failed our six thousand year trial . It would make better sense if Y'shua came back in 1000 C.E. to work with mankind and the Christians so to help us mortals to pass our trial . If Y'shua were alive and a Son of God he would have known when Judgment Day was . Y'shua would have known about the Roman Catholic Church involvement in the inquisitions mass murders , the slaughter and wicked treatment of the Jewish people by Christians , the church saying the LORD sends babies to hell and on and on . Y'shua would have known how corrupt Christianity had become to the point that the LORD would not forgive the sins of the Roman Catholic Church and so on . If Y'shua had anything to do with the creation of Christianity one would think he would have wanted to come here to clean up the corruption and wickedness of the Roman Catholic Church before Judgment Day in order to save some Christians . Remember : the LORD did not judge people on what their beliefs are but what their deeds were . Christians were no better off than any other people and religions regarding the LORD's judgment of mankind as a species . That to Y'shua would have known and given him good reason to return to earth well over a thousand years ago . Truth is Y'shua was not an only Son of God , or a God , or resurrected from the dead , or went to Heaven .... These verses the Church wrote are written that way so to keep people hanging by a thread of hope for Y'shua to return ' soon ' . 10 But the day of the Lord will come like a thief . The heavens will disappear with a roar ; the elements will be destroyed by fire , and the earth and everything done in it will be laid bare . And where will all the Christians be if that were to happen . LORD ELohim says He cannot ' rapture ' mortal flesh so Christians and the rest of us would all be in that same boat together . The LORD says He cannot make all the galaxies disappear . He knows how to make galaxies and so does the nature of the universe , but once made the galaxies are like dinosaurs and humans : how can the LORD get rid of them ??

15 : Will The LORD Create A New Heaven And Earth?
2 Peter 3 : 5 - 7 But they deliberately forget that long ago by God's word the heavens came into being and the earth was formed out of water and by water . 6 ... Moses writings in Genesis made it sound so easy , LORD ELohim just speaking ' words '. The LORD only created six galaxies trillions of years ago with a lot of Big Bangs which are still not fully finished forming yet . The rest of the galaxies , they formed on their own with a lot of Big Bangs for each one too . It was the nature of the universe that made all those millions of galaxies . The writer is wrong . It took a lot more than just water to create this earth , that is obvious . 7 By the same word the present heavens and earth are reserved for fire , being kept for the day of judgment and destruction of the ungodly .The LORD says He has never known a godly human . Some Jews came close though . If the destruction of the universe were true : which spaceship are the millions of Christians going to be on , if they become ' godly ' over night . Like Noah and his ship , you don't have long to make your spaceship , this is Judgment Day . But if the whole existing universe is going to be on fire , even so hot to melt elements , you are not going far in the oven you build . Let’s go back to logic and reality . This is the day of judgment . We were judged in the year 2000 C.E. and failed which means the LORD found no godly people , even among Christians , and yet we are all still here , dead or alive , and so is the earth and so are the galaxies and so is Heaven . Remember : LORD ELohim cannot change flesh and bone mortals into Spirits or Spirits into flesh and bone mortals . The LORD cannot ' rapture ' Christians , living or dead , which means to take all those millions of Christian people to Heaven in a single moment , as many believe the LORD will do . Why would the LORD destroy all the galaxies in the universe just to destroy most all of Humanity on earth who are not Christians as Christians believe ? Know this : Christians did not get any better of a judgment than all non-Christians . Remember Revelation 22 : 15 says outside the city will be dogs , murderers and so on , so the so called ungodly people are not going anywhere . Since the LORD cannot change flesh and bone into Spirit , you Christians are not going anywhere either .

16 : Who Would The Savior Be?
2 Peter 2 : 20 Whoever wrote this is writing about people the writer does not approve of and then he writes If they have escaped the corruption of the world by knowing our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and are again entangled in it and are overcome , they are worse off at the end than they were at the beginning . If the LORD ELohim could give people eternal life , who would be our Savior ? Y'shua or LORD ELohim ? Y'shua was a fully mortal Jewish human , not a God , who would not be able to change your mortal body in such a way as to allow your mortal body to live for all eternity . Truth is : neither can LORD ELohim do that . But if the LORD could , He would be our Savior and not the mortal man Y'shua . Y'shua was the Lamb of God and he was not meant in anyway to be anything more than that other than to be a good Rabbi who teaches about the coming forgiveness of the LORD and The Simple Truth . Since no mortal will have eternal life then there is no Savior .

17 : Will The LORD Create A New Earth?
2 Peter 3 : 11 - 13 ... 12 as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming . That day will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire , and the elements will melt in the heat . 13 But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth , where righteousness dwells . We have not read the CB or JB word for word but with the help of a Bible Reference book that is like a Bible Dictionary of words listed and where to find the word in what verses . First : 2 Peter has no red letter verses so none of the verses were spoken by Y'shua . According to the Reference book the word ' elements ' is only in verses in 2 Peter . Therefore Y'shua never said anything about the LORD blowing up the universe . The word ' element ' is only in 2 Peter 3 : 10 and 12 . Who ever wrote these verses says Y'shua promised a new heaven ( universe ) and a new earth . That verse is only in 2 Peter also . Y'shua never promised that either says the LORD . These verses are from someones wild imagination . The LORD knew Peter and these verses do not sound like something Peter would even write says the LORD . These are all lies . Mankind is slowly destroying our only home , planet earth . The LORD is not going to give us another earth to destroy also .

18 : Where Will Non-Christians Go?
Christians believe they alone will have a good eternal life . And the rest of us , where do we go ? The Christian teachings are all over the place about that . The CB says non-Christians will go to hell , lake or fire or will perish or will simply be destroyed and other stuff . The LORD says not to worry . He will never get you out of your grave or wherever your ashes have blown in the wind too . To die is equal for all people and all religions including Christians . Being dead is what is eternal for all mortals . No people will have an eternal life .

19 : Christians Mixing Up Things
We know that Christians have been mixing the prophecy verses up about the Lamb of God and the Messiah . These are two different people : one mortal Jewish person is the Lamb of God who was Y'shua and the other mortal person is the Jewish Messiah who has not come to be yet . Christians have also been mixing up who is the one and only true God and Father of all mortals and Spirits also . The Jews believe LORD ELohim is the only God and Father while Christians claim Y'shua is also a God and all things were created through him . The Jewish people are fully right : LORD ELohim is the one and only God and the Christian belief that Y'shua was a God is just wrong . Y'shua was a fully mortal man and not a God and Y'shua had nothing to do with creation . All that was made , was made by LORD ELohim our God and Father .

20 : Where Did Y'shua's Corpse Go?
Sometimes I have to think out of the written box to get on the right track about stuff and where did Y'shua dead body go to is one of them . The LORD and me talked about this : again I cannot hear Him . When I speak of something and get it right , He will let me know by nodding my head or if it’s wrong my head will shake side to side . According to LORD ELohim , Y'shua body never left the tomb at the time the CB says it went missing . All that about Miriam and others finding the tomb empty is a lie and probably made up by the Roman Catholic Church or some Greeks . Y'shua body was in that tomb until there was nothing left then only bones and then the bones were put into an ossuary , a bone box , and placed underground in the family crypt . Remember the LORD stayed in Jerusalem for months after Y'shua died . LORD ELohim wanted to make sure Y'shua's family would be taken care of and He wanted to know what the Disciples would do . No one made any mention of believing that Y'shua was resurrected . The Disciples continued teaching what Y'shua taught about the LORD's forgiveness of sins and wrong doings and The Simple Truth . Joseph the husband of Miriam , mother of Y'shua , was still alive at that time so Y'shua's family was well cared for . Y'shua's two sons and his wife Miriam were well taken care of by his family and the Disciples . Had Y'shua still been alive , the LORD would have certainly known . LORD ELohim says Y'shua never said in Matthew 12 : 40 For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish , so the Son of Man will be three days and three night in the heart of the earth . The LORD says Jonah lied about being in a fish for three days . In Acts 2 : 24 But God raised him from the dead , freeing him from the agony of death , because it was impossible for death to keep it hold on him . LORD ELohim says Y'shua was never raised from the dead because the LORD cannot do that . What is there about being dead that causes the dead person to suffer in agony as according to this verse ? When you’re dead you know nothing , you feel nothing , and your days of suffering in anyway are over . The LORD asked a Teaching Spirit to try to help me open this box about Y'shua's body and it worked . That does not happen always .

21 : When Was Y'shua Asked To Be The LORD's Lamb?
1 Peter 1 : 19 & 20 says but with the precious blood of Christ , a lamb without blemish or defect . 20 He was chosen before the creation of the world , but was revealed in these last times for your sake . The creation of this world goes back a long way in time , a very long way back in time . Before the earth was formed LORD ELohim had not even thought to play in the dirt to see if He could create life from dirt . Two thousand years ago was not the last times . Now is the last times . A lot of Christians believe their names were written in the Book of Life before the world was formed also . That would be impossible for the LORD to do and there is no books in Heaven including the Book of Life . How could the LORD know millions of Christians before you were even conceived of . LORD ELohim with the help of His little Spirit children , acquired egg and sperm from people to bring about the lives of Isaac , Samson and Y'shua . But the LORD did not know who these three people would come to be during their lives , He could only hope they would be as He hoped for . The LORD does not know a lot of people and He knew none of us before we were conceived of and born . Christians were not chosen by the LORD to be Christians . If you’re a Christian that was your choice : obviously not LORD ELohim's choice and certainly would not be Y'shua's choice if he were alive . The full history of the Roman Catholic Church and a couple of other religions in general have nothing to be proud of . The LORD says Y'shua was about twenty years old when He asked him if he would be the Lamb of God but the Teaching Spirit started teaching Y'shua about that when he was ten years old .

22 : Was Y'shua A Cornerstone In Prophecy?
In 1 Peter 2 : 6 - 8 it says For in Scripture it says : " See , I lay a stone in Zion , a chosen and precious cornerstone , and the one who trusts in him will never be put to shame ." The CB says the back up verse for this is Isaiah 28 : 16 . In the JB this verse in Isaiah says : Assuredly , Thus said the LORD God : " Behold , I will found in Zion , Stone by stone , A tower of precious cornerstones , Exceedingly firm ; He who trusts need not fear . In the JB the Christian back up verse is nothing like what is written in the CB . In the NIV CB in Isaiah 28 : 16 it says So this is what the Sovereign LORD says : " See , I lay a stone in Zion , a tested stone , a precious cornerstone for a sure foundation ; the one who relies on it will never be stricken with panic . The KJV is much the same as the NIV CB in Isaiah . The JB in Isaiah says ' cornerstones ' , meaning more than one cornerstone , a tower of precious cornerstones . Thats a lot of cornerstones . This verse in Isaiah does not back up that verse in the CB in 1 Peter . It does not even come close . The JB is right says the LORD . 1 Peter 2 : 7 Now to you who believe , this stone is precious . But to those who do not believe , " The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone ," If this is about Christianity , Y'shua was not the cornerstone for that pagan religion who have three Gods . The math does not work to say these three Gods only make One God . Y'shua had nothing to do with Christianity . The Greeks and Romans had a lot to do with that . Y'shua lived his mortal life , his only life , as a deeply devoted Jew and he died as a deeply devoted Jew also . In general was Y'shua rejected by other Jewish people . The LORD says that never happened until Y'shua made it happen with one Priest and the wicked Romans . Again : Y'shua was not well known among the Jewish people but those Jews who heard him as a Rabbi teach did like him a lot because his teachings were mostly about helping the Jews and other people . Y'shua is the cornerstone of the Christian faith , but its not because of ' truth ' , but because of all the ' lies ' about him and other lies about other stuff Christians believe to be true also . 8 and , " A stone that causes people to stumble and a rock that makes them fall ." They stumble because they disobey the message which is also what they were destined for . The word ' destined ' means : to designate , assign , or dedicate in advance , to settle in advance , to direct or set apart for a specific purpose or place . LORD ELohim never predetermined any humans lives , not even Y'shua's life . Christians were never predestined by the LORD or Y'shua , to be Christians . The ' stone ' probably means Y'shua . Why does this verse say that Y'shua is a very wicked man who on purpose made people stumble and fall from the LORD's grace and according to Christian beliefs those people were predestined by the LORD or Y'shua to go to hell for all eternity and suffer greatly in agony forever . If Christians believe that Y'shua the fully mortal Jewish man or LORD ELohim would do that , predestine people to suffer , then you do not know either of them at all .

23 : Some Verses In The JB Are About The Lost Tribes
LORD ELohim says He never had a problem with the Jews of Judah or Benjamin or most Jews who were descendants of Levi but He had problems with those who are now called today the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel . A lot of the anger of the Prophets were toward those disobedient ten tribes and not toward the Jews of Judah or Benjamin or the Rabbis and Priests who were offspring of Levi . It's not hard to find the so called Lost Ten Tribes of Israel . They are all white skinned people just like any Jews who were descendants of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob . The LORD made Isaac to be an Albino so all the Jews of Israel would be white skinned . Isaac was the very first white skinned human and the first Hebrew . Abraham and Sarah were black skinned and they were the first to be Jews . If your skin is so called white skin then your ancestors were Jews and most likely if you are not a Jew your ancestors were of those so call Ten Lost Tribes of Israel . Because of your white skin you are also of the Hebrew race today even if you are not Jewish . The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel are now found in many parts of the world today . In many places these Lost Tribes are yet a problem for the LORD just as they were long ago especially in the treatment of their Jewish cousins . Most Christians in the past and still today are white skinned Hebrews and all of them are offspring of the Jews and the ancient faith of Judaism .

24 : Are Christians A Royal Priesthood?
1 Peter 2 : 9 & 10 But you are a chosen people , a royal priesthood , a holy nation , God's special possession , that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light . 10 Once you were not a people , but now you are the people of God ; once you had not received mercy , but now you have received mercy . Again : LORD ELohim never chose any person to become a Christian . From almost the beginning of Christianity the LORD had problems with Christians . Many Jews were murdered by Christians and the Roman Catholic Church because they were teaching the truth which was getting in the way of the churches lies . Why would LORD ELohim in anyway support the Christians . Christians are not a chosen people . Only the Jews are a chosen people and that has never changed and will never change . Christians are not a royal priesthood and Christianity has never made any nation holy , whatever that means . Christians are not the LORD's special possession . Christians are not people of God but are pagans who have three Gods and two of those Gods do not exist : one was a mortal man named Y'shua who is dead and the other their Holy Spirit never did exist . The only God the Christians got right was LORD ELohim , the God of Israel . This is a lie that the LORD only started having compassion for people when the writer of these verses was alive . Even long long before Adam and Eve the LORD had a lot of compassion ( mercy ) for the Hominoids He created , to the point He began regretting He had created us and He still regrets that today .

25 : Don't Blame Other People For The Death Of Y'shua
The fully mortal man Y'shua agreed to be the Lamb of God when the LORD asked him is he would . It took years with the help of a Teaching Spirit for Y'shua to begin understanding what the LORD was asking of him and to understand he could not be resurrected from the dead . Again : Y'shua agreed because he understood what LORD ELohim was trying to do for mankind . The where , when and how was left up to Y'shua . In Acts 2 : 22 & 23 Fellow Israelites , listen to this : Jesus of Nazareth was a man accredited by God to you by miracles , wonders and signs , which God did among you through him , as you yourselves know . These Jews did not know that because LORD ELohim never did miracles , wonders and signs through Y'shua says the LORD . The LORD ELohim can not raise the dead , feed thousands with almost nothing , heal the sick , and on and on , so those miracles never happened . There were no miracles , wonders and signs done through Y'shua by LORD ELohim . Y'shua was the Lamb of God , not a magician . 23 This man was handed over to you by God's deliberate plan and foreknowledge ; and you , with the help of wicked men , put him to death by nailing him to the cross . The LORD did not hand Y'shua over to the Jews . The Jews had nothing to do with all that except for just one Jewish Priest who Y'shua near the end , harshly taunted often . The Romans and Pilate , they had a lot to do with Y'shua's death . Because Y'shua set himself up to be put on that cross the LORD forgave the Priest and the Romans for having anything to do with the death of Y'shua . Who is responsible for Y'shua's sacrificial death ? LORD ELohim and the willing Lamb of God , Y'shua himself .

26 : Did People Really Live Over 600 Years?
In Genesis 5 it list the names of people and how long they lived . It says Adam lived 930 years , Seth lived 912 years , Enosh lived 905 years , Kenan lived 910 years , Mahalalel lived 895 years , Jared lived 962 years , Enoch lived 365 years on earth and so on . In Genesis 5 : 3 when much of mankind became evil and the Hominoid Anunnaki had returned to earth : The LORD said " My breath shall not abide in man forever , since he too is flesh ; let the days allowed him be one hundred and twenty years ." The LORD says He did teach Moses something like this verse . But Noah lived 950 years according to the JB and CB's . Abraham lived 175 years , Sarah lived 127 years . Is this true ? Did people live hundreds of years ? The LORD ELohim says this is not true . Out of all the people listed here the LORD says Noah had the longest life of all of them and Noah's life was a 103 years . In Genesis 5 : 23 & 24 Altogether , Enoch lived a total of 365 years . 24 Enoch walked faithfully with God ; then he was no more , because God took him away . LORD ELohim remembers Enoch and He says Enoch did not walk faithfully with Him and the LORD did not take Enoch away to anywhere . The LORD was not very fond of Enoch because of what Enoch taught people . The make up of our body is exactly the same as all these people . Only a few people in the past and today have made it over a hundred years .

27 : Does The Name ELohim Mean More Than One God?
LORD ELohim has had the name ' ELohim ' for trillions of years and it has never meant more than One God . Commonly Christians claim the LORD's name ELohim means more than One God . The LORD says there is nothing in His name that means more then One God . The LORD says that Christians made up this teaching that ELohim means more than One God to make room for their false gods : Y'shua and their Holy Spirit . There has never been more than One God and One Father of all created and that God is LORD ELohim . The ' EL ' in ELohim means God and the LORD says ' ohim ' in ELohim means nothing , it has never had a meaning . He just liked the way this name sounds . In the JB and CB's in Genesis 1 : 26 the words ' Let us ' and the words ' our image ' means LORD ELohim has a Spirit family in which He is the Father of . Sometimes because the LORD is big compared to everyone else He created as Spirits , He needed little hands to help Him a little bit . All His Spirit children are in His image , ' our image ' also which is why a Christian Holy Spirit , Spirit cannot exist . This verse does not mean He was talking to another God . There is no other Gods : Lord ELohim is the only God and Father to all Spirits and all mortal life . The creation of us Hominoids meaning human types , did not happen over night or with just words . The LORD began work to create ' mammals ' before the dinosaurs died out . The first Hominoids were the Grays , then the Anunnaki , and then us and we are not much different than the Grays and Anunnaki in our form or in our ability to hate and war . The Anunnaki were giants compared to Grays and us people which is why the LORD used the Grays genes to work with to create us Humans . LORD ELohim has had the name ' ELohim ' for trillions of years , long before Christians existed and told the lie that it means more than one God .

28 : Did The LORD Remove Kings And Install Kings?
In Daniel 2 : 21 in the JB it says He changes times and seasons , Removes kings and installs kings ; He gives the wise their wisdom and knowledge to those who know . 22 He reveals deep and hidden things , Knows what is in the darkness , And light dwells with Him . LORD ELohim is not the keeper of times and seasons : the sun and earth do that . The LORD does not removes kings and installs kings because normally He too does not interfere with our free will . Only one time did LORD ELohim remove a king because that king was so wicked , cruel and evil to his people and everyone else . Even with David , the LORD had nothing to do with David becoming King of the Jews . The LORD does try to teach people how to live a better mortal life , like teaching the Ten Commandments and The Simple Truth and much more but He did not force anyone to use His wisdom . The LORD does reveal hidden things like His Little Book and His 666 code and about the fact Oak Island was created by the early Jewish people and the Island and its treasures belongs to todays Jewish people still and that the Knights Templars were His helpers for the Jews and on and on . But the LORD in all of this never made anyone do something if they did not want to , even Y'shua . Again only once did the LORD get rid of a very evil non-Jewish king . The LORD says had He known about Hitler , He would have gotten rid of him and several of his wicked goons also . Not just because of the mass murder of millions of Jews but because many other people called ' unwanted ' were being slaughtered also and for the soldiers fighting against Hitler and his followers . The LORD says the king He got rid of was no better a man than Hitler was , but He did not know about the Holocaust until it was long over .

29 : Did The Jews Rebel Against The LORD?
Isaiah 1 : 4 Woe to the sinful nation , a people whose guilt is great , a brood of evildoers , children given to corruption ! They have forsaken the LORD ; they have spurned the Holy One of Israel and turned their backs on him . The JB in Isaiah 1 : 1 says this verse is about Judah around 875 - 700 B.C.E.. Again , dates are hard to do . The LORD says at that time Judah was not the problem , it was the other tribes who were a problem . The Jews who were a problem were the ones who became the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel . The LORD knew how harsh some Prophets were toward the Jewish people and often tried to correct them , but that did not always work . Most Prophets believed that if dark times came upon Judah and other Jewish tribes it was the fault of the Jews and a punishment from LORD ELohim . The Prophets belief about that were so stuck in their minds and teachings , the LORD and Teaching Spirits could not correct it . Judah was ' never ' a problem for LORD ELohim , says the LORD . LORD ELohim was happy that most of the tribes of Israel left Israel , they were not Jews anymore anyway . But Judah and some other Jews were different and never turned away from LORD ELohim and they kept the faith of Judaism and continued to help LORD ELohim .

30 : Did The LORD Error? Is That Why People Can Be Evil?
The LORD ELohim did not error when creating people , but if He did error it would be giving Hominoids ' free will ' . Animals who survive on instinct , the LORD knows what to expect from them . But those with free will can do the most unexpected things including being extremely wicked , cruel , evil and hateful . The LORD is not to blame . We are all responsible for our actions , not LORD ELohim . We are as able to be loving , being kind , being caring towards other people and even animals as we are able to be wicked , cruel , evil and hateful towards other people and even animals . The LORD giving us free will which allows us to make choices like to love or to hate is our choice to make . Free will is a gift that was not given to other animal species . What we do with that gift is up to each of us . The LORD is not responsible for the choices we make with that gift . Christian writers and preachers commonly say ' all people have sinned ' except for Y'shua . The LORD says that is not true . LORD ELohim has known many Jews who never sinned . They managed to do that , to keep all Ten Commandments , because that is what they chose to do with their free will . If Christians have a problem with the LORD's Law its because they chose to have a problem with them instead of trying to obey them . Since many many Jews can live their lives by respecting the LORD's teachings , there is no reason why everyone else cannot do the same . Free will , freedom to chose .

31 : Did Satan Cause Many of Mankind To Be Evil?
LORD ELohim says " don't blame David " . Many Christians believe that David ( Satan ) is being allowed by LORD ELohim to be ' the god of this age ' , 2 Corinthians 4 : 4 and ' now the prince of this world ' John 12 : 31 until Y'shua returns . John 8 : 44 You belong to your father , the devil , .... for he is a liar and the father of lies . Again : Christians say it is LORD ELohim allowing David to make the world corrupted and for the most part a unlawful world and wicked and evil . LORD ELohim is not letting David to be ' the ruler of the world ' or ' the god of this age ' . The LORD has a rule that all Spirits including David must obey : they are not allowed to interfere with any peoples ' free will ' . Christians putting the blame on David for the evil and wicked ways of some and the corruption that can be noticed almost everywhere is just wrong . Do you really believe the LORD would allow that to happen ? To allow an evil Spirit to rule over peoples lives ? David is not an evil Spirit , but he is a good , kind and loving Spirit who wants nothing to do with mankind . None of LORD ELohim's Spirit children are evil and they also have ' free will ' . They obviously make better choices then we people do . The LORD thought giving Hominoids free will to , that we too would make good choices to . That certainly did not work out well . David and other Spirits have nothing to do with people being wicked , evil and cruel . What people have chosen to be they did all on their own . It’s our free will that allows us to be either good or evil , loving or hateful , kind or cruel . What we chose to be is up to each of us mortals . 2 Corinthians 4 : 4 The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers , so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ . If a Spirit , any Spirit , is the reason why people are unbelievers of Christianity than how can the LORD judge those people and throw them in hell as Christians believe will happen to them . I was a true Atheist , but not because of David , it was because of Christians teaching that their God is a mean , wicked , cruel and evil God and a lot of other crazy teachings not to be believed . My Dad's Christian preacher came to the house once and got on my case about not coming to church and he asked why I had not been in church in a few years and my answer to him " I don't believe in YOUR God . " I later became a Deist , believing in a Creation God because much of what scientists were teaching was just a hard to believe . Deists believe in a God , just not the Christians or the God of any other religions that I knew of . I knew nothing about Judaism at that time , mostly because I did not know the Christian ' Jesus ' was a Jew , that was not taught in the Christian church . It wasn't until the LORD asked me if I would help Him , then I learned Y'shua was a Jewish mortal man . Judaism I very much like but I am not looking for a religion to join . We were reading a magazine that a friend gave to me written by Christians who believe Satan and his Demons are behind most all of everything on earth today like governments and what is taught in school and on and on . David would have no more ability to talk to people or influence people then LORD ELohim has . The LORD says Demons don't exist so how much harm could David really do on his own among 8 billion people ? David is in Heaven and he is not coming out of there . David has never wanted anything to do with mankind and who could blame him for having that attitude regarding humans . We live in a very crazy world . Heaven is not crazy . Why would the LORD allow a evil Spirit to continue to destroy what LORD ELohim has worked so hard to accomplish , teaching people love , kindness , caring and helping us have a much better life with His teachings like the Ten Commandments and The Simple Truth and other teachings ? Many Christians who believe our problems and difficulties and worries caused by Satan is the LORD's way of testing us and as the saying goes ; if it does not kill you it makes you stronger . LORD ELohim our only God and Father knows we only have one life to live , this mortal life . This is why He has always tried to help us have a good life , this life . It makes no sense that the LORD would allow a Spirit to go against everything the LORD has tried so hard to do to help us find joy in our lives , our one and only life . Many Christians believe when Y'shua returns , Satan is bound and thrown into the Abyss and locked away for a thousand years . Revelation 20 . After Y'shua rules for a thousand years then Satan is released ( by LORD ELohim ) from his prison 8 and will go out to deceive the nations in the four corners of the earth - Does this make any sense ? It’s like we are only toys to be played with by a very cruel and wicked God who is also crazy . LORD ELohim says this is such a great lie Christians believe and certainly is not the Word of God and Y'shua never taught this when he was alive . LORD ELohim is not wicked , cruel or crazy . Remember : Y'shua is not returning from the dead and David has better things to do to with his life . Its stuff like this that is the reason David wants nothing to do with us .

32 : Did David Deceive Adam And Eve?
According to most religious writings about Adam and Eve , it’s believed that Satan deceived Eve into eating some fruit from a tree the LORD told them not to eat from . This tree was just a fruit tree . There was nothing about the tree or its fruit that caused Adam or Eve to disobey the LORD's request not to eat from the tree . The LORD was testing both of them . Christian writers often write that only Eve was deceived by the ' serpent ' but Adam was not deceived by the serpent . The LORD says Adam knew Eve got the fruit from that fruit tree . Who was more in the wrong based on the story written about this in the JB and the CB's and other writings ? The LORD says Adam was more in the wrong , not Eve . Eve could be said to have been a ' silly girl ' believing a snake , but Adam knew where the fruit came from and he ate it anyway , so Adam was not deceived , he was just willing to eat it . Was it really a snake who deceived Eve ? The LORD says the snake was just a snake . She lied to LORD ELohim and the Men of God who spoke to these two people . Was the serpent David as the Bibles claim . In Genesis 3 : 15 (JB) I will put enmity Between you and the woman , And between your offspring and hers ; They shall strike at your head , And you shall strike at their heel . " Spirits cannot have offspring and obviously the LORD knew that , so it was not David the LORD was speaking to . The LORD says He never said this verse because He does not talk to snakes . It was just a snake so why would the LORD talk to it like the snake could understand what He was saying . Eve lied and Adam willingly ate the fruit and serpents cannot talk . It was not something in the fruit of that tree that could give them 17 knowledge of good and bad . Not eating of that tree was ' being good ' and obeying the LORD , and eating from it was ' being bad ' and not obeying the LORD . This was a test and they both failed the test . The LORD says He never made Eve from Adams rib . The LORD chose Eve and Adam out of the many people who lived at that time . Adam and Eve were not the first Hominoids created by the LORD . Hominoids have existed for well over a hundred thousand years . Even before the LORD finished creating the Grays about 90,000 years ago . Men of God were like Prophets who helped the LORD communicate with people . There is a lot the LORD never said through the Men of God to Adam and Eve . 17 .... for as soon as you eat of it , you shall die . Hominoids have always been dying like any other mortal species for over a hundred thousand years . The LORD says Adam and Eve were around thirty years old when He picked them out of the many Hominoids and the Men of God took them to the Garden of Eden so both of them did know that mortals all do die and they too will die someday to . The LORD says Adam and Eve did not run around naked , not even in the Garden of Eden . There was no ' tree of life ' in the Garden . The LORD never promised Adam and Eve eternal life either . Adam was in the Garden three days before Eve was brought there . Eve did not 20 ... become the mother of all the living . There were a lot of human mothers back then and human women do not give birth to dogs , cows , goats ..... . Did the LORD really say 22 And the LORD God said , " The man has now become like one of us , knowing good and evil . He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat , and live forever ." LORD ELohim says He and the Men of God never said or taught this verse because there is no tree of life and no mortal can live forever . LORD ELohim has never told that lie about living forever to any mortal human and neither did Y'shua . The LORD says Moses was a good Prophet but he was not perfect . Being a Prophet was not easy : Is this my thoughts or are these quiet thoughts that pop up from nowhere coming from LORD ELohim or just my mind ??? All Prophets had a problem with this to and I do to sometimes to but I'm lucky that I can ask and get an answer from LORD ELohim . Sometimes I don't ask what I should ask , so later I may know something more or in need to correct something but it usually works out in the end .

33 : Is Sin The Cause Of Mortal Death?
Romans 5 : 12 - 15 Therefore , just as sin entered the world through one man , and death through sin , and in this way death came to all people , because all sinned - The one man means Adam . Adam and Eve did not sin , they both disobeyed the LORD , but never sinned . Therefore why did they die if only sinners die ? Sin did not exist before the time of Moses and the LORD through Moses gave mankind the Ten Commandments and then sin existed by not keeping the Law of LORD ELohim , His Ten Commandments . 13 To be sure , sin was in the world before the law was given , but sin is not charged against anyone's account where there is no law . If no one from the time of Adam to the time of Moses and the LORD's Law , were never charged by the LORD for having sinned then why did all those mortal non-sinners die if death is only caused through sin ? There are probably many people on earth , deep in the jungles and such places who have never heard of the LORD's Law . It is also very possible that a lot of Catholics have never heard of LORD ELohim's Ten Commandments , only the ten commands written by the Roman Catholic Church . So why do all these people die ? The reason these people died and others will die is because it is a lie that sin is the cause of all mortal humans death . The LORD says sin has nothing to do with people dying . Being mortal , made from dirt , is the reason all people and other species of mortal animals die . Are all people of the world born being a sinner at conception even though some people have never sinned at any time during their lives , like many Jews ? If sin is the only cause of death then why are there not millions of more Jews living an eternal life now . Why are there no hundred thousand year old people living in the jungles still today ? Why didn't Noah really live 950 years instead of 103 years and the others less than that much . MORTALS DIE , THEY ALWAYS HAVE and not one has ever been resurrected , not even Y'shua . John 8 : 51 (R) Y'shua is speaking to people and says Very truly I tell you , whoever obeys my word will never see death . " Did that come true for any person ? No . There are no people in Heaven and there are no people two thousand years old walking the earth that we have ever heard of . Have you heard of such people ? The LORD says Y'shua never said that to people .

34 : Did The LORD Save Trump?
According to the news there was an attempted assassination of Donald Trump . Some Americans were saying that Trump survived because of Divine intervention . The truth is , Trump survived because he just got lucky . LORD ELohim is one Spirit who cannot be everywhere at the same time and that’s the same for all Spirits . LORD ELohim was in Canada at that time and the Spirits were playing also here in Canada . The LORD and all Spirits were nowhere near Trump . Did the LORD know this would happen to Trump . The LORD does not know what the future will be for any people . People He knows He may guess what may happen durning their lives but that is only people He knows of . The truth is : LORD ELohim had never heard of Donald Trump before Trump was mentioned to me by a friend about the shooting . I rarely watch news especially when its about American politics . Again Trump was just lucky and by chance he moved his head at the right time .

35 : Releasing Satan After Y'shua's Reign
If David was truly an evil and wicked Spirit , then why would the LORD release him after Y'shua's 1000 year reign . Revelation 20 : 3 He threw him into the Abyss , and locked and sealed it over him , to keep him from deceiving the nations anymore until the thousand years were ended . After that , he must be set free for a short time . LORD ELohim says this is just silly and makes no sense . What would be the purpose of releasing an evil Spirit if that Spirit only caused mankind and the LORD problems and will again do the same when released ? LORD ELohim has always tried to help mankind pass our trial and has always tried to help us live a good mortal life . Because the LORD has always tried to help us it makes no sense whatsoever to release Satan from prison after the thousand year reign of Y'shua . The truth is though : there is no Satan Spirit . There are no evil Spirits . Also LORD ELohim is far far far more smarter than Christians give Him credit for . Remember : there will be no thousand year reign of Y'shua . If that were to happen it would have happened by now says the LORD . It would have happened before the seventh thousand year Sabbath Day which is also Judgment Day which is also today . If anyone should know all about this stuff it would be our Father , LORD ELohim .

36 : About The Soul
The word Soul has many meanings like an immortal Spirit , a person inner nature , emotional energy and power , a kind of music ... . What we are going to study is what Christians and maybe other people and other religions believe in also : a Spirit Soul to call your own . In Revelation 20 : 4 ... And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony about Jesus and because of the word of God . .... They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years . Spirits do not die therefore what came to life must be the mortal flesh bodies of each of these Souls . LORD ELohim cannot raise mortal dead people . There is not a lot in the CB NT that is ' the word of God ' . In Acts 15 : 24 it says in the NIV We have heard that some went out from us without our authorization and disturbed you , troubling your minds by what they said . In the KJV it says ... troubled you with words , subverting your souls , saying , Ye must be circumcised , and keep the law : to whom we gave no such commandment . In the NIV the word used is ' mind ' but in the KJV the word ' soul ' is used . Just a note : in the NIV there is no mention of circumcised and keep the law , why ? Acts 2 : 27 KJV Because thou wilt not leave my soul in hell , neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption . This was supposedly written by King David but it does not read right for that to be true . Would David call himself ' Holy One ' . This back up verse is Psalms 16 : 10 in the JB For You will not abandon me to Sheol , or let Your faithful one see the Pit . Now that sounds like something David would say . According to the CB in Acts 2 : 25 David said about him : ... The word ' him ' means Y'shua , not David writing about himself according to the CB . And we are off track again . But we did find in the KJV why Christians believe Y'shua went to hell . Back to souls . We are using a Christian Dictionary as a guide but almost every-time it says the verses are in the CB OT its not even close to being the same as the JB . Like Isaiah 10 : 18 in the JB And the mass of its scrub and its farm land . In the NIV the same verse says The splendour of his forests and fertile fields it will completely destroy , as when a sick person wastes away . We have no idea what either has to do with souls . We could spend a year on this subject alone . Hundreds of times the word soul is used or was used but changed . LORD ELohim says that He never made such Spirits . Souls like the Holy Spirit do not exist . If people had a Soul as many believe they do have , and the Soul is Spirit and the Soul is ' me or who we are ' for all people then why do Christians want the LORD to dig up their rotting mortal corpse and somehow glue it back together and bring it back to life ? Maybe its the obvious , who I am is within my brain and the Soul would be itself within his mind also . The two are not connected in any way but are separate . If the Soul is Spirit and had been within the mortal body and completely bored and miserable for 85 years , why would the Spirit Soul want to return to that mortal body ? The LORD is not cruel to His Spirit children . I know they love to play , dance , sing , giggle and laugh and have lots of fun and joy and greatly enjoy each others company . For LORD ELohim to put a Spirit Soul in a human body would just be cruel to do and would be called Spirit child abuse . Again : no mortal has a Soul but we will get into what people believe . Some people believe if the Soul leaves the mortal body , the body will died . Not true . If the Soul returns to the dead mortal body then the mortal body will live again . Not true . Can you imagine being dead and six feet deep in the grave and the Soul came back before the grave was dug up ? If Souls did exist someone would have to dig up a lot of graves , billions of graves . The Soul alone could not cause the mortal body to suddenly come back together from the dust it was . In Christian thinking the Soul is separate from the mortal body but the Spirit Soul can be sent to hell or be saved . Not true . Matthew 10 : 28 Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul . Rather , be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell . Hell does not exist and the LORD would never blame a Spirit for what the mortal person does . What would be a reason for a Soul within us mortals since the Soul would be completely separate from the mind and body of that person . A Spirit Soul could not interfere with peoples free will like every other Spirit . Spirits are not going to agree to be a Soul if they are just along for the ride in a person's mortal body . There is over 8 billion people living today and how many billions of people in the past since Adam and Eve ? That's a lot of individual Souls LORD ELohim would have needed to create . To finish : Spirit Souls do not exist . We mortal humans have no Spirit of any kind to call ' me ' . When we die nothing leaves our body and flies to Heaven . No mortal life has an eternal life in any form . Death is eternal for all mortal species and the LORD is wise enough to never change that even if He could : but He cannot change that . As the LORD is said to have said to Adam in Genesis 3 : 19 By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground since from it you were taken ; for dust you are and to dust you will return . "

37 : How Well Do Visions Work?
Revelation is full of claimed visions by whoever wrote Revelation . The LORD is certain that the Disciple John did not write this stuff . John's thinking was far more sound than who did write Revelation and any other claimed visions in any Bible book . In Revelation 15 : 1 the writer writes I saw in heaven another great and marvellous sign : seven angels with the seven last plagues - last , because with them God's wrath is completed . And then it goes on and on , vision after vision . The LORD says visions do not work as well as a Teaching Spirit can teach our mind . Visions only last a second and most all visions are forgotten before the person even knows they had a vision . The LORD tried three times to give me a vision and three times it failed . In Revelation 1 : 1 - 3 it says The revelation from Jesus Christ , which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place . ... 3 ... because the time is near . Its like the CB claims Y'shua said when he was dead : " Yes , I am coming soon ." Near and Soon have long since past their time . Almost the entire book of Revelation is claims of visions and hearing Y'shua's or LORD ELohim's voice . It would be nice if we could all see and hear LORD ELohim but that has never happened and will never happen . The writer of Revelation claims to have seen Y'shua in Heaven and claims to have spoken to both Y'shua and LORD ELohim 1 : 4 & 5 .... Grace and peace to you from him who is , and who was , and who is to come , and from the seven spirits before his throne , 5 and from Jesus Christ , ... LORD ELohim never knew who wrote this book so how could He have said to the writer " say grace and peace to all from Me . The writers vision of Heaven is all wrong . There are no thrones there , no lamp-stands , no Y'shua dressed in a robe with a golden sash and a double-edged sword coming out of his mouth . If Y'shua was a Spirit now he would not look like that . Even LORD ELohim does not look like that . We could go on and on in Revelation but we will save that for later . Visions do not work the way they are claimed to work in this book and even other books . Visions only last a moment and most people never remember what the vision was about . Anyone claiming to hear the voice of LORD ELohim or even Y'shua or seeing a vision that last longer than ten words to write about it they are lying or are mentally ill . Remember : there are only Spirits in Heaven . No thrones , no humans , no crowns , no lamp-stands , no weird looking creatures who never stop talking , no weird looking Y'shua with seven horns and seven eyes , no books , no seals , bowls or trumpets and on and on and on . Y'shua is not in Heaven , his remains are most likely in an ossuary in a family crypt somewhere in Israel . Did LORD ELohim hear any of the Miriams or Joseph or the Disciples saying that the body of Y'shua is missing from the tomb ? I asked LORD ELohim this question and His answer is " No " He never hear this spoken by anyone . Since Y'shua's family and Disciples never said anything about the dead body of Y'shua being missing from the tomb than Y'shua's dead body was never missing from the tomb . The LORD says He followed the ladies and a couple of the Disciples to the tomb after the Sabbath Day and they did put spices and whatever on the dead body of Y'shua still in the same tomb .

38 : About Resurrection
Many people believe that someday LORD ELohim or Y'shua will raise their dead mortal lifeless body back to life again . This is the meaning of ' Resurrection ' . Many ancient religions and many religions today believe that people have a Spirit called the Soul and when people die the Soul leaves the body . But the resurrection belief in many religions is that the mortal flesh and bone body is raised from the dead and the Soul returns to the living mortal body . Again : no mortal human or any other mortals have a Spirit Soul . There would be no purpose for that Spirit since the LORD cannot change Spirit into mortal flesh and bone and cannot change mortal flesh and bone into Spirit . This Spirit would remain separate from the mortal human . Many people believe they have a Soul in them , but again , for what purpose ? If LORD ELohim did not create them , and He didn't , these Spirit Souls do not exist . Nothing leaves the body and nothing returns to the body . What is strange about Christians and other religions beliefs is that the mortal body must be raised from the dead in order to bring about life after death to that person . In Matthew 17 : 1 - 4 its claimed that Y'shua took Peter , James and John to a mountain and there Y'shua was trans-figured before them . His face shone like the sun , and his clothes became as white as the light . 3 Just then there appeared before them Moses and Elijah , talking with Jesus .... The LORD says this certainly did not happen . But many Christians believe it did happen . If one believes this happened and also believes the first mortal flesh raised from the dead was Y'shua then what were Moses and Elijah made of if their mortal flesh and bone body was not raised from the dead at that time ??? LORD ELohim says it could not have been Spirit . So what else is there if not flesh and bone or Spirit ? Ghosts . The LORD does not believe in ghosts . He and all other Spirits have never seen any ghosts . And if Moses and Elijah were alive as they must have been if this were true , and could suddenly appear and disappear coming and going from some place to some place , why would Christians and others want their dead mortal flesh and bone raised from the dead so to live again in that . I would want what Moses and Elijah have , whatever that is , not my very old aching bones and flesh to live in again . One other thing : Moses lived about 1,250 years before Matthew lived and Elijah lived about 860 years before Matthew also . People did not have cameras back then . How could Peter , James and John have known for certain it was Moses and Elijah they saw and not other people from ancient times ? The truth is according to the LORD , all this never happened . Moses and Elijah died long long ago and were still dead when Y'shua was alive , and they are still dead today and so is Y'shua .

39 : About Salvation
In the Dictionary : Salvation means the saving of a person from sin and its consequences , believed by Christians to be brought about by faith in Jesus . Many Christians believe that the consequences of sin is death . The LORD says that sin is not the cause of death for mortal humans . Death is simply caused by the fact we are mortal , made of the dust of the earth by LORD ELohim . The LORD has forgiven most all mortal people of their sins , almost two thousand years ago , and people still die and people will always die at some point during their life . Being a Christian or not being a Christian has nothing to do with this fact . The future for either is the same : you are going to die and no one is going to be resurrected from the dead in the future . Neither Christians or non-Christians are going to have an eternal life . You can have all the faith possible in Y'shua and whatever you believe about him , true or false , and that will not change anything , you are still going to die and will never be resurrected . The righteous and the wicked share an equal outcome in the end of our life : both will die and both will never be raised from the dead . There is no religion on earth , never has been , that can bring about eternal life to its followers . Romans 4 : 4 & 5 Now to the one who works , wages are not credited as a gift but as an obligation . 5 However , to the one who does not work but trusts God who justifies the ungodly , their faith is credited as righteous . Hopefully ' work ' means having a job to pay your bills . It would be wise to keep your job because LORD ELohim has no money to give you . In other writings the word ' ungodly ' is replaced with the word ' wicked ' . The 5th verse is wrong because the LORD ELohim will never forgive the wicked people for their sins and inequities , just like the LORD will never forgive the Roman Catholic Church as a Christian Church organization for their sins and iniquities or the church as a whole in the past or now or in the future . With the Roman Catholic Church each preacher and pope and followers of that faith were and are judged separately like everyone else . Trying to not cause confusion . In a way we were all judged separately but also as a whole species . If you are a fairly good person , no matter which religion , your sins and iniquities are forgiven , that is the LORD's final judgment . If you are or were a wicked or cruel or evil person or all of these , your sins and iniquities will never be forgiven , that is the LORD's final judgment . As a species we were judged as a whole species and we greatly failed our trial and that is LORD ELohim's final judgment too . No mortal human will have eternal life , salvation , and that would be the LORD's final judgment too had that simply not been a fact of life for all mortals . Again : no mortal will have an eternal life in the future . Death is eternal .

40 : Revelation Again
There is so much in the CB about visions and hearing the LORD , Y'shua and Angels speaking , and Revelation is the worst for that . We finished reading word for word in that book and there is so much of that in the book we are going to do it different than we have been doing . Remember the voice of the LORD and Angels cannot be heard by humans . The LORD does not know why that is but it is a fact and has always been a problem . The LORD says visions do not work as good as the Teaching Spirits and even with the Teaching Spirits it does not work very well either . In Revelation and other books what is written sounds like LORD ELohim or even Y'shua met the writer at a coffee shop for a long conversation . In Revelation it was a very long conversation and visions like watching a few movies on TV which cannot be true . The LORD and Teaching Spirits cannot do that . They can only do bits and pieces of information at best and most of the time even that does not work . That is why the LORD brought about the Jewish people to be His voice on earth . Through the Jews the bits and pieces could be added together over generation after generation mostly through the Prophets and in the end mean something . The writer of Revelation and in other books could have never experienced what the writer claims to have experienced . Again we read through Revelation .

What Is True In Revelation ?
a 3 : 12 (R) The one who is victorious I will make a pillar in the temple of my God . Nothing is true in this verse except the fact that LORD ELohim was Y'shua's God . b 6 : 6 (B) Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures , saying , " Two pounds of wheat for a day's wages , and six pounds of barley for a day's wages , and do not damage the oil and the wine . This is a cheap prophecy . Inflation has always been a problem . A bag of food was 30 dollars not long ago and now its most often well over 50 dollars today . It’s cheap just like writings about hail , earthquakes , war , suffering and so on . When have these things not happened on earth ? c (B) 15 : 4 Who will not fear you , Lord , and bring glory to your name ? For you alone are holy . ... Its true that only LORD ELohim is Holy but it is not true that Y'shua was Holy also . Y'shua was Righteous : Yes , Holy : No . Its hard to know which God of the three or all of them the Christians are writing about . The next verse 5 says ... All nations will come and worship before you , for your righteous acts have been revealed . Probably about Y'shua since it is claimed that he will rule the world and not LORD ELohim . That's it , that all what we could find that even comes close to being true in Revelation .

Why It's Not True In Revelation
We are just going to do a few about what is not true . [ a ] 1 : 4 & 5 (B) .... 5 and from Jesus Christ , who is the faithful witness , the firstborn from the dead , and the ruler of the kings of the earth . We remember that in the CB it was written that Y'shua had a conversation with Moses and Elijah who would have had to be alive to do that . So according to the CB , Y'shua was not the first to be risen from the dead . We are not going to try to find every verse about stuff in Revelation . Also according to the CB it is Satan who is ruler of the kings today and will be until Y'shua returns . 2 Co. 4 : 4 The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers , ... This is not true . David ( Satan ) has nothing to do with mankind and he is not allowed to interfere with mankind’s free will just like every other Spirit . [ b ] 1 : 8 " (B) I am the Alpha and the Omega " says the Lord God , " who is , and who was , and who is to come , the Almighty . This verse is regarding LORD ELohim , not Y'shua . LORD ELohim never said this . The LORD is not fond of the Alpha and Omega Greek names , so do not call Him that . And all this who is , and who was , and who is to come , what does that even mean ? The LORD is not fond of those either regarding Him or Y'shua . [ c ] 1 : 17 & 18 (R) ... " Do not be afraid . I am the First and the Last . I am the living One ; I was dead , and now look , I am alive for ever and ever ! ... If Y'shua , as Christians believe , was the Son of God our Father LORD ELohim , then how could Y'shua be the first of the two ? It's the same for when the CB uses the name ' Alpha and Omega ' . In a Christian writing it says this means that he was eternal , nothing comes before or after him . It means Christians believe Y'shua is the Almighty God . Christians use these names for both LORD ELohim and Y'shua . LORD ELohim says who ever created Him was among the First before He was created by them . Y'shua was not a Spirit son of God . Y'shua was a fully mortal Jewish man who did not exist until about 5 B.C.E.. Y'shua uses the words my Father a lot . [ d ] 3 : 14 (R) To the angel of the church in Laodicea write : These are the words of the Amen , the faithful and true witness , the ruler of God's creation . The claim is the dead man Y'shua said this verse . In John 1 : 1 - 14 it says that Y'shua was the word and through him all things were made . In this verse it says Y'shua is ruler of God's creation . God meaning LORD ELohim . LORD ELohim did create all that was created but Y'shua does not rule over all the LORD created . Y'shua is dead . That would be a big problem . Also according to Christians it is Satan who is ruling this world even today , not Y'shua . [ e ] 6 : 16 They called to the mountains and the rocks , " Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb ! LORD ELohim is not sitting on a throne in Heaven as the writer claims . The LORD has been near earth for a very long time . Billions of years . Heaven has no thrones . The Lamb of God Y'shua is not behind any of the wickedness and evil written about in the book of Revelation and neither is LORD ELohim . There is no wrath of God coming in the future or wrath of Y'shua against mankind . LORD ELohim and all Spirits have far far better things to do with their lives and Y'shua the Lamb is dead and even if he were alive he would not do that . Christians have made in their CB writings the LORD ELohim out to be a very cruel and wicked and evil and crazy God and this verse and other verses about Y'shua does not make Y'shua out to be any better than the LORD is depicted by Christians . If Christians knew the true mortal man Y'shua this verse and others would not be in your Bible . Again , no wrath of God coming , ever . [ f ] 7 : 4 -8 Then I heard the number of those who were sealed : 144,000 from all the tribes of Israel . Then the tribes are listed , with three errors . There are 12,000 sealed from each tribe , all twelve tribes . Israelites were all Hebrew and Hebrews are all white skinned people . If you’re a Hebrew , which of the tribes of Israel are you the offspring of , especially if you are a non-Jew ? Did you say you do not know ? Neither does the LORD . [ g ] 8 : 8 & 9 The second angel sounded his trumpet , and something like a huge mountain , all ablaze , was thrown into the sea . A third of the sea turned into blood , a third of the living creatures in the sea died , .... What did the whales and fish ever do to anger the LORD ? He was never angry with them says the LORD . The LORD spent billions of years creating all that is alive on earth from the dust of the earth . Just because mankind did not pass the trial does not mean that every other species of animals , fish , birds and on and on did not pass either . The only ones who failed their trial was us mortal Hominoids , Grays , Anunnaki and us Humans . So why do people think the LORD would harm any other species He created . That will never happen . But the LORD has seen the cruelty humans have afflicted on other species like His whales and elephants and most all other species also . To love all the LORD created we also failed greatly in that . To eat meat is approved by the LORD . It's how we treat the animals or whatever before killing it without causing pain is what counts the most . [ h ] 10 : 1 - 11 This is something I made an error about . All of chapter 10 is about a little scroll . I thought it was about the Little Book , just over dramatized by the writer , but the LORD says it is not about His Little Book . He never taught anyone about this Little Book until He taught me . What the little scroll is about the LORD does not know . It’s nothing He taught about . [ i ] 11 : 15 The seventh angel sounded his trumpet , and there were loud voices in heaven , which said : " The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Messiah , and he will reign for ever and ever . " The name ' Lord ' should be ' LORD ' as in the JB when writing about LORD ELohim . Also ' he ' should be ' He ' when also writing about the LORD . The problem with the CB is its difficult knowing which God of theirs they are writing about . The LORD does not have a Messiah . Hope for a Messiah is a Jewish hope created by the Jewish people . The LORD has nothing to do with that other than to hope their hope comes true someday . The LORD does not want the world as His kingdom . Again : our trial had nothing to do with where people will be in the future , but where LORD ELohim and all His Spirit family will be in the future . We failed our trial so the LORD and His family are going back home to Heaven , far far away . Y'shua is dead so he will not be reigning forever and he was never the awaited Messiah . [ j ] 11 : 18 The nations were angry , and your wrath has come . The time has come for judging the dead , and for rewarding your servants the prophets and your people who revere your name , .... The dead were already judged when they were alive . What do Christians believe their reward will be ? Maybe the LORD's help in winning the lottery ? Eternal life ? To be a king ? To rule the world ? .... The LORD cannot do any of these things for you . LORD ELohim has nothing to give you . LORD ELohim gave the Jews the land of Israel about 3,800 years ago and its still theirs today and forever . That was not a reward . That was so the LORD knew where to find them , which is why that land is still theirs today and forever . The Jewish people were never rewarded by the LORD that He can remember . What is at Oak Island is a gift of Thanks , not a reward . The LORD did not create Oak Island , put all the gifts there . It was the Jewish people long ago who did that because LORD ELohim cannot do that . The LORD has nothing to reward Christians with or even me . Your reward is within you . Do you enjoy being a Christian and spending time with other Christians ? Has LORD ELohim's teachings helped you live a better and happier life ? [ k ] 12 : 1 - 6 A great sign appeared in heaven : a woman .... 3 She was pregnant and cried out in pain as was about to give birth . The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth , so that it might devour her child the moment he was born . .... She gave birth to a son , a male child , who " will rule all the nations with an iron sceptre . " And her child was snatched up to God and to his throne . These verses seem to be the great unknown as to what these mean . Some Christian scholars believe it represents Y'shua in the future . Like Y'shua could not be resurrected , Y'shua also cannot be born again as the same mortal man either . LORD ELohim cannot snatch a mortal baby up to His throne . There is no air , food , diapers and so on in Heaven and most important the LORD cannot do that just like the LORD cannot ' rapture ' the Christians in the future . These verses seem to have no logical meaning and whatever it is will not happen . [ l ] 13 : 2 & 7 The beast I saw resembled a leopard , but had feet like those of a bear ... The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority . Christians say the dragon is Satan . How much power would a Spirit like David have ? According to LORD ELohim the answer is ' none ' regarding what this verse writes about . 7 It was given power to wage war against God's holy people and to conquer them . Who is God's holy people ? According to some verses in the CB NT , it's the Christians . According to LORD ELohim it is definitely not the Christians . Are you surprised at that ? If the LORD were to call people His holy people it would be the Jewish people and no others . [ j ] 13 : 18 This calls for wisdom . Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast , for it is the number of a man . That number is 666 . LORD ELohim says He never taught this verse . The number 6 was considered to be number for evil , man , and sin just like some people today believe the number 13 means bad luck . Three 6's = 666 may mean a very evil beast . LORD ELohim says He never taught this verse to anyone and before me He never taught His Little Book Code to anyone either . Gematria means ' word measuring '. There are three forms of Gematria that I know of . The code the LORD taught me which we use in this Little Book . A Hebrew code regarding their alphabet and a Greek code for their alphabet . None of these codes are the same regarding their numbers . The LORD's code goes from 1 to 156 using the English alphabet . The Hebrew code goes from 1 - 400 . The Greek code goes from 1 - 800 . Using any of these codes you would be able to find many names that add to 666 so just because you find one name that = 666 does not mean he is the beast . Again : LORD ELohim did not teach this verse 18 to anyone including who wrote this verse . [ k ] 16 : 3 The second angel poured out his bowl on the sea , and it turned into blood like that of a dead person , and every living thing in the sea died . This is the second time the CB says the LORD or Y'shua will slaughter what lives in the sea or ocean , only this time everything the LORD created there dies . This is a big lie . Why would LORD ELohim slaughter everything in the ocean and seas He created just because people , not fish , were a great problem for Him . The LORD only regrets making Hominoids and giving us free will , Grays , Anunnaki and us Humans . The LORD has no regrets creating the whales and fish and sharks and all else in those waters and He would not destroy or bring harm to any of them . That is the same for all land animals and birds . All these seals , trumpets , bowls and other stuff to slaughter anything are all lies written by non-Jewish people . [ l ] 17 : 8 .... The inhabitants of the earth whose names have not been written in the book of life from the creation of the world will be astonished when they see the beast , ... There is no book of life , that book has never existed . No one ' called ' Christians to be Christians . No human was predestined regarding anything , not even Y'shua was predestined to be the Lamb of God . Like the fully mortal Jewish man Y'shua we had choices to make . People chose to become Christian by their free will . Did the LORD predestine popes and their many Roman Catholic clergy goons during the Inquisitions to be cruel and wicked and evil people ? No . They chose to be cruel and evil and wicked people popes . The LORD had nothing to do with them . There is no book of life and there are not any other books either . [ m ] 19 : 5 Then a voice came from the throne , saying : " Praise our God , all you his servants , you who fear him , both great and small . LORD ELohim had hoped that no human mortal would ' fear Him ' , but to respect His wisdom and love Him as our Father . [ n ] 19 : 14 The armies of heaven were following him , riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen , white and clean . We think this claims that Y'shua is leading the charge . There are no horses in Heaven , not even Spirit horses . And Heaven has no army , navy , marines or air force either . Heaven is a place of great love , kindness , goodness and happiness as a family . There has never been an army in Heaven . The writer claims that his information is coming from Y'shua or Spirits . Obviously that's a lie . [ o ] 20 : 4 & 12 I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge . LORD ELohim would never give Christian humans authority to judge other people . What would happen if the judge is Catholic and the popes that the LORD will never forgive are standing in line ? All of us have already been judged . It’s over , did and done . LORD ELohim was our judge and we failed as a species , and the LORD's judgment is right , we should have failed . 12 And I saw the dead , great and small , standing before the throne , and books were opened . Another book was opened , which is the book of life . The dead were judged according to what they had done as recorded in the books . Do you really believe that Angels had nothing better to do than to follow you and all other people around and writing each of our life story in books ? According to this verse our deeds are judged , not our religion . That repeats in verse 13 saying ... each person was judged according to what they had done . That would be true if the LORD were to judge each of us separately but we were not judge separately . LORD ELohim would never judge people based on their religion . [ p ] 20 : 15 Anyone whose name was not found written in the book of life was thrown into the lake of fire . Do you really believe that LORD ELohim is that cruel and wicked and evil . According to many verses in the CB NT people will suffer great agony and pain for all eternity in that place . LORD ELohim created many things and many billions of living mortal species but He never created a hell or lake of fire or purgatory or a limbo . Good or evil , Christians or non-Christian , we are still LORD ELohim's mortal children and He is our Father . This verse is the work of men , not the LORD . Is this verse to scare people into becoming Christians . It does not scare me because I know LORD ELohim would never do such a thing . Death is what is eternal for all mortals . No extreme pain , no suffering , no misery , no sorrow , no taxes . [ q ] 21 : 3 And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying , " Look ! God's dwelling place is now among the people , and he will dwell with them . They will be his people , and God himself will be with them and be their God . That is not going to happen . Which God is the Christian writer writing about : LORD ELohim or Y'shua their false God ? Had we passed our trial then He would have done this , dwell among mankind , but we failed and the LORD and His Spirit children in the future will be heading home to Heaven . Remember : LORD ELohim has dwelled among us since Adam and Eve . LORD ELohim has seen and heard enough regarding blood shed , wars , hatred , terrorism , mass murders , slaughters , cruelty , evil and wickedness by people , to people . The way we are going , that will probably never change . The LORD ELohim is going home soon in the future . He has given up trying to help us . [ r ] 21 : 4 He will wipe ever tear from their eyes . There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain , for the old order of things has passed away . " LORD ELohim cannot change the old order of things . That is something that mankind has to do on our own . The LORD cannot do that for us . He has always tried to help mankind live a life without fear , war , hatred and on and on , but did we listen ? No . The Roman Catholic Church changed His Ten Commandments into the Catholic ten commandments . Other religions use hatred and war as the base of their religious faith and so on . There is an old saying : You cannot help those who are not willing to help themselves . The old order of things will probably never pass away . [ s ] 21 : 8 But the cowardly , the unbelieving , the vile , the murderers , the sexually immoral , those who practice magic arts , the idolaters and all liars - they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulphur . This is the second death ." Do you know where LORD ELohim has heard a lot of lying ? When the Christian Bible is being read . In Revelation 22 : 14 & 15 its about the city that came from Heaven , which is a lie , but it says 15 Outside are the dogs , those who practice magic arts , the sexually immoral , the murderers , the idolaters , and everyone who loves and practices falsehood . In verse 21 : 8 it says all these people are in the lake of fire and then in 22 : 15 they are back again doing their thing just outside the city gates . Why is there so many contradictions in the Christian Bible and how can every word written be true and the Word of God when so many contradictions prove otherwise ? [ t ] 21 : 6 (B) He said to me : " It is done . I am the Alpha and the Omega , the Beginning and the End . This is black letter verses so it is not claimed that Y'shua said this . The obvious claim is that LORD ELohim said this verse . The LORD says He did not say this verse . Never call Him Alpha and the Omega because He does not like being called that . Christians call both LORD ELohim and Y'shua this name . The LORD says do not call Y'shua this Greek name either . Y'shua was a devoted Jewish man . Calling Y'shua this name is as wrong and is as disrespectful as calling him the other Christian Greek name Jesus . [ u ] 21 : 9 & 10 One of the seven angels who had the seven bowls full of the seven last plagues came and said to me , " Come , I will show you the bride , the wife of the Lamb . " 10 And he carried me away in the Spirit to a mountain great and high , and showed me the Holy City , Jerusalem , coming down out of heaven from God . In 2 Corinthians 11 : 1 - 3 Paul writes ... 2 I am jealous for you with a godly jealousy . I promised you to one husband , to Christ , so that I might present you as a pure virgin to him . Paul says ' I promised ' and ' that I might present you ' . Just like in Pauls other books , he seems to think he is the one and only right hand man of not just Y'shua but also LORD ELohim . Paul or whoever wrote books in the name of Paul seems to think very highly of himself and has an exaggerated sense of self importance . Remember : LORD ELohim and Y'shua never met this Paul guy so there was no Spirit or the LORD teaching Paul this stuff . It would seem that Paul made this up like a lot of other stuff he is claimed to have written . In Revelation 19 : 7 & 8 Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory ! For the wedding of the Lamb has come , and his bride has made herself ready . 8 Fine linen , bright and clean , was given to her to wear . Revelation 21 : 2 I saw the Holy City , the new Jerusalem , coming down out of heaven from God , prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband . Christians believe that they are the bride of Y'shua . According to some of these verses the Holy City , new Jerusalem is the bride of Y'shua . LORD ELohim says , neither of these are the bride of Y'shua because Y'shua is dead . [ v ] 21 : 15 - 26 Just a little about this Holy City called new Jerusalem . ... 16 ... He measured the city with the rod and found it to be 12,000 stadia in length , and as wide and high as it is long . According to the NIV that would measure 1,400 miles or 2,200 kilometres . The LORD's going to have fun parking that in Israel . 17 The angel measured the wall .. and it was 144 cubits thick . That would be about 200 feet thick or about 65 meters . There is no mention of a roof . The city is made in Heaven and then brought by the LORD to earth . The city created in Heaven is made of : jasper .. sapphire .. agate , emerald .. onyx .. ruby , chrysolite .. beryl .. topaz .. turquoise , jacinth .. amethyst .. gold .. pearls ... . 21 : 21 ... The twelve gates were twelve pearls , each gate made of a single pearl . Either people are going to shrink down to the size smaller then a bean seed or the LORD is going to have problems finding 12 oysters that size in Heaven or on earth . How is LORD ELohim suppose to build this city in Heaven ? There is nothing there in Heaven other than Spirits . Not even one planet to get this stuff from . And who would mine this stuff if there were a planet ? Not Spirits . All the writings about this city is fiction and a lie . The LORD and Y'shua and all Teaching Spirits never taught anything to anyone about this imaginary city . Why do Christian writers , all of them , try so hard to try to get people to believe the impossible . The name ' God ' is used regarding this city . In the CB that usually means Y'shua more than LORD ELohim . Y'shua was only a mortal man , so did the Roman Catholic Church and the Greeks try to build him up from being mortal to being a new God of theirs by writing stuff like , he raised the dead , feed thousands with almost nothing , walked on water , calmed a storm , and on and on , and built this city in Heaven . The LORD says there is no city probably bigger than the state of Texas being built in Heaven . [ w ] 21 : 27 Nothing impure will ever enter it , nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful , but only those whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life . If this book really existed , which it does not , but if it did ; how would a Christian know if his or her name is in that book . Many Christians became Christians by their own free will to do so . Does that count for something or not , if your name is not in that book ? Matthew 7 : 21 - 23 (R) Not everyone who says to me , " Lord , Lord , " will enter the kingdom of heaven , but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven . 22 Many will say to me on that day , " Lord , Lord , did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles ?" 23 Then I will tell them plainly , " I never knew you . Away from me , you evildoers . We don't get this . The only way this verse makes sense is that these people's names are not in the book of life , or , Y'shua knowing he could not do these things either knew they were lying to him or this simply never happened . More about the LORD's will in 41 . [ x ] 22 : 12 & 20 ( R ) Look , I am coming soon ! My reward is with me , and I will give to each person according to what they have done . I am the Alpha and Omega , the First and the Last , the Beginning and the End . This time they use these Greek names for Y'shua . The LORD says that is just wrong and stop doing that . The LORD had enough of the Romans and Greeks two thousand years ago . The Lamb's name was Y'shua . What reward could Y'shua give to his followers if this was true , which it’s not . The Lamb Y'shua never went to Heaven and he was never resurrected . But let’s pretend that this verse is right . What reward could the LORD give Y'shua in Heaven since there is a whole lot of nothing in Heaven and nothing else other than Spirits ? And what could Y'shua bring from Heaven to give other people ? Y'shua would have nothing to give others . This verse would then be a lie . Back to reality : the truth is this verse is a lie but not coming from Y'shua's mouth , but probably from the Roman Catholic Church writers . Verse 20 also says He who testifies to these things says , (R) " Yes , I am coming soon ." Some Christians may keep hanging on to a thread of hope this verse is true and that the word ' soon ' for Spirits is just different than what ' soon ' means to humans . That thread of hope is most likely not going to cause any harm to yourself or others but the LORD , for your own good , hopes you will live a good life outside of that hope also . [ y ] 22 : 16 " I , Jesus , have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches . I am the root and the Offspring of David , and the bright Morning Star . Was Y'shua an offspring of King David . I asked LORD ELohim if He was sure that Y'shua was of David's direct bloodline and the LORD indicated that it is very likely that Y'shua was not . The LORD's hope was that Y'shua would agree to be His Lamb of God and not the next King , so He did not even think about if Y'shua was of David's bloodline . David and Solomon were all over women , lots of women , so it’s possible a lot of Jews are of their bloodline but in the end , that means nothing says the LORD . Y'shua never claimed that his bloodline goes back to David and it never came up in conversations either . Y'shua was not the only one called Morning Star . In Isaiah 14 : 12 it says in the NIV CB How you have fallen from heaven , morning star , son of the dawn ! You have been cast down to the earth , you who once laid low the nations . In the CB this is written about Satan according to some books . In the JB Isaiah 14 : 12 it says How are you fallen from heaven , O Shining One , son of Dawn ! How are you felled to earth , O vanquisher of nations ! According to the JB this verse is not about Satan . It’s all about Greek mythology and Canaanite myth . It was Zeus that through this , not mortal and not Spirit , whatever they are called in mythology , down to earth . This verse has nothing to do with Satan . The Christian interpretation of this verse in the JB is wrong . The Jewish Bible is right . Just a note : Venus is the morning star as it appears at dawn and it's not a star . [ z ] 22 : 18 & 19 & 21 (B) I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll : If anyone adds anything to them , God will add to that person the plagues described in this scroll . 19 And if anyone takes words away from this scroll of prophecy , God will take away from that person any share in the tree of life and in the Holy City , which are described in this scroll . Well , we did not add or take away anything in Revelation . We just tried to make sense of some of the verses in this scroll . There is no wrath coming from LORD ELohim so there are no plagues to add to . And there is no tree of life or a Holy City coming from Heaven so no one is losing an eternal life or a throne in this city . The Roman Catholic Church has a very bad habit of trying to scare people going back about 1,600 years or less . LORD ELohim says we mortal humans have nothing to fear regarding Him or Y'shua . The LORD is a little tired of Christians depicting Him and Y'shua as being extremely cruel , wicked , evil and greatly crazy . Y'shua was a gentle and loving and caring mortal Jewish man who never harmed anyone . Y'shua willingly gave up his mortal life to help mankind . Y'shua is dead so he cannot speak for himself now . The LORD will speak for him . Christians are wrong depicting Y'shua in the way the book of Revelation and other CB books depicts him . There is almost nothing true in the book of Revelation other than barely even three verses . These verses in 22 : 18 & 19 have no truth whatsoever in them , but are only for the purpose to scare people so people do no think about them or question anything else in the Christian Bible New Testament . There are a lot of verses to scare people in the CB NT , but the LORD says He would never punish people for trying to understand what the church does not want you to understand the truth about . The same is about the Jewish Bible and books of other religions also . 22 : 21 The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God's people . Amen . Many Christians believe they are to replace the Jews as God's people . This is not true . First : the forgiving of sins and iniquities , came from LORD ELohim , not from Y'shua . The Jews tried to teach this and were doing well until Christianity happened . The LORD has always been pleased with the help the Jewish people have given Him over thousands of years . The LORD deeply loves His Jews . They have suffered greatly many times over the years because of their faith in believing in only One God while the pagans had several Gods or hundreds of Gods . LORD ELohim will never replace His chosen people the Jewish people or their religion of Judaism . The Jews are ' God's people ' and will always be His chosen people . The Christians are wrong in thinking they have replaced the Jewish people . That belief has no truth . No other religion or people will ever replace the Jewish people either . We are finished with Revelation unless its verses are used as back up verses in other books . As the Bible says : 21 Amen .

41 What Is The Will Of The LORD :
Remember in Matthew 7 : 21 & 22 it says Y'shua said (R) 21 " Not everyone who says to me , ' Lord , Lord, ' will enter the kingdom of heaven , but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven . ... LORD ELohim's desire is that people , all people of all religions , nations and races do the following : One of the ' will ' of LORD ELohim is for people to keep His Ten Commandments . How many Christians , especially Catholics , have done that . The LORD's and your Sabbath is the seventh day , not the first day of the week , even for Christians . To love and not hate , to be good and kind and not wicked , are doing His will . To make peace and not war is His will also . To forgive others and yourself for minor wrong doings as LORD ELohim forgave most of you is His will . Be a friend to others and not their enemy is the LORD's will . When you can , help those in need is also His will . Think of others and not just about yourself is the will of the LORD . Love all of the LORD's creation such as animals and birds and all others so not to cause pain and suffering . If some species are your food , especially be kind to them and cause them no pain and suffering is His will also . The LORD does not approve of the way calves are treated to make veal out of them and stuff like that . There is no kingdom of heaven coming to earth in the future for only Christians to live in . How many Christians have done the will of LORD ELohim all during their mortal life ? Based on this verse there is no need for that extremely huge Holy City written about to be that big of size . Maybe just a small motel in the country for accepted Christians by the LORD would do , if even that large of size is needed . The LORD says Y'shua did not say all that is in these verses 21 -23 but Y'shua did teach people to do the LORD's will so they could enjoy their lives more even under the cruel Roman rulers . Y'shua never taught anything about any kingdom of God or kingdom of Heaven coming to earth in the future .

42 : Did Elijah Return Into Flesh?
Matthew 17 : 10 - 13 (B) The disciples asked him , " Why then do the teachers of the law say that Elijah must come first ? " Jesus replied , (R) To be sure , Elijah comes and will restore all things . 12 But I tell you , Elijah has already come , and they did not recognize him , but have done to him everything they wished . In the same way the Son of Man is going to suffer at their hands ." (B) Then the disciples understood that he was talking to them about John the Baptist . Was John the Baptist really Elijah ? According to the LORD , most Jews do not believe in reincarnation or incarnation and it was the same during the time of Y'shua's mortal life . The LORD has heard the Jewish people saying Elijah will return or must come first for a reason . LORD ELohim does not believe in reincarnation or incarnation either . In the JB in 2 Kings 2 : 1 - 12 it says the LORD took Elijah to Heaven in a fiery chariot with fiery horses . LORD ELohim says that definitely did not happen . It’s because the Jews believe Elijah did not die , they believe it is possible that Elijah will return someday . LORD ELohim says He knows for sure that Elijah did die because the Teaching Spirits told the LORD that Elijah did pass away . Again : the LORD cannot take mortals to Heaven . People would not survive there and the LORD cannot change flesh into Spirit . The LORD has never seen incarnation or reincarnation happen . What would that non-Spirit and non-mortal being , whatever it is , be made of ? Back to ghosts again . The LORD says that John the Baptist was only John the Baptist and not Elijah returned from the dead . This question of the Disciples came right after the writer claims they saw Moses and Elijah speaking to Y'shua which never happened either . It is wrong what the Christians wrote in verse 12 : In the same way the Son of Man is going to suffer at their hands . This seems to refer to the teachers of the law and other Jews also . John the Baptist was beheaded for coming down on Herod about marrying his brothers wife . Herod had John beheaded , not the Jews . The Jewish people liked John the Baptist . Herod was not a Jew , he was a Edomite . It’s so wrong for the Christians to make it sound like it was the Jews who murdered John the Baptist just like they teach about the Jewish Prophets being murdered by the Jews , which also is not true .

43 : The Book Of Life
: Revelation 17 : 8 ... The inhabitants of the earth whose names have not been written in the book of life from the creation of the world ... Many Christians believe their names were written in the book of life when the world was created . The big problem with this belief is that the LORD did not know what life He could make from dirt at that time . In order for the LORD to know you , He would have to be able to know the future of all things . LORD ELohim cannot do that . The LORD cannot predict who would become Christians and who would not . The LORD knew nothing about Christians until long after Y'shua died and mostly when He knew His Jews were being murdered by Catholic Christians for teaching the truth . When a human egg is fertilized in the womb of the mother , the LORD has no idea if the child will grow up to be loving or hateful , kind or cruel , good or bad and so on . I asked the LORD if He had such a book and written in it was the name Hitler , would He let him into the kingdom of God , if that really existed , and He said , never . So just because your name is in the book does not mean you will go to the big city to live someday . To be written in the book , this probably could only happen two ways : either the LORD was just pulling names out of a hat or He was in full control of all Christians free will and He made you become a Christian because your name just happened to be in the book . LORD ELohim and all Spirits cannot interfere in what you do with your free will and the LORD never made puppets out of any humans or Spirits . As we have written a few times before : the LORD says it's not faith that counts , it’s deeds that count . Luke 10 : 20 However , do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you , but rejoice that your names are written in heaven ." There are many many millions of Christians and even more going back to its start in Rome . Who do you think did all this writing of names in a book in Heaven before the LORD ELohim even created us Hominoids or the world ? Again , there is nothing in Heaven . No pens , pencils , paper , books , ink , computers and above all that , there are no Spirits in Heaven who would want to do that either and the LORD has never asked them to . Philippians 4 : 3 ... along with Clement and the rest of my co-workers , whose names are in the book of life . Would you be that certain ? This is written by a guy named Paul . Now we would believe that Paul is certain he believes he knows where he is going . Hebrews 12 : 23 ... to the church of the firstborn whose names are written in heaven . It might help to go to verse 22 .... You have come to thousands upon thousands of angels in joyful assembly , 23 . How would it be even possible for the writer to know that ? Angels cannot be seen or heard , just like LORD ELohim . Most every Angel is like David , they do not care what mankind is doing and there is certainly nothing much about mankind to be joyful about . Revelation 13 : 8 All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast - all whose names have not been written in the Lambs book of life . There is something completely unfair about this . Christians teach that the wrath of God and the time of the beast is during the seven year tribulation period that has not happened yet , and God's wrath will never happen but they teach the tribulation period will be a time of great suffering and the world will be under a evil tyrant ruler . What's not fair is that Christians believe that a short time before the time of tribulation all Christians on planet earth will be taken away from earth by one of their Gods . Christians call this the Rapture . It would be interesting to see how Christians managed to live through that time like everyone else . An example : Revelation 13 : 16 & 17 It also forced all people , great and small , rich and poor , free and slave , to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads , 17 so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark , which is the name of the beast or the number of his name . According to the CB , if you get the mark you go to the lake of fire . What does a person do to feed the family , buy food , clothing , pay the rent .... If you don't worship the beast you are killed . Then what happens to the family . Then there is seals , trumpets and bowl judgments and on and on . The LORD says there will be no wrath of God , He is not cruel to His children , Spirit or mortals . There will be no rapture of all Christians so whatever the future is : we are all in the same boat . Revelation 20 : 15 Anyone whose name was not found written in the book of life was thrown into the lake of fire . Now that is not fair either says the LORD which is why there has never been a book of life because He has never though to make such a book because it just so far beyond a ridiculous thing to do . He also never made a lake of fire either . Revelation 21 : 27 Nothing impure will ever enter it , nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful , but only those whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life . This is about the city which Christians believe will come down from Heaven . That is not going to happen either . Y'shua was the LORD's Lamb . Y'shua never taught any of this stuff . The book of life does not exist . All this writings about a beast means nothing to the LORD . Remember there were almost not even three verses in all of Revelation that had any truth and none of these verse are among the three . There will be no wrath of God , no Rapture of Christians and no a lot of other stuff . It is possible that the Christians writer got this idea from Daniel 12 : 1 a time of trouble , ... At that time , your people will be rescued , all who are found inscribed in the book . Daniel was not the LORD's favorite Prophet . What book Daniel is writing about does not exist either . Daniel would have been writing about the Jewish people , your people , and not about Christians . What is written in the Jewish Bible is for the Jews to deal with . It is not the fault of the Jews that Christians chose to use the JB and from that made even more errors . Christians should have never used the JB in the first place . What errors are written in the Christian Bible for what ever reason is for Christians to deal with also .

44 : A Different Kind Of Supper
Revelation 19 : 17 - 21 And I saw an angel standing in the sun , who cried in a loud voice to all the birds flying in midair , " Come , gather together for the great supper of God , so that you may eat the flesh of kings , generals , and the mighty , of horses and their riders , and the flesh of all people , free and slave , great and small . Many Christians believe that all people will be raised from the dead , even these people . If these verses were true then how is LORD ELohim suppose to find all the little bits and pieces of each mans flesh in all that bird poop ? Some people need to rethink their beliefs about ' resurrection '. There is no truth to anything in this verse like most of everything else in Revelation .

45 : Where Are The Miracles Today?
In the CB it's says Y'shua preformed about 35 miracles . Most were healing , casting out demons , able to rule over the forces of nature like calming the storm and raising the dead . If it were true : the resurrection of Y'shua dead body would be a miracle . Another miracle not listed is the Disciples learning many languages in the time of a few moments , which would be miracle number 36 . Y'shua only knew one language , Hebrew . LORD ELohim only knows three languages , Hebrew , ancient Egyptian and the language of Heaven : English . How could many languages be taught to the Disciples when Y'shua and LORD ELohim did not know those languages ? LORD ELohim knows what miracles the Christians claim Y'shua did and he did none of them and the others did not happen either . Out of the 36 claimed miracles , LORD ELohim Himself can only do one of them . The one He can do is walk on water , but the LORD is Spirit and Y'shua was a fully mortal man so Y'shua could not walk on water any better then you can . Since LORD ELohim cannot do these miracles then neither could Y'shua on his own . Why do none of these miracles happen yet today ? In Matthew 10 : 7 & 8 (R) As you go , proclaim the message : " The kingdom of heaven has come near ." 8 Heal the sick , raise the dead , cleanse those who have leprosy , drive out demons . This is what is claimed , that Y'shua said these verses to his Disciples . So why cannot Christians do all that today if the Disciples could do them back then as is claimed ? I remember a couple of TV Christian preachers who got caught doing fake healing but we have never heard of any who could do what Y'shua is claimed to have done . All written in the CB about Y'shua doing such miracles is a lie and not an error . In the book of Acts 2 : 1 - 4 When the day of Pentecost came , they were all together in one place . 2 Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting . 3 They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. 4 All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them . LORD ELohim says this could not possibly have happened . If the Holy Spirit existed , that Spirit would have exactly the same problem with teaching mankind as the LORD and Teaching Spirits have . If that false spirit could teach people in that way , why would the LORD be in need of the Jews and Jewish Prophets over the years or in need of me today ? If the Holy Spirit existed and is the third ' God ' of the Christian trinity of three Gods , you would think LORD ELohim would have at least met this Spirit sometime in the past . LORD ELohim says this Christian Holy Spirit does not exist and the Disciples were never taught other languages by LORD ELohim because the LORD cannot do what is claimed .

46 : No Resurrection = No Forgiveness Of Sin
In a Christian book it says : If Y'shua did not raise from the dead in bodily form then the Christians are yet in their sins . This is not true . It was Y'shua's death and the shedding of his blood as the Lamb of God that allowed forgiveness of most all peoples sins and inequities . A resurrection or no resurrection of Y'shua's dead body changes nothing . The LORD forgave most all people of their sins and minor wrong doings the moment Y'shua died , including most all Christians in the future . Christianity did not exist at that time . From Adam and Eve to now and as long a humans exist into the future the LORD ELohim forgave most all people of their sins and minor iniquities when Y'shua's death payed the price for our sins and more to be forgiven . So it would not matter either way , Y'shua being resurrected of not being resurrected . All fairly good people were forgiven by LORD ELohim , not by Y'shua and not by the pope or any other Christian clergy . The evil , wicked and cruel people including many many popes and their goons will never be forgiven by LORD ELohim of their sins and iniquities . Y'shua was never resurrected but that changed nothing about the LORD's forgiveness of all fairly good peoples sins and wrong doings . That book also says , if grace is not what the Christians believe it is by their faith in Y'shua as their Lord and Savior , then the Christian Bible NT is nothing but a fraud . LORD ELohim says He cannot argue against that statement . It also states that without the miracles there is no proof that Y'shua was a God . Truth is : Y'shua was not a God in any form and all those so called miracles never happened . Remember : if you are a Christian LORD ELohim is not trying to shut down the Christian faith : He is just trying to make it better based on what is the truth about anything and everything . The LORD says that Christians might want to change the name of their religion since Y'shua was not the awaited Messiah , the Christ .

47 : Bad Habits
I tend to write ' most all fairly good people are forgiven ' . That would mean that some fairly good people would not be forgiven for some unknown reason . It should say ' All fairly good people were forgiven of their sins and minor wrong doings ' . Sorry about that .

48 : The Book Of Job
LORD ELohim wonders why this book of lies is even in the Jewish and Christian Bibles ? The LORD would never do that to someone . The LORD is not cruel , wicked and evil and He has no desire to test someone in such a painful and horrifying way . In the book Job's daughters and sons were killed and in the end of the book he had more children to replace the ones he had . It’s one thing to replace a cow or a goat but how is it possible to truly replace your children who you loved and died before their parents ? Again : David wants nothing to do with mankind and David would not have such power to make all the causes of Job's suffering happen and neither can the LORD . LORD ELohim would never allow that to happen . The book of Job is a fiction lie about the LORD being so cruel and wicked and about David being the same and about a man named Job who never existed . Was Y'shua being tested by LORD ELohim and David , spending 40 days in the wilderness ? Matthew 4 : 1 & 2 tells the story 1 Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil . 2 After fasting forty days and forty nights , he was hungry ..... Notice in the book of Job and these verses , David had permission or a job to do given to him by LORD ELohim . LORD ELohim says these verses in the CB is a lie told by the Roman Catholic Church when writing the CB . Y'shua was the Lamb of God . Why would LORD ELohim treat Y'shua so cruelly and for what purpose ? The LORD would not risk Y'shua dying of thirst or hunger in the wilderness for no good reason . This never happened either .

49 : David Would Have Known The Son Of God
Matthew 4 : 1 - 11 .... 2 After fasting forty days and forty nights , he was hungry . 3 The tempter came to him and said , " If you are the Son of God , tell these stones to become bread ." David ( Satan ) was among the first six Archangels created by LORD ELohim . David's home is in Heaven , it always has been . David would have known the only Son of God if that were true about Y'shua . So why does David say in these verses ' If you are the Son of God . The ' only Son of God ' would have been an Archangel too . Archangels are big Spirits , almost as big as LORD ELohim . If this Spirit was in Y'shua parts of the body of the Archangel would be hanging out of Y'shua all over the place . David would have seen that Spirit , so why does he ask ' If you are the Son of God twice . Back to the truth . There is no only Son of God . Y'shua was fully mortal , so Y'shua could not see or hear David speaking . None of these verses 1 - 11 have any truth in them . LORD ELohim created all Spirits and there is no just one Son of God . The LORD created thousands of Spirits ' in His image ' only a lot smaller for most of them and they are all equally sons of the LORD .

50 : About The Lake Of Fire And The Second Death
What does the ' second death ' mean ? Something called the ' second death ' sounds like a person dies , then resurrected , then truly dies again for the second time but thats not what the CB says . In Revelation 20 : 10 And the devil , who deceived them , was thrown into the lake of burning sulphur , where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown . They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever . Revelation 20 : 14 & 15 Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire . The lake of fire is the second death . Anyone whose name was not found written in the book of life was thrown into the lake of fire . Revelation 20 : 8 But the cowardly , the unbelieving , the vile , the murderers , the sexually immoral , those who practice magic arts , the idolaters and all liars - they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulphur . This is the second death . The word consigned means : to put someone or something in a place to get rid of them . Revelation 2 : 11 ... The one who is victorious will not be hurt at all by the second death . Revelation 20 : 6 Blessed and holy are those who share in the first resurrection . The second death has no power over them , but they will be priests of God and of Christ and will reign with him for a thousand years . According to these verses the ' second death ' is not death at all . We could only find the words ' second death ' in the book of Revelation . According to the CB NT this so called second death is not death but is eternal life in the lake of fire where people are suffering torments , extreme pain and anguish of body and mind for all eternity . Do you really believe LORD ELohim our Father would be that wicked and cruel to us , His mortal children , just because these people did not believe in Christianity . Christians have no proof for the most part that their teachings and beliefs are true and also for the most part there is no logic either . If you believe the truth that LORD ELohim our Father is very loving , good , kind and forgiving Father toward most of us mortal humans of any religion , then that would render verses like these to be void of any truth . The LORD never created a lake of fire . Dead people cannot be resurrected . No mortal human or any other mortal species will have an afterlife and live for all eternity . The wicked , cruel and evil people will forever remain dust just like the good and loving people will remain forever dust also . Again : the LORD says to all mankind , there is nothing to fear about death .

51 : Are You Really Saved?
If you still believe everything about Christianity and what it teaches you may want to think about the following . According to the CB : First : You must truly REPENT , to turn from sin and resolve to reform one's life and to truly feel sorry about the wrong doings you have done . Second : You must be BAPTIZED as an adult just like Y'shua and to be fully dunked in water . Third : The preacher must have LAID HANDS ON YOU in order to receive the Holy Spirit . Fourth : To keep the Holy Spirit you must OBEY THE LORD'S COMMANDMENTS , like His Ten Commandments and all others . I was baptized as a baby which was common back in those days but not fully dunked in water . A baby could drowned doing that to them . Does that baptism count for anything today ? We are fairly sure among some Christian ministers they would say no , it means nothing now . I wonder how many Christians my age who were baptized as a baby never even heard of some of these rules and regulations about what it takes to be a Christian and to be saved as a Christian . This is just information for any Christians who want to keep their old Christian faith as it was for many people before the Little Book . The LORD really does not care . Since there is no resurrection and there is no salvation or eternal life for anyone , including all Christians , there is no harm done by Christians who want to keep their old beliefs as is , as long as it harms no other people and is respectful of other peoples beliefs regarding their religion . That is the same for any religion says the LORD .

52 : Does Anyone Have The LORD's Spirit Within Them?
Some people believe that the Holy Spirit is LORD ELohim's Spirit . The truth is the Holy Spirit does not exist and there is nothing of LORD ELohim's Spirit within any people . Never in the history of mankind has the LORD put His Spirit within anyone . The only Spirits who were within a very very few people like the Prophets were Teaching Spirits . Even Teaching Spirits are not of LORD ELohim's Spirit . There are four people at this time who off and on have Teaching Spirits today . Other than those Teaching Spirits within those four people , no other mortal humans have Spirit within them by any name . Remember : even LORD ELohim cannot interfere with peoples free will . The LORD can teach wisdom but what people do with that wisdom is up to each person and is not up to LORD ELohim . So what would the purpose be for a Spirit to be in you ? No Spirit can interfere with your free will either , so there would be no purpose for that Spirit in you . Also : the LORD is not cruel to His Spirit children . If you were a Spirit , would you want to be in some boring mortal human persons smelly body for even one day , or eighty five years or over a hundred years . All Spirits just want to play and do a lot of other fun things to do with all their brothers . No Spirits exist ' who would agree ' to be in some mortal human body for years . The LORD would never force His Spirit children to do anything they do not want to do and thats one very good reason why there are no Spirits in any people , including Christians . Where would all those many billions of Spirits come from ? The LORD would have to create them , and He did not do that . He has thousands of Spirit children He did create , but that is all . The LORD is One Spirit and only about nine feet tall and we were created ' in His image ' which means having arm , legs , feet , torso , head .... . In other words : we look a lot like the LORD , so how could LORD ELohim be in many billions of people , all at the same time ??? How could His Spirit be in people ? Again : there is no purpose for a Spirit to be in any human , including all you Christians too .

53 : Is Y'shua With You?
Matthew 28 : 19 & 20 " Therefore go and make disciples of all nations , baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you . And surely I am with you always , to the very end of the age . " If this is true that Y'shua is with Christians always then why did Y'shua not end the torture and slaughter of people during the Roman Catholic Church inquisitions or end the torture and slaughter of the Knights Templars by the church and a king and on and on ? Y'shua was a deeply loving and caring and kind and gentle man . Why would he have put up with what the Roman Catholic Church did if he had such power to end it . Again : Y'shua was long dead at the time this verse was written and he was a fully mortal Jewish man who had no ' God Spirit ' within him . Let’s pretend that Y'shua was a God Spirit . Y'shua would have been like LORD ELohim : one Spirit about eight feet tall and in the image of LORD ELohim as all Spirits are . So how could Y'shua be in all Christians ? Remember that Y'shua , claimed by Christians , went to Heaven shortly after he died . The Holy Spirit does not exist . So Y'shua could not in anyway be with you and millions of other Christian people right now or in the past or in the future . Back to the truth : Y'shua is dead still and will always be dead because he was only a fully mortal Jewish man who had no ' God Spirit ' in him . Y'shua did not say these verses . These verses are a lie . Another lie is the claim that Y'shua went to Heaven . No mortal human has ever been in Heaven , dead or alive , not even Y'shua .

54 : Is God A Trinity Of Gods?
Most Christians believe God is actually three Gods : Father , Son and Holy Spirit which is known as the Trinity of the three Christian Gods who the Christians claim are just ' One God ' . LORD ELohim and me has never understood the mathematical outcome in that belief . Some Christians believe that only LORD ELohim and Y'shua are Gods and that the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of LORD ELohim . Again : LORD ELohim is not that big . Often most Christians claim that the name ' ELohim ' means plural , meaning it means more than one God . The LORD ELohim has had that name for trillions of years before He created Hominoids and it has always meant He alone is ELohim . Even the Jews say this only means ' One God ' , not more than ' One God Spirit ' . The only people who say ELohim means more than One God are the Christians and that reason would be because most of them have three Gods in one God , so to explain that , they needed to tell a lie and say ELohim means more than only One God . Again , the LORD says that is a lie . He says that name is only His name and its meaning would be He alone is the One and only God . The name ' EL ' also means LORD ELohim which also means He is alone the One and Only God . In Christian writings it says - The doctrine of the Trinity is based on three lines of evidence : evidence that there is only one true God . It's claimed that Isaiah 44 : 6 and Isaiah 46 : 9 . In the JB 44 : 6 Thus said the LORD , the King of Israel , Their Redeemer , the LORD of Hosts " I am the first and I am the last , And there is no god but Me . In 46 : 9 Bear in mind what happened of old ; For I am God , and there is none else , I am divine , and there is none like Me . How are these verses suppose to be proof of more than One God and proof of the believed Christian trinity of three Gods ? These are very clear that LORD ELohim is the One and Only God . Even in the NIV these verses are close to being the same . These are certainly not good back up verses for the Christian claim that there is three Gods in One God . The rest of the back up verses are in the NT . We are not going to write the whole verses , just the high notes . The claimed back up verse for the trinity is John 5 : 44 (R)... do not seek the glory that comes from the only God . John 17 : 3 (R) Now this is eternal life : that they know you , the only true God , and Jesus Christ , whom you have sent . Romans 3 : 29 & 30 ... since there is only one God , Romans 16 : 27 to the only wise God be glory forever through Jesus Christ ! 1 Corinthians 8 : 4 ... " There is no God but one ." Galatians 3 : 20 A mediator , however , implies more than one party ; but God is one . Ephesians 4 : 5 & 6 one Lord , one faith , one baptism ; 6 one God and Father of all , who is over all and through all and in all . 1 Timothy 2 : 5 For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind , the man Christ Jesus , James : 2 : 19 You believe that there is one God . Good ! These verses were to prove there is only one true God which to us sabotages the Christian belief in three Gods , but the writer thinks it proves the trinity belief . We don't get it ! The writer goes on : 1 Peter 1 : 2 ... who have been chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father , through the sanctifying work of the Spirit , to be obedient to Jesus Christ and sprinkled with his blood : Hebrews 1 : 8 But about the Son he says , " Your throne , O God , will last forever and ever ; a sceptre of justice will be the sceptre of your kingdom . LORD ELohim says this verse is a lie . He never said this to anyone , including Y'shua . Acts 5 : 3 & 4 ... that you have lied to the Holy Spirit and have kept for yourself some of the money you received for the land ? Remember this one : this is about a husband and wife who kept some lunch money from the sale of their land and for doing that it’s claimed by Christians that the LORD ELohim dropped them both dead for doing that . The LORD says the whole story is a lie , including a Holy Spirit being there with them . Another set of verses to scare people with . Matthew 28 : 19 (R) ... baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit . The LORD says Y'shua never said this . Y'shua was was a very devoted Jew and the Jews then and now don't believe in what Christians call their Holy Spirit God which is one of their three Gods . That Christian belief did not come from Jews or Judaism or from Y'shua who was a Jew : not a Greek . Greeks and Romans had a lot of gods , so much so that the Greeks had one day a years to worship all their gods just to make sure during the year all were worshiped . The writing of the CB was in the hands of the Greeks too . Would it be surprising that the Romans or Greeks added three more gods to that long list of gods and one of those gods they named Jesus Christ and the other god they named the Holy Spirit and other god they named , but is rarely mentioned in the CB NT , Alpha and Omega the Father . 2 Corinthians 13 : 14 . May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ , and the love of God , and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all . It important to know : Grace came from LORD ELohim and His love for most people and not from Y'shua . Y'shua's love for mankind , enough to die for most of us , came from Y'shua the fully mortal Jewish man . Christians have given LORD ELohim more reasons to greatly dislike Christians than to love them . Think of the history of Christianity . LORD ELohim dealt with the Roman Catholic Church long ago who were murdering His Jews just because they were teaching the truth , to the point He told the Jews to stay away from Christians . And the Christian problem did not end there , but continued throughout history and is still a problem in some places today , also without just reasons . The Holy Spirit does not exist , Y'shua was not a God or the only Son of God or the Messiah and the only true God is LORD ELohim .

55 : Who Was Y'shua's True Father?
The LORD says Y'shua's true mortal father was Joseph who married Y'shua's mother Miriam . The LORD ELohim with a little help from other Spirits did acquire the sperms from Joseph and fertilized an egg within Y'shua's mother Miriam . So it turns out that Y'shua's true family was his father Joseph and his mother Miriam . Why this way since Joseph and Miriam were to marry anyways ? A virgin giving birth would be a sign of God if needed . The LORD says He never needed to use that fact .

56 : The Name Miriam
In Christian books the name Miriam is listed . A women called Miriam who was the sister of Moses and another lady called Miriam who was descendant of Judah and Caleb . But there were other Miriam's who's names were changed by the Greeks or Roman Catholics to Mary . One of these women was Y'shua's Jewish mother Miriam . Another was Miriam Magdalene who Christians change her name to Mary also . It was Miriam Magdalene that Y'shua married . The interest-ing thing is that the writers of Christian books do not list Y'shua's mother or Y'shua wife under the name of Miriam but they have no problem listing women called Miriam for most other ladies . Is it because Christians have forgotten the true Jewish names of Y'shua's mother and his wife . The name Mary is Greek for Miriam . There are several other woman who's Jewish name were Miriam and the Greeks or Romans changed them also to Mary . It was very wrong for the Greeks or Romans to change Y'shua's Jewish name to the Greek name Jesus and it was also very wrong to change the Jewish ladies name Miriam to the Greek name Mary also . Christianity does not teach that Y'shua was married to Miriam Magdalene and had two sons with her . Why does Christianity , and probably on purpose , hide that fact from people long ago and still today ? Did the Roman Catholic Church think that would make Y'shua less than a God ? Was it because the Roman Catholic Church does not allow its clergy to marry , there-fore saving a lot of money on family dinners ? All the Disciples of Y'shua knew he was married and had a family , yet in writings claimed by the church to be the Disciples writings , there is no mention of this fact about Y'shua's life . Why is that ??? Y'shua kept a journal about his life and other stuff . The LORD knows Y'shua wrote about his family in that journal . Where is it ??? The Roman Catholic Church claims to have gotten journals from a few Disciples of Y'shua , is that even true ?

57 : Did LORD ELohim Inspire The Christian Bible NT?
Most Christian believe that every word in the Christian Bible New and Old Testament is fully the Word of God . LORD ELohim is hopeful that by reading His Little Book people know the LORD far better now . Do you still believe the book of Revelation or the book of Job is truly inspired by LORD ELohim ? Do you still believe every word in these books is the truth about LORD ELohim , Who He is and what He is like and what He has done among mankind and what He will do in the future ? In the Jewish Bible the LORD says He did inspire a lot in those books , but not Job , through the Jewish Prophets . But all in the JB is not perfect . No book is perfect of any religion that claims the LORD inspired it writings . LORD ELohim says : He can honestly say that in the Christian Bible New Testament , not one word was inspired directly by Him and Y'shua inspired almost nothing in it also . The only book the LORD was involved in over the years is the writings in the Jewish Bible . Other religions like Christianity have used the Jewish Bible for some of their religious beliefs so in that way they were inspired by the JB , but not inspired by LORD ELohim directly . The Old Testament in the Christian Bible is suppose to be exactly like the Jewish Bible but a lot of verses in the CB's OT were changed by Christians in their wording and meaning . So if these verses were right and the Word of God in the JB , they are no longer the Word of God in the CB OT because the Christians changed the wording and meanings . The CB and other religions and their religious books were not directly inspired by the LORD . Only the Jews have always been LORD ELohim's voice among mankind .

58 : Is The Christian Bible The Final Revelation To Mankind?
Christians claim it is . LORD ELohim says His Little Book is the final attempt to communicate with all mankind . When His Little Book is finished then the LORD will probably have nothing more to say to us . Again : the CB was not the LORD's inspired Words and He had nothing to do with Christianity and Y'shua had nothing to do with Christianity either because Y'shua was dead and Y'shua never said most everything that is written in the CB NT that Christians say he said .

59 : Are We Born With A Sinful Nature?
LORD ELohim says this is not true . If LORD ELohim was to count our sins , He would not start counting until we are ten years old , giving us time to know right from wrong and so on . What we become has a lot to do with what we are taught and what we experience in our young lives . No one is born to be a murderer or a righteous person . What we chose to do with our free will is up to us : good or bad , loving or hateful , kind or cruel , and so on . That is our choice to make and it has nothing to do with our DNA . Some people are born with mental illness , that probably has something to do with their DNA . There is no sinful nature . To sin or not sin is a choice we need to make with the knowledge we have gained and with the free will LORD ELohim created in all of us Hominoids .

60 : Why Was Y'shua Not The Only Begotten Son?
I have met a lot of Spirits who were created by LORD ELohim . The LORD created every Spirit in His Spirit family trillions of years ago . Only LORD ELohim created these Spirits . There is no ' only son of God ' . That Spirit does not exist . All Spirits are sons of the LORD and LORD ELohim is their one and only Father . Y'shua was a fully mortal Jewish man . There was nothing about Y'shua that was Spirit except the Teaching Spirits who were never a part of Y'shua's mortal body . Y'shua was not the only son of LORD ELohim as a mortal man either . It was LORD ELohim who created all mortal species on earth including all Hominoids , sometimes with the help of the little Spirits who have little hands . Nothing about Y'shua existed in any form before he was conceived of about 4 or 5 B.C.E. . The Christians calling Y'shua a God is completely wrong . Y'shua was fully mortal and nothing about him in anyway was he a God . There is only One God and His name is LORD ELohim , Father of all Spirits and Father of all mortal life on earth . Again : Y'shua was not a God or a Spirit .

61 : Was LORD ELohim Uncreated?
Many Christians believe that LORD ELohim our Father and Y'shua their false god were uncreated , meaning without a beginning , without being created . LORD ELohim says that is not true . The LORD was created . He has not always existed . Trillions of years ago the LORD suddenly realized He was a living being of some sort . He had a head with eyes , nose and mouth , a torso , arms , hands , legs , feet and a robe that covered much of His body . He was all alone . Who the LORD's parents are , His creators , He does not know . But He hopes someday He will meet them . Within the mind of the LORD was information on how He could create a Spirit family and He did just that . LORD ELohim looks today exactly the way He looked trillions of years ago when He first realized He was alive . All Spirits He created , He created in His image . Just like the way the LORD ELohim created Hominoids , in His image also . So the LORD was created . Y'shua was a fully mortal Jewish man who was conceived of in the womb of Miriam by the LORD . Y'shua was created with a sperm and egg . Y'shua was not Spirit in anyway .

62 : What Is An Easy Lie To Know?
LORD ELohim says Y'shua never taught anything about eternal life . The Jewish Rabbis were not known to teach much about that because ' who really knows ' if it's true or false . No Jews have ever seen a dead person walking around , not even Y'shua . Where is the proof if you believe in the resurrection of a dusty old corpse ? There is no logic in that belief either . John 4 : 13 & 14 Jesus answered , " Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again , 14 but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst . Indeed , the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life . The LORD says , Y'shua never said that . Y'shua never promised eternal life to anyone for any reason . Much of the red letter verses were not spoken by Y'shua . Even Y'shua never saw a dead person risen back to life , and he never resurrected any dead people either . The CB was in the hands of the Greeks and Romans and the Roman Catholic Church long before given to non-preachers . Y'shua never claimed to be a God , or the Messiah , or the King of the Jews and on and on . Y'shua did not teach about the Kingdom of God coming to earth and stuff like that either . Y'shua was a common type of Rabbi and taught about the LORD's coming forgiveness , The Simple Truth and helped the Jews as best he could to deal with the cruel and wicked Romans . Y'shua never promised anyone what he knew he could not deliver on and eternal life was one subject he never promised to people . A few religions today make that promise to the believers and they have no proof that is true either . The LORD says no mortal will have eternal life , that is impossible for even LORD ELohim to do for us .

63 : Will Christians Acquire God's Divine Nature?
Nature means : the typical qualities or character of something or someone . Divine means : of , relating to , or being God or a god . Some Christians believe when all is said and done , they will get a share in LORD ELohim's or Y'shua's divine nature . Some believe that the creation of mankind was so the LORD could add them to His existing family , Y'shua and Himself . There is no mention of His Spirit children when the word ' divine family ' is used . In 2 Corinthians 6 : 18 And , " I will be a Father to you , and you will be my sons and daughter , says the Lord Almighty ." The back up verse to this is 2 Samuel 7 : 14 JB I will be a father to him , and he shall be a son to Me . ... This back up verse has nothing to do with Christians . This verse is about David's son and next King , which came to be Solomon . The LORD would never , ever , never give anything to mortals regarding His Divine nature , not even to Y'shua . The LORD would never make any mortals into gods or kings to rule the world , especially not the Christians . Would you ? Remember the history of Christianity . The LORD gave pagan mankind many new chances to get things right with Him and within one generation they were back to the way they were and again doing what the LORD worked so hard to help them with . The LORD has always tried to help people , with the help of the Jews . To help mankind live a better mortal life but the pagans went back to their old ways every time . Most Christians believe in three Gods . The LORD calls that paganism . The Christians call other people pagans but Christians are the most well know pagans on earth that the LORD knows of . The LORD would never make Christians kings and certainly not pagan priests in the Kingdom of God , which is not coming to earth anyways . The LORD is not going to give Christians anything of His Divine nature , whatever that means ? The LORD had no purpose for creating mortal life other than to see if He could make living beings out of dirt . LORD ELohim is the one and only Father of all mortal life on earth , every species from the smallest bacteria to all dinosaurs to all Hominoids , He created them all just to see if He could . We are His children but we are all mortal and will always be mortals until we die a mortal death .

64 : Nothing About Christians Is In The Jewish Bible
In the JB you will not find anything about Christians or Christianity . The LORD never knew anything about Christians until shortly after Christians came to be and they began murdering and tormenting the Jewish people for teaching the truth , so there is nothing taught by the LORD to the Jewish Prophets about Christianity and their beliefs . The LORD did teach that someday a Lamb of God will probably come to be , who was Y'shua long after that prophesy was given to the Jewish Prophet by the LORD . Again : there is not one word in the JB about Christians and the Christian religion . In the CB OT you can find verses there regarding Christianity but remember the Christians changed the wording of a lot of verses in their OT in order for them to back up their New Testament verses . Again : the LORD says there is nothing in the Jewish Bible about Christians because He knew nothing about Christians until after Christianity was created by the Greeks and Romans . So how could there be anything in the JB about Christians and their religion and what their belief are ?

65 : What Is The LORD's Eternal Plan For Us Mortal Children?
Did LORD ELohim have a plan for mankind that He hoped would go on almost forever on earth ? The LORD hoped that mankind forever would be greatly loving , kind , good , sharing , caring , at peace , enjoying life , happy , content , satisfied and that we would obey His Ten Commandments and use His Simple Truth teaching so generation after generation the world would remain this way . People will still die but hopefully with a satisfied smile on their face about the life they had . This hope the LORD had for all mankind ended a very long time ago . LORD ELohim could only hope for us and teach us how to live this way but He could not make this hope for mankind happen . That has to be our choice , all mankind , to make it happen . LORD ELohim had no eternal plans for mankind . Where people go from here is up to us : world peace or nuclear war , love or hatred , kind or cruel , happiness or misery , .... . LORD ELohim is heading home soon and we will be on our own . What will we do then ? If we are smart we will live the way the LORD's wisdom taught us to live or we are not going to survive .

66 : The LORD Never Said us Or our image To Another God
In the Bibles it says the LORD said in Genesis 1 : 26 JB And God said " Let us make mankind in our image , after our likeness , so that they may rule .... " 27 And God created man in His image , in the image of God He created him , male and female He created them . Moses did get it right about the LORD creating mankind in His and His Spirit children’s image . LORD ELohim says He never said this but it’s written in the JB and the CB's . Some Christians believe who the LORD was talking to was Y'shua who they believe is a God also . LORD ELohim says that would be impossible since Y'shua did not exist back then and Y'shua was not a God or the LORD's only son . Had the LORD said this He would have been speaking to His true Spirit sons , the Spirit children He created and is the Father of . There was only one God and Father at that time and there is still only one God and Father today and LORD ELohim will always only be one God and Father forever .

67 : Who Judged Mankind?
John 5 : 26 & 27 (R): For as the Father has life in himself , so he has granted the Son also to have life in himself . 27 And he has given him authority to judge because he is the Son of Man . There are a couple of errors in what is written . If Y'shua really said this , would he most likely have said And he has given me authority to judge because I am the Son of Man . Did the monk forget he was writing a red letter verse ? The LORD says Y'shua never said this , either way . LORD ELohim loved Y'shua a lot but even with that being so He would never allow a mortal to judge other mortals , not even Y'shua . Our judge was LORD ELohim and not Y'shua . Christians would certainly never be allowed to judge other people but neither any other mortals of any other religions either .

68 : Will The Dead Hear?
John 5 : 28 - 30 : Do not be amazed at this , for a time is coming when all who are in their graves will hear his voice 29 and come out - those who have done what is good will rise to live , and those who have done what is evil will rise to be condemned . 30 .... We have the same problem as was in 66 . Who's is this voice, LORD ELohim or Y'shua ? The LORD says it will not be His voice and Y'shua is dead so it will not be his voice either . If Y'shua really said this he does not mention anything about the need of faith to live a good eternal life . The LORD says that would be true if people could have an eternal life . It’s only your deeds that count , good or bad . The LORD would not care what your religion is or what it is not . No mortal is perfect and no religion is perfect either . We think the his voice means Y'shua . Remember the LORD says Think Not Beyond Logic when trying to understand any religious book verses . The dead know nothing , hear nothing , see nothing . How is it even physically possible for a dusty old corpse to some how on its own put all that dust and dry bones back together again and then dig its self out of the coffin and the grave ?? What about cremated bodies who's ashes were cast to the wind on a mountain top ?? The LORD cannot resurrect any dead people's bodies and Y'shua certainly cannot either since he was fully mortal and also one other reason , Y'shua is also dead . The LORD says Y'shua never said these silly verses and the LORD is sure Y'shua's Disciple John did not write these verses either .

69 : Do You Really Know God?
If you believe every word in the CB and even in the JB and other religions Books also , you really don't know LORD ELohim . The LORD is a deeply loving , kind and very caring God and Father about His children , Spirits and mortals . The LORD has over the thousands of years worked hard to help us pass our trial , live a good mortal life , to find joy and happiness in our life , and tried to help us live in peace . How many verses in the sacred Books and other books written by people about the LORD say otherwise . The Christian Bible New Testament does not depict Y'shua any better than LORD ELohim is depicted either . The book of Revelation alone in the CB NT depicts both the LORD and Y'shua and even Spirit children of the LORD as being extremely cruel and wicked to most all mankind and all other mortal life on earth also . The book of Job does the same but only about LORD ELohim and David . There are other verses in the CB NT that do the same . If you believe every word written , which were all written by people , you do not know our true God and Father LORD ELohim and Christians do not know Y'shua the dead Lamb of God either . There is a lot in the CB NT that Y'shua did not say , says the LORD . The LORD goes to gatherings and Christian ministers have said that there are many verses in the CB they have never preached about because they did not believe them to be true . The Jewish Prophets wrote often that when hardship came upon the Jews , it was the LORD punishing them for whatever reason . LORD ELohim says He never punished His Jewish people for any reason . All religious Books were written by people and people can make errors and even make up lies and people can have corrupt and unscrupulous reasons for what they wrote . There are many verses in the CB NT to scare people into becoming Christians and so the churches keep their Christian congregation . The LORD is love , kindness and deeply caring about His children , Spirits and mortals . The LORD could have left us years ago but He did not because of love and concern for us mortals . When you read verses that makes LORD ELohim sound like a very cruel and wicked God and Father remember that !

70 : Are All the Rich People in Trouble with The LORD?
Mark 10 : 17 - 24 As Jesus started on his way , a man ran up to him and fell on his knees before him . " Good teacher , " he asked , " what must I do to inherit eternal life ?" It goes on to say Y'shua recited some of the Ten Commandments . 20 " Teacher " he declared , " all these I have kept since I was a boy ." 21 Jesus looked at him and loved him . (R) " One thing you lack , " he said . " Go , sell everything you have and give to the poor , and you will have treasure in heaven . Then come , follow me." 22 At this the man's face fell . He went away sad , because he had great wealth . 23 Jesus looked around and said to his disciples , " How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God !" 24 The disciples were amazed at his word . But Jesus said again , " Children , how hard it is to enter the kingdom of God ! 25 It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God ." LORD ELohim does not agree with these verses . The LORD knew some rich Jews who gave a lot of money or food and stuff to poor people . Its been a few times that charities have noted that if you give a gift of any amount of money like a hundred someone will double it to two hundred or even triple it to three hundred up to 50,000 or more . Who ever is doing that is not a poor person . That person would have to be a rich person to do that for the charity . LORD ELohim says Y'shua never said this . The LORD is not going to come down on someone just because they managed to become rich durning their life time . Most did hard work to earn that . The LORD would have never said sell everything you have . That like the husband and wife who the CB claims the LORD or Y'shua killed both of them just because they did not give all their money to the church . That never happened , there is no truth in that story either . There is no treasure in heaven . A lot of good rich people do support charities and even if a few rich people do not , thats their choice to make . It's not a crime or a sin .

71 : Are All Things Possible With LORD ELohim? : Mark 10 : 26 & 27 (B)
The disciples were even more amazed , and said to each other , " Who then can be saved ?" 27 (R) Jesus looked at them and said , " With man this is impossible , but not with God ; all things are possible ." If Y'shua was a God he would have known that his words were a lie . The LORD says Y'shua never said this . The LORD can only do what the nature of the universe allows Him to do . The nature of the universe does not allow the LORD to resurrect dead mortal bodies , or turn a stone into bread , or to heal peoples sickness with just a touch or a word , feed thousands of people with just a couple of fish and bread , or turn water into wine , magically put a coin in a fishes mouth , or , or , or . Y'shua had no power over and above the nature of the universe either and Y'shua did not do all these things either . Creating mortal life was not an easy task for LORD ELohim to do . It took billions of years for the LORD to accomplish that to what we know exists today . So the truth is : not all things are possible for the LORD to do . If you wanted LORD ELohim to create a new galaxy , that He can do , but so can the nature of the universe do that also .

72 : Who Is The LORD's Messenger?
In Mark 1 : 1 - 4 The beginning of the good news about Jesus the Messiah , the Son of God , 2 as it is written in Isaiah the prophet : In the NIV it says that in some manuscripts they do not have the ' Son of God ' written in them . " I will send my messenger ahead of you , who will prepare your way " - They claim the back up verse is Malachi 3 : 1 in the JB . Behold , I am sending My messenger to clear the way before Me , and the Lord whom you seek shall come to His Temple suddenly . The LORD says there is an error in this verse . He says it should say ' and the LORD whom you seek ' meaning Him . Now it makes sense . This verse has nothing to do with Y'shua or Christianity . As for the angel of the covenant that you desire , he is already coming . Angel of the covenant probably means a guardian Angel of Israel . A lot of people believe in guardian Angels but there are no Angels who have that job . Sometimes the LORD would ask some of His Spirit children to watch something for a while and keep Him informed about that something but even that is very rare . 3 " a voice of one calling in the wilderness , ' Prepare the way for the Lord , make straight paths for him . " Their back up verse is Isaiah 40 : 3 in the JB it says A voice rings out : " Clear the desert A road for the LORD ! Level in the wilderness A highway for our God ! The Jewish Bible says ' LORD ' , meaning LORD ELohim , not Y'shua and not John the Baptist . Notice in all the above verses how Christians changed the wording of these verses in the JB so to mean something about Y'shua and not what is written in the JB about LORD ELohim . The LORD does not need highways , He flies very well .

73 : Are People Baptized With The Holy Spirit?
Mark 1 : 4 - 8 . There is a lot here that the Jewish Rabbis need to explain if you don't mind . LORD ELohim says most if not all Jews do not practice baptism in water that He knows of . I looked for information about this in books about Jews and Judaism and found nothing there about baptism. The Dictionaries say only Christians get baptized . There is no mention of any other religion doing that . So its a little confusing about John the Baptist who was a true Jewish man and the LORD says John the Baptist was a real person . The LORD says He never saw John baptize anyone . The LORD says Y'shua was never baptized by John the Baptist or by anyone else . Was this a new fad started by John ? The LORD says He is sure the Christians started this new fad and not John . 4 And so John the Baptist appeared in the wilderness , preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins . The only one who can forgive the sins of mankind is LORD ELohim , His way , not the way of Christians . John was a Rabbi and a messenger to teach about the Lamb of God and the LORD's forgiveness of peoples sins by the sacrifice of the Lamb named Y'shua . 5 The LORD is pretty sure that all the Judean people and all the people of Jerusalem did not go out to see John and be baptized by him since how many Jews even heard of baptism ? The Jews knew only the LORD could forgive their sins and iniquities , not a man . 7 And this was his message : " After me comes the one more powerful than I , the straps of whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop down and untie . 8 I baptize you with water , but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit ." What power would John have had that any other person did not have to . John the Baptist was never given approval by the LORD to teach to people that John himself could forgive peoples sins just by splashing them with water . There is no Holy Spirit . That fake Spirit was created by the Christians , just as it seems , they also created baptism . The LORD says being baptized does not open the door for your sins to be forgiven by LORD ELohim . Thats not how it works . According to a book about Catholics : baptism is the immersion into the water is symbolic of death and rebirth . It’s part of the Sacraments of initiation into the church . A sacrament of purification and rebirth . We think purification means their sins are forgiven . Only LORD ELohim can forgive sins and wrong doing , not John , not Rabbis , not a pope , not a Christian preacher ... . We cannot find anywhere that baptism was a part of Judaism . The LORD hopes the Rabbis will explain what is true or not true . Was baptism a common practice in Judaism then and is it today ?

74 : Did Everyone Hear LORD ELohim's Voice?
Y'shua was being baptized by John the Baptist . LORD ELohim is sure that never happened . Mark 1 : 9 - 11 ... 10 Just as Jesus was coming up out of the water , he saw heaven being torn open and the Spirit descending on him like a dove . 11 And a voice came from heaven : " You are my Son , whom I love ; with you I am well pleased ." LORD ELohim says this never happened . How can Heaven be torn open ? The LORD has no idea what that would even mean ? No mortal can see Spirit , not even Y'shua . If LORD ELohim spoke this , who would have heard Him ? No mortal , not even Y'shua . The LORD was not in Heaven then because He was with Y'shua . Y'shua was never baptized and LORD ELohim did not speak these words to him .

75 : Did Y'shua Make Demons Leave Peoples Bodies?
Mark 1 : 21 - 28 The story is that Y'shua went into a synagogue on the Sabbath . 22 The people were amazed at his teaching , because he taught them as one who had authority , ... There is a lot in the CB NT about people being amazed by Y'shua . That is not true says the LORD . Y'shua was a good Rabbi but he never had a fan club going because of his teachings . A man in the synagogue 23 ... who was possessed by an impure spirit cried out , 24 What do you want with us , Jesus of Nazareth ? Have you come to destroy us ? I know who you are - the Holy One of God ! I asked LORD ELohim if people back then had a problem going on with Spirits and He said ' No '. 25 " Be quiet ! said Jesus sternly . " Come out of him ! " 26 The impure spirit shook the man violently and came out of him with a shriek . My Teaching Spirits can move my head up and down and side to side but this is something new that LORD ELohim figured out how to do recently . Back then Spirits could not shake people violently . I asked one of the Spirits with me to ' shriek ' and he did so but I heard nothing . 27 The people were all so amazed that they asked each other , " What is this ? A new teaching - and with authority ! He even gives orders to impure spirits and they obey him ." LORD ELohim says that Y'shua never , not even one time , cast impure Spirits out of people . Demons never existed back then and they do not exist today . 28 News about him spread quickly over the whole region of Galilee . The LORD says there was nothing that Y'shua said or did that made him famous among the Jews . Twice in these verses the word ' amazed ' was used . Thats to make people think that Y'shua was more then just a common man . Whats interesting is that the word ' amazed ' is used twice about his teaching and yet not even one word of his teachings is in these verses . Why is that ? Could the writers not think of anything that people would think is amazing ? LORD ELohim says He was never ' amazed ' by what Y'shua taught as a Rabbi and He says no people were amazed by Y'shua's teachings either . People liked Y'shua's teachings but amazed at them , no . The LORD says Y'shua was more into helping people like teaching The Simple Truth and the coming forgiveness of the LORD and helping the poor and so on .

76 : Did The Jews Chose Y'shua To Die?
In Matthew 27 : 11 - 31 its about Y'shua being taken before Pilate the Roman governor . 11 ... the governor asked him , " Are you the king of the Jews ?" (R) " You have said so , " Jesus replied . I asked LORD ELohim if He ever heard Jewish people say something like " There is Y'shua , the King of us Jews ." The LORD says that no Jew or Roman ever called him the king of the Jews and Y'shua never claimed to be a king . Y'shua did go before Pilate , but Pilate never asked Y'shua this question . In 12 - 14 it says Pilate was talking to Y'shua but Y'shua made no reply , not even to a single charge - to the great amazement of the governor . Y'shua was never treated by the Romans as anyone special and the governor showed no signs of amazement regarding Y'shua . 13 - 18 Now it was the governor's custom at the festival to release a prisoner chosen by the crowd . There was no mention that this was Pilate's custom . 16 At that time they had a well-known prisoner whose name was Jesus Barabbas . The NIV notes that most manuscripts do not have Jesus as Barabbas first name . The KJV just calls him Barabbas . Barabbas is a Greek name just like Jesus is a Greek name also . 17 So the crowd had gathered , Pilate asked them , " Which one do you want me to release to you : Jesus Barabbas , or Jesus who is called the Messiah ?" The LORD says Pilate never said this . Why would Pilate call Y'shua the Messiah . Y'shua never claimed to be the Messiah and no Jews believed he was the Messiah including his Disciples . Pilate probably knew nothing about the Jews or their hopes and dreams , other than how to tax them . The Jewish people were under Roman rule so if Pilate said Jesus who is called the Messiah the Jews who knew nothing about Y'shua probably would have said release Y'shua , hoping he is the Messiah . Most Jews knew nothing about Y'shua , not even at that time in Y'shua's life . 20 But the chief priests and the elders persuaded the crowd to ask for Barabbas and to have Jesus executed . It was only one High Priest that accused Y'shua of wrong doings . Y'shua himself was the cause of that . Y'shua knew exactly what to say or do around this Jewish Priest in order to be sacrificed as the Lamb of God , with the help of this Priest . 21 " Which of the two do you want me to release to you ? " asked the governor . " Barabbas ," they answered . This did not happen . In a Christian book it calls the crowd of Jews a ' mob ' meaning a disorderly crowd or a criminal gang . The LORD does not like the word ' mob ' being used by Christians regarding the Jews . The LORD says there was only about ten people there who were Y'shua's family and two Disciples and a few other people . There was no mob of people . A Christian book says this happened on the day of Passover . Another Christian book says this happened on the preparation day for the feast of Unleavened Bread . Which it is if either , we don't know . We could not find anything on the feast of Unleavened Bread . The LORD says to leave this to the Rabbis to figure out if they want to . The Jewish people who never knew Y'shua had better things to do that day so there was no crowd there . If Pilate asked this question when only family and friends were there , they would have saved Y'shua's life , not Barabbas . 22 " What shall I do , then , with Jesus who is called the Messiah ?" Pilate asked . They all answered , " Crucify him !" The LORD says that did not happen . The Jews , except for one Priest , had nothing to do with Y'shua's death and the Priest was pushed by Y'shua to do what he did . It was the Romans who made that happen more than anyone else , but Y'shua had a lot to do with it also . Remember : Y'shua agreed to be the Lamb of God and the LORD left it up to Y'shua as to when , where and how . Y'shua could have left it until he was ninety and on his death bed . 23 - 26 .... Pilate says " I am innocent of this man's blood , " he said . " It is your responsibility !" 25 All the people answered , " His blood is on us and on our children !" This did not happen and it is a lie written by Christians to put the blame of Y'shua's death upon the Jews . There is a lot of anti-Semitism among Christians , especially among the so called ' lost tribes of Israel ' Christians around the world and in the Christian Bible like these verses . LORD ELohim says His Jews have no guilt upon them regarding the sacrifice of the Lamb of God , not even that Jewish Priest . The Jews were never the top sinners of the world in the past or even today . But Christians and the history of Christianity : big time sinners . Christians have the Ten Commandments in their Bibles and yet they made their Sabbath on the first day of the week . The Roman Catholics made up most of their own ten commandments. Other religions need the Ten Commandments if for nothing else , to bring peace on earth . The LORD says do not blame the Jews for Y'shua's death , that is just wrong . The LORD says most all of the Jews did not need Y'shua to die for them , it was the rest of the world who needed that and still needs that . Y'shua , a fully mortal devoted Jewish man willingly died for the sins of the world so most all people back then , now and into the future could be forgiven of their sins and their wrong doings by LORD ELohim . Only LORD ELohim can forgive peoples sins and minor iniquities . No Christian preachers , not even the pope can do that . 26 Then he released Barabbas to them . But he had Jesus flogged , and handed him over to be crucified . No Barabbas , but the LORD says the rest of this verse is true . Marks version of this event is a little different . Mark 15 : 1 - 15 does not mention Y'shua as being called the Messiah by Pilate . Pilate only calls Y'shua king of the Jews in Mark . Most of Mark's version is not true just like in Matthew .

77 : Were Dead People Raised?
In Matthew 27 : 50 - 54 And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice , he gave up his spirit . Y'shua like any mortal did not have a Spirit . 51 At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom . The earth shook , the rocks split 52 and the tombs broke open . The bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life . 53 They came out of the tombs after Jesus resurrection and went into the holy city and appeared to many people . LORD ELohim has never called any mortals holy people , not even among the Jews , not even Y'shua . If the dead bodies were raised to life the moment Y'shua died , then Y'shua would not be the first mortal resurrected . What did these many holy people do for three days and three nights in the tombs since the tombs broke open ? 54 When the centurion and those with him who were guarding Jesus saw the earthquake and all that had happened , they were terrified , and exclaimed , " Surely he was the Son of God ! " LORD ELohim says there is no truth in any of these verses . This reminded us of something . Y'shua could not have been risen first even before this is said to have happened . The CB claims that Y'shua raised Jairus's daughter , widow's son at Nain and Lazarus . These resurrections did not happen either but if they did then Y'shua would again not be the first resurrected as Christians claim he was . The LORD cannot cause the earth to shake , tear the curtain , cause n earthquake or raise dead bodies . The LORD did not hear a centurion say " Surely he was the Son of God !"

78 : Who Was Y'shua Calling?
Matthew 27 : 45 - 48 From noon until three in the afternoon darkness came over all the land . 46 About three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice , " Eli , Eli , lema sabachthani ?" ( which means " My God , my God , why have you forsaken me ? ) 47 When some of those standing there heard this , they said , " He's calling Elijah . " 48 Immediately one of them ran and got a sponge . He filled it with wine vinegar , put it on a staff , and offered it to Jesus to drink . 49 The rest said , " Now leave him alone . Let's see if Elijah comes to save him ." The Romans probably knew nothing about Elijah . The people who understood Hebrew , which is the only language Y'shua knew , would be the Jews who would not have mistaken the name ' Eli ' for ' Elijah ' . The Prophet Elijah had been dead since about the mid 9th century and Jews are not big on the belief of resurrection . Christians are big on the resurrection belief . LORD ELohim says that Y'shua never called out to Him or anyone when he was on the cross . The LORD made sure Y'shua felt no pain and the Teaching Spirits were constantly telling Y'shua that LORD ELohim is here with you and will not leave you . There is no truth in any of these verses says LORD ELohim . Y'shua was not treated badly or insulted by other Jews .

79 : Again, We Cannot Hear Angels Voices
Matthew 28 : 1 - 10 After the Sabbath the ladies went to the tomb . 2 There was a violent earthquake , for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and , going to the tomb , rolled back the stone and sat on it . 3 His appearance was like lightning , and his clothes were white as snow . 4 The guards were so afraid of him that they shook and became like dead men . 5 The angel said to the women , " Do not be afraid , for I know that you are looking for Jesus , who was crucified . 6 He is not here ; he has risen , just as he said . Come and see the place where he lay . Then go quickly and tell his disciples : He has risen from the dead .... Spirit's cannot be heard or seen and Spirits do not wear clothes . LORD ELohim was created with a robe as part of His body and the LORD did the same for the six Archangels but the little Spirits have no Spirit garments on their bodies . If Spirits could be heard and seen as these verses claim , then LORD ELohim would have asked them to speak to mankind for Him . But like the LORD we cannot see or hear Spirits . Spirits cannot cause earthquakes and neither can the LORD . A Spirit could never have rolled that stone . The LORD says Y'shua never said to anyone he would be risen from the dead . In the book of Luke 24 : 2 - 7 ... 2 They found the stone rolled away from the tomb , 3 but when they entered , they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus . 4 While they were wondering about this , suddenly two men in clothes that gleamed like lightning stood beside them . ... the men said to them , " Why do yo look for the living among the dead ? 6 He is not here ; he has risen ! According to Luke , it was not one Angel but two men the ladies saw at the tomb . How can the CB NT be the ' Word of God ' when the Christian Bible does not even agree within itself ? In the book of John 20 : 1 & 2 Early on the first day of the week , while it was still dark , Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed from the entrance . 2 So she came running to Simon Peter and the other disciples , the one Jesus loved , and said , " They have taken the Lord out of the tomb , and we don't know where they have put him !" In John's book there is no mention of an Angel or two men . After the Disciples left the tomb and Miriam was alone then Miriam 11 ... saw two angels in white , seated where Jesus body had been , ... 14 At this , she turned around and saw Jesus standing there , but she did not realize that it was Jesus . ... In the book of Mark 16 : 1 - 8 It say two Miriam's went to the tomb just after sunrise not while it was still dark as John wrote . 5 As they entered the tomb , they saw a young man dressed in a white robe sitting on the right side , and they were alarmed . All four gospels : Matthew , Mark , Luke and John , have a different story and the LORD says , none of these four are true . The LORD went to the tomb with the ladies and a couple of Disciples after the Sabbath was over at sunset and they and the LORD saw the dead body of Y'shua in the tomb . Y'shua's corpse was never missing from the tomb , says the LORD .

80 : The Guards Report
Matthew 28 : 11 - 15 ... the guards went into the city and reported to the chief priests everything that had happened . 12 When the chief priests had met with the elders and devised a plan , they gave the soldiers a large sum of money , 13 telling them , " You are to say , His disciples came during the night and stole him away while we were asleep ." LORD ELohim did not stay at the tomb but He asked a couple of Spirits if the would stay at the tomb just to make sure no one disturbs Y'shua's body . Spirits don't need to sleep . The two Spirits indicated that there were no guards posted at the tomb . These Spirits were there for five days . The only people who went in the tomb during those five days were the ladies and the Disciples with spices and perfumes . The ladies put those on Y'shua's body and the tomb was closed again . No one else went in the tomb . The LORD says there was no need for Roman guards to watch the tomb because Y'shua never said he would die and risen in three days and three nights . Y'shua's body was still in the tomb when the Spirits left it . There is nothing in these verses that is true and Y'shua's death for the most part was very uneventful .

81 : Is Y'shua With You?
Matthew 28 : 16 - 20 ... 18 Then Jesus came to them and said , (R) " All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me . That authority would have had to come from LORD ELohim . The LORD loved Y'shua greatly but Y'shua was fully a mortal . The LORD would have never given full authority over all that is in Heaven and all that is on earth to a mortal , not even Y'shua . If the loving , kind , caring and gentle man named Y'shua had such authority and you believe what is written in Revelation then guess who would be the cause of all that mass slaughtering going on in that book ? Not LORD ELohim : it would be Y'shua . Do you really believe a man that loving of us , would do all those evil and wicked and cruel things ? Even LORD ELohim would never do those things written in Revelation and other books . Only LORD ELohim is fully in authority . 19 (R) ... baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit , 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you . And surely I am with you always , to the very end of the age ." Y'shua was never a God , he is the Christians false god , but he was never truly a Spirit God . Y'shua was never resurrected and Y'shua never claimed to be a God or the Son of God or the Messiah or the King of the Jews ..... .Y'shua is dead , so how can Y'shua be with you always ? Again , the Holy Spirit does not exist so if Y'shua was a God he would be like LORD ELohim and all Spirits . One body about 7 feet tall in the image of the LORD and he would have been an Archangel and not a God . But there was nothing about Y'shua that was Spirit . Truth is : you Christians are on your own , and always have been . As long as you still have three Gods , the wrong Sabbath Day and stuff like that you will continue to be on your own . When Christians change their beliefs that are lies and errors and try to obey the Law of LORD ELohim ( not the corrupted Catholic laws ) then LORD ELohim your One and only God will be there for you , but remember He is only one Spirit and cannot be everywhere all at the same time .

82 : Can The LORD Blow Out The Sun?
Luke 23 : 44 & 45 It was now about noon , and darkness came over the whole land until three in the afternoon , 45 for the sun stopped shining . The LORD says it was a sunny day and this darkness never happened . The LORD cannot blow out the suns fire . According to these verses it was darkness for three hours . Clouds cannot do that . The LORD says this is a lie . Who ever wrote these verses like many other very silly verses in the CB NT is trying hard to make people believe Y'shua was a God and the only Son of God and all the other stuff . LORD ELohim was with Y'shua every moment he was on the cross . The LORD knows what is true and what is not true about that time . These verses are not true . And these verses are not an error made , but a lie made on purpose by the Greeks or Roman Catholics or both .

83 : Did Y'shua Really Say This?
Luke 11 : 29 - 32 As the crowds increased , Jesus said , (R) " This is a wicked generation . It asks for a sign , but none will be given it except the sign of Jonah . Lets pretend : If Y'shua was walking around saying he is the only Son of God and is a God and is the Messiah .... and the Jewish people said to him to prove all that , especially the Jews , then why say to them that they are a wicked generation for doing just that ? It would be Y'shua who is the problem , not those people . LORD ELohim knew that generation of Jews very well and He had no problem with them . LORD ELohim would expect any Jewish person to say to anyone making such claims to prove them to be true . It’s up to the Christians to prove that Y'shua really said that to the Jews . LORD ELohim says Y'shua never said this . Y'shua loved being a Jew and he loved the Jewish people deeply , deep enough to die for them too . The LORD forgiveness of the Jewish peoples sins and wrong doings meant a lot , greatly a lot , to the Jews . Y'shua would have never said This is a wicked generation to the Jews . The lies continue 32 The men of Nineveh will stand up at the judgment with this generation and condemn it , for they repented at the preaching of Jonah ; and now something greater than Jonah is here . The LORD says Y'shua never said this either . Y'shua did not walk around saying ' how great am I ' . Y'shua was a very humble man and for the most part a quiet man also . As we have written before : the Christians put a lot of verses in their CB NT that is anti-Semitic , such as these verses . The LORD is not pleased about that .

84 : Do Spirits Give Birth To Spirits?
John 3 : 6 (R) Flesh gives birth to flesh , but the Spirit gives birth to spirit . Spirits never gave birth to Spirits . The Spirits were all created by the LORD . If Y'shua was the son of God , a God in a trinity and had lived before the world was created .... then he would have know Spirit are created by the hands of the LORD .

85 : No Mortal Has Gone To Heaven
John 3 : 13 (R) No one has ever gone to heaven except the one who came from heaven - the Son of man . Y'shua never said this . Y'shua was never in Heaven . But this verse is right about the fact no mortal has ever gone to Heaven and no mortal will ever go to Heaven . Even if we could go to Heaven : do you really believe the LORD and His Spirit children would want us there ??? If you thought about this right , thats the reason no mortal will ever go to Heaven . Not even in a spaceship .

86 : Does LORD ELohim Know All People?
According to the CB in John 2 : 24 & 25 Y'shua knew all people . 24 But Jesus would not entrust himself to them , for he knew all people . 25 He did not need any testimony about mankind , for he knew what was in each person . This is not true . Even LORD ELohim does not know all people , what they think , personality , what they believe , what they have done with their lives and will do in the future and so on . Y'shua could not know every human on earth either . How would that even be possible ? When Y'shua was choosing his Disciples he spent weeks watching people , do they go to the Synagogues , keep the Sabbath and so on . Y'shua never knew everyone because he was fully mortal .

87 : Can LORD ELohim Raise The Dead?
According to Y'shua He can . John 5 : 21 (R) For just as the Father raised the dead and gives them life , even so the Son gives life to whom he is pleased to give it . According to LORD ELohim : He cannot raise the dead and He says that Y'shua never said this . This verse is a big lie like any other verse that says the LORD or Y'shua raised dead people . Many Christians believe that Y'shua was the first mortal flesh to be raised from the dead . If Y'shua said this when he was alive then it proves that belief that Y'shua would be the first to be resurrected is an error or a lie . The LORD says that no mortal human has ever be raised from the dead and never will be because this is impossible for even the LORD to do .

88 : Who Judged Mankind?
John 5 : 22 (R) Moreover , the Father judges no one , but has entrusted all judgment to the Son that all may honor the Son just as they honor the Father . Whoever does not honor the Son does not honor the Father , who sent him . LORD ELohim never sent Y'shua and Y'shua is not His only Son . The LORD never gave Y'shua permission to judge mankind . The LORD would never allow a mortal to judge other mortals . LORD ELohim is the one who created mankind . LORD ELohim is our only Father and God and the LORD is the only one who judged mankind and we failed our trial . Y'shua never said this verses . Y'shua never claimed to be LORD ELohim's only Son and a Son who is a God also . The LORD's judgment is did and done . It’s finished . The LORD was right to fail us mortals .

89 : Will Moses Be A Lawyer Some Day?
John 5 : 44 & 45 (R) How can you believe since you accept glory from one another but do not seek the glory that comes from the only God ? 45 But do not think I will accuse you before the Father . Your accuser is Moses , on whom your hopes are set . Moses cannot be risen from the dead either .

90 : Did Moses Write About Y'shua?
John 5 : 46 & 47 (R) If you believed Moses , you would believe me , for he wrote about me . 47 But since you do not believe what he wrote , how are you going to believe what I say ? " There is no back up verse claimed by Christians to be in the JB for this statement . I have never read the Torah word for word so this one we will leave it to the Rabbis to answer . According to the LORD , He had no thoughts about the Lamb of God during the time of Moses so He never taught Moses anything about the Lamb of God . Y'shua who was fully mortal the LORD did not know until he was conceived. Other then Y'shua sleep times and his needed private times the LORD was always with Y'shua and He says Y'shua never said this . Again : there is nothing in the JB about Christians and Christianity and their beliefs , not even in the Books Moses wrote . Since the LORD did not know about them , then how could He have someone write about Christianity whose main God is Y'shua . Y'shua did not exist when Moses was alive and would not exist for another 1250 years .

91 : Can You Raise The Dead?
Matthew 10 : 1 - 8 (R) Jesus called his twelve disciples to him and gave them authority to drive out impure spirits and to heal every disease and sickness . ... 7 As you go , proclaim this message : " The kingdom of heaven has come near ." Heal the sick , raise the dead , cleanse those who have leprosy , drive out demons . ... Obviously these verses are all a lie and not errors . These lies Y'shua never said , says the LORD . Y'shua could not heal the sick or leprosy or raise the dead so why would he tell his Disciples to do that ? No one was running around raising dead people or healing all kinds of sickness because these cannot be done by just words or just a touch of the hand . How many Christians have felt abandoned by Y'shua when a loved one suffers from a sickness or dies far to young from a disease ? There are no Demon Spirits . There are no evil Spirits so how could someone drive them out of people when none are in people ? Again : Y'shua never said any of these verses . The Roman Catholic Church or the Greeks wrote these verses . LORD ELohim wants you to know the truth . LORD ELohim cannot raise the dead or heal peoples sickness and neither could Y'shua . Y'shua never did abandon the Christians in their times of need because he was not what the Roman Catholic Church claimed he was . Y'shua is truly dead . Y'shua was and is not a God or the Messiah or .... . Y'shua was a fully mortal man and nothing more than that . Y'shua never claimed to be any more than just that . Y'shua was the willing Lamb of God and should be forever remembered and honored for that .

92 : All About Hell
We were looking up something regarding the word hell in a Christian Bible Concordance when we noticed something wrong about its list of where to find the word hell in the JB and CB NT and OT . According to the list the word hell is in the JB 28 times . A while ago we tried to find hell in the JB and could not find it anywhere . So today we used the list in that book and went to every verse they wrote has hell in it and 28 times we found no hell mentioned in the JB . In the NIV CB we did the same regarding the OT and we found none there either . So why would someone write hell is in the JB and CB OT if it’s not ? We found the answer . In the King James Version the word hell is in all of the verses that Concordance says it is in the OT and NT . So that Christian Concordance book obviously used the KJV when writing that book . In the JB the word Sheol is used where Christians used the word hell , but the Concordance does not have the word Sheol in it . The Jewish name Sheol means the underworld or the abode of the dead , grave . Sheol is not hell . In the Christian Concordance it says : Hell means : the grave ; place of eternal torment . Thats just wrong to put hell , a place of eternal torment and the grave as meaning the same thing . The grave is truly Rest In Peace and the Christian hell is believed by them to be a place of great suffering and pain for all eternity . These two place are completely different in meaning . Again , Sheol is not hell for anyone who prefers the KJV . LORD ELohim wants all people to know : there is no hell , never was and never will be . The CB NT is loaded with the word hell and most of those verse are red letter verse : meaning the Christians claim Y'shua spoke those verses . LORD ELohim says Y'shua never mentioned the word hell , not even once . Y'shua was a Jewish man . The LORD says the Jewish Bible does not have the word hell in it for a reason . The LORD says the KJV using the Christian word hell in their Old Testament to replace the word Sheol is such a very wrong thing to do . Christians claiming LORD ELohim and Y'shua are that cruel , wicked and evil to people is also very wrong to do . All who wrote the Christian Bible Concordance should have been responsible enough to check a Jewish Bible and speak to a Rabbi first before they wrote about what is in the JB regarding the word hell and even other words . What Y'shua Did Not Say : Matthew 10 : 28 .. be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell . 5 : 22 .. And anyone who says , " You fool !" will be in danger of the fire of hell . 11 : 23 KJV And thou , Capernaum , which art exalted unto heaven , shalt be brought down to hell .. In the NIV it’s Hades . 18 : 8 .. It is better for you to enter life maimed or crippled than to have two hand or two feet and be throne into eternal fire . 18 : 9 .. It is better for you to enter life with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into the fire of hell . 23 : 15 make them twice as much a child of hell as you are . 23 : 33 " You snakes ! You brood of vipers ! How will you escape being condemned to hell ? 25 : 41 .. you who are cursed , into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels . 25 : 46 Then they will go away to eternal punishment ,.. Mark 9 : 43 , 45 , 47 is much the same as Matt . Luke 10 : 15 same as Matt . 12 : 5 .. Fear him who , ... has authority to throw you into hell . Who him is we don't know . This is our favorite lie about hell in Luke 16 : 19 - 31 KJV And in hell he lift up his eyes , being in torments , .. Revelation 1 : 18 .. Amen ; and have the keys to hell and of death . These are all the red letter verses about hell that Y'shua never spoke to anyone . The following verse were not claimed to be spoken by Y'shua but the LORD wants you to know the truth about them . In 2 Peter 2 : 4 (B) For if God did not spare angels when they sinned , but sent them to hell , putting them in chains of darkness to be held for judgment ; LORD ELohim is pretty sure that Peter did not write this verse . The LORD has never known an Angel to sin or to do wrong by his own will . We wonder this : where do people get these very strange thoughts from ? These have no proof to be true in anyway ? There are no back up verses in the JB . The only back up verse is Jude 1 : 6 And the angels who did not keep their positions of authority but abandoned their proper dwelling - these he has kept in darkness , bound with everlasting chains for judgment on the great Day . These verses are such lies , big big lies . No Angel has ever sinned or done wrong . Why do people think since some humans are corrupt , evil , and wicked : some Spirits must be the same . That thought is very wrong and will forever be wrong . The Angels created by the LORD have been around for trillions of years and they have never sinned or done wrong so what is the chance of any of them sinning in the next trillion years ? Again : Y'shua never said anything about hell because he never knew about a place called hell or what it is , claimed by Christians to exist . Y'shua was never a Christian !! Also Y'shua's Disciples were never Christians either . The LORD remained in Israel for about eighty years because He wanted to watch what would happen regarding the belief about the Lamb of God . The LORD would spend a lot of time among the Disciples and Jewish Rabbis and the LORD was very pleased at how the Jews excepted the truth about Y'shua as being the Lamb of God . I asked the LORD about the Jewish Priest who took Y'shua to Pilate and the LORD said He spent some time with that Priest . When the Priest understood why Y'shua did what he did to greatly anger the Priest than the Priest started teaching about the Lamb of God . I asked the LORD if this Priest felt guilty and He indicated that the Priest did not feel guilty because he knew the LORD ELohim was involved with Y'shua His Lamb of God . How he felt about all this is that Y'shua used him to make Y'shua's sacrifice happen . The Priest was a Jewish man and it is a great honor to be a helper in the LORD's plans . Why does the CB NT teach so many lies about hell ? Its was and is a scare tactic to frighten people into joining the Christian religion with the promise of eternal life added to it . Even today there is a lot of money to be made within the Christian religion and within other religions also . There are several preachers of several different religions who even have their own TV shows . Bogus healing , phoney prophets , fake exorcisms and so on have been around for a long time because even in those there is easy money to be made . The LORD wants all people to know the truth : there is no hell or lake of fire or purgatory or limbo or raising of the dead or eternal life for mortals or anything else after you die . Sleep is a common word meaning dead in the Bibles . The dead know nothing and feel nothing . There is nothing to fear regarding death say LORD ELohim . No mortal will ever be raised from the dead : thats the LORD's promise to all mankind .

93 : Do Jews Believe The Messiah Must Be The Son of God?
Matthew 16 : 13 - 20 : ... (R) " Who do people say the Son of Man is ?" (B) They replied , " Some say John the Baptist ; others say Elijah ; and still others , Jeremiah or one of the prophets ." 15 But what about you ?" he asked " Who do you say I am ?" 16 Simon Peter answered , " you are the Messiah , the Son of the living God ." These verses are not true . Y'shua never claimed to be the Messiah and the Disciples never thought Y'shua was the Messiah . Does the Messiah have to be the Son of God ? We tried to find anything in the JB about this question and found nothing . The back up verse says Psalm 2 : 7 and Psalm 89 : 26 & 27 back up this Christian belief but in the JB these say nothing about the Messiah having to be the Son of God . These Psalm verse in the NIV are greatly different than the JB . Remember the Messiah and the Lamb of God are ' two completely different men ' . So when the Christians use verses about the Messiah and the Lamb of God together as being both ' one person ' its all wrong and makes no sense . As far as the Messiah having to be the Son of God , we could find nothing about that in the JB . There is lots in the CB NT and even a few in the CB OT , but nothing in the JB that we could find . Christians and other religions need to remember that the Jewish Messiah is a ancient hope of the Jewish people . If anyone would know the complete true belief about the Messiah , it is only the Jews who can do that : not Christians or anyone else . The Christian stories about the Son of God in the CB NT are lies about Y'shua and who he was . Y'shua was never the only Son of God and Y'shua was never the Messiah and never will be either . The mortal Messiah if he comes to be in the future will not be also the Son of God either and no Spirit God will be in him either just like Y'shua . LORD ELohim has billions of mortal sons living right now , not just one . Also the Messiah must be Jewish . Y'shua was a Jew , but not the Messiah or King of the Jews or ..... . The LORD is not even sure Joseph , Y'shua's true father , was an offspring of David , but then again , Y'shua was never meant to be a king either so that did not matter .

94 : Can The LORD Speak Through You?
Matthew 10 : 18 - 20 Y'shua says to the Disciples they may be arrested because of their teachings . .. But when they arrest you , do not worry about what to say or how to say it . At that time you will be given what to say 20 for it will not be you speaking , but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you . Now if LORD ELohim could even do that trick He would have had no need for the Jews or for me and His Little Book . The truth is : LORD ELohim has never , never had anything to do with Christians . It was Christians who murdered more Jews in cold blood than anyone else and without any justifiable reason for doing so at any time in history . The LORD has never spoke through Christians , only through the Jewish people . The LORD cannot do what 20 says He can do . The Teaching Spirits work hard to teach even one thought , so how could LORD ELohim speak through anyone in that way . Why would any of his Disciples be in trouble with anyone for just teaching that Y'shua was the LORD's Lamb sacrificed for our sins and wrong doings to be forgiven by LORD ELohim ? Why would the Disciples be in trouble for teaching The Simple Truth to help people live better mortal lives ? The LORD says Y'shua never said these verses .

95 : Did Peter A Disciple Go To Rome And Die There?
I asked LORD ELohim this question . Our LORD says that Peter never went to Rome and Peter died of old age in Israel , his home . Christians claim that Peter was the cornerstone of the Christian religion . LORD ELohim says Peter died as a devoted Jew , not a Christian . Peter never taught what Christians teach about Y'shua . The CB gives some proof that Peter was not a Christian . Peter knew as a Disciple of Y'shua , that Y'shua truly died on the cross and was never resurrected by the LORD . Peter knew that , as did all the Disciples and their families . Peter knew what Y'shua's sacrifice was all about . So in the CB NT , why would Peter write in 1 Peter 1 : 3 ... into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead , None of the Disciples believed Y'shua was the ' Christ ' meaning the Messiah and being Jews all the Disciples knew that the Messiah did not need to be the Son of God but only a Jewish mortal man who certainly would not be a God equal to LORD ELohim . 1 : 11 ... when he predicted the sufferings of the Messiah and the glories that would follow . Y'shua never said the Messiah must suffer and die and be risen . Thats Christian and non-Jewish writings . Peter was a very devoted Jewish man . 1 : 12 ... by those who have preached the gospel to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven . You would have a problem , like back then , finding a Jewish persons who believes in the Christian third God called the Holy Spirit . You would also have a problem finding any Jewish people who believe Y'shua was a God also , and the Jews are right . There is only One God : LORD ELohim . 1 : 18 & 19 For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your ancestors , 19 but with the precious blood of Christ , a lamb without blemish or defect . Some in this verse is true about the blood of Christ only Y'shua was not the Christ , meaning the Messiah . Most Jewish people are known for making the best possible of their mortal life . A Jew would not likely say to other Jews have an empty way of life today . Most Jewish people follow the LORD's teachings and live a good life when they are not being treated horribly by other non-Jewish people . 1 : 20 He was chosen before the creation of the world , but was revealed in these last times for your sake . When Peter was alive it was not the last times . Now is the last times . The LORD does not know what the future will be for any mortal human . Y'shua when old enough was ' asked ' if he would be the Lamb of God . Y'shua was not chosen to be for sure the Lamb . Y'shua had a choice to make with his free will . Y'shua did agree to be the Lamb of God . Before the creation of this planet was a very long time ago . The LORD was not even thinking about if He could make living beings from the dust off this earth at that time . If you’re a Christian you were not chosen before the earth formed either . You made that choice to be a Christian all on your own with your free will . 1 : 21 Through him you believe in God , who raised him from the dead and glorified him , and so your faith and hope are in God . Peter was there . According to LORD ELohim , Peter saw Y'shua die on that cross . Peter helped carry Y'shua's dead body to the tomb . Peter and other Disciples went to the tomb with the ladies to put spices and perfume on Y'shua's dead body after the Sabbath . Peter saw Y'shua's body still in the tomb and so did the LORD . So Peter never wrote this verse . 1 : 23 For you have been born again , not of perishable seed , but of imperishable , ... You can be baptized a million times and believe every word in the CB NT and that will not change the fact that your death is eternal . 2 : 6 We have done these verses in the past but the LORD says do them again . For in Scripture it says : " See , I lay a stone in Zion , a chosen and precious cornerstone , and the one who trusts in him will never be put to shame ." Back up verse : Isaiah 28 : 16 in the JB Assuredly , Thus said the Lord God " " Behold , I will found in Zion , Stone by stone , A tower of precious cornerstones , Exceedingly firm ; He who trusts need not fear . In the CB NT it says a stone meaning one stone but in the JB it says A tower of precious cornerstones meaning many . This verse is not about Y'shua or the Messiah . As always the JB is correct , not the CB when Christians use the JB as a back up for the CB NT . 2 : 7 the back up verse in the JB in Psalms 118 : 22 has nothing to do with Y'shua or Christians . It’s about Israel . 2 : 9 But you are a chosen people , a royal priesthood , a holy nation , God's special possession , ... The LORD's chosen people and LORD ELohim's special possession are the Jewish people and have been for about 3,800 years and that will never change . The LORD deeply loves His Jewish people and has great respect for them that they did not just walk away from their faith when over and over again they were treated so horribly by pagans , especially the Hebrew pagans among the Christians . 2 : 16 ... live as God's slaves . LORD ELohim never made slaves out of any mortal human , including all Jews and including Y'shua also and including me . What an insult that verse is regarding the LORD . The LORD has always allowed freedom of choice to all who help Him : to help Him or to not help Him , that is our choice to make , not His . The LORD does not get angry or hold it against you if your answer is no . It’s the same with His Spirit children also . 2 : 18 - 21 Slaves , in reverent fear of God submit yourselves to your masters , not only to those who are good and considerate , but also to those who are harsh . ... LORD ELohim does not like the words fear of God . He does not want us to fear Him but to think of Him as our Father who does care about us . 2 : 23 - 25 When they hurled their insults at him , he did not retaliate ; when he suffered , he made no threats . The Jews who were near the cross did not hurled their insults at Y'shua , it was the Romans who did that . The Jews were ruled over by the cruel Romans and great pity was felt for their fellow Jews like Y'shua . 24 " He himself bore our sins " in his body on the cross , so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness . Y'shua did not die for only those who believe he was the Lamb of God . Y'shua died for the sins and minor iniquities of all fairly good people , of every race , every color , every religion and every nation on earth . There are some fairly good people today as in the past and in the future who don't know their sins and wrong doings have been forgiven by their Father LORD ELohim because they know nothing about that , yet they were forgiven . The LORD did not base that on peoples religion . He based that on our deeds , the things we did during our lives and nothing else . Does the LORD need to know you personally ? No . You know yourself : are you a fairly good person - you’re forgiven of your sins and minor wrong doings . Are you wicked person - your sins and iniquities will never be forgiven by LORD ELohim , no matter your race , color , religion or nation . It’s that simple . If you’re honest about yourself , you know which it is . There is not much truth in the CB NT but this is true : John 1 : 29 & 35 & 36 The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said , " Look , the Lamb of God , who takes away the sin of the world . ... 35 The next day John was there again with two of his disciples . 36 When he saw Jesus passing by , he said , " Look , the Lamb of God !" John is right , Y'shua's shed blood took away the sins of the world , not just Christians . Wicked Christians are no better off than non-Christians . Wicked Christians will never be forgiven of their sins and iniquities either . There are even a lot of popes and their goons who the LORD will never forgive . Wrong doings forgiven also by LORD ELohim is an added bonus to the forgiving of our sins .

96 : John The Baptist Told The Truth
John the Baptist was LORD ELohim's Prophet at the time of Y'shua , not John the Disciple as I wrote once . John the Baptist never said Y'shua was anything other than the Lamb of God . Christians , not Jews , added the other stuff , like Y'shua being the Christ , the only Son of God , that Y'shua was himself a God and so on . The Christians also added that you need to be a Christian to be forgiven of your sins and wrong doings . That teaching is a lie . You only need to be a fairly good person no matter what your religion is . John was murdered by Herod an Edomite before he could finish his work that the LORD asked him to teach about the Lamb of God . Again : Herod was a Edomite , not a Jew .

97 : Do People Have To Suffer To Be Forgiven?
1 Peter 4 : 1 Therefore , since Christ suffered in his body , arm yourselves also with the same attitude , because whoever suffers in the body is done with sin . A lot of people suffer in the body including those who are in prison for the fifth time . Not all who are in prison are unforgiven by LORD ELohim . Suffering in the body is common for any mortal . Just because a person suffers does not mean that person is done with sin for the fifth time . 4 : 12 & 13 Dear friends , do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you , as though something strange were happening to you . LORD ELohim never uses suffering as a test for anything . 13 But rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ , so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed . How is it even possible for a Christian to experience what Y'shua so willingly gave up when he died ? Y'shua gave up his mortal life , his loving wife Miriam , his two sons , his friends , being a Jewish Rabbi and much much more . How can a Christian say they participate in the sufferings of Y'shua . Some Christians whip themselves or wrap barbed wire around them so they do suffer great pain . If you really want to participate in Y'shua's suffering then get someone to nail you to a cross and die there . Only Y'shua did not suffer on the cross . LORD ELohim made sure Y'shua felt no pain . But if you want to be nailed to a cross to participate in Y'shua's experience the LORD is not going to make sure you feel no pain because its a very silly thing to do to yourself in the first place . 4 : 16 However , if you suffer as a Christian , do not be ashamed , but praise God that you bear that name . Don't blame LORD ELohim that you became a Christian . The LORD gave Hominoids free will . What you have done with that free will was your choice . You chose to be a Christian . 4 : 19 So then , those who suffer according to God's will should commit themselves to their faithful Creator and continue to do good . The LORD's will has nothing to do with people suffering . The LORD would never use suffering as a test or anything else . In 4 : 7 The end of all things is near . Whoever the writer is does not know as much he thinks he knows . Two thousand years ago was not the time of The end of all things , whatever that means ? The LORD says the ' last day ' began in the year 2000 B.C.E. . This is Judgment Day and the LORD's thousand years Sabbath Day . Philippians 1 : 29 For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe in him , but also to suffer for him . How is it even possible to suffer for him ? What does that even mean ? Acts 5 : 41 The apostles left the Sanhedrin , rejoicing because they had been counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name . LORD ELohim says the Disciples of Y'shua did not suffer . These men continued to teach as Y'shua taught . They taught also that Y'shua was the Lamb of God who's blood shed was for the forgiveness of all good peoples sin and wrong doings and they taught The Simple Truth . There was no reason to punish these men . The Jews and even the High Priest were extremely happy to hear what the Disciples were teaching . 1 Peter 2 : 20 - 21 But if you suffer for doing good and you endure it , this is commendable before God . 21 The LORD says Peter never wrote this and Peter never went to Rome . If the Disciples wanted to teach Romans , they were on almost every street corner in Israel . If they were teaching the truth and got a beating for doing so and they continue to teach the truth : then the LORD would think well of that person . But if that person was teaching lies , then the LORD would not think well of that person and their suffering is in vain . Much of the teaching of the Christians is in vain : worthless . 1 Peter 5 : 10 And the God of all grace , who called you to his eternal glory in Christ , after you have suffered a little while , will himself restore you and make you strong , firm and steadfast . No one called anyone regarding anything to do with Y'shua . The Disciples were teaching the truth and the LORD was happy with just that . LORD ELohim our one and only God was not trying to create a new religion . No true Jews were trying to do that including Y'shua and Y'shua's Disciples . Christian teachings started long after the Disciples died from old age in their homeland Israel . 1 Peter 1 : 11 ...the Spirit of Christ in them was pointing when he predicted the sufferings of the Messiah and the glories that would follow . Y'shua had no Spirit to give to anyone , let alone millions of Christians . Y'shua being fully mortal like you , had no Spirit to call his at all . Y'shua did not predict the sufferings of the Messiah because at that time there was no Messiah . Why would the fully mortal Jewish Messiah who may come into being in the future have to suffer ? This man will be like a politician but mostly regarding global matters . If this man can bring global peace on earth , he needs to be alive and well to do it . Y'shua is dead so the Messiah will not be him . The prophecy in the JB about the Lamb of God and about the Messiah is about two different men : not one man . Luke 24 : 26 & 46 Just a note that we could not find any JB back up verses for these verses . 26 (R) Did not the Messiah have to suffer these things and then enter his glory ? 46 ... This is what is written : The Messiah will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day , The Lamb of God would suffer because the Lamb has to truly die from something and it is not old age . The Messiah has no reason to suffer . The fact the Messiah is a Jewish mortal man who is trying to save the world and bring peace to all mankind , should make things interesting should he come to be as the Jewish people hope . Acts 3 : 18 This has no back up in the JB also . Like in Luke the verses in Acts has several back up verses but they are all in the CB NT which means they have no value . One lie cannot back up many lies and be called true . But this is how God fulfilled what he had foretold through all the prophets , saying that his Messiah would suffer . LORD ELohim says He never said this lie to any JB Prophets about the Messiah . LORD ELohim says He was never involved in the Jews creating this hope for a Messiah . The LORD loves their hope for this man but this hope was developed fully by the Jews . Jewish Prophets wrote about the Messiah because he was their hope also . The LORD never taught anything about the Messiah to the Prophets . The Jewish people came up with the hope for a coming Messiah all on their own . Anything about this hope the Jews know all about what the Messiah would be and do . Christians obviously know nothing about this Jewish man the Jews will call the Messiah . The Messiah is the Jewish hope ; so the rest of humans around the world , including all Christians , wait until the Jewish people tell you and the world the fully mortal Messiah is among us . Acts 17 : 1 - 3 ... 2 As was his custom , Paul went into the synagogue , and on three Sabbath days he reasoned with them from the Scriptures , 3 explaining and proving the Messiah had to suffer and rise from the dead . " This Jesus I am proclaiming to you is the Messiah , " he said . No JB back up verse for this either . The verse says Paul reasoned with them from the Scriptures . Which scriptures ? We think its the JB . This is something the Jewish Rabbis would probably know about because we cannot find anything in the Jewish Bible that says the Messiah must suffer . 1 Peter 5 : 1 ... a witness of Christ's sufferings who also will share in the glory to be revealed : There is no glory to be revealed or shared . There is no big changes coming caused by LORD ELohim . No Kingdom of God , no eternal life , no Christians becoming kings .... the world to come has nothing to do with LORD ELohim or Y'shua . If people want changes in the world , people have to make them happen . The LORD will not interfere in our choices or the choices of a world dictator or whatever in the future . No glory coming that the LORD knows of in the future . 1 Peter 2 : 21 To this you were called , because Christ suffered for you , ... Christ did not suffer for you . The Lamb of God Y'shua suffered for you . The word ' Christ ' means Messiah and Y'shua was not the Messiah . Y'shua was the Lamb of God . The Messiah and the Lamb of God are two different men . The LORD cannot resurrect the fully mortal man Y'shua so he cannot be the Messiah also . That would be impossible to do . 1 Peter 2 : 23 When they hurled their insults at him , he did not retaliate ; when he suffered , he made no threats . That was Y'shua the Lamb of God . That was not the Messiah on that cross . It was the Romans who insulted him , not the Jews . Not a lot of Jewish people knew Y'shua but those who did know him loved him . The Jewish people had great pity for their fellow Jews because the Romans were so cruel to them . People need to remember that the Jewish people at that time were ruled over by the heathen Romans who had no pity for the Jews and it was not a fun time to be alive in Jewish history . Hebrews 5 : 7 - 10 During the days of Jesus life on earth , he offered up prayers and petitions with fervent cries and tears to the one who could save him from death , and he was heard because of his reverent submission . 8 Son though he was , he learned obedience from what he suffered 9 and , once made perfect , he became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him 10 and was designated by God to be high priest in the order of Melchizedek . Y'shua was fully mortal , his only life was on earth . After Y'shua agreed to be the Lamb of God , and even before that , he never cried or prayed to the LORD to save him . LORD ELohim was always with Y'shua except during his private time with his wife at night and Y'shua never asked if he could back out for being the Lamb of God . Had Y'shua done that LORD ELohim would have let him do so and He would have let Y'shua know it changes nothing in how the LORD felt about Y'shua . Why does it say he learned obedience from what he suffered and once made perfect , that makes no sense . Y'shua did not suffer until the time he was flogged and put on the cross . Y'shua's life before that happened was a very happy and joyful life with his family and friends . Y'shua being a devoted Jewish mortal man never sinned or did much in the way of wrong doings . Y'shua was always obedient to the Laws of God and a very good , kind , caring and loving man in general . Y'shua was without suffering as close to being a perfect mortal man as he could be . Y'shua did not suffer just to be that kind of a man . Those verses are a lie . The LORD would never use suffering to teach a person a lesson . Y'shua never spent forty days in the wilderness and David never tempted him either . Y'shua was mortal , how could he even hear or see David . The LORD would never make someone a high priest in the order of Melchizedek . The LORD knew that man and he was a pagan with a few Gods and none were LORD ELohim . 2 Corinthians 1 : 5 - 7 For just as we share abundantly in the sufferings of Christ , ... How many people in all of human history since the time of Y'shua can truly say the suffered as much as Y'shua did ? Y'shua had a choice to make , he must have struggled with that greatly . To plan his own death as a sacrificial Lamb must have been very difficult emotionally . Not a lot of non-Jewish people can say they suffered as Y'shua did . Many Jews durning the Holocaust and other times in history suffered as much if not more than Y'shua did . What was Paul teaching to be kicked around so much , if that is even true . Was he teaching that a mortal man named Y'shua is a God of the Jews .... . What a bunch of lies he told . The LORD wants all people to know , including Christians , that you do not need to suffer in order to be forgiven by LORD ELohim . Suffering and forgiveness has nothing to do with each other . Remember it was the Lamb of God named Y'shua on that cross , not the Messiah .

98 : Were There Christian Prophets?
1 Corinthians 12 : 27 - 30 27 Now you are the body of Christ , and each one of you is a part of it . 28 And God has placed in the church first of all apostles , second prophets , third teachers , then miracles , guidance , and different kinds of tongues . ... LORD ELohim never had any Christian apostles , Prophets , teachers .... . The LORD and Y'shua when he was alive , they had nothing to do with the development of Christianity , so why would the LORD have Christian Prophets . There was no purpose or reason for that . Teaching Spirits only work well when the human is already in their mind on the same page or an Atheist who had no pages . Today LORD ELohim is going to let the Christians figure out on their own what they want to do and are willing to do . The LORD gave mankind His Little Book which is working far better than the Prophets . The LORD has given five Jewish Rabbis Teaching Spirits to help both the Jews and through them all other people . These five Rabbis are LORD ELohim's Prophets today . How could the LORD teach mortals how to do miracles like Christians claim Y'shua did when the LORD cannot do them and neither could Y'shua . Same with teaching many languages . The LORD only knows three languages and Y'shua only knew one : Hebrew .

99 : Do Not Blame The Jews
Acts 5 : 27 - 32 There is evidence now that Peter , one of Y'shua's Disciples did not say what is written . It was only a few days after Y'shua's death that the Disciples understood fully what Y'shua spoke about and what John the Baptist spoke about regarding Y'shua being the Lamb of God . In Acts it says in ... 29 Peter and the other apostles replied : " We must obey God rather than human beings ! 30 The God of our ancestors raised Jesus from the dead - whom you killed by hanging him on a cross . The LORD says Peter never said this to the High Priest and none of the Disciples were taken before the High Priest . Peter and all the other Disciples knew that Y'shua was the willing Lamb of God and it was Y'shua who incited the High Priest to condemn Y'shua . Pilot did the rest just as Y'shua himself had planned . Y'shua willingly died on the cross , just as he planned for , because Y'shua understood what the LORD was trying to do for most all mankind every where on earth . Y'shua believed in what LORD ELohim had asked of him and Y'shua willingly die for what he believed in . The High Priest and all other Jews are not to be blamed for Y'shua's death . Y'shua was a Jew and he wanted to do this for the LORD . Peter also knew that Y'shua was not raised from the dead . Peter went to the tomb after the Sabbath Day and Y'shua's dead body was still there . Y'shua never said to anyone that his corpse would be raised on the third day . Y'shua knew the LORD could not resurrect him . 31 God exalted him to his own right hand as Price and Savior that he might bring Israel to repentance and forgive their sins . Y'shua's corpse was never resurrected and Peter knew that . As far as the sins of Israel , there were not a lot of Jews who had sinned . Most all of the Jewish people then and now are very good at keeping the LORD's Ten Commandments . At the time of Y'shua the LORD did not have any problems with the Jewish people , says the LORD . Not even the High Priest . The LORD knew what Y'shua was up to when Y'shua started making this Priest angry . These verses are just more anti-Semitism written by Christians . 32 We are witnesses of these things , and so is the Holy Spirit , whom God has given to those who obey him . LORD ELohim says Y'shua never mentioned a ' Holy Spirit ' God Spirit as most Christians believe in . That Spirit as a Christian God does not exist . Peter would not have said this verse . The Jewish people believe in only one God : LORD ELohim , and they believe that a mortal cannot be a God . Peter was a Jewish man , a very devoted Jewish man . These verses go against what all the Disciples believed in . All Y'shua's Disciples were devout Jews of the religion of Judaism . That is why Y'shua chose them to be his Disciples . Y'shua had been watching people before he chose these twelve men .

100 : Did The Disciples Teach Y'shua Was The Messiah?
Acts : 5 : 42 Day after day , in the temple courts and from house to house , they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Messiah . Y'shua never said he was the Messiah and according to the LORD his Disciples never asked if he was the Messiah . It was obvious that Y'shua was not the right man for that job so no Jews thought he was the Messiah . Y'shua's Disciples continued to teach what Y'shua taught , which is not what is written in the Christian Bible . Jewish people do not go preaching house to house : Mormons do that .

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Coming soon
# 25
